Sept. 1.
360. Clement de Pleneville to M. Le Chevalier Moray [? Sec.
Morrice], at the Court at Withale. Is unwilling to defer giving an
account of all that has passed since his departure from London.
Weighed anchor at Plymouth, stopped at Barbadoes but two hours,
and on the evening of his arrival [at Jamaica] was commanded by
Lord Windsor to embark for Porto Rico. Took occasion to speak
with some officers and soldiers on board, and has given an attestation
of the conversation to Lord Windsor. Has had no relaxation
since his return from Porto Rico, being daily employed in drawing
plans of the isle and town of Porto Rico, with a description of the
island, forts, cannons, coasts, &c., which he has given to Lord
Windsor for his Majesty. Has been at San Domingo, where he saw
what he could of the town, fort, and coasts, and will draw a plan of
it at leisure ; but that of Porto Rico is a great work, there being
four different forts. As he wrote his Majesty, he left 2,500 men in
San Domingo, but there are no more than 1,500, and the half of
them monks and churchmen. Lacks some one to whom he may
consign his letters. Is in hopes of returning shortly to Hispaniola,
to make trial of the Hispaniols, who have ill-treated the Maroons
[marons] of San Domingo : affairs are in such a state that in
¼ hour's conversation he could demonstrate the execution of the
memorials he presented to his Majesty. Lacks some servants and
a brigantine capable of carrying 50 men ; but if his Majesty will
send the ship, and Sec. Morrice and M. Le Febvre will embark some
servants upon it, will strike three blows with one arrow, and serve
his Majesty, Sec. Morrice, and himself. The scourging the mountaineers
(?) of San Domingo have had, makes them stretch out their
arms towards his Majesty : cannot say more, for they play tricks in
this country, and fears his letters might be seen. Begs his Majesty
to recommend him to Lord Windsor, or Sir Chas. Lyttelton, who
has been all his support. Will not write again till he hears from
Sec. Morrice, nor will he put anything in the ships for his Majesty's
satisfaction, till Sec. Morrice has found means to receive them in
safety ; for without his Majesty's signature nothing can be done,
and had it not been for Lyttelton, should have feared for the passage
of his men, though his Majesty had so ordered. French. 3 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 99.]
361. Abstract of memorial of Clement de Pleneville to the King.
That his Majesty name some person with whom he may communicate
in cypher. That the mountaineers [montaires] of Hispaniola are
ill-treated and hold out their arms to a protector, and there are but
1,500 men in San Domingo, half of whom are monks and churchmen,
instead of 2,500. Needs some men, and a brigantine to carry 50 to
80 men, for his Majesty's service. Desires to be recommended to
the Governor of Jamaica, and above all to Sir Chas. Lyttelton ; and
to have a commission for lading any rarities he may procure for his
Majesty's satisfaction. French. 1 p. This is contained in his preceding
letter to Sec. Morrice. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 100.]
362. Petition of Robert Sanford to the King. Whereas petitioner
has complained to his Majesty of divers great wrongs and injustices
acted towards himself and others, by certain pretenders to power in
the colony of Surinam, and same are referred to the Privy Council ;
prays that a day may be appointed for petitioner to appear before
his Majesty and Council, to declare his case, and receive according
to the merits thereof. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 101.]
[Sept. 3.]
363. Petition of Lieut.-Col. Robert Sanford to the Lords of his
Majesty's Privy Council. The case of the proscripts from Surinam
briefly stated. The colony, neglected by those who had usurped
our sovereignty, was constrained to unite in constituting a Government.
Elected delegates decreed that yearly the respective divisions
should depute representatives, in whose joint bulk the dominion
should remain, with subjection to the supreme power of England,
and that one, by nomination of the rest, should be their head. Byam
was first chosen, and for three successive years continued according
to this Constitution, in which time he made himself a faction that
overruled the less numerous party, and decreed their own continuance
in the Government. Complaints against Byam for exacting a heavy
imposition upon the people and calling the colony into arms, causing
tumult and civil war about the taking prize a Dutch shalop ; only
his word that they should have a legal trial for her, and seizing all
that had disputed his authority, many asleep in their beds, keeping
them prisoners, and bringing them to trial by court-martial, or rather
a High Court of Justice like that of Bradshaw's. The prisoners
who pleaded not guilty, without being heard, were hurried away,
first into irons, and then into exile, and a heavy load of fines was
added ; of all which penalties petitioner also became a patient, for
only labouring to avert so tyrannical a prosecution. This is the
substance of their sufferings, many parts of which will appear from
such witnesses as are here, and the whole may be proved by the
confessions in Byam's own declaration. Beseeches their Lordships
"to perpend" how insecure their future life must be under an
irritated authority, and not to remit them thither for satisfaction,
but condemn those lawless rulers to be commanded home, here to
make a defence of their actions. Indorsed, Petition of Lieut.-Col.
Robert Sandford to the Privy Council, with a petition and reference
from his Majesty to the Board and remonstrance of the petitioner
[see ante, Nos. 351, 362]. Received 3rd Sept. 1662. Read in
Council 12th Sept. 1662. Ordered. 2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol.
XVI., No. 102.]
Sept. 5-30.
Point Cagway,
364. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Resolved that the
island of Tortodoes be reduced under the English Government, and
that two or more of the Council report what is requisite for settling
the possession of it and the better security of Jamaica. Sir Chas.
Lyttelton, sworn Keeper of the Great Seal ; Will. Michell, Judge
of the Administration of Law, the Admiralty, and Probate ; and
Colls. Wilbraham and Barry, Justices. Mr. Freeman ordered to
bring in his books of transactions in General Bryan's time. All
persons who have claims to lands or houses on Point Cagway to
send them in to Sir Chas. Lyttelton or Sec. Povey within 10 days,
so they may receive their grants according to his Majesty's instructions.
Sept. 12.—Resolved, that men be enlisted for a design by sea
with the Centurion and other vessels, provided they be not servants
or persons who sell or desert their plantations for the purpose ; that
Capt. Joye receive 40l. from Sec. Povey for buying 20 horses, to
form a troop for his Excellency's guard, each man to be paid 2s. per
diem ; that the inhabitants on Point Cagway appoint a nightly
watch of eight or ten under Lieut. Edgoose ; that the field officers
appoint their inferior officers until they be commissioned ; and that
Constantine Lyttelton receive a commission as justice of the peace.
Sept. 19-20.—Capt. Constan. Lyttleton sworn of the Council.
Concerning the rights of Capts. Craw and Haywood and other
officers and soldiers to the donative money sent by the King for
distribution to the army, to be referred to the Council on their
return from the present design by sea. Instructions drawn up for
Capt. Ming.
Sept. 27.—John Standly of Ligonia, prisoner, ordered to serve
seven years at St. Christopher's, and to suffer death if he return
without license.
Sept. 30.—Warrant to Sec. Povey to draw up an Act for receiving
and settling the people called Quakers ; the fees to the Seal to be
6d. per acre, and to the surveyor 4d. per acre. A yearly rent of
1d. per acre on all plantations allowed to the King. Two of the
Council to report on the rates of commodities. 4 pp. [Col. Entry
Bk., No. 37, pp. 17-19.]
Sept. 6.
365. Petition of owners of ships and merchants, traders to Virginia
and Maryland, to the King and Privy Council. Against the
petition for prohibiting ships leaving Virginia until 1st May next
[see ante, No. 301], and praying that all ships may return from
thence according to the usual manner. Signed by Robert Vaulx
and 42 others. Indorsed, "Read 6 Sept." Annexed,
Reasons offered for the foregoing petition. Together 2 pp.
[Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., Nos. 103, 104.]
366. Reasons against an intended petition for prohibiting ships
coming from Virginia or Maryland until May. The merchants of
Bristol and other English ports and the merchants and planters
inhabiting in Virginia and Maryland ought to be heard before any
order is made in it. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 105.]
Sept. 8.
Wrington [Somerset].
367. J. Fontinoy? jun., to Richard Talbott of [Bridgetown?]
Barbadoes. Family news. Sudden death of Samuel Tucker.
Whether he can give any good encouragement to come to Barbadoes,
as he and other nonconformists may soon be forced by
prelatical persecution to leave England. Comforts himself with the
reflection that he does not "partake with the Beast in his mark or
name." Indorsed, "A Quaker's letter to one Talbot, a merchant
upon the Bridge." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 106.]
Sept. 12.
368. Instructions for Sir William Berkeley, Governor of Virginia
To take especial care that Almighty God be devoutly and duly
served throughout the Government, the Book of Common Prayer
as now established read, and the Sacrament administered according
to the rites of the Church of England. The churches already built
to be orderly kept and more built, also houses for the ministers, each
of whom is to have 100 acres of land assigned to him for a glebe.
Within one month after his arrival to call a General Assembly and
publish his Majesty's free pardon and oblivion to all not attainted of
"the horrid murder of our dear father." All Acts passed during the
late rebellion to be repealed. Laws for the suppression of vice,
debauchery, and idleness to be passed. The planters to be encouraged
to build towns upon every river ; "they cannot have a better
example than from their neighbours of New England, who have in
few years raised that colony to breed wealth, reputation, and security ;"
one town at least to be built upon every river. Staple
commodities of silk, flax, hemp, pitch, potashes, &c. to receive every
encouragement. To appoint commissioners to treat with those of
Maryland to restrain the planting of tobacco. 1,000l. per ann. to
be paid to the Governor out of the 2s. per hogshead. To have
the Act concerning navigation strictly respected. Quit rents to be
carefully and justly levied. To transmit to England his opinion
and advice upon the erection of an iron work which the King
wishes to undertake himself. To send yearly accounts of the state
of the colony to the Council of Plantations. A commission of oyer
and terminer having been granted, the impartial administration of
justice is earnestly recommended. Persons learned in the law for
the performance of that service will be sent over if found requisite.
12 pp. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXIX., pp. 265-276. Copies of
the preceding instructions are also entered in Col. Entry Bks., No. 80,
pp. 99-107, and No. 92, pp. 263-272 ; and in Dom. Entry Bk.,
Vol. IV., pp. 67-72.]
Sept. 12.
369. Warrant for Sir Wm. Berkeley to have a ship of tobacco
of 300 tons customs free, when he shall send or bring over a ship
of the same burthen laden with silk, hemp, flax, pitch, and pot-ashes,
the produce or growth of the colony of Virginia. 1 p. [Dom. Entry
Bk., Vol. VII., pp. 237, 238.]
Sept. 25.
370. Order of the Committee for Plantations. The settlement
of plantations in New England being seriously debated, the Lord
Chancellor declared that the King would speedily send commissioners
to settle the respective interests of the several colonies ; the
Duke of York to consider the choice of fit men ; a patent of corporation
to be granted to Rhode Island ; the instructions for Lord
Willoughby of Parham, Captain-General of Barbadoes, corrected and
approved, and the Attorney-General ordered to see the same, and
also prepare form of a grant for Lord Willoughby to settle and
grant lands in the said plantations. 1 p. [Col. Entry Bk., No. 60,
pp. 9, 10.]
371. Warrant for Richard Miller, prisoner in Newgate, pardoned
upon condition of transportation, to be transported upon his own
humble suit to Jamaica. [Dom., Chas. II., Vol. LX., No. 47, Cal.,
p. 502.]
372. Petition of Capt. Thos. Trafford to the King. That Will.
Sayle, a severe separatist had surreptitiously possessed himself of
the Government of the Bermudas, and exercised cruel tyrannies
over the inhabitants, for which he was by the then Committee for
Foreign Plantations adjudged fit for banishment ; but by the
exorbitant power of Desborow and Jones, two persons proscribed by
Parliament, who were sent thither, Sayle was settled in that
Government. Prays to be sent over to take the Government, which
he presumes to undertake, "because he has spent so much time in
travel." Capt. Florentia Seymour was appointed to succeed Wm.
Sayle as Governor, September 1662, see Gen. Lefroy's Memorials of
the Bermudas, II., 185. 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 107.]