Index: C

Pages 661-670

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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Cadiz (Cadys), 188, 236.

Cadsand (Causon, Cawsand, Cassant), Island of, 44, 195, 342.

Cadwallader, Roger, a priest, 258, 455, 456.

Caesar (Cesar):
-, Sir Julius, Master of Requests, 177, 275, 281, 583.
-, -, letters from, 32, 261, 295, 301.
-, -, as Master of the Libels and President of the High Court of Admiralty, 182, 296, 304.
-, -, his son elected a probationer of All Souls, 481.
-, -, a statement signed by, 640.
-, Thomas, Councillor at Law, 301.

Cairlton. See Carleton.

Calais (Cales, Callis), 56, 146, 164, 249, 306, 411, 437, 544.
-, letter dated at, 139.
-, Secretary to the Council of, 368.
-, the wars in, 610.
-, recusant refugees taken to, 626.
-, Governor of. See Vic.

Calais road, vessels to be searched in, 298.

Cales. See Calais.

Calf-skins, licence for transportation of, 21.

Callaway, Henry, 613.

Callis. See Calais.

Callo (Netherlands), 173.

Calton, Mr., his house at Greenwich. 53.

Calvert, Mr., 584.

Cambell, Sir Thomas, 177.

Cambers, the, 314.

Cambrai (Cambray), 611.
-, French expelled from, 53.

Cambresis. See Cateau Cambresis.

Cambridge, letters dated at, 65, 137, 350, 559.
-, physicians of and two bewitched maidens, 65(2), 222.
-, St. Mary's church, 9, 137.
-, University, 387, 621.
-, -, Chancellor of. See Cecil, Robert.
-, -, Vice-Chancellor and Senate of, letters from, 14, 326.
-, -, Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Houses, letter from concerning printing rights of a dictionary, 462.
-, -, Vice-Chancellor of, see also Cowell and Clayton.
-, -, ecclesiastical jurisdiction in, 9, 28.
-, -, plea for immunities and privileges of, 14.
-, -, order of place in, infringements of, 137.
-, -, petition for grant of endowment for professorship of theology at, 326.
-, -, form of oath to observe and defend privileges of, 343.
-, -, documents relating to honorary degrees in, 343, 350.
-, -, proctors of, a complaint against, 558.
-, -, a "commencement" at, 585.
-, -, Emmanuel College, 9.
-, -, -, Master of. See Chaderton.
-, -, King's College, letter dated at, 162.
-, -, -, a saltcellar presented to, by Lord Salisbury, 161.
-, -, -, organs for chapel of, 249.
-, -, Magdalene College, 28.
-, -, Pembroke Hall, Fellows of, letters from, concerning the Mastership, 577, 578.
-, -, St. John's College, letters dated at, 82, 102, 132, 143, 242, 268, 315, 577.
-, -, -, Master and Fellows of, 577.
-, -, Trinity College, Master of. See Nevill.

Cambridgeshire, ministers of, a plea for, 56, 57.
-, Thorney in, 466.

Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Argyll, 179, 618.
-, -, letters from, 92, 488.

Campen. See Kampen.

Camps. See Castle Camps.

Canary Islands, 211.

Canio, Paulo, 646.

Cannynge, Edward, information of, 520.

Canon, Thomas, suspicious proceedings of, 555.

Canterbury [Kent], letters dated at, 91, 143, 411, 507, 515.
-, postal endorsements at, 298, 307, 408, 412, 417, 517.
-, King's Palace near, letter dated at, 103.

Canterbury Park [Kent], 176, 226.
-, leases of, 39, 57.
-, rangership of, 91.

Canterbury Cathedral, a prebend in, 580.
-, Prerogative Court of, Surrogate of the Keeper of. See Bennett.

Canterbury, Archbishop of, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, -. See also Bancroft and Parker.
-, Dean of, 583.
-, Dean and Prebendaries of, letter to, 628.

Cape Verde islands, 130, 131.

-, Sir Arthur, letter from, 275.
-, Arthur, deputy lieutenant for Hertfordshire, 438.
-, Edward, 275.
-, Sir Gamaliel, letters from, 157, 519.

Car. See Carr.

Cardiff, 373.
-, gaol, 407.

Cardmakers of England, letter from, concerning hardships of, 179.

Carew (Carewe):
-, Sir George, Vice-Chamberlain and General Receiver to Anne of Denmark, afterwards Lord Carew of Clopton, 59, 358, 406, 601.
-, -, letters from, 180, 339, 380, 563, 578(2), 579(3).
-, -, as Ambassador in Paris, 563.
-, -, as President of Munster, 579.
-, Sir Matthew, 405.
-, -, letter from, 50.
-, Richard, letter from, 37.

-, Sir John, 3rd Lord Hunsdon, 603.
-, -, letter from, 83.
-, Sir Robert, Warden [of the Marches], 294, 594, 620.
-, See also Cary.

Carick. See Carrick.

Carillo, Signor, 282.

Carisbroke Castle (Carsbroke, I.O.W.), letters dated at, 333, 423.

Carleton (Cairlton):
-, Dudley, 530, 533, 567.
-, -, letters from, 447, 454, 458, 533, 542, 550, 560.
-, Capt. Thomas, 289, 350.

Carlisle [Cumb.], 120, 132, 351, 575.
-, letters dated at, 151, 160, 191(2), 289, 290, 310(2).
-, meeting of Commissioners for Border Causes at, 151, 191(2).
-, gaol (Castle), 151, 191(2).
-, -, escape of prisoners from, 160, 191(2), 237, 238, 240, 289(2), 597.
-, list of names of Grahams dated at, 308.
-, assizes at, 382.

Carmarden, Richard, letter from, 66.

Carmarthen, county, afflicted with the plague, 353.
-, mustering in, 353.

Carmichael (Carmishall):
-, Sir Henry, 37, 245.
-, Sir Hugh, 231.
-, Sir John, 151.

Caron, (Sir) Noel de, Sr. de Schoneval (Monsieur Caron; Carron, de Schoonwal), agent of the States General in England, 18, 21, 282.
-, -, letters from, 2, 7, 55, 138, 213, 227, 356.
-, -, letter to, 138.
-, -, his proposed title of Ambassador, 2, 55.
-, -, and Lord Lisle's travelling in the Archduke's territories, 390, 392, 403.
-, -, resents method of Arundel's sailing to the Low Countries, 395, 397, 420–421.
-, -, and a Spanish jester, 432.
-, -, and an outrage at Harwich by a Dutch ship, 550.

Carr (Car, Carre):
-, Gilbert, of the Lough, 169.
-, Sir John, 168, 169, 394.
-, Robert, 21, 290, 451.
-, Sir Robert, 572.

Carrick (Carick) [Ireland], letters dated at, 148(2), 318.

Carsbroke. See Carisbroke.

Carthagena, 566.

Cartie, Ellen. See McCartie.

Cartwright, Peter, 119.

Carvile, —, 501.

Cary (Carye):
-, Sir Edward, Master of the Crown Jewels, 96.
-, Sir George, Treasurer at War in Ireland, late Lord Deputy, 171, 547, 645.
-, Sir Henry, 522.
-, Sir Philip, 303, 383.
-, See also Carey.

Caryll, Sir Edward, letter from, 466.

Cassant. See Cadsand.

Cassell, Gamaliel, letter from, 480.

Casserte, Prince of, 172.

Castel (Castollus), John, 43.

Castilian, Sir Thomas, letter to, 73.

Castillion, Sir Francis, 195.

Castle, —, a justice, 22.

Castle Camps [Cambs.], 481.

Castlemayne, —, 578.

Caston (Norfolk), 231.

Cateau Cambresis, treaty of, 498.

Catesby (Catisbee):
-, Robert, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 499, 511, 523, 527.
-, -, death of, 486, 488, 510, 525.
-, -, letter from the slayer of, 531.
-, -, information concerning, 512–513, 569.
-, -, note of meetings of, 522.
-, -, and Lord Mordaunt, 528.
-, -, and Catholic noblemen to escape Gunpowder Plot, 535.
-, -, and levying of English regiments for Low Countries, 546.
-, -, charge for setting up head of, 567.
-, -, his servant. See Bate.
-, family of, alliances of, 579.

Catline, Mr., 59.

Causon, Cawsand. See Cadsand.

Causon, Mr., parson of Oxted, 406(2).

-, Alexander, 8.
-, Lisle, 8.
-, -, letter from, 244.
-, Tho., 8.
-, Sir Thomas, 603.
-, William, 8.

Cavendish, Sir Charles, 93, 141.

Caxley, Christopher, 353.

Cecil (Cecyll, Cecyl):
-, Sir Edward, 156.
-, -, letter from, 521.
-, Robert, Viscount Cranborne, afterwards Earl of Salisbury, Secretary of State, (Mr. Secretary):
-, -, created Earl of Salisbury, congratulations, 186(2), 207, 215, 219, 231, 335.
-, -, letters to, as Viscount Cranborne, 1–187 passim, 191, 195, 201–204, 303, 404, 603; as Earl of Salisbury, 186, 190, 194–649 passim.
-, -, letters from, 14, 26, 39, 61, 72, 73(2), 76, 77, 124, 128, 165, 190, 197, 199, 206, 223, 231, 243, 254, 276, 281, 288, 291, 293, 314, 325, 333, 348, 353, 365, 371, 380, 386, 404, 408, 409(2), 416, 419, 423, 431, 439, 441, 445, 459, 467, 481, 482, 488, 533, 540, 559, 627– 632; see also Privy Council, letters from.
-, -, his park, sheep pastured in, 1.
-, -, presents sent to, 7, 32, 51, 113, 127, 157, 217, 275, 297, 300, 315, 318, 375, 387, 406, 445, 465, 480, 520, 609, 610, 616(2), 636.
-, -, presents books to the Bodleian Library, 8.
-, -, as Chancellor of Cambridge University, 14, 28, 222, 242, 387.
-, -, his gift to King's College, Cambridge, 161.
-, -, admission to degree of M.A. in Cambridge University, 343, 350.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 31, 182.
-, -, sells land to Earl of Shrewsbury, 40, 46.
-, -, and stewardship of Greenwich, 38.
-, -, reference to a journey to France, 41.
-, -, and a reported accusation by the Archbishop of York, 61–62.
-, -, as chief commissioner for lands of the Queen's jointure, 64.
-, -, as steward of Queen's manor of Spalding, 130.
-, -, suspected of favouring Papists, 125.
-, -, reported speech of, against papistry, 194.
-, -, his fishing, 127.
-, -, as Master of the Court of Wards, 166, 633.
-, -, -, letter to, 358.
-, -, warrant to, regarding dyeing trade, 174.
-, -, and a petition from the dyers, 334.
-, -, warned against the French and Scots, 175.
-, -, anagram and Latin verses addressed to, 178.
-, -, petition to cut canal through lands of, 181.
-, -, his horses, 214–215, 226.
-, -, and postal service to Ireland, 264.
-, -, as Lord Lieutenant of Herts., his appointment, 409.
-, -, -, letters to, 288, 437.
-, -, and lease of Crown lands for the Earl of Home, 299.
-, -, request that he should visit the Isle of Wight, 333.
-, -, rooms for, at Ampthill House, 349.
-, -, his house in the Strand, building of, 359, 383, 426, 434– 435.
-, -, his attitude to Lord Lisle, 404, 414, 416.
-, -, a fisher and fowler for, 428.
-, -, his interest in a Spanish jester, 432.
-, -, sends grapes to the King, 446, 467, 470.
-, -, executor of Lord Cumberland's will, 459.
-, -, Viscount Montagu's "strong enemy," 476.
-, -, his house at Greenwich, 476–477.
-, -, "great with the Queen and her sweet ladies," 477.
-, -, as Commissioner in Gunpowder Plot, 513.
-, -, congratulated upon escape from Gunpowder Plot, 524.
-, -, a threatening letter to, from alleged Catholics, 540.
-, -, an alleged debt of, 560.
-, -, as godfather to Robert Cooke, 567.
-, -, his pedigree out of Wales, 595.
-, -, a ward of, 600.
-, -, a note of his letters to Sir George Harvey, 600.
-, -, a Calvinist, 622.
-, -, his fee farm rents to the King, 632.
-, -, dates of his creation titles, 632–633.
-, -, grant of Customs money to, 633.
-, -, a grievance against, 637– 638.
-, -, his wife, Lord Cobham's sister, 318.
-, -, his daughter, a lease for, 628.
-, -, -, proposed marriage of, with Lord Harington's son, 629.
-, -, his nephew, 457.
-, -, -. See also Herbert, Sir Philip.
-, -, his niece [Lady Susan]. See Montgomery, Countess of.
-, -, his niece the Countess of Derby, 587.
-, -, his great great grandmother Elizabeth, 595.
-, -, secretaries of. See Brereton, Munck, Wilson.
-, Thomas, 2nd Lord Burghley, afterwards Earl of Exeter, 46, 51, 84, 256, 609.
-, -, letters from, 45, 105, 231, 592–593(4).
-, -, report of his death, 158.
-, Sir William, 1st Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer, 46, 239, 318, 319, 593, 615.
-, -, memorials on, 117, 359.
-, -, appointment of surveyors of outports by, 244.
-, -, a libel against, 362, 411.
-, -, and limitation of power of merchants, 418.
-, Sir William, son of Lord Salisbury, afterwards styled Viscount Cranborne, 94, 95, 239, 580.
-, -, letters from, 102, 132, 143, 268, 584, 585.
-, -, a report of, 81–82.
-, -, request for a holiday for, 314.
-, -, admission to degree of M.A. in Cambridge University, 343.
-, -, a lease for, 628.
-, -, favourably used by Prince Henry, 631.
-, -, an offer of services to, 633.
-, -, a horse for, 636.
-, William, 17th Lord Ross (Rosse), 564.

Cess-master, office of, 296.

Chaderton (Chatterton), Lawrence, Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 56.
-, -, letter from, 462.
-, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 23.
-, -, letters from, 34, 133.
-, -, and nonconforming ministers, 15, 17, 21, 34, 65, 133.

Chaffe, —, the post, 222.

Challoner, Sir Thomas, 252.

Chalon, Colonel of Walloons, 424.

Chamberlain, the Lord. See Howard, Thomas.

Chamberlain (Chamberlyne):
-, Sir John, 616.
-, Thomas, and a suit in the Star Chamber, 447, 647.
-, Thomas, J.P., letter to, 73.
-, -, letter from, 99.

Chancellor, the Lord. See Egerton.
-, of Scotland. See under Scotland.

Chancery, Court of, 264, 426, 427, 587.
-, a Cursitor of, 549.
-, pleadings, patent for safe custody and search of, 618.

Chandos, Lady Frances, 369.

Chandos (Chandois, Chandoys). See Brydges.

Channel, the (Narrow Seas), a skirmish in, 254, 267, 294–295.
-, to be freed from ships of war, 198, 222, 247, 282–285, 342.
-, request for employment in service of, 268.

Channon Row [Cannon Row]. See under London and Westminster, places in.

Chapel Royal, Dean of. See Montague.

Chapman, George, 605.

Charlemont, Castle of [Belgium], 370.

Charles, Prince, Duke of York (Duke Charles), 201, 272, 481.
-, -, his titles, 4.

Charters (Charterous, Chartrours), Sir John, 160, 237, 240, 400.

Chatham [Kent], 47.

Chatterton. See Chaderton.

Chaulx, Baron de la, 371.

Chawly, —, 155.

Cheines. See Cheneys.

Chelsea (Chelse), letter dated at, 347.

Cheney, house of, pedigree of, 574.

Cheneys (Cheines) [Bucks.], letter dated at, 291.

Cheny, —, a recusant, 286.

Cherbourg (Sherbrooke, France), 304.

Cherry, Sir Francis, letters from, 177, 580.

Cheshire, 466.
-, alleged encroachment by Common Pleas on jurisdiction of, 466.
-, land tenures in, 218.
-, sheriffs of, 483.

Cheshunt (Chestenhunt, Herts.), 181, 623.

Chester, letters dated at, 167, 362, 485.
-, licence for transportation of calfskins granted to, 21.
-, Court of Exchequer at, 48, 466, 544.
-, -, Chamberlain of, 466.
-, renewal of charter of city of, 48.
-, commission ecclesiastical for the diocese of, 81.
-, Castle, 102.
-, Mayors of. See Dutton and Lytler.

Chester, Diocese of, visitation of, 320.
-, Bishop of. See Lloyd.
-, Dean of, livings of, 580.
-, - and Chapter of, 628.

Chester, Ch., 454.
-, Sir Robert, 22.

Cheynie (Cheyney), Mr., 640.

Chibell, James, 405.

Chichester, Bishop of. See Andrews.

Chichester, Sir Arthur, Lord Deputy (Lieutenant) in Ireland, 108, 362.

Chillingham (Gillingham), [Northumberland], letters dated at, 169, 394.
-, Sir Ralph Grey of, 430.

Chippindale, J., 8.

Chirnesyde, Sir Patrick, 400.
-, Ralph, letter from, 239.

Chocke (Chokke, Chock), Alexander, J.P., 178, 195.
-, -, letter from, 99.
-, -, letter to, 73.

Chopwell (Durham), 212.

Christian IV., King of Denmark, 244.
-, his friendship with England, 263.
-, and a letter from James I concerning election of King of the Romans, 371–372, 379.
-, a proxy for his installation as K.G. at Windsor, 409, 440.

Church of England, a catalogue of livings in, 124, 125.
-, advised abolishing of ceremonies in, 126.
-, uniformity in, 200.

Churches, deprived, 36.
-, an outrage committed in, 73, 76, 99.
-, See also Nonconformists.

Churchill, Jo., letter from, 511.

Churchman, Rob., 605.

Cibeer. See Saboiro.

Cinque Ports, 604.
-, imposition on beer brewers of, 65.
-, Lord Warden of. See Howard, Henry.

Cirencester (Cisiter, Glos.), letter dated at, 562.

Civitavecchia (Civita Vecha), 567.

Claiton. See Clayton.

Clanricard, Earl of. See Burke.

Claphame, Mr., 359.

Clare (Clere):
-, Sir Edward, letter from, 581.
-, Sir Henry, letters from, 581(2).
-, Hugh, a coiner, 582.
-, Nicolas, bailiff of Colchester, letter from, 465.

Clarke. See Clerke.

Claxton, Sir John, a recusant, 194.

Clayton (Claiton), Dr. Richard, ViceChancellor of Cambridge University, letters from, 558, 577.

Cleere, Ed., information concerning, 531–532.

Clench, Edward, 502.

Clennock, —, 500.

Clere. See Clare.

Clerke (Clarke):
-, Lady, 501.
-, Michael, a post, 507.
-, Robert, Baron of the Exchequer, 649.
-, -, letter from, 280.
-, Thomas, junior, letter from, 256.
-, William, grocer of London, 560.

Clerkenwell [Middx.], letter dated at, 559.
-, Close, Lady Scott's house in, letter dated at, 412.

Cleveland (Yorks.), Great Broughton in, 648.

Cleves, the Tolhouse by, 156.

Cleves and Juliers, Duke of, 267, 316, 425.

-, Lady Ann, 586.
-, George, K.G., 3rd Earl of Cumberland, 14, 22, 107, 478.
-, -, as Lieutenant of Carlisle gaol, 160, 191, 344, 575.
-, -, letter concerning his affairs and probable death, 459–461.
-, -, debts of, to the Crown, 585–586.
-, -, his brother and heir, Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland, 459, 460, 461, 586.

Clifton (Clyfton):
-, Henry, 145.
-, John, 484, 529.
-, Thomas, 145.

Clincoe, Dr., 331.

Clink, the. See Southwark.

Clinton, Henry, 2nd Earl of Lincoln, 457.
-, Henry, 13th Lord Clinton, letter from, 496.

Cloppersdyche (Netherlands), 211.

Clopton [co. Warw.], 406.

Closburne, Lord of. See Killpatricke.

Cloth, a licence to "dispone," 92.
-, - for transportation of, 618.
-, farm of alnage and measurage, 274.
-, stretching of, 327.
-, customs on, decree for relief of, 586.
-, farmers, a complaint against, 617.

Clothmakers, letters from, 182(2).

Clyfton. See Clifton.

Clytheroe, —, and grant of alnage, 274.

Coal, measuring of, 126, 133–134.

Cob, Sir William, of Norfolk, 601.

Cobham, Sir Henry, 582.

Cobham, Lord. See Brooke.

Cobham Hall (Kent), Lord Cobham's house, 160, 176, 186, 582, 606.

Cockburn (Cokburne), Sir John, of Ormiston, [Lord Justice Clerk], 488.

Cocke, He., deputy lieutenant for Hertfordshire, 438.
-, -, of the Low Countries, 135.

Cockermouth Castle [Cumb.], 483.

Cockin, William, 573.

Cocks (Cox), R., letters from, 301, 399.

Coe, Mr., keeper to Mr. Rookwood in the Tower, 563.
-, Thomas, letter from, 549.

Coining, accusations of, 90, 102, 309, 475, 582.

Cokburne. See Cockburn.

Coke (Cooke):
-, Sir Edward (Attorney General, Mr. Attorney), references to, 7, 8, 43, 79, 81, 84, 93, 95, 105, 265, 334, 551, 628, 633, 638, 649.
-, -, letters from, 4, 26, 48, 62, 65, 68, 71, 97, (an enclosure) 106, 107, 114, 145, 199, 271, 274, 309, 332(2), 441, 475, 477, 539, 569, 582.
-, -, letters to, 231, 423, 467.
-, -, and Sir Edward Hoby, 10, 33, 47, 492, 505.
-, -, and office of Marshal of King's Bench, 20.
-, -, and examination of Thomas Bywater, 35, 114, 270.
-, -, a grant of stewardship to, 49.
-, -, minute to, concerning coining, 126.
-, -, nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, -, and Thomas Douglas, 271, 272, 292.
-, -, abused, 273.
-, -, and suit of alnage, 274, 610.
-, -, and stretching of cloth, 327.
-, -, and a pension for Sir Roger Aston, 298.
-, -, and an annuity for Lord Lumley, 433.
-, -, and letters patent relating to Rochester Cathedral, 492, 505.
-, -, as Commissioner for Gunpowder Plot, 509, 513, 533, 538.
-, -, and Sir Walter Ralegh's cause for Sherborne, 579.
-, -, and the Earl of Cumberland, 586.
-, -, and a warrant for Mrs. Reade, 625.
-, George, 578.
-, -, 387.
-, See also Cook.

Colberne, Sir Edmond, 107.

Colburne, —, 6.

Colchester (Essex), 577.
-, bailiffs of, letters from, 8, 465.
-, baize transported from, 560.

-, Anthony, 20.
-, Joan, 23.
-, -, 260.

Coleshill (Colleshill) [co. Warw.], 254.
-, postal endorsement at, 362.

Collingwood, George, 189.

Collonnas, house of, 172.

Colls, the, of Worcester, 529.

Colman, Richard, 603.

Colmer, Dr., a prebendary of Durham, 109.

Cologne (Cullen), 316, 337, 370, 404, 415.
-, Magistrates of, a forged letter from James I to, 291.
-, Bishop and bishopric of, 316, 498.

Colt, John, 437.

Colthurst, Edmund, petitions from, concerning a patent for bringing water to London, 181.

Colvile, John, 96, 612.

Combe (Coumbe) [co. Warw.], letter dated at, 19.

Combe, William, letter from, 532.

Comberford, William, 642.

-, George, 485.
-, Mr., 350.

Comedians, a company of, 234.

Commissioners, 583.
-, for bankruptcy, 593.
-, for the Borders. See under Scotland.
-, for Causes Ecclesiastical. See High Commission.
-, for Crown leases, 266.
-, for Gunpowder Plot, (Commissioners for the Tower). See Gunpowder Plot.
-, for Passage, 559.
-, for relief of prisoners, letter from, 264.

Common Pleas, Court of, 265, 466.
-, office of Custos Brevium in, 174.
-, Chief Justice of. See Gawdy.

Commons, House of, 146, 224; see also Parliament.

Como, Cardinal, 530.

Compton, letter dated, at, 388.

Compton, Thomas, 511.
-, William, 2nd Baron Compton, 107, 300.
-, -, letter from, 583.
-, Dr., a Commissioner for bankruptcy, 594.

Compton Dando (Somerset), 562.

Coningesby. See Connisby.

Connaught (Ireland), 448.

Connesly, Sir Philip, 405, 406.

Connisby (Coningesby), Sir Ralph, ranger, 127.
-, -, letters from, 212, 318.

Conquest, Richard, J.P. for Beds., letter from, 483.

Constable, H., 454.
-, Sir William, 86, 133, 594.
-, -, letters from, 49, 126.

Constable, the. See Velasco.

Constantinople, 404, 428.

Controller of the Household, 349.

Convocation, articles prescribed by, 9.

Conway, Sir Edward, Lieutenant and Governor of the Briel, 31, 350, 351, 554.
-, -, letter to, 325.

Conyers, Robert, 529.

Cook (Cooke):
-, Avis, Lady Cooke, letter from, 175.
-, Lady, 610.
-, Erasmus, a minister, 98, 107.
-, George, 167.
-, Robert, letter from, 567.
-, Sir William, 516, 567.
-, -, of Louth, a nonconformist, 34, 65.
-, -, 285.
-, See also Coke.

Cooling, —, 501.

Coote, Sir Nicholas, 358.

-, Sir Anthony, 365.
-, -, letter from, 377.
-, Sir Walter, 181, 277, 309, 359, 368, 373, 426, 587.
-, -, letters from, 374, 583, 584.
-, -, letter to, 454.
-, -, a statement signed by, 640.
-, -, a recusant, 475, 476.

Copley, Anthony, 317.
-, Mr., a recusant, 190.

Copper money, a suit for, 412.
-, in Spain, 303, 383.

Coppin, Sir George, 339.

Coptye, Mr., a recusant, 273.

Corbett (Corbet):
-, John, 83.
-, Mr., 115, 351, 479.
-, Sir Richard, and Dame Judith, his wife, 573.

Corby (Corbie, Cumb.), 575.

Cordage, request for delivery of, 177.

Cordell, Mr., parson of Sutton, 406(2).
-, Sir William, Master of the Rolls, 182.

Cormack, Mr., Salisbury's servant, 297.

Corn, 44.
-, sent to Muscovy, 177.
-, shortage of, in Spain, 187–189.
-, a shipment from Germany, 485, 494.

Cornell. See Cowell.

Cornet, Castle, (Guernsey), 110–111.

Cornish, Thomas, 613.

Cornwall, ports of, Vice-Admiral of, 489.
-, tin mines in, 490.

Cornwallis (Cornwaleys, Cornewallis):
-, Dame Anne, 584.
-, Lady Catherine, 625.
-, Sir Charles, English Ambassador in Spain, 52, 228, 229, 301–302, 339, 359, 370, 413.
-, -, letter from, 236.
-, -, letter to, 481.
-, -, and an annuity for manors bought by, 314, 322, 641.
-, Lady Elizabeth, 625.
-, Sir Thomas, 584.
-, Sir William (old), 323.
-, Sir William (young), 322, 506, 641.
-, -, letters from, 314, 564.

Corrall, Robert, master of the Patience, 145.

Corunna (the Groyne), 128, 169, 189, 235, 302, 303, 322.

Cossons, Mr., a haberdasher, 562.

Coton, Père, 563.

Cotten. See Cotton.

Cottington, Dr., chaunter of Wells, 74, 647.

Cotton (Cotten):
-, Henry, Bishop of Salisbury, 178.
-, -, letter from, 264.
-, John, 405.
-, Mr., 501.
-, Philip, 620.
-, Rowland, 358.
-, William, Bishop of Exeter, 450.
-, -, letters from, 100, 278.

Coumbe. See Combe.

Council, the. See Privy Council.

Council Chambers, keepers of, 191.

Countadora, Villiago de, 163.

Court, the, a supper at, provisions for, 3–4.

Court Journal, from June 1603 to June 1605, 292.

Courtney, —, 155.

Courtoie de Armenteros, Captain Pierre, 641, 642.

Courtrai (Courtray) [Belgium], 220.

Coved (Co.), Jo., letter from, 52–53.

Coventry (Coventree), 257, 529.
-, letters dated at, 489, 520, 548, 560.
-, postal endorsement at, 362.

Coverden. See Koevorden.

Covert, Humphrey, gent., 405.
-, Captain Humphrey, letter from, 584.

Cowell (Cornell), Dr. John, ViceChancellor of Cambridge, letters from, 9, 14, 65, 137, 326, 350, 462.
-, -, and witchcraft in Cambridge, 65, 222.

Cowes (I.O.W.) Castle, 286.

Cowper, Thomas, 26.

Cox. See Cocks.

Cramail, Comte de, 53.

-, Viscount. See Cecil, Robert, and Cecil, William.

Cranbrook (Cranebrooke, Kent), manor of, 26.

Crane, Mr., 574.

Cranleigh [?] (Crawley, Surrey), 406.

Cranston, Sir William, 168, 237, 238(2), 290.

Cranstoun, ? Cranstoun-Riddell. See MacGill.

Craswell, Thomas, Mayor of Northampton, 26.

Crawford, Earl of. See Lindsay.

Crawford Moor [Lanarks.], mining in, 245, 430.

Crawley [? Cranleigh] (Surrey), 406.

Creighton, Sir James, 327.

Cresswell, Father, a Jesuit, 395, 396, 512, 530.

Croft, Richard, letter from, 468.

Crofte, Sir Herbert, 360.

Croke, Sir John, 640.
-, -, letter from, 449.

Cromer, Sir James, 365, 552.
-, -, justice of Kent, 585.

Crompton, Sir Thomas, letter from, 261.

-, Edward, 3rd Lord Cromwell, letters from, 106, 585.
-, Sir Oliver, 25, 245, 594.
-, O., J.P. for Beds., letter from, 483.

Crooke, Sir John, 552.
-, William, 644.

Crookes, Sir John, 11.

Cross, Captain, 472.
-, Sir Robert, letter from, 465.

Crossinge, Hugh, merchant, letter from, 453.

Crowcher, Agnes, 585.
-, Thomas, 585.

Crown Jewels. See Jewels.
-, Leases, Commissioners for, 266.

Croxall (Derbys.], 435.

Croy and Arschot. See Aerschot.

Cubiaur. See Saboiro.

Cuffolde, Alexander, gent., 492.

Cullen. See Cologne.

Cumberland, 132.
-, sheriff of. See Dalston.

Cumberland, Margaret, Countess of, 459.
-, -, letter from, 586.
-, Earl of. See Clifford.

Cuniga, Don Pedro de (Spanish Ambassador in England, successor to Tassio), 303, 310, 314, 320, 390, 399, 415, 471(2).
-, -, letter from, 547.
-, -, not connected with the Gunpowder treason, 478.
-, -, information concerning, 549.
-, -, and an outrage at Harwich by a Dutch ship, 550.

Cupper, Mr., 11.

Cures, treatment for, 23, 24.

Currants, imposition on, 16–17, 208.

Curry Rivell (Somerset), 505.

Curtney, Sir W., 602.

Curzon, George, 435.

Custom House. See under London and Westminster, places in.

Customs, on Dutch trade, 8.
-, Aliens, 35.
-, on imports at Chester, 48, 49.
-, on foreign goods brought into England and reshipped, 80.
-, on sea coals from Newcastle, 126, 133–134.
-, in Spain, augmented on English goods, 188.
-, in the outports, surveyors of, 244.
-, on alnage and measurage, 274.
-, on paper, 281.
-, on cloth, 586.
-, in port of London, grants of, to Lord Salisbury, 633.

Cuyll, Oënus, 577.

Cybeboro, 303.

Cypriany, Mr., his son, 104.

Cyttenburne. See Sittingbourne.