Cecil Papers: October 1593

Pages 381-406

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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October 1593

Richard Hesketh to his wife, Isabel.
1593, Oct. 2. I commend me to you, desiring you to take in good part in that I cannot come home again so speedily as I purposed, for that my lord that now is, having spoken with me somewhat at my first coming, did defer, by means of his “sowreowes” and other business, the time from day to day; and having seen my passport hath taken such liking of me, that for his recreation I must needs keep him company to London or the Court, if by some good occasion I cannot rid myself. I have sent my man back, whom I pray you receive and entreat well till my coming. I have partly left him with Mr. Baron, but to be at his choice to tarry or no to you. If he tarry with Mr. Baron, I have lent him the white nag, which he will use well, and no charges to you.—From Brewreton, the 2nd of October, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Richard Hesketh to his brother, Thomas Hesketh.
1593, Oct. 2. Having been so long out of my country, I was loth to come to you or any friend I had, before I saw how my Lord Lieutenant would accept of my coming, and the country think of me. It hath pleased my Lord, that now is, to request me to the Court with him for his recreation, which I cannot deny, but have granted.—Brewreton, this 2nd of October, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Sir John Fortescue to Archibald Douglas.
1593, Oct. 3. You shall, herein enclosed, receive Her Majesty's answers and princely resolutions upon those letters I received from you, upon which I need not enter into any particularity, for that Her Majesty hath fully declared her mind, unto which it were good the Lords did conform themselves, for otherwise it may confirm the opinion of unsound dealing in them.—At Hendon, this 3 of October, 1593.
Holograph. ⅓ p.
Thomas Middleton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 3. I received by this bringer, Captain Harvey, your Honour's letter of the first present, concerning his service, and the allowance demanded by him for his ship, the Lark, and her victualling. So it is that I had no speech with the said Captain since Christmas until now. and for any rest in my hands belonging to those accounts there will not be any, that being paid which is already by your Honour's warrant appointed. And there is allowance already made for the Lark in all respects, as followeth :—first, there is allowed unto Sir Walter Raleigh for the victualling and mariner's wages in his account : item, to Mr. Colthurst and company for the loss of the said ship, being given to the Spaniards, out of the Bisquin and Sugar prize, 148l. Now your Honour doth see that Her Majesty hath ma le allowance for the Lark in as ample sort as for any other ship in that voyage, but it seemeth that Captain Harvey was at the charge to set forth the ship and others received the profit, so that he is to be relieved by your Honour's good means, from those that received for the Lark as abovesaid; for his service was with great care and he deserved well, and had no allowance, because he was out of the way when those things were cleared.—3rd October, 1593, Shenfield.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Sir Thomas Johnes.
1593, Oct. 3. Warrant to Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer, and Sir John Fortescue, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to prepare a lease in reversion to Sir Thomas Johnes, knt., tenant of Emlyn manor, co. Carmarthen, of the said manor for 21 years at a yearly rent of 58l. 15s. 4d., paying a fine of 220l.—Windsor Castle, 3 October, 1593.
Endorsed :—“Warrant for a lease in reversion for Sir Thomas Johnes, knight :” [and by Burghley] “If her Majesty shall be pleased to grant this manor in lease for years, the fine 220l. W. Burghley.”
Signed. Sealed. 1 p.
The Privy Council to the Steward and Bailiffs of Westminster.
1593, Oct. 5. In the last Parliament, upon consideration of the great inconveniences that do daily grow more and more by inmates, and erecting new tenements within the cities of London and Westminster, the suburbs and confines thereof, being amongst other things a great cause of infection by reason of the multitude of poor people that inhabit the same, and many dwelling in one small house together, a statute was made for reformation of those inconveniences, and especially for avoiding of inmates and the mischiefs arising by those disorders. As by this late visitation of the plague and grievous sickness, we are of opinion that the greatest number for the most part are dead out of such houses as were pestered with inmates, we require you to cause diligent view to be taken and to enquire, “without going into the infected houses,” what inmates have been received or kept in any houses in the several parishes, and especially how many of them are of late deceased; and to take strict order that not only where any are deceased none other be admitted into their rooms to inhabit the said houses as inmates, contrary to the aforesaid statute, but also to procure that the penalty of the statute be exacted on those that receive the inmates, and the money thereby gathered to be by the churchwardens employed as the statute doth appoint, for the use of such as are visited or for the relief of the poor of the parishes. The like direction we have given to the city of London and to the justices inhabiting in other places near, as by the statute is limited.—From the Coart at Windsor Castle, 5 October, 1593.
Endorsed :—“For inquisition upon the new statute of inmates, &c. in Westminster.”
Seal. 1 p.
The Queen to the King of Scotland.
[1593, Oct. 7.] My dear brother, If the variableness of Scottish affairs had not inured me with too old a custom, I should never leave wondering at such strange and uncouth actions. But I have so of with careful eyes foreseen the evil coming harms, and with my watch foremet with chiefest attempts, and seen them either not believed or not redressed, that I wax faint under such burden and am weary of fruitless labour. One while; I receive a writ of oblivion and forgiveness; then, a revocation with new additions of later consideration. Sometimes, some you call traitors with proclaim; and anon there must be no proof allowed though never so apparent against them. Yea, if one lewd advocate, perchance hired for the nonce, dare pronounce a sentence for them, though one of the like state deny the same, his word must not take place. It seems a paradox to me that if of two pleaders one be for the king, the equal number shall not serve for a king. I muse how any so lewd a man hath been chosen for such a place as durst come in open view to plead against his master. Their office is, as to do right, so to do the sovereign no wrong. If he had doubted (as no honest man could) he ought to have been absent rather than there to play so unfitting a part, though secretly he had told it you. He is happy he is no Englishman, you should have heard other news of him then. Old Melvin, I perceive, hath told you a piece of a tale and left out the principal. My words were these, “I hear say the offending lords hope by their friends to escape their pain : I suppose your king too wise to be so unmindful of his peril to suffer unprosecuted such as would that [sic] their country to strangers courtesy; having known it so plain and so long, for this is not their first offence. But if his power served not to apprehend yet to condemn I doubted not, for if ever he would pardon them (which I could hardly counsel) yet I could not think, without some obligation to some other prince, that for their request he would do it.” Now to this great cause that touches us both so much. First, consider of what profession they be. Next, to whom they have made vow for religion, the which I can christen treason under what cloak soever. I have oft told you I was never horseleech for blood, but rather than your overtrust should peril the creditor, I would wish them their worst desert. Then how to credit that so oft hath deceived. My brains be too shallow to fathom that bottom; how hardly remedies be applied to help inveterated maladies. I have small skill of such surgery. In fine, I see neither judgement, counsel, nor sure affection in so betraying advice as to give yourself such a lash that they shall be both uncondemnned and saved. What thanks may they give your mercy when no crime is tried ? What bond shall tie their proffered loyalty if no precedent offences past be acknowledged by confession ? Shall they leave to adhere to that party which the[y] never made ? Or what oath shall be Sure to such as their profession scarce think lawful for a trust? I vow to the living Lord that no malice to any nor turbulent spirit, but your true surety and realm's freedom, enforces my so plain discourse which cannot omit that there be left so great a blot on your honour as the receiving the uncondemned to your grace. And for Bothwell! Jesus! did ever any muse more than I that you could so quietly put up so temerarious indigne a fact, and yet by your hand receive assurance that all was pardoned and finished ? I refer me to my own letters what doom I gave thereof. And now to hear all revoked and either skanted or denied, and the wheel to turn to as ill a spoke. I can say bad is the best, but yet of evils the least is to be taken. And if I were in your place, I would, or he departed, make him try himself no suitor for their favour whose persons let him prosecute. So shall you best know him. For there be liars if deeply they have not sought him or now. But that I weigh most is the small regard that your sure party may make you, when they see you adhere to your own foes, abandoning the others' service. I fear me the fame blows too far that you will not pursue the side of which you be, whatso your words do sound. And this conceit may breed (if not already) more unsound hearts than all the patching of these bad matters can work you pleasure. You are supposed (I must be plain for dissemble I will not) to have received this heretical opinion, that foreign force shall strengthen you, not endanger you, and that all these lords seek your greatness not your decay. O how wicked Sirens' songs! which in first shew please, in end ruins and destroys. May enough of God's reason befal you to resist so destroying advice, and be so well lightened as not so dark a cloud may dim you from the sight of your best good. Which cannot be more shunned than by the not yielding to so betraying deceit, from the which I will incessantly pray for your deliverance, wishing you many days of reign and long. Your most assured sister.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“7–8ber 1593.
A Copy of her Majesty's letter to the king of Scots.”
“Copy of her Majesty's letter written, with her own hand, to the king of Scots.”
[Bruce, in extenso, p. 90.]
Sir Walter Raleigh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 8. This gentleman, Mr. John Woolridge, hath been written unto by my lord Treasurer about the delivery of a ward, his wife's son. If he shall have need of your honour's favour therein, which he is able of himself lawfully to answer, except he be overborne by his adverse party, I pray you assist him so far that he may receive no hard measure.—Weymouth, the 8th of October, 1593.
P.S. (Holograph.) I have written to my Lord Admiral the news of Rimonde at large, from whom I pray you to be acquainted. This bearer, Woolridge. being sent for by my lord, your father, was here stayed somewhat longer to examine a cause of the Admiralty, so as I beseech you to excuse him.
George Margitts to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 8. As yesterday I first received answer from my friend out of the country, who purposeth to be with me within four days, at which time we will both presently repair to the Court, according to your commandment, to see what service we can do to your Honour in this cause, whereof Sir John Fortescue may deliver up a good report thereof to Her Majesty. Upon the first hearing and considering of the same, my wit extended no further, but verily thought Her Majesty by her prerogative, might as well give and grant this, as any other licence or innovation already given, and daily granted. What is more to be said in it, before my friend come, I hold needless, but, if it fall out according to my expectation, I will not leave, with God's help, before your Honour be someways furnished with one good suit or other. In the meantime I am importuned very much, in the cause I lately moved your Honour for the dealing with my lord, your father, which although your Honour then made a doubt thereof, yet, inasmuch as I am credibly informed that the same suit is entertained very lately by my Lord Buckhurst, who hath promised to effect the same, I thought it again necessary, and my duty, to acquaint your Honour therewith, and that it will please you to be a mean to my lord, your father, that the cause may be once again thoroughly heard by his lordship, and upon his lordship's liking, so to proceed. For which, if they satisfy my lord and proceed, then is the cause effected, in that Sir William Russell hath Her Majesty's grant for the same. For doing this, as before I herein declared unto your Honour, you shall have good assurance for the payment of 5,000l. in five years, and 500 marks yearly afterwards, so long as the suit standeth, which is a reasonable sum, and an easy suit, in that your Honour shall neither be seen nor known to any other but unto my lord your father and myself, that you hove any dealing in the same, except your Honour please yourself. I would be very loth to put a jealousy into your head that I go about to fill the same with devices, therefore, for my purgation therein, send here inclosed such advertisements as I have about the same.—From Stratford Bowe this 8th of October 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
The following is probably the enclosure :
William Peterson to George Margitts.
1593, Oct. 4,—Whereas I have written unto you before this time, concerning an office set up this last summer by the leave and licence of the Lord Mayor of London and other Justices of Middlesex and other liberties in and around London, for the registering of all apprentices that are to be bound, according to a Statute made in the 5th year of Her Majesty's reign, and the restraint of vagrant idle people that doth pester and infest the City of London and other places of the realm, these are to advertise you that on Monday last, one Mr. Dalbie, a very good friend of mine, came to my house to ask my advice when he might go to the Court, about especial business he had to do with my Lord Buckhurst. I requesting to know what business he had, signified unto me that it was about a suit and a book that divers and worshipful and wise men had caused to be drawn by learned counsel in the law, according to a Statute made in the 5th year of Her Majesty's reign for apprentices and labourers; which book is so well penned, and so very well liked thereof, that my Lord Buckhurst hath promised to move Her Majesty that it should be granted and put in execution for the benefit of the whole realm, and that great parties make account it will be granted, and there is 1,000 marks offered for the same, and a rent besides. I thought good to advertise you of the same, which I know to be true, as I have done of the new found office set up in Tower Street of Mr. Wood, which I certified you of before, and also that you should cause Sir William Russell and his friends to look thereunto, for if his suit be broken by this means, it will not be any thing worth. There-fore, good Sir, have a care that your worshipful friends may not lose their great charges and long suit they have had in the same, for the abuse of that Act which was made with so great deliberation, is now so far out of order at this present that there must be a remedy or else it will breed, as all men do know, a further inconvenience.—This 4th of October 1593.
Addressed :—“To my very good friend Mr. George Margettes, at his house at Stratford the Bowe.”
Endorsed :Received the 7th October, per Lawson.
Seal. 1 p.
[Sir Robert Cecil] to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen [of London.]
1593, Oct. 8. Her Majesty having sent them several messages at the suit of Mr. Warburton, a gentleman pensioner, in behalf of his kinsman, Wiliiam Moulton, who of late wes admitted by their consent to be secondary of the Compter in Wood Street, and being informed that in spite of such messages the sheriff of London has admitted another person to that office, her Majesty's pleasure is they shall not admit him that is chosen by the sheriff till they understand her further pleasure, who will be informed of the causes of the sheriff's denial to yield to her recommendation.—From the Court at Windsor Castle, 8 October, 1593.
Endorsed :—“M[inute] of my master's letter to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen.”
Unsigned. ½ p.
William Peterson to George Margitts.
1593, [before Oct. 9.] But for my weakness that my ague hath brought me I would have come unto you myself, but that which I did write myself is true, dated the 4th of October. Also on Tuesday last the same Mr. Dalby came home to me, when I was in an extreme fit, and did read certain letters that had been sent to the lord you wot of and his Honour to use whose mean it would please him in the book, so that they might farm it at such rent as they have offered for it, and he hath promised to despatch it in short time. As far as I can learn, all is to abridge and break the suit you know. I pray you do not think that I use fables unto you, for I will justify what I have written, for first, I may not abuse so great personages, and secondly, at any time I have not abused you, therefore have a care of this matter, for it greatly lieth upon to be looked into. I can write no more for feebleness. This present Thursday. Holograph.
Addressed :—To his friend, Mr. George Margetts, at Mr. Doctor Nowell's House at the Minories, without Aldgate, give these.
Endorsed :—“Received the 9th of October, 1593.”
1 p.
Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 9. Praying him remember him of his suit, though of all others, none hath less cause to doubt of his memory. Having written herein to his father and Mr. Stanhope, his word may give life to his dead letters.—Oxford, the 9th of October, 1593.
Signed. Seal. ½ p.
Sir Wiliiam Fitz William Lord Deputy of Ireland, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 10. Thanks him for being so ready and careful for his revocation. By his last let him know how he had unfurnished himself of nil provisions for a longer stay than the time appointed, which was till Michaelmas. Another inconvenience troubles him more, the weak estate of his body and decay of all serviceable parts in him, besides an extraordinary infirmity, whereof he has written to Burghley. “I pray you once again think of me, even for her Majesty's service' sake, which I would be sorry should lack by my lacks.”—From Kilmaineham, 10 October 1593.
On the back :—“Sir H. Umpton : Sir Tho. Smith, [symbol] Muscov.: Mr. Bodley, [symbol]: Mr. Tho. Grlover : Sir Richard Spencer : Mr. James Hyll. Swed.”
Seal. ½ p.
M. Chasteaumartin to lord burghley.
1593, Oct. 10/20. Par mes depeches du vingt huitième Septembre, qui sont les dernieres et dont la prèsente sera copie, je vous ai adverti comme le gouverneur de Fonterabie n'étant peu trouver au lieu qu'il m'avait assignè pour se voir avec moi, m'a envoiè un gentilhomme, son parent, pour adviser des moiens qu'il y pourrait avoir pour entrer en un traite de paix; et apres avoir longuement discouru sus cette matière, et recognu les difficultés que pour parvenir à ce point il y pourrait avoir tant d'un côté que d'autre, nous avons advisé que pour couper chemin à toutes ces difficultes, il serait a propos que sa Majesté ni'envoiat une commission et des mémoires [marginal notes by Burghley, “The trust too great for a native Frenchman to deliver, but to receive tolerable.”] et instructions concernant les points et conditions qu'il plaira à sa Majesté que se traitent en celte negotiation, comme aussi le dit gouverneur de Fonterabie [“an overmatch for Chasteau Martyn”]en aura autant du roi son maître, et ninsi pourrons lui et moi (si sa Majesté le trouve bon) traiter de cette matière sans faire bruit et la conduire à une heureuse et agréable fin. Et cependant qu'il se traitera des conditions et que Ton emploiera le temps à vider les difficultés qu'il y pourrait avoir, le dit roi d'Espagne est content de permettre aux Anglais de traffiquer partous les endroits de son royaume avec autant de franchises et libertés qu'ils y en avaient par cidevant, à la charge que la Majesté de la Roine empêchera etfera cesser les courses des Anglais ses sujets sus les Espagnols, et s'attiendra d'envoier des forces contre les flottes du dit roi d'Espagne, [“no word of the Low Countries nor of Britan”] comme aussi reciproquement icelle roi d'Espagne fera cesser tons actes d'hostilité de ses sujets contre les Anglais, et promettra de no rien attenter ni faire attenter qui puisse être prejudiciable à l'état de sa Majesté; et par ce moien se pourra ouvrir le commerce et communication des Anglais en Espagne, si sa Majesté l'a pour agréable. [“The commerce is of all other most necessary for England, to maintain shipping and restore trade for merchants and to increase customs.”] Pour mon regard, je me comporte un peu froidement en cette communication, afin de les attirer et leur donner occasion de découvrir ce qu'ils ont en l'âme; bref, je ne m'avancerai point plus de ce qu'il sera besoin, ayant egard à ce que je dois à l'honneur de sa Majesté et à la continuation de sa reputation et grandeur. Toutesfois, je les entretiendrai toujours en cet humeur le plus dextrement qu'il me sera possible, attendant qu'il plaise à sa Majesté me faire savoir sa volonté, suivant laquelle je me reglerai ainsi qu'il lui plaira me commander. Quant aux affaires d?Espagne, il n'y a eu aucun changement depuis mes dernieres dépêches, sauf que Ton a dechargé et mis en magasin grand nombre de barriques qui étaient chargés sus les navires de l'armée du passage, laquelle est encores en état, toutes fois avec fort peu d'hommes, à cause que la plus grande part s'en sont fuis, tant mariniers que soldats, et sera besoin pour emploier la dite armée qu'ils fassent nouvelle provision; mais pour cet hiver la dite armée sera inutile. Le roi d'Espagne a été fort bas, et pensait on qu'il clut mourir, mais a present ilse trouve mieux, bien qu'il a perdu toutes les dents. [“Ye Kyng must eat mynced meat.”] Ila donné au Cardinal, son neveu, qui est à Madrid, le gouvernment de l'état. Les forces qui étaient en Aragon sont allés au Due de Savoie, sauf deux cents hornmes qui sont deraeurés en Saragosse. Il y a quelque revolte aux Indes et craignent fort en Espague que les affaires y empirent. [“These Indians wold be ayded and comforted.”] L'homme qui le roi a envoié vers le roi d'Espagne n'a point ou encore d'audience. Il sais qu'ils desirent fort en Espagne d'eutrer en quelque traité avec le roi, mais je tiendrai la main à ce qu'il ne se fasse rion que par le moien de sa Majesté, qui je desire soit le chef de ces affaires.—De Bayonne, ce 20e Octobre, 1593.
2 pp.
Earl of Essex to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593, Oct. 11.] I thank you for your news. Those accidents in that country, falling out every day one contrary to another, do not deceive me a whit, but I shall confess myself to be deceived whensoever I shall see the state of those affairs stand three months together firm at one stay. I do return your letter, and wish you what you wish to yourself.
Endorsed :—“11 October, 1593.”
½ p.
The Sheriffs of London to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct 13. Where it hath lately pleased you, in the behalf of Mr. Warberton, to write unto the Lord Mayor and us, to the end that Mr. Moulton might exercise the office of Secondary, wholly belonging unto us, and by law found to be in our ordering and disposition, as otherwise in all equity tit to be exercised by such as in whom we might most assuredly repose ourselves, according to the weight and danger of such a service, whereupon our undoing may depend, which before we enterprised or durst take upon us, we received a full promise from the Lord Mayor and his brethren, that we should receive no impeachment or interruption by them, to enjoy that place and all other our right3 belonging to the same, and albeit it be utterly against law that a deputy should have a deputy. Whereupon Mr. Moulton was neither admitted, nor by law can stand capable of it. And notwithstanding all that which before was granted us by my Lord Mayor, yet such was our care and good advisedness in our proceeding, not to demand anything which should not be found by law due unto us, that we became suitors to the Lords of the Council, that by their means, we might the better be satisfied by the Judges of the Realm, upon our demands, whereby we humbly beseech you to take knowledge by this bearer, so do we in like humility, entreat you to vouchsafe unto Her Majesty the knowledge of our true, right and lawful interest therein, who, in all likelihood, in the first motion was never fully acquainted therewith. And as her princely nature cannot be carried to take away any man's right, so are we comforted with the daily experience of her exceeding lenity to all her subjects. And, for your Honour's greater satisfaction herein, we doubt not shortly to make appear to the board of that Council, whereof you are a member, what use we have taken of your letters, and how respectively we have proceeded therein, -London, this 3th of October, 1593.
Signed :—Powell Bayninge.
P. Houghton.
1 p.
1593, Oct. 13. “To be provided for Theobalds.” List of chambers lacking furniture; three bed chambers and two pallet chambees in the Great New Gallery; two bedchambers and two pallet chambers in the North Tower.
“List of bedsteads and bed furniture in the wardrobe; and lacking.”
Endorsed by Burghley.
1 p.
A. Standen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 14. The bringer hereof having a great desire to visit my lady, your bedfellow, I have thought it my part upon that occasion to acknowledge how much myself and the said bringer stand bound unto you for the good speeches it pleased you to deliver of us both unto my brother, at his return from Her Majesty, when she vouchsafed to admit him into her presence by your conduction, at the instance of my Lord, your father. And as you then would needs have it not to be me nor my wife Her Highness meant in those heavy speeches uttered towards a brother and sister of his, so would I be right glad to be set aside in so grievous a reckoning, as to be within compass of the indignation of Her Majesty, or accounted to be troublesome unto her prosperous estate in any degree, which I protest unto you in the presence of Almighty God, I am so guiltless of as any at this day living is. Whereof, it my plain and simple conversation hath not given sufficient testimony, I trust by your means and such other way as I verily hope I shall be able to make, to come unto my purgation.—This 14th of October, 1593, at a poor cottage I have in the forest.
Signed, Seal. 1 p.
Richard Hesketh to Lord Cobham or Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 15. I have hereinclosed sent your Honour the two letters I promised, which I would wish, when they shall come to Mr. Parvie's factor at Nuremburg, that he devise to send them to Prague, by means of some Italian or Dutchman dwelling in Nuremburg, To some assured friend of theirs in Prague, that were a Catholic, as in Prague there be multitudes, both Italians, Dutches and Bohemians, who safely without suspicion must deliver these as they are directed, and to receive answer from him to whom they are directed, either the goldsmith or the father, who, upon such a man's coming, will most willingly deliver them, or to any other man, I doubt not, of whatsoever religion, so he be not English, and he must in no wise name the merchants English of Nuremburg, for the father knowing or hearing that, will straight suspect and never send them.
Besides it were convenient to understand whether Mr. Dear understand of my imprisonment or not, for if it be bruited amongst his men or followers, they will straight write to my lady Kelley or Air. Thomas Kelley, in respect of that I told your Honour the other day, and then this goldsmith will know it, and he will tell the Father Jesuit, and the Jesuit the Cardinal, so shall your Honour never have them, which would be a great hindrance to the satisfaction of your Honour in my behalf. If Mr. Dear, nor his, have written nothing, it were good they should not, under your Honour's favours. In these notes, which are with the lather, when they come, I doubt not but the whole substance, abbreviated, is in mine your Honour has, saving a persuasion to speak with a priest, which now I remember me of, and there will be found much more in mine than in them, for that even when Sir William talked with me I noted them, and sometimes the doctor also talked with me, and writ not, and I noted them also in my own abbreviation, of all which, or I am sure very near all, there will come with these a note of my own hand, as I remember.
I most humbly desire your Honour to be a mean unto Her Majesty for me, that if so be in her clemency and your wisdom it shall not be thought meet to shew me favour of life, which I most humbly acknowledge is no way to have deserved, in following my affection to others, rather than my loyalty to Her Majesty, unto which inconvenience to have fallen it greatly repenteth me, as God doth know, and I would be glad to live to make amends in some part, although fully never shall be able, yet where I have a poor gentlewoman to my wife, that hath many children, to which I am indebted, and hath lived always a painful housewife, never reconciled nor moved thereunto by me, for afore my going over, it shall be proved to your Honour, I was never reconciled, that no man may beg her poor goods and living, but quietly to enjoy the same for her life. She never aided me with penny since my going over, nor I never desired any. In obtaining whereof, I shall be most bound to pray for Her Majesty and your Honour. She was born on Her Majesty's lands, twice her living hath been taken over her head, and now she hath but four years to come, if she live so long, and if she die to-morrow, I have nothing. And where Mr. Wade did take me to be Hesketh, the fugitive, the same is in Rome, with the Cardinal, and hath been many years, although of late I have been no less.—Sutton Park, 15 October, 1593.
P.S. I am most humbly to desire pardon that I have written news in those parties; it is a thing they desire, and will be better accepted and trusted.
Holograph. 2 pp.
George Throgmorton.
1593, Oct. 15. Petition to Lord Burghley. Prays to be relieved of a bond of 400l., wherein he stood bound for Beauchamp, the late purveyor.
Endorsed :—“15 Oct. 1593.”
Notes thereon by Burghley and the Cofferer.
1 p.
Interrogatories to be administered unto Richard Hesketh.
[1593, Oct. 15.] How far forth he hath proceeded with the Earl of Derby, further than he hath declared?
What the tokens were he was to deliver to certain persons, both women and men? Who [were] those persons?
Who were those persons who were to be used in this action, or any way trusted?
“Bartholomew Hesketh” follows. In Wade's handwriting.
Endorsed :—“1593. 15 Oct.” 1 p.
Sheriff Houghton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593. Oct. 16. Understanding by Mr. Sheriff Bannynge, that upon some information made to your Honour of him, in touch of his want of discretion or misdemeanor toward you, wherein he should in his duty err, finding the same to be very grievous in him, considering his reverent regard ever held of your Honour, which for these three months myself hath been an eye witness, wherein he hath not only reputed your Honour to be his dear friend but taken comfort of your expectation thereof, who being now put in doubt of his duty towards you, hath good cause much to grieve thereat. And doubting greatly, or rather perceiving whence this may grow, being in a case that concerneth our rights, I can do no less in honesty towards him, but faithfully to protest unto your Honour, that I never saw in him any other than a fulness of duty and due regard to your Honour, humbly beseeching the same to give me some credit therein, and for him and myself also to entreat your Honour's allowance of our decent and careful proceeding in the pursuit of our rights, wherein it hath pleased you and the rest of the Council to give your consent.—London, this 16th of October, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Sheriff Baynixge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 17. Understanding that lately information hath been delivered unto your Honour, that in some uncomely sort I should demean myself towards you, in words or otherwise, by which I might give your Honour just cause of dislike or discontentment with me, I am in all humbleness to desire your Honour to vouchsafe me, if it please you, the manner of the report, or name of the reporter, that thereupon I may give your Honour a full satisfaction, and so be called, if it please you, to my answer. Full heavy and exceedingly grievous may it be unto me, to be accused of such a misdemeanour, as hitherto, I thank God, I have with all carefulness ever sought to eschew, and, according to the due reverence that becometh me to hold of a person of your worth, have ever on all occasions, and with all needfulness, endeavoured myself so reverently to repute of your Honour, as your goodness hath justly given me cause. I think it will be found that this misreport hath grown from such that, to prefer some purpose, would gladly heap your Honour's indignation upon me, and to make that a mean the better to withhold that from the Sheriffs of London, which both law and Her Majesty by her former grant, hath already determined towards them, which I know your Honour, in all uprightness, would judge us worthy of, and of your honourable goodness ready to assist us in, which I beseech your Honour to do, hoping by this bearer to receive some comfort of your better conceit of me, and of your good allowance in our orderly proceedings for our rights. And in regard of the justness of our cause, I made a grant of the Secondary ship unto a brother of mine, who is a barrister learned in the law, to have the place before I was Sheriff, as the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen can testify the same, the manner whereof I hope is made known to your Honour already—London, this 17 October, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Henry Fynch to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 18. I had hoped never to have importuned your Honour any more, but living in a Corporation wherein great disorder and abuse, contrary to the Charter and usages of the City, whereunto we are particularly sworn, hath lately broken forth in the election of several alder men and common councillors, contrary also to the express tenor of a letter from all your Honours, the reformation whereof hath duly and orderly been sought by the chief magistrate here, and some other of us, according to our duty and oath for the good government of the place, it maketh us subject to the accusation of some, who, to uphold their faction, are the authors of all this disorder, and, it is given forth, mind to complain to your Honours of it. I do most humbly beseech your Honour not to conceive amiss of our actions, whatsoever information may come to your ears, till we be heard speak, not doubting but it shall manifestly appear we have done nothing upon will or faction, but proceeded by all good and peaceable means, as the necessity of our duty and place enforced us. The consideration whereof we specially desire, were it not that we are loth to be complainants for the troubling of your Honours, might come before the wisdom and gravity of your judgments, whose censure and just reproof I would, above all things, be most loth to sustain, in bringing or giving cause to be brought of any evil or unjust matter before you.—Canterbury, this 18th of October, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Lord Wentworth.
1595, Oct. 18. Extent of lands late of Henry Lord Wentworth, who died 16th August 1593, and which are descended to Thomas, Lord Wentworth his son.
2 pp.
The Earl of Derby to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593, Oct. 20.] I have found her Majesty so gracious to my late poor deserving, as my comfort increaseth my desire to do her service. I had thought to have acquainted you herewith, as desirous you should have partaken my joys, for nothing is to me more gladsome than the enjoying thereof. But my present occasions called me thence where you were, which makes me salute you with these hasty, but lines of hearty well wishing you. Those offices for which I have been a suitor, both by my letters to her Majesty and by my speeches, I have left to her gracious regarding me, only so thinking myself worthy, as I shall find Her Highness esteems me, not for any other respect entreating or hoping thereof, but for the regard of her only grace and gracing me. I beseech you let me have your favour and your furthering, as I have had, and I will be, as I have been, your true and affectionate loving friend.
Holograph. Endorsed :—20 Sept. 1593.
1 p.
Justice Young to Sir Robert Cecil and Sir John Wolley.
1593, Oct. 20. According to your commandment, I have examined Anthony Tyrrell, a copy of whose examination I send hereinclosed, and, as your pleasure was, I have acquainted His Grace of Canterbury with his doing. His Grace right well perceives how that he hath brought himself into a miserable estate, by the means of lewd and evil company, as your Honours by his examination shall perceive, and hath brought himself far in debt, and now last is fallen into this bad company of Lieutenant Ferrys, who doth keep a “bathell” house, to the destruction of many young gentlemen and men servants. He and his wife have had warning of their evil life, and he promised me that he would reform himself, and keep his house in good order. He was not ignorant of his wife her conversation, but knew she was a common strumpet before he intermarried with her, and did know right well that she had and hath another husband living. I have thought it not amiss to defer her punishment until I had made your Honours privy of her lewd demeanour and wicked life, and as your Honours shall direct me, I will take order herein. I think and speak it, with grief of heart, that amongst others, this will be a just cause for the Almighty to plague this land, if such wickedness should escape without condign punishment. I have not known so little obedience, nor the people bent to more mischief, and especially the meaner sort, for they neither fear God nor man.— From my house, Stratford the Bowe, this 20th of October, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Enclosure :
The Confession of Anthony Tyrrell.
Coram Richardo Young xo die Octobris 1593.
1593, Oct. 10.—Anthony Tyrrell saith that he hath in no wise made over his estate of his parsonage of Dengy, but he hath a good while since departed from the vicarage of Southminster to one John Frauncis, a Master of Arts, and received 64l. of him for the same on Sunday was sevennight at Maldon, for that this examinate did never determine to keep the said vicarage.
He saith that the cause why he would have gone beyond the seas was for that Lieutenant Ferris did tell him that he was to go to Dieppe, and that the nuns were dispersed from Rouen, and this examinate having a sister that was one of them, told him that he could be very willing to go over to get her to come home, but that he feared, lest if it were known, he should lose his spiritual living. And then Ferris did encourage him that for his life he would cause him safely to go over and return; and he protested before Almighty God, that there was no cause of disliking of religion, nor any other cause that did move him to go beyond seas.
He saith that one Sharington, a lawyer in Chancery Lane, did first bring him acquainted with Ferris his wife, at Easter was a year, and she then dwelt in Fenchurch Street, by the name of Anne Bartlett, and had three or four bad and lewd women, very brave, at her house. And afterwards Sharington told this examinate whither she was now gone to dwell, and he was now in Essex, and had been at this examinate's house two or three days before he came away, but did not know that he came to London.
The said Ferris his wife told this examinate at his now coming that he came in good time, for that she would have him acquainted with her husband, who was going beyond sea, within three days, as she said, and thereupon this examinate making mention of his sister, was procured and persuaded by Ferris and her to go over with him, and he did assure this examinate that his passport should be very sufficient and without suspicion, and borrowed this examinate's horse to ride to the Court to obtain the same passport, and willed him to continue and stay at his house till he returned, and the next morning after that he went away she came to this examinate's bed.
On Thursday, Ferris returned from the Court, and shewed this examinate a passport under Sir Roger Williams' hand, for him and his servants to pass to Dieppe, and persuaded this examinate to go as his servant, saying he should so pass with greater security, and bade this examinate prepare himself, and he spent 4l. or 5l. in that house in those two or three days, and gave him, the said Ferris, 10l. for procuring the passport.
He saith that he changed his white money for gold at a goldsmith's shop in Lombard Street, before his going to Ferris his house, and he had 36l. 16s. in gold, found about him yesterday, and the rest of his 64l. he spent upon his apparel and diet in London, besides 10s. or a mark spent at Croydon and 40s. at Staines.
His determination at his coming up was to buy such things as he lacked in his house, and to return home within two or three days at the furthest, having also a great desire to see Ferris his wife, with whom he was also at his last being in town, and there was one Mrs. Maryan, of whom Sharington hath great liking, and she sent for Mrs. Katherine Arden to Shoreditch, whom she commended to be the properest woman in England, and would have had this examinate to go up with her into a chamber, but he would not, and there was also one Mrs. Wise that supped with them.
He protesteth that when he was persuaded to go beyond sea, he did verily purpose, by the grace of God, to return home within fourteen days and to make no longer stay. Ferris seemed by his speeches to be rather a Papist than a Pro'estant, but did not ask this examinate anything of his religion, and his wife told him that Sir John Xorreys had played a bad part with her husband, and that if it had not been for her he would never have come into England, but would have cut Sir John Xorreys his throat.
He asked this examinate if he knew Mr. Constable, and he said very well, and marvelled that he would play such a part, having been so well affected in religion, as he was before both at Hamburgh and in England. And Ferris told him that Mr. Constable spake very broad in maintenance of the Popish religion at a supper in Sir Roger Williams' chamber, and that, fearing lest he should be sent back into England, he took his horses the next morning and rode away, and now he is in great favour with the King, as Ferris said, but this examinate said that his revolt was the cause of his father's death.
Being charged and required to speak the truth what letters he had received from beyond the seas, or written thither, since his last coming over, he protesteth before God he hath received none, nor sent any, and since that time that he hath had no conference or conversation with any Papist, but hath used his exercise of preaching every Sunday as diligently and sincerely as any other thereabouts.
Signed :Ryc. Young.
2 pp.
The Queen at Theobalds.
1593, Oct. 20. “Inventory of all such linen as is to be used at such time as the Queen's Majesty is at Theobalds.”
Lint of damask, diaper and plain table cloths, cupboard cloths, napkins, wafer cloths, &c., cloths for the “rock in the Queen's Harbour,” linen for bedding, and a “portion of linen for my Lady Vere.”
Notes thereon by Burghley.
4 pp.
Sir Edward Houbye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 21. I thank God I have passed over a bitter sickness, with a bitterer relapse, and saving that in myself I find a great weakness, not yet clean rid from my physician, I am otherwise freed. And the sooner freed, by reason of a double fever, which came to me from the Court to Canterbury, whom, with as much speed as I can, I will send back again, beseeching you to keep her still there. I understand how much I am bound to your lady, my lady. I humbly beseech you to kiss her once again for my sake, and I in all humility will love and serve her, and give over all women kindred, aloue to give the prize of best deserving at my hands to herself. I humbly beseech your Honour to bear with the rudeness of my paper and pen, being in a place where it is scanty and naught, and of the hand, the weakness of my stomach not permitting me much to stoop, and most of all of the enditement, my wits being weak and feeble, and, through absence many months, unacquainted with a courtly style, worthy of your virtues, leaving better polishing to a formal Kinsman of your Honour's, who I understand is a daily courtier, but how far his grace is more than other men's, I know not.—From Bisham, 21 October, 1593.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
The Provost and Fellows of Eton to the Queen.
1593, Oct. 22. Whereas we have been lately informed by my Lord of Essex and Sir John Wolley that your Majesty would have me and my brethren of this your College of Eton, to make a lease of two farms belonging to the same, to the use of one Mr. Hammon, now schoolmaster there, in respect of his service done, may it please your Highness to be advertised, that we be most willing to do anything that we may to your good liking, and will do to the uttermost of cur power that which shall best please you. Nevertheless, this matter thus stands; one of these farms cannot be granted, by order of law, being presently in lease for nine years yet to come, and the other, before this suit was made to your Majesty, was granted to one of the house, who hath done and doth daily good service, to the benefit of the whole company, whose industry we cannot want without over hindrance. As for the schoolmaster in whose behalf this suit hath been made, neither is his desert such as requires this benefit, neither his state such as needs it. And yet, if you shall not think good the whole suit to be stayed, that it may appear to your Majesty how willing and glad we are to please you, we will bestow upon him for your sake, at his now departure from us, 40l. or 50l., if it shall seem good to your Highness to command it, which is much for this poor house to bestow. And if hereafter any such suit shall be made to your Majesty, we most humbly upon our knees beseech you, to consider the state of this your college. It is not our yearly revenue that doth maintain us, but our husbandry and provision. For as the times change, so do our charges alter, and these, our farms, are the ground whereupon we work to help ourselves and our successors. Wherefore, we most humbly beseech your Highness to leave them to our bestowing, as they shall fall void, which course is most agreeable to the founder's will, and shall be to the best benefit of the house, as it shall appear to your Highness, when it shall please you to take notice thereof.—From your Highness' College of Eton, the 22nd day of October, 1593.
Signed :—The Provost and Fellows of Your Highness' College of Eton.
1 p.
Anthony Suerley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 23. May it please you to excuse my not waiting upon you before my entering into my banishment; the time limited me was so very short that I could not possibly. I am now going with Sir Robert Sydney into France; if you will think me worthy of your commandments, I will effect them by the best means I can.—23 October.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
2/3 p.
Thomas Lord Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 24. I repose much on your love, therefore I trouble you with this deputation, to answer for me where ray own necessary calling (for public respect to the Queen's service and private regard of my own honesty) hasten me from all commodity to make my own excuse. I see preparations made to relieve Ostend, in which business (for it is her Majesty's town) I will concur. First, I will shew myself in Brill, to countenance what belongeth to my office there; thence, I will serve this action with such means as the weakest garrison her Majesty hath (for so it is) may yield, in all which I must leave to your discretion and favour what I should say to the Queen myself. Whatever you direct from her I will follow. Because time attendeth none I am in the way thither.—Hastily at my own house near Lambeth, 24 October.
[P.S.] What I should have performed by my promise to your blackmoore this day I have altered through the necessity of this journey, presuming on your best constructions.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
Seal. 1 p.
Thomas Digges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 25. Whereas, after the delivery of a slanderous libel, accusatory against me, to the Lords of Her Majesty's Council, by the procurement of my unthrifty and ungrate brother in law, William Digges, and his suborners, I presented to their Lordships these briet notes of the truth of that case, I would most gladly understand, whether there have been since unto your Honours, any disproofs made, either by William Digges or the Dean, his brother, of any one article in them contained, or any denial under any of their hands, because I would presently repair to Court, to their shame, to disprove them having already disproved the Dean, his brother, so manifestly before their own Commissioners, as even those of their own chosen Commissioners acknowledge his error, and himself not able to deny it, though still he use his best skill to extenuate the foulness of his fault. But for my ungrate unthrifty brother in law, William Digges, I cannot yet get his answer on oath to my bill exhibited against him in Chancery nine months since. Such is the horror of his guilty conscience, as he standeth out process, attachments, proclamations of rebellion and commissions of rebellion, rather than to answer on oath, where he knows he must either truly confess the foul conspiracy, contrived to defame me, or incur the danger of wilful perjury. But the truth is, it was that order of Her Majesty, and your honourable father, for restitution to me of my muster rolls, that drew on this false accusation. For some guilty consciences, of like fearing then that my service should again be used in examination of the frauds, not altogether without cause oft complained on by the States General of the Base Provinces United, saw no readier means to rid themselves of fear, than by subornation of this wicked, ingrate, needy, unthrifty person, who is not unlike to have received, more than Judas, thirty pence for his pains, if the truth may be examined. If I might from your Honour understand, whether anything have since boon offered by the Dean of Canterbury or William Digges to disprove any part of these, my assertions, I should think myself very greatly bound, and would make my more speedy repair to Court, for redress of so great a wrong, and for the obtaining of leave, by lawful means, to discover this conspiracy to defame and spoil me.—25 October, 1593, at Chevening.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Enclosing :
A brief and true declaration of the kind dealings of Thomas Digges, Esquire, with his most ingrate brother in law, William Digges.
1. This William Digges, being my father's executor, for eight or nine years, during my non age, had the receipt of all my living and revenues, besides wood-sales and moveable goods.
2. Before I came to twenty one, this William Digges had not only utterly wasted all my goods, and eight years' revenues, woods, etc. but had also sold all his own lands, leases and living whatsoever, besides 2 or 3000l. forfeited bonds on him; and in due debts not so little 1000 marks less worth than nothing, I might truly say, many more hundred pounds.
3. I being come to twenty one or twenty two years of aqe, began to deal in the receipt of mine own living, and finding plainly his estate ut supra; and so no hope or mean to have any recompense of him, for many hundred pounds he was then in my debt.
4. I not only forbare this debt, but in hope to receive recompense after, by a lease of Wingham Barton, which he expected to have again of one Edward Isaak, Esquire, for 500l., as himself sold it, I did continue his company in such entire friendship as without difference of purse he lived still on my revenues in every degree, spending on them as myself, till this lease of Wingham Barton was again returned to him. Out of which in recompense of part of those debts he owed me, he made unto me two leases in reversion, not worth a moiety of those debts he then owed me.
5. And to stop me of demanding of the rest, he pretended of great love forsooth, to desire one of my sisters in marriaqe shewing me how by a re-entry on certain leases of 400 or 500 acres of marsh land, parcel of Wingham Barton, by device of the Dean of Canterbury, his brother-in-law, he should now avoid those leases, and so have better than 200 marks yearly presently to live on. Wherein seeing good probability, by the reasons shewed me, by the Dean, his brother, I consented he should marry my sister. And thereupon, indeed, resolved in myself, not to demand of him the remainder of his debt, and farther, of 1000l. from Sir J Far ham St. Leger to me only in all right and equity due, I was content to let him receive and enjoy, and employ in his own use, the moiety.
6. But after all these friendships, his 500l. not being able to discharge him out of his old debts, having vainly wasted the most part thereof in suits of silk for him and his wife, before their marriage, in gold buttons, chains, jewels, etc., very vainly, it fell out in the end, by means of the Chief Baron lately dead, that these re-entered leases proved a vanity, and would not hold in law, and so William Digges utterly deprived of this vain hope of 200 marks revenue presently; and must now attend till the expiration of the present leases, which was fourteen years at least to come, and so in the mean, had just nothing to live on.
7. Then I again, besides all my former friendships, taking compassion of this their hard estate, was content to fall to this new composition with them : to give them the moiety of my two leases to me made in recompense of part of his debts, and also the moiety of one other lease of Wingham Barton, that I had bought with my money of the Dean his brother, upon condition that I might have, in reconpense thereof, half the reversion of Chapman and Parker, so re-entered, and of the rest of the reversions, as they should expire.
8. For the which moiety of mine, I have bonâ fide continually paid him these fourteen years 50l. yearly. And now this year expires the first lease of Chapman, worth 120l. per annum at this day, the moiety whereof, being 60l., in all equity and conscience William Digges now ought to pay me, during fifty years, yet unexpired, of the original grand lease.
9. But he, foreseeing this charge in all equity growing on him, in recompense of 700l. that he hath already received of me by the annuity, besides twice as much otherwise given and forgiven them, hath now of late, by wicked counsel, invented this satanical slander, forsooth, that those my leases, which I have been in quiet possession of these sixteen years and more, should be none of mine, but made to me in trust, not to mine own use, but to his use, denying now he was in my debt when I came to age. nor at making of my leases, and would have me prove every pound I bestowed on him and his for twenty years together, after he was so many hundreds less worth than nothing.
10. And to draw on the Dean, his brother in law, to second him in this horrible satanical slander, hath horrified the Dean's wife, his sister, that I would recover on her, or the Dean's executors, after his death 1,000l., for that I was fain to pay the Chief Baron, to buy again my leases of him, besides many other more wicked practices, to draw the Dean to this satanical device of imagined trust, as the only mean indeed, if it were possible, to prove or make probable so false a slander, not only to clear the Dean of all fear for that 1,000l., but also to defeat me of this 60l. a year, now in all equity and conscience growing due to me, for 700l. I have already disbursed by my 50l. annuity in lieu thereof.
11. I omit many hundred pounds I have otherwise freely given and bestowed on William Digges, and this, my most un-natural sister, and on their children, over and besides all these benefits before bestowed on them, and besides the very lease of his house, where he now dwelleth, by me given them, and their household stuff also, by me bought and bestowed on them. So that I may truly say, the very house where they dwell, the beds whereon they lie, yea, and the very meat whereon they have fed these twenty years and more, yea, and the most part of the garments to their backs, hath come out of my purse. And now, when I should have this mite in recompense, they would pay me with defamations and most wicked slanders, thinking by their hypocritical protestations and horrible satanical forswearing and abusing the majesty of God, to move compassion in them that know them not, wickedly charging me with those horrible abuses, that no enemy I have in England, of ability able to answer so great an injury, and subject to the laws of the realm, dare charge me with.
12. Finally, my humble and lawful request is, that as I am ready to put in security, in every Court of Law or Equity in England, to pay the utmost penny of any wrong [that] shall be proved by me done, to any man alive, from my cradle to this hour, so I may have like security, from my accusers, whatsoever, to recompense my wrongs and pay my approved due. And that the truth of matters may be decided in such Courts of Law or Equity, where such false Simons dare not abuse the Courts, by false oaths and protestations, for fear of pains temporal, that regard nothing the eternal.
3 pp.
Vincent Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 25. I understand the Receipt is not to remove from Westminster till it he full term, four days after All Souls, whereby I shall be ready there to do any service it shall please you to appoint me, for the receipt of money, and to bestow it in safe custody; which I thought good to signify, in case you do not otherwise dispose thereof.— This 25th of October; 1593.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
[William Overton,] Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to [the Dean and Chapter].
1593, Oct. 25. My chancellor, Mr. Babington, can report unto you the opinion of some, very well learned in the law, touching the great mischiefs that lie closely wrapped up in my release to the Queen, to the great prejudice of me and my successors for ever. I eftesones earnestly pray you in anywise to stay the confirmation thereof till I send you the resolution of mine own counsel, which shall be as soon as I can. Meantime, if you confirm it against my will and warning I wash my hands in innocency towards my successors, howsoever I have hurt myself for the present time. I hope you will regard the trust reposed in you by law for this and the like cases. Next week, when I have talked with my counsel, I will write to you more particularly of all the points, that you may the better perceive the dangers imminent to me and my successors, and so by your good help prevent them in time.—Eccleshall Castle, 25 October, 1593.
2/3 p.
Sheriff Bayninge to the Earl of Buckhurst and Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 26. I have received your letters, accusing greatly my lack of duty, in not satisfying Her Majesty's pleasure, signified unto me by other of your Honour's letters (Sir Robert Cecil). Which accusation, as it proceeded of the unjust and false suggestions of Mr. Moulton, so for my clearing therein, I should desire to justify myself and my dealings before the Privy Council. For I hold nothing can touch a faithful subject so near, as to be impeached in his duty and allegiance towards his sovereign, in which, if I may by your patience speak without offence, I need not in anything yield to Mr. Moulton, notwithstanding his bad surmises. Which harsh dealing of his towards me, being altogether without cause on his part, is no means to persuade me to incline to his will. For I think your Honours will judge that it would not be meet that I should yield my lawful right, if it were still in me, by force, to one that seeketh to bring my name in question by such extraordinary means and untrue reports, as Mr. Moulton hath used; but being already, by me and my brother under our hands and seals lawfully granted to another, it lieth not now in our power to make any second grant contrary to our power, which grant, as it was not unadvisedly and without good consideration passed, so I most humbly request your Honours any ways not to let or binder the same, it being not in us to repeal. For we, having seen the perils of other sheriffs before us, refused to take upon us the office of sheriffwick, as divers others of good account have done before us, and paid great fines for their refusal, except we might appoint our officers. Which being by a Court of Aldermen, in the presence of the Lord Mayor, absolutely granted, we made suit to the Lords of the Privy Council for their letters to certain Justices, to signify what offices belonged to our gift, which being certified accordingly, we then offered to such as were in possession of the same offices to have them of our grant. Which offer being, amongst others, by Mr. Moulton refused, we granted, as before said, and as we might lawfully do, his office to another. Which kindness, being by us to Mr. Moulton, and he refusing the same, I hope he hath small cause to complain of any wrong offered him by me. And, therefore, I most humbly beseech your Honours, not to condemn me unheard, nor to give credit to such accusations, and that I may, for my justification, be received to my open trial before you and the rest of the Privy Council.—From my house, this 26th October, 1593.
Signed. 1 p.
M. Chasteaumartin to Lord Burghley.
1593, Oct. 26/Nov. 5. Je vous ai écrît diverses fois par la voie de la Rochelle à faute de passage ici, particulierement par mes dépêches du vingt quatrième et vingt sixième du passé, par lesquelles jc vous narre fort au long les moiens que les Espagnols ont tenus pour m'attirer à une conference, et fais le discours de ce que nous avons passé en la dite conférence, et que j'ai peu recognoistre en eux sus le fait de la paix, à quoi je les trouve fort inclinés. Si sa Majesté a pour agréable qu'il se traite de cette matière il sera besoin qu'elle m'envoie des mémoires concernant les conditions qu'il lui plaira avoir en la dite paix. Je vous supplie bien humblement, monseigneur, de me mander ce qu'il plaira à sa Majesté que je fasse.
Quant à ce qui est des affaires d'Espagne, il y a seize navires de l'armée du passage qui vont a Blavet et portent cinq cents lioinmes, qui demeureront là, et cent cinquante inille écus en argent, et nombre de pipes pleines de cliaus pour servir à la construction de leur fort. Ils feront ce qu'ils pourront pour s'entretenir en cette province là. La reste de l'armée demeure au passage, attendant le retour des dits seize navires et le cours que prendronts les affaires de cette couronne. Si nous rentrons à la guerre, indubitablement la dite armée ira en la riviere de Bordeaux. L'on tient que le roi resignera le royaume à son fils; il ne se mêle plus de rien. L'homme que le roi a envoie là a parlé une fois au dit roi d'Espagne qui n'en a fait guère d'état. Le fondement de son voiage était de rechercher par quelque moien l'ouverture d'une communication; mais il faliait emploier un plus habile homme que cela.—De Bayonne, ce 5e Novembre, 1593.
1 p.
Vincent Skynner to Lord Burghley.
1593, Oct. 27. Herewith I do send your Lordship the certificate of the Receipt for this last week, and a packet from Mr. Stoneley, in answer of your Lordship's letter to him, wherein he saith he hath included the state and rates of his lands, towards the satisfaction of your Lordship therein. I sent your Lordship's letters to Mr. Young and Mr. Phillips, but there hath been no more money than 500l. paid by Mr. Phillips. How they do answer the contents of your Lordship's letters, I know not, but against the time of the next certificate I shall collect out of the books of this office, what hath been paid in, since Michaelmas '92, of the receipt from that date. Mr. Dowe hath paid in another 1000l., and Mr. Alderman Billingsley another 1000l. this day. There is paid to Sir Thomas Sherley, of your Lordship's last assignment 500l.; he is instant for more according to the proportion of the moiety. And Mr. Alderman Billingsley will pay 2500l. more the next week, whereof, if it so please you, he would pay to Mr. Becher, as upon Sir Thomas Sherley's order, 2000l., and 500l. with the Receipt, and of that 2000l. strike his tally, and so shall Sir Thomas Sherley be satisfied of the moiety of these three orders which you did appoint to be paid by moieties, though the same be paid upon the greatest sum, amounting to 7338l. 18s. 8d., which odd money, if it shall so please you, may be paid in full satisfaction of that order for the imprest of two months for the forces in the Low Countries, to end the 25th of December next, to be distributed and apportioned towards part of the payment for the horsebands, and for provision of furniture for the soldiers, as Mr. Chancellor wished it might.—At Westminster, this 27th of October, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Vincent Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 27. I did signify unto your Honour, from Mr. Nector's house, where I found one of your footmen by chance, that the Receipt is not to be moved hence so soon as I supposed, not having cause to be sooner there than the 6th of November, whereby what it shall please you to command to be done here, the 4th, I shall be ready to accomplish. Yet because the 4th day is Sunday, if you appoint the party to resort hither, or to my house in the Friars the 3rd, I shall be ready to receive it and bestow it here in safe custody. I have spoken with Mr. Milles, who cannot proceed till he have got in his bonds and his sureties, which he is about with as much speed as he can; and for the money he hath appointed to bring it to me this next week. He hath some scruple touching his oath, which is somewhat hard to be taken de alieno facto, to be sworn that as well his deputies' books, which they keep in the ' number ' ports, should be just and true as his own, whereof he cannot be, for conscience thereof. But it may well be relieved, his deputies being sworn as by order they ought to be, the surveyors of the ports say, and then by way of gloss, when he shall deliver his books and his deputies, he may absolutely swear for the one ex scientia, et ex credulitate for the other.
He is loth besides that his attendance in that place should restrain him from doing any other service, which by occasion your Honour might employ him in, in other affairs, wherein he hath had some employment. But therein I will satisfy him, that a warrant to call him to other employment by his Majesty or your Honours of the Council, is dispensation sufficient to substitute a deputy during his employment.—At Westminster, this 27th of October, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Richard Holland to Lord Cobham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 27. According to your direction, I appointed Bartholomew Hesketh, gent., to meet me this day, who hath given his bond in 500l. for his personal appearance before your Honours and the rest of the Privy Council, as by the same may appear. The gentleman is very much subject to the gout, and not well able to make any long journeys, in regard whereof, the distance of his dwelling from the Court, and the present season, I could not well tie him to any shorter time.—Heaton, my poor house, this 27th of October, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 27. Being returned from a long tedious journey, I do retire me for two or three days to prepare me to the better attendance this next month. In the mean time, I beseech you to have in mind the bill drawn by Mr. Windebank verbatim with those of Mr. Beale and Sir Thomas Wilkes; and have sent hereinclosed a letter from one Beard, prisoner in the Fleet, written in mine absence, but delivered in this day. The matter may be available, and did before my departure acquaint you in some sort with the like effect. What you shall think good, I will accomplish, and haply you may take occasion hereupon to the signing of my bill.—From my lodging this morning, this 27th of October, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Encloses :
Benjamin Beard to Anthony Ashley, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council.
1593, Sept, 30.—I have had some conference with Mrs. Shelley, who hath entreated me to send for one Mrs. Wall, dwelling at the Anchor in the Strand, to whom, if she come, I shall deliver some message for her, bidding me handle the matter as she may seem to come either to me or Mrs. Rice. This matter I will this day effect, perhaps some matter may grow thereof; to keep her close prisoner can be little policy. And her accusation being, for enquiring of a sorcerer how long Her Majesty should live, I could soon sound to what intent she should do such a thing, besides do assume myself before “Hollondmas” [Hallowmas] to take a Seminary in the Fleet. One Simona Fennell, sometimes kept by my grandmother, Mrs. Tichbourne, is looked for among the Papists here very shortly. This Fennell is a Seminary, and altogether now at Mrs. Shelley's disposition, and mostly maintained by her before her imprisonment. .If you get her discharged of her close imprisonment, I will warrant you to do that which her Majesty shall thank me for. There was one Dingley, a great learned man, whom Justice Young took arid committed to the Compter, and kept him close half a year, as this woman hath been and longer, but could get nothing out of him, or so much as know his name right, until I advised him to let him have the liberty of the house, when within ten days I discovered him altogether, and made Mr. Young acquainted how that he came over from beyond sea from the Earl of Westmoreland, not a month before his apprehension, and had there remained sixteen years. And, afterwards, by causing a messenger, with whom I feigned to have business about a suit to the Council, to come unto the Compter and to give out that divers were about that time taken, whom I understood to be of Dingley's associates, I handled the matter as he himself laid open all to the Lord Keeper that now is, whereupon he set him at liberty. Of this service, Justice Young robbed me, for I did it and he had the thanks, for this and others there done in like case, and yet he promised my liberty and to acquaint the Council thereof There was also one D'Arques, a Frenchman, whom Sir Robert Cecil had employed in some affairs, who had played the villain with him, and dealt with a Spaniard to be a spy here in England, under colour of being an agent for Sir Robert. When none of his writings and letters could be found, I wrought a means to discover them to Justice Young, and set where he found them all, whereupon he came to the Compter and used mighty words to me, but good yet he never did me.— Fleet, this last day of September, 1593.
Holograph. 2 pp.
Sir John Savage to Lord Cobham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 29. With what convenient speed I could, after the receipt of your Honour's letters, I sent the prisoner according to your direction, by this bearer, Manneringe, my servant, who I trust will safely deliver him.—From Rocksavage, this 29th of October, 1593.
Signed. ½ p.
Henry Brooke to his Brother-in-Law, Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Oct. 29. The contrariness of the winds since coming hither doth keep us from having news out of any place, so that our being here is very wearisome. Last night the hoys went from hence towards Dieppe, and the wind hath continued so good that there is no doubt but that they are safely arrived. God send them as constant a wind for their return, and then, I hope, the letters here shall be soon revoked. J find by my Lord that he doth not mean to return in haste to the Court. I pray you advise him not to be long absent.—Dover, 29 Oct. 1593.
Holograph. Signed. 1 p.
Lord Burgh to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Oct. 31. Have sent you three score and ten pounds. I must entreat you to tolerate the miss of a just hundred, for the conceit which I had to go over (altered upon better advice) drew me into some extraordinary charges for provision. At my coming to the Court you shall command present payment of thirty pounds more or assign me for 200 to Mr. Hicks. [P.S.] I shall be bound to you if you will impart some of your occurrences to me.—At my house near Lambeth, 31 Oct.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
[William Overton,] Bishop Of Coventry And Lichfield To [George Boleyn, the Dean, and Chapter].
1593. Oct. 31. I havesent you certain advertisements of my proceeding with Sir Thomas Stanhope, together with the opinion of divers learned in the law touching such mischiefs or inconveniences as lie hid in my release to the Queen. Therefore, as before, so I now eftesones pray you to stay the confirmation thereof till some further order be taken for remedy of such errors and overslips as be now espied in the same, which Lawrence Wright also from his master, Sir Thomas, hath lately promised me, and undertaken to be done with all convenient speed. To this end I have sent him a copy of the opinions in writing of those learned in the law, and I hope I shall hear shortly from him again to good purpose.—Eccleshall, the last of October, 1593.
½ p.
The Queen to the King of France.
[1593, October.] Mons. mon frere. L'appeller de nos troupes, apres tant de morts, stropies, blessées et ruinés, ne vous semblera estrange, j'espere. Avis mal consonant à la raison ce fust à premieres trefves, quils ne fussent mis au premier rang des respirans, pour au pis aller avec les enemies mesmes donner relasche à leur maulx. Pour vous ce fut que j'ay commis en leur endroit si peu de respect. Et combien que rien de bon vous en arrive, si non une visce de malvellantz que à nos despens nous nous en acquirons, si est ce que vous m'en debuez plus de gré que pour vous j'endure tels affronts. Honneur de Roy me convie à vous dire que, si peu de bien, vous arrive pourtant de mal. Penses ensi avant pour empescher vostre advancement en plus de malencontre à ce que ses meschans, qui vous ont quasi perdu les vostres asseurés, ne vous guident par la main à pire fortune. Coustome, nous voyons, fait que le peche mesme ne se represente en sa propre figure, et le menteur, pour Pa voir souvent diet, le croit veritable. Le peintre ayant esgaré de ses vraies lignes, en les suivant gaste tout le portraict. Faictes, pourtant, tousjours bon fondementen vos actions, et s'il y a des erreurs, ne y persistes ou y adjoustes, croyant en cueiller bons fruicts de si mauvais semence. Arestes (pour vousmesme je le dis) la bride de mauvais cours à ce que d'une mauvaise quarriere n'en arrive un dangereuse issue. Il. vaut mieux glisser que tomber. Dieu me veielle prosperer à mesme reigle que je vous presente mes meilleurs souhaits et vos plus necessaires advis. Pour le povre Moy qui a este noury en mon royaume, je vous puis asseurer qu'ils luy oat faict tort et à eux mesmes du mal, s'il vous plaist, par la juger telz espritz. Il n'y a creature qui pourroit plus dire pour l'honneur de son roy, pour la necessite de ses affaires, me conjurant, pour tout le bien qu'oncques vous ay fait, à no dirainuer la grace en nyant l'ayde à cest heure au comble du malheur; si ce fust blaspheme ou mauvaise office, accusez l'en! Car je jure mon Dieu ce fut le pis qu'il vous a commis chez vous. Il est vray qu'il avoit deux clercs qui Tassisterent a dire l'Amen avec tout d'ardeur que ne les euissiez pense huguenots, qui comme le mond tourne semble iregules mots. Dieu par sa grace amende le tout, et vous face oster les masques de vous seduisants traistres qui portent visage de ce qu'ils ne sont. Voyes les par leurs fruicts; et, par la, juges en quelle racine ils meritent avoir aux jardin de vos plaisirs. Vos celesyeux Dieu et le temps ouvriront, j'espere et desire avec une affection si peu meslee d'aultre passion, affection ou respect sinon de vostre bien que pouvez faire estat de n'avoir trouve jamais une plus franche et libre amitie. Car, estant roy moy mesme, je ne posfposeray royal respect a subject qui soit. Et in telle devocion je laisseray à plus vous ennuyer de cest egratignement.
Endorsed :—“October, 1593. M. of her Majesty's letter to the French King.”
George Margitts to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593, October.] Your drift must be to set down a judicial and sound course so near as you can to meet with those deceits formerly used, as well for the prevention of the expert informer's tricks and devices which Mr. Cope speaketh of, as otherwise, and then to have honest men of reasonable understanding, that will he both diligent and careful to put the same in execution. For, otherwise, if you trust unto any such kind of people, you will be so mightily deceived, as that thereby you shall rather be a great loser, than any ways likely to be a gainer. And, besides, as informers and such like persons will be a stain to your service, so, without your employment, shall you be assured that they will be as diligent to use all the tricks and devices that they can both here and abroad, as well without fee, as with a fee for their own private gains. Whose tricks if you prevent not, you shall be right well assured to be greatly damnified.
And for any the Queen's “waighters” who have been false to their sovereign, will never be brought to do any faithful service to any her subjects, especially in this case wherein chiefly all their greatest gain by deceit did arise unto them.
Thus I have set down my poor opinion unto your Honour, with my reasons hereinclosed for prevention of deceit, which it may please you to consider of, after that you have received these men's opinions : viz., Sir Henry Byllingsley, Mr. Carmarden, Mr. Myddekon, Mr. Cope and his informers, Mr. Smith and Mr. Angell.
P.S.—My reasons I forbear to acquaint your Honour with, until Mr. Carmarthen hath given in his answer for your service, which being done, and your pleasure known, they are ready.
Seal. 1 p.