Cecil Papers: April 1608, 1-15

Pages 121-136

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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April 1608, 1-15

The Earls of Suffolk and Salisbury to the Attorney General
1608, April 1. The Lord Hunsdon having informed his Majesty that he is seised of the manors of Huntingfeild and Newhall, co. Suffolk, of an estate in fee tail to himself and the heirs male of the body of his father, the reversion being in the Crown, his Highness is pleased to grant unto him and his heirs in fee simple his said reversion, whereof there are divers issues in tail inheritable, to be holden by such rents and services as the same were formerly holden. You are therefore to prepare a book for his Highness's signature, informing yourself first touching his Lordship's present estate in the premises, and of the rents and services due to the King.—This first of April, 1608.
Signed. ½ p. (194 136.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Privy Council
1608, April 2. The King having kept his Easter at the Escurial and called thither the most part of his Council, some of those that are returned begin to declare that they expect of this treaty of peace nothing but a protraction of time and an exchange of words. In spite of other more important difficulties, in public they lay hold only of the States' refusing to admit a toleration of their religion. They now much mislike the choice of the Marquis Spinola for a dealer in the treaty, considering his own private interests and desires to cast off his burden may justly be thought to have made uneven the balance of his judgment. They have laid down that condition for a free use of their religion for a foundation whereby they might give a good taste to the Pope and his clergy, and some cover to the deformity of the rest of what they were content to capitulate.
To the causes of Cornwallis's complaining countrymen the late fasts and feasts have enjoined a silence. Next week they are to enter again into their labour, and the Duke of Lerma's resolution is then expected concerning divers of them. For his own particular, Cornwallis finds himself much worse since Easter than in Lent, and the more for having lately, by a most unfortunate chance, had a man of his suddenly slain by a Spaniard with his own sword. He was the man he most hoped should have been a mean to make him think this year the shorter, being a very good falconer. Understands from some of the Council of Italy couriers are already sent thither for the present raising of forces in Milan and Naples for the Low Countries.—Madrid, 2 April, 1608, stilo veteri.
Signed. Endorsed: "Received the 7th of May." 1½ pp. (125 76.) [Printed in extenso in Winwood's Memorials 11, pp. 384, 385 from a copy in the Cottonian Library.]
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 2. By this enclosed to the Lords of Council you shall perceive in what humour we now stand here concerning the peace in treaty. The Friar that was the first mover (whom we were wont to glorify and desire to canonise for a saint), we now begin plainly to pronounce an imposter and pretender of things never intended.
Now at last we come to a feeling how perilous a precedent it will be to give over to our enemies so important a part of our patrimony; that so great a monarchy as this cannot be without a seat of war and people armed for all occasions; that better it were for us to continue it there where we may hope to recover what is withdrawn, than with danger to begin it in another place where we have less right, and with ignominy to give over what we pretend so justly to be our own.—Madrid, 2 April, 1608, stilo vet.
Signed. Endorsed: "Received by the way of France, 7 May." 1 p. (125 77).
[Printed in extenso in Winwood's Memorials, 11, p. 385, from a copy in the Cottonian Library.]
Sir Henry Butler to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 2. I received yours of March 29 last this 2 April by Mr Flint, whereby it seems you were informed I was willing to depart with my land in Hatfield and to place myself better. I did never offer it to any, neither mean to sell it, nor went about to place myself anywhere else, it agreeing so well with my humour as I meant to make it a seat of rest for my poor posterity. But since I see you now determined to make you a seat at Hatfield, and my little manor there lying so near you and environed with the demesnes of your manor of Hatfield, I must confess it is fitter for you than for me; and so being told by some of your friends and hearing by common bruit you had a good will to buy it, I did make answer you should command that or anything else I had, and so I am very willing to let you have it upon reasonable terms. I know you will have consideration of me and my poor estate, and my great charge of children; and for a particular thereof I cannot satisfy you at this time by reason my evidence is there, but I will shortly wait upon you therewith.—2 April, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (125 78.)
1608, April 2/12—April 19/29. From Rome, 12 ditto [April] 1608.
We hear that the Prince of Modena with his consort, the two Princes of Savoy, and Cardinal d'Este arrived at Plaisance, and were magnificently entertained by the Duke of Parma. The Wednesday after they were to pass to Cremona.
From Paris they write that not on the Duke of Orleans but on the Dauphin is conferred the government of Normandy. On the 26th last, Don John de Medici went post towards Italy for some cause unknown. At Geneva a certain captain of Savoy is put in prison suspected of treason.
We hear that in the mountains of Urbino many houses have been ruined by snow falling from the mountains, and more than 100 persons and a multitude of beasts killed. From Naples comes news that a new regiment of foot is being raised under the Marquis St Agate. The agent of the Duke of Lorraine here is declared first secretary of the Duke of Savoy in place of Roncase, deceased.
From Venice, the 18th of Same.
Those of Genoa write that the German soldier persisting in his heresy, notwithstanding the exhortations and instructions of many priests and learned persons, has been burnt alive in presence of more than 20,000 people. Amurath Rays was in the Corsican Sea with 12 ships well armed.
Letters from Cracow contain that the Senators will assemble the 24th inst. to find means to reconcile (d'appaiser) the Rocossians with the King; and that the Demetrius in Moscow for the second time had beaten the Grand Duke Chiaschi.
They write from Milan that Fuentes excused himself much to the Prince of Modena for not having honourably received and regaled him, as also to the Princes of Savoy. They had news from Spain that the Constable of Castile will take to wife a girl of 22 of the house of Cardona.
Since the ships of war, principally the great galleon, were ready at Livorno to set sail, the Grand Duke is gone there in person to see them before their departure. Those of Constantinople report that the General (sic) Vizier with his army is gone towards Babylon, to punish the Bassa that rose against the Grand Turk because he wished to send another in his place.
With the arrival here from Candia of the galleon Emo, we hear that as three corsairs were attacking it under the command of a Flemish chief, companion of the English pirate, who they say is hurt, it made such resistance that in the end the galleon with the assistance of our great galères took all three corsairs, wherein they found 40 men still alive of whom 39 were then and there hung.
Here is also arrived a vessel from Flanders, and another has been broken on the Punta with loss of all the crew. The ship Bonsegno has also sunk near Zara on a voyage from here to Malta with rich merchandise. From Vienna we hear of the arrival there of the Cardinal Diderichstein, who has admonished the Archduke to lay down arms and not cause greater ruin to the territories of his Imperial Majesty; but his Highness replied he could not listen to it, but was resolved to go on campaign against all who in his Majesty's name opposed him, and to defend his friends.
From Cologne, 29 April, 1608.
Our last letters from Vienna mention others from Possonia with advice that at Zies now lodge 16,000 "Haydugges" levied by the Estates of Hungary; and if the common instruction be carried out, that then a world of men will be assembled there, even Signor Nicolas Turso being willing to send 900 reichters and Signor Elias Haski 1000 hussars on horseback, without the Pietons levied on their lands.
They write beside that the Seigneur Gabriel Batori had agreed with Prince Ragosi as follows: that Ragosi, since he was too old and unable to govern Transylvania, had transferred that province to Batori as a seigneur more capable and younger, and that Ragosi will in exchange take possession of two lordships in High Hungary called Saras and Zatuar belonging to the widow of the Seigneur Tschencken, who in exchange shall have other properties in Transylvania; but that many gentlemen of the said country were opposing it, not being willing that Batori should take more men from the country than 1000 horse and 500 foot.
Some write from Prague that a courier has arrived there from the Archduke Matthias to his Imperial Majesty, with news that peace was concluded between him and the Turk at Castelnove for 15 years, others say 20 years, but the conditions are not yet known.
Private letters of the 18th ditto from Prague report as follows: the affairs of Hungary and Austria embroil us much; however, some hope all will be arranged soon since the Cardinal de Diderichstain two days ago went post with other lords towards Vienna, and, as is said, with the confirmation of the peace made with the Turk and the Hungrois conformable to the tractate of Botschcay, having also full commission to conclude the matter of Hungary and Austria. Moreover, more lords have left for the meeting to be held at Brine in Moravia, notwithstanding that the meeting of Bohemia here will take place also, where I hear that many foreign lords wish to be present, so much the more that placards have been posted here that on the 29th inst. each one ought to be in arms, even through the whole of Bohemia, and will place themselves under the command of such captains and officers as shall be appointed them, God knows for what purpose; and 9000 soldiers ought to arrive in this town as garrison, and they are working here to make divers gates to the town, at which many truly are troubled.
They say moreover they have advice from Vienna that now there were massed more than 50,000 men, both foot and horse, and on the 14th ditto the Archduke was to be entered on campaign, whither was not known. Moreover, 1500 Hungarian richters have broken into Moravia and there burnt 5 villages and occupied a villette, showing themselves veritable enemies; and if the said Cardinal does not make some agreement or good exploit with them, they fear greater calamities than ever in those countries. At Ratisbon nothing is yet concluded, wherefore some Estates and Ambassadors prepare for their departure.
From Frankfort they write that the Elector Palatine will muster his soldiers and subjects the 7th of May, to ascertain all those that are fit to bear arms. Count John of Nassau will be the commander. The Lords of Frankfort wish to do the same with all their burgesses.
Yesterday arrived here by way of Antwerp M.Le Sieur, Ambassador from his Majesty of Great Britain, and will leave tomorrow for Germany and Italy. The people here have honoured him with their wine as is usual.
French. 4 pp. (125 114.)
Simon Willis to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608, April 3.] According to the leave brought me from your Lordship by the Keeper of the Gatehouse, I purpose this morning to present my petition to my Lords in general, to satisfy them, if it may be, that the imputation laid upon me for practising with Parsons or any other of his wicked society, taking penance or quitting my religion, is most injurious, and might as properly be laid upon any man of London —my seeing Parsons, which was yet but once, and my being at Rome only excepted. I doubt not but your Lordship is in a sea of business, and therefore I will not now be tedious because my petition has too much of that error, which I pray you to pardon and to call to remembrance that my service under you has not been treacherous but full [of] pains and fidelity. Out of which respect I most instantly crave you will not hearken any more to such who have sought to ruin me by such malicious means, and to afford my suit your favourable censure till there appear just cause for the contrary; upon this assurance that, if ever I may procure my liberty and be permitted to have speech one quarter of an hour with you, I will make it appear I have neither wandered out of the path of my allegiance, nor been so unmannerly or unrespective to you as some doers of ill offices have endeavoured to persuade you.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "3 April, 1608. Mr Wyllis to my Lord from the Gatehouse." 1 p. (125 79.)
Simon Willis to the Lords of the Privy Council
1608, April 3. This day three weeks I was called before your Lordships, and charged to have been at Rome and contracted correspondency with Persons the Jesuit, to do some service for that see by giving intelligence from hence, having formerly at Florence taken penance and quitted the religion here professed, wherein I have had my education. For the point of my journey thither, be pleased to be satisfied by Sir Thomas Lake that I proceeded with such caution as to ask his Majesty's leave and had it by a letter under Sir Thomas Lake's hand, though I have since negligently lost it; albeit, I can truly prove that very near forty English gentlemen of good name and family have been there upon no other warrant but the words of the King's proclamation, wherein his Majesty professes himself in amity with all Christian princes, even with the Pope himself as a temporal prince. For my behaviour at Rome, seeing I was night and day in the company of Sir Robert Chamberlen, Sir Edmond Hampden and others, my suit is that you would receive information from them, who can testify for me, as I must for them, that our access to the Cardinal Penelli and Persons, the one being the chief of the Inquisition, the other Rector of the English College, was for no other respect than already I have set down in my examination; namely, to secure our abode there for the time we had to stay, according to the advice of some of our friends and better affected countrymen that tendered our safety. Neither did any zeal to the religion there professed nor any humour of discontentment transport me thither, but an earnest desire to enable my knowledge to do his Majesty service hereafter, and to satisfy my own curiosity by seeing antiquities and other things that are remarkable in that place. Neither here nor in any part have I so much swerved from my allegiance as either to offer my service, or been by torment, compulsion or promise of reward persuaded or invited by any of that side to be of their religion, or to become their instrument in the least disloyal act. When the contrary shall appear, I desire that my severe punishment may serve for a perpetual example to others. The suit I would now present is that you will pardon my inconsidered speeches at which you took just exception, and where I am his Majesty's sworn servant to a place in Court, though by reversion, destined unto me for my long and painful service, and procured by the Earl of Salisbury, that I may not by being disgraced be made incapable of it; but that you will so much commiserate my poor estate as to be satisfied with the punishment I have had in these twenty days close imprisonment, and to be moved for my liberty upon such caution as I can procure my friends to enter into with myself, to appear before you when you shall call for me; and that in the meantime I presume not to come within the Court gates until you shall think good to admit the same.—From the prison of the Gatehouse, the third of April, 1608.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (194 137.)
Simon Willis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 4. I make bold to present humble thanks for the favourable censure you afforded my petition whereupon has ensued the liberty of prison and the access of my poor friends, a comfort unspeakable to an afflicted spirit. In the meantime be pleased not only to rest satisfied that my duty towards the state is irreproachable, howsoever some men's malice has sought to blemish it; but make this addition to your favour, to move my Lords to receive the like satisfaction, that whensoever my further liberty shall be resolved upon I may appear in the world without such disgrace as envy had resolved to mark me withal, and be of such use to my country in general or to your Lordship in particular as my education has made me fit for.—From the Gatehouse, 4 April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 2/3 p. (125 80.)
The Justices of Devonshire to Lord Treasurer Salisbury (fn. 1)
1608, April 5. We have received your letter for the restraint of the transportation of corn out of this county, a thing so necessary for this present time to be looked unto as nothing can be more, by reason of the sudden raising of the prices of all sorts of grain within our country, to the great grief of many but especially the poorer sort of people of this county. We have advertised you hereby of the several prices of corn as it now is in our several markets within this county, wheat being sold at 53s 4d the quarter Winchester measure, and the like excess in other grain, rye being sold for 40s a quarter of the same measure; and so in other places of the county where the measure is greater the price in the same proportion. And for [that] the time of the transportation of corn and grain out of our country is for the most part between Michaelmas and Allhallowtide, and your Lordship's letter came to us in January, it was too late for the restraint to do any good for this year.—From our open Sessions, the 5th of April, 1608.
Thirteen signatures. ½ p. (125 82.)
Docquets by Nicholas Faunt, of Various Grants, Warrants, etc.
1608, April 6. (1) A pardon granted to Simon Clotworthie, late of Wembworthie, co. Devon, gent., for a supposed manslaughter of Nicholas Bryant. Subscribed by Sir Francis Bacon, procured by Sir Daniel Dun. (2) A warrant dormant to the Exchequer to pay John Bingham, his Majesty's saddler, 2809l 1s 6d for saddles, linings and coverings of coaches and other furniture for horses, as well for his Highness's use as for the Queen's, the Duke of York and the Lady Elizabeth, delivered into the Great Wardrobe since the first year of his Majesty's reign, as appears by debentures under the hand of the Clerk of the said Wardrobe; to be paid at two several payments by equal portions within two years, according to an assignment made by the Lords of the Privy Council for satisfaction of like debts. By order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer procured by Sir Thomas Lake. (3) A like to the Exchequer to pay the persons nominated, vz, the Earl of Salisbury, Viscount Lisle, and Lord Carew, 40l by way of imprest towards the charges of repairing the lodge of Hanslop Park, co. Bucks, and of the gates, grates and pales there, and for building a barn and stable at the lodge (the same park being parcel of the Queen's jointure). And the Under Treasurer of the Exchequer to give order to the woodward of that county to fell 60 small trees out of a coppice of wood called the Hanger adjoining the park, with some small timber to be taken out of the park; and the benefit of the sale of the underwood to be employed also towards the finishing of the said work. Certified to be requisite by the deputy Steward and surveyor of the manor of Hanslop. By order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer. Procured ut supra. (4) A discharge from his Majesty to Sir Thomas Walsingham, knt, and the Lady Andrea, his wife (chief Keeper of the Wardrobe of Robes to the Queen) and to all other officers in that Wardrobe, of all accounts, actions, suits, stuffs of all kinds, debts, charges and demands whatsoever concerning the stuffs and other things in her charge from 25 July, 1603 to 25 December, 1607. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General, procured by Sir Thomas Lake. (5) A grant by his Majesty to the Lord Chamberlain of the moiety of all such sums as have or shall accrue to his Highness by one statute made 43 Eliz. for lands obtained from her late Majesty at undervalues, which said moiety was granted to Sir Thomas Vavasor (who undertook to prosecute the same) with whom the Lord Chamberlain has compounded for it, and has yielded in again to his Majesty a warrant formerly granted him touching custody lands, Subscribed ut supra. (6) A gift from his Majesty to William Gomeldon, esq, one of the grooms of the Queen's Privy Chamber, of two several obligations and penalties of 1000l a piece, supposed to be forfeited to his Highness by John Pleydell, esq, and his two sureties, William Copley, gent, and Gabriel Sheriff of London, grocer, who became bound in those obligations that Pleydell and Susan Michell (with whom he had committed incest) should not at any time thereafter keep company together, as also for their several appearance before the Commissioners for causes Ecclesiastical. Procured by Sir Daniel Dun. Subscribed by the Lord Treasurer, Sir Julius Caesar, and Mr Attorney General. (7) A grant to Richard Moore and Thomas Mountfort and their heirs in fee farm (at the nomination of Viscount Fenton) of divers rectories and chantry lands with the advowsons and woods belonging, of the yearly rent and value of 64l 7s 9d, yielding to the Crown for ever the same yearly rent. Also a like further grant of divers chantry lands of the yearly value of 39l 3s 11d, yielding for ever the said rent. Upon surrender of some part of the same and other things of the yearly value of 39l 4s. Subscribed by the Lord Treasurer and Mr Attorney; procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Underwritten: "per Faunt." 2 pp. (125 83.)
Simon Willis to the Earl of Salisbury
[?1608, April 8]. According to the commandment I received yesternight by Mr Corbett from my good Lords in general after the taking of my examination, I have set down a journal of my travels as near as my weak memory would give me leave, not having been so curious as to observe the precise day of the month of my arrival at any place nor my departure from thence. If any error or contradiction be found in them, my suit is it may be imputed to the true cause, namely, mistaking and not wilfulness. My service to your Lordship, as it was many years, so was it faithful and diligent in regard whereof I beg at your hands not to deprive yourself of it. That which I spake upon Sunday before my Lords, at which exception was taken, I confess upon better consideration was with more hardiness than befitted, for which I crave pardon, assuring you that the sense I had to hear myself so deeply charged did occasion it, having the testimony of a good conscience not to have swerved from my loyalty. I pray you to be informed by my keeper of my indisposition by reason of the vertigo in my head, and to afford me some more liberty. Yet considering the crime objected against me, I have no reason to sue for it sooner than it shall stand with your good pleasure.—From the Gatehouse, this Wednesday night.
Holograph. 1 p. (194 104.)
Sir Robert Vernon to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 7. I acknowledge unfeignedly that I do taste and ever shall the fruits of your goodness in that you were my friend when I was plunged in a state most desperate. I have also reaped great good by finding you nobly disposed towards me in divers law suits; I beseech further that I may have you, either by letter or otherwise as you please, to desire the Lord Chancellor to extend a gracious hearing in the Chancery betwixt a very good friend and tenant of mine, one Mr Forster, and Mr Edward Gray of Buyldwas, a gentleman of this county of Salop. The cause weightily concerns myself and is presently to be proceeded in. I desire to have it dismissed to the common law. I protest upon my reputation the cause is so honest upon my side that you shall not do but honourably to move in my tenant's behalf.—From my house at Hodnet, 7 April, 1608.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (125 86.)
Robert Bassett to Francis Basset at Bergen up Some
[1608] April 18. I received yesterday by this bearer your kind letter. Whereas you entreat me to meet you either at Bergyn or Lillowe, I must pray you to hold me excused, for the peace being not yet concluded, whereof there is hope of a speedy effect, I cannot come to either place without a pass, which is hard and will require some time and charge to be obtained. Besides I am lately advertised of some plots against me, either to carry me for England as Doctor Storie was, or to have me made away by some desperate person. I hope God will protect me as he has hitherto, for if I were in their hands I know not what should become of me; for the King of England's Ambassador, my heavy enemy, not long since told me that I should lose my head for pretending my title. When I answered that I hoped to keep it upon my shoulders in despite of him, he called me peevish companion, and I him scurvy fellow, whereupon we parted in defiance of each other. I know he lies in watch to do me all the displeasure he can. It has been reported unto me that you should say I have undone you all, which should grieve me much if it were so. I call God to witness it has ever been far from my thoughts. I have cause to lament much of your sister-in-law's unkind dealing, for ever since my unhappy banishment she has relieved me very scantily and unwillingly. The most I have had from her has been by great importunity and expense, and though I know she has a greater estate in her hands than ever I enjoyed, she is contented to pretend want. I have not heard from her these four months, though I have been very earnest with her by four letters to relieve my present necessities. She may chance ere long to repent this neglect, for though I have passed many troubles, my spirit is not so much dejected as to confine itself at the expense of 200 marks a year. After the peace is concluded you may come hither freely. I pray heartily, put on a resolution to see me ere long, for I will then lay down those courses which shall be for your good, honour and content. Assure yourself there will be employment for brave spirits either against Turks, Moors or Infidels, and the King of Spain is a monarch able to give them content. Wherefore engage your life for God's glory and in an honourable cause, being the end whereunto we are born and which will highly be rewarded in Heaven. Until we meet, expect better fortunes with patience and longanimity, and resolve to run one fortune with your loving brother. If you hear of any projects against me, which I have cause to suspect, advertise me speedily thereof, and direct your letter to the same place you did your former by a trusty messenger. Remember my best love to your captain and my cousin Langesford, and tell them I shall be glad to see them when we meet.—From Antwerp, the 18th of April.
PS. I pray return my kind recommendations to Mr Bellewe.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." (194 141.)
Sir Roger Aston to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1608] April 9. This Friday at night his Majesty came to Thetford after the whole day's pastime in the fields, in good health and well disposed to his meat and mirth. At his going to his bed he commanded me to let you know he understands that Sir Harry North is put to liberty; upon what reason he knows not, neither will he condemn the proceedings before he has heard from you, for that he has spoken of the nation in general or of any other particular person; but in that which concerns himself he thinks he should not have been set at liberty without his privity; and yet he bade me tell you he would suspend his judgment till he heard from you. He desires you to let him know upon what ground and reason he was set at liberty. His Majesty and all the company are in good health.—Thetford, 9 April.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 69.)
Viscount Bindon to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 10. I have sent unto you a young fellow which lately was reconciled to the Pope, and apprehended by the Mayor of Lyme upon his landing in that port, he finding hidden within the lining of his cloak two several testimonials for his better credit with dangerous English miscreants. His examination I have sent unto you, unto whose consideration I leave them and the man. He is attired after the manner of Jesuits when they come into this land; he is cunning in those Statutes which touch his offence, and has taken the oath of supremacy, and will go to the church and sings psalms at sermon time as so did he in my hearing, but upon what dispensation is to me doubtful; for being of their brotherhood oaths unto those they hold for heretics are pardoned. He forgot that he should have offered himself unto authority with the acknowledgment of his offence, where he was apprehended by the Mayor against his will; and had he done so he would have pleaded his pardon by the liberty of the statute law.—10 April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (125 87.)
Docquets of Nicholas Faunt
1608, April 10. (1) A commission directed to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, Earl of Salisbury and 7 others (named) and to 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 or any 4 of them (whereof the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, Earls of Northampton and Salisbury, Sir Julius Caesar and Sir Laurence Tanfield to be two, and of those two the Lord Treasurer to be one) to take the accounts of Sir Thomas Ridgeway, Treasurer at Wars in Ireland. At the suit of the said Sir Thomas Ridgeway. (2) A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland at the suit of Sir Thomas Ridgeway, as well licensing Sir Thomas to come over into England with his ledgerbook of his accounts, as also requiring the Lord Deputy to give order for his better transportation. (3) A licence to travel for three years granted to John Utley of London, gent., with two servants, two nags and 50l in money. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake. (4) A warrant dormant to the Exchequer to pay Lord Hay, Gentleman of his Majesty's Robes, 7080l 17s 2d, viz, 3000l on the last day of this present April, 1000l on the last day of June next coming, and 3080l 17s 2d on the last day of November next, being a surplusage upon the determination of his account for the charges of his Majesty's robes and apparel from 12 December, 3 James 1, to 6 February last past. And further to imprest to the said Lord Hay 1000l quarterly for the charges of his Majesty's robes and apparel, to begin at the Annunciation last past, and so to be continued during his Majesty's pleasure.—Procured ut supra.
Underwritten: "per Faunt." 1 p. (125 88.)
Hugh Lee to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 10/20. My last unto your Lordship was the 6 March. Since, there is order from the King of Spain for the release of the 11 sail of the Hollanders which were then taken with the galleys, as also for the kind entertainment of all Hollanders and Zeelanders that come in trade into any port of Spain and Portugal; which is very pleasing news unto the people of this country.
The 29 of the last departed hence 6 carracks, 6 galleons and 2 hulks or flyboats for the East Indies; the carracks in trade of merchandise; the galleons and hulks for men of war with 5000 soldiers in them, where of the two-thirds parts are children from 12 to 16 years of age. It was a jest to behold so many children wear weapons which they were not able to use. These are sent for want of men. The rest of the galleons remaining in this place, whereof there was such speed made in preparing them for service, proceed now very slowly, saving only the Admiral of the Biscayan squadron, of whom there is more speed made than of the rest in regard she, as it is said, shall go for Biscay laden with ordnance, to furnish such shipping as are there preparing. At the Groyne is also preparation.
The Condy of Flyra, a Portuguese, is gone Viceroy for the East Indies in the aforesaid fleet. He has entertained 2 English men which are gone along in the voyage; one for his carver, called Richard Lylleat, has been long in these countries; the other one Barnard, a young student not above 18 or 19 years of age, reported to be a good cosmographer. He was before with an Inquisidore. This place is very happily rid of him, for he was a very busy youth in persuading the English youth in this place. George Bacon remains here at school placed by Henry Fludd, and spares not to say he will not return for England.
With the said fleet is gone also a "Piercian" [Persian] Ambassador who is said to have settled an amity betwixt the King of Persia and the King of Spain, and has promised to aid the Portingals in those Indies. It is reported that the King of Persia is become a Christian, and has built a monastery for religious men. Certain of his Ambassador's followers are become Christian and remain in this country.
Since the departure of the fleet it is bruited that the Hollanders in the East Indies have taken Malacca, which news is said to come overland.
The 10 galleons with 4 pinnaces are likewise departed from St Lucars for the West Indies, which go to waft the treasure expected this year to come from thence.
Mr Hugh Gurgany is now removed again to the Inquisition acquitted of the matter of scandal, and now charged with matter of conscience, contrary to the contents of article 21 of the peace. He has so carried himself that it is thought they wish they had never meddled with him, and would be quit of him if it might be with saving their own credits. It is hoped he shall shortly be set at liberty; the Inquisidore General is his heaviest enemy and all by the instigation of Henry Fludd, whose malice is now apparently discovered even by those of his own religion, and [they] speak hardly of him; as John Gurgany and some others that held a good opinion of him have now great dislike of him. Here are lately divers Hollanders come into this port with merchandise, and are very friendly entertained. The Viceroy since his coming has done very good justice to one Thomas Burgh, an English merchant, who being oppressed by Don Stephen in suborning an unjust cause against him, was very nobly righted by command of the Viceroy. He has displaced many Spaniards from their offices, which breeds much quietness to all strangers. If it might come by some means to the Viceroy's knowledge that notice is taken in that Court of the good justice his Majesty's subjects here have received from him, it would no doubt give us here the more grace with his Excellency.—Lisbon, 20 April, 1608, new style.
Holograph. 2 pp. (125 103.)
Sir Roger Aston to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1608] April 10. Yesterday the 9th, I received your Lordship's letters of the 8th, and those enclosed I delivered according to the direction. My Lord being gone to London I gave Sir Thomas Lake the letter, for so it was directed. The other I delivered to Sir Robert Ker, who presently acquainted his Majesty with them, and after sundry times reading over with some conferences gave them him again. His Majesty read your letters to myself and perceived that you were well, which he was very glad of. He asked me if you had written nothing of my Lord of Dombarr, whether he was sick again or not. I told his Majesty I heard no word of that. He said he hoped it was not true, for otherways you would have written of it. The account of the northern circuit his Majesty likes very well of. His Majesty marvels that he hears no word of Bolmere's dispatch. His desire is that you haste him away with as much speed as possible. His Majesty is very well. His great toe is still swelled but no pain, neither does it hinder his travel. We are to remain here till Saturday at the soonest.—From Thettford, the 10 of April, at four o'clock in the afternoon.
PS. This enclosed is from my Lord of Monggommerry to Mr Witt. Your Lordship will be pleased to cause it to be delivered.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (194 139.)
Sir John Portman to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608] April 12. I lately received your letters signifying that whereas there was rated for Sir Hugh Portman, my deceased brother, 9 November 1602, certain rents of assize in Closworth at the yearly rent of 5l 8s 8d, which at seven years fine did amount to 38l 4d [sic], the same money had not been paid to Sir William Bowyer as it should. I shall be suitor to you and the rest [of the Council] that, in regard I was never heretofore made to know any such charge to be unpaid and that both my brother and his then servant Hollway, who, as I learn, dealt in that matter for him, are dead, you will make stay of any proceeding for sometime; and the rather because at this time I, being employed about the subsidy and other his Majesty's services, cannot peruse my evidence for the better satisfaction of your Lordship, only have found the account of my brother's servant whereby it appears the one half of the money mentioned in your letters was paid, of which I entreat you this bearer my servant, sent for the purpose, may inform you.—Orchard, this 12 of April.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." ½ p. (125 89.)
Simon Willis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 12. The parties whom I have entreated to present this letter to you are two of my brothers-in-law, who for my good are content to enter into security with myself for my appearance before your Lordship whensoever I shall be called for, as I intimated in my petition. They are citizens of approved honesty and not of contemptible fortunes. I desire they may be accepted and an end given to my imprisonment, which is so much the more grievous unto me by how much my conscience assures me not to have deserved it, but for not presenting my self to you at my coming home, which I had not omitted if I had thought my presence should not have been distasteful; neither will I be wanting hereafter in my best services if they may be of any use unto you.— From the prison of the Gatehouse, 12 April, 1608.
Holograph. ½ p. (125 90.)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 13. This gentleman, Captain Blackaller, tells me he has exhibited his petition unto you touching the wardship of one Costard, which has already or shortly shall marry his daughter; your Lordship being by his petition acquainted of the shortness of the time he has to accomplish his full age, and the smallness of his living, which he tells me you say you will consider of. His suit is but to have a reasonable composition with him on whom you have conferred him; neither would I herein press for him but that he has been a good servitor by sea in the time of the late Queen our mistress.—Chelsey, 13 April, 1608.
Signed. ½ p. (125 91.)
Francis Michell to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 13. I was bold to make petition about Mr Ashton's wrong intended. That you may see I presume not so saucily to trouble you without pressing occasion, I beseech you read this little note enclosed where what I wrote in my petition is set down de verbo in verbum.
I have framed this scribbled answer to Mr Willis, brought to me on Monday by Mr Norton, and [it] is suitable to his own weak articles. When you call me to a public confront I shall be ready to justify something more. Only for this present I take licence modestly to tell you that he irreconcileably hates you and all your favourites with an unfeigned hatred. The acquaintance between him and me grew by reason of some presents I brought him from the Lady Burgh about her suits to you, the familiarity determined at my first arrival at Paris. My bribes began our friendship and his suspicion ended it. We have had many bickerings wherein he has taken the bit between his teeth, and run himself out of breath extra modum. I can be content to leave the true relation to himself of my pacifying replies (desiring him only to keep his tongue quiet if he means to live in England); if he deny, uncorrupt witnesses are the fairest testimony. The least accident transports him into choler; choler predominant makes him seem sometimes raging mad, especially if the question be of his former times spent, which I have heard him wish had been bestowed in the basest functions so it had not been where it was.
In taking occasion upon my hindrances by the inquisition or upon the informer's accusations (which perhaps when he sees my answer he will frame more weighty), and so commanding my daily attendance upon the state, if you be pleased to protect me for a month I will put a full end to my businesses, being of small import if I could go abroad to my friends; protesting howsoever you have been deaf unto me, I know not for what cause, yet never did poor man desire more to be your slave, though as a loving cur I had no way to express it but by whining. —13 April, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (125 92.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, April 13. The cause why this letter is addressed to your Lordship in a subject which concerns you not, is for that his Majesty conceives it will be delivered with more authority from you in his Majesty's name than by my pen. The matter is about Mr Francis Steward, a gentleman who, his H[ighness] says, was without father or mother or any to take care for him, but only his H[ighness] who brought him hither from his friends of purpose to take care of his education and preferment; and for a beginning gave him a pension of no great value, yet to serve for his maintenance till something might fall. In payment whereof he is much neglected and so forced to run into debts, whereby he shall be the sooner compelled to press his Majesty with some suit; which neglect his Majesty thinks to proceed of some want of consideration in those whom the ordering of those payments concerns. For although his H[ighness] be not ignorant that his cistern affords not always water for every mouth that is dry, yet he says you know that it has been a general rule prescribed by him to the discretion of his officers, that they should distinguish in times of scarcity between those that have more or less necessity to be paid; and that such as either have no other maintenance or are his necessary attendants should be first regarded, and forbearance used towards such as are known to be of ability otherwise, or have come to pensions by purchase. And this being but an act of discretion which has often passed the opinions of your Lordship before his Majesty when matters of this nature have been in speech, if it were observed his Majesty should not need to be troubled to renew his directions; as now in this gentleman's case he is fain to do, and would have you to remember either the Lord Treasurer or Mr Chancellor as you shall see cause, and to wish them to be so observant of that rule as his Majesty may be eased of the clamours of those who find the want of it.—From the Court at Thetford, 13 April, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1⅓ pp. (125 93.)
The Lord Treasurer to Sir Thomas Edmondes
1608, April 13. From my Lord Treasurer. Touching the defensive league proposed betwixt the King of England, the French King and the States. The King assents only to have it defensive for the States; not refusing to do the like for France, but refers it to a particular treaty, hereupon the French make a particular league with the States. The King follows with his league. The particularities recited. Allowance of his treaty touching the toll at Graveling. The plantation of Virginia excepted against by the Spaniards excused upon particular undertakers.
Abstract. (227 p. 345.)
The Conde de Fuentes to Don Pedro de Zuñiga
1608, April 13/23. The last letter of your Lordship's which I have is of the 13th ultimo. Last week I wrote of what had happened here and of the jealousy of the Ambassador of this King, resident in Venice, because the Earl of Tiron had passed by Milan and, sure enough, he has not failed to arrive there by now. So you can take warning and we shall be well assured, whether he who is in Venice gives credit to all that they tell him. For the intentions of those there are well known that they do not wish us well, nor perhaps this King to whose friendship, as you know, we cannot be wanting on our part.—Milan, 23 April, 1608.
Signed. Spanish. 1¼ pp. (194 144.)


  • 1. The Earl of Salisbury only became Lord Treasurer on April 19, when the Earl of Dorset died.