Cecil Papers: May 1597, 1-15

Pages 181-201

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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May 1597, 1–15

Levies in the County of Bedford.
1597, May 1. Indenture made between Captain Francis Crofte, Esq., upon the one part, and Serjeant Thomas Halfepennie, conductor of thirty-three men levied in the county of Bedford from the said county to the city of Chester, upon the other part, of the delivery at the city of Chester of the several soldiers whose names are subscribed, sorted and furnished with armour and weapons, according to the check roll thereof under the hand and seal of the Earl of Kent, lord lieutenant of the county of Bedford.
Soldiers armed with good corsletts and pykes, with swords and daggers well furnished :—
Robert Cuttle. Richard North. Roger Fraunces.
Robert Starnell. Robert Gibson. Thomas Lowman.
Thomas Kinge. Thomas Petcher. Richard Field.
Leonard Dylle. Thomas Jeekes. Edward Lines.
Edward Bartram. William Swayne. Henry Aswell.
William Hutchen.
Soldiers armed with good muskets, with swords and daggers well furnished :—
Thomas Mayes. Hugh Prescott. Andrew Squier.
Oliver Curteis. Thomas Smithman. William Gropton.
Thomas Adkins. John Sharpe.
Soldiers armed with good calyvers, with swords and daggers well furnished :—
John Reignolds. William Johnes. John Clother.
John Pavis. John Golson. John Marbles.
Henry Gardener. John Trewelove. Henry Waters.
Total of soldiers sent forth—thirty-three.
Corseletts for sixteen.
Muskets for eight.
Calivers for nine.
Signed :—Fra. Croft. The mark of Thomas Halpenye, conductor.
1 p. (50. 67.)
News from Spain.
1597, May 2. A ship is come from Spain to Enchusen in ten days which lying at Figues to lade fruit was assailed by six boats with soldiers, who meant to have stayed it for the King's service. But the men unwilling so to be dealt with put off the boats and came away, leaving ashore the master and another of the company. Two men came in this ship who report that about five weeks ago they were in the King's Armatho, consisting then of about hundred sail almost ready to set forward, but waited for certain of the King's greatest vessels to convoy them. It seemeth they mean to transport men and munition to Calais or some part thereabouts.
Headed :—“Copied out of a letter written in Embden 2 May 1597, according to the style of England.”
(50. 69.)
Gabriel Goodman, Dean of Westminster, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 2. I and my brethren have yielded unto her sacred Majesty's letters in the behalf of Mrs. Lucie Hyde. And, in regard to her Highness's recommendation unto us of reasonable conditions in the grant, we having due respect of the benefit of succession do require that, as the present tenant would have surrendered his lease and taken a new for the term of twenty-one years and presently to enter into provision of 40 quarters of malt or 20l. yearly, so we look now that Mrs. Hyde, or her assign, shall upon the entry of this lease in reversion grant to this College 40 quarters of malt or 20l. yearly at the choice of Dean and Chapter.—Westminster College this 2 May 1597.
1 p. (50. 70.)
The same letter.
Holograph. Part of Seal. (50. 71.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 2. The same stag I promised is now come, and I would gladly know to whom to deliver him for your Honour. Although his flesh be somewhat abated by occasion of his long journey of six score miles yet shall your Honour find it very fat if you list to kill it presently. I have taken good order for your statute from Meverell. I humbly beseech your Honour to remember me before her Majesty's remove.—From my poor house this 2 of May 1597.
½ p. (50. 72.)
Sir Anthony Mildmay to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 2. Acknowledging Cecil's letter of 10 April, in behalf of one Kelly, a merchant of the west country, and the copy of one from the Council to this bearer, Robert Pope, his adverse party, their Lordships' pleasure to Pope being that he surcease to prosecute his suit against Kelly in these parts.
Accordingly, the parties being both English, he has done his best to bring them to a friendly composition without further contention or charge, but finding both to stand upon too many difficulties, has only enjoined Pope to make his speedy repair in o England and appear before their Lordships, and has caused him in the mean time to surcease his suit against Kelly for two months.—Paris second of May 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 73.)
Captain F. Chichester to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 2. It is bruited in these parts that your Lordship is making preparations for some honourable enterprise. We are here placed to attend the service of a prince longer a determining than his enemies a winning. In what state or hope I were of his attempt or good successes, your Lordship hath so bound me that I can gladly quit all fortunes to follow your Honour, and I most humbly beseech you not to refuse me though in your journey I have but the place of a private gent. Five captains of our small number are now in England; some of them have made long stay. Their not returning is cause that my desire is not granted to come personally to offer my service.—Pyckenye near Amiens, this second of May 1597.
Endorsed by Essex :—“Cap. Chichester, 4 May 97. Pequiny.”
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 74.)
William Lyllé to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 2. We are presently now to approach nearer Amiens with all our troops, and the K. determines to make five fortresses about it, three on the Burgonion side and two on the other towards France. It is given out he will thus, with a trench round about it, block and besiege it with his foot; and his cavalry and some superfluous companies will make incursions upon the enemy, who, as far as I can see, will little care for him, having already put by cunning 3,000 foot and 1,000 horse into the town, and for any empeche might have put in more, for we lay far off. The Marshal lieth so far distant on that side, and so weakly accompanied, as it is marvelled that he is not rather beaten than the contrary, whereof we saw the experience in the entry of 400 horse, and that all the country had been “prayed” if our troops had not assisted them. We talk of cannon from many parts and great forces; I pray God that they may come, and means to continue the siege, otherwise these parts being weary of wars will easily change their master : and that we see in those troops of some 3,000 lying about Heddinge and those parts, of whom they are so afraid that every town thereabouts is looked to be surprised every night, and Mountruel and Bullen the first. The Cardinal thinketh no doubt to weary the K. for since these men's entry they have made show in the fields that they are there, I mean the horse : they have forbidden the burghers to carry any weapon or to stir upon any alarm : they have made a parapet upon the contrescarpe, which makes me think they will want no men, the town being great and that manner of defence requiring many. They send continually forth the worst able to maintain themselves. Of corn and grain they have great store, but fresh flesh little and already give much for it. The king is very shortly looked for here, but we do not think the army will yet come, because forage is scant and grass is not come up nor corn grown to feed our horse, those being that which the enemy feareth in the French. The marriage of Mademoiselle giveth to many subject to doubt, and most to the Bourbonistes. The discontent some conseilleurs and the financiers will not fail to foment, and much so, to keep the K. low, lest he should effect his former plot to diminish their means and greatness. Some think this marriage will again raise the House of Loreyn in France, which cannot be much, for it is not likely they can have any children she being old. It is given out here that the Cardinal offereth the K. to render him Amiens if he will condescend to a truce of four years. How likely that is I leave to your Lordship to judge, unless the Spaniards have some other design. I had forgot to shew your Lordship that Sir William Stanley hath been at Dorlens and hath been the man to conduct the reinforcement into Amiens. This is all that this place will afford at this time, I having no leisure to do any other thing than to make up my books for this half year, to make new musters to begin the other, our divisions of troops being so distant and to repair to them dangerous, the enemy running in every place. The first four months, if Digges had lived, he could not have raised one check in the six, yet there is in all above 220l. beside the interim days; it will daily increase till it please her Majesty to send supply, whereof we have need, our sick are so many, which are increased by the wants of our pay by the breach or absence of our paymaster, which drave our Colonel general and captains to great extremities to relieve their soldiers' wants.—Pequyny, this 2 of May 1597.
Seal. 2 pp. (50. 75.)
George Chamberlayne to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 2. Is beginning to be afraid, seeing that the lords of the Council are so long in deciding upon his case, although he has nowise offended the laws of the realm. If they have anything against him, begs that he may know it in order that he may make his defence. It is hard for a lad of his age to remain shut up; and he would like to be allowed to see his relatives, and, if they will not support him, he would gladly enter Essex's service and promise always to be a faithful subject to the Queen and realm. Begs that at least he may be at large within the city upon parole.—From the house of Mr. Huyt, 2 May 1597.
Spanish. Holograph. 1 p. (50. 76.)
Thomas Windebank to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 2. The day you ordered me to make the bill, I made it and presented it unto your honour, who willed me to keep it till you called for it. At my coming from the Court I closed it in a paper and sealed it, and so left it in my trunk. I have now written to him that remains in my house to take it out of the trunk and deliver it to you. Divers in my house have been visited with the measles, which caused me (as I had advice given me) to refrain from the Court at my last being in London 5 days ago. But now, I thank God, all is ceased a sennight ago, and so is like to continue.—Haynes Hill, 2 May 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (175. 45.)
Sir J. Aldrich to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 2. Having heard a rumour that your honour doth pretend a voyage I cannot but offer my services to you. The King assures us he will go forward with the besieging of Amiens. He has written to-day to Sir Thomas Baskervile to be ready to advance on Amiens. Our quarter is appointed on the further side of Amiens towards Corbe. The King will be here at Picane in six days. If it please you that I come to you, I pray you let Sir Thomas Baskervile know; otherwise he will not let me go hence. This bearer, Lieutenant Parker, is very desirous to be employed; I beseech you show your favour to him.—Picane, 2 May '97.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (175. 46.)
Thomas Flemyng, Solicitor General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 3. Opinion on a letter whereby Mr. Robert Meverell, in respect of great charges for his elder brother, desires a supply of the Staffordshire land to be assured to him absolutely.
Has obtained a note from Mr. Trentham of the value of the lands of Mr. Francis Meverell, the yearly annuities out of them, the debts and charges Mr. Robert Meverell is to satisfy for his brother presently, and the lands whereunto title is pretended and must be defended, viz.:—
Lands descended to Mr. Francis are found by office to be of the yearly value 167l. 6s. 8d.
Annuities 166l. 13s. 4d.
Debts and charges 2,000l.
Pretended title to the Manors of Darlton, Froddeswall and Waterfall. This last cannot be defended without charge, for which there must be land sold, and none can be sold that is to revert to the issue male of Francis but only that whereof Robert Meverell shall have estate absolute in fee. He desireth to have the manors of Throwley, Froddeswall and Waterfall towards these charges, and in Fletcher's opinion the demand is not unreasonable.—3 May 1597.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Sollycitor to my Mr.”
Seal. 1 p. (50. 77.)
Henry Cavendysshe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 3. I have a colt of yours, and now he is six or seven years old and waxeth unruly, so I am fain to take him into the stable lest he should spoil himself. If you will give me leave to buy him, I will give 100 French crowns for him; or, let me have him and take another of mine as good at any time.—Tutbery, this third of May 1597.
½ p. (50. 78.)
Thomas Myddelton to Mr. Wyllis.
1597, May 3. At the request of the deputy lieutenant of Denbighshire, has provided armour for the use of that county, and for his own provision, to lie in the castle of Denbigh whereof he is constable. Without a warrant he dare not send them. Begs Wyllis to move Cecil for such warrant.—This iijth May 1597.
1 p. (50. 79.)
Sir Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 4. The morning after he took his leave he began his journey to the west to pass to Jersey as soon as he could get ship, but an infirmity whereunto he has been subject these three years took such hold on him as with much difficulty he got to his poor house; it has brought him to that weakness as he cannot travel without apparent danger. Thinks it his duty to give speedy notice that he is by this occasion letted from going to his charge. For Cecil's better satisfaction that this is not feigned, his suit is that he will command either Mr. D. Docly or Mr. D. Tourner to inform him to what extremity this infirmity has already brought the writer three or four times, and what his present state is. If his presence in the Isles be thought necessary for her Majesty's service, he will pass over though he were carried to the seaside and assured never to see England again. The soldiers for the Isles are shipped, and his lieutenant is as well acquainted with the service of the Isles as he. There is not any imprest of money delivered for the works of the new fort, their Lordships determining to send some man of experience to view the place, which no doubt will be forgotten and so this summer lost. If he has any encouragement from Cecil he will advance the work with his own money, for it is now so raw and unsafe as he cannot express. This poor country is much distressed for want of corn, and if he had not procured some from London he doubts how the people would have been kept in quietness, so great is the rage of hunger. This shire hath wanted deputy lieutenants since Christmas, whereby no doubt the forces of this county will be found out of order if there should be a sudden occasion of service.—Currimallet, this 4th of May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (50. 80.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 4. I have had these many years a cause depending in the King's Bench for land against my lord, your father. This day hath a jury appeared upon an attaint in which Sir H. Winston is one, who, for that I know him a great dependent upon my lord, your father, and your house, I would earnestly crave that you send for him to attend on your honour and to give him notice that though my lord, your father's, name be used, yet that the matter doth not concern him, nor that my lord and yourself will not take amiss any just favour he shall do according to the equity of the cause and good conscience. The reason why I am so bold is for that the last petty jury went the rather against me for that my lord's name was used. For myself, I thank God, I have received more good within three days last past of my knee than in seven weeks before, since I fell into Kempe, the thummer's, hands, as Sir G. Carew can tell your honour. Well if I had strength to go up and down stairs.—Chanon Row, May 4, 1597.
P.S.—Sir H. Winston lieth at Alderman Bonde's house in Walbrooke.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (50. 81.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597], May 4. I brake open my instructions at Stratford and found certain articles inserted since last I saw them; one of which having been set down is again obliterated, because, I imagine, it concerned the restriction of knighting, and is thus made illegible. I hope you have gained her Majesty to trust my discretion according to the limitation given me before in caution. I will use all my wits and her Majesty's graces in that which she is pleased to refer me, to the only end of her services; as in the birth of her subject I am bound, and in my breeding her servant I am fastened to more bonds. Let not your friendship decay to me, whose true endeavour shall never depart from you. God grant you what you would!—May 4. Stony Stratford.
Endorsed :—1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 82.)
E. Countess of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 4. As I have been always troublesome to my good lord, your father, who hath been my best and only means, so I presume upon your honourable favour besides all other. My great wants and extremities, the daily dearness of victuals, whereby I am not able to live here with my pension, urges me to be the more troublesome, humbly beseeching, if by your honourable means I may not obtain the effect of my poor reasonable petition, that it may stand with your good pleasure to take such compassion of my long distressed estate as to procure her Majesty's most gracious letters in my favour to the Lord Deputy and Council; hoping for my money I may live better cheap there. Craving pardon I take leave the iiijth of May 1597.—E. Desmond.
Signed. (50. 83.)
Captain Henry Power to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 4. I crave your Lordship to accept of my service in this your voyage. Here I have lived this half year, and yet never saw the enemy's foot, so that with other matters makes me live discontentedly. I would be graced to lead your Lordship's troop, but if not, what shall please you. If I sue too late, I would yet trail a pike under you. The King of France is drawing his cannon near Amiens. There is come to our quarter 4 cannon from Abvell and is coming from all his towns to the number of 30. So it is thought in two or three months he will do 'somert' to the town of Amiens.—Pickcanie in Picardie, 4 May 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (175. 47.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 4. I have at length procured one of the books of the Spanish preparations, which, not knowing whether her Majesty had seen it, I sent to her and send you a copy. I am certainly advertised that there are twenty great ships sent by the Pope and the States of Italy, all which are assembled at the Groyne ready to take the first wind. There is also another book far more ample of all their provisions and forces, as well by land as sea, with many discourses of encouragement to hope well of the conquest of England, which is in hand to be put forth, but yet stayed until they hear that the fleet is on the way. For they would gladly take us unprovided. They prepare to land 40,000 men wherewith they have swallowed up the poor island of England in their conceit. But He sitteth aloft that can overthrow them.—Ostend, 4 May 1597.
Holograph. 2 pp. (175. 48.)
Sir Francis Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 5. Understanding but lately that there is a new Bishop of Winchester created, requests furtherance to the Bishop of his old suit, according to promise. Intends to submit himself to Cecil's directions, and to take such course as he shall advise without making any other acquainted therewithal; craving only that he may not have to deal with the Bishop, but that the gracious gift of her Majesty may come to him immediate from herself. Has heretofore received such delays at the Bishop's hands as, if he shall be put over to them, he will rest doubtful to have any good success.—Beddington, this fifte of May 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (50. 84.)
Sir Humphrey Druell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, May 6.] Although deserving nothing at Cecil's hands and a mere stranger to him, the report of his honourable use of all men em- boldens the writer to become a suitor to him, not only to be a mean for his deliverance but to keep him from all ill thoughts of her Majesty, for it grieveth his soul to think he should ignorantly do that wherein she should come to be his judge, and judge him to lie by the heels. It were pity she should see so vile a place as that wherein he is, but if she should, she would pity him while he lived. Has truly described it to Lord Essex, only he left out that if after three o'clock he will write or read, he must light a candle; and he will not say that there is a house of office within two foot of his door. If released, he will do what lies in him to make satisfaction to her in the same kind wherein he has offended, “which is by doing my best to get him again.” Importunes his liberty the more because his restraint at this instant may be his undoing; for if Sir Jarvis Clifton should die, who is now sick and no man more likely to die than he when he is sick, he has Druell's land already assured, and the latter has nothing in the world to show for his money. If he may not have his liberty, if Cecil will send for him, he can truly set down all the speeches which passed between Smalman and him, and will set down a plot how he shall be had if Anthony Coots cannot find him, who, as he thinks, may take him if he will.
Endorsed :—“6 May 1597. Sir Humfrey Druell to my Mr. From the Flete.”
Holograph. Undated. 1 p. (50. 85.)
Captain Jo. Chamberlain to the [Earl of Essex].
1597, May 6. The rumours of your intended voyage makes me bold to ask you to recall me by letters to Sir Francis Vere that I may follow you. To-morrow—May 7th in English style—his Excellency starts for Gueldreland, where all the troops are being collected. My colonel goes with him. We have seven companies of English in Holland which are all left behind; only we have orders to be ready by the fourteenth; as we suppose, to keep the Cardinal from drawing to great forces upon the French frontier. Our horse troops have been beaten in Gueldreland and Brabant in the last twelve days.—Delft, May 6, '97.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (61. 2.)
Anthony Rolston to the Earl of Essex and Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 6. I write not to excuse but to confess my faults, and to beseech your honours to be a mean for me to obtain Her Majesty's grace and favour, without which I do not desire to live; also that you would impute my fault rather to want of discretion than to other causes. Although I have lived for some years out of this country, I have not dealt in any matters against the Queen, but have always been ready to serve her to my power. I have always desired to return home, and written many times to Mr. Standen and Mr. Bacon, to beseech them to obtain me grace to return. When Mr. Standen went from Spain, I promised to hold correspondence with Mr. Bacon and him for the Queen's service, and to stay in Spain as long as I could, and if I were commanded to serve in any armada that I would do as I have done and submit myself to the Queen's clemency. You may think the worse of me because I have depended of Fathers Parsons and Creswell. But as matters go in Spain, it is impossible for any Englishman to remain in any part of Spain that will not depend of them. And God knows, without their favour it had gone hard with me. I would not have returned in this sort, could I have found means to remain in Spain or France, but would have remained there to serve my Queen and country, in whose service I desire to employ the little time I have to live. And if you will think me fit to be employed again, I will find means to hold correspondence in Spain and possibly do better service than I have done as yet.—From Mr. Norman Hallyday's house, 6 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 50.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 7. The bearer, Mr. Peaze, having a suit to her Majesty, he has referred him to Cecil, being otherwise hindered himself. Wishes well unto the gentleman and would be glad Cecil yielded him his furtherance, and the rather at this commandment. Has good testimony of his desert from the Archbishop of York and the rest of the Council there, and partly of his own knowledge can say he hath deserved well.—“At the Court, 7 May 1597, your very affectionate and assured friend, Essex.”
Date and subscription in Essex's own handwriting.
Seal. ½ p. (50. 88.)
Sir Humphrey Druell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, May 7.] Right Honorable. I understand by Master Renoldes that it is your pleasure that I set down at large all the speeches which passed between Smallman and me, and those means which I think are likeliest to take him.
My first conference was with Anthony the trumpeter on Monday morning : for I had been to see my Lord of Southampton, and coming from him Anthony came after me and asked me if I heard my good news of Master Arundel's liberty. I told him that I heard how he had answered everything so well as I did think, if Smallman had not run away, he had been at liberty by that time. I will assure you, quoth the trumpeter, he is not run away but will come forth whensoever you will have him. I told him that I was very glad of it and would speak to Master Budden to know your pleasure whether you would have him or no, which I did on Monday in the afternoon. He told me that he should speak to your Honour the next morning, being Tuesday, which was all he answered. I also spake to my Lady Mary Arundell to send to Mr. Budden that he should come and speak with her so soon as he should have seen you : which she did at the least four or five times, and he still answered that he would come, but came not, for if he had I had brought forth Smallman on Tuesday. After many sendings for Budden by my Lady and twice going myself but missing him at night, there came one to my Lady, I think from Mr. Budden, for it was one Joel who delivered his speeches in this manner, that in respect that Mr. Arundell stood upon present delivery it were most fit that Mr. Arundell should upon his own releasement deliver Smallman himself into your hands. I asked him again in the presence of my Lady whether Budden sent that message : he answered, “Mr. Budden hath been with Mr. Secretary and to talk with Mr. Arundell and therefore may not speak with any his friends, but it is sufficient that I say so.” I assuring myself that this was your Honour's pleasure, and therefore looking for no such demand of you the next day, made me answer you so indirectly and drive me into such an amaze as I protest I scarce knew after what I said, which made me besides leave many of the speeches which passed between Smallman and me unrehearsed : this which I will now set down, I will most willingly be sworn unto, and desire that the trumpeter may be so to.
On Tuesday, about twelve o'clock, Anthony came to me to my Lady Mary's and desired to speak with me. When I came to him he desired me to take my cloak and walk a little way with him for that there was one hard by that would fain speak with me. I asked if it were Mr. Small-man : he answered nothing, but smiled and said it was one that would very fain speak with me. I answered that, if it were Smallman, I could say no more to him when I did see him than I had sent him word before by himself—and that was, if he did come before the Council he should deal truly and directly in every thing, and that was best both for his master and himself. “I pray you, Sir,” quoth the trumpeter, “go to him, for he is hard by, for it may be he will say something to you which he will not send by me.” Whereupon I went, and when I came at the back gate in the Strand I was turning twice back again, I will confess truly to your Honour, rather because my Lady should not stay dinner for me (for it was half an hour past twelve) than for any matter or danger which I did think might have come to me by speaking with him, for I confess my own ignorance, more than that I know it to be felony to kill a man or take a purse, I know no law. Well, with many persuasions he got me into Drury Lane : then he told me I should hear him in the next field. He carried me from field to field till I came almost to Graies Inn, and not finding of him there I turned back again to Drury Lane and left the trumpeter running from field to field to seek him : and, when he had found him, he came running after me and overtook me at Drury Lane and desired me to stay for Smallman was coming. When Smallman came to me, Anthony would have gone away, but I called him and said that he should hear what we would say, (I protest unto your Honour of my faith, more by chance than out of any judgement) and then I asked Smallman what he would with me. He told me that he understood by his friend Anthony that it was reported that he was run away and that his master's liberty stood upon his forthcoming. I told him that I heard both the one and the other but I was glad that he shewed himself so honest. “Truly, Sir,” quoth he, “I will come, though I be banged, if it may do my master any good : but I fear it will do him none. For they will put me to my oath for some things which I will never swear, and then perchance I may to the rack. My fairest will be lying by the heels while I live.” I asked him why he should doubt that. He said because he would refuse to swear to many things which he was sure would be offered him, and because he was known to be a Catholick. I told him if he were obstinate he were like enough to lie by the heels : but for being a Catholick, I answered him, as your Honour told me, that I never heard of any that lay by the heels only because he was a Catholick. “Sir,” quoth he, “can you tell me what my Master hath confest?”! I told him “No.” “Sir,” quoth he, “are you sure he hath confessed that he sent me.” I told him I made no doubt, if he did send him, he had confest it. “Sir,” quoth he, “if I had known he would, I would never have gone for him; and truly, if I had been taken with him, I should have denied it.” “Well, Smallman,” quoth I, “it is late : I do not yet know whether they will have you or no. I have spoken to Mr. Budden to ask Mr. Secretary whether you shall come or no, for he hath been a very great friend to Mr. Arundell in this trouble, and therefore, if he will have you, be not out of the way : and when you do come before them deal plainly and truly to everything that shall be demanded of you. And for every particular letter you carried, confess it, if it be demanded : for I dare lay my life that your master hath done so already, for he believing that you were taken with him would never confess an untruth : for in untruths he was sure you could never agree.” “Sir,” quoth he, “I carried never a letter nor anything else, but only a little scroll, with notes to help my memory, and my master's pedigree : but Sir, you are much deceived if you take Mr. Secretary for my master's friend, for you shall see, if he can wrest anything out of me, if he be not the only man that will cut his throat. But, Sir, I will send my friend Anthony to you on Thursday morning : and, if you will have me, I will come.” And turning from me, something he said to Anthony of the Spanish Ambassador, but what it was, so God save me, I know not.
I humbly desire your Honour's favour for my liberty at large, if it be possible, for (so God save me!) it concerns my utter undoing. If not, that for my health I may have the liberty of the house and some of my own servants which may despatch my business here in the town, for I have many men here more than I would : I have many horses here which I would send down. I assure your honour of my credit, as ever I would be believed of you, I will not speak to any man, nor send any message, either secretly or indirectly, concerning Mr. Arundell. My being here will not help anything to the getting of Smallman : if I might have my liberty, I protest, upon my allegiance to her Majesty, I will do all that lieth in me for the getting of him, and I will not only myself labour for it but I will set all my men to watch for him. If Anthony do his best he may get him : but if in plain truth he be gone out of his hands, there is one Church which was in Hungary with him. I can describe him no ways so well as that he married my Lady of Northumberland's woman that died last. This Church and Smallman are as familiar as men may be, and I think that Church knoweth whatsoever Smallman knows in the world : and, if Anthony cannot find him, without doubt Church knoweth where he is. Mr. Warden of the Fleet telleth me that one Corbet is very familiar with Smallman, but what this Corbet is I know not, nor where he keeps. Neither do I know where Mr. Church keepeth but that I think that Mr. Arundell can tell. So God save me, Sir, this is all I can do, if it lay upon the saving of my life. I humbly desire your Honour again and again that you will keep me from her Majesty's displeasure.
P.S.—Some one or two things the trumpeter may speak on which I have left out, but of no worth. I will tell your Honour what they be whensoever it pleaseth you to call me before you.
Endorsed :—“7 May 1597. Sir Humfrey Drewell to my Mr.”
Holograph. 3 pp. (50. 89.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 7. Since my last there is no alteration in the resolutions of this state, notwithstanding that since the return of Mons. de Buzenval there hath been means made to have them draw their forces into the field. Mons. de Barnevelt maketh it his work to stay all till her Majesty's mind be further known, and he hath enough to do to bring it to pass, having most of the provinces banded against him. He is the stiffer in this matter for that myself recommended the forwarding of the exploits of Callis to him, being thereunto expressly commanded by her Majesty, and I assure myself when aid shall be required hence he will acquit himself to the full. In the mean time if her Majesty by some-few lines would take knowledge of his endeavours, it would confirm him very much, and give us her Majesty's ministers here more strength to do her service. His Excellency is to-morrow taking his journey towards Guelderland, whither I wait on him, to the executing of an exploit upon Usuto, being promised by a mariner to deliver so many men as his ship can hold at the quay of the town near a port, the attempt of which there is good means to second. There is some doubt of double dealing which will make us proceed with the greatest circumspection we can. The enemy marcheth towards Luxemburg to the assuring of those quarters, the French having of late taken Yvry and La Fere and cut in pieces 800 soldiers and two companies of horse. This diversion falleth out very fitly if there be any purpose against Callis, and is an occasion worthy the taking. I do assure myself you would embrace it willingly and I as gladly be a follower of yours in that action, though I know it a work full of travail and difficulties. We do now expect daily to be delivered out of the doubtful state we are in, and wish and pray that it may be with some worthy employment of yourself. The princes of Portugal are very well received here and put in hope to have a good stipend, so that already they begin to look further. If you go to the coast of Spain they vow to attend you, and make themselves believe they should not be altogether unprofitable, specially if you looked on Portugal.—Hague, this 7 May 1597.
P.S.—If her Majesty send Mr. Barnevelt any lines I would be glad to deliver them him. I am greatly beholden unto him, and desire he should know that her Majesty is informed from time to time of his endeavours.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (50. 91.)
George Goring to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 7. Prays continuance of his favour and good opinion. Omits the performance of some duties to Cecil as he conceives he is best pleased it should be so. Is not unmindful of his goodness, but is and will be most faithful to him.—May 7, 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (50. 92.)
Francis Cherry to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 8. Our suit was for a licence to transport a thousand pound weight of bullion in Spanish money or dollars to pay for 3,000 quarters of wheat contracted for with the Emperor of Muscovia by our agent, to be brought thence into England, as you may perceive by the copy of the petition enclosed. If you think it will prevail we should be right glad you would effect it; otherwise we desire not to have it attempted, although it be for a good purpose and benefit to this land. Herein we desire your answer, for that thereon we are to resolve to send into other countries for provision thereof, being bound unto it by the contract, acknowledging ourselves very much beholden to you for obtaining her Majesty's hand to the Emperor and the Lord “Borise Fedarie” letters concerning the bell metal.—From Tower Street, 8 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (50. 93.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 9. This gentleman, Mr. Meysy, not desirous to spend his days in a garrison, and persuading himself that this summer will give occasion to some gallant actions, hath willingly given over his place which he had here. Truly I was unwilling to part with him, but seeing his desire so just and the small means I have myself to do for anybody, I could not be against it. It may please you to know him, and the more for my sake. He hath followed the wars many years, and first of all under mine own colours. All this last winter he hath been lieutenant to Capt. Nicholas Baskervile and discharged the place to my very good contentment. If you have occasion to employ men I doubt not but he will discharge any such place as it shall please you to bestow upon him.—At Flushing; 9 May 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 95.)
Sir Geoffrey Fenton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 9. On behalf of the bearer, Jo. Baggott, late soldier in this realm under the leading of Sir George Bourchier, being maimed of one of his legs in her Majesty's service, who hath obtained letters of the Lord Deputy and Council unto the Lords of the Council for their furtherance to her Majesty for his future maintenance.—From Dublin, 9 May 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (50. 97.)
Robert Beale to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 9. Since I attended you at Westminster I have advised Mr. Arundel to deal plainly with you and to take order that Smallman might be come by, for that his absence could not but give great occasion of suspicion and aggravate his case the more : and if he could be otherwise gotten (as it is likely he would be shortly), then if any other matter should fall out against him more than he had before voluntarily confessed, he would deserve no favour at all. To this he hath answered me that he knoweth not where Smallman is, nor knew what was become of him, for Smallman coming into the house after that he was stayed by Mr. Waad and sequestered from the speech of any, he could not be privy to his departure or absenting of himself, but thinketh that it proceeded of himself alone, of a fear that being apprehended he might be used as a brother of his, being a recusant, was before. Mr. Arundel addeth further, that Smallman, to his knowledge, never was in Italy nor in any other places beyond the seas save only in Germany and the Low Countries; that he knew him a soldier in the camp in Hungary and fallen into some necessity because he could not get his whole pay; and therefore, he minding to return into England, was contented to admit him into his company by reason he lacked one skilful of the Almain tongue, as Doctor Wills was, being deceased, who went out with him. And whereas he sent Smallman back again to the Emperor's court, it was not for any other intent than to show his pedigree, that the Emperor might see that he had not bestowed that title of honour upon any base person. Nevertheless he would be contented to enter into bond that if he should hereafter understand where the said Smallman was, he would inform you thereof, to the intent he might be had. And if he were at liberty it might be that Smallman would come unto him; but as his case now was he could do nothing, nor thought that he should understand anything of Smallman's doings during his restraint.
Touching the point of his title and pretended dignity I have at sundry times had speeches with him, and have declared unto him my simple opinion that the Emperor could not lawfully grant any such honour in regno non recognoscente superiorem without a great prejudice of her Majesty and the whole nobility of the realm, against whom it were a folly for him to stand; and therefore, seeing I had heard that the Emperor had made a special reservation of her Majesty's rights, as there was great cause he should, and her Highness could not like of it, he should do well to leave it off, and not to proceed in a matter which he was not like to obtain, but might breed him much evil will and trouble. To this he saith that from the beginning, sith his return into England, he hath by writing under his hand submitted the matter to her Majesty's good pleasure, to hold it if her Highness should think good, or to leave it; and so would be contented that, without any further challenge or suit, the patent should remain among his evidences as a testimonial of his service against the common enemy of Christendom and of the Emperor's goodwill towards him.
I have also dealt with him touching his religion, wherein he seemeth to be earnestly bent. It is the Lord that must open his heart and no power of flesh or blood; yet he saith that he is not so obstinate but will be contented to admit any conference. He seemeth very careful of the lady his wife who is lately come up to London, for that she is a sickly and weak woman, and may perhaps not so patiently bear his trouble as he could desire. She hath sundry times sent unto him to understand how de doeth; I have received the message and made an answer without suffering any interview and speech with the messengers, as they desired, but I would not admit it without your special licence—wherein I beseech you that I may understand your pleasure.
I beseech you remember my poor estate. My household was removed into the country before I received him into my charge, and trusting that his abode with me would not have been so long as it hath been, I made the best provision that I could. Now my drink and other provisions are almost spent, so as besides the hindrance of many my other businesses I am like to be put to a further charge than my poor livelihood will bear. Wherefore, if I may not be discharged of him before the next Sunday, I would desire licence to remove him to my house at Barnes for some such further season as you shall think convenient.—From my poor house in London, the 9th of May 1597. [P.S.] Mr. Arundel hath desired paper and ink to write unto you, which I have presumed to permit unto him, seeing he hath promised he will write nothing otherwise than as he hath delivered unto me by word of mouth and I have here certified unto you.
Signed. 2 pp. (50. 98.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil, his kinsman.
1597, May 9. Understanding by Mr. Beale that Smallman's escape hath aggravated her Majesty's mislike of me, I am to desire your favour in making her Majesty acquainted with these my protestations. First, that neither by Smallman nor by any other I have written any letter to any man beyond the seas, nor received letter from any beyond seas for 7 or 8 years past, that letter of Mons. d'Groote only excepted which you saw. Secondly, that Smallman (whom I found a private soldier in Hungary and for his Dutch tongue entertained him in my return homeward) was willing to go back to Prague in hope there to get 17 months' pay which was due unto him, whereupon I furthered his voyage and gave him certain instructions concerning my own private only, and no other, I protest, whereof the chiefest was a pedigree drawn by myself, to the end Bervisius (whose love, for his hate to the Spanish oppressions, I did especially embrace) might know the honour of my descent. Thirdly, that whereas some do now report that Smallman should be a dangerous man, that he should have been at Rome, &c., I do assure upon my knowledge that he was never in other country out of England than in the Low Countries, where he served as a soldier in the Brill, and in Hungary; that he is no scholar at all; that he speaketh no word of other language than the Dutch, and that his friends being not able to maintain him, he is willing by any kind of service to get his living, which in my conscience is the farthest end he aims at. Lastly, to shew my forwardness to have him brought forth, I am persuaded there is no better way (if already he be not out of England, seeing it is now almost three weeks since he escaped) than that myself should return to my own house, where notwithstanding I will ever be forthcoming; assuring myself that he will repair to me as soon as he shall hear of my enlargement, which if he do, I promise upon my faith and duty to her Majesty to send him to yourself.
I am sorry that the discourse which, together with a letter, I had directed to my lord your father should any way stir up the dislike of my ever reverenced Sovereign against me. First, I am well assured it is full of all dutiful respect to her Majesty; secondly, it cannot be thought that I meant other than well in it, seeing it was directed to my Lord Treasurer, the severity of whose judgment is not unknown; thirdly, as I have often heretofore so I do now still submit myself, the title, and whatever is mine to her Majesty's disposition. Lastly, to shew that this submission is effectual and not verbal only, I have in divers obligations written myself Thomas Arundel esquire; and this, I hope, together with the sweetness of her Majesty's gracious disposition, is sufficient to clear me from any discontent of the highest. It remaineth only that I entreat that by your means I may once again enjoy the light of those beams from which I have by my hard hap these two years been banished. Liberty would be dear unto me, but not dear in respect of the blissful favour of the dearest : wherefore I do again and again desire you to entreat for the one and to importune the other.—From my closest imprisonment this present Monday.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (50. 96.)
William Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 9. Asking for letters to Sir Richard Shuttleworth in favour of the cause of his son-in-law William Powell.—Allterenys, 9 May 1597.
½ p.
Enclosure :—Draft letter as above.
½ p. (2497.)
George Chamberlayne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 10. I think I have given sufficient satisfaction unto you of my coming unto this realm of England, which if it be so I see no reason (submitting my judgment under correction of such as sitteth in higher rooms and by that means may see the further) in my simple judgment, I say, I see no reason but that I might have my liberty given me, or at least the liberty of the city, unto such time as you will determinate further of me. If I have offended in any thing against the laws of this realm and that willingly, I am as willingly content to be punished according to my deserts; if unwillingly, I hope you will ask no more amends at my hands than to be banished out of the realm. But if neither of the one side nor of the other I be found guilty, I shall most humbly crave to have my liberty that I may go live with my friends of that poverty which they are content to bestow upon me, with promise to do all service that lieth in my small ability unto her Majesty and this realm.—From Mr. Gore his house, this 10th of May 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 99.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 10. Mr. Chambers of the Exchequer has acquainted me with her Majesty's pleasure that Mr. Meredith shall be used as her Paymaster for the Low Countries, if it be he shall be able to find surety for 5,000l., who has already delivered the names of sufficient persons for 3,800l., being as much or more as shall come to his hands for any one month's payment. And therefore if her Majesty would be pleased to accept of his surety for 4,000l. I think it would be sufficient, for now the term is done he shall be much troubled to find more surety. And hereof I pray you to acquaint her Majesty and let me speedily know her pleasure.—From my house in the Strand this 10th of May 1597. Your loving Father.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (175. 49.)
Sir Francis Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 11. I have conferred with my lord bishop [of Winchester] concerning my suit, whom I find very willing to refer the whole matter to yourself and to agree to any sum of money you shall think meet for me to have. He hath appointed me a day to come again to him, and purposeth in the mean time to know your pleasure in all things that shall concern this cause. Wherefore I beseech you that you would press him for the sum of two thousand marks, otherwise it will fall out to a shorter reckoning than I expect considering what must be disbursed out thereof.—Beddington, 11 May 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (50. 100.)
Sir George Carew to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 11. If you have remembered Mr. Furner for his saltpetre and powder it is requisite that a privy seal should be drawn up to that effect, which I beseech you let me know that I may attend you with the same. The warrant and privy seal for those twelve ships already furnished I do likewise beseech you to send me by this bearer, that when the warrant is copied out in the office it may be returned to my lord of Essex, and that the privy seal may be paid.—From the Minorites, this 11 of May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (50. 103.)
The Earl of Essex to Lord Burghley.
1597, May 11. The bearer James Antony is a suitor to serve the apparel to the soldiers in the Low Countries, and hath offered such rates as the bargain will be beneficial to her Majesty. The only stop hath been that he hath not offered merchants to be sureties for the performance of his bargain. In which respect, since I was his mediator to her Majesty first, and that I am in conscience persuaded that the bonds of noblemen which he tendereth are more safe than those of ordinary merchants who grow bankrupt every year, I commend him to your good favour, to whom her Majesty tells me she hath referred the cause.—11 May.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (50. 101.)
Sir Humphrey Druell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 12. Whether my fault be great or small I know not, but sure I am my punishment is great, and much more greater than any fault I have willingly committed could have deserved. I vow I have truly delivered every particular which I know; whether it hath made the better or the worse for myself I know not, but if I had been sure it would have been the worse for me in the highest yet would I have done it, and trusted to mercy rather than be found to go about colourably to hide anything. Myself can crave no belief at your hands, because I am altogether unknown unto you, but if you would have trusted me and not have committed me I should as surely have delivered you Smallman the next day as I now live; and yet dare I engage my hand to be cut off that the trumpeter can yet fetch him if he have not conveyed him away. I can crave no belief, and therefore will not go about to justify myself, yet I desire you to do me that favour as but ask of any with whom I have kept company (as I have done with most) and I dare undertake they will all answer for me that in their consciences I am and ever was as free from ever thinking of any matters (besides my own pleasures, which have been more than my ability was well able to maintain) as any man that ever lived. And for further proof of my most loyal heart to her Majesty (let it not be said that I do it to buy my liberty with a desperate offer, for I hope my cause is such as it requireth it not, but let me have the honour for doing of it) and whensoever the Spanish fleet shall come, put me into what ship or pinnace you will, and let but the general or admiral point me out any one Spanish ship in the whole fleet and bid me put fire into her I will either do or die for it. I can say no more for myself. If there [is] a fault that Smallman was not had it was not directly in me, for had I known your pleasure I could at that time have had him. But to lay the fault truly it was either in Budden or in Joell; for after I knew he was to be had I went to Budden in my Lady Mary's name, who desired me to go to him to know your pleasure whether you would have him or no. She sent at the least ten times after he had been with you; he still answered he would come, but came not. At night Joell came and answered as I have already written. I asked him if that were your answer and whether Budden sent that message or no. He answered again that Budden had only leave to go to Mr. Arundell and therefore might talk with none of his friends; and so forth. I answered that he was to be had within four or five days or not at all, for he had told me unless my lady would give him board wages his money was spent and that he must go shift for himself. She answered she would give him none, for it was against her will that Mr. Arundel entertained him at all. I told Joell how I was altogether ignorant of the laws and would be loth to come in question or trouble for any man; I might now have him, and if he were gone before Mr. Arundel were at liberty and then neither he nor I could get him, if it were no danger to me? He answered me no, it could be none. I desired his hand : to so much he denied it, but told me it could be no danger, in a manner laughing at my ignorance for asking such a question. Whereupon I being something angry sware by God's blood if ever it came in question I would say it was long of him; whereupon he desired me that I would not bring him in question, but bade me follow my own course. All these speeches passed in the hearing of my Lady Mary. Thus I will cease from troubling you, only desiring your favour for my liberty if it may be; if not, for the liberty of the house. If my fault be so great as I may have neither, yet that I may have the liberty of the garden with my keeper for fresh air, for I protest unto you I do not think there is ever a house of office in this town that hath so bad a savour as my chamber hath.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (50. 102.)
Henry Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil, his brother in law.
1597, May 12. John de Revera, whom my father much favoured, hath intreated me to recommend his suit unto you; do in his cause what you may in conscience, the poor man is to be relieved and the truth known. This Bassadona will be found in his proceeding most unjust against this man, and this I leave to your better understanding, that if there were any true ground on Bassadona's side would he yield to have the goods equally divided between them, his means by friendship so far overpassing Revera's? His desire is very reasonable, that the cause may be referred to the law.—From my house in the Black Friars, the 12 of May 1597.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (50. 104.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 12. The executions are come forth against me so as I dare not walk abroad, neither am I able to defray for my diet in my lodging. If I be committed I must perish for want of maintenance. I therefore beseech you upon my knees, according to your former godly inclination used in procuring a pension for me, so now be a mean to her Majesty for granting my humble request in the enclosed note. I must deliver the parties that shall discover such obligations forfeited to her Highness as are not returned to any court of record the one half of the sum I require. I hope by that means to satisfy my creditors and quit my patent and henceforth not to trouble you for causes of debt.—My chamber, 12 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (50. 105.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 12. I have understood particularly from Roland Whyte the course held about my horse company and the small success it hath had notwithstanding the earnest suit by Mons. Caron in behalf of the States; and thereby do perceive how easy it is to give opposition unto me, and how hard for me to be defended. It maketh me also to remember the disgraceful posting of me away the last year when the time gave some tokens that good might be done for me, notwithstanding all the fair promises were made unto you of forwardness for your sake to advance me, and already you were with victory returned from your voyage. Hereto also I must add the refusal of my leave the last year without any appearance of occasion. I will not say that this crossing of me is only for your sake, since I see you are suffered to prevail in greater matters for some of your friends, and not for me in these slight ones, though it hath pleased you to grace me so much as to make shew unto the world that you make more than ordinary account of me. But I must persuade myself it is out of some particular ill will to mine own person; yet I do not know any occasion I have given other than that I made open profession that I could not be drawn from the love of you by your adversaries, though their power were sufficiently known to all men, and they gave me good tokens to see that I might have had part in their greatness. I see that they take a constant course with me, suffering not anything to be dealt in for me whereunto they give not opposition; as on the other side I see your lordship with difficulty enough to wade through your own business, and that in them also you are forced to use their assistance. If it be in your power to work my reputation or profit, I will assure myself that I shall not be forgotten. And if this prepared journey be to the place that is imagined of many, I hope, being so near the place as it is, you may procure me leave to be with you. I remember a charge you told me you would reserve for me (when you went unto Cales) if the war did continue; I will not challenge any promise of it, but if you think me worthy of it I trust to discharge it like an honest man. Or if I miss of it, that also being not free unto you to do for me, yet I will not think worse of my fortune than I do already, nor less of your affection towards me.—At Flushing, the 12 of May '97.
Holograph. 2 pp. (50. 106.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 12. Deliver this enclosed writing unto her Majesty and humbly beseech her to let it be read before her. Though it may seem long yet is there nothing in it which doth not concern her own service, and which is not fit for her to know, to whom the good or ill of this town doth wholly appertain. I also beseech you that out of your judgment and experience of matters of war you will present unto her Majesty the necessity in such a town as this to be provided of all things required against a siege or surprise, and that if occasion be you will take again into your hands the discourse I sent unto her Majesty (and for her was delivered unto you) of the importance and other things concerning this town. Your lordship is Master of the Ordinance, out of which charge must come almost all things which are desired of me. I trust your lordship, both for the necessity of the cause itself and for that such a town as this shall not be in any danger for want of such things as may seem to belong unto your care, will be earnest with her Majesty that order may be given unto you to furnish this town according to my demands, wherein you shall make this whole garrison bound unto you for helping them to means to defend (if occasion be) their lives and reputations. The Governor can but for it pray to God for you, since already he is as much as he can be your most affectionate servant.—At Flushing, the 12 of May '97.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 107.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 12. I leave to Sir William Woodhouse, the bearer of this, to tell how ready I am to second him in his requirements. M. Buzenvalle both when making his proposition and since has always shown how needful it is to help the King in order to strengthen his resolution to continue the war against Spain. He urges also very hard to have them here make a camp and do somewhat to divert the Cardinal's forces from France, at least in part. As yet are they not resolved what to do, but wait to hear from the Queen, and yet fear that by delay occasions are lost. Their ships are ready to start, but if no special service be undertaken they could be contented to save the charge. Some small advertisement might enable us to do something in the way of furtherance and preparation. At present Sir Francis Vere and myself understand so little of what passes at home that we are forced to take it at those men's hands who ought rather to receive it from us. How Count Maurice missed surprising Venlo Sir William can enlarge. Order was sent to all captains to hold their companies ready against the 15th of this month to go to field, but no preparations made ready as yet, having only served to make the Cardinal doubt of some design and keep some of his men from France, as was reported he purposed, and to go to Arras in person. I have already spoken of the proposals to besiege Calais or make an attempt on the coast of Spain.—The Hague, 12 May 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (175. 51.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, May 13.] I perceive not by your letter brought by this bearer that mine written this forenoon is come to you, and to that matter then written, I can add nothing.
The number of 700, if Lilly spake truly, are with the most, for he hath checked but 200l. I abhor Baskerville's covetousness.
For men to be had, I think London might yield 200, Essex, Kent, Sussex, and Hertford 400, and I think there would be found 100 voluntaries of such as were dismissed from the Downs.—Your best father, W. Burghley.
Holograph. ½ p. (50. 109.)
Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 13. Now that I had concluded for Anton's offer to provide the apparel for the Low Countries, and with the Merchant Adventurers for payment of the money already due, and with Meredith to be the paymaster, and with sureties for Otwell Smyth, thinking that when her Majesty should have signed the warrants and Meredith's commission these my labours would have been at end for this present, I have received letters from Carmarden and Beecher, signifying that I should consider of certain articles offered by Beecher in a paper which I send you, being desirous to know her Majesty's pleasure whether I shall stay all former conclusions and accept of Quarles, who is Beecher's brother-in-law, to serve accordingly to the offer, and then I will do as the potter doth, in breaking of a pot already made and in forming of a new. In this matter I am very indifferent what course to take, bending myself to follow only that which shall best like her Majesty.
I was purposed upon ending of these troublesome matters to have come to the Court to have seen both her Majesty to my bodily comfort, and to have had some spiritual sight of the Holy Ghost this Pentecost; but I am newly vexed with the gout, whereby I am stayed from my purpose for my bodily sight of her Majesty, and yet hope by God's grace to have my spiritual comfort here in my own house, by calling on God for His grace and the fruit of His Holy Ghost, to whose favour I commit you to direct you.—13 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (50. 110.)
Encloses :
For the performance of Her Majesty's services of the Low Countries and of France.
Edward Quarles, a merchant well known to be of very good ability and credit, shall be the man (with her Majesty's gracious favour) to undertake it.
The greatest part of the service shall be first satisfied before payment required from her Majesty. And for so much of the service as shall require advance of money security shall be given by very able merchants in London to contentment. And her Majesty shall have as great a profit out of the service as is offered by Anton or can be performed by any other.
½ p.
Jacomo Marenco to The Earl of Essex.
1597, May 13/23. I wrote to you on the 17th of this month, although the bearer did not leave until the 20th. A Spanish courier with letters from the King of Spain to his ministers in Italy has been intercepted. He writes to the Prince Doria that orders have been given to Don Pedro di Toledo with the galleys of Naples and Don Pedro di Lerma with those of Sicily to embark the two regiments (terzi) raised at Naples and to sail for Spain; the Prince is not to admit any excuse from Don Pedro di Toledo on the score of the bad state of the galleys of Naples, inasmuch as all defects will be made good in Spain; he himself is to embark at Vado on the Riviera with the regiment levied at Milan, and to sail for Spain, touching at Majorca, where he will find the two regiments raised in Majorca and Minorca and some ships for their transport; thence he is to sail to join the rest in Portugal. It is clear that this expedition is aimed against England or Brittany. There will be more than sixty galleys in this great fleet, besides the ships collected from the Spanish ports. In Ferrol I hear there are sixty-three ships in no good order, with timid and cowardly troops, who could easily be defeated; and this would be enough to put a stop to all their designs. You will probably hear of this letter from the King of France, but in case of delay from any cause this letter will serve you, but let it be kept secret and committed to the fire. In case any despatches should be needed in future, it would be well to have some small credit here. So far Signor Antonio has provided money for this purpose. But he is now in such need that he cannot do it, and does not even know how he can follow the King as he ought to do without some assistance, which he cannot make up his mind to ask for knowing the King's difficulties. A messenger from the Duke of Savoy has arrived here to ask for a few days' truce in order to begin negociations for a peace. Some think it a cheat with the intention of putting off operations for this summer so as to set free the Spanish troops now employed in defending the Duchy. Yesterday there arrived a messenger from the Grand duke of Tuscany, it is said, to explain the conduct of his officers in expelling the French from the Castle of S., which was believed to have been done to please the Spaniard.—Paris, 23 May 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 2 pp. (175. 52.)