Cecil Papers: September 1593

Pages 367-381

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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September 1593

M. Chasteaumartin to Lord Burghley.
1593, Sept. 3/13. The Spaniards' design to send forces into the river of Bordeaux is broken because of the truce with France, which has so confused their affairs they know not what to resolve. They will send a part of their army into Brittany to reinforce those who are at Blavet, and will do nothing else unless new occasions arise, but will keep on the alert without disbanding their forces, awaiting the end of the truce and the course affairs in this state will take. The King has sent a valet de chambre into Spain, who passed by this town two days ago; I cannot yet learn his errand. He was directed to the Governor of Fontarabia, with whom he now is. The said governor sent for me to confer with him, without telling me the subject, but I expect it is to treat of peace; I shall be with him next Sunday on the frontier and shall learn what he has in mind, and also the negotiation of the valet de chambre, and will advise you thereof as soon as possible. This advertisement must be kept secret, even from the ambassador, that I may not lose the opportunity of getting to the bottom of this negotiation. Hereafter there will be matters of importance here worth your knowing, as far as I can judge from the course matters are taking, as well in these negotiations as in the affairs of Spain, which seem likely to alter; but there is no vessel here to carry despatches to you, and I am obliged to send this by Rochelle, so that it will be slow in reaching you.
The King of Spain is ill of the gout which has mounted to his throat. All the grandees of Spain have been summoned and are assembling at Madrid. He wishes to put the government in his son's hands. I am sending a man to Madrid to learn all that happens, and am incurring more expense than usual, because the occasion seems to merit it; I beseech you have a care of me therein.—From Bayonne, 13 September, 1593.
French. Seal, broken. 1¼ pp.
Thomas North to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, [Sept. 4]. My name is North, willed by my Lord Admiral to repair to your Honour touching a note of the discovery of Papists, desirous to fly. My Lord told me he had dealt with your Honour therein. If so, I am ready to wait on your Honour's pleasure to appoint me when I shall come. I would have come to the Court, but that I am not certain of your Honour's leisure, and to be seen much attending about any of the Privy Council may be dangerous to what should be done.—From Slow, this Tuesday morning, Ao Doni 1593.
Endorsed :—“4 September.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Lord Willoughby to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Sept. 5. I beseech you excuse me, Sir, for I never had worse luck in my life. Your letters were not delivered till I myself came down sick; my falconer was not at home. After the merlin being drawn, I was desirous to have had her in some good case before you had her. In the meanwhile, whether it was his negligence or some old surfeit of hers, within nine days she was taken out of the mew, she died. I send you her fellow, which I thought to have sent with her, who will kill a partridge as well as any merlin, and fly sometimes for it, but nothing so high as the other. I protest to you, if she were the best in England, you should have her. My best tassel died this year as soon as ever he came to drawing, or else in lieu of the little bird, I had sent you him. To say the truth, neither of them would kill more certainly than this “babie” I send you.—Grimsthorp, the 5th of September.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
Holograph. 1 p.
[The Queen to Sir Richard Bingham.]
1593, Sept. 6. Where our Treasurer of England, by his letters in July last, did inform you of the being here of three several persons of that our province of Connaught under your charge, that is, of Sir Morogh O'Flaharty, Knight, Grany ne Maly and Roobuck French, requiring to understand your opinion of every of them concerning their suits; we perceive by your late letters of answer what your opinion is of them, and their causes of complaint or of suit, whereof you have given them no just cause. But where Grany ne Maly hath made humble suit to us for our favour towards her sons Morogh O'Flahartv and Tibbott Burk, and to her brother Donell O'Piper, that they might be at liberty, we perceive by your letters that her eldest son, Morogh O'Flaharty, is in no trouble but is a principal man of his country, and as a dutiful subject hath served us when his mother, being then accompanied with a number of disorderly persons, did with her “gallyes” spoil him; and therefore by you favoured, and so we wish you to continue. But the second son, Tibbott Burk, one that hath been brought up civilly with your brother and can speak English, is by you justly detained because he hath been accused to have written a letter to Bryan O'Rork, the late traitor's son, though it cannot be fully proved but is by him utterly denied; and for her brother Donald, he hath been imprisoned 7 months past, being charged to have been in company of certain that killed some soldiers in a ward. But for these two you think they may be both demissed upon bonds for their good behaviour, wherewith we are content, so as the old woman may understand we yield thereto in regard of her humble suit; so she is hereof informed and departeth with great thankfulness and with many most earnest promises that she will as long as she lives continue a dutiful subject, yea, and will employ all her power to offend and prosecute any offender against us. And further, for the pity to be had of this aged woman, having not by the custom of the Irish any title to any livelihood or portion of her two husbands' lands, now being a widow, and yet her sons enjoying their fathers' lands, we require you to deal with her sons in our name to yield to her some maintenance for her living the rest of her old years, which you may with persuasion assure them that we shall therein allow of them; and you also shall with your favour in all their good causes protect them to live in peace to enjoy their livelihoods. And this we do write in her favour as she now sheweth herself dutiful, although she hath in former times lived out of order, as being charged by our Treasurer with the evil usage to her son that served us dutifully. She hath confessed the same with assured promises by oath to continue most dutiful, with offer, after her foresaid manner, that she will fight in our quarrel with all the world.
Endorsed :—“September 1593, Minute of the Lords of the Council's letter to Sir Richard Bingham.” [From internal evidence it would seem to be from the Queen.]
Draft by Burghley.
2 pp.
Anthony Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 9. I have forborne to trouble you with the state of my business pince the last Parliament. But the same hath proceeded with the travail and advice of friends, wherein, many now wearied, there is something produced, such as my hard fortune yielded in a troublesome care. Now there is need of your last allowance and consent, together with my Lord your father, wherein I entreat your favour, both because the Act of Parliament hath made you a party in this behalf, if it so please you, and the conjunction of my nearest friends will necessarily be expected. The books are drawn by Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Attorney of the Court of Wards. They are now sent unto his Lordship for his seal, and your Honour's is of like effect therein, only to bind me to those points in writing, wherein already my affection and nature bindeth me, and to limit me in the use of my lands and living, wherein I have embraced what my learned counsel and loving friends have directed.—Gwydihall, this 9 of September, 1593, your honour's poor kinsman, humbly affectionate.
Holograph. 1 p.
Giovan Battista Giustiniano to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 10. Is leaving in a few days for Genoa, and as he cannot come to Court, he sends the bearer to express his readiness to perform any service required by him. He will be in London eight or nine days. Desires a passport and 20l., promised by the Lord Treasurer when Cavaliere Palavicino was at Theobalds, for the expenses of the voyage.—Badburham, 10 September, 1593.
Holograph. Italian. Seal. 1 p.
M. Brandaye to Mr. Hicks, one of the Secretaries of the Lord Treasurer.
1593, Sept. 10. Beseeching him to move the Lord Treasurer for a new warrant to the Officers of Customs at “Hemton,” for them to allow of the passage of certain pieces of “fonte verte,” with munition and other things destined for the Seigneur de Bordaige in Brittany, the former warrant having been lost by the person he sent to the post to despatch them, at the time Le had himself gone to the baths at Baye to get some alleviation for his gout.—At Hemton [Southampton] the 10th September, 1593.
Holograph. French. 2 pp.
Henry IV., King of France, to the Queen.
1593, Sept. 11/21. Asking redress for his subject, one Foncques, jurate of Bordeaux, whose ship on returning from Seville in Spain with 20 tons of olive oil in exchange for alum and salt fish taken there, was captured by English vessels and taken into the port of Hampton in England, although he had a passport from Mabignon, the King's Lieut.-General in Gruienne.—Fontainebleau, 21 September, 1593.
French. 1 p.
Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 15. Having been continually resident on his charge almost these four years, he entreats Burghley's mediation for his licence to come over during this winter, for some causes importing his poor estate, which require speedy order, and which cannot be taken without his presence. Is assured of his brother to supply his place, who was Lieutenant in his father's time, and things seem to be somewhat calm, which makes his service the less needful.—Jersey, the 15th of September, 1593.
Signed. 1 p.
Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 17. I received a letter from my lord, your father, with a letter of the Viscount to his lordship, which he required me to consider of, and to answer his allegations. The which I have easily done for the substance, though some some trouble to answer the multitudes of his idle conceits. My lord, your father, writes to me that. he is weary of the matter, but I see no cause, seeing that Her Majesty hath so definitely said and determined what he shall pay, and so ended the matter. If he will as little regard Her Majesty's own censure, as he did the Judge's opinions, or the authority of my lord, your father, and the Court, he may always cavil and trouble His lordship, but he hath authority sufficient to excuse that which her Majesty hath so absolutely ordered. But if his lordship will be at leisure to hear his frivolous devices, no marvel that the trouble be great unto him. The Queen's Majesty was highly angry with my lord, your father, in my hearing, when I was called in about this cause, that he would suffer the Viscount so much to presume and expostulate with him. Her Majesty hath given him half from me, and now he repining that he cannot have all. But to obey Her Majesty, it much grieves me to yield to half, and so I humbly beseech yon to put my lord in mind to follow Her Majesty's direction, as most justifiable and best for his lordship's case. Otherwise, I shall be enforced to complain again to Her Majesty, which one word of your Honour's will excuse me from doing, for it is my lord, your father's, too much lenity, that makes the Viscount thus outrageous and presumptuous.—This 17th of September, 1593.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Richard Sutton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 18. I have received your Honour's letters of the 17th of this present on the behalf of one Henry Woolridge, for the admitting of him and others to a copyhold in Killingworth, wherein I beseech you give me leave to advertise you how the case standeth. This copyhold tenement was long since granted to one Hawarden, his wife and son. The wife being dead, the son, an unthrift, took a sum of money of one Temple, a man of the late Earl of Leicester, for his estate, who thereupon obtained from the Earl a grant in reversion for himself, his wife and his child; which grant, whether it be good or no, resteth yet in doubt, and to be considered of by the tenants. The father of late died (his son surviving, as Temple affirmetb,) upon whose death controversy grew between one Nicholas Sly, who married the daughter of the said Hawarden, and the said Temple, each of them being suitor to your father in the premises, who thereupon directed his letters to the Surveyor of the Shire and myself, commanding us to examine the cause, and if it were so that Sly had not a good title and right, then to admit Temple, his wife and child, in respect he was the Earl's man, and had done him long service, and for that he bought the son's estate. This matter Mr. Hicks was acquainted with, and wrote the letter, and thus much I imparted to Mr. Chancellor, declaring I would be glad to do you any service, for my lord, your father, bestowed on me the stewardship.—Chiswick, 18 September, 3 593.
P.S. I go not down to Kenelworth to examine the said cause, or to grant the copyhold, till after Michaelmas.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Mr. Edmondes to [Lord Burghley.]
1593, Sept. 18. Here hath been Mons. Villeroy with the King to treat for the continuance of the truce until the first day of the new year, which the King hath rejected (as himself told me) for more than another month only, to the which he is forced to condescend as well to attend news from Rome as also the coming of his Swiss; with the answer whereof Mons. Villeroy is this day returned, to receive therein the resolution of the Duke of Maine. The 'pike' between the Dukes of Maine and Guise continueth so great as the Duke of Maine lately discovered that the Duke of Guise was prepared (by his party made with the Spaniards) to have put in execution his plot for the attempting on his person, whereupon he hath been forced to call in divers French companies, both of horse and foot, to assure himself; and do now stand upon strong guard the one against the other, but without any open declaration. For this respect the King hath been requested to forbear his journey to Tours, and not to absent himself far from Paris, that if need require, Mons. du Maine may help himself by him. We do now therefore go to Chartres, and after some little stay there return to Mantes. I asked the King whether he believeth that the division between the said Dukes is not feigned and abusing, and that the troops now entered Paris are not for some other practice, either to render themselves masters of Paris, or else for an enterprise upon St Denis ? He answered me, No, that he is assured of the contrary and doubteth not to separate Mons. du Maine from them; telling me further that Mons. du Maine intendeth shortly to depart from Paris and to go to Rheims, to the end by that colour to draw forth the Duke of Guise : which having done, that he will impeach his re-entry there. Rhosny hath been lately at Paris, and returned again for the frontiers in great mutiny against M. du Maine. The King is advertised that he hath practised the garrisons of Noyon, Han, and Fere to take oath to run course with the Duke of Guise. In speech of these things yesternight with the King, he prayed me to make known unto her Majesty a proposition whereof he desireth very earnestly the execution, if it shall please her Majesty to like thereof; that where by reason of the truce his forces do now lie idle, that it will please her Majesty to work with the States to undertake the besieging or Dunkirk, in the favour whereof that he would go and remain between Boulogne and Calais with 2000 Swiss, 3000 French foot, the English troops and 2000 horse, to march to the States' aid to give the enemy battle in case he shall offer to go to the succour thereof, a matter which would bring common profit to the affairs of all parties. I told him I thought the time was now too late, as well for the season of the year, the States being now accustomed to retire their forces into garrison, as also for the continuance of the truce, which would be expired before the said enterprise could, be performed. His desire was, notwithstanding, to have it communicated to her Majesty, that if it were possible it might go forward.
Madame de Guise hath been this sevennight here; her pretended errand was to see her sister, Madame de Nevers, who is also arrived hero, but more for Mons. le Grand's sake, with whom she is so much in Jove as she followeth him up and down the country. She pretendeth to be sorry for her son's obstinacy and excuseth herself to have no power to do any good with him. Yesternight came advertisement to the King that the Duke of Nemours going about to have made himself master of Lyons, those of the town barricaded themselves against him, and he [was] therein slain with a harquebuse shot in the head. His death particularly is not yet well assured, but the rest of the barricadoes undoubted. If his death be true the same will much better the condition of our peace.
The news of the defeat said to be given by Mons. Desdig[uieres] to the Duke of Savoy have not proved true, as the King is since better advertised, the said Duke behaving himself as did the Duke Mercure in the siege of Montcontour, that when he saw M. Desdig. approached to give him battle he raised his siege, and hath published the truce in Piedmont and Savoy.—From Fontainebleau, 18 September, 1593.
Endorsed;—“Copie of a former letter from Mr. Edmondes.”
Sir William FitzWilliam, Lord Deputy, to Sin Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 18. Received of late a comfortable grant from her Majesty of his revocation. Next to the goodness of God and her Majesty's clemency, imputes it to his father's furtherance, that his years and weak state of body are so pitifully regarded. Michaelmas drawing fast on seafaring will soon be dangerous; beseeches him to think of it and not to suffer greater affairs to put his delivery out of mind. Has unfurnished himself of all provision so as he follows the market with his penny; has despatched most so his stuff, and his wife had been over ere this, but the blustering uncertainty of the winds and the fearful reports of the infection spread so generally in that realm made him stay her yet. Three days past a man of Drogheda arrived out of Spain with sundry intelligences, of which he sends a copy for Burghley. This day there landed at this port an Easterling who constantly avoucheth the King of Spain is dead, and therein hath some coherence with the intelligence of him of Drogheda.—From Kilmaineham, 18 September 1593.
Seal. 1 p.
The King of Scotland to the Queen.
1593, Sept. 19. Madame and dearest sister, it was no negligent unthankfulness on my part that made me, ever since my late ambassador's return, keep silence towards you until now, but only because that never until now I could, both with honour and surety, advertise you of the truth of my estate since the falling out of this late accident here. I cannot enough thank you of your so kindly accepting of my late ambassador, and for the loving and friendly despatch you gave him, especially for that privy and most familiar dealing you had with him, even without the privity of any of your own Council; but most of all for your honourable promise never to hurt my title notwithstanding of the many assaults given you therein. I also thank you for that aid you have sent me of the annuity, wherein I consider the great charges you are presently at, and doubt not but when it shall please God to lessen them, you will be mindful of your promise in that matter. I am also obliged unto you for your promise to assist me with two ships whensoever I shall take occasion to prosecute the rebels of the isles, who are also assisters of your rebels in Ireland.
Now, madam, as to the estate of my affairs here. I received lately a letter of yours, together with some doubts delivered by your ambassador, wherein you desire to be fully satisfied. Whereunto, for eschewing of tedious longsomeness, I answer summarily and to the substance, though not point by point as it is propounded. And first, concerning the papist rebels. According to my promise made to Lord Burgh, I was fully resolved to have proceeded to their forfeiture at the last Parliament, if two lets had not intervened—the one that, taking the Advocate's oath whether he thought we had sufficient law for us, or not, to proceed against them, we found plainly our case would not permit it; wherein, if our Advocate had been a flatterer, he had betrayed the cause, if that matter being put to judgement had gone against us, as surely it would have done; the other was, the said rebels had so travailed by indirect means with every noblemen as when I felt their minds, first apart and then being covenanted together, they plainly and all in one voice refused to yield to any forfeiture. Whereupon I was forced to continue that matter to the next Parliament, and they to remain released in the mean time, otherwise their summons behoved to have deserted; and, although their release gave full liberty to every man to intercommune and visit them, yet they never kythit themselves publicly in any place until this late accident of Bothwell's surprising of my person, and now of late they incessantly make petitions unto me, not only offering but craving a trial, promising faithfully, humbly to confess whatever they have committed, but denying the chief points, which they remit to trial, and offering to give what surety I please to devise for good order in times coming, not only for this country but likewise concerning your part and the whole isle. As for me, I have ever yet refused to hear of them until first you were made acquainted therewith, not only because that matter concerns you as well as me, but also because of your secret and friendly message with Sir Robert that, if I could not find the means presently how to pursue them with vigour, you would then, for the respect you had to my welfare and safety, deal and give your advice what conditions of surety might be taken of them. Therefore, Madam, since I cast still a deaf ear to all their offers until I hear your answer, I pray you hasten it as speedily towards me as goodly you may and make me obliged in giving me that advice which you have obliged me in making so kindly an offer of already. And as to Master George Kerr's escape or Angus' either, if they had been in the Tower of London and had had as false knaves to their keepers (whom they bribed and made to flee with them,) they had played the like, for since that time sour experience hath taught to myself that the thickness of no walls can hold out treason. And as for Bothwell's coming about me, I cannot surely wonder enough that you, being so wise a prince and of so great intelligence, should have been so evil and uncertainly advised thereof; for, as Bothweli's first incoming was violent and altogether without my privity or consent, go was his behaviour thereafter violent and irreverent, not respecting nor remembering in the end what he promised at the beginning; guarding me as I had been his lawful prisoner, and apprehending divers of my most special domestic servants, whose custody he committed to the greatest of the border thieves, until at last I was forced, not only for my own safety but also for the safety of my whole country in me, in which I am borne more than for myself, to grant him almost whatever he required. And now of late, since I came out of his hands, after convening of my estates, although I could not by any law or reason be obliged to observe that which at so unlawful a time I had promised, yet, partly for that I would not incur the slander of the breaking, if it were but the shadow of a promise, and partly at the humble suit of the said estates for quieting of the country, that therethrough justice might be equally ministered hereafter upon all other enormities, I was content to grant him in substance, though in a more honorable form, that which of late he had unlawfully purchased of me. These were the causes, madam, of my pardoning him, and not any change of my opinion towards him whom, indeed, in most things T perceive to be the same man he wont to be. If he behayes himself well hereafter, the better will it be for him; if otherwise, you and all the Christian princes in the world shall be witnesses of my part. And whereas you was informed that he and his accomplices had craved of me the prosecuting of the papists, alleging that for an excuse of their irreverent behaviour, upon my honour it was neither intended nor alleged, nor no other cause but the bare seeking of his own relief and security. And by the contrary all his accomplices have ever since his incoming dealt with me for agreeing him and Huntly, with promises of conformity on Bothweli's part, and Colvill has offered himself to be the door of it unto me; and within four days of the writing of this, Bothwell sent directly to Huntly to crave speaking of him quietly. What I write in this, I write not upon reports but upon certainty, and as I am honest. And as for the choice of my councillors, I intend to make no other choice but of these same whose names I sent to you, for I trust you shall with time know I have not been changeable to my servants, suppose too many of them have changed upon me. And thus, thanking you heartily for the honorable disallowing of the disturbers of my estate and for your motherly care in all my ados, I commit you, madam and dearest sister, to God's most Holy Protection.—From my palace of Falkland, the 19 September, 1593.
Holograph. Signed. Seal. [Bruce, in extenso, p. 86.] 3 pp.
John Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, [Sept. 19.] On the subject of the sale of a keepership [in Enfield Chace] by one John Bull. Becommends the bearer, one Cordwell. Your children are well.—From my poor cottage, this Tuesday, 1593.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“19 September, 1593.” 1 p.
The Queen to the King of France.
[1593, Sept. 20.] Monsieur, raon frere, Si le long retardement de ce porteur ne se recompensast par plusieurs bons services qui vous sont faicts par son sejour, vous eussiez raison de vous en ressentir. Mais si à son arrivee ses prieres et requestes ne m'eussent bien fort pressees, Je n'eusse failly de rappeler mes troupes en Bretagne, apres l'attente de sept mois et d'advantage qu'ils n'eurent aide d'une troupe de quatre mille qui me furent promis. Et depuis, il n'a failly de m'importuner pour aultres affaires qui de pres vous touchoient, tellement qu'à bon droit il merite qu'en teniez tel regard que sa devotion de votre service requiert, et me figure qu'il ne sera moins pour le tesmoign. Le Sieur Visdame cognoist si bien mes conceptions de vos grandes affaires qu'auray moins de peine de les vous representer. Seulement, pour responce aux despesches de Wilts, et, à votre ambassadeur, je ne scais plus dire sinon que je vois que m'imaginez avoir acquis quelque port des Indes, ou aultrement on ne me presseroit de trop de faire comme si ce fust de France de qui je tenasse la seule charge, et n'eusse plusieurs aultres endroicts à qui mirer. En l'honneur de Dieu ayez tant de soin de vous mesmes que conserviez la partie qui vous est la plus acquise. Les aultres sont que chimeres en l'air. Votre fidele sœur si le voulez ou osez.
Endorsed :—“1593, 20 Sept. M. of her Majesty's letter to the French king by the Vidame of Chartres.”
1 p.
The Queen to the Sister of the King of France, [Princess Catherine, wife to the Comte de Soissons.]
[1593, Sept. 20.] Madame. Combien que na guere vous ay fasche de longue lettre, si ne me puis raffrenir a vous egratigner quelques lignes par le seigneur Vidame qui vous est tres asseurement adonne, de qui ay ouy louanges de vos vertus non de petite mesure. Et vous asseure que pour ses honorables deportments en ce pays il merite bonne consideration, et pour les affaires du lioy, il s'est monstre si importun et opportun qu'il en doibt recevoir digne salaire. Et espere qu'a mon occasion, oultre le service du Roy, pour l'amour de moy il en receuvra quelque bonne marque, et vous en feray, Madame, s'il vous plaist le memorial. Vous voyez de quelle hardiesse j'use en votre endroict, de qui il fault qu'accusiez vous mesmes qui en estez l'autheur. Et pour ne plus vous ennuyer de la lecture de si mauvais escript, je fineray avec le present de mon affection tres constante, souhaitant moy en de vous en faire l'epreuve. Priant le Createur vous tenir tousjours en sa sainte garde. Votre tres affectionne bonne sœur.
Endorsed.—“1593. 20 Sept.
M. of her Majesty's letter to the French king's sister by the Vidame of Chartres.” ½ p.
Thomas Middleton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 20. At my return out of Lincolnshire, I find your Honour's letter, jointly with my Lord Buckhurst, about the remembrance for my lord Admiral, whereby I have no less care than is meet, and if all fail I will myself pay it, rather than his Lordship should be offended therein, but first I will send to London to the Company about it, by Sir John Hauckins his means, who can do much in the matter. I hope to find him willing in all he can to further it. I hope to be at Court as soon as my wife is brought to bed, who daily expecteth a happy hour. I humbly crave your favour for this bringer's despatch from his Lordship, which is in the behalf of the town of Denbigh about the Castle Park, which Her Majesty granted them so graciously, and the Salusburies seek to cross them all they can.—20th September 1593, from Shanfieldhouse.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Lord Windsor to Henry Brooke.
[1593, Sept. 20.] I heartily thank you for your letter, besides for furthering Sir Robert Cecil to thebuying of my land, which I wish rather unto him than to any man else, if he would in reason give according to the worth and the fitness of it, to so stately a place as he shall possess. The land is to be made upon the rack 400l. a year, but Sir Robert Cecil hath already both a' particular,' which I would sell by at a lower rate, and one of my officers hath been with him already and acquainted him with my price, which is 700l. If he and I do agree of price, I will satisfy him of all assurances, and clear it of all titles and incumbrances.—Bradmoor.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed :—“20 September, 1593.” 1 p.
Lord Strange to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 21. I have written to my lord your father to move her Majesty for me that it will please her to bestow the office of the Chamberlain ship of Chester upon me, in respect I fear my father's life will not be of long continuance, so I beseech you likewise to further me, hoping Her Majesty will think me worthy of the place, having followed her the whole course of my life without any reward at all. Loth I was to acquaint you with the news, because I know you love my father so well, but as good myself as some other.—From Newpark, this 21st of September, 1593. Signed.
P.S.—“Sweet Cousin, you must receive my commendations to your lady and yourself, and for my sake, I pray you further this desire. Signed :—A. S. [Alice Lady Strange.”]
Seal. 1 p.
Wa. Dunche to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 22. I am debtor unto my cousin Thorneboroughe in 200l. conditionally that he do see certain recognizances, wherewith the land I bought of him doth stand chargeable, first discharged, or else I am to pay him none. If he shall send me any sufficient discharge of those recognizances in law, I will presently take order with you, either for 120l. or 200l. to your good contentment, and in other sort than this I may not pay any money for him, he knoweth it well.—Wittenhame, the 22nd of September, 1593.
Signed. 1 p.
Lady Norreys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Sept. 22. I must first give you most hearty thanks for your letter, because I did thereby understand, that both you and your lady were in health, and for that it pleased you to let me know that my sons were likewise well. And since that time I received a message from you by Mr. Crose, touching my son John Norreys. seeking of leave to go into the Low Country; which indeed he hath acquainted me with, as shall appear to you by his own letter, which I send you, hereinclosed, wherein you shall find the cause that moveth him to do so, which for my own part I think so reasonable, as if I were at the Court, I should join with him in it. Even so, Sir, do I pray, he my have your good furtherance for it. For surely it is no small grief to my lord and myself that our lands should be engaged in the Queen's hands, as that, whatsoever it shall please God to do with us, we cannot dispose of it, and we both old, as you know. And those parcels of land were reserved, when my lord and myself did bind our land 1o his eldest son, to be bestowed upon our younger sons. And though my son's desire be great to go into Flanders for the causes aforesaid, yet my trust is he will not so far forget himself as to depart without Her Majesty's leave thereunto granted.—Written at Wytham, this 24 September.
Signed :—Margery Norreys.
P.S.—Thus, Sir, you may see how I make you my ghostly father.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1593.”
1 p.
Guernsey and Jersey.
1593, Sept. 25. The weekly imprests of 600 footmen, with their captains and officers, divided into four bands, for eight weeks beginning the 1st August 1593 and ending the 25th of September 1593.
Guernsey—John Goring, Captain of 150 footmen, receiving weekly 30l. 8s. 6d. amounteth for eight weeks to - 243l. 8s. 486l. 16s.
Richard Cunye, the like - 243l. 8s.
Jersey—Edmund Morgan, the like - 243l. 8s. 486l. 16s.
Henry Dockwra, the like - 243l. 8s.
Sum : 973l. 12s.
Endorsed by Burghley : “25 Sept. 1593.”
Vincent Skynner.
1593, Sept. 25. Letters patent of Lord Burghley, as Lord Treasurer of England, appointing Vincent Skynner for life to the office of Writer of Tallies and Counter Tallies, on the death of Robert Petre.—25 Sept., 35 Elizabeth.
Copy in Skinner's hand. Latin. 1 p.
Arthur Gorges to his kinsman, Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Sept. 26. I received your letters on Wednesday morning, 26 September, at 8 o'clock and was arrived at Southampton before they came to my hands. I had once thought to bring the Vydame [de Chartres] no further than Winchester, but finding him very barely accompanied, I rather chose to neglect my particular causes than to fail in anything that might be agreeable to her Majesty's mind. I had but half an hour's warning to go, and no special commandment otherwise than to attend the Vydame with Sir Edward Stafford; yet this I have done of mine own desire, because I perceived her Majesty had an especial care he should be respected. For the business by your letter in her Highness' name recommended unto me, I will to my power answer your promise given in my behalf; such secrecy shall be used as is required. I do rather guess there may be some such meaning, for I did yesternight at my first arrival hear a bruit that her Majesty had for a time given leave to the Ambassador to go with his son into France, and that he would bring his wife with him at his return. I will not easily suspect such ingratitude in them so to slip away; and yet the doubt may grow both of likelihoods and circumstances. I know her Majesty hath with many princely deserts bound both them and their master, and therefore very inconvenient that all should be requited with such an affront. I pray God they deal as directly towards her Majesty and our nation as in honour and Christianity they are bound. I will no way seem curious or jealous, but will be very courteous, and so officious as I should blush to be but in a further respect.—Southampton, 26 September.
[P.S.]—If I find any appearance hereof I will let it run on so far as that I will publicly detect their good minds towards us before I stir therein.
Seal, broken. 1 p.
Arthur Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 26. Since I wrote you answer of the letter, being somewhat diligent more than ordinary to see their provision of shipping, as of a care, by commandment from Her Majesty, that they should be carefully provided for, I have learned that they would have had their own bark further off than the common vessels wherein their carriages and horses are transported, and that they will embark on Tuesday night. But to all these circumstances good eye with discretion shall be had, and our over curious courtesy shall suffice to pry into their coming, if any be. If not, no harm is done, for assure yourself all shall be well shadowed with due discretion, and then no case but to interpret everything as the usual English honourable courtesy to strangers.— Hampton, in haste, this Wednesday night, 26 of September, 1593.
Holograph. Two seals. 1 p.
The Earl of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 26. I desire that you will be mindful of me to my Lord your father, and with him to move her Highness for me, touching the office of Chester and lieutenancy of these two shires, of which last Her Majesty once thought me worthy, both when my father was in France and Flanders, for then had I the government of these countries under her, and the Chamberlainship was never given from this house since her grandfather's time, but by consent, to my Lord of Leicester. How near you are to my wife, I need not tell you; how dear to me, time may with my good fortunes make shew of.—Newparke, This 26th of September, 1593.
Signed. Seal. ½ p.
Guernsey Castle.
1593, Sept. 29. The charge of necessary provisions and eruptions, with the payment of workmen's wages expended towards the Queen's works done there, in fortifying the south part of Her Highness' Castle Cornet. Begun the 9th of April 1593 and ceased the 29th of September 1593, Anno Regni suae Majestatis xxxvo.
Lime, viz.: Imprimis, 143½ tons of lime, bought in Normandy at 36s. 8d. the ton, in toto 190l. 16s. 4d.
Portage : For discharging the said lime, and carrying it up into the Castle, at 4d. the ton 38s.
Factorage : Paid to Thomas Rowlande for factorage thereof, being sent to Normandy to buy it 24s.
Sand : 16 great boats sent to Arme [Herm ?] for sand 32s.
Sea Coals : 5 Chaldrons bought of Thomas Clarke at 18s. 6d. 4l. 12s.
Portage : For carrying them into the Castle 5s.
Boards : Boards bought for hods and scaffold cost 38s.
Steel : 20 lbs. bought for masons' points and picks 6s. 8d.
Merline : 3 lbs. for masons' lines 18d.
Ash : Ash bought for pick helves 3s.
Barrows : Three dozen bought at Poole at 8d. the piece 24s.
Baskets : Four do. bought at 3s. the dozen 12s.
Fir poles : 30 bought for scaffolds at 2s. 6d. 3l. 15s.
Hurdles : 22 bought for scaffolds cost 5s.
Formers : 6 bought for cartridges at 7d. the piece 3s. 6d.
Powder : Hooping of Powder 3s. 6d.
Timber : 30 tons freight from Lymington at 6s. 8d. 10l.
Portage : For discharging the said timber and carrying it up into the Castle, at 4d. the ton 10s.
Workmen's Wages : For masons, carpenters, quarry-men, smiths, and labourers, as per particulars, is in toto 227l. 12s.d.
Sum Total as well of workmen's wages as of Emptions and other necessaries, is 447l. 11s.d.
Money rest : So remaineth in the hands of my master, Sir Thomas Leighton, Knight, the sum of 52l. 8s. 2d.
1593, [Sept. 29]. Note of the issues from customs received at Yarmouth for the year ending Michaelmas, 1593. Total, 1,2041l. 17s.d. with 30l. for tonnage for Dover Pier.
Export of Tin.
1593, Sept. 29. Account of subsidy levied on tin shipped from the Out Ports in one year, ending Michaelmas, 35 Elizabeth. Total, 28l. 16s. 1d.
½ p.
1593, Sept. 29. Rental of Barham.—Michaelmas, 1593.
1 p.
Dr. W. Mount to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Sept. 30. I acknowledge your good favour, most humbly beseeching the continuance of the same, especially now, my suit seeming by delays to want help, and some secret adversaries growing, I fear, greater than my weakness without your constant good aid shall be able to suppress. Mr. Stanhope sayeth he hath moved Her Majesty for me, perceiving her well inclining, saying she will speak with my lord and master, also with the Dean of York, which was upon Sunday last, now eight days passed, and nothing yet more performed. Except God may move your Honour to remember Mr. Stanhope again and again to move Her Majesty and remove these stays, also to entreat my lord and master, upon whom and by whose favour I truly confess that wheresoever I have lived I have the better lived ever since I was of eight years, now when years begin to make me aged, to show me such favour as conveniently he may, I may very long, perchance, helpless, hope for that preferment, which by their honourable good means doubtless I assure myself might be obtained; wherefore I beseech you in my absence, purposing to return into Kent to my benefice, to remember my cause.—September 30, 1593.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Lady Wentworth to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593, Sept.] In the midst of my miseries, I find that in you which the world ever promised, that is, to be honourable and favourable unto those that were in affliction, of which none can be more than myself, I find, the rather by your means, that my Lord your father standeth well affected both for the allowance and furthering my suit, for which I stand especially bound unto you. Such is the necessity of my cause, that I am enforced to make most bold of my best friends, and therefore entreat that by your furtherance this bearer, who comes of purpose for the finding of the office, and best acquainted with my late lord's estate, may be made known unto my lord your father, and have as speedy despatch as may be with conveniency, because my suit to Her Majesty for my son's part must rest till the office be found.
Signed :—Anne Wentworth.
Endorsed :—“September, 1593.”
½ p.
Interrogatories for [Anthony Tyrrell.]
[1593, Sept.] 1. How long is it since you recanted and were converted ?
2. What maintenance you have had since that time.
3. Where have you most lived, and in what gentleman's houses have you been most conversant ?
4. Whither where you going at the time of your apprehension, and what is the cause of your going ?
5. What letters you have written or received from beyond sea.
6. Whether hath there passed intelligence or letter between you and any men on the other side ? [“fugitives or rebels” struck out]
7. What money he hath.
8. Why he hath provided so much money for so short a journey.
9. Why you would venture to go to Rouen, and yet say that you are sure to be hanged if you are taken ?
10. Whom have you acquainted with your purpose of going, either in country or city ?
11. You confessed that you might keep two livings, by your qualification which you have in being my Lady Bindon's chaplain, and yet say now, you put it away because you might not keep it.
12. Where have you bestowed the rest of the three score pound, or where did you change your gold ?
In Sir Robert Cecil's handwriting. 1 p.