Jan. 3.
For James,
New York.
1662. Col. Nicolls to Mr. Mayhew. John Dixey has brought his
letter of the 26th Nov., with the inclosed attestations relating the
disaster to the vessel and goods driven on one of the Elizabeth Isles.
This is the second violence the Indians of those parts have committed
upon Christians, so it is high time to put forth his authority
and strengthen Mayhew's hands by a special commission. Directions
for obtaining full satisfaction from the Sachems for the damage done,
who must personally appear on Martin's Vineyard to answer their
crime. Hopes he may find hands and hearts on Martin's Vineyard
or at Plymouth to reduce them to obedience ; if Nicolls sends soldiers
among them, it will bring so great a charge on their heads that
perpetual slavery will be their end. He will do well to desire
Governor Prence of Plymouth to put forth an order to their Indians
manifesting their displeasure against the authors of this action or
any that shall assist them. This matter shall not fall to the ground,
though he has not been forward in trivial cases to contest for his
master's bounds ; knowing, however, that all the islands, except
Block Island, from Cape Cod to Cape May are included in his
master's patent. John Dixey says those Indians have great store of
hogs ; is apt to believe that much of the goods, liquors excepted,
will be found amongst them. What Nicolls wrote concerning Tallman,
Mayhew may peruse. Has in the commission left him latitude
to choose two able men to assist him. Printed in New York Documents,
III., 169, 170. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 1.]
Jan. 4.
Nevis Road,
on board the
Crown Frigate.
1663. Governor Wm. Lord Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington.
Sailed from Barbadoes Dec. 20, and landed at Antigua, a brave
island, but miserably defaced by war and hurricanes, yet capable of
being sooner repaired than any other ; next to Montserrat, in like
condition, a pretty island, but far short of Antigua ; both healthy.
Nevis much the worst of the three, but best planted ; is within
sight of the French General M. De la Barre, who yesterday complimented
him by a person of honour with other cavaliers, whom he
treated skipper like with a due regard to the honour of the Crown
he himself serves. Understands by them that there is a treaty
between their masters about the English interest at St. Kitts. If
Monsieur be well handled, they may in exchange part with what
is much more considerable, because they are fond of it ; and truly in
the condition in which it is, is at a stand what to do with it.
Incloses what has passed between De la Barre and himself ; and
has sent his wife some others of Mr. Marsh's great mistake confidently
asserted to the King and Council. Indorsed, "Answd
21 Feb. 1667-8." Incloses,
1663. I. M. De la Barre to Lord Willoughby. Has received his
letter, and congratulates him on his happy arrival at Nevis
and good inclinations towards peace, to which he on his
part will contribute all in his power. Wishes he could
show his sense of the favour and courtesy shown to the
Rev. Père Grillet. Captain Warner has never lived as a
Christian, but as a Caribbee, and De la Barre does not
consider him included in the treaty of peace. Would send
him at once, but is sure he would cause a broil with the
natives, and returning to Dominica raise a party against
the Caribbees, who the French must support, as they have
ceded the island to them, and Englishmen must not inhabit,
but if his Lordship will pass his word he shall not return
thither. De la Barre will send him willingly, if not, believes
he must be sent to his Majesty in England. Warner is
now sent under the parole of Mr. Stapleton to send him
back if he will not settle amongst the English, and no
longer live as a savage.
1663. II. Lord Willoughby to M. De la Barre. Owns his civility
in Capt. Thos. Warner's discharge, also his promise concerning
the peace, which was this day solemnly proclaimed
in Nevis. Cannot allow that any of his Majesty's subjects
should have their habitations appointed by the French ;
so that since Dominica is within Lord Willoughby's Government,
though not yet settled, knows no reason why the
English should not settle there. Conceives it to be De la
Barre's mistake that Warner is not included in the peace,
for though it was his hard fate to meet with a step-mother
that forced him to an ill course of life, that cannot deprive
him of his birthright ; being born in his Majesty's dominions,
the "deputed" son of Sir Thomas Warner and educated
with him till 30 years of age, he took the oath of
allegiance to his Majesty, and received a commission from
Lord Willoughby's predecessor to be Deputy Governor of
Dominica. Could not have answered it if he had not
insisted on his release, but will comply so far as to command
Warner to use a Christian and civil life, and show
good behaviour towards the French. Father Grillet
merited much more civility than Willoughby could show
him. Aboard the Crown, Nevis Road, 1668, Jan. 3.
Together 6 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., Nos. 2, 2 I., II.]
Jan. 5.
1664. Abstracts of four letters from Sir Thomas Modyford, Governor
of Jamaica, three of which are calendared under their respective
dates (see Nos. 1563, 1652, 1703). 5th Jan. 1668. Sends
a more exact draught of Port Royal : is sure the charge will not be
less than 2,000l. ; hopes it will be finished in March 1668, and
then will send the account : is long out of purse in the disbursements
for the fort, upon the encouragement of a Privy Seal for
1,000l., of which he has not received a farthing from the late or
present Lord Willoughby ; so that he despairs to have it that way,
and desires it may be assigned where it may be certainly paid.
Indorsed, "Extract of letters from the Governmt of Jamaica, with a
draught to be offered to his Maties consideration, for making pieces
of eight current money there." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII.,
No. 3.]
Jan. 6-20.
1665. First speech of Wm. Lord Willoughby to the Assembly of
Nevis. The King having committed these islands to his care, it is
his duty to have equal regard to them all, and had they not been
the most leeward, they had not been last visited. Requires their
assistance in his endeavours to their settlement and satisfaction.
Is no good orator, yet hopes he shall so speak as to be understood,
and that they will like plain dealing best. His first request is that
if there be any animosities amongst them they may be laid aside.
Is sorry to see the sad effects of the late hurricane, and to ease them
has taken care for the speedy removal of the soldiers. But his care
meets with unkind returns, witness what has been endeavoured at
Court by one related to some of them ; as yet it rests at their
door, for both Antigua and Montserrat have by their remonstrance
exhibited for their perusal disowned the same [see No. 1676].
Reminds them that they cannot altogether excuse themselves from
rashness, in kindling the fire of a bloody war with their neighbours
before they were instructed ; what has ensued they well
know ; is heartily glad that by his care in supplying them with
shipping, soldiers, and other necessaries at vast charge, whilst their
neighbours have been destroyed and laid in ashes, they have been
preserved. Must tell them of complaints made against them by
the merchants trading there, which are real grievances to be redressed,
and such as he has not met with elsewhere in the Caribbees.
The design of his coming here was not to raise a fortune to himself,
for God has blessed him with a competent fortune in his own
country. Exhorts them first to serve God, and next their King, and
herein they will most serve themselves and promote the peace and
welfare of the island.
Jan. 20.—Last speech of Governor Lord Willoughby to the Assembly
of Nevis. Nothing has been wanting on his part to render
them completely settled in all things ; in order whereto he has
expected what further they had to offer on their part agreeable to
their last request ; but as his Majesty's affairs call him away, he
must visit them again ; meantime they may better consider their
own affairs, the regulating of some of their laws, and the making of
further laws ; but he will not permit any imposing on his Majesty's
power contained in his Lordship's patent published to them. Has
ordered that all officers, military and civil, are to continue, till his
further pleasure be known ; but for the future, according to his
patent and instructions, of which they may have copies, he will
confirm all officers under the Great Seal of these islands as he has
done at Barbadoes. 3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 4.]
[Jan. 8.]
1666. Address to his Majesty showing the present condition of
Newfoundland, drawn from the evidence of Major John Scott,
Capt. Wm. Hill, John Hoyle, Mr. Wacombe, Capt. John Rayner,
the petitioning merchants, and others. From its first discovery in
1496 till the treaty of 1632 the French were not permitted to
fish at Newfoundland, or in any place on the main of America ;
but after that treaty the French trading to Canada and Acadia
presumed to make dry fish on Newfoundland ; for prevention
whereof Sir David Kirke was sent there Governor, in whose time
every French ship trading or making dry fish there was forced to
pay 5 or 10 per cent. ; and in the time of the late rebellion they
were compelled to do the like. But about five years past the
French planted there, and presumed to raise a garrison of 18 guns
(since made 32) in Placentia. Four years since Capt. Rayner, then
Deputy Governor, sent to his Majesty by Robert Prouse of Dartmouth
information concerning the French proceedings on the oath
of Isaac Dethick ; and 2½ years past the inhabitants sent a petition
to his Majesty by Nehemiah Froute of Plymouth, setting forth the
prejudice they sustained by the Dutch under De Ruyter in June
1665, by calculation 36,000l., and their great fear of the French
now planted there, and praying his Majesty to secure the country
by fortifying it. In June last the French despatched a Governor
from Rochelle with two stout ships of war, &c. ; and the French
planters being now more than the English, and thus fortified, make
dry fish where they please and load therewith at least 100 great
ships, whereas last year there were not above 10 or 12. By the
product of this fish his Majesty's Customs have amounted to 40,000l.
per ann. and the return to the nation 300,000l. ; and the merchants
of London, Bristol, Hampton, Weymouth, and other parts petitioning
and consenting to the settlement and securing of Newfoundland
are concerned three-quarter parts in carrying on the fishing trade.
Indorsed, "Recd the 8th of Jan. 1667-8." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXII., No. 5.]
[Jan. 8.]
1667. Copy of the preceding, addressed to "yor Lorp," the last
paragraph of which is :—
The loss sustained by De Ruyter was 36,000l. value. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 6.]
1668. Petition of the inhabitants (freeholders) of Montserrat to
Wm. Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes. "Petitionerily"
show their unanimous good liking of his Excellency's arrival. That
they were conquered by the French under M. De La Barre on the
31st Jan. 1667, and were by them possessed and governed some
months ; and that Capt. John Berry reduced the island, upon which
petitioners were each invested in the small residue of their possessions.
Pray his Excellency to grant them Letters Patents confirming
them in their former possessions and privileges, excepting such
persons as his Excellency may find but too just cause to object
against, and inasmuch as by the second article of conquest most of
them have lost their patents and charters, beseech him to accept
evidences and reports from the Assembly to be chosen for this
island. Signed by Oliver Standly. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII.,
No. 7.]
Jan. 10.
1669. First petition of the merchants of Nevis to Governor Lord
Willoughby. Acknowledge his authority, congratulate him on his
safe arrival, and implore his protection under the following grievances :—
1. Due proceedings of law have been for a long time denied
for the recovery of their debts. 2. Foreign nations have been
encouraged to trade here, to eat the bread out of petitioners' mouths,
whilst petitioners are unpaid and their merchandises lie on their
hands. 3. A law is in force against them by which they are denied
the exercise of their callings, and some have been fined. 4. They
are denied liberty of exporting any goods they buy, and rates are
set upon their commodities as often as the country pleases. 5.
Special courts have been granted to some to recover their debts,
whilst the generality have not had any allowed them. 6. General
discouragement is given to trade, and some have been fined for
giving advice to friends recommended by their correspondents in
Europe. 7. It is intended that persons newly arrived with merchandise
shall be first paid, and have proceedings for their debts,
whilst petitioners have not enjoyed that benefit for years. 8. Would
not have troubled his Excellency but that formerly complaints of
this kind have been made to the authority of this place, but of which
to this day no notice has been taken. Signed by John Knight, Ja.
Walker, Osmond Crabb, Hen. Carpenter, Justus Burkin, Richard
Lock, Nic. Rainsford, John Wright, junr., William Allien, Jno. Nethway,
Tho. Thorne, and John Meredith. Ordered by Governor Lord
Willoughby that said petition be communicated to all persons concerned,
who are to appear to abide the determination thereof on
Tuesday next, at the Public House at Bath Bay. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 8.]
Jan. 10/20.
1670. Memorial of the French Ambassador Ruvigny for the restitution
of Cayenne [see ante, No. 1653]. Indorsed, Delivered to the
Lords of the Committee Jany 10, 1667-8. Annexed,
1670. I. Order of the Committee for Foreign Plantations on above
memorial. That his Majesty should be moved to give
speedy and effectual order that said island of Cayenne be
delivered into the possession of the French and the prisoners
set at liberty, as agreed by the late treaty at Breda.
Whitehall, 1668, Jan. 10. Together 2 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXII., Nos. 9, 10.]
Jan. 15.
1671. Order of the King in Council on report of the Committee
for Foreign Plantations on the memorial of M. Ruvigny importing
that Sir John Harman had taken Cayenne and made the Governor
and others prisoners [see ante, No. 1653], that Sec. Lord Arlington
forthwith prepare the instruments, orders, and instructions proper
for the rendition thereof to the French, and setting at liberty the
prisoners, as agreed by the late treaty at Breda. 1 p. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXII., No. 11.]
Jan. 20.
1672. The King to Wm. Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes,
&c., and to the Governor of Cayenne for the time being.
Whereas by the treaty of Breda his Majesty has agreed to restore
all countries gotten by his arms which the French King possessed
before 1st Jany. 1666. And whereas the Marquis de Ruvigny
has represented that Sir John Harman had made himself master of
Cayenne, taking prisoners the Commander and others, and demands
release of said prisoners and restitution of said island. It is the
King's pleasure that Cayenne be forthwith restored to said King,
and all prisoners be set at liberty. Signed by the King, and countersigned
by Sec. Lord Arlington, with seal. Two copies. 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., Nos. 12, 13.]
[Jan. 20.]
1673. Draft of the above, with corrections in the handwriting of
Williamson. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 14.]
1674. French translation of the above, with mem. by Williamson,
as proposed by Mons. de Ruvigny, and the translate was signed
by the King. Indorsed, La restitution de la Cayenne. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 15]
Jan. 20.
Nevis, on board
the Crown.
1675. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to Williamson. Has directed
[John] Champante to inform him of what he has transacted for his
Majesty's service, and his own vindication from Esquire Marsh's
unjust pretensions, "who I think I have mumbled, his kindred here
not well knowing how to behave themselves, yet so they have, as to
give him the lie." Intends this day to sail for Montserrat, and so
to Antigua ; their remonstrance (has sent copies to Champante) [see
below, Nos. 1676, 1688.] will declare their meaning. The Monsieurs
court him and he lies at a close guard ; both of us expect orders from
their masters as to St. Kitts, for want of which is at a great loss.
Home he must come, and then will be able to give as good an
account of the Indies as Major Scott, who he hopes is arrived, and
perchance has told Williamson some truth, but not all gospel.
Indorsed, Rec. 3rd March. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No.
1676. Remonstrance, Declaration, and Petition of the inhabitants
of Montserrat to Wm. Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbardoes.
Have above any of their neighbours been devastated in the late war
not only by their enemies, but likewise in a most barbarous and
inhuman manner have been robbed, plundered, and almost utterly
consumed by a party of rebellious Irish, their neighbours and inhabitants,
in such sort as it is almost impossible either for man or pen
to utter or describe ; nor can they excuse the hard dealings of some
who were first sent for their relief, all which petitioners hope will
be taken into his serious consideration. Cannot but acknowledge
the fatherly care and most charitable help, and supplies from
Barbadoes from his Excellency and his late brother. And whereas
petitioners have lately seen a paper entitled, Proposals most humbly
offered to his Majesty by the Planters and Merchants concerned in
the Island of Nevis and the other Leeward islands, desiring a
Lieutenant for Nevis, St. Christopher's, Antigua, and Montserrat,
and that they may be no longer under the Lieutenant of Barbadoes
[see ante, No. 1597.], assure his Excellency and declare to the
world that, except within these few days, they never heard of said
proposals, and are altogether ignorant of the authors ; and as for
establishing a Lieutenant or Deputy within themselves, and taking
off his Excellency from the command over them, they utterly
protest against it, knowing well that on any future occasion Barbadoes
will be ready and able to assist them again, which is more
than they can do for themselves, whereas if there were distinct
Lieutenants it would breed many animosities between them. And
whereas the authors of said proposals have hinted as to the unanswerable
carriages of some late Governors in these parts, they
trust his Excellency for the future to establish such Governors as
shall duly administer law and justice. Signed by Thomas Roach,
William Knowles, Abraham Berner, Daniell Dawly, Dearmott
Sulivan, John Cahan, Henry Rowse, Rosicleare Nation, John Lynch,
George Wyke, Garrett Missett, John Ryan, Richard Darsy, Danyell
Sulivan, Oliver Standly, Anthony Briskett, John Sutton, David
Gallaway, John Carmicke, Joseph Hoskins, Roger Bently, John
Sharpe, William Younge, John Deavoreux, Alexander Robbison,
Richard Basse, and Richard Barry. Certified to be a true copy by
Governor Lord Willoughby. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No.
Jan. 21/31.
1677. Memorial of J. Meerman and Joh. Boreel, the States'
Ambassadors, to the King. Being informed from Barbadoes that
Sir John Harman on the 18th Oct. last took Surinam and carried
prisoners the Governor with a great number of people to Barbadoes :
pray his Majesty to grant them letters to his Governor at Surinam,
to restore that place in the same condition as it was when news of
the peace was brought there, according to the 6th article of the
treaty ; also to set at liberty all prisoners, and to assist them with
all his power to return to Surinam. Indorsed, Read and ordered
in Council 24th Jan. 1667-8. French, 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXII., No. 18.]
[Jan. 21/31.]
1678. English translation of the preceding, not signed. 1½ pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 19.]
[Jan. 23.]
1679. An account of the English sugar Plantations. Discovery
of Barbadoes in 1620 by a ship of Sir William Courteen, who made
use of Lord Pembroke's name in obtaining a patent for it. The
Earl of Pembroke sent one Powell, Governor, who continued till
1628, when the Earl of Marlborough having a patent for the
Caribbees, sold it to the Earl of Carlisle, who sent one Hawley to
settle it, and he enticed Powell aboard his ship, and sent him in
irons to England. Barbadoes was then so inconsiderable that the
Earl of Pembroke and Sir Wm. Courteen thought it not worth looking
after. The Earl of Carlisle was at no charge and demanded nothing
from the inhabitants. Though many people went to the colony, yet
it did not increase in wealth or trade till 1640, when Capt. Phillip
Bell was by the Earl appointed Governor, who being a very honest
just man with a plentiful fortune there, many good laws were made
and the trade of the colony greatly advanced. Soon after troubles
began in England, the Dutch came and taught the art of making
sugar, and having free trade and plentiful supplies of necessaries,
their manufacture increased very much every year till 1650, when
Lord Francis Willoughby, having bargained for a lease of 21 years
with the Earl of Carlisle, persuaded the island to declare for the
King, on which the Rump sent a fleet under Sir George Ayscue, and
the island submitted. One Searle, left Governor, bought a large
plantation, and promoting the good of the island very much, it continued
advancing in wealth and trade till the Act of Navigation came
into force, "which in time would ruin them" ; but to add to this,
comes Lord Willoughby, who makes pretensions to every man's
estate, which (with other behaviours of his) sets men's minds in such
despair, "that it is a miracle that place is in being to the Crown of
England." These colonies formerly employed 400 sail yearly,
freighted with the manufactures of England, and returning with
sugar, cotton, indigo, tobacco, most of which was transported to
foreign countries. But this great trade within very few years has
so decayed that it will not now employ above 150 ships, whereby
the exports and imports are diminished to one-third, and his Majesty's
Customs daily diminish. The reasons which are argued at length
are conceived to be the want of free trade, the want of a sufficient
supply of negroes, Christian servants, the latter from Scotland, and
being governed by those who have no estates in the island, by which
planters and traders have been much discouraged, and by the
oppression and imprudent conduct of the Governor. The late Francis
Lord Willoughby aimed more at raising a speedy fortune than at
the welfare of the colonies. He imprisoned some and whipped and
banished others of the principal inhabitants and members of the
Assembly, disposed others by force of arms of their plantations, took
their guns and ammunition to his own use or sent them elsewhere,
so that when De Ruyter came, there were but 63 barrels of powder
for 8,000 horse and foot and 40 cannon ; and when the Assembly,
terrified by their weakness, would have supplied themselves a second
time with arms and ammunition to be distributed amongst the
householders, he refused to pass the Act, and endeavoured to possess
his Majesty that the people were disaffected to regal government.
Great numbers of men have been by him and his successor sent
away from Barbadoes, most of whom have perished, as at St. Lucia
and St. Christopher's, which has made the soberer sort of people
offer their estates for half their value. Nor can this be remedied by
a garrison, for charges will be infinitely increased, and the French
will undersell them. As soon as Lord Willoughby arrived, he proclaimed
all powers derived from the Earl of Carlisle's patent to be
ceased, yet summoned the persons of the Assembly convoked under
that patent. Complaint of his conduct in the raising of a 4½% on
all commodities, which is very odious and grievous to the people, and
though said to be for the fortifying and other uses of the colonies,
has not been so employed. The planters much oppressed by the
farmers of his Majesty's Customs, for they pay 1/6 of the value of their
brown sugars, while the Act of tonnage and poundage intends but
1/20 ; so that English sugar pays more than Brazil, while the French
have greatly increased by setting a great imposition on foreign
sugars and a low one on their own, so the English cannot buy
necessaries half as cheap as their neighbours, nor make sugar on
nigh such easy terms, and go and live among the French, who give
them all sorts of encouragement. English commodities, production,
inhabitants, and navigation are thus much decreased, and their
neighbours much augmented, and if some remedy be not suddenly
applied, the English islands, inhabited only by masters of great
plantations and their blacks, will either be cut off by their own
negroes or become a prey to any assailant. Indorsed, Barbadoes,
Rec. Jan. 23, 1667/8. 7½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 20.]
[Jan. 23.]
1680. Answer of Sir Ellis Leighton, Secretary, by order of the
Royal [African] Company to the petition of the Representatives of
Barbadoes (Sept. 5, 1667) [see ante, No. 1565]. That open markets
and free trade are best for those that desire them is certain,
and so it is to buy cheap and sell dear, and most of all to have
commodities for nothing, and if all his Majesty's dominions and
plantations were made only for Barbadoes, it might be expedient ;
but since it is conceived that his Majesty will have regard to what
may preserve the trade of the nation, and not only to what will
gratify Barbadoes, they think their desire of free trade will prove
as impracticable and pernicious to themselves as destructive to all
other public interests. Never desired more than 17l. per head for
negroes in times of peace, nor will desire more. As to their
metaphor of proving, as usury, like a canker to the planters, it will
prove a worse canker to the Company, if they never pay for the
negroes they have, which hitherto has been their practice. And as it
was testified they had so great a glut of negroes that they would
hardly give them their victuals for their labour, and multitudes
died upon the Company's hands, cannot omit to beseech his
Majesty to write so effectually to the Governor of Barbadoes, that
they may be assisted in recovering their debts, and that some
method be proposed that their negroes may be paid for, except
(which would be better) Barbadoes will give security in London to
pay at the rate agreed on for negroes, on notice of their delivery
there, which is conceived the only way to secure the Company from
being first not paid, and then loaded with complaints not founded
on solidity of reason or truth of fact. Indorsed, Received 23rd
January. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 21.]
1681. Proposal of the Royal [African] Company concerning the
sale of negroes to Barbadoes. Finding themselves very ill used by
Barbadoes in suffering their negroes to die on their hands, not
paying for those bought, and yet clamouring against the Company,
they propose to deliver negroes at 17l. per head, and so content
Barbadoes in the price, but desire that the Plantation give notice of
the number they will take and the time of year they desire them,
and that payment be secured. Signed by Sir Ellis Leighton, Secy.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 22.]
1682. Observations on the Barbadoes petition [see ante, No. 1565].
It seems reasonable that they be either supplied by the Royal
Company at the rates engaged, or permitted to trade for negroes
themselves ; but the other parts [of first paragraph of petition]
seem unreasonable, being directly against the Acts for Navigation,
and directly cross the Acts of Trade and the nation's interest at
home, and will require great caution and limitation as to time if his
Majesty favour them. Arguments against the second paragraph of
petition : men of any honour or innate courage do not leave their
native country for servitude abroad, and those that do would, at
the expiration of their servitude, see to their fortunes elsewhere, and
the island be in the same condition as now. The fourth paragraph
seems reasonable, provided the person offending be not too great
and popular for the Governor to punish. The fifth paragraph
about conveying money cannot prejudice England, provided they
neither melt down English money nor stamp it under base alloy.
Indorsed, Observations to the Barbadoes petition. 1¼ pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 23.]
Jan. 24.
1683. Order of the King in Council. On memorial of the States'
Ambassadors concerning the restitution of Surinam, that Sec. Lord
Arlington forthwith prepare such instruments, orders, and instructions
for the rendition of that colony to the Dutch as he formerly
prepared for the delivery of Cayenne to the French. ½ p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 24.]
1684. The King to Wm. Lord Willoughby, Governor of Barbadoes.
Whereas the Sieurs Meerman and Boreel, Ambassadors
from the States General of the Netherlands, have represented by
memorial of the 21/31 inst. that Sir John Harman on the 18th
Oct. last made himself master of the colony of Surinam, taking
prisoners the Governor and others, and have demanded the release
of said prisoners and restitution of the colony, he is directed forthwith
to surrender said colony to such as the States General shall
empower, and discharge said prisoners without any ransom, according
to the 3rd and 6th articles of the treaty of Breda. Two copies.
3 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., Nos. 25, 26.]
[Jan. 24.]
1685. Petition of the Royal African Company to the King.
Refer to their petition concerning Nicholas Pepperell, which was read
7th December 1666, when his Majesty referred the business to the
Lords Committee for Plantations, before whom the now Lord
Willoughby undertook to fulfil the order sent to his late brother.
But petitioners have lately received account that their factors are
still prosecuted and near upon being sued to an execution upon said
bail bonds ; and though petitioners have addressed Lord Willoughby
to order the judge to transmit the process hither, according to his
Majesty's order and his own undertaking, he does not do so. Pray
his Majesty to renew his orders to Lord Willoughby, according to
the tenor of the first letter of 6th April 1666. Indorsed, Read and
ordered in Council January 24th 1667-8. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXII., No. 27.]
1686. Mem. concerning the mandamus to be sent to Lord
Willoughby about Nicholas Pepperel's case. That it be addressed
to the Governor, Deputy Governor, and all judges before whom any
suits are or shall be commenced, wherein Thomas Colleton, Tobias
Payne, or John Reid are defendants, upon any bond entered into for
Nicholas Pepperell at the suit of Nathaniel Kingsland, Jeremiah
Egginton, and others mentioned ; or secondly, wherein John Reid is
defendant, by reason of any underwriting by any of them made in
the Secretary's office against Tobias Payne, relating to said bail
bond. Indorsed, Instructions from our own lawyer touching the
mandamus which is to be sent from England about Pepperell's
business. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 28.]
Jan. 31.
1687. Proposals of the inhabitants of Antigua by their deputies
to Wm. Lord Willoughby, Governor of the Caribbee Islands. 1.
That his Excellency will establish Church government among them
according to the laws of the Church of England. 2. That their
being compelled by the French to obedience, may pass in oblivion.
3. That Courts of justice may be in the hands of honest and able
men that have been sufferers in the island, and particularly the
posts of Secretary, Marshal, and Surveyor. 4. That his Excellency
will renew to every man, except such as have run away to the
French, the title to his estate. 5. That he will appoint an office for
registering all grants, sales, and conveyances of land. 6. That all
persons within 40 days bring in an account of their possessions into
said office, and that where patents or conveyances cannot be produced
sufficient testimony may be accepted. 7. That no man be taxed
in his estate without the consent of the freeholders, legally chosen
and summoned for that purpose. 8. That all lands not disposed of
near the harbours be given out in small parcels. 9. That for some
years the island may be a free port for all nations in amity with his
Majesty. 10. That the impost of 4½ per cent. be taken off for some
years. 11. That the late Articles touching the rendition of slaves
by the French be accomplished. 12. That lands belonging to
widows and orphans be not disposed of to others. 13. That he will
take some course to prevent further incursions from the Indians, and
for the enlargement of the Christians who are in slavery among
them. 14. That in regard of their poverty he will appoint moderate
fees for patents and public instruments, to be paid in sugar. 15. That
he will procure credit with the Royal Company for negroes, till they
are able to pay for them. Signed, by Tho. Compton, Speaker. Also,
Answers of Lord Willoughby to the above proposals. His
Excellency grants all or promises his best endeavours to accomplish,
except the 3rd and 4th, reserved for consideration, Antigua, 1668,
January 31 ; with Mem. dated 3rd February, that Capt. Sam. Winthrop
was commissioned to be Registrar of the Register Office about
lands, according to the within request. Signed by Fras. Sampson,
Secretary. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 29.]
1688. Petition and Remonstrance of the inhabitants of Antigua
to Wm. Lord Willoughby. Wasted and destroyed in the late war,
petitioners desire to express to his Excellency their thankfulness for
his care to them on all occasions. And for that they have seen a paper
containing proposals to his Majesty to send over a Lieut.-General for
St. Christopher's, Nevis, Antigua, and Montserrat,that they may not be
under his Majesty's Lieut. of Barbadoes any longer [see ante, No. 1597]
petitioners not only declare to the whole world that they are altogether
ignorant of said proposals and the authors of them, but utterly
deny and protest against them, earnestly craving that his Excellency
will continue his fatherly care over them. Signed by Bastian Baÿer,
Jeremiah Watkins, Walter Owen, Harry Kaynel, Daniel Michel,
John Campbell, Simon Turfry, Robert Smyth, Wm. Wainwright, Tho.
Compton, Samuel Winthrop, Richard Boraston, Richard Ayres, John
Cade, Samuel Irish, George Hawkins, Mark Brewster, Obad. Bradshaw,
John Frye, Paul Lee, Jo. Clemeson, Will. Procter. Certified
copy by Wm. Lord Willoughby. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII.,
No. 30.]
1689. Petition of Chas. Modyford and other proprietors of the
ship Crescent, to the King. That by orders given by his Majesty in
Council and sent from the Duke of Albemarle, Sir Thos. Modyford,
Governor in Jamaica, was permitted to grant, or not, commissions of
war against the Spaniard, as to him should seem most advantageous.
In virtue whereof said Governor gave a commission against the
subjects of Spain to Capt. Dempster ; who, before the peace with
Spain, surprised the ship Crescent, then called Our Lady of Conception
and St. Joseph, and brought her to Jamaica ; where she was
condemned by the Admiralty for lawful prize, and bought by Hend.
Molesworth and others, who sent her laden to England to petitioners'
care ; from whose possession the Spanish Ambassador endeavours
to regain her. Prays that his Majesty would own the said Governor
in what he has so acted, and suffer petitioners to continue the
propriety of said ship. Annexed,
Condemnation in the Court of Admiralty of Jamaica by Sir
James Modyford, Deputy Governor, of the ship Nostra Señora
de la Concepcion y San Joseph of Campeche, taken by Capt.
Edward Dempster of the Relief frigate, by virtue of a commission
for taking the ships and goods of his Catholic Majesty or subjects,
St. Jago de la Vega, 1667, August 28th. With certificate by Sir
Thos. Modyford that he had appointed his brother Sir James
chief judge of the Court of Admiralty in this island. Dated 20th
January 1668. And certificate that the above is a true copy
signed by Chas. Modyford and John Hough. Together 4 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., Nos. 31, 31 I.]