Index: B

Pages 655-661

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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-, Gervase, Bishop of Worcester, 331.
-, Mr., 241.
-, W., letter from, 573.

Bachelor, Andrew, 333.

Backhouse, Mr., 607.

Bacon, Mr., 474.
-, Sir Francis, 1, 515, 640, 649.

Badger, Sir Thomas, 594.

Bagot, Walter, 529.

Bagshaw, Dr., 545.

Baigley, William, 613.

Bailiegill Stanes (Scotland), 635.

Baily (Bailie, Bayly):
-, -, secretary to Hugh Owen, 497, 508, 509, 546.
-, -, request for arrest of, 536, 556–557.
-, Mr., a priest, 626.

Bainham. See Baynham.

Bains, near Mons, 426.

Baize, export of, 560.

Baker, Paul, a priest, 100.

Bakers, brown, letter from, concerning controversies with white bakers, 178.

Balboni, Antonio, 507.

Baldock, Mr., 68.

Baldwin (Balwyn), Father, a Jesuit, 317, 509, 545, 546, 611, 640.
-, desired to be sent back to England, 534–537, 556–557.
-, alleged by French to be sent to Spain, 563.

Ball, Lawrence, 26.

Ballyshannon (Ballashannon, Ireland), 644, 645.

Balmerino (Balmerinoth, Balmerinoch), Lord. See Elphinston.

Balmore, Mr., 340.

Balwyn. See Baldwin.

Banbury Castle [Oxford], 142, 467.

Banck, Thomas, letter from, 73.

Bancroft, Dr. Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury, 23, 93, 306, 423, 431, 450, 451, 470, 583.
-, letter to, 65.
-, letters from, 8, 13, 31, 73, 434, 435, 478, 506.
-, and Nonconforming ministers, 8, 15, 38, 65.
-, and a canon residency's place in Wells, 73, 647.
-, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, and Rice Griffiths, a priest, 360, 361, 389, 456.
-, and Gunpowder Plot, 497, 516.
-, a slanderer of, 515.
-, and living of Elsdon, 569.
-, and imprisonment of Lady Lovell, 613.
-, and Francis Merbury, 615.

Bañeja, Marquis de la, 228.

Bankes, —, 501.

Bankruptcy, commissioners for, 593.

Bankworth, —, a scrivener of Bow Lane, 514.

Bannyster, Thomas, 510.

Banyng, Mr., 604.

Barbanson (Barbarson), Lord (Monsieur), 147, 150, 337, 425.

Barbary, 378.

Barber, William, D.D., 73.
-, -, a ship owner, 548.

Barcelona (Barsallona, Spain), 567.

Baremore. See Barmoor.

Barker, Robert, printer, 83.
-, Ro., letter from, 340.

Barloe, Mr., 501.

Barlow, Randolph, 578.
-, William, Bishop of Rochester, 580.

Barmoor (Baremore, Northumberland), near Berwick, letters dated at, 382, 410, 427.

Barneby (Barnby, Barnabie), —, a priest, 435–436.

Barnerd, William, 20.

Barnes, John, letter from, 573.
-, -, employed by the Pope's Nuntio, 498, 504.

Barnet [Herts.], postal endorsements at, 340, 341, 345.

Barnevelt, Mons. de, 18.

Baron, the Lord Chief. See Fleming.

Barre, Duke of, 221.

Barrett, Devereux, 555.
-, E., letter from, 39.

Barrowes, Mr., of Hosyer Lane, London, 626.

Barsallona. See Barcelona.

Bartholomew Fair, 398.

Bartlett, George, 529.
-, Richard, 642.

Barton, Randle, sheriff, 57.

Barwick. See Berwick.

Basingstoke (Hants.), 607.

-, Captain, 180.
-, Elizabeth, wardship of, 573.
-, Sir Robert, letter from, 203(2).
-, William, 573.

Basyll, Simon, letters from, 160, 339.

Bate, Thomas, servant of Catesby, examination of, 540.

Bath (the Bath), [Somerset], 69, 102, 464.
-, letters dated at, 73, 231, 240, 270, 308, 324, 353.
-, Earl of. See Bourchier.

Bath and Wells, Bishop of. See Still.

Battie. See Batty.

Battle (Battell), Sussex, 264.

Batty (Battie), Matthew, 484, 529.

Bavaria, Duke of. See Palatine, Count, 260.

Bavin, —, 500.

Bawforn, Thomas, 212.

Bayly. See Baily.

Bayn, Paul, letter from, 287.

Baynard, Captain, 304.

Baynham (Bainham, Baynom, etc.):
-, Sir Edmond, 454, 499, 522, 546, 557.

Bayona (Byon, Galicia), 169.

Bayonne (Bayon), [France], letters dated at, 303, 400.
-, Governor of, 303.

Beale, Hierome, 578.

Bearn (Bearne, France), 439.

Beaumarches, Mons. de, 296.

Beaumont, Henry, 8.

Beaumont, Mons. de. See Harlay.

Becher, William, letter from, 241.

Becon, Mr., 612.

Beddington (Bedington, Surrey), 406.

Bedford, house of, pedigree of, 574.
-, Countess of, daughter of Lord Harington, 114, 115, 629–630.
-, -, letter from, 291.

Bedfordshire, 634.
-, Justices of the Peace of, letter from, 482.
-, a justice of, examination before, 543.

Bedington. See Beddington.

Beehives, a project of, 412.

Beer, farming of impost of, 11.
-, brewers, of Cinque Ports, 65.

Beer Alston [Devon], a letter to the Mayor of, concerning a burgess of, 445.

Beeston (Beston):
-, Sir George, 365, 552.
-, George, 583.
-, Sir Hugh, 103, 319.

Bekeman, Barthold, 491.

Belgrave, George, letter from, 435.

Belling, Mr., 158.

Bellot, Mr., Registrar of St. Asaph, 374.

Bellothe (Bellot), Thomas, letter from, 97.

Belman, Mr., of Padstow, 263.

Belvoir [Leics.], letter dated at, 6.

Belzig (Bellzic) [Brandenburg], letter dated at, 339.

Benedetto, Parisian merchants, 507.

Benenden (Bennenden, Kent), a fraudulent conveyance of land in, 103.

Benet. See Bennett.

Benington. See Bennington.

Benishe, 428.

Bennett (Benet, Bennet):
-, Dr., letter from, 12.
-, Sir John, LL.D., Surrogate of the Keeper of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 583.
-, -, nominated as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 183.
-, Robert, Bishop of Hereford, letters from, 93, 235, 258, 360(2), 389.
-, -, and suppression of recusants, 216, 305–306, 455–456.
-, Sir Thomas, 526.
-, -, 501.

Bennington (Benington), 580.

Benson, —, servant of Lord Grey, 444.
-, -, agent of the Archdukes, 39.

Bentley, Mr., 501.

Berchman. See Berghman.

Berck. See Rheinberg,

Bergen op Zoom, 204, 220, 370, 401, 424.

Berghman, (Bergkman, Berchman), Hans, 485, 491, 494.

Berke. See Rheinberg.

Berkshire, 81.
-, Justices of the Peace of, letter from, 98.
-, lease of lands in, 199.
-, trained bands in, 470.

Bernardino, Parisian merchants, 507.

Berry (Berrye):
-, Sir Benjamin, 363.
-, -, letters from, 242, 273, 358.
-, Ensign John, 578.
-, Mr., mercer, 24.

Bertangle. See Bourtanger.

Bervic. See Berwick.

Berwick-upon-Tweed, garrison of, 603.
-, letters dated at, 238, 239, 240, 300, 437.
-, meeting of Commissioners for Border Causes at, 151, 237.
-, storing of ordnance in, 574.

Berwick (Barwick, Bervic), Lord of. See Home.

Bessell, Martin, letter from, 8.

Beston. See Beeston.

Betts, Anthony, yeoman, an alleged coiner, 582.

Beverley (Yorks), 495.

Bewcastle [Cumbs.], 289.

Bewfield, Sir Thomas, 543.

Bible, translations of, 406, 431.

Biche, La, Colonel of Walloons and governor of Hulst, 424, 425.

Biddick [Durham], letter dated at, 251.

Bidlake, —, a clerk in Sir John Roper's office, 278.

Bidney (Hereford), letter dated at, 155.

Biens (in Hainault), pleasure house of Archdukes, 402.

Bilbao (Bilbo), 163, 302.
-, Spanish ships built at, 164.

Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, 286, 623.
-, letters from, 5, 141.

Bingley, John, 547, 603.
-, Mr., 426.

Binyon, Mr., parson of Crawley, 406.

Birckhead, —, 500.

Bird (Byrde, Byrd):
-, John, letter from, 475.
-, John, two years a prisoner, letter from, 538.
-, John, of Colchester, letter from, 465.
-, William, 611.

Biron (Byron), Marshal, 400, 439.

Biscay (Biskey, Biscaine), 348.
-, squadron, the, 163, 304.

Bishop, alias Foster, John, 583.

Bishops Waltham (Waltham) [Hants.], letters dated at, 6, 142.

Biskey. See Biscay.

Bisse, James, letter from, 469.
-, Philip, letter from, 469.

Biwater. See Bywater.

Blackburne, Richard, 237.

Blackwell (Blacwell), Rev. Father George, the Archpriest, 434, 476, 500.
-, letter from, 518.

Blantyre. See Stewart.

Blaye (Bloys, France), 208.

Bleddyn, Prince of Wales, 595.

Bletsoe [Beds.], 595.

Blore. See Blower.

Blount (Blownt, Blunt):
-, Charles, Lord Mountjoy, Earl of Devonshire, 14, 89, 234, 252, 423, 426.
-, -, letters from, 73, 107, 159, 285, 288, 434, 468, 588(6).
-, -, as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, letter to, 454.
-, -, and Irish affairs, 90, 180, 579, 585.
-, -, and receiving of composition money in Ireland, 297.
-, -, and appointment of Lieutenant of the Tower, 368, 375(2), 376.
-, -, as Lord Commissioner in Gunpowder Plot, 510, 513.
-, -, at a conference in Spanish Causes, 627.
-, Captain James, 546, 640.
-, Captain John, 424.
-, Sir Thomas Pope, letter from, 212.

Blower (Blore), Sieur William, of London, 304.

Bloys. See Blaye.

Blunt, —, 501.
-, See also Blount.

Blunte, Sir John, letter from, 574.

Bodely, Anthony, 341.
-, -, letter from, 345.

Bodeman, John, suspected of coining, 475.

Bodenham (Bodnam), Sir Roger, deputy Lieutenant in Herefordshire, 235, 306.

Bodle, Sir John, 480.

Bois. See Boyes.

Bois-le-duc (Bolduck, Boileduc): 207, 370.

Boissye, Mons., 30.

Bolde, Henry, a Lancashire Jesuit, 526.

Bolle, Sir John, 552, 602.

Bolt, —, Spanish Ambassador's secretary, 549.

Bolton Castle [co. York], 120.

Bolton (Boulton) in the Moors [Lancs.], 56.

Bonde, William, 405.

Bonn [Germany], 316.

Bonratty. See Bunratty.

Books and pamphlets:
-, a book written from Aristotle to Alexander, 644.
-, Lord Burghley's memorials, 117, 359.
-, a libel against Burghley, 362.
-, Cronica Mariani Scoti, 130.
-, De fundacione Prioratus Spalding, 130.
-, Discours salutaire sur les affaires du Pais-bas, 317.
-, Historia Polieronica, 130.
-, Jacobs's, against the ecclesiastical government, 5.
-, Le siege d'Antioche, 130.
-, Pasquill, a, 96, 98; see also Bywater, Thomas.
-, Philotas, a tragedy, 185.
-, Roman Catholic, ordered to be burned, 139.
-, a translation of Seneca's De Ira, 47.
-, a discourse on toleration, 101.
-, to be seized, 216.

Boothe, —, of Drom Conrathe, 363.

Borcht (Bourcht; Netherlands), 173, 204.

Bordeaux (Bourdeaulx), the plague at, 303, 400.

Borders. See under Scotland.

Borga, Don Inigo de, to be made governor of Antwerp, 204.

Borghese, Cardinal. See Paul V, Pope.

Bronstra, Georgius Wybrandy, letter from, 567.

Boroughbridge (Borrowbridge, Yorks.), 503.

Borrowe, Walter, merchant, letter from, 453.

Bortin, 104.

Bosewell House, letter dated at, 37.

Bostock, Richard, 405, 406.

Boston [Lincs.], letter dated at, 169.
-, Mayor and Burgesses of, letter from, 169.
-, a whale taken at, 169, 593.

Boteler, Phi., deputy lieutenant for Hertfordshire, 438.

Bothal (Bothall) [Northumb.], letters dated at, 33, 519.

-, John, Commendator of Holyrood House, letters from, 446, 488.
-, Mr., 35.

Bothwell, Earl of. See Stewart, Francis.

Bouchout [?], Buckholte, near Antwerp, 253.

Bouillon (Buillon), Marshal (Monsieur) de, 440, 564.

Boulogne (Bullen), 298.

Boulstrode, Mrs., 115.

Boulton. See Bolton.

Bourchier, William, 3rd Earl of Bath, letters from, 278, 381, 470, 573.

Bourcht. See Borcht.

Bourdeaulx. See Bordeaux.

Bourges (France), letter dated at, 192.

Bourke, Redmond, self-styled Baron Leitrim, 236.

Bourtanger (Bertangle, Friesland), 410.

-, George, prospecting for gold in Scotland, 245–246, 324, 340, 429.
-, -, letter from, 250.
-, Sir John, 529.
-, Ralph, 167.
-, -, letter to, 489.
-, -, letter from, 506.

Bowker, —, horse-rider for Lord Mordaunt, 626.

Bowlind, Henry, 613.

Bowncley, John, 143.

Bowrne, Jo., letter from, 469.

Bows, Mr., 319.

Bowssar, John, letter from, 168.

Bowyer (Bowier):
-, Sir John, 358.
-, Captain Sir William, 50, 311.
-, -, letters from, 300, 437, 574, 575.

Boyes, Captain Thomas, 278, 279, 579.

Boyle, Richard, deposition of, 82.

Brabant, 93.
-, States of, 19.
-, the States General send forces into, 156, 204, 207.
-, council of, 211.
-, Spanish forces to strengthen, 337.

Brabazon, Edward, letter from, 542.

Brabham, Mr., 543.

Brachero, Don Diego de, 164.

Bradgate (Bredgate, Bridgat):
-, Captain Matthew, 306, 412, 415, 416, 417, 421.
-, -, letters from, 268, 442, 453, 472(3).

Bradshaw, John, 57.

Brailes (Warw.), 331.

Brampton [Hunts.], manor of, 184.

Brancepeth (Branspeth, Brauncepeth) [Durham], 112.
-, letters dated at, 139, 194.

Brandon, Mistress, 308.

Branshaw, 568.

Brantingham [Yorks.], letter dated at, 61.

Brasse, Richard, King's huntsman, 216.

Braughton. See Broughton.

Braunsone [? Braunston, Leics.], 523.

Brauncepeth. See Brancepeth.

Brawstar, John, 353.

Brazil, 130–131.
-, -, a cargo of sugar from, 45.

Bream's bark from the Isle of Wight, 417.

Breckhill. See Brickhill.

Brecknock, deputy lieutenant of, 269.

Breda [Holland], 370, 424.

Bredevoort (Bredevorde, Netherlands), 410.

Bredgate. See Bradgate.

Brediman, William, 289, 308, 309.

Bremerton, Mr., 155.

Brereton, Mr., secretary of Lord Salisbury, 413.

Bretton, Mark, 529.

Brewton, Mr., 450.

Brickhill (Breckhill), [Bucks.], posted endorsements at, 341, 345.

Bridgat. See Bradgate.

Bridges. See Bruges.

Bridgetown (Co. Cork), abbey of, 568.

Bridgwater [Somerset], 373.

Briel (Brill), the, 31.
-, the Grahams (norden men) sent into, 215, 289(2), 290, 310, 343, 350, 632.
-, return of Sir Francis Vere to, 553.
-, Governor of. See Vere, Sir Francis, and Conway.

Briere, Count of, 221.

Briggs, Humphrey, sheriff of Shropshire, letter from, 194.

Brigstock (Brixtoke) [Northants], letter dated at, 68.

Brill. See Briel.

Bristol, 257, 555.
-, letters dated at, 464.

Bristow, 392.

Brodoke. See Hatfield Broad Oak.

Broke. See Brooke.

Brokesbye, Mrs., 500.

Bromley (Kent), 580.

Bromley (Bromeley), Robert, petition concerning impost on tobacco, 180.
-, -, 241.

Bromwiche, Elizabeth, 456.

Bronkard. See Brounker.

Bronsey Bery [Bromesho-Bury]. See Hatfield Broad Oak.

Brooke (Brook, Broke):
-, Sir Basil, of Shropshire, 634.
-, Duke, 176, 199, 539, 582, 606.
-, George, Lord Cobham's brother, 601.
-, -, lands of, 26, 260, 266.
-, Henry, 8th Lord Cobham, a prisoner in the Tower, 91, 226, 606.
-, -, letters from, 15, 39, 47, 57, 82, 102, 116, 117, 135, 150, 158, 160, 161, 186, 214, 230, 241, 242, 260, 318, 582.
-, -, debts of, 15, 260, 471.
-, -, leases of, 39, 57, 77, 242, 600, 628.
-, -, as late deputy governor of Company of Mines Royal, 63.
-, -, complains of his wife, 82, 214, 582.
-, -, his wife. See also Kildare.
-, -, delivery of goods of, 95, 96.
-, -, a privy sent for, 150, 158.
-, -, a bill concerning, 199.
-, -, ill behaviour of, towards new Lieutenant, 376.
-, -, privileges of, 377.
-, -, his servants, 377, 378, 444, 601.
-, -, -, wages of, 151.
-, -, persons allowed access to, 443, 444, 600, 601.
-, -, his lands in Kent, 471, 582.
-, -, -, in Essex, 582.
-, -, a collar lent to, 600.
-, -, his house. See under London, Blackfriars.
-, Sir John, 335.
-, Mr., 120, 625.
-, Robert, parson of Endborne, 73, 178; letter from, 76.
-, Sir William, Lord Cobham's brother, 260.
-, William, 7th Lord Cobham, 628.
-, -, two, servants of the Countess of Southampton, 640.

Broughton (Browghton, Oxon), letters dated at, 7, 331, 451.

Broughton (Braughton) Great. (Yorks.), 648.

-, Henry, letter from, 575.
-, -, 499.

Brouke Castle (Low Countries), 522.

Brounker (Bronkard), Sir Henry, 606.
-, -, as Lord President of Munster, letter to, 547.

Brouxsaux, —, clerk to Noel de Caron, 365, 366.

Brové, Count of. See Spinola, Don Gaston de.

Browghton. See Broughton.

Brown, —, a carrier of Warwick, 350.

-, Anthony, 2nd Viscount Montagu, 500.
-, -, a letter concerning Romish practices of, 475–476.
-, -, in the Tower, 514, 535.
-, Dr. Lancelot, letter from, 324.
-, Mr., 433, 434.
-, Richard, 139.
-, Robert, 353.
-, Thomas, 130.
-, Sir William, Lieutenant Governor of Flushing, 196.
-, -, letters from, 196, 329.
-, -, his visit to England, 384(2), 392, 393, 403, 411.
-, William, a recusant, 144.

Brownrigge, Matthew, an English merchant, 591.

Broxborne (Herts.), 181.

Bruce, Edward, 1st Lord of Kinloss, 54, 64, 88, 618.
-, -, letter from, as Privy Councillor, 288.
-, -, as Master of the Rolls, and Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 182.
-, Robert, a turbulent minister, 98.

-, Lucy, 462.
-, Thomas, 634.
-, -, letter from, 462.

Bruet, Jo., letter from, 32.

Bruges (Bridges), 19, 390, 392.
-, Bishop of, 18.

Brussels, 139, 200, 203, 316, 370, 390, 391, 392, 394, 515.
-, letters dated from, 172, 174, 196, 207, 222(2), 249, 263, 268, 280, 304, 317, 337, 343, 371(2), 402, 498(2), 499, 504.
-, alleged attempt to interrupt trade of, 173, 204.
-, view in, of Spanish soldiers stranded in England, 335–336.
-, deputies for maritime towns of Germany in, 342.
-, order of St. Clare at, 351, 366.
-, order of St. Benedict at, 402.
-, Catholic plotters in, 526, 611.
-, grant of monopoly concerning mills dated in, 561.

Bruyningh, J. F., public notary at Amsterdam, 202.

Bryan, John, 26.

Bryden, William, 591.

Brydges, Grey, 5th Baron Chandos, 107, 182 (Shandon), 185.
-, a controversy with the Lord Mayor, 245.

Buc, Pierre de, Spanish Ambassador's courier, 547.

Buccoye. See Bucquoy.

Buchurst. See Buckhurst.

Buck, Mr., 607.

Buckden [Hunts.], letter dated from, 133.

Buckholte. See Bouchout.

Buckholtt, Abyather, 617.

Buckhurst (Buchurst) [Sussex], 413.

Buckinghamshire, sheriff of, unjust treatment of Lady Digby by, 538, 539(2).

Bucquoy (Buquoy, Buccoye):
-, Count of, sent into Friesland, 267, 279, 280, 336.
-, -, builds forts on the Rhine, 307, 342.
-, -, movements of, 316, 369.

Budden, Mr., 375.

Buena Speranza [Good Hope], Cape of, 131.

Buillon. See Bouillon.

Bulkley, Lady, 610.

Bullion, William, of Jersey, 5, 296.

Bullen. See Boulogne.

Bullmer (Bulmore), Sir Bevis, prospecting for gold, 245–246, 251, 635.
-, letters from, 245, 324, 429.

Bunbury (Bunberie), Sir Henry, 102, 475.

Bunnie, Mr., 190.

Bunratty (Bonratty) [Co. Clare], letter dated at, 406.

Buquoy. See Bucquoy.

Burges, Mr., a preacher, 617.

Burgess, Mr., a minister of Buckinghamshire, 270, 271, 622.

Burgesse, —, a nonconforming minister, 17.

Burghley, Elizabeth, Lady Burghley, letter from, 576.
-, Lord. See Cecil.

Burgoine, Peter, 493, 529.

Burgos, Archbishop of, 233.

Burgundy, quarrels between gentlemen of, 342.

Burke, Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricard, letter from, 580.

Burle, letter dated at, 258.

Burly. See Burt.

Burman, John, 103.

Burne, Mr., preacher at Manchester, 56.

Burnsell, Anthony, 20.

Burrell, Sergeant, letter from, 576.

Bursco, —, a priest, 144.

Burt (Burly), William, letters from, 455, 469.

Burtendona, Martin de, 163.

Burton, Francis, 225.

Bury St. Edmunds [Suffolk], 94.

Busshell, Sir Edward, letter from, 576.

Bute, Sir George, 74.

Butler, Captain, 524.
-, David, merchant, a recusant, 373, 396, 407, 408.
-, Sir Philip, letter from, 113.
-, Theobald, Viscount Butler of Tulleophelim, nephew and sonin-law of Earl of Ormond, and an entail of wine, 148.
-, -, letters from, 148, 464.
-, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Ormonde, letters from, 148, 318.
-, Thomas, 524.
-, -, 355.
-, -, of Elm, prophecies of, 22–25, 33, 36.

Butlerage and Prisage, reversion of office of, 60.

Butt, Richard, joiner, examination of, 502.

Butterwick (Yorks.), lordship of, 648.

Button, Captain, 472.
-, information of, 577.

Byeen, Viceroy of, 400.

Byes, Count, 337.

Byon [?Bayona], 169.

Byrde. See Bird.

Byron. See Biron.

Bythwood, Richard, constable of Sherborne, 502.

Bywater (Biwater), Thomas, a Puritan, 270.
-, -, and a book to the King, 65, 70, 82, 84, 85, 89, 90, 98, 114, 620–621.
-, -, letters from, 122, 213, 320, 459.
-, -, anatomy of, 35.
-, -, chaplain to Lord Hunsdon, 83.
-, -, examined at the Tower, 107, 123.
-, -, history of, 108–109.
-, -, and Lord Sheffield, 108, 124.
-, -, 41.

Bywell [Northumb.], 193.