Index: F

Pages 352-356

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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Fagartho, Don Lewes. See Fajardo, Don Luiz

Fajardo (Fasciardo, Fascardo Fagartho, Faxardo), Don Luiz, Commander of the galleys of Portugal
-, takes English prisoners in West Indies, 45
-, to return ship to Adrian Thybaut, 45
-, 46, 68, 69(2), 80, 235
-, enjoys great favour in Madrid, 139
-, rumour of his removal from Lisbon to Corunna, 155

Falkes. See Fawkes, Guy

Falmouth, co. Cornwall
-, 200

Fanchoe. See Fanshaw, Sir Henry

Fane, Mr
-, ordered to certify private stocks of wheat in the ports of Kent, 300

Fanshaw (Fanchoe), Sir Henry, Remembrancer of the Exchequer
-, 308

Farleigh-Wallop, co. Hants
-, letter dated from, 283

Farly-Wallop. See Farleigh-Wallop

Farnese, Alessandro, Duke of Parma
-, reference to his monthly allowance for carrying on war against Dutch, 5

Farnese, Ranuccio, Duke of Parma
-, entertains Prince of Modena at Piacenza, 123
-, 248

Farnham Castle, co. Surrey
-, Bishop of Winchester defends himself against King's criticism over demise of, 59
-, yearly value of things to be demised at, 60
-, 74

Farrington (Farryngton), Richard, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Farro, Don Stephen de, a military commander at Lisbon
-, guilty of unjust proceedings against Thomas Burgh, 132

Fasciardo. See Fajardo, Don Luiz

Faunt, Nicholas, Clerk of the Signet
-, dockets of grants, etc, underwritten by, 127, 131

Faversham, co. Kent
-, letter dated from, 217
-, attempt to ship calf-skins from, 217

Fawkes (Falkes), Guy, Catholic conspirator
-, 260

Faxardo, See Fajardo, Don Luiz

Fearas (Flyra), Conde de, [? Jaoa de Menezes, Conde de Aveiras] Governor of the East Indies
-, preparations for his departure from Lisbon, 80
-, takes Englishmen with him to East Indies, 132

Fearas, Condesa de
-, accepts George Bacon into her household, 80

Fearne, Sir John. See Ferne, Sir John

Feirn. See Ferne, Sir John

Fenton, Viscount. See Erskine, Thomas

Fenton, Emmanuel, searcher at the port of Hull
-, accused of unjustly supplanting Atkinson, 148, 252
-, Atkinson sends Earl of Salisbury a further indictment of, 279

Ferdinand, Archduke of Gratz, later Emperor Ferdinand II
-, gives passports to Jesuits, 16
-, 85, 158
-, arrests Count Mansfeld at Ratisbon, 101
-, conference between Archduke Maximilian and, 114
-, Emperor inclined to regard him as his successor, 153
-, death of his mother, 158
-, reported to be supporting Matthias against Emperor, 187
-, "bitten" by Shirley, 189

Ferne (Fearne, Feirn), Sir John, joint-Secretary of the Council of the North
-, arrives in Lisbon from Spanish Court, 45
-, Philip III's debt to, 100
-, requested to prohibit shipping of corn from Yorkshire, 153
-, sells iron ordnance in Spain, 169, 170, 171

Feria, Laurent Suarez de Figueroa, Duke of
-, English merchants bring legal suit against, 173, 202, 219

Ferrara [Italy]
-, heavy snowfalls around, 64

Ferrari, Cardinal. See Lenius, Giovanni

Ferrell, Mr. Scottish trader in Spain, payment of debts due to, 119

Ferris (Ferrys), Thomas, an English merchant trading in Spain
-, in the hands of the Inquisition at Seville, 156, 169
-, hopes of his release, 219

Ferryebrege. See Ferrybridge

Ferrybridge (Ferryebrege), [? co. Yorks]
-, petitions for execution of Statutes concerning artificers, 289

Field, Richard, divine
-, criticism of his book, 295

Fiennes, Richard, 7th Lord Saye and Sele
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 47, 92
-, offered money to protect recusants, 47
-, offers to farm fines on woad production, 48, 92
-, his criticism of Puritans, 48
-, proposes terms for stamping of lead, 92
-, requests that Berkshire be discharged from supplying carriages for transport of timber, 212

Fiennes, William, son of Richard Fiennes, 7th Lord Saye and Sele
-, holds religious views other than those of his father, 48
-, won over by Puritans, 48

Finale (de Ligure) [Italy]
-, 157

Finch, John, of Milton, co. Kent, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Finch [? William], English Catholic priest
-, leaves St. Lucar for England, 171

Finch, Mr, in the Earl of Salisbury's service
-, conveys letter from Lord Cranborne to his father, 104
-, his quarrel with Lytton in Paris, 105

Finet, John, courtier, in attendance on Lord Cranborne
-, letters to Thomas Wilson, 48, 104
-, sends news from Paris, 48, 104
-, sends gifts from Paris, 104, 105

Fitzgerald, Edward, discharged officer of the Irish army
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 97
-, requests passports for his kinsmen to return from Low Countries, 97

Fitzgerald, James, prisoner in the Gatehouse
-, letters from, 23, 35
-, denies charges of disloyalty to Crown, 35

Fitzgerald, Maurice, captain in the Archduke's service
-, wishes to return to Ireland, 97

Fitzgerald, Pierce, brother of
-, Maurice Fitzgerald
-, wishes to leave Archduke's service, 97

Fitzgibbon, Edmund, commonly
-, known as the White Knight
-, reported to have been killed by the Irish, 151

Fitzsymonds, Henry. See Fitzsymons, Henry

Fitzsymons (Fitzsymonds), Henry, Irish Jesuit
-, reported to be returning to Ireland, 173

Fitzwilliam, Walter
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 296
-, his proposal to inspect cockets of merchant vessels, 296

Fitzwilliam, Sir William, of Dogsthorpe, co. Northants
-, his differences with Sir Robert Wingfield, 174

Flanders. See also Low Countries and United Provinces
-, Spain regulates payment of pensions in, 5, 102
-, discontent of nobility of, 32
-, storm sinks ships from, 64
-, Philip III reduces expenses in, 32
-, mutineers arrive in Rome from, 72
-, Spain sends money to, 102, 258, 268, 277
-, 124, 180, 208, 219, 236, 373, 303
-, Archduke Albert's peace negotiators demand sovereignty in villages of, 186
-, Irish refugees to be shipped from Corunna to, 194, 209
-, temporary restraint of vessels at Lisbon not applied to ships from, 236

Fleet, The, prison, London
-, letters dated from, 50, 52, 85, 232, 276
-, 69, 311

Fleetwood, Sir William, ReceiverGeneral of the Court of Wards and Liveries
-, requested to pay pensioners, 64, 201

Fleming (Flemyng), Garret, Captain, on active service in Ireland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 113
-, lists his services and achievements in Ireland, 113

Fleming, Sir Thomas, Lord Chief Justice
-, authorised to treat with Bishop of Winchester about demise of Farnham Castle, 50
-, 184

Flint, Humphrey, Keeper of the park at Theobalds
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 31

Flint, Mr
-, conveys letter from Earl of Salisbury to Sir Henry Butler, 123

Flood. See Fludd, Henry

Florence [Italy]
-, Rath's letters to be forwarded by English factor at, 20, 25, 66
-, complaints of English merchants at, 81, 87, 280
-, proceedings against English ships at, 107
-, Willis charged with having been converted to Catholicism at, 126
-, plague drives Court from, 157
-, Master of Gray at, 245

Florence, Duke of. See Medici Ferdinand de; Medici, Cosimo de

-, reference to destruction by Spaniards of French settlement in, 185

Fludd (Flud, Floud, Floudd), Henry, English Jesuit
-, reported to be subverting Englishmen in Lisbon, 44
-, proposes to place Bacon in Jesuit school, 44, 69
-, his disciples, 44
-, an opponent to Gurgeny, 44, 156
-, influences Viceroy of Portugal against Lee, 44
-, Squire recommended by Lee as informer against, 46
-, 69, 132
-, places Bacon with Condesa de Fearas, 80
-, proposes to build English college in Lisbon, 81
-, disliked by his English coreligionists, 132
-, intrigues to oust Lee from consulship at Lisbon, 155
-, influences Deane against Lee, 156
-, spreads report of Earl of Tyrone's request for aid to become King of Ireland, 235

Fludd, Humphrey, a London jeweller
-, provides jewels for members of Royal Family, 10

Fludd, Mr
-, his daughter married to Jones, 250
-, privy seal served on, 251

Flushing [Zeeland, Netherlands]
-, letter dated from, 27
-, 36, 228
-, banished Scottish minister in, 184
-, Governor of. See Sidney, Robert

Flyra, Conde de. See Fearas, Conde de

Foiluour. See Fowey

Fontarabia (Fonteravya) [Spain]
-, English priest at, 171

Fontenoy (Fontenie, Fountenoy), Charles Alexander de Croy, Count of
-, Edmondes writes in recommendation of, 223
-, returns to Brussels from England, 266

Fonteravya. See Fontarabia

Forest Whites
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Forgacz, Francis, Archbishop of Gran
-, fails to get audience with Archduke Matthias, 145

Forgatsch, Bishop. See Forgacz, Francis

Formigaire, Pierre, a Frenchman in the service of Alberti
-, executed for the murder of his master in Venice, 157

Forster, Mr, tenant to Sir Robert Vernon
-, involved in legal proceedings, 129

Fortescue, Faithful, Captain, Constable of the Castle of Carrickfergus
-, clerk of the passage at Dover ordered to detain, 242

Fortescue, Sir Francis, Crown lessee of Wychwood Forest, co. Oxford
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 115

Fortune, William, in the service of John Robinson
-, recommended for office of under-searcher at port of London, 232

Foscarini, Antonio, Venetian Ambassador to France
-, his quarrel with Don Pedro de Toledo, 49

Foster, [? Richard, physician]
-, Lord Cobham's charge against, 73, 74

Fotherby, Charles, J.P. for Kent
-, requests provision of corn for poor, 175

Foulkes (Fowkes), Sir Henry
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 79, 108

Foulis. See Fowlis

Fountenoy, Count of. See Fontenoy

Four Swans Inn, Waltham Cross, co. Herts
-, brawl at, 242

Fowelis. See Fowlis

Fowey (Foiluour), co. Cornwall
-, French bark taken by pirates at, 14

Fowkes, Sir Henry. See Foulkes, Sir Henry

Fowler, William, Secretary to the Spanish Ambassador
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 176

Fowler (Fowlar), Mr, confidant of Joseph Creswell
-, his argument with Cornwallis over Creswell, 21
-, protests fidelity of English Jesuits to James I, 22

Fowlis (Foulis, Fowelis), Perthshire, Scotland
-, letters dated from, 141, 250

Fowlis (Fowles), Sir David, Cofferer to Prince Henry
-, his pension, 306

Fownes, John, priser of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 223
-, justifies exaction of prisage for wines imported at Bristol by London merchants, 223

Foyle, Le
-, Derry known by the name of, 151

Foyle, Logh, Ireland
-, Garvie captures forts on, 192
-, French ships arrive in, 192

Frais, William, in the service of Sir Richard Hawkins
-, 11

France, King of. See Henry IV

France, Queen of. See Marie (de Medici)

-, close relations between United Provinces and, 3
-, ratifies agreement with United Provinces, 29
-, her soldiers in United Provinces service more esteemed than English forces, 29
-, seminarists reported to be in England and Ireland from, 39
-, projected invasion of England supported by clergy in, 39
-, prevalence of duelling in, 50
-, interested in repelling English settlers from Virginia, 56
-, ratification of treaty between United Provinces and, 73, 207
-, 83
-, publication of edict concerning sale of English cloth in, 107
-, Parliament decrees freedom of trade with, 107
-, King's views on proposed defensive league between England, United Provinces and, 135, 153
-, news from, 146
-, rumour of new league between Pope and certain rulers circulating in, 146
-, reports of rebellion in south of, 146
-, Archduke Albert's objections to league between England, United Provinces and, 153
-, confiscation of English cloth in, 166
-, negotiations for marriage treaty between Spain and, 169, 172, 177, 187, 194, 216, 220, 273
-, suspects Pope and Spain of collaborating to elect Emperor amenable to them, 184
-, Pope said to be engaged in reconciling Spain with, 185
-, not secretive about her relations with States General, 191
-, Garvie entertains ships from, 192
-, rumour of double match between Spain and, 199
-, Cornwallis deplores possibility of too great influence over United Provinces by, 210
-, proposals to England from, 215, 216
-, English Government's views on a defensive league with, 215
-, ostriches brought to King from, 233
-, Prince Henry's hounds go to, 300
-, cheese and butter shipped from ports of Cheshire, Wales and Lancashire to, 303

France, Ambassador of, to Brussels shows his despatch to Edmondes, 191
-, receives assurance of Philip III's adherence to renunciation clause from Archduke, 284
-, 284

Franceschi, Jacomo, (Colonel Jaques), Catholic conspirator
-, Privy Council protests against Archduke Albert's harbouring of, 175

Francquemont, Lord of
-, Duke of Würtemberg gives letters of credence to, 27

Frankfort (am Main) (Francfort) [Germany]
-, Cologne merchants send goods to fair at, 72
-, news from, 125
-, projected muster of burgesses of, 125

Fransam, Thomas, a Yarmouth merchant
-, victim of an attempt at trade monopoly, 221

Frederick IV, Elector Palatine
-, his deputies leave for Diet at Ratisbon, 16
-, holds general musters, 125, 146, 158
-, his deputies at Ratisbon confer with Protestant delegates, 146

Freeman (Freman), George, customer at the port of Southampton
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 265
-, criticises enforced sale of all ordnance at Tower Hill, 265

Freeman, Martin
-, one of farmers of impost on logwood and brazil woods, 176

Friar, The. See Neyen, Jean

Frias, Juan Fernandes de Velasco, Duke of, Constable of Castille
-, supreme in the Council of War of Spain, 53
-, a former Spanish Ambassador to England, 82
-, to marry into the House of Cardona, 124
-, more accommodating to English demands, 139
-, to marry Madame de Parades, 147
-, asks Cornwallis for list of Irish at Corunna, 193
-, 194

Fuentes, Don Pedro Henriquez de Azevado, Count of, Governor of Milan
-, his indisposition, 63
-, sends couriers to Spain, 72
-, excuses himself to Princes of Savoy for their poor reception, 124
-, letter to Spanish Ambassador in London, 136
-, receives Earl of Tyrone with honour, 144
-, meets Cardinals at Milan, 147
-, presents gift of money to Earl of Tyrone, 147

Fuller, Mr, auditor of Wiltshire 58, 87, 98

Fynnyng, William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202