Clifton - Climping

Pages 635-639

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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Clifton (All Saints)

CLIFTON (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Biggleswade, hundred of Clifton, county of Bedford, 1½ mile (E. by N.) from Shefford; containing 865 inhabitants. It comprises by measurement 1450 acres, of which about 200 are pasture; the surface is generally level, and the soil in some parts clay, in others gravel. The river Ivel flows through the parish, and is navigable to Shefford. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £20. 2. 11.; net income, £439; patron and incumbent, the Rev. D. J. Olivier. The church contains some monumental brasses, and a fine altartomb in memory of Sir Michael Fisher, lord of the manor, who died in 1549. A school was founded and endowed in 1827, by the Rev. D. S. Olivier, late rector.

Clifton, or Rock-Savage

CLIFTON, or Rock-Savage, a township, in the parish and union of Runcorn, hundred of Bucklow, N. division of the county of Chester, 2¼ miles (N. N. E.) from Frodsham; containing 34 inhabitants. This place has been called Rock-Savage, since the erection of a splendid house by Sir John Savage, in 1565. The township comprises 577 acres, whereof the prevailing soil is clay; and consists of only the manorial mansion and its demesne land, now in the possession of the Marquess of Cholmondeley, who enjoys the title of Earl of Rock-Savage. A tithe rent-charge of £91 is paid to the Dean and Chapter of Oxford.


CLIFTON, a chapelry district, in the parish of Ashbourn, hundred of Morleston and Litchurch, though locally in the hundred of Wirksworth, S. division of the county of Derby, 1¾ mile (S. W.) from Ashbourn; containing, with the hamlet of Compton, 839 inhabitants. This place is mentioned in Domesday book under the name of Cliptune; and in the reign of Henry VII. belonged to the Cokaynes, of Ashbourn. The ancient chapel here was taken down about 1750, and part of the materials were used to repair the chancel of the parish church: the present chapel is dedicated to the Trinity, and was consecrated in 1845. The living is in the gift of the Vicar.

Clifton (St. Andrew)

CLIFTON (St. Andrew), a parish and favourite watering-place, and the head of a union, in the county of the city of Bristol, 1¼ mile (W.) from Bristol, 14 miles (N. W.) from Bath, and 121 (W. by S.) from London; containing 14,177 inhabitants. This place, by some antiquaries supposed to have been a British town prior to the Roman invasion, and to have been called Caeroder, or the "city of the chasm," derives its present name from its romantic situation on the acclivities and summit of a precipitous cliff, apparently separated by some convulsion of nature from a chain of rocks on the Somersetshire coast. The river Avon, which at spring tides rises to the height of 46 feet, and is then navigable for ships of very large burthen, flows with a rapid current through this natural chasm, forming the southern and western boundaries of the parish, and dividing the counties of Gloucester and Somerset. The lower part of the town, called the Hot Wells, and formerly the more populous, is situated at the base of the cliff, and has a mild and genial atmosphere, peculiarly adapted to delicate and consumptive constitutions. It first rose into importance from the efficacy of its hot springs, originally noticed in 1480 by William of Worcester, the topographer of Bristol, and brought into general celebrity in 1632, when the water was applied externally in cases of cancer and scrofula, and internally in cases of inflammation, dysentery, and hemorrhage. These waters issue from an aperture in the rock, about ten feet above lowwater mark; their mean temperature is about 71° of Fahrenheit; they contain a portion of sulphuric-acid, but are peculiarly soft and pleasant to the taste, and free from any offensive smell. At the time of the earthquake at Lisbon, the water became so red and turbid for some days, as to be unfit for use. A new pump-room, with hot and cold baths, and containing also apartments for the residence of invalids, a neat building of the Tuscan order, has been erected at an expense of £8000, by the Society of Merchants of Bristol, who are lords of the manor of Clifton, near the site of the old house, which was built by subscription in 1770. Gloucester House, formerly the only hotel of any note, and whence the steam-packets to Ireland regularly sail, is still much frequented, from its proximity to the Hot Wells. Dowry square and parade, Hope-square, Albemarle-row, and St. Vincent's parade, all contain respectable lodginghouses, fitted up with a due regard to the accommodation of visiters of every rank, and of which some have not unfrequently been the temporary residence of royalty. At Mardyke, on the lower road to Bristol, is a saline mineral spa, said to have been found efficacious in visceral complaints.

On the south-western brow of the hill, and protected on the north and east by the summit of the cliff, is situated that part of the town properly called Clifton, about half a century since consisting only of a few scattered dwellings, but now of piles of stately edifices of Bath stone, forming, from the beauty of their architecture, a conspicuous and imposing feature in the landscape for many miles. This portion, like the Hot Wells, owes its origin and rapid increase to the efficacy of a similar spring issuing from the rock into a well 320 feet in depth, sunk at an immense expense, in 1772, and from which 30,000 gallons of water are daily raised by a powerful steam-engine, and afterwards propelled to an additional height of 120 feet, and distributed through pipes to most of the respectable houses on the hill. There are some splendid ranges of buildings, and handsome hotels, with every requisite accommodation, and commanding beautiful and extensive views. Near the summit of St. Vincent's Rock, so named from an ancient chapel dedicated to that saint, was a snuff-mill, which, by a grant from the lords of the manor, Mr. West, an ingenious self-taught artist, has converted into an observatory, furnished with powerful telescopes and a camera; it embraces a most widely extended and diversified prospect, comprehending not only the romantic scenery in the immediate neighbourhood, but a distant view of the Bristol Channel and the Welsh mountains, and the pleasing villages with which the county of Gloucester is thickly studded. The nurserygrounds of Mr. Miller comprise more than 60 acres, beautifully laid out, and forming one of the most favourite resorts of this attractive place. There are some elegant private mansions, among which may be noticed that of Mr. Goldney, and that built by Sir William Draper, the opponent of Junius, in the front court of which are a plain monument to the distinguished Earl of Chatham, and a cenotaph to the memory of those officers and men of the 79th regt. who fell in India.

The town is well lighted with gas, and improvements are constantly in progress. The Society of Merchants have formed a beautiful road, winding round the side of the rocks from the Hot Wells to Clifton Down; the extensive commons, also, have been partially planted. There is no regular market; but from its proximity to Bristol, the town is well supplied with provisions of every kind; and the prices of all articles, either of clothing or food, may be considered on an average full 15 per cent. lower than those of the metropolis. The £10 householders are entitled to vote for the representation of Bristol. The parish contains 910 acres, comprehending the site of the town and adjacent buildings. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £782; patrons, the Trustees of the late Rev. C. Simeon; impropriator, James Taylor, Esq. The church, a spacious structure in the later English style, was erected in 1822. A church dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and accommodating 1600 persons, has been built at the Hot Wells, for the poor; and there are a private Episcopal chapel, and a district church dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, the latter in the later English style, and erected by the Bristol Diocesan Association. Christ church, at Clifton Park, was consecrated in Oct. 1844; it is of the style which prevailed about the middle of the 13th century, and affords accommodation to 1000 persons. The livings of Holy Trinity church, Christ church, and St. John's, are perpetual curacies, the two first in the patronage of Simeon's Trustees, and the last in the gift of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. There are places of worship for the Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion and Wesleyans; also a floating chapel for seamen, called the Clifton Ark; and a Roman Catholic chapel in a superb style of Grecian architecture. The poor law union of Clifton comprises 12 parishes or places, and contains a population of 66,233.

On the summit of St. Vincent's Rock are the remains of an encampment of three or four acres, defended by three ramparts and two ditches; the inner rampart, which is in no part more than five feet in height, is supposed to have been surmounted by a wall. Its extent, from one side of the rock to the other, is 293 yards, and on the side next the river is a deep trench, thought to have been cut during the civil war of the seventeenth century. Its origin is ascribed to the Romans, who are said to have placed here the first of that chain of forts which they erected to defend the passage of the Severn. In the immediate neighbourhood, and in various parts of the parish, numerous Roman and Saxon coins have been found; and at a short distance, in the parish of Westbury, are the remains of a Roman way. In the rocks, lead and a very rich iron-ore have been discovered, but not in sufficient quantity to be worth working; and in the fissures of the rock, and more especially in digging the foundations of houses, are found the beautiful quartz crystals called Bristol diamonds, remarkable for their naturally formed and highly polished hexagonal surfaces, and equalling in transparency those of India, to which they are inferior only in hardness and durability: they are generally imbedded in nodulæ of ironstone, of the same colour as the soil. Anne Yearsley, who in the humble situation of a milk-woman, displayed great poetical talent, and produced several literary works, was a native of this place; she died in 1806, at Melksham, in the county of Wilts. Sir Humphrey Davy commenced his career here, as assistant to Dr. Beddoes, an eminent physician; and among the numerous distinguished persons who have made it their retreat was Mrs. Hannah More, who here ended a life devoted to literature and good works.

Clifton, with Salwick

CLIFTON, with Salwick, a township, in the parish of Kirkham, union of the Fylde, hundred of Amounderness, N. division of the county of Lancaster, 3 miles (E. S. E.) from Kirkham, on the road to Preston; containing 538 inhabitants. The manor of Clifton has been held from remote antiquity by the knightly family of the same name: the ancient Hall has long disappeared, but an elegant mansion has lately been erected by Thomas Clifton, Esq. The township comprises 3403a. 1r. 37p.: it is bounded on the south by the river Ribble; the Lancaster canal passes through, and there is a station on the Fleetwood and Preston railway. The Hall is the residence of Edward Pedder, Esq. The village, which stands rather high, consists of a street of farmhouses, cottages, and out-buildings; it overlooks the Ribble, and the air is very salubrious and healthy. Salwick occupies the northern part of the township, and contains Salwick Hall. The township is included in the ecclesiastical district of Lund: the tithes have been commuted for £530 payable to the Dean and Chapter of Christ-Church, Oxford, and £75. 6. to the vicar. In 1682, John Dickson left a small bequest for teaching children, and a school has lately been built, by aid of a grant of £50 from the National Society, with which it is in union.


CLIFTON, a township, in the parish of Eccles, hundred of Salford, S. division of the county of Lancaster, 5 miles (N. W. by W.) from Manchester, on the road to Bolton; containing 1360 inhabitants. The Cliftons of Westby were in possession of this place in the 20th of Edward I.; the manor subsequently came to the Hollands, and afterwards, by purchase, to the Gaskell family. The township comprises 850 acres of land, in equal portions of arable and pasture, and of which the soil is of a clayey nature. It is situated in a luxuriant vale, and is bounded by the river Irwell, which flows on the north-east. The Manchester and Bolton railway passes through; and a line quits this railway here, and proceeds through Bury to Rossendale and other parts of the county; it was opened to Rawtenstall, a distance of 14 miles, in Sept. 1846, and has since been extended. The inhabitants are mostly employed in nine collieries. A school has been built by the proprietor's trustees.

Clifton, with Coldwell

CLIFTON, with Coldwell, a township, in the N. division of the parish of Stannington, union and W. division of Castle ward, S. division of Northumberland, 2½ miles (S.) from Morpeth. It is situated on the road between Morpeth and the township of Stannington, and is the property of the Earl of Carlisle. In the 12th century lands were held at Clifton, under Roger de Merlay, by William of Clifton: in the year 1240 the Conyers family appear to have been proprietors; and of subsequent owners have been the Ogles, Howards, and Greys. At Coldwell, which is now extinct, the monks of Newminster had possessions, and among others who had an interest in the same place may be named the families of Conyers and Heron.

Clifton (St. Mary)

CLIFTON (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Basford, N. division of the wapentake of Rushcliffe, S. division of the county of Nottingham, 4¼ miles (S. W. by S.) from Nottingham; containing, with the hamlet of Glapton, 419 inhabitants. The village is situated on a level tract, near which is Clifton Hall, commanding extensive prospects over the river Trent, the town of Nottingham, and the adjacent counties of Derby and Leicester. The Hall is now much modernised; its principal front is ornamented with 10 handsome Doric columns, and the interior comprises several magnificent apartments. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £21. 6. 10½.; net income, £500, arising chiefly from land, with some annual payments to the rector from Barton, Normanton, Keyworth, and Stanton; patron and impropriator, Sir Juckes Clifton, Bart. There is an excellent rectory-house, with extensive gardens. The church is a fine structure; having become dilapidated, it was restored, and re-opened for divine service in May 1846: it has a massive tower, and contains several monuments to the Clifton family. There are almshouses for six poor widows. Here was a small college for a warden and two priests, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, founded in the time of Edward IV. by Sir Gervase Clifton: at the Dissolution it was valued at £20 per annum.


CLIFTON, a township, in the parish of Deddington, union of Woodstock, hundred of Wootton, county of Oxford, 1¼ mile (E.) from Deddington; containing 277 inhabitants. There is a place of worship for a congregation of Wesleyans.

Clifton (St. Cuthbert)

CLIFTON (St. Cuthbert), a parish, in West ward and union, county of Westmorland, 2½ miles (S. E. by S.) from Penrith; containing 288 inhabitants. It derives its name from the situation of the village on a rocky eminence in the vale of the river Lowther, by which the parish is bounded on the north and west. At Clifton Moor, now inclosed, a slight skirmish occurred between the Duke of Cumberland's dragoons and the rear-guard of the Pretender's army on its retreat to Scotland. The parish comprises 1676a. 2r. 39p., of which about 35 acres are woodland; the soil is various, in some parts a dark brown mould on a substratum of gravel, in others a strong red soil resting on clay, and in some parts light and sandy. There is a station of the Lancaster and Carlisle railway, called the Clifton-Moor station. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £8. 3. 4.; net income, £150; patron, the Bishop of Carlisle. The tithes were commuted for land in 1811. The church is a small ancient structure, with a low tower. When excavating for the railway, a Roman altar, in a high state of preservation, was dug up. There is a medicinal spring, the water of which is efficacious in the cure of scorbutic complaints.


CLIFTON, a township, partly in the parish of St. Michael-le-Belfrey, and partly in that of St. Olave, Mary-Gate, union of York, wapentake of Bulmer, N. riding of the county of York, 1½ mile (N. W.) from York; containing 1242 inhabitants. The village, which is large and handsome, forms a suburb to the city. In 1820, two massive Roman stone coffins, each 7½ feet in length, and bearing a short inscription, were found in the grounds of David Russell, Esq., and deposited in the cathedral of York.

Clifton, with Norwood

CLIFTON, with Norwood, a township, in the parish of Fewston, Lower division of the wapentake of Claro, W. riding of York, 6 miles (N. by E.) from Otley; containing 387 inhabitants. The township comprises 3510 acres of moor and pasture land, with a little arable. Church service is performed on every Tuesday in a schoolroom.

Clifton, with Newall—See Newall.

CLIFTON, with Newall—See Newall.


CLIFTON, a township, in the chapelry of Hartshead, parish of Dewsbury, union of Halifax, wapentake of Morley, W. riding of York, 5 miles (N. N. E.) from Huddersfield; containing 1779 inhabitants. The village extends to the western verge of the township, and from its elevated situation commands extensive views of the vale of the Calder, and of the surrounding country. The population is chiefly engaged in the manufacture of cards for machinery. A school is endowed with £10 per annum.

Clifton-Campville (St. Andrew)

CLIFTON-CAMPVILLE (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Tamworth, partly in the hundred of Repton and Gresley, S. division of the county of Derby, but chiefly in the N. division of the hundred of Offlow and of the county of Stafford, 6 miles (N. E. by N.) from Tamworth; containing 921 inhabitants, of whom 341 are in the township of Clifton-Campville. This parish consists of the townships of Clifton-Campville and Haunton, and the chapelry of Harleston, in the county of Stafford; and of the chapelry of Chilcote, in that of Derby. It comprises by computation 6300 acres; the surface is undulated, and the soil in some places a rich fertile marl, and in others a strong clay. The village, which is large, is situated in the vale of the Mease, and on the road from Elford to Ashby-de-laZouch. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £30, and in the gift of Henry John Pye, Esq., to whose ancestor, Sir Charles Pye, Bart., the manor was sold by the Coventry family in 1700. The tithes of Clifton-Campville and Haunton have been commuted for £717. 1. 1., those of Harleston for £370, and of Chilcote for £258; the glebe contains 150 acres, with a good glebe-house. The church is adorned with one of the finest spires in the kingdom; and has two chancels separated by a handsome screen: there are some paintings on glass, one of which represents St. Mark; and in the south chancel is an ancient monument with recumbent effigies to the memory of Sir John Vernon and his lady. At Harleston and Chilcote are chapels of ease; and a parochial school is supported by the patron and incumbent. In the eastern extremity of the parish is a small common, called No-man's Heath, with a cross cut in the turf to mark the converging points of the four counties of Stafford, Derby, Leicester, and Warwick, which unite at that spot.

Clifton, Great

CLIFTON, GREAT, a township and chapelry, in the parish of Workington, union of Cockermouth, Allerdale ward above Derwent, W. division of Cumberland, 3 miles (E.) from Workington; the township containing 378 inhabitants. This township contains by admeasurement 900 acres of arable and pasture land, and 39 of wood. The living is a perpetual curacy; net income, £100; patron, the Rector of Workington. The tithes were commuted for land in 1814. The chapel, which is situated in Little Clifton, is an ancient structure. Here are the remains of a cross, where, according to tradition, a market was formerly held. The Rev. Jeremiah Seed, a theological writer, who died in 1747, was a native of the place.

Clifton-Hampden (St. Michael)

CLIFTON-HAMPDEN (St. Michael), a parish, in the union of Abingdon, hundred of Dorchester, county of Oxford, 3¼ miles (E. S. E.) from Abingdon; containing 297 inhabitants. The living is a perpetual curacy, with a net income of £187. The church occupies the site of a former edifice, and was built in 1844 by Henry Gibbs, Esq., lord of the manor, and patron.

Clifton, Little

CLIFTON, LITTLE, a township, in the parish of Workington, union of Cockermouth, Allerdale ward above Derwent, W. division of Cumberland, 3¼ miles (E.) from Workington; containing 281 inhabitants. It comprises by computation 900 acres of arable and pasture land, and 50 of wood.

Clifton-Maybank (All Saints)

CLIFTON-MAYBANK (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Sherborne, hundred of Yetminster, Sherborne division of Dorset, 5½ miles (W. S. W.) from Sherborne; containing 70 inhabitants. It is intersected by the river Ivel, and comprises 1244a. 3r. 12p., of which 781 acres are pasture, 215 arable, 202 woodland, and about 11 in orchards: the surface is rather flat, and the lands in winter are subject to occasional inundation; the soil is light, but productive. The living is a rectory, united in 1824 to the vicarage of BradfordAbbas, and valued in the king's books at £4. 16. 0½.; the tithes have been commuted for £245, and the glebe comprises 30 acres. The church has been in ruins for a century.

Clifton, North (St. George)

CLIFTON, NORTH (St. George), a parish, in the union, and N. division of the wapentake, of Newark, S. division of the county of Nottingham, 12 miles (N. by E.) from Newark; containing, with the township of South Clifton, the chapelry of Harby, and the hamlet of Spalford, 1056 inhabitants, of whom 332 are in South Clifton. The parish is situated on the river Trent, and on the lower road from Gainsborough to Newark, and comprises 3973a. 24p.; the surface is flat, with a slight eminence in one part, and the lands are subject to inundation from the river, against which the villages are protected by embankments. The soil is light, except that of the rising ground, which is a stiff clay and marl. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £7. 6.; net income, £176; patron, the Prebendary of Clifton in the Cathedral of Lincoln; impropriator, Col. Sibthorp. The tithes, excepting about £20 per annum from ancient inclosure, have been commuted for land, comprising nearly 150 acres. The church, situated about half-way between the villages of North and South Clifton, on a small eminence on the banks of the Trent, is an ancient structure in the later English style, with a handsome embattled tower. There is a chapel of ease at Harby, where also, and in South Clifton, are places of worship for Wesleyans. A schoolmaster receives £10. 10. per annum from land bequeathed by Simon Nicholson, in 1669, for instructing children; a schoolroom and dwelling-house were built by subscription, in 1779. There is also a school at Harby.

Clifton-Reynes (St. Mary)

CLIFTON-REYNES (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Newport-Pagnell, hundred of Newport, county of Buckingham, 1½ mile (E. by S.) from Olney; containing 213 inhabitants. The principal manor here was given by William the Conqueror to Robert de Todeni, one of the companions of his expedition, and afterwards passed into the family of Reynes, from whom the place takes the adjunct to its name. An heiress of the family of Reynes conveyed the property to the Lowes, who sold it to the celebrated Serjeant Maynard; it subsequently passed to the noble family of Hobart, and about 1750 was disposed of by the Earl of Buckinghamshire to the Small family. Another manor here was anciently possessed by the Mordaunts. The parish, which is situated on the eastern bank of the river Ouse, comprises 1395a. 28p.; the surface is irregular, and the lower lands are subject occasionally to inundations of the river. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £13. 6. 10½.; net income, £370; patron and incumbent, the Rev. H. A. Small. By a recent inclosure act, land of the value of about £150 per annum, was given in lieu of a portion of the tithes. There is a small glebe also, part of which is in the adjoining parish of Newton-Blossomville; with a glebe-house. The church, a handsome edifice, is supposed to have been erected about the time of Edward I.; it has a square tower, and contains an ancient font, and some tombs to the family of Reynes. A school was built in 1844.

Clifton-upon-Dunsmoor (St. Mary)

CLIFTON-upon-Dunsmoor (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Rugby, Rugby division of the hundred of Knightlow, N. division of the county of Warwick, 2 miles (E. N. E.) from Rugby: containing, with the chapelry of Brownsover and the hamlet of Newton and Biggin, 699 inhabitants. The parish is situated on the banks of the Avon, and comprises by admeasurement 3465 acres, of which 835 are in Brownsover; two-thirds are arable, and the remainder pasture. It is intersected by the road from Rugby to Harborough, and the London and Birmingham railway has a firstclass station at Rugby; the Oxford canal traverses the parish, and the river Swift separates it from the parish of Newbold. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £8. 1. 8.; net income, £119; patron, the Earl of Bradford: the impropriation belongs to two schools and 21 individuals; the glebe contains about 15 acres, with a house. The church is in the later English style, and had formerly a handsome spire. There is a chapel of ease at Brownsover. A parochial school is supported by subscription and a small legacy, and the inhabitants have the privilege of sending their children free to Rugby school. Christopher Harvey, author of a collection of poems called the Synagogue, and other works, was vicar, and was buried here in 1663; Thomas Carte, author of an elaborate History of England, was born here in 1686.

Clifton-upon-Teme (St. Killom)

CLIFTON-upon-Teme (St. Killom), a parish, in the union of Martley, Upper division of the hundred of Doddingtree, Hundred-House and W. divisions of the county of Worcester, 10¼ miles (N. W. by W.) from Worcester; containing 512 inhabitants. The parish is situated near the river Teme, and comprises by measurement 2853a. 1r. 16p.: stone of good quality for building and the roads, and flagstone, are quarried. The village, which is beautifully situated on a steep cliff, overlooking the serpentine course of the Teme, was made a free borough by Edward III., who also granted a weekly market, now disused. Ham Castle, formerly the residence of the family of Jefferies, and which was nearly destroyed in 1646 by the parliamentary troops, was completely restored, indeed nearly rebuilt, by the proprietor, in 1840. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £6. 19. 2.; patron and impropriator, Sir T. E. Winnington, Bart.: the tithes have been commuted for £235, of which £207. 10. are payable to the vicar; and the glebe consists of two acres, with a house, built in 1845. The church has a square tower, surmounted by a spire which is a landmark to the country around; the interior was restored in 1844: among some ancient monuments is one to a Knight Templar, supposed to be Sir Roger de Wysham. A school is supported by subscription. There was anciently a chapel at Noverton, in the parish; but in 1532, Charles, Bishop of Hereford, with the consent of the vicar of Clifton and the inhabitants, united Noverton to the parish of Stanford, reserving to the vicar an annual pension of 13s. 4d., in lieu of tithes and offerings due from the inhabitants of the chapelry. At Woodmanton, still in the parish, was another chapel.


CLIFTON-upon-Ure, a township, in the parish of Thornton-Watlass, union of Leyburn, wapentake of Hang-East, N. riding of York, 4 miles (S. W.) from Bedale; containing 39 inhabitants. The manor passed from the lords Scrope, of Masham, to Sir Ralph FitzRandolph, and subsequently to the Wyvilles, Daltons, and Prestons, of whom the last-named sold it to the family of Hutton, in 1735. The township, which is situated on the eastern acclivities of the vale of the Ure, comprises by computation 592 acres of land. Clifton Castle, a handsome mansion, stands in a fine park.


CLIMPING, a parish, in the union of East Preston (under Gilbert's act), hundred of Avisford, rape of Arundel, W. division of Sussex, 7 miles (S. S. W.) from Arundel; containing 279 inhabitants. This parish includes all that remains of the ancient parish of Cudlow, of which not more than one hundred acres have escaped the encroachment of the sea. It is bounded on the south by the English Channel, and on the east by the river Arun, over which is a ferry; and is intersected by the road from Bognor to Littlehampton. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £9. 11. 0½., and in the gift of Eton College: the great tithes have been commuted for £422, and the vicarial for £224; there is an impropriate glebe of 7 acres. The church is a handsome cruciform structure, chiefly in the early English style, with a fine Norman tower at the end of the south transept.