Pages 688-693
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.
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P. K., the, mentioned in connexion with Hesketh's mission; 462.
Packington :
Sir John, see Pakington.
Mr., 556.
Paddon :
Robert; 490.
— letter from; 490.
Padstow :
reply to demand for a ship; 119.
Mayor of; 119.
to provide shipping for transport; 154.
Paget, Pagett; 551.
Lord; 9, 496, 500.
Charles; 435, 512, 607, 608.
Sir Christopher; 9.
Lady; 138.
Pais, Manoel; 494.
Pakington, Sir John, his patent for starch; 261, 614.
Pakocke, Robert, seminary priest; 258.
Palavicino, Pallavicino, Sir or Signor Horatio :
mentioned; 64, 102, 321, 349, 369, 566.
letters from; 351, 361, 444, 447, 448, 467, 477, 488, 495, 500, 512, 514, 545, 556, 563, 567, 603, 609 (2).
ill with fever, etc.; 351, 488, 514.
proceedings for extinguishment of his debt, and its amount; 444.
time when a payment is due to, from the exchequer; 546.
financial matters concerning; 552, 556.
inflamed with a desire to serve; 563, 567.
little remains to his favour and grace; 603.
a cousin of; 609.
reminded of his reputation at Court; 609.
Palgrave, Thomas; 218.
Palmer :
Andrew; 295.
Edmund, at St. Jean de Luz, letters of information from; 175, 176, 179.
Sir H.; 474.
Pamplona; 288.
Pansfoote, John, of Hansfield; 275.
Panton, Captain; 567.
Panton, manor of, Cornwall; 311.
Panvengat, Mons. de, Conseiller de Roy; 189.
Paon au Pays de Biart Laon; 199.
Papal Legate in France; 82.
Papists :
beyond seas, “a slanderous libel” of; 275.
alleged discovery of papists desirous to fly; 367.
in the Fleet Prison; 434.
Paradyllia, Captain; 130.
Parfoot, Thomas, an English gunner in the Spanish service; 259.
Parham, John, of Trent; 274.
Paris, Ferdinando, of Poding Norton; 268.
Paris :
mentioned; 3, 74, 199, 605.
news of cattle of Ivry received at; 21, 22.
King's entry into, thought to be imminent; 31.
siege of, etc.; 36, 42, 45, 82, 326, 504.
in great want; 66.
deputies of, await the King; 76.
Spanish Ambassador in; 80.
Duc de Maine in; 371.
a council at, suggested, on affairs of France; 475.
entry of the King into; 495.
the council left at, send for aid to the Queen; 579.
letters dated at; 583, 615, 622.
Court of Parliament at, refuse to verify laws proposed by the King; 620.
Paris silk imported; 574.
Pariscoys; 627.
Parker, lease of; 398.
Parker :
—, waiter in the port of London; 32.
—, 153.
Roger, the Queen's servant, a grant to; 133.
Sir Henry; 199.
Sir Nicholas; 293, 408.
Parkins, Dr. Christopher; 203.
pleads for preferment; 239, 576, 583.
on his way to the Emperor's Court, letter from; 324.
letters from; 417, 419, 422, 576.
suggests the writing of a reply to certain books, to her Majesty's renown; 423.
a matter in suspense concerning his last employment to Praga; 576.
his qualifications and employments; 576.
Parliament :
Committee of the Commons for maimed soldiers, names of; 291, 295.
— articles considered; 298.
Agreement of the Committee concerning subsidies; 298.
contribution by, for temporary relief of maimed soldiers, etc.; 300.
Clerk of the; 467.
Parma :
Duke or Prince of, and Earl Bothwell; 24.
— negotiations with Due de Maine; 36.
— movements; 55, 57, 59, 66, 165, 199, 551.
— number of troops with, etc.; 79.
— presence in France required, etc.; 136, 142, 144.
— deferring his journey into France a mystery; 145.
— not likely to come into France, state of affairs in Flanders; 151.
— mentioned; 48, 77, 83, 97, 106, 140, 180, 193, 212, 213, 245, 331, 488, 576, 588.
— effect of his letter to the K. of Spain; 185.
— relieves Rouen; 186, 187.
— rumours as to his movements; 207, 211.
Parpoint, Jervis, of Gray's Inn; 267.
Parre :
Henry, of Knouslie; 266.
Hugh, of Knouslie; 266.
Parry :
Mrs. Blanche; 413.
Griffith, tailor, Whitefriars; 9.
Mr., cofferer; 189.
Ja., relations with Benjamin Beard, etc.; 413, 429, 432, 433, 434, 436.
Parsons :
Robert, or Father, the Jesuit, letters from; 69, 104.
— a Dutch letter to; 303.
— mentioned; 588, 607.
Thomas, nephew of Father, in Spain; 259.
Parvie, Mr.; 389.
Parye, Sir Thomas;461.
Paschall, John; 268.
“Passage, the” :
Spanish force forming at; 307, 321, 329, 337, 347, 349, 387, 401, 546.
feasibility of burning the ships at; 307.
army of, set out for Brittany; 307, 416, 557.
Passport in France, form; 170.
Pastrana, Due de; 83, 467, 588, 617.
Patrick, Kilfeely; 484.
Patteson, M., letter from; 362.
Paulet, see Poulett.
Pavyly; 148.
Payne, Drew, grant for services, 3.
Paynter, one of H.M. posts; 135.
Peacock, Capt. Robert, grant to; 474.
Pearson, Mr., a messenger sent to Sir J. Norreys; 365.
Pease, Mistress; 221, 222.
Pedro [Valdez], Don; 303.
Peiton, Sir John; 292.
Pelham :
Sir Williams, lieutenant of the Ordnance; 124.
William, his son; 124.
Pellissier, le Seigneur de; 595.
Pemberton :
Edward, arrived at Dover from Douai; 419.
John, of Whiston; 266.
James, of Whiston; 266.
Pembroke, co. of, settlement of Sir J.Perrott's lands in; 262.
Pembroke, Earl of; 14, 283, 507.
Pembruge, Anthony, letter to Lord Essex; 132.
Pempoole (Plainpole, Plempol, Pempoll, Pempoul); 337, 359, 360.
troops sent to; 359, 360, 550, 562.
Penhorne, Monmouthshire, letter dated at; 19.
Penkevyll, Mr., of Padstow; 154.
Penruddoke, John, asks for preferment among the serjeants; 419.
Pepper :
sale of; 88.
taken in the prize Carrack; 234, 237, 238, 297, 322.
price offered for, a restraint upon, in order to advance the price, etc.; 301, 308.
import prohibited, in favour of the purchasers; 439, 452.
certain pepper landed in Devon; 582.
Percival, Richard, servant to Sir R. Cecil, letter from; 64.
Pereth honour; 184.
Perez, Peres, Antonio :
narrative; 172.
consulted as to a suspected Spaniard; 535, 541.
mentioned; 605, 627.
Pernone, Duke of; 545.
Peronne; 36.
Perpetuities, the great question of, handled by Francis Bacon; 525.
Perpignan; 353.
Perpont, Perpoynt :
Mr.; 312.
Mrs. Grace, marriage of; 345.
Perrette, Thomas, killed a sheriff's officer; 86.
Perrott :
Sir John; 260, 599.
— grant to; 10.
— washing bill; 61.
— accused of treason; 117, 305.
— his last testament, affirms his innocence; 193.
— affirms his attachment to the Queen; 195.
— denies gifts to Lord Burghley and Sir R. Cecil, etc.; 195.
— gives Lord Essex his blessing; 196.
— death; 196.
— proposals for settlement of claims to the lands of; 261, 262.
— husband of his sister's daughter; 279.
— relations with Bp. Midleton; 280, 281.
— Commissioners to examine witness against; 284.
Sir Thomas, daughter and sole heir of; 262.
Lady Dorothy, letter to Lady Russell; 213.
James; 262.
Mr., his hard fortune; 213.
Penelope; 262.
Persall, Thomas, of East Nean; 271.
Perse, Stephen; 73.
Perspective glass; 525.
Peru, Spanish fleet from; 329.
Peryam :
Mr.; 295.
Mr. Justice; 460.
Peter, Peeter :
Mr., lodgings in St. Stephen's, West-minister; 449.
Sir John; 461.
William, captain of levies in Devon; 130.
Peterson, William, letters from; 385, 386.
Petinary, Baptiste; 330.
Petingar, Mr.; 144.
Petit, Lieutenant; 128.
Petre :
Robert, writer of Tallies; 377.
— duties of his office, etc.; 455.
Pettingarre, Spl., letter from; 160.
Petworth; 165, 207.
Peubsuman; 37.
Pewterers, Company of, London, petition 463.
Phenix, Mr.; 290.
“Phenix,” a fictitious name; 442.
Philip, one, a skipper of Margate; 496.
Philipstown mentioned; 285.
Phillapps, Mr.; 291.
Phillips :
Mr., payment into the Exchequer; 401.
William, of Southwark; 272.
— of St. Keye; 274.
Philopatrum, a pamphlet circulating abroad; 423.
Phitton, Sir Edward; 240.
Phyton, Edw., letter from; 437.
Picardy :
Duc de Mayenne in; 36.
French king in; 66.
the Spanish force to be sent into; 71.
news out of; 97.
danger of its loss to the King, etc.; 140, 185.
actions of the enemy in, unnoticed; 322.
news of; 325.
Picart, Chevalier, Lord Essex's challenge to; 161.
Picford, Edward, born at St. Germans in Cornwall, in the Spanish service; 259.
Piedmont, progress of events in; 372, 492, 545.
Pierre Court, M. de; 83.
Pierrefonds, fête at; 135.
Pigot, Nicholas, of Stoken; 270.
Pilkington, Mr.; 176.
Pilot for the English coasts, a; 588.
Pinchen, John, of Westminster; 267.
Pine, Mr.; 363.
Pinke, Robert, of Swatton; 271.
Pinmakers, the patent for; 276.
Pipe, Clerk of the; 32.
Pipe staves, trade in; 278, 332, 363, 464.
Piracy, Lord Burghley's views as to; 72.
Pirriam, see Peryam.
Pisa; 476.
letter dated at; 472.
Pisany, Marquis de; 134.
Pitbladoche, William, Scotchman, employed in Holland, arrested; 502.
Pitt, John, in Flanders, letter to; 328.
Pittes, William, a prisoner in Galicia, in telligence from; 258.
Pixter, —, 436.
Plague, the, or sickness; 321, 335, 344, 351, 355, 358, 372, 382, 416, 426, 428, 513, 514, 526, 609.
Playter, William, of Saterley; 269.
Plome, Plume, Robert; 87, 263.
Plompton, Mr., given an office in connexion with the Customs; 332, 335.
Ploncheron, Mons.; 601.
Plowden, Mr., husband of daughter of; 533.
Pluscardin, Prior of, in connexion with his father, Lord Seton's, debts; 43.
Plymouth, 79:
latter dated at, 1.
mayor, etc., of, certificate, 53.
— letter from; 581.
Venetian argosy at; 85.
mariners pressed at; 120.
guarding of, arrangements or, 229.
victualling of the navy at, in 1588; 52, 53.
victualling of the troops at; 563.
fortification of, how to be provided for; 579.
mentioned; 604.
Poindestre, Michell, of Jersey, chargeable with many crimes; [361], 365.
Poland :
King of, licence to export cloth; 107, 123.
yoang King of, a rising against, in Sweden; 535.
news from; 492.
“Poldrans”; 569.
Poly :
letter to; 142.
letter from; 156.
mentioned; 466.
Pomerania :
Duke of (Ernest Louis), licence to export free of duty; 35.
— desires to export cannon, etc., permits export of nitre; 165.
— aid sent to the French King by; 165.
— desires to export cloth; 180.
— agent for; 165, 180.
Ponent; 568.
Pont-Audemer, Governor of; 39.
Pont de l'Arche; 139, 167, 187.
camp near; 187.
Pontoyse, Ponthoise; 21, 82.
strongly fortified; 22, 37.
holds for the King; 139.
“Pony”; 21.
Poole :
Captain, a Cheshire man; 458.
Sir Henry; 292, 295.
Jeffrie, of Rackton; 263.
William, of Rumsey; 271.
Poole :
Montgomeryshire, letter dated at; 318.
(Hampshire?); 379.
Pooley, Sir John, Captain of the Horsebands; 293.
Poore :
Captain Edward; 169.
Captain H.; 169.
Richard, of Poores Town, Tipperary, lease to; 217.
Pope, the :
reception of French King's mission, etc.; 22, 304, 467.
election of; 77, 180.
forces of, in France; 145.
death; 151.
his nephew, a Commander for the League in France; 146, 151.
influence in the affairs of France; 192, 498, 589, 591.
negotiations for the absolution of the K. of France, etc.; 449, 495, 621.
said to approve of object of Hesketh's mission; 462.
sends an envoy to Madrid to treat of French affairs; 475.
Popells, the, the great family of Bohemia; 450.
Porchester :
in the Queen's gift; 438, 443.
condition of the Queen's Royalties in, why not held; 534.
Port St. Marie; 557.
Portingalls, certain not yet dealt withall; 413.
Porto Nuevo; 238.
Portsmouth :
Dutch ships at; 65.
“the matter of, not yet ripe,” etc.; 144, 156.
dispute as to the place for landing goods there; 210.
letters dated at; 157, 210.
mayor of; 210.
mentioned; 197.
precautions for security of the town, government of, survey of the Ordnance, etc.; 436, 437, 438, 440, 441.
lieutenants of, under Earl of Sussex; 436.
great dislike to the Earl of Sussex at; 441.
troops to be shipped for Brittany at; 565.
Portugal; 1.
expedition against, profitable to the landlords; 4.
advisability of an attack upon; 307.
King of, his two sons carried unto Spain; 409.
precautions for keeping it in subjection to Spain; 557.
causes; 489.
letters containing information of importance, referred to; 409.
“Portugal Voyage.” the, a disappointment to the partakers; 2.
Portugal, History of, by Osori; 543.
Portuguese :
Carrack, a valuable prize; see Carrack, the.
India ship taken by the English; 482.
East India feet, Captain General of; 223.
list of ships; 231.
ships expected; 549.
Postal Service; 62, 87.
Posts, H.M. Master of; 87.
stages and times of the journeys noted on letters; 243, 317, 530.
Potsdam, letter dated at; 54.
Poulett :
Anthony, governor of Jersey; 126, 277, 314, 354, 493.
— letters from; 336, 340, 359, 365, 454, 561, 562.
letter to; 353.
— asks for leave of absence; 370.
Pourpentone, counected with plastering work at Cecil's house; 355.
Powel or Powell :
—, in the Office of Ordnance, misbehaviour of; 555.
Mr., the priest; 8.
Thomas, a Raglan man; 9.
Walter; 9.
Power, Captain Edmond, grant to, for services; 249.
Powle, Richard; 158.
Powlett :
Sir Amias; 126.
Sir Hugh; 126. See Poulett.
Powrie, letter dated at; 279.
Poynes, Anthony, an emissary of the K. of Spain; 222.
Poynet, Richard, Bishop of Winchester; 575.
Poyntes, Sir John; 295.
Prague; 389, 576, 585.
letter dated at; 425.
account of a visit to; 450.
Prator, one, an Englishman in the Spanish service; 259.
Pratt :
John, clerk, diocese of St. David's, attack upon Bp. Midleton; 280.
Thomas, customer of Ipswich, letter from; 477.
Preacher, a, inhibited; 67.
Prentice, Thomas, of Palgrave; 269.
President of the North, Lord, a serjeant-at-arms under; 198.
Preston :
Anthony, of East Morton; 265.
Thomas; 241.
“Prevention is the daughter of intelligence”; 311.
Price :
Edward, of the Queen's kitchen; 160.
Captain John, Marshal, at Brill, etc. pay; 293 (2),
Prideaux, Nicholas, of Padstow; 154.
Priest, Edward, an Englishman at Rouen; 43.
Priests sent in to England, training, etc. 69.
Prime, Captain; 567.
Primrose, Archibald, a Scotchman; 348.
Prisage of wines; 469.
Prison charges, a cloak detained for; 357.
Prisoners of war;76.
Privateer, arming of a; 218.
Privy Council :
clerk of the, letters to; 1, 157.
named; 157, 301, 402, 439.
Lords of the, letters, etc. From; 10, 11, 12, 52, 66, 119–123, 154, 166, 238, 278, 300, 341, (2), 382, 410, 448, 469, 514, 571.
— letters to; 52, 63, 319, 449, 470, 473, 550.
— Lord Essex's letter to; 139.
— heads of French business for submission to; 185, 191, 192.
— order for fortification of Jersey; 492, 493.
— charge of corruption against chief members; 573.
Privy Seals for loans, forms of; 75.
Prize, matters of; 93.
Prize ships, examined at Portsmouth for customs; 536, 537.
Prize ships; 157, 299–300. See also Carrack, the.
Proctor, —, Cecil's servant; 419.
Provence :
progress of the war in; 145, 492.
a determined attempt to be made upon; 327.
the mark the Spaniards aim at; 476.
Proverbial sayings :
“Hatred, the cinders of affection”; 311.
“Prevention, the daughter of Intelligence”; 311.
“The desire of a kingdom hath no pity”; 350.
Provigeon in Rouen; 605.
Pryce, Edward, conspires against Bp. Midleton, 279, 280.
Prynne, Edward, his great extremity; 610.
Puckering, Sir Jo.:
Lord Keeper; 335, 522, 610.
chaplain to; 561.
signs letters from the Council; 239, 278, 514, 571.
letters from; 418, 421, 516, 521.
Puentavedro; 259.
Pugh, Robert, of Peruhin; 278.
Pulan (Pullan, Pulleyn), Joseph, seminary priest; 258, 282, 496.
Purveyors :
discourse against; 258.
abuses of; 456.
Putney Park; 10.
Pye, Humfrey; 614.
Pyne, Henry, partner with Sir W. Raleigh in trade in pipe staves; 464.