Index: H, I

Pages 361-370

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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Haddington, Viscount. See Ramsay, John

Hadsor, Mr. See Hadsor, Richard

Hadsor, Richard, lawyer, member of the Middle Temple
-, requested to obtain passport for Mrs Rath, 67

Haegh. See Hague

Hague (Haegh), The [S. Holland, Netherlands]
-, letters dated from, 4, 5, 26, 30, 36, 58, 103, 104, 145, 153, 166, 167, 172, 187, 227
-, Spinola expected at, 26
-, 103

Hairach, Charles de. See Harrach, Charles von

Haiducs (Haydugges), of Hungary
-, reintroduction of Inquisition at Pressburg exasperates, 16
-, Bathori defeated in battle by, 16
-, threaten to co-operate with Turks against Emperor, 16, 71
-, gather at Szasz, 124
-, join Archduke Matthias's forces, 145
-, make incursions into Bohemia, 158
-, capture certain strongholds, 303

Hales, Charles, of Tenterden, co. Kent, J.P.
-, requests provision of corn for poor, 175

Hall [? Richard], an English merchant
-, his affairs in Spain, 139, 212
-, brings suit against Duke of Feria, 173, 219

Halles, Sir Nicholas. See Halse, Sir Nicholas

Halliday (Hallydine), (Sir) Leonard, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Hallydine, Leonard. See Halliday, Leonard

Halling (Halyng), co. Kent
-, letters dated from, 229, 241
-, 231

Halse (Halles), Sir Nicholas, of Efford, near Plymouth, co. Devon
-, clerk of the passage at Dover ordered to detain, 242

Halyng. See Halling

Hamerton, Richard, tenant of the King's lodging at Newmarket
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 96
-, complains of losses due to King's sojourns, 96

Hamilton, Sir James
-, his pension, 306

Hamilton (Hamiltoun), John, the Scottish "Archpriest"
-, sent to Earl of Salisbury, 227

Hamilton, Sir Thomas, Secretary to the Council of Scotland
-, letter to Earl of Dunbar, 34

Hampden, Sir Edmund. See Holmden, Sir Edmund

-, 308

Hampstead (Hanstead), co. Middlesex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Hampton Court, co. Middlesex
-, warrants dated from, 244, 245
-, 288

Hanau, Philip Lewis, Count of
-, leaves for Holland as Emperor's deputy, 63

Hanger, The, a coppice of wood adjoining Hanslope Park
-, trees to be felled at, 128

Hanley, Hugh
-, recommended as successor to Bird, 40

Hanibal, Sieur. See Eckersdorf, Hannewald von

Hanse Towns
-, guilty of unfair practices against English traders at Elbing, 107

Hanslope (Hanslop), Park, co. Bucks repairs at, 128

Hanstead. See Hampstead

Haraveder, Jean de, merchant of St. Jean de Luz
-, his ship taken by English pirates, 32, 33

Hardy, Robert, Keeper of Farnham Chases
-, 59

Hare, Samuel, a London merchant
-, one of farmers of impost on logwood and brazil woods, 176

Harington, John, 1st Baron Harington of Exton, first official in Princess Elizabeth's household
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 297
-, conveys Princess's wish that Earl of Salisbury's daughter should reside with her, 297
-, 299

Harington, Sir John, son of John Harington, 1st Baron Harington
-, presented to the Archdukes in Brussels, 232, 233

Harlech (Harleiotle) Castle, co. Merioneth
-, plea that Lord President of Council of Wales should dispose of Constableship of, 295

Harleiotle. See Harlech

Harrach (Hairach), Charles von, Baron
-, sent by Archduke Matthias to Spain, 85

Harris, (Sir) Christopher, of Radford, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

Harris, Thomas, Serjeant-at-law
-, Coke and Hobart speak highly of, 238

Harris, —, a London jeweller
-, provides jewels for members of the Royal Family, 10

Harsnet, Dr See Harsnett, Samuel

Harsnett, Samuel, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge
-, interpretation of a statute referred to, 93

Hart, Sir Eustace, brother of Henry Hart and husband to Lady Willoughby
-, 303

Hart, Henry, Captain, commander of the fort at Culmore
-, forced by O'Dogherty to surrender the fort, 151, 152

Hart, Mary, Lady Willoughby, widow of Peregrine Bertie, Lord Willoughby of Eresby. now wife of Sir Eustace Hart
-, 151

Hartforde. See Hertford

Harte, Richard, a page
-, accompanies Prince Henry's hounds to France, 300

Hartwell Park, co. Bucks
-, in possession of Sir William Cooke, 315

Harvey, William, Surgeon to the Queen
-, granted estate of the late Harvey of Rye, 232

Harvey, Sir Gawen, former captain in Irish army
-, in possession of Crown wood at Knighton Grove, 315

Harvey (Harvye), —, Scotchman resident at Rye
-, disposal, after death, of estate of, 232
-, Mayor of Rye gives details of estate of, 233

Haryington, Lord. See Harington, John

Harwich, co. Essex
-, 14, 121

Haski, Elias. See Illeshazy, Stephan

Hastings, Sir Francis, Puritan politician
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 115
-, refers to his blindness, 115

Hastings, Lady
-, her pension, 305

Hastings, Mr, in the Earl of Worcester's service
-, conveys a challenge to a duel,
-, 110

Hatefield. See Hatfield

Hatheway, Mr, minister at Chipping Norton
-, insinuates that James I is prone to popery, 48

Hatfield (Hatefield), co. Herts
-, Earl of Salisbury recommended to provide King with kid's meat from, 89
-, Sir Henry Butler agrees to sell Earl of Salisbury his land at, 123
-, 239
-, maintenance of people in employment at, 286
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Hatton, Elizabeth, Lady, wife of Sir Edward Coke
-, 150

Hausen, Wolfgang von, Bishop of
-, Ratisbon
-, in correspondence with Nuncio, 71

Havana [Cuba]
-, West Indies treasure to be brought to, 61
-, 183
-, galleons to be built at, 198

Haverell. See Haverhill

Haverhill (Haverell), co. Essex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Havering, co. Essex
-, letter dated from, 295

Havers, Thomas, collector of Customs in the port of London
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 298

Haviland, Matthew, priser of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 223
-, justifies exaction of prisage for wines imported at Bristol by London merchants, 223

Havre-de-Grace (Le Havre) [SeineInférieure, France]
-, English pirates seize ship from, 14

Hawes, Mr
-, involved in legal proceedings over licence to transport pelts, 305

-, at Theobalds, 31
-, enjoyed by Prince Henry, 280

Hawkins, Sir Richard, Vice-Admiral of Devon
-, accused of conniving at piracy, 10, 11
-, 13

Hawkinge (Hawkins), co. Kent
-, lease of the manor of, 47

Hawkridge, Captain. See Hawkridge, William

Hawkridge, William, naval captain
-, accused of "unconscionable dealing", 267

Hay, Lord. See Hay, James

Hay, Sir Alexander, Secretary for Scotland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 184
-, his pension, 306

Hay, Elizabeth
-, her pension, 306

Hay, James, Lord Hay, (later 1st Earl of Carlisle), Gentleman of the King's Robes
-, warrant to pay money to, 131
-, witness to Balmerino's confession about dispatch of letter to Pope, 256
-, advises King to punish Balmerino severely, 257

Hay, Sir John, Clerk of the Council of Scotland
-, Earl of Salisbury writes in favour of, 160

Haydelberch. See Heidelberg

Haydon, Robert, of Ebford in Woodbury, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in Devonshire, 250

Haydugges. See Haiducs

Hayes, (Sir) Thomas, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Hayon [? Háyó, now in Rumania]
-, Haiducs capture, 303

Heayes, Robert, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Hedingham (Henningham), co. Essex. See also Castle Hedingham
-, Countess of Oxford proposes to repurchase family property for her son at, 108

Heidelberg (Haydelberch) [Würtemberg-Baden, Germany]
-, newsletter from, 52
-, Lesieur passes through, 146

Henderson (Anderson), Thomas, a Scottish merchant
-, to be paid for corn brought by him to Spain, 53, 119
-, payment of debts due to, 119, 140, 202, 212
-, conveys letter from Earl of Salisbury to Cornwallis, 140

Helfestein, Rudolph, Count of
-, obtains leave of absence from Diet at Ratisbon, 85

Helford (Helfort), co. Cornwall
-, French ship taken by English pirates to, 14

Helfort, See Helford

Henningham, See Hedingham

Henry IV, King of France
-, Bouillon sends petition to, 10
-, allows Duke of Bouillon to retire to Sedan, 16
-, warrants exportation to England of stone from Caen, 24
-, signs contract of marriage between Duke of Orleans and Marie de Bourbon, 28
-, maintains his own troops in United Provinces, 29
-, 39, 86, 97, 146, 172, 194, 207, 210
-, dismisses Sully in disgrace, 48
-, wishes to marry Mlle de Vendôme to Rosny, 49
-, his attitude to quarrel between Don Pedro de Toledo and Venetian Ambassador, 49
-, increases his Court expenses, 72
-, attends ceremonies of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Ghost, 72
-, prohibits trade with Barbary, 73
-, ratifies treaty with United Provinces, 73, 135, 210
-, James I orders deer to be sent to, 98
-, chosen as mediator by Sigismund of Poland, 106
-, reported to have permitted his subjects to attack Spaniards in West Indies, 109
-, reinforces his Arsenal and Exchequer, 146
-, reported to be contemplating war on Barbary, 147
-, his edict confiscating English cloth, 160, 162
-, birth of another son to, 166
-, independent state of the people of United Provinces acknowledged by, 210
-, 215, 240, 246, 272
-, extolled by Jesuits, 220
-, name coupled with Arbella Stuart, 245
-, excused payment of extra duty on transport of lead from England, 282
-, insists that Philip III adheres to renunciation of sovereignty over Dutch, 284
-, thanked by James I for his courtesy towards Viscount Cranborne, 285

Henry IV, King of England
-, founds Corpus Christi College at Cambridge, 93

Henry VIII, King of England
-, mentioned, 25, 120

Henry, Prince, eldest son of James I
-, appointment of officer to household of, 25
-, intervenes on behalf of Yaxley, 36, 37
-, hurt during a hunt, 120
-, Jennings proposes to wear colours of, 236
-, Viscount Cranborne enters service of, 274
-, thanks Earl of Salisbury for gifts, 274
-, given a hawk by Earl of Salisbury, 280
-, his delight in hawking, 280
-, Viscount Cranborne's letter to, 285
-, replies to Viscount Cranborne, 286
-, his hounds go to France, 300
-, Chamberlain to household of. See Chaloner, Sir Thomas
-, Keeper of Private Purse to. See Murray, Sir David
-, saddler to, See Abercromby, Abraham
-, tutor to. See Newton, Adam

Hepburn, Francis Stewart, 5th Earl of Bothwell
-, 245

Herbert, Henry, 2nd Earl of Pembroke
-, mentioned, 26

Herbert, Henry
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 298

Herbert, Sir John, second Secretary of State
-, member of Commission to examine Bouillon's case, 15 206

Herbert, Philip, Earl of Montgomery
-, 110, 133, 252

Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 159
-, 205, 298

Hercey (Hersy, Horsye), John, surveyor to the King
-, 238, 283

-, inhabitants petition to be released from jurisdiction of Council of Wales, 37
-, Justices of Assize in, 97
-, Catholic recusants in, 199
-, lease of ironworks in, 283

Herenthals (Herentals) [prov. Antwerp, Netherlands]
-, Rath expelled from, 234

-, at Whaddon manor, 20

Heron, Mr Baron. See Heron, Sir Edward

Heron, Sir Edward, Baron of the Exchequer
-, legal adviser in Earl of Lincoln's case, 258

Hersy, Mr. See Hercey, John

Hertford, Earl of. See Seymour, Edward

Hertford (Hartforde), co. Herts
-, letter dated from, 276
-, Deputy-Lieutenants of shire meet at, 276

-, meeting of Deputy-Lieutenants of, 276
-, coarse cloth made in, 294
-, muster of trained bands of, 299

Hesse, Maurice, Landgrave of,
-, sups with King at Royston, 120

Hetley, James
-, his pension, 306

Hext, Sir Edward, of Netherham, co. Somerset
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 117
-, requests import of grain for relief of poor, 117

Hichine. See Hitchin

Hickes, Sir Michael. See Hicks, Sir Michael

Hickes, William, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Hicks (Hickes). Sir Michael, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 149
-, sends present of plate to Earl of Salisbury, 299

Hickman, Anthony, former Fellow of Corpus Christi College
-, his case mentioned, 94

Hickman, Sir William, of Gainsborough, co. Lincoln
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 299

Hide, Barnard. See Hyde, Barnard

High Commission, Court of
-, corruption of pursuivants of, 181

High Peak, co. Derby
-, petition on behalf of miners of, 38

High Roding (High Rooding), co. Essex
-, bestowal of living of, 300

High Rooding. See High Roding

Hill, Benjamin, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Hill, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Hills, —, a suspected recusant
-, sent by portreeve of Gravesend to be examined by Earl of Salisbury, 215

Hilles, Peter, shipowner of Rotherhithe
-, his ship sold to a Spaniard, 170

Hinchingbrook (House), co. Huntingdon
-, letter dated from, 275

Hinxhill, co. Kent
-, letter dated from, 226

Hitchin (Hichine), co. Herts
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Hobart, Sir Henry, AttorneyGeneral
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 80, 299
-, 2, 121, 128(3), 137(2), 167, 170, 201
-, recommends Doddridge as attorney, 238
-, gives legal opinion to Earl of Salisbury, 238
-, requests favour of Earl of Salisbury, 299

Hobocque (Hoboque, Hoboocq), Conrad Schetz de Grobbendonck, Baron de, Archduke Albert's Ambassador in London
-, receives gift of capons from Caron's nephew, 9
-, his audience with Privy Council, 19
-, Lord Treasurer's opinion of, 19, 20
-, complains of lack of respect to him and his wife, 32
-, satisfied with assurances about objectives of English alliance with United Provinces, 175
-, his audience with Privy Council concerning Anglo-Dutch league, 212
-, 284

Hoby, Sir Edmund [? Edward]
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 300
-, recommends Earl of Salisbury to have first refusal of books, 300

Hoby, Sir Edward, Gentleman of the King's Privy Chamber
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 192
-, lends Queen a jewel for the Royal progress, 192

Hoby, Sir Philip, of Bisham, co. Berks
-, Commission to enquire into lands held by, 308

Hoby, Sir Thomas Posthumus, member of the Council of the North
-, ordered to stay transport of corn from Yorkshire, 187

Hoddesdon (Hoodsdon), co. Herts
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Hodnet, co. Salop
-, letter dated from, 129

Hoffkirken, Sieur. See Hoffkirchen, Wolfgang

Hoffkirchen (Hoffkirken), Wolfgang, Baron
-, dispatched by Archduke Matthias to the Princes of Germany, 85
-, reported to have been placed in custody by Elector of Saxony, 86

Holborn, London
-, letter dated from, 97

Holdenby, co. Northants
-, state of affairs at the manor of, 150
-, Earl of Salisbury at, 229, 230(2)

Holderness, co. Yorks
-, 43

Holdtscho, Herman, agent to the Duke of Brunswick
-, petitions Earl of Salisbury's intervention in the Duke's business, 38
-, his petition for permission to transport ordnance from England, 38

Holland [Netherlands]. See also United Provinces
-, Pedro de Cuniga reported to be buying deep water port in, 2
-, trading activities carried on in Danzig by, 8, 9
-, 42, 63, 68, 71, 75, 76, 95, 96, 118, 183, 199, 273
-, reception of Peace Commissioners in, 43
-, Emperor's deputies prepare to go to, 63
-, Spanish warships capture ships of, 68, 80
-, insists on point of religion in peace talks, 75
-, varying attitudes to war or peace of Protestants and Catholics in, 103, 104
-, alleged Spanish designs on seaports of, 106
-, Philip III orders better treatment of merchants from, 131
-, Spanish insolence curbed in, 144
-, Cornwallis regards as harmful to England increase in naval strength of, 185
-, Neyen reported to have copies of King's letters to Government of, 219
-, Richardot deliberately loses forged instructions in, 261

Hollanders, Commissary of the
-, releases Englishmen taken in West Indies, 45

Hollway, —, late servant to Sir Hugh Portman
-, his death mentioned, 133

Holmden (Hampden), Sir Edmund, Alderman of London
-, named as witness to Willis's good behaviour in Rome, 117 126

Home, Earl of. See Home, Alexander

Home, Alexander, 1st Earl of Home
-, letter from Earl of Salisbury to, 189
-, 245
-, his pension, 305

Home, George, Earl of Dunbar, Lord High Treasurer of Scotland
-, 34, 89, 102, 133, 189, 262, 270
-, intervenes on behalf of Bishop of Carlisle, 190
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 227, 295
-, sends two Scottish priests to Earl of Salisbury, 227
-, 308

Hoodsdon. See Hoddesdon

Hopewell, The, of Hull
-, puts in with recusants at Orford, 42

Hopkins (Hopkenes), John, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Hopkins, Ralph (Raphe), of Walford, co. Hereford, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Hornberg (Horinberch) [Baden, Germany)]
-, soldiers in the pay of the magistrate of, 146

Horinberch. See Hornberg

Horse Pool (Horspoole), co. Worcester
-, letter dated from, 206

-, Count of Emden's gift of, 5
-, carried off from peasants by soldiers near Cologne, 16
-, French retaliate against Luxemburg by seizing, 199
-, negotiations for purchase of, 283

Horsye, Mr. See Hercey, John

Horton, co. Northants
-, Sir William Lane's house at, 25

Houghton, Roger, steward to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 64, 101

Howard, Catherine, 2nd wife of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk
-, 229, 293

Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral
-, French complaints against, 12, 13, 14
-, requested by King to send deer to Henry IV, 98
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 101, 134, 229, 241, 304
-, issues instructions for Scottish expedition, 101
-, recommends Blackaller's petition, 134
-, orders stay of corn intended for transport abroad, 219
-, 225, 231, 244, 307
-, reports on Navy's stores, 241
-, ordered by King to prosecute keepers selling venison in London, 281

Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton, Lord Privy Seal
-, concerned with demise of Farnham Castle, 59
-, requested by Cornwallis to protect his interests against his brother, 120
-, member of Commission to examine Ridgeway's accounts, 131
-, 99, 141, 206, 229, 233, 241, 244, 269, 287
-, receives gifts of Spanish goods from Edmondes, 142
-, congratulated upon becoming Lord Privy Seal, 223
-, entertained by Cambridge University, 231

Howard, Margaret, Countess of Nottingham, wife of Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham
-, her pension, 305

Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain
-, 10, 110, 121, 141, 200, 205, 206, 223, 229, 244, 252
-, Webb masquerades as son of, 55
-, receives present of Dutch cheese from Caron, 83
-, granted moiety of sums accruing from undervalued royal lands given in lease, 128
-, granted annuity by King, 149
-, 272, 283, 296
-, urged by King to take measures to restrain sale of venison in London, 275
-, undertakes to prevent hunting of partridges with nets and traps, 275

Howard, Thomas, 3rd Viscount Bindon
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 130, 204
-, sends arrested English Jesuit to Earl of Salisbury, 130
-, reports on behaviour of recusants, 204
-, 205

Howe, co. Kent
-, 278, 279

Howe, John, English Catholic
-, Lee's opinion of, 44
-, 80
-, changes his manner towards Lee, 156

Howe, —, English Catholic, brother of John Howe
-, conveys letters between London and Lisbon, 44
-, Lee suggests that his letters be stayed, 46

Howell, John, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Huasse, Michael, a Danish gentleman
-, condemned to death at Madrid, 140
-, Cornwallis intervenes to save life of, 140
-, reprieved by Philip III, 178

Hubbard, Thomas, officer of the port of Faversham
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 217

Huckly, Thomas
-, one of farmers of impost on logwood and brazil woods, 176

Hueme, George. See Hume, George

Huggett, Christopher, of Faversham, co. Kent
-, assists in seizure of goods, 218

Huggett, John, of Faversham, co. Kent
-, assists in seizure of goods, 218

Hugo Lupus (Hugh of Avranches), Earl of Chester
-, mentioned, 291

Hull, co. Yorks
-, 42, 43, 92, 148, 252, 315
-, letter dated from, 80
-, request for confirmation of their privileges by Mayor and Aldermen of, 80
-, requests compensation for losses sustained in Denmark, 313

Hull Whites
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Hulst [Zealand, Netherlands]
-, 196

Humberston, John, Controller of the Customs at Yarmouth
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 221

Hume (Hueme), George, waggoner
-, accompanies Prince Henry's hounds to France, 300

Hume, Sir John
-, his pension, 306

Hume, John
-, his pension, 306

Hume, Lord. See Home Alexander

Humfrey, Nicholas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

-, danger of rebellion in, 16, 17
-, demands of Diet of, 52
-, foreign troops not to be allowed to enter, 62
-, demands of nobles and Haiducs of, 64
-, Protestant delegates at Diet of Ratisbon demand Emperor's observation of treaties with, 77
-, Archduke Matthias elected King of, 106
-, Emperor expected to ratify treaties with, 114
-, Haiducs levied by Estates of, 124
-, Moravia invaded by horsemen from, 125
-, Archduke Matthias supported by nobles of, 145
-, Emperor confirms treaties with, 146
-, reports of Archduke Matthias's intention to become King of, 153
-, news from, 304

Hungerford, Mrs. See Hungerford, Bridget

Hungerford, Bridget, English Catholic
-, Lord Saye and Sele offered money to protect, 47

Hunsdon, Lord. See Carey, Henry

-, Sir Thomas Lake goes to, 137
-, 239

Huntingfield, co. Suffolk
-, reversion of manor of, 122

Hurlock, Henry, officer of the port of Faversham
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 217

Hurst Castle, co. Hants
-, Commission for survey of, 281

Husbands, Richard, a London merchant
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury complaining of sequestration of goods, 289

Hyde (Hide), Barnard
-, signs joint request to Earl of Salisbury, 299

Hynesley, —, tenant to Lord Ros
-, wardship of, 144

Hynxhill. See Hinxhill

d'Ibarra, Don Diego, former Spanish Ambassador in Brussels
-, criticises Archduke and Spinola, 267


Idyaques (Diaques), Don Juan de, member of the Spanish Council of State
-, appointed Governor to Prince of Spain, 172
-, 203

Ila. See Islay

Ilfracombe (Liffrecou), co. Devon
-, English pirates bring French ship to, 14

Illeshazy (Elias Haski, Illishaski Mishaski), Stephan, Hungarian leader at the Diet of Pressburg.
-, accompanied by halberdiers and Haiducs, 62
-, prepared to raise force of horsemen and footsoldiers, 124

Illishaski. See Illeshazy, Stephan

Infanta, The. See Anne

Infantado, Rodrigue Hurtado de Mendoza, Duke of
-, Cornwallis's protest to, 193

Ingram, Arthur, courtier
-, farmer of impost on logwood and brazil woods, 176
-, 219
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 300

Inigo, Don. See Borja

d'Interville, François l'Huillier, Seigneur, Secretary to the Council of France
-, hands Bouillon's petition to English Ambassador, 14

Inquisition, The
-, reintroduced at Pressburg, 16
-, reported to enjoy absolute power in Hungary, 17
-, Gurgeny in the hands of, 81, 132, 189, 219
-, Englishmen handed over in Seville to, 156, 169, 219
-, Dutchman arrested in Rome by, 192, 196
-, reported to be trying to proselytize Gurgeny, 197

Inquisitor General, The. See Sandoval y Rojas

Ire, William. See Eyre, William

Iregan. See Tinnahinch

-, English pirates carry off French ships to, 14
-, trade between Chester and, 28
-, soldiers levied for service in, 31, 38, 197
-, report on preparations to invade, 39, 46
-, 113, 177, 193, 194, 195(2), 229, 235, 247(2), 267, 292(2), 305, 314
-, rumour of Spanish designs in, 145, 172
-, state of affairs in, 148
-, report of rebellion in, 148, 151, 182, 219, 235
-, news from, 151, 192
-, use made of witches in, 164
-, Spinola pleased with news from, 166
-, Irish fugitives conveyed from Corunna to, 184
-, Spanish interest in the rebellion in northern, 185
-, Cornwallis justifies English colonisation of, 185
-, Scottish support for rebellion in, 192
-, Cornwallis's views on people of, 193
-, Anglo-Dutch league renews hopes of Spanish support among fugitives from, 208
-, Prada denies Spanish support for rebels in, 209
-, hint that Anglo-Dutch league may lead to Spanish retaliation in, 209
-, Earl of Tyrone reported to have requested Spanish help to become King of, 235
-, corn shipped from Cornwall to, 261
-, calf-skins exported to Portugal from, 301
-, Newcomen requests renewal of
-, contract for victualling King's forces in, 303
-, Earl of Salisbury's views on how to govern, 309

Ireland, Council of
-, charge of necromancy brought against chaplain of a member of, 88
-, 136, 164

Ireland, Lord Chancellor of. See Loftus, Adam

Ireland, Lord Deputy of. See Chichester, Sir Arthur

Ireland, Treasurer of. See Ridgeway, Sir Thomas

Irish Colonel, The. See O'Neill, Henry

Iritis, Duke of
-, 193

-, its abundance and cheapness at home destroys iron trade between Spain and Chester, 27, 28
-, ironworks in Sussex, 265
-, ironworks in Herefordshire, 283

Isabella, Archduchess, jointGovernor of the Spanish Netherlands, wife of the Archduke Albert and daughter of Philip II of Spain
-, See Archdukes

Isis. See Thames

Islands, The. See Canary Islands

Islay (Ila), Isle of, Scotland
-, King's forces at, 225

Isles, Bishop of the. See Knox, Andrew

-, news from, 16
-, seminarists reported in England and Ireland from, 39
-, projected invasion of England supported by clergy in, 39
-, Philip III sends money to, 61
-, Spain reported to be raising troops in, 64, 145
-, Earl of Tyrone and his family constrained to go to, 67, 80
-, 101, 110, 246
-, avalanche kills people in, 123
-, Lesieur on his way to, 125
-, news of Spanish military preparations in, 171

Italy, Council of, at Madrid
-, 122