Dec. 2.
1640. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington. Is
now about settling the Post Office, which he hopes to do by consent
and assistance of the Assembly, the way he takes in all things. Has
been put to great hardships to supply the fleet, and to send them
home, to effect which Sir John Harman and himself shall be forced
to pawn ourselves to our shirts ; but it must be done, and they
hope his Majesty will not see them suffer, for the service they have
done will recompense all ten times over. Begs his Lordship's assistance
in his request to his Majesty to return home this summer.
Indorsed, Rec. 23 Janry. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 154.]
Dec. 10.
New England.
1641. Sir Thomas Temple to (Sec. Lord Arlington). Has received
three letters from his Majesty since his last arrival in this
country. The first two he speedily answered by ships of good
force, one of which was taken near Scilly, and the other cast away
upon Beachy (head), in Sussex. As to assisting the Caribbee
Islands, has sent a ship of his own laden with provisions to Barbadoes,
which was taken by a Dutch man-of-war within sight of
the island. Has hitherto preserved Nova Scotia from divers
attempts made by the French, and has built a strong fort at Port De
Latour, in that part of Nova Scotia called by the French Acadie,
and furnished it with ammunition, &c., and has driven the French
out of their small forts adjoining as far as Cape Breton. News
from London that peace is concluded, which is confirmed by printed
articles brought over. Remarks upon that part which concerns
himself, that is, the surrender of Acadia to the King of France, of
a great part of which Temple has been in possession these ten years
and more, and to which he has a just hereditary title, which is set
forth. The original records are kept in the Castle of Edinburgh.
Lord Lauderdale can inform his Majesty the part Temple claims as
proprietor, for which he paid 8,000l. sterling to De Latour, and is
also deeply engaged to divers merchants here and in London for
great sums of money in preserving this country during the war, and
not having had the least assistance from his Majesty. Is preparing
to go thither as soon as the season of the year will permit. Hopes to
send in two or three weeks a map of this country, also what he
knows of the bounds as far as he understands them, and the great
apprehensions of his Majesty's subjects in New England at the near
neighbourhood of the French. Writes after this rude manner
occasioned by the sudden departure of his friend Samuel Wilson,
merchant of London, of great esteem in these parts, who can inform
his Lordship of all things. Reminds his Lordship of his promise
when Temple took leave of his Majesty at Hampton Court to stand
his friend. If the King gives up this country without Temple
receiving some real satisfaction, he is utterly ruined, and is now
much in years and broken with cares, toils, and misfortunes. Indorsed
"(For the Committee of Plantations.)" 3 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXI., No. 155.]
Dec. 14.
1642. Address of the Representatives of Barbadoes to the King.
After the great devastations and spoils of the Dutch, French, and
Indians, it may well become their allegiance to let his Majesty
know how unshaken their resolutions have stood and shall remain
firm and untainted towards his Majesty's interests. So good a
minister as now his Majesty has made them happy in, in the person
of Lord William Willoughby, whose prudent regiment [sic] of affairs
hath composed the most jarring interests and healed a divided and
wounded people, salved all doubts of misfortune and ruin, and given
them such hope as no former times could arrive unto. Hope their
former address [see ante, No. 1565] is safe come to his Majesty's
hands, and will find a favourable acceptation, and presume his
Excellency will lay at his Majesty's feet an account of the war, with
the truth of the hard times that have passed over them, their
cheerful, "indefatigable sedulities" for their defence, and voluntary
assistance to preserve Nevis and his Majesty's other territories, in
all which they have demeaned themselves as loyal subjects. Nor
shall his Majesty ever want the assurance of their obedience, nor
they doubt his graceful condescensions, which may make flourishing
these colonies. Signed by Henry Walrond, Speaker of the Assembly.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 156.]
1643. Note of what is "by the treaty to be performed by the
King to the French concerning Quebec." To restore all places that
had been possessed by the French in New France, l'Acadie, and
Canada, i.e., Port Royal, Quebec, and Cape Breton. The English to
render within eight days after notice, and to carry away all their
ammunitions and goods within three weeks. General De Caen shall
provide a ship for the English to fetch away their men, and take
all their merchandize which shall remain and pay 30 per cent. profit.
The arms and ammunition contained in the deposition of Champlain
and the merchandize found at Quebec at the taking thereof, shall be
rendered in kind or value to the French. What wanteth in anything
shall be paid by Burlamachi. Burlamachi promises to pay to
Gen. De Caen within two months after signing the treaty for his
goods, &c. found in the fort of Quebec 8,270l., and to cause to be
restored to him in England the ship Helen, and the goods taken in
her, and shall further pay 6,060l. 4s. in Paris, for the ships Gabriel,
St. Ann, Trinity, St. Lawrence, and Cape de Ciel.
To be performed by the French. Lymang and Vaneth shall pay
in said two months 2,424l. 12s. for the Jaques, and 6,989l. 12s.
for the Benediction, and shall restore all the ships found at their
arrival. The Bride's merchandize to be restored, and duties and
charges to be defalked out of the sums to be paid. Account of the
commodities of the Plantation of Quebec : 1. The soil very good to
produce hemp. 2. Great store of hemp growing naturally in the
Huron's country, with whom the colony has great trade for furs and
beaver skins. 3. The country replenished with fir, pine, and all
sorts of timber. 4. There may be yearly made and sent over great
quantities of tar and pitch. 5. When his Majesty shall grant Letters
Patent for the establishment of the Company's plantation and their
protection, they will furnish such proportions of pitch, tar, masts,
and timber at reasonable rates as shall be of much consequence for
his Majesty's service and the benefit of the public. 6. Materials
for his Majesty's magazines may be imported in greater quantities
from thence than from the other Plantations, in regard of the
abundance of trees, their situation close upon the rivers, and the less
danger of surprise from invasion. Indorsed, "French treaty concerning
Kebeck, the comodityes of Canada and Kebeck. Pitch, tare,
hemp, and tymber." 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 157.]
Dec. 14/24.
1644. French memorial, being brief extracts of documents explaining
the business of l'Acadie. In a commission under the Great Seal
of France in 1647, confirming preceding Letters Patents, it is stated,
that the Sieur D'Aulney had retaken the fort of Pentagoet from
foreigners, and had brought back to his Majesty's obedience the
fort of St. John's river, which De la Tour had retained by open
rebellion against his Majesty by the aid of foreigners, and that in
consideration thereof and of his great charges in building four forts,
his Majesty confirmed said D'Aulney as Governor of all the territories
of l'Acadie, from the river St. Lawrence to "the Virginias." The
25th article of the treaty of 1655 declares that the three forts of
Pentagoet, St. John, and Port Royal had just been taken by the
English, and that their restitution, &c. should be referred to Commissioners
on both sides. By the treaty of Breda, the King of Great
Britain engages to restore the country of l'Acadie, of which his most
Christian Majesty was formerly in possession. By the memorial of
M. de Ruvigny of the 2nd inst. it is proposed to mark out the bounds
of that country, which notoriously consists of the forts and places of
Pentagoet, Cape Sable, St. John's river, Port Royal, La Have, Campseau,
and all that belong to them, which have been occupied by the
French from the river St. Lawrence to the Virginias. Now to
explain this in writing, according to the desire of his Britannic
Majesty's Council, as it was explained to them by word of mouth
on the 4/14th inst. It is notorious that the French were in possession
of the places named in the memorial before 1655, and this is proved
by the said Letters Patent of 1647, and the treaty of 1655 ; and as
for the description "as far as the Virginias," it was taken from said
Letters Patents and is a general term including Florida and New
England, and all the lands which abut upon New France, and is
restrained by the naming of the places, and the words and which
"have been occupied by the French ;" but if it causes any scruple
these general words "as far as the Virginias" may be omitted
entirely. Some of the Council seem to be of this opinion while
others have scruples about Pentagoet and St. Johns, on information
that the English had been at Pentagoet before 1655, and that La
Tour at St. John's had before said year had some commission from
the King of England, and also from Cromwell. Those commissions
would probably refute themselves, for in what terms could they be
conceived, La Tour being a Frenchman and holding the country
under the authority of the King his master. It is not denied that
the English have been at Pentagoet ; the Letters Patent of 1647
show that foreigners had taken possession to the prejudice of the
rights of the most Christian King and that it was said D'Aulney who
made them retire. As to St. John's river, it is also admitted that
there were contests between La Tour and D'Aulney, and that La
Tour endeavoured to rely upon the protection of the English of
Boston, but it was a contest between Frenchman and Frenchman,
and D'Aulney restored to his Majesty's obedience the forts of said river
of which La Tour held possession contrary to his said Majesty's desire.
Further it appears that after D'Aluney's death La Tour found means
to marry his widow, and took possession of the forts of Pentagoet,
St. John, and Port Royal, to the prejudice of the Sieur Le Bourne
of Rochelle, who claims all the property of said D'Aulney. That the
English in 1655 took those forts from La Tour, who defended himself
very ill, and came to London with his family. The French
Ambassador had orders to demand the restitution of said forts, which
was stipulated by the treaty of 1655, and is now about to be granted
according to the treaty of Breda under the general words, the country
of l'Acadie of which his said Majesty was before possessed. It may
be that La Tour, who dared not return to France, made his submission
to Cromwell in order to return to that country as he did in the
end, but such an ill proceeding of a subject towards his legitimate
Sovereign cannot alter his Majesty's right. This is so clear that it
will not admit of further argument. In short the right of the most
Christian King to the forts and country of l'Acadie is not in question,
but only whether the French were formerly in possession of them ;
the said Letters Patent of 1647 and treaty of 1655 clearly prove they
were, so that there can be no further scruple in this business if in the
act to be given, only those forts and places are specified with all that
belongs to them. Indorsed, 14/24 10bre 1667. French, 7 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 158.]
1645. Mem. concerning Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia or L'Acadie
consists chiefly of the forts and places of Cape Sable, the river
St. John, Port Royal, La Have, and all that has been in possession
of the French, from the river St, Lawrence southward to North
Virginia (so called in the first grant of the Virginia Company to
those of Plymouth), now called New England. Harwood and Winder,
two merchants, may be able to inform their Lordships whether
Pentagoet (the place only now in question) were indeed in the
possession of the French. Of Pentagoet there may be some doubt,
but of the rest, especially of Cape Sable, there can be none ; and
Cape Sable is of the most importance, for it is the point which all
ships trading to New England make, to direct their entrance into
the Bay ; so that if war happen between England and France, those
of New England will be forced to master it, which will not be hard.
Mostly in Sir Joseph Williamson's handwriting with corrections.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 159.]
1646. Copy of the preceding, with the exception of the sentence
about Harwood and Winder. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No.
1647. Considerations concerning the settlement of the main
called Guiana, to be presented to the Committee of Trade. 1. It
yields sugar, ginger, indigo, cotton, tobacco, rich gums, balsamums,
and woods, as speckle wood, logwood, brazil wood. 2. It is well
seated, the air healthful, infinite number of rivers for sugar works
and carriage, and store of fish, fowl, deer, and other beasts, and
gallant cedars and other timber. 3. The easiness of settling at
present, for there are 150 well armed men, who have already brought
the natives to submission. 4. The great number of men that but
look for encouragement from England to go thence from Barbadoes,
St. Christopher's, Nevis, and Montserrat. 5. The great profit in
making the English masters of those brave and so much desired
commodities, and those that come from Brazil must sail within 100
leagues of it, so that with their ships of war the English may ruin
that nation while planting their own. 6. The place seems left
purposely for the English by the Spaniard and Portugal, it being
the only hopeful place unplanted betwixt the tropics in America.
It was attempted by Sir Walter Raleigh, Harcourt, and others ; and
"Raleigh was ruined by the treachery of King James, who by Gondomar
let the King of Spain know his whole design before Raleigh
was out of the Thames (as by his letter to Sir Ralph Winwood is
apparent)." 7. The charity both to the poor Indians and their own
countrymen. "Time will bring the one to a true knowledge of God
and the other to good estates." 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol., XXI.,
No. 161.]
Dec. 16.
1648. Governor Wm. Lord Willoughby to the Privy Council.
His Majesty having commanded six frigates to remain here, and the
rest with Sir John Harman to return to England, presumes to give
an account of all occurrences. Account of the desperate condition
of his Majesty's dominions in these parts before his arrival, the
distractions and poverty he found amongst the people, and how in
a few days he reconciled them and united them for the defence of
his Majesty's honour and their own interest. How they relieved
their brethren, regained Antigua and Montserrat, strengthened the
weaker parts abroad, fortified themselves, and held the balance equal,
till Sir John Harman came and with great conduct turned it, by
utterly destroying the French fleet at Martinico. After which the
weather threatening the scene of war was shifted to Cayenne and
Surinam, places though not of much discourse yet like to become of
the worst consequence to this island. The considerations which
persuaded Sir John with part of his fleet to that voyage, and to put
his own son Henry Willoughby aboard with 700 soldiers. They
found Cayenne well fortified, but Providence with little loss rendered
them masters of it, and having burnt the houses and sugar works
they dismantled the fortifications, taking away provisions and
prisoners, and left the natives in possession with powder and resolution
to keep it in future. Thence they sailed to Surinam, and
after a smart encounter with the Dutch became masters of ; but
the want of knowledge of the peace, and of that article of the
surrender of places taken after the 10th May (as this happened),
caused them to encourage the English colony, and leaving a good
garrison they arrived at Barbadoes 10th November. Immediately
sent back his son in the Bonaventure to Surinam to use his utmost
to bring off the inhabitants and their moveables (which will utterly
disable the Dutch to settle it), intending to put them on Antigua ;
but if those men will not quit their stations, will suspend the
surrender till he receives positive commands from their Lordships.
But the vast necessary expenses of these matters are more difficult
to overcome than the occasions were. Assures their Lordships his
Majesty's revenue, which does not clear 6,000l. per ann., was before
his arrival engaged for materials for this war beyond what it could
answer during the time of his government, though it had not met
with the excessive charge of supporting the fleet and supplying Sir
Tobias Bridge's regiment : so that unless his Majesty issue satisfaction
from his own exchequer, knows not where it can be had ; and in
regard the inhabitants have so freely contributed great sums out of
their own estates, chiefly for his Majesty's honour, in the defence of
the Leeward Isles, especially Nevis, will not doubt but through his
princely care they will receive satisfaction. Their condition had
been much worse but for the friendship and bounty of New England,
which presented him with 1,200l. sterling in provisions for the fleet
before Nevis out of their affection to him for some services he had
done them which he has been diligent to engage, in regard these
colonies cannot in peace prosper, or in war subsist, without a correspondence
with them. It remains that he acquaint their Lordships
with their great want of servants, which the late war has occasioned ;
if labour fail here, his Majesty's customs will at home ; and if the
supply be not of good and sure men, the safety of the place will be
always in question ; for though there be no enemy abroad, the
keeping the slaves in subjection must still be provided for. If their
Lordships will open a trade in Scotland for transportation of people
of that nation hither, and prevent any access of Irish in future, it
will accommodate all the ends propounded, and abundantly gratify his
Majesty's good subjects here. Indorsed, Rec. February 9th. Rec.
12th February 1667-8. Read in Council 14th February 1667-8.
Referred. 4 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 162.]
1649. Gov. Lord Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington. Refers to
his [preceding] letter to the Council. Intends this week for the
Leeward Isles, where, by what he hears from England, he expects
to meet with a more troublesome people than Barbadoes was supposed
to be ; if they be countenanced from England will have the
harder task, else doubts not to model them for his Majesty's honour
and advantage. Hears there are some complaints against him, but
wonders not because his name is Willoughby, some having said they
disliked that, though few he finds here do. Indorsed, Rec. 9 Feb. 6 7/8.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 163.]
Dec. 16.
1650. Gov. Lord Willoughby to (the Committee of Plantations).
Is informed that one Mr. Marsh, Squire of the Body to his
Majesty, has made complaint to them that he is guilty of some
extravagant actions wherein his Majesty may receive some prejudice ;
if so, he is not fit to govern ; if not, he presumes they will
judge Marsh as unfit to serve in a place of so great trust. Puts his
cause and begs their judgment on this issue. The gentleman pretends
much to the knowledge of the Indies, and to an interest there ;
but he had had none, had not Barbadoes, at an expense of many
thousands of pounds, preserved it. And this brings him to the
question, whether it be convenient to separate the Government of
Barbadoes from Antigua, Montserrat, Nevis, and now part of St.
Kitts. As for Antigua and Montserrat, Barbadoes gained them
with the fleet set out at their own charge, and afterwards preserved
Nevis ; and by that means Nevis outlived this last storm of war,
and not by their own courage, for is well assured they were fit for
a submission to the French. Uses not this argument to gain a
territory, it being his right by patent. Intends to visit these desolate
places, and hopes to resettle Antigua and Montserrat without
the help of Mr. Marsh, and "bring Nevis into better order than his
brother Russell hath yet modelled it ; being assured that the
Governors there are and have been perfect Bashaws ; and truly,
unless he hath a broader seal than mine, that must not be : in fine,
his tyranny makes men weary of that island ; and if Barbadoes say
the same of me, home I must come without calling." This he dares
hardly do ; yet since their Lordships are so prepossessed of his
behaviour here, with his Majesty's leave will adventure that they
may be truly informed. He that is present at a committee has
some advantage of the absent person, but looks on them all as peers
in justice. Indorsed, Committee of Plantations, Recd. Feb. 14.
1667-8. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 164.]
Dec. 25.
1651. Nic. Shapleigh to Col. Nicolls. Omitted to signify in his
last that he had disposed of two tracts of land to two friends,
Edward Hilton and Capt. Walter Barefoote, reserving a yearly rent
to the Lord Proprietor of New Hampshire, Robert Mason, all mast
trees of 26 inches and upwards, and one-fifth of gold and silver ores,
who are resolved to try the title with any who oppose them ; and
as these lands are to remain to the purchaser, unless Nicolls or
Mason disapprove thereof within two years from May last, requests
his resolutions concerning the premises. On same sheet,
Shapleigh to Nicolls. Understands that by the last ship
which arrived at Boston from London, there is a small vessel
with the King's packet intended from thence direct to New
York ; if it contains any matter concerning the affairs of these
parts, prays that he may participate therein as soon as a safe
conveyance presents. Has received 9l. 15s. from Capt. Breedon
for his account. Sends kind love to Captains Nicolls and
Exton. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 165.]
Dec. 28.
1652. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to the Duke of Albemarle. Since
his letter of 3rd September [copy annexed, see ante, No. 1563] his
Grace's of the 11th September has arrived, intimating the death of
Sir George Smyth and the stopping payment of Modyford's salary
till orders are received from him. Has appointed his son Charles,
and in his absence his cousin Tho. Ducke to be his attorney. One
of the surveyors of the island has presented Modyford with an exact
plot of the same, with the parishes and plantations, which his son
will present to his Grace : believes there are many more plantations
in the obscure tract of the island settled by persons who for some
cause dare not be known. Supposes if this map were printed by his
Majesty's command, and copies dispersed to the several great cities
of his Majesty's dominions, it might give great encouragement to
become planters ; in order to which his son will solicit such persons
as his Grace shall appoint. Has received the articles with France,
Denmark, and Holland, which were very welcome ; also the heads
of a treaty with Spain, which is very obscure to him, it referring
both the Indies to a treaty made with the Dutch at Munster in
1648, which he has not seen ; so that he has not altered his posture,
nor does he intend until further orders. ¾ p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXI., No. 100.]
1667, Dec. 29./1668, Jan. 8.
1653. Memorial of the French Ambassador Ruvigny. That Sir
John Harman hath taken Cayenne, and made the French Governor,
the Chevalier de Lesy, and others prisoners. The most Christian
King demands of the King of Great Britain that, conformable to the
treaty of Breda, immediate order be given for putting said country,
forts, and prisoners of Cayenne into the hands of his said Christian
Majesty. French and English translation. 2 papers. 2 pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXI., Nos. 166, 167.]
Dec. 31.
1654. The King to Sir Thomas Temple. He is commanded by
these presents forthwith to surrender to the most Christian King, or
to his order under the Great Seal of France, the country of Acadia
which formerly belonged to the said King, namely, the forts and
habitations of Pentagoet, St. John, Port Royal, La Heve, and Cape
Sable, which his subjects enjoyed until the English took possession
thereof in 1654, 1655, and since ; conforming himself therein to the
10th and 11th articles of the treaty of Breda. Annexed,
Copies of the 10th and 11th articles of the treaty of Breda
for the restitution of the country of Acadia to the most Christian
King. But if any of the inhabitants of Acadia prefer to live
under the King of Great Britain, they shall be permitted to
withdraw (within one year of the restitution of said country),
and sell or dispose as they please of their lands, goods, slaves,
&c., or carry them away as they please without molestation.
French, together 2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI.,
No. 168.]
1655. Mem. "Lord Arlington to the Governor of Nova Scotia,
1667, to đđ (deliver) up that country to the French. Sir Thomas
Temple, Governor.
"The sum to be paid, whether therein stipulated. Journaux."
½ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXIV., p. 105.]
1656. Grant to the Earl of St. Albans, John Lord Berkeley, Sir
Wm. Morton, and John Trethewy, upon the surrender of a patent
granted by the King in the first year of his reign to Ralph Lord Hopton,
the Earl of St. Albans, and others. Doquet, see ante, No. 1513, in
Williamson's hand. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 169.]
1657. Some observations on the island of Barbadoes. The first
seven years the island was little improved, on account of the distinct
claims of the then Lord Chamberlain, Philip Earl of Pembroke, and
the Earl of Carlisle ; in the latter the right was settled by commission
from Chas. I. It became a flourishing colony by the great
encouragement of the Dutch, and in 1643 (after it had been planted
17 years) there were 18,600 effective men, English inhabitants, of
which 8,300 were proprietors ; its value was then not one-seventeenth
so considerable as in 1666, but the real strength treble what it is
now ; the negroes not being in 1643 above 6,400, were in 1666 above
50,000 ; the buildings in 1643 were mean, with things only for
necessity, but in 1666 plate, jewels, and household stuff were estimated
at 500,000l., their buildings very fair and beautiful, and their
houses like castles, their sugar houses and negroes' huts show themselves
from the sea like so many small towns, each defended by its
castle. This formidable prospect and the condition the Dutch left
the island in in 1651 when expelled by Sir George Ayscue has
diverted the French and Dutch from attacking it, for they might easily
have become masters. Not above 760 considerable proprietors and
8,000 effective men, of which two-thirds are of no reputation and
little courage, and a very great part Irish, derided by the negroes as
white slaves ; and indeed except the proprietors, merchants, tradesmen,
officers, and their dependants, the rest are such as have not
reason to discern their abuses, or not courage to leave the island, or
are in debt and cannot go ; for 12,000 good men at least formerly
proprietors are gone off, and tradesmen, wormed out of their small
settlements by greedy neighbours, are thus computed :—Between
1643 and 1647, to New England, 1,200, to Trinidado and Tobago,
600 ; between 1646 and 1658, to Virginia and Surinam, 2,400 ;
between 1650 to 1662, to Guadaloupe, Martinique, Mariegalante,
Grenada, Tobago, and Curaçoa, 1,600 ; with Col. Venables to Hispaniola
and since to Jamaica, 3,300 ; and with Francis Lord Willoughby
to St. Lucia, 1,300 (perished in that design) ; with Major
Scott in 1665 against the Dutch on Tobago and New Zealand in
Guiana, 800 ; with Col. Henry Willoughby in 1666 for regaining
St. Christopher's, 1,000 ; and the same year with Francis Lord Willoughby
on the same design 2,000 men, most of whom were either
lost in the hurricane or are since dead. Mortalities and those that
have slipped away without tickets from the license office may equal
those that since 1651 have been transported thither, so that those
left are fit rather to betray than defend so valuable a country. Of
men born on the island few are gone off ; they may be accounted
1,500 and are the best infantry. The causes of weakness are : 1st,
the land monopolised into so few hands. 2nd, factions amongst the
planters : almost every considerable proprietor is a colonel, lieutenant-colonel,
major, captain, or lieutenant, for since 1626 there have been
divers Governors and substitutes, viz. :—Capt. Powell, Capt. Wolverston,
Sir Wm. Tuffton, Col. Hawley, Major Huncks, Sir Henry
Huncks, Col. Bell, President Sir Richard Pierce, Fras. Lord Willoughby,
Mr. Searle, put in by the Parliament 1652, Col. Modyford,
by same Parliament 1659, Col. Walrond, President for Lord Willoughby,
and Fras. Lord Willoughby, against whom and his family
the people were strangely disaffected, and are still dissatisfied. All
these Governors changed their officers, councillors, and judges, so
that there are so many factions to this day. The now Lord Willoughby
new modelled the militia, put out most of the deceased
Lord's friends and put in his professed enemies, and those discarded
were chosen by the Assembly and became "great creatures for the
country," unravelled all the designs left in writing by the late Lord,
and pressed the now Lord to promise the making of no alterations
in government without the advice of the Assembly ; to which he
readily consents, and now judges they are well satisfied with him ;
which the writer knows to be his great mistake, for till he ratifies
the acts of non claims to cut off his Majesty's pretence to the
10,000 acres the present proprietors can have no security. 3rd.
The proprietors and tradesmen wormed out between 1643 and 1654 :
the planters design to have all their tradesmen, sugar boilers, &c. of
their blacks, and put blacks with all their tradesmen ; has inspected
many plantations and seen 30 or 40 English, Scotch, and Irish at
work in the parching sun, without shirt, shoe, or stocking, and
negroes at their trades in good condition ; by which the whole may
be endangered, for now there are many thousands of slaves that
speak English, and if there are many leading men slaves in a Plantation,
they may be easily wrought upon to betray it, especially on
the promise of freedom. How each party abets its faction in the
greatest dangers, would amaze any Englishman : something of it
may be seen in their address to the King in 1667 ; and when Fras.
Lord Willoughby urged that there might be during the war 1,000
men in pay, they replied, they has as good lose all as have veteran
soldiers, and that they did not doubt to defend the island, but could
not demonstrate how ; for to compel men that have neither house,
land, goods, wife, or children or pay to be sometimes four or five
days together on duty, without so much as victuals, save what they
stole, was extremely severe ; but this was their practice, and till the
arrival of Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment there were not 40 men in pay.
Is persuaded the like has not been practised in the whole world ;
for it's not in his creed to believe that a people whose all is beyond
the seas will run the gauntlet of a hazardous fortune for the interest
of their native country when good terms are proffered by an enemy.
4th. The Jews not having like liberty as in the Dutch and French
islands, have been very treacherous, discovering when the English
were to embark against the French and Dutch, and in the matter of
the relief of Antigua ; but the constant egress and regress of strangers,
there being seldom fewer than 60 or 70 sail of ships, not only
deceives the Jews, but the most ingenious inhabitants judge they
are stronger than really they are. Offers as an expedient, unless
his Majesty have a strength of veteran soldiers to keep up his
interest, as the Spaniard, French, and Dutch have, that, 1stly, a
delatory letter be sent in answer to their last petition, "which will
not only keep up their hopes of being a Republic, but will extract
their whole desire from them ;" and, 2ndly, that a letter be sent to
Lord Willoughby to command his great courtesy to that people,
especially the leading men ; "for upon keeping or losing the Barbadoes
depends the whole interest and trade of the West Indies."
Indorsed, ... 1667 (part of Indorsement has been cut off).
9 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 170.]
1658. "Memorial of the island of Tobago, now called New
Walcheren, how it is situate, and of what advantage it may be to
the State of the United Provinces." It has a very good climate,
above 20 rivers, many fruit and other trees, shell and stone for
lime, a great deal of clay, and many places proper by nature for forts.
It is more fruitful than any of the Caribbees, there being not a hill
which may not be planted ; there is abundance of ginger, sugar-canes,
indigo, cassia, fistula, cocoa, and roacou trees for dyeing orange,
cocoanuts, oranges, lemons ; tobacco and rice will grow there. The
cotton, ginger, and sugar are better than from Barbadoes, and the
island is wholly free from hurricanes. Barbadoes lades yearly 80
to 100 ships with sugar, cotton, ginger, and indigo, and Tobago,
which is one-third larger, may in time be made a better colony,
having abundance of wood for boiling sugar, &c. The charges of
garrison, ammunition, &c. may be defrayed out of the head money,
which every inhabitant pays, besides all the Christian women
above 15 years old, as well free as slaves, pay 100 lb. sugar yearly,
which is the practice of all the Caribbee Islands. The minister who
went thither 18 months since, and can preach in Dutch and French,
being since returned, would be of great use to draw the people to
the Dutch. The advantages the State will receive are very great,
for in six years that island will lade 20 ships yearly with sugar, &c.
in return for necessaries, and the inhabitants of this State will not
need to sail through the favour of the English or French to their
colonies and trade with foreign passes. Rice, Turkish wheat, beans,
peas, cabbage, wild hogs, goats, fowl, and fish abound, as appears in
the book of the minister Bochefort in 1665. If the island be taken
possession of by their Lordships [the States General], it has already
been possessed by Cornelius Eversen, all the old planters now in Holland,
Curaçao, and other parts would transport themselves thither,
and bring the island, now we have peace with England, into a good
posture ; many Dutch and French Protestants in the French islands
would also transport themselves thither, to be free of the slavery
of the French company, and of trouble about their religion ; and
the rather if their Lordships will put on the island 50 or 60 soldiers
and 12 or 16 pieces of cannon for security. 6½ pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXI., No. 171.]
1659. Louis le Page, Sieur de Lomesnil, to the King. Has the
honour to belong to the Duc de Gadagne, and is cousin to the Sieur
de Foubert. Having been obliged by ingratitude and injustice to
quit the service of France, he retired into his Majesty's kingdom a
month since to sacrifice to his Majesty's service his experience,
vigour, and youth, and having acquired in his great voyages the
knowledge of several things very necessary and profitable for his
Majesty's States in America, has prepared memorials and a map,
and prays his Majesty to order his Council forthwith to examine
them, that they may give a faithful account of the importance of
his project. French, 2 pp. ; also English translation. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXI., Nos. 172, 173.]
1660. Notes relating to America. Sir H. Vane in 1637 went over
Governor to New England with two women, Mrs. Dier and Mrs.
Hutchinson, wife to Hutchinson's brother, where he debauched both,
and both were delivered of monsters [see Col Papers, Vol. IX., No. 74].
Received the King's commission, then banished. Mr. Cotton died in
1654, having lived there 26 years ; left two sons, both episcopal. New
England. The Massachusetts (Elbowe) : Boston is the head of it,
and stands on seven hills "(Gorton's Simplicity's defence agst. the
7 headed policy of Boston in New England) :" in 1664 had 14,300
souls : great trade to Barbadoes with fish and other provisions, with
fruit from Long Island : 300 vessels trade to Barbadoes, Virginia,
Madeira, Acadia, &c. : the town "arched into" (?) the sea upon piles,
so as ships come up to the doors ; 1,300 boats that fish at Cape
Sable, &c. : merchantable and best fish sent to Malaga and Canaries,
second sort to the Portugal Islands, and the worst to Barbadoes :
this, as all other towns, is governed by seven townsmen (so called),
of which one is a principal person, and of the quorum annually
chosen by the Council (?) and freemen. The militia is under a
Major-General, chosen annually "by beans (?)" ; they have 30,000
fighting men ; in every town they have an artillery that meets
weekly, and all from 16 to 60 train, eight times in the year, and
the seamen, of whom there are at least 8 to 10,000, twice. Divided
into four associated counties, two being named Essex and Suffolk :
their university is called Cambridge, and the college Harvey (Harvard)
College, (founded) about 28 (years) since (in 1638), "who
went hence with the ladies Arabella and Susanna, who went with
Mr. Cotton, the E. of Lincoln's sisters." One Dunstan (a Presbyterian
Anabaptist), professor there, a very ingenious though heterodox
man ; Eaton, Dunstan, and Chancey, professors successively :
Leverett is their Major (and the people is the General) ; Bellingham,
Governor, annual, presides in Council, and has a double vote ;
Willoughby, Deputy Governor ; one Pike, a hopeful man, and of
great interest among them : they can by their charter make but 18
magistrates and a Governor, but they evade by making commissioners
and deputies of the Court, as they call it. Great quantities of peas,
pork, &c. from the sea coast that borders Plymouth and Connecticut.
Have 76 towns and villages. Salem, Ipswich, and Charlestown,
great towns of trade, cod and mackerel ; in the Elbow,
mackerel : they have a mind to enlarge their patent. Province of
Maine : "From A. to B.," first granted to Sir Ferd. Gorges, afterwards
Lord Gorges, and by him to Eldredge, Godfrey, &c. : several
towns, as Winterharbour, Saco, York, &c., have been hooked in by
Massachusetts ; and so their strength goes to that colony. Great
fisheries at Isle of Shoals, where are more than 1,500 fishermen.
"A A" x A A granted in 1632 to Sir W. Alexander or E. of Sterling, in
recompense of Canada, then restored to the French, and so was
Long Island ; now both are the Duke of York's, the Earl's interest
being bought out : very mountainous and uncultivated country, only
good harbours and fit for fishery, and of great advantage to take
away the fish trade from Massachusetts, and overbalance them.
Canada : cold, and yet but as France (from the great lakes and
snow on the mountains) ; winds generally W. and W.N.W. in lat.
43 and 45 : it is called Nova Scotia : all ours generally : the lat,
32½, which is Bermudas and Gulf of Lewis (?), generally stormy,
and the wind southerly. Cape Breton : an island with coal on the
very surface : T. Temple dwells idly at Boston, and is fooled by
them. Fort St. John and Fort Royal, the only great places, but
T. T. suffers them of Boston to trade there and rob the English : fish,
coals, furs : Boston persuaded T. T. to raze the forts, 1662, to spare
charge, and so free themselves from and take off the check we might
have over them : hopes of copper in several places, stands out like
fingers, arms, and legs. Boston pays 1l. 12s. per ton on goods from
Connecticut and Long Island ; much more Long Island might gain
if they would be industrious. The French have Quebec, a stronghold,
and trade up the river ; to it a long passage. Plymouth is
the Elbow of land, 80 miles by 22 ; about 1,600 men ; one Winslow
is their major, an ingenious man ; much more considerable in
comparison of the Massachusetts ; a good silent people, never
venomous (?) in the Rebellion ; planted in 1621 ; it holds a deed of
the Plymouth Corporation, "p[er] gladium comitatus." "Mem. the Duke
of Bucks now alive, being young, gave up that Plymouth Corporation
charter to one Willis (?), his tutor, who sent it into N. England, and
so it fell into their hands ;" Plymouth Corporation, so called from the
town in England where their Council was held. Massachusetts has
a castle or fort at the entrance of Boston called Castle Island. The
old pretended patent to Lord Say, &c. never passed the seal ; they
had an Order of Parliament in 1649 (?) for their Corporation, which
argues they had no patent before. From Hudson's River to the
east of Delaware Bay (New Jersey so called) (held) by Lord
Berkeley and Sir Geo. Carteret from the Duke of York's patent ;
pipestaves, bread, beef, pork, whale oil ; sea rich in whales near
Delaware Bay ; most whales about that end of Long Island, &c. as
cod about Nova Scotia. Maryland : Lord Baltimore is sovereign ;
coins, issues out arrests, &c. in his own name ; likely to have had
it in some right of Lord Delaware, to whom he was allied ; at
present none of the family of Delaware have any right in those
parts. Virginia : planted about 100 miles up into the country, near
the river ; James City, with about 20 houses, but very large ; abroad
are little settlements ; fine river ; "sickly a little agueish (?)" ;
His Majesty absolute sovereign ; the salt water between the main
and Accomack, about 10 leagues over. "Jucatan, is wt do you say."
Indorsed, From Major Scott's mouth. In Williamson's handwriting,
difficult to decipher. 5½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 174.]
1661. Mem. by Under-Sec. Williamson, relating to the West
Indies. Barbadoes : Sir W. Tufton sent there to settle the Plantation
in 1627, and afterwards shot by Hen. Hawley, who was there
for the Earl of Carlisle's right, and is yet alive there. The last Earl
of Carlisle sold his interest for a trifle to Lord Willoughby. In
two days they go to any Leeward Island near, but can't come up in
30 or 40 by reason of the N.E. and E. winds. About 10,000 men,
and near as many in 1650. Caimanos : the places where turtle are
taken. Demerara : all Indians. St. Vincent : all Indians, and some
negroes from the loss of two Spanish ships in 1635. Barbuda :
great turtle fishing. Nevis : 5,000 men ; sugars. Statia (Eustatia),
Saba : cotton and indigo : "M. Londres, &c. (a Newgate bird, as he
called himself to the French Governor)" : it has but one way up to
it, cut through the rock, with great stones ready to be hurled down
on assailants. Tobago : taken from the Dutch by Maj. Scott, Oct.
1665. Montserat : 600 men taken in Sept. 1666. Surinam on the
main : 1,200 men ; 30 miles broad and 50 long ; planted 1652 by
Lord Willoughby ; attempted in 1643 by Marshall ; in 1635 the
French colony, as big as ours, cut off by the Indians ; sugars and
specklewood, of which cabinets are made ; Byam, Governor. Baroma
(?) : taken Jan. 1665-6 from the Dutch by Major Scott.
French. St. Martin's : salt made on Anguilla ; tobacco ; 1,300 men.
St. Christopher's : 2,000 men. Guadaloupe : 65 good sugar works ;
rich, fertile, many slaves ; 2,500 men. Todos los Santos, Martinique :
a strong fort ; but three sugar works ; tobacco and indigo ;
4,500 men. Grenada : cotton ; 400 men. Sta. Crux : 400 men.
Tortuga : lost by us in 1654 ; sold to the French by one Watts,
Governor there. Margarita : the only island kept by the Spaniard ;
the great place of pearls. Dutch. Curaçoa : the main strength, goats
and sheep. Arobo (Orubo) and Banaer (Buen Ayre) : horses and
salt ; these only are profitable in their trade with the Spaniard.
To Barbadoes is usually a passage of six weeks, and they come back
in seven to 10 weeks ; from Barbadoes to Jamaica in eight days,
and can't come up in less than six or seven weeks. The current
runs N.E., being forced through the Gulf of Florida, where is the
Bahama sands. "This motion is propagated even in the Bay of
Biscay, as the author thinks, meeting with westerly winds in
the latitude of Bermudas, which blow it quite on to the Bay of
Biscay." Indorsed, From Major Scott's mouth. 3½ pp. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXI., No. 175.]