Cecil Papers: April 1608, 16-30

Pages 136-150

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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April 1608, 16-30

Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608] April 16. I was on Sunday last to have waited upon you, and you were then set in Council. Upon Tuesday again I was at your chamber, heard you were newly gone into the garden, and there attended in hope to see you; but it was not my good luck. Now, Sir, while I fear to offend with over many idle duties, lest mischance should make me seem negligent, I crave pardon for writing these few lines only to excuse myself, inquire of your health, and wish my service were any way more worthy of your commandments.—From Tottenham, this 16th of April.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (125 95.)
Donogh O'Conor Sligo to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 16. I yield you humble thanks for your late remembrance of me to the Lord Deputy. I am since my coming into Ireland tossed and troubled in wronged lawsuits by my continual disturber, Sir William Taaff, with whom is joined Sir Lionel Guest, for that he has married the widow of one David O'Dowda, who was in his lifetime subject to the composition chief rents granted to my ancestors and their successors, which they strive to avoid; and one John Baxter, who sometime depended of myself, but perfidiously since my coming over for seeking the money he ought [owed] me in England, which hitherto he detains, he has not only joined with my adversaries but with mine own money bought many broken titles to maintain suits against me, by whose means I scarce can rest at home or find an opportunity to salute my friends. Understanding this Baxter is now going for England to find means to strengthen him against me. I desire you will continue your former course of recommending my lawful occasions to the Lord Deputy of this realm, that I be no longer referred but that hearing of all my causes may be had and speedily determined before himself and the Council.—Sligo, 16 April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (125 96.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 16. I received by Mr Levingston yesternight those two bills from you, which it pleased his Majesty to sign this morning before his going out. It seems that for the matter of the sermon his Majesty has received satisfaction from you, and by something written from my Lord of Canterbury to Mr Dean of Westminster. His Majesty removing from hence on Tuesday, I shall have cause to depart on Monday about noon into Huntingdonshire about my own business, and will wait on you again before St George's day.—From the Court at Thetford, 16 April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (194 140.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 17. It pleased his Majesty this forenoon, before his going to the sermon, to read your letter directed to himself and that to me, and the rest which did accompany the letter to his Highness. After the perusal whereof very diligently, he commanded me for his ease concerning some parts of the letter to himself, to signify to you, first, that he did not expect any particular answer to his letters sooner because he knew there must be time both of consideration and dispatch. Secondly, that for the matter of Chambers you should understand that there was never suit moved to him for the calling in question of the corporation or any of the magistrates thereof; but Chambers having been set awork to move his Majesty for a renewing of the same and for some enlarging, and benefit being offered to him for it, the townsmen afterwards refused to perform towards him. And then his Majesty making stay of proceeding, my Lord of Canterbury spake on their behalf, and his Majesty was pleased that the new granting of their charters might proceed. Whereupon Chambers was used again to inform his Majesty that under pretence of renewing their charters they went about to encroach some further liberties. His H[ighness] at his last being in Newmarket answered him somewhat roughly, saying he was assured his learned counsel would not suffer him to be so abused. Yet at the importunity of some of the chamber speaking for him his Highness gave me direction to signify to Mr Attorney, that if the suit of that town were only to renew their ancient charters he would not deny it them, but if they sought any enlargement of their liberties or privileges which depended merely upon his grace, he would stay his hand in that till they gave his servant some composition for the favours they should obtain, especially having promised satisfaction to him. And this I can assure you to be very true, for that these significations of his Majesty's pleasure passed my hands. It is true also that now lately, since his Majesty's last coming abroad, there was a new petition put into Chambers's hands whereby he should crave that Mr Attorney might sue a quo warranto against them for abusing their charters; wherein he came to ask my advice, and I answered him it was unmeet and would not be well liked by his Majesty. Whereupon he surceased, and that suit never came to his Majesty's eyes nor ears; but yet it may be that the lawyer who put it into his hands has taken occasion thereof to publish more than was. But this that I have said to your Lordship is the very truth, whereby you may see, as his Majesty says, what odds there is between Chambers's suit and his Majesty's intention to procure a poor servant a small gratuity for a favour his Highness was to do, and any purpose of vexing or overthrowing a corporation; as much as between a counsel lor at law that would draw between his client and his adversary a friendly composition, and him that would turn him out of his land, which his Majesty willed to be written to you at large because he sees how apt men are to pick occasions of offence against Scotsmen, and to publish things to their disadvantage though untrue. Although Chambers be a man simple and easy to be abused and thrust into an ill matter, yet in this he never moved his Majesty to any such purpose as it seems you have been informed.
Touching Sir Robert Chamberlain, his Majesty willed me to say that neither his submission in his behaviour nor his interpretation of his writing nor that it was private, do give him satisfaction. For as for the letter, it was private because he durst not utter it publicly, and not that he wanted will. For the interpretation, his Majesty cannot in his logic construe the words others come si crede as is believed, otherwise than if he had spoken in his own person as I believe, except he had added "as is vulgarly believed but I think is not so", or some other way showed his mislike of the vulgar conceit; but takes them to be words that proceeded from a mind that loves him not and was apt to utter it where and in what occasion it might, and in this as falsely as maliciously. For his behaviour it moves his Majesty little because he sees it is an ordinary form with all offenders in such kind to make some sign of being sorry, as the preacher did by weeping, which is but an evasion of craft, first to utter the malice it has conceived and to see if it will work; if not, then to disguise it with a show of repentance. But his Majesty conceives that if any of those spirits could have caused Scotsmen's throats to be cut, they would have showed little sign of sorrow for it. He spake of the growing common [practice] of libelling and detraction, and that your Lordship had now three subjects thereof in Sir H. North, in the preacher, and in Mr Chamberlain, all which his Majesty took to be proceeded from spirits not loving him. And so left it to your judgments. In this manner ended his discourse, and though he said not nor willed not to be written that he commanded a further proceeding with Mr Chamberlain, yet my conceit is, and I think your Lordship will gather it out of the rest of his speech, that his Majesty expects some further censure.
I have sent back to you Mr Chamberlain's letter and the minister's confession; and as I wrote to you yesterday, have taken my leave of his Majesty to be gone tomorrow about mine own business, hoping that I may be excused in the removing time and that you shall so soon see his Majesty.—From the Court at Thetford, 17 April, 1608.
Holograph. 3½ pp. (125 97.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 19. Matters public I have so largely delivered in my letter to you all of his Majesty's Council (fn. 1) as I have reserved this only to let you understand I am not forgetful of my particular duty unto yourself. My hope is I shall shortly be made happy again with hearing of your health.
Concerning particular causes of my countrymen here, I am still held in much hope, and should be in more if they sent here agents as careful of their causes as I find many of them wasteful of their time and purses in their own pleasures. I must needs say that the King himself, the Duke of Lerma, the Constable and the Secretario Prada show themselves very well affected to accomplish what I require for them. Might it seem good unto you, in my weak conceit it would do no hurt that the Ambassador there were made acquainted how much I commend their forwardness, since commendations commonly give increase to virtues.
In Mr Vanlore's cause concerning the ransoms, I hope this next week to procure a sentence; what it will be I cannot yet certainly divine, the plea being as much "difficulted" as is possible for the wit of wrangling lawyers.
The other process I daily expect to come hither, either already adjudged there or to be sentenced here. From Mr Vanlore himself I have not a long time heard, but dare boldly say that had his cause only depended upon his brother-in-law, Girald Tybaut, there might have passed many more years before the end of it: vigilantibus et non jubilantibus subveniunt leges. His other brother-in-law Adrian is of a much other fashion, exceeding painful, diligent and attentive to what he has in hand.
Of the liberty of the prisoners in Seville, whereof I know you are not without a commiserative care, notwithstanding the storms and repugnances, I have found I am not without hope. My letter to the King has been read in Council, and is sent unto his Majesty. The Secretario puts me in great hope that it will prevail.
In the cause of Sardinia I can yet proceed no further for want of power from the merchants that are the owners, and do much admire that they who complain so much at home show so little care of their business abroad. The business of Mr Eldred and Mr Hall stands in good terms, hoping to procure one sentence to pass before Whitsuntide, but of force they must send better proof that the ship and goods were their own and of what value they were, else can they not attain any complete satisfaction. I will so devise as they shall make their proofs there and yet be authentical.
Mr Adrian Tibaut has spent these three weeks at Seville and Cadiz to make his proofs for the clearing of his ship and goods which, as he writes, he has accomplished to his much content, and is now to repair to Lisbon for the doing of the like there, and then return to proceed to sentence. The news that his ship and goods were given for clear were as many other that proceed from hasty lips that outrun the truth; only I have procured him order that he shall have all delivered upon sureties, and make no doubt by God's grace to attain for him also a sentence; although an exceeding difficult cause I have found it in regard of the extraordinary favour his adversary Faxardo has here with the greatest.
For Tomlinson, servant unto Mr Kellett, I can yet neither get forward nor backward. His own evil adventure to have been found in the street in the night by an Alcalde in company with the gentleman of Denmark (of whom formerly I have written unto you), who out of a youthful understanding of points of honour would not, upon demand, deliver his sword, but showing more valour than discretion, resisted a whole troop of sergeants, has much put him behind hand in his business, and so forward into peril as the Dane being condemned to death for drawing his sword, the poor merchant has received a sentence to be whipped and for eight years committed to the galleys for holding it in the scabbard.
Noble Lord, consider, I beseech you, what alarums these are unto me, who this spring have had more sense of melancholy and of the evil of my spleen than a long time I have tasted. Between no order and disorder I am so continually troubled as I never rest. This State, I must needs say, has in this accident much comforted me with the respect they have showed to me. The Duke of Lerma, the next morning after the accident, sent the Secretario of State unto me with a declaration of their "delyct" and an offer that, notwithstanding the extremity of their laws here for offences of that nature, yet I should find that for my sake they should have favour. Had the Dane been any of mine own servants or of my country (considering I lodged him in my house out of which he knew I have always given strait order that none should be absent after eight of the clock in the winter and ten in the summer) he should have taken his own adventure; but finding by the King of Denmark's letter, which he brought with him at his first coming out of his country, how much care that King had of him, out of my duty to the Queen my mistress I have these two years kept him in my house, and will not by God's grace give him over in this extremity. I have written to the King for him, the Duke of Lerma himself is my messenger, and doubt not to cancel his sentence and obtain his liberty.
Since writing thus much I have received a letter from you by Mr Henderson and another by Mr Spence. Mr Henderson's business is in very good estate, so far as a man may have hope of Spanish accomplishment. For the other I long since obtained a sentence in favour, but for want of proof of the value of what was lost, the recompense awarded was so little as, not hearing from the parties nor what they intended, I stayed my further proceeding in it. Yet am I out of purse ten pounds to him that formerly followed it. from whom, since his return into England. I never received penny of my money nor any one word of thanks. But unto that I have here been so well accustomed as I begin now to have no feeling of it. I have lent to divers of them that have been here and that had otherwise starved, and being once at home they neither return me money nor recognition.
Now, noble Lord, give me leave to remember myself. I understand you have had lately a grant from his Majesty of his lands in Redryeve, and those that myself have there I hear be fitly for you. Were I a rich man, nay, were I not a beggar, I would deal with you as you did with me for the wardship of Marsham; but being unfit for such a bounty I will come as near it as my necessities will suffer me, and have willed Thomas Pitts, my agent there, to acquaint you with what it is and to refer the price absolutely to yourself, for other "umper" or arbiter I desire not. You shall do me a great favour to buy it. and may make unto yourself a profitable bargain; not doubting but you being owner you shall find the lessee very supple, who to me has ever showed himself so hard.
I entreat your favour in facilitating a match for my unmarried daughter with Mr Lewkenor of Suffolk, wherein I hope my Lords of Suffolk and Northampton will join with you. Your motion to some of the friends of the young gentleman, and some few gracious words of his Majesty in furtherance of it, would perhaps ease my poor purse in the portion, and draw a more earnestness in the gentleman and his friends to proceed in it. Sir Nicholas Bacon and his lady have already put their hands to it, and, as I think, may much prevail with the gentleman. The portion I offer (being more than my estate is well able to yield) is 1200l, and in apparel and jewels to the value of 300l; if hereafter I shall be able, I will make it more, but for the present I have no means for it.—Madrid, 19 April, 1608, stilo veteri.
PS. I perceive that our traitorous Irish are extremely evil affected to your Lordship, who, they say, are the cause of all their sufferances, and rule that kingdom as you list. This I have reserved for yourself, and earnestly beseech you to entertain none of that nation where they may have occasion to be near you. Kept until the 30 April, 1608, stilo vet.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "Received the last of May." 4½ pp. (125 99.)
Lord Gray to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 20. I would be loth you should, through my not writing, at all account me "immemorative" of former courtesies. In February last, being at Edinburgh in some my affairs after the death of my father, I sent a letter only to know of your health, and to let you know mine was better; but neither has Paumeur, my cousin, to whom it was directed, nor your Lordship made any signification to me. I have found the advantage of this gentleman my friend repairing to Court; he will inform you of all my little private estate, and is a sufficient gentleman whom I wish to be honoured by your protection as one of my special friends.—Fowllis, 20 April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (125 102.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, April 20. Doubt of the success of the treaty in regard of the States insisting upon free trade to the Indies. The Archduke's soldiers discontented for want of pay. A proposition to have such English as are fugitives no longer harboured under the Archduke, at least the more active and seditious persons removed from thence.
Abstract. (227 p. 344.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 20. A private letter concerning a present made to my Lord [Salisbury] of Spanish commodities: (not that your Lordship wants any of these provisions, but that as my poor offerings know no other altar, so my confidence is, that how unworthy soever they shall be, that they will receive best acceptance there where they are known to be chiefly intended, which I beseech your Lordship may therefore plead my excuse for the boldness which I use therein). The particulars of the parcel abovenamed were 4 pair of Spanish gloves; 2 perfumed pockets, 8 candles of Spanish perfume, great and small perfumes called pastillos of Spain.
Abstract. (227 p. 345.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to the Earl of Northampton
1608, April 20. French compliment with the like Spanish present as to the Earl of Salisbury.
Abstract. (227 p. 345.)
Sir Andrew Sinclar to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 20. I have divers times before written to your Lordship that I have received the money it pleased his Majesty to give me by your mean, for the which I render his Majesty most humble thanks, and your Lordship in like manner for the great pains you took in transporting the same. The King my master remains ever your good friend. The young Prince is to be eight days after Votsonday [?Whitsunday] chosen Prince of Denmark, and then King after this King's death. Their Majesties with their princely children are in good health. The Queen is said to be with child. Otherways all things are in great quietness in these parts. If your Lordship be remembered, at my last being in England I prayed that I might have a pension of his Majesty for the good service I have done him, and for the same I am yet able to do. I entreat your pardon if I request you to speak with his Majesty in my favour that I may become an honest pensioner of his Highness. I pray you send me a letter of the pension written in Latin. If there be anything in these parts wherein I can serve you, I pray you to employ me, —20 April, 1608.
PS. The King my master has commanded me to write a letter to the King of Great Britain. I pray you deliver his Majesty the letter, for it is of great importance.
Holograph. 3 pp. (194 142.)
John Wyeth to Augustine Belston
1608, April 23. Having notice of your profession that you are a Catholic, and also your wife, as you term it, I have authority given unto me to parley with you concerning your liberty; and that is this, if you will yield unto me such sums of money as shall be thought reasonable between you and me, I will procure you licence confirmed by the King to use the liberty of your profession during your natural lives, and that you shall not depart with any money until you shall be well assured hereof. If therefore you will repair unto me to London in Chancery Lane at the house of one Mr Morris, a chandler, this next term, you shall find me ready to perform and procure what I have promised either unto yourself or to any of your friends desiring to use their conscience in that sort. Thus with my duty and allegiance to my King and country being acknowledged, I leave it to your considerations. —London 23 April, 1608.
Underwritten: A copy excribed out of the original at the appointment of me Richard Brett. The bringer of it was one Robert Burte, a "survayour of grounds" abiding now at Mr Richard Abraham's house, who received it of the author and writer John Wyeth; and if your Worships [Margin: Deliver this to Sir Francis Goodwin and Sir George Throgmorton] think that the party has done more than he may and therefore would attach him, he will direct to the place where he dwells. Addressed: This be delivered to Mr Augustine Belston at his house at Aston under the hills in haste.
Copy. Entirely in one hand including address. 1 p. (125 94.)
Sir William Sandys to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 23. The care I have always had to stand blameless in your opinion has bred in me some fear lest the complaints exhibited against me unto his Majesty, the Lords of the Council in general, and to you in particular, might have prejudiced me in your opinion, seeing that men accused are held suspected till they have cleared themselves. And for the most part it is conceived that no man of any understanding would dare to accuse any man unto the Prince and the Lords of things whereof they were able to make no proof at all. Though I must ever acknowledge the justice of the Lords, who with great patience heard my justification and by general assent judged me guiltless of those offences whereof I was accused, yet seeing by your absence I could not be justified in your eyes, I beseech you that you will "inwurthie" me so much as to receive from me this offer of satisfaction in this one particular. Whereas the copyholders of the manor of Ombersley unduly suggested that the custom of fine certain, which of late they claimed was decreed so to be in the Exchequer before your father, then Lord High Treasurer of England, I have plainly proved in the same Court, as also before the Lords, that there was no such decree ever made in that Court or ever seen or consented unto by his Honour, there never having been bill or answer put into the Exchequer in his time concerning that matter; and also that he rejected that supposed decree in open court and that the Court then proceeded against it, seeing it was but a composition and agreement made with Sir John Bourne, then farmer of the manor, and but for his time, consented unto for a great sum of money to the great prejudice of the inheritance of the Crown and contrary to the custom formerly used. I have often publicly acknowledged that I was more bound to your father than to all the Kingdom besides, who not only in protecting my innocency against these men and others my superiors, but also by enabling me to live in that estate I now live in, has bound me ever so to honour the memorial of his wisdom and piety, and so to observe his posterity as no respect of commodity shall ever draw me to seek to violate any decree thought fit by him to be observed. There shall ever remain in me and mine an hereditary duty unto your Lordship as to the heir of his most noble virtues; so I also desire of God to increase your happiness above that of your father as much as he was esteemed above others to have been the counsellor of peace and father of his country.—From my lodging, this 23 of April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (125 104.)
The Earl of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608, April 25.] There is fallen a wardship to his Majesty by the right of my Lord Rosse of one Hynesley, a freeholder to my Lord Rosse, though the lands are of very small value being not, as I am informed, above four marks by year. I would be a suitor unto you that a man of mine might compound for the wardship and lease of the lands during his minority. I would not be a suitor for myself in so small a matter as this is, but only to make a reward of it to a servant that takes pains in my Lord Rosse's business.—Undated.
Unsigned but in the handwriting of the Earl of Exeter. Endorsed: "23 April. 1608, Earl of Exeter to my Lord" Seal. ½ p. (194 145.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 26. The flatness of these times answer nothing the sharpness of their appetites that desire to advertise out of more than the common. For my part I must rather confess myself glad to play small game than to dare to say "I will sit out" While the great business receives a vacation or has non terminus as it were, by the Friar's absence, the Marquis [Spinola] with the others are said to be busy in informing themselves of the number of Catholics (as they call them), of their quality, place of abode, and how they are affected to the Spanish and their pretence.
There was one that had given out tickets under his hand in some places in Brabant (being one of this side) that he had seen the Advocate Oldenbarnevelt at the mass in Spinola's house, and when he was examined and the Advocate showed to him to see whether he did not mistake the man, he yet stood in it; but when he came to have sentence to be soundly whipped, which followed not many days after, he cried peccavi in the open market place where the sentence with the cause was publicly read, and he received his due punishment. This was within these three days.
As lately had like to have happened a misunderstanding caused by an indiscreet follower of the Marquis, who, thinking the Spanish insolency would pass as current in Holland as Brabant, began to put it in practice with a counsellor at law of the provincial Council, dwelling near where the Marquis is lodged; but he presently acquainted the rest of his colleagues and they the Advocate, who taking to him the Proctor General, a chief officer of justice, went (as is told me) to the Marquis and spoke in such language as it is thought henceforward that soberina Española must suppress itself by dissembling till it have a more fit tune to break out in.
If the current have any credit, the Earl of Tyrone was received by Fuentes in Milan in his way to Rome with more honour and show of dearness than would have been afforded him if he in his heart were not an enemy, as well as the other in his action a traitor, to his Majesty.
The general opinion sways now quite from the peace, and the greatest apprehension is that all is but fraud in the Spaniard. There be some that take upon them to "conster" and parse the conjuncture of these times, saying the seeking of the Spaniard to come to a treaty, his shifts and delays now used in it, his amassing great sums of money together by playing bankrupt and not paying his creditors (which, they say, was more through will than want), his now great preparations by sea and land in Spain, Italy, Germany or the Cantons of the Swissers, the Earl of Tyrone's flying out just in this interim to go to treat with them of the war, while they amuse the world with a peace, the openness and commodity of Ireland to give him with greater powers entrance at his return; all this, they say, being put together, there can be made no other construction but that there are dangerous practices in hand against his Majesty (to be broached in Ireland), and also (or to one of them) to this little State, which is yet hopefully believed will return for the best safety into war again.—Hague, 26 April, 1608.
Holograph. 2 pp. (125 105.)
Sir Thomas Shirley to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 26. The time of payment of the half year's rent due upon my grant of alienations is almost expired, being to be paid at the Annunciation or within 40 days after. It stands upon not only the forfeiture of the grant but also of a recognizance of 4000l, wherein my son and I stand bound for the sure payment thereof. I assure myself your pleasure is not that I should pay this half year's rent, having not been suffered to take any benefit thereby; yet am I forced thereunto in the respects aforesaid, and help there is none but only by a privy seal for that purpose. I beseech your favour for obtaining thereof until the pleasure and leisure of your Lordship and the rest of my Lords may admit some end in that matter.—26 April, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (125 106.)
Advertisements from Cologne
1608, April 26/May 6. According to our last advices from Vienna of the 22nd ult., affairs are now in an extraordinary condition in those quarters. The Archduke Matthias is already in the field and is making his way towards Moravia, there to assemble his forces raised by himself and the States of Austria. To these will be added 10,000 hussars and "haydugges", and the lords of Hungary have in addition 20,000 men, both horse and foot, to send to his Highness on the first summons. His Highness has also had raised two regiments of foot and 3000 horse exclusive of those raised by the Moravians. It may be judged therefore that all this stir will not end without great bloodshed, though who the enemy may be is not yet known.
Bishop Forgatsch had been there for some days past but could not get an audience from his Highness, who had nevertheless concluded a peace with the Turks upon the basis upon which it was granted last year, and the Ambassador (l'orateur) must be sent on the first opportunity to Constantinople with the presents, namely, 50,000 thalers in cash (content) and 50,000 in silver goods. If his Majesty will not appoint Seigneur Duyuel to this office, his Highness will then send another.
From Prague we learn that the Archduke Mathias has arrived with his forces on the frontiers of Moravia near Tabor. Cardinal de Diderichstain has, however, returned there. His Majesty, after hearing his account of the great warlike preparations he had seen in Vienna and those parts, forthwith sent him back with the Secretary Bucher to the said Archduke's brother with the confirmation of all his treaties with the Hungarians. He sent also to the States of Moravia Messieurs Schlaueta and Christof Poppel to induce them to put an end to the increasing differences amongst the people. For these dissensions could easily give rise to rebellions amongst the Bohemians also, so much the more because the States of that Kingdom, which ought to come to this Diet, do not wish to appear there nor to grant his Majesty the 308,000 thalers more or less required. The burgesses of that town are also unwilling to have so strong a garrison as his Majesty proposes.
From Horinberch we are advised that the magistrate there kept in his pay 800 well tried soldiers, who were lodged in the villages about that town. Similarly the gentlemen of Ulm were provided with a good number of soldiers to have them at hand in case of need.
As for the Diet of Ratisbon nothing has yet been decreed there, and only once in these weeks have the Estates been together. However, the Protestants are daily with the Ambassadors of the Elector Palatine, who has in the meantime postponed the general muster of all his armed subjects until June 9th, when it will take place in a plain near Nieu Schlos, and the whole camp will be in tents of which a large number are being made.
From France we are advised that they have heard that there is a very strict league between the Pope and certain other potentates founded upon some new Jesuitical plans. The King, however, to make some counter scheme was reinforcing his arsenal and the Exchequer.
Hereabouts, and from this town, wagons are sent every day laden with arms and other instruments of war towards Germany, it is said for the Emperor's service. A good number were sent before by boat. Last week there arrived here by way of Antwerp and Juilliers Monsr Le Sieur as Ambassador of the King of England to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. He left on Wednesday, making his way beyond Haydelberch and Stutgart.
From Rome, 19 April, 1608.
Letters from France report that Don Jean de Medici has set out, as we wrote before, and is going to serve the Emperor in his Council of War in the present troubles in Hungary; and that some pieces of artillery were taken from Lyons and Rouen to Limoges in order to storm some places there, which had been fortified by some of the lords in rebellion against the King.
From Modena they write that at the magnificent entry of the Prince with his bride more than 25,000 foot and 1500 horse soldiers were assembled, the whole of the ordinary militia of the Duke.
Wednesday there passed by here a courier from Spain sent by the King to the Viceroy of Sicily, to ask him to send to the town of Barcelona two galleys to be kept upon the coasts of Aragon. This the Viceroy with many protestations refused.
Our lord has had a gold chain with a medal valued at 100 crowns presented to the Dutch captain who came with his ship to the mouth of this river, because it was the first big ship to arrive here.
From Venice, the 25th ditto.
We still hear of a league between certain potentates, and that the King of France means to take up arms against the people of Barbary on account of their capture of divers ships belonging to his subjects.
From Spain we hear of the arrival there of a certain engineer, who boasts of his readiness to close the Strait of Gibraltar for 700,000 crowns. The Court proctors (procureurs) have set out for their abodes to procure the portion of the million of which we wrote in our preceding letter. Signor Octo Centurne has been using all his wits to be made agent general of the King, but it is presumed that it will be all in vain as those of the Council are altogether opposed to him. It is affirmed that the Constable of Castille will take for wife Madame de Parades, a maid of honour of the Queen, aged twenty two.
They write from Genoa that ten other galleys are to be armed to protect still more the port and river(?) there against hostile corsairs and pirates. Some of these have been seen in the Sea of Leghorn, whereupon the Grand Duke promptly sent two galleys to force them to retire, which they have done.
Advices from Milan state that Cardinals Aldobno and San Cesaro have passed through there on their way to Turin, and that they were met by Cardinal Borromeo, the Count de Fuentes and Prince Peretti. The Earl of Tyrone passed through on his way to Rome, and had from Fuentes 6000 crowns in the name of the Catholic King for his journey.
There has arrived at Leghorn a Ragusa boat from Alicante laden with 130 packages of crimson (colli de cremosin), 200,000 crowns in reals, six boxes (scatole) of pearls, 2000 bales of wool and other merchandise, valued at 500,000 crowns. A trading galley has also arrived there laden with camlets, cordovans and other things; as also the berton Moressini of Soria with cotton and other goods. One of the tartanes recently taken by our big galleys has also been brought here and the others are expected.
On Monday the two Princes of Savoy arrived here. They were met only by their Ambassador here who took them to his palace. They have not been visited by the Spanish Ambassador, and they do not wish to be visited by the ministers of any Princes or others as they have come here incogniti.
French. 4 pp. (194 149.)
The Earl of Salisbury to John Suckling
1608, April 28. Warrant to send him the book or register containing the entries of corn and grain of all kinds exported by permission out of any of the ports of the kingdom in the late Lord Treasurer's time.— From the Court, 28 April, 1608.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Much damaged. ½ p. (125 107.)
Proclamation by [the King of Spain]
[1608, April 28/May 8.] That no one, of whatsoever birth, quality or condition he be, entertain any strangers in any inn or city under certain penalties, the guilty to be banished the kingdom without remission and to be forbidden to have licences to entertain strangers, until further order by his Majesty.—Undated.
Portuguese. Endorsed: "Copy of a proclamation published in Lisbon the 8 of May, 1608, new style." 2/3 p. (125 123.)
Probably enclosed in Hugh Lee's letter of May 6/16, see infra p 154
Ralph Birchenshaw to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 30. My former was of March 24, wherein I signified my return from a journey of 700 miles, since which by the Earl of Thomond you have received the enterprise of Sir Cahir Adortherdie in surprising the fort of Culmore and the Derry. If you had seen the certificates I delivered to the Lord Deputy of the two last musters myself took at those places, you would have suspected such like accident would have happened, considering the apparent show this rebel made of disloyalty from time to time, and the abuse used to defraud his Majesty in the strength of those forces of horse and foot appointed for defence of those places by them that had the command of the soldiers.
I will not now enlarge of the Derry and Culmore nor of the rest of the forces in this kingdom, only I require that in the behalf of his Majesty's service, and for your private knowledge, you would peruse such matter as I can show you touching the King's forces, and cause a letter to be sent here for my repair to your Lordship. If I found not the state of things here most miserable and full of danger, I would be silent, but in discharge of my duty to the King and your Lordship, I may not forbear to acquaint you with such weighty matter as imports the preservation of a kingdom; and when you shall see as in a glass the truth of matters here, I doubt not you will say my journey was needful and your knowledge therein not to be wanting.—Dublin, the last of April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (125 108.)
Jane Jobson to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 30. I entreat your favour towards Anthony Atkinson, searcher of Hull, whose wants myself can witness not only in the loss of his lands and goods, but likewise his office, wherein he was placed by your father, my uncle, at my suit, yet upon his own desert; which suit I am bound to renew, myself having received of him 100l since he was in office in respect of that favour showed him for my cause. I must be an earnest petitioner his office may be restored and his old patent by your means revived according to equity, and that the wrongs done him by Emanuel Fenton you would examine, who was placed therein by the unjust informations of him the said Fenton, who since he entered the office has committed many great offences against the King in his customs, prohibited goods and popish passengers, as may appear by several bills depending in the Exchequer these three years, and divers process and pursuivants sent down into the country to compel him to answer, which he as yet never would do. I crave you to have compassion on poor Atkinson, whose miseries are great and his good fortunes suppressed by enemies, the poor wretch disgracefully trodden underfoot. Be favourable unto him for my cause; I know he will be thankful to me (as he has been heretofore) whereof I stand in great need, having this last month had a great mischance by fire in my house, and hardly did I escape it myself with the loss of most of my garments. In regard whereof I pray you this my first suit on his behalf may not be denied.—Brantingham, this last day of April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (125 109.)
Anthony Atkinson to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 30. Grant me countenance against my enemies that have smothered the truth, whereby his Majesty's service has been hindered, myself overthrown and chased from place to place to save my life. What has been heretofore I pray you never to think of it, for you were abused and I wrongfully oppressed and hindered from declaring the truth to you. I am indebted and dare not come to follow his Majesty's services unless you will protect me. This bearer, my son, can further explain my miseries of which I crave your godly help.— Brantingham, this last [of] April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (125 110.)
Lady Walsingham
1608, April 30. Letters patent, reciting the appointment by the Queen of Awdrey, Lady Walsingham, Lady of her Privy Chamber, to be keeper of her robes, with an annual fee of 40 marks; and the grant to her by the King of two annuities of 200l each. Also grants to Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, Edward, Earl of Worcester and Henry, Earl of Southampton of an annuity of 500l during the life of the said Lady Walsingham, —Westminster, 30 April, 1608.
Parchment. 1 p. (219 4.)
Sir Michael Hickes to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608, April]. If you peruse this enclosed you shall see what induced the writer to move me for recovery of your favour towards him; and the reasons that make me bold to intercede for him. I confess of myself that of one that in music has no other art than his care, there are few that love it better. And it is true that to your own noble disposition to music I added my best endeavour to draw you on to erect a "consert", and although he that had the bass part had some bass conditions, yet the delight you had in the doulce diapason of his voice spurred you to allow him a pension and to bear with some faults, which you did notwithstanding greatly mislike. But he is dead and his faults with him. But he that remains, although by participation of his company he became partaker of his vices, yet there is hope that they shall not be buried with him, as they were with the other. My Lord, I utterly condemn the fact but pity the young man, in whom there are some good parts that were pity should be utterly lost. His young years accompanied with unadvised rashness and some other circumstances may help to extenuate, though not excuse, his offence. But especially his acknowledging of his fault, and his grief for it, for the which he craves pardon and promises assuredly that he will repair his credit with redoubling of his diligence in your service, may move you to have commiseration of him, and if not of him, yet of her who may repent at leisure her rash bargain, and purchased love at so high a rate. Your Lordship of my knowledge has forgiven greater faults towards yourself, and you being neither privy before nor allowing since of the marriage, methinks it cannot touch you in honour to show mercy to a man in a miserable estate. The thing cannot be undone, but he (nay both) are utterly undone without your compassion. You have always been honourably affected to the house of Oxford, show some favour to the name of Oxford; and though you be the worthy Chancellor and patron of the University of Cambridge, yet it does not let you to be a friend to the University of Oxford. If you receive this lost child (I will not say the son of perdition) into your service, if he be so graceless as to turn to his old bias, you may at your pleasure be rid both of the bowl and his bias.
PS. I ride tomorrow towards Chemsford to make one, though one of the unfittest, to deal in the composition with jurors, the King's woods and the alehouses. If you give me any private instructions, I would be glad to follow them.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "April, 1608." 1 p. (125 111.)
Holdenby Manor
[1608, April]. Memorandum by Jeffrey Duppa entitled "A Remembrance for Mr Calvert to move my Lord Treasurer."
When his Majesty was at Holdenby he recommended that certain fuel, ie. furze bushes and willows, should be reserved when demising the lands of Holdenby Manor, for brewing and baking when the King should be there. The Lord Treasurer thought this should be done, and charged him to find a fit person to preserve the same. He now recommends Robert Smyth, sometime brewer to Lady Hatton, who can also have care of the brewing implements. As he dwells 3 or 4 miles away, he is not like to waste the fuel himself, as one dwelling on the manor might do. This will save the felling of many loads of wood in the King's forests and disburden the subject of great carriages. The mills at Holdenby require re-edifying.—Undated.
1 p. (130 130.)
[Cf Cal. S.P. Dom: 1603–1610, pp. 422, 423.]
Sir Robert Carr to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608, ? April] Your courtesy shall make me study by all means to give proof how sensible I am of your love, and how much I esteem the favours that come from you. Those letters which you directed to me I did present to his Majesty, who after he had perused them bids me tell you that his judgment is not deceived, for those that are the Pope's slaves can be but half his friends. Your gracious master is glad to hear that you are past any danger of flux in your eyes, for he says it is unhappily fallen out that at one time he was lame and your Lordship blind; yet for a lame King and a blind Secretary he durst match with any other King and his Secretary. This place can furnish no matter wherewith to acquaint you. Our gracious master is, God be praised, well; howbeit the weather is a hindrance to his sports.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "1608. Sir Robert Carre to my Lord" and in a later hand: "This letter wrote before May when E. Salisbury was made Ld High Treasurer." 1 p. (125 153.)


  • 1. see Winwood's Memorials II, pp. 386 Seq