June 30-
July 3.
700. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Agreement
with Robt. Tanckmore to build a ship at Shoreham.
July 2.-Concerning the disturbances and innovations intended
at the Court of Election, it is held an unfit time for any alterations,
especially now the Dutch are in England, who expect present conference ;
and if the Commissioners be changed there must be a new
commission procured ; the inconveniences. This "disturbance" attributed
to "gentlemen who, having been taken into the Company by
courtesy, do aim to get all the government into their hands," which
is a business proper only for merchants. Evils that may arise and
resolution thereon. Desire of the generalty to have auditors chosen
from among themselves ; resolved to offer four or six, as they please,
"as a means to take away all exceptions, and to dash and quell all
other plots, because nothing is done by the Company but will justify
itself." Exceptions taken to the interpretation of the Company's
patent, that all business is to be managed by the committees,
which the generalty intend to have altered ; resolution to let it
sleep in silence until such a suit be set on foot ; and exceptions
having also been taken against gratifications to the Governor,
deputy, and committees, resolved to suppress all such motions for
the present, leaving them to another general court. James Cartwright
entertained a factor with a salary of 60l., rising 10l. per
annum for seven years ; and Joseph Cockram at 100l. wages the
first year, 150l. the second, and 200l. the third year, and so to
rest for seven years.
Minutes of a general Court. Speech of the Governor ; as to the
desire of many of the generalty to have the elections in a different
manner than formerly ; also as to the dissatisfaction with their
accounts ; expect men to be chosen to audit them either with or
without the other auditors. Sir Thos. Smythe desires the Company
to elect a governor fit to do them service, he being old and wishing
to retire ; whereupon Lord Digby made known that he was commanded
to deliver a message from his Majesty "upon complaint of
my Lords his Majesty's Commissioners and the rest of the English
Commissioners, that they found too great advantage against them in
this treaty with the Dutch ; that the King esteems the East India
Company a great ornament and strength unto his kingdoms, whom
he hath and will maintain, wishing them to proceed comfortably in
their trade, which only increaseth when all other trades decay ; and
doubteth not to procure them in some convenient time their own
desires in the Indies, which, if the Dutch should deny, that quarrel
should be no longer the Company's, but of the State ; and that if
the Dutch hold not good correspondency with his subjects beyond
the line, he will not hold any with them here, willing the Lords of
his Majesty's Council to take knowledge of his resolution, and to
cause an act of Council to be entered to make it appear to be his
act, approving the government of this Company (which he hath
taken knowledge of) to have been hitherto very good, and performed
with much quietness, not doubting but business have been carried
well, with great content unto the general Company, and many of
them having had often and free access to him, he knows the 'factes'
of some of them well-Sir Thos. Smythe and some others-and will
not have any alteration of them." Lord Digby's own opinion. Sir
Thos. Smythe, Sir Geo. Bowles, Alderman Halliday, and Alderman
Johnson nominated for the governor's place. A ballot-box presented
by John Holloway, but the author blamed for interrupting the
course intended by so gracious a message from his Majesty ; the box
taken away, and the elections proceeded with, without any alteration
or innovation. Sir Thos. Smythe chosen governor, and Morris Abbott
deputy-governor, who, with Christopher Clitherowe and William
Towerson, were put in nomination. William Harrison chosen treasurer,
Christ. Clitherowe having also been "put into election." Discussion
as to the election of committees. Sir Dudley Diggs, Sir John
Wolstenholme, Sir Wm. Russell, Sir Wm. Smith, Sir John Suckling,
Sir John Merrick, and Sir Edwin Sandys, Knts., and Levinus
Muncke chosen ; also Thos. Styles, Rich. Fishborne, Anthony Abdye,
Wm. Towerson, Rich. Venne, and Hump. Slanye. Necessity of
retaining the three committees in commission from his Majesty with
the Dutch States Commissioners. Alderman Halliday, Robt. Bell,
and Humpbrey Handford continued committees accordingly ; also
Burrell for building ships, and Salmon for rigging and entertainment
of mariners. Ralph Freeman desiring to be left out, the following
were chosen committees to make up the 24, the number limited by
patent :-Sheriff Hamersley, Robt. Offley, Nicholas Leate, Reig.
Grene, Robt. Bateman, Thos. Westrowe, Edward James, Wm. Stone,
Chr. Clitherowe, Henry Garway, Nich. Crispe, Geo. Kirbye, and
Thos. Munne. Auditors chosen from generalty :-Robt. Ducye,
Thos. Bonest, Hen. Robinson, Jo. Couchman, Edmund Scot, and
Robt. Jefferies ; also the following officers :-Mountney, husband ;
Ellam and Lanman, account keepers ; Francis Sadler, secretary ; and
John Grimston, beadle ; all re-elected. Motion to have surgeons
of skill provided for the voyage chosen with the approbation of
Surgeons' Hall.
July 3.-Alteration in appointments of committee-men for the
superintendence of various services. Court days to be altered to
Wednesdays and Fridays, as heretofore. [Six pages and a quarter.
Court Bk. IV., 376-382.]
July 5.
From the Court
at Oatlands.
701. Sec. Calvert to Carleton. The treaty between the English
and States Commissioners will be concluded this week. It is in
effect but a suspension or prorogation of the treaty to a longer and
more fitter time ; in the meantime both parties are to trade peaceably,
abstaining from all acts of hostility and violence, without
prejudice to the right of either. This falls out much contrary to
the expectation of those which by this breach should have received
advantage. [Holland Corresp.]
July 11.
702. Earl of Pembroke to Carleton. The States Ambassadors
will take their leave on Wednesday (14th) next at Theobald's, and
dine with the King. Is exceeding glad that the East India differences
be so well accommodated, and hopes it is a beginning of further
good. [Extract from Holland Gorresp.]
July 11.
St. Stephen's.
703. Sir Peter Manwood to Lord Zouch. The Indian Commissioners
on both parts sealed [the treaty] on Wednesday [7th July] ;
one article is, that either part must stand to the harms received
before they be advertised hereof. The English merchants doubt all
is not well, because they hear not from thence ; and it is confessed
some great matter is happened between them. [Extract from
Domestic Corresp. Jac. I, Vol. CIX., No. 129, Cal., p. 60.]
July 13.
704. George Ball to Thos. Kerridge. The Peppercorn has
arrived, one of Sir Thos. Dale's fleet, forced by extremity of weather
from the rest, which were riding at Engano in quest of what was
lost in the Sun. She brought a letter from the Cape from Thos.
Barwick, with news of the death of the Queen of England and Sir
Walter Ralegh, and the overthrow of his project ; also that the two
companies of Holland and England were united, and that he had
letters for the two Presidents. The news may be true, but Ball can
give no credit to it. He also writes that eight more ships are to
follow out of England, and as many out of Holland. If Kerridge
has certain news, begs he will send it by express to this factory, that
they may the better know how to rule themselves. [One page.
O.C., Vol. VII., No. 805.]
July 15.
705. Chamberlain to Carleton. The East India Company with
some difficulty have chosen Sir Thos. Smythe their Governor this
year. The King sent them word it was not fit to remove him, now
that he had taken so great pains in the treaty, and that the Articles
had been ratified under his hand as Governor. [Extract from
Domestic Corresp., Jac. I., Vol. CIX., No. 133, Cal., p. 62.]
July 16.
706. Copy of the ratification of the treaty between the English
and the Dutch concerning trade in the East Indies. (See ante,
No. 679.) Printed in Recueil des Traités. III., p. 156. Endorsed by
Sir Joseph Williamson. [Holland Corresp.]
July 17.
707. Thos. Locke to Carleton. Sec. Naunton says that the
carriage of this (the East India) business had stirred all them that
had any dependence upon Spain or France. The King has knighted
Gogh, Van der Dussen and Liens, and they have been feasted in
Court and city. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
July 17.
708. Fras. Cottington to Sec. Naunton. Advertisement from
the Spanish secretary in England, that the Hollanders and the
English are agreed for a joint trade to the East Indies. It will be
very ill news here. [Extract from Corresp. Spain.]
July 17
to Oct. 3.
709. John Bickley's journal of his second voyage in the Charles
from Cape Agulhas and the island of Molala [Mohilla], being the
first land he saw after passing Cape Agulhas, to the Bar of Surat.
[Three pages. O.C., Vol VII., No. 806.]
July 19.
710. Patent conferring on John de Goch, councillor of Zutphen,
one of the States Commissioners, the order of knighthood, for his
skill, prudence, and courtesy towards the King in the management
of the recent treaty between Holland and the East India Company.
[Latin. One page. Domestic Corresp. Jac. I., Vol. CIX., No. 143,
Cal., p. 64.]
July 19.
The Hague.
711. Carleton to Sec. Naunton. Was heartily glad to be able
to give the States and his Excellency (the Prince of Orange)
assurance of the King's satisfaction in their proceedings here, as
likewise that our two great breaches in the East and in the North
are, by his Majesty's dexterous handling of a work so full of difficulty,
so well repaired, though but for a time. [Extract from Holland
July 21-30.
712. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Upon complaint
that no notice is given when Courts are held, "no Courts
have been kept this fortnight, by reason of the business with the
Dutch." Fras. Sadler is instructed to write to each of the committees
the days for set Courts every week. Resolution concerning the
general auditors, and how to proceed with the accounts. "Kindnesses"
to two Dutchmen who are to sail in the Bull when Joseph
Cockram sets forward with letters and commission, as the like may
be expected by English factors sent to Amsterdam, to proceed to
the Indies. Jas. Cartwright to make himself ready for Amsterdam
within fourteen days. 96,000 ryals of eight to be sent in the Bull.
Resolved to send 20,000 ryals of eight in the Dutch ship. John
King recommended as a factor. Concerning the payment of 50l.
intended by Richard Cocks, a factor in the Indies, for relief of his
brother, Walter Cocks, a poor man ; his brother the preacher willing
to keep Walter on certain conditions ; the money to be delivered to
Sir Thos. Hewet and Sir Thos. Wilson for Walter's benefit. Petition
of James Demaistres, brewer. Petition of Mary, wife of William
Hockeridge, master in the Thomas, to the Moluccas, craving 30l.,
part of her husband's wages, "to make a final end and conclusion of
the troublesome business depending betwixt her husband and the
Frenchmen." Letter to Captain Jourdain at Bantam, condemning
the negligent carriage of George Ball and the factors for not having
given better advice of the state of the business in those parts, and
informing him of the union and agreement concluded with the
Dutch, commanding peace and love betwixt them hereafter, and
directing what to have done concerning the prosecution of trade,
and all other matters to be established by a Council of War. The
question of prizes to be left wholly to the care of the Council of
War there. Plan of the ground at Deptford, which Mr. Salmon
desired to have a lease of for building upon, allowed.
July 23.-The lease to Mr. Salmon to be suspended. Orders concerning
coral procured at Leghorn ; and the auditors appointed by
the generalty for the accounts. The adventurers in the fourth
voyage to satisfy their debt to the joint stock. Two letters read,
to be sent to Sir Thos. Dale and Capt. Parker in the Indies, with
advertisement of the peace with the Dutch, and directions to Sir
Thos. Dale to take the command of the first fleet that shall be jointly
set forth by the English and Dutch, of sixteen or twenty good ships
of war, to prosecute trade on the coast of Malabar, and endeavour
to open and enlarge trade with the Chinese by the advice of a
Council of Defence, himself to be one if not employed at sea. No
copies of the articles of agreement to be given to any, lest they be
made known to the Portugals. The articles to be read to the
committees, but not to be left in the counting-house for any of the
generalty to see at their pleasures, to take notes to publish them
abroad. Desire of his Highness the Prince to adventure 6,000l. "very
willingly yielded to." Seeing by the articles of agreement that
ships of war are to be maintained in the Indies, which in time will
require repairs, especially careening, Richard Furbusher is appointed
for this service.
July 30.-Letter read from Capt. Adams from the Downs, for further
power and authority to be granted to him to deal with Portugal
or other ships not tolerated by the Company ; he is to avoid all
quarrels. Proceedings at Deptford and Blackwall. Abraham Binyon
dismissed all his employments for dishonest practices ; Wm. Philipps
recommended to succeed him. Abuses of Geo. Hall and some others.
Petition of Amos Spurgin, who put his shoulder out of joint by a
fall. Brownelow recommended as a factor to proceed with
Cartwright in the Dutch ship. The Court reminded by Sir
Dudley Diggs to consider of some special person of judgment, discretion,
and sufficiency "to moderate such attempts as may be
supposed will be enterprised by the Dutch in the Indies." Mr. FitzHerbert,
a gentleman of very good worth, Mr. Pennington, Sir Ed.
Horwood, Sir John Hambden, and Capt. Thompson, all known to
be very worthy men, referred for consideration. Sir Dudley Diggs
and Sir Clement Edmondes return their best thanks for the Company's
kindness to them. Concerning a conference with Sir James Cunningham
and Sir C. Edmondes as to the revival of the Patent for Scotland
to trade in the East Indies, notwithstanding all that has been done
to disannul it. The Lords Commissioners and others having been
gratified for their great pains in this last treaty with the Dutch,
200l. is voted as a gratuity to the Governor, 150l. to the Deputy
Governor, and 100l. each to Alderman Haliday, Mr. Treasurer, Mr.
Bell, and Mr. Handford. Wm. Phillippes appointed measurer of
timber at Blackwall, in the room of Binyon, displaced. [Seven pages
and a half. Court Bk. IV., 382-389.]
July 31.
713. Chamberlain to Carleton. The English Commissioners for
the East India business have been well paid for their pains, having
had presents from both sides. Lord Digby and Sir Foulke Greville had
each a basin and ewer of gold, of the value of 300l., from the States,
and a chain of gold, of the like value, from the English East India
Company. Knows not how many more had their part au gateau in
proportion. The Company have dispatched a good ship, the Bull, with
letters to the Indies to give notice to both sides of this agreement,
but our men begin to murmur and misdoubt that all is not well
there, seeing we cannot hear or see any return thence all this
year. [Extract from Domestic Corresp., Vol. CIX., Jac. I., No. 161,
Cal., p. 68.]