Clether (St.) - Clifford Chambers

Pages 632-635

A Topographical Dictionary of England. Originally published by S Lewis, London, 1848.

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Clether (St.)

CLETHER (ST.), a parish, in the union of Camelford, hundred of Lesnewth, E. division of Cornwall, 7 miles (E.) from Camelford; containing 221 inhabitants. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £6. 11. 10½.; net income, £165; patrons, J. Carpenter and T. J. Phillips, Esqrs.; impropriator, the perpetual curate of St. Thomas', near Launceston.

Clevedon (St. Andrew)

CLEVEDON (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Bedminster, hundred of Portbury, E. division of Somerset, 12 miles (W. by S.) from Bristol; containing 1748 inhabitants. This parish is pleasingly situated on the shore of the Bristol Channel, at the influx of the river Yeo, and comprises 2986a. 1r. 20p., chiefly meadow and pasture land; the soil is various, consisting in nearly equal portions of sand, loam, and clay. From its favourable situation on the coast, the village has lately become a bathing-place; the climate is remarkably mild, and myrtles and other delicate shrubs flourish in the open air at all times of the year. Clevedon Court, the seat of Sir Abraham Elton, Bart., is a spacious mansion in the later English style, and one of the finest specimens of the domestic style; it was extensively repaired by Sir J. Wake, then proprietor, in the reign of Elizabeth, and is beautifully situated on the southern slope of a mountainous range, which bounds the greater part of the hundred. A spacious hotel and several houses have been erected near the shore, for the accommodation of visiters. In 1845 an act was passed for a branch to Clevedon from the Bristol and Exeter railway, 3¾ miles in length. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £15. 14. 4.; patron and appropriator, the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. The great tithes have been commuted for £120, and the vicarial for £500; the glebe comprises 10 acres, with a glebe-house. The church, an ancient cruciform structure with a central tower, is situated on a commanding eminence on the shore of the Channel, and at the western extremity of the village. A second church, called Christchurch, in the early English style, erected and endowed chiefly at the expense of G. W. Braikenridge, Esq., was consecrated in August, 1839: the living is in the gift of Trustees. There is a place of worship for Independents. On the summit of some of the hills are remains of ancient lead-mines, and lapis calaminaris has been found.

Clevedon, Milton (St. James)

CLEVEDON, MILTON (St. James), a parish, in the union of Shepton-Mallet, hundred of Bruton, E. division of Somerset, 2¼ miles (N. W. by N.) from Bruton; containing 213 inhabitants. It is situated on the road from Bruton to Shepton-Mallet, and under the western declivity of the Bruton hills: there are quarries of limestone, imbedded with numerous fossils, and which is used for building and for burning into lime. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £6. 13. 4.; patron and impropriator, the Earl of Ilchester: the vicarial tithes have been commuted for £204. 6., and there are 34½ acres of glebe. The church is an ancient structure, and contains, in the chancel, the recumbent figure of an ecclesiastic with a chalice between the hands. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans. A Duchess of Hamilton resided here, in an ancient mansion that was taken down nearly a century since. On Small Down are vestiges of a fortification, near which skeletons of gigantic stature have been found.


CLEVELAND-PORT, a hamlet, in the parish of Ormesby, union of Guisborough, W. division of the liberty of Langbaurgh, N. riding of York, 9 miles (N. by E.) from Stokesley; containing 63 inhabitants. The village is situated near the mouth of the Tees, affording a convenient point for shipping the greater part of the produce of Cleveland Vale and the neighbourhood, for the London and other markets.


CLEVELEY, a hamlet, in the parish of ChurchEnstone, union of Chipping-Norton, hundred of Chadlington, county of Oxford, 1½ mile (E. S. E.) from Neat-Enstone; containing 198 inhabitants.


CLEVELODE, a chapelry, in the parish of Powick, union of Upton-on-Severn, Lower division of the hundred of Pershore, Upton and W. divisions of the county of Worcester, 6 miles (S. S. W.) from Worcester; containing 31 inhabitants. It comprises between 300 and 400 acres, chiefly meadow land; the site is elevated, and the surface undulated, and in some parts ornamented with wood. The river Severn flows past the village, west of which is the road from Worcester to Upton. This was formerly a separate rectory, and is stated to have been annexed to Madresfield, in 1595: the chapel has been demolished.


CLEVELY, a township, partly in the parish of Cockerham, hundred of Lonsdale south of the Sands, but chiefly in the parish of Garstang, hundred of Amounderness, union of Garstang, N. division of the county of Lancaster, 4¼ miles (N. by E.) from Garstang; containing 124 inhabitants. It comprises 617 acres, the whole the property of the Duke of Hamilton. At Shire's Head, or Shire Side, is a chapel built of stone in 1800, on the site of a former edifice which had fallen into utter ruin: the living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Vicar of Cockerham; net income, £93. A school has been erected on ground given by the duke.


CLEVERTON, a hamlet, in the parish of Lea, union and hundred of Malmesbury, Malmesbury and Kingswood, and N. divisions of Wilts, 3¼ miles (E. S. E.) from Malmesbury; containing 116 inhabitants.

Clewer (St. Andrew)

CLEWER (St. Andrew), a parish, in the union of Windsor, hundred of Ripplesmere, county of Berks, 1 mile (W.) from Windsor; containing 3975 inhabitants. This parish, situated on the south bank of the Thames, contains part of the town of Windsor, and comprises 1666a. 1r. 12p., of which about two-thirds are meadow-land, and nearly all the rest arable. On a patent roll of the 13th of Edward II. is a grant to John the Hermit, of the chapel of St. Leonard, of Loffield, in Windsor Forest, to inclose some land, parcel of the forest, which probably gave name to St. Leonard's Hill, an elegant mansion built by the Duchess of Gloucester, when Countess Waldegrave, on the site of a cottage. A court leet is held annually; and a fair for toys and pedlery takes place on the 29th of May. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £14. 1. 0½., and in the patronage of Eton College: the tithes have been commuted for £468. 19. 9., and the glebe contains nearly 24½ acres, with a glebe-house. The church contains several ancient memorials, among which are some verses on a brass plate, commemorating Master Expence, a famous archer, who shot a match against one hundred men in Bray. There is a room in the village of Dedworth (one-half of which is in this parish), licensed by the bishop for divine service, and also used as an infants' school; it was erected by subscription, on land given by W. B. Harcourt, Esq., and is a neat building, suitable for a small chapel of ease. A Roman Catholic chapel was erected and is supported at the sole expense of W. F. Riley, Esq. In 1809, Sir James Poultney, Bart., left by will £666. 13. 4. in the three per cent. consols., for a school; and in 1815, Earl Harcourt conveyed two cottages, a schoolroom, and £500 Navy five per cents., for instruction. A mineral spring was lately discovered.

Cley (St. Margaret)

CLEY (St. Margaret), a small sea-port, a parish, and formerly a market-town, in the union of Erpingham, hundred of Holt, W. division of Norfolk, 26 miles (N. N. W.) from Norwich, and 124 (N. N. E.) from London; containing 828 inhabitants. In 1406, Prince James of Scotland, on his voyage to France, to receive his education, was driven by stress of weather upon this coast; and, being de tained here, was sent to London by order of Henry IV., who committed him to the Tower. The surface of the parish is boldly undulated, and some of the elevations command very fine views by sea and land. The town is situated on the banks of a small river that falls into the harbour, at the north-eastern extremity of the county, and consists principally of one street, in the centre of which is the custom-house, a neat and commodious edifice. It is plentifully supplied with water from springs. The trade of the port, which is called Blakeney and Cley, consists mainly in coal, timber and deals, hemp, iron, tar, tallow, oil-cakes, &c., of which the importation is considerable; a small trade is also carried on in malt: the exports are chiefly corn and flour. The navigation of the Cley is both narrow and of small depth, but in its course to the sea it forms a junction with the Blakeney channel. Under an act of inclosure, obtained in 1822, a large quantity of land has been recovered from the sea by an embankment. The market, held on Saturday, has long fallen into disuse; but a fair for horses is held on the last Friday and Saturday in July. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £22. 13. 4., and in the patronage of John Winn Thomlinson, Esq.: the tithes have been commuted for £400, and the glebe comprises 18½ acres. The church is a fine spacious structure, in the early English style, with portions of later date; the south porch is highly decorated, and has a fine groined roof: the nave is lighted chiefly by oriel windows of elegant design; the font has sculptured representations of the seven sacraments of the Church of Rome. There are places of worship for Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists.


CLEYGATE, a manor, in the parish of ThamesDitton, Second division of the hundred of Kingston, union of Kingston, E. division of Surrey, 1¾ mile (E. S. E.) from Esher; containing 940 inhabitants. It was given to the convent of Westminster by Tosti, probably the son of Earl Godwin, and the grant was confirmed by Edward the Confessor. The Domesday survey records that "Claigate" was then still held by the monks, and the lands continued in their possession until the Dissolution. A district church was consecrated in December, 1840, and dedicated to the Trinity; it is a composition of the later Norman and early English styles, and has a square tower crowned by an octagonal spire at the north-east angle: the cost was £1600.

Cliburn (St. Cuthbert)

CLIBURN (St. Cuthbert), a parish, in the West ward and union, county of Westmorland, 6 miles (S. E.) from Penrith; containing 251 inhabitants. The parish is pleasantly situated between the rivers Eden and Lavennet, which bound it on two sides, and is intersected by the small river Lethe. It comprises 1769a. 2r. 11p., whereof about 120 acres are woodland, and the remainder arable and pasture; the soil is partly of a dry, light, and sandy quality, partly moor, and partly a strong loam. In the parish is the small hamlet of Gilshaughlin, where, during the prevalence of the plague at Appleby, in 1598, the market for that town was held. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £9. 1. 5½.; net income, £188; patron, the Bishop of Carlisle. The tithes were commuted for land in 1806. The church is a small neat edifice, with a low tower. A school is endowed with an allotment of land, producing £21 per annum.


CLIDDESDEN, a parish, in the union and hundred of Basingstoke, Basingstoke and N. divisions of the county of Southampton, 1¾ mile (S. by W.) from Basingstoke; containing 306 inhabitants. The living is a rectory, with that of Farleigh-Wallop united, valued in the king's books at £10. 16. 3., and in the gift of the Earl of Portsmouth, with a net income of £685: the tithes of Cliddesden have been commuted for £550, and there is a glebe of 10½ acres. There is a school, endowed with £10 per annum by the Earl of Portsmouth.

Cliff, with Lund

CLIFF, with Lund, a chapelry, in the parish of Hemingbrough, union of Selby, wapentake of Ouse and Derwent, E. riding of York, 3½ miles (E.) from Selby; containing 540 inhabitants. The township comprises 2618 acres, of which 543 are open, but fertile, common. The village is of some length, and usually called Long Cliffe. One of the stations on the Hull and Selby railway, which passes close to the village, is situated here. An act for inclosing lands was passed in 1843. There is a place of worship for Wesleyans. In 1708, Mary Ward bequeathed £220 for a school, towards the further support of which Mr. Whittall gave £100.

Cliffe (St. Helen)

CLIFFE (St. Helen), a parish, in the union of North Aylesford, hundred of Shamwell, lathe of Aylesford, W. division of Kent, 5 miles (N. by W.) from Rochester; containing 842 inhabitants. The parish is bounded on the north by the Thames, and comprises 5660 acres, whereof 180 are woodland, about 2000 arable, and the remainder pasture, including a considerable portion of marshy land. The village, which is supposed to take its name from the cliff or rock on which it stands, was formerly of much greater extent, a great part of it having been destroyed by fire in 1520: it was the scene of several provincial councils. A pleasurefair is held on September 28th. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £50; net income, £1297; patron, the Archbishop of Canterbury: the glebe contains 20 acres. The church is considered one of the finest in the county, being a large handsome cruciform structure in the early English style, with an embattled central tower, and containing several curious monuments and remains of antiquity, together with six stalls that belonged to a dean and five prebendaries, it having been formerly collegiate.

Cliffe (St. Thomas).—See Lewes.

CLIFFE (St. Thomas).—See Lewes.


CLIFFE, a township, in the parish of Manfield, union of Darlington, wapentake of Gilling-West, N. riding of York, 5¾ miles (W. by N.) from Darlington; containing 54 inhabitants. It is on the south bank of the Tees, near Peirse Bridge, and comprises about 970 acres. The estate was for centuries the property of the family of Witham, but was lately sold, since which a Roman Catholic chapel here has been disused.

Cliffe, King's (All Saints)

CLIFFE, KING'S (All Saints), a parish, in the union of Oundle, hundred of Willybrook, N. division of the county of Northampton, 7 miles (W. S. W.) from Wansford; containing 1278 inhabitants. This was anciently the head of a bailiwick in the forest of Rockingham, called the Clive, and had a royal mansion, in which the kings of England passed some days in their progresses or hunting excursions, prior to the year 1400. The parish is situated on a slope, and surrounded by woods; it comprises by measurement 2200 acres. A small number of the population is employed in the manufacture of wooden-ware; and there are quarries of freestone and limestone, for building and manure. A market, not much frequented, is held weekly, on Tuesday; and a fair for cattle, horses, and cheese, on the 29th of October: the market cross was demolished in 1834. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £13. 16. 3.; net income, £525; patron, the Earl of Westmoreland: the tithes were commuted for land and a money payment in 1809; the glebe contains 477 acres, with a glebe-house. The church is a spacious cruciform structure, in the early and later English styles, with a tower rising from the centre, and contains some beautiful details; the pulpit, reading-desk, and open sittings, were formed out of carved oak originally in the collegiate church at Fotheringay, and placed here in 1818. There are places of worship for Independents and Wesleyans. Schools, and almshouses for six aged women, were respectively endowed by Mrs. Elizabeth Hutcheson and the Rev. William Law, with land comprising together 409 acres, producing an income of £407; in addition to which, an accumulation of £517 reduced annuities yields £15 per annum. There are other almshouses, founded by John Thorpe, in 1688, for three aged women. Dr. Michael Hudson, chaplain to Charles I., was rector for a short time; and the Rev. William Law, author of the Serious Call, was born in 1686, at this place, where he resided during the last twenty years of his life, and was buried. A Roman cemetery has been discovered, on an ancient road called "John's Wood Riding," which runs through the parish.

Cliffe, North

CLIFFE, NORTH, a township, in the parish of Sancton, union of Pocklington, Hunsley-Beacon division of the wapentake of Harthill, E. riding of York, 3 miles (S.) from Market-Weighton; containing 74 inhabitants. It comprises by computation 1480 acres: the village is situated near the foot of an abrupt acclivity rising from a sandy plain, and is on the road from Market-Weighton to North Cave.

Cliffe-Pypard (St. Peter)

CLIFFE-PYPARD (St. Peter), a parish, in the union of Cricklade and Wootton-Bassett, chiefly in the hundred of Kingsbridge, but partly in that of Elstub and Everley, Swindon division, and partly in that of Potterne and Cannings, Chippenham and Calne division, of Wilts, 4 miles (S.) from WoottonBassett; containing 933 inhabitants. The parish comprises by computation 4000 acres, of which the greater portion is meadow and pasture. The northern part is divided from the southern by a high and very steep ridge or cliff, from which the place takes its name, and which consists of a kind of chalkstone, whereof part is used for manure, and part of a harder kind is quarried for building and paving. The living is a vicarage, valued in the king's books at £9; patron and impropriator, H. N. Goddard, Esq.: the great tithes have been commuted for £435. 18., and the vicarial for £590. The church is an ancient edifice, with a good tower of freestone: the nave is separated from the aisles by a range of five pillars and arches, supporting a richly-carved open roof of oak, and in the chancel are an old monument to one of the Goddard family, and a handsome monument of marble to Thomas Spackman, a carpenter, who, having realized an ample fortune, bequeathed an endowment for a free school in the parish; the monument cost £1000. Sarah, Duchess Dowager of Somerset, in 1686 left the manor of Thornhill, in the parish, to Brasenose College, Oxford, for the foundation of certain scholarships; and the manor of Broadtown to trustees for apprenticing poor boys of the county of Wilts. Various Roman and Saxon coins have been found.

Cliffe, South

CLIFFE, SOUTH, a chapelry, in the parish of North Cave, union of Pocklington, Hunsley-Beacon division of the wapentake of Harthill, E. riding of York, 3½ miles (S.) from Market-Weighton; containing 136 inhabitants. It comprises 2025a. 1r. 8p., mostly of a light sandy soil, and situated under the western ridge of the Wolds; a large portion is rabbit-warren. On the west is the Market-Weighton canal, and on the east the road between Sancton and South Cave. The chapel, built in 1782, is endowed with land for its repair.

Cliffe, West (St. Peter)

CLIFFE, WEST (St. Peter), a parish, in the union of Dovor, hundred of Bewsborough, lathe of St. Augustine, E. division of Kent, 2¾ miles (N. E.) from Dovor; containing 116 inhabitants. It is situated on the road from Dovor to Deal, and comprises by measurement 1170 acres, of which 150 are meadow and pasture, and the remainder arable, with a few acres of woodland; the surface is gently undulated, and the soil in most parts chalky. The living is a discharged vicarage; net income, £34; patrons and appropriators, the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, whose tithes have been commuted for £391, and whose glebe contains 13 acres. The church is small, and roofed with tiles.

Clifford (St. Mary)

CLIFFORD (St. Mary), a parish, in the union of Hay, hundred of Huntington, county of Hereford, 2 miles (N. E.) from Hay; containing, with part of the township of Vowmine, 892 inhabitants. The parish is situated on the borders of Wales, from which it is separated, on the west, by the Wye, the river also bounding it on the north and north-east; it comprises by measurement 5500 acres, and the soil is in general clay and a sandy loam. The living is a discharged vicarage, valued in the king's books at £4. 10.; net income, £300; patron and incumbent, the Rev. John Trumper; impropriators, the landowners. There is a place of worship for Independents. Some portions of Clifford Castle are still remaining, in a ruinous condition: it stood on a bold eminence, projecting over the Wye, and was the baronial residence of the lords de Clifford for two centuries, and also, it is supposed, the birthplace of Fair Rosamond. Here was likewise a convent of Cluniac monks, founded by one of the lords, as a cell to the priory of Lewes, in Sussex: at the Dissolution its revenue was estimated at £75. 7. 5. Lord de Clifford derives his title from the parish.

Clifford, with Boston

CLIFFORD, with Boston, a township, in the parish of Bramham, Upper division of the wapentake of Barkstone-Ash, W. riding of York, 3½ miles (S. E. by S.) from Wetherby; containing 1566 inhabitants. The spinning of yarn and the manufacture and bleaching of cloth are carried on to some extent; the mill is propelled by the Bramham beck, which flows through the township. There are also quarries of good buildingstone. A sheep-fair is held on the Wednesday after Michaelmas-day. A district church, very eligibly situated, and forming a prominent object to the neighbourhood, has been erected: it is a handsome, but small, cruciform structure of stone, built by subscription, at an expense of £1200, on a site given by George Lane Fox, Esq., who contributed £100 of the amount; it is dedicated to St. Luke, was consecrated by the Archbishop of York on the 8th of June, 1842, and contains 300 sittings, of which about one-third are free. Mr. Lane Fox also contributed £1000 towards its endowment, and £500 towards the erection of a parsonage-house. The living is in the gift of that gentleman.—See Boston.

Clifford-Chambers (St. Helen)

CLIFFORD-CHAMBERS (St. Helen), a parish, in the union of Stratford-upon-Avon, Upper division of the hundred of Tewkesbury, though locally in that of the hundred of Kiftsgate, E. division of the county of Gloucester, 2½ miles (S. by W.) from Stratford; containing 309 inhabitants. This parish, which is situated on the river Stour, and on the Birmingham and Oxford road, comprises about 2500 acres, nearly equally divided between arable and pasture; about twenty acres are gorse. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £18. 15. 7½ net income, £172; patron, the Rev. T. G. Tyndall; incumbent, the Rev. F. Annesley: the tithes have been commuted for £44. 12., and the glebe consists of 64 acres, and a glebe-house. The church is a small structure, with a south door of Norman architecture. A Sunday school is supported by a bequest of £10 per annum.