Index: Q, R

Pages 693-697

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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Quaillefontaine (Cailfontaine), camp at; 136 (2).

Quarelus, Mr.; 79.

Quares, James; 64.

Quarles, James, Surveyor General, payments to; 182.

Quaryngeton, letters, dated at; 301, 576.

Queen, The :

audiences of; 3, 334.

musicians of; 19, 76.

authority in ecclesiastical matters; 94.

letters from :

to the King of Scotland, and replies; 12, 28, 227, 247, 286, 296, 344, 363, 372, 382, 509, 541, 544.

to the States General; 54.

to the Towns in the Low Countries; 56.

to the Lord Deputy and others in Ireland; 98, 217, 219, 231, 368.

to the Elector Palatine; 105.

to the Earl of Essex; 143, 166.

to the Earl of Tyrone; 218.

to the King of France; 342, 343, 374, 404, 414, 421.

to the French King's sister; 375, 415.

to various others; 202, 224, 436, 453.

negotiations with the Earl of Bothwell; 11, 23, 26.

progresses and visits of; 115, 133, 136, 142, 220, 394.

succours sent by, to the King of France, her views regarding; 143, 145, 151.

her views of the progress of events in France : 152, 414, 415.

Thomas Markham's services to her, before her succession, and afterwards; 189.

heads of matters for submission to; 191, 192.

at Micham; 220.

Sir W. Raleigh mourns her departure; 220.

handwriting of; 228.

a probable reference to her wealth; 262.

offer to mediate between the Grand Seignior and the Emperor of Almaigne; 301–2.

her action towards the Catholics defended; 322.

books written against; 325.

a present to Archibald Douglas; 334.

her “slow giving”; 335.

takes exception to the emolument of a certain clerk; 364.

her decision in regard to the Scotch lords; 381.

her views as to the duties of advocates; 383.

her nomination to an office ignored, proceedings thereon, etc.; 386, 388, 390, 391, 410, 414, 427.

expresses her displeasure; 389.

interference with regard to the grant of college leases; 395, 611, 612 (2).

a lease obtained from the Bishop of Coventry; 400, 404.

dealings with the King of Scotland; 406.

sentiments of devotion, etc. toward; 406, 412.

“the infinite treasure of her sweet disposition”; 425.

New Year's Gifts for; 447.

resents a bitter speech against Cecil; 452.

made acquainted with what is said in Parliament; 453.

her views as to the French King's conversion; 453.

plots to assassinate; 485, 491, 604, 617, 630.

account of despatch of business by; 485, 6.

question of a successor, book discussing; 498.

wishes to stay Dr. Lopez's execution, reasons against; 512, 513.

her action with regard to Bothwell and his party; 518, 519, 520, 524, 528.

the burden of entertaining her; 524.

warned of danger from Spain; 539, 576.

mention of offer of sovereignty of the Low Countries to; 560.

asked to send aid to Prince de Conti, etc.; 579.

her good health; 587.

a letter from, to the Senate of Genoa, asked for; 603.

Queen's :

bakehouse, an officer of; 50.

Chamber, page of the; 183.

Chapel, gentlemen of; 31.

— organist of; 106.

countinghouse, yeoman of the; 516.

household, furnishing of wines for; 469.

household, officers of :

Clerk of the Spicery; 559.

footman; 167.

Groom of the Confectionery; 550.

kitchemen; 160.

sewer; 80.

starchwoman; 614.

yeoman of the scullery; 213.

lands, proceeds of sale of : 63.

— — payments out of; 64.

litterman; 31.

maids, the talk of London; 153.

manor; 578.

messengers, payment of; 35.

musician; 163.

pepper; 88, 234, 237, 238, 297, 301, 308, 322.

stables, equerries of; 184, 223, 302.

— granitor and riding purveyor; 87.

— master avenor of; 218.

tenants, horses to be furnished by; 184.

trumpeters; 34.

waiters, deceits of; 405.

yeoman usher; 108.

Queenborough harbour, a ship in, to be seized; 246 (2).

Querantret, Francisco; 198.

Quillebœuf; 83.

Quishen, Richard; 602.

Quyny, Bartholomew, wardship of a daughter of; 488 (2).


R., I. de, at Bruges, letters of, intercepted; 503.

Raab, town of, besieged; 606.

Raby, West Park and Langley pertaining to; 456.

Radcliffe :

Alderman, see Ratcliffe.

Robert; 65.

Radford :

Arthur, Cecil's servant, complaint against Sir J. Gilbert; 507, 516.

— Sir John Gilbert's “brother”; 507.

Ragusian Republic declares war against the Turks; 607.

Raine, Francis; 495. (2).

Rainsford, Mr.; 496.

Ralegh, Raleigh :

Caro; 563.

Sir Walter; 14, 222, 226, 249, 291, 295, 296, 381, 517.

— letters from; 78, 220, 221, 310, 332, 356, 363, 384, 483, 487, 510, 551, 566, 609.

— instructions for an expedition; 200.

— commission for the sale of prizes taken by fleet of; 239.

— offer by [in connexion with the prize Carrack]; 250.

— pieces of silk, a present from; 250.

— one of the undertakers of trade of pipe staves in Munster; 278, 332, 363, 464.

— share of the Carrack allotted to; 287, 289.

— views upon the state of Ireland; 311.

— handwriting of; 332.

— plans of; 485.

— Sir J. Gilbert's affection for; 507.

— his dealings with the Bishop of Salisbury; 507.

— discusses, Spanish preparations and offers his services; 551, 566.

— his obligations to Cecil; 609.

— his “Bess”; 609.

Lady, letter to Cecil; 485.

Ramsay, Alexander, of Dundee; 46.

Randall :

Lord Essex's man; 155

Avery; 537.

William, Englishman of Dunkirk, great conveyer of traitors into England, in the Gatehouse; 587, 588.

Randle, John, of Weymouth; 88.

Randolph :

Capt., company of, at Flushing, debt; 32.

Mr.; 82.

Randoll, —; 474.

Rant, William; 73.

Rastell's Abridgment of Statutes; 95.

Ratcliffe, Ratclyffe, Radcliffe :

Alderman, his son a prisoner at Fuenterabia; 177, 350.

— the host of Dr. Ch. Parkins; 239, 324, 576, 584.

— mentioned; 333.

Lady; 447.

Rates, the Book of, considered; 613.

Ratisbon :

Diet at, proceedings described; 584, 606.

the town very damp; 584.

summary of a letter from; 606.

Rayley; 533.

Reade :

Sir Thomas; 292, 295.

Sir William; 295.

Reading; 228.

Reaghes, Walter; 564.

Reau :

Mons. de, special ambassador to England from King of France; 116, 132, 133.

— instructions for; 131.

Reaughe, Bryan, in the Wood Street Counter, history, etc.; 285.

Recognizance of debt, a “book” drawn with respect to, of general benefit; 351, 352.

Recognizances, the cause of, thought to be worth 1,000 marks a year, etc.; 608, 609.

Recusants :

names of, etc.; 79, 80, 175, 176, 181, 198, 200, 240–2, 263–275, 359, 407, 446, 533.

proceedings against; 176, 182, 553.

a house harbouring, a notable Jesuit taken, there; 510.

Act of Parliament against; 260.

draft of the first bill against; 298.

an inquisition as to sons of, sent abroad; 448, 488.

Recusancy, a commission of; 198.

Redhead, a labourer at Enfield; 602.

Redhed, Robert, petition; 159.

Rees, John, Albane Stepneth's servant; 280.

Regensporge; 535.

Registrum Brevium; 94.

Regland, Jerome, of Sherborne, 270.

Reinall, Thomas Moffet's cousin; 174.

Reiters, German mercenaries; 21, 22, 136, 172, 186, 327.

Reixes daye”; 535.

Remorentin; 97.

Renard, Nicholas; 101.

Renot, a letter from the Q. to, suggested; 192.

Reprisal goods, export of; 216.

Responsio pseudo philopatri, a book so named; 419.

Restalrig :

Laird of, letters from; 6.

— mentioned; 24.

Rettor, Mr.; 303.

Reve, Thomas; 73.

Revenue and expenditure, statement of; 182.

Rey by Rochelle, island of; 179.

Reynell, Thomas, a justice of the peace of Dartmouth; 581.

Reynolds, Reynoldes :

Carew; 601.

Edward, secretary to Lord Essex, letters to; 74, 132, 144, 147, 153, 158, 160, 161, 164, 178.

— fitter for Muses than for Mars; 160.

— his cousin Anthony; 153.

— mentioned; 323, 430.

Richard, of Blaynscoe; 266.

Richard, of Southwark; 272.

Reynspurge; 425.

Rheims :

mentioned; 69.

college of, referred to; 128.

Assembly of the States at; 192.

Governor of; 562.

Rhine, Count Palatine of the; 219.

Rice, Mrs.; 403.

Rich, Lord (Robert), lands of, fine on suing out his livery; 160.

Richard III., King, a saying in connexion with; 350.

Richards, Captain Thomas, porter at Brill, pay; 293.

Richardson :

Ralph, York; 122.

Alderman, Hull; 478.

Richmond :

the Court at; 67, 152, 154.

Lord Essex's chamber at, referred to; 285.

Rick, Peter de, President of the States General; 33.

Riddell :

William, alderman of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 123.

— mayor of same; 209, 210.

Riddlesden :

Mr.; 296.

Stephen; 239.

Rider, one, servant to the Lord Chamberlain; 602.

Ridley, Dr. Thomas, Eton College, letter from; 616.

Rigbie, Edward, clerk of the Crown at Lancaster; 422.

Riggmayden :

John, of Weddcarre; 265.

Walter, of Weddcarre; 266.

Rigman, Mrs., of Whyt; 242.

Rihon, M. de, letter from; 144.

Rimerton, Northumberland; 188.

Rimonde, the news of; 384.

Rissells; 497.

Rithe, Thomas, of Roplie; 271.

Rither, Mr.; 441.

Rives, Richard, of Barton Stacie; 271.

Robarts, Dr., an English doctor at Milan; 466.

Robertes, Captain; 169.

Roberts, Alexander; 73.

Robinson :

Mr., searcher of London; 323.

Thomas, describes the marking of stuffs by the manufacturers at Sandwich; 573.

Robson :

Richard; 87.

Simon, of St. John's College; 334.

Robyn, Mr., letter to; 550.

Robynson, William, York; 122.

Roche, Lord Viscount, Lord of Fermoy; 98.

Rochelle; 177, 321, 331, 400.

Dutch ships of war at; 329, 337.

Rochester; 243, 318, 475.

Rochford, the Jesuit; 564.

Rock Savage, letters dated; 403, 467.

Roclyf Castle repaired; 450.

Roddam, Robert, of Little Houghton; 188.

Rodriguez. Don Mendo, letter to; 510.

Rogerley, Mrs., of Latham; 242.

Rogers :

Edward, Mr. Harington's charges against; 472.

Henry; 216.

William; 473.

Rogues and vagabonds, causes for their increase; 5.

Rokwood, Thomas, of Bristol; 204.

Rollestone, Rolston :

Anthony, Spanish agent at Fuenterabia; 176.

— concern for his safety; 331.

— letter from, containing news; 349.

Rollet, Mons. de; 37.

Rolls, Master of the; 533.

Roman Catholics in England; 7.

indulgence to come to church; 619.

Romans, King of the, the matter of; 585.

Rome :

mentioned; 69, 303, 359, 389.

letters dated at; 327, 328, 471, 476.

English Catholics at; 328, 336.

ideas at, of feeling in England; 335.

the College of Seminarists at; 336, 466.

proceedings at, in connexion with negotiations for absolution of the K. of France; 476.

account of an adventurous Englishman's visit to; 582, 598.

Romford, Lady Burghley's benevolence to men of; 495.

Romish Church, an Englishman's opinion of the; 350.

Romney; 475.

Ronius :

a Fleming, agent of the K. of Spain in Holland; 475, 482.

to meet Chasteaumartin to give information; 540, 546, 549.

“devoted to her Majesty's service”; 549.

Rooke :

Mr., a priest going to England; 69.

Henry, of Stanton St. John's; 270.

Rookewoode :

Edward, of Besthorpe; 269.

John, of Stanningfield; 269.

Robert, of Stanningfield; 269.

Thomas, of Stanningfield; 269.

Roper :

Edmund, of Ashe; 264.

John, of St. Andrew's in Holborn; 267.

William, of London, grocer, a recusant; 198.

Rosbous, Mons. de; 129.

Roscarock; 432.

Roscommon exposed to invasion by the Ulster Rebels; 338–9.

Roscou, Rusco; 562, 601.

Rose, one, murdered in Dorsetshire; 277.

Rosny, —, a partisan of the Duke of Guise; 371.

Ross, Bishop of (John Leslie):

a debt of Lord Seton to; 29.

imprisonment and ransom of; 38–48.

letters, etc, from; 41–48, 59, 76.

a composition as to lands of, mentioned; 46.

presentation to bishopric of Murray; 49.

interrogatories concerning; 78.

death mentioned; 118.

question of his being entertained as a spy for the Queen; 185, 192.

Ross” Newoy, my Lord of”; 48.

Rosse, Lady; 49.

Roubottom, a name for Bruer; 156.

Roud, John, one of the adventurers concerned in the Carrack; 243.

Rouen :

letters, etc. dated at; 38, 40–48, 59, 76, 166, 175.

Archbishop of; 41.

prisoners of war at; 76.

interrogatories relating to; 78.

the army expected before; 136, 139.

death of Lord Essex's brother before; 140.

investment of, etc.; 143, 148, 151, 153, 154, 164, 168, 180, 191, 326.

— reasons for the King's delay; 185.

Lord Essex's challenge to the Governor of; 161.

levy of “shot” for siege of; 183.

Spanish agent in; 245.

nuns dispersed from; 393.

Rought, the, Ireland, government of; 566.

Rouillac, Sieur de, Governor of Boulogne; 184.

Roularte, Madame, lady governess of Boulogne; 319.

Rowden, John, Keeper of Windsor Forest : 79.

Rowe :

Peter, a Frenchman, of Lyme; 256.

Roger, Alderman of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 123.

Rowghane or Roghan, Dennis, a prisoner in the Gatehouse, letter from; 117.

Rowland, Thomas Guernsey; 379.

Rowse, one, a French merchant at Southampton; 575.

Rowthe, Gabriel; 573.

Ruckwood, Edward, of Eryson; 268.

Rudston, Martin, of Barnabe; 273.

Rue in Normandy; 187.

Rugenwalde in Pomerania; 23.

Rumely; 97.

Runwell in Essex; 533.

Ruston :

Henry, of Cleyton; 266.

William, of Powtall; 266.

Rushworth (Rufforth, Rufford), co. Norfolk, late dissolved College; 107.

Russell alias Molenuxe, the matter of; 211.

Russell :

Lady; 362.

— Lady D. Perrott's letter to; 213.

Lady (Elizabeth), letters about her daughter's cause; 460 (2).

Robert; 262.

Sir William charge against Sir T. Sherley; 50.

— a grant from the Queen to; 385 (2).

— a favorite for an office; 499.

— in Ireland; 616.

W., devotion to Lord Essex; 162.

Rust, Mr., in the Chancery; 533.

Rutkin, Robert, merchant in S. Mary Axe; 180.

Rutkyn, one, a bundle of papers directed to; 200.

Rutland, Earl of (John); 49.

Rye, France; 167.

Rye; 196.

troops from France at; 345.

— dismissed; 355.

victualling of troops at; 563.

Ryed, Deepe; 534.

Ryther, Mr., a prisoner in the Fleet; 563.

Ryvers, John de, Governor of Sluys; 503.

Ryves, John; 168.