Feb. 2.
1690. Lord Willoughby's instructions to Major James Walker
for his voyage from Antigua to Dominica. To take Capt. Warner
formerly of Dominica with him on board the Portsmouth frigate,
and if he can beget a good understanding between Warner and
his allies, leave him there with orders to bring the French party
over to peace with our nation, and to procure a general release of
the English captives. If unsafe after trial of the humours of the
Indians to leave Warner, to bring him again to Barbadoes with
such of the captives and Indians as he can, attacking and destroying
the Indians and their towns. Concerning the redeemed captives,
and carrying them to Antigua. Certified copy by Fran. Sampson,
Secretary. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 32.]
Feb. 4.
Castle Frigate
in the Downs.
1691. Capt. Henry Ady to the Principal Commissioner of his
Majesty's Navy, Navy Office, Seething Lane. Received orders on
17 Dec. last with Capt. Berry to sail for England, Sir John Harman
was then at Barbadoes, bore up for Nevis, and sailed thence
on 26th. Heard that Lord Willoughby was at Martinico in the
Crown taking off English prisoners, and intended to come to
St. Christopher's and do the like and see the English settled in their
properties, which M. De la Barre declared himself ready to answer,
and after that to settle Antigua and Montserrat. All the victuallers
arrived at Barbadoes save one ; the ships to stay were the Crown,
Dover, Bonaventure, Assurance, and Norwich ; Sir John Harman
intended to sail 10 days after them. Supposes Capt. Berry will be
here shortly ; has merchants' goods aboard, and 42 Dutch soldiers
which Sir John Harman promised the Governor of Surinam should
have their transport ; desires to know how to dispose of them. 1 p.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 33.]
Feb. 11.
1692. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to the King. Has been seven
weeks dashing to and again among the Leeward Isles, and returned
to Barbadoes on Saturday last [8th] ; took them all in his way both
going and returning, beginning with Antigua, which is worth all
the rest except Barbadoes. Found that island in sad condition,
for it was first cruelly fired and plundered by the French, then by
their advice the Indians used all inhuman actions towards men,
women, and children, and lastly some Irish that adhered to the
French destroyed all that was left ; it was regained by Capt. Berry,
after which a violent hurricane "reduced most of those miserable
people to their first principles," notwithstanding, it is worth all the
Leeward Isles, from its fertile soil and incomparable safe harbours,
which are wanting to all the rest. Found Montserrat in the same
condition, a fine little island, but almost wholly possessed by Irish,
many of whom behaved as their countrymen had done at Antigua ;
some of them have been fairly hanged, and others he is hunting in
the woods, and will serve the same. The rest, about 400, swear
to be loyal, as many have been ; has resettled their estates, and
he hopes their minds. That done sailed to Nevis, the worst of the
three but most peopled, the defence of which has cost five times
more than it is worth. Takes the people, 1,200 fighting men at
least, to be good subjects, "if not poisoned with your servant, Mr.
Marsh his doctrine, which they all under their hands have renounced,
though the Governor there be his brother." Stayed three weeks
in that road to redeem his fellow subjects. M. De la Barre being
then at St. Kitts, gave him a visit aboard his ship, and many compliments
passed between them. Has received no commands about
St. Kitts, but finds the French have a great desire to it, "if they
would swop for the Granados, I think it no ill bargain." Would
not be so importunate for leave for a trip to England, but that his
Majesty's affairs require it, which he will leave in a much better
condition than he found them. Sir John Harman will truly inform
his Majesty of many things, need say nothing of him, his actions
have spoken for him, yet whoever is in authority will be envied or
condemned. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 34.]
Feb. 11.
1693. Gov. Wm. Lord, Willoughby to Sec. Lord Arlington. Will.
supply what he has omitted in his letter to his Majesty. Antigua
is of great consequence to his Majesty in these parts, and M. de la
Barre has not forborne repenting ever parting with it. His care must
now be to preserve it from the Indians, "who yet are the French
stalking horse," but the blow Sir John Harman gave the French
at sea has staggered the Indians, who are apt to side with the
stronger. Has sent a small vessel to Dominica to demand the
captives from Antigua, Montserrat, &c., and employed Capt.
Warner, an Indian, but a loyal subject, whom the French, though
their prisoner, could not corrupt or reduce in that affair ; and will
reduce Dominica if, by fair means, he cannot obtain the English
captives, but that will take time, for they are pitiful enemies, and
he expects to meet French conductors among them. His Lordship
will perceive that Mr. Marsh is quite out in his proposals, yet he
has endeavoured to make a broil on Nevis, though his friends and
allies deny any conversation with him. One Col. Collins, who on
misinformation obtained a patent for the island of Barbuda, unjustly
injured many planters there, and in the war as unhandsomely
quitted it, may inform his Lordship of hard measure
received in Lord Willoughby's denying him the continuance of that
Government ; but his Lordship will suspend belief till truly informed.
Sir John Harman will save him saying more. 2 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXII., No. 35.]
1694. Gov. Wm. Lord Willoughby to Williamson. Has finished
his voyage for resettling the Leeward Isles and made a fair beginning,
which in his next voyage he will endeavour to perfect, having
formed the people into Councils and Assemblies to consider what
will most conduce to their advantage. Antigua has suffered most,
but is incomparably the best, and had it due encouragement, would
in a short time become a second Barbadoes. The men of Nevis and
Willoughby agree very well, whatever Mr. Marsh may say ; they
disown Marsh's proposals made in their name : there is a text of it
in the merchants' second petition inclosed. Will do what he may
to compose differences between merchants and planters. In Nevis
Road M. De la Barre gave him a visit, whom he treated courteously,
because he had been civil to our prisoners beyond the rest of his
countrymen. Had nothing to say touching St. Kitts, having no
orders from his Majesty ; is also at a loss for the want of direction
concerning Surinam. Has sent his son Henry to persuade the
people to remove. Indorsed, Rec. 9 April 1668. Incloses,
1694. I. Replication of the Merchants of Nevis to the answer of
the Assembly to a former petition exhibited to Gov. Lord
Willoughby [see ante, No. 1669]. Protest their obedience
to all legal authority, but hope to be allowed their liberty
as Englishmen of representing abuses and grievances.
Since all in the island are concerned as plaintiffs or defendants,
they appeal to his Excellency to end the controversy.
Affirm that they have assisted on all occasions during the
war and have been the greatest sufferers by it. Desire his
Excellency to view those Acts said to be only "restringent
to exorbitances," but which will be found destructive to
propriety and trade, and also to the planters themselves ;
witness the New England men, who, having been fined for
refusing to sell for the set prices imposed on their goods,
withdrew their trade, saying that this island should suck
their paws as bears did in their country in the winter until
those usages were forborne, by which the islanders were
ready to famish ; yet petitioners are still prohibited from
free trade, and they are "now under the censure of devils,"
who while they never called for their debts were styled
Saints. Complain of two Hamburghers and a Frenchman
being tolerated to a free trade, against an Act of Parliament,
while English vessels were forced to another market.
Lastly they protest against "that paper of proposals, signified
at Court," and declare they never had any hand
therein, but believe them to tend to the destruction of the
commerce and safety of the Leeward Isles. Signed by
John Nethway, Sim. Crabb, James Walker, Will. Alleene,
John Wright, Tho. Thorne, John Meredith, Hen. Carpenter,
Nich. Rainsford, Justus Burkin, John Knight, and Rich.
Lock. Indorsed, The second petition of the merchants at
Nevis. Together 5 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No.
36, 36 I.]
1695. Mem. in the handwriting of Under Sec. Williamson of
clauses proposed to be inserted in the Commission from the French
King to his Governor at St. Christopher's. French. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 37.]
Feb. 13.
1696. Mem. of a warrant to the Lord Keeper for putting the
Great Seal to an instrument containing a Commission to Lord Willoughby,
Col. Lewis Morice, Col. Hooper, and Lt.-Col. Lambert to
demand and receive that part of St. Christopher's which his Majesty
enjoyed in Jan. 1665. ⅓ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol.
XXX., p. 7.]
Feb. 15?
1697. Commission to Governor William Lord Willoughby. To
demand and receive that part of St. Cristopher's which was in
possession of the English in January 1665, in pursuance of the treaty
of Breda, and by virtue of the orders and directions of the King of
France [of 28 Aug. 1667, see ante, No. 1560] for the restoration thereof.
Draft with corrections by Williamson. 2 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XXII., No. 38.]
Feb. 18
March 6.
1698. Depositions of William Byam, aged 45 years, Capt. Peter
Wrath, Major Richard Stevens, and Captain William Lea, taken
before Richard Noke, Judge Advocate, at the house of Col. Richard
Buckworth. Concerning the miscarriages of Col. Samuel Barry at
Surinam ; also in reference to the request of the Assembly to remove
them to some of his Majesty's colonies, and to provide shipping for
their transportation on receiving advice of the peace, and that Surinam
was to be restored to the Dutch. Four papers. Together 7 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., Nos. 39-42.]
Feb. 19.
1699. Order in Council. That the Act of Cession of l'Acadie pass
to the French King in a solemn instrument in the same words, and
with the same explanation, as the orders sometime since issued for
giving him possession of said country, Mons. De Ruvigny having made
difficulty to receive the same in the words of the treaty of Breda,
without the like explanation. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII.,
No. 43.]
1700. Declaration of the King concerning l'Acadie. In pursuance
of the treaty of Breda his Majesty will give the needful orders
for restoring to the most Christian King the country of l'Acadie
which formerly belonged to him, namely, the forts and habitations of
Pentagouet, St. John, Port Royal, La Have, and Cape Sable, which
his subjects enjoyed under his authority till the English possessed
themselves thereof in 1654, 1655, and since. And further orders
shall be given to the subjects of either nation in those parts, to live
as formerly in good neighbourhood and friendship. French and
English. Indorsed by Williamson, Lord Holles his draught of what
the King should give, &c., and which was followed accordingly.
1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 44.]
1701. Proclamation of the King concerning the cession of Acadia,
Cayenne, &c. to the French. Whereas by the treaty of Breda it is
agreed that his Majesty should restore to the most Christian King
the country of Acadia which the said King formely enjoyed, and
also all islands, forts, colonies, &c. taken from said King since 1665,
upon condition that said King should, within six months at furthest,
restore that part of St. Christopher's which the English possessed on
1st Jan. 1665, and also all islands, forts, colonies, &c. taken by him
which the English possessed before the war with the States General,
as appears by Arts. 7 to 15 of said treaty ; his Majesty by these
presents surrenders for ever to said King the country of Acadia, "as,
namely, the forts and habitations of Pentacouet, St. John, Port Royal,
La Heve, and Cap de Sables, which his subjects enjoyed under his
authority till the English possessed themselves of them in the years
1654 and 1655, and since (which was inserted at the request of
Monsr De Ruvigny)," as also the country of Cayenne, with all the
islands, forts, colonies, &c. taken from said King since the declaration
of said war with the States General. And for the effectual execution
hereof his Majesty charges as well the Capt.-General of the Caribbee
Islands, and the Governor of Nova Scotia, as the Commanders of
Acadia, Cayenne, and the said islands, forts, colonies, &c., that forthwith
without any delay they surrender the same to the said King,
or such as shall be thereto appointed by him. Indorsed, 1667/8.
Cestion to the French King of Acadia, Cayenne, &c. Draft with
corrections in Williamson's handwriting. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII.,
No. 45.]
Feb. 20.
1702. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to [the Lord Keeper]. At his
first coming, called an Assembly, in which they made many laws,
and finding their weakness in that work, passed the like law Sir
Edward Poynings made in Ireland, "thereby making us partakers
of the most perfectly incomparable laws of our own country ;" they
were remitted three years since to the late Lord Chancellor for the
Royal assent, but have been neglected to this day ; requests that
his son may have authority to demand them, that his Majesty's
assent may be obtained, and remitted by the first opportunity.
Found here but one Court of Common Pleas, but on petition of the
Assembly, divided the island into six precincts, and established in
each of them a county court with three judges, and justices of the
peace, as in England ; and one Supreme Court to have jurisdiction
over all pleas whatsoever, and for the trial of all treasons, murders,
&c. ; in this court are also three judges, of whom for want of a better
lawyer himself is chief ; to which last sitting were sent two prisoners
with an indictment of high treason for coining pieces of eight, the
current money of this island. The jury found them guilty ; but one
of them, Flexmore, moved an arrest of judgment that it was not
expressed that said money was current with his Majesty's consent.
Was advised by the Council to issue inclosed proclamation ; but
finding he has no power in the matter of coins, desires his Majesty's
consent. Lastly, since Col. Ed. Morgan's death, has by his Majesty's
directions commissioned his brother Sir James Modyford (a servant
of your Lordship's) his deputy : requests that an instrument may be
drawn, whereby Sir James may be confirmed Deputy Governor, and
in case of the writer's death, be empowered to put in execution all
the authorities granted to Sir Thomas. In this or in anything which
may be for the good of this island, the Duke of Albemarle will
cordially join with his Lordship. Incloses,
1702 I. Proclamation referred to above. That whereas in the
island of Jamaica, the coins of the King of Spain have
been so long current ; to the intent that the laws of
England may be freely put in execution against such as
shall counterfeit, clip, or abuse the same, his Majesty
hereby confirms the current use of said coin in that island.
Witness Sir Thomas Modyford, the 27th January 1668.
Indorsed, To my Lord Keeper. Together 3 pp. [Col. Papers,
Vol. XXII., Nos. 46, 46 I.]
Feb. 20.
1703. Gov. Sir Thos. Modyford to the Duke of Albemarle.
Acknowledges receipt of his Grace's letter of 7th November last,
with one from his Majesty for Lord Willoughby, which he will
forward, and appoint a receiver of that sugar, though he almost
despairs of receiving anything at his hands. It will be at least four
months before it can come to his hands, the way from hence thither
being by way of New England, the constant eastern winds obstructing
all direct commerce with Barbadoes. His wife and son present their
humble duties to his Grace and the Duchess, wanting words to
express their high sense of his Grace's favour to their whole family,
½ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 47.]
Feb. 21?
1704. The King to Wm. Lord Willoughby. Transmits an instrument
under the Great Seal of France, for the actual surrender to his
Majesty of that part of St. Christopher's whereof he was in possession
in January 1665 [see ante, No. 1560], together with an instrument
empowering him and others to receive said part of that island from
the Sieur De la Barre, M. De St. Laurence, or other Commander-in-Chief
of said island [see ante, No. 1697]. Draft with corrections in
Under Sec. Williamson's handwriting. Indorsed, Lord Willoughby
for receiving St. Xto 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 48.]
Feb. 21.
1705. Sir James Modyford to Under Sec. Williamson. Has received
his of "29th October," and is glad Williamson had his of "29th
October," (? 29th July, see ante, No. 1536). Heartily congratulates
Lord Arlington's removal to higher preferment, and wishes he could
know whether Williamson's station is with him or with Sir Willm.
Coventry. His brother writes by these ships, and sends the
remainder of Williamson's effects in cocoa, the best commodity of
this island ; neither sugars, nor indigo will turn to account, nearly
so well. They are both much indebted for his great kindness to "my
cousin Charles Modyford." ¾ p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XXII., No. 49.]
Feb. 22.
1706. Mem. of warrant for sealing Sir Daniel Harvey's power,
and the two powers for receiving St. Christopher's. [Dom. Entry
Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXX., p. 9.]
Feb. 23.
1707. Order to the Farmers (of the Customs). To register as a
free ship the Swan, taken in the late war and adjudged lawful prize
in the Admiralty of Jamaica, by the name of the Fortune of Amsterdam,
Cornelius Renard Uppranchard, master, notwithstanding the
omission of it not being entered according to the Act. ½ p. [Dom.
Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. XXV., p. 90.]
Feb. 29.
1708. Orders of the Governor and Council of Jamaica. Against
buying or selling negroes taken upon the Spanish coast and brought
into this island except at Port Royal. That the Varmahaly negro
Domingo Henriques be pardoned all his crimes and have a charter
of freedom for himself, wife, and two children, having taken the
oath of allegiance, and that he with Paul and Domingo, two other
negroes, carry a charter of pardon and freedom to all the Varmahaly
negroes on their submission to his Majesty's authority. That in
regard of the rebellion of said negroes every right to them is barred
and no one can demand any slaves ; the rewards to be given to the
negroes that go with Henriques to be paid out of the public receipt of
this island. 2½ pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. XXXIV., pp. 170-172.]