Index: G

Pages 356-361

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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Gaetano, Pompilio, an Italian merchant
-, his project for control of corn supply in England, 229

Gage, Sir Edward, of Firle, co. Sussex, English Catholic
-, his daughter becomes a nun at Brussels, 223

Gage, Mary, daughter of Sir Edward Gage
-, becomes a nun at Brussels, 223

Galicia (Gallizia) [Spain]
-, ships to be built in, 99, 198
-, English prohibited goods transported to, 301

Galway, Patrick, a Scottish minister his pension, 306

Galloway, John, of London, English Catholic
-, returns from pilgrimage to Rome, 170

Gallwaye. See Galloway, John

Gamul (Gamull), Edward, vintner of Chester
-, pays £1,000 for corn mills, 292
-, petitions Privy Council, 293

Gamul, William, merchant of Chester
-, to appear before Lord Treasurer, 27

Garawaye. See Garway, William

Garda, Lake [Italy]
-, Sir Henry Wotton takes a holiday at, 233

Garey, Samuel, former chaplain to Lord Cromwell
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 213

Garnett, Thomas, English Jesuit
-, reference to his execution, 153 260

Garvie, Neale. See Garve, Neale

Garrett, Christopher, a miner
-, petitions Privy Council on behalf of Derbyshire miners, 38

Garve (Garnie, Garvie, Garvye), Sir Neale, Irish rebel
-, reported to have joined O'Dogherty's rebellion, 173
-, his successes, 192
-, 308

Garvie, Nieli. See Garvie, Neale

Garvye. See Garvie, Neale

Garway (Garawaye), William, farmer of Customs and subsidies
-, 298

Gastiniani. See Giustiniani, Benedetto

Gatehouse, prison, Westminster, London
-, letters dated from, 23, 36, 117, 126, 127, 129, 134
-, Willis's petition dated from, 127

Gawyn. See Gawen, Thomas

Gawen, Thomas, of Norrington, co. Wilts, recusant
-, considered to be dangerous, 204

Gebzattel, John Philip of, Bishop of Bamberg
-, in correspondence with Nuncio, 71

Gee, Sir William, joint-Secretary of the Council of the North
-, requested to prohibit shipping of corn from Yorkshire, 153
-, forbids transport of corn from Yorkshire, 187

Geertruidenberg (Gertrudenbergh) [N. Brabant, Netherlands]
-, rumour of Spinola's recall to Brussels from, 27

Geffe, Nicholas
-, his petition to Earl of Salisbury, 296

Geffroy, Jacques, merchant of St. Gilles in Poitou
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 13

Geneva [Switzerland]
-, case of suspected treason at, 123

Genoa [Italy]
-, 58, 63, 73, 75, 218
-, extreme cold weather at, 64
-, money for Spain furnished by bankers from, 102, 111
-, German soldier burnt for heresy at, 123
-, galleys armed to counter threats from corsairs to, 147
-, Spanish plan to build fortress near frontier of, 157
-, Centurione a native of, 166
-, Spanish money expected at, 268, 277

Gente (Gent), Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, grounds for depriving him of Fellowship, 92
-, his defence, 93

Gerard, John, English Jesuit
-, travelling under name of Father Francis, 153
-, Privy Council's protest against Archduke Albert's protection of, 175
-, 217

Gerard, Thomas, 1st Baron Gerard of Gerard's Bromley
-, 251, 282

Gerard (Gerrard), Thomas
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 296

Gerini, Octavio, Italian merchant in London
-, permitted to transport personal silver plate out of England, 204

-, wolves attack people in, 17
-, seminarists reported in England and Ireland from, 39
-, alleged preparations to invade England supported by clergy of, 39
-, Spain reported to be raising troops in, 64, 145
-, news from, 100, 113, 171, 237, 304
-, armaments conveyed from Cologne to, 146
-, Cardinal Mellini appointed Legate to, 156
-, Theobald Gorges prepares to leave Venice for, 233

Gerrard, Lord. See Gerard, Thomas

Gertrudenbergh. See Geertruidenberg

Geslyng, George, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Gessi, Berlingherio, Bishop of Rimini, Nuncio to Venice
-, 266(2), 302

Ghest (Guest), Sir Lionel, late captain in the Irish army
-, collaborates with Taaffe against O'Connor Sligo, 136

Gibbons (Gybbons), Gregory, an English merchant
-, his ship wrecked off Lisbon, 45

Gibralter (Giblator) [Spain]
-, 13, 116, 236, 312
-, Dutch ships captured by Spanish galleys in, 68
-, engineer in Spain claims to be able to close Straits of, 147
-, Dutch ships in Straits of, 183

Gilberd, Nicholas, of Menheniot, co. Cornwall, J.P. for Devon
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

Gilby (Gylby), Sir George [? of Stainton, co. Lincoln]
-, 282

Giles (Gyles), Nathaniel, Master of the Children of the Chapel
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 297

Giron (Gyron), Don Fernando, Knight of Malta, Spanish Ambassador Extraordinary to England
-, to go to England, 270
-, report of large sum of money allocated to, 284
-, King treats with, 285

Giustiniani (Gastiniani), Benedetto, Cardinal
-, Meoli uses cipher in correspondence with, 302

Giustiniano, Giorgi, Venetian Ambassador to England
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 180
-, intercedes for pardon for Van Goch, 180
-, goods of London merchants sequestrated by order of, 289

Giustiniano (Justiniano), Stephano, merchant
-, appointed deputy by merchants in Flanders, 303

Glandore, co. Cork, Ireland
-, letter dated from, 39

Glasgow, Archbishop of. See Beaton, James

Glass, manufacture of
-, 90, 224

Glemham (Little), co. Suffolk, residence of Sir Henry Glemham
-, letters dated from, 47, 238

Glemham, Lady Ann, daughter of Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset and wife of Sir Henry Glemham, of Little Glemham, co. Suffolk
-, 180

Glemham, Sir Henry, of Glemham, co. Suffolk
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 47, 238, 296
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to remove Lord Chamberlain's suspicions of him, 296

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Gloucester, co. Gloucester
-, inhabitants petition to be released from jurisdiction of Council of Wales, 37
-, scarcity of corn at, 285

-, inhabitants petition to be released from jurisdiction of Council of Wales, 37
-, coarse cloth made in, 284
-, 308

Glover, Peter, postmaster at Darton endorses letter, 294

Glover, Richard, a London pewterer letter to Earl of Salisbury, 213
-, denies taking part in a riot, 213

Glover, Sir Thomas, English Ambassador at Constantinople
-, Meoli complains of having been frightened by conduct of, 302

Glover, —,
-, influences Lord Chamberlain against Sir Henry Glemham, 296

Goa [India]
-, Dutch reported to have captured Governor of, 166

Goad, Dr. See Goad, Roger

Goad, Roger, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University
-, requested by Earl of Salisbury to exercise moderation towards Gurney, 65
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 77
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 83, 217
-, explains his conduct in the Gurney case to Earl of Salisbury, 83, 84
-, interpretation of statute referred to, 93
-, 93, 94, 95
-, entertains Earl of Northampton, 231

Goad, Thomas, Senior of King's College, Cambridge
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77

Goddard, Edward
-, defendant in legal proceedings, 306

Goddard, John
-, defendant in legal proceedings, 306

Godolphin, Sir Francis, of Godolphin, co. Cornwall
-, 15

Godolphin, Sir William, of Godolphin, co. Cornwall
-, to report on exploitation of silver mines in Scotland, 286

Gofton, Mr Auditor. See Gofton, Francis

Gofton, Francis, an auditor of the Imprests
-, 27
-, directed by Privy Council to replace gold and silver plate given away, 82

Goch (or Cock), Walter van, a former pirate
-, his deportation desired by many English gentlemen, 180

-, anxieties expressed about the export of bullion in, 236

Gomarrtius. See Gomarus, Franciscus

Gomarus (Gomarrtius), Franciscus, Professor of Theology at Leyden
-, his controversy with Arminius, 172

Gomeldon, William, groom of the Queen's Privy Chamber
-, receives gift from James I, 128

Gonzaga, Francisco, Prince of Mantua
-, married to daughter of Duke of Savoy, 63

Gonzaga, Vincent, Duke of Mantua
-, Spain piqued with, 112
-, visits Brussels, 232

Goodman, Katherine, Keeper of the King's gardens at Greenwich
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 152
-, requests payment of fees out of London Customs, 152

Goodwin, Sir Francis, of Wooburn Deyncourt, co. Oxford 143

Goodwin, Francis, an English merchant
-, buys wainscots and pipestaves at Danzig, 7
-, his business methods criticised, 8

Gordon (Gourdon), George, Lord Gordon, son of George Gordon, 1st Marqess of Huntly
-, his pension, 305

Gordon, Robert
-, his pension, 306

Gorges, Sir Edward, son of Sir Thomas Gorges
-, solicited by Carey to intercede for him, 84

Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, soldier and coloniser
-, submits reports on state of affairs in Virginia, 56, 109
-, enumerates benefits that would result from colonising Virginia, 56
-, urges that Spaniards should be attacked in the [West] Indies, 109

Gorges, Theobald (Tibbot), nephew to Sir Arthur Gorges
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 233

Gorges, Sir Thomas, Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 224, 281

Gorges, Tibbot. See Gorges, Theobald

Gormanston, Viscount. See Preston, Jenico

Gostlin, John, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 40, 296

Gourdon, Lord. See Gordon, George

Goury, Earl of. See Ruthven, John

Gowrye. See Ruthven, John

Grafton, co. Northants
-, letter dated from, 212

Graham (Greame), Sir John,
-, Gentleman of the Bedchamber
-, his pension, 306

Graham, James, (? of Fintry, co. Stirling, Scotland)
-, 245

Grain. See also Corn
-, Wiltshire J.P. requests imports of, 117
-, standard of living of poor affected by prices of, 117, 261
-, transporters and engrossers of, 205
-, Privy Council issues directives for providing markets in Kent with, 226

Grand Duke, The. See Medici, Ferdinand de

Grand Turk. See Ahmed I

Granta. See Cam

Granville (Manche, France]
-, English pirates kill merchant of, 14

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Gravelines (Graveling) [Nord, France]
-, English ships forcibly escorted by Dutch warships out of, 95, 96
-, complaints about the revival of the toll of, 111, 135, 152, 168,
-, 153, 168

Gravener, Mr
-, involved in proceedings against Rondell Brereton, 70

Graves, John, Alderman of Hull
-, signs letter requesting Earl of Salisbury's help in confirming Corporation's privileges, 80

Gravesend, co. Kent
-, London port searcher's right to appoint two deputies at, 232
-, 278
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Gray, Lady. See Grey, Sibilla

Gray, Master of. See Gray, Patrick

Gray, Edward, of Buildwas, co. Salop
-, involved in legal proceedings, 129

Gray, Patrick, 6th Lord Gray
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 141, 247
-, letter to King, 245
-, refutes reports of misdemeanour and disloyalty, 245
-, his account of King's alleged correspondence with Pope Clement VIII and Cardinals, 248, 249
-, 268

Gratz [Austria]
-, death of Archduke Ferdinand's mother makes him leave Ratisbon for, 158

Gratz, Archduke of. See Ferdinand

Greame, Sir John. See Graham, Sir John

Greay, Lady Katherine. See Grey, Katherine

Greenwich (Greynewich), London 152(2), 182, 226
-, grants dated from, 170, 174
-, letters dated from, 184, 190

Gregory, John
-, sends list of alleged abuses of Customs to Earl of Salisbury, 297

Greinton (Grengton), co. Somerset manor of, 305

Grendvoll, John
-, witness to treasonable speeches at Newcastle, 177

Grengton. See Greinton

Grenville (Grynvile), Sir Richard, of Stowe, co. Cornwall
-, to surrender letters patent, 200

Grenville (Grynvile), Sir Bernard, son of Sir Richard Grenville
-, to receive letters patent surrendered by his father, 200

Gresham, Sir Thomas, founder of the Royal Exchange
-, mentioned, 214(2)

Greville (Grevell, Grevyll), Sir Fulke, of Beauchamps Court, co. Warwick
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 115(2), 136
-, intervenes on behalf of Elizabeth Somerville, 115(2), 313

Grey, Sir John, of Enville, co. Staffs
-, 206

Grey, Katherine, 1st wife of Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford
-, her marriage to be determined by commission, 86

Grey, Sibilla, Lady, widow of Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of Bedford, and mother of Thomas Grey, 15th Baron Grey of Wilton
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 20
-, tenants of Whaddon manor complain against, 41

Griffin, Richard
-, defendant in legal proceedings, 191

Grigson, Hugh, Mayor of Berwick 262
-, signs appeal to Earl of Salisbury, 291

Griska, Demetrius, former Grand Duke of Moscow
-, reported to have been killed by Zuski, 106
-, requests assistance from Poland, 106
-, regarded by some quarters as imposter, 106
-, said to have defeated Zuski, 124

-, executed by order of Archduke Maximilian, 63

Grocers, Company of, London
-, petitions Privy Council against monopoly in starch-making, 50

Groenvelt, Colonel. See Groenevelt, Arent van

Groenevelt (Groenvelt), Arent van, Heer van Neufville, Colonel
-, Richardot visits, 29

Grosse, John, Customs searcher at Yarmouth
-, detains Fransam's goods, 221

Groyne. See Corunna

Grynvile. See Grenville

Guernsey (Guerncey), Island of,
-, Royal Commission sent to, 24 export of leather permitted to, 206

Guest, Sir Lionel. See Ghest, Sir Lionel

Guildford, co. Surrey
-, report dated from, 271

Guise, Charles de Lorraine, Duke of
-, rumour of secret marriage between Marquise de Verneuil and, 28

Guise, François de Lorraine, Chevalier de
-, made General of the galleys at Malta, 49

Guise, House of
-, inclined to support d'Aiguillon in his quarrel with Balagny, 48

Gunpowder Plot, The
-, judged in Spain to have harmed Catholic cause, 18
-, Archduke Albert charged with protecting principal conspirators in, 19
-, 243, 260

Gunter, Anne, daughter of Brian Gunter
-, reference to her confession, 76

Gunter, Brian, of North Morton, co. Berks
-, his petition rejected by King, 76
-, 82, 87
-, his daughter. See Gunter, Anne

Gurgeny (Gorgeney, Gurganey),
-, Hugh, brother of John Gurgeny
-, detained in the Jesuit College in Lisbon, 44, 81
-, his case taken up by Cornwallis, 81
-, held by the Inquisition on a matter of conscience, 132, 189,
-, 156, 219
-, Viceroy of Portugal interested in case of, 196
-, reported to be under pressure to accept Catholicism, 197

Gurgeny (Gurgany), John, brother of Hugh Gurgeny
-, at Lisbon, 44, 81, 156
-, provides Lee with details of his brother's case, 81
-, his dislike of Fludd, 132
-, letter to Cornwallis, 196

Gurlyn, Thomas, [? a merchant of King's Lynn, co. Norfolk]
-, petition to King, 297

Gurney (Gurnay, Gurnaie), Edmund, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, petitions Earl of Salisbury, 64
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 77
-, to be re-elected Fellow, 84, 95
-, grounds for depriving him of Fellowship, 92
-, his defence, 93, 95
-, background to dispute with Jegon, 94, 95

Gylby, Sir George. See Gilby, Sir George

Gyles, Nathaniel. See Giles, Nathaniel

Gyron. See Giron, Fernando