Cecil Papers: August 1593

Pages 344-367

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 4, 1590-1594. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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August 1593

Sir John Fortescue to Archibald Douglas.
1593, Aug. 1. Upon the receipt of your instructions I prepared to have repaired to the Court to her Majesty, but being advertised the infection of this plague to have touched some of your servants, and some of them dead thereof in your house, according to my duty I refrained going to the Court and sent the said instructions to my Lord Treasurer; from whom hitherto I have received no answer, but as soon as I have any I will acquaint you therewithal. And so, praying you to have care of your health and, in regard to her Majesty and your poor friends, rather to send your mind in writing than to endanger their healths in this infectious time, I commit you to God.—At Hendon, 1 August, 1593.
Seal. ½ p.
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Aug. 2. I do return unto you this letter, brought me by my son Henry, which I had forgotten to send unto you. Yesterday I received their Lordships' letters for the stay of levying of 133 soldiers. I pray you remember the despatch of those soldiers, remaining at Rye, that came out of France without passport : the town is greatly burdened with them.—From Cobham, the 2 of August.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
Signed. Seal. ⅓ p.
Sir John Fortescue to Archibald Douglas.
1593, Aug. 2. This morning I have received the enclosed from my Lord Treasurer, wherein you may perceive Her Majesty's pleasure and his lordship's opinion. The alteration in Scotland is very great. You are wise and experienced in that country and therefore I leave things to your consideration.—At Hendon, this second of August, 1593.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p.
Encloses :
1593, 31 July.—Lord Burghley to Sir John Fortescue.—I have acquainted Her Majesty with the writings which you received from Mr. Archibald Douglas, and with the accident which hath been the stay of your coming hither. For his writings I do retain them unto you, with some notes in the margin of mine own hand, as I conceive Her Majesty's meaning to be. And although this his cause was to be allowed when he put the same in writing, yet I doubt that the changes in Scotland, lately happing, may alter this his course, before he can direct the same to be executed; and yet his good will herein is to be allowed.—From the Court at Oat lands, this last of July, 1593.
Signed. ½ p.
Ro[ger] Manners to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 2. It doth comfort me much not to be forgotten in Court; but it doth rejoice me exceedingly to be remembered by so honourable a friend as yourself. The news of France seem to me somewhat strange; I pray God their peace breed our peace here. For those of Scotland, nothing is strange that cometh from thence, unless they should long continue in peace amongst themselves or in true dealing with their neighbours. I am to advertise you of a thing that happened to a kins man of mine. Yesterday, as I am informed, was appointed the day for a marriage betwixt my nephew George Manners, my lord your father's servant, and Mrs. Grace Perpoynt at Chatchworth, effected by the old Countess. Wherein I assure you I was no party.—From Uffington, 2 August, 1593.
2/3 p.
Sir George Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 2. Though I never doubted your love and goodwill since the mists were cleared of some jealous mistrust which cunning practisers of misreports sought to turn to a storm of discord betwixt us, yet, finding so assured a confirmation thereof by your last letter, I hold myself mightily well pleased, not only to dwell in the continuance thereof but to make testimony of my thankfulness and my desire to deserve and requite the same.
Our Scottish news sheweth Scotland not unconstant in unconstancy, removing the state thereof as the heavens that ever move to change, nor the King at this instant less subject to the loss of his liberty than when he was in 10 years taken 9 times by contrary factions, each time in danger of his life; whereby forced for the ransom thereof to pay good words and to please them that possessed him until a new welter, as they term it, freed him from danger [and] won him the reputation of a cunning dissembler, as himself hath heretofore confessed to me. Yet the King may continue King until the Duke and Both well can agree which of them shall wear the crown, the ambition of the one and the no right in the other carrying their aspiring in equal balance, which must sway to him that can be most master of the King's favour; which you shall see tossed as a tennis ball to serve their turns and to work his own overthrow if no division divide themselves from their own intents. I rather fear than hope good success to attend the French King's apostacy, neither seeing thereby any general return to him of the great towns nor any particular submission of the chief leaguers; his strength noways greater and his security much less. His policy to win the Catholics and to retain the Protestants [being] overcome with a greater policy to make him hateful as of no religion to them both, only an imaginary hope is left to him of a doubtful event, and an assured torment to his conscience much greater than the gain of such a kingdom, God seldom pleased by ill means to work good effects, and in such actions often making men the instruments of their own overthrow. Your cousin hath commanded me to write that she joys in that you are her cousin; she holdeth you in the rank of those she loveth best, and desireth the like place in your favours. This I obey to write in hope you will recommend my service in the best and highest degree to that honourable lady of great worth that was my wife before yours, and yet I hers in goodwill though she now only yours; praying you to yield my wife's many thanks to her for her patience and pains she last took at Drayton.
What is commanded me by my Lord's letters shall be performed with care and diligence, and a pinnace sent forth to discover where the Spanish fleet shall descend.—From Carisbrook Castle, this 2 of August. 1593.
Injured. 2½ pp.
Henry Noei, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 3. I had thought ere this to have delivered to her Majesty that thanks that I sent, esteeming it by another not sufficiently humble; besides no other can express the affection of my thankfulness. My purpose hath been hindered by sickness wherein I have hardly scaped the worst, neither is there thought other means to recovery than by the Spa, whither to go I beseech you be an humble suitor to her Majesty on my behalf. Withal it might please her to consider that, besides my charge by the journey, my suit hath not answered my expectation and the offers which beforehand were made me, yet am I not the less bound to her since it pleased her to yield to the inserting of that clause wherein stood my hope for the enrichment of my suit; nevertheless it availed me not in the whole so much as yearly was offered me. I will not ask anything of her Majesty, yet if for the respect of importunate creditors, and this expense which I cannot shun, she would be pleased to give me her letter to Oxford, I have already so prepared my way as by the help of her hand I shall not fail to put by for a time such as would and have half devoured me with clamour.—Tottrieg, 3 August.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
1 p.
M. Chasteaumartin to Lord Burghley.
1593, Aug. 4/14. Depuis le roi d'Espagne a seu la conversion du Roi, a mande l'armée navale au passage plus forte qu'il n'avait deliberé auparavant, de sorte qu'elle sera de trente navires, deux fargattes (fregates), deux galères qui étaient à Blavet, et trois galeres de Portugal. Les dits navires sont tous prêts et font état de partir vers la fin de ce mois, mais les galeres ne aont point encore arrives. Il y a quatre mille hommes pour s'embarquer dessus, dont la plupart sont gens que Ton y fait venir par force. L'intention des Espagnols est de faire un grand effort sus la ville de Bordeaux, et esperent, par le moien des intelligences que les ligueurs out dedans, que les habitans se revolteront et prendront le partie de la ligue. Il ont charge sus les dits navires dix et huit pieces de canon de batterie avec leur afust pour les mettre à terre, qui fait paraître qu'ils esperent tenir la campagne. Leur intention est aussi de faire des forts sus la dite rivière. Mons. le Marêchal fait tout ce qu'il peut pour s'opposer à leur dessein, mais c'est en vain s'il n'a des forces étrangères; car il y a beaucoup de ligueurs et peu d'affectionnés au service du Roi. La flotte des Indes est arrivée à Seville et celui qui en était general le sera de cette armée : il s'appele Bertrandone. Sibiur est de retour de Brettagnc depuis peu, et a apporté au Roi d'Espagne certains depêches du Due de Mercure concernant une enter-prise qu'il a sus Brest, et lui demande des forces navales s'il y voit du fondement. Cela pourrait faire rompre le dessein de la rivière de Bordeaux et que les dites forces seraient emploiées au dit Brest. Le voiage du Cardinal en Flandres est rompu, parceque le Roi d'Espagne se veut demettre des affaires et a appele le dit Cardinal à Madrid pour le charge du gouvernment de I'etat. Son fils ira en Portugal ce mois de Septembre, et poor lui il s'est retire à l'Escurial en intention de ne se mêler plus de rien. Il envoie quinze cents hommes en Italic au due de Terreneufe qui s'en va être lieutenant general du due de Savoie. Il y a eu fort peu de blé par toute l'Esoagne cette année, et commence a y en avoir faute. Il y a des Français, des Ecossais et Irlandais qui pretendent d'en charger en Angleterre et Irlande sous couleur de la porter en cette ville, et le porteront en Espagne. Il sera bon que sa Majesté defende la trette des dits blés et ne la permet sinon à ceux qui donneront par de la caution de les venir décharger ici et en rapporter certificat de moi ou de ceux qu'il plaira à sa Majesté, afin qu'il ne s'y commette aucun abis; et ce sera un moien d'ôter aux Espagnols cette commodité d'avoir de blé et les faire partir, car ils n'en sauraient avoir de Brcttagne tant qu'il leur en fait besoin.—De Bayonce, ce 14 d'Août, 1593.
Sir William Knollys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Aug. 5. I find, by your Honour's letter, that you stand upon some former promise made to some other, but that conditionally they find the tenure whereby Marshiall's son may be proved a ward : which, as I hear they have not yet done, so I think they are not able to perform. There is no man can prove the tenure so well as myself, neither will any man give so much for the wardship as myself, not respecting the commodity, but the credit, of the cause; and it will be happier for the boy to be with me, than where I think he is sought for. My Lord of Essex hath written to me that he hath already given you thanks for me.—Ewelme, this 5 of August.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p.
Sir Thomas Heneage to the Eabl of Essex,
[1593,] Aug. 5. I love well to be remembered of my friends, and so like very well your salutations, so doth my weak wife, your old friend, that taketh little liking in anything in this world, but in Her Majesty's grace; whereof she hath tasted more and felt sweeter taste in, than in all things else in this world, which she could be content to take her leave of, if God were so pleased. But I hope better in his goodness to me, whose mercy I believe in. All my care is, now, how to carry her to the bath [Bath] in so great weakness, but she desires so to go, as I trust to carry her the better. And the opinion of the physicians is, as so Her Majesty's, which I most prefer, that nothing can do her so much good. I thank you for your advertisements, and join with you in opinion. But, if Scotland were as sure as it is variable, my fear should be less of that which may follow.—This 5th of August at Copthall.
Addressed to Essex. Endorsed by Cecil's Secretary :—“5 Aug., 1593. Mr Vice Chamberlain to my master.”
Holograph. 2/3 p.
Anthony Bacon to the Earl of Essex.
1593, Aug. 5. I could not speak sooner with Mr. Faules than this morning, by whom I have understood that one Archibald Primrose, a Scotchman, was the first that advertised him that John Clerk had been examined and imprisoned by Alderman Martin for counterfeiting the Scotch King's seal, and afterwards let go, and is now bound for Spain; Mr. Faules himself meeting him the other day as he came out of his boat from the Court. Thus much in familiar speech he let fall this morning. Touching my supposed sending for Ald. Martin, I beseech you assure her Majesty I neither sent nor looked for him, neither being come unto me did I anyway press him to show me that whereof I advertised her Majesty, which, having once seen, I thought myself bound to impart it to her sole self, not knowing whether her Majesty had before had any inkling thereof by any other.—5 August, 1593.
1 p.
Emanuel d'Andrada to Lord Burghley.
1593, Aug. 5/15. Has received his letter, whereby he perceives her Majesty has nothing for him to do at present, and as the King, Don Antonio, is not in a position to support him, is determined to go where his fortune shall guide him, which he cannot do because of his poverty. Therefore requests some alms may be sent him by the bearer, on whose return he will proceed on his journey.—Calais, 15 August, 1593.
Spanish. Seal. 1 p.
R. Taylor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 6. I had attended upon your Honour long since about the keepership, which one John Bull. enjoyeth in Entield Chase, if either your Honour had come to your house at Strond, or I safely might have come to the Court. For the truth is, my humble suit had been, and yet is, to crave your Honour's favour and good will towards the said Bull, and the bringer hereof, my nephew, one Killegrew Lowen, that the said Bull might pass his interest of the said keepership unto the said Killigrew Lowen. There is not anything passed nor done between them, without your Honour's favour and liking.—Written in haste this 6th of August, 1593, riding down into Cambridgeshire, beseeching your honour to stand my good friend, as also to move my Lord Treasurer to join with you for the obtaining of Badburgham again, if it may be upon reasonable covenants, at Sir Horatio his hands.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Anthony Standen to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 6. Mr. Anthony Bacon findeth his right hand so seized with his wonted “defluction” as it is impossible for him to grip a pen, and therefore hath willed me in his name to advise you that yesterday he received from a merchant of London these occurrents that go herewith, written by Mr. Rolston, resident at Fontarabye in Spain. The date is somewhat stale because there is no better commodity of sending than by merchants' ships that depart very seldom, which, besides the length of way and late strength of th' enemy on that coast, is now become dangerous. He desireth to know whether you will ought that way, for he intendeth by the first vessel that shall depart to advise Mr. Rolston of the safe arrival of his here, also of that point touching la Faye, which is Standen. Myself, Sir, is busied in the matter her Majesty commanded me, which will be the more tedious in that I must call to mind all actions since the year'65 till this present'93, and therefore will it ask more time than I presupposed.—Twycknam, 6 August, 1593.
1 p.
Enclosure :
Anthony Rolston to [Mr. Bacon].
1593, June 29.—Master Standen, when he went hence, left order with me to write unto you such occurrents as this place affordeih. You shall understand the treasure came safe to the Isles of St. Mychell, near that of the Torcera, and the whole sum is twelve millions in silver, and now it is said to be all safely arrived at Seville. Moreover, we have a speech that there hath been a great fight between the fleet of England and that of Spain, and they of Spain have lost 2,000 of their men but have taken ten of our ships. If this be so you are like to hear thereof by better relation than mine. Also the news is here that Sir Francis Drake shall go forth in August next with fourteen of her Majesty's ships besides others of particular persons; they have made great preparations throughout all the coast for his coming at this haven of passage two leagues from hence, for they have in a readiness six great galleons and twenty other ships, and they do look for daily six galleys, for what effect we know not nor can imagine, unless they be for the river of Bordeaux where our country ships shall go for wine.
Here passed this way one named William Ourde, servant to the King of Scots, and his passage was the 15th of May last. He hath obtained of the King of Spain licence that all Scotch merchants may come and go with all sorts of merchandise for Lysboa, St. Sebastiens and Seville, so they bring passports from the Scotch King. If otherwise, they are not without peril to lose all. They have other practices there, if I be not deceived, which are secret.
Alderman Ratclyfe's son is in the Castle of St. Sebastien; the reason thereof I know not neither can I help the same; in truth I have done my best to remedy it. Advertise me if you have seen our friend Mons. de la Faye [marg. “Standen”].—From Fontarabye, 29 June.
Endorsed :—“29 June, 1593. Mr. Rolston's letter to Mr. Standen.”
Copy. 1 p.
Sir Henry Cocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 7. I have received your kind letters whereby you give me thanks for sparing of one of your nurse's brothers from being prest to be a soldier. It was but a small trifle, which in respect of you was a thing very fit for me in duty to have done; you shall always find me ready and willing to do you and any of yours the uttermost pleasure I shall be able, yet I do much presume that you have been often urged by some to believe the contrary.
I do most humbly thank you for the news it pleased you to impart unto me touching the French King's conversion. I am very sorry for it. I pray God to turn his heart that he may in good time see his fault and repent him thereof. Queen Elizabeth, King Edward IV.'s wife, in the Sanctuary, said of King Richard III. when (by the Cardinal) he required the Duke of York, her second son, that “the desire of a kingdom had no pity”: so may it also be said of conscience, if this be true. If in vain and brittle policy it be only in ore and not in corde, it is toto bad; for non est bonum ludere cum Sanctis. By this means he seemeth to despair in the help of his mighty God, who hath hitherto most miraculously preserved him, and often snatched him out of the jaws of his malicious enemies. Therefore, now leaving Him and flying to the strength and help of men, I do greatly fear that all our news hereafter of him will be as magical as his marriage was in 1592. For by this his conversion the papists must generally have access unto him, and he must entertain them without any shew of fear or mistrust of them; and then they for his trust, it is to be doubted, will requite him with a thrust and so make an end of him. As he now standeth, his case, with his friends about him, is very desperate; but leaving them in France in hope of better fortune and relief of this their forlorn estate, I do return home into England, and heartily pray unto God long to bless us with the most prosperous and happy government of our good and most gracious Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth, by whose careful means we are free from the foul corruptions of that anti-Christian Romish Church, and may daily, with free consciences, joyfully serve the Lord our God.— From Broxborne, 7 August, 1593.
1 p.
Markes Berrey, Mayor of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 8. Having received the letters from your Honour and others of the Privy Council to me directed, touching the restoring of one Nicholas Mychell into the place of a common Councillor of this city, from which, by order of Court of Burghmote, he was lately displaced, although it seemeth by the said letters it hath pleased you and their Honours, without any just desert on my behalf, to conceive a partial and disorderly proceeding by me in the election of our burgesses, which should tend to their disgrace, with an unjust course in displacing the said Nicholas Mychell, yet in regard of your Honour and in satisfying the gentlemen, in their hard conceit conceived against me, without cause, I did in so short time, as conveniently I might, call a Burghmote, and in Court of Burghmote did import the said letters unto them, and thereupon, have used all such convenient means as I might, for restoring the said Nicholas Mychell to his said place. But the choice happened in such sort as the persons to whom the choice belonged were equally divided, whereof the election could not be tried, so the place remaineth void until we shall conveniently meet again for that purpose, wherein there shall be no want of any furtherance, beseeching your Honour to consider that his displacing was not by me only, but by the Court of Burghmote too, and that his election and his restoring resteth in the Common Council or the more part of them, and not in me.—Canterbury, this 8th of August, 1593. Signed :—“Markes Berrey, Maior.”
Seal. 1 p.
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 8. I am sending a man with a letter to your father, informing him of an advertisement received from Frankfort, which concerns Her Majesty's service. I have been ill with fever and expect a recurrence of it this month.—Badburham, 8 August, 1593.
Holograph. Italian. ½ p.
Richard Young to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 9. According to your commandment, I sent out a warrant for the apprehending of Tomlinson. The officers brought him to my doors, and they came in and told me that his wife was lately dead, and two of his servants sick of the plague at this present, and therefore they durst not bring him in unto me. And because I am divers times sent for by my lords, and therefore am unwilling to come in any place or company infected, I did thereof forbear to speak with him, and sent him home until it shall please God to make his house clear, with charge to the officers that he should be kept in his house, and his doors shut up, according to the order. When his house shall be clear, I will not fail to execute your Honour's commandment.—London, this 9th of August, 1593.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Justice Younge to my Master.”
1 p.
George Margitts to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 9. Sent on the 28th of last month such instructions for the cause of recognizance of debt as he thought needful, and has thought good to put him in mind, that it would please him to vouchsafe three or four words for answer. Upon conference with certain friends, he finds there was a cause dealt in by an especial friend of his about two years ago. It pleased his lordship, Cecil's father, to take good liking of it and encourage the party to go forward, and he would further the same, and obtained Her Majesty's grant, with good liking of as many of the Lords as were acquainted with the same. So a book was drawn, and the allowance of the Attorney General under his hand [had] and brought to his lordship to have his hand thereto, but a pause was made by him for a time. In the meanwhile Her Majesty went on progress, and the party that chiefly followed the same was employed upon especial service in France, where ever since he has remained, so the cause at present lies dead. Thinks it might be revived again, in respect of the general good that will thereby redound to the common wealth; yet prejudicial it Will be to some, but so as they will freely and most willingly of their own accord yield unto. It will yield His Honour 5,000l. for the five first years, and 500 marks yearly afterwards, so long as it stands in force. It may please him to procure his father's furtherance therein, and if there should be anything in the book that shall not be found reasonable, that he shall put it out. All which he thought good to acquaint him with, without making any creature privy what course he would take therein.—Seething Lane, this 9th August, 1593.
P.S.—Presently understands by a friend that certain Londoners are hammering about the same, but find it too great for one, so that their drift is to divide it into several parts, and to have sundry men of the Privy Chamber suitors for the same.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Ordnance for France.
1593, Aug. 10. Warrant directing the Lord Treasurer to give order to the Lieutenant of the Ordnance to suffer M. de Bordaige, a gentleman of Brittany, to buy for the use of the French King one piece of cast iron ordnance weighing 18 cwt., four other pieces, not exceeding in all “four thousand weight” and 1,200 cast iron shot, for the use of the ordnance, and to the officers of the Port of London to suffer him to lade and transport the same, paying custom and other duties.—Windsor Castle, 10th August in the 35th year of the reign.
Addressed to Lord Burghley.
Sign Manual. Signet.
Thomas Spencer to Stephen White.
1593, Aug. 10. Mr. White, concerning that traffic to send into the North, I would desire you to do so much for me. Whereas, in one letter, I have put forth my name, if it pleased you to put in yours above, and let Christopher Denoine direct his letters always to you, and so you may convey them to Mr. Tailler. You shall find Newcastle men enough at Middleburg that know Christopher Denoine, and in that respect I would desire you to pleasure Mr. Tailler for my cause, and although I have written so to you, write you the best to Mr. Tailler of me, unto further liberty be procured, and say I am not more in Zealand; neither I am. You shall understand that I have had great troubles in the North. I was in York, for friend's causes, more than three quarters of a year; it cost me more than 60l. sterling. I had never no recompense, neither had I any friends that durst “mell” in my cause, for friends left me there. My name is too well known to my lord President, who would be glad to have me, for I am bound in recognizance in 200l. sterling for my appearance. I need not to touch more of these matters; my brother and sister being in prison, I may not utter my name. Therefore now you know my mind for these matters, and write no more unto me at no time concerning no friend, unless it be to let me understand some news that is sufficient. I send you hereinclosed your stuff, which I pray you convey at your discretion without any speeches of me, or touching my name. My hearty commendations to you, praying you to learn secretly in my behalf concerning Mr. Heighton, who I think hath opened my letters, and if you hear any of the speeches, write me. I have now once again written in England, and with my next, I shall perceive some of his doings.—Bargham vpzom, the 10th of August, old style, 1593.
Holograph. Seal.
Addressed :—“To his loving friend, Mr. Stephen Whiet, at Flushing, give this; per John of Flushing.”
(Underneath in a different hand.)—“To my loving cousin, Christopher Dynoine, mariner dwelling in the South Shields on the water upon Tyne, give these.”
1 p.
Thomas Blount to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 10. If it please your Honour to order any thing, if it were of greater importance than this wardship will redound unto, I have no other cause than to yield. But in respect I was the first causer of the motion unto you, and am engaged so for as my undoing upon your honourable promise, I hope I shall deserve no less than the grant of it for my money, before another, giving as much as any other. Where Sir William Knowles hath reported of me unto your Honour, that I should report I would have it in despite of him, under your Honour's correction, it shall never be proved, and were I Sir William Knowles, I should not deal so hardly with a poor gentleman, his neighbour, unless he can find some one that will vouch it. And then I humbly beseech you, I may be charged before you face to face, and abide the shame thereof, and your Honour's further punishment, as you shall think fit, if I be found faulty. I beseech you weigh me as a poor gentleman, whose father hath ever honoured my lord, your father, and let not me receive this hard measure, who had never run so far but for your promised favour.—This 10th of August, 1593.
Signed. 1 p.
The Earl of Essex to Sir Henry Unton.
[1590, Aug. 10.] I must needs salute you by this good opportunity. I desire to see you, but to this place I will not send for you till the place make itself as worthy of you as I think you worthy of it. I will of purpose see Englefeld because I will hope to see you there.
Endorsed :—“The 10th of August, 1593.”
½ p.
Sir John Norreys to Anthony Paulet, Governor of Jersey.
1593, Aug. 12. Brother, I have written by a messenger that goeth by the Chateau de la Latte to the Captains that be in the Islands, that in respect M. de Surdrac is absent, I doubt that they will not be accepted, and therefore I wish them to be landed at the said Chateau de la Latte. I pray you let them not stay for shipping, or any thing that you can help them to. I pray you use all possible expedition in this matter, as also to send away my letters for England. If you send a bark of purpose, I will bear the charge, and I pray you that he may bring answer back. Let me be commended to my sister,—Liure, this 12 of August, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
[See the Governor's letter of Aug. 19.]
Sir Charles Carroll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 12. At my being there at Court I met in Cheapside one Bryan Reogh O'Moore, a notorious malefactor and son to the late arch-traitor Rory oge O'Moore, for whose apprehension I dealt with Alderman Martin, and thenafter imparted to my lord your father the order of his life here in Ireland; and withal that I suspected his going beyond sea to join with the enemy : whereupon it pleased his lordship (as chief father of the Court) to direct Alderman Martin for the safe keeping and forthcoming of the man, which accordingly was done. Since which time I had intelligence by Mr. Alexander Crosby, lately being there, that the said Bryan O'Moore was by some practice like to be discharged had not he prevented it. I am now to do you to understand that the said Bryan is the most perilous man of that name that now liveth, and if he could have liberty would attempt as much wickedness as ever his father did, and hath already perpetrated many great hurts, whereof he should be easily convicted, if any good mean might be had for his safe sending hither to the Castle of Dublin here to receive his trial; which mean I refer to your wisdom.—Dublin, this 12 August, 1593.
1 p.
Sir Charles Carroll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 12. I find myself so much bound unto you for your great care had of me at my being in England, as my ability in no respect can any way extend to requite the same. Of such things as my country yields, I have emboldened myself to send your Honour a hackney, of my own country breed, and a cast of hawks, not meaning thereby to content your Honour, but to do the same, to understand that I am not unmindful of you.—Dublin, this 12th of August, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
[1593, before Aug. 13.] “A note for William Marinel for things to be bought in England for the provision of this Isle of Jersey.” [A list of the munition, &c, set out in the following warrant.]
Signed :—Ant. Poulett. ½ p.
1693, Aug. 13 Warrant directing the Lord Treasurer to give order to the onicers of the ports that William Marynell, appointed by the inhabilants of the Isle of Jersey to make provision, for their better defence, of ordnance and other munition, may ship and carry away three demi-culverins of iron, twelve feet in length, with stocks and other furniture for the same; 150 shot for the said pieces; eleven cwt. of corn powder, three score pikes, three score corslets for footmen, 20 halberds, four drums, three score swords and daggers.—Windsor Castle, the 13th day of August, 1593.
Sign manual. Signet. 1 p.
Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 13. This gentleman, Mr. Henry Goldfinche, near allied to some good friends of mine, is come out of Ireland, where he hath inhabited many years as farmer of Her Majesty's lands in Munster, upon which he hath bestowed his whole estate, and is now enforced to bemoan himself and losses to such as he thinks may best further his suit to Her Majesty for some redress. And for that he is merely unacquainted with any of my lords, and his friends such as I love well, and having been made particularly acquainted with his estate, which now he is in, I thereby find him to be pitied, and of all reasonable means to be helpen. Therefore I am the rather willing to pray you to hear his griefs, and to shew him what pleasure you may in his said suit to Her Majesty.—Cobham Hall, this 13th of August, 1593.
Signed, 1 p.
Lord Cobham to Sir Rorert Cecil.
[1593,] Aug. 13. I heartily thank you for your warrant for a buck; you may command double as much in wine. Upon the receipt of yours I presently wrote for the dismissing of the soldiers stayed at Rye. I do think myself much beholden unto you for the reservation of a chamber, and for the care you have to cause it to be made handsome. As soon as I can conveniently I will come to the court and do my duty, and give you myself thanks.—From Cobham, the 13th of August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed :—“1593.”
½ p.
Christopher Collarth to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Aug. 14. The dining chamber is floored, the chimney made in the room; the chimney in your study is finished and the chimney pieces set up; that room is finished, saving the matting, which shall forthwith be despatched. The stairs are all up, and lights at the top of the stairs for the carpenters' work, but the plasterer hath not done the same. Matthew, the master of the plasterers, being in your house on Thursday, at night, last, died on Monday following of the sickness, so we would not suffer his man to work any longer, whereby the work is not yet despatched. Pourpentone will provide other plasterers. The plumber hath done his work, and Binnes is in hand with the tiling. Mattenby's man is in hand with the gallery for the wainscot. The glasier will despatch his work, as soon as the plasterer hath done, for it may not be glazed before the plastering be dry. The gilder hath seen your frames of the tables, he will not gild them “feare,” as the joiners' work doth require, not under twenty marks. He will gild them for less, but it will not be “feare,” and bestow so much as your Honour pleaseth in gilding of the same, and despatch it in three weeks.—From your house, Stramie, the 14 August.
P.S. Peter Gesarde, my lord's man, is dead, and was in a great madness before he died; even when this letter was a writing he died; as it is, we know not whether it be of the sickness or not.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1593.”
1 p.
John Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 14. As you required, I have commended you to your aunt, Mrs. White, and have given thanks to such as do make much of your little ones, who are both very well and in good health. Your son's face is whole, without any scabs or itch, if it please God, it may continue so. The ladies are likewise well, and all the rest of that family. I have sent you by the bearer the great killing dog, who, if it please you to talk with him, can advertise you of things in the Chase.—From my poor cottage the 14th of this August, 1593.
P.S. If your Honour shall dislike of the dog for his footmanship Sir Edward Dennye would be glad of him.
Seal. 1 p.
Lord Lumley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 14. My Bess and I do think ourselves right much beholden unto you for your carefulness to understand of our well doing. I thank God we are both well and are right glad to hear that you and your good lady remain well. I am glad that the nag doth please you; sure I am, he should greatly vary from the stock he comes of if he prove not courteous of nature, and every way well conditioned. If I had not so accepted of him I would not have thought him meet for you. But you are possessed of one somewhat better than it, that is myself, ever ready to shew you all thankfulness.—From Nonsuch, this 14 of August, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Sir Walter Raleigh to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593. Aug. 15. I am earnestly entreated by my brother, Sir John Gilbert, to write unto you in the behalf of Mr. Kelley, a merchant of Dartmouth, his very honest friend. And because his and my persuasion may the better prevail in his behalf, I have sent you as well his letter to testify the honest behaviour of the gent, as my servant Hancocke to certify the truth according to my brother's motion. The matter importeth the delivery of a letter sent from Kelley's factor, sent by Nicholas Fitzharbert written to Thomas Fitzharbert. The letter upon the delivery to Mr. Fitzharbert was openly read, and nothing found therein, either offensive to the estate or to any particular person. Sir John Gilbert will be bound for him in 1000l. and I will undertake for his honest carriage and demeanour. I beseech you, therefore, not to suffer any wrongful informations to prevail against him and to give order for his despatch, as soon as you shall think convenient.—Sherborne Castle, the 15th of August, 1593.
Signed :—W. Ralegh. 1 p.
Dr. William Mount to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 15. Thanking him for his favours, which he will dutifully acknowledge hereafter, especially his last comfortable and honourable speeches at the Court.—From Laborne in Kent, August 15, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Advertisements out of Spain.
[1593, Aug. 15.] It is credibly reported that of late the King of Spain in St. Lucars, Cales, Lisbon, St. Yuals and the Canaries, and other places of his dominions, hath stayed all the hulks and fly boats which came from Holland and Zeeland to lade salt and other commodities, for his use, and hath seized all their commodities, and the mariners are sent to the galleys as prisoners, till further commandment from the King.
And likewise one Antonio de Guioarra, one of the King's purveyors for his armies, and Don Frauncis Duerte, of Seville, with other of his officers of the West Indies' fleet, are apprehended and all their goods confiscated to the use of his Majesty, for deceiving the King.
The King is making great provision of corn, wine and oil, and hath sent to Oran and Perpignan for the old soldiers there in garrison to come with all speed to Cales in certain galleys which went from St. Mary port to Oran and Perpignan for those soldiers, and to bring from thence some of their great ordinance and other munition.
The Adelantado is passed through the Straits of Gibraltar, general of 26 galleys and 10 fly boats, to seek for such English ships and Flemings as are to come out of Italy; so it is reported the Adelantado hath taken 10 flyboats laden and 2 English ships. It is also reported that the King of Spain doth mean to make a new conquest of Holland and Zeeland and is making great preparation.
The Emperor's brother, Don Carlo, hath given a great overthrow to the Great Turk in a strong town and castle called the Castle of Carolos, of 10,000 soldiers; for that the Turk's power came to besiege it, and so the country cut off all the bridges, and with 20,000 soldiers came between them and their camp, and so slew them and took a great deal of their ordinance, and some of their horsemen [were] drowned.
Certain ships of St. Sebastian, men of war, have taken two English ships bound for St. John de Luz and sunk one called' the Elizabeth' of London of the burthen of 80 tons. She had in her 40 barrels of gunpowder, and shooting off one piece of ordinance struck in the powder, and so the ship was split in sunder and all the men drowned saving five 40 leagues from the coast of Biscay; these five mariners were taken up by a Spanish man of war and carried to St. Sebastian, sent to St. John de Luz and very well entertained.
Endorsed :—“1593. Received the 15 of August.”
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 16. Has fully recovered his health and strength.
Thanks him for his honourable offer of his coach; if it meet him at the ferry place at Braineford tomorrow in the afternoon at one of the clock, he hopes before night to attend him.—Mortlake, 16 of August, 1593.
Signed. ½ p.
Thomas Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Aug. 17. In all duty and lowliness of heart, I most humbly thank your Honour for your liberality, as also for my liberty. My lord's pleasure was, that I should freely be discharged from the prison; how-beit, they stay my “cloak” for the charges of the house. I received your honourable letter, but if my lord Chamberlain do detain my writings, I cannot anyway make an end. The stay of my writings, hath been my utter undoing. I most humbly beseech your Honour to speak unto my Lord for them, for I dare not speak unto his Lordship, nor any friend I have. It pleased your Honour to promise me to speak unto the Lord Keeper that I should sue in forma pauperis; which licence I would most humbly beseech your Honour to procure me, now before my departure. In like manner, I humbly pray your Honour to speak unto my Lord Chamberlain, to speak unto Sir Edmond and his son, to pay me the hundred pounds I lent him, as also the forty pounds I lent my lady his wife. Besides, I paid for velvet and other silks thirty pounds for him and my lady. I have, upon his entreaty, because I would not hinder the sale of his land, delivered him all his assurances again, and in my life I never received back again the value of twenty pounds. And, gracious Sir, I do but desire to have but one suit of apparel of his old, and a couple of shirts, and what money either my lord his father, or yourself, shall judge, and I will give him a general acquittance, for so God help me, I have borrowed my cloak, and neither have shirt, doublet nor hose, that scant will cover my nakedness, and only that money I have had by your honourable means, is that must be my greatest comfort, under God, for a great season. Thus, presuming of your honourable inclination to pity my miserable estate, because it hath pleased my lord of Buckhurst and your Honour, that I should by writing acquaint your Honours with my bad and ruinated estate, and not by coming, I humbly present my suit, in all humility craving your honourable speedy answer; for this town will consume me, it is so excessive dear.—This 17th August.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1593.”
2 pp.
Thomas Myddelton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 17. In your last of the 16 August it pleased you to advertise me of some unkindness taken, for that my Lord Admiral was not remembered, a thing which I greatly feared, and so told them, but it would not help : for whereas they assigned 2000 marks to be distributed, they paid themselves and others 416l. 13s. 4d., and delivered me but 650l., which is all disposed, saving 50l. which they willed me to keep in my hand for to defray charges. I have sent my Lord of Buckhurst a just note of all, to shew your Honour, saving the 100l. which Mr. Maynard had, whereof no mention is made in my Lord Buckhurst's note. And if your Honour so think meet, I will provide new angels, 100 in a bag, and bring it with me for my lord Admiral, and in the mean time will write unto his lordship, that I have a remembrance for him, though not so good as I could wish, and rather than fail, I will lay out 50l. of my own purse to make up 100l., rather than his lordship should be offended. But I crave to hear from your Honour first before I name any certain sum.—This 17 August 1593, from Shenfield House by Chainsford.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Gilbert Godfrey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug, 18. Where not long since I beseeched you to move Sir William Hatton for a Turkey carpet of seven yards and a half long, and some other things which he hath at Holdenby, and which then he was willing your Honour should have, for that, now, the having of that carpet, which I would bestow on such a one, my friend, as at whose hands I may for that gift be the better while I live, if it would please you to grant me your letters once more to that purpose, I should be much bound to you for the same, as already I am in many things. If the matter did not so much import me, in my good, I would forbear to write at this time, albeit neither my family nor any near me are visited with the sickness.—This 18th day of August 1593.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
Declaration of William Goldsmith.
1593, Aug. 18. About 10th March, 1593, urged by the extremities of my debts, I went out of England without her Majesty's license, determining my course to Alexandria, accounting my miseries the least where I should be least known. Having taken order at Venice for exchange of 40l. there, all my poor substance, and being somewhat conceited in papistry, I desired to see Rome, the rather for my acquaintance with Woodward, hoping by him somewhat to have increased my small stock. But being soon loathed with my present reputed experience, as well by their blind superstitious idolatry as by their detestable traitorous dispositions, somewhat too late I considered the rash miseries wherein I had overset myself in being conversant with so wild a company; wherefore, knowing my conscience clear from any wicked conceit against her Highness, in revealing so much of their lewdness as I heard them utter, I hoped for so much forgiveness as her gracious Majesty hath most mercifully pardoned. Wherefore, by my oath, love and duty, I am bound never hereafter to attempt any offence against her Majesty in going beyond seas without license, or ever conferring with such dangerous people again.
Endorsed :—“18 August, 1593, Mr. Goldsmith R.”
1 p.
Anthony Poulett to Lord Burghley.
1593, Aug. 19. Upon receipt of the enclosed from Sir John Norreys, I have thought it my duty to despatch a messenger of purpose to acquaint your Lordship therewith, for that I suppose the speedy resolution herein may somewhat import the service of Brittany. It may seem that the desire to have these companies sent over was partly to assure Plempol, but chiefly to levy the siege of Moncontour, but by another letter, which I send herewithal, and received even now, your Lordship shall perceive with what terms this siege is levied, and how the Duke of Mercury doth now begin to accept of the truce. Many of good judgment are of opinion that this fair flourish of the Duke's is in hope that Her Majesty's forces shall be by this occasion wholly withdrawn, of whose absence he will shortly after take the benefit. His army was lately supplied with certain new companies of Spaniards, which arrived lately at Blavet, and the ships are already returned. There are more soldiers expected out of Biscay in five galleys, which are not yet arrived. This is all the news this out isle now yieldeth, from whence if Her Majesty should be placed to withdraw these English companies into garrison during this winter season, I wish for the good of my countrymen they might be in a place of better surety than Plempol, which is accounted of small force to make head in an enemy's country. I suppose Sir John Norreys will long very much to receive resolution herein, and therefore may it please you to return this messenger with the more expedition, and to let me know your Lordship's order what course shall be taken for victual, shipping and other things necessary for the soldiers if they should be transported into Brittany.—Jersey, this 19th of August, 1593.
P.S.—The Duke of Mercury hath withdrawn the most part of his munition for battery into the Tower of Season, near St. Brieux, whereat some do marvel. I have been constrained to furnish these companies with shot and powder, for their service and training being at the first very raw, out of Her Majesty's stores, wherein I desire to receive your Lordship's order, whether the same shall be answered, or whether it be Her Majesty's pleasure to bestow it on them. I understand the Woodward of the New Forest hath made provision of some timber for this, Her Majesty's Castle, and therefore do humbly beseech your Lordship's warrant for the pressing and paying of a ship for this purpose, because, indeed, this place doth much need the timber. Mr. Paul Yve and I am very busy in fortifying this Castle; I hope Her Majesty's money shall be employed to good purpose.
Holograph. 2 pp.
Enclosures :
Sir John Norreys to Anthony Poulett, Governor of Jersey.
(1.) 1593, Aug. 10—Being now with our troops advanced somewhat near the seaside, I have been very glad, that I have had thereby the better commodity to send unto you, to the end you might understand how things pass here. The Duke Mercure, under cover of this truce, hath much prevailed in the undertaking of the siege of Moncontour, having held the same these fifteen days besieged, and it is said here, began his battery, as yesterday, with five or six pieces of cannon. It is very much to be feared he is likely to get the place by reason of his strength, and the small means we are of to give any succour unto this town, the King having all his forces dispersed, and ourselves in very weak estate, so that I cannot see how it will be able to hold out so long, until we may, in any reasonable sort, draw ourselves down thither. After the taking of Moncontour, the next that is likely he will undertake will be the attempting of Pempoul, which is given us for our place of garrison, and behoveth us that it be looked into, and the rather for that the taking of Moncontour will no doubt breed some alteration in the minds of M. de Surdrac, and the Captains of that place, touching the course of those affairs, and therefore thinking it most necessary, I have presently written and have sent directions unto the Captains at the Islands, not knowing whether they have formerly received the like from my lords of the Council, that with all possible diligence they do address themselves, with their companies, into the said Pempoul, and there to remain until they shall receive advice the contrary Concerning which business, I pray, Sir, first knowing of the said Captains whether they have or not received any directions from my lord of the Council to march to Pempoul, or whether upon my letters they will so do, which if you find that they will, that then you would procure some small boat, which shall be at Her Majesty's charge, to be dispatched to the said Pempoul, to understand whether they will be contented to receive them, being sent thither for the holding of the said place, and if they will, to see them then likewise sent thither in such small boats as may be gotten. But if upon receipt of my letters, the said Captains shall refuse to go, that then from themselves I may forthwith understand the cause thereof.—At St. Aulbin du Cormyer, this 10th of August 1593.
P.S. (Holograph.) If after the receipt of this letter, there should come any order to those companies to follow such directions as I shall give them, for that then it would be too late for them to go to Pempoll, then I pray you see than shipped to Portorson. Her Majesty will bear the charge of whatsoever you shall lay out for these purposes, I leave my letter to the Captains open because you may see what I write to them.
2 pp.
Bennet Shawe to Anthony Poulett.
(2.) 1593, Aug. 17/27.—Of certain truth, the Duke of Mercœur hath withdrawn the siege from Moncontour, the composition made with the Marshal D' Aumont, that is, that the captain of the place is departed, and one M. de la Marche commandeth, as an indifferent man on both parties, until the matter be decided by the King and the Duc de Maine, until the end whereof the town shall remain as neuter. The said Duke Mercœur hath caused the truce to be published in his army, as also in those towns which hold under him, but it is not as yet published here, neither do I find our inhabitants willing to allow thereof, but in the end, of force they must do as their neighbours. I am in great doubt what will come of these matters, and fear the event will be but bad; all lieth in the hands of God, who can discover in a moment the greatest secrets that lieth hidden. The Spanish pinnace is gone towards Newhaven Jive days past, and for certain the Spanish ships are returned back again, as I have heard of some which are come from the coast of Brittany.— St. Malo, 27 August, 1593. Signed.
1 p.
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 19. Has no desire to trouble him with every idle rumour from beyond seas, but has recently received from Venice a letter for the Earl of Essex from Sir Henry Scrope, to be delivered with all haste; therefore he sends it by a special courier. Asks if he may stay at his house without prejudice till Michaelmas as he needs rest. De Mony has written that he wishes to come and see the writer on account of their old friendship. Has answered that he will be welcome.—Bad-burham, 9 August, 1593.
Italian. Seal. 1 p.
Paul Yve to Lord Burghley.
1593, Aug. 20. The 16th July I sent your Honour two plots, the one of Guernsey Castle and the other of Jersey, with an estimate of the charges of both, but the messenger being intercepted by a ship of New-haven was constrained to sink his plots in the sea; but your Lordship shall with all speed receive others. Concerning the fortifying of Guernsey Castle, 650l. will finish it. Wherein I assure you I have had that care and regard of your commandment that I might possibly have, for if Sir Thomas Leighton his conceit in the work had been put in execution, 2,000l. would not have finished it. Now, Sir Thomas saith he wanteth a storehouse and reparations, with other things, as captains in general will still be in their wants. As for the Castle of Jersey, 300l. will make it as defensible as it will be made, and were it not in respect of the loss of the great charges that Her Majesty hath heretofore been at and bestowed upon this place, I durst not be of opinion that one penny should be bestowed upon it, for it is so evil a situated place as it cannot possibly be worse. Your Honour had long since been as fully advertised of the charge of Jersey works ay at this instant, but that it was long before the works began, partly for want of time, partly for favouring of the country people in their harvest, and partly because captains and governors do love to make their prince's business to seem as heavy as they can.—Jersey, the 20th of August 1593.
Signed. Seala negro's head. 1 p.
John Stileman to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593, Aug. 20.] Where I received your warrant for the apprehending of Baker, minister of Waltham Abbey, Sir Edward Dennye, understanding of it, hath entreated for him, and hath given his word, both for his good behaviour in the Chase, and for his forthcoming, if at any time it shall please you to send for him. The dog I have in my custody, and do mean to keep him, until I understand further your pleasure what shall be done with him. Sir Edward Dennye, understanding of him, hath earnestly entreated me for him. The report goeth of him that he is the only killing dog in England. I do wish he were so bestowed, that the Chase might not be troubled with him again.
I have had some speech with Bull about his walk; he telleth me that he hath not sold it, but with condition that your good will may be had. He could never have sold it in better time, for both wood and deer is gone, which will appear when the same is received. And thinks, if he might depart with your favour and his contentment in some sort, it were good for the gain that some other might have it, that were of less acquaintance than he is, for his acquaintance was too great to have the game fair. Likewise, Austen, for his walk, that it might be viewed, for I think there is not six bucks in his walk, more than his “calle” deer, and not possible it should hold out, he hath such resort unto him, and no telling will save him. And I do find by him that if he can get a few deer at his lodge, for a show, he careth not what becometh of his walk, for he is not able to walk himself, but doth trust his lewd servants, who with his frank giving and them together, makes all away. I thought good to make you acquainted herewith, that some order might be taken, before all be gone; lest at any time Her Majesty should nap pen to come thither, and find the want of her game might turn to your displeasure, being Master of the Game. Norris' walk is in very good state, and I think hath more male deer than both the other.—From my poor Cottage, this Friday.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed :—“20 Aug. 1593.” 1 p.
Sir Henry Unton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 22. It was delivered me from Court that Her Majesty continued her disgrace towards me with all bitterness, and that very often, but finding the contrary by your Honour, I do the more condemn my intelligences and acknowledge your goodness. And I crave of you that I may depend on you after the old manner and end where I began. And what good soever fall to me by my lord your father or your means, whom I account but one, you shall dispense thereof, and my thankfulness in every point shall be such as my worthy lady Russell hath undertaken for me, of whom I am as respective as of my own mother, for so I have I ever acknowledged her to be.—This 22 of August, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
M. Patteson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1593,] Aug. 22. Sir Henry Constable told me in Buckinghamshire not long since, that he was to send up a gelding to your Honour, if he could provide such a one as were fit and wortny to be presented unto you, but fearing lest he could not get one to his mind, or that you might condemn him of neglecting his promise, he desired me to know your pleasure whether you will have him at Michaelmas to send you a horse, or to deliver one in the country, or send up by some merchant 20l. to buy one in London, and so avoid the danger, which often happeneth in bringing them up so far out of that country. He desireth to know your Honour's pleasure by me, that he may endeavour to satisfy you, according to his duty, who am upon Thursday or Friday to take my journey unto that country.—August 22.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed :—“1593.” 1 p.
The Queen to the King of Scotland.
[1593, Aug. 23.] My dear brother, I doubt so much that I wot not whether I dream, slumber or hear amiss; when news was brought that they were in your bosom whom I have heard from yourself your heart abhorred, I thought so strange that I did suppose the lengths of miles between us might make way to untrue leasings enough, and scarce could afford my belief the grant to trust it. But, after a few days, perceiving that such blasts were verified by your hand writing, with an addition of the fact pardoned and all atoned, then what I thought I leave you to guess, after the rule that my ever care for your best deserves. Other accidents in sequel, what they were and how I would allow, I refer to your judgment according the measure of true English order. But this in sum take at my hands as greatest pawn of my sincerity. If you will, though you have not, or had, as you did not, kingly and resolutely make your unsound subjects know your power, and not to overslip such as by stranger's help may danger you and yours. Neither should your subjects need tell you what you ought, nor they dare too much presume of what they may. I have dilated to my Ambassador sufficiently this, with more; to whom I pray give firm credit as to myself. The long proof that his faith hath made you, may cause you trust him without any addition, and will commit you to God's tuition who save you ever from seeming true.
Endorsed :—“1593, 23 August. Copy of her Majesty's letter to the King of Scots.”
Sir Walter Raleigh to Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 27. You know our so long suit to the Lords of Her Majesty's Privy Council for the continuance of transportation of pipe staves out of Ireland to the Islands, according to Her Majesty's grant by her letters patent. Mr. Pine, as I understand, is at Court to solicit your Honour and the rest, in our behalf, for a dissolution of the restraint procured by the Lord Deputy's letters, upon his supposition of some enormities and surmised inconveniences, which thereby will never ensue. I beseech you to favour our proceedings therein, and to assist us as much as you may for the obtaining of our suit, and if you please to acquaint my Lord Admiral with my poor request, I doubt not but he will farther so honest a motion. If their Lordships would be pleased thoroughly to consider the state of the cause, and have patience to peruse the contents of our demands, they would assuredly allow of our trade to the Islands and conceive better of those who undertake the same.—From Gillingham Forest, the 27th of August, 1593.
P.S. (Holograph.)—The Indian falcon is sick of the buck worm, and, therefore, if you will be so bountiful to give another falcon, I will provide you a winter gelding.
Seal. 1 p.
George Margitts to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 27. I have received your letter dated the 11 August, which was delivered at my house in Seething Lane, the 16th, by the postmaster's man, whereof [I] perceive that both mine are come to your Honour's hands, and that you both like and purpose to deal in the causes accordingly, but find your Honour would not have me come to Court thereabouts before the straight restraint be somewhat overblown, except the necessity of the cause require it. My friend who first moved me herein, not finding me at home, writ unto me to make all speed I could, if I purposed to do any thing in the cause, lest time by distraction prevented me, for that he understood of certain Londoners, according to my former writing, which were busy about the same cause; and that further they had my Lord Mayor's and the Aldermen's opinions, of this City, under their hands, together with certain justices without the liberties, for their better furtherance, to shew how necessary the same is to be granted, and what prejudice doth redound to their own city for the not executing the same. Which, I do easily believe the report, because the Lord Mayor and his brethren have given their likings and consent to one of London to execute a branch of the same office, after a sort, without the liberties, and within three miles round about London, which office is already set up about five weeks past in Tower Street, as appeareth likewise by the advertisement sent me by this letter hereinclosed, but whether the same will be obeyed or no, being but only by my Lord Mayor's authority, I rest doubtful.—From Seething Lane, this 27th of August, 1593.
Holograph. 1 p.
Dr. William Aubrey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. 28. For that I have been sick of a fever ever since my audience, and could not attend your Honour, now I thought it my duty to let you understand that I moved Her Majesty for the signing of Baker's bill. And for that the grant is, for Thomas and Christopher Baker and the longer liver of them, Her Highness answered, that she would make no continuance of inheritance in any her offices, meaning that she would not jointly in one book bestow it upon the father and the son; and perusing the book more particularly and finding the fee to be 26l. 13s. 4d., 6l. for boat hire, and 2s. 6d. per diem for board wages, Her Highness thought the entertainment to be great for such a clerk, and notwithstanding that I made bold to reply that Grillam, the former officer, had the office with all those fees and commodities, yet Her Majesty did refuse to pass it. But I am of opinion that, if it were but for the one of them, it might be had. Thus being sorry that I could not effect it, as I did greatly affect, I humbly take my leave, being ready to take horse and to remove my ague, altogether if I can, or at least from this place.—This 27th of August, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Sir John Fortescue to Archibald Douglas.
1593, Aug. 29. I have received your letters left at Hendon, at my being at Court, where I have not been unmindful of your Lordship, but dealt for your relief, and procured Her Majesty's warrant of 200l. for your relief : one whereof you have received, the other you shall have order for when you will. I do return to Windsor on Saturday next. In the meantime, if any farther matter come to your knowledge, which you will have Her Majesty informed of, I pray you let me hear from you, or if you will come over to Hendon, I shall be ready to speak with you. For satisfaction of the infection of your house, there needeth no more; I do allow your own credit therein.—At Hendon, this 29th of August, 1593.
Holograph. ½ p.
Anthony Poulett to Lord Burghley.
1593, Aug. 30. I most humbly thank you for your letters, sent by Mr. Pearson, whom I have hastened away to Sir John Norreys, with all help I might, and do acknowledge this an especial favour towards me, that it hath pleased your Lordship to make so favourable a relation unto her Majesty of my poor endeavours to set forward the Islanders, for things belonging to their safety and defence, and will endeavour to do your Lordship some good service, in part of recompense, assuring you that no poor gentleman in England is more devoted thereunto than myself, unfeignedly wishing, moreover, that my life or any other thing I could perform, might in any like measure deserve Her Majesty's princely conceit of my poor endeavours to discharge the service committed unto me in this our Isle. I had written unio your Lordship, heretofore, touching the proceedings of Her Majesty's fortifications, but my letters miscarried by the way, and one of my servants, the bearer, taken and carried away prisoner to Newhaven, where he is yet detained, albeit he had before drowned all his letters. And now I shall need say the less because Mr. Paul Yve writeth, only this, that the works are in good forwardness, and I trust shall be performed to the best strength through Mr. Yve's good direction and advice, who doth with great sufficiency, in my poor opinion, and extreme travail and care discharge the trust committed unto him.
It pleased your Lordship and the rest of the Lords of Her Majesty's Privy Council to direct your letter unto the bailiff and jurats of this Isle and myself in the behalf of one Michell Poindestre, now in question for the death of an English soldier, wherein, according to your Lordship's commandment, we have certified the simple truth, and myself, being more particularly bound to maintain Her Majesty's right and prerogative, have written also a particular letter unto your Lordships, and do not doubt but when you shall be duly informed of the cause, the offender shall be found to have deserved the less favour, in that he hath sought by sinister information to abuse of your Lordships' authorities. He is hated generally throughout the Isles, caused by his cruel conversation and corrupt dealing, even from his youth. Although it assureth he hath gone about to produce a testimony of his good behaviour before the Lords, which now being examined, it is manifest that those that are signed are bad and vile people, and some children to make up the number. God grant there be no counterfeiting, but I do assure your Lordship there is some assurance. The man is of wealth, and the lord having by virtue of his indictment put both lands and goods into Her Majesty's hands, I think it my duty to let your Lordship to know so much, that Her Highness may thereupon take that course as shall seem best to her wisdom. And I hope she will rather advise to bestow this escheat rather upon the strengthening of this place, than to permit so evil a member, chargeable with many crimes, to enjoy it.
I have not any news worthy of advertisement, but that a bark, coming from Biscay to St. Malo, reporteth that there is a great fleet making ready there. They give out of 16,000 to be shipped for France, but how credible that may be, your Lordship can best judge, and that the shipping is very great. There are divers Spaniards' men of war about Belle Isle, that do much harm. Those of St. Malo have not yet proclaimed the truce, doubting how that will stand with their trade into Spain, which they will not lose by their wills.—Jersey, this 30th of August, 1593.
Holograph, Seal. 3 pp.
Abraham Faulkon to Richard Hesketh.
[1593,] Aug. 30/Sept. 9. I commend me to you, and to your bedfellow unknown; my wife, my father and my sisters likewise. You shall understand that I have received one letter of Thomas Schol, and the other the 8 day of December. Upon the which, at the present receiving of your letter, went to Father Thomas, and read the letter by the way. For joy at my coming, sent for a pot of bitter beer, and my father and my wife and my sisters have drunk to you and to your wife unknown, and we pray God we may have a merry meeting together, and we are very glad to have heard of your good journey. As concerning Sir Edward Kelley, his delivery hath been the 16th day of October, new style, and is in good health, both fat and merry. Thomas Kelley took me along with him at Leben, where I was three days by his Honour, and received me very courteously, and must sit at table, both dinner and supper, what guests soever his Honour had, and promised whatsoever hath not been done his Honour would do. At my being at Leben, his Honour did fish a pond, and gave me good store of fish home with me likewise.
I send you your desire, and assure yourself T have had no rest, but I have brought it to pass, as you shall understand in the other letters. There is a gentleman, Mr. Lukener, who prayed me to convey a little letter of his for London : if you can I pray you send it to his Honour.—9 day of September, new style.
P.S.—I pray you, if you can, bring with you an English whelp, without troubling you, I would remain your debtor during my life.
Addressed in German and English to “Richard Hesketh in Over Darwen in Lancashire.” Seal, string still remaining.
Endorsed :—“1593.”
Sir Henry Cocke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. Informing him that Mr. Nuce of Hadham had accepted the office of Collector for the County of the first and second fifteenths granted in the last Parliament. He is a very honest man, and one whose living is esteemed to be worth in yearly value about 400l.; so that there shall be no doubt of his sufficiency.—Broxbourne, the — of August, 1593.
Signed. Seal. 1 p.
Thomas Drury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593, Aug. I am committed from my Lord Chamberlain for abusing him unto you, as also for wicked speeches that I could say I was able to make any counsellor a traitor : only this I do presume, that I told your honour it was others' practices and lies also and not my own, neither did so name it but that, exempli gratia, how it might be so done to all mortal men, and so I presume it will be said by you. If I have done you anything worthy of this rebuke, or have said or done that might deserve imprisonment, let it come with death rather than with favour. If my deserts be thus rewarded it will teach others more wit. Alas, Sir, why was I not committed by your own hands which would have delivered me upon true cause ? My Lord Chamberlain is too continually bent against me; his displeasure is everlasting and so is my misery. Banish me for ever as my lord thinketh meet, and I shall be bound to you, for if truth may take no place nor true meaning, farewell country, life and all.
Endorsed :—“August, 1593.”
1 p.