State Papers, 1658: August (2 of 4)

Pages 324-339

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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August (2 of 4)

From Mr. Kingstonn.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

I have yours of the 26. of July from Antwerp; and if what I have alreddy written be not sufficient to content that incredulous generation, I can now tell them, that my lord Germaine is returned from Compeigne, where the court now is, and saw Louis the French king, who was lately sick at Calleis, this very week alive and on horseback. The cardinal is not yet come from Flanders, where, it seems, he hath so composed the difference between the marishalls Thurin and La Farté, as that La Farté hath laid seidge to Graveling, and Thurin keeps the field. Here wee must have it allowed for an unquestionable truth, that Lamboy two days after the coronation of the emperor, which was on the twentieth, is march'd with an army, which is to be wholy disposed of by our king; if so, (as I see not why it should be improbable) and that they will furnish him money to entertaine those of his subjects, that will come of from the enemy, and resort to him from all parts, he will, I hope, be shortly in a condition to doe their business and his owne. He, who writ to you, that he expected not to live long, I beleave, hath made a right judgment upon his owne estate; for he is growne drye and sapeless, and speaks with a hollow voice. A consumption is the disease of his famely, and few of them are said to have exceeded his years.

The brothers were to part from Lions the 26. of July, and to begin that day the progress. Mrs. Philips went before them, so as you may exspect them there fourteen days hence.

I have not yet found any conveniency to send your books. The man by whose conveighance you receave my letters, thinks now againe of a journy thether very shortly; and this morning I intend to advise with him of the best means, how they may be carryed.

I can tell you, that how sleight a matter soever you make the taking of my lord of Newborrough's horses, our frends at Charnetowne are said to have sung Te Deum for it; and my thought Dr. Cussins, from whom I heard the overthrow was so great, as I formerly related it, spake with some joy of the matter.

There was somewhat in my wandring letter, and in that I writt last to Mr. Phillips, to which I desire he should returne an answer.

When the young man at Bruxels was sent by the king, with my lord of Rochester, into Germany, I then directed him to attend his charge carefully; and I dispenc'd with his often writing to me, because that if, by the fault of any about my lord, some secret concerning his negotiation should be divulg'd, it might perhaps be imputed to him, that was a raw youth, and writt many letters to his father; and I assure you, that he yet continues to make use of this dispensation, which I will not revoke, though not for the reason I first gave it him; yet not knowing how he may be otherwise imployed, I am content he be sloe in giveing an accompt of those occurents, that come to knowledg. I have no more to add, but that I am
Paris, this 3. of August, 1658. [N.S.]

Your faithfull humble servant,

The superscription,
A Monsieur monsieur Laurence.

From Mr. Kingstonn.

In the possession of Joseph Radeliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

I find by yours of the 26. that this will not overtake you at Antwerp, where it seems they have little knowledg of what is done in France, since they were so long ignorant of the king's recovery, and as little of their owne, since they thinke, that the French armie sitts quiett, and acts nothing, which the sunday before you writt the letter had invested Graveling. When the duke of Wittenberg, who is said to be in the Pais de Liege on his march with a recrute of three thousand men, comes upp to them, you will perhaps find, that they mean to make quick worke, and to beseige two places at once, so as instead of Lamboy, who the last weeke was reported to have been sent to assist you, Germany by the news of this week encreases the number of your enemies.

I see it verifyed in that part of my letter, which you understood not, quod dum brevis esse studeo, obscurus fio; for if I had only added Cromwell, and said that La was dispenc'd by Cromwell from the restraint, which he puts upon visits to P. R. you had found, that I only meant to exspress thereby the particular favour he did that La by affording hir liberty to see the queen and the P. R. as ost as she list.

The last week there happened a premeditated rencountre in the streets between Monsieur Villequier, sonn to the marishall d' Aumount, whom you have prisonier, and the duke d'Elbeuse, wherein the duke is dangerously hurt, Villequier sleighty, and is retir'd to his government of Bulloing.

The occasion was some assront, which it seems the duke d'Elbeuse would have donn to Villequier, by sending his harbinger to Bulloing, as he passed that way to take up lodgings for his horses and traine, without acquainting him the governour therewith. The duke of Guise and all the house of Loraine storme at this action; and the parlement hath taken notice of it.

I doe remember to have seen some papers in the hands of Tom Talbott, expressing the king's 20 very great trust in him, and authorities given him, which in his wandring he will not fayle to make use of, unless the papers may be had from him.

They have within these five dayes an extract of the articles of Dunkirke, and of the overture made by the marquess of Leda, extraordinary embassedor at that time for the king of Spain to Cromwell, both in French and Latine, with a French comment upon it. It is very hard to come by, and I wonder at it; but Mr. Clunch hath lit on one copy of it, and sends it to the secretary, so as I beleave it may come to you.

You will receave with these a sixt peece sett forth by the curats of Paris. Certainly these late differences have been the occasion of much good. All they write is edesying and excellent; and this admirable. This copy may be layd by unsullyed, to be added to the rest in the last volume of your books; and you, and Mr. Sidnam, and your freinds may make use of that sent Mr. Sidnam, who lokes not after collections. I beleave the little man, to whom I delivered your books, will take care, that they come safe to you. He is not yet parted henc. I understand that James is yet at Deep.

There is a notable buzzell at Marseils, if it be not yet appeased, which began upon this occasion: the duke of Merceur, who is governor of Provenc, had promised some one in towne, that he should be made sherise, and appear'd publikely in his behalf; but the place being notwithstanding confer'd on another, he was so exasperated thereat, that he drew men out of the garison in that provinc, and sent back for part of the army, which was in its march to Cattalonia, and came arm'd to expostulat the matter with the towne, who return'd answer, that they were resolv'd to desend their liberties. What is become of this, I yet know not.

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Sir, shall I beleave, that the king, who by driving out of Cullen 13 38 143 a person, who gave hi s enemies a subject of discours, acquir'd without doubt grace from Heaven, and an advantagious esteem among men, is now misled so sarre, as that the king of France should have cause to say openly, that the king of England, in his opinion, should rather with tears seek to appease the wrath of God, express'd in depriving him of his kingdomes; and that he would doe it, if he were in his case, then follow his amours at Bruxells? 19 20 46 87? This comes from the mouth of one, that heard the king of France speake it. Lord Aubeny tould me, that some relate this to (100 399 5 19 16 25); but sure that is an invention, perhaps, to desame her, 207 19, and put her 19 at distance with Lorain. 228, for some reasons best knowne to themselves; but others speake of amours, 22 19 20, to which he is ledd by some about him. If it be so, first, I wish them hang'd for their pains, that doe so; next, I looke with grief upon the condition of all of us, 308 22 20, who certainly cannot expect any earthly happines but by his meanes; 275 20; nor can he without the hand of Heaven conduct him, ever attaine to that condition, wherein he may doe us good, 191, so as wee must fancy to ourselves such a God, as is not sensible of injuries, or beleave he will not doe miracles for us 20, while we attend him. You best know, how and when to make use of 22 20 7 308 this advertisement. For my part, I thinke, that besides the duty I ow him, I have so much affection for his person, 325 19 385, that if he had his 20 birthright, I would with all submission 271 20 20 11 16 15 lay his fault before him, 13 21 76 209, nay exspect the more favour for it, his 20 disposition considered; and would not doubt, when his 20 excellent judgment came to reflect upon the harme, that followes in all the circumstances of it, he would execrat their toungs, that whisper it, and their eyes, that direct him to loke on such objects. 16 15 388 307 11 7 5 21 20.

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Lord Aubeny tould, that it is said at the Pallais Royall, that the king, when he parted unsatisfied with his sister, 20 21 7 19, said to her, that family of lord Germain was satall to them; and in good faith, if there was the least thought of any such thing, it is no wonder the king should be in a greater passion. God bless us all. I am
Paris, this 9. of August,
1658. [N.S.]

Your faithfull humble servant.


Sir, I beseech you dispatch this to Mr. Page; for in it is somewhat that concerns my lord of Ossory.

From Mr. Kingstonn.

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In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq.

I presume I have yours of the 15th; for Mr. Sidenham's inclos'd in it was of that date. I am in truth so farre from thinking you are reserv'd in doing those good offices to the king, that when I writt mine, I reflected how his majestie, 200, upon the debate here of some busines, wherein you were concern'd, acknowledg'd with thanks for it, the freedoms you were wont to use upon such subjects. Lord Aubeny is very glad to have seen your answer to that particular, and beleave it a thing invented to the ends you mention; and the more, (sayd he) that they are lowde in it at the paliace royall, 13 7, for which, if you please, 323 shall stand in the cipher. For my part, nothing can blast my hopes while wee take care not to make so powerfull a man our enemy; and that you may find my hart is dilated, I will give you an English romanc.

About two years sinc, when my lord Conway tooke shippinge to goe for England, one Balledin, a Scotch priest, hoping to land with the more freedome, putt himself in the same vessel with him; and, being taken at sea by a Dunkerker, was brought into Ostend, where the weight of the ransome layd upon this rich lord made him so uncharitable as to write to the searcher in the port, where Balledin was to land in England, that he was a priest; and if he should permit him to escape, the protector would call him to accompt for it. What can be said in his lordship's excuse is, that he was weyd to the hart, to see that his function and poverty pleaded so well for Balledin, as he found grace in the eyes of those catholique sea-rowers, and was dismiss'd to make his voyadg in a Hollander, then ready to set sayle for England; where he no sooner landed but he was made prisoner, that letter having been delivered to the searcher by a servant of the lord Conwaye's, whom he sent over for a supply; for it was probable the uncivill seamen had disurnish'd him. How the lord Conway was releas'd, I know not: the story only mentions the imprisonment of Balledin for 22 months, untill about five weeks agoe, at which time Cromwell's secretary sent for this Balledin, and tould him, that he had forseited his life to the law, both by being a priest, and by acting against the government. To the last part of his charge he answered, that he had not heretofore offended in that kind; and that his resolution was not to be guilty for the future of any such crime; but, as to his being a priest, though (as he tould him) he was certaine it could not be juridically proved, that he was one, yet he did freely acknowledg it, which being related to Cromwell, he not only gave order for his being sett at liberty, but sent him threescore pounds sterling, to bring him into France. This Mr. Clifford, a right English preist, who had it from Balledin himself, now in this citty, tould me, and that Cromwell is of late generally indulgent to the catholique clergy: what shape this Proteus intends now to assume, is hard to guess; but I am sure it will be such a one as he thinkes may best serve his turne.

The same man likewise tould me, that he understands Cromwell is to cry downe all the noblemen made by king James, and sinc, as men that not by merit, but through favour, and by purchase had acquired their titles, to the great blemish of the ancient honnor of England. Some indead he means to cull out of them, who may be so ignobly submiss to his ways, as he will thinke fitt they may owne their callings by his creation.

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Lord Aubeny tells me that the d. of Buckingham's sister sayes, and he beleaues hir, that Cromwell intends to continue the treaty, which is sett on foot for him the padomeete, 24 270 7 217, that soe he may be thought to be innocent of the hard measure wil be offered him; for Cromwell is to wary to streighten him or his allies.

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Lord Aubeny tould me, and wish'd me to make it known, that the king's foteman 399 269 15, whom he sent with a letter to 403 the dues of Ro 369, being knowen and questioned at Messieurs, 20 20 11 7 19 20, he said he had left his master; and being ask'd, whether he had his pass, he reddely produc'd that, by which he was directed to returne speedely; whereupon he was conveigh'd back some part of the way he came; but having swome the river, 7 403 368 416 19, he came directly to Lord Aubeny's house 20 7 in his trunkehose, 14 12 7 10 16 383; but he is dismis'd another man; they feare both Cromwell and queene of England; for each of them may thinke, if he were knowen to have been here 73 206 367, that somewhat of busines was in the matter, and so she 107 might be prejudic'd by the one, and have no quiettness with the other.

Wee are as quicke here in composing of differences, as wee are in raysing of broyles. Marseils, that ancient collony of the Romans, is now in as perfect repose as those shabotiers, who not long sinc kept such a quoile upon the banks of the Loire. Wee leave the pursute of one single matter to dull soules. Our spirits are active; and those who lay mutability to our charge, will not take notice, that our constancy lyes in changing. I shall not take upon me to assure you, that the parlement and prelats in this towne, though there be at this present a very great distance between them, will not be reconcil'd before this can come to your hands; it may well suffice me, that, fall edg, fall back, they still afford me matter to inlarge my letter. Now I give you that part which speaks their animosities, and the subject of them.

About three weeks sinc, when the solemn Te Deum was to be sung for the king's recovery, the great body of the parlement, adorn'd as became so publike a ceremony, came to Nostre Dame's, where the prelats had appointed the more honerable seats should be kept for themselves. The parlement, that nemine contradicente sawe no reason for that, prefer'd themselves, and the place besids, that there was tenn to one odds, was too sacred for a publike contest; however, the advocate-generall, Monsieur Tallowne, not being satisfyed that the parlement sate where they pleas'd, and went in and out at what dore they listed, resenting that privat prelats, who had no authority to represent the clergy of France, should intertain such a thought, did the next day, as to performe the duty of his charge after his ordinary manner, which is always excellent, in presence of the parlement, bemoane the state of the provinces, not for the desolation which the warr had brought upon some of them, and the heavy taxes to which all of them were subject for the support of it, but that so many seas were vacant, so many millions of soules, which Christ had purchased with his blood, were deprived of their pastors, while those who had the title of bishops, and the revenews of bishopricks, kept their residenc as constantly in towne, as if Paris were the dioces of each of them; and desir'd them to afford a speedy remedy to so great a mischief. The parlement, that, besids the motive of religion, and the good of the people, had not so short a memory as to forgett what was donn the day before, made an arrest, that the bishops then in town should leave Paris within fifteen dayes, and repair to their respective dioceses, upon paine of having their temporalties ceas'd. When the king came hether, the bishops complain'd to him; but answer was return'd, that each of them apart was knowen of the king, but that the king knew not the bishops in bodye; upon which answer, they are said to have imply'd one to cardinal Mazirin, to desire, that reparation may be made for the injury done them by that arrest; otherwise threatening that they would joine with the noblesse, in demaunding a good convocation of the estates, and endeavour to have justice donn to cardinal de Retz; but though this latter part be assured me for truth, yet methinks the menace sounds too high for the times. However, rather then the payments of the revenue should be any way obstructed, the bishops prepare to obey. Thus having given you and Mr. Sidenham, who inhabit the same retreat, which you call melancholy, a large discourse made upp of such stuff as you see, I commit you to God's tuition, and remaine,
Paris, this 21. of August, 1658. [N. S.]

Your faithfull humble servant,

Charls Dillon, and some Irish officers of the garrison of Arras, that were in London, and were brought to Cromwell by the French embassedor, are return'd the last week: though I know nothing more of it, yet it is probable, that was not a journy of pleasure. Some say it was for recruits; others, to see whether Cromwell, by the mediation of the cardinall's, might be induc'd to restore them their estates, or part of them.

The enclosed is from my lady Muskry to her sonn, who she thinks is now where you are.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Dunkirk, August 11/21. 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 359.

May it please your Lordshipp,
I was forc'd to imploy another hand, in wrytting what I trobled your lordshipp with yesterday; and hearing the vessell I sent it by is not yet out of the roade, I shall add this word, touching the newes of this morning. The enemys are upon their march; it is not knowen whether they intend to passe the river Lys, and so enter France, or beseege St. Venant, or some other garrison in these quarters; or whether they will come by the way of St. Omer, and hazard a battle for the releese of Graveling. Mr. Turenne marcheth towards Bourbourg by the way of Bergh, and will keep so neare them, as they will find the executing of any of their resolutions very difficult. Graveling is not lyke to hold out above 5 or 6 dayes longer at farthest. Mr. Hains the ingeneer is dead. I endeavoured all I could to cherish him, both before and during his sicknesse; but the poor man was so desperately mallancholly, as I could not perswade him it was possible for him to live. The march of Mr. Turenne's army (whereof a considerable part passeth this way) gives me so much businesse, as I must leave the greatest part of what I had to say unto some other opportunity; only before I end, I must begg, that his highness resolutions touching the vacancies may be made knowen to,
May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, faithfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Memorial of the resident of Sweden.

22d August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 361.

The underwritten resident of Sweden hath been informed, that an English merchant of Amsterdam, called Hebden, having a commission from the grand duke of Muscovy, hath lately sent to the said duke 10,000 muskets, and other ammunition; and that he at present is making ready 20,000 more, and ammunition proportionable; and that for this purpose there is a ship ready at Amsterdam, to sail within 6 or 8 days to Archangel: also, that he searched for divers engineers in these countries, to employ all against the king of Sweden and his countries; which hath obliged the said resident to pray their high mightinesses, not only to forbid and hinder the transportation of these muskets, ammunition, and engineers, but also to give such orders as may be necessary for the future.

Intelligence sent from Holland by resident Downing.

From the resident la Maire from Cronenburg, 22d August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 403.

The inclosed is the copy of a letter, which I sent by a galliot yesterday to your lordshippe; since which the Swedes have again stopp'd divers barks, and Holland vessels before Copenhagen; so that not one vessel of the United Provinces can come thither. This evening there arrived here a Swedish man of war, which was going to anchor in the Sound, and had taken a Dutch flute well laden; which considering, I have endeavoured to write to the admiralty of Sweden about it, (a copy of which letter is here inclosed) to have it restored, and passports for such as are here belonging to the subjects of the United Provinces; but finding no person to carry the said letter to the admiralty without an attestation of the resident of Sweden, I desired him to grant one; but he answered, that he could give none. Upon this refusal I acquainted him with the contents of the letter, requiring him so to do, as that the Dutch vessels be no more stopp'd, or evil treated; but that they may have the passage of the Baltick sea free; but I had no answer. It is said the Swede hath stopp'd about 30 vessels before Copenhagen, belonging to the United Provinces, as they have done thereabout by a Dutch flute and galliot; and it is their intention so to do with all such as they shall meet with, thereby to render themselves masters. It would not be difficult to recover them with men of war, while they lie at sea. I and my family are retired into this castle, seeing that Elsenore being an open place, the Swedes come and take prisoners even to the very gates of the place. The city of Copenhagen is also now besieged by sea and land, and the Swedes work hard to bring their line to effect. I hope the city will defend itself courageously upon the hopes they have conceived of relief from your lordshipps suddenly, if their victuals do not fail, which will not last above a month, as I am tould. We expect all houses to be besieged here.

Before the sealing hereof I see another Dutch fleet is brought in by the Swede, who will do the like by all that shall come, if that navigation be not prohibited, especially by the Sound; for it is not known, that there are any Swedish men of war in the Baltic.

We hear here incessantly the shots, which the Swedes make against Copenhagen; so that it will be necessary, that the succours, which they do there expect from your lordships, do come quickly, else I fear the place will not hold out long time.

From commissary Pels at Dantzick, 21st August, 1658.

The major Gortsky is passed by here on the behalf of his electoral highness towards the Pillaw and Koningsburg, to put all in defence; for we have no news yet of the Swedes designs: and in case it be against Prussia, the army of his electoral highness is expected in those parts. The Polonish marshal Labourisky hath order to come with 24,000 men. His majesty of Poland after the diet is resolved to go in person before Thorne. It is said the dyet will not separate before the news of the event of the negotiation of the Polish commissaries with those of Muscovia in Lithuania, to take their measures therefrom. There are persons named to finish, and conclude and ratify all with the Muscovites; and that 'tis said, that the Poles had no inclination to make peace with Sweden.

Embassador Isbrants from Berlin, 24. August, 1658.

Yesterday we received news by the post from Hamburgh of the design, which the king of Sweden had against Denmark, and of the entrance of Zeland with some troops. I cannot observe, that the said news gives any alteration to the resolutions, which have been taken here; but, on the contrary, his electoral highness is resolved within few days to go from hence towards Prussia. When his army marcheth, the marshal Montecuculy, who commands the imperial army, marcheth thither also.

Embassador Dorp from Hamburgh, 27. August, 1658.

The 21st of this month was received here the first news of the king of Sweden's falling into Zeland at Corseur. There is no other news of it, but that he arrived the 17th day, and the day following he began to march. I have nothing more, but that the ships, which are arrived at Lubec, say, on thursday last in the evening they heard abundance of cannon shot in the Sound, which makes men believe, that there was some skirmish between the two parties. Copenhagen is thought strong enough to resist.

I have given a memorial to the magistrates of this city, wherein I desire they would arrest the Collart, a private man of war, with his frigate, which is in this port, and to endeavour, that the Dutch ships, which he hath taken, may be released; and I attend an answer thereof.

Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 372.

Honourable Sir,
Since the sealing and sending away of my letters to you, one hath bin with me from the Portugall embassador, to lett me see the draft of a paper, which he intends tomorrow, or upon munday, to give in to the deputyes of the states generall, in answer to their resolution, a copie whereof is sent you by this post in one of my other two pacquets, in which he offers two millions and a half of crusadoes, or fifty tun of gold. And as to the clause, which concerns granting them priviledge in the trafique, theis words are added (such as the king of Portugall can grant, without infringing the treatyes, which he hath with the kingdome of France, or commonwealth of England). And heereof I thought fitt to give you this account, and am,

Hague, 23. August, 1658. [N. S.]

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

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Vol. lx. p. 363.

Honourable Sir,
Here sell out this weeke heere a very odd passage; to witt, Mr. Appleboom 241 412 being desired by the st. generall to come to the court to have a conference with the deputies of the states generall, that so they might at the said conference deliver to him a resolution, which they had taken not to assist the enemies of his master, he made difficulty thereat, alleadging, that it was a novelty, not having bin ever before since his stay in this country summoned to such a conference; and being summoned a second time, and not coming, the states took exceptions thereat, and printed the said resolution, whereby it might come to be divulged, but gave him no copy thereof; which he resenting, gave in the inclosed memoriall, declaring, that he looked upon it as a novelty, and therefore could not doe it; but looking over the memoriall, I found those words in it, which are marked with a stroake drawne under them, which at first reading I thought might very well admitt of a construction not honourable for the l. protector; and having a little hearkened abroad, and finding that it was generally so taken, I sent my secretary to him, to desire to know, whether the copy I had did agree with the originall; and finding that it did, to speake to him about these words, and to lett him know what construction they might very well beare, and which I did understand was put upon them; and as I was confident it was but lapsus pennæ, so, for the stoping of men's mouthes, that he would think of some way to redress the business. My secretary found him much surprised when he read it, protesting, that he had no evil thought in the doeing thereof, but yet a little unwilling, seeing it was done, to make any alteration. Whereupon, finding it began to be much talked of, and knowing of what consequence it would be among this people to have the least hopes of any thing, that might give the least umbrage, I went to French embassador to advise with him what was best to do, who forthwith went to him about it; and leting him know, that seeing the words might have a derogatory construction to the ministers of the lord protector, and consequently to the lord protector himself; and seeing that de facto the words were so construed, as that the ministers of the lord protector were in that memoriall set downe as lesser ministers, and declaring withall to him, that for his owne part he did not know how the words could well be otherwise construed; for that the words and other lesser ministers must referr to what went before, and so consequently the minister of the lord protector was set downe by him to be a lesser minister; and therefore pressing him, that without more adoe (to make it appeare, that he had no evil thought in doeing of it) that he would forthwith resolve upon some reall way of reparation. Whereupon he did resolve to goe the next morning to Mr. de Witt, and to desire of him, that he would be pleased to propose to the states, that, in regard he had found some things in his memoriall, which he desired to rectify, he might have his memoriall back againe, and that it, and all proceedings thereupon, might be rased out of their registers; but about eleven at night, Monsieur Appleboom 241 412 his minde a little change ing, Fr. ambassador was so zealous in the busines, as that at 12 at night he sent his coach for a gentleman, who he knew had greate interest in Mr. Appleboom and sent him forthwith to him to press upon him the necessity of doeing what was agreed that night beetweene them; which accordingly the next morning he did: and the better to prepare de Witt, I invited him to dine with me; and findeing, that he did take notice of the words, and make the same construction of them that others, I did prevaile so farr with him as to engage him by promise, that if Monsieur Appleboom should come to him, and make it his desire, that he would press in the states generall effectually, that the said memoriall should be returned, and blotted out of their register, together with their resolutions taken thereupon, and all other proceedings about it; which truly, according to his promise, he did yesterday to the full, though there were others, that, because those words were in the said memoriall, would have had it to have not been delivered. And as to the substance of the said memoriall, it was wholly made up of mistakes; for de Witt did shew to Mr. Appleboom by their registers of the states generall, that Sir Will. Boswill, while resident heere for the late king of England, and the residents of France and Poland, did ordinarily come to hold conferences with the deputies of the states in their usuall chamber, not only when the said residents did desire to speake with them, but when the states did desire to speake with the said residents, and to conferr with them, and to put papers in their hands; and that it was a greater honour done to their masters when they did deliver them any resolution at a conference, then to send it to them by their agent. And Mr. Appleboom 241 412 doth acknowledg, that he was mistaken in that he tooke it as a disrespect done unto him or his master; and therefore, for the future, he will come to the court, when desired thereunto. And besides, it was a mistake in saying, that the resolution of the 9. August mentioned in that memoriall had been given to me by the agent of the states; for that the said memoriall had not at all bin given to me, neither by the said agent, nor any other, so that indeede it was a busines wholly composed of mistakes; and by what is done in takeing up the busines in such a suddaine and full way, it is not to be imagined what a damp is cast upon all them who were making themselves merry with it. And Mr. Appleboom 241 412 and I have bin severall times together since, and both of us glad with all our hearts, that the busines is over in such a handsome and quiet way; and de Witt did in plaine termes tell him, that the reason why they had not any time before called him to a conference, was because of the not right understanding betweene his master and them; and that they had not done it at this time, but that I did so exceedingly press them to an agreement with k. of Swed. and that he did see by my carryage of busines, (whatever lord Nieuport had alwayes insinuated to the contrary) that it is not possible to separate the protector and the k. of Sweden. This busines hath wrought this good effect, that Mons. Appleboom 241 412 and de Witt 160 67 145 are better acquainted then ever they were; and I am confident, that one very greate occasion of all the misunderstanding that have bin betweene the k. of Sweden and the states general, hath bin the want of freedome betweene them two; for that they were wont hardly to see one the other once in a 12 month; but I have made it my busines to bring them together, and make them open their mindes one to the other; and both of them doe confess, that this hath very much changed both their thoughts, and therewith affaires. And Mr. Appleboom 118 104 being with me very long last night, 151 and debateing seriously the whole matter betweene the k. of Swed. and the states gen. he protested, that he is absolutely convinced, that de Witt does really desire, that there may be an agreement and good understanding betweene the k. of Sweden; and that he doth beleeve in his conscience, that he doth his utmost to incline Amsterdam and other parts of Holland thereunto, and that if he did see a possibility of effecting it, he would endeavour to perswade them to ratify absolutely the treaty 408 of Elbing 239 110 59, and to trust wholly the king of Sweden as to its elucidations; but de Witt doth protest to me and him, that that is impossible, and that in doeing thereof he should onely loose his owne reputation, and advance nothing. He faith, that in the said treaty, speaking of the tolles and payments which are to be paid, there is the word (circiter) in relation to the time according to which these tolles should be regulated, to witt, as they were about the yeares 1640. and 1645. Now, within the space of three or foure yeares of that time, there were very greate differences in the said tolles, they being sometimes much higher then at other; and therefore saith, that he, if wee should ratify the said treaty without its elucidations, which doe particularly set downe what shal be paid, wee should leave the trade of the Baltique sea wholly at a loose in so sarr as concernes the king of Sweden; and faith he, this concernes as well England as ourselves, for that his highness is also desired to be included in that treaty; and faith he, that which makes our people more jealous, is the consideration of the greate impositions formerly laid by the Swedes upon trade; and seeing, faith he, that all which the king of Sweden objects is point of honour, in regard that the said treaty was made without the elucidations for the salveing thereof; that, for his part, he would rest contented with the expedient, which I formerly gave you an accompt of, to witt, that as to the elucidations, and what he should doe upon them, that the k. of Swed. would referr them to the arbiterment of the lord protector, and that in order heereunto, and for the prepareing of mens mindes to be contented herwith, that he had himself with his own hand written a letter to the burgomasters of Amsterdam, and that in gaining them, he did not doubt but to gaine others to be contented therewith; but that if the k. of Swed. would not consent to this, or somethinge of this kinde, that soe greate was the intrest of this country in that trade, as that he saw it absolutely impossible to bring matters to any accommodation. He added moreover, that to this day this state is absolutely unengaged as to any treaty with any other prince or state against k. of Swed. and that as to elector of Brandenb. himself, all that they desire him, was a month or two time to consider, whether he would be comprehended within the said treaty or not; and that if he would not, he should be left to stand upon his owne leggs; but that he much doubted of the possibility (in case that this busines did not come to a suddaine issue) of keepeing this state in the condition now it is; for that they would be so farr sought unto, and such advantageous termes profferred them, by the house of Aust. and Poland, and elect. of Brandenburg, and that such is the bent of this people to the interest of trade, as that his power would in that case be very little. The envoye extraordinary of Poland having by his secretary notifyed to me his arrivall, I yesterday gave him a visite. He is a person affected to the French 279 477 549 upon the accompt of the 129 queene of Poland. 390 408 543. He declares how extreamly the k. of Poland is desirous of a peace with the k. of Swed. and that nothing but perfect necessity drove him to a peace with the king of Hungary; 503 539; and that he is not at all concerned therewith; and that the reason why all the last winter and this spring so little 149 358 hath been done in Prussia against 144 141 the king of Sweden, 468 536, is because that the Brandenburgers 144 are not good at besieging of places, but that it must have bin principally done by the Austrians, 147 441 205 139, and that they would have expected consequently, that their men should have bin put into the places taken, which, faith he, the k. of Poland hath noe minde unto; and therefore he hath hitherto deferred things, to see whether a peace wil be had, or not. Mr. Appleboom 86 277 118 412 45 hath this day given an accompt at large to the k. of Swed. of all that passed betweene us and de Witt 146 touching the treaty of Elbing, and its elucidations; and he doth earnestly desire, that he would incline the k. of Poland to the expedient afore-mentioned, and doth declare himself wholly convinced, that without somwhat of that kinde De Witt 145 will not be able to effect what he sees he is desirous to doe; and when I have said all this, which I thought it my duty in so weighty a busines to give you an accompt of at large. And give me leave to say, that I doe in my conscience beleeve, that de 502 Witt in this busines is real, I dare not say out of love of the king of Sweden, but out of consideration of the present entireness between the protector, k. of Sweden, and k. of France; and consequently that the states general must either agree with the k. of Swed or fall out with him and the rest. Truly upon this busines doe in a great measure depend all the affaires of Europe, and most especially of all the protestants, which will all of them be more or less influenced thereby; and therefore God forbid, that seeing matters are now come so neare together, that there should be a punctillo of honour on the one side, and a jealousy in relation to their trade on the other, when both may be so happily and easily accommodated; and if this busines goe right, the elector of Brandenb. will not dare to stand against the k. of Sweden, and consequently be saved from much misery, and the house of Austria will quit all their hopes from hence. I have heerein inclosed to you the speech of the Polis envoy at his audience yesterday, as also a letter of the states to prince Maurice at Franckfort, whereby somthing will appeare of the dangers this state is in. 469 142 463 466 346 339. The French embassadors in Germany are yet treateing with severall of the electors and princes of Germany the insureing of the observation of the imperiall capitulation; and the Swedish embassador is trying what can be done among the princes in relation to the affaires of his master, to whom noe contentment was given in the capitulation. I have heere also inclosed to you such papers, as have passed since my last in relation to the treaty with the Portugall embassadors; and the reason why I wrote to you to have your orders as to the ceremony in putting the name of the protector unto any paper, was, because I did not know what in that kinde might happen dureing this Portugall negotiation, and that I thought, that at all adventures it was fitt for me to know your minde, that so I may, as little as possible, doe any thing upon my owne head. I hope Sir John Marlow 72 113 61 104 371 132 365 158 is ere this with you, concerning which I gave you an account in my last. He knowes whatever hath passed in those parts, and is somwhat a rugged man; but with kindness you may draw it out of him. His lady an family are come to Dort, 362 213 40 255 477 270 155 148, and intend for England with the first oportunity; and this busines hath allready made a greate startle in Charles Stuart's court, 134 145, they not knowing well who to trust; 480; and I beleeve it will have have some influence in that kinde in England, he being a person that hath so farr adventured, and lost all for Charles Stuart.

As to the busines of the East-Indy ships, the order is not drawne as I did desire; but I did what I could, and it is such as hath raised a most greate discontent in the East-Indy company heere. He that hath to doe with a number of men hath a hard worke, and I am sure I finde it too hard to deale with this people in any thing, wherein they conceive their trade is to be touched; yet I beleeve that order will produce the restoring of the ships, and those that penn'd it, were forced as well to consider how so to penn it, as that it might pass, as how, when passed, it might obteyne the end proposed in it.

Findeing by yours, that you had sent a passe for Mr. Hemsleit, but that there was a report of his being arrived with my lord Nieuport, and considering that the merchants fleet did stay for him, and being much pressed thereto by the French embassador and Mr. de Witt, I have adventured to give him my pass, a copy whereof is herein inclosed.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

The reason why I tould the deputyes of the states generall, that they would do well to apply also to the French embassador, in relation to the removall of the English shiping, that were before their harbours, was to lett them see the strict league and good understanding betweene his highnesse and the king of France, and not to excuse the matter. I told them at the same time, that the ships were in the open sea, where it was lawfull for them to remaine, untill such time as they saw convenient; and the French embassador tooke it as a credit done to them. And in fine, whatever I can doe, that may make that union appere, I hold it my duty to doe, which indeede is that, that must carry all things before it heere. Heere is arrived one Mons. le Strade, governor of Bourdeaux, and a favourite of the cardinal's, who, since his comeing, hath made it a greate part of his buisnes to declare in all companyes the good understanding, that is betweene his highnesse and the king of France, which hath had very good effect. The preparations of the fleete heere goe on but very slowly. I shall endeavour by the next to give you what accompt I can concerning Jeremi Van Cullen of Amsterdam, and his company The Fr. embassador tells me, that he hath it from a good hand, that k. Spain intends this yeare to bring home 54 328 379 327 his treasures, 42 14 141 154 135 this yeare, not in one fleet, 358 289, but by parceis, 213 251 83 140, and mostly in strange bottoms. 108 311 241 150 477 90 144. I am,
Hague, Aug 23d 58. [N. S.]

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

The reson of the report of Monsieur Hemflett's being arrived in England, must be the arrivall of his sonne, whom he sent before.

I am, and so is my wife, most exceedingly afflicted for the death of my lady Elizabeth. I trust the Lord will strengthen his highness to beare it, who hath with such faith borne so many other tryalls.

I hope you will be pleased to think of the settleing the 150 l. per annum for and towards the maintenance of the English ministers heere.

There is one major Whitefield and three or four more now in this countrey, who are come with designe and order to kill me.

This Whitefield is one of them that killed Dr. Doristaus. I have given de Witt notice of his being in the countrey, and how and where they may take him, if they please, that so he may suffer for his former horrible wickednesse. I have given him a very sure account. I dowpt whether the officers will do their duty; and if I shold give any paper to the states, he would know of it, and flye.

There is one Ebden, who is an Englishman, and commisary for the duke of Muscovy, who sends this next weeke 10,000 muskets to Muscovy from Amsterdam, together with severall engineers, and severall of Charles Stuart's men goe with them; and he hath bespoke 20,000 armes more. I am.

A letter of intelligence from the Hague.

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Vol.lx.p. 364.

L'on scait, qu'au point d'honneur il y a grande difference; si pour demander ou respondre quelque chose, le demandeur & respondant va voir celui, à qu'il veut demander ou respondre quelque chose, ou s'il le mande & requiert de venir chez le demandeur & respondant. Une haute court de justice sans le cas de crime usera cette courtise, que d'envoyer un deputé vers une personne, tant soit peu relevée estant question de demander quelque chose. Si cela a lieu envers des sujets, beaucoup plus envers les ministres. Le resident declare, que depuis seize ans en ça qu'il a esté ici, jamais on ne l'a mandé de venir dans la chambre de retraitte, comme ils ont commencé à faire depuis peu de jours. Même l'année passée, quand ils le declarerent mal à propos criminel, ils n'ont pas songé à le mander de venir dans la chambre de retraitte. Ils alleguent, qu'une fois ils l'ont fait à l'ambassadeur de Portugall Sousa Contino; mais c'estoit un temps de disgrace, & le Portugall estoit comme ennemy. Ils alleguent, de l'avoir fait au Sr. vous; mais ils ont bien sait d'autres choses contre le 128 & Cromwell, dont ils se font par apres repenty. Il est vray, que depuis la venue du present resident de Cromwell, ils l'ont ainsy practiqué envers le dit resident; mais du depuis aussy eu a esté autrement, en luy envoyant la response chez soy. Tant y a que l'est une reigle generale. Comme dans le droit ainsy dans la civilité, l'acteur sequitur sorum rei. Si je veu parler à quelcun, il faut que je l'allié voir & vice versa; & jamais ne se practique autrement; si non precario chacun peut renoncer juri pro se introducto. Si quelcun veut estre excessivement courtois, il le peut faire; mais il est permis d'estre incivil, & cette façon de mander introduceroit ou presupposeroit une subjection. Au reste est un point de civilité; si quelcun le veut faire, bon; mais s'il ne le veut pas faire, le seroit rigueur, si on vouloit le forcer, & le traitter en criminel, ou il s'agit de civilité. Et icy il n' est question, que de luy mettre en main une resolution, qui desja estoit imprimée, & divulguée, & desja communiquée à d'autres ministres, chez les ministres par deputé; & on vouloit, que le resident la vint querir, autrement les estats d'Hollande sont aussy mine de vouloir caresser le Suede & son resident; voyants que l'autre voye leur à beacoup courte sans fruit, & cependant sous main ils travaillent à semer de la zizanze entre Cromwell, France, Suede; mais tout cette flatterie a un faux sondement; car les plus sins de les estats d'Hollande ne cachent guere, qu'en fin il faudra espouser la querelle de Espagne, & empereur ou qu' autrement tout Hollande soit perdu. Je suis,
Vostre très-humble serviteur.

Le 23. Aug. 1658. [N. S.]

To Henry Vey, Gregory Perkin, Peter Betty, William Dom, and to their assistants.


By virtue of authority of his highness the lord protector, you are hereby required to secure the persons of such as you find to be disaffected, and disturbers of the peace of the commonwealth within the parish of Padstow, and parts adjacent in or nigh the town of Padstow. Given under my hand the eight-and-twentieth day of July, 1658.

Geo. Beve, jun.

The above-written is the full substance, and, as near as I can remember, a true copy verbatim of a warrant I granted on the under-written information, for which at the last assizes holden for Cornwall, Mr. serjeant Fontayne, who then sat judge (on the prisoners having sent for me, and taken a copy of the warrant, then and yet in the hands of captain William Braddon) in open court very much inveighed against it, and said I ought (and if I mistake not) should be indicted for the same.

Geo. Beve, jun.

The ground of the above-written was upon an information given me of fourteen or sixteen men armed in the parish of Padstow, among whom were two or three known cavaliers, formerly in arms; several other persons suspected to be dangerous, whose names were not known. Several outrages in the parish were committed by them. To evidence the truth thereof, two bills were presented in court (at the last assizes held at Lanceston) against them; the witnesses sworn in face of court; the grand jury afterwards dismissed, before the said witnesses were examined by the grand jury to give their testimony to the said bills, although the clerk of the assizes desired it, and the witnesses attended the same. This is attested by me
Cornwall, 13. August, 1658.

Geo. Beve, jun.

Captain Langley to secretary Thurloe.

Leith, Aug. the 14th, 1658.


May it please your Honnor,
Since my last I find, the A. B. disatisfyed with —, which was the cause they did not, nor will not, joyne as formerly on those days, that is commanded by &c. Greate stories are tould here of the retinue and great state the lord deputy of Ireland takes upon him; they say farr beyond what Strafford did. They recon up his stately march to the church, with maces borne on horseback, the mayor of the cittie, and all other persons of state atending him in great majestie; his sitting above in the church in a statly seate, his wise oppositt to him in as much; the sumtous chaires belonging to those seates with cullor and fringe is not left out. Many such trifles to long to reisite; at all which they seem to take offence, but end in laughter. More vessells is taken by a small roge of two gunns, who lyes nere the frith, and will spoyle traiding much, if not soone prevented. A vessell is sent out hence, manned with soldiers; but will signifye litle. The controuler Stipes is dead this morning. My lord general Monck this day tould me, that it had pleased my lord Disborow to move him concerning the bestoweing the commisarie's place upon mee, considering that I was at dayly expences many wayes, and that he was very free to have writ for mee to that purpose, but that he had promised to write for Tho. Fleetwood, lat clark to the controuler; whereupon I tooke the bouldness (seeing his honor pleased to speak of it first) to tell him my lord Disborowe's reasones, and that hee thought to endeavour to gitt Fleetwood the captain's place, which the controuler had in collonel Reade's regement. I starting, when my lord Munck heard that, he tould mee, that boath collo nel Read and hee was ingadged to say something in the behalfe of the captain-lieutenant; but for all that they did neither of them very well like him; and further tould mee, that in case my lord Disborow would write, that Fleetwood might have the company, hee was willing with all his hart I should have the commissarie's place added to me as a reward, &c. and advised to speake to me lord Disborow to write to your honor about it then. I tould him, that my lord Disborow was just gone westward, which hee had forgotten. Then hee advised mee to write myselfe to your honor; which indeede made mee take this bouldnesse. But I tould him, that if he writt otherwayes, I could doe noe good, hee collonel Read's wise being with him at present, and sollicitouse hee might write something of it; but that it should be soe don, that it should signifie litle, and that you should desearne hee did not very well approve him, though hee had ingaged to writ, before hee understood soe much as since hee hath; and desired mee further to send away this night a speedy messenger to my lord Disborow, and lett him also know his willingness, and what hee had sed to mee in it; and that when he speake to him before, he did not think of that way as to puttinge of Fleetwood into collonel Read's reagiment a captain; so that I presume you shall have a letter by the next post from my lord Disborow, if you think not fitt move in without. But truely, Sir, I hope my lord protector will remember mee, if your honor please be instrumentall in it. It is a busines that lyes right in my way, I being of the same regiment that gards the store in Leith, and shall be thereby inabled to serve his highness more vigorously, not mentioning past things; for truly many months it hath cost mee about half my pay to frequent and, &c. and I have a very large familie to maintaine; but I shall leave it to God's providence, and your goodnes, and am,
Your honour's obleidged servant,
Timothie Langley.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Dunkirke, August 14/24. 1658.


May it please your Lordshipp,
I Have laid hold upon this moment's opportunity to lett you know, that things heare are in dispositione towards a battle. I am now drawing out my own regiment, with as many commanded men as will make its number a 1000 compleatt, in rank and fyle, besyds officers. These, with 200 horse, I intend to joyne to our regiments in the field. I hope the Lord will be with us; and I shall endeavour to lett Mr. Turenne and the French see, that our body is not so much rebutted, as they by their aspersions would have rendered them; onely I must give your lordshipp this hint by way of precaution, that if the Lord (in whose hands eminently the eventts of battells lyeth) see fitt to give the day against the French, so soone as I can perceive that, I shall studdy, by God's assistance, to make as hansome and safe a retreatt to Mardick as I am able. I hope I shall not be put to reduce this resolution into practice; but if I be, I shall stand to his highn. mercy, and shall rather venture the losse of a little reputatione, then expose his highn. interest heare to too greatt hazards. I ame in that haste, as I can say no more; but as God shall dispose of me, I shall either live or die his highn. faithfull subject, and
Your Lordshipp's
Most humble and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

I am just now advertised, that the enemie's van past this morning betwixt Bergh and Mont Cassall. Mr. Turenne hath cast himself too far behind; but I hope he will make it up by this day's march.

A letter of information.


I Should have waited on your worshipp, if you had bin at Whitehall, to give you notice, that Sir John Marlen is in Axe-yard, and in case it was not exprest in my MS. letter, I sent these lines, that you might send to him. Direct your letter to him, and to be left with John Hawley at major Greenlest in Ax-yard. I am,
August 14th 58.

Your very humble servant to command,
John Hawley.

Lord Fauconberg, to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
The sorrow wee all have had for that excellent sister of your lordshipp's the poore lady Elizabeth, and feare for his highnesse, now, blessed be God, in a hopefull way of recovery, has put a stand to all businesse, and rendred this place barren of any news. But collonel Sanchey's lady acquainting me, she had intentions for Ireland, I prevayled with her to present from mee a poore trifle to your lordshipp. 'Tis a box of medicinall oyles and powders, and was a present of the grand duke's to a brother of mine lately in Italy. It's assured mee, they are the most soveraigne of the kind of the world; and if I beleeved them not such, your lordshipp may be confident I should not have dared to tender them where I doe, that is, to the person the most honoured and esteemed in the world by
Your Lordshipp's Most faithfull, humble and obedient servant, FAUCONBERG
Hampton-court, August the 14. [1658]

A letter of intelligence from Blank Marshal.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content]

Brussels, this 26. August, 1658. [N.S.]

On wendesday Don John marched from hence with five thousand horse, and one hundered foot. P. of Conde, d. of Gloc. and Carasene went with him. He is drawing all the force he can together, and lies for the present between St. Omar and Gravling. He wil be at least eight thousand horse. They speake much of the Germain forces to come here; but as yet no appearance of any. Monsieur Crequi is gone from before Newport. D. of York is left to command Ostend; and this Newport is both strong, and well provided. They say, they have put three hundred men into Graveling. They feare much the loss Graveling heere. Ch. Stuart, Ormond, Hyde, and Gerard, and a few atendanc gon to his contrie-hous. hes at a dewell killed Sir William Ke[..], and is fled. There was another combat betweene madam Barlow, who bor Charles Stuart two children, and doctor Floid. Hee got the wors. and his gon for Holland. Hee was one of C. Stuart his chapplins. Sir, I entreat you, if any of theise goods I sent you have miscarried, let me know, as lykewyse your advice in the other particulars. I shall not trouble you further at present, but that I am,
Sir, Your most faithfull and most obedient servant,
B. Marshall.

A letter of information to secretary Thurloe

Vol. lx. p.319

My Lord,
Having written the enclosed in saturday last to have sent your lordshipp, I omitted the sending, seeing my cozen Johnson went to Kinsington, and writt to your lordship from thence; but having now a suddaine businesse happened, I thought it not amisse to send my letter. My lord, here is one come hither, which goes in a darke stuffe shute, with small black lace, black trimming, black silke carmons, a black hatt, portly, of 40 yeares or thereabouts, noe beard. Under what name he goes, I know not; but I know him to well. He is a Franciscan fryar; his name is Thomas Talbott, brother to Sir Robert Talbott, and to the Jesuit Peter Talbott, that sollicites for Charles Stuart in Roome. He is in almost all places solliciting for him. He is very dangerous, and I conceive he is come to acquaint the great ones, that were in the last plott, that Charles Stewart will bring forrayne power and monyes innough, that they they should persever in their good-wills, and that he will from hence to Scotland, and Ireland. My cozen Johnson mett him accedentally yesternight in King-street, and wondering to see each other, I pray, sayd Talbott, lett noe man know of my being heere, nor I'le tell none of yours, sayd Johnson. I intend to have a pass for Ireland, and hope to be gone in two dayes time. They parted with onely these words. My cozen knowes not of my writeing, nor any els. In this, and many more for his highness's good, I stand in danger, if knowne. Therefore lett me desire your lordship to hasten me away; for in 24 dayes, that I am heere, I never but twice was out of Mr. Temple's house, fearing to be seene heare, and afterwards there. My lord, time will shew, that I am
Your Lordshipp's Reall and humble servant,
Henry Moore.
16. August, 1658.
I write Henry Moore; but my name is Henry Blackwall.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p.394

Honourable Sir,
Haveing notice, that there are some ships, which are ready to goe from Amsterdam to London, I thought it my duty, especially upon such an occasion as this, to omit noe possible way of giving you an accompt of the great and unexpected newes, which hee have heere of the king of Sweden's being landed in Zeeland, and marched directly for Copenhagen, the particularities thereof are in the inclosed papers, wherein are copies of all that is as yet come to this place concerning this business; but it's possible their ships may yet bring you farther particularities; for that there will be another post arrived at Amsterdam from Hamburg before their goeing away. All men are heere in a great amaisement, not knowing what to say, or hardly what to think. The letters which bring this newes, are dated at Hamburg 11/21st instant; and I had a letter from Sir Philip Meadowes from Lubeck of the 9/19 instant, wherein he writes me word, that he had taken his leave of the king of Sweden at Kiel on ship-board, and the ke knew not whither he was bound; but that he supposed it was to attempt upon Coleberg belonging to the elector of Brandenburg in Pomerania. Some say, that this invasion of the king of Sweden is by consent of the king of Denmark, to rid him of his rix-rade. Others say, that it is noe more then what they always thought, to wit, that it is to make himself absolute master of the Baltique sea, and thereby to make himself formidable to all, that have to doe at sea. Others, that speake more favourably, say, that undoubtedly the king of Sweden hath found out some under-hand treaty, which the king of Denmark was makeing against him. Yet on the contrary say others, this is hardly imaginable; for that having, in pursuance of the treaty, voluntarily rendered the one half of his kingdom, and the king of Sweden being yet in possession of almost the other half, he would hardly, while in this condition, begin any such thing. Upon the receipt of theis letters, both the states generall and councill of state did assemble, and have ordered all their ships to be brought together to a randzvous as fast as possible; and a letter is written to the states of Holland forthwith to assemble, and to come furnisht with orders in relation to this matter, which so nearly concernes them. I perceive, that the Polish envoye is heartily glad of this news; and it's sayd, that Fricques, the emperor's envoye, is also arrived. I know not what to say further, then that, if it be done, it is the king of Sweden that hath done it. Mons. Appleboom hath noe newes . . . . . . any fore-knowldg of what the king's designe was. Onely the king of Sweden in his last letter to him writes, that he had done very well in pressing the states so positively as he had done in his memoriall of the fifth instant (a coppy whereof I have formerly sent you); and although that it was true, that he had formerly promised to agree to the elucidations of the treaty of Elbing, yet that that was in hopes, that the states would assist him against Denmark; but that they not only not having done that, but instead thereof haveing done him all the mischief they could, that he was resolved, that he would never agree to the elucidations; and that he did not doubt but by this present designe, which he was then undertakeing, to sett such a firme footing, as that they would be glad to deliberate long before they tooke any resolution against him; and that he very well knew it was such a designe, as that he very well knew they would be ready with their utmost to oppose; but that he doubted not to have it past danger of their hurting, before they should be in a capacity to oppose it. All this Mons. Appleboom shewed me in a letter, which he received the last weeke, signed by the king's own hand. I had brought de Witt to that pass, as that he was resolved to have gone this day himself to Amsterdam, to doe his utmost to incline the burgomasters of that place to an entire accomodation with the king of Sweden; but this newes coming hath staid him. The French embassador tells, that Mons. Terlon, who assisted in makeing the peace betweene the king of Sweden and Denmark, is, as he beleeves, gone with the king of Sweden; but by a letter, which he received from him the last post, he writes, that he knew nothing of the designe, but that he supposed it was for Prussia. If the winde had been faire, I was resolved to have sent an express to you; and not more at present, but that I am,
Hague, August 27th, 1658. [N. S.]

Honorable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.