Oct. 7.
373. Richard Lee to [Sec. Nicholas?]. Begs he will excuse his
attendance until Wednesday, when he hopes to have received
certain copies in the business of Virginia. There can be no objection
to the letter he solicits from the King, he has seen several
from his late Majesty, and one from his present Majesty. Will for
this last request present him with 10 pieces to buy a little toy, and
any rarities of that poor country he may command. 1 p. [Col.
Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 108.]
Oct. 10.
Point Cagua,
374. Proclamations of Governor Lord Windsor, (1.) All persons
professing the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, though differing in
religious worship, shall enjoy all the liberties and privileges of other
inhabitants, provided they observe the civil laws and customs. And
Quakers shall not be forced to serve personally in arms, provided
they contribute for the same.
(2.) Imposing penalties for receiving or concealing any slave or
servant without leave of absence from his master, and that every
planter give in an account of servants received since 1st August last
to a justice of the peace, who is to report same to the Council.
(3.) Regulating the money value of sugar, cocoa, and tobacco.
On account of the scarcity of money, and in accordance with the
practice of Barbadoes and other Plantations, sugar shall pass current
at 3d. per lb., cocoa at 4d., and tobacco at 3d. ; Peter Coveney and
John Walker to decide all disputes as to quality. And whoever
refuses these commodities shall suffer the penalties of 5l., 20l., and a
year's imprisonment for the first, second, and third offences. 8 pp.
[Col. Entry Bks., No. 34., pp. 53-60, and No. 37, pp. 24, 25.]
Oct. 10-28.
Point Cagua.
375. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Ordered that the
Proclamation for encouragement of those differing in matters of
religion do pass. Capt. Burrough and Messrs. Dallyson, Bispham,
and Povey, to give in their accounts of the public stores in hand and
how disposed of by them. Field officers to inquire as to the
disposal of arms and stores. A rent of ½d. per square foot to be
reserved to the King in all grants of land on Point Cagua.
Oct. 24.—Capts. Thos. Fuller and Christopher Mings sworn of the
Council. The Spanish prisoners to be sent for Spain by way of
England the first opportunity. John Standly and John Golding to
be pardoned from the suspicion of mutiny. Lord Windsor's permission
from the King to depart to England read.
Oct. 28.—Sir Chas. Lyttelton's commission as Deputy-Governor
read. Jas. Jordan to bring in his account and show cause why he did
not prosecute the seizure of Edward Pinhorne's Madeira wines.
Capt. Ivey's guard of horse to be dismissed, and the men paid 2s.,
and the captain 10s. per day, for 30 days. Also the guards at Point
Cagway and St. Jago to be paid and dismissed. A constable to
watch in all the precincts, and nightly at Point Cagway. Lieut.
Edgoose to bring in his power for the water-bailiff's place. 1½ pp.
[Col. Entry Bk., No. 37, pp. 19, 20.]
Oct. 14.
376. Warrant to the Attorney-General. To prepare a bill to
pass the Great Seal erecting an office to be called the Office of
Receiver-General of the Rents, Revenues, and Profits payable in or
from any of his Majesty's Foreign Dominions, Islands, Colonies, and
Plantations in Africa and America, with the yearly salary of 400l.
payable out of said revenues, and containing a grant of said office
to Thomas Rosse and Thomas Chiffinch, Esq., jointly for their lives,
and the longer liver, to be performed by them or their lawful
deputy. 1¼ pp. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. VIII., pp. 42, 43.]
The Patent is dated 9 April 1663, see No. 435.
Oct. 16.
377. Warrant to the Sheriffs of London to deliver to Captains
Foster and Longman certain prisoners according to the annexed list
(wanting, see names, 19th Dec., No. 394), for transportation to Virginia,
and to take sufficient security from said captains that none of them
return into England for twelve years. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVI., No. 109.]
Oct. 18.
378. Warrant to the Sheriffs of London to transport into some
of his Majesty's Foreign Plantations all such persons as by his
Majesty's charter of pardon of 10th Oct. inst. are ordered to be
transported. ½ p. [Dom. Entry Bk., Chas. II., Vol. IX., p. 2.] A
duplicate of the above is dated 20th Oct., Ibid., p. 3.
Oct. 20.
379. The condition of Jamaica at Governor Lord Windsor's departure
on 20th Oct. 1662. His Excellency carried over a donative
from his Majesty of goods of all sorts, which were distributed
among the commanders, officers, and soldiers, and encouragement to
planters and those who desired the settlement of the island. He
also carried over good store of ammunition, and care was taken to
fill Fort Charles, but prevented by sickness, he left Sir Charles
Lyttelton to effect the same. Lord Windsor settled all proceedings
of law and erected an Admiralty Court. He disbanded the late
army and modelled them into military discipline under the command
of the soberest men that could be found. He prescribed a
course under the seal of Jamaica for conferring plantations, houses,
and land, and settled fees. He called in all commissions for
privateers, and endeavoured to reduce them to certain orderly rules,
giving them commissions to take Spaniards and bring them to
Jamaica. He left at his departure Sir Charles Lyttelton governor,
a fit and worthy person, to the great content of the inhabitants. 1½
pp. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 92, pp. 258, 259.]
Oct. 30.
380. Privy Seal for Letters Patent to be prepared under the
Great Seal granting to Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham the
moiety of the revenue of the Caribbee Islands for seven years [see
No. 387]. 12 pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 110.]
Oct. 30.
381. Entry of the preceding, with marginal abstracts. 6 pp.
[Col. Entry Bk., Vol. V., pp. 25-30.]
382. The King to Secs. Morrice and Bennet. Having extended
grace and mercy to many prisoners in England and Wales conditionally
on their being transported to the plantations and not returning
again to this kingdom, the charge of transporting them is committed
to certain persons [not named], and all warrants are to be addressed
to them for a certain term of years, or until they shall have transported
a certain number of persons. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LXI.,
No. 146, Cal., p. 536.]