Cecil Papers: April 1597, 16-30

Pages 159-181

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 7, 1597. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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April 1597, 16–30

The Lords of the Council to the Customers of the Port of London.
1597, April 17. They are informed by the Merchants Adventurers, that persons, being Her Majesty's subjects and not free of the company of Merchants Adventurers, use to trade with English cloths and other woollen commodities as well to Hamburg in Germany as to Vlishing and Amsterdam in the Low Countries and other places, contrary to the privilege given by Her Majesty to the fellowship of the said Merchants Adventurers, with restraint to all other her subjects in that behalf. By which disordered and ungoverned trading, they understand that the markets of Stoadt and Middleborough, (being the established mart towns for English cloth and other woollen merchandise) are greatly disappointed, to the great loss of the said Merchants Adventurers, and pulling down of the prices of the said cloths and other woollen commodities.
For redress of so great a disorder, the customers are to take good and sufficient bond of every person, being Her Majesty's subject and not shipping in the Merchants Adventurers' ships, which shall make entry of any English woollen commodity for Germany, that they shall land the same at Stoadt, and like bond in the case of woollen merchandise for the Low Countries, that they shall land the same at one of the places aforesaid. These bonds shall be sent by the customers every quarter from henceforth unto the Governor of the Merchants Adventurers or his deputy, who are fittest to get evidence for Her Majesty of any such condition broken. These Merchants, wherever necessary, shall deliver the bond into the Exchequer and there prosecute suit upon the same to Her Majesty's use.—rom the Court at Whitehall the xviith of April 1597.
Copy. 1 p. (50. 22.)
Thomas Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 17. Received this evening, about 7 o'clock, Cecil's letter, with one enclosed to be delivered to Mr. Thomas Edmondes, employed presently into France for Her Majesty's affairs, if he were not yet put to sea. Mr. Edmondes embarked here at Dover for France some four days past; but as his Honour writes by way of postscript that the enclosure should follow him with all speed by some one, whose charge should be defrayed, albeit the wind be at this present very flat contrary and withal very great, so as there is no likelihood to send the same with speed, Fane is keeping the letter some four or five days to seek an opportunity to send it over. Desires Cecil's further pleasure herein with all speed if he shall not fully satisfy the same.
About 7 this morning, he received his Honour's letter by post concerning William Browne, a lewd person and evil-affected to the State, to be stayed from passing out of England, if he should come to this port, and also to be apprehended and committed to safe custody. Has taken present order herein, not only in this port, but in Hethe, Folkestone, Sandwich and Thannet, as being likely places for him to seek passage at.—This xviith of April 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 23.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 18. Sending a note of measures to be taken in Cornwall for relief of the poor in this time of great dearth, whereof, he hopes, if chief magistrates and governors do their duties, the desired end will ensue. This he sends the rather, both because Cecil was the first raiser of that necessary charitable provision for the maimed soldiers, as also for that he found him so favourable to give hearing to this motion as thereon to ask for the effect thereof in writing. If the like, or better course may be ordered through every other shire, daily labours might be drawn from more than 200,000 loiterers, to the gain of 1,000l. a day, which now by gathering from many houses devour more food in idleness, living in manifold wicked abuses. This estimate agrees not with the most : but in the small county of Cornwall, as he believes, there are 10,000 such idle loiterers, whose general restraint and relief from starving should appear to ensue within one month, if the fault be not in the justices, constables and other chief governors.
Desires, as before he has requested, that his son rather than a stranger may be appointed to serve in his stead in the Isles of Scilly, since he himself is required by Cecil to continue his services in this main, to his great burden. Although Scilly be a place of great danger in these days, he had rather adventure his son there than place in the government one that can neither be so well beloved nor is so well to be trusted. Likewise he numbly beseeches that Cecil will peruse his weak conceit of that garrison, with the reasons of his desire for a small increase thereof. If they be such as Cecil can approve, humbly desires they may be recommended to the favourable censure of his honourable father.—From Godolphin, 18 April 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (39. 27.)
The Enclosure :
Orders agreed on by the Justices of the Peace for Cornwall at General Sessions at Bodmin the 5th and Trerowe the 8th of April, 39 Eliz., for better relief of the poor in this time of great dearth, and for repressing vagrants, according to her Majesty's princely care and gracious direction in that behalf.
A general survey to be taken by constables and chief governors in every parish, and names of all persons to be relieved to be entered in a book, distinguishing between such as can deserve something towards their finding and such as can do little or nothing.
In the same book to be entered also names of all householders and others able to give any relief towards their maintenance; names of tenements held as farms, noting how many acres of good land and how many of waste ground each doth possess, by whom held, and what number of persons he doth relieve either upon them or in his dwelling house.
This done, the constables and chief governors to confer together and take some good order (if they may) how to relieve their said poor, and to see them as well kept to labour as relieved.
By the end of this month of April at furthest, the constables and some of the chief governors of their parishes to be in readiness with the said books to answer before any two justices when sent for, whether they will undertake the relief of their parish, or leave it to the justices, as directed by the Statute, to provide for the same by a weekly rate.
Parishes overburdened with poor to be relieved from other parishes or by dispersal of some of their poor into other parishes.
After the meeting had between the justices and constables, no poor are to leave their parish to beg, and no vagrant is to be relieved unless licensed under the seal of the justices of the division, as required by the Statute, but to be punished in the stocks or brought before the next justice of the peace to have order for their whipping and passport to return them to the place of their birth or most abiding for the last three years.
Such poor as cannot provide work for themselves are to present themselves in a convenient place in the church on the Sabbath Day a little before the ending of morning and evening prayer, and as soon as prayer is ended order shall be taken to send them abroad among such householders as shall maintain them meat, work, and such wages as they can deserve for the week following.
Wardens and constables to take special note on the Sabbath Day what persons absent themselves from divine service and punish the faulty according to the Statute.
Every householder to see that their servants and youths be not permitted to play at unlawful games on the Sabbath Days or to frequent alehouses, and that view be taken what riotous or wasteful expenses are used in any tippling house and by whom.
That the fast or abstinence of two meals weekly be duly observed and the value thereof employed for the maintenance of the poor, according to the articles lately published from the Archbishop's Court.
That if any person who ought to further the execution hereof be negligent he shall incur such danger and penalties as by the Lords' letters and the laws of the realm are laid down. If they be constables, they are to be dismissed from their offices and bound to their good behaviour for one whole year as a note of their evil demeanour and uncharitable negligence.
The constables are to certify the next justice, monthly at the least, how these orders are performed in their parishes.
2 pp. (39. 26.)
Baron Matthew Ewens and Serjeant Edw. Drewe to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 18. Whereas the service of Her Majesty's attorney before the Council in the North is now greatly required for divers purposes, which have not been of late so well followed as was fit, in respect of the years and indisposition of Mr. Payler who supplieth that room, we have thought it our parts to advertise your Honour thereof, that Her Majesty would please to appoint of some fit and discreet man to be assistant with the said attorney, as, at the placing of Mr. Payler, was used by reason of the infirmity of Mr. Martyn Brikeheade, then attorney there. Recommend Mr. John Jackson of the Inner Temple : not meaning the dispossessing of the now attorney, but that the place by way of assistance may be well provided, and that Mr. Jackson may succeed Mr. Payler, when God shall please to call him away.—From Sergeants Inn, the xviijth of Aprill 1597.
Signed. ½ p. (50. 21.)
Henry, Lord Cobham.
[1597?], April 18. Forms of acquittance to be given by Tho. Mo. for moneys received on account of Henry, Lord Cobham.
Endorsed :—“18 April. A maner of ye draft mayking of acquittances, with my forms.”
Rough notes. 1 p. (50. 24.)
Ro. Swyfte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 18. Sending a writing which came to his hands out of the house of a poor man, not ill-affected, named Nich. Jokye, whom he can safely clear from any privity or knowledge thereunto. Has straitly examined others, but finds no suspicion at all save in a runagate papistical quean (whose name he cannot yet learn) fled northwards certain months past, who by all presumption might unawares leave it where it was found.—At Tristrap, 18 April '97.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 25.)
Capt. John Seint Leger to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 18. Understanding there are some employments in her Majesty's service expected by sea and for musters and other service in the country, beseeches Cecil to be a mean he may be remembered in one or the other. If there shall be any occasion of service in Devonshire, he begs favour therein, being wished thereunto by divers gentlemen of the county for the love they bear his late father, Sir John Seint Leger, knight. Acknowledges himself most bound to Cecil for procuring her Highness' hand to his book.—18 of April 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (50. 26.)
Sir F. Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 18. I send your Honour herewith a letter from the Count Lidowyche's father to yourself and another to the Queen, which were delivered me by a servant of his here in the Haghe. If this accident had not compelled me to write I should have forborne, being utterly unprovided of matter worthy your Lordship. Monsieur de Buzenvall is expected daily, and some good resolution from England, by which these men may the better know how to direct their courses. From both they expect new demands, but to her Majesty they incline most willingly if she undertake the action of Callis. Howbeit there wants not those in this State which solicit to let by the putting an army into the field to have so much the better colour of denial. It may please your Lordship, therefore, if there be any such purpose, to give some inkling, which shall be secretly and discreetly used to strengthen them who favour the seconding of her Majesty's demand. The Ammyrall Nassau hath been at sea to execute an enterprise upon Gravelyng by way of intelligence with a Scotchman; but, the Ammyral being at sea, a letter came to the Count Maurys whereby the Scotchman signified he could not perform his promise at the day. If your Lordship will hearken to it and give me knowledge thereof, I will deal with Colonel Morrey who hath had the chief conducting of the matter, to prepare it for you, which I do assure myself he will most gladly perform, being wholly devoted to your service. The Count Ludiwichc hearkeneth very diligently whether you stir this summer or no, resolved to attend your Honour; and if her Majesty would use service of any Dutch horse, if the matter of Calles go forward, I do know he would be [glad] to have the honour to conduct and levy them. If not presently, yet as occasion should be offered, he desireth to be engaged to that kind of service. His Majesty hath had pensioners of that nation and is as likely to have use of them as ever, in which kind for many respects no horse in Germany can do her better service.—Haghe, this 18 April 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (50. 28.)
Gabriell Goodman, [Dean of Westminster], to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 19. My brethren and I received your Honour's letter this day in the behalf of Mrs. Hyde. Mr. Killegrew followed that matter both forenoon and afternoon, and had the grant of the company, being ten prebendaries, and with much ado obtained that my consent shall not be given thereunto until to-morrow 10 of the clock in the morning. The grant is for a lease in reversion for 21 years, and I would he had it by composition with G. Ruanick for 21 years immediately. Mr. Kyllegrew saith that he will return to-morrow for my consent to the lease to pass to her Highness according to her Majesty's letter. Surely, Sir, I am overweighed in this world and must always desire your Honour of favour in both cases. I know not what to say unto it, but God always keep'us that we may do his will.—From Westminster College, this 19 of April 1597.
(50. 27.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 19. Some days past came a sailor that said he had been six or seven weeks before at Ferol and had left there sixty sail, but so unfurnished of all things that there was no likelihood they would do anything this year.
Yesterday came news of 24 March from St. Lucar, of a general stay of ships over all Spain for setting forth an army. But they say that the stay grew by advice from the Indies that some of our countrymen had taken and fortified the island of Santa Martha.
On Monday landed here Monsieur de Buzanval, and to-day he is gone toward Holland. Has had much speech with him, all tending to show the extreme weakness of the state of France. It is feared there that the Cardinal will be on foot by the middle of May, against which time the K. of France cannot be ready to receive him, and will carry all before him between the rivers of Somme and Seine. It seems the Frenchmen, especially the great towns, as it were give over and yield in their hearts to the power and fortune of the King of Spain. Notwithstanding, the towns have yielded to some contribution to the K. and Paris itself doth promise to entertain 3000 Switzes for this summer, but this will be too late if the King be set upon by the Cardinal, and he be not helped otherwise. Of his own means it seems he cannot do much, his finances being exceedingly ill ordered and his great men drawing every one his own way : all which the King sees and mislikes, and yet cannot remedy. The chief assistance he looketh for is from her Majesty, and there is great expectation she will besiege Callis, during which time he will also attempt Amiens; and he has given Buzenval orders to enlist the States to assist in all they may her Majesty in the said siege. In that case he will not urge them to their promise to maintain an army of 8,000 men to divert part of the Cardinal's forces from him. This action of Callis beareth shew unto the world of a matter full of honour and of profit to her Majesty; and the Frenchmen of their side would have it thought that it is no small matter the King doth yield unto her, in allowing that she should attempt the town and, winning it, hold it for herself. If the Queen do not attempt Callis or assist with the 4,000 men promised by the late league, the King will be unable to withstand the persuasions of his council and almost of his whole realm to enter into a truce with Spain, whereto the Legate seems to offer very good means. To this purpose was Buzenval's speech, and he hath ever hitherto dealt plainly with Sydney.—Flushing, the 19th of April 1597.
P.S.—The Admiral is returned without executing or indeed attempting anything.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (50. 60.)
A copy of the foregoing. (50. 63.)
[Sir H. Palavicino to Sir R. Cecil.]
1597, April 19. By the last two ordinary posts I have had no letter from the Verdiani in Brussels. I will observe what he does after receiving the second payment, for which I gave order at the end of March, though I fear that on one side the dangers, on the other the splendour of that Court will frighten or corrupt him. From others I hear that the Cardinal had received 800,000 crowns, and was meaning to equip an army and man a fleet with sailors from the Riviera. This looks like a preparation for an attack on Zealand, or on the Island of Tergoes or the neighbourhood.
From Genoa I have letters of the 23rd of March confirming the report of levies in Lombardy and in the kingdom of Naples. These last are to go to Spain to serve in the armada of the Adelantado. In Genoa they think that without them the armada cannot undertake much, since many of the Spanish soldiers are infirm, and the greater part unwilling to embark; whereby they may easily waste the coming summer. None the less the King means not only to maintain, but also to increase the armada, and has lately taken into his pay a Genoese gentleman named Signor Frederico Spinola, who is gone into Spain to equip twelve little galeasses for service in the Ocean, which are to be ready by next year.
Unsigned. Italian, possibly in Sir Horatio Palavicino's hand.
1 p. (175. 38.)
Outrage upon the body of a French Protestant.
1597, [After April 19.] On Sunday the 19th of April M. Isaac de Laune, Doctor of Medicine, residing at Tonnerre, in Burgundy, of the Reformed religion, died, respected by all right-minded men. His widow then sent to the “Administrateur” of the Hospital to ask leave to bury him in one of the burial grounds within that Hospital, where several Protestants had lately been buried; and this was freely granted. When this came to the ears of the Dean of the parish of Notre Dame, he went to the “Administrateur,” with some monks of the Hospital, and protested, although the dead man had been familiar with them in his life and was the usual and official doctor of the Hospital. The widow and friends accordingly decided to bury the body by night to avoid giving any occasion for complaint. But when in the evening the funeral party were met, both Catholics and Protestants, news was brought that the monks of the Hospital were prepared to resist by force the burial of the body, and that the Dean with a lot of bad characters was about the town for the same purpose. Accordingly it was agreed to make a formal complaint the next day, and that the widow should have the body taken to Fielz, an estate of which she is part-owner, to be there buried. And so the party went away leaving only two women in the house. But the Dean and the mob, being disappointed by this decision, about midnight broke into the house, dragged the corpse into the market place up to the pillory, broke open the coffin, wounded the body with pointed sticks, put cards in one hand and dice in the other, and were about to put the body into the pillory if they had not been prevented from doing so by some disapprovers. They then took to insulting the body, threatening to throw it into the river with a paper on its back that this was Hugenot on his way to England, and abusing it in other ways. In the morning the police and the “Echevins” came, most of whom had been violent partisans of the League; and, to show how little they cared for such matters, they had the body taken up by some peasants, and buried without more ado in a dunghill, and did not even allow it to be first placed in the coffin. And then they went back to the widow and demanded payment for their trouble, threatening her that otherwise they would dig up the body, and throw it to the dogs to eat. And they even contrived that no justice should be had, without appealing to the King.
Undated. Endorsed :—1597. 2½ pp. (58. 13.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 20. The Queen granted her coachman Gwyllame a licence for twenty-one years to transport beyond the seas old “bowtes,” shoes, pantables, and slippers, and that none should, during those years, transport any, but he or his deputies; which licence he sold for 200 marks and is now expired or very nigh. Begs Cecil to procure him the like licence, in regard to his hard distressed estate. How far Richard Langton behaved to Cecil's dislike in the service committed to his charge, he knows not; but as he procured Langton to depart his wife and family and venture his life therein, begs him to procure his father's letters, accompanying the same with his own, to the Mayor of London, for a grant to Langton of an office of the Coal meters. Sends General Norres's certificate of Langton's service, and how he was maimed in her Majesty's service.—This 20th of April 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 29.)
Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 20. I know it would better beseem me to wait on your Honour than to write, but that I am a banished man from the Court and a stranger to that part of the town. The bearer hereof, a gentleman of the Inns of Court and Mr. Budden's nephew, hath long and often much importuned me to use my poor credit with your Honour to accept of him as a retainer and follower of yours. He is very honest and very valiant upon my knowledge, and a proper man both in discretion and in the use of his pen, but dedicated to follow the study of the Law, only desiring to be graced by your countenance and favour. I hope you will pardon my boldness herein, for in truth I love not to solicit my friends in such cases; but the earnest desire of the gentleman is such, and partly Mr. Budden's request also, by whom he hath been brought up, as I hoped I might adventure.—At my house without Bishopsgate this 20 of April 1597.
Endorsed :—“In favour of John Dackombe.”
Seal. ½ p. (50. 30.)
Anthony [Rudd], Bishop of St. Davids, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 20. Right honourable, though I dare not presume in these my days of disgrace to request you to solicit her Majesty for mine own preferment, yet I am bold to be a petitioner to you on behalf of Robert Rudde, my Chaplain, for the rectory of Temisford in the diocese of Lincoln, the incumbent of which is now either dead or ill without hope of recovery. Mr. Rudde is a ready preacher, now residing in the University of Cambridge where he was this year to take the degree of Bachelor of Divinity.—Gardens Lane at Westminster, 20 April 1597.
Holograph. Headed :—“Jesus.” Seal. ½ p. (175. 39.)
The Isle of Wight.
1597, April 21. Figures relating to the cost of garrisons for the Isle of Wight.
This is Endorsed :—“Jersey—Garnesey—Wight,” but no mention of the first two islands occurs in the paper.
Fragment. (50. 31.)
Thomas Arundell
1597, [April 21.] Stickles his device of avoiding great ordynance would be aptly applied to shipping to keep off any shot from lighting between wind and water, which would easily be done, for that between the lower orlopp and the water mark it is not lightly more than three foot : it would do also exceeding well to defend either poop or the prow of gallies according as they do either charge or retire.
When there is a hole made with a score of common shot in the side of the bulwark close by the water of the ditch so as a man may enter, we may send one or two into that hole in some small boat in some dark night, making some great noise either with ordynance or otherwise so as they are not heard, who being once in may with their nails scrape room for more, as the Turks did at Komar, &c.
Mullinax his brass pieces being so light would be set upon very high carts and shoot over the soldiers' heads at the joining of the battle, and so questionless kill many enemies, besides that the ordynance being on the hinder part of the cart, there would stand eight or ten musketeers in every cart before the piece of ordynance, who might still discharge upon the enemy till the ordynance were ready, and then they to stoop so low as that the bullets fly over their heads. The piece of ordynance would be set so as, being discharged, it might be turned with the mouth backwards, and so easily charged again, without any great trouble or removing of men. Besides, every cart ought to have some target of proof, or rather some great canvass bag, which will soon be filled with earth, in the fore part of it, thereby to defend as well the musketeers as the cannonnyers. Also, these brass pieces would be made sloping at the nose, so as we cut a quill when we mean to make a pen, I mean longer below than above, to [the end] the bullets do not scatter too short and so hurt our own men. This is only for land service, for at sea they should remain as they are.
Learn of Mr. Platt his way to poison air and so to infect a whole camp.
Learn of him his chain shot, which is excellent to break down the tackling and sail of ships, and so to overtake and grapple with any swift ship, which otherwise would either take the wind or sail away.
Romero his trench would be learned, as also his bridge, his boat to go without wind or sail, and his device against horsemen.
Arthur Gregory hath a device to make a ship go alone for a mile or two, which striking on any other ship shall take fire and burn both, and so to burn a whole fleet. He hath also a means to make a ship go much faster than she did and better by mending her sails. Also he hath a way to make ten men able to manage a cannon in a ship better than the other that Mr. Platt told you of, whose pattern he first took.
Mr. Davis told you of a certain ancient engine used in boats to make oars go by turning of a wheel.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“This paper was found in Mr. Arundell his chamber the xxjth of Apr. '97.”
2 pp. (50. 35.)
1597, April 21. Paper in Italian on the state of England.
Endorsed by Cecil :—“This writing was left with the woman that kept Mr. Thomas Arundell's house, the day and hour in which time he was examined by the Earl of Essex, the Lord Admiral, and the Secretary.”
pp. (141. 185.)
The Countess of Kildare.
1597, April 22. Warrant from the Queen for the payment to the Lady of Kildare, out of the treasure to be issued for Ireland by authority of the warrant under the Privy Seal of the seventh of this present month, of 200l. which she hath order from her husband to receive here.—Palace of Westminster, 22 April, 39 Eliz.
Sign Manual. Seal. (50. 36.)
R. Champernown to the Lords of the Privy Council.
1597, April 22. The 19 April I received letters from Lord Charles Howard and Sir Robert Cecil, knight, bearing date the 12 April, concerning an information against me as an hinderer of the contributions for the ships late sent from the ports of Devon for Cales, and specially resisting this tax for Plymouth.
In this information your lordships are abused and myself greatly wronged. I beseech you not to conceive of me as so void of reason and forgetful of my duty as to offer to cross what your lordships shall command. My answer is, that as I was not an hinderer in the former contribution for Totnes and Dartmouth, but chosen by the country with Mr. William Strowde as commissioner for examining certain points differing between them and contained in your letters to us directed, so hath been my answer only to this effect in this cause, that your lordships' former letters in this tax for Plymouth being general on this West part of our South Division, and the benefit general, and the Tinners refusing to pay, I did assure me, as your letters made show of no other, that so your pleasures were the contribution should be general. In no sort I refused to pay, but to make stay till your pleasures were further known herein. The reasons causing in us an unwillingness to this tax chiefly grows by their several disabilities, which all other reasons must give place unto. The causes thereof by them alleged, being many, I forbear to present your honours with. The second reason, whereat also they seem grieved, is that the few Western hundreds out of which this tax is to be levied for Plymouth, all the gentlemen of any place and best farmers therein inhabiting for more than two parts are tinners; and shall we, less than a third part and the poorest men, take on us so great a burden, the cause being general; which inequality would be held in most hard measure were it not your Lordships' pleasure to command it. I write with the consents of many, though enforced herein alone to certify, seeing all those of the best account where this tax is to be levied are tinners; of which part, though very few yet some, moved with “thendyferency”, offer to pay with us. I submit myself in this, as in all other courses, to your honours' censures.—At Modbury this xxijth of April, Ao. 1597.
Addressed :—“To the Right Honorables the Lords of Her Maties. Most Honorable Privy Council at the Corte. Haste, Haste for Her Majesty's service. From Modbury at 2 of the Clock, R. Champernoun.”
Noted :—“At Ashberton half a hour after 4.
At Exeter at 8 of the clock. At Honyton at a xjth of the clock in the forenoon the xxvth of April.
At Crookerne half a nouer after one of the clock ye afternoon Aprill xxv day.
At Sherborne at fyve of the clock in the afternoon the xxvth of April 1597.
At Shaston at vij of the clock in the afternoon Aprill the xxvth 1597.
Recd. at Andever at—of the clock in the morning the 26 of Aprill.
R. at Bassingstok at viij of the clock in the morning the 26 day.
At Hartford Bridge at 10 in the forenowen.”
Seal broken. 1½ pp. (50. 37.)
Monsieur Montmartin to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 22/May 2. Monseigneur. Vous escrire par M. Edmond, c'est vous mander toutes nouvelles, car il congnoist mieux nos afaires que nous mesmes. Ma lettre servira donc, sy vous plaist, pour vous tesmoigner tout le treshumble service qui depend de mon pouvoir et devoir.—A Paris, 2 May 1597.
Endorsed :—22 Aprill, '97.
Holograph. ½ p. (50. 38.)
Gabriel Goodman, [Dean of Westminster,] to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 22. My brethren and I having met in council as touching Mrs. Hyde's suit for a lease in reversion of the rectory of Godmanchester, I must acknowledge myself therein greatly distressed, calling to remembrance the singular care of her Majesty, the founder of this noble College, in converting of the same from a house of superstition to be a holy temple of true religion and of the sincere professing of the Gospel, and thereupon appointed Dr. Bill, her old chaplain and late almoner, to be the first and original Dean of this her said College, who with great zeal devised statutes and orders for the government of the same; which statutes were then penned with his own hand : amongst which one special is as touching reversions not to be granted but within two or three years of the expiration of a former lease. The same hath been perused and approved by my lord of Canterbury in his draft of statutes. I must confess I had a scruple of conscience therein as of a matter hindering to the public benefit. Howbeit in the end acknowledging her Majesty's high and sacred authority and most princely prerogative, I do most humbly submit myself thereunto, not doubting of her most princely care for the present and the time to come. My humble request unto you is now that posterity and succession may find and feel the benefit hereof in such sort as her Majesty shall think best for them who so long as the world endureth shall serve God in this her Majesty's Collegiate Church.—From Westmr. College this 22 of April 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (50. 39.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 22. This day Sir William Woodhouse delivered me your letter of the 22nd; and if I have done anything to serve him, it is no more than was due from me in my desire to serve you. I have of late written seldom for want of matter, and knowing Sir Francis Vere misses no opportunity. All remains here at one stay since the departure of Monsieur Caron, who undoubtedly has particularised of all. They deferred considering what to attempt this summer until hearing from the King of France, and now look by M. Buzenval, who arrived two days ago, to understand all, but he has hitherto required no audience. Meanwhile it is said the King will continue the war, having reasonably settled matters in his kingdom, though as yet without foreign aid he cannot do much against an invasion, unless the States and the Queen divert some of the Spanish forces. If the Queen had a mind to the siege of Calais and took it, the King would yield his interest, and the States would join their forces, longing for nothing more than such an enterprise, especially if you were to be in command. Count Maurice has purposed several enterprises, but effected none as yet. The enemy leave us in quiet and bend all towards France, making a good opportunity for action. Some wish for another attack on Spain. From Germany nothing is looked for; nothing can be done with the Princes.—The Hague, 22 April 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (175. 40.)
Edward Kirkham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 22. My son Robert Kirkham, at the last election of scholars at Westminster, failed of his preferment merely by want of some honourable good friends to speak for him. I would therefore ask you to send for Mr. Doctor Paris, Warden of Christ Church in Oxford, who has the choice of scholars, and move him in behalf of my son; for which I and he shall ever be bound to you.—22 April 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (175. 41.)
M. Sancy to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 22/May 2. I am thankful that you should remember me; you can never send news of yourself to any one who is more your humble servant than I am. Mr. Edmonds will have told you the state of our affairs; for besides that they were never secret, we have recently been obliged to open them to all our people to ask fresh help from their good will. Everyone has seen what were their wishes and prayers, which the King has had much pain in refusing. I cannot help wondering that you should have heard any other report; for this is a public matter.—2 May 1597.
Endorsed :—“22 April 97. M. Sancy, M. de Mouy, M. de la Tremouille, M. de L'Omeny.”
French. Holograph. 1 p. (175. 44.)
Matthew Cecill to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 22. As to the wardship of the heir of Mr. Percivall of Somersetshire, granted to him. Complains of having been overreached by Mr. Barnard and Mr. Bulbeck therein, and prays Cecil to call Bulbeck before him and require him to use petitioner well in the matter.—Allterenys, 22 April 1597.
1 p. (1922.)
Bellingham v. Bowes.
1597, April 22. Certificate by the Clerk of the Court of Wards as to the state of the cause between Mr. Bellingham and Sir William Bowes. References to the property of Sir Godfrey Fuljambe, Lady Bowes' first husband.
Endorsed :—22 Aprill 1597. 1¼ pp. (2242.)
Sir George Savile to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 23. Acknowledging receipt of a sore “faulkon” committed to his custody by Cecil. “Her feathers were all broken, but a fair faulkon she is likely to prove this next year, when I shall desire she may deserve your honour's good liking again.” Protests his readiness to do him service in all things, and would hold himself happy to procure anything might be to his honour's content.—At Thornhill, this 23rd of April, 97.
Endorsed :—“Sir George Savyle to my Mr.”
Then follows a list of names of fourteen knights, in another hand. (50. 40.)
Sir Edmund Ashton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 24. A thousand thanks for all your most honourable favours. I myself had purposed to have been messenger myself, but partly by my wife's late sickness, partly my own unhealth instantly, and also the funeral of my oldest uncle doth stay me. But before it be long, God granting me health, I will come do my duty to your Honour, at whose commandment I rest bounden and so will in love until I die. I am sorry to hear of the Countess of Derby her long sickness, for I honour her, and will ever as a chief branch of your family, to which if my children yield not, after me, their especial observance, I wish them nothing of mine.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 41.)
Sir F. Vere to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 24. I have forborne to be over troublesome to your Lordship for I have had small variety of matter. Now that Monsieur de Buzenvall is arrived we are made no freer than we were before, only in this point that he urgeth not the sending of any troops into France, which was greatly feared. As for the K., his hopes are built on the liberalities of his towns, with which he purposeth to levy seventeen or eighteen thousand foot, and on the likelihood that her Majesty will accept his offer of Callis, which indeed giveth comfort and life in this extremity of theirs. He hath charge to admonish the States to be assistant to her Majesty if she require them, and in that regard remitteth the performance of that gratuity they had made the Duke of Buillon for the assisting of the King this summer. They here are not backward to that work, leaving to engage their forces till they hear what her Majesty will resolve. I know your Lordship is wrapped in this business, and do assure myself, the cause being so good, you will he delivered of it, and speediness in the execution will overawe many difficulties. The enemy maketh so great levies that in all appearance he will be stronger this year than he hath been these years past, but it will be July or August before they be together. Meanwhile the occasion is offered to invest the town, to win it before they can be ready, or at the least to be so strongly lodged that they shall lose their labour in sending to succour the place. The garrison is strong, the town mended, and the seat not of most advantage for the besieger. An army shall have to do to deliver itself from the danger of these, though there were no army at hand to favour the besieged. This cannot but hasten the speedy undertaking. The poor state of the F. K. and the making the forces of these parts so long unprofitable must needs help, so that I do hearken every hour to hear of a final resolution, and have accordingly framed myself to do you my best service. I do make account your Lordship will draw from here as many of her Majesty's subjects as you can, whereof you may make reckoning of 3000, taking my regiment and 80 out of every of her Majesty's companies, and 1500 more of the States' men, which, with my regiment, maketh 3000 at their charges. These 4500 men I persuade myself you may have here, with some good store of munitions, if the matter be well handled. Horse you are furnished out of France. Her Majesty will not offer you less than 20,000 to be new levied, with which you may boldly undertake the action, for your voluntaries will be many. Your works must be very great as well in the lodging of your army as making approaches, for which it shall be necessary to have a good number of pioneers. We have used to put our soldiers to these works, but they have learned to leave their tools and take their weapons when need requireth. We have now found garrisons of four or five thousand men which hath freed us from the inconveniences of that manner working. The charge will seem somewhat extraordinary, but fourteen days or three weeks shortening of the siege by their means maketh a fair amends. I hope to see this action undertaken royally for the right we pretend, the general desire to the securing of it, the inconvenience in rejecting the offer, the danger in receiving a repulse, and for the good which the winning of the place bringeth with it. With the besieging of Calles you give the F. K. Amyens, the enemy never daring to look towards him when you have so good means to communicate your forces; and his besieging of Amyens shall give you the same help. If by this means he be not helped or by a great succours sent directly to him, he will not be able to gain it; and whilst he attempteth the same he putteth all the rest in danger, for he cannot have forces to assail them and defend the rest; so that this way the getting of Callis delivereth France out of this present peril, the keeping of it likely to keep not only France but England and these countries out of the doubtful state they are in. For the coast might safely be delivered from the Spaniard by the commodity that place would afford to the entry into these parts. And I know the States would be glad to send both men and what else their country can afford to the seconding of any such purpose. If I were not assured of your honour's mind so far as that you will make the favourablest construction of my writing I would beware how I presumed so much in this kind, but that and the knowledge I have how much I am your devoted servant giveth me confidence. I most humbly beseech you to remember my brother when occasion shall be offered. I should not trouble your Honour for him if he were but my brother : he hath good parts and I hope will not prove unworthy of the favour you shall do him.—Haghe, this 24th April 1597.
Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (50. 42.)
William Lyllé to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 24. Was yesterday at Dieppe to meet their treasurer, where he saw a letter from one of the King's physicians to Mr. Jeoffray, that Madame de Montceaux had lately escaped at the Court some great danger : that the King was infinitely troubled, as well with his nobility as his council—one divided in many factions, the other diverse in their counsels; and he not able in himself to “pollice” the first and content the other. His own house standeth upon so many pillars, and these divided in themselves, but the most united now in the house of Memorency, which will be the ruin of all the rest, and the rather for that those of the Religion will there also protect themselves. The rest have more desire than “back,” yet will and do they trouble and vex the King, who would be at rest if they and these accidents of the war did not trouble him against his will. The rest of his nobility would also be at rest, but have their several designs either upon his death or upon the King of Spain's advancement in the wars. The Council advise him, some to assure himself of the Queen of England and of the States, some that he should give himself good time seeing he hath no hope of line in himself (supposing some thing that is supposed his to be none of his), and let those blow the coal who have most need of fire; this includeth the other in a manner, who persuade him to respect his honour altogether, not to respect the Hugonots, to condescend to nothing to the Queen of England, and not to embrace her amity nor that of the rebellious States, but to gain time and come if possible to come good peace with the King of Spain. Espernon refused to assist at Council because this counsel was not followed.
Lyllé is assured that those who have advised that his safety lieth upon her Majesty, the States and those of the Religion, do yet possess him with that resolution, and Buzenvall is remanded to the States. It is thought if her Majesty use liberal proceeding with him at this time, and withal demand Callays, he will condescend hereto, and those of the Religion would wonderfully assist.
If by necessity the K. make truces with the Spaniard, the Spaniard will not come to a peace, for he hopeth much on the casualty of this man's life and the dissensions of his house; and if in these truces he occupy Callays and his adherents Brytaigny, with other inner towns of his country, undoubtedly he will have great means to practice upon other towns upon the coast of France and invade us or any other.
The letter mentioned that the Ambassador of Venice in Spain was hurt (as Lyllé wrote in one of his previous letters) and the shops of Venice were shut for some days : whether the one depended on the other does not appear; that the Savoyard had made truces with Geneva; that Lesdigeres had a very great army for those parts; that the Swiss Cantons are discontented with their colonels, as well those which have served the Spaniards as the French, and have sold their goods and lands to pay the soldiers which have not been paid by the said kings; that the Duke of Guise is made very rich by certain shipwrecks on the coast of Provence.
The K. has sent here to all the gentlemen of Picardy that he will presently be here and summoned them to be with him on horse or foot. To those which have no horse he will give pikes. They make account for this siege of great provisions; God grant they have half! The enemy is enterprising every day upon La Rue and these little towns. If he get but one he will stifle the rest of the country.
Two thousand horse, it is thought, are entered Amiens at times and many foot in habit of passers. The townsmen are said to be in division, but their best hope is that the fortifications are said to be bad : the curtains long and bulwarks too distant.—St. Valeryes, this 24 of April 1597.
P.S.—As he has written before, those wars of Italy should be fomented. Desires to see Essex taking towns in France; otherwise it will all shortly become Spanish, or failing thereof will become cantoned. It is said the enemy prepares to come into the fiel : of his force there is such diverse opinions he dares not write them.
[Birch.] Holograph. Seal. 3 pp. (50. 44.)
Sir W. Ralegh to the Lord Treasurer and Lord Admiral.
[1597,] April 24. According to your letter for the setting to the seas a small bark called the Darling for discovering of the Spanish fleet supposed to be employed for England, Ireland or Brittany, I have caused the said bark to be put in order, and to be victualled; praying, according to this estimate, that the sum of 120l. be delivered to this bearer, which I will presently send down to the captain and company, who forthwith shall depart to follow such instructions as are given by you and my Lords.—From Chelsey, this 24th of April.
Endorsed :—1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (50. 46.)
Thomas Fane, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 24. Returning his letter to Mr. Edmonds, the winds having been and still being so contrary as there is no means of passage into France, and the rather that he has himself to be at London this week about L. Cobham's affairs. If Cecil would have the letter sent over as soon as the wind shall serve, a messenger has been procured of purpose, who will undertake to deliver the same according to his direction.—Dover Castle, this 24th of April 1597.
Noted on Cover :—“Dover 24 April at 1 afternoon.”
Canterbury 24 April 4 o'clock afternoon.
Syttyn[gbourne] past 7 night.
Rochester the 24th at 9 at night.
Dartforth at 12 in the night.
London ..... at 1 in the morning.”
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (50. 47.)
Henry, Lord Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 26. Sending copy of an information from the lieutenant and keepers of her Majesty's forest of Shotover, within his charge, whereby Cecil may perceive the evil demeanour of the said offenders. Unless speedy remedy be taken, her Highness's game within the forest will utterly be spoiled and overthrown.
Endorsed :—“L. Norreis to my Mr.”
Seal. ½ p. (50. 48.)
The Enclosure :
Information of Jacob Hulcuppe, one of the keepers of Her Majesty's Forest of Sholtover, concerning such offenders as were of late taken within the forest.
John Hungerford and Edmund Bowyer of “Baylife” College in Oxford, the 18th of March 1596, came into the forest and did set upon the keepers with four long staves, containing in length 18 foot or thereabouts, and two swords and bucklers.
On the Wednesday in Easter Week, being 30 March, the said Hungerford and his company killed one deer in the said forest and carried the same away.
One Adams, servant unto Edmund Brome of Forest Hill, killed one deer in the said forest the 20th of February last past.
Also the said Adams on Midlent Sunday last killed a male deer in the purlewe, which is contrary to the laws of the forest.
1 p. (50. 49.)
Savage v. Brooke.
1597, April 26. Memorandum of receipt by Edward Clunne from the Right Honourable Henry Brooke, Lord Cobham, to the use of Peter Savage, of 40l. due by the obligation of the said Henry Brooke to the said Peter Savage, whereupon there is a judgment depending in the court of Common Pleas at Westminster against the said Henry Brooke.—Sealed this 26th of April 1597.
Witnesses, Edw. Clunne, Edward Morrice, Henry Adams, John Pryce.
Seal. ½ p. (50. 50.)
Thomas, Lord Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597,] April 26. I will to-morrow in the afternoon attend to kiss her Majesty's hands, who now remain confounded in the vexation of my soul that such a plague is inflicted on me as, by the time wherein I have no remedy but sufferance, trebleth in measure the proportion of all punishment : which hindering no such business as I am now devoted unto, might be better endured. But if I would strive He is too strong who thus dealeth with me; therefore I must beg in patience His deliverance. I have yesterday been cut all over my leg with a lancet, and have abidden loathsome worms to suck my flesh; and of all this have I more anguish than I would wish almost my enemy to feel. Yet am I most unquieted in the relation that is made to me of the distempered estate of that kingdom wherein it hath pleased her Majesty to choose me, by whose duties her gracious favour hath conceived opinion to be restored, and that I am detained from the least opportunity, which never was so precious as at this instant. I know in the intermedium of this alteration it is like grow to worse : this being proper to most men to lay as many impediments as they can cover before the way of him who shall succeed in government. The pale is unsound, being wearied, as is said, by the oppression of the soldiers; this unarmed and insolent to all disorder and less apted to fight; the captain covetous, extorting where he may; and in the deficiencies of his band deceiving the Queen of her payments : other parts distasted, and the greatest in action of rebellion or attending advantage. This is the condition of that realm. The discouragements be many, but since the ill hath ensued disorder and that in quo peccatum est emendari debet, I will hope in course of justice and the exercise of arms and reformation of officers to translate the deformity of the present being into a better face. I shall come with a swollen leg to her Majesty. She will pardon the blemish which I cannot help, and I will contend do her service in all the power I have. Bear with me that thus trouble you, your love hath made me bold; for which I rest your assured to be commanded T. Burgh :—April 26.
Endorsed :—1597.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (50. 51.)
The King of France to the Queen.
1597, April 26/May 6. J'ai taut eprouvé votre bonté et bonne volonté, ma très chère sœur, que je douterai toujours plutôt de moi mème que de votre amitié. J'ai regret seulement d'ètre si mal traité de la fortune, qu'elle m'ôte le moyen de vous témoigner par effets ma gratitude telle que vos bienfaits l'ont gravée en mon âme, car je vous en ferais recevoir autant de contentement que j'ai d'occasion de me louer du soin que vous avez eu jusque à present de votre bon frère et fidèle ami. Mais vous savez, ma très chère sœur, que les grands comme les moindres sont sujets a son empire et lui doivent homage et obeissance. Elle preside en nos conseils, elle force nos volontés et guide nos actions, chose que j'expérimente et ressens à present plus que je n'ai jamais fait. Car elle me traite très rudement et ni à plus que vous, ma très chère sœur, qui me puisse delivrer de sa tyrannie. Foucquerolles le vous a dit de ma part. Je l'ai repeté a votre ambassadeur, et fait toucher au doigt à Edmond. Le bon la Fontaine le vous réprésentera encore, s'il vous plait de l'écouter, vous suppliant de n'attendre a le croire qu'elle m'ait vaincu tout à fait. Vous avez raison, et vous en remercie de croire que je ne manquerai jamais a ma foi principalement en votre endroit. Car après ma mort je respirerai encore la fidelité que je vous ai jurée. Mais aussi ne permettez que je devienne si faible et debile que je sois contraint de faire ce je vous ai juré et protesté devant Dieu, ma très chère sœur, que je n'ai aucune volonté de faire. Ma chute attirera la votre, car notre ennemi est insatiable. Plus il m'aura affaibli plus il aura moyen de vous endommager. Il vous menace par ce moyen et exerce votre prudence et providence; mais je porte seul les assauts et efforts de sa fureur, laquelle, favorisée de la fortune plus que ne merite sa vertu, étonne mes peuples, de sorte que, n'en étant assisté comme je devrois ètre, j'en suis reduit, ma très chère sœur, en une agonie pire quasi que la mort. Je ne le vous dis pour vous émouvoir a mon secours au dommage de vos affaires, car votre conservation m'est aussi chère que la mienne, et ai recu comme il vous a plu ce que votre dit ambassadeur m'a réprésenté et leur sur ce point de votre part, mais je le fais afin que vous ne m'en reprochiez les evenemens qui procéderont de la violence de ma necessité et non de la volonté, inclination ou consentement du plus fidéle ami que vous aurez jamais, lequel, quoiqu'il advienne, n'oubliera oncques vos faveurs et demeurera éternellement votre tres humble frère et affectionné serviteur, Henri.—Ce 6 May 1597, à Saint Germain-en-laye.
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (133. 169.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597. April 27. Sending advertisements of the Spanish fleet, gathered from them which are at divers times come thence. Knows not how they agree with the report which, as he understands, Captain Crofts has brought in, but generally all that come out of Spain fully agree together.
In Holland, he understands, there are ships making ready to join with her Majesty's army; but in Zealand he does not see anything taken in hand, nor does he think that, do what they can, they will be ready within a month.
The Count Moris (whom now all men call the Prince Moris) is sick of an ague at the Hague, neither does there appear to be forwardness of any action in these parts, but therein he refers to Sir Fr. Vere's letters, who knows this better than the writer.—At Flushing the 27 of April '97.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 53.)
The Enclosure :
St. George's Day, 1597.—This day came a ship of Midleborow from St. Lucas who reports that this day three weeks the rudders were taken of from fourteen ships of Holland of 100, 110 and 140 last; and the bruit was that they were to be sent to Malaga to bring corn to Feroll to the army, which dies there for hunger, misery, and sickness. The day following this arrest, the ship came thence.
The English army was greatly feared again at St. Lucas and Sevile, and to the guard of those places the K. had caused seven galleys to come out of the Straits, which lay at Cales, St. Lucas and thereaway.
Fourteen gallions were ready to go forth for the Indies, but there should go but seven together.
The speech of those that came thither to Feroll was that the army was in great poverty and lay almost like so many wracks without tackle or anything; and in two years could not be made ready in that sort that it was before.
The speech there was also that two principal men of the Fleet had been beheaded and that the Adelantado was prisoner also.
The 25 of April.
This day came a ship of this town from Lisbone, not fourteen days upon the way. He reports that at Lisbone there was not any general arrest of ships of these countries or Easterlinges, but of fifty or sixty small barks to transport soldiers to Feroll. Upon the news that her Majesty did arm her navy, there was a general fear over all the coast of some new attempt. At Lisbone were eight galleys which came out of the Straits, and had been ten, but two were cast away, men and all, coming into Lisbone; those were also to go to Feroll, and the speech was at Lisbone that they should come to Calice, and the Captain of the Castle was inquisitive what road or haven was there fit to receive ships and galleys.
The speech at Lisbone was of the great wants in the army at Feroll and that they were fain to hang many, so fast they ran away continually; so as it was to be thought they could not go forth this year, but that the sending soldiers and the galleys was an argument that the K. of Spain meant to do something.
The 26 of April.
This morning came a ship from Lisbone, of Middleborowe, who reports that he saw nothing at sea neither heard of any army that was to come forth presently. He came thirteen days since from thence.
He reports further great fear there upon the news that her Majesty armeth her navy, and thinks there are by this time many thousand persons retired thence for fear of it.
Aboard the said ship were certain sailors of these countries who had left their own ships at Feroll and less than seven weeks since were come to Lisbone.
They report the Flemish ships there, numbering fifty or sixty, were altogether out of order, and nothing done to them, but twenty-five Spanish ships were making ready.
By another ship of Midleborow which came out a little after him, it is reported that as he came out he heard of an arrest of all ships, but the number was very small then there. The rumour was the fleet would be brought back thither from Feroll.
(50. 52.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 27. I have known this bearer, Will. Treihern, these many years in these countries as a paymaster under Sir Thomas Sherley, and never knew other by him than what belonged to an honest man. He desireth me to recommend him to your favour, thinking that it pleaseth you to vouchsafe favour unto me, which I acknowledge you do more than I do deserve. I beseech your Lordship therefore to stand good lord unto him and to pardon this boldness in me, seeing I am led unto it the more in respect that once also he was my soldier.—Flushing, the 27 of April 1597.
Holograph. ½ p. (50. 54.)
William Becher to Lord Burghley.
1597, April 27. Sir Thomas Wilkes being out of town, he prays that Mr. Merydeth, or Sir Thomas Sherley himself, be commanded to certify whether what he has set down be due to the captains or not, and satisfaction given him thereof.—27th April 1597.
Holograph. Seal.
On the same page :
Minute, dated 28 April and signed by Lord Burghley, directing Sir Thomas Sherley or Mr. Meredith to certify what is payable by her Majesty for the credit of the “horsebandes” in the Low countries for the last half year.
Certificate of W. Meredith that there is due to Sir Francis Vere, captain of a hundred lancers, for twenty-six weeks from 16 October last to 15 April 1597, 676l.
To Sir Nicholas Parker, captain of seventy-five lances, for the said time, 507l.
To Sir Robert Sydney, captain of fifty lances, for the said time, 338l.
Total 1,521l., whereof there was usually reserved to answer the check 114l 15s. The residue was paid to the merchants at the end of every six months, on producing the captains' acquittances for the same.
1 p. (50. 55.)
Richard Carmarden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 27. Sending, according to Cecil's pleasure, a copy of the Lords' letter to the officers of the Custom House touching the privileges of the Merchant Adventurers, to the observation whereof her Majesty hath no good liking.—London, this 27th of April 1597.
Seal. ½ p. (50. 56.)
Robert Baer to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 27/May 7. Apres avoir parlé à ce matin à Monsieur Edmons, je n'a voulu faillir de vous écrire la presente, tant pour m'acquitter de mon devoir, comme pour vous advertir que je m'ennuye fort d'étre ici si longtemps sans rien faire, et que je suis fort emerveillé que je ne puis ouir ni vent ni voix d'aucunes lettres écrites de vous, ni aussi pen de Monsieur Mool (qui m'a employé comme depuis j'ai entendu) en vôtre nom. Je vous ai écrit unes lettres d'ici, dattés du 7 d'Avril, par Jan de Monsy, courier ordinaire de ce pays, auquelles je vous ai adverti du succes de mon voyage à la Court de Brusselles, qui causera que je le toucherai ici fort brevement. C'est que j'advertis Monsieur le Commandeur de cette ville d'un homme qui était loué expres par les Jesuistes de Brusselles pour tuer le Roi de France (que Dieu garde!), et que je m'étais informé à Brusselles de bonne main que le Roi traite avec le Cardinal d'Austria pour la paix, et que le dit Cardinal attendait 6000 hommes de l'Italie et 4 millions d'or; qu'on dit avoir vu passer les dits hommes par la Lorraine, et qu'il attend 12,000 Suisses, et que le dit Cardinal n'avoit aucun moyen d'avoir de l'argent car les comptoirs des Italiens étaient faillis, et que le comte d'Aremburg était à Mastricht avec 3000 hommes fort mal équipés. Voila touchant mes lettres passées, tant écrites de Brusselles que d'Anvers à Sir Robert Sidney, comme depuis à vous et à Monsieur Mool, vous advertisant que je fusse été si long-temps ici sans la faute d'argent que j'ai pour payer mes dettes faites au dit voyage. J'ai été tant ici que Monsieur le Commandeur de cette ville a soupçon de moi pour advis.—En Dieppe ce 7 May 1597, Stile Bomene.
Addressed :—“A Monsieur, Monsieur Robert Sissel, Grant Secretere, Angleterre.”
1 p. (50. 87.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 28. At my coming to this town on Monday last, I found a small bark of about 20 tons ready victualled to go for the coast of Spain, in whom I do send my kinsman, with order if they may to set him aland in some convenient place and take him in again having performed the service he goeth for, when not having learned any certain intelligence at the seas, to send him back again in the first vessel they shall take sufficient to bring him for England, and the man-of-war to proceed on his pretended voyage, so that her Majesty shall be at no farther charges therewith but what you shall think meet when the party returneth, according to the service he and the rest shall perform.
Sir Ferdinando Gorges also sends forth a small bark, to return if they understand any matter of importance, and to rely upon your Honour's favour for the charges.
Other barks now making ready would be very willing to go forth in that sort, which will be much less charge to her Majesty and the services as well or better performed, for I do not see but all is one whether they go at her Majesty's charges or not, every man seeketh his own private gain.
In regard of a general letter from your Honours for the stay of all shipping and men, I dare not presume any farther unless your Honour shall direct me therein. Your warrant I have delivered to my kinsman whose name is George Stallenge, so for sending any other I shall need a warrant for the party and the vessel wherein he goeth.
Sir Ferdinando Gorges doth send some advertisements unto my Lord Admiral, but I have no great opinion of them, and think it not meet to trouble your Honour therewith.—Plimouth, xxviijth of April 1597.
Holograph. (50. 57.)
1597, April 29. Warrant under the privy seal from the Queen to Lord Burghley, for raising for defence of the realm and withstanding of the Queen's enemies that presently are prepared to attempt some dangerous enterprise against the state and realm, four hundred men in the county of Essex, to be placed under Captain Price, and two hundred and fifty men in the county of Hertford, under Sir Thomas Gerrard, knight.—Westminster, 29 April Anno 39.
Sign Manual. Seal. 1 p. (50. 59.)
Sir E. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April 29. Acknowledging his Lordship's letter for Sir Thomas Sherley the younger, with one from the Lord Admiral and Mr. Secretary to himself in his behalf. Sydney has nothing to do but to commit the commandment of the company to him, never having pretended right to the disposing of it, since the Treasurers at Wars have ever had a company there, and he did presume that if Sir Th. Flud were Treasurer he should also have the company. This he has done, wherewith if the Queen be offended, he trusts to Essex, the Lord Admiral and Mr. Secretary to help to bear him through the ditch as well as they have brought him into it. Being fallen void, Sydney has deserved that the company might have been used to increase Sir Nicholas Parker's company and his, but since his Lordship has disposed otherwise, he hopes Essex will be pleased to put his helping hand that their companies may be supplied otherwise.—Flushing, the 29th April 1597.
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 62.)
Sir Thomas Sherley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 30. Thanking him for placing him captain of the company that was his father's. He must, however, use ill manners and beseech Cecil to establish that which he has begun. Sir Thomas Fludd did yesterday write to the governor that the Queen had promised him the leading of that company, as without it he was not able to occupy his place of paymaster, and he (thirsting still for it) is like to get it from Sherley (now a most miserable poor man) if Cecil do not cross him in the pursuit thereof.—Vlisshing, this last of April 1597.
Endorsed :—“Sir Tho. Sherley the younger to my Mr.”
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 66.)
William Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
1597, April 30. I forgot to crave your honour to prefer this bearer to be one of Her Majesty's guard, there being divers wanting, and he being a sufficient man for that place. And her Majesty, lately taking the air in Islington Fields, noted this bearer then there being a shooting, and of her goodness said he was a feat man to attend her service. He is strong and active and attended my very good friend Mrs. Blanch Parry his aunt, when he was a youth, and if God had pleased, she would have preferred him to a better room, for that he is son to a good honest gentleman.—From my lodging in Swan in Strand, 30 April 1597.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (175. 42.)
The Deputies of the States to the Earl of Essex, the Lord Admiral, and Lord Buckhurst.
1597, April. Acknowledging the answer which the Queen has made to them in writing touching the alliance and league sworn between the Most Christian King and herself, into which the Estates of the United Provinces are also received.—London — April 1597.
Signed :—Noel de Caron, Jan van Warck, John de Dunenuoird et Woud, Johan van Hottingaff.
French. ½ p. (50. 64.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1597, April. Guillaume Lespeur, this bearer, desires to have an old suit renewed, that he may have passport to transport a couple of nags.
He is an honest, faithful man, or Sydney is much deceived; and, if there is any occasion to employ a man of sort to Brussels or that way, would be well able to discharge any commands and with good discretion give account of what he sees there. He would fain (as Sydney thinks) deliver somewhat concerning some of the great fugitives on the other side.
Endorsed by Essex :—“Sir Robt. Sydney, April '97.”
Holograph. 1 p. (50. 65.)
Edward Darcy to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1597, April.] Her Majesty willed me to send you this note enclosed, that you should show it to Sir Robert Gardiner to know his opinion thereof.
Holograph. ½ p. (175. 43.)