Pages 685-688
Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.
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Nafferton, enclosure of common lands at; 84.
Namur; 127, 497.
Burgundians at; 452.
Nantes, Spanish forces to be sent to; 71, 179.
Naper :
George, of Oxford; 270.
William, of Oxford; 270.
Naples, mercenaries raised in the kingdom of; 327.
Narberth, forest of; 10.
Narbonne, Spanish forces to be sent to; 71.
Nassau :
Count William of, see William, Count.
Count Maurice of, see Maurice, Court.
Counts of, mentioned; 212, 213.
Nau, —, secretary to the Queen of Scots, influence in France; 98.
Naunton, B., letter from Paris; 74.
Naval engagement between the French and Dutch; 65.
Navarre :
King of, King of France referred to as; 559.
Princess of, marriage; 199.
troops in; 422.
Vicomte de; 82.
Navy :
victualling of the ships; 52.
in harbour, charge of, for six months; 74.
various ports called upon to furnish ships; 119–123.
victualling of cost; 182. See Ships.
Nector, Mr.; 401.
Needham, Mr.; 176.
Neile, Mr., vicar of Cheshunt; 334.
Nel, Marquis, at Ivry; 21.
Nemours :
Duke of, report of his death; 372.
— escaped from Lyons; 577.
— strongly reinforced, military success, etc.; 628. (3).
Nesbit, John; 247.
Nessi, Julio; 93.
Netherlands, see Low Countries.
“Netherye,” attack upon the King of Scotland; 177.
Neuchatel, Neufchastel; 136, 187.
thought to be rendered to the King; 199.
loss of, to the League, imminent; 590, 591, 593.
Neunberg, Palatine of; 586.
Nevers, Duc de :
at the battle of Ivry; 21.
mentioned; 151, 416.
Madame de Guise enamoured of; 372.
negotiations; 475.
rumour of his death; 504.
named administrator of “Saxe;” 606.
discontented; 621.
Nevill, Mr., a prisoner in the Tower; 308.
Newall, Andrew, York; 122.
Newark; 312.
Newbattle, Lady; 46.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne :
reply to the Council's demand for a ship; 122.
mayor and aldermen of, named; 123.
mayors named; 209, 210, 543.
municipal abuses there, an abstract of; 209.
proposal to survey the gaol there; 209.
coal mines at; 209.
a ship of war furnished by; 210.
mentioned; 527, 629.
New Forest :
timber from; 360.
mentioned; 439.
Newfoundland :
trade from Dartmouth to; 479.
number of sail in the fleet, peril from the Spaniards; 566.
Newhaven; 44, 48, 65, 78, 148, 151, 245, 361, 365.
Governor of; 45.
besieged; 143.
New Inn, London, history to; 290.
Newland, Roger, a young Englishman brought up in Spain, suspected; 565.
Newman, Alexander, a recusant, examined by a bishop; 446.
Newpark :
letters dated at; 376, 378, 411, 412.
mentioned; 408, 409.
Newport, Capt., of the Golden Dragon; 233.
News from Spain and Holland, title of a book, its scope and contents; 498.
Newton :
Baron, summoned before the Council, in connexion with Hesketh; 427.
— charges against; 428.
Joash, letter from; 413.
John, of London, merchant; 231.
Newton (town); 629.
Nice; 338.
country devastated about; 492.
Nicholas, Owen; 281.
“Nicodemus” mentioned by J. Colvill; 583.
Niddrie, near Edinburgh; 504.
Nierhaven; 568.
Nieumegen; 125, 128, 133, 151.
siege of the fort before; 129.
taking of; 151.
Nieuport; 569.
preparations at; 497.
sign by which the Governor would know a messenger; 497.
Nisbet or Nisbett :
— letter to Archibald Douglas; 232.
Henry; 124.
John, servitor to Archibald Douglas; 124.
Noel or Noeil :
Henry, his suit for the stone jugs; 323.
— letter pressing his case; 323.
— letters of thanks; 342, 346.
Noisy; 82.
Nonsuch, letters, etc., dated at; 116, 319, 332.
Norfolk, county of :
Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
justices of the peace of; 14.
— letter from; 471.
export and import of grain; 14.
recusants in; 268.
victuallers assessed upon; 453.
Norfolk :
Duke of, escheat by attainder of; 108.
— (Thomas), annuity granted by; 163.
Norham; 629.
Normandy :
danger of its loss to the King; 140, 187.
forces in, payment for; 182.
corn permitted to be exported to, from Kent and Sussex; 196.
troops to be sent into; 341, 465.
— stayed; 341.
lime brought in; 379.
progress of events in; 588–593.
Norreys, Norris, Norrys :
Lady (Margery), letter from; 376.
Lord; 14.
— lands of, in the Queen's hands; 377.
— John, his son, wishes to go to the Low Countries; 376.
Sir Edward, commanding English troops in Flanders, instructions; 77.
— captain of footbands; 293.
— letters from Ostend; 406, 486.
— unnecessary complaints of; 412.
Sir Henry, appointed to inspect the forces in Brittany; 202.
Sir John; 224, 394, 499, 580.
— revocation of; 62, 97.
— in Brittany; 226, 359, 365, 562.
— letters from; 358, 360.
— expedition to Brest; 562.
— further instructions upon increase of forces under his command; 573.
John; 234.
Sir Thomas, Vice-President of Munster; 224, 483.
— mentioned; 570.
— Lieut.-General of the expedition to Brest; 563.
one, a keeper in Enfield Chace; 362.
William, of Milverton; 275.
North :
my Lady Warwick's man; 440.
Captain; 170.
Lord; 14, 331.
— letter from; 488.
— of the Privy Council; 154.
Thomas, as to a discovery of Papists; 367.
— raises money on a counterfeit authority of Lord Burghley; 610.
North, The :
Lord President of; 208, 478.
poverty in; 449.
Northampton, co., Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
Northampton :
Countess of, death, etc.; 142.
Lady, Jane, daughter of, Earl of; 142.
North Cave, Yorks, parsonage of; 452.
Northumberland, co. of, no gaol there; 209.
Northumberland :
Earl of, sentiments towards Lord Burghley; 164.
— his place, Petworth, mentioned; 207.
— jointure assured to wife of; 261.
— letter from, explaining delay in going to the North, etc.; 449.
Northwich in Cheshire, letter dated at; 33.
Norton; 84.
parish of, bishopric of Durham; 174.
Norton :
Intention to invade England; 156.
John, captain of The Tiger; 228, 233.
Richard, of Cheston; 269.
Norway, a great ship built in, for Scotland; 179.
Norwich :
manufacture of stuffs at; 574.
diocese of, recusants in; 268, 269.
victuallers assessed upon; 453.
Norwood Park, cutting of timber in; 340.
Norwood :
Thomas, of Standmer; 267.
William, of Leckhampton; 275.
Notts, co.:
Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
sheriff of, misconduct of, called to account; 318.
Nottingham and Derby, counties, of, the lieutenancy of; 113.
Nottingham, Earl of; 154.
Nottingham; 312.
Noüe, M. de la; 82, 97.
Novie, John, of Rackton; 263.
Nowell :
Mr. Doctor, house at the Minories; 386.
Henry, grant of a monopoly to; 457.
Noyon; 97, 371.
camp before or at; 131, 133, 154.
delivered up; 133.
English troops at; 150.
necessity of the taking of; 185.
The King compounds with Governor of; 622.
Nuce, Mr., Hadham; 366.
Nunes, Bernardo; 494.
Nuremberg; 389.
Nydrie, Laird of, a fight arranged; 175.
Nyghtingalle, James, seminary priest; 258.
Oakham, Hospital and Grammar school in; 107.
Oath of military service; 84.
Oatlands :
gossip from; 142.
the Court at; 334, 340, 341.
Obesternach, the secretary at Vienna; 607.
O'Carroll, Sir Charles; 285, 286.
Ochiltree :
Laird of; 504.
— movements and proceedings; 518, 527, 530, 583.
Octavio, Count, slain; 126, 129.
O'Dempsie, Bryan, of the Queen's County; 285.
Odescalco, Mr.; 303.
O'Devannagh, a Romish bishop of Down; 565.
O'Donnell :
—; 564.
Hugh Roo, son-in-law to the Earl of Tyrone, breaks from Dublin Castle; 218.
Young, in arms; 221.
O'Donnell's country; 310.
Offeley :
Mr. Sheriff; 86
Mr. Alderman; 333.
Offices, sale of; 511, 517, 531, 532.
O'Flaharty, Sir Morogh; 368.
Ogane, Sir John; 117.
Oge, Powry, a messenger of the Scotch King; 216.
Ogilvy :
P., letter from Scotland; 279.
Thomas; 42.
— letters to; 43, 47.
Oglethorp, Henry, of Bishopsfield near York; 273.
O'Harte, Tade; 171.
O'Hownan :
Daniel McDermond, of Tullelesh, deposition; 483.
David; 484.
Donough, son to the Cobre of Tulleleshy, deposition; 484.
Morris; 481.
Phe[lim]; 484.
William; 484.
Oise, River of; 165.
O'Kenan at the Curlewes, murdered; 171.
Okenhall, manor of; 107.
Okeover; 439.
Oldeburgh; 77.
Oleman, Philippo; 539.
Oliphant, The Mistress of, marriage; 6.
Olive, Enyas; 474.
Oliveira, Antonio de; 494.
O'More :
Bryan Reaughe; 285, 286.
— arrested in London; 354.
Rory Oge, the very son of; 285, 354
O'Mores, the; 285.
O'Neale :
Shan; 218.
—, sons of, in arms; 221.
“O'Noniæ”; 106.
Oostlande; 568.
O'Piper, Donell; 368.
Oporto, seizure of, for England, possible; 417.
Or, Le, at Calais; 159.
Oran; 357.
Orange, Prince of; 329, 338.
Orde, James; 109.
Ordnance :
export of; 23, 75, 100, 103, 165, 166, 184, 198, 202, 218, 226, 314, 352, 449, 501, 552.
conveyed to Spain; 103.
a ship laden with, for Spain, to be seized; 246 (2).
Lieutenant of the; 124, 182, 202, 314, 315.
— accounts of; 124.
— troublesomeness of the Office; 555.
payments for; 182.
surveyor and keeper of, complaint against; 315.
officers in the Tower; 428.
survey of the munitions, etc. in Portsmouth taken; 440, 441.
offer to supply, for Ireland; 459.
O'Reylly, Philip, bond for appearance; 244.
Orgazin silk imported; 574.
Orkney :
a ship from, seized; 63.
a benefice of Archibald Douglas's in; 572.
Orkney, Earl of; 54.
Orme, Captain; 567.
Ormestone, or Ormston, Mr.; 407.
Ormond, Earl of; 237.
Ormskirk; 408.
Ormyston, Willam; 242.
O'Roughan, Dennis, Sir John Perrott's relations with; 194.
O'Rourke :
Brian, particulars of the treason of; 170.
— Sir John Perrott's relations with; 194.
the delivery of, referred to; 509.
mentioned; 564.
O'Rouke's country; 338.
O'Rowercke, the “pretended counterfeit King”; 117.
Orphtrye, a musical instrument; 625.
Osbolston, A., letter from; 495.
Osori's History of Portugal; 543.
Ossolivante, Sir Owen; 310.
Ostend :
as English garrison at; 59, 60.
preparations and designs against, etc.; 225, 325, 396, 464, 465, 497.
victual and apparel shipped for soldiers at; 406, 412, 464.
mentioned; 106.
letters dated at; 406, 486, 491.
Ourde, William, servant to the K. of Scots, negotiation in Spain; 350.
Ousley, Captain; 567.
Outlawries, Clerk of the, under the Attorney General, importance of the duties, “set to sale in every tavern”; 511.
Outports, surveyor for custom causes in the; 479.
Over Darwen, Lancashire; 366.
Overton, William, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, a mischievous release to the Queen by; 399, 404.
Owen :
—, conspirator; 607, 625.
Mr.; 128, 156.
Serjeant; 290.
Hugh, at Madrid, letter from; 306.
— at Brussels; 497.
John, at Douai; 306.
Richard, of London; 267.
Richard, of Godstoe; 270.
Thomas, of Elfield; 271.
Owyn, Capt., committed to prison; 54.
Oxburro (Bedingfield property); 275.
Oxford, letter dated at; 386.
Oxford, County of :
Lord Lieutenant of; 14.
recusants in; 270.
Oxford :
University, election for Chancellorship of; 162 (2), 165.
New College; 529.