Aug. 1.
714. Account of goods given by the Queen [? of Patani] to Jonas
Viney and Henry Fosdicke ; she sending for them to her court,
explained to them by Wm. Webb that these goods being her share
of the cloth given the Orankays for the prize, she gave two-thirds to
Jonas and one-third to Henry. [One page. O.C., Vol. VII.,
No. 807.]
Aug. 2/12.
[The Hague.]
715. Carleton to Viscount Doncaster. The States Commissioners
are returned from his Majesty, and two days since made their report
to their masters of their whole negotiation, the conclusion whereof
did sweeten the distastes of the beginning and whole progress, his
Majesty having by his authority set a provisional order for three
years betwixt our merchants, as well in Greenland as in the East
Indies, and feasted and presented the States Commissioners, which
was more than they expected. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 3.
716. Sec. Naunton to Carleton. He will have understood by
this time the result of the Commissioners' negotiations. His particular
recommendation made Naunton give respect to M. Goch, whom
he [Naunton] takes to have been the honestest man of them ; but supposes
he was single, as Naunton kept himself, with some ado, out of
the business of the treaty, and thus found his poor opinions better
accepted by his Majesty when they were at losses. They are said to
have made some purchases among our Commissioners, who Naunton
doubts not will be no gainers by it in the end. [Extract from Holland
Aug. 4.
717. Court Minutes of the East India Company. The treaty
in 31 articles concluded with the Dutch on the 7th of July last,
and to be ratified by the two Companies within one month from
that date, is now ratified and confirmed, according to his Majesty's
ratification, and the committees promise to use their utmost endeavours
to cause their people in the Indies to perform the same ;
ordered that the great seal of the Company be put to the one part and
sent over as soon as the like is received under the seal of the Dutch
East India Company, which is to be kept by this Company. Sir
Noel Caron to be informed that the Company have performed for
their part what they promised. The general auditors to have the
assistance of the other auditors. Newman recommended as a factor.
Letters read from John Burrell and Jarvis Locket, from Ireland,
about supplying timber. Bill of 4l. 16s. for engrossing the ratification
of the treaty to be paid. 100l. to be paid to Sir Henry
Neville for timber. Letters read from Mr. Barwick and Wm. Kirfford
of the Bear, from Cape de Verd, with account of extraordinary
storms, in which they lost company of the Star ; two men fell overboard,
Lawrence Averey and Jas. Paine ; and the good refreshment
they found there of beeves, goats, and hens, commending that place
as extraordinary good to touch at. Capt. Adams to be advised
thereof, but not to go there except in case of necessity. [One page
and a half. Court Bk. IV., 390-391.]
Aug. 5.
718. Abstract of a general letter written from Jacatra. Arrival
of General Coen, 4 Feb. 1619, at Amboyna, with four ships, where
he found all things in good order. Seizure of the adjoining places,
by which means the Netherlanders have great reputation in those
quarters. Ternate and Tidore at war. How the Dutch fleet should
set upon the English. The former made a land journey with 400
men, took the town of Japara by assault, and burnt it the second
time. The English fleet in the straits of Sunda. The fort of Jacatra
held out against the English and the King of Jacatra. The Dutch
induced to surrender the fort 19 Jan. upon conditions. The conditions
of the first accord. The Dutch governor taken prisoner by
the King of Jacatra. Another Dutch governor appointed. The fort
summoned to surrender by Sir Thos. Dale ; the English and the King
of Jacatra plant batteries of 30 or 35 pieces of ordnance against it.
Conditions of the second accord. The Dutch refuse to surrender the
fort to the English. Conditions of the third accord for surrendering
the fort to the King of Bantam. That King conquers the King of
Jacatra, and takes his kingdom from him, 15 Feb. 1619. The English
fleet sails from Jacatra to Bantam. Dutch ships surprised by English
ships ; the former take refuge in Amboyna. The English fleet sail
from Bantam, taking with them their merchandise and three boys
of China. General Coen arrives at Jacatra 28 May, and lands 1,000
men in the fort ; they take the town of Jacatra by assault, notwithstanding
there were 3,000 "Banthaners," and burnt it. The fort
commands all the country round about. The Dutch prisoners set at
liberty by the King of Bantam. He offers to keep friendship with
the Dutch as heretofore, but underhand ; forbids any man to trade
with them. Four Dutch ships sent to Jambi and Patani to look
out for the two English ships. Four ships left by General Coen
before Bantam, to beset the haven ; he resolves to compel Bantam
to yield to reason. [Twelve pages. Dutch. Endorsed by Carleton,
"Relation of the East Indies, anno 1619." Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 5.
719. Two English translations of the preceding. [Holland
Aug. 6.
720. Court Minutes of the East India Company. One Newman
recommended for employment. A commodity having been offered
to this Company of great moment, "which because it is unfit to be
publicly spoken of or known," a committee is appointed to see it
and consider thereof. Further inquiries to be made of Brownlowe ;
recommended for employment. Suit of Thos. Gainsford. The Company
have "no employment fit for a man of his fashion." Capt.
Thompson and Mr. FitzHerbert to be conferred with about their
entertainment ; also Captains Tucker and Argoll, who have been
employed to the Somers Islands and Virginia. Petition of Jas.
Barker, of Deptford, for Bustian's place of nailer to the Company.
John Cartwright, "a Blackwellhall man, an apprentice sometimes in
Shrewsbury," to be conferred with about his going to the Indies ;
also Michael Croker and Jo. Cooper. Certain orders to be observed
concerning the taphouses ; to restrain the workmen from going out
to their dinners abroad, whereby the loss of much time may be
saved. Benefit to the Company by Mr. Burrell managing both the
King's and this Company's business. [One page and three quarters.
Court Bk. IV., 391-393.]
Aug. 7.
721. Hen. Lord Danvers to Carleton. The Spanish Dons not
well pleased with the bonfires made upon the conclusion of "that
treaty we had to establish the East Indian trade." [Extract from
Domestic Corresp., Vol. CX., No. 11*, Cal., p. 556. Addenda,
Jac. I.]
Aug. 7.
The Hague.
722. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. The States Commissioners and
the deputies of the East India merchants returned from England
24 ultimo, the latter going to their several homes without appearing
at the Hague. Their report of their negotiations deferred till
Saturday last (31st July), when, in presence of the Prince of Orange
and Count William, they acquitted themselves well and thankfully
towards his Majesty in the relation of his princely usage of them
during their abode in England, and his care in preserving the amity
between his crown and those provinces, by suppressing the long-nourished
disputes and difficulties. Their relation lasted from eight
in the morning till two in the afternoon, and tended to express their
full satisfaction. The States bethink themselves of the like means of
an ambassage to settle their affairs in France, four letters of reprisal
being granted against the Dutch merchants because of the taking of
two French ships in the East Indies, whereby their voyage was
overthrown. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 10.
From aboard the
Bull in
Portland Road.
723. Joseph Cockram to Sir Thos. Smythe. One of the Dutch
factors, Christian de Cooper, "taken lunatic," and in such a fierce
madness that he will not be kept in his bed, "besides his continual
cursing and calling upon the devil to take him hence, which are
words very ill-beseeming aboard a ship or elsewhere." He has been
put ashore and the magistrates communicated with. The commissions
delivered by the States are in the custody of the other factor,
John Clante, a very discreet and sober young man. Note of De
Cooper's goods left in the town-hall of Weymouth. [Two pages.
O.C., Vol. VII., No. 808.]
Aug. 10/20.
The Hague.
724. The States General of the United Provinces to the King.
Complimentary letter, attributing the entire success of the conclusion
of the treaty to his Majesty's wisdom, industry, and promptitude, and
praying that by his Majesty's authority it may be strictly observed by
his subjects, as the States engage that all the articles shall be religiously
observed on their part everywhere with the utmost friendship
and integrity. [French. Three pages. Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 10.
The Hague.
725. Carleton to Chamberlain. His "serious endeavours" to
bring about the treaty, which has succeeded so well and so much to
the content of our Company, as is sufficiently witnessed by their
liberality to the Commissioners. Complains of the "prime instrument"
being forgotten, "as I must tell you I find myself." Wishes him to
let Mr. Bell understand that Carleton is not insensible of such
neglect, and sooner or later Carleton may have opportunity to make
it appear. Sir Noel Caron has no such cause to complain, but
Carleton is not the first that has used the motto Sic vos non vobis.
[Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 11-20.
726. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Mr. Bateman,
being 56 or more, thought too aged for employment. John Cooper
entertained a factor, and to proceed in the Dutch ship with Mr. Cartwright.
Rich. Winch refused. John Cartwright to be employed,
and Jas. Cartwright to be ready to depart from Amsterdam next
week. Michael Croker referred to next Court.
Aug. 13.-Letters approved and ordered to be despatched by the
Dutch ship of Amsterdam to Sir Thos. Dale, Capt. Jourdain, Capt,
Parker, and others. Advances to Jas. Cartwright and John Cooper,
who are to leave for Amsterdam this afternoon. Gratuities to Andrew
Ellam, Christopher Lanman, Rich. Mountney, Francis Sadler, and
Rich. Atkinson. 50l. to be paid to Sir Thos. Hewitt for the relief of
Walter Cocks according to former order. Suit of Greene the surgeon,
who went forth with Sir Thos. Roe, "abused himself in his service
and returned with disgrace," for part of the money for his goods,
stayed till the ambassador's return, which is like to be very shortly.
Half of John Greene's fine remitted for his freedom. Michael Croker
to be entertained as a factor in the next fleet.
Aug. 18.-Gratuity to Richard Atkinson. Petition of William
Nealson, who brought the letters overland out of Persia, that the
Company would continue the 300l. they have of his at 10 per cent.
interest. Letters from Capt. Adams and others, of the Bull, from
Portland, concerning Christian de Cooper, one of the Dutch merchants
aboard the Bull, "who fell lunatic the day after their departure from
the Downs, raging so violently and seeking with weapons and
knives to spoil all that came near him." Thos. Gainsford refused
Aug. 20.-Nich. Crispe to be again employed as a purser's
mate. Offer of an upholsterer to buy all the embroidered velvet
carpets at 6l. apiece. John Hayward and James Dover referred for
employment. [Four pages and three quarters. Court Bk. IV.,
Aug. 20.
The Hague.
727. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. News of a fight about Bantam
in January last between eleven English ships under Sir Thos. Dale
and seven Dutch ships, the result of which is not yet known ; the
Hollanders afterwards retired to Amboyna "to fetch more strength"
and take their revenge of a ship of theirs, laden with pepper to the
value of 30,000l., which Sir Thos. Dale had taken under colour of
friendship. It is thought they had another encounter about the end
of March last. This Company has resolved to send an extraordinary
supply, and to send their secretary Burrell [Boreel] to England to
persuade the English Company to do the like, to resist those who
may take advantage of their differences. It is conjectured that
Sir Thos. Dale has besieged Jacatra ; in going to Bantam he lost
his admiral by shipwreck, upon the blind island of Engano in the
straits of Sunda. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 21.
The Hague.
728. Carleton to the King. The States not thinking that they
have sufficiently expressed their contentment in the success of
their late embassage, by their express letters now sent to his Majesty
have deputed to Carleton a message full of gratitude and acknowledgment
of eternal obligation to his Majesty, to whose wisdom and
singular insight into affairs of greatest doubt and difficulty they
wholly ascribe the good event of this treaty. [Extract from Holland
Aug. 21.
The Hague.
729. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. Mons. Gogh acknowledges
Sec. Naunton's favour and furtherance in his affairs, and complains
that his colleagues have been defective in such acknowledgment, but
hopes to remedy it. "There be that have taken more than ordinary
pains in this business who may say, Il.n'y eut jamais de si bonnes
noces qu'il n'en eut de mal dinés, but it is a merchants' treaty, and
they treat like merchants, who seldom look back to the causes or
motives, but take the market as it goeth." [Extract from Holland
Aug. 21.
The Hague.
730. Carleton to Buckingham. The States have made ample
acknowledgment by letters delivered by their Ambassador, and message
to Carleton, of obligation to the King for the happy success of
the late treaty in England ; and the Commissioners in their report
ascribe most of the good offices done them to his Lordship. News by
a ship richly laden from the East Indies that the difference between
the English and Dutch in the Moluccas is come to Bantam, and all
places where any of their ships meet. It is thought they (the Dutch)
would not leave the loss of the Black Lion unrevenged, but lest both
should become a prey to the Spaniards through weakness, a secretary
is sent to the Company in England to agree between both of some
extraordinary supplies. [Draft by Carleton with corrections. One
page and a quarter. Holland Corresp.]
1619 ?
731. "The Hollanders' proposition for restitution of the Black
Lion," taken by Sir Thos. Dale in the East Indies the 5-15 Dec.
1618, and afterwards burnt in an action between the Hollanders and
English at the siege of the Dutch fortress of Jacatra. [See ante
No. 529. One page and three quarters. Endorsed as above. East
Indies, Vol. I., No. 79.]
Aug. 22.
732. Wm. Eaton to Capt. Cocks in Osaka, Fushamy, Miako, or
elsewhere. Sends goods with Ed. Sayer's secretary by bearer.
Concerning the Emperor's "gushen" delivered by Capt. Addames,
and sold to the China captain, wonders the Emperor took no exception
to her sale as formerly he hath done ; has written to the China
captain about it. All in good health, and the Dutch quiet enough.
[One page, injured by damp. Endorsed, "Received in Fushamy
18 Sept." O.C., Vol. VIl., No. 810.]
Aug. 23.
733. Sec. Naunton to Carleton. Doubts not but he bears of the
prize taken from the Hollanders by Sir Thos. Dale, to quit the
wrongs done by them to our men. Hears it is worth 100,000l.
Notice should be given from both States of this last accord, that we
may concur honourably as one body, for he hears it assured from all
parts that this conjunction of the two East India Companies hath
cramped the sweetest intelligences we have either with Spain or
France. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Aug. 26.
734. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read
from Jas. Cartwright and John Cooper, English factors for Amsterdam,
with news from the Delft, lately returned from the Indies,
that the English have taken a Dutch ship, the Black Lion, of 700
tons, laden with 600 tons of pepper, and 100 tons of other goods of
great value, in the road of Bantam in December last ; a fight
between 11 English and 7 Holland ships between Bantam and
Jacatra, wherein the Dutch lost 20 men, and afterwards sailed to the
Moluccas, "to join more strength to seek revenge ;" that the fort of
Jacatra was besieged by 7 or 8,000 Indians by land and the English
by sea, so that they doubted the taking thereof, within a very short
time, having in it between 200 and 300 pieces of eight with other
things of great value ; the loss of the Sun, with the saving of Sir
Thos. Dale, John Jourdain, and others ; the rest, swimming ashore,
were slain by the Indians of that country ; together with the discontent
of the Dutch at Amsterdam, and doubt of further mischief
before the news of peace can come into the Indies. Caleb Buxton
referred for employment. Letters read from Thos. Barwicke, master
of the Bear, and Henry Bates, merchant from Cape de Verd, of
8 Feb. last, with account of a great storm there. Supposing the store
to be lost at Jacatra, as reported, a good quantity of shot, powder,
and cordage to be provided and sent over ; also tar, a special preservative
for shipping in the Indies. Concerning a supply of men in
the Indies ; the main want there. The proceedings between the
English and Dutch in the Indies being but rumours and reports, no
notice to be taken of them in the Company's letters, but the Governor
is requested to write a private letter, commending their valour
for what is past, but persuading them to observe the articles of the
Treaty of Peace now concluded ; it is not thought necessary to send
them in French, although the originals are in that language. Gratuities
the same as last year ; to the Governor 800l., the Deputy 300l.,
the Treasurer, leaving him to satisfy his servants, 500l., to the Committees
1,200l., to be distributed at the discretion of the Governor,
Deputy, and Treasurer, and 200l. more to be distributed at the discretion
of the Governor and Deputy. Grant of 150l. more out of
the estate of Hugh Greete to pay his debts, the remainder with
other remainders of old accounts to be disposed of at the discretion
of the Company to build an hospital or almshouse for maimed
men, or orphans or widows, whose parents and husbands died in the
Company's service. All who shall in future be employed by the
Company to pay 4s. per month out of their wages for the relief of
those who may be maimed in the service, as Sir Wm. Russell gave
notice was done by the King's servants at Chatham. [Two pages
and a quarter. Court Bk. IV., 397-400.
Aug. 28.
735. Fras. Cottington to Sir Dudley Carleton. These people are
so wise as they show no great dislike of the agreement made between
the two East Indian Companies, nor hath it wrought much waywardness
in them, for they still proceed to a "Legar Union" against
the pirates with the King our master. [Extract from Corresp.
Aug. 29.
736. Sebastianus Danckaerts to-. Narrow escape from being
drowned. Account of his ministerial labours. Death of Dr. Casper
Wilters after a long sickness, so as the writer was obliged to undertake
his ministry in the Malay language as well as in his own.
Increase of the fruits of his preaching. Good government of General
Coen. Continues to administer the holy baptism as before ; the
children not brought to him in such numbers as at first. Baptism
of adults after instruction. Edict of the Vice-Governor Vermeer
that he would admit Moors or Mahometans into his government if
they renounced their religion and embraced Christianity ; "some, but
in truth very few, could be made sensible hereof ;" some are retired
to Hitto and other places where the Moors govern, but the greater
part have offered to embrace Christianity. His endeavours in the
cause and baptism of some of the Moors. Has been unable as yet to
administer the holy sacrament, finding more obstacles than were
expected. The schools increased ; order of General Coen for all
scholars in want to have 1 lb. a rice a day, "by which means there
is an apparent increase of scholars." Refers to the discourse of the
Staet of the Christians of Amboyna for more particulars. Hopes to
bring it with him next year. Open war with the English.
"Received in the Hague, this 18th of August 1620. Translated
out of Nether Dutch." [Two pages and a half. Holland