Nov. 8.
383. Affidavit of William Crowford of Wapping, commander of the
ship Charles, belonging to the Royal [African] Company. On 28th
Oct. the James and Charles frigates came to anchor at Comendo on
the Coast of Guinea, where a Holland man-of-war, the Golden Lyon,
would not suffer any negroes to trade ; she had two sloops and three
men-of-war canoes, and a little to the westward lay two great Holland
men-of-war more. Capt. Merritt and Mr. Bartlett went to the
mine to demand of the Governor wherefore he would not suffer
them to trade ; his answer was his masters had ordered him. At
that time the Hollanders had no fort or factory at Comendo. On
30th Oct. the Charles set sail for the mine, and 5th Nov. both
sailed for Cape Corso, and the Golden Lyon anchored between them.
The Vice-Admiral Christiana was riding there. On 6th Nov. they
sent their skiff to buy slaves, but the Hollanders seized and detained
said skiff, goods, and men. Sailed to Cormantin, leaving Capt.
Merritt at Cape Corse, and on 7th at Cormantin Castle, drew up a
protest against the Governor of the mine, the captain of the Golden
Lyon, and all the Dutch West India Company, to which they had
Agent Puliston's hand, also several merchants of Cormantin Castle.
8th. Nov., said protest was delivered aboard the Admiral, by Abraham
Holdbech and John Lumbly, mates of the James and Charles. After
which the prisoners were forced into the skiff and towed near Capt.
Merritt's ship, and there left with a threat that if they offered to go
ashore, the Governor of the mine had written they should be sent
thither prisoners. 1½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 111.]
Nov. 8-19.
Point Cagua.
384. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. Resolved that for the
next four months the militia be exercised every month or oftener,
and shall pay fines for non-appearance or not fixing their arms.
Debts due to the King for goods sold out of the public stores to be
brought in, also Jordan the Treasurer's account. An additional act
to be framed concerning the rates of liquors, &c.
Proclamation of Deputy-Governor Sir Charles Lyttelton, in
accordance with the above resolution concerning the militia.
Nov. 9.—Another proclamation recommending the inhabitants of
Point Cagua, for the advantage and credit of the town, to carry on
the work of hardening and levelling the streets, by the assistance of
John Man, Esq., Surveyor-General.
Nov. 19.—An Act for the encouragement of planting.
Proclamation against the great quantities of jerked hog brought
into Cagua harbour to supply the wants of the inhabitants.
An Act for the sale of five copper guns taken at St. Jago de
Cuba. 7 pp. [Col. Entry Bks., No. 34, pp. 61-66, 74-75, and No.
37, pp. 20, 25-27.]
385. Report of the Judge of the Admiralty to the King concerning
the John of Dublin. Upon petition of Wm. Rayner, brother
to John Rayner, Deputy-Governor of "Abyland" (Avalon), in
Newfoundland, setting forth that a Dutch ship which had taken in
fish without showing any certificate was seized and brought to
England. Forbears any further proceedings until the King's
further orders. Indorsed, "Read in Council 14th Nov. 1662."
2½ pp. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 112.]
Nov. 12.
386. Petition of John Rayner, Deputy-Governor under Lord
Baltimore in Newfoundland, to the King. In July last petitioner
seized a Dutch built ship, pretended to be called the John of
Topsham, for trading contrary to the late Act of Parliament, which
ship was sent to England to be proceeded against, but putting into
Dartmouth, was arrested in the name of John Borr, of Dublin.
Understands that the Judge of the Admiralty has made a report
thereon. Prays that his Majesty will hear his counsel in that court
before any order is made upon said report. Indorsed, "Read in
Council 12th Nov. 1662." 1 p. [Col. Papers, Vol. XVI., No. 113.]
Nov. 18.
387. Letters Patent granting to Francis Lord Willoughby the
moiety of the revenue of the Caribbee Islands for seven years. His
Majesty grants to said Francis Lord Willoughby all the Caribbee
Islands, viz., St. Christopher's ałs St. Aristovall, Granado ałs
Granada, St. Vincent, St. Lucy ałs St. Lucre, Barbidas ałs Barbadoes
ałs Barbudos, Mittalania ałs Martenico, Dominico, Margalanta
ałs Marigallanta ałs Marigante, Desseada, Todo Fantes ałs Todo
Santes, Guardalupe, Antigoa ałs St. Antigoa, Montserat, Redendo,
Barbido ałs Barbada, Mevis, St. Bartholomew's ałs St. Bartholomeo,
St. Martin's ałs St. Martin, Angilla ałs Angvilla, Sembrera
ałs Sembroa ałs Essembrera, Enegada ałs Enegeda, and Estatia,
and all other islands deemed part of the Caribbee Islands, lying
between 10° and 20° N. lat., and extending from St. John de Porto
Rico easterly to 327° degrees ; with all forts, harbours, rivers, lakes,
lands, woods, profits, customs, duties, rents reserved, fishings, royalties,
mines, advowsons, liberties, privileges, and commodities whatsoever
within the limits thereof to his Majesty belonging ; except such
parts as have been granted to or occupied by any planter or person,
which nevertheless shall be liable for all arrears of rents not discharged
by the late Act of general pardon and oblivion, and for all
such duties imposed in common with the residue of the islands ;
except the office of High Admiral of said islands, with the jurisdictions,
liberties, and profits thereto belonging. To hold the same to
the said Francis Lord Willoughby and his assigns from Christmas
next ensuing for the term of seven years. And the said Francis
Lord Willoughby, for himself, his executors and assigns, covenants
yearly to pay to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, the moiety of
all profits received during said term out of said islands, to be delivered
to such persons as his Majesty shall appoint ; and to give
once a year at least a true and perfect account upon oath to the
High Treasurer of England or Commissioners of the Treasury of all
such profits. With power to said Francis Lord Willoughby, his
executors and assigns, their deputies or agents, to retain the other
moiety of said profits during said term ; also to collect, receive, and
recover by all lawful ways all said profits and the arrears, and to
enjoy the same without rendering any account to his Majesty. 2¼
membs. [Pat. Roll, 14 Chas. II., part 20, No. 9.]
Nov. 19.
Point Cagua.
388. Minutes of the Council of Jamaica. The offers of the Grand
Jury read, and particulars to be drawn up for a market. The Act
for the seal of tobacco referred for amendment to Col. Barry and
Lt.-Col. Archbould. Col. Smyth to bring in his order for hunting
cattle. Peter Pugh appointed Deputy Commissary and Steward-General,
upon Sec. Povey's motion. The five copper guns taken at
St. Jago on Cuba to be sold towards the building of the fort at
Point Cagua. Commissioners to be appointed to inquire into the
irregular and unjust dividends made to the late soldiers. Capt.
Evans to receive 5s. and Capt. Gaywood 3s. per diem out of the
King's donative. The merchants who have petitioned to be paid for
their commodities in the specie mentioned in their contracts. [Col.
Entry Bk., No. 37, p. 20.]