Index: D

Pages 670-673

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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D., G. (?), letter from, 252.

Dacre, Lady, 321.

Dale, Matthew, 405, 406.
-, Samuel, letter from, 264.
-, William, 275.

Dallison, Sir Roger, 573, 594.

Dalston, Sir John, sheriff of Cumberland, 237.

Dalton, Robert, 57.

Damme [Belgium], 21.

Daniell, Walter, of Truro, 54.
-, -, 143.

Danstruder, the Sieurs, 339.

Dantzig, 591.

Danvers (D'Anvers), Henry, Lord Danvers, 332, 333, 604, 606.
-, -, letter from, 561.

Danyel, Samuel, letter from, 185.

Darby, Henry, 353.

Darcy (Darcie, Darse):
-, Sir Edward, 179.
-, Mr., 124, 157.
-, Mr., of Luffwick, 626.
-, Captain William, levies soldiers in Ireland, 449, 454, 468.
-, -, a suspect, 569.

Darfor. See Dartford.

Darren, the (Herefordshire), 216.

Darse. See Darcy.

D'Arschot. See Aerschot.

Dartford (Darfor) [Kent], postal endorsements at, 298, 307, 408, 412, 417, 518.

Dartmouth [Devon], 252.
-, letters dated at, 311, 349.
-, no warship allowed to remain in, 310, 348.
-, a pirate ship in, 465.
-, a Dunkirker at, 561.
-, mayor of. See Gourney.

Daubingny. See Aubigny.

Davis (Davyes, Davies):
-, John, of Cornwall, 490.
-, Sir John, 285.
-, Nevill, letter from, 187.
-, Sr., a priest, 113.

Davison, family of, 169.

Davye, John, merchant, letter from, 453.

Davyes. See Davis.

Dawse, Abraham, letter from, 244.

Dawson, Mr., parson of Rotherhithe, 406.

Day, John, letter from, 264.
-, Mr., 406(2).
-, Richard, 529.

Dea, Duke del, 228.

Deal [Kent], 416.

Dean, the, of the Chapel. See Montague.

Deane, Sir James, 604.
-, Peter, servant of Sir Walter Ralegh, 444.

Deene [Northants], letter dated at, 463.

Deepe. See Dieppe.

Defick, Lieut., 640.

De la Hide, Captain, an Irishman, 448.

Delapré. See Hardingstone.

Delavale, Sir Robert (Ro. de Lavale), 308, 344.
-, -, letters from, 238, 239, 289(2), 309, 310.

De La Zouche. See Ashby-de-laZouche.

Delves, Pearson (Parson), 529, 532.

Delvin. See Nugent.

Denia (Spain), 567.

Denization, a warrant for, 43.

Denizations, 35.

Denmark, losses of Hull merchants in, 20.
-, and English fishing trade, 440.
-, Ambassador of. See Ramelius.
-, King of. See Christian.

Dennis, Thomas, churchwarden, 613.

Denny, Sir Edward, Lord Denny, 52.

Dennys, Sir Thomas, 492.

Denton, —, 532.

Denys, —, a Frenchman, 494.

Derby gaol, 225.

Derby, Alice, Countess Dowager of, letters from, 185, 587.
-, -, her son Egerton, 587.
-, E., Countess of, niece of Salisbury, letter from, 587.
-, Earl of. See Stanley.

Derbyshire, the militia in, 330, 465.

Deringe, Richard, letter from, 587.

Dersie, Captain, 468.

Derthameu. See Dartmouth.

Desmond, E., Countess of, letters from, 171, 587.
-, Earl of. See FitzGerald.

Desmont, the titulary, 449.

Devenishe, family, 126.

Deventer (Netherlands), 369, 410.

Dever, Richard, J.P. for Beds., letter from, 483.

Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex, 39, 360, 512, 592.
-, Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex, letters from, 592(2).

Devonshire, musters in, 381, 470. lands in, 587.

Devonshire, Earl of. See Blount.

Dewsing. See Downinge, Thomas.

Diamond, a, for sale in London, 91.

Dickinson, —, 58.

Dieppe (Deepe), 298.

Dierickson, Captain, 227.

Digby (Dygby):
-, Sir Everard, 451, 521, 529.
-, -, letters to, 252, 588.
-, -, a suspect in the Gunpowder Plot, 484, 499, 502.
-, -, notes of proposed examinations of, 523, 527–528.
-, -, and Lord Mordaunt, 528.
-, -, a plea for, 539.
-, -, information concerning, 569.
-, -, recusancy of, 625.
-, James, 523.
-, John, 594.
-, John, brother of Sir Everard, letter from, 588.
-, Lady, 610.
-, Mary, Lady, wife of Sir Everard, 484.
-, -, letter from, 538.
-, -, note of proposed examination of, 523.
-, -, unjust treatment of, by Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, 538, 539(2).
-, Mr., 539.
-, Sir Robert, 484.

Dighton, Mr., seditious specches by, 262.

Diguieres, De, 53.

Dirleton, Lord. See Erskine.

Dobb, Philip, 528.

Dobbinson, Ralph, 307, 426, 434, 567.

Dobson, William, letter to, 548.

Dodderidge, Sir John, Solicitor General (Mr. Solicitor), 332, 334, 610, 640.
-, -, letter from, 589.

Dolber, Thomas, 234.

Dolman (Doleman):
-, Sir Robert, 589.
-, Thomas, J.P., 77, 178.
-, -, letter to, 73.
-, -, letters from, 68, 99, 195. Mr., 605.

Donalsonn, Alexander, 561.

Doncaster [Yorks.], letter dated at, 84.

Donfermelyn. See Dunfermline.

Donquerque. See Dunkirk.

Donstabill. See Dunstable.

Dorchester, Richard, merchant, letter from, 453.

Dordrecht [Holland], letter dated at, 21.

Dorington, Mr., 302, 303.
-, -, note of his bargain, 589.

Dormer, Sir Robert, 208, 493.

Dorp, Colonel, 211.

Dorrell, Henry, 405.

Dorset, Earl of. See Sackville.

Dorsetshire, recusancy in, 591.

Douai (Doway, Douay), 515.
-, letter dated at, 434.
-, the English Jesuit College at, 433–434, 626.

Douglas (Duglasius):
-, Sir Archibald, of Whittingham (Uhittingham), 488.
-, Thomas, alias Robert Gray, a pretended ambassador, 99, 260, 271, 272, 276.
-, -, a forged letter from James I written by, 291.
-, -, committed to the Tower, 292.
-, -, execution of, 292(2).
-, William, Earl of Angus, 488.

Dounton. See Downton.

Dove, Thomas, Bishop of Peterborough, 67.
-, -, and nonconforming ministers, 17, 34, 46, 58.
-, -, letters from, 46, 58.

Dover, 132, 150, 164, 370, 397, 415, 416.
-, letters dated at, 269, 322, 437.
-, Castle, 252.
-, -, letter dated at, 322.
-, -, Lieutenant of. See Waller and Fane.
-, Mayor of, 269, 407, 642.
-, a skirmish between Spanish and States ships at, 252–253, 254– 256, 269, 281, 295, 302, 312– 314.
-, stranded Spanish soldiers at, 321, 383, 384, 386, 515.
-, -, complaint of English and Dutch treatment of, 407, 641.
-, -, departure for Dunkirk of, 517.
-, -. See also under Ships, Spanish, and Spain, soldiers of.
-, reluctance of Spanish Ambassador to visit, 399, 407.
-, mariners and surgeons of, complaint from, 407.
-, horse hire from, to London, 470.
-, Captain Bradgate's house at, 472.
-, Commissioners of, 507.
-, Spanish courier searched at, 547.

Dover Road, 128, 145, 302.

Doway. See Douai.

Downham (Cambs.), letter dated at, 266.

Downinge (Dewsing, alias Taylor and Warde), Thomas, 102, 103, 475, 582.

Downs (Dunes), the, 56, 307, 411, 417, 515.

Downton (Dounton), Captain, 358, 363.

Dracot, Mr., 501.

Draiton. See Drayton.

Drake, Sir Francis, his works of navigation, 522.

Drayton (Draiton) [Northants], 528.
-, letter dated at, 1.

Drayton (Salop), 194.

Drayton, —, 500.

Drewell, Sir H., 552.

Drewry, Mrs., 500.
-, Sir Robert, 594.

Droitwich (Worcs.), 100.

Drom Conrathe (near Dublin), 363.

Drommond (Dromond), Mrs. of the Royal Household, 79, 463.

Drurie, —, brother of Lady Burghley, 576.

Drury, Sir Dru, 113.

Dryden (Driden), Mr., 70, 73.

Dryland, John, 405.

Dublin, 362, 363, 406.
-, letter dated at, 447.

Duchy, the. See Lancaster.

Ducke, Serjeant, 340.

Dudley (Wores.], letter dated at, 6.
-, Castle [Wores.], 609.

Dudley, Lord. See Sutton.

Dudley, Ambrose, 212.
-, Sir Robert, 187, 297, 306, 366.
-, -, letters from, 174, 590(4).
-, -, as mayor of Newcastle, 175, 590.

Duffield [Derby], 225.

Dugdall, William, a king's messenger, 485.

Duke, the [Lennox]. See Stuart.

Duke, the Great, 383.

Duke, Captain, 211.

Dumbar. See Dunbar.

Dumfries, 151, 240.

Dun. See Dunn.

Dunbar (Dumbar), Earl of. See Home.

Dunchurch [Warw.], 523.

Duncquerque. See Dunkirk.

Duncume, —, 417.

Dundee, (Dundie), letters dated at, 152, 386, 430.

Dunes. See Downs.

Dunfermline (Dunfermling, Donfermelyn), Earl of. See Seton.

Dunfermline, Abbacy of, 86.

Dungarvan (Ireland), 279.

Dunkeld, Bishop of. See Rollock.

Dunkirk (Duncquerque, Duynkerke, Donquerque), 7, 138, 248, 268, 279, 304, 310, 369, 397, 415, 437.
-, letters dated at, 148, 149, 150.
-, Lord Hertford at, 146–148, 150.
-, ships of war at, 284.
-, -, (Dunkirkers). See under Ships.
-, Spaniards from Dover arrive at, 517.
-, Governor of. See Ortise.

Dunn (Dunne, Dun), Sir Daniel, LL.D., 79.
-, -, letters from, 32, 458.
-, -, as Dean of the Court of Arches of Canterbury, 182.

Dunoon, letter dated at, 92.

Dunsmore (Dunsmowe) Heath, [Warw.], 529.

Dunstable (Donstabill) [Beds.], 454, 468.

Duport, Jo., of Cambridge, letter from, 462.

Durham, trials of recusants at, 144.
-, land tenures in, 218.
-, assizes at, 382.
-, Cathedral, 591.
-, -, a prebendary of, 109.

Durham, Archdeacon of. See Morton.
-, Bishop of. See Matthew.
-, Bishopric of, a lease in, 216.
-, Dean of, 192, 495, 591.

Dutch (Hollanders), 222.
-, an encounter with at sea, 146– 148.
-, fear of attempt by, on transportation of English soldiers in Archdukes' service, 200.
-, a claim from, 261.
-, alleged to besiege English ports, 401.
-, treatment of Spaniards at Dover by, 641, 642.
-, ships. See Ships, Dutch.
-, trade. See under Holland.
-, See also Holland.

-, Edward, Mayor of Chester, letters from, 167, 362.
-, Sir Thomas, 594.
-, William, 638.

Duynkerke. See Dunkirk.

Dycksonne, Richard, letter to, 548.

Dyeing trade, abuses in, 174.

Dyer, Captain, 424.

Dyers, Company of, and a complaint against the patentees, 334, 335.

Dygby. See Digby.