Index: E

Pages 673-675

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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Eane, William, 502.

Earith. See Erith.

Easken, Dr. Thomas, 607.

East countries, merchants trading to, 79, 205.

Eastchurch [Kent], Shurland in, 47, 59.

Eastland merchants, 205, 327.
-, See also East countries.

Easton, Oliver, 613.

-, government, a pamphlet against, 5.
-, Conference at Hampton Court, 423, 431.
-, Causes. See High Commission.

Edenborowe. See Aardenburg.

Edinburgh (Edenburge, Edinbruck), 168, 250, 300, 577, 620.
-, letters dated at, 87, 101, 150, 164, 245, 262, 319, 333.
-, Castle, 394.
-, Holyrood House (Holyruidhous), Palace of, letters dated at, 105, 152, 219, 246, 340.
-, -, Commendator of. See Bothwell.

Edmondes (Edmonds, Edmunds):
-, Captain, 286.
-, Sir Thomas, Ambassador to Archdukes in Brussels, 52, 79, 93, 300, 331, 390, 520, 555, 611, 612.
-, -, letters to, 197, 206, 227, 254, 281, 333, 365, 419, 481, 488, 533.
-, -, letters from, 173, 204, 207, 220, 222, 246, 266, 279, 304, 315, 335, 341, 369, 371, 400, 424, 496, 498(2), 504, 508, 546, 556.
-, -, his journey to Dunkirk, 146– 148.
-, -, received by the Archdukes, 172.
-, -, and Captain William Turner's information, 544–545.

Edmonton (Edlemonton, Edelmeton. Middlesex). 181, 210.

Edwardes, Henry, 24.

Edwards, —, a priest, 455.

Eeckeren (Ekeren, Low Countries), 204.

Effingham, Lady of, 480.
-, Lord. See Howard, William.

-, Mr., 73.
-, -, a puritan, 35.
-, -, of the Blackfriars, 38.
-, Sir John, 102, 107, 544.
-, Thomas, Lord Ellesmere, Lord High Chancellor, 1, 35, 81, 102, 157, 162, 168, 216, 571.
-, -, letters from, 41, 73, 90, 212, 243, 288, 318, 340, 344, 356, 382, 426, 455, 478.
-, -, letter to, 32.
-, -, and Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical, 31.
-, -, and suit of cardmakers, 179.
-, -, nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, -, and a controversy between Lord Chandos and the Lord Mayor, 245.
-, -, a present of venison for, 297.
-, -, and justices of peace, 299.
-, -, Certificate to, concerning grants of Crown lands, 326.
-, -, and burgessship of borough of St. Germans, 339.
-, -, and repairs to Tower ditch, 387.
-, -, and letters patent printed without warrant, 442.
-, -, and Colchester charter, 465.
-, -, Viscount Montagu's "strong enemy," 476.
-, Sir Thomas, 182.

Egglestone (Egleston, co. Durham), manor of, 167.

Egham [Surrey], letter dated at, 66.

Egleston. See Egglestone.

Ekeren. See Eeckeren.

Elbe, the, freight for, 485, 495.

Eldred, John. 180.

Eliot (Eliott, Elliott):
-, Thomas, letters from, 591, 592.
-, -, an alleged plotter, 546.

Elizabeth, Princess, daughter of James 1, 52, 77, 257.
-, allowance of, 154, 600.
-, Gunpowder Plotters, plans for, 528.

Elizabeth, Queen, 592, 610.
-, a lease by, 26.
-, a legacy given to, 60.
-, and the Emperor of Muscovy, 69.
-, memorials on, 117.
-, alleged libel against, 126, 620.
-, influence with the Sultan, 278.
-, hinderer of Catholic religion, 526.
-, excommunicated by Pius V, 530.
-, leases under, 617.

Elks, —, a scholar, 608.

Ellesmere (Salop), 194.

Ellesmere, Lord. See Egerton.

Elletts, Matthew, 520.

Ellinglase (Cornwall), Salisbury's manor of, 54.

Elliott. See Eliot.

Ellis, Mr., 96.

Elm (Elme or Elney) [Cambs.], 23.

Elmeston, 523.

Elnetham. See Eltham.

Elouin, James, 167.

Elphinston (Elphreton):
-, Alexander, 4th Lord Elphinstone, 488.
-, Alexander, Master of Elphinstone, 488.
-, Sir James, Lord Balmerino, (Secretary, and Lord President of Scotland), 20, 86, 87, 105, 152, 294.
-, -, letters from, 12, 152, 219, 245, 340, 487.
-, -, and gold mining, 250, 251, 324, 325, 429.
-, John, 198, 281.

Elphreton. See Elphinston.

Elsdon (co. Northumb.), rectory of, 568.

Elston, Richard, letter to, 548.

Eltham (Eltam, Elnetham) [Kent], 292.
-, letter dated at, 5.

Elvine, Dr., 324.

Ely, Isle of, 23, 24, 25.
-, recovery of fen lands in, 451(2).

Ely, Bishop of. See Heton.

Emden, ships of (Emdeners), 189.

Emperor, the. See Rudolf II.

Endborne (Enborne, Berks.), an outrage in Church at, 73, 76, 99, 178.

Enfield (Enfild) [Middlesex], 97.
-, spoiling of woods at, 116.
-, lease of land in for Cambridge University, 161.
-, Chace (Park), 318, 473, 511, 588, 639.
-, -, White Webbs [Dr. Hewick's house], 523.

England, proposed Spanish invasion of, 512–513, 534, 556.
-, proposed Spanish succession in, 513.

-, gentlemen, crossing to the Low Countries with Spanish Ambassadors, 408.
-, mariners, proclamation for revocation from foreign service, 79, 243.
-, -, prohibited from serving foreign Princes, 631.
-, -, in Spanish fleet, 164.
-, -, abused in Spain, 188.
-, -, to serve in a Dutch ship of war, 211, 631.
-, merchants. See under Merchants.
-, treatment of, in Spanish dominions. See under Spain.
-, troops in the Low Countries. See under Army.

Enno, Count of East Friesland, letter from, 429.

Entragues, M. d', 53.
-, house of, 27.

Enville (Envile) [Staffs.], letter dated at, 230.

Eris [? Iviza], 567.

Erisey, Richard, 37.

Erith (Earith, Kent), 511.

Ernestus, Count. See Nassau.

Errol (Arroll), Earl of. See Hay.

Ersby, Robert, 505.

Ersfield, Captain, 358.
-, -, letter from, 363.
-, -, letter to, 584.

Erskine (Areskyne, Eyrskyn):
-, John, 18th Earl of Mar, 179, 429.
-, -, letters from, 37, 245, 319.
-, -, letters patent concerning his care of Prince Henry, 571.
-, Sir Thomas, Lord Erskine of Dirleton, 52, 99.
-, -, letters from, 11, 71, 327.

Erswik, Mrs., widow, 625.

Escot (Estott):
-, George, a seaman, 395.
-, -, declaration of, 373.

Escurial (Esquirrall, Squreall) [Spain], 41, 512.

Esk, river, 344, 461.

Espinola. See Spinola.

Esquirrall. See Escurial.

Essex, 501, 513.
-, sheriff of, 519.
-, Lord Cobham's lands in, 582.

-, Earl of. See Devereux.
-, Mr., 199.

Estates General. See United Provinces.

Estmene. See Meon, East.

Estreats, Clerk of, 606.

Etherington, Lady Ursula, 110.

Eure, Ralph, Lord Eure, letters from, 60, 592(2).

Evans, Lewys, 524.

Everett, Francis. 8.

Excellency, his. See Nassau, Count Maurice.

Excester. See Exeter.

Exchequer, Court of, 105, 131, 241.
-, -, See also Chester.
-, Chamber, 210.
-, payment of reliefs for land tenure accounted in, 218.
-, a pension for Lord Cobham from, 241.
-, offices in, sought by unfit persons, 259.
-, and suits of alnage, 274, 441.
-, low finances of, 340.
-, naming of Sheriffs in, 345.
-, commission from, for seizing recusants lands, 427.
-, an annuity for Lord Lumley, 433.
-, a sheriff's account in, 542.
-, and fines seized by Council of Wales, 552.
-, benefit of forfeiture due to, 610.
-, auditor of, 352, 354.
-, Lord Chief Baron of, 51, 301.
-, -, See also Fleming.
-, Chancellor of. See Home.

Exeter (Excester), letters dated at, 101, 278, 427, 561.
-, Mayor of, letter from, 561.
-, -, and citizens of, letter from, 453.

Exeter, Bishop of. See Cotton and Wolton.

Exeter, Earl of. See Cecil, Thomas.

Eyrskyn. See Erskine.

Eysendike. See Yzendyke.

Eyton (? Exton, Rutland), letter dated at, 154.