Index: S

Pages 697-708

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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S., G., letters from; 30.

S., R.; 290.

Sabero, Petro; 288.

Sacres,” a kind of gun; 103.

Sadaro, l'edro de, letter from; 198.

St. Albans :

letters dated at; 413, 414, 416, 418 (2), 419.

mentioned; 429, 434.

St. Andel; 329, 337.

St. Anthony, Cape of; 204.

St. Asaph, diocese of, recusants in; 273.

St. Aubyn, Mons., seizure of goods of; 323.

St. Augustine, Provincial of the order of; 28.

St. Aulbin du Cormyer, letter dated at; 360.

St. Bevys; 21.

St. Cloud (Clos); 36, 82.

St. David's :

Bishop of (Midleton), malicious proceedings against; 279–284.

diocese of, recusants in; 274.

St. Denis; 31, 82.

siege of; 36, 45.

English troops at; 150.

St. George's Day, people go to Greenwich on; 514.

St. Germain-en-Laye, King of France at; 152.

St. Germayn; 623.

St. Gevuran, Jersey; 455.

St. Helier or St. Hilary, Jersey, Islet of, fortification of; 454, 489, 492, 493, 561.

St. Jean de Luz :

letters dated at; 175, 177.

English traffic at; 204.

English merchant at; 331.

mentioned; 338, 357.

supplies a good company of mariners; 474.

attack upon English merchants at; 489.

St. John :

Capt., letter on behalf of; 324.

Mr., 296.

St. Lawrence, M. de; 44.

St. Leger, Sir Warham; 98, 398.

S~ca le Orensa, Marquis, mentioned; 194.

St. Luc, Mons. de; 31.

letter from the French King's camp; 546.

departure delayed; 620.

St. Lucars; 356.

St. Lucas; 103, 204.

St. Malo :

discord in; 337.

letter dated at; 361.

a great fleet making ready at; 366.

news from; 440.

governed by your young men of one family; 550.

sends articles to the King; 562.

Ste. Marie de Mount, Sieur de, licence to export ordnance; 449.

St. Maryport; 357.

St. Maur, taken; 36.

St. Michael, French Order of, acceptance of, offends the Queen; 518, 519, 523.

St. Mychell, Isles of; 349.

St. Omer; 156, 496, 498, 505.

information about young Englishmen studying at; 506.

St. Ouen, Seignear of; 453.

St. Peter, Vice Admiral (Spanish); 259.

St. Pol, Count de; 37.

St. Poole,” mutinied Spaniards at; 452.

St. Sebastians :

wheat and grain at; 177.

Scotch ships, etc. arrested at; 307.

mentioned; 179, 288, 350, 357.

an English prisoner at; 177, 350.

St. Sir (Sere), Monsieur de; 40, 135.

St. Thomas a Laudesson de Clecy; 159.

St. Valery; 154.

St. Vuals; 356.

Sakevile, Robert; 292, 295.

Salamanques, Salamanca; 190, 510.

Saldaigne, Mons. de, letter from; 178.

Salisbury, Bishop of, complaints against Sir W. Raleigh; 507.

Salles, Mons. des, Governor of Honfleur; 38, 39, 40.

Salloway, Mr., a priest going to England; 69.

Salluces, Marquisate of; 621.

Salop, County of :

Lord Loeutenant of; 14.

no recusants in; 273.

Salsburg, Bishop of; 606.

Salt, trade in; 316.

Saltpetre patent, the; 263.

Salusburies, the, in opposition to the town of Denbigh; 376.

Salvage from wrecks; 456.

Sampson :

Captain John, porter, pay; 293.

M., a canon at Rouen; 43.

Sanchar, Lord; 25.

Sancy, Mons. de; 83.

letter from the camp at Cerny; 546.

Sandall, Yorks, rectory of; 218.

Sanderson, William; 239.

Sandes, Mr.; 291, 295.

Sandilands, Sir James; 100, 178.

Sandridge Key in Devon, certain pepper landed at; 582.

Sandwich; 196.

books and letters seized at; 200.

manufacture of stuffs at, regulations for the “upright making” of; 573.

San Sebastians; 179.

Santander; 179.

Saragossa :

people at, in favour of Antonio Perez; 173.

Spanish troops left in; 388.

Sardynali, harbour in Santander; 179.

Sark, defence of, etc.; 453.

Sarum, diocese of, recusants, in; 264.

Saunders :

Dr., carries the Pope's banner in Desmond's rebellion; 564.

Erasmus, of London; 267.

Erasmus, of Ewell; 272.

John, a waiter in the port of London; 332.

Nicholas, of Ebsam; 272, 291, 295.

Saunderson :

Mr., the Queen's visit to; 115.

— bearer of a letter from Newcastle; 208.

Savage :

Arthur, Captain of Footbands; 293.

Sir John; 240, 435.

— letter from; 403.

— husband of daughter of; 428.

Savel, Mr., resolute for Eton; 616.

Savery, Miles, an Englishman, at St. Jean de Luz, married in Fuenterabia; 177.

Savile, Savill :

Baron; 285.

Sir George; 292.

Henry, letter on behalf of the subwarden of “our” college; 490.

John, practices against the Earl of Lincoln; 567, 577.

Savoy, the stable in; 66.

Savoy, Duke of; 145, 327, 347, 388, 622.

bastard brother of, defeated; 146.

false news of his defeat; 372.

successes; 492.

offer of terms to the King; 621.

Savoy (France), progress of war in, etc. 146, 372.

Savoyards in the Frency army; 31.

Sawley; 52, 176.

Saxe, Duke of, influence in Germany; 72.

death; 151, 155.

Saxen,” administrator of; 606.

Saxony, Duke of, his influence, dispositio etc.; 586.

Saxten, Edmund, of Southwark; 272.

Sayre, William, of Edmonton; 615.

Scelton, Signor di; 448.

Schol, Thomas; 366.

Schoonevalle, Sieur de, agent for Court Maurice; 501.

Scilly Islands, necessity of their defence against Spain, and method for; 294.

Scipio's motto; 105.

Sconces for military defence, form of making; 500.

Scot :

George; 96.

one, of Fenchurch Street; 255.

Scotland :

affairs and polities in, letters describing; 6, 20, 23, 26, 30, 89–91, 96, 99, 109, 111, 177, 179, 183, 201, 205, 233, 247, 252, 279, 373, 430, 504, 513, 517, 523, 527, 530, 547, 553, 571, 583.

advertisements of the unrestless state of; 177.

alteration in, very great; 345.

ambassador from, in England, a member of the household; 33.

— dwelling in Lime Street; 134, 247.

— letter to; 34.

see also Douglas, Archibald.

Ambassador, special, to England; 570, 572.

Ambassador, [English] in, letters intercepted, etc.; 109, 110.

— late; 138.

— presently resident, but looking to be revoked; 152.

Ambassador [English] in (Lord Burgh); 296.

— (Mr. Bowes) instructions; 519.

a baptism in, mentioned as a time of Grace; 583.

Bishops in, an old custom with regard to; 44.

Catholicism in, progress; 201, 202, 205.

Catholics of, money and letters conveyed to; 553.

Chancellor of, a bond given by Walsingham to; 34.

— state of his influence with the King, etc.; 89, 90, 91, 100, 110, 247, 252.

— hostility of Archibald Douglas; 111.

— relations with the Treasurer; 111.

— reconciliation with Douglas; 152.

— an attack made upon; 177, 178.

— “that profane man”; 201.

— a principal defender of the Papists; 206.

— grown in greater credit, proceedings, etc.; 548.

— fallen out with the Queen; 553, 583.

— his nephew sent to England as an envoy from the King; 570, 572.

— plans for his overthrow; 538.

Clerk Register of, mentioned; 178.

convention appointed in, delayed; 518.

deer supplied at the request of the King; 456.

Denmark's relations with; 82.

factions in; 25, 91.

King of (James Vi.), “very sad”; 6.

— letters from and to the Queen; 12, 227, 247, 286, 296, 344, 363, 372, 382, 430, 509, 541, 544.

— his marriage alluded to; 12, 28, 41.

— disposition towards Archibald Douglas; 19, 61, 99.

— return after his marriage; 25, 29, 30.

— letter from Bp. of Ross to; 41.

— letter from Duke of Brandenborgh; 54.

— movements; 61, 111.

— his good meaning evidenced; 68.

— negotiations of Col. Stewart in Germany on behalf of; 72.

— his leaning upon the opinions of others : 99.

— disposition towards Bothwell; 110.

— letter to Lord Burghley; 159.

— an attempt to secure outlawed chiefs; 175.

— Bothwell's attack upon; 177.

— adventures; 178.

King of (James VI.), in controversy with the Kirk; 205.

— letter to Sir R. Cecil; 208.

— reasons for and against the invasion of England, a communication to Spain; 214–216.

— his title to the English crown, how best established; 215.

— letter relative to Earl Bothwell; 230.

— movements; 233, 252.

— persons in favour at his Court; 247.

— loss of liberty by; 346.

— takes to his bosom whom his heart abhorred; 363.

— acknowledges an annuity from the Queen; 373.

— explains his conduct towards the Papist rebels; 373.

— causes of his pardoning Bothwell; 374.

— reflections upon his conduct; 406.

— reported to have sent letters to K. of Spain; 417.

— example quoted; 463.

— K. of Spain's mission to, on the subject of his inheritance of English Crown; 489.

— communications between him and K. of Spain; 489, 495, 523, 548.

— views the engagement of his forces with Bothwell; 504.

— offers made to Bothwell; 513.

— promise to proceed against the papistical traitors; 513, 517, 520, 523, 524, 527.

— instructions to the ambassador sent to; 519.

— supply of money desired from the Queen; 520, 521.

— exerts his whole force against Bothwell's party; 528.

— the danger of stirring him “at this time,” his immediate purposes; 530.

— alleged forged writings of; 530.

— sends a messenger to Spain to announce birth of a son, etc.; 540.

— explains the application of an allusion to Virgil's characters; 544.

— monetary support from the Queen; 548.

— many of Spain's pistolets pointed at; 551.

— sends his secretary to the Queen; 570, 572.

— all things “sollable” at Court, his need of money; 572.

— an interview planned during his hunting; 583.

— staggering between Catholics and Protestants; 627.

— John Colvile's letter of penitence to; 630–2.

King's Council, matters under consideration; 91.

King's House in, provision made for sustentation of; 91.

Kirk, a design to overthrow; 201.

— in controversy with the King; 205.

Lord Admiral of; 178.

Lord Justice Clerk of, letter to; 25.

— sent to England; 25, 26, 27, 29.

— character; 27.

— interference with his regality; 30.

— relations with Archibald Douglas, etc.; 61, 89, 90, 110, 111.

— letter from; 96.

— relations with the French Ambassador in England; 96.

— desirous to have some English bows and bowstrings; 112.

merchants of, Bishop of Ross's claims upon; 45.

ministers in, very busy; 6.

— “plat” for provision for vanished; 91.

— discharge their duties to the King, etc.; 205.

— a proceeding to satisfy; 548.

nobility of, rumoured to be mostly Cathllic; 425.

— negotiations with Spain; 430.

— offer to serve King Philip; 501.

nothing strange that comes from; 345.

not inconstant inconstancy; 346, 382.

parliament of, meeting of; 545, 547.

— character of the members; 548.

Papist “Rebels” or Lords in; 373, 547.

— the King's promise to proceed against; 513, 514, 527.

privateers from, ordnance for; 75.

Queen of James VI., relations with the Chancellor; 178, 553, 583.

— her dower lifted, jewels stolen; 523.

raid from, on the E. or W. borders meditated; 478.

Secretary of, his proceedings; 6.

sickness (“fever teize”) in; 30.

Spain and; 307, 338, 425, 536.

— negotiations for trade with; 350.

Spaniards rumoured to have landed in; 478, 548.

Spanish agents sent to; 553, 554, 571, 572.

Treasurer of, dealt with, on Archibald Douglas's behalf; 90.

— relations with the Chancellor; 91, 111.

warning of an outbreak in; 211.

Scott :

William, of Iden; 263.

Robert, of Bumford; 268.

Scotte :

Nicholes, grocer, breach of starch patent by; 261.

Richard, grocer, ditto; 261.

Scottish Causes, Commissioners for, mentioned; 38.

Scottish ship, improperly seized, 62, 63, 72.

Screven, Thomas interest in the manor of Balderton; 49 (2).

Scroope, Nicholas, of Itchingstoke; 271.

Scrope :

Lady, death of her page; 425.

— Lord Hunsdon's daughter; 504, 505.

Lord; 34, 184, 318.

— Warden of the West Marches; 62.

— Captain of Carlisle Castle, etc.; 240.

— request for gift of a parsonage; 555.

Sir Henry, at Venice; 361.

Scudamore, Lady; 516, 528.

Seamen, pressing of; 119.

Season,” Tower of, near St. Brieux; 359.

Sedan, the K. of France at; 145, 147.

Sedley, John, letter from; 320.

Sefforde, one, killed; 86.

Seine, River; 196.

Sekeford, Henry; 85.

Selbie, William; 64.

Selby, Selbye :

George, of Newcastle; 188.

Ralph, of Wetewood; 188.

William, letter from; 553.

Sellinger, Capt.; 126.

Sellworth, “Closter” of; 534.

Semet or Seinet, M.; 531.

Seminaries, see Jesuits.

Senlis; 31.

Sens; 31.

Sermon, A.; 79.

Sesfourd, Sesford :

the Young Laird; 175.

the laird, purges himself by oath 175.

mentioned; 548.

Sessell, Mr.; 473.

Seton :

Lord (Robert), debts of his father at Rouen; 29, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47.

— become a courtier; 178.

Patrick, Captain; 46.

Settrington in the co. of York; 33, 84.

Severn, water-bailiff of; 161.

Seville; 103, 190, 347, 349, 370.

Archbishop of, mentioned; 190.

Sewer of the Queen's Chambers; 80.

Sexten, Henry, of the Queen's kitchen; 160.

Sexton, Lord; 178.

Seyborne, John, of Sutton Michell; 265.

Seymor, Mr., 249.

Seymour, Lord Henry, grant to; 126.

Shaftesbury, letter dated at; 292.

Shafto, Mark, Alderman of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 123.

Shafton, letter dated at; 298.

Sh—, L—, letter to Lord Essex on death of his brother; 141.

Shanfieldhouse, a letter dated from; 376.

Shapwick, Dorset, rectory of, tenants of; 485.

Sharington, one, a lawyer in Chancery Lane; 393.

Sharpenton, Thomas, of Colchester, master mariner; 544.

Shaw, William; 27.

Shawe, Bennet, letter from; 361.

Sheffield :

Lord, grant to; 105.

— letter from; 596.

Sheffield House, letter dated at; 604.

Sheffild, Mr., desires to serve in the army in Ireland; 505.

Shelden, Hugh, serving man; 533.

Sheldon :

Edward; 619.

Ralph interrogatories, etc.; 618, 619.

Shelfanger manor, co. Norfolk; 163.

Shelford on the River Trent, an objectionable weir at, dispute over; 113, 312, 318.

letter dated at; 313, 438.

Shelley, Shellie, Shellye :

Edward, of Southwark; 272.

Mrs. Jane, in the Fleet prison; 402, 407, 429, 432, 434, 436.

— the charge against her; 403.

— made drunk, a letter of admonition to; 413.

— letter from; 433.

— yearly allowance from the Queen; 433.

— her trunks and apparel detained; 433, 434, 438.

John; 168.

Henry, of Burreton; 270.

— of Maple Durham; 271.

Richard, of Wormeinghurst; 264.

— of Southwerk; 271.

William, of Michell Grove; 264.

— of Sutton; 265.

Shelton, Lieut. John; 496.

Shenan” side, the; 285.

Shenfield House by Chainford; 358.

Sheppey, Isle of, letter dated at; 444.

Sherborne, Sherburne; 227, 311, 552, 566.

Sherborne Castle; 356, 483.

the plague very hot in the town; 609.

Sheriff, a, called to account for misconduct; 318.

Sheriffs, fees paid by, at the Exchequer; 455.

Sheriff, John, employed to discover concealed goods, etc. in Ireland; 66.

Sheringham, re-edifying of the pier and harbour at; 315.

Sherley, Shirley :

Sir Anthony, letters to Lord Essex; 81, 126, 138, 396.

— in question for the cashing of his company, letter from; 570.

— son of Sir Thomas; 558.

“Mr.” Anthony, refuses to sign a paper at the Queen's command; 516, 521.

Sir John; 64.

Sir Thomas, treasurer at wars in the Low Countries and France, etc.; 33, 183, 341, 465, 534.

— charge against; 50.

— his account for three years; 68.

— letters from; 406, 412, 469, 558.

— letter to the Earl of Essex; 133.

— letter on the subject of his unfortunate son's match; 137.

— payments to, for the forces; 182, 401.

— pay; 292, 293 (2) 295.

— repels a scandalous rumour about the sale of his office; 558.

— expedition to Brest; 562, 566.

— emoluments of the office; 579.

— allowance for his under-treasurer in Brittany, postage of money, etc.; 579.

Sherwood, —; 625.

Shipping :

embargo on; 10, 11.

freights; 235.

order for the stay of ships proceeding on voyages continuing over a certain period; 479.

Ships built in Norway for Scotland; 179.

Ships mentioned :

Admiral of the Leaguers, of Newhaven, war ship; 65.

Alcedon; 235, 238.

Angell of Flushing; 204.

Annett; 475.

Band; 237.

Black Lion; 235, 334

Bon Jesus; 231.

Bray; 458.

Brytagne; 473.

Centaur; 604.

Cherupin; 157.

Christopher, of Kirkaldy; 85.

Cressant (Crescent); 299.

Dainty; 88, 251.

Elizabeth, of London, blown up; 357.

Elizabeth, of Orkney; 62.

Forsseth; 233.

Gallion Sutt, of London; 412.

Gift of God; 119.

Golden Dragon; 228, 233.

Golden Lion; wrecked on the Goodwin Sands; 253.

Guardland; 235, 238, 243.

John; 238.

Lion, Lord Cumberland's ship; 332.

Lion's Whelp; 552.

Lark; 381.

Little John, of Lyme; 256.

Margaret Ann; 238.

Marie, of Clochester; 544.

Mercurius; 299.

Moon; 319.

Peter, of Amsterdam; 456.

Phœnix, of Dartmouth; 235.

Prudence; 119, 233.

Red Lion, wrecked on the Goodwin Sands; 253.

Refusal; 256.

Revenge; 155.

Roebuck; 230, 232, 234, 235, 243.

Roger bona venter; 119.

St. Bernard; 231.

St. Croix; 231.

St. Mary or Mother of God; 231.

St. Paul; 231.

Samaritan, of Dartmouth; 598.

Samson or Assurance; 228, 233, 234, 235, 238, 243.

Sereyne; 184.

Susan Bon Adventure; 235, 238.

Swiftsure; 550.

Tiger; 228, 233, 234.

Tramontana; 154, 157.

Tremorton; 135.

Ugara Salvagina; 101.

White Lion, of Weymouth; 123.

William, of Colchester; 543.

William, of Leith; 330.

Ships, ports called upon to furnish, for the fleet; 119–123.

Shipwright's the patent for; 276.

Shirburne, Sir Richard, bowbearer of the forest of Bolland; 465.

Shirley, see Sherley.

Shory or Shore :

a goodmith at Gravesend; 236.

statement as to jewels, etc., in the prize Carrack; 254, 256.

Shrewsbury, Earl of; 14, 222, 455, 507.

letter to Lord Burghley in his own defence; 112.

disfavour with the Queen; 114.

dispute with Sir T. Stanhope about a weir; 312, 318.

letter of thanks to Cecil from; 420.

letter to Cecil as to “the poor afflicted creature at home;” 522.

asks for a buck or two to stop the mouth of greedy creditors; 526.

his brothers' litigation with him 526.

— letter on the subject; 604.

Shues, Brother; 303.

Shute, Mr. Justice; 460.

Shuttleworth :

Richard, letter from; 318.

Sir Richard; 408, 554.

Mr., Justice; 426.

Shyr, Mr.; 626.

Sibbett, Andro, in the Tolbooth in Edinburgh; 111.

Sibiur, Cibiur, returned from Brittany; 347.

Sibjour :

a commander of the Spanish army; 474.

— takes English ships; 540.

Siblye, Michael, having an office in the Tower; 410.

Sicil, Mr.; 104.

Sicilio, John, English priest in Lisbon; 104.

Sickness, the, see Plague.

Sidney :

Mr.; 546.

Sir Robert, governor at Flushing, etc., pay; 293 (3), 295.

Sigismund, King of Poland; 492.

Signet, Clerk of the; 502.

Silks :

trade in; 91.

a year's import of, in London, with subsidies thereon, prices, etc.; 574.

Simple or Semple, Col., a Scotchman at Madrid; 417.

Singleton :

Henry, of Thornedon; 269.

Thomas; 87.

Sinnany Bassa, besieges Raab; 606.

Sittingbourn; 52, 318, 530.

Skeine, Mr.; 75.

Skelton, Captain; 169.

Skene, Lord, an envoy of the King of Scots; 54.

Skevyngton, Richard, letter from; 623.

Skidmoore, James, of Hereford; 265.

Skinner :

Alexander, of Boston; 315.

Mr.; 127.

Captain; 567.

Skinners, handicraftsmen of mystery of, petition, decay of their trade; 91, 94.

Skipwith :

Richard, equerry of the Queen's stables; 184.

— debt due from; 289, 430.

Skudamore, Thomas, of Kenchurch; 265.

Skuldamore, John, of Kenchurch; 265.

Skyelicorne or Skellycorne, of —; 241 (2).

Skynner :

Mr.; 295, 607.

Vincent; 296.

— grant of an office to; 377.

— connected with the Receipt of the Exchequer; 399, 401 (2).

— his house in the “Friars”; 402.

Wm., letter on a point of law; 96.

Slane, Lord; 219.

Slaughter Farm, Gloucester; 193.

Sligo, county, haunted by a rebellious Sept; 339.

Slow,” letter dated at; 368.

Sluys; 408, 569.

governor of; 503.

Sly, Nicholas; 371.

Smith, Smithe :

Charles, something of H.M. Wardrobe; 611.

Edmund; 290.

Francis, of Wotton Wawen; 272.

Gilbert, merchant of Exeter, visit to Rome; 582, 598.

— appearance before the Council; 601, 606.

H.; 52.

Jasper, a poor man at Antwerp; 497.

John; 611.

— Customs' officer, port of London; 109, 181.

— grocer, of London, a recusant; 200.

Lucy, landlady of New Inn, London; 290.

Marten, petition; 161.

Mistress, at Calais; 333.

Nicholas (Father), Jesuit priest at Brussels; 327, 496.

Ottiwell; 153, 157.

Richard, of Christ Church; 267.

Sir Thomas; 387.

Thomas —; 240.

Th., must return to Reynolds in France; 147.

— letters on Lord Essex's candidature at Oxford; 162.

— William; 611.

— captain of footbands; 293.

— of London, grocer, a recusant; 198, 200.

Mr.; 144, 155, 405.

— letter to; 473.

— Lord Essex's man; 139, 159.

Smuggling in the Eastern counties; 570.

Smyth, Smythe :

Fr., collector of Southampton; 575.

Gilbert, letter to; 476.

— of Exeter. See Smith above.

Sir John, letter from, on military matters, etc., 4–5.

— his service, etc., 5.

John, Alderman of Hull; 122.

Mr.; 107.

— connected with copper mines; 519.

Stephen; 334.

William, Mayor of Hull; 122.

Smythe, Wm., letter from; 464.

Smythe's farm; 332.

Snowden, —, an English emissary abroad; 115.

Snoy or Sonoy, Mons., Governor of Medenblyck, representation by the Queen on his behalf; 50.

Snygg, Mr., a lawyer; 309.

Soissons; 31, 37, 45, 82.

Soissons :

Comte de; 31, 37, 97, 577.

— relations with K. of Spain, 187.

— marriage; 187, 192, 199.

— wife of, letter to; 375.

Soldiers, qualifications necessary in; 17.

Soldiers and mariners :

maimed, relief of; 295, 298, 300.

— — Act for; 298.

— petition from; 457.

Solicitor-General; 494.

Solothern; 304.

Somerfield, John, of Wotton, Warden; 272.

Somers, Castle of; 325.

Somerset, County of :

Lord Lieutenant of; 14.

recusants in; 274.

victuallers assessed upon; 453.

Somerset House, letters dated at; 505, 511.

Somerset, Thomas, of Farringdon; 267.

Soomes, one, a servant to the sheriff; 86.

Sourdeac, Sieur de, Governor of Brest; 184.

Sourlye, one, an Irish messenger to the Spanish Court; 258.

Sousa, master's mate of the Samson; 234.

Southampton, County of :

Lord Lieutenant of; 14.

recusants in; 270.

Southampton, town :

reply to demand for a ship for the fleet; 120.

condition of the town described; 120.

mayor, etc. of; 120, 561, 563.

embarkation of troops from; 321.

mentioned; 377.

dispute about Customs on certain wine at; 575.

victualling of troops; 563.

officers of the port named; 575.

— complaint from; 575.

Southampton, Earl of, letter to Essex; 96.

South Mimms of Mymes; 321, 420.

South Minister, vicarage of, sold; 393.

Southsea Castle, state of the ordnance in; 441.

South Shields on the water upon Tyne; 353.

Southwell :

Father; 104.

Sir Robert, letter from; 200.

— Cecil's sentiments towards; 535.

Mrs., her lame leg; 153 (2).

Southworth :

Sir John, of Samlesburie; 266.

John, of Lathom; 267.

Thomas, son of Sir John; 242.

Spa, the; 5, 207, 211, 346.

Spain :

agents for England in; 342.

English prisoners in, intelligence as to; 258.

English mariners treated well in; 357.

English mariners, shipwrights, etc. enticed into; 588.

expedition against, profitable to the landlords; 4.

— advised; 417.

fear of attack in; 557.

grandees of, assembling at Madrid; 367.

Infanta of; 103, 288.

— proposal to proclaim her Queen of France; 185, 192.

— inclined to a marriage with K. Henry IV.; 192.

Infanta of, a lady resembling; 198.

— a supposed intended husband for; 585.

levies in, to fill garrisons of Italy; 538.

news from; 288, 329, 356.

King of, preparations against England, etc.; 4, 23, 75, 179, 204, 259.

— Bothwell's relations with; 23.

— a proposed league against; 27.

— alliance of the Catholic League with, reasons for and terms of; 70–72.

— called protector of France; 72.

— expeditionary force to France, numbers, etc.; 79.

— discourse relating to; 85.

— enterprise against Geneva; 101.

— relations with France; 103.

— sends an Envoy to the Duke of Lorraine; 105.

— expedition to Ireland; 118, 170.

— preparations to intercept his Indian fleet; 120.

— open to overtures of peace; 144, 156.

— demands a proportion of the revenues of the clergy; 145.

— treasure of, at Havana; 157.

— Antonio Perez's story; 172.

— agents of, at Fuenterabia; 176.

— supply of lead for; 176.

— supply of wheat and grain; 177.

— rumour of treasure from the West Indies; 180.

— negotiations of the League with; 185.

— levies contributions at Bilbao; 204.

— the ill effects of a peace with, discussed; 207.

— communication to, from the Scotch King, on the invasion of England; 214–216.

— emissaries of, at Rouen and in England etc.; 245.

— Englishmen in the service of or pensioned by; 259, 262, 333.

— his movements and proceedings; 288.

— necessity of defence of Scilly Isel against; 294.

— said to have “cashed” all his English pensioners; 305.

— affection for Brittany; 306.

— anxious to form a party in Scotland; 307.

— designs in Ireland; 311.

— military enterprises in France; 329, 367, 440.

— malady; 329, 367.

— causes the oath to be taken to his son; 829.

— “likes the treason but not the traitor;” 335.

King of, effect of the K. of France's conversion upon; 347.

— withdraws to the Escurial and relinquishes affairs; 347, 417.

— embargoes shipping, etc.; 356.

— means to make a new conquest of Holland; 357.

— wishes to put the government in his son's hands; 367, 401.

— rumour of his death; 372, 440.

— terms of a suggested treaty of peace between England and; 387, 400.

— “very low,” supposes himself dying, etc.; 337, 422.

— his nephew, the Cardinal; 387.

— discovery of intelligence being supplied to; 409.

— in good health; 425, 475.

— does not seek the Crown of England; 462.

— necessitous circumstances, etc.; 472, 475.

— negotiations with Holland and Zeeland, his agent, etc.; 475, 482.

— sends an Irish bishop, etc. on a mission to the K. of Scotland; 489, 536.

— great communication with K. of Scotland; 489, 495.

— Scotch gentlemen offer to serve; 501.

— copy of letter from; 509.

— carried to the Escurial to die; 538, 557.

— a messenger sent from K. of Scotland to; 540.

— treats for peace with Holland and Zeeland; 540.

— seized with apoplexy; 546.

— report of the execution of chief men of Lisbon by order of; 562.

— attack upon Brest; 563.

— Secretary of War of; 568.

— negotiations with Earl of Angus's party in Scotland; 572.

— the Emperor exhorts him to a general pacification; 576.

— reputation of his greatness and power declining in Germany; 584.

— recommendations of pensioners in Germany; 586.

— two priests from, driven to land in England, escape; 588.

— intercepted letter from Due de Mayenne to; 588.

— effect of his interference in French affairs, etc.; 594, 621.

— plot against the Queen's life, etc.; 607, 617, 630.

— returns the troops drawn from Naples; 622.

letters, etc. giving an account of affairs in; 103, 288.

no longer talk of some enterprise but look to their own preservation; 549.

Prince of, questioned what part of him was Spanish and what Flemish; 288.

— voyage to Lisbon deferred; 338.

— going to Portugal; 347, 540.

— enters the Council; 425.

— governs with the Cardinal; 475, 557.

— States of Brabant required to swear fealty to; 514.

ordnance designed for; 246.

price of corn, etc. in; 199.

Queen warned of danger from; 539.

rejoicings over English ships taken; 540.

revolt in Aragon and Valentia; 151.

scarcity of corn in; 338, 347.

Scotch merchants allowed to trade in; 350.

spies sent into, etc.; 158, 331, 417, 495.

supplied with grain from Ireland; 177.

travels in; 190.

Spaniands :

at the battle of Ivry; 21.

pretended assault by, on Jersey; 454.

opposition to the absolution of the K. of France at Rome; 476.

Spanish :

Armada, design or destination of; 1, 158.

— the general of the; 179.

Ambassador in Paris; 80.

Ambassador at Ratisbon, describes the proceedings at the Diet, his own position, negotiations, etc.; 584–6.

bark secured by Bothwell, a; 24–5.

conspiracy, the, mentioned; 287.

fleet, movements of, etc.; 336, 340, 346, 361, 366.

men of war capture English ships; 357.

mission to Scotland; 553, 554.

naval and military preparations; 306, 321, 337, 347, 367, 401, 422, 467, 474, 500, 538, 540, 546, 551, 566, 567.

news; 179, 204, 306, 320, 337, 349, 356, 367, 372, 387, 416, 422, 472, 474, 476, 495, 538, 540, 546, 557.

prizes before the English Courts; 299.

reinforcements sent to Brittany; 359.

ships, preparations to intercept; 200.

silk imported; 574.

treasure ships; 329.

— arrived safely; 349.

West Indian fleet, officers of, arrested; 357.

— said to have laden above 24 millions; 448.

writings found at Exeter; 253.

Sparrey, Mr., at Totnes; 566.

Sparrow, one, an Englishman at Venice; 236.

Sparry, Richard, a Justice of the Peace, Devon, 581.

Sparscow, Phillippe, of Acton; 267.

Sparsford, Robin, death; 162.

Spencer :

Richard; 387.

Thomas, letter from; 352.

Spens, George; 46.

Spenser, Sir William; 461.

Spicer :

Nicholas, mayor of Exeter; 333.

Thomas, mayor of Exeter; 517, 601, 606.

Spielawe; 188.

Spinola :

Ambrose; 472.

Federico, cousin of Palavicino, passport for, asked for; 609 (2).

Spinoler, Frederi, intercepted letter from; 568.

Spotte; 14.

Spott or Spot :

the Laird of; 178, 179.

lordship of; 180.

Spurstowe, Phillippe, of Acton; 267.

Spy, person employed as; 194.

Spynie :

house of, ownership of; 25,

Lord of, in favour with the King of Scotland; 89, 91.

— relations with Archibald Douglas; 89, 90, 99, 100, 112.

— leaves the Court; 247, 252.

Staden, fraudulent export of coin to; 152.

Stafford, Co. of, recusants in; 272.

Stafford and Derby, Co. of :

Lord Lieutenant of; 14.

levies in, ordered; 507.

Stafford :

Lady, her case mentioned; 444.

Lord, a cause of, at the Montgomery assizes; 318.

— litigation with John Thynne; 426, 554.

Sir Edward; 292, 295, 303, 376.

— letter from; 132.

John, letter from; 596.

Stafford's case, temp . Hen. VIII., mentioned; 461.

Staines, mentioned; 394.

Stalling or Stallenge :

William; 232, 234.

— clerk to the Commissioners for the Carrack; 240.

Stalye, William, in the Queen's Woodyard; 95; 528.

Stampe, John, of Halton; 270.

Standen :

Mr., of the Petty Bag; 533.

— William, his son; 533.

— a “travaylor;” 558.

Anthony; 48; 176.

— letters from, referred to, etc.; 322.

— movements, information about; 329, 330, 331.

— letters from; 331, 349, 390.

Standishe :

— of Standishe; 241.

Edward, of Standishe; 266.

Thomas, of Standishe; 266, 507.

Standley, Sir William; 193, 194.

Standon, Edmund, of St. Andrew's in Holborn; 267.

Stanhope :

— a competition for the Vice-Chamberlain's office; 68.

John, letters from; 54, 425, 515.

— mentioned; 221, 222, 615.

Sir John; 204.

Micheal; 69, 483.

— joined in a vinegar monopoly; 458.

Mr.; 380, 386, 423.

— master of H.M. Posts; 87.

Sir Thomas, dispute with Lord Shrewsbury about a weir; 113, 312, 318.

— letter from, with a present; 438.

— mentioned; 404.

T.; 462.

Stanlake, Mrs.; 309.

Stanley :

Captain, at Brussels, death, etc.; 128.

Edward; 241.

Sir Edward; 409.

Sir Henry; 466.

James; 614.

Mrs., of Crosshall; 242.

Mr.; 52.

— inventor of plates and armour of English iron; 50.

Richard; 455.

Sir William; 145, 156, 180, 193, 328, 336, 407, 408, 428, 466, 496, 571, 588.

— a pensioner of the K. of Spain; 262.

regiment of English and Scotch of, in Flanders; 325.

— — a man called “old White” serving in, and others; 499, 500.

— letter to; 327.

— the “espariente” of; 330.

— story of his reception by the K. of Spain; 335.

— two sons of, brought up in England by their grandfather; 411.

— his page and chief secretary; 500.

— his company going into Brittany; 551.

— his conduct explained; 567.

Father William; 607.

Stanmer Magna, Middlesex, Manor of; 341.

Spaples, Castle of; 325.

Stapleton :

John, of Bradley; 272.

William, of Bradley; 272.

Starch :

patents for; 251, 261.

— objects of the grocers, and reply; 276.

patents for, an offer for the monopoly; 499, 556.

— pensions paid by patentee; 614.

Starchmaking; 275.

Staremberg, Richard, Baron, letter from; 102.

States General of the United Provines :

Treaty with, defects in; 10.

exceptions taken by, to the patent of the Governor of Flushing; 32.

President of; 33.

treatment of Mons Snoy; 51.

urged by the Queen to attack Flanders and Artois; 54, 55, 57, 60.

ships sent to aid the French King; 65.

the Queen's applications to; 77.

oath of military service to; 84.

ask for help from Sir T. Morgan; 208.

urged to send aid to the French King; 224.

urged to send troops for defence of Ostend; 225.

send ships of war to Rochelle; 329, 337.

suggestion that they should besiege Dunkirk; 372.

of the “Base Provinces United,” mentioned; 397.

their obligations of 1578 and 1581 mentioned; 447.

progress of their army; 534.

gathered together with great pomp; 535.

complaint against Sir G. Carey; 601.

their agent; 602.

sell victuals to the enemy; 605.

negotiations for peace with, on part of the Empire; 606.

stay of their shipping; 613. See also United Provinces.

Statutes :

Articulo Cleri mentioned; 94.

Inmates in London and Westminster; 382.

(5 Eliz.) as to apprentices and for restraint of vagrants; 385.

35 Eliz. c. 6., Act against new buildings; 456.

Staunton, William; 455.

Staverton, Humprey, petition; 76.

Staverton, parish in Devonshire; 131.

Stawford, George, Mayor of Bideford; 120.

Steenwick; 124, 129, 208.

French verses thrown into the trenches at the siege of, and in reply thereto; 212, 213.

Steken; 491.

the matter of; 550.

Stenbergen, design against; 208.

Stendic; 569.

Stephens, William; 581.

Stephenson :

—; 228.

Thomas, Jesuit Priest, at Prague; 424, 450, 480, 481.

Stepneth :

Albane, marriage mentioned; 279.

— malicious proceedings against Bp. Midleton; 279–284.

Sterrell, —; 625.

Stettin, Duke of; 23.

Stevenson, Richard, of Boston; 315, 317.

Stewart, Stuart :

Cronoyar; 206.

James, Regent of Scotland, the slayer of; 178.

Capt. James; 252.

Colonel; 27, 600.

— William, gives the Queen an account of his negotiations in Germany; 68, 72.

— negotiator for the King of Scots with the States General; 54, 75.

Stileman :

John, letters from (as to Cecil's private affairs), etc.; 355, 362, 374, 415, 440, 612.

— his keepers and deputy summoned before the Green Cloth; 612.

— mentioned; 445.

Stirling; 513, 583.

parliament at; 523.

Stoad; 324.

Stockdale, Richard; 73.

Stodert, Col. Boyd's boy; 156.

Stockton, free chapel of; 174.

Stonar, the Lady; 270.

Stone, Edward, Queen's footman; 167.

Stonehouse; 473.

Stone pots brought into the port of London; 230.

Stoneley, Mr.; 401.

Stoner, the Widow, the Queen's visit to; 115.

Stopford, William, of Bisham; 266.

Storton, Lady, wife of Sir John Arundel, a Jesuit taken in house of; 510.

Stowghton, Lawrence; 295.

Strabogey; 201, 205.

Stradling, Sir Edward; 9.

Straime, Sir Robert Cecil's house, at work proceeding at; 355.

Straker, John; 341.

Strange :

Lord, and the Jesuit plot; 104, 335.

— request for the chamberlainship of Chester; 376.

See further, Derby, Earl of.

Alice, Lady, a postscript from; 376.

Strasbourg, affairs of; 492.

Stratford at Bow, letters dated at; 385, 393, 609.

Stuard, Col., in the Low Countries; 600.

Stuart :

Lady Arabella; 144, 156, 335, 551, 627.

Lord, an envoy of the K. of Scots; 54.

Capt. James, sometimes called Lord Arran; 30.

Studley, Andrew, Southampton; 121.

Stuffs, manufacture of, at Sandwich and other places; 573, 574.

Sturton, William, of Wells; 274.

Stutsburie, John, of Soldern; 270.

Styleman, Mr.; 587.

Subsidies and fifteenths :

proceeds of; 182, 198.

— (31 Eliz.); 289.

collection of; 339, 343, 366, 411.

agreement of the Committee concerning; 298.

Subsidy, note as to the collection of a; 260.

Suffolk, County of :

Lord Lieutenant of; 14.

levies in, for service abroad; 66.

recusants in; 269.

tenants in; 163.

victuallers assessed upon; 453.

woodmongers of, frauds practised by; 570.

Sugar, refining of; 335.

Sulliard, Sulyeard :

Edward, of Wetherden; 269.

Thomas, of Wetherden; 269.

Surdrac, M. de; 353, 360.

Surrey, County of :

Lord Lieutenant of; 14.

recusants in; 271.

Surveyor :

of the Queen's ways; 32.

of the woods on this side Trent; 32.

Sussex, County of :

Lord Lieutenants of; 14, 80.

levies in, for service abroad; 80.

recusants in; 263.

surplusage of corn in; 196.

Sussex :

Earl of; 14.

— having charge of Portsmouth; 436.

— death; 437.

— the late great dislike at Portsmouth to; 441.

— the young; 440.

Sutherane, William, of Westo; 78.

Sutherland, one, recruiting Scots to serve against the Turks; 600.

Suttell :

Arthur, of Kirke Dighton; 373.

Henry, of York; 273.

Sutton :

Mr.; 132.

Richard, letter from; 370.

Sutton Park, letter dated at; 390.

Suyll Castle; 562.

Suynton or Suinton, George; 252.

Swaddon, Mr., of New College, Oxford, request for preferment for; 529.

Swan, Captain; 169.

Swayne :

Mr.; 298.

Robert; 168.

Sweden :

Prince of Duke of (Charles); 37, 38, 535.

a rising in, against the young King; 535.

Swiss :

mercenaries in the French war; 22, 31, 85, 620, 628.

— memorial of the Colonel; 85.

Swone, Bartholomew; 623.

Sybuir, —, 337.

Sydenham; 510.

Sydney :

Sir Robert, Governor of Flushing, marriage; 8.

— at court; 512.

— letters from; 32, 311.

— letter to; 57.

— suit for the manor of Panton; 311.

— mentioned; 147, 164, 422.

— going into France; 396.

Symme, Captain; 567.

Symmes, Capt. Edward; 119.

Symondes, a messenger; 135.

Symonds John, plans by; 449.

Symons, John, letter from; 532.

Syon, letters dated at; 406, 412.