State Papers, 1658: August (1 of 4)

Pages 308-323

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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August (1 of 4)

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 297.

May it please your Lordship,
I Have been soe much importuned by his eminence to give him a visitt at Calais, as I am resolved to answer his desyers (God willing) to-morrow. I intend to see Mr. La Ferté, and that seege as I passe. This afternoon I had a letter from Mr. Turenne, wherein he desyers, that I may spare him my owne regiment, and send him 12000 weight of powther, match, and ball conforme; and gives his reasons for these demands, that the enemie prepares for some nottable attempt, that their motion will be upon the suddain. I have by my answer endeavoured to satisfye him, that whyle things are in such a posture, I dare not expose this place to hazard, either by a further diminishing of the garrison, or by emptying of the magazins of that small quantity of ammunition that is in them. I sent him 500 men two dayes agoe, which is all I could spare; and indeed it is so, for sicknesse hath so diminished our numbers as to men fitt for present dewty, as I have very greatt need of the recruitts intended for this place. I was forced to keep the recruitts for the field regiments three dayes for want of arms. I sent to Calais for 500, and tho' it concerned their own service, they made no greatt haste to send them; and when they came this morning, they broght but 300, with a compliment for the other two. Owr oun arms came 3 dayes before them, only the collars of bandeliers ware forgott; so that I must desyer your lordshipp to order the officers of the ordinance to send over 1000 collars of bandeliers, otherwise the 1000 musquets sent will not be very usefull; and if your lordshipp doe not cause hasten over the 1000 bedds with coverletts, I doe not know what shall become of us; for I can assure your lordshipp, there is not a soldier either at Fort-Oliver or Mardike, that hath a bedd; and above a third part of the soldiers heare have none. At my returne from Calais I shall appoint a tyme for administring the oath to such of the burgers, as were absent at the first ministring. If Peeter de Mincks doe not appeare to take his oath, I shall then be the more free to proceed the confiscation of his ship. I have got 400 crowns more of that money of Cesi's, which is in Mr. Wildegoe's hand; and am promised bills for the rest of it within this weeke. It had been impossible for me to have subsisted heare without the creditt of that money; the whole sume was three score thousand livers, whereof their was payed by his highnesse's order 18300 and odd livers to Mr. Westrow's children. Poore Mr. Augier who was starving had 2400 livers, for which I have his noatt to repay it, if it be not allowed; so that their was remaining towards 39000 livers, of which I tooke up 22000 for the cardinal at the rendition of this place, and shall draw bills for the rest; but least I may be sued by the interesses for my soe doing, I must entreat an order from his highnesse and councill, impowering me to dispose of the money for the use of this garrison. Mr. De la Valle, now his wyse begins to recover, intends to part from hence to-morrow. I have writt my humble opinione concerning the customes by him, and have sent a copy of what the revenues of the harbor arryseth out of. One of the papers is in English, but the tarriff is in Dutch, their being no dictionary to translate it. Mr. De la Valle knoweth one at London, who is able to render it in English. I have spoke with Mr. De la Valle, and hath offered him, if any merchants in London will undertake to lend for the fortifications of this place 5000 l. to give them security upon howses belonging to those who have deserted the towne, to double the valew of the money, and to pay them out of their rents 8 per cent. yearly, for the space of two years; after the expyring whereof, if the howses be not redeemed by paying the money, they shall become their owne inheritance. I am able to make this good, if his highnesse doe approve of it; and methinks it's hard, if their be not so much of a publick spirit amongst the citizens, as will advance so inconsiderable a summ upon such advantagios terms. I beginn to be so pincht with want of money, as I dare not make knowen my straitts, least yow should think I am jealos your lordshipp doth not mynd us, of which I am so little guilty, as were it not for my confidence of the contrair, I should be under greatt discouragement. I have made captine Grey one of the under town-majors: he speaks both Dutch and French, and is prittie active. If his highness intend the townmajor's place to any person of merritt, it will not be now so absolutly necessary, that he speake Dutch. I shall add no more to this trouble, save that his highnesse's pleasure concerning the vacancies is exceedingly longed for by,
My Lord,
Your Lordshihp's
Most humble and faithfull obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkirque, August 2d/12 1658.

Mr. S. Disbrowe, one of the council of Scotland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 294.

Right Honourable,
Mr. Robert Hodges being apoynted by his highnes councill here at theyr first coming into Scotland, to bee sollicitor generall for his highnes in all causes relating to his highnes revenue in that nation, in which imployment hee yet continueth; and intending to make aplication humbly to beg his highnes graunt for establishing him therin, I could doe noe lesse then give him my testimony, having had occasion to know his care and labor in his highnes service before all courts here, wherein he hath aquitted himselfe with much honesty and ability, and is very industryous in whatsoever his highnes is concerned. His salary for himselfe and clarke is one hundred and fifty pounds.

This place of solicitor is absolutely nesesary, notwithstanding there bee an advocat apoynted; and there was allwayes one in this imployment. I humbly beg pardon for this trouble, and had not the merritt of this gentleman required it, you should not have had it from
Edinberg, 2 August, 58.

Your most humble and faithfull servant,
Sa. Disbrowe.

Extract of the register of the resolutions of the states general, thursday the 13th of August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 301.

The sieur Huygens, and other deputies of their lordships, for the conference with the ambassador of Portugal, have presented to the assembly, and caused to be read, a memorial of the said ambassador, which he had delivered unto them, in answer of the resolution of the 6th instant, concerning the satisfaction, which the king and crown of Portugal should give to this state; consideration whereof being had, it hath been thought fit and resolved, that their lordships do not doubt, but that he hath in his hands the proposition, which Tenhove and De Witt have lately made in their names in Portugall; and if he have them not, they will forthwith give him a copy thereof; and adding expresly, that their lordships having seen and examined that which hath been offered, do find, that the proffers made upon the said demands have been far greater (with which notwithstanding their lordships could not receive the least satisfaction, as without doubt he will know) than what he makes by this memorial; and that for that cause their said lordships have by the said resolution of the 6th instant demanded a more ample presentation and overture; but finding no satisfaction thereto, they do yet require him seriously, that he will make a peace by an offer of satisfaction; that the sincere intention of the king his master is conformable to the iterated protestations and declarations, which he hath caused to be made of his desire to arrive at a peace with this state; and that their lordships having observed, that his proposition was couched in general terms, they had demanded not only a more ample, but a more particular presentation, which for the said reasons their lordships do yet attend, and that the said deputies may report heereof to their lordships.

General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the rt. hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Deare Brother,
It hath pleased the lord, when all hopes wer even at an ende, and the doctors did beleive my lady Elizabeth's condicion was desperat and near expiring, it pleased the lord beyond all expectation, as a return of prayer, as we have cause to say, to give hir a composure of spirits by sleepe; and since friday last she hath bine dayly upon the recovery, and so continues in a very hopefull way. His highnes hath bine for thes 4 or 5 dayes very indisposed and ill; but this night hath had a very good refreshment by sleepe, and is now much revived, his paynes and distemper abated, and is much amended. The Lord sanctesy thes various dispensations, and gather up our hearts by all more to himselfe, that we may have weaned affections from this poor empty world. Thes late providences hath much retarded our publicke resolutions, that it will be October ere the parliament can sitt. Things are under much silence, and I hope more union. Little from Flanders: the siege at Gravelin continues; the Spanyard have their hopes of supplyes from Germany. With my most humble service to all deare relations with you, I remaine
Aug. 3, 1658.

Your most affectionate brother and humble servant.

Mr. Downing, resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

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Vol. lx. p. 303.

Honourable Sir,
I herein send inclosed to you such newes as wee have since the last post; since which time I have been a gain with Apple boon and De Wit; and also for the better debateing of matters brought the m to ge the r. This is certaine, that the sta. gen. are as yet not all in any wise engaged by any treaty a gainst the K. of Sw. which how long it may continue so, I am not able to ensure: and 263 Wi t protests, that he desires nothing so much as an agreement with the K. of Sw.; but the king of Sweden demands an assurance, that they will not assist his enemies before the ratification of the treaty of Elbing, as you may see by the two memorialls of Monsieur Appleboom; coppyes whereof I sent you by the last post. And this De Witt sayth, they can never consent unto, but that he wil be willing with all his heart, that this assurance at one and the same time shal be given with the ratification of the said treaty. Monsieur Appleboom saith also positively, that the king of Sweden will not consent to ratifye the ilucidations, and I finde De Witt very unwilling to quitt them; and both sides doe confess, that there is very little in the ilucidations, which is not in the treaty itself: but Monsieur Appleboom saith, that the king of Sweden for his honour's sake will never ratify them; and in complyance with him, I brought De Witt to consent, that if the king of Sweden would declare, that as to what concernes matter of trade in the said ilucidation, he would referr it to his highness, whereby they might be assured to have the tolles adjusted afterwards as they are therein, that in that case he would use his endeavour, that the ratification of the treaty might be delivered; and that he would trust the king of Sweden for the rest. For my part I have so little in the ilucidations as that I wonder at the difficulty made, either on the one side in not quitting them, or on the other side in not conferming them. For as to what may concerne the elector of Brandenburg and towne of Dantzick, both sides confess that there is nothing; yea indeed somthing less in the ilucidations then in the treaty itself; but the king of Sweden saith, that it is a dishonour to him, that after a treaty is agreed, ilucidations should be imposed upon him; and De Witt faith, that the tolles upon merchandises are not sufficiently adjusted in the treaty itself; and that they have had so much experience of the Swedes imposing upon trade, as that they durst not trust him in that point. I did much presse Monsieur Appleboom to write to the king of Sweden, to move him to accept of the fore-mentioned expedient; but he shewed me his orders, which are possitive and express not to enter into a treaty with them, but to insist upon a positive answer as to his memorialls above-mentioned; and that in case they shall delay to give it, that the king will take such delay for an absolute denyall, and steere his councills accordingly.

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The truth is, the Holland er s have so treated theK.of Sw. as that 379 he is very ro u n d with the m; and he builds very much upon this, that as I have formerly given you an accompt Zeeland, Friseland, and Groninguen, have declared it as their opinion, that the treaty should be ratifyed without the ilucidations, which is a great advantage to him. In the mean tyme the fleete is preparing heere, and so also is the king of Sweden's fleete; and I cannot finde, that the king of Sweden will goe on jott less then what he now proffers; nor that he is much regardfull in the busines. I thought it my duty in this so greate a matter, to give you this particular accompt. I had almost forgott to lett you know, that arguing the busines with Monsieur Appleboom, and leting him know how greate an evil the consequence necessarily must be (especially as to religion) of a rupture between his master and this state; and therefore pressing him, that he would write to him to move him at least to some such expedient as that above-mentioned; and letting him know, that it was the weakness of this government, that having once taken a resolution they know, not well how to goe about downe right to change it, for that not only every province, but every towne, hath a negative; and that therefore they were in this to be something pittied and indulged: he gave me for answer, that he had already written so much in order to the inclineing the king towards them, as that he was half angry with him. The lady Herbert goes for England this passage: Sir John Trevor wrote to me in favour of hir; to whom I returned for answer, that I should be very glad to observe his commands, but that himself being much nearer Whitehall then I, could much better doe it himself; yet this I cannot but confess, that I doe beleeve hir voyage to England is onely upon hir owne private occasions, which having dispatched, she intends this way againe so far as I can perceive; and I have done my utmost to make enquiry thereabout. I have herein inclosed a reply of the Portugall ambassador to the answer of the states general to his first proposition, by which you will perceive they doe not manage their buisness to the greatest advantage. The French ambassador is very angry with them, that they communicate not their papers with him, before they deliver them into the states. It had been proper for the mediators to demand a cessation of armes, and he ought not, as wee think, to have said any more about the lands in Brasile; but I finde De Witt not averse from the peace; and if the king of Sweden and this state come to any ill understanding, or to any general fear thereof, that will hasten the composeing the business of Portugall. Not more, but that I am,
Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, 14 Aug. 1658. [N. S.]


Vol. lx. p. 313.

Hague, 16 August, 1658. [N. S.]

The sieur Pinosky, secretary of the king of Poland, and envoy extraordinary to the states general, arrived here yesterday. He hath not yet demanded audience of their lordships. It's said, that his orders are, first, to thank their lordships for their good will which they had towards Poland during the war with Sweden, which continues yet, having sent a good fleet of men of war into the Baltic-sea for the defence of Dantzic; and by that means to favour their designs.

2. That it would please their lordships to continue their said good will, and contribute by their mediation towards a peace with Sweden upon reasonable terms.

3. That they would please to furnish his majesty of Poland with a good sum of mony upon loan; and that they shall be reimburst from the revenue of customs, which is put upon merchandises, which come from thence.

4. That his majesty desires to make a treaty of alliance with their lordships for the good of the trade of the Baltic-sea.

Yesterday was presented to the states general a letter to them from the great duke of Muscovy; and because it was in the Russian language, it is sent to be translated. He desires the transporting out of this country 20,000 muskets, and other ammunition, without paying the duty of the country. The said letter is brought by one Mr. Hebton, an Englishman, who is commissary of Russia.

It is not yet known when Mr. Friquet, envoy of the empire, will come hither, who hath order to pray their lordships to be comprised within the league, which the princes of Germany have made.

Mr. Huygens and other deputies of their lordships have been in conference with the ambassador of Portugal, who hath promised, that he will give to their lordships the propositions concerning the satisfaction, which the king his master intends to give this state for the loss of Brasil.

It is said here for certain, that the Spanish ministers considering that their force cannot subsist against two so great states, as France and England, had resolved to use their endeavour to make an accommodation with the protector, in giving him some places in Flanders for satisfaction; and that don Alonzo de Cardenas had orders to this purpose.

It is not believed, that Mr. Opdam the admiral will go to sea this year, because there is no such great number of ships of war ready, as to require a head; but that they shall be commanded by vice admiral De Witt, and other officers of the admiralty of this state.

Upon complaints of the merchants of Amsterdam, that the men of war of Biscay have again taken two ships of Holland, named the Sheperd and the White Swan, the king of Spain is writ to for the restitution thereof; and the commanders of the men of war are ordered to take their men of war off Biscay.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. lx. p. 314.

Avec l'ambassadeur de Portugal l'on ne sauroit pas encore bien reussir; car l'on voit qu'il ne veut ny ne peut pas rendre des terres: quant a ce qu'il offre libre traffique, l'on dit, qu'il a fait de mesme aux Anglois; mais quand des navires Anglois sont venus en Brasil, le regime avoit ordonné, que personne n'osoit rien acheter des Anglois, ny rien a eux vendre, & les autres choses de meme l'on ne trouve pas practicables. Jusques encore ne sont pas recherché les mediateurs, car cet stat croit les mediateurs plus Portugais qu'Hollandois, et l'ambassadeur n'a pas encore aussy osé les implorer, de peur de les rendre suspects, et cependant les capres Portugais le multiplient, a sçavoir les Anglois et Francois, avec commission de Portugal. Il est notable, que ceux de Zeelande requis d'equipper contre ces capres Portugais, l'ont excusé, disants n'avoir pas le moien, et de ne vouloir pas ruiner leurs finances, qui ont besioin d'estre relevées et restaureés, et par ces continuels equipages, ils ne feroient qu'accumuler leurs arrierages. Au reste l'assemblée de Hollande s'estant separée sans notable resolution, l'on voit asses, que l'on sera le spectateur. L'on sait quelque bruit touchant la ratification du traitté d'Elbing, mais en y adjustant les elucidations, ce qui est une raillerie, car il y aura bien plus eluder, estant du depuis neés nouvelles matieres de traitter en Norwege et Dennemarc. Je suis
Vostre tres humble serviteur.

Le 16 Augst 1658. [N. S.]

Mr. Walter Jones, marchand, neer London-stone, London.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

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Vol. lx. p. 321.

Honourable Sir,
Upon tuesday last I wrote to you by one Mr. Cleypoole, a kinsman of my lord Cleypoole's, who intended for England with the shipping that are now going or gone; and I therein gave you and accompt at large of what had passed between Monsieur Appleboom, Monsieur De Witt, and my self, concerning the present state of busines between the king of Sweden and this state, whereby you will truly and at large perceive the present state of matters between them; and your wisdome will best guide what is fitt to be done. Monsieur Appleboom hath adventured, at my earnest intreaty (notwithstanding the preciseness of his orders to the contrary) to give the king of Sweden a full accompt thereof. It were strange, if a breach should happen upon so small difference; and I dare say, that De Wi t do t h now earnestly desire a peace with king of Sweden; and the stat. gen. are not yet at all engaged in any treaties against the king of Sweden; but how long this will continue so, I cannot undertake. There is this weeke an envoye extraordinary of the king of Poland arrived; he is yet at Reswick, and yesterday, by his secretary, gave me notice of his arrivall, and that as soone as he came to this place he would give me a visite, whereby I am obliged as soone as he comes to goe see him. The states have also already given order for the preparing their house, in which they receive forraigne ministers, for the reception of the minister, which is expected from the emperor; so that you may see that the clouds are beginning to gather.

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As for the busines of Portugall, I doe not at all put my s e l f for t h for the for wa r d in g of i t; nor shall till I receive your particular orders therein, for that you know you sent me s ec r et instructions so to demeane my self in it, but I do give the Portugal am ba s sad o u r v e ry good w or d s; but without your further instructions shall doe no mo r e the r in the n i s ha l be for c ed to by the Fr. ambas. This mo rni n g I di s p at c h ed h e n ce to you S i r J o h n Ma r lo w, he and his s on ne have ha d of me a thousand gu il de r s; he p ro mi s ed w e l. This is certaine, that not a pe r s en of No r t h um be r l and, Ne w ca s t le, or D u r ha m, hath co r r es po n d ed with C. St. but that i t is know ne to him. He is a right No r the r n man; you s pe ak ki n d ly to him, you will have his h e ar t. If the De s i g ne ha d gone on this s u m m er, he was to have gone for Ne w cast le; and faith, that he doubteth not but with ease to have done his busines there: the com in g away of s u c h a man must needes make them in England very j e a lo us whom the y trust; his la dy and c hi l d r e n will fol lo w by the next occasion. He s a y t h, that the de s i g ne go es on a ma in a gainst next wi n t er; and he saith that for certaine some principall persons of this co u n t r e y w e r e at Sevenberg with Ch. St. when he was there about s up p ly in g him with ship s a gainst next wi n t er; and that it is upon the same accompt that Ch.St. intend s this s um m er to be at Ho c ke s t ra te. he re in in c lo s ed I s end you an ac count from co lo ne l P al m er.

I received none from you this last post, aud Hemflett is putt upon great exigencies, for that the friggott, which is to carry him, is also convoy to many merchant ships, whose voyages also stand still for want of his passe, and I perceive, that the French ambassadour aud De Witt take it ill. Noe more, but that I am,
Hague, Aug. 16, 58. [N. S.]

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

If it might be that in such cases as your leysure will not permitt you to write, that I have a word from some body else by your orders. I am solemnly invited by the burgomasters of Dort and Amsterdam, to come to their townes, I desire your advice.

The resident of the elector of Brandenburgh came just now to me, to lett me know, that his master is resolved to continue all good correspondence with his highnesse; and that by his letters received yesterday, he had ordered him to let me know, that any endeavours of his highnesse to make an agreement between him and the king of Sweeden would be very acceptable to him. I did endeavour to demonstrate to him the evil of what his master had done.

Neither the French ambassador, nor my selfe, have as yet been desired to be present at the meetings between the Portugall ambassador and the deputies of the states-general.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx.p.316.

Honourable Sir,
The bearer hereof is Sir John Marlow, who hath assured me, he will doe his highnesse great and true service, and that he will prevent and spoyle the design, which hath been, and is yet on foot, in the farre North parts of England, where whatever hath been done this dozen yeares, is wholy knowne to him. His lady is yet at Anvers, but forthwith to follow with her children. I have prevayled with Sir John, not to stay their coming, but forthwith to hast for England to you; and the rather to prevent plotts, which would heer be on foot to stoppe him, as soon as it shold be discovered, that he intends that way. Not more, but that I am,
Hague, Aug. 16, 58. [N. S.]

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Intelligence from Mr. Downing.

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At Ha gu e 16 August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 318.

There came very lately from England Henry Killigrew, and one Mr. O g le, who hath three books ready for the press; whereof one is to be dedicated to Ch. Ste. another to the princess-royal, and another to the prince of Orange. You shall have the matter they treat of by the next. There came with them one John Browne, cup-bearer to the duke of Y or ke, and is gone to him. There is one col. Trafford, who treats with one Eb d en, a great merchant at Amsterdam, and commissary of the duke of Muscovy, for some assistance of money for Ch. St. Being in private discourse with the lord No r r is, he desired me not to go from hence to any other country, for the business of England went on roundly now, and there would be occasion to use serviceable men, and that Ch. St. himself should say so. There is one col. Browne, in the Barbadoes, who hath lived there many years, and hath managed all the lord Carlisle's business of his plantations there, who carries on a design to betray that island Ch. St. and to that purpose, about 5 months ago, employed his kinsman, capt. John Browne, 108 22 343 162 390, to come over with propositions to C. Stuart here to this effect; that if he would countenance him and that party, and grant him commission against shipping trading thereabouts, he would engage to pay ten thousand pounds per ann. by a merchant in Amsterdam, and he should be at no charge, trouble, or hazard; only that he should give engagement under his hand, that when he come to his king do me s, he would pay the said monies, and satisfy such losses as should be sustained; and as for the surprizing of the said island, he said, that it was an easy matter; for, besides the governor, and about ten more, which had command there, they were all for him. Upon their proposition, the said C. Stuart returned a writing, by way of assent unto the said col. Browne and the rest back again by the said kinsman, who had a ship of his own, and went from Amst. but when he came to Barbadoes, the governor, having some suspicion of him, apprehended him, and put him in prison; but upon examination, finding no direct proof against him, he, upon the intercession of the said col. Browne, released him, and he made so much hast in the business, as that he was back again at Amsterdam in three months, with assurance of their sidelity to Ch. Stuart, and had so greate interest, as that he had three ships ready at Amsterdam, to have put some part of his design in execution; but C. Stuart made him dismiss his ships and lye privately here, until the said Ch. Stuart made use of the K. of Spain, to get some assistance from him, and then he would attempt the said island. In obedience to and expectation whereof he attends here. The said colonel Browne allows him at the rate of 200 l. sterling per annum, and to bear his charges during his stay here. There is one Mr. Hy m de n, of Kent, who came over with the abovesaid Killegrew, who hath brought over some horses, and is gone to the army in Flanders with them. He is a little black man, with a very great mouth, and full of pock-holes. This Killegrew goes for England very suddenly; he is a very earnest active man for C. St. There is one Bruce, a merchant, a Scotchman, who is here with the said capt. Browne every day. He hath been in all the courts of Europe very lately; what his business is I shall enquire. Charles Stuart is still at his house at Hoghstraite, and intends to stay there some time.

From Heidleberg the 13 August, 1658.

His electoral highness returned the other day, having the day before, with the elector of Saxony, accompanied his imperial majesty a half mile from Franckfort. At his departure thence, the elector of Mentz will treat his said majesty in person at Ashaffenberg and at Withburg, and will make his estates defray the charge. Taking the way of Norimberg, it is thought that from thence he will turn towards Augsburg, to see that city and Ratisbon in passing by; and the rather, because the elector of Bavaria hath invited his majesty to come to Muncher. Franckfort looks at present like a desart, after the departure of such abundance of people as were there, by reason of the election and coronation.

The marquis de Fuentes will follow the imperial court, in quality of ambassador ordinary; and the count Pigneranda goes right on to Italy, to take possession of the charge of viceroy of Naples.

I do not believe, that the count Brake (who arrived at Frankfort some days before the departure of the emperor) will stay long here after the electors are gone. We cannot understand the design of the king of Sweden, nor what to think of it. It is agreed, at the deputation at Frankfort, that it will be begun again in November. We are at last agreed with the elector of Mentz upon all the differences between us, the treaty being concluded two days before the departure of his electoral highness. He hath let ship many things to testify, that the amity of the elector of Mentz is as dear to him, as his own particular interest.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 329.

Honourable Sir,
Though it be the past day, and that I have sent the same by the post; yet haveing this oppertunity, I thought it not amiss to send you the inclosed, and am,
Hague, 16 Aug. 58. [N. S.]

Honourable Sir,
Your most faythful humble servant,
G. Downing.

Since the writing hereof, I thought fitt to keep the bearer till I heard, whether Sir John Marlow had gott passage from the Brill, and this morning haveing received a letter from my secretary, which I sent with Sir John Marlow to the Brill, intimateing that the man of warre, which is to convoy the Dutch fleet which is at the Brill, stayes yet for Monsieur Hemfleet, and so the whole merchant fleet stopped, and so no passage for England thence, I have written to Sir John Marlow to go to Zeland, and so on board the Drake friggott, and so for the Downes, and so for London.

Pray let Monsieur Hemflett's passe be hastened; but I am confident it's ere this on the way hither.

One brought the inclosed letter to his hyghnesse, desiring I would send it, saying its from one lord Tankerville, whom I know not.

Hague, Aug. 17, 1658.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 333.

Honourable Sir,
Since the writing heerof, De Witt hath been with me, and hath brought me all these inclosed papers, which concerne the businesse of the Postillion and other ships taken by them in the East-Indyes, whereby he faith it will appeare what great reason they had to have kept the said ships; and moreover what reason they have to desire, that he that is factor for the English at Bantam be removed. I promised to send them, and that I douted not but that highnesse would consider the carrage of the said man. I had much discourse with him about the businesse of Sweeden; he protests he most earnestly desires an accomodation with the king of Sweeden, and for that end that he hath caused the same resolution which passed the states of Holland to passe the states general, whereby the king of Sweeden may be assured, that they will not assist his enemies. Morever he said, that if this business be not accomodated, that he felt that such great profits would be made by the Austrians, that it will be hard to keep them from being accepted.

That he sees it will not be possible for them to keepe from being engaged on some side, lest they fall between two stooles; that was his expression in Dutch; that for his part, he will never consent that this state joyne with the Austrians, but that he will rather lay down his charge; but that his designe is to joyne with his highnesse the kings of France and Sweeden. I asked him how farre and in what manner he would be willing to joyne with them: he answered, that this was indeed a great question: that they would in the first place absolutely engage not to assist our enemies; that on the contrary, they could not assist us against our enemies, naming the Austrians, and particularly the king of Spayne, for that they could not breake the treaty, which they have with the king of Spayne; but for what could be done without breaking that treaty, that he was willing thereunto, and desired me that to that purpose I might offer him something, and he would be glad to conferre with me about it. I told him, that when I should receive any thing I should impart it to him.

Farther he desired, that I would use my utmost endeavor to accomodate matters betweene them and the king of Sweeden.

So having acquainted you with what is passed, I remeyne,
Hague, August 17, 58. [N. S.]

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

Mr. Downing to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 340.

Honourable Sir,
Christopher Claypoole being come back to the Hague, in regard that the Dutch fleet does not stirre out of the Brill for fear of the men of warre with Portugall commissions, and that the convoy stayes for Hemslet, I thought it my duty to lett you know, that Monsieur Applebom tells me, that the king of Sweeden is gone by sea with a considerable force to relieve Thorne, and if that succeed well, that probably he will attempt the Pillowe. I perceive he will not begine with the emperor; but be upon his guard, taking hold of what they attempt upon him. Monsieur Applebom tells me also, that their ambassadour is now treating with some of the electors, in order to prevent or fortify himself against what may be attempted by the emperour. By a letter for Hamburgh I understand, that a man of warre with a Portugal commission hath brought three Dutch prizes into that place. The states having sent to Monsieur Applebom, to desire him to come to the court, in order to a conference with him, and in the conference to give him the resolution (a copy whereof I some time since sent you) to wit, that they would not assist the king of Sweeden's enemies. Monsieur Applebom desired to be excused, alledging, that when they desire the conference, they ought to come to him; whereupon the states have given a copy of the said resolution to others, and printed it, but not given any copy to him. I pray let me have a copy of the treaty with the king of Portugall, for I shall want it; and being most of this afternoon with the Portugall and French ambassadours, I have agreed with them, that for the avoiding any further umbrage in his next paper he should expresse that he will give them such priviledges in traffique in Brazeell as may be given without infringing the treatyes with other princes and states; and in this next paper, which the Portugal ambassador intends to give on monday, he will desire, that the mediators may be present, and in their presence he will particularly expresse what his master can give; his orders are not to give above three millions, which is to be paid in sugar, in salt, and the customes of commodityes, carried from Holland into the king of Portugall's countreyes. I find them here beginning to be very much nettled now that their shipping beginne to be taken by Portugall commissions. Having this afternoon wrote to you once before, which I sent in a packett to Generall Montagu, I forbeare farther, and am,
Hague, Aug. 17, 58. [N. S.]

Honourable Sir,
Your most faithfull humble servant,
G. Downing.

I pray God things may goe calmly in the next parliament. It will infinitely settle your affayres at home, and put a lustre upon them abroad. The French embassador is much upon the notion of cantonizing Flanders. Beverning was last winter very hott with me about it. I hope you will extreamly consider the business of the parliament; better none than not a good one, and to purpose. The berer hath another former letter of myne to you. I hope Hemflett's passe will be heer next weeke without fayle.

A letter of intelligence.

Vol. lx. p. 337.

Hoping that me letter of the 10th this month is come at your hands, these will serve to tell you, that since are come here some deputies or commissioners of the states of Braband (at the present assembles at Brussells) soe well ecclesiastical as secular, and have made a long speech or proposition, soe well at Don John, the greate or chiefest councill of warre, as also unto states of the Flanders (commonly called the 4 members or limmes of the countrey) containing the said proposition or speech, a long discourse of the present states bussenes and affaires, and the last actions of warre, and that with great reason the king of Spaine (seeing the yll government) hath been very near disposed to take a resolution for to abandon the countrey quiet away, and realy expos'd unto the pleasure of the enemie, if the election of the Roman emperor hath not been come upon the house of Austria; and that they have bin already upon the brink of loosing all, if the enemie hath knowne to direct and governe well their advantages and successes; but that God Almighty them hath defended, and protected marvaillously with true mirakels indeed, having no men into the field to resist, and be consequence be destitut'd of all humain force, helpes or assistance; and that since some few dayes the affaires and busenis of the countrey was changed very much into a better condition as heretofore; first, because the unexpected death of the king of France; and secondly, because the election of the Roman emperor was come upon the house of Austria, whereof both consequences were very different, but equall advantagious to them, because the said death makes the French and English to loose the advantages of their late successes; and on the other side, the said election will bring great assistance unto them; and that for the present it was no time to neglect more, and much less because the letters lately come unto the court from the count Pogneranda, ambassadour of the king of Spaine at Franckfort, whereby the said ambassadour gives true and most certaine assurances of the said emperor promising to send an army of 15,000 men horse and foote into the Flanders, for their assistance against their enemyes; and that the said ambassadour should be very confident the same promise should be effectually and realy put into execution; and that he (viz. the same ambassadour) should advance very shortly, and as soone as could be possibel, his voyage towards Brussells, for to give a perfect account of the most sincere intentions of the emperor, with the inclinations with the king of Spaine, and his case and common interests, and that already (besides that the scruple into the Roman capitulation for not to assist the king of Spaine was taken away) was found, concerted, and invented a very easy way for to take away alsoe the zealousy of some of the electors, or some other princes, so well without as within the Roman or German empire; (viz.) and that therefore the emperor should send his assistance unto 603 for to be commanded under his name against the men of 631, makeing the conclusion of the said speech or proposition (after many and severall protestations and expostulations against the disbanding of the new-risen soldiers, because the ecclesiasticall begin to bring moneys) that they ought to gather, assembel and bring together all the new-risen soldiers, and to muster them, for to know the just number of them; and that already good store of them were in readinesse into Braband, for to make them march where the present affaires should require; and that also in the provinces of Haynalt, Arthois, Namur, Luxemburg, and quarters or countryes adjacet, were also some new-risen men in readinesse, with an earnest exhortation that every one would observe his duty at the present time and occasion, &c. Whereupon hath been several communications and conferrences, severall particulars as generalls, and at last found good, resolved and concluded (being considered, that no new-risen soldiers were disbanded, or reduced unto their first beings, but only into the province of Flanders) that all the new-risen soldiers out of Braband, Haynaults, Arthois, Namur, Luxemburg, and contryes adjacet, should march diligintly, and without losse of time, into the old countrey of the contributions of the states of the United Provinces between Gand, Bridges, Damme, and the garrisons of the said states about Aerdenbourg, Middelburg, and Maldegeur, for to be mustered there, and knowing their number, then to put them into the severall garrisons, and to draw out all the old soldiers horse and foote, and to make of them a body of an army at some rendevous betweene Courtricke and Ypres, the wich they begin to put into execution; wherefore the court is makeing preparation to part from hence towards the rendevous, and to observe there the doings, motions and desiens of the marshal de Turenne. They doe bragg here the aforesaid newrisen soldiers should be 10,000 men; wherefore I found good to be present at their muster, and have found them to be betwixt 5 and 6000 men, being a rapsodium of rogues, theefes, baggers, and vagabondes, or highwaymen, the infames and abjecte people, that ever I saw, very able to steale and rob, but not to fight, the wich shall be put into the garrisons hereabouts, and of the old soldiers (or present garrisons) shall be made a body of an army, wheerewith they shall beseeg (according to the foolish imaginations of these people) Dixmuyde, or St. Veuaut, and afterwards Dunkirke. Such and the like scornfull discourses we have here every day, and every one rejoice him, and is glad with severall imaginated victories and advantages, with the victory of the ducq of Modene, the death of the French king, the election of German emperour. 1. Theyre above they doe vaper much of a victory of the garrison of Graveling, the wich should have drowned and killed 1500 French and English; whereupon the seege should be releeved. 2. That the garrison of Valenchein should have beaten a French convoy of 100 Switzers, and some waggons with cloath and ammunitions, and some monis, going from Landrecty towards Quesnoy. 3. That the French have bin beaten three times before Lynken; whereof the truth is (as you may know from other parts) that Graveling is yet beseeg'd very narrow, and shall be lost within few dayes, where hath beene some skirmish at the first beginning of the seege, and there hath beene some rencounter of some of the garrisons of Volenchien against them of Landrechies, and there hath beene also some skirmish about Lynken; but truly not at the advantage of the Spanish. Above these Spanish rodamentadoes, they do say (without susfering any speaking against it) that the king of French should be surely dead; and that the cardinal Mazarin should be sik of the gout, and keepeing his bed at Winoxbergue; and that his life-gard should be marched into the same towne for his security; because he does trust himself upon them, being Italians of his own nation; and that all his goods are taken out of his court or pales at Paris, and transported or brought at Winoxbergue, for to retire him with all his goods (in case of necessity) towards Dunkirke, under the protection of the protector of England; that the ducq of Orleans should rise men (as also the duke of Anjou) one against another, and both against Mazarin, because (the king of French being surely dead) the said cardinal will make his cousine-germaine queene regente into French, having the said cardinal's cousin already beene married with the king of French about three yeares privately, and should have two children (viz) one son and one daughter, whereof the king should be the father, and abundance of the like fancies, wherewith I would not trouble you, if it was not that I did heare speake such foolish things of some statesmen here. In the meane time I am informed, that very probably we shall have very shortly into these parts some changeing of the government of this countrey, with the comming of the court of Peneranda, the wich should have comission of the king of Spaine to governe the countrey (in the quality of great prime councellor) with Don Alauze de Curdenas, and the marquis of Caracena, to which end he should take his ordinary residence at Bruxells; and that his highness Don John should be generall of the forces of the king of Spaine against Portugall, and in his place should be generall d'archiducq of Austria Leapold Gulliame, expecting with the next ordinary poast out of Spaine the orders of the king to that purpose. They begin to make the waters deminish hereabout, because Ostend and Nieuport are like beseeged of the waters, and cannot gett their necessary victualls and provisions. The owners of the overflowed or inundated countrys having agreed and promised to pay some moneys for to make and keep them dry againe, wich agreement and promise of monies for the keeping dry the lands, hath taught Don John another trick for to gett monies, meaning, or threatening to make overflow some thousand akers groundes more, in case if the owners of the same will not pay unto him six gilders Hollands money, or one Pound Flemish money upon every aker ground hereabout: wherefore and unto such payments the ownars doe difficult very much, considering the consequence thereof. The demanded money of the threatened lands should come to a summa of 1,800,000 gilders Hollands money. Don John having received the money for to pay 1200 soldiers newly taken up at the countrey of Waes (betweene Antwerp and Gand) hath spend the same elswhere for his pleasure; wherefore the same new-risen men are runned all away unto their countrey: probably some others will follow them steps. In summa all goes here untill now very disorderly, the monyes yll mesnaged, and be consequence the commanders of the grandees not respected; wherefore all the new-risen forces will come to nothing very shortly, according to me last letter of the last new-risen forces within the province of the Flanders. Notwithstanding of all the vaperings of the death of the king of French here at the court, and especially at the court of the prince of Condé, are abundance of letters of assurance of the true reconvalescane of the same king. Just now comes a poast from St. Omer, dispatch a purpose unto the court, especially for to make the court know the sad and desolate condition of Graveling, be want of all necessary provisions and victualls, and no hopes at all to gett any assistance, concluding the same towne shall be forced to fall into the hands of their enemies very shortly; and I doe verily believe the said towne will be surrendred before these letters will come to your hands. No more for the present, remaining for ever,
615, the 17th of August, 1958.

Your dutifull and faithfull servant,
Jeronimus Von Absbach.

Lockhatt to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 331.

May it please your Lordship,
I have not till now had tyme to wrytt since my returne from Calais. The ingeneer's sicknesse hath brought the whole care of the works upon me, and I am necessitated to worke at so many places, and so farr distant are they one from another, as one cannot doe much more than visitt them once a day. I blesse God for it, they goe on well, especially fort Oliver, which will be in reasonable good defence once in a fortnight. After the 4 bastiones are brought to their perfectione, and the ditch is at its true depth, and the draw-bridges, sally-ports, and magazins for amonitione (which are vaults in the angles of the bastions) are compleatted, I shall then undertake the outworkes, and the building of the houses or hutts for the garrison. I doubt not but before winter overtake us, that fort shall be one of the most regular pieces in Flanders, and could wish with all my heart his highness could see what pennyworths he hath for his money. The counterscarpe of Dunkirk, where the English and French attacques were, is repaired, and in much better conditione than ever it was. I may say the same for the hornworke within. The great bastione under the castle (being founded upon wood, which was all decayed) was shaken so with the artillery, as it could not have stood six weekes, which oblidged me to take it downe, and found it upon brick-stone, which will hold out better against the sea then timber can. The wall I build 10 foot high, and 20 foot high of earth above it; so that bastione which is on the weakest place of the towne will be a much harder piece to attempt than formerly it was; and when the stone fort intended at the head of the peere is up, the accesse to it will not prove so easy as we found it. The disorders committed by the horsemen of both armies are so great, as none of the peasants dare appeare; so that the pallisades I have bought cannot be delivered till after the siege of Graveling. I shall at present shift as well as I can, tho', before the winter come on, I must imploy above 50,000 pallisades. I provyd also to the quantity of one 1000 load of hay, which must be kept in magazin till towards Crissmasse, and then shall be given out to the horsemen by weight, and shall be deducted of their pay. I must have the same care for oats. I shall have both at as easy rates as they are usually sold for in England. The provyding these things will now put me to so vast disbursments, as had not your lordshipp's arrived this morning by Mr. Cymball, I should have writt you a melancholly letter; but the 6000 l. will be so seasonable a supply, as it will enable me to go on with the fortification cheerfully. My regiment and collonel Alsopp's, with the 5 companies of collonel Lillingston's, begin to cry out for want of money. Their seeing the other two regiments of collonel Salmond and collonel Gibbons receive constant pay, makes their want of it the more grivious to them; but I know, that nothing of that nature will so disatisfye them as to make them any wayes unrowly. I have lent them upon account all the product of the customes, and shall still, as I am able, refresh them with a little money. I shall be putt to it by the horse when their month of advance is finished; they will need money, and will expect it, and I must beseech your lordshipp to lett me know your pleasure concerning them. I sent the 70 gunns to Calais for which the cardinal kept such a stirr. The gentleman of the ordinance that carried them is com'd back this morning. He hath bestowed upon him a middall to the value of some 15 l. The gunns were the most I could pick out of all those belonged to this place. Captain Bradnox his troup had a mischance yesterday: there was 50 horse of them going out to a sorage, who fell into an ambuscade, which suffered them to dismount, and goe about their cutting of grasse, before they fell upon them, and the lieutennant being negligent in not obeying orders, which were to keepe a third part in gard or horseback, whyle the other two parts would sorrage for the whole, he suffered himself to be surrounded, and before his men could gett to horse, there was fyve of them taken, and three wounded, that gott of. The allarm came to the towne as I was returning from fort Oliver, and perceiving a great many of our horse galloping over the fields, I made up to them, and with much adoe overtooke them. I found them in some disorder, thorrogh the too greate haste they made to gett up to the rescue of those had been fallen upon. After I gott them into order, I marcht them to the place, and sent back for some foote to second them, in case the enemies strength had exceeded ours; but the enemie was past all reach, for by their boatts they made their escape thorough a drowned countrie called the La moor. They were, as near as I could at that distance judge them, betwixt 120 and 150 foot. They gott halfe a score horses, some of them being troup horses, and others of the baggage. It was a mercy, that a man of them gott of; for the lieutennant had engaged himself into such a manner, that the horses cowld hardly be led thorough into the horsemens hands. I have been a little severe to them, to the lieutennant to be so simply surprysed, and to the troups for running out of the towne in so great disorder upon an allarum. If I should not deale a little briskly with them after such unsoldierlyk escapes, wee shall be so farre from being a terror to our enemies, as we should be their contempt and scorn. I shall by a letter apart give your lordshipp an account at what passt at my audience at Calais (which, I may say, lasted two dayes); for all the tyme I was there, the cardinall entertained me at his house. I shall add no more save this, that if French money or dollars can be had at easy rates, the money be sent in that specie, otherwise it may come in English money, which passeth here according to the rate of 13 styvers per shilling. I am,
May it please your Lordshipp,
Your lordshipp's most humble and faithfull servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Dunkirke, August 17th, 1658. [N. S.]

I have received no commands from your lordshipp concerning the vacancies, which I exceedingly long for, being much importuned by the officers to settle them. As I went to Calais, I gave Mr. la Ferté a visitt, and see the siege, which goeth on very well, but with great losse, especially of officers. There hath happened two very remarkable things, the first, one cannon ball killed foure, and slightly wounded the fift; of the sowre killed there was two lieutenant-generalls, and two brothers, the fifth was the generall, who had a slight contusione upon his showlder by a sand bagg, which the ball beat of the trench. The second was, yesternight a gentleman of good fashon came into the trenches; at the foot of them he gave his horse to be held by a soldier, as the custome is; after that he visitted the trenches, and it seems observed which was his best way to breack thorrough; and so came back, and tooke his horse, and broke thorough, giving the enemie a signe, who broke downe a palisado, and relieved him. He that did this is supposed to be either Carolto Campi, or Bascourt, who are both brave men. The French take no notice of this; but the enemies thrusting in of this person makes me apprehend they doe not think the reliese of this place so desperatt a businesse as the French imagine.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excellency,
I was necessitated to omitt the writeinge by the last post, being obliged to attend my lady Elizabeth's funeralls, shee beinge this day se'nnight at night interr'd at Westminster, wheither shee was carryed from Hampton-court. Your lordship is a very sensible judge, how great an affliction this was to both their highnesses, and how sadd a familye she left behinde her, which sadnesse was truly very much encreased by the sicknesse of his highnesse, who at the same tyme lay very ill of the gout, and other distempers, contracted by the longe sicknesse of my lady Elizabeth, which made great impressions upon hym; and since that, wheither it were the retireinge of the gout out of his foot into his body, or from some other cause, I am not able to say, he hath beene very dangerousely sicke, the violence whereof lasted 4 or 5 dayes; but, blessed be God, he is now reasonable well recovered, and this day he went abroad for an houre, and findes himselfe much refreshed by it, soe that this recovery of his highnes doth much allay the sorrow for my lady Elizabeth's death. Your excellencye will easiely imagine, what an alarume his highnes sicknesse gave us, beinge in the posture wee are now in. How sarre the danger wee then apprehended will be teacheinge to us of the thinges, which wee hitherto could never learne, is very doubtfull: however, God hath given us a further space, and the Lord give us hearts to make a good use of it. Truly all our worke and buissines for these 14 dayes hath beene only to bemoane the sadd condition of the publique affaires, and to observe the great consternation all sober men were in at the report of his highnesse sicknesse, which in truth was exceedinge great; soe that I am able to give your excellencye noe account of any further progresse made in our buissines. All that will depend upon his highnes perfect recovery, which wee hope will be now within a few dayes. Wee have not much neither of forreine newes. The kinge of Sweeden hath yet beene upon noe action; but now somethinge of that kinde is expected from hym, he haveinge imbarqued hymselfe with 7000 horse and foot at a place called Kiel, and intends, as they say, for parte of the elector of Brandenburgh's countrye, or else to releive Thorne, which is still besiedged by the Poles and Austrians. Gravelinge remeynes yet beseiged. The surrender thereof is expected every day; and certeinely it cannot hold out many dayes, unlesse it be relieved, which it seems the Spanyard will endeavour to doe, and for that end is upon his march, and was come within 8 or 9 mile of it, and haveinge got by marshall Turenne, who is close upon his reare; soe that it is likelye to be a very difficult worke to get in any releise without a battle, and a victory too, mareshall Turene beinge able to fight the Spanyard, whilst mateshall la Ferté meinteynes the seige.

Your Excellencye's
Most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 17. Aug. 1658.

Cardinal Mazarin to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 18. Aug. 1658. [N. S.]

In the possession of the right hon. Philip lord Hardwicke, lord high chancellor of Great-Britain.

My Lord,
I received your letter of the 12th of this month. I thank you for the advice, which it contained. There are arrived at Dunkirk 500 men for the English body, which is in Mons. Turenne's army; and there be 600 landed at Boulogne of the levies, which colonel Cooke and colonel Tomson have made. These be all we have had. In the mean time we shall want very much some more foot during the siege of Graveling; and I perceive the remainder of the levies will come, when we shall have no need of them. I desire you therefore to hasten them what you can.

The lord Lockhart hath been here about the payment of the English troops, and the three thousand pair of arms, which he told me to have furnished for the use of the three thousand men of the last recruits sent to the siege of Dunkirk. He had full satisfaction given him in all that he desired.

Mons. Fly to Bordeaux; the French embassador in England.

Calais, 18. Aug. 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p 347.

My Lord,
The siege at Graveling goeth on to heart's content. We believe the taking of it within these ten days at the farthest. We are masters of the half-moon upon one side of the place. There hath been no person of note killed since my last.

My lord Lockhart hath been here one night. He returned to Dunkirk by sea. His eminence intendeth to have this place the next week. Mons. le Tellier is to stay here.

An intercepted letter.

Newport, 19/9. Aug. 1658.

Vol. lx. p. 352.

Dear Two-shoes,
We are all here well, and out of danger, notwithstanding the beginning of the year threatened hard. Our hopes are not so crest-fallen, but that we entertain thoughts of visiting you soon. This town hath a very strong garison in it, and well provided with all necessaries to stand a siege.

The superscription,
For Mrs. Hannah Pilkinton. Leave this at Lyon-key, London.

A letter of intelligence from Blanck Marshall.

[Paragraph contains cyphered content - see page image]

Bruges, this 19th August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 349.

Charles Stuart is gone two dayes since to his 14 1 94 18 74 75 36 53 10 78 58 31 37 76 country-house near Anvers. The duke of York 73 20 55 21 22 70 2 52 12 18 71 74 106 and Caracena is still in Neewport, 19 39 45 2 35 73 74 79 36 44 45 37 55 52 20 87 61 60 69 80, dayly fortifying 70 73 37 24 38 39 52 27 that place. 46 2 13. Graveling is given for lost here. 36 76 30 37 84 18 54 44 56 73 74 33 19 20 72 21. Prince of Condé is still here in Ottend. 36 52 56 73 78 22 54 16. Duke John and the duke of Glouceller is here, 72 21, and are makeing ready for the fielde. 18 19 44 14 73. They are every other day 1 95 at councill at Ottend. 11 18 44 45 35 53 60 76 78 20 54 16. What they 31 20 96 do, must be suddenly done 57 53, in regard the winter draws on; 21 70 15 72 2 89 92 73 58 55; but there is noe more force 18 26 60 70 12 then formerly. 71 49 19 72 47 97. There is dayly prisoners brought in here; 73 57 52 19 70 74 6 71 58 81 27 31 78 37 53 32 21 22 72; this last week, 13 40, among which ten English, eight 55 29 47 39 76 33 20 35 29 34 80 of them have taken on 82 21 78 5 41 22 52 59 53 to serve Charles Stewart. There is likewise every day prisoners brought 76 60 54 20 71 78 7 72 56 81 30 34 77 into Newport. 87 64 57 69 78. Some English come in volnntary. 31 10 57 49 36 53 82 58 58 44 45 2 54 79 3 70 37 20. In few hours they will with themselves back 76 31 78 32 21 51 73 22 46 83 18 74 8 4 13 42 againe. Sir, if you think fitt I shall goe that way, I pray you lett me know by the first; so beging pardon for this trouble, I rest,
Your most humble and obedient servant,
Jo. Harrison.

A letter of intelligence.

Paris, 20th August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol.lx. p. 354.

For publick concernments I am bound in return to the favour, which you did me in your last, to acquaint you with the most important that I know: the king and court arrived here seven days since, and were received with greater acclamations of the canaille or rabble than usually; but the better fort of bourgeois seemed not overjoyed; for they do not comprehend, how it doth advantage the state of France to put the towns, which the French have taken, with the consumption of their men and money, into the hands of the English; besides, they are such weak politicians, as to prefer the interest of the Catholic religion before the inlarging of their dominion, and the weakening of their enemies, considering that the success of their arms serveth only to embolden the first minister in his oppression of the people. However, the apprehension of disorder in the state upon the death of the king rendered his presence, after his recovery from so dangerous a sickness, more grateful than ordinary, which hath been expressed in festivals and fire-works for 6 or 7 days past, until the court went from hence to Fontainebleau. From Graveling it is written, that the besieged do desend themselves very well, and that there be many considerable officers of the French army kill'd before the towne; but Don John is not in a state to secure the place, so that it will in all likelihood be taken about the latter end of this month. There is a regiment of the Scotch, under the command of colonel Rutherford, that hath done wonders before Graveling. The subjects of the state of England are in great reputation here, especially the common soldiers.

General Monck to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 278.

My Lord,
I have received last post the councill's letter touching the testimonie of the presbytery of Jedburgh; but the council having, uppon thursday last, adjourned till the first of September, wee had the gentlemen of the presbytery, that signed the testimonie, before us, before wee rose; and wee thought fitt to give them time to consider of the errour they had committed, to see whether they would acknowledge their fault; and being wee had notr eceived his highnesse and councill's commands concerning that, wee thought fitt to put it off till that tyme. Att our riseing wee had an intent, in case they did not at our next meeting repent, or be sorry for what they had done, to be very severe with them; but now wee shall be punctuall in observing the commands wee have received in the letter from the councill. I have sent you inclosed an answer, which was made by an honest Scotchman, to their testimonie. I am very glad to heare; that his highnesse is well recovered againe from the fitt of the collick; and that my lady Elizabeth is in a hopefull way of recoverie. Wee have gotten a shippe for sending the men to Dunkirke, and got provisions ready; and wee expect men, on monday or tuesday next, when (if the winde serve) they shall sett sayle, if it please God. Wee have never a man of warre here at present to goe with them; but I hope wee shall have one come in by that time. I remayne
Dalkeith, 10. August, 1658.

Your Lordshipp's most humble servant,
George Monck.

Dr. Thomas Clarges to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelency,
From Germany wee heare, that the king of Sweden is with five and twenty thousand men (as it is thought) redy to attempt something upon the duke of Branbenburgh: most of his men are horse, of which there are sixteen thousand, and two thousand dragoons. Mynheer Dorp, the ambassador from the United Provinces, would have made applications, but was refused audience; and the king sent him word by the master of his ceremonies, that if his masters expected to have the treaty at Elbing performed, they should engage to give no assistance to the Poles, Brandenburgers, or citty of Dantzwick.

From the leager before Gravelin the letters import, that two of the lieutenant-generalls were shott from the toune by cannon-shott; about monday the 2d instant; and that on saterday last the marquis du Sel, a very eminent commander, was with a musket-shot from the towne kill'd. They are very obstinate upon some intelligence they have received from Don John of Austria; but the marshall de la Ferté expects within a few dayes to be master of the place, though the Don seemes to make as if he intended to offer at releiveing it.

His highnes by the blessing of God is much amended; and will with his whole traine be this evening at Whitehall. I am afraid your excelency's motions in progresse may make these adresses somewhat troublesome to you; but it is rather an error of ignorance than presumption in me, that makes me (perhaps) over-act my duty, which till your excelency commande me to the contrary, I shall continue to doe, as may become,
London, this 10th of August, 1658.

May it please your Excelency,
Your excelency's most humble and most obleiged servant,
Tho. Clarges.

Mr. Corker to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxi. p. 31.

I am now returned out of the north, and have beene since my coming among our friends here in London. I find them all quiet as to any publike design; but some discourse there is amongst them of murthering the lieutenant of the Tower in his often journeyes into Essex, and yourself in your weekly visit of Kensington. This latter is conceived to be a peice of extraordinary service, especially if his highnes miscarry in his health. I believe there are two brothers of the Sheafields, that will be founded, if not made very shortly to informe them of the particulars of your going thether, of the manner of your abode, and returning back. I have promised them to assist them in it, that I may better discover it; so that I am confident nothing will be done, but I shall heare further of it. This I have from Palden, Roscarrock, and one Lister, whome I thinke to be the chief conspiratours.