Sept. 1/11.
737. Sir Ed. Herbert to Carleton. Desires particulars of the
instructions of the embassy of the Dutch, who are little in the good
graces of this nation, of which the writer is not sorry, so as advantage
is taken to enter into a stricter league with them, "which God send
Sir Thos. Dale hath not spoiled." [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
Sept. 1-8.
738. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letter read
from Jas. Cartwright and John Cooper from Amsterdam, that the
Dutch will carry the Company's money freight free to the East
Indies, supposing there is the full sum of 20,000 ryals. Ralph, the
brother of Sir Clement Edmondes, to be entertained a factor at his
brother's request ; also John Holland. Concerning a dividend ;
adventurers desirous to pay in, so they may have "defalcation"
made, but there being no present need of money it was left to a more
seasonable time. Robert Young's debt.
Sept. 2.-Letters read from Sir Thos. Roe, Andrew Shilling, master,
and James Bag, deputy to the farmers of customs, from Plymouth,
with news of the arrival of the Anne from the East Indies ; from
Sir Thos., Roe a general taste was received of the state of the
Company's affairs at Surat, Persia, and Mocha, a place of excellent
hopes for trade, and expectation of the return of the Expedition.
Letter read from Robert Price about the taking of two Portugal
frigates by the Expedition near Persia ; the Governor charged the
committee to keep it secret, but if published to justify it as they
well may. Arrangements for the Ambassador's coming to London.
Sept. 3.-Great store of silk shortly expected from Turkey; resolved,
therefore, to have the silk sent overland from Plymouth, out of the
ship just arrived from the East Indies. 8,000 bales of silk may be
had yearly out of Persia, whereof 2,000 bales are too fine to be of use
here. Concerning a dividend on the first joint stock. Debts of John
Halsey, Robert and William Angell, Richard Sleigh, Edward Williams,
Gilbert Morewood, and Francis Taylor. Nich. Wolley to be entertained
as a purser's mate. A hundred tons of cider to be provided
at 5l. a ton ; 200l. worth of nails to be taken of Thomas Moore, of
Deptford, the King's works not having used 40l. worth. Proceedings
of committees at Blackwall.
Sept. 8.-Reasons for not taking Moore's nails, "leaving him to give
satisfaction to his creditors (by nails) if he will." Thos. Thompson
to be entertained. Debtors to the Company. 600 cloths to be purchased,
"being informed that the Red Sea will of itself vent 2 or 300
cloths." Petition of Robt. Burston to serve the Company with nails
at Deptford, proportionably with Thos. Moore. John Clarke to be
employed as a factor. Abraham Cartwright urged to perform his
bargain of indigo. Agreement with Francis Oliver to make forty
butts of cider at 5l. per ton. Wine vinegar, an excellent beverage, as
used by John Hawkins, to be put aboard each ship. Adventures
now paid in to have an abatement for time. Dividend on the first
joint stock to be declared at a general court. [Seven pages and
a quarter. Court Bk. IV., 400-407.]
Sept. 8.
739. Wm. Eaton to Capt. Cocks in Osaka, Fushamy, Miako, or
elsewhere. Sale of goods. Knows not when Capt. Addames will go
up, in that he is sickly and minded to take physic. Harwood returned
from Nangasaki ; Nealson, Osterwick, and Burgis with the
writer. Desires some liquorice may be bought for him if there be
any ; if not, a kind of leaf "that they use to put in chaw" which
tastes like liquorice. [One page, injured by damp. Endorsed, "Rec.
in Fushamy, 24 Sept." O.C., Vol. VII., No. 811.]
Sept. 10.
740. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Concerning the
dividend on the first joint stock. Petition of Edward Grant, returned
purser in the Bull to be again employed ; also of George, brother
and executor of Ralph Preston, factor, deceased, concerning his
brother's property. Henry Short to be employed as a factor. [One
page and a quarter. Court Bk. IV., 407-408.]
Sept. 11.
741. Chamberlain to Carleton. Sir Thos. Roe come home rich,
they say, from the East Indies, and also that our men there have
repaid themselves and repaired our honour upon the Hollanders.
[Extract from Domestic Corresp. Jac. I., Vol. CX., No. 54, Cal.,
p. 75.]
Sept. 15.
742. Samuel Foxcrofte to the East India Company. Sailed
from Saldanha Bay 15th May. Journal of the voyage. Spied four
Flemish ships, having 94 pieces of ordnance, at anchor, at the straits
of Sunda, which suffered them to pass, but afterwards came up to
their ship. The master called up all the people, and propounded to
them whether they were willing to fight, which all with one voice
yielded unto ; "whereupon, having drunk together, every man, to our
thinking, prepared himself to his quarter for defence ;" but the
commander, John Hinchley, said half the company were not to be
found ; the men were unwilling to fight upon such disadvantage.
Conference with the Duch commander, who said they had got the
upper hand, having chased away Sir Thos. Dale, Capt. Jourdain,
General Pring, with all English ships from these parts, and that they
were appointed to wait and take all English ships, therefore
commanded the English to surrender. The conditions. James
Ferdinando, Samuel Jenkins, and others, taken by the Dutch on
their way to Bantam in a skiff. How the English company were
dispersed aboard the several Dutch ships, which sailed for Jacatra
and set them ashore. His disputes with his commander, John
Hinchley, and protest read before Hinchley, Edward Brand, John
Rawlins, and Jacob Lane, which he also showed to Timothy Johnson,
surgeon, and others. On 3rd Sept. Ferdinando, Jenkins, and others
stole away in a prow without victuals or necessaries, whither is not
known ; the master's perverseness, the cause of their desperate course.
Begs the Company to suspend their judgment until they hear
further. The Black Lion taken by Sir Thos. Dale, but afterwards
by misfortune burnt ; he also chased away the Dutch general and all
his ships from these parts, and about the middle of April sailed,
leaving neither ship nor factory at Jacatra or at Bantam, only Philip
Badnedg and three others to keep possession of Bantam House.
The Dutch general arrived at Jacatra on 18 May with fifteen sail,
and on the 20th took and burnt Jacatra, where they have built a
fort ; but the country people have all fled, only Dutch and some
Chinese remaining. The Dutch keep Bantam blockaded by sea,
are at mortal enmity with the people, have 22 sail at Jacatra and
about Bantam, and expect five or six more ; they are exceedingly
strong in these parts, but exceedingly hated and abhorred of the
inhabitants. News that they are driven from Masulipatam ; but
nothing heard of Sir Thos. Dale and the rest of the fleet ; only that
Jourdain is at Patani. The master and others sent to Sakadanne
[Succadana] in a Dutch ship, as they desired. Resolution of the
writer and others to go to Patani. Hears a murmuring among the
Flemings that Sir Thos. Dale with a fleet is upon the coast of
Coromandel, and has joined with the Portugals and taken the Flemish
fort at Palacatto [? Pulicat], and beaten them from the other parts
upon the coast ; cannot resolve upon the truth of this. [Endorsed,
"Of the rendering up of the Star." Four pages. O.C., Vol. VII.,
No. 812.]
Sept. 15-17
743. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Employment
of Sir John Hampden, recommended by Sir John Leigh, as commander
of a ship, although it be under a general that is no knight.
Mr. Greenwell taxed by Sir Richard Bingley for some speeches he
made in court about the employment of one Manley ; the committees
desire to have it searched out who did that ill office, that he may be
censured, for the example of others. Edward Collins to be employed
in the counting-house for the sake of Sir Nicholas Salter. Young
Perpoint, "of a dull and heavy disposition" and unfit for the
Company's service, to be bound to some trade. Notice of the arrival
of the Anne in the Downs, and the landing of the Lord Ambassador,
whose expenses with his lady's are to be defrayed to Gravesend,
where a committee will assemble to-morrow to conduct them to London ;
a dozen coaches to be ready at Tower wharf to carry him to
his house ; John Capper to proceed to Rochester to bespeak a breakfast
there, if so resolved on. About procuring ryals from Spain.
Letter read from the Earl of Lincoln from Cambridge about payment
of his father's adventures. Humphrey FitzHerbert to be conferred
with about his going to Bantam. Captain Shilling thought upon
for Surat. Christopher Pine, lately returned in the Dragon, to be
employed as a purser's mate.
Sept. 17.-The wreck at Yarmouth of one of the Greenland ships
appertaining to the account of the united Companies. Arrival of
eighty tons of cordage from Muscovy. Care to be taken not to
exceed the number of ryals [which] in their patent [the Company
are allowed to send out of the kingdom]; as to procuring them from
Spain, committees to confer with Sir Thos. Roe about "the business
at the Cape" (i.e., supplies being sent there for the company's ships),
in which business M. Boreel says the Dutch intend to join with the
English. Being informed that Sir Thos. Roe, meeting with the
Dutch Admiral, and hearing there were great hopes of a friendly
conclusion they both wrote to the English and Dutch severally that
in regard of those hopes they should surcease from all hostility until
they received further directions, it was commended "for a very wise
and worthy course, hoping it would be a means to withhold them
there from further hurt and mischief." Proffer by Alderman Halliday
of his house for the Lord Ambassador's use ; resolved that the Company
bear the charges of his entertainment until he has delivered
his message to his Majesty ; the letters brought by the Ambassador
for the Dutch to be delivered to M. Boreel. Edward Grant, desirous
of employment, condemned for being of a mutinous disposition, a
fosterer of such persons, and very forward in private trade, and
therefore held unfit. Mr. Steele, returned with my Lord Ambassador,
much condemned for his unworthy carriage abroad, having performed
nothing that was intended at his departure, but hath brought home
a great private trade, put the Company to an extraordinary charge
by a wife and children, and wronged my Lord Ambassador by a
false and surmised contestation, and arrogating a higher title and
place to himself than ever was intended ; held unworthy of the
salary first granted. Information that private trade is returned in
this ship (the Anne), both of Captain Towerson, Mr. Steele, and many
others, in great quantities, all of which the Ambassador has marked
with the Company's private mark ; all such goods to be brought up
to the Governor's house, and kept there until the Company resolve
what is to be done with them. The Anne to unlade at Woolwich.
[Four pages. Court Bk. IV., 408-412.]
Sept. 18.
The Hague.
744. Carleton to Chamberlain. Hears nothing of Mr. Abbott, of
whom he wrote, but is gladder he spake with him than with Mr. Bell,
who sounds in such cases very faintly. A secretary of the Dutch
East India Company is now in England to set us right again, after
these new accidents, if it be possible. [Extract from Holland
Sept. 22-25.
745. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Grant of 40l.
upon petition of Richard Dove towards releasing certain English
captives from Turkish pirates. Concerning Lord Warwick's men
entertained in the Indies by Capt. Pring. Petition of Margery,
widow of Peter Bell, accidentally killed on board the Anne ; dishonest
conduct of the coroner. Names to be given to the new ships now
building ; the great ship at Deptford to be called the London, that at
Blackwall the Exchange, and others the Hart, Eagle, and Roebuck.
Mr. FitzHerbert, thought to be a very worthy commander, to be
conferred with for the chief place. Sir John Hambden referred for
future consideration. Petition of a son of Sir John Watts to be
employed in some place of command. Letter read from my Lord of
Buckingham on behalf of Capt. Pennington, who was in the action
with Sir Walter Ralegh, and is suitor for the chief place. Consideration
as to the disposal of the fleet ; "the intent of the Dutch
being to have both fleets, the English and Dutch spread themselves
upon the coasts in India to disperse the Portugals, wheresoever they
shall find them, and keep them from drawing to a head." Committee
to accompany the Lord Ambassador to attend his Majesty at Whitehall
to receive answer of his embassy and presents.
Sept. 23.-This meeting called purposely to consider in what
manner to proceed with the sale of the silks, whether publicly or
privately ; opinion that the sooner it be sold the better, because the
town is at present bare and empty, and a great ship expected daily
from the Straits with great quantities ; to prevent combination, four
nobles to be the first price and not under, and to be sold in two
equal parts.
Sept. 24.-Consideration about the sale of the Persian silk ; the
raw silk divided into two parcels of 35 and 36 bales each, and sold
respectively to Richard Danes and Sheriff Hamerslye for 26s. 10d.
per lb. Two Lahore carpets, 4½ yards wide, sold for 13l. 10s. and
10l. respectively.
Sept. 25.-Sir Thos. Roe having been with his Majesty and given
account of his embassy, it was made known that he purposed likewise
to give satisfaction to this court of his proceedings and service
performed, and will deliver up some journals and accounts he hath
in his custody. Survey taken by Sir Thos. Roe of the several dispositions
of the Company's factors at Surat and those parts, and
those who have most basely and injuriously traduced Sir Thos. in
their letters, especially John Browne and Wm. Biddalph, "noted to
exceed in the highest measure, putting upon him as much as malice
can possibly invent with all the spiteful disgrace that may be."
Most of the factors there joined in a confederacy amongst themselves,
being jealous that any strange eye should look into their actions.
Examinations to be taken, and some severe course put in execution
against them. Fursland's letter to be looked out, who writes they
keep a commonwealth amongst themselves. The most culpable to be
gleaned out and sent for home by degrees until all be weeded thence,
and to be careful that they be not permitted to get their estates out
of the Company's hands until satisfaction be given for the honest
gaining of them. [Four pages and a half. Court Bk. IV., 412-416.]
Sept. 25.
746. Thos. Staverton to the East India Company. Was
appointed to this factory in January 1617-8 by George Ball, when
he sent the Solomon, Thomas, and Attendance to lade near upon four
hundred tons of rice for the Bandas and Moluccas under the command
of Cassarian David, but through foul weather the ships were
separated, and the Solomon and Attendance taken by four Dutch
ships near Pooloroon, "after resistance in continuing fight to their
power, and carried into Neira, for which great victory the Hollanders
made such triumph for certain days as if they had won the world,
and how slavishly they use your servants (their captives) is by some
of their own letters worse than Turkish." The Hollanders have
twice within twelve months made incursions into this road to see
what they could filch, and to make this country afraid, but the people
are their deadly enemies. The Company's ships have been these
two years intercepted from Banda and surprised by the Hollanders ;
last year no ships went thither ; yet the English hold out at Pooloroon
in spite of all Hollanders. This country admits a settled
factory to none but the English, and was formerly planted by Capt.
Jourdain ; the Portugals much frequent here, but are not permitted
to settle any residence. The two kings of this island have ever been
kind to the Company's servants and willingly embrace trade with
them. The King of Tolo is anxiously expecting "the gratification"
sent to him by Capt. Pring's fleet, and which has arrived at Bantam.
[One page and a half. Endorsed, "Received by the Dutch White
Bear, 1 January 1620[-1]." O.C., Vol. VII., No. 813.]
Sept. 25.
747. Wm. Eaton to Rich. Cocks at Osaka, Sakaii, Fushamy,
Miako, or elsewhere. Capt. Addames has sent Mr. Sayer's "scretore."
Arrival of another Dutch ship from Patani, one of those which took
the Sampson and the Hound, Capt. Jourdain, the commander, being
killed in the fight. The master of the Hound, Wm. Gordone, and
Michael Paine, the carpenter, are here in the English house, having
been got ashore by Capt. Addames' means. Hears from them that
the English are like to be beaten out of the Indies by the Dutch, who
came against the English fleet with 18 sail of great ships, the which
Sir Thos. Dale and Capt. Pring hearing of, and fearing the worst,
with some 11 or 12 sail departed from Bantam. Where the English
house stood, the Dutch have built two strong castles, and besides are
like to have Bantam in their possession. The English ships are to
meet at Priaman and join with those come from England this year,
and all fight the Dutch. The Dragon and her fleet have been in
fight with the Portugals, and, as they think, the Lion, and it is
expected are lost or taken by the Portugals or Dutch, for there is no
news of them. Death of Wickham at Jacatra of the flux, worth,
it is reported, five or six thousand pounds sterling. West likewise
dead, having been killed by a Dutchman at Jambi. Ball is captain
of the New Year's Gift, Spaldinge captain of the Unicorn and to
be President at Bantam, as Capt. Jourdain is dead. Adam Denton
is principal at Patani. Totten gone home in the Little James ;
Osterwick to Nangasaki. Knows not how to make money to pay
their way. [One page and a half, much injured and torn. O.C.,
Vol. VII., No. 814.]