East Flegg Hundred: Ormesby

Pages 231-240

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 11. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1810.

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The principal lordship of this town was possessed by Guert, a younger son of Earl Godwin, and brother of King Harold, who being slain at the battle of Hastings, the Conqueror laid claim to it; Guert had three carucates of land and 30 acres, which acres he held of the abbey of St. Bennet of Holm, 4 villains, 3 borderers, 2 carucates in demean, and half a one among the tenants, 16 acres of meadow, &c. 381 sheep: and 80 socmen had 4 carucates of land, and 46 acres with 3 borderers; there were there 33 carucates, &c. of meadow.

Of these socmen Richard had 3, by grant of Arfast, the Bishop of Elmham, and they held half a carucate of land.

The whole was then valued at 10l. at the survey at 21l. in tale, and was a leuca and a half long, and one leuca broad, and paid 3s. 8d. gelt, whoever was lord. The King and the Earl had the soc (fn. 1)

This lordship extended into Martham and Clipesby, Winterton and Rouham, and its tenures there were in the valor abovementioned; also in Scroteby, as may be seen in those places.

This lordship remained in the Crown in the 14th of Henry II. but in the 7th of Richard I. William Bloet seems to hold it at a fee farm rent, (fn. 2) when William de Sancta Marie Ecclesia, sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, and Hugh Peverell, rendered account of 16l. for the lands held by Wm. Bloet in Ormesby.

William de St. Mary's church was at this time dean of St. Martin's in London, and soon after in 1199, was consecrated Bishop of London.

King John, when Earl of Morton, granted it to Robert de Berners, at the aforesaid rent.

Robert enfeoffed John Fitz-Hugh therein, whose daughter Julian, married Adam son of Hervey, who held it of King Henry III. in his 11th year, at the said rent; and in the 37th of that King, Julian, widow of Adam, was sued for this lordship, when she pleaded that the King had granted it to her and her husband, and her heirs, that she performed in the King's court personal homage, and now produced King John's charter, (when Earl of Morton) whereby he gave it to Robert de Bernarijs, who enfeoffed John Fitz-Hugh her father.

In the 14th of Edw. I. Julian de Bannyngham was querent in a fine, and Wm. de Redham, and Ellen his wife deforcients, of the arrears of an annuity of six marks, and 2000 herrings, which William and Ellen were to pay to Julian, at Tidmarsh in Berkshire, for the manor of Ormesby, in the right of Ellen, they agreeing to pay it during: Julian's life; probably she and Ellen were sisters.

Wm. de Redham was returned to be lord in the 15th of Edward I. and to have view of frank pledge, the assise, &c.

Roger de Ormesby inherited it on the death of Ellen his mother, wife of Wm. de Ormesby, in the 7th of Edward II. and Roger died possessed of it paying 16l. per ann.

After this Edmund Earl of Kent had a grant of it from King Edward III and his son, John Earl of Kent, died possessed of it in the 26th of Edward III. when it came in right of the Lady Joane his wife, to Thomas Holland Earl of Kent: and on the death of the said Lady Joan, princess of Wales, and mother of King Richard II. it came to her son, Thomas Holland Earl of Kent.

Margaret, late wife of Thomas Duke of Clarence, as one of the daughters and coheirs of Thomas Earl of Kent, had an interest in it; as had Joan Dutchess of York, in the reign of Henry VI.

In the 22d of that King, John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset, died possessed of it, Margaret, daughter and heir of John, who married Edmund of Hadham Earl of Richmond, inherited it; and her son, Henry VII. King of England, and was in the hands of King Henry VIII. in his 11th year. Queen Elizabeth held it as part of the Crown lands.

Roger Bigot, ancestor of the Earls of Norfolk of that name, possessed at the time of the survey, the lands that 2 freemen held in King Edward's reign, under the commendation of the abbot of St. Bennet, who were deprived, and Alwi de Thetford after their deprivation; but the King granted them to Roger, containing 34 acres of land, 5 of meadow, and one borderer, with half a carucate, valued at 2s. and Stanart held this under Bigod. (fn. 3)

The ancient family of de Ormesby were lords of this manor, Wm. de Ormesby was lord in the 3d of Edward I. Sir William de Ormesby was living in the 25th of Edward I. as was Sir John de Ormesby, both knights of this country. Sir Wm. bore gules, a bend componeé, or and azure, between six cross crosslets, argent,

Sir John bore the same with a mullet, sable, on a bend.

Sir Wm. de Ormesby is also mentioned, and Agnes his wife, late wife of Sir Hugh de Caley, in a fine of the 30th of the said King: he was a judge itinerant, and slain at the battle of Bannocksburn in Scotland, in the 7th of Edward II.—This William was also in the 33d of Edw. one of the justices of trail-baston, to enquire after all murders, rapines, &c. and malefactors in Norfolk, and Suffolk, with William de Kerdeston, John le Breton, Richard de Walsham, (all noblemen,) and Wm. Inge probably of the same county.

In the first of Edward II. the aforesaid Sir Wm. de Ormesby was a judge of the King's council, and summoned to the King's coronation. (fn. 4)

In the 3d of that king, Sir Wm. de Ormesby, with Sir John de Thorp, the king's justices, were assigned to hear and determine the differences between the King's subjects, and those of the Earl of Holland, about piracies.

In the 7th year of the said reign, Elena, wife of William Ormesby, died selized of the manor of Ormesby, and Roger was her son and heir, aged 40.

This Roger was returned to be lord of both the Ormesbys, (the 2 parishes) in the 9th of Edward II.

In the 16th year of the said reign, Sir John de Ormesby was witness to a deed of Wm. son of Sir William de Reedham, Knt. of lands in Stokesby.

About this time this lordship was settled by Roger de Ormesby on Thomas his son and Margaret his wife in tail.

This Sir Thomas dying without issue male, left 4 daughters and coheirs, Burga, who married Sir Thomas Wesless, or Westly who died in the 48th of Edward III. holding by the courtesy of England, the 4th part of the manor of Ormesby, and left by Burga, Sir John Westless his son and heir.

Gunnora, another daughter and coheir, married John Perers, and had Elizabeth (or Alice) then the wife of Sir Thomas de Nerford, aged 30.

This, as I take it, was the famous mistress of King Edward III.

Ellen was also a daughter and coheir, who married—, and had 2 daughters, Agnes, wife of Sir John Sneck, and Alice of John Derling.

Juliana, the other daughter and coheir, married John Falconer. Escheat ao. 50 Ed. III. N. 66.

But it will be proper here to insert the pedigree of the family of the Cleres, as taken from the tomb of Edward Clere, Esq. who died in the reign of Elizabeth, and which may be seen at large in Mr. Blomefield's account of Bickling, vol. vi. p. 381.

I shall confine myself to that part of it which relates to their settlement in the estate of the Ormesbys, in this town, and with some remarks thereon.

Clere's Pedigree.

(a) Of this Nicholas and his marriage I meet with no record or authority, to vouch it; he is said to be living in 1284, and to have been clerk of the King's treasury in Dublin, and Sir William de Ormesby, whose daughter he married, died in 13 - -,

(b) William de Clere, son of Nicholas, said to have married Catherine, daughter of Sir John Snecke, must be a great mistake; it appears by the Escheat Rolls, abovementioned, ao. 50 Edward III. (1376) that Agnes was then the wife of Sir John Snecke, by Ellen one of the daughters and coheirs of Sir Thomas de Ormesby.

Robert de Clere, son of William, who is said to have married Melvin, daughter and coheir of Sir John Westlesse, is liable to the same objections; in the aforesaid Roll, Burga, a daughter and coheir, who married Thomas de Westless, was found to die in the 48th of that King seised of the 4th part of the manor which he held by the courtesy of England, in right of Burga his wife deceased; one of the daughters and coheirs of Sir Thomas de Ormesby, and Thomas Westlesse his son and heir died in the 50th of the said King; and that Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas de Narford, aged 30, daughter of John Perers, by Gunnora, (wife of John Peres,) daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas de Ormesby, and Agnes Snecke aged 40, (wife of John Snecke,) and Alice, the wife of John Derling, by Ellen, another daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas Ormesby, were his cousins and heirs. Juliana the fourth daughter and coheir married John Falconer, who had a lordship in East Herling, and she died without any living issue in 1374.

It is also to be observed that from Nicholas Clere, who was living in 1284, and Robert de Clere who was living in 1340, and was then eschaetor of Norfolk, &c. only 56 years are taken in and included, and in that short space of time, six generations are taken in and mentioned with their wives, as fathers and sons, in a direct line, a thing not to be supposed, or credited, and the last of these, Robert, is said to be lord in 1340, about 18 years before the death of Thomas de Westless, who was found to hold a fourth part of it in right of his wife, in 1374.

I am apt to conclude these two descents of Nicholas, William, and Robert, in the pedigree are all fictitious, as I find none of their names mentioned, or their matches in any record that I have yet seen; but to confirm what I have here observed, it appears from a fine in the 39th of Edward III. (1365) that John de Westless and Burga his wife conveyed 3 messuages and lands in Rollesby, to William Clere and Dionysia his wife: Lib. 6, N. 32.

(c) Robert de Clere, who married Alice, daughter of Sir John Filby, was escheator of Norfolk, &c. was several times chose knight of this shire to serve in parliament, and living in 1360; he presented to Somerton church in 1342, as heir to the Somertons, by a marriage probably of Nicholas his father, with Merial, daughter of Robert Somerton, Esq.

(d) William, who married Dionysia, daughter of Sir William Wichingham, in 1351, and in 1366, settled on his wife the manors of Morehall, Statton Streless, Vaux in Burgh St. Mary, and Stalham Hall; he made his testament on Wednesday before the feast of St. Faith in 1384, and was proved in November following, was lord of Ormesby, Runham, &c. gives legacies to John, son of Sir John le Gross, and Oliver his brother; to John, son of Sir William Curson, to John, son of John de Filby, Alice and Joan, daughters of Henry Filby, to William Appleyard and Margaret his wife. (fn. 5) Dionysia his wife and Richer de Wichingham, &c. executors; John was his son and heir; to Edmund his son 200 marks, to be kept by his wife till he was of age, and to each of his other sons 20l. Dionysia was living in 1390.

(e) John, son and heir of Sir William, was a ward to the Countess of Norfolk, as is said, but it appears that he with his father and mother joined in purchasing lands in this town in the 49th (1375) of Edward III. by fine, and in Heringby of John de Redham and Sibilla his wife. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Philip Branch, who re-married Sir John Rothenhale, and being his widow made her testament October 16, 1438, to be buried in the cathedral of Norwich; gives legacies to the churches of St. Margaret, St. Peter, and St. Michael of Ormesby, to their repairs; to Robert Clere, her son, all her utensils at Ormesby, and to her son Edmund, Horning-hall manor, &c. in Castre.—Reg. Doke, Norw. fol. 150.

Branch, bore, argent a lion rampant, gules, bruised with a bendlet sable.

(f) Robert, son of John, married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Thomas Owydale, or Dovedale, Esq. of Inçolneston, by Margaret his wife, daughter and heir of William Reeves and of Margery his wife, daughter and heir of - - - - - - Rusteyn, by his will made at Ormesby, August 3, Ao. 24 Henry VI. and proved August 12, 1446, to be buried in the church of Ormesby St. Margaret; (fn. 6) he gives all his manors to Elizabeth his wife for life, and Ormesby to William, his son, after her decease, with Frethorp, Winterton manor, and the advowson; to Thomas his second son, he gave his manor of Stratton Streless; and to Robert his third son, his manor of Kesewick, which Robert afterward succeeded as heir; William and Thomas his two elder brothers both dying without issue.

Elizabeth, widow of Robert, by her testament dated January 13, 1492, to be buried in the cathedral church of Norwich, and gives to that priory an annuity of 3l. 6s. 8d. issuing out of her manors of Therston in Norfolk and Cleydon in Suffolk; to every house of friars in Norfolk 20s. &c. to every nunnery in Norfolk 6s. 8d. and legacies to every hospital in Norwich and Yarmouth; benefactions to the repairs of many churches in Norfolk; to St. Margaret of Ormesby 10l. to the making the steeple, and to St. Michael's church of Ormesby 20s.—to every poor tenant in Ormesby holding lands wholly of her, 4 bushels of malt or barley, or 12d. in money; and to every one holding in part of her, 2 bushels, or 6d. and the same gift in all her lordships; and to be sent to them without charges within 30 days after her burial, and as much quarterly, till 200 marks were distributed among them;—200 marks to the finding 2 children at Cambridge, till 24 years of age, to be of her kyn, or of her tenants, or if none, then to 6 poor maydens marriage of Norfolk, and Suffolk 20l.— 100 marks to mending the highways in her lordships in Norfolk;— to Robert Clere her son 40l. and to Audrey aad Dorothy his daughters each 200l.—to Anne, daughter of her son Robert, a nun at Denny, a legacy;—to John Shelton, son of Sir Ralph Shelton, Knt. a goblet;—to Ralph and Richard, second and third sons, each 10l. and a goblet;—to her daughter dame Margaret Shelton, a pair of beads for life,—then to Alice Hevengham, the daughter of the said dame Margaret Shelton;—her son Robert, to have all her jewels, plate, &c. all her goods at Norwich, and in Tacolneston;—to Elizabeth Bedingfeld, daughter of her son Robert, several goods;—to Audrey, her son Robert's daughter, 500 marks, owing by Sir Edmund Bedingfeld, Knt to her, and her son Robert, if she be married with her father's consent;—to Catherine, wife of Richard Southwell, a piece of plate, and to many servants legacies, Sir Ralph Shelton, (who was her son in law) and Richard Southwell, Esq. executors, to have each 40l. and Robert her son, supervisor, proved 6th of March 1492.

Sir Robert Clere, son and heir, was knighted on All-Saints eve, 1494, sheriff of Norfolk 1501; attended King Henry VIII. at the famous interview between him and the French king in 1520; his testament is dated August 1, 1529, therein orders 100 masses of the five wounds to be said for him as soon as could be; and that there should be a priest to pray for his soul, those of Dame Anne, daughter of Sir William Hopton, and of Dame Alice, daughter of Sir William Boleyn of Blicking his second wife, &c. and that this service should be kept for five years in the church he was buried in; and if he died at Ormesby, or in any part of Norfolk, to be buried in St. Margaret's church of Ormesby, and the priest to have 5 marks per ann.

By his first wife, he had William, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Paston the younger, who died s. p. 1501, and his widow married Sir John Fineaux, chief justice of the King's Bench; by his second lady he had 3 sons, John, Richard, and Thomas, and 4 daughters, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Robert Peyton of Iselham in Cambridgeshire; Anne, a nun at Denny abbey in Cambridgeshire; Dorothy, wife of Robert Cotton, and Audrey, wife of William Jenney. Thomas, the youngest son, who was buried at Lambeth in Surry, 1545, a great favourite of the learned Henry Howard Earl of Northampton.

Sir John Clere, son and heir of Sir Robert, by his second wife, married Anne daughter of Sir Thomas Tirrel, was treasurer of the King's army in France in 1549; in 1557, being vice admiral, and landing on one of the Orkney Islands in Scotland, called Kirkway, was there killed on August 21, and was found to die seised of Ormesby manor, and the fee farm rent of 16l. per ann. held of the Crown; the manors of Northall in Freethorp, Somerton and Winterton, Vaux-hall in Burgh; Bickling, Morehall, and Hawes in Salle, Salle, Stalhamhall, Tacolneston, Gonviles and Rusteyns in Wimondham, Limpenhow, Stratton Streless; Tharston, &c.

By his will dated May 8, in the 3d and 4th of Philip and Mary, he gives to his executors, several lordships, &c. for 5 years, and with part of their rents, to pay to Walter Haddon, Esq. (who married Margaret his daughter) 50 marks per ann. for 4 years, as due to him.

This Walter was LL. D. one of the masters of the Court of Request, and master of Trinity Hall in Cambridge in 1549, and judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury; his other daughter, Elizabeth, first married to Walter Herondon of Maidstone in Kent, Esq. and afterwards Francis Trevor of Tacolneston, Esq. His sons were first, Robert, who was slain at the battle of Mussleburgh in Scotland; second, Thomas, who died at Florence, and Edward, who succeeded him, and married Frances, daughter and heir of Sir Richard Fulmersstone; he was member of Thetford in 1556, high sheriff in 1567; he had issue 3 sons, Edward, Francis, knighted by King James I. July 23, 1603, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir - - - - - Wroth, and died s. p.—Tirrell, bore argent, two chevrons, azure, in a bordure, engrailed gules.

Edward, son and heir of Frances, was knighted at Norwich by Queen Elizabeth in 1578, he married first, Margaret, daughter of William Yaxley of Yaxley in Suffolk, Esq. by whom he had Henry his son and heir, and afterwards Agnes, relict of Sir Christopher Haydon of Ba consthorp, daughter of Robert Crane of Chilton in Suffolk, Esq. he was a great traveller, and in such esteem at the French court, that he was elected a knight of the order of St. Michael, but much impaired his estate, dying at London June 8, 1606, was buried at Blickling.—Yaxley bore ermin, a chevron, between three mullets, gules, pierced or.

Sir Henry, son of Sir Edward, was knighted at the Charter-House, London, May 11, 1603, and created a Baronet, February 27, 1620, and died August 21, 1622; by Muriel his wife, daughter of Sir Edmund Mundeford of Feltwell; he had Henry, a son, who was buried at Feltwell St. Mary's church, June 29, 1621, and a daughter Abigal, who was his sole heiress, and married John Cromwell of London, Esq.

William Bishop of Thetford had a grant in fee of the lands of two freemen of Guerd, who had 40 acres of land, a carucate and 2 acres of meadow, valued at 8s. and Richard, son of Alan, held it of William. (fn. 7)

This William Beaufoe, the Bishop, gave it to his see, and it remains (as I take it) in the see of Norwich at this time.

The tenths were 10l. 10s.—Deducted 1l. 6s. 8d.

In this town there were four churches and rectories, all in the gift of the Crown, St. Margaret, St. Michael, St. Peter, and St. Andrew; and Richard de Bellofago, or Beaufoe was presented to them, by King Henry I. he was son of William de Beaufoe, Bishop of Thetford, and in 1107, was archdeacon of all Suffolk, and of Norfolk, and soon after made Bishop of Auranchee in Normandy, and the said King granted him also the patronage of the said churches, all which he gave with the consent of Adam de Beaufoe, to build the hospital of St. Paul's in Norwich, to which they were appropriated and confirmed by John de Grey Bishop of Norwich.

In 1205, these rectories were valued at 30 marks per ann. and one vicar was to serve them all, valued at 5 marks and a half, Peterpence, 6d. and was vicar of St. Margaret's, the other three being curacies.


1305, Gilbert de Hecham, instituted, presented by the prior and convent of Norwich, who had the patronage.

1308, John de Herling.

1328, William Hockering.

1349, Roger Herald.

1349, John le Smith.

1350, Warine de Runhale.

1354, John Gerard.

1359, Thomas Hannock.

1360, William de Blickling.

1368, John Halte, by the Pope's provision.

1376, Thomas Aleyn.

1377, Henry Frost.

1386, John Williams.

1385, Bartholomew Charles.

1392, Nicholas Wase.

1419, Richard Samme.

1422, Walter Martyn.

1425, Steph. Steyner.

1429, Godfrey Burgh.

1432, William Beaupre.

1437, John Deykes.

1439, John Reve

1444, Walter Goos.

1452, Richard Catfield.

1455, John Rawlyn.

1457, John Parker.

1459, Brother William Synks, a monk of Norwich.

1462, John More.

Robert Crofte, vicar.

1467, Robert Mawe.

1472, William Upgate.

1473, John Queyntrell.

1494, William Palmer.

1533, Thomas Stodert.

1535, Robert Aleyn.

1554, William Ballard, by Sir John Clere.

1580, Giles Woolverton, by the assignees of the dean and chapter of Norwich.

1588, William Carew, by John Hoo, assignee of the dean, &c.

1588, Samuel Gardiner, by the assignees.

1631, Edward Snailwell, by Henry Beck, Esq.

1661, John Philips.

1662, Robert Feltwell.

1671, Parrick Gutherie, by the dean, &c.

1684, George Cooper.

1709, John Wrench (died in 1718). Ditto.

1718, Nath. Symonds. Ditto.

Mr. Artis occurs in 1747.

The present valor of St. Margaret's vicarage is 5l. 0s. 10d.

In Sir John Clere's lease of the great tithes, from the dean and chapter in King Edward the Sixth's time, he was to pay the vicar a pension of 6l. 13s. 4d. per ann. and all the altarages of the rectories, or else 14l. 13s. 4d. in money, at the vicar's choice, as decreed by the ordinary, besides the mansion house, and 9 acres of land assigned to the vicar.

St. Peter's and St. Andrew's churches are in ruins; it seems as if they were used in 1591, when on August 1, William Carew, vicar, obtained a Dispensation from the Bishop, that he might serve one week in the principal and mother church of Ormesby, and the next week in any of the other, &c. but that the parishioners should not oblige him on any Sunday or Festival, to serve in more than one church in the said town.

The church of St. Margaret was the principal church to which Elizabeth Clere, gave 10l. in 1492, towards rebuilding the steeple, and in 1558, there were legacies towards making the great bell; here were the lights of St. Margaret, St. Mary, St. Nicholas, and Holy cross, with St. Margaret's guild.

In the chancel, on a gravestone,

Hic jacet Rob. Clere, qui obt. 2°. die Mensis Augustj, Ao. Dnj. 1446.

There were also pieces of brasses with,

Credo quod Redemptor meus vivit, &c. and the arms of Clere alone, argent, on a fess, azure, three eaglets displayed, or.

On another

Orate p. a'ia, Rob. Clere, Militis. qui. obt. 10 die Mens. Augustj Ao. Dnj. 1529; with the arms of Clere, and impaling argent, a cross moline, gules, Owydale, or Udale, and quartering gules, a chevron, ermin, between three delis, or, Rees; and argent, an horse passant, sable, saddled and bridled, or, Rusteyn.

On one with the pourtraiture of a knight in armour,

Orate, p. a'i'a. Roberti Clere Militis, qui obt. 10 die Mensi Augi. 1529.—And one shield with his quartering: First, Clere, 2d Ormesby, 3d Snecke, gules a fess, argent, and a fess of three ermine; Fourth, argent, a chevron, gules, between two cross crosslets, fitchee, and one billet in chief, and two billets, and one cross crosslet fitchee in base, sable, Westlesse.

Also Clere and Udale, quarterly, impaling Boleyn.

His wife lies here,

Orate, &c. Domine Anne Clere nup. uxor. Robt. Clere Equitis que obt. 23 die Mens. Januar. 1505.

Also his 2d wife,

Orate. &c. Domine Alicie Clere nup. uxor. Robi. Clere Militis filie Willi. Boleyn Militis que obt. 1 die Mens. Novemb. 1538.

Orate p. a'i'a Willi. Clere, Armigi. fili et heredis Robi. Clere Militis qui obt. 17 die Martii 1501.

With the arms of Clere impaling Paston.

Hic jacet Robt. Mortymer Armiger.

Pray for the soul of Wm. Peyton, son of Rob. Peyton Kt.

On an altar tomb,

Hic requiescit Henricus Clere Baronettus, qui thalamo sibi conjunxit Marielem filiam Edmi. D'ni, Mundeford Equitis Aurati ex qua habuit prolem filiam unicam Abigalem, obt. 22 Augi. 1622, ætat. suæ.

In the church under a tomb near the north window, next to the rood loft, without any inscription, or arms, lie buried Robert Clere, Esq. who married Alice, daughter of Sir John Filby, who is said to have rebuilt this church.

In this window are their effigies, with an orate for them.

In the church were the arms of Hopton, argent, a chevron, azure, and a file of three, ermine.

In the church of St. Michael, was the guild of St. Michael.


  • 1. Terre Regis—Ormesbei ten. Guert. T.R.E. iii car. t're. et xxx ac. q's acr. tenebat de S'cto Benedicto sem. iiii vill. et iii bor. et ii car. in d'nio. et dim car. hom. xvi ac. p'ti. et iii r. et iiii an. et vi bor. et tc. mo. ccclxxx i ov. et lxxx. soc. iiii car. t're. et xlvi ac. et iii bor. tnc. xxxii car. p. et mo. xxiii. xvi ac. p'tj. ex his soc. tenet Ricard. iii de dono Arfasti Epi. et ht. dim. car. t're. tc. totu'. val. x lib mo xxi ad numeru'. et i leug. et dim. in long. et i leug. in lat. et iii sol. et viiid. de g. quicu'q; ibi teneat.
  • 2. Rot. Pip.
  • 3. Terra Rogeri Bigoti—In Ormesbei ii (liberi ho'es) S'ci. Benedicti comend & postea ten' Alivius. mo. R. Bigot. ex dono Regis de e xxxi car. t're. & v acr. p'ti. et i bord. semp. dim. car. semp. val. ii sol. idem Stanart.
  • 4. Reymer, vol. iii. 151, 152, &c.
  • 5. Reg. Haydon, Norw, and Reg. Harsyke, fol 36.
  • 6. Reg. Wilby, fol. 117.
  • 7. Terra Willi. Episc. Tedfordens. de Feudo—In Ormesbej ii lib. ho'es Guerd xl ac. sep. i car. et ii ac. prati. et val. viii sol. hoc. etiam ten. ide. Ricard.