State Papers, 1658: July (6 of 7)

Pages 284-295

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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July (6 of 7)

Secret. Extract out of the resolutions of the lords states of Holland and West-Friesland, taken in their assembly, upon wednesday the 31st of July, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 205.

The pensionary de Witt hath reported to the assembly the considerations and advice of the lords their high and mighty lordships commissioners for the affairs of Sweden, having, in pursuance of their resolution of the 30th instant, examined and considered of the letter of the lord Frederic Van Dorp, lord Van Maesdam, extraordinary embassador of this state to the king of Sweden and Poland, written at Oldensloo the 24th of the same month, containing amongst the rest, that he the said lord embassador, as well by the king of Sweden as his ministers, according to the received commands of their high and mighty lordships, had laboured in all earnestness and vigilance, to the end the treaty concluded at Elbing, on the 11th of September, 1656, might be perfect and effected; at least that he in short should get to understand the inward and final intention of the king about it; and having particularly discoursed at large about it, with the lord Slippenback, the conclusion on his side was, that his majesty would first expect and see, how that their high and mighty lordships would fully satisfy and quiet him concerning his enemies, who were by name the house of Austria, duke of Brandenburgh, and the city of Dantzick; that they will not assist or uphold them by any indirect means in their hostilities; and that then his said majesty was ready to treat with their high and mighty lordships, or their ministers, for the good of the commerce, and to the advantage of the inhabitants and subjects of the United Netherlands. Whereupon being debated, it is thought fit and understood, that on the behalf of their noble great lordships this business shall be referr'd to the generality, to the end there may be returned an answer to the said lord embassador's letter by their high and mighty lordships, that their high and mighty lordships do conceive it altogether unreasonable, that on the side of this state there should be first made or given the said desired promise or assurance, without that at the same time, from the side of Sweden, the desired assurance be received upon the business of the commerce and otherwise, according to the said Elbing treaty, as also the further elucidations and interpretations formerly projected upon the same; but we should afterwards treat about all the same, in the manner as is above-mentioned in uncertainty; and that he be also ordered clearly to declare and demonstrate to his majesty the notorious inequality of the said request, and to cause him to apprehend the same, with representation, that his majesty himself, by perfecting the said Elbing treaty, will effectually obtain the desired satisfaction, and with assurance, that their high and mighty lordships, after concluding of the act of elucidation and further interpretation upon that treaty, will not assist or uphold directly or indirectly the said or either his majesty's enemies in their hostilities against his majesty, but so behave and regulate themselves concerning the same as in all other points, according to the tenor and disposition of the said treaty; and that he the said lord embassador, under benefit of the said assurance, do earnestly insist by his said majesty, to the end the said elucidations, and further interpretations, may be at last finally agreed, and thereby the Elbing treaty finally perfected and effected; or otherwise, that their high and mighty lordships might know the final resolution of his majesty concerning the same, without further loss of time, that so they may know how to govern themselves accordingly.

General Montagu to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 199.

My Lord,
Yours on the 20th, by the messenger, is come unto mee this eveninge; and I shall endeavor to carry myselfe towards the seidge at Gravelin accordinge to your directions. Just now here arrived a catch from our shipps, that ride there, who saies, that on sunday last there was above 50 pieces of ordinance shott off from the towne, and that every day some are fired; and towards the night, the French horse alwaies come up neere the shoare, within a quarter of a mile of the towne; but as yett there are noe bilanders or sutlinge vessels come to attend the campe, soe that it is probable the armye is postinge itself, but as yett the line is finished. Our next messengers will surely bring certainetye of newes. The ordinarye occurrents in Holland I have from divers hands; but if there happen any thinge of great importance more difficult to be knowne, you will oblidge me very much to impart soe much as is fitting. It is indeed a very sad thinge, that the Protestants are like to be in armes one against another. I wish our affaires at home were in a fittinge posture to enable us to moderate amongst them; and truly I thinke, unlesse by treatye or forces you prevaile for better deportment and friendshipp from the Dutch, a warr (if you could tell how to support it) were better then a peace with them. If all Flanders were ours, what signifies it, when theire whole country serves for a nest to shelter rogues, that interrupt our tradinge? They receive the enemies men of warr in, with their prizes, and suffer them to sell them, and resitt and mann themselves, and to sea againe, and convoy all the Spaniards money and goods for Flanders. Excuse mee for troublinge you with this impertinent discourse, which shall be extended noe further. I am,
July 21. 1658. Nasebye in the Downes.

My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most faithfull and humble servant,
E. Montagu.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 200.

May it please your Lordshipp,
I know multitude of businesse was never a sufficient excuse to exemt your lordshipp from attending the acts of goodnesse and justice, which consideration hath encouraged me to recomend to you a person and a cause, to neither of which your lordshipp is a stranger. Mr. Augier and his perplext concernment for and in the debt of Monsieur Cezy, needs not to be explicated or laid open to your lordshipp's knowledge. I shall onely beg, that considering the character of the said Augier, a man worne out in publick service, reduced to great extremities, as well in his faithfull and long attendance upon that, as in the particular prosecution of the cause in question, a man of exemplary goodnesse and piety, and one that hath stood fast and firme in the worst of times, he may by your lordshipp's influence find as good measure of justice and equity in his highnesse's counsell, as he hath already done from his majesty of France, whose decree in his behalf (being built upon such reasonable grounds) may not improperly be proposed as a copie to the lords of his highnesse's councell. But I look upon them as the originall of justice, and upon your lordshipp as the chiese instrument thereof, in which confidence I dare promise him a good issue of his businesse, and shall without further importunity rest,
1st August,/22d July, 1658.

My Lord,
Your lordshipp's most humble and most obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Secretary Thurloe to Mr. John Aldworth, consul of the English nation at Marseilles.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

I Received your last by this post, and shall mind the contents with what care I can. In the mean time I desire you to take care, that the inclosed letter to captain Whetston be sent with all expedition according to its address; and this is all the trouble you shall have at present from
22d July,/1st August, 1658.

Your very affectionate friend.

Secretary Thurloe to captain Whetstone, captain of the Fairfax frigat in the Streights.

In the possession of Joseph Radcliffe, of the Inner Temple, esq;

I Received yours of the 4/14. July from Toulon; it came to my hands this morning, and am very sorry to understand by yours, that you meet with any disrespect from any of the captains of the fleet. I am certain they do not consult their own interest therein, nor give any great sign of their affection and duty to his highness, by putting any dishonour upon one so nearly related to him. For my own part, I am a very ill judge of what is fit to the wearing of the flag; but truly do conceive, that upon such an expedition as that, wherein the English squadron of ships was to join with the fleet of another nation, the flag was so to be carried, that it might appear, that the English were not under their command, but their equals. However that question is now at an end; for the French having laid aside their design, there will be no need of any ships of ours to assist them. And therefore you are, notwithstanding any orders received from captain Stoakes, or any other, no further to attend upon that service, but so to follow such other orders as you have already received, or shall receive for any other service, without looking after the French. And this I have written to you immediately, believing mine to captain Stoakes will not reach him so soon, he being, as I understand, at Tripoli. I cannot further enlarge now; but if you please to let me know your condition, I shall not be wanting to serve you in whatsoever I am able, and rest
22d July/1st August, 1658.

Your very affectionate friend and servant.

The French have besieged Graveling.

Nieuport, the Dutch embassador in England, to the states general.

Vol. lx. p. 201.

H. and M. Lords,
My lords, upon tuesday the 23d of July last, I received your high and mighty lordships commission; and thereupon, having taken my leave of your lordships, I went on board with the next tide of the ship of war, under the rear-admiral riding in the mouth of the Maze. Upon the 28th of the same month, the wind coming southerly, we did what we could to get out to sea; but in regard the wind came too much westerly about, we were forced to return to the place where we formerly lay; but upon wednesday last, perceiving that the wind was gotten northerly, I endeavoured to further my voyage for England, although the vessel with my coach-horses and baggage was not got out; and it graciously pleased our good God, to give us such good wind and weather, that we arrived here this night well and safe. The first night out of sight of the sea-coast of Holland, we met a great English frigat of war called Newcastle, with a lesser, who made towards us, and understanding that I was transporting for England, gave us several guns; the same honour I received to-day from a captain of another English frigat call'd the Charington, who had been plying too and again about the north; so that as yet we have received no other usage but of honour and amity. Now I intend to hasten to London, to effect with faithfulness and diligence the commands and orders of your high and mighty lordships.

Gravesend, the 2d August, 1658. [N. S.]

W. Nieuport.

Sir Thomas Bendyshe, embassador at Constantinople, to the protector.

Vol. lx. p. 153.

Although I may justly feare, that my last, of the 28th of May (which presented your highness with a long story as of our owne particular affaires, so of publique occurences here) hath much cloyed you; yet could not I resist the temptation of this present opportunity; the faireness whereof might well rise up against me for my neglect, if I tendred not with my humblest service what here hath hapned since my former, as in particular the sodaine and unexpected dislodgment of the vizier from Adrianople hath; and how before that, it was accorded betwixt the German resident and him, on behalf of their masters; that as he on one side should not posses himself of any other place in Hungary or Transilvania, than hee already hath, or prosecute farther than the chastisement of the three princes, Ragozi, Wallachia and Moldavia, who are all in Transilvania; so, on the other side, that the king of Hungary should not any way assist the Transilvanians; or permitt those princes shelter in any his teritories; and much about the same tyme, an extraordinary from Poland (whose chiefe errand was, to sollicit the Tartars assistance against Muscovite and Sweden) was heard and dismist by the visier with much honour and satisfaction, who on the day before he rose, which was June the 14th, confined the aged ambassador of France, (who for reliefe of his imprisoned sonne, secretary, and others, had taken a journey to Adrianople) to his house, guarded by severall chiauses, in which condition hee as yet remaines, and as far from the comfort of his son's company, as if he had still remained here. Mean-while a chiaus is sent to France, as reported, to lament against him, and urge his revocation. That he hath been very serviceable by his advices and endeavours to the Venetian, is more than bare suspicion, the want whereof at present keeps them at the castles in a vaine expectation of a fleete coming out, whereas here is not the least intent of sending any.

The visier was no sooner up, but all concluded his designe to bee upon France, the issue whereof is here much doubted, the Transilvanians being in a posture (assisted by the Cro batts and the Swedes, say some) rather to seeke him than expect him, having, since the defeat of the bassa of Temiswar, besieged the citty itself; and the visier himself, though he hath lately slighted their prossers of 1500 piases, (each valued at 500 dollars) and of doubting their tribute, and of choosing . . . . . . prince, in case he would make peace, and pardon the three princes lives, seeming now to abate somewhat of his first confidence, slacking the sury of his marches, and deliberating where, how, and what forces to sett upon them, whom formerly hee thought hee could dare into submission. But what fate soever attends that poore prince and countrey, his ambassador and resident here, I feare, will weare their lives out in prison, whence the height of this people is observeable, who, contrary to the law of nations, doe at this time hold imprisoned the publike ministers of three potent, at least not contemptible states, as of France, Venice, and Transilvania. The grand seignior himself, having countenanced the visier's designes, and shewed himselfe a well-wisher to feates of warre, had taken a resolution to retire to Bursia on Asia-side (the former seate of the emperors before the taking of this citty); but the vizier, out of jealousie of a danger, which now faceth more boldly, diswaded him; for Hassan Bassa, bassa of Alepo, one very popular, and a reputed soldier, is advanced on Asia side, within sixe daies journey of this place, with a grosse and dayly growing army, attended by many bassa's and other persons and name, breathing not only discontents at the visier's misgovernments and tyranny, (as in making the grand signior page to all his designs, and in building his owne absoluteness upon the oppression and slaughter of others) but threats also against him, and against the grand signior himselfe, in case he submitts not the visier to justice, having first affronted the command, (sent from the grand signior for his repayre, with what forces he had, to the confines of Persia) tearing it in pieces, in head of his army, by them provoked thereunto, who refuse obedience to any order, that forbids theire coming on; and then having made stop of such presents as he had sent for compliance sake to some chiefe officers at court, and lately having, by his cunning correspondencies here, made the chiefe officers and people of this citty so much his fautors, as that they vent not the wares more openly and freely than they do theire disgusts against the present government, and their expectation of a sodaine revolution; so that, where the grand signior will seeke his safety, if this proves true, (which I somewhat distrust) whither here (where some sodainly expect him) or at Adrianople, where hee yet is, or with his visier and army, as yet intent upon Transilvania, is not easie to conjecture. Mean-while it is much fear'd he may be driven to the unnatural policy of this empire, and for his own security cutt off his brother Solyman present with him; and no lesse hoped, that this may divert the visier, and occasion the reliese of Transilvania, otherwise hardly besett; for who knowes but God may please to turne the prayers of this people (which are for continuance of dissentions among Christians) upon their owne heads, and call them back, who are gone to destroy their neighbour's house, to quench that fire, which is ready to devoure theire owne ? The Venetians, for want, I think, of an enemy at sea, practice hostilities upon theire friendes, as lately upon the Lewis frigatt coming hither, which not being able by reason of much wind, bad anchorage, and worse shore, to come presently to an anchor, was suriously shott at by them; and even while she was endeavouring it, they so multiplied their shott, as much endangered both ship and men, insomuch as she was forced for her preservation, having received some shotts, to befriend herself with her sayles; but still is threatned by the generall, as she had not dared (unless I had encouraged her, by my intercessory letters to the generall) to make her returne; for redresse whereof, and such-like grievances caused by them, to the no small prejudice of our trade, wee humbly apply ourselves to your highness, whose care is never wanting for the just protection of your people. Nor are all our troubles from without us; some are, as I may say, from amongst us, and from within us, occasioned by a generation of people crept in unawares, called Quakers, three whereof not long since arrived here from Zant, by way of the Morea, whom I suffered with tendernes, so long as theer comportment was offencelesse; but when, at length, becoming scandalous to our nation and religion, (which upon this occasion was censured and scoffed at, by Papits, Jew, and others of a strange faith) and insufferable also by reason of their disturbances at our divine exercises, and severall notorious contempts of mee and my authority, I friendly warned them to returne, which the two women did quietly; but John Buckly refuseing, I was constrained to shipe him hence upon the Lewis. I have presumed to derive so much of the trouble (which this people have put me to) upon your highness as to give you an account thereof, esteeming it my duty to make my acting and proceeding here knowne unto you, from whom I am chiefly to expect an approbation of them, without which nothing willingly shall ever be attempted by,
Pera di Constantinople, July 24th 1658.

Your Highness's faithfull servant, and most obedient subject,
Tho. Bendishe.


From Brussells, the 3d of August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 209.

Here is advice come from Ostend of the 26th of the last month, that the prince of Condé, during his abode there, hath so strengthened that town, by the means of good order, and strong fortifications, and hath so provided it with all manner of provisions of war, (as also the marquis of Caracena hath done the like at Nieuport) that the same is now almost impregnable. The advice from Bruges of the 27th of the same month, that Don John had been in person to visit the fort of Blanckenbergh; and having conferred a while with the prince of Condé at Ostend, he returned back to Bruges, there to consult further with the four members of Flanders, about a further defence of the Flemish posts, and preventing of the further designes of the French. They do with very great longing expect here the assistance promised out of Germany. Here have been very great fires made for joy of the election of the emperor: in some places they made bonefires for three nights together.

Dormesson to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 3d August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 211.

My Lord,
I Know no other news to write to you by this post but the return of his eminence from Bergen with the gout, yet without much pain: he arrived here yesterday at two of the clock, and notwithstanding his distemper, he giveth all the orders for the furnishing of the army with all provisions, and to put it in a condition to begin incessantly the opening of the trench.

Monsieur de la Ferté doth not lose one moment of time; and every one disposeth himself to reduce Graveling under the obedience of the king.

The marshals of Faber and Mondejeux are declared, and the king hath sent them their expeditions. If this favour be not yet publick, I can assure you that it is true, and that I am, &c.

Fly to Bordeaux, the French embassador in England.

Calais, 3d of August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 213.

My Lord,
His eminence arrived here yesterday with Monsieur de Tellier. They take great pains and care for the siege of Graveling, where the waters do incommodate the camp: they endeavour what they can to prevent it. I will advise you by every post of all what passeth.

The king is in perfect health; we had this news from him to-day.

Mr. John Biddle to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 226.

Right Honourable,
His highnesse was pleased, when I was under restraint in the isle of Scilley, by his letters of privy seal, to allow me ten shillings per week towards my maintenance; but since I have bin restored to my liberty, as I do with many thanks acknowledg his highness's bounty towards me, so would I be very loath, that the intention thereof should be perverted; and therefore I beseech your honor to certify his highness, that my hope is, that I shall be now otherwise sufficiently provided for. I am
London, July 24th, 1658.

Your humble servant,
John Biddle.

Intelligence, sent from Holland by resident Downing.

Embassador Isbrants from Wismar, the 4th August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 224.

On saturday last, having had audience of the king, I did begin my proposition, in representing the reasons, for which on the part of Poland, the assembly of Braunsburg had been hitherto refused, to wit, to give no fear to the allies, as I have formerly given notice to your lordships from Posen; and, because that it cannot be agreed upon, unless there be some assurance, that when the treaty is in hand, it will indubitably be brought to a good issue; therefore, praying his majesty that, for the taking away that obstacle, he would please to declare the sum of money he expected for the restitution of Prussen-royal, or to trust the communication thereof with the mediators, in which case I hoped that their good offices and endeavours would be of such consequence in Poland, that the preliminaries should not only be obtained to the content of the king, but that Poland would be induced to a satisfaction in money, if his majesty would demand but according to the present constitution of Poland, proposing to this purpose, if it would please his majesty, that we should negotiate in Poland for one million of six-dollars, which would be at present so much the more proper, in regard the diet is yet assembled at Warsaw; and because there is not yet an open rupture between his majesty and the elector of Brandenburgh. The king answered, by shewing divers reasons to demonstrate and shew, that the hinderance is not on his part, why the treaty hath not been concluded long ago, his commissioners having been long at Stetin to attend the assembly to that purpose; and as for the declaration, which Poland demanded, he answered, that he cannot judge it to stand with the reputation, or the present state of affairs, that he should be constrained to that, and that he was not obliged to quit Prussia; ahd therefore, they should present him with such a sum of money as may make him consent to the quitting of it; and as for the million of six-dollars to Poland, to leave Prussia to him. In the affair of the elector of Brandenburgh, his majesty spoke with a great animosity against the alliance, which he had made against him with Denmark and Hungary, and that he should be obliged to give him a due satisfaction for it; concluding finally, that seeing my propositions was to the same effect of Mr. de L'ombres embassador of France, he would also give me the same answer, which he commanded the count Slipenback to give me; and he being retired, the said count made known to me the said answer, which was, that his majesty demanded, that Poland should renounce all pretension to the kingdom of Sweden, &c. that he should wholly grant Livonia, not only as the Swede now enjoys it, but with the rest of the lands which the Polanders hold of it; and that as a dependant thereof, the sovereignty of Courland shall be added to it, to belong to the Swedes from henceforward, as now it doth to the crown of Poland; that the duke of Courland shall be recompensed by the Samagists for it. For the restitution of Prussen his majesty demanded ten millions of rix-dollars, but came afterwards to eight, and at last to five millions; upon which he insists, upon condition that he will not be obliged before the treaties are begun; and that the kingdom of Poland shall neither be given in succession to the emperor, nor to the Muscovites, that so Prussen being potent, and enemies of his majesty, fall not into their hands. And secondly, that his majesty will not quit Prussen, before the money to be agreed on, on both sides, be paid. That his majesty continues to name Brandenburgh for the place of the assembly; and to that purpose would send his commissioners with all speed into Pomerania, to attend the resolution of Poland; also, that the pasports and plenipotentiaries, which shall be sent thither, shall be without the title and arms of Sweden in the seals. I have upon this made known the difficulties, which I believed would be alledged of Poland against their particulars; and particularly concerning the perension of Courland; that in Poland it hath been always held to depend of Lithuania and not of Livonia; and furthermore, that Poland cannot dispose of any other satisfaction than in money; and seeing that five million is a great sum for Poland, it would be counted an impossible condition, and that it would be to be feared, that these would agree with the Muscovites, to cut off the hopes of a peace with his majesty of Sweden. The said count answered me, that his master was not affrighted with the desperateness of Poland; and the treaties with the Muscovites were nothing but tricks; for the Polanders would never choose the great duke for the king; but his majesty giving way to such counsels, had ways to put the Muscovites in possession of that succession, which the Polanders had promised, which might be done by delivering into the hands of the great duke that which would oblige him to favourable conditions, to the advantage of his majesty; and as for what concerns the demands of the five millions, he told me, that Poland having insisted upon a declaration of his majesty ought to be contented that his majesty hath not demanded more than five millions of rix-dollars, and they must not think that his majesty would insist upon it opinionatly; but that there is inclination to rebate somewhat of the said five millions, if Poland would agree in other conditions. With this answer Monsieur de L'ombres is gone away this morning towards Warsaw, taking Stetin in his way. I will follow him to-morrow by Berlin, to pray the elector of Brandenburgh, that he will please to contribute his interest, that an assembly may be begun as soon as may be.

Ambassador Dorp, from Wismar, 5th August, 1658. [N. S.]

It is thought here, that the king will go hence this week; and that he will embark himself for Keil, where are nine ships of war already, and the rest of the fleet are there expected. I understand, that at Keil there was embarked, in several barks, six or seven thousand foot and horse; for the maintenance of whom, Lubeck is desired to furnish them with bisket and hay, in considerable quantity. It is said, that the king will go in person with this fleet, to enter Prussia or Pomerania, and there attempt some enterprise.

Dantzick, 31st July, from the Agent Pells.

By reason of the ill weather the letters from Koningsberg are not come; so that nothing of Livonia, or the affairs of Courland, Prussia, or the diet of Warsovia is known. The envoy of Muscovy goes hence to-day towards the marquis of Brandenburgh's. It is believed also, that Thorn is surrendered.

Extract out of the register of resolutions, &c.

9th August, 1658.

The states general have added to the resolution of 31 July last past, touching the treaty of Elbing

After these words:

But their high mightinesses will in this, and all other points conform themselves to the tenor of the said treaty.

Is added,

So that there shall be no alteration nor diminution of the clause of the said treaty of Elbing, touching the conclusion of the kings, princes and estates therein-mentioned, and particularly of the elector of Brandenburgh and city of Dantzick, to whom liberty shall be given to accept thereof within a certain space of time, after the signing of the elucidations, the ministers on both sides shall have given them notice thereof, of which an express is given by this order to the ambassadors of this state.

The last clause is,

And Mr. Huygens and the other deputies of their high mightinesses, for the affairs of Sweden, to acquaint the resident Appleboom herewith, in answer to the memorials he has presented the 5th and 7th of this month; and that they communicate the same to the minister of Brandenburgh and Dantzick to serve them for information.

The deputies of the provinces of Guelderland, Zealand, Frise and Groninguen, persist in their former declarations.

To Petkum.

Franckfort, 4th August 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 222.

On sunday last we saw the solemnity here of the coronation of the emperor Leopold: the ceremony was performed by the elector of Cologne, and the other two ecclesiastical electors, assisted him; as also at least twenty bishops and abbots more. The emperor doth intend to go from hence on thursday next for Vienna; the electors depart one after another. The elector of Saxony will accompany the emperor to Vienna. I am not yet certain what I shall do with myself; but I intend to remove from hence very suddenly. They have yet some hopes here of making the general peace; I know your prayers will not be wanting to it.

The Swedish resident to the states general.

5th of August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lix. p. 230.

The under-written resident of Sweden having received and well considered the resolution of their high and mighty lordships, delivered to him upon the first instant, by their high and mighty lordships commissioners, in answer to the memorandum delivered by him upon the 18th of the last month, cannot omit herewith to represent to their high and mighty lordships, that he did expect, that their good pleasure would have been somewhat to have expressed themselves in their said answer about the chief subject of the said memorandum, concerning the duke of Brandenburgh's transactions, and the succours which are endeavoured to be obtained on the side of the said duke of their high and mighty lordships, against his said majesty; which yet his said majesty is expecting from their high and mighty lordships amity and high discretion, the more in regard by the inductions and sinister persuasions formerly brought by the enemies of his majesty, it hath so happened, as if they had a design to hinder the commerce; for since the conclusion of the treaty at Elbing, and renovation of the antient amity and alliance between his majesty and their high and mighty lordships, many things have past on the side of their high and mighty lordships, which do not altogether agree with the good meaning and intent of that treaty; and in regard his majesty's enemies do still pursue and continue their so well successful practices, by exciting and setting on their high and mighty lordships to send fleets and succour into the East-sea, for the defence of the commerce, which his majesty never intended to hinder; wherefore the said resident doth friendly and earnestly desire in the name, and according to the received express commands of his majesty, in regard he is willing to ratify the treaty of Elbing; their high and mighty lordships will be pleased first to satisfy his majesty therein, and sincerely to declare, that they will not give directly nor indirectly any assistance, neither to the duke of Brandenburg, nor to the city of Dantzick, nor also to any other his majesty's enemies, nor back them in their hostilities against his majesty; but, on the contrary, observe and regulate themselves according to the contents and disposition of the said treaty. All which sincere and round declaration the said resident is expecting with the first from their high and mighty lordships, to make report thereof afterwards to his majesty, to the end the said treaty may at last be brought to a final conclusion.

H. Appeleoom.

Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lxi. p. 244.

The bearer, Mr. Sandford, hath bin a long and faithfull servant to my brother Fleetwood, and in that and other services, meritted well from the publique. I understand by him, there is about 600 l. due to him from the state, which being as yett in noe way of sattisfaction, hee intends an application to his highness, that hee may have some forfeited undisposed lands in Ireland in sattisfaction thereof. Though it be unusuall with mee to recommend such applications, yett hee being one for whom I have a respect, and should be glad of an opertunity to shew him kindnesse, I doe particularly intreate your favourable countenance and assistance to him in the adresse, that he may have lands accordingly sett out unto him in sattisfaction of the said debt. Assureing you, that the furtherance of his suite shall be estemed a respect unto
July 26, 1658.

Your affectionate friend and servant,
H. Cromwell.

Lord deputy Cromwell to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lx. p. 243.

The bearer, Sir Matthew Thomlinson, being desirous to goe for England upon his private occasions, I have thought fitt to give him the trouble of this letter, to the end hee might give you a fresh accompt of such publique affaires as you should be desirious to enquire after, he is able to say much having bin very active and industrious in the management of the imployment as a member of the councel here. I may spare myself the labour of saying more, because whatsoever I can write may be more perticularly said, and better employed by him viva voce. I know not the perticular of his busines, neither have I cause to think him so unhappy, as to need either my recommendation, or your favour; but as I surcharge the one, so I doubt not but you will as easily offer the other. I remain,
July 26, 58.

Your very affectionate friend and faithfull servant,
H. Cromwell.

Intelligence sent from Holland, by resident Downing.

Copenhagen, 6 August 1658. from ambassador Beuningen. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 242.

The Swedish ambassadors persist in their demands, and leave no hopes, that they will abate any thing of 400,000 rixdollars, which they demand for the damages, which the Swedes have suffered in Guinea, having rejected the proposition that hath been made to be content, that a certain sum be named, but after the examination no more would be paid than what the damages amount unto. Here is great expectation of the fruit of the French ambassador's endeavours, to see if it may bring the king of Sweden to some moderation, they being more and more astonish'd at this uncertainty, since the army of Oldenslo doth not yet march but also, that some troops return thither that were in Jutland going away are retreating toward Wonsussel, and that they fetch contribution from Sampsone, an isle depending on Zealand, and the equipage of the fleete is very forward at Stockholm. The ambassadors of Sweden say, that this week it will be ready to go to sea; and it is rumoured, that it will come before this town, and in the Sound; and the more because it came from general Wrangel. It will consist of forty ships, when those of Holstein, and other places, already at sea, shall be joined with it.

Paris 9th August, from ambassador Boreel.

Here is a great discontent in the kingdom, principally amongst those of the clergy, because the city of Dunkirk is delivered up to the English, which hath induced the court to cause an apology for the same to be printed, The great heat hath spoiled the corn through the kingdom, and the vines are in great danger. I have not had oportunity to require redress of the piracies, that are committed on all the sea provinces, under pretence of from Portugal, and that more than ever. From Rouen it is wrote, that the pirate Collard, convoying some ships of Caen, hath met a bark of Zealand, going from Nantes to Flushing with blue tiles, or state, to cover houses, and keeping the master two days, he agreed with him for a thousand livres. I am told, that the said Collard doth distribute such a number of commissions of Portugall, of which there are so many in Bertagne, that the poor merchants going out are catched by French shallops, when they least think of it.

From St. Sebastian 28 July, 1658.

If order be not taken, every ship that fails will be taken. This week again there was taken two ships of Rotterdam, laden with sugar and comsitures; the one came from Madare, and the other from Portaport.

Ambassador Dorp from Wismar, 8 of August, 1658.

It's said, that the king of Sweden hath received letters from Stockholm, that the 16 men of war, which his majesty had formerly given order of the equipping of, were now ready to go out to sea. That 19 regiments of infantry, amounting to five thousand men, shall be distributed upon the nine ships, which are before Kiel, which are victualled for three months. The colonels and other officers are required upon pain of casheering, to present to his majesty a true list of them. His said majesty intends to imbark himself this evening, if the wind be fair, and the voyage is to Kiel, to cause the said regiments to be imbarked; and I believe within 10 or 12 days he will be returned hither again. The king is not yet parted. I am told, that an express is come from Kiel, and, among other things, brings news, that yesterday morning a galiot put forth to sea from Kiel, with order to bring in thither all the unladen ships the met, to be imployed for the service of his majesty.

Extract of the register of the resolutions of the lords states general of the United Provinces.

Martis, 6 August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 238.

Was once more produced in the assembly the letter of the lord protector of England, writ at Westminster the 25th of June last, and the petition therein inclosed; with the memorandum of the resident Downing, delivered by him on the 26th of July last; the said letter, petition, and memorandum, containing a complaint and grievance, how a certain ship, called the Postillion, and afterwards two ships more, the one named the Frederick, and the other Francis and John, all belonging to subjects and inhabitants of the said commonwealth of England, being put into the harbour of Bantam, and there having taken in their lading, in their return were taken by some ships of war, belonging to the East-India company of this state, which were riding before the said harbour of Bantam, and were carried to Batavia: that likewise another certain English ship called Bantam Isaac, was also taken upon the west coast of Sumatra, by the ships of the said East-India company; and also having heard upon the same the information of the said East-India company of this state, and ripely examined the deduction with the papers belonging thereunto, delivered by those of the said company, about the said subject, to the lord Huygens and others, their high and mighty lords commissioners; whereupon being debated, it is resolved, that in the name and behalf of their high and mighty lordships, as well by the lord ambassador Neuport to the lord protector, as by the said lordships commissioners to the said resident Downing, very earnestly shall be complained about the unhandsome usage and proceedings of some of the English nation in the above-mentioned parts, and especially about the bitterness, envy, and malice, which the president Frederick Skinner residing in Bantam aforesaid, as well by his actions and behaviour, as by unsusserable and villainous expressions, which he hath shewn from time to time in his letters against those of the Netherland nations, and in specie also against the general and council in the said Indies; as also about the odious informations formerly given to the lord protector, how that a certain ship of the said EastIndia company of this state, by name the Orange Tree, about the cape of Bona Esperance, should have committed against an English ship, called the Society, barbarous cruelties and outrages, where on the contrary it doth now appear, and is made out by undeniable arguments and papers, that those of the said ship Orange, did behave and carry themselves no otherwise towards the said ship's society, about the said cape, than with all civility and courtesy, with serious reprelentation of the ill effects, will thereupon come to arise by an unavoidable abalienation of the minds of both the nations; also with this very earnest request, that his highness will be pleased to recal the said Skinner from thence, and to supply his place with another fit person, which may have abilities and inclination to cultivate and increase all good amity and correspondence between both the nations. That likewise on the behalf as abovesaid, and in the manner aforesaid, there shall be declared to the said lord protector, and his said minister, that those of the said East-India company have declared the said three ships, the Postillion, the Frederick, and the Francis and John, to be good and lawful prize upon the ground, that the said town of Bantam must be looked upon as besiegea by this state, and especially also for the evil council and assistance, yea for the hostile actions themselves, which the commanders and ships company of the said three ships at Bantam aforesaid, did use and commit against this nation; and the said ships of those of the said East-India company, which had block'd up the said place.

And although therefore be reason enough to use further and vigorous proceedings against the said commanders and ships company, yet their high and mighty lordships are contented to cause restitution to be made of the said three ships, and their lading according to the specifications and inventory taken thereof, to the said proprietors or interessed; provided however that their high and mighty lordships may be assured, that on the side of England, in the like occasions, also in this manner, in regard of this state, and the inhabitants thereof, there shall be proceeded as well without as within Europe; and that to this end there be agreed on both sides the points formerly drawn up to this purpose, and comprehended in their high and mighty lordships resolution of the 23d of the last month.

And what concerneth the said fourth ship, it is found the said complaints to be abusively made concerning the same, and the said ship to have been civilly treated by those of the said company, and also civilly dismist.

Extract of the register of the resolutions of their high and mighty lordships the states general of the United-Netherlands.

Martis 6 August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 232.

Was once more produced to the assembly the proposition or presentation made by the lord ambassador of Portugal, to the lords their high and mighty lordships, and delivered by him in writing; whereupon being debated, it is thought fit, and understood, that by the said lords commissioners there shall be given in answer to the said lord ambassador, that their high and mighty lordships having considered of the said proposition, with the offers and presentations formerly made to this state, on the behalf of the crown of Portugal, do find that by this proposition there is not offered by a good deal so much, as was formerly offered; and that their high and mighty lordships could not receive the same without strangeness and excessive admiration, considering the serious declaration, and re-iterated protestations of the said lord ambassador, made in the name of the king and crown of Portugal, of his majesty's earnest desire and sole inclination for the obtaining and effecting of a peace with this state; and that therefore they will expect from the said lord ambassador a further overture and larger offer, whereby there may be perceived, that the inward meaning and intention of the said king and crown of Portugal doth agree with the said declaration and protestation: that their high and mighty lordships also besides this did observe, that the said proposition was only drawn in general terms; and that therefore they expect to see not only a further and larger, but also a more specifical presentation; and the said lords commissioners are to make report of what shall pass upon this.

The marquis of Cognac to Stouppe.

Ostend, 6 August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 236.

We are still here in our old passages, and the army of Monsieur De Turenne in his, except what he hath sent to the siege of Graveling. In the mean time we have put this place in such a posture, as not to be assaulted by force, but with great difficulty; and the works, which the prince of Conde hath caused to be made here, are the best that ever were seen. They will be quite finished within a few days more. The like works are making at Neuport, which will be also well provided with all necessaries.

Boreel, the Dutch ambassador in France, to Ruysch.

Paris, 6 August, 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lx. p. 234.

The business of the edict, and monopoly of the train-oyl of whales, &c. doth proceed in all appearance. There is now also spoken of an edict and monopoly to be erected of the sugars; and if the first take effect, it is certain that the second will follow. Such great and powerful partners are interested in both, who under pretence of raising thereby for the king, some sums of mony for the increasing his majesty's decreased finances, will be able to find their particular inestimable advantages; and it is said, that it will not rest by the two said species, if so be the first be not laid aside; upon which their high and mighty lordships, and the provinces, and the towns, which are most interested therein, will without doubt, take the same into consideration, and resolve upon such necessary representations and remedies, which are required in so considerable a business, of such dangerous consequence.

Here are no ears, that will hearken to oppose the same; and I am told, that they say now, that they have long enough had in consideration the interest of the commerce and navigation of foreigners; and that they will now take to heart above all the interest of their own nation.

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right honourable the earl of Shelburn.

May it please your Excelency,
His highnesse's constant residence at Hampton-court, and the sicknesse of my lady Elizabeth, which hath beene, and is a great affliction to hym, hath hindered the consideration of those matters, which my former letters mentioned, that very little or nothinge hath been done therein for these 14 days, which makes (as I perceive) all men to stand at a gaze, and to doubt very much, what will be the issue; and I think they feare more than they need. I doubt the thinge most to be feared is, that some men, who oppose, and, I beleeve, will certainely disappoint such a settlement, which others can positively advise, doe not knowe what they would have; and it may be account it the best way to six no where, but to sancye themselves in the condition of Israel in the wildernesse, who knewe not overnight which way their journey was to lye the next morneing. And truly I should rejoice to be in this condition, if these gentlemen had as sure a guide as the Israelites. But it is good for a man both to hope and to wayte for the salvation of God; and truly, my lord, had it not been for this hope, my spirit had been overwhelmed within me longe agoe; and I think I had given over in the playne seild: but hitherto the Lord hath helped, and, I trust, he will at last shew unto his highnesse a right way.

Wee are at that passe for money, that we are forced to goe a begginge to particular aldermen of London for 5 or 6000 l. to send to Dunkirke, and I seare we shall be denyed. I did suppose my lord Broghill had given your excellency an account of his goeing over into Ireland; otherwise I had not omitted to acquaint you, that he goes over a little to put his own affairs into some order, which he sayth were almost ruined by his long absence, intendinge to be backe againe by the parliament, where I verily beleeve he will doe his highnesse all the service he is able. The seige of Gravelinge proceeds very hopefully, whilst mareshall Turene keepes the feild with his army to attend the motion of the enemye, who begins to come forth againe with forces somewhat considerable. Its noe newes, that the kinge of Hungary is chosen emperor. France was in a great measure satisfied in all its presentions before the election, viz. that he should not send any forces into Flaunders, upon pretence of assistinge Spayne, or the Stuarts, against England; but Sweden was in noe fort satisfied upon any of his demaunds; but is lest to take his owne satisfaction by the sword, which I verily beleeve, he will endeavour to doe, if he can finde himselfe at leisure; but the conjunction of Brandenburgh, Poland, and the emperor together, gives him great trouble. His enemyes have undertaken the siege of Thoorn, but I doe not heare, that the Swede hath yet undertaken any thinge. Yesterday morning the Dutch ambassador arrived here: he comes with very sweet words in his mouth, but I beleeve that his highnesse, nor the concerned merchants, will be satisfied with words for their carriage in the East Indyes, where they make nothinge of declareinge enmity against our men, takeinge their ships, and imprisoning their persons; and if very good satisfaction be not given here for those things, it will very much shake the peace between the two states. I am,
Your Excellency's
Most humble, faithfull, and obedient servant;
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 27 July, 1658.

General Fleetwood to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the rt. hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Deare Brother,
I have received yours, wherein you desire to understand the condicion of my lady Elizabeth, who was in a very hopefull condicion, till within thes 3 or 4 dayes shee hath bine exceeding ill, and very much weakned, and brought low, but hoped shee is agayn upon the mending hand. Shee hath bine troubled with great paynes in hir bowells, and vapours in the heade. The truth is, its beleeved the physitians do not understand throughly hir case. Shee is now advised to tak Tunbridge waters. It hath bine a very fore and sharpe tryall; yet being a father's hand, I hope we shall have all of us advantage by it, for sure it is a voyce to all of the relations. I meade not tell you the great sence both their highnesses have of this dispensation. Ther is nothing wanting of care or skill, but the blessing of the lord must make all effectuall. Shee hath many prayers going for hir, a return of which will make the mercy double. Both their highnesses and family are at Hampton-court. His highnesse takes the waters, and they agree pritty well. We have little newes. The French are about Newport, though I think not closely beseiged. Wee have no resolution as to our great busynes concluded upon. It's now without much of disadvantage as to present affayrs, that the showld be so long deffered, but the Lord can soon make up that losse, by manifesting his presance, which it may be the life of all our desires and longings after, is the desire of
Your most affectionate brother, and humble servant,
C. Fleetwood.

[July, 1658.]