Cecil Papers: May 1597, 16-31

Pages 201-228

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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May 1597, 16–31

Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 16. Recommending the bearer, a French gentleman newly returned out of the wars of Hungary, who is desirous of seeing England. He has letters of introduction from Mons. de Buzemval, the French ambassador. He states that since his coming from the Hague he has understood that Count Maurice has failed in an attempt on Venlo.—Flushing, 16 May 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (51. 1.)
Sir John Forster to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 16. I desire your honourable favour for the furtherance of my enlargement at Her Majesty's hands, considering the weakness to which my aged body is brought through long confinement.—This 16 of May 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (51. 2.)
The Doge of Venice to Queen Elizabeth.
1597, May 16. Whereas herebefore he requested that Octavio Negro might be sent unto him, which her Majesty by her letter of the 23 December '93 signified she was contented to do upon conditions, the Duke now desireth that her Majesty will be content that, when he is sent, he may be committed to safe custody and examined before a judge, that it may appear what they were that were guilty of the same fault, and giveth the word of a prince that no execution shall pass against him, but when the truth is known they will suffer him to depart at liberty.
Touching the request that their ships go not into Spain, they cannot forbear the traffic, and it is to their great grief that their ships are embargoed for the King's service, which they seek so to remedy that their ships may have free liberty by all means possible; the more earnestly, they understand her Majesty's pleasure.
As touching the controversy between certain merchants and Mr. Lock, they have taken such order as the same shall be referred to the hearing of judges deputed by her Majesty.
Précis. ½ p. (52. 85.)
Sir Humphrey Druell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 17. I hope you will pardon my often suing for my liberty. I will do what I may for the getting of Smalman. I most humbly desire your Lordship that I may not lie here to my great disgrace for the not forthcoming of a man whom I do what lieth in me to get. I know he will be had. If any one word passed between us more than I have already set down, believe me to be the most unhonest man that ever lived.
Holograph. Signed. ½ p. (51. 3.)
Mr. Quarles
1597, May 17. “I have accordinge to my promise meditated upon your conference yesternight; I have also weighed and considered how much it standeth me in credit and reputation so childishly to break off with the Lls (as you would have me) by seeming to make exceptions against the articles and covenants which I should enter into, and therefore your conference and counsel in that behalf I must needs reject and cast off. I have already acquainted you how apparent I have made my purpose of this action unto the world by seeking my sureties and otherwise, and that for my better ableness and readiness to do her Majesty good service therein, I have determined the relinquishment of my other business, wherein you made me answer that I had done either foolishly or ignorantly, as not being acquainted with the manner of the Court, which, you said, was one to-day and to-morrow another; which course of dealing indeed I know not, neither do I think to find any such uncertainty therein as your conceits would make of it. But if you will perforce go on in this your disorderly course, then both in respect of my duty as also for avoiding my own blame, I must of necessity make known to her Majesty and the Lls your double dealing towards her in this matter, which doth apparently shew itself to be carried for your own regard chiefly, and not for any dutiful respect of her Majesty's best profit, in that you make your offer first of a thousand pounds and so rising by degrees, which doth rather show in you a desire to give interruption to her Majesty's good and honourable service, than any way truly to advance her profit. And so without further desire to trouble you or myself with further conference, I commit you to God.—17 May 1597.
Endorsed :—“The copie of Quarles his letter to Babington and Bromeley.”
(51. 4.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 17. Anthony Atkinson, now customs searcher here, and one Wakefield of Beverley, who for some misdemeanour was put from some office there, mean, for their private advantage, to move the Council that only two common quays or staiths be erected here, at which only all men's goods should be laid down or taken up. This would turn to the decay of the whole town, and the ruin of the chiefest street, one side of which stands on the haven, and the dwellings thereof maintained only by the profit of the cranes. As for Her Majesty's hindrances, they may be presently redressed by placing one or two honest men in the place of seacher, and removing him that is in. We pray for stay of the project.
The Council granted that the towns of Wakefield, Halifax, Leeds, &c. should contribute, with York and this town, towards the setting forth the ship from this port in the late service to Calez; and wrote to the Archbishop of York and the Council in the north parts thereon to further the same. The inhabitants of those towns have put us off, and will not agree upon a certain sum. We crave that 400l. be set down, the general charges amounting to 1,600l. The contribution is only hindered by one John Savell, a justice of the peace in those parts.—Kingston-upon-Hull, 17 May 1597.
Signed by John Chapman, mayor, and others.
2 pp. Damaged by damp. (213. 65.)
Anne, Lady Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 18. My honourable cousin, I enclose a letter from my son Callisthenes, who desires to be protected with your honourable favour, and to be employed by you.—From my house in Hollborne this 18 of May.
Holograph. ½ p. (51. 5.)
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 18. I had hoped to have satisfied your honour of the apprehension of Smalman, who was gone but a quarter of an hour from his lodgings when he was sought for. I have spoken with the man in whose house he lieth at Islington and he has promised to see him apprehended at his return, which is expected to-day. In the mean season I thought it meet to send the Trumpeter to your Honour. He hath dealt very lustily in this matter, for, since he was before your Honour, he has been in company with Smalman, and has sworn to him not to bewray him, and standeth upon honour that unless it be for matter of state, he will not apprehend him; but I assure myself he will be brought to do it if your Honour will deal roundly with him. I have privily directed to have the passengers at London and Gravesend searched, if any suspected person attempt to escape. The messenger is returned out of the North that was sent from hence for Atkinson the priest, who, it appears, went into Spain a little after Easter with a brother of his. He attempted to pass at Newcastle, but being put back there, hath taken some other way. Please return the enclosed, which may be the means of catching the writer, a servant to Garnett the Jesuit. There are this night escaped out of Bridewell an Irish Bishop and Watson the priest. If I may write to Mr. Wadham I think Watson can be taken again. As you know I willed Mr. Wadham to enquire for Watson's coffers. They contain value, and may be the means of bringing him forth, for I believe he will go to the place where they are.—18 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (51. 6.)
J. Guicciardini to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 18/28. Mr. Henry Ardier, the bearer, is fully informed as to anything I may have omitted in my former letters, and also as to all other our affairs here. There is no fresh news. I hope to hear of the safe arrival of my other letters.—Florence, 28 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (51. 41.)
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 19. Smalman is taken, thanks to Lieutenant Simondes and the diligence of the messengers. I have committed him close prisoner to the Counter in Wood Street. The man is a very tall goodly fellow and one that can brave it in words as well as any man that I ever heard.—From Wood Street the 19 of May 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (51. 7.)
William Lyllé to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 19. We are now lodged upon a little river called Conty, at a village called Ver about 3 miles from Amiens, under the conduct of St. Paul and St. Cire, who are accompanied with one regiment of French and certain companies of Swiss. In all we are not a thousand or 1200 foot, and horse 500. We would willingly cause the enemy to fight, where-unto he will by no means be drawn; and, upon some advices by letters intercepted that Portocarriera “wrought” unto the Cardinal, wherein he discoursed his want of men to defend such a town of such estendence and means how to put them in secretly, passing the river and marching through woods, the Marshall would have had us approached nearer the town, but finding their own weakness ceased to do it, and find that our being here doth better defend their incursions on the country and cover Normandy, and withal ourselves, than to approach too near and so to be subject to every sally and surprise. In the town already by this restraint all fresh victuals are very dear, and every day will increase to extremity. The soldier is thereof become already the merchant and the burgher pays extremely. Withal it is thought they have little salt, their corn and wine cannot last ever, yet to conserve that they send all the poorest forth together with the inprofitable. It is feared that while the K. and his council seek means upon this subject to put money in their purses, they will lose the fairest opportunity that ever was presented to any men, and when he shall be ready his nobility will be weary and will home. We have yet but three cannons; we attend every day more and the K. coming, but both stay long, so as amongst the best judgments this fair occasion is doubted to be ill conducted. The Count d'Auvergne is already gone discontented from hence, the cause yet I cannot learn, but will very shortly, for I will to Paris if it please God. Where I will know of my old friends the conceit of these affairs. Your Lordship's bedesman.
P.S.—An egg is said to be worth in the town 3 ds. and a pound of butter 30 ds.; of beef and mutton there is none, and are said to begin to eat their horses.
Amongst our commanders, I mean the Marshall and St. Paul (the other being but a prince of the blood) there is no good consent, and upon a new resolution we are again to go above the town upon the river towards Corbie, where we may quickly receive a disgrace if they dare sally out, for all our army together is not 6,000 and is divided much.—The Camp about Amiens, this 19 of May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (51. 8.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 19. Mons. Barneveult hath had some inkling that there is a purpose to demand 6000 men hence of her Majesty's subjects and theirs, which I perceive will be easily granted, and perchance more if they were well urged, for the enterprize of Callis is greatly favoured. I do wish that your Honour may prevail so far as to have it undertaken out of hand, for the purpose cannot be hidden from the enemy, who will make by all their endeavours their best provisions, so that they will hope to draw the siege in length till the arrival of the Cardinal's armies and then see what can be done on an enemy worn and tired with so laboursome and dangerous siege as that is like to prove. His Excellency's enterprize on Venlo failed, those which had seized the port being put back before their seconds could arrive. The troops are returned to their garrisons, where they are like to remain till they be resummoned by her Majesty's Order, which we all attend with exceeding dudgeon.—Hague, 19 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (51. 9.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 19. I received the enclosed for your Lordships from Sir Francis Godolphin on the 17th instant. Other news there is none, but generally exceptions taken that all manner of charges should be imposed upon the foreigners and the “tinores” suffered to go free. The gentlemen are resolved to signify their griefs unto your Lordships anew. By my next you shall hear concerning the 600 men to be levied in Devon and Cornwall.—From Buckland this present, being the 19 May 1597.
Noted on back :—“From Buckland, 11 a.m.; Ashburton, 6 p.m.; Exeter 10 p.m.; Honiton, 1 a.m.; Crewkerne, 6 a.m. and past, the 20th May. Sherborn, 10.30 a.m. on 20th; Shafton, 12; Sarum, 3 p.m.; Andover, 7 p.m.; Basing, 10 p.m.; Harfordbridge, midnight.”
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (51. 10.)
1597, May 19. Estimate of the cost of four ships.
1 p. (51. 11.)
Bill of Exchange.
1597, May 19/29. Bill of exchange, payable fifteen days after sight, to Don Geronimo Gualter Capata, of King Philip's Council and his paymaster general in Flanders, for 1,500 reales de plata equivalent of money received.
Signed, but signature unintelligible.
Headed :—“J. H. S. en war [Antwerp?] 29 de Mayo 1597.”
Add :—A Luis Federiqui, que Dios g., en Sevilla.”
Spanish. 1 p. (175. 63.)
William Medeley to Sir Rorert Cecil.
1597, May 20. I crave a letter in my behalf to my cousin Mr. William Goodyeare, of Powlesworth in Warwickshire, for his effectual proceeding in a marriage for me now resting wholly in his conclusion. Such a letter will be “a good essential argument to persuade the widow the rather to attentiveness.”
P.S.—I wish you could send down some more priests. My number is so small and their poverty so great, some at this instant in extreme peril of death, and some otherwise taken from me and bestowed, viz. one in the gatehouse, that lost is the time about their attendance.—Wisbeach, 20 May 1597.
Endorsed :—“A letter to be written him concerning his marriage.”
Holograph. ¾ p. (51. 12.)
Corn from Russia.
1597, May 20. Warrant from the Queen to Lord Burghley licensing the Company of Merchants trading into Russia to export 500 pounds in reals or dollars as payment for three thousand quarters of grain bought in Russia. Granted owing to the scarcity of corn in England.—Greenwich, the twentieth day of May in the nine and thirtieth year of our reign.
Sign Manual. Signet. 1 p. (51. 13.)
Sir Nicholas Parker to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 21. An account of my proceedings in Sussex. The first meeting of the deputy lieutenants was on Whitsun Tuesday. They decided I should have my three companies levied out of three divisions of the shire, which they call rapes, and accordingly directed their warrants for the assembly of their trained bands and others the ablest of the people, and appointed three several days for the three rapes, the bands of the first rape to muster on Friday, the second on this present day, and the last on Monday next. On Friday the whole number did not amount to 160 men, though in that rape they have 600 trained men, the cause of which slackness was, I think, partly the shortness of the time limited for their meeting, but chiefly the unwillingness of the people who are very fearful of transportation. The deputy lieutenants are very carefully diligent to join with me for the effecting their service. I was forced to appoint a second muster in that rape for the completing of that band. In the second rape to-day I find a very good show of people, amongst which are many rich yeomen and subsidy men, which the deputy lieutenant desires to change for others, and I think it will not displease my Lords of the Council that I do so, taking honest and able bodied men for them. On Monday I shall view the third and last rape, where I shall hope to find more choice than hitherto, they having more time to gather together than the first and second have had. The arms of the country are generally ill, but the gentlemen are willing to supply the defects. I nothing doubt howsoever the slackness of the people to meet hath caused hitherto but slow proceeding in the service, but that your Honour shall see as fair companies from hence, if employment happen, as from any other shire, and I hope that none shall be better trained if there be time for the performance thereof. I beseech you to acquaint my Lord your father.—Arundel, 21 May 1597.
Signature. Seal. 1 p. (51. 14.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 21. I have been urging the States of Zealand to have this town fortified, but they refer me to the States General. Unless the Queen interposes her authority, nothing is like to be done. Nevertheless I will apply to the States General in Holland, but I know they will answer that “the town being in Zealand, they here are to disburse the means for it.” It is true that the fortifying of this place doth belong to the whole country, and not in particular to the province of Zealand, as being a frontier town, other than that each province doth advance the payments of such things as be necessary in it, and set them in account off the contributions it is to give to the generality. Nevertheless they should have told me so last winter, and not have waited till now when the works ought to be in good forwardness. Perhaps they do not wish to strengthen at their own charges the chain which is to tie themselves, for, although they swear that their inability to comply with the Queen's demands is due only to want of money, I think that they would enter into great doubts and discourses of it, were she to undertake any works herself. Indeed I cannot blame them for wanting money, for besides their ordinary expenses on the war, they spent 12,000l. on the fort of Ternews last year, and this year the works they have undertaken at Fertol will cost them 20,000l. more. Foreseeing this I besought them last winter to lay by as much as possible for this town, but though they seemed to attend, they did not apparently either take any such order, or send hither any engineer to learn what should be done and what it would cost. I have perhaps run after them more than was quite dignified in the Governor of the Queen's cautionary town; but if this town is to be held, either the Queen must find the money herself, or write to the States that she will have it done, and that if they will not find other means, she will command me to stop the contributions from this town to the general fund. I touched on this point in my letter to the Queen, but I will not persuade her to do it until I have been in Holland and received the States General's answer. I think this reasonable in respect that the Queen has already put these countries to charges with the shipping they send to her, and she may purpose to require further assistance, whilst the imposts and other revenues from this town are already allotted to the ordinary charges of the war. Nevertheless the Queen could justify such a course, which would be popular in this town, and without which the States General will never be brought to reason. I do not press it now because by the time the inevitable correspondence is finished, it will be too late to begin work this year, so that the grief would remain among them and the Queen no nearer to her end. Please ask her to consider my letter of the 12 of May on the state and wants of this town.—Flushing, 22 May 1597.
Holograph. 4 pp. (51. 15.)
Louis, Count of Nassau to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 21/31. Has been dissuaded from his journey into France by his father and eldest brother, and his hope of being serviceable to Essex has failed, as the summer is passing, and there is no sound of preparations. Proposes a journey into Hungary where there are great preparations and every appearance of a battle. He would hope to learn something there, whereby he would render himself more capable of serving the Earl, if he should one day wish to employ him.—Gruningen, 31 May 1597.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (147. 131.)
Captain Lawrence Kemys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 21. We have been weatherbeaten on a lee shore four days and nights. Our foremast, foretopmast, maintopmast, and mizzen top went by the board together on Sunday morning the 8th of May, our sails were split and our boat capsized and sunk. We are now at Newcastle where I hope to procure a foretop, a foremast and a maintopmast. I have seen some spruce trees that will serve very well, but I expect my credit will be small here, and ask you therefore by the running post, to make credit on my behalf to Mr. Robert Dudley, customer, or to Mr. Chepman, Mayor of Newcastle, or to some other sufficient merchant, for the speedy furnishing us with what is needful. I doubt not, God willing, to be at sea again before the end of this month, in as good sort, except for want of a change of sails, as when we left London. But in the meantime some order for our provisions should be sent hither; it is six weeks since we began to spend of our sea victual. Since we came to the islands we have only seen one Easterling, whom we lost in the storm the same morning; but the inhabitants of the islands say that all the summer time ships usually pass that way, and if any come, we cannot but see them, as we lie about either of the two small islands between Shetland and the Start point.
Endorsed :—“The Roebuck hath spent some of her masts.”
Holograph. Signed. 1 p. (51. 17.)
M. Sancy to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 22/June 1. J'ay receu a Parys par les mains de Monsieur Edmon celle qu'il vous ha pleu du 8 d'April. Je ne vous scauroys par celle cy proposer entreprise de chose qui vous fust commode a laquelle vous pensiez estre assiste de nous, car nous sommes desormais trop esloignez de la coste. Neantmoins nous tenons de grandes forces ennemyes occupees devant nous qui sans nous serayent en Flandres, et pense que si maintenant vous vouliez faire une gaillarde descente a Dunquercken ce seroit une entreprise qui seroit utile pour nous et en laquelle vous ne tirerez pas petite assistance de nous par la diversion que nous faisons de deça des forces de l'ennemy. Vous pourrez oultre ce la y estre assistez d'une partie de la cavallerie qui est en Picardie. Si vous avez envie de nous faire cognoistre que vous voulez continuer la guerre avec l'Espagnol et nous donner subject de faire de mesmes, vous ne pouvez refuser ceste entreprise, sinon vous nous donnez grand subject de croire que vous cherchiez occasion de vous accommoder avec notre ennemy commune et nous laisser dans le bourbier. Si vous avez quelque aultre melieur moyen pour profiter de la ruine de notre ennemy commune, proposez le nous. Mais il n'y ha point d'apparence de vouloir que nous qui sommes les plus povres et les plus miserables de toute la Chrestienté portons seuls les fins de la guerre contre un si puissant ennemy commune. Je croy que dans peu de jours nous verrons l'armee de son connestable pur ce q'ayant les habitants de la ville de Digeon mis l'armee du Roy dans leur ville nous nous en allons aschever le chasteau, et il n'y a point d'apparence que ceste grande armee qui ne sera qu'a quinze lieues de nous nous le laisse prendre sans nous offrir la bataille, que nous acceptons sans doute s'ils la nous presentent, car vous cognoissez notre homme. Si ce siege nous succede j'espere qu'en peu de temps nous aurons remis les provinces de dela en tel estat qu'elles seront suffisants de porter d'elles mesmes le faix de la guerre sans avoir plus besoin de la presence du Roy. Cela fait nous irons en Bretagne ou Picardie. Mais nous avons tant de besogne taille que nous ne sommes pas prests de nous voir oisifs. Je pensois aller en Lorraine et de la traiter quelque chose avec certains Princes d'Allemagne, mais ce siege de Digeon ha rompu touts nos desseins, ayant sa Majeste estime que en ceste occasion je luy pourrais servir pres de sa personne de quelque chose. Si je vais en Allemagne je vous manderay a mon retour ce que j'y auray faict.—Troyes, 1 June 1597.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (175. 68.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 23. Coming to London yesterday in the afternoon at about 7 o'clock, I was arrested by a serjeant called Henry Smalewod at the suit of James Stanley, a scrivener of this city, I being bound for a countryman of mine, a merchant, and the serjeant not regarding the Earl of Essex and your Honour's warrant of security, the copy whereof I do send unto your Honour herein closed.—From the Counter in the Poultry, 23 May 1597.
Endorsed :—May 22.
Holograph. Signed. ¾ p. (51. 19.)
Enclosed :—The warrant in question dated 23 Nov. 1596.
(51. 18.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 23. Report on Mr. Pagett's petition to rent the lands forfeited by the attainder of Thomas Lord Pagett.
Signed. 1 p. (51. 20.)
Sir Anthony Mildmay to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 23. For your honourable dealing with the Queen for my return, I most humbly thank you. I beseech you to be earnest with her therein in respect of my many infirmities, and the disability of my poor estate, not able any longer to continue the great expenses of this place. I desire nothing of the Queen for my long and faithful service but that by your Lordship's means only I may receive this grace.—Paris, 23 May 1597.
Holograph. Signed. ¾ p. (51. 21.)
John Budden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 23. James Hamman Esquire is dead. He leaves the best ward in the West. For the office of Clerk of the Warrants, worth 200l. a year, which he held under Lord Anderson, I would give two thousand marks if you could get the disposal of the same.—Shaftesbury, May 23, 1 p.m.
Noted on back :—Shaftesbury, 2 p.m., Monday May 23; Sarum, May 23, 5 p.m.; Basingstoke, May 24, 1 o'clock; Hartford Bridge, May 24 4 o'clock; Staines, 7 p.m.
Holograph. Signed. ¼ p. (51. 22.)
Sir Henry Danvers to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 23. In the absence of my brother I thank you for past favours, of which Mr. Edmunds has told me. These latter courses of my mother tending so much to our prejudice, urge me to entreat your aid.—Paris, 23 May 1597.
Holograph. Signed. 1 p. (51. 23.)
Henry IV., King of France, to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 23./June 2. Sends de Reaux who will tell him the occasion of his coming, and hopes his negotiation will be more useful than that of de Foucquerelles for the common good of the Queen and himself.—Paris, 2 June.
Holograph. French. ½ p. (147. 128.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 24. Please remember me personally to the Queen before you start on your journey. The letter you wrote to her on my behalf last year remained unanswered, but now her answer will show what my fortune promises. I understand that your adverse party and you are very inward, but hope this shall not lose me your favour.—Flushing, May 24 1597.
P.S. If you hear of my going into Holland, fear not any hindrance to your service therefrom. I have made arrangements at Flushing for my absence, and shall be able to be back there at a day or two's warning.
Holograph. Signed. 2 pp. (51. 24.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 24. Yesterday Captain Constable passed through this town and without staying went towards Holland. Since that nothing further has come from England, though in your letter sent by him, you bid me expect letters from the Queen and the Lords. I learn also from your letter that the charge of this journey has been committed to you. For myself I would much rather have served you in the execution of your actions than in the providing for them, but since I know it is otherwise resolved, I will not trouble you with offers of accompanying you. I see Flushing must be the grave of my youth, and I fear of my fortune also. It seems from your letter that there are men to be drawn from hence, wherein for many respects this town is especially to be spared. The reasons which concern the Queen, she and you already know to be sufficient, and as regards myself, I will only say that no man in these countries has more to answer for or is more tied to his charge, and it would be reasonable that they should venture most who cannot lose and may win. If you take away from a Governor his men, you do not only take away his countenance and surety, but all means also any way to make himself spoken of. Nevertheless, whatever may be for your service shall have no stay from me. I beseech you that my letter to the Queen may be delivered; you know how much it may import me in any misfortune hereafter, that I did make my wants known : and if you be gone before some order be taken, since most of the provisions are to come out of your charge, I shall look for small despatch until your return—Flushing, May 24 1597.
Holograph. 3 pp. (51. 26.)
The Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 24. I am gone down to Chatham to take some order for the preserving of victuals for the hastening of the four ships, and for the trimming up of the ship in which I go myself. I pray, Sir, in my absence help to do good to poor James Antonie. I have been an earnest suitor to her Majesty for him, and I would be loth he should now be turned out of all. If he may but have a third part of the service for these first 4 months for the security that he hath offered, he shall at the four months' end put in merchants, but now for this sudden it will be hard for him to find sureties.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (51. 27.)
Monsieur de Mouy to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 24./June 3. Puisque le Sieur Edmont san retourne, je l'accompagneré de ce mot, pour vous assurer que je suis plus vostre serviteur que homme du monde, et comme tel je vous supplie me departir de vostre bienvellance, si vous venez attaquer Calais.—Paris, 3 June 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 69.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 25. Two days since Captain Constable arrived here, since which time Mr. Gylpyn and myself have not slackened the following of that which was committed to our charge, and have now obtained for answer that Her Majesty's demand shall be fulfilled in all. His Excellency and Mons. de Barnevell were very forward, and in general there was a good imagination, which I impute to the liking they had your Honour was chief. They desired earnestly that the four companies in the field from which 400 men were to be drawn, should be put into the cautionary towns, by reason they would have been so weakened that the country should receive no service from them. Wherein I was not backward, for that I knew it better for the towns and for your Lordship's force, who shall be sure to have choicer men. The number will not be made up in good sort unless Sir Edward Norreys furnish 200; to whom I have written to that effect, but he is commonly so nice in letting men go, that unless he hath received commandment very expressly not to fail, I doubt of his performance. It will be hard to have the whole number of musketeers; what want may be supplied with the best shot.
I am sorry that your army will be no greater, for though I know not whither your Lordship will go, I am assured your undertakings must be worthy yourself, which will put your forces on the rack. If you go to the Groyne or Feroll, as by circumstances I gather, you must land, beat, or make an army retire, before you can destroy their shipping, and when you have done your army must retire from there when you inbark unless you gain the favour of the town. It is likely now the army of the Adelantado is reinforced for the execution of that employment it was ordained for, and in all appearance to be equal in number and better trained; will they not fight, they will be able with the favour of the town and forts to abide us. And to that body all the country may have recourse, to the greater strengthening of them. I could wish, despairing to have the number increased, that your Lordship had a 2,000 more old soldiers at the least, which might in a short time be drawn out of Her Majesty's garrisons, in sending of others new levied. I most humbly thank you for drawing me into this action, and for your most honourable care of my poor brother. I have willed one to attend your Honour for my ship, which the better it is the more service shall she afford you. Mr. Edward Conway I do know is a most humble suitor unto your Honour, that he may attend you. If your Honour be not provided of a serjeant major for your regiment, this bearer willeth himself in it.—Hague, 25 May 1597.
Signature. Seal. 2½ pp. (51. 29.)
E. Countess of Desmond to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 25. I would have sooner written unto you but in hope you would come to London, whereby I might go to give your Honour all humble thanks for procuring me the honourable Lords of the Council's letter : and for that I look for no good nor commodity in Ireland but by Her Majesty's most gracious favour, which I hope may be the more afforded me, because in time of best trial, when I was in prosperity and could do most, I have been found always according my bounden duty most obedient and faithful to Her Majesty : in which during life I will still continue : and that after the Spaniards' arrival in my lord's land, I despising and contemning them, and remembering my duty, came to the Lord Justice, where, for example to others and without respect to my own commodities, I delivered such castles, holds and goods as were my jointure and living, to his Lordship's disposition, leaving such provisions in them of all sorts as did serve the garrisons a long time, with many other testimonies of my dutiful mind, as by my deeds is manifested : whereby there ought to be no doubt had of my disloyalty for having some resting place in those parts : and before I came unto this realm I so much proved the unkindness of my friends and kinsfolk, that all my hope or succour and help is only in Her Majesty, submitting myself unto her Highness and yielding unto her and unto the honourable means thereof all humble duty and thanks, both for the good I have received and hope to receive of her Highness, being assured and finding how greatly I am envied by many not only in Ireland for my dutifulness; and for that I know not as yet how conveniently I may live there with safety, having no certainty of mine own to vest, I therefore most humbly beseech your Honour, as you have begun my honourable means, so to continue it, and to stand so favourable unto me as to procure me her Majesty's most gracious warrant or letter to all persons there from time to time to friend and favour me, and that I may return at my pleasure hither, and also Her Majesty's most gracious leave and favour to any in England or Ireland that would be pleased to marry either myself or my daughters, they being good subjects.—Westminster, 25 May 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (51. 30.)
Arthur Champernowne to the Lords of the Council.
1597, May 25. I understand that I am to be appointed to take command of, and train, 150 men in these parts under Sir Ferdinando Gorge. I am his senior in arms, and have held higher rank in the field, and would presume to equal if not to better his experience, skill and judgment in martial affairs. I therefore pray that I may not be put under his command. It would disgrace me in my own country and in the opinion of all men of war who know us both. Moreover Sir Ferdinando and myself have proceeded unto some height of unkindness and sharp speeches through having differed in our judgments in some matters.—Modberry, 25 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (51. 31.)
Captain P. Morison to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 25. I crave leave to follow you as a volunteer in the journey here bruited. Though I be tied to this town by my company, yet if I were assured that it hindered me from serving you I would quit any my present fortune.—Flushing, 25 May.
Holograph. 1 p. (51. 32.)
John Chamberlaine to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 25. I cease not to importune you to procure my leave from my Colonel to accompany you on your expedition.—Delft, 25 May '97.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (61. 35.)
Captain Henry Masterson to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 25. I esteem it my best fortune to have so fit an occasion as this bruited journey to tender my services to you, as a voluntary or in any other kind. Your favourable reply will procure my leave from the Governor.—Flushing, 25 May.
Signed. ½ p. (175. 53.)
Jacomo Marenco to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 25/June 4. Some days since the General of the Franciscan order, a Sicilian in the interests of the King of Spain, was at Lyons. Either the Legate or the Nuncio sent for him hither, where he has remained a fortnight negotiating. He has had several audiences from the King, and yesterday he was sent for, put into a coach, and this morning at daybreak the gates were opened for him and he went off to Flanders, accompanied by one of the King's gentlemen to see to his safety and pay his expenses as far as the frontier. I hear from a good quarter he is to prepare the way for a peace, with little glory on this side, but then the King cannot trust to the aid of his friends, is without the things necessary for war, and, as he says himself, were it not for the Queen's help must have come to ruin with all his allies. The most important subjects of negotiation are, I think, the giving of posts in France for the aiding of the Spanish expedition to annoy this country and the chasing of the Protestants out of France, for which the King of Spain offered a large number of men and money, wishing at once to ruin France by civil war and England by open force. I think Signor Edmonds, who left to-day, knows something of these practices, but not the particulars, and I send you here the gist of my three former letters. We are all here devoted to you, but anxious at the long interruptions of our correspondence. We think you ought either to put a stop to the correspondence, as indeed must be done if you do not on the arrival of this messenger at once send us word of the receipt of the three letters we have already sent, or let us know that you are pleased with what we write. For many men here have written to you and never received any thanks for their trouble and danger. I write somewhat freely that you may see what ought to be done.—Paris, 4 June 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 2 pp. (175. 70.)
Richard Carmarden, Thomas Myddelton, and Lisle Cave to Lord Burghley.
1597, May 26. Touching the controversy between the deputy customer and the comptroller of Rochester, we find that John Rowle, deputy comptroller, charged the deputy customer with very foul matters and disorderly dealings, as by the articles by himself subscribed, which we send you herein, will at large appear; also his petition. His demands seem very reasonable to us, and the deputy customer can say little or nothing against them, but rather contrary to the order enclosed under our hands, whereunto both the said deputies did willingly also assent. Yet the deputy customer continueth froward, and will neither repair to the Barons to be sworn nor perform anything he should. We think it were convenient that you send a pursuivant for the said Richard Walker, deputy customer, to cause him to effect further the premises yielded unto by him, or to bring him up before your lordship to be censured, or some other fitter man to be there substituted by Mr. Milles the chief customer.—Mark Lane, 26 May 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (50. 114.)
Enclose :
(i.) Matters to be proved against Richard Walker, deputy customer of the Port of Rochester.
1. Bribery and extortion in sundry matters. 2. Concealment and defrauding her Majesty of her custom. 3. That he ordinarily doth make private composition with the merchants without privity of any of the rest of the officers of the port. 4. That he useth to deal as a factor and to ship merchants' goods not only at Rochester but also at Gravesend, &c. 5. He dealt with me to accept part of his corrupt gains. 6. He hath written to the deputies of other ports to join with him in conveying of goods out of the land, and he would allow a reward of ten groats upon every truss to the deputy searcher, and the deputy customer was otherwise agreed withal and content to join &c.
Signed :—John Rowle.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (50. 113.)
(ii.) The Petition.
1. That the comptroller as well as the customer may have a lock and a key to the custom house door : and that the custom house may either be kept in some other convenient place, for that (by reason of mortal hatred conceived against me) he will not suffer me to come there; or if it seem fittest for the office to be continued in his own house, that order may be taken whereby I may safely come thither.
[Margin :—Agreed.]
2. That our several seals of office may be kept in a box under several locks and keys; that no cockets, certificates, or other warrants whatsoever be given out but by general consent of all the officers of the custom house.
[Margin :—Agreed.]
3. That the orders made by my Lord Treasurer and Sir John Fortescue at the coming in of the surveyors may accordingly be put in execution.
[Margin :—Agreed.]
4. That the deputy customer before he meddle any more in the office may be sworn to perform the said orders as is required. Jo. Rowle.
[Margin :—“Agreed so as the deputy comptroller do the like.”]
Underwritten :—Witness hereunto : Richard Carmarden, Thomas Middleton, Lisle Cave.
To all these articles, as it is set down in the margin, the deputy customer Richard Walker and the deputy comptroller John Rowle do agree unto, under their hand, 27 April 1597.
[Signed :]—R. Walker, Jo. Rowle.
Holograph by Rowle, the notes being by Carmarden.
1 p. (50. 112.)
Sir Thomas Mildmay and Sir John Petre to the Lord Treasurer, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Essex.
1597, May 26. On Saturday the 14th instant, we received your letter, together with the copies of the Queen's and my Lords' of the Council, by Captain John Price, superintendent of the 400 soldiers levied within this country. We appointed our first muster at the town of Braintree on Friday and Saturday following, where we raised the first band of 133 soldiers, which were then delivered over by indenture to the charge of Captain John Tolkerne, who still continueth and traineth them in that place. The second muster we ordered to be at Chelmsford on Monday and Tuesday the 23rd and 24th, where we raised the second band of 134 soldiers, which were likewise then delivered into the charge of Captain John Lathome, who there continueth and traineth. The third and last muster we took at Brentwood on Wednesday and Thursday the 25th and 26th, and there raised the third band of 133 soldiers and committed them to Captain Roger Harvye in like sort as to the former. He exerciseth and traineth them in the same place. In this sort the full number of the 400 men commanded to be levied are made complete. How they be armed, at the great charge of the country, shall appear unto your Lordship in those three indentures herewith sent. And for the special choice of the men, we leave to the report of Captain Price who hath taken great care and pains therein, and whom we have found justly to deserve the commendation given him in your letters. For the performance of this service the country hath been charged to the sum of 920l. in the cost of their arms, all new bought, and in their pay during the time of training, which is to continue until Friday the 3rd of June next. The whole company being furnished thus with new, the arms of the trained bands are still continued amongst us, which gives good contentment to the captains; and, besides, the present service is much bettered, the armours being all sortable and the pieces of one height, which could never have been so well performed but of the store of the country. The soldiers are allowed during the training 12d. per diem for a man, which we thought fit in their time of scarcity and dearth to make in that liberal sort, as well to contain them in the better order, as also to enfree the places where they remain from any burden by their means, themselves being enabled by their pay fully to defray their own charges. Thus it may appear to your Lordship that the 3rd of June being come, we have no means to continue these companies any longer in pay without a new levy, which we know will be very grievous to the country and obtained with great difficulty and time. Therefore we pray that we may receive orders as to what is to be done when that time is expired.—Brentwood, 26 May 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (51. 33.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 26. Signor Carron tells me that he was interrupted while speaking with you on my affairs. But he contents himself with conforming to the Earl of Essex and if needful to the Queen, that the States will never condescend to treat with Giustiniano, unless first and as a commencement of payment the silver (argentarie) here is delivered to me. This your prudence will know the right time to tell the Queen. Signor Carron has promised to write to-day to Barnevelde, to urge him to conclude the business. I have drafted a letter to Signor Guilpin in English for better comprehension. I would beg you to pay no attention to the mistakes but only to the substance, and let me know if I can have it for Saturday as I wish.—London, 26 May 1597.
Italian. Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 54.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 26. Captain Constable arrived with your letter, before any was stirring, which was presently sent to Sir Frances Vere. What afterwards we did will appear by our answer, not doubting that our endeavour and the States' forwardness to resolve presently will be liked, as also the sending the four companies into the cautionary towns, then to draw further of them or of the garrisons the 400 men they must furnish. We do not think any difficulty will be made by the Governors or the commanders of the towns on this score, but it were well that letters should be written to them; and meanwhile we will do all we can. It is well liked here that your Lordship has the charge; and now that they know here what the Queen will do, they will undertake something to the annoying of the enemy.—The Hague, 26 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 55.)
George Cranmer to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 26/June 5. Being returned from Sienna to these parts, and here to remain until September, I recommend my service unto you now again, even as before I had done from Sienna by letters written by Sir Richard Fines. To write any of the ordinary and weekly advices which are current, and perhaps also coined here, were, as I conceive, nothing else but a tedious repetition of things long before known; neither can the knowledge of a poor stranger easily arise to any higher pitch of intelligence in regard of the private and retired nature of the Italian, on whom it is a matter difficult to fasten any acquaintance, but more difficult in that kind.—From Padoua, 5 Junii, stilo novo.
Endorsed :—“Rec. 6 July at Greenwich.”
Holograph. 1 p. (53. 8.)
Anthony Forrest to the Lord Treasurer.
1597, May 27. May it please you to bestow the wardship of the heir of one Scott of Boulton in Yorkshire upon me.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Anthony Forrest, my Lo servant.”
Signed. ¼ p. (51. 34.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 27. A cause is now depending between the city of London and the Ports for their privilege of their writ of Withernam, which is to be heard on Tuesday next in the Court of Common Pleas. Yielding to the importunacy of the Ports I write to ask that the hearing may be deferred until the Queen has appointed a Lord Warden. It will do the Ports a great favour and make the next Lord Warden beholding to you.—From my house in the Black Friars, 27 May 1597.
Holograph. Signed. Seal. 1 p. (51. 35.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 27. Even as I arrived here, I found Captain Constable ready to return, and although I had answered your letter before my coming from Flushing, yet I must say by him again, that, although I have not the good fortune to go with you myself, I will be glad to do anything profitable for your journey. As soon as I can hear that my being at Flushing is in any way required for your service there, I will not stay an hour here. I have meanwhile ordered my Lieutenant to open all such letters as may come unto me.—The Hague, 27 May 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (51. 36.)
Fulke Greville to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 27. I do see by this one example that your kindness to your friends is a living kindness and works diligently upon itself for their good. If I or my future be worth so much, I do not doubt but I shall make your honour know that I am no unthankful man; in the meantime, good Sir, believe those that speak best of me in that point. I do humbly thank you for the place, and will stay your coming to the town, when I will wait upon you myself and use your favour if there be cause. Howsoever I will study to keep that mind in you, for besides that I love good will in nature, there will many ways be honour to me by it, and so wishing you may long sleep and wake in good sort I most humbly take my leave.—From London this morning.
Holograph. ½ p. (175. 56.)
Thomas [Bilson], Bishop of Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 28. The annuity of 400l. paid to Her Majesty out of the manor of Taunton belonging to the See of Winchester, had never been mentioned unto me. I never had nor have any meaning to slack or omit the payment thereof, knowing how long it hath been continued to her Highness.—London, 28 May 1597.
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p. (51. 38.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 28. In my last letter I wrote no other but that of the abuse of one Henry Smalewodd, a serjeant of London, as I took it, in arresting and committing me at the suit of one James Stanley of London for 6l. In spite of your Honour's and the Earl of Essex's warrant, he kept me prisoner for a night, and [I] was fain to give Stanley my bill to pay him by a day; before I was discharged it cost me 7s. 6d. which I leave to your Honour's consideration. It would be my ruin to be arrested again; therefore be a mean to Her Majesty for granting the suit in my last note to you. I hear say that one Peter Nangle, a “frere” of my country whom I know, is taken prisoner. I cannot think but that he can largely declare of the practice of Her Majesty's enemies beyond the seas; for, at my being there, he was great with the primate of Armagh, killed in Connaught, with the Archbishop of Tuam, who died in Antwerp, Sir William Stanley, Jacques, Richard Stanehurst, and all others the bad rulers of this country that were there, and, being in remote places, had continual conferences by letters with them and others out of Rome and Spain and other parts; which course, I suppose, he held since my coming hither. It may be that he was sent for Ireland to persuade many of the best sort of the English Pale and thereabouts to enter bad actions, for he was born there. He is greatly allied and near of kin to divers of them, and is well beloved of many. I dare assure myself that those whom Mr. Francis Cooke nominated unto me are not come into this city as yet. I will be careful of that charge his worship gave me, and if I can either hear of them or find them, or any of them, I will use the part of a true subject without respect of persons or kindred.—28 May 1597.
Holograph. Signed. 1¼ pp. (51. 39.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Lord Burghley.
1597, May 28. I have received your letter of to-day. Mr. Pagett is, I find, well able to give security to her Majesty for the yearly rent to be reserved on the fee farm.—28 May 1597.
Signed. ¼ p. (51. 40.)
Thomas Bellott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 28. News is brought by our barques out of France that the King is dead, but this is not yet confirmed. Also that one Mons. Plaisard was slain in Rouen (Roane) by one Mons. Tollaveild in the church at evening prayer, being ran in with a rapier. Moreover it is is said that Amiens is besieged by the King, where le Comte St. Paul is general. For Spanish news, I presume you have better advertisement than the reports here.—From Weymouth (Way), Melcombe Regis, 28 May 1597.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (51. 42.)
Count Maurice of Nassau to the Earl of Essex.
1597. May 28./June 7. Has done all that way possible to advance the equipment of the vessels and troops required by the Queen, and so have the States General. Hopes that God will bless the enterprise.—From the Hague 7 June 1597.
Signed. French. 1 p. (147. 132.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 28. The other day by Captain Constable we signified that the States would perform all we required, as they now write to her Majesty, sending their letters to be delivered by M. Caron, not doubting that all will be ready by the time and place appointed, to which end order is already given to the admiralties to make all speed, so as nothing but wind and weather shall let them. Duynenvoord is appointed Admiral, and the other two that served last year, vice-admirals. A word of compliment to Barnevelde would not be amiss to thank him for his forwardness (and that you have been advised thereof by us), and being your pleasure to send me the same I will deliver it, with such further speeches as may be required. Herewith I send Count Maurice's answer; that to her Majesty (doubting of your absence from Court) I enclosed to Mr. Secretary; and am now to crave for myself your favourable recommendation to the Queen ere your departure. The Count Maurice will about somewhat soon, staying further news from France to direct the better his course. If Antwerp news be true, Marshal Biron has beaten a great convoy of the enemy on its way to Amiens, and captured the Governor of Beaux Aulanes, which we believe the more that the Cardinal has sent for his horse from Bolducq [Bois le Duc] and Borck. Our men of Breda, to be revenged of the blow given them of late, having encountered the company of Colonel Herman Van der Bergh's horse, gave them the overthrow, brought away 27 horse and 17 or 18 prisoners. If the Cardinal be kept at work upon the frontiers of France, I believe the States will have a saying to Borck or Bolducq.—The Hague, 28 May 1597, in haste.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (175. 59.)
Sir John Aldrich to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 28. The King is this day come to the camp with a resolution, as he says, not to leave the army till he has regained his town of Amiens. No forces are come with him, but he says that by the 24th of this next month he shall be ten thousand French foot beside the Swiss and what aid the Queen will give him. In two days we are to move our quarters as near the town as the cannon will give us leave. On the side towards Corbe they have a great enterprise against the Town. By the next you shall know the effect. I still renew my old request to attend you when you undertake anything. I would rather I were dead than that your Lordship did not accept my service; yet I cannot leave this siege without your pleasure, which I crave to know.—The camp by Amiens, May 28/97. (175. 60.)
Thomas Slye to the Queen.
1597, May 28. Prays for a lease in reversion of 50l. for his services in the Queen's woodyard.
Note by Sir Julius Cæsar that the Queen grants the petition.—28 May 1597.
1 p. (943.)
Captain F. Throckmorton to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 28. I have ever heard you say you meant me well. If I must be put into your honour's remembrance by intercession to Saints I shall be forgotten, for I can worship but one God; nor can I fawn to any near your Lordship. But I will be as true as any to serve you, and refer myself to your favour.—This 28 May 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (175. 57.)
Gervase [Babington,] Bishop of Exeter, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 28. I received your letters enclosing the petition of Alexander Baskerville of Exeter touching the wrong offered him by Mr. William Martyn of Exeter in entering his house and taking away (as he supposed) 250l. worth for the answering of about 100l. I have dealt between the parties. [Sets out details of the dispute.] I could not compose them, but commend the case to your further direction.—Exeter, 28 May 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (175. 58.)
Thomas Bellott to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 29. I have had order from your Honour to receive to your use from the Lord Admiral's deputy, 77l. out of his next tenth by reprisals that should first come in into this shire, according to a letter directed to his servant Mr. Dodson. Last night there arrived a man of war of this town, with a prize laden with sugars of Brazil, besides about 1,000 ducats in rialls of plate. It will be 10 days ere this bearer can return with sentence from the Lord Admiral to make sale of the goods. On receipt of the same, I will signify to your Honour and await further orders.—Waymouth, Melcomhe Regis, 29 May, 1597.
Signature. Seal. 1 p. (51. 43.)
Thomas [Bilson,] Bishop op Winchester, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 29. I have received her Majesty's letters in the behalf of Sir Francis Carewe, knight, by a lease in reversion of some part of the temporalities of the see of Winchester to proportion him out a convenient benefit, meet for a man of his sort and service. In which as I am very willing to submit myself to her Majesty's pleasure, so I thought it my duty to advertise your honour, that there shall want no care in me to see it accomplished as soon as I can possibly look into the demises of that bishopric, and myself be in state by law to make a lease. For before anything I do will be good, I must pass restitution, composition and installation, and before I can proportion the gentleman a competent recompense I must have time to be informed of the terms and worths of those things that shall be leased to her Majesty. Yet am I so far in general acquainted with the state of the place, that there is nothing of any value within the term of twenty years, or for less than three lives, the best things being by former bishops leased to her Majesty for many years to come. If therefore I be forced for the satisfaction of her Majesty's letters to grant those things which in any possibility were likely to support my charge whilst I hold the place, I hope it will please her Majesty's most princely bounty to be so gracious unto me as, reserving unto herself the whole half year's rent of Worcester, due at Michaelmas next, to bestow on me midsummer rent of the provisions and copyholders there, which are no great things when they are sold to her Majesty's use by her officers there, and which I lose by departing from Worcester three weeks before the quarter ended; or in lieu thereof one half year's pension of the manor of Taunton, which the bishop payeth without any title, save for the avoiding of her Highness's displeasure. I speak not as seeking any recompense for that which her Majesty by her princely letters hath required me to do, but only beseeching her gracious clemency that I be not this half year the worse for removing from Worcester, and forced to stay longer out of Hampshire than were requisite for her service, by reason all the provisions of Winchester are already sold to her Majesty's use, and so by changing untimely I be utterly excluded from the provisions of both places, without which it is not possible for me this exceeding dearth to do that which will be looked for at my hands, the provisions and leases being both carried from me.—London, 29 May 1597.
Signed. 1 p. (51. 44.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 29. Give me leave to remind you of me. My Lord Buckhurst hath still promised to remember me at first opportunity. I refer all to your consideration.—From my poor house this 29th May 1597.
P.S.—There is a petition maliciously exhibited at the instigation of Philips by Burgoin wherein your honour knows what was certified by my Lord Keeper.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (51. 45.)
Captain E. Brett to the Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 29. My Lord General having received the Queen's Majesty's letter, with your Lordship's, made it known to the captains, who were ready to accomplish your commandment. I thereupon asked to command these 100 men, and the Lord General is content so it stand with your good liking; which I assure myself it will.—Ostend, 29 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 61.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 29. I received to-day the Queen's letters and yours and have taken present order for the 100 men, which I hope you will think fit to be placed near yourself, for they shall be such by the Grace of God as you may trust unto. Captain Brett is desirous to go with them and I think him a fit man. Here is very great expectation of the fleet. The Cardinal comes to Bruges to remain near the sea, and all the forces shall presently be drawn down to the coast. They speak of greater numbers than before, 60,000 men. I dare not doubt that the Queen will sufficiently provide for them, and my chief trust is in you.—Ostend, 29 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (175. 62.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 30. This gentleman, Mr. Butler, was many years under my command, both a private gentleman and officer of a company, and did ever carry himself in very good sort. He was also the last journey with you to Cales, and now he hath a desire to follow you again. Here is not any order come to me from Her Majesty for the sending forth of any men, notwithstanding I understand by Sir Francis Vere that there are 300 to be drawn out of Flushing. That they are for you is sufficient reason unto me, otherwise I should have offered some question why now 300 men may be taken thence for a long journey, whereas I was much blamed that for one week I drew out the same number upon a necessary service of the country. Notwithstanding, until you be clear of the Court I will not make any mention of it. But after it shall be too late to hinder you in any sort, I trust it will not be offensive unto you that I say that which is fit for the charge I have. I ask that those men who come from me may remain with their own officers. Last year those which were taken out were not sent back again, so as most of the captains lost both their men and their arms. If you would have given me leave to have appointed the captains, I would have sent such as I would have answered for their sufficiency. All men that have commandment in the wars desire to be followed by honest men, and no man can be well followed who hath not means to advance his friends. If it be yet free unto you I beseech you let me nominate one, and send me word before the troops do stir.—The Hague, 30 May 1597.
Holograph. 2 pp. (51. 46.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 30. The 30 of this present I received by this messenger her Majesty's and your Lordship's letter of the 23rd, and the very same day return him with these. Her Majesty's contained that which before I had in one from my Lords, with a commandment to effect with all speed that required concerning the men and the shipping. Your honour's assureth your readiness by the day appointed. Before this your Lordship hath understood by the despatch given Capt. Constable, both of the grant which the States have made to her Majesty's demands and of the good hope we have to be at the rendezvous by the time appointed; since there is nothing happened which increaseth difficulties, so that still we are of good belief you shall not stay an hour for us; and thereon your Lordship may build if wind and weather hinder us not. Your honour maketh mention in the letter sent by Captain Constable to me that I should wait on you this journey; in her Majesty's and your second, nothing more said concerning that point; which maketh me doubt some alteration and stagger in the providing myself. To be resolved, I have returned this messenger of purpose to you, whom I beseech your Lordship to hasten back with your pleasure herein. If I be to wait on you, which I desire exceedingly, then am I a humble suitor that I may not only be commanded by her Majesty's letter, but also that so much may be signified unto the States to whom in some sort I am tied. This shall save that small credit I have with these men, and warrant the leaving the place I hold here from her Majesty, which otherwise I do know would by my evil-wishers be turned greatly to my disadvantage. I will by the grace of God wait on you at the rendezvous with these 2000 men and then be as ready to receive your further commandment as any that shall be in your army.—Hague, 30 May 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (51. 47.)
John Browne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 30. Malicious complaints have lately been exhibited to my Lord your father by Shute against me for alleged abuses in Essendine Park, as felling of timber and spoil of that wood. Denies the charges. It hath been better preserved since I had dealing therein than ever it was in the remembrance of any man : for whereas there hath been yearly poles felled to go to Bourley for the hop-yard and garden, and likewise to make scaffold fleaks, I have denied them that they have not had any. As to Shute, I will prove that he did suffer the said wood to be greatly hurt by his own horses and others'; he did give leave to put in horses; he suffered Sutton to have horses, bullocks, kine and sheep, to the great hurt of the springs, which Shute did fell yearly; the sales being more than the wood would bear had it been twice as big again. This was to benefit his man underneath him, for it was certainly known he did keep one or two of his bastards.—Bourne, 30 May 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (51. 48.)
Joseph Mayne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 30. Mr. Handen pretendeth that he hath your Honour's grant of the lease of the lands on Saturday last, which is the thing I make most account of, though I fear both that and the wardship of the body will scarce countervail the charge I have already and must be at. I have thought good to prevent his coming to you to-morrow by this letter, desiring you to answer him absolutely that you have passed all your interest in the lease of the lauds to me.—30 May.
Signed. 1 p. (51. 50.)
Lord Sheffield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 30. Recommending the bearer, who has some “sutes and business aboute the coorte,” to Cecil's favour.—30 May.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (51. 51.)
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 30. By the enclosed you will perceive how Martinengo is like to speed. Out of doubt the Cardinal was advertised from Paris that he had been used by your Honour. I did let you understand of one Hartgrave that hath dwelt these 20 years in Antwerp, of whom I hope good service may be had. He is returned yesterday; he told me of one Bleake that is used to and fro. I have sent one to Gravesend to overtake him. These two letters I had of Hartgrave; he, as he told me, lost a little memorial that directed him how to deliver them. They are from Scudmore the priest. The three priests that were in the Gate house, are this night escaped : I have made warrants to apprehend them and for searcher if they may be found. They will adventure anything liefer than to be sent to Ely. Pillison did confess unto me that Hawkesworth would have escaped when Gerrard meant to attempt the like, but that he dissuaded him; and offered, as I told you, to do any service if he might have had the liberty of the prison, which being delayed, he attempted this desperate course.—From my house in Wood Street, 30 May 1597.
P.S.—Perusing better those two letters from Scudmore, showing the outside in a glass, the direction is read backward. The one is directed to Mr. Seburn who is now in town, the other to Mistress Roper; as I take it, that is Seburn's daughter. If your honour will return them unto me I will let them pass and see what answer will be made.
Holograph. 1 p. (51. 53.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 30. I have letters from Brussels of the 24th of May. From other letters of later date I hear that the Cardinal is gone to Mons. My friend says the Cardinal has no money and few men. The Spaniards in Namur have mutinied, and like the Neapolitan troops scour the country. If they do not get their money soon, others will also mutiny. The Duke d'Aumale is said to be discontented and to treat much with a secretary of the Duke of Lorraine, who was in Brussels. From Spain he hears that they are collecting men to defend the coast against our Fleet. He also sends some news from Ostend, but I hear from Middleburgh that the Ostend intelligence is suspected. From that place I hear that the King of Spain is paying foreign ships to join his fleet at Ferrol, and that it is probable it will soon leave that port. Our fleet must therefore be strong enough to give battle.—London, 30 May 1597.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (175. 64.)
— Brooke.
1597, May 30. Memorandum of the receipt by Thomas Lake of a bill obligation of one Francis Lanyld in part payment of 100 marks due from — Brooke of Temple [Clowde] in Somerset.—30 May 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (175. 65.)
Certain English Prisoners in Spain to the Queen.
1597, May 31. May it please your Highness to understand of the miserable estate of a company of your poor distressed subjects, who in March 1595, being taken by the Spanish fleet about some 10 leagues from the Avano in the Indias, were there kept prisoners four months : and from thence brought unto Seville in Spain, in September 1596, thirty of us being presently put into the galleys, their heads and beards shaven, and put to row, since which time either all, or a great part of them, are starved and beaten to death, and the rest of us, being 25, remaining in the most vilest and noisomest prison and dungeon of all Spain, not having clothes to cover us withal, or scarce meat wherewith to sustain us, and yet every day vehemently suspect and fear greater misery to be laid upon us—either by putting us in like sort in the galleys, or taking from us that small allowance the king giveth us, and putting us unto the alms of the house, viz., twelve ounces of bread a day, according as by nine of our poor countrymen they have and do deal, whom they have for five years kept prisoners in this vile prison—except by your Highness' mercy and pity of us in regard of such Spaniards as are prisoners in England or by some other means. Such is the cruel dealing of this proud and tyrannical nation. Wherefore we most humbly beseech your Highness to pity the most miserable distressed estate of us your poor and loyal subjects.—From the common gaol of Seville this last of May 1597.
Endorsed :—“Certain Englishmen prisoners in Spain to the Queen's Maty.”
Unsigned. ¾ p. (51. 54.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 31. This day I received your letter of the 23rd of May, and presently do despatch to Flushing to have all things in readiness against the ships come to receive them. You may be assured the ships shall not stay an hour more than they needs must for the men. Myself also will be going hence the 2 of June, and when I come to Flushing will set forward your business, and in the mean time will by my letters press Vetch to be careful and diligent. I doubt not but in Zealand all things will be ready time enough. At my coming thence I left their greatest ships ready in the road. Please you to remember me with some earnestness to the Queen at your going away in such sort as you may draw some promise from her. Unready and unprovided as I am I would go with you if you could have leave for me, but I persuade myself, if you had thought you could have had me, you would have given me to know it beforehand. Exceeding sorry I am that nothing can be done in my demands for Flushing before your departure. Till your return I shall look for small despatch. I am glad the Queen doth acknowledge that I do but as a careful governor should, since I have no other end but the safe keeping of the town for her. As soon as you are gone (to the end that no action of mine may give the smallest colour of cross unto you) I will write unto the Lords in general to put her Majesty in mind of my suit concerning the wants of the town and send them a copy of my letter to her. My suit to you in my last letter I would here renew again, that for the men I send out I might at the least appoint one of the captains. If able, I will in a ship of war see you as you pass between Dover and Calais. I do not come to you to the Downs lest I should have my errand told in England after you were gone.—At the Hague, this last day of May 1597.
P.S.—I think if you could keep the Cinque Ports or the Bedchamber lordship ungiven till your return, there might be some hope left for your servant.
Holograph. 2 pp. (51. 55.)
William Bowes to Lord Scrope, Lord Warden of the West Marches.
1597, May 31. I send you herewith the copy of such pledges as I could procure to be agreed upon, as well of the one side as of the other. In which thing I understand you have received direction already to forbear proceeding, till you may hear further from above according to such advertisement as is returned unto her Majesty by my negotiation here. I have therefore thought fit hereby to give you knowledge that the King hath referred the principal matters of the Queen's demand to another intreaty to be made by his ambassador to the Queen for mitigating some motions which he conceiveth to be more rigorous than ordinary, which is the delivery of Sesforth and Buccleugh, for their trespass, into the Queen's hand. Besides this one point chiefly demanded, there have been commended unto his Highness these other thereupon depending, namely, to procure the stay of his Borders in this general affray and combination; to make delivery for the recent bills, first and especially the late great outrages at Killam and in Tynedale; to deliver such pledges as are here contained; to proceed in the ordinary course of justice for the bills filed by the Commissioners, and better government of the Borders hereafter. To the performance of these, these impediments stand for the present. For Killam, Sesforth sayeth it was a lawful trade, and being called hither again at our instance to be confronted with us upon Sir Robert Cary's letter, he excuseth himself to the King by his appointment of meeting with the Lord Eure upon Monday last in person, or else the excuse is nothing, praying the King in his letter that if any matter be forged against him by his opposites, it may not be to his prejudice. Hereupon he is called again peremptorily and, I hope, shall give account both for his deeds and writings. Touching that of Tynedale, it cannot be proceeded in, chiefly because only Buccleugh is billed in it, who is, for the time, under expectation what the Queen will answer unto the King his intended ambassador. For the rest, albeit the King was purposed to commit Sesforth and Buccleugh to prison, yet, upon especial consideration, he findeth it best that the two should keep the Borders in quiet, deliver the pledges and recent bills, and this at their highest peril, until he may understand the conclusion between the Queen and him. If they shall offer certain days and places of meeting or delivery, I can do no other than to refer you to such direction as you have received or may receive from above.—Edinburgh, this last of May 1597.
Endorsed :—“Mr. R. Bowes to the Lord Scroope.”
Signed.pp. (51. 58.)
Enclosure :
Pledges acquired by the East, West and Middle Marches of England of the West Marches of Scotland and Liddesdale.
West March. John Armstrong of Hollas.
Jock Armstrong, Kinmowth's Jock.
Will Bell; Red Cloak.
Hobbie Urwen.
Edward Carlill of the Limekiln.
Will Graham, Clothman's Willie.
David Johnston of the Reidhawe.
Liddesdale. Symie Armstrong, Laird of Mangerton.
Symie Armstrong, young Laird of Whithaugh.
Will Ellott of Lareston.
Archie Ellott, son to Martyne.
Will Ellott of the Steele.
John Nixson of the High Ashes.
Tivedale. Ralph Anesley of Clithaugh.
Jock Burne, minor, of the Cote.
The Laird Frizell of Esterton.
Will Hall of Heavyside.
Ralph Hall of the Sikes.
David Pringle younger of Hownam.
Jock Robson of Ostnam.
James Young of Feltershaw.
James Young of the Cove.
David Davidson.
Ralph Mowe of Mowe.
Will Tate of Cheritrees.
Rutherforth, eldest son to William of Littlekugh.
Ralph Burne of the Coote.
(51. 56.)
Tynedale. Gib Charleton of Boughthill.
Lourie Robson.
Lyell Robson.
Rowye Milbourne.
Jock Todd of Greenhaugh.
Riddisdale. Rob Hall younger of Moncreeth.
John Hall of Gressonfield.
John Reid of Torquhaue.
Alan Hedley of Hatherweike.
George Waulass of Dutrees.
Percy Pott of Yeirdupp.
Tom Coxson of the Wolland.
John Snawdon.
West March. Will's Arthur Graham of Netherby.
The Goodman of the Mcote.
Will's Geordie of the Fauld.
Tom Storye of Howend.
Sym Taylor's Vivian.
Rowie Forster of Carsop Foot.
John Graham of Westlinton.
Little Geordie Haverington of Broomhill.
David's Quintin Nixson.
Richie of Cancrowpe Rutledge.
Anthon's Edward Armstrong of Wilzeton.
The Bells in Gillsland. Geordie Bell of Bowbank.
The Laird of Paston.
Ralph Reveley of Hamilton.
(51. 57.)
W. Walrond, High Sheriff of Devon, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May 31. The letter of the Privy Council of the 2nd April was only received by me on May 17. I have delayed sending up Tichborne the Seminary in order to obtain some further examinations, which yet I cannot receive, and that I might more safely convey him, as now I have by this bearer my under-sheriff.—My poor house at Wood, this last of May 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (51. 59.)
Vin[cent] Skynner.
1597, May 31. Answer to the information given to her Majesty that he should refuse the delivery of Prest's certificates touching Sir Thomas Sherley's account.
Last term Mr. Birchinshaw came with divers notes collected by the auditors appointed to survey Sir Thomas Sherley's accounts. These notes I conferred with the book of charges, and satisfied all particulars save one of eight pounds paid to the Lord Burgh. At the beginning of this term Mr. Chancellor was glad to see the work in so good forwardness, and on Saturday last the account for the Low Countries was sent to Mr. Conyers. I received a letter from your Lordship dated the 18th of this month, to deliver to Mr. Birchinshaw such notes as he should require touching Sir Thomas Sherley's business, but I never saw the man since.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (51. 60.)
Captain Henry Docwra to the Earl of Essex.
1597, May 31. Continuing his suit to accompany Essex upon his voyage.—The Hague, this last of May, 97.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (175. 66.)
Thomas Arundell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, May. It is now almost a month since I was first committed into close durance, I hope I may now solicit some further enlargement. My wife, I understand, by reason of her grief of mind, is fallen sick. Her constitution is too weak to endure sickness long. Wherefore give leave that I may either be assigned to my own house, or that she may come to me if her health will permit. I have written to my Lord of Essex to the same effect. My servant is fallen sick and is thereby become very troublesome to this little house. Favours are then more than favours when dura sors hath made them more than needful.
Signed. 1 p. small. (51. 61.)
Warrant of the Council.
1597, May. Summoning John Vaughan, Customer of Milford, to come to Court to answer certain charges before the Council.—Draft with signatures, and with blanks left for day of month and messenger's name.
(51. 62.)
1597, May. Papers and accounts in the controversy between Giles de Vissher and Lodowick Engelstedt, concerning ordnance.—May 1597.
10 papers. (209. 7.)