East Flegg Hundred: Runham

Pages 241-246

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 11. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1810.

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Four freemen of Guert, in the Confessor's time, held here 28 acres of land, half a carucate and 2 acres of meadow, 3 salt works, and paid 3s. This at the survey was in the Conqueror's hands, and belonged to his manor of Ormesby, and was valued therein, and was part of the manor which extended here. (fn. 1)

Stalra had, in the Confessor's reign, a carucate and an half of land, with 10 villains, one carucate in demean, and one among the tenants, 16 acres of meadow, and 10 saltworks in demean, &c.

Eleven socmen and the moiety of another, had half a carucate of land, with 3 carucates and 2 acres of meadow, 2 saltworks and an half. Eleven freemen and the moiety of another, had half a carucate and 5 acres; and there were then 4 carucates, &c. of meadow, and 2 saltworks, valued always at 10s.

The King and the Earl had the soc, &c. valued then at 30s. after at 50s. at the survey at 90s. quitrent, and 30s. forfeit.

It was 10 furlongs and 6 broad, and paid 2s. gelt. (fn. 2)

All this the Conqueror had seised on, and Godric was his steward, or took care of it for the king.

The King had also the lands of 4 freemen, who were deprived, 17 acres of land, one carucate and 2 acres of meadow, with the moiety of a saltwork; also of a freeman who was deprived, and held 10 acres, which they ploughed with 2 oxen, and 2 carucates of meadow, a saltwork, valued at 2s. 4d. and Ailmer, son of Godwin, held it under the King. (fn. 3)

King Henry I. gave these 2 last lordships to the family of De Evermue, a Lincolnshire family. (fn. 4)

A branch of this family is said to have held the lordship of Deeping, in that county, of which Hugh, the last heir male, leaving one daughter, brought it to the Lord Ware.

Josceline de Evermere is mentioned in a roll in the 50th of Henry II. to have held the manor of Wilebi in the said county, during the minority of Robert, son of Osbert Seloyn, who held it of the see of York, and was lord of Runham, and father of Walter de Evermere, (fn. 5) who in the 6th of Richard III. with Nicholas de Kenet, gave 30 marks to have the custody of the lands and heir of William de Alencon, till his full age. (fn. 6)

Robert de Evermere gave 10 marks to have the custody of Redham and Stokesby according to the charter of his lord.

In the 6th of King John he was found to hold this lordship by petty serjeanty, the paying of 200 pearmains, and 4 hogsheads (modios) of wine, made of pearmains, into the Exchequer, on the feast of St. Michael, yearly, and in the 5th of that King, owed 5 marks for one sea-wolf, for the use of Thomas de Burgo.

In the 10th of of Henry III. he was lord of Cnaya in Lincolnshire, and had a grant of free warren, fair and mercate there, and of a mercate at Runham, and a fair there, on the vigil and day of St. Peter ad Vincula; and in the 13th, that he and his men here, should be quit of the hundred court and the sheriff's turn.

William de Redham, in the 24th of that King, granted to him by fine, at Chelmerford, (Chelmsford in Essex) before William de York, Henry de Bath, Robert de Thurkeby, and Gilbert de Preston, itinerant judges, 50 acres, &c. of marsh, for which a duel was fought, and Walter immediately gave it to Robert de Brews, and Beatrix his wife, (who is said to be his neice) paying 20s. per ann.

It appears that this Robert had a part of this manor, and several tenants that held under him, with the lete, free warren, and assise, and died in the 4th of Edward I. surviving Walter Evermere.

This was probably a son of Walter aforesaid, who died in the first of that King, and Alice his wife, who died in the 3d of the said reign. He is said to have held two parts of this manor, and to leave no issue.

On his decease, this lordship came to the 3 daughters and coheirs of Walter and Alice his wife.

Eufemia, the eldest, aged 34, was the wife of Walter de Burgh; Margery, aged 31, was the wife of Geffrey de Founteyns; and Alice, aged 18, the wife of Walter de Billingley, and they inherited the manor of Knay aforesaid, in the 9th of that King, and hindered the prioress of Heynings in Lincolnshire, of her common of pasture, which priory was founded by Reyner de Evermu.

John de Redham impleaded Walter de Burgh, Jeffrey de Founteyns, Walter de Billingly, for the same, in the 11th of Edward I. as heir to Robert de Stokesby, who formerly held it.

De Burgo's Part.

Walter, who held this in right of Eufemia his wife, was probably of the family of De Burgo, of Burgh in Fleg hundred. Alexander de Clavering seems to have succeeded in right of Joan his wife, and they join in conveying a third part or this manor, by fine, in the 3d of Edward II. to Ralph de Holbeck, and Beatrix his wife.

In the 9th of Edward II. he was concerned in the delivery of the pearmains, and the wine due, (on account of the annual services,) and delivered to John de Eggemere.

Beatrix, wife of Ralph de Holebeck, died possessed of it in the 11th of Edw. II. and John, son of Alexander de Holebeck, was her heir; aged 16, and in the 30th of that King, Hugh de Normanton, and Alianore his wife, (whose inheritance it was,) convey it to Thomas de Fakenham, &c.

In the 36th, Reginald de Eccles, and Thomas de Davy, had an interest herein.

Founteyn's Part.

Margery, in whose right Jeffrey de Founteyn held a third part, died before the 14th of Edward I. and Jeffrey died in the 9th of Edward II. leaving John his grandson, (son of de Fontibus his son,) his heir.

This family was probably descended from Falkwynus de Founteyns, sheriff of Norfolk, and one of the witnesses to a deed of William, abbot of St. Bennet, of the manor of Heyham by Norwich, to Richard Basset, s. p. in the reign of King Henry I. (as I take it.)

William Basset was made abbot in 1133, and so continued, about 7 years.

Richard de Fontibus and Cecily his wife, had considerable lands at Killington in Lincolnshire, in the time of King Henry II.

Thomas de Essex had an interest herein, and dying in the 23d of Edward III. Robert was found to be his son and heir, and was lord, on whose death it descended to Robert Brynkley, his cousin and heir, son of his sister Catherine, who held it in the reign of Henry IV. and V.

In the 15th of Henry VI. John Merchan, fishmonger of London, and Isabel his wife, late wife of Robert Walton, passed it by fine to Sir John Falstolf, Knt. from the heirs of Isabel.

On the death of Sir John, John Paston, Esq. was lord, as in Caster; and Sir William Paston died lord in the 9th of James I. when it was found worth clear 114l. 9s. 6d.

Billingley's Part.

Walter de Billingley held it in right of Alice his wife. He was probably a descendant of Peter de Billingley, (fn. 7) lord of Billingley in Lincolnshire, held of the see of York, whose widow and children were in the custody of King Henry II. in his 30th year.

Walter died in the 34th of Edward I. and John was his son and heir, who proved his age, and had livery of his inheritance here, and in Lincolnshire, in the 16th of Edward II. and dying in the following reign, left John his son.

Sir William de Clere died seised of this and other parts of this manor of Runham, in 1384, and his 2d son, called Robert Clere of Stokesby, by Dionysia his wife, held it.

Robert married Elizabeth, daughter of John Read, and died in 1420, and was father of Will. and Edm.

In the 7th of Henry VI. Wm. Clere of Runham, son and heir of Rob. Clere of Stokesby, dying s. p. Edm. was found to be his brother and heir. William died seised of the manor of Billings, Founteyn's, and de Burgo's parts.

Edmund married Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Thomas Charles, Esq. by whom he had Robert his son and heir, who was father of Edmund Clere, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Thomas Brampton, Esq. of Brampton.

On July 14, in the 4th of Henry VII. the King sent his writ to the escheator of Norfolk, to deliver this manor to the next heir of Edm. Clere, then 6 years old, to be kept for him till he was of age; reciting that Edmund Clere, his grandfather, was seised of it in the 20th of Ed. IV. and settled then great part of it on his son, Robert Clere, and Elizabeth Brampton his wife, and that Robert and Elizabeth had issue, Edm. heir to his grandfather Edm.

This Edm. the grandson married 3 wives, first, Anne, daughter of John Thwayts, Esq. of Harslingham; his 2d was Anne, daughter of Thomas Appleyard, of Braconash.

By these he had no issue, but by his 3d, Margaret, daughter and coheir of William London, Esq. he had 2 daughters, Mary and Frances; so that this lordship being entailed on the heirs male, came to Charles Clere, Esq. of Stokesby, son and heir of Sir Thomas Clere, (brother of Edm.) and of Anne his wife, daughter and heir of Robert Gygges of Sparham.

This Charles had livery of it in the 7th of Edward VI.; he married Mary, daughter of Robert Spring, Esq. of Langham in Suffolk, and left Thomas his son and heir, who had livery in the year 1571,

Who by Anne his wife, daughter and coheir of Thomas Heigham, of Heigham Hall, in Gaysley Suffolk, Esq. was father of Charles Clere, Esq.

In 1611, Sir William Paston was found to die seised of the manor of Runham, held of Charles Clere, Esq. in soccage, of his manor of Filby.

Roger Bigot, ancestor of the Earls of Norfolk, had a lordship at the survey of which 3 freemen were deprived, who were only under commendation of Alwin de Thetford, who held 13 acres and a half of land, an acre and a half of meadow, 2 saltworks, and the moiety of another, valued at 18d. (fn. 8)

William Gerberge had an interest here in the 52d of Henry III. and granted to Henry Rose, 25 acres of land here and in Thirkeby.

In the 31st of Edw. I. Lettice, widow of Richard Runham, conveyed to Roger, son of the said Richard, messuages and lands here and in Thirby, and Filby.

John, son of Thomas Gerberge, granted to William, son of Thomas Gerberge, messuages and lands, which Elizabeth, widow of Thomas, held in dower.

The tenths were 4l. 8s. Deducted 8s.

The Church was a rectory, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, valued at 18 marks, and appropriated to the priory of Horsham St. Faith's.

In the 32d of Henry III. a fine was levied between Robert de Brews, and Beatrix his wife, petents, and Berengarius, prior of St. Faith's, tenent, of the advowson of this church, released to the prior, as the gift of the ancestors of Beatrix; the prior had erected a house in his severals, where Robert de Brews had right of common, and was impleaded on that account; and the prior declared for the future, he would not take in any of that common, in the 34th of that King.

Peter-pence, 18d.

Alan, son of Walter Clere, was presented to this rectory by Walter de Scroteby, in the reign of Richard I.

In the 14th of Edward I. Alice daughter of Nicholas de Scrouteby, and Isabel her sister, Stephen de Wymundhale, and Maud his wife, and Alice her sister, impleaded the prior, as their right to present to this church, but the prior's right was acknowledged.

On this appropriation a vicarage was settled, valued at 6 marks.


In 1346, Thomas Over was instituted vicar, presented by the King, the temporalities of St. Faith's being in the King's hand.

1349, Henry Atte Cherche, by the prior.

1361, John Hakon.

1372, Walter Tyffen, by the King, on account of the temporalities.

1373, Robert Palmer.

1376, John Halte.

1389, Robert de Louf.

1396, John Tyney.

1409, William Helgey.

1411, Robert Gubbe.

1421, John Cowherde.

1431, Simon Aleyn.

1490, Wm. Palmer.

William Warner vicar about 1600.

Robert Blomfield vicar in 1626, on the death of Charles Wharton.

On the death of John Wace, in 1722, William Mackay, by the Bishop of Ely.

1725, James Savage, vicar. Ditto.

Mr. Matthews, 1759.

On the dissolution of this priory, it came to the Crown, and Queen Elizabeth, on May 13, ao. 17, let to farm this rectory, with all the houses, appurtenances, &c. except great trees, woods, underwoods, &c. for 21 years, to Richard Church, paying 8l. 10s. per ann.

After this, in the said reign, it was granted by an exchange of lands, to the see of Ely, and the Bishop of Ely is patron, and has the rectory tithes.

The valor of the vicarage is 4l. and stands discharged.

The church and chancel is covered with reed, and has a foursquare tower with three bells.

At the west end of it, on a gravestone, with a brass plate,

Orate p. a'i'ab; Johs. Dook et Rose uxor. ejusOrate p. a'i'a. Cecilie Dook nu'p. uxor. Johs. Dook que obt. 27 Augi. 1515.

Rose Dook gave a legacy in 1501, to the making of the steeple.

In a north window Ufford's arms with a bendlet, argent. Also Mautby. In a south window, argent, an escotcheon, and orle of martlets.

In the chancel,

Mr. George Turner, Gent. was here buried Octr. 23, 1612.

The temporalities of Langley abbey in a marsh 13s. 4d.


  • 1. Terra Regis in manu Regis. In Ronham iiii libi ho'es Guerd. xxviii a'. et dim. car. ii ac. p'ti. et iii sal. et reddit semp. iii sol. in Ormesbei. Rex et comes soca.
  • 2. Terre Regis qua' Godric. servat. In Romham ten. ii libi. ho'es t. r. e. un fuit ho' Edrici de Laxefelda et alt Radulfi Stalra et se'p. i car. t're. et dim. et x vill. et i car. in d'nio. et i car. hom. xvi ac. p'ti. et x sal. in d'nio. i r. et i an. ci ov. et ix porci. et xi soc. et dim. de dim. car. t're. semp. iii car. et ii ac. pti. et ii sal. et dim. et x libi. ho'es. et dim. de dim. car. t're. et v ac. t'nc. iiii car. p. et mo, iii et iii ac. p'ti. et ii sal. se'p. val. x sol. Rex et Comes soca' et val. tc. xxx sol. p. l. mo. lxxxv blancas et xx sol. de gersuma. et ht. x qr. in longo et vii in lat. et ii sol. de gelto quicunq; ibi tenet.
  • 3. Isti sunt libi. ho'es Regis. In Ronham iiii libi. ho'es xvii ac. se'p. i car. et ii ac. p'ti. et dim. salin. ead. i lib. ho. xxx ac. et ar. duob; bovib; et ii ac. p'ti. et sal. et val. ii sol. etiiid. hos tenet Almare, filius Goduini.
  • 4. Brit. Ant. et Mod, v 2, Linc. p. 1421.
  • 5. Rot. de D'nab; et pueris in Sccio.
  • 6. Rot. Pip.
  • 7. Madox. Hist. Exchr. p. 612.
  • 8. Rot. de D'nab; &c. Pip.
  • 9. Terra Rogeri Bigoti—In Romham de iii libi. ho'es. com'd. tantu' Alwini xiii acr. et dim. et dim. ac. p'ti. sep. dim. car. et ii sal. et dim. et val. xviiid.