Cecil Papers: May 1608

Pages 151-177

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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May 1608

Robert Trelawny to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 1. This day arrived to this port one Edward Sowton from Cork, who reports an insurrection in Ireland by some Irish in the north, as by his examination enclosed appears. This last night arrived also from Cales and St Mary port a bark of this town, who coming from thence the 17th of April last the owner and merchant thereof reports that, being in Cales, he was told by some English merchants that came from St Lucas that there the King of Spain had proclaimed the breach of the truce between him and the Low Countries, and commanded all merchant enemies of those Provinces to depart out of his dominions by the 25th of April last; and thereupon the owner of this bark saw two Hollanders that gave a hundred ducats that their ships might be towed out of the harbour to avoid the danger, and strict command there given that no English or Dutch men should be lodged but in a Spanish house. I know not of what consequences these advertisements may be, and therefore have I in duty acquainted you therewith.—Plymouth, 1 May, 1608.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (125 117.)
The Enclosure
Examination of Edward Sowton of Southampton, Master of a ship called the Blessing, taken before Robert Trelawny, merchant, Mayor of Plymouth, the first day of May, 1608.
He saith this day sennight last he was in Cork in Ireland, where he heard of the death of the White Knight and his eldest son; and on Monday and Tuesday last in Cork the certain report was that in the north of Ireland, about threescore miles from Dublin, the Irish had slain an English knight, whose name he knows not, and taken his castle wherein was munition to furnish 500 men with muskets and pikes. On Wednesday last he came from Cork where the report was that the Irish in the north were up in arms, and did kill afar as they went for nine miles both men, women and children as well Irish as English.
½ p. (125 116.)
Lord Burghley to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 2. Congratulates him upon the high place he now possesses. Nuarke, this 2 of May, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (194 148.)
News of Ireland
1608, May 3. Sir Caire Odohorty, a lord in Ulster who had married Viscount Gormanston's daughter, a near neighbour to the Diree (vulgarly called le Foyle, sometime planted by Sir Henry Dockwray but now under Sir George Pawlet), bade to dinner one Harte (brother to him that married the Lady Willoughby) and his wife (daughter to Sir Robert Boswell of Kent) who was captain of Colmore Castle, in which much munition of the King's lay with some ward of 6 soldiers. Right much did he entertain him, but when evening came and he to retire, he told him he must stay as his prisoner and put irons on him, and told his wife that he would hang him except the fort were delivered to him. In the end, by love or weakness of wife or guard, it was delivered. But the same night O'Dohorty surprised the Diree with not above a hundred in his company, where he found no resistance, all asleep; besides 50 in the garrison allowed, above 100 able men with him, and to tell your Lordship truth Pawlet had not so much as a watchman himself to his house. Whether misery or negligence or covetousness has wrought this, it is the beginning of sorrows. The town burnt to the ground, man, woman nor child spared, of Pawlet's death or imprisonment no certainty that I can learn. But what is most strange is this, Odohorty was foreman of the jury that found Tyrone guilty of treasons and murders, Tyrconnel of treason. Yesterday the Earl of Thomond came to the King, all well in Ulster. I conferred long with him and no further tumults likely to arise, and these likely to be suppressed by the forces of the Deputy for that kingdom.—De Londres a 3 de Maye, 1608.
Endorsed: "The news of Ireland sent from Sir Thomas Edmondes out of Flanders" and in another hand: "enclosed by my lord to Secretarie Prada in his lordship's letter of the 7th of July, 1608." 1 p. (125 118.)
Lord Dunfermline to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 3. Your courtesy binds me to give you testimony of the great contentment I received to understand your preferment to the office of "Great Threasaurarie" in that kingdom. Not that I think by any such office increase can be given to your credit or honour, it being fully complete in your virtue; my contentment is to understand your sufficiency and virtue so well considered by our Sovereign, and employed both for his service and the weal of his estate and whole subjects.— Edinburgh, 3 May, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (125 119.)
Henry Beveridge to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before 4 May. 1608.] Prays Salisbury to write to the Lord Treasurer in his behalf for the place of John Dalling, Clerk of the Works at Greenwich, now very sick.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1777.)
Katherin Goodman and George Underhill to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before 4 May, 1608.] Keepers of one of the King's gardens at Greenwich, with fees payable out of the customs of London. The farmers of the customs now refuse to pay the same without warrant from the Lord Treasurer, which he is ready to grant if Salisbury consents.
Endorsed: "1604." [sic]. Note by Salisbury thereon. 1 p. (P. 1349.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, May 4. At audience with the Archduke he began with prosecuting the business of the toll of Graveling: (2) the defensive league with the States at which the Archduke took exceptions, as if it were a combination against him and Spain. Answered, that it should not take place unless the peace proceeded, and this assurance would draw on the peace, neither would the King wed the States' unjust quarrels. The answer well received. Gerrard the Jesuit shows himself abroad under the name of Father Frances. The Jesuits prepare to remove their college from Louvain to a place called Watten betwixt St Omers and Graveling. Much wondered at that notwithstanding their great necessities at Brussels, so much money is transported to the Spanish Ambassador in England, amounting to 100,000 crowns. Great exclamation upon the news of the execution of Jarvis the Jesuit in England whom they would make a martyr like Garnet.
Abstract. (227 p. 345.)
The Same to the Same
1608, May 4. A private letter. Touching the drowning of Trumbull mistaken. Some private intelligences of espials upon Baldwin and the Irish.
Abstract. (227 p. 346.)
Sir John Ogle to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 4. If those who have no such particular ties to you as I have, and that very many, do much applaud his Majesty's wisdom in your late advancement, saying that not only his Majesty shall draw now another manner of service to himself, but the whole state is like to receive a singular benefit, as they do a contentment already, it can be no touch to my discretion that I, that am your creature, should not only rejoice with the world but tell you none is more glad of your increase of honour than myself.
The affairs of these parts are greater in expectation of the Friar than in any performance till his coming; howbeit there are sometimes preparatory consultations wherein the adverse party is noted to begin to equivocate. The Advocate Barnveldt has been some days sick, but comes now again to counsel. The Archduke Matthias is said to remain Governor of Hungary; some think that he will not be long ere he make himself King of that country, and by that (being the next frontier to the Turk) give a fair offer for the Empire after his brother, who is thought rather inclined to have conferred it upon the Duke of Gratz, brother-inlaw to the King of Spain. But this interposing of Duke Matthias will much stagger that design.—Hague, 4 May, 1608, veteri.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (125 120.)
Sir Robert Johnson to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 6. Congratulations upon "this happy change" and protestations of devotion to his service. "Tower, this joyful sixth of May, 1608."
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (125 121.)
Sir Richard Cholmley to Sir John Fearne and Sir William Gee
1608, May 6. I am enforced in behalf of this liberty of Whitbystrand to appeal to yourself and associates for redress of some inconveniences likely to fall upon us, if by your means they be not presently prevented. At this present there is that general fear apprehended by the inhabitants of the liberty for an ensuing scarcity of corn in this country, and in my opinion of just grounds, as may rightly move a timely care for the repressing so great an inconvenience. I am of opinion we do yearly receive such blessing in the fruits of the earth within ourselves as give just occasion to be thankful to the grantor in a reasonable plentiful relieving our necessities in that kind, were it not that some private men respecting their own end more than common good, sought as at this present by engrossing and importing to places within the kingdom where such corn gives greater prices than in this country (although wheat be now sold here at 4s the bushel and better) to put the whole country hereabouts in a private want, not being able to relieve themselves by the market, the means thereof by these unlawful courses wholly taken away. There is much corn at this present bought up here and ready to be shipped for other ports, and more expected if some present course be not had to stay it for the provision of the country where it has been bred. The justices in the sessions have power to take knowledge of such abuses, which course without your trouble I could hold and punish the offenders to prevent future evils of the like nature, but shall no ways be able thereby to give that present relief the estate of the cause requires, the sessions being two months hence and the corn daily expected to be embarked. I have been much laboured by the poorer sort to give redress to these inconveniences; but finding a disability, for the reasons alleged, of my own present power, I thought it fitting to acquaint you, requiring you will take such course by prohibition or otherwise as you think fittest.—Whitby, 6 May, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (125 122.)
Hugh Lee to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 6/16. My last to you was the 20th of last month. Here is returned one of the carracks which departed in March last for the East Indies, only wanting her foretopmast which she spent at sea, besides some other defects in her which, by report of the captain, master and pilot, are such as she is wholly unfit to proceed on the voyage. Notwithstanding, all three of them are prisoners and are like to be sharply punished if they cannot approve sufficient reasons to the contrary.
The end of last month here arrived 4 ships and a pinnace from Andaluzia, laden with victuals and munition for the furnishing of the galleons here preparing, who brought with them also betwixt 800 and 900 soldiers. One of the said ships with three other small men-of-war of this place, furnished with those soldiers, are lately gone for the Islands to waft home certain carvels which come laden with goods landed there last year out of a carrack, which through defects was not able to come further. Their voyage cannot be further for they are victualled but for 6 weeks.
The galleons of this place are in preparing with all speed. It is said they shall go for the Groyne, where shall meet them 16 Biscayan ships besides the provision at the Groyne. The joining of the navy at that place shows the likelihood of their pretence to be northwards. Here is lately order from the King that all pensioners, which for former deserts of service receive yearly and monthly pensions from the King, are to leave their country to be employed in the King's services according to the aptness of their persons, some for the Low Countries under the Archdukes, others for the Groyne, and some to serve in this Armada when ready, which will be about midsummer. Such as go for the Groyne are to be there by the end of this month, and who refuses to serve loses his pension. It is said that Don Luis Faxardo with his whole government of Spaniards shall remove from hence unto the Groyne about the end of August next, leaving his whole command unto the Viceroy.
The 8 of this month was proclaimed in this city, by order from the King of Spain, that no stranger of what nation soever shall from the time of the proclamation forwards give entertainment, that is lodge, or give diet unto any other stranger upon pain to forfeit 100 ds, and to be banished this kingdom; and that all strangers shall be lodged in Portingales houses as by the said proclamation [appears], the copy whereof you may receive herewith. (fn. 1) The use is not in this place to put any proclamation in print, wherefore it goes in written hand. The publishing was on such sudden and the execution to run from the publication, that myself and such others as lodged in Englishmen's houses were constrained for the first night to take our lodgings aboard of such English shipping as were in this river, for otherwise we could not be provided upon so short warning. The next day following, I repaired unto the Viceroy to pray a time by favour to provide for ourselves, and specially for myself as consul to the nation, to have some privilege more than the rest. But contrary to my expectation I received for answer that he knew me not for consul, and therefore allowed me not to deal in any public action, for that I have no confirmation by this King; and further that he could not dispense with any part of the proclamation without special order from the King. But the cause of his Excellency's strict taking notice of me proceeded from the information of one Edward Baynes, an Englishman married in this city, who has laboured the Viceroy for himself to supply the place of consul; whom the Viceroy favours so much the more in that in the time of the late wars with Spain and of his former Viceroyship, he employed Baynes into England for a spy; and more, Baynes is he whom I formerly advised of, that forbid all such as lay in his house (who gave lodging to Englishmen) to remember his Majesty in their prayers unto the Almighty at their ordinary meals, as can witness one John Cartwright, now in London and sometime a guest of Baynes. The chief labourers to draw the election of consul unto the King of Spain from his Majesty is Henry Fludd and this Baynes, who allege that his Majesty has not power to appoint a consul to his own subjects in this kingdom, but the consul is to be appointed by order of this King. If they should prevail it would not be [?good] for any of his Majesty's subjects to travel into this country, for they have a purpose to stretch the office to their own purpose; and the youth that most frequent this place are so green that fair speeches prevail too much with many of them. At this instant there is a young man that sometimes belonged unto Sir John Doddridge, who fled out of England for killing of a man, of whom I wrote you that he was one of the 7 saved out of the ship which was cast away bound for Leghorn, whose purpose was to have gone for Rome. This young man, called Daniel Dean, since his happy escape has somewhat forgetfully carried himself, and a little overwhelmed in a conceit of his own wit and valour both, whereby he is in some trouble with a countryman of his own, who is not altogether to be excused. This Dean using daily resort unto Henry Fludd I friendly admonished him to forbear, and the better to persuade him gave him some sufficient reasons. All I had said unto him he told unto Fludd, and since has not stayed there, but to show his wit wrote me a letter wherein he affords a singular commendation unto Fludd, wishing me to concur with him without respect of the evil precedent I should give unto the youth in this place, or any other inconvenience. And to increase his grace with Fludd has given him a copy of his letter unto me, wherein Fludd takes such glory he has showed it unto most of the religious men in this city, and I fear may breed me some trouble, which I must avoid as I may. My trust is that God in his mercy will protect me.
This week I have writing from Seville that one Thomas Ferris was brought from Aymonty prisoner into the Inquisition at Seville, said to be accused by an English friar of Aymonty. God send him well freed.
Hugh Gurgany remains still prisoner here and only by Fludd's malicious practices, as his brother John Gurgany has discovered. The chiefest harm that comes unto any Englishman in these parts is procured unto him by some of his own countrymen.
I am very doubtful that the friends of John Howe are by some means come to the notice of my former writing touching him, for his carriage towards me is more strange of late than it was accustomed. I beseech you to respect my safety in this dangerous place. May it please you to accept of a simple present from a well-wishing mind, being a small box filled with the flowers of orange prepared, holden here to be very comfortable unto the stomach taken in the morning specially, and good at any other season.—Lisbon, 16 May, 1608, new style.
PS. The box aforesaid I have delivered unto Peter Kenton, master of a ship of Dover, bound for London.,
Holograph. 3 pp. (125 137.)
1608, May 7/17 to May 24/June 3. From Rome, May 17, 1608.
At Monday's Consistory the cross was delivered to Cardinal Mellini as Legate destined for Germany, he afterwards going accompanied by the Sacred College to the gate of St Angelo, where he entered a carriage to go to his lodging, and there await the briefs of instructions and other necessaries for his journey.
Cardinal Montalto has presented to our Lord two beautiful mules to go before the litter of his Holiness, and to Cardinal Mellini a chain of gold of 400 crowns. Wednesday, Signor Allessandro Redolfi took leave of the Pope, and on the morrow started post for Spain to give account on the part of the Archduke Matthias of the cause that moved his Highness to the present actions. From Spain we learn that Count Miranda had obtained a commenda for 18,000 crowns yearly pension vacated by the death of the Marquis de Cortis, and his son another of 8000 crowns with the title of Duke de Pignaranda.
The Cardinal Colonna having these days past been great with Father Badilia, a Spaniard and Jesuit, became immediately afterwards sick of a fever, so that he received yesterday evening the blessing and this morning passed to a better life; whereby the Cardinal Borgesi becomes patron of his abbey of Subiaces worth 14,000 crowns yearly, and besides, moreover, of the abbey of Benevento of 6,000 crowns yearly, together with many other benefices.
From Venice, the 23rd ditto.
It is published here that both here and in other walled places of this republic no one may any longer carry harquebusses, "terzariols" and pistols under the penalty otherwise enacted.
We hear that a galleon of Malta has taken a Turkish ship, and gained in her 150,000 Sultanini and many other goods. The Court of Florence has retired to the Villa d'Ambrogiana because of the sickness of which we wrote in our last, which is always increasing more and more.
They wrote from Genoa that the Ambassador of Spain there had appeared in the Senate, and given them to understand that the Spaniards wished to build a fortress at Finale de Ligure towards La Pietre conterminous with the Genoese. The Signory had immediately sent to the spot the Sieur Nicola Riccatolla to provide for those frontiers. Of which building of the said fortress people spoke diversely, the most part wishing to maintain that the Spaniards were resolved to make themselves masters of Variogotti, situated in the Republic's territory, and to reduce that place to a good port.
These days past Don Gio. di Medici was at the College, having complimented with the Duke, and it is said he ought to enter the service of this Signory. Wednesday morning were here beheaded and quartered Mariu de Steffani and Carlo called l'Alfiere, for various misdeeds and murders by them committed, and in particular for killing the most noble Signor Francesco Zuin: and Friday afterwards was executed in same fashion Pierre Formigaire, a Frenchman, who last week had also murdered his master, Signor Oratio Alberti Jubelier.
From Cologne. They write me from above of the death of the Duke of Lothringen.
From Cologne, 3 June, 1608.
By the last from Prague they write as follows: people are here in constant alarm fearing that these "garboilles" will not end without bloodshed, since one does not know how to understand these affairs, seeing that the Ambassadors of Saxony and Brandenburg have returned from the Archduke Matthias and obtained 8 days cessation to come to a resolution, since their masters have declared themselves to be in two different alliances with the Emperor, by reason of the Election and of the crown of Bohemia, to assist his Majesty, leaving to that end to levy some thousand men.
It is feared also that finally the citizens here will come to blows with one another, for his Majesty has caused it to be published that under heavy penalty no men (hommes masles) shall leave the town hereafter. Besides this the citizens are very discontented with the garrison lodged by them, having these past days killed in the new town 10 Walloon soldiers; and when 300 soldiers of Colonels Trautmanstorf and Tilli wished to go and plunder a village three leagues from here belonging to the Sieur Smirsitzki, they there quite entertained the said soldiers with kind words and made them good cheer, and nevertheless caused their 100 musketeers to come out of the Castle, joining to them some hundreds of the peasants, who suddenly attacked and slew all the 300 soldiers and so prevented their evil enterprise.
The Sieur Hanibal has returned from his embassage of Saxony, and says amongst other things that the Elector had reproached him roundly (de pleine gorge) that he was the principal director of his troubles (garboilles). There are here two principal lords who counsel the Emperor to flee out of this country into some other safe place, but the said Saxon [Elector] has written to his Majesty in no wise to lower his reputation, but to be assured of the assistance of Saxony and the High Palatinate as soon as necessity requires it. Notwithstanding this they expect here ambassadors from various Electors and Princes, to employ all their wits for the accommodation of these troubles.
The Archduke Matthias has caused the Count Belgioiose to be strangled for having opposed him by wishing to attack him, and to that end having killed nearly 300 of his Highness's men. And already the "Haydugges" make their excursions and plunderings in Bohemia with great damage to the inhabitants, causing many not only there but also elsewhere throughout the kingdom to retire with their wives, children and all that they can take with them elsewhere. However, his Majesty has taken into pay for 3 months more the 1200 reiters of the Seigneurs de Trautmansdorf and Tilli, and makes them lodge in the neighbourhood of this town in various villages; and the other reiters levied by some officers ought to pass muster at the first commodity. His said Majesty has caused to be presented to the Ambassadors of Saxony and Brandenburg some tuns of wine of various kinds, 8 "foders" of oats and 8 pieces of venison, and then sends them again to the Archduke Matthias.
They write also from Prague that at the closing of their letters news came that the Turks had occupied the fortress of Raab; but without further particulars we do not yet wish to believe it.
A certain good lord advises me from above as follows: the Emperor is in extreme danger; the Archduke Matthias, having approached to within three leagues of Prague, desires under assurance to come and find him. The rest of the Deputies at Ratisbon slip away also. The Archduke Ferdinand has departed thence suddenly towards Gratz on account of the death of his mother; he has left there the greater part of his train. The 12th of June will take place the muster of the camp of the Elector Palatine near Lamperteim and Nieuschlos. His Highness will form a camp there completely if they would go seek the enemy. And it is thought that in 8 days we shall hear some thing strange, for the Archduke Matthias would have the Council of the Emperor at his devotion. These are all strange news. And we hear also that the Duke of Lorraine is dead.
French. 4 pp. (125 143.)
The Earl of Pembroke to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[1608] May 8. My grandfather sold certain lands to Sir William Thomas's ancestors with warranty. Mr Tipper now calls them in question, and though he has brought him Mr Walter's opinion that the title is clear in law yet he will not be satisfied, thinking by this vexation to draw him to compound. My request is, since it particularly concerns myself, that if the title be clear you will dismiss him. I have sent you enclosed what Tipper alleges and Mr Walter's answer.—Baynards Castle, this 8 of May.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (125 124.)
Lady Dorset to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 8. The trust my late dear Lord did repose in these his servants (unto whom he gave as a testimony of his favour the places in reversion mentioned in this their enclosed petition to your Lordship), and the goodwill myself has borne them for their many years faithful service towards him departed, make me bold on their behalf to present these few lines, with an earnest desire you will for their master's sake confirm these places so by him intended unto them.—Dorset House, 8 May, 1608.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (125 125.)
Giovanni Meoli to —
1608, May 8. I have heard that you are causing me to be searched for, nor do know any reason unless it be to treat me yet worse than you did the day before yesterday, when you came at me with a pistol and dagger. I have been ill with the fright since. If you had not flown into a passion, you would have seen that I was only writing general news to the King and not anything that concerned the affairs of the King of England. You know I know no English and have never written a letter in this country, and you must see from that very letter that I am speaking the truth. If you will not listen, I shall go where I shall be listened to, and I hope Ridolfo Coraducci, Chancellor to the King of Bohemia, and other great men to whom I shall write, will help me. I hope to tell them this by word of mouth, for I mean to leave this country at once. If you wish to know where to find me, I am now under the protection of the French Ambassador.—8 May, 1608.
Holograph. Italian. Address torn off. Endorsed: "Meoli's letter unto me after his departure from my house." 1 p. (206 51.)
The Earl of Worcester to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608] May 9. I crave pardon of your Lordship for my brevity, for even as I was writing the King sent for me to cards; being forced to obey I will only let you know that his Majesty said, when I delivered the letter, that notwithstanding you take upon you to deal with styles you had forgotten his chief style, that is, as well in causes ecclesiastical as civil supreme governor. I demanded if he would command any other service but he said nothing, for tomorrow we shall see the gentleman.—May 9.
Holograph. Endorsed in a later hand: "About 1608." ½ p. (126 140.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1608, May 10. From my Lord Treasurer in favour of Sir John Hay.
Abstract. (227 p. 346).
The Privy Council to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 11. We assure ourselves your Lordship very well conceives that albeit our letters of the 7th of December last for the general restraint of transportation of grain were then written very earnestly as the present occasion required to the Lord Treasurer deceased, yet notwithstanding such as should have immediate care (as inferior officers of the ports) to the due execution of those our letters will no doubt be remiss in performance of their duty by his death, which we are the rather induced to think for that since the date of our said letters the price of corn in most parts of the realm is rather increased than diminished, principally growing out of the abuse of those officers, and secondly, out of the covetous disposition of such owners, farmers and merchants as engrossing and reserving great quantities of grain do by the wilful connivance or negligence of the officers suffer the same to be transported, to their immoderate and unlawful gain and the notable prejudice of the subject, especially of the poorer sort. We have therefore thought it requisite to renew those our letters unto you, sending a copy of them here enclosed, though we make no doubt but you in your wisdom and great discretion would have given order to this business (as Lord Treasurer of England) without these our letters, considering the necessity of the present time and the extraordinary inconveniences that usually grow through scarcity; and will also prevent that the officers of the ports may not from henceforth have liberty to commit like abuses as in former times have been very frequent with them. And so not doubting but these may abundantly suffice unto you in this behalf, we bid you right heartily well to fare.—From the Court at Whitehall, the eleventh of May, 1608.
Ten signatures including Salisbury's. 1 p. (125 126.)
The Privy Council to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 11. Whereas upon the suit of the merchants that trade into France (in regard they had not sufficient authority to levy any sum of money amongst themselves for the defraying of those necessary charges, which were incident to be employed for the freeing of them from an Edict made by the French King in the year 1600, for the confiscation of English cloths for divers defects pretended to be in them), it was thought necessary that a small imposition or tax should be laid upon all kind of cloths and woollen commodities transported by the said merchants out of this realm into the French dominions; whereupon divers letters have been formerly written unto the late Lord Treasurer to give direction to all the officers of the ports and custom for levying the said impositions, which from time to time have accordingly been collected: forasmuch as upon calling the said merchants before us to give a particular account what moneys have been levied, and in what sort disbursed, we do find the same does not amount unto a sufficient value to satisfy those moneys which have been already laid out, but that it is necessary some addition be made unto the former imposition for the full satisfaction thereof; unto which as well the merchants of London as those of the West Country have given their assents (as by this enclosed certificate under their hands appears): these are to pray you to direct your letters to the several officers of the ports and custom requiring them to cause the said imposition and tax of increase, specified in the said enclosed schedule, to be collected for the use before mentioned.—From the Court at Whitehall, 11 May, 1608.
Twelve signatures. 1 p. (125 129.)
Two Enclosures
The merchants of London trading into France to the Privy Council
Upon the suit of the merchants of the West Country unto your Honours concerning the levying of an imposition upon all commodities transported for France for the sooner satisfying of a sum of money disbursed concerning this general business yet behind unsatisfied, and for the ease of themselves; we the merchants of London trading into France according to your commandment have met with those of the West Country and have set down what imposition we are willing shall be collected upon all sorts of commodities transported for France, unto which herunder we have subscribed our names, which we refer to your wisdom to consider and determine.
We whose names are underwritten, being some merchants as well of the west parts of England as others of the city of London trading unto Rouen, Bordeaux and other towns in France, do hereby consent to pay upon the pound valued in the book of rates 2d upon all sorts of merchandise entered and transported for any of the French King's dominions by any of his Majesty's subjects of Great Britain, besides the former tax and imposition already imposed and yet collected upon all sorts of drapery, the which commodity is understood to remain and pay such impositions as formerly; which general imposition of woollen cloth and all other commodities to continue until the expiration of the time limited by the Lord Treasurer's letters formerly directed to the ports; wherein our meaning is that such merchandise which is shipped by certificate for France shall be subject and pay the same imposition of 2d in the pound being upon goods which pay customs inwards and so shipped out by warrant, free of custom, in a certain time, and by the merchant that entered the same inwards. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the 2 of April, 1608.
Nineteen signatures. 1 p. (125 128.)
Lord Treasurer [Dorset] to [the Customs Officers at] the Ports
I have received letters from the Council to the effect following, that whereas upon the suit of the chiefest of merchants that trade into France, in respect they have no authority by corporation or otherwise to levy any sum of money amongst themselves for the defraying those necessary charges which concern the good of the whole company and their trade, it was found necessary to lay a small imposition or tax upon all kind of cloths and woollen commodities that are transported by them out of his Majesty's realm into the French dominions for this pur pose only, to bear the charges that had been sustained and were necessary to be employed for the freeing of them from a hard edict made by the French King in the year 1600, for the confiscation of our English cloths for divers defects pretended to be in them; whereupon divers letters were written unto me by which I was required to give direction unto all the officers of all the ports and customs for the levying and gathering of that imposition. And for that there is now a commission granted by his Majesty unto Sir Thomas Parry, his Majesty's Ambassador there, to treat about the revoking or qualifying of that Edict, whereby his Majesty's subjects receive so great prejudice as unless they may be freed from the same, they shall not be able to continue their trade and intercourse; for the prosecution whereof they have chosen merchants clothiers and other persons of experience in these matters, to go over expressly to attend the Ambassador and to follow that business: which charges, besides the former disbursements not yet satisfied, cannot be supported and borne by the small impositions and rates formerly set down without some further order taken. Forsomuch as upon conference lately had with the chiefest French merchants, a new rate and imposition has been set down doubling the former to the which all the chiefest of them have given their allowance and consent, as a thing most necessary to be done for the following of these causes importing the whole trade; I am required by their Lordships' said letters to direct my letters newly to the several officers of all ports and customs, requiring them for causes above specified to cause this imposition and tax of increase hereunder written to be collected according to their former direction, and in such measure and form, and for the space of four years from the date hereof, as is contained in those letters which their Lordships did then send unto me, and with which by mine you have been formerly acquainted. In regard whereof these are straitly to will and require you from henceforth to be very diligent to collect this new imposition and tax of increase of these several commodities hereunder written according to the effect of their Lordships' said letters. And in so doing, this shall be your warrant.—From Dorset House, this 10th of July, 1605.
Copy. 1⅓ pp. (125 127)
On the dorse is the following memorandum: Whereas the receipt of the French imposition has been much impaired of that it would have grown unto, by reason that some masters of ships have entered for Spain, "Barbey" Islands, or some other places, when they have been bound for France or Brittany; these are to will and require you that as you have already authority, so to take the oath of every English master of any ship that enters not for France, that he is neither bound nor will lay on land in any part of France or dominions of the French King any of those commodities which by the merchants were entered upon him and are in his ship.
Sir Thomas Edmondes to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 11. I could not conceal from your Lordship at the writing of my last letter the grief wherewith my mind was oppressed for the news brought me by Caff the post of the drowning of my secretary Trumbull; which he did so confidently assure me to be true as that the boat wherein they had embarked themselves was seen to perish between the Downs and Dover, and he put me from all hope that it could be any other than his boat that had run that fortune. But though it be true that he escaped otherwise with great danger in that tempest, I thank God for having dealt mercifully with him and me therein. And now most glad I am to have so good occasion of joy for the news I have understood of the worthy election of your Lordship into the place of the Lord High Treasurer of England; wherein, as you inherit the virtues of your noble father, so I pray God you may enjoy that honour with as much happiness and long life as he did. I should think myself happy, now you are to use the ministry of some subaltern agents for your ease in those weighty charges you manage, that you would think me worthy of a part of that distribution; and thus much I am bold to intimate for myself, because I have not so favourable means of remembrance for me in my absence as others have.
Of the peace there is no more speech here at this time than if there were no such treaty in hand, the further discourse of that business having wholly reference to the coming of the Friar, of whose negotiations there is no news come since his departure hence. The Archduke sent a few days since the Count Octavio, a gentleman of his chamber, towards the Emperor and the Archduke Mathias to assist the compounding of the differences between them. In what state those matters stand will appear unto you by this enclosed advertisement out of Germany, and how the Imperial Diet is broken off without having concluded anything. Sir William Stanley departed yesterday for Spain. One well acquainted with the extreme poverty of his estate assures me that his errand must be only to seek some relief there. I send herewith a letter directed to your secretary from the party that is known to you.—From Brussels, 11 May, 1608.
PS. I send you herewith the copy of an advertisement which was brought unto me even now, of the receiving of Tyrone at Rome, written from thence to a Catholic here.
Holograph. 2 pp. (125 130).
Brief abstract of the foregoing letter. (227 p. 346.)
Dudley Norton to George Calvert
1608, May 12. This letter of Sir Oliver St John's, the note of artillery, and the proclamation I brought away in my pocket yesterday unawares. I pray receive them and lay them up. The abstract for the artillery it is like my Lord will call for to show to my Lord Carew.— Thursday morning, 12 May, 1608.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (125 131.)
Alexander Cowfold to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 12. Having been most bound unto your noble father and yourself, I ever thought it my duty in all occurrents that might make show of danger unto me, to present myself unto you before any of the Privy Council. So did I when I was unjustly touched about Watson's treasons, and was discharged by your command. And since, being complained on at the Council table, I found again your favour, which emboldens me to acquaint you with a kinsman of mine his coming over into England, whose breeding has been beyond seas ever since he has been a child, and is now desirous to speak with me. But I by no means will see him except by your favour. I have waited long about the Court seeking opportunity of speaking with you, which by your extraordinary businesses of late I have not found, and therefore am enforced to write thus much.—12 May, 1608.
Holograph. ½ p. (125 132).
[Redmond Bourke] (fn. 2) to Sir Charles Cornwallis
1608, May 12/22. Before and since I was procured to thrust my head among such as rebelled in Ireland, I besought the abominable injuries I received from Ullick Burk, supposed Earl of Clanricard, should be righted, but could never reap but fruitless labour. My father, John Burk, son and heir to Sir Richard Burk, Earl of Clanricard, was wrongfully compelled to divide the earldom with Ullick his base brother, who soon after murdered him and seized his lands and goods, and my wardship was passed over to him. To defeat my mother of her jointure and bar her from following the murder, he, by corrupting judges and witnesses, obtained sentence of contempt against her in behalf of Cathren Barnewall, who at her death testified there was neither marriage nor contract between her and my father. Though her Majesty of right should restore me, yet Sir William Russell and the Council would not let law take place herein, and the Lord Chancellor alleged against me the sentence in Ullick's favour. When they said they might not offend the said supposed Earl, I offered that if the said Ullick would rebel, I would banish him to Ulster; or, if he continued a subject, that I would carry twice as many to serve her Majesty as he would, if they gave me right. When they denied this, I begged for allowance to sustain myself, which was denied me; and commissions were given out to apprehend me. These wrongs procured me to save my life and, led by youth and folly, to follow the erroneous course I did; for I knew that he who used detestable means to deprive me of a piece of land, and sent witches to bewitch me when a little child at school, as before the Commissioners in Kilkenny was detected and proved, would not spare my life; and who was so favoured that he might carry away the open murdering of his own brother, would be far more bringing against one some proof of treason. I beseech you inform his Majesty hereof and procure my pardon, and compel the now supposed Earl of Clanricard, the said Ullick, to abide the arbitrement of three or four earls or viscounts of that realm. Far better I might prove his illegitimation (for the two former marriages of his mother with very followers of mine), if I were not fortuneless.—Madrid, 22 May, 1608.
Holograph. Endorsed: "R. Letryme and Clanrickard to Sir Charles Cornewallis." 3 pp. (195 1.)
The King to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 13. Where[as] we have, by our former letters to the late Earl of Dorset, Treasurer of England, signified our pleasure in favour of our city of London that in regard of the dearth of corn feared this year, we were pleased that all corn by any of our subjects or strangers brought into that our port of London or any other port of our realm, if the same could not here be uttered by the merchant at reasonable prices, it should be lawful for them to transport it again into foreign parts without paying custom. We are yet upon further information (that our grant is no more than the law permits already to those that bring in corn or any other commodities) pleased to enlarge our favour for the relief of our people, and that all corn and grain brought into London or any other port of our realm by any our subjects or strangers shall be freed of all custom inward or other duties to us payable. Wherefore we require you to give order to the officers of our ports, that they from henceforth suffer all manner of corn and grain brought into this realm by any our subjects or strangers to be entered and unladen without paying any custom or duty to us; this our favour to continue until our pleasure be signified to the contrary. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster the thirteenth day of May, in the sixth year of our reign.
Sign manual. 2/3 p. (125 133.)
The King to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 13. Andrew Kemerlingk, of the city of Elbing in Poland, merchant, has brought into this realm the sum of five hundred ducats of gold of the coin of Hungary to be bestowed here upon wares or merchandise, or made over by letters of exchange to his use. Forasmuch as he pretends he can neither employ the same money upon merchandise nor return it by exchange without his loss, and therefore has besought us to permit him to transport out of this our realm the said 500 ducats of gold in specie, which we are graciously pleased to yield unto; we require you to give order to the officers of our port of London or elsewhere, to suffer Kemerlingk to transport out of this realm the said ducats of gold in specie without any stay, molestation or impeachment, for such is our pleasure. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster the thirteenth day of May, in the sixth year of our reign.
Sign manual. ½ p. (125 134.)
Sir John Ogle to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 13. In my last I wrote of the appearance of a germane war betwixt the Emperor and his brother. It is said that the Archduke marches towards Prague, and that the Emperor, together with the Duke of Beyren, make the best provision they can against him; but it is withal believed that this controversy will be ended without any stir of bloodshed, and that both the Archduke and the other princes of the Empire will make their benefit of this dissension.
Verreyken is gone towards Brabant this day with the instrument of the truce concluded till January next, and is not expected till the Friar and he shall come together, which is thought will be within 14 days. In the meanwhile the Marquis with Richardot and the Spaniard (having little else to do, for they have not been in counsel above twice since the Friar first went) sit and make themselves merry, sometimes at the news out of Ireland, as a papist that haunts the house much told me for certain.
The Estates had taken a resolution (but is for the present adjourned to be put in practice) to reduce all their companies of foot to 80 heads, and for the biddets (fn. 3) of the cavalry it is yet in question. Those of Zeeland have given example how to deal with the foot, what they will do with the horse is not yet known. Some will say that by this their seeking to hold all the captains in devotion, they will rather lose all by discontenting the worthiest, who by this means must part with more than half their means. But they will provide in their wisdoms for the best, and when they have done give losers leave to speak, so it be intra limites.
The East Indian news of the taking of Malacca and the governor of Goa prisoner in it, together with the recovery of Terra Nata, your Lordship has from Zeeland.
The triumph for the French King's last born son was general and great as bells and bonfires could make it through all the land here on Sunday last.
Centurioni, a Genevois, and one that has title of general over certain galleys, and is beside said to be a great dealer in the finances for the King of Spain, has been here with the Marquis Spinola 3 or 4 days, and is now gone to Amsterdam.
Those of Brabant have lately bought many horses and strengthened their troops of cavalry, but that was but bonne mine till the truce was effected. It is said the Archduke's soldiers were never so ill paid and that they beg in troops, whereout some gather that there is barrelling up of treasure against a fit time to set it abroach. For the peace, it is thought it will go forward if the Monk bring no impediments from Spain, and that upon these inducements; first, the sovereignty clearly gained; secondly, the presumption that the Spaniard will not hold it long; thirdly, when he shall have broken it, that through the benefit of the leagues with his Majesty and the French they shall make the war upon much better conditions. You will pardon me, you see I want not will to serve you, but I am like a poor debtor that owes much and can pay little.—Till I be better able, my prayers only shall attend you.—Hague, 13 May, 1608. veteri.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (125 135.)
Captain Mewtys to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 14. Let me present my service unto you and pardon for my long silence, fearing lest that, with the importunity of my friend, might give you cause to condemn me; as worthily you might, if to my knowledge you should be urged in my behalf to the States to do more for me than you have already done out of your own noble disposition. which is so much I shall never be able to pay that debt with my service.—Hague, 14 May, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (125 136.)
Compositions for assart lands, wastes and purprestures
1608, May 17. A Commission granted to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer and others, for ready money, yearly rent or other like composition to be yielded to his Majesty, to compound for and cause to be conveyed to his Highness's subjects assart lands, wastes and purprestures: and agrees with his Majesty's former Commission of this same nature subscribed by Mr Attorney General. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A Commission granted to the same to give allowance unto Otho Nicholson Esq. for his service about the execution of the above Commission. And this agrees with a former Commission of like nature.— Procured and subscribed as above.
Docquets. ½ p. (125 139.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Privy Council
1608, May 17. His last letters were of the 12th present (fn. 4) and sent by way of France.
All things here stand in their former state; the King and Queen at Lerma, and the councillors of the Consulta not yet gone from hence, but will within two or three days and not return in many weeks, except these late news of the death of the Queen's mother draw the King hither to celebrate her obsequies.
Don Pedro de Toledo is to begin his journey towards France within 14 days, and the published motion for alliance is, as it seems, likely to have a brief success. The passports of the Marques Spinola go here for very current, and the trading people of those parts pass with much more safety than the subjects of the King, Cornwallis's master.
The poor prisoners at Seville, notwithstanding all his solicitations, are sent to the galleys, and in their passage used with all the hardness that could be offered them. The best is their galleys are not hell, and being but purgatory, Cornwallis is yet not altogether out of hope but at length his prayers may prevail for them.
He hopes his Majesty's subjects in Virginia shall not be uncared for, to whom he much suspects that this summer there will be given some alarum; and the rather he thinks in regard they will not by any means take knowledge of any settling or planting there, nor once take the name of that country in their mouth.
He understands the fugitive Earls of Ireland had money sent them into Ireland, and much given them since their coming from thence; whether it went out of this purse or out of the Archdukes' he cannot yet assure. The Pope to whom they are now repaired is not likely to do much for them, as he has neither much means nor much will to largess and matter of charge Yet that was the fittest place that by their best friends, in this time of handling so important affairs, could be either advised or assigned unto them, for there, under a scarf of charity, they may receive out of the hands of some that which comes from the malicious hearts and corrupting hands of others.—Madrid, 17 May, 1608, stilo vet.
Signed. 2 pp. (125 140).
[Printed in extenso in Winwood's Memorials 11, pp. 399, 400 from a copy in the Cottonian Library]
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, May 18. The Audiencer returned with news of the prolongation of the truce for 7 months, which gives great cause of discourse. Sir Edmond Baynham newly arrived to increase the number of the gunpowder regiment.
Abstract. (227 p. 346.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes
1608, May 18. From my Lord Treasurer. Approving the treaty with the Archduke; by way of prevention touching the toll at Graveling, and the new erecting a college of Jesuits near England, thereby to trouble the State by such emissaries. Touching the moneys received by the Spanish Ambassador, not found to execute [sic: exceed] 40,000 crowns which is said to be by way of provision for his expenses. One Dabridgecourt, a writer of news. Advises to intercept some of his letters. In a postscript with my Lord's own hand; 1, touching the Spanish gloves, thanks; 2, touching himself, good words, whereof—if you doubt my best means to further you, I will say to Sir Thomas Edmondes "O modice fidei, quare dubitasti?"
Abstract. (227 p. 346.)
Nevill Davis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 21/31. In my last of February 20th I certified of preparations here making, being the Terra Ferma fleet; and the 10 galleons which is to bring home the treasure, the one departed from Cadiz the 7th March, the other about Easter. Since then they have been preparing their Nova Spania fleet, which will be ready to set sail about the 15th of the next. It will be as great a fleet as ever went to the Indias, being at the least 60 sail small and great that go for the "meanie" and the islands. After this fleet are gone here will be very few ships.
By a letter from his Lordship [Cornwallis] I heard of the Consulta taken against Captain Challines and his poor company after so long imprisonment, they being sentenced to the galleys, notwithstanding his Lordship laboured to have the same revoked, or at least to know the cause of their proceeding so severely against them, being taken upon the ocean seas, and having neither traded in their Indias nor committed piracy, but through extremity of weather were forced to some of the islands "unhabited" by the Spaniards. They were the 15th hereof sent to the galleys, saving 4 boys and the "salvaia" [?savage or slave] whom I procured to send home. The captain and others that went upon sureties got away, otherwise they had been sent to the galleys. None that were sureties have been so hardly dealt withal as myself. They have not only kept me almost three months in prison, but have forced me to pay above 600 ducats, and yet I cannot be cleared. My Lord has promised to do his endeavour for remedying thereof. I proffered to buy two slaves to serve in the galleys for Thomas St John, for whom I was surety, but they would not accept thereof, notwithstanding themselves were the cause that urged him to go away. I hope Captain Challines has been a suitor to you for the relief of his poor company, who pass great misery in the galleys. There was sent with them two Hollanders taken at St Domingo.
This last week there came into St Lucar a ship from Amsterdam laden with clapboards. He brought Marquis Spindola's pass. They are well received. The Duke of Medina told them if they had come without pass they should have been welcome. This causes the Spaniard to hope of a speedy peace, which they so greatly desire. The peacemaking Friar is still at the Court to work the same. Some Spaniards have written from thence to others their friends here, that the peace before this had been concluded if the Council of England had not sought to disturb the same, and nominating your Lordship. They say you to be the principalest hinderer thereof.
The King has lately caused an edict to be made, which is put in execution, forbidding all strangers, though they be here married and settled in the country, to keep any lodging or entertain strangers, although they be of their own nation; but such as be goers and comers shall lodge at Spaniards' houses. What security this will be both for our lives and goods I refer to your consideration. It cannot [be] but that a Jesuit had a hand in this.
I hope before this you have heard how one Thomas Ferrys is put into the Inquisition House, and all his goods seized on. It is supposed an English friar to be his accuser, more for malice than upon any just cause.
It is said that one Don Pedro de Toledo goes Ambassador into France to treat of a marriage betwixt the Dolfine and the Infanta of Spain.
By these last ships we understand of the sudden death of our last Lord Treasurer, for which we are sorry; and that his Majesty has besstowed that honourable charge upon you.
Sir John Feirn and others have here to sell near upon 60 pieces of great iron ordnance from 30 to 36 cwt apiece. I think they came out of Wales. They offer for them but 28 reals the quintal, which price will not benefit them so much as the hurt they do to our country. They might take warning by a late loss they received in the bay of Cadez.—Sivel, 31 May 1608, stillo novo.
Holograph. 2 pp. (195 10.)
The King to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 24. Whereas heretofore by our privy seal we granted unto our servant William Shawe 1000l out of such debt as was due unto our late dear sister the Queen, deceased, and now unto us by the sureties of Richard Yong, deceased, sometime Collector of the petty customs within the port of London: we are now well pleased of our special favour to grant unto the said Shawe the whole debt due unto us and to be levied upon the said sureties, amounting to 2500l or thereabouts. Wherefore give order to our learned counsel, or whom else it appertains for the drawing of a book in due form of law, to contain a grant from us of the whole debt unto the said Shawe. Given under our Signet at our manor of Greenwich, the 24th May in the sixth year of our reign.
Sign manual. Seal. Endorsed: His L[ordship] wrote his warrant to Mr Attorney on the behalf of Mr Shawe according to the contents of this warrant of his Majesty, the 29 May, 1608." 2/3 p. (125 145.)
Richard Sympson to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 24. I am suitor in behalf of this bearer my son, whom I have always employed under me in my office of Comptroller, which your father granted me, that you would exchange my name out of my patent (being somewhat stricken in age and desirous to see the preferment of my eldest son in my life) and grant your warrant for placing my son in the said office.—Poole, 24 May, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (125 142.)
William Eliston to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, May 24. These things have passed in the kingdoms of Spain from the 20th of May, 1607 to the 24th of May, 1608.
Sir John Ferne had a ship of 100 tons come to St Sebastian's laden with ordnance, powder and shot for the King's galleons. The master was Richard Mathews of Shorame; and there discharged them. Sir John came overland and delivered them himself. He had a ship of 60 tons laden at Cardyfe with ordnance and carriages bound for Syvell, and was taken by the Hollanders. Mr Massome of London and Peter Shemyn, a Dutchman, which make them at Cardyffe, are partners. Willes, owner of a ship of Cardyffe of 30 tons came to St Lucar with ordnance for the said parties. Crystover Brooke, master and owner of a ship of Bristowe of 60 tons, laded at the above place for their accounts 28 "colverings" [culverins], which weighed 57 tons, entered in their cocket 12 tons for Midelboro and landed them at St Lucar. George Lawson, master of the Bevys laded at Porchmoth for their accounts 57 culverins, and discharged them at Legorne, and sold them to the Duke of Florence, and came back to Cales and there cast away. Johnsone, master of a ship of Peter Hilles of Redryffe, sold a ship of 200 tons with 6 cast pieces to a Spaniard in Cales.
St Lucar is a place for embarcage of our English priests and Jesuits continually from Callys to St Lucar; and from thence some go for Syvell, some to Valodelith, and some for Rome; and they come from Rome and embark back to Callys in French ships, and then convey themselves into England, some like mariners, some like soldiers, and some like merchants. The 3 of November last came to St Lucar 18 English Jesuits in a French ship of Callys, and dispersed themselves abroad. There came two Jesuits from Rome and went to the college of Syvell. One is a North countryman. He was four years in Rome. He told me he would come for England. Gallwaye, once of London, with his son now married in Antwerpe, had been a pilgrimage at Rome, and so came with him two Jesuits like soldiers, the one English, the other Irish, and were at St Lucar and went up to Madrid, and so by the way of France. They were offered their passage for London, but would not. There departed the 24th of May last from St Lucar 6 Jesuits for Callys. Fynche, a priest born by Canterbury, long time in Rome, and was a time in Syvell a mass priest, came to St Lucar and departed for England about the 10th of November last. There was a Jesuit, born in Bristowe, at Fonteravya in Byskeye, which was long time in Syvell, determinedto go for England in July last.
Mathewe Ryce, master of the Concorde of Brystowe, brought to St Lucar an English tailor, a notable papist. Crane, master of a ship of London, brought to St Lucar an English tailor called Arrys, a notable papist. His cousin is called Martyne Arrys, a Sussex man, priest of St George's of St Lucar.
Sir John Ferne has filled Lyshborne and Bilboa with ordnance. Great quantity of butter and calfskins come from Brystowe and all Severn for St Lucar, Cales and Syvell. Out of London and the West country are laden butter, calfskins, candles, tallow, great shot, muskets, callyvers and great store of Cornish tin "unconashede" or customed.
There went from St Lucar in October last for Nova Spanya 17 of the King's galleons and ships. In February last 37 galleons and merchant ships departed from Cales for Terra Ferme and the Islands. The 28th of May last departed from Cales 80 galleons and merchant ships with soldiers and merchandise; for what places I know not. There went from Lixborne 14 men of war for the Easte Endya as by report.
I came over now with a Dutchman who, being long time in Syvell, had conference with one of his countrymen that cast all the King of Spain's brass ordnance, and wrought night and day in casting ordnance for this last shipping of 80 sail, who reported that some of this fleet should go for Vyrginya, as he heard from some of the commanders.
Holograph. 3 pp. (195 3.)
Sir John Ogle to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 25/June 4. A common understanding will scarce think it possible there should be so little news stirring where there are so many ambassadors in one place. It seems that sedes belli will (for the breathing time here) remain in Germany, where it is said the Emperor is like to have much the worse. The last and certain news from thence holds that he cannot make above 2000 men for his succour, his brother coming upon him with 20,000. The Spanish Ambassador resident by the Emperor entrusts his person yet at Prague, but guards it with 40 men; his goods he has sent to a place of better strength. Some say the Archduke Mathias aims directly at the Empire, and that he has sent word to his brother that he is unfit for government and shall do well to retire himself, and he will see that he shall have convenient maintenance for a private state. Others will say (but that is not so probable) that the two brothers understand themselves, and that all this cloud of anger and force will pour forth itself upon the Protestant Princes in Germany. For us here your Lordship is daily and more particularly advertised than is in my power to do; how, notwithstanding the several reports and certain tidings of the great preparation made by the Spaniard both in Italy and elsewhere, as well by sea as by land, we remain secure and trust to the strength of our late concluded truce. It is also believed that if the Spaniard have in purpose to attempt anything, that he will (though indirectly as shadowing his malice under the Pope's holiness) rather turn his edge upon Ireland than upon these parts, where it is for the most part imagined that a peace will be the issue of this treaty, and that the Spaniard will follow the Friar's counsel rather to yield to what these men will (so he may come to his own ends in time) than to enter into a war again whereof no man can propound unto him a probable way of happy event.
Verreyken is returned yesterday out of Brabant, but brings no news of the Monk. His long stay is thought to bring with it a sure dispatch of what he went for; but because difficilia quae pulchra the demands must, at least in show, [be] but hardly yielded to. The Count Maurice offers yet to lay odds that it will be no peace in the end; whether he speak as he thinks I know not, but all of our trade have reason to pray that he prove a princely prophet. For Zeeland has already given a model of our doom if it be pax and not bellum rursum. Here are now 2 learned doctors, both professors and divinity lecturers in Leyden, who for some weighty point of controversy in religion betwixt them are in hearing before the High Council, to whom are adjoined for assistants 4 learned and grave divines. The two disputers are Gomarrtius and Arminius, the former held very profound and learned, the other of an extraordinary ability both for strength of wit and memory. I can not yet learn what are the particular differences betwixt them, nor may those of the Commission reveal it as yet. One point has been long talked of, that Arminius should differ from the commonly received doctrine of predestination.
You see how I am forced from mine own element to borrow of others to express my duty and endeavours in, which yet are all nothing but in the merit of your wonted gracious acceptance.—Hague, June 4, 1608, novo.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (125 146.)
William Resould to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 25. The King, being gone to Valladolid after the Duke of Lerma, has carried with him part of his Council and other chief officers; Don Juan Diaquez is made ayo to the Prince, Secretary Prado has the office of Villa Longa, the Conde of Lemus is to go Viceroy for Naples, and many other alterations in officers. Don Pedro de Toledo proceeds of his embassage to the French King about the marriage of the Spanish and French princes. I have heard he shall carry from this King to the French King for a present 30 horses and other jewels. This combination of marriage will make their parts the stronger against our Sovereign; yet better the Romish Catholic caste should be matched together than his Majesty's princely issue troubled with any of them; these from hence proceeding from a wise father, and those in France doubtful of succession. The peace for the Hollanders is now where the King is to be treated upon, so it may be in policy given out about these marriages to make them bend to weaker conditions; but it will be a caveat to our Sovereign the more to hinder that peace and to combine the stronger with his neighbour religious princes, and means to be used to keep this King down while he is low. From France Don Pedro de Toledo is to go Ambas sador to the Emperor to deliver his success in France, and about the choosing of the King of the Romans.
This week is given a sentence in revista against the servant of Mr Bumford, a merchant of London, for bringing French goods to Seville, only for that he has not brought a certificate out of France that they are French commodities bought there. If this be permitted the English merchants must set the scriveners a work in all countries they trade into; besides, the base officers of this nation ever will be troubling of them, so that by the articles of the peace other nations shall be enriched and his Majesty's subjects undone.
The business of the trial of Mr Eldrees and Hall against the Duke of Feria goes but slowly forwards, and by no means can remedy it [sic]. Their cause in all equity is to be pitied and relieved.
Mr Cauley, a merchant of London, who days past came hither to recover 200,000 ducats the Archduke owes him, I think is like to return as he came.—Madrid, 25 May, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (125 147.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, May 25. Don Pedro de Toledo coming out of Spain to propose marriage betwixt that State and France; from thence to pass into Germany to compound some difference there betwixt the Emperor and the Ad [Archduke] Matthias. Particularities of Irish designs upon news of Odoliarties's rebellion, with whom the Jesuits brag that Ocane and Neale Garnie are joined. Fitzsymonds the Jesuit to go into Ireland.
Abstract. (227 p. 346).
The Mayor and others of Exeter to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 26. They beg him to accept a patent of the High Stewardship of their city, which they send by the bearer, Mr Prouse, Governor of their merchants. They also beg his favour in the business now in hand, because the welfare or utter undoing of the city and the greater part of the shire depends thereon.—Exon, 26 May, 1608.
Signed: George Smythe, mayor; Wyll. Martyn, recorder; Rychard Dorchester; Wm Martin; Nicholas Spicer; John Levermore; John Howell, John Ellacott; Alexander Jermyne; Tho. Walker; Gilbart Smythe; Waltar Burrough; Wm Newcomb; John Lant; Geffery Waltham; John Marshall; Samvell Alford; John Skere.
1 p. (195 5.)
George Margitts to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 26. Congratulates him on his preferment. Though the high conceited assurance of Wilkinson's belief for his project has deceived him, yet he trusts to do Salisbury service. Prays his favour for the enclosed petition.—26 May, 1608.
1 p. (P. 2351.)
The Enclosure. The Same to the Same
For furtherance of his suit for the bailiwick of certain privileged places within London, Westminster and Southwark.
1 p.
Grant to John Murrey
1608, May 27. The late Queen by letters patent of 19 Feb. 36 Eliz. granted to Mary Carlile, widow, and Frances and Mary Carlile, her daughters, for their lives, the manor of Catterlen and other lands in Cumberland, sometime William Vaux's, attainted, at certain rents. Their estate therein was afterwards conveyed to John Musgrave, gent, lately attainted of felony, by whose attainder the estate has come to the King. He now grants to John Murrey, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, a lease thereof for 40 years at a yearly rent of 17l 17s 8d during the life of Mabel Vaux, widow, and of 26l 16s 6d after her death.—Greenwich, 27 May, 6 Jac.
Signed by the King. 1 p. (195 6).
Lisle Cave to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 28. Begs his favour for the enclosed petition, by which he may at length find his manifold discomforts remedied in his old age. The late Lord Treasurer without just cause suspended his fee, and he hopes Salisbury will restore it or relieve him by furthering his petition. —London, 28 May. 1608.
Partly holograph. 1 p. (195 7.)
Sir Robert Wingfield to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, May 29. Sir William Fitzwilliam, my neighbour and kinsman will, I am sure, wait upon you at his now being at London. I beseech you to take knowledge from me that there are some differences betwixt him and me, which I desire to be ended by friends indifferently chosen by us [rather] than to proceed to a trial in law. I will be bound to be judged by any two, whereof one by him and the other by me to be named. For I have no money for lawyers, my living is very small and my charge greater every year than other; and being both your kinsfolks it will be a charitable deed in you to persuade him to take hold of this peaceable course, which I propound with all my heart. If not, vouchsafe me leave, for I think I am bound to ask it of you, that I may defend myself. For the wrongs I suffer be many, and not to be borne at his hands without great disprofit and disgrace unto me.
The courses of late taken for the stay of the transportation of leather and corn are very acceptable and thankfully taken of the poor people, and if you and the rest of the Council would write to the justices of the peace of our county as in times past, to have care to look to the service of the markets, the poor should be bound unto all your Honours. For since I came home I hear all grain is risen to a very dear rate and that the poorer sort begin to cry out already, and it will be a long time before new corn come in; and yet it is the hardness of men's hearts, for all grain with us on the ground is very fair and good. And I hear there has been in some of our markets some stirring of the poor people.—29 May, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (125 150.)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, May 30. That which has been told me of late touching the Spanish preparations, and other forces pretended to be united to him, I have imparted to my. Lords in the enclosed letter. The special matter which much imports me, in regard of the place I hold, is the fear of the inconvenience that may ensue by the present dearth of corn and victuals suddenly grown, and like more and more to grow in this country if speedy course be not taken to prevent or at least moderate the same. The poorer sort, being the greater number, begin already to murmur as much and more than they did in the time of the greatest dearth that was, and what may ensue thereof is to me somewhat doubtful. I earnestly desire you to present this information to my Lords, that speedy course may be taken. Being as glad as any friend you have to hear of your advancement to the place of your worthy father, my dear friend.—My house in Towstock, 30 May, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (195 8.)
The Justices of Kent to Lord Wotton
1608, May 30. Since our last letters we have received no order for provision of corn for the poorer sort at prices reasonable, or for furnishing the markets which are now badly served and the prices increased extremely without just cause to 48s and 50s the quarter in the markets, and four marks and three pounds already demanded by private persons. We pray that stay be made of transportation of corn out of these parts, and that a survey be taken of the store in these parts, and a proportion made (for the poorer sort) of wheat, barley, beans and oats as they may be able to buy it; and for the residue that the markets may be served therewith, and example made of such as set extreme and unconscionable prices without cause. It is already come to that necessity and danger, the number of the poor and their want being so great, that we have cause to fear the inconvenience that may ensue.—Canterbury, 30 May 1608.
Signed: Pe. Manwood; Jhon Boys; Charles Hales; Raffe Bawden, Deputy unto Thomas Paramore, Mayor of the city of Canterbury; Tho. Nevile; Char. Fotherbye; Adam Spratlinge. 1 p. (195 9.)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1608, May 31. From my Lord Treasurer. New treaty betwixt some of the Lords of the Council and the Archduke's Ambassador touching the league betwixt the King and the States; maintained to be only intended upon better assurance and security to draw the States to peace. An offer made to make the like league with the Archduke against the States when the peace should be concluded, wherewith the Ambassador seemed satisfied. Expostulations touching the harbouring of Englishmen which were held as traitors, as Gerard, Baldwin, Owen, Jacques and such like, with the purpose of erecting a new College of which the Ambassador pretended ignorance. Item concerning the Irish whom the King would proclaim as traitors if they were still so animated as they were by the Archduke. The like to the Spanish Ambassador touching the treaty, who was not so soon satisfied.
PS. Touching the re-establishment of the Merchants Adventurers at Stode; opposed by the Spanish Ambassador in the Emperor's Court, in regard of the Archduke's interest.
Abstract. (227 p. 347.)
Impost on Logwood and Brazil woods.
1608, May 31. The names of the undertakers of the impost of logwood and brazil woods with other dyeing woods, which is undertaken in manner following: the farm to be for the term of 13 years beginning at Midsummer next, and to pay for the same the first year 1500l, and the remainder of the years the sum of 1800l, to be paid half yearly, the first payment to begin at the Birth of Lord God next coming or within 60 days after, and so half yearly during the term. And in regard of the great charge of the present settling thereof, to have the benefit of all the impost of the said woods that has been or shall be received from Mayday last unto the 24th of June next; with covenants as in like patents usually granted.—This last of May, 1608.
Signed: Ar. Ingram; Wm. Angell; Samuel Hare; John Cooper; William Messam; Thomas Dalby; Thomas Hucklye; Martyn Freman. 2/3 p. (125 151).
Maurice Kyffin to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608 May]. Some of my friends, knowing me long to have served your father and your Lordship, suppose I have much demeaned myself towards you, which should give cause of my remove from your service. Albeit I have been, as there is just cause I should be, much grieved therewith, yet I have somewhat comforted myself with mine own innocence, as knowing myself far from any undutiful carriage towards you. I am now an humble suitor that you would vouchsafe, for the desire I have to follow you and for saving of my poor credit, to receive me again into your service, to attend upon your person if it may stand with your liking, or otherwise to admit me as a retainer: which I do desire the rather for that it has pleased God of late to take away my wife, to my great discomfort.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "May 1608." 2/3 p. (125 152.)
William Fowler to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608 May or later]. My duty in soliciting the dispatch of the last Spanish Ambassador's letters has bred constructions of importunity with causeless conceived displeasures. It rests only in you to redress those things by your wisdom. Ambassadors are courteously accepted, and to their comfort contentedly by appearance dismissed, but in attendance their dispatch very lingeringly and carelessly, that they are enforced to address them to their journey and attend the arriving of their answers by horseback. So was Contarini used, so the Duke of Wirtemberg, now Zunica. I am not remiss nor perhaps incapable to discharge my service, but it grieves me thus ways to be depressed and tormented.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. (83 11.)
Alexander Dunbar to Lord —
[1608 May]. At his Lordship's last being at Newcastle, a matter of treason was made known to him by Dunbar. Dunbar was put as a witness in the matter, and has remained in this town ten or twelve weeks, but never could obtain access to his Lordship. He begs to know his will concerning the matter already delivered as here underwritten. The occasion of his insistency is that some busyheaded fellows are to inform the Council thereof, and he is sure to be called as a witness, so he requires to know what he should do therein.—Undated.
Holograph. (130 129.)
Appended are particulars of traitorous speeches uttered by Robert Lyddell, merchant of Newcastle, in May, 1608: he calling the King a traitor and usurper etc.
John Bachler's speeches. On April 14, 1608, Bachler being in Newcastle said there was one that of late was proclaimed by himself Earl of Leaster, who was thereafter disgraced and the ragged staff taken from him. Then said Bachler replying [?to] himself, "If he had done well he might have done better, for the word was he was the last Queen's own son." but he had no assistance. He further said that the Earl of Southampton was in great favour with his Majesty, but had lost that favour because his Majesty thought he was too bold with the Queen; and many other treasonable speeches; also that if her Majesty had a son in England he would be King, whereby Scotsmen should not domineer any more in this land; also that the Queen did love men "more nor well" before she came from Scotland, "and never almost had no communication but of the King's Majesty and State matters ever in derision." These speeches can be justified by Jo. Grendvoll, James Blunt, Wm Walton, Alexander Dunbar.
"A breviat of that which I did hear the time and place aforesaid. Alexander Dunbar"
2 pp.
Mathew Remchinge and others to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608 May or later]. They were sent for out of Ireland to testify in a matter concerning Mr Ashtoun. Having been examined, pray for letters to the Lord Deputy that they are to be no more troubled in the matter, and for allowance for their charges.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 859.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland. 1606–1608, p. 521)


  • 1. See above under date April 28/May 8 p.148
  • 2. The writer was the eldest son of John de Burgh or Bourke, Baron of Leitrim, son of Richard, 2nd Earl of Clanricarde. He had been declared illegitimate but styled himself Baron Leitrim and Earl of Clanricarde.
  • 3. bridet, a little horse (French)
  • 4. Printed in Winwood's Memorials, 11, pp. 395 seq.