State Papers, 1658: May (2 of 4)

Pages 119-128

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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May (2 of 4)

Mr. Downing, the English resident in Holland, to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 49.

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Honourable Sir,
I received yours by the last post, and have very little this weeke to returne you. The queene of Pertugall did say the same to the French ambassador at Lisbon, to witt, that she knew that the last yeares Holland ffleet was made by the Spaniard; but neither the French ambassador nor myself can finde any reall ground for that report, though we have endeavoured theis 4 or 5 weekes to finde out the bottom of it. I doe verily beleeve it to be a mistake; as concerning the report about my lord Falconberg. I doe beleeve they had a designe upon him, and upon whomesoever, or what thing soever they have a designe, it is their custome presently to take the thing for effected, and thereupon to ground reports, with which they please themselves for a time. By the last post I gave you an account of a letter from the admiralty of Amsterdam to the States of Holland, concerning the condition of the Portugall prise at Plymouth to the Portugeises, which, what credit it found, and with what effect, the inclosed resolution of the States of Holland will shew you. I could wish, with all my heart, that that busines were made an end of; and I hope by the next post, according to what is hinted to me in your last, to receive something from you to that end. I shall say no more of it, haveing formerly hinted my thoughts thereabout; but it will be an advantage to his highness, as well as reflexion elsewhere, to ground resolutions of state, and especially of such a nature upon untruths; for so far as I perceive by yours, the said prise is not rendered to the Portugais. De Witt cunningly to 104 393 105 52 362 477 267 divert the debate 468 263 227 466 in the assembly of the States of Holland, concerning the present 132 287 39 106 147 sending of their fleet 408 468 70 133 46 358 289 to Portugal, put the French Embass. upon the presenting 287 41 106 147 339 55 the inclosed Memorial; 441 199; for as they of Holland, have very little minde to the war with Portugall, De Witt 502 150 hath very little minde, that so little a fleet 150 358 15 48 358 289 should be lest at home; 219 328 379 which yet must be, if that warr should be prosecuted with vigour: they have a very jealous eye upon you; 12 365 524 41 169 42 523 510, yet I am confident, I had kept off Nieuport's going for England, 305 547, had it not been for those Portugal prizes. 174 287. The States of Holland separated upon Thursday night last, and are gone to their several houses, to advise about the 67 140 40 182 468 41 employ of their fleet. Amsterdam would 132 48 358 289 566 501 not have it go to Portugal, 477 551 or at most but a little part of them; that 468 101 468 71 132 42 171 eye is more upon England and Sweden: and they 554 207 268 171 talk of making ready more 133 41 14 267 384 135 44 ships. 142 and there is a commission dispatcht towards those parts of the United Provinces, 279 122 443 155 339 28 287 which are next Westphalia to 148 121 319 362 16 to visit those garrisons, 466 148 328 143 44 308 135 393 459 108 142 and to encrease them; 135 44 16 144 40 468 101 for that it is said, that K. Sweden hath demanded passage thro' that country, 311 472 467 254 155 109 151 135 44 171 though I believe not the truth thereof, but such a report is enough. It's pitty to allarum their state 463 but when to the purpose. 468 122 154 133 431 142 40 Their militia is a miserable one, 475 13 346 14 381 140 286 179 111 390 and most divided. 154 336 279.

The resident of Brandenburgh tells me, that his master hath refused the Poles and Austrians passage over the river Oder, whereby they might fall into Pomerania, so that now all the talke is of falling upon the Swedes garrisons in Prusia, unless they they can otherwise incline that elector. The king of Hungary insists vehemently against the me diation of France, betweene the kings of Sweden and Poland; so that the king of Sweden is at a hard push, not knowing well how to refuse the mediation of France, which was accepted by him, both before the treaty between him and the king of Hungary, and since; nor d ar es he goe directly against the service of that king, with whome are therein joyned the ecclesiastiques of Poland. Monsieur Appleboom is not yet recovered of a feaverish cold, the general disease of the time; so that I cannot by this post give you the result of any advice with him touching that affaire; but certainly 133 463 the lord protector is much concerned 60 254 105 251 133 106 in that affayre; 192 298 170 133 41; and it might be of greate prejudice to him, if 154 267 251 477 326 70 49 that peace should be concluded without him. 254 106 26 370 34 279 500 418 326 and must it not undoubtedly be his interest, if possible, to divide Poland from the 431 141 144 334 358 477 267 155 71 263 553 306 468 House of Austria, and to turn the K. Sweden rather into Germany, 437 468 135 339 477 55 286 371 393 then to let him be engaged against Dantzick, 14 310 260 104 145 174 335 75, which must also necessarily hazard 174 213 33 the engaging this state; 463 466: and its certaine, that the laicks of Poland 76 287 408 553 have a very greate minde to peace. It is said, that one from Dantzick 110 151 174 73 31 80 will be speedily with lord protector. Upon reading the letter from this states-resident at Madrid in the States of Holland, wherein was declared the king of Spain's readyness to comply with their desire of liberty of fetching salt at Ponte Del Ree, but withall that he desired joyntly to carry on a treaty for a more strict allyance with this state, the States of Holland did order that justice be continued for obteyning the aforesaid liberty without makeing any reflexion, or taking any resolution concerning the states allyance. The election at Franckford meetes yet with difficulties and rubbs. It's said, that the elector of Saxony is sending for his princess thither; so that indeed never was a fairer occasion 133 286 406 for great action in Flanders. The French embass. 339 47 355 104 263 132 139 468 532 sayth, that he knowes not in what condition Hesden is, nor 132 consequently what councels will be taken, but 140 503 231 464 106 244 that he will write 159 441 466 as I desired. The prince of Conde's forces are held to be 7 or 8 thousand, and they are indeed the considerablest body they have in Flanders, or like to have this yeare, the leavyes of the ecclesiastiques going not forward; and it's said that there are some forces drawne into Antwerp by those of that citty, and very greate and universall are the discontents at the present government. The cavalry of Courtrey and Lisle are marcht, as also its beleeved that the rest will be speedily in the feild, to hinder their enemies as much as in them lyes. They of Antwerp are making up all the chaines in their streets, to be in readyness in case of danger. Heere is many, that talk very high against me for what I did the last weeke in relation to the two dukes, who are now upon record, and many wonder I could get such a resolution past against them, which was sent after them to Hounsler Dike, from whence they went upon Monday last. And its looked upon as a very great prejudice, both to Charles Stuart and the Spaniards, that such a slurr should have been put upon them. Charles Stuart hath about 12 or 13 hundred men and not more. It's said, that he intends Franckford to the Dyet, being invited thither by some princes of Germany. I am sorry, that you did not before give me notice of your minde, that these that I sent into Flanders should write directly to England; 106 34 286 138 140 328 83 35 160 441 466 267 134 278 150 362 339 477 547 for that two of them are gone, 102 213 41 314 390, and I know not how to send to them, 42 107 35 477 468 101 for that they would not 155 85 35 395 150 consent, that I should write to them; 72 142 328 85 36 161 441 466 477 468 102 but one of them 408 468 100, who was not got before the receipt of yours, 41 hath order to 408 511 142 322 416 35 286 47 write to Mr. Lueas Luce. Mr. 370 245 141 370 252 and I shall, as soon as possible, take the like order for the rest, 305 468 133 287 148; and I shall, by the first occasion of shipping, send you two or three ciphers. 148 63 135 43 252 122 63 286 142. It is said, that Sir Marmaduke Langdale 136 371 273 was also in England; 358 483 141 201 339 547; but this I have only be report; but for what I wrote you by my last, concerning O'Neale, 134 107 339 54 115 390 199 42, it is very certaine; and I doe not yet heare, that hee is yet returned. 135 289 155 136 107 279. It shall be my constant endeavour, by little and little, to settle you a good and sure intelligence in 207 144 157 136 45 339 466 83 362 311 108 251 339 F l and er s. I forgott, in my last, to give you an accompt, that Mynhere Beverning giveing me a visite, did earnestly desire a true picture of his highness, which he said he would take as a great favour: and since giveing him a visite, he tooke occasion to repeate the same discourse; ading, that notwithstanding the oath he had taken when he went into England, he thought he might dispence with the taking such a thing as that is. I have again tendered the lord Nieupert his present; hee sayd hee would speake with his friends about it, before 324 161 112 153 82 33 141 426 197 500 327 47 441 282 143 182: hee would take it. De Witt is the only man against it. 147 263 159 68 146 346 461 412 362 372 16 310 73 151. I finde nothing in your last concerning the conference betweene me and some of the deputyes of the states generall, concerning the poore Protestants of Piedmont. I think it were not amiss, that as what they said to me was by word of mouth, so by word of mouth to lett them know something of his highness's readyness to do good to that people.

The expressions in yours concerning myselfe, are as much beyond my desert as my expectation. It shall be my endeavour to serve his highnesse and yourselfe, so far as in me lyes, and for my expences it's as I then wrote; and indeed my wife herselfe knows not what I have spent since my coming hither, I having returned hither moneys of my owne, which the knowes not of, nor thinke I it fitt to let her know. I am contented, and 1100 l. per annum is an honourable mayntenance. I am quite out of money; and am,

Honourable Sir,
Your very humble faithfull servant,
G. Downing.

Hague, May 17. 58. [N. S.]

The information of John Overton, captain of the garison of Hull, commanding the castle, taken the 7th of May, 1658. upon oath, before Henry Scobell esq; one of his highness's justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex.

Vol. lix. p. 391.

This informant saith, that upon the 18th of February, 1657. Sir Henry Slingsby being then prisoner in the castle at Hull, under the custody of this informant, and this informant being in the said Sir Henry's chamber, the said Sir Henry Slingsby said to this informant, that he this informant might very much befriend him, and desired he would do so. He further said, that colonel Overton was engaged to bring fix regiments to the king, (meaning Charles Stuart, as this informant understood him) and had engaged to enjoy what he had, and a pardon for what was done or by-past. And hereupon this informant asked him, if he were sure of it? to which he answered, that some, that were acting there, were both told and assured, that it was so; but colonel Overton failing, or being discovered, gave over: and he the said Sir Henry asked this informant, if this informant's men would stand by him, and particularized one Clerke, who this informant answered was right. And this informant further saith, that the said Sir Henry asked him this informant, what he thought of one hundred pounds to engage them to him? whereto this informant answered, they were never used to any such great gratuity: he further said, that he feared this informant would let in no men into the garison-side; but if he stayed in his command, he the said Sir Henry would say more.

And this informant further saith, that on the last of February, 1658. he being in the said Sir Henry Slingsby's company, he the said Sir Henry asked this informant, where the fally-port was? This informant told him, about 20 yards north from the castle wall; whereupon the said Sir Henry said, that some prisoners privately intended to make their escape that way, but that this informant prevented them; and asked which way, or whereabouts, it enters into the castle; and asked him, if he could let forty men into the castle? and then he said it would be well, and that this informant should not want any money; and asked, how this informant knew the soldiers would stand by him? who replied, they were engaged to this informant by his supplying of their wants. To which the said Sir Henry said, he was glad of it; and asked which way, or how, he this informant could victual the castle. And further said, the king kept this design very close or secret, and that it was not known, whether he would land at Hull, Scarborough, or Portsmouth; and that so soon as he knew any thing, he would tell this informant, or let him know. And further saith, that duke Darcy inquired at Brussels, in what condition Hull and Scarborough were in.

And this informant further saith, that on the 3d day of March, 1657. the said Sir Henry Slingsby asked this informant, whether he continued to command this company? who answered, he knew nothing to the contrary; to which the said Sir Henry replied, he was glad of it. And this informant telling the said Sir Henry Slingsby, that he wondered the said Sir Henry Slingsby would appear at Hessam-moore with so inconsiderable a party, unless many sail to appear, who were engaged; to which he answered, duke Darcy was coming with a good party, but stay'd so long, that all the rest were gone, and that we had then eleven troops in the country. And he said Sir Henry further said, he was glad he was here, (meaning the castle) and glad, that he was quit of his bonds; and asked, when the guns came from London.

And further this informant saith, that on the 6th of March, 1657. the said Sir Henry asked this informant, what news? and said, that Ned Chapman told his son Harry, that the townsmen were able at any time to deal with the soldiers, and invited his said son that day to dinner, and came over to the garison side with him, assuring his son, that the town was too strong for the garison; and that the said Sir Henry wondered much at the said Chapman's saying. And further he said, that the three block-houses could command the town, and that Sir John Hotham had no soldiers, when the town overpowered him; asking, how this informant could know any thing of a party in the town; and that he verily thought the said Ned Chapman was not for the soldiers: and then further said, he feared the troop would very much command the town.

And this informant saith, that on the 14th of March aforesaid, the said Sir Henry Slingsby being walking upon the top of the castle, this informant told him, that he heard Charles Stuart, his old master, was (fn. 1) fit to take sail with seven or eight thousand men, and wanted nothing but wind to fly with. He the said Sir Henry answered, the king kept his design more private than to have any know of it; and said, if it was so, he hoped this informant would make ready for him; and asked, if this informant were sure, that his men would stand by him? saying, there were some of them fellows, as Rose, and three or four more, that might hinder the rest, and that this informant might well stand upon his own guard for pay, and that the king must promise fair to all, that would assist him, and perform too; and if he should come that assize week, it would make a mighty stir and uproar all the country over; but for any thing he knew, he must go for Scotland.

And this informant also saith, that on the 23d of March aforesaid, the said Sir Henry Slingsby being in this informant's chamber, he drew his chair near to him this informant, and said, that now this informant had a fit opportunity to entertain such men as would be right for him; to which this informant answered, he thought he could not get half his number. Whereupon Sir Henry said, he thought Mr. Watkinson would help him this informant to some, and that he might get John Horner to write to him; but this informant told him, there were few men in Holderness to be spared. He answered, that he the said Sir Henry would be glad, that he this informant would serve the king; this informant should not want any thing he could do for him, though he had no positive order to agree for any sum; but he had assurance, that any that assisted the king, when he first came to kiss his mother's earth, he would give them four or five thousand pounds, and that he had so much in bank ready, and that this informant deserved it as well as any other. And this informant asked, if he the said Sir Henry would give his own engagement for it? to which he answered, he had no order to be positive, but he would write for an order, if this informant would accept of it; and told this informant, that he desired him to go no further than major Waterhouse; and this informant asked the said Sir Henry, whether he would assure this informant, upon his honour, that he had engaged major Waterhouse to serve the king; to which he answered, he would not tell this informant that absolutely, but he would not desire this informant to go one jot further than the major, and said he would furnish this informant with moneys to raise men withal; and if the king should land at Headon, Fetty, or within two or three miles, that this informant would not shoot any great bullets at his men, as they landed, to gall them. And the said Sir Henry said, he would give this informant twenty pounds for raising forty men; which was as much as Sir William Vavasour did give.

And also this informant saith, that on the 1st day of April, 1658. the said Sir Henry Slingsby being in his own chamber, where this informant was, drew the chair, wherein he sat, near to this informant, and asked him, if he this informant did continue his resolution? whereupon this informant asked him, what resolution he the said Sir Henry desired this informant to take? whereto the said Sir Henry replied, to serve the king; and told this informant, that if he would accept of a commission, or a deputation for this command, he this informant should have it. And this informant would accept of a deputation for the command of the castle, if he would the next day give major Waterhouse a commission from the king to be governor of the castle and two block-houses; by virtue of which, Sir Henry would draw out a deputation for this informant to command the castle; and that this informant should not want money to engage the men to him; and that he had 100 l. at Mr. Topham's, that he could command.

And this informant saith, that upon the 2d of April last, the said Sir Henry Slingsby said before major Waterhouse and this informant, that he the said Sir Henry had a commission for the government of Hull, and that he was in great hopes the governor (meaning colonel Smith) would accept of it; and being asked, upon what grounds he thought so, he replied, upon some reasons best known to himself. And on the same day this informant saw the said Sir Henry Slingsby deliver a commission, written in parchment, to major Waterhouse, which these were herein written, and the arms of the last king of England herein and thereto prefixed.

Charles R.

Charles, by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, Ireland, defender of the saith, &c. To our trusty and well-beloved major Ralph Waterhouse. We do by these presents constitute and appoint you to be governor of the castle and two blockhouses near Hull, and to put such a garison of horse and foot therein, as you judge necessary for the preservation of the said places. Given at Bruges, 12th of March, 1657. And saith, that the commission now shewed him is the same commission which he saw the said Sir Henry deliver to the said major.

And this informant also saith, that the same night he this informant saw and heard the said Sir Henry Slingsby read a letter, which the said Sir Henry said was the king's own hand, and was from the said king to him the said Sir Henry Slingsby, containing some words of compliment, and desiring him to assist the bearer in taking up such commodities as would yield him the best profit; and that he did not doubt, ere long, to be in a condition to pay all his debts.

Jo. Overton.

Taken and acknowledged, the 7th
of May, 1658. before me,
Hen. Scobell.

The information of major Ralph Waterhouse, taken upon oath this 7th day of May, 1658. before Henry Scobell esq; one of his highness's justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex.

Vol. lix. p. 43.

This informant saith, that about December last Sir Henry Slingsby sent unto this informant, by one of his sons, a note written in a leaf of a table-book, containing these words; Put this out with your finger, and then tell me, if Robin Gardiner spoke not to you to assist the king in the place you are in; tell me this, and I will tell you strange things. My son hath engaged not to look into this, going or coming. I will be faithful to you. Upon the receipt of which note, this informant, according to his duty, did acquaint colonel Smith therewith, who commanded this informant immediately to go to Sir Henry Slingsby, and to make what discovery he could of any design the cavalier party were carrying on against his highness and garison of Hull. And accordingly this informant went to the said Sir Henry, and as soon as this informant came into the room, he said, Sir Henry demanded, whether Mr. Gardiner had not endeavoured lately to engage this informant to serve the king in the place he this informant was in? to which this informant answered, that he had heard Gardiner say something in a ranting manner, but not to much purpose; and then the said Sir Henry said, that it was much taken notice of, that he had been much slighted by the party, that he this informant served; but told this informant, that however others might disesteem him, they knew not a person more fit and able to serve them than this informant, in all respects; telling this informant, he heard this informant's soldiers were very much his servants, and very obedient to him, and that he this informant might do what he pleased with them; and that if he this informant would secure the south-house for the king, (meaning Charles Stuart) they would send this informant fifty or an hundred men, or thereabouts, which should lie as it were about Paul's, and should come in to this informant's assistance in a dark night: and in case this informant did comply, he did not doubt but they should shortly be masters of the town. To which this informant replied, that he thought it would be to little purpose to attempt the thing, unless they had a greater force; whereto Sir Henry answered, that they were assured of a very considerable force in a very short time, that would be able to besiege the town, had they any place of security to retire unto; telling this informant, if they had but this garison, (meaning Hull) they should think a great part of their work done. And the said Sir Henry likewise told this informant, that they had a very considerable bank of money for the carrying on of their work, out of which there might be a considerable sum taken, and not missed; and that within a little while this informant should know more: to which this informant answered, that formerly a little money might do, but now that could not be, there being a vigilant person in the place: whereunto the said Sir Henry replied, But that opportunity was missed or lost; and used many other expressions of confidence of having a greater force for their king; and so at that present the discourse broke off.

And this informant saith, that about a week after, he the said Sir Henry Slingsby sent another note by his son, written in the same manner, and in these words, viz. If the match go on, the gentleman will give a portion suitable to his estate, though it be three hundred a year at sixteen years purchase. Trust not him that was here, nor any such. And that immediately after this informant received this note, he acquainted colonel Smith with it, who gave him the said order as before; upon which this informant repaired to Sir Henry Slingsby, and discoursing upon the former business of the south-house, he the said Sir Henry told this informant, they would supply him this informant with men from sea; and that in case this garison were in the king's hands, it would put the whole country into such a distraction, that they should thereby accomplish their ends; and did at that time promise this informant, in consideration of his securing the south-house for the king, that he this informant should have five thousand pounds to be secured him by land, or paid in money here or elsewhere. And this informant replying, it was not money he look'd for, or words to that effect; at that time they ended their discourse, and parted.

And this informant further saith, that about ten days after, Sir Henry Slingsby sent this informant another note by his son, written as the former, in these words, If the governor send for me, I will give bond for my peaceable living. Give me a piece, and I will give you twenty for it, if I do not procure you a commission for the government of the south block-house, under hand and seal, from beyond the seas, and in fourteen days, upon receipt of the note. And this informant applying himself to colonel Smith, he gave him this informant the same order as formerly. And thereupon this informant went to Sir Henry Slingsby, who after some other discourse said to this informant, would he give him five pounds, he would give this informant one hundred, if he had not a commission for this informant in fourteen days after the post-day, that he should name or appoint. And this informant demanding of him the said Sir Henry, from whence those forces he had mentioned should come, he the said Sir Henry answered, that the king of Spain would furnish the king with men, had they any town or fort, or place of security to land them at, but thought it not safe otherwise to land them in an open country: and further said, that the duke of York, in the head of seven or eight thousand men, had told this informant, they would supply him with men, for enabling him this informant to carry on what they had debated on before; and at that time they parted.

And this informant further saith, that being with the said Sir Henry Slingsby, on the 3d day of February last, by order of colonel Smith, to make what further discovery he could of this business; he the said Sir Henry told this informant, that this informant should have a commission, and that nothing should be acted concerning any of their affairs, but that he this informant should have first knowledge of it. And this informant telling him, that he this informant desired to be commanded by him the said Sir Henry, he the said Sir Henry told this informant, that he should have a commission to command the three houses. And this informant asking him, how he could get the commission in so short a time, he the said Sir Henry replied, that he had a way of sending for it with safety, but would not discover it to this informant. And this informant demanding of the said Sir Henry, whether he had acquainted any other with the business, the said Sir Henry answered, that some had thought, that Jeremiah Smith was the fittest person they could think of at present to be employed in the business. And this informant saith, that on the 7th of March last, he this informant received from the hands of the said Sir Henry Slingsby a letter directed to this same Sir Henry Slingsby then at York, which he desired this informant to deliver, which was in these words, viz.

Harry, concerning two men, which are of the jury, I would not have you sail to speak with your friend about them, that they may not sail to be at the assizes; and, if it be possible, let him speak with the rest of the twelve; for it concerns your friend's business very much. You had need of an expositor; therefore let the lawyer see this letter, and commend me to him. I rest
Your loving father,
Hen. Slingsby.

March 22. When he hath seen it, burn the letter. Major Waterhouse is pleased to deliver this letter to you.

And this informant further saith, that on the 27th of March last, this informant being then in discourse with Sir Henry Slingsby, amongst much other talk he told this informant, that he the said Sir Henry had promised captain Overton to raise forty men; and that there had been with him the said Sir Henry, two or three days before, one Smith of Cawood, and had engaged to send in two men; and that he had offered to come himself to serve as a soldier in this informant's company. And this informant saith, that on the last day of March, the said Sir Henry Slingsby told this informant, in discourse between them, he the said Sir Henry had a commission by him; and that he would not only lend captain Overton money, but give it him towards raising men; and that if this informant would disburse money for buying provisions for storing the south block-house, he would give this informant his bond to repay the money, or else deliver this informant a commission from the king; and that he would speak to captain Overton, to know whether he would accept of a deputation to command the castle, or that he would accept a commission. And further this informant saith, that on the 1st of April last, the said Sir Henry told this informant, there was one Andrew, a tenant of the said Sir Henry's, who had promised to raise fifty or sixty men, if occasion were; and that the said Andrew told him, that he sent four horses to Sir Marmaduke Langdale. And speaking of the governor, colonel Smith, the said Sir Henry had a commission for him, and was in good hopes, that he would accept it; and he then again told this informant, he would help captain Overton to money to lay in provisions. And further this informant saith, that upon the 2d day of April last, captain Overton and this informant being with Sir Henry Slingsby, amongst other discourses between them, he the said Sir Henry Slingsby said he had a commission for the governor, which he hoped he would accept; and further said, he hoped he need not trouble himself, for others would do it. And this informant asking him, what reason he had to imagine any such thing, he said it was for some reasons best known to himself. And the said Sir Henry Slingsby did at that time deliver a commission from Charles Stuart unto this informant, which is the very same commission now shewed to this informant; on the back whereof this informant hath endors'd his name. And the same night the said Sir Henry Slingsby did read to the said captain Overton, and this informant, a letter, which he said was the king's (meaning Charles Stuart's) own hand, beginning thus, I can never be enough sensible of your favour to me, or words to that effect; and the contents thereof was little more than compliments, save that he desired him to assist the bearer in taking up such commodities as would yield him the best profit; and that he did not doubt, ere long, to be in a condition to pay all his debts.

Ra. Waterhouse.

Taken and acknowledged, this 7th
of May, 1658. before me,
Hen. Scobell.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Mardick, May 7/17. 1658.

Vol. lix. p. 47.

May it please your Lordshipp,
I have little to add to what I said yesterday, save that the French army will march very suddainly, and I seare sooner then we shall be reddy heare. I learnt this by a letter from Mr. Tellier to the king's lieutennant heare, which arryved this morning; and therefore I must beseech your lordshipp to hasten over the rest of the recruits, with all other things contained in the French ambassador's list. And againe, I make bold to presse your lordship's mooving his highnes, to send over theise two half regiments, that are in Kent. I find not one minister heare, and out of charity have sent for my chaplaine from Calais: the soldiers need much to be both dehorted from evill, and exhorted to good. If you will send over three ministers, they may very well serve the six regiments; and I engage myself to procure them 180 lib. sterl. per annum a piece, which, I think, is encouragement enoff to any honest man, who hath zeale for his master's service, or the propagation of his gospel. The Popish priests, who go a begging to vent their errors, will ryse upp in judgment against our ministers, who cannot be yett perswaded, even upon reasonable terms, to preach the gladd tydings of salvatione to their poor countrimen, who have som longings after the ordinances of God. I beg pardon for this trouble; and am,
May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, fathfull and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Camp, May 8th, 1658:

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

Upon thursday last, towards the close of the evening, the enemy fallied out upon the point of our trench with all their horse, amounting to 43 troupes in six squadrons; which made a body of 700, as the prisoners then tooke assert. These horse were supported with two battalions of foot, and intended to have passed at a little opening we had left in our trench, in order to the drawing of a line of communication betwixt our approach and that of the trench. They were very vigorously repulsed, when they first offered to force their passage; and finding that station too hott for them, they went up towards the point of the trench, and passed where some ground was not broken, and so thought to have scoured the backside of our trench; but they no sooner offerred that way, but the two battalions in the trenches were ordered to quitt their posts, and to face them in the plaine feild, which they did with a great shout, encourageing one another: and at the same time the reserve, commanded by lieutenant-collonel Haynes, marched downe from a high downe, which covers the entry of our trench; so that all the 14 companies, that were in the aproach, were in battle, ready to relieve the enemy; and our reserves of horse comeing up at the same time, the dispute did not last long: the horse did execution upon them in their retreat, till they entred the barriers or scrupisons upon their counterscarpe. This action was performed in the face of all the canon and musqueteers, that were upon that part of the walls or outworks; and certainely both the officers and soldiers of our body did as much as could be expected from men, whom God had enabled, not only to see what their present duty was, but also to performe it exactly. I knowe his highness will not take it ill, that I have bin larger in this account then needed; the account passeth for a handsome one in the report of the French, who are not over-apt to flatter us; and the enemy have bin so well satisfied with the supper they then gott, that hitherto they have not exspressed any apetite for a breakfast, or any other meale of that nature. Sir Bryce Cockran comanded the 19 companyes: I had occasion to be near him, and a witness to the truth of what I have related; and sent off next morneing at lest a 120 wounded men; the number of the killed was not great; but I know many of the wounded will dye. Their was none of the officers, above the quality of a lieutenant, killed or wounded.

William Lockhart.

Vice-admiral Goodsonn to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 51.

Right Honourable,
I have herewith sent a more exact account of the late transaction at this place. Yesterday I received a letter by a messenger from marshall D'Aumont, giving me to understand, that he is endeavouring the release of our seamen; but I take it for a French complement, in that I have cause to believe, that he hath at present neither men nor money to give in exchange; one of which must bee. I writt in my last to the commissioners of the admiralty, requesting to know, whether I might not endeavour their release upon my parole for giving their equalls in exchange; which I humbly begg may be taken into consideration. I am informed, that the enemies men of war are furnished with a greate part of their men from Fleshling, and that there, and at other portes in Holland, the goods and prisoners they bring in with them, are put on board Holland vessells, and carried for Antwerpe, and soe through the land of Oastend and Dunkirk. There are diverse prisoners at Oastend, that have bin brought that way: this I have from one of their owne men, native of Dunkirke, who hath forsaken them, and entered himselfe in one of your vessells of war here: he hath also further related, that a small Ostender went out of Fleshling a few daies since, and carried 20 of the men of that place with her; which abuses, I hope, will be taken into serious consideration. The shipps here with mee are most of them very foule, and our victualls exhausted, and the supply thereof ordered hither, not as yet arrived; which is all the trouble of

Your Honour's very humble servant,
William Goodsonn.

Speaker, off Ostend, 8th
of May, 1658.

Captain H. Smith to the protector.

Vol. lix. p. 55.

May it please your Highnes,
I have enclosed sent your highnes the examination of George Thompson, lieutenant to major Waterhouse, concerning Sir Henry Slingsby's designe; wherein hee hath not carryed himselfe well nor honestly, haveing had private discourse severall times with Sir Henry concerning that busynes; but did not discover any thing of it to mee, till I drew it from him, haveing some other account of his carriage by others. Hee hath of late frequented the company of Sir Henry Slingsby's sonn very much, and such as are disaffected to your highnes. Supposeing that he was able to discover something more then others from Sir Henry and the cavaliers in this place, I did endeavour to make use of him for that purpose, but did not find him forward in that worke. I have sent him up to London, supposeing that his evidence may be of some use against Sir Henry. I have also sent your highnes the examination of three other persons, whom I have in custody here, who are fitt instruments for so wicked a designe. I tooke boldnes formerly to present your highnes with a paper I received from captain Overton, concerning some unhandsome expressions delivered by Mr. Stapleton to Sir Henry Slingsby; of which the captain is able to give your highnes a more full account: which is all I shall trouble your highnes with at present; but to crave leave to subscribe myselfe

Your Highnes
Most humble and faithfull servant,
Hen. Smith.

Hull, May 8. 1658.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Mardick, May 10/20. 1658.

Vol. lix. p. 57.

May it please your Lordshipp,
Since my last, their haith arryved from Plimmoth towards 270 more recruitts. I hope all that will need to compleat the number of 3000, will be heare very speedily. Their came some granado shells and baveens yesternight: those who broght them assure us the rest were embarking. They cannot be heare too soone, for I am in howerly expectation to heare news of the approach of the French army. I need presse the hastning over the generall and major-generall of these forces upon no other account then that of the interest of your own affairs. I have sent Mr. Noell ane account of the money received for the provisions last year, and must begg, that he may have order to pay in the surplus of what will be resting me in arreare before the 1st of August last. He will give your lordshipp ane account of both. We have not heare one bitt of coals: the soldiers cannot be restrained from burning the deale boards, that are in their howses: to send them a few coals will save his highnes treble their pryce in boards. Their came a shipp with coals heare two dayes before me; but finding their was no reddy money for him, he stole away in the night. I forgott to give your lordshipp the copy of ane arrest I obtained, towching the affair of Blay. I cawsed print at Paris, and it will not be amisse, that the same be done in England, to the end all merchants may take notice of their priviledge. Don John is expected at Donkerk upon the 14/24. instant. I shall continue to pray, that the . . . . of the two regiments, that are in Kent, may be sent over, and that as soone as is possible. I have had no newes from the court since their comming to Montruill: I heare they are expected at Calais once this week; and therefore shall once more begg, that all things may be hastened over. I am,
May it please your Lordshipp,
Your most humble, fathfull,
and obedient servant,
Will. Lockhart.

My Lord,
The officers heare have no power to punish offenders with death, which occasioneth many disorders. I leave Mr. Swift at court, to the end he may advertise your lordshipp of all its motions, which I hope he is able to perform carefully.

An accompt what moneys have been weekly paid into the receipt of his highness's exchequer, ariseing by sines, for buildings upon new foundations, from the 9th day of March, 1657. inclusive, (on which day a committee of his highnesse's privy councell began to dispose of the said monyes) till the 7th day of Aprill following inclusive, being the last day the said committee disposed thereof, viz.

May 11th, 1658.

In the possession of G. Duckett esq.

Within the weeke ended, March 13. 1657. 1157
March 20. 1657. 651
March 27. 1658. 1323
Aprill 3, 1658. 1214 4345

There have been paid in of the said moneys since the said 7th Aprill to the 8th of May, 1658. inclusive, viz.

Within the weeke ended, Aprill 10. 1658 1189
Aprill 17. 1658. 390
Aprill 24. 1658. 1196
May 1. 1658. 1277 5
May 8. 1658. 537 4589 5

Secretary Thurloe to H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland.

In the possession of the right hon. the earl of Shelburn.

My Lord,
I perceive by your lordship's, that the way discoursed of here for some present supply of money will in noe sort accommodate your occasions, nor be any releise at all; but that you had rather expect a parlamentary supply, then be put to those shifts. I cannot say, that you take a wronge measure, and am very glad, that there is soe much as a possibility for your excellency to keepe the cart upon the wheeles, untill the parlament comes. However, if any meanes yet can be found to raise any money for you, it shall not be neglected.

I wrott your excellency by the last, what was become of mareshall D'Aumont's designe. The enclosed will shew the issue thereof more at large, which is the first tyme wee here knew the ground of this undertakinge; and I beleive it is the first of this kinde, which soe great a souldier as D'Aumont is esteemed to be ever engaged in. The very same designe was offerred to his highnes by the same persons neare a yeare agoe; but it was thought here ridiculous and impracticable. The greatest evill is the weaknes of Goodson, to afford them boates and men to land his men, without any order hence.

Wee expect the French armye upon the coast very shortly, being already within a few legues thereof.

Our owne affaires here stand as they did by my last, without any alteration. I begge your excellency's pardon for this hasty scribble; and am

Your Excellencye's
Most humble and faithfull servant,
Jo. Thurloe.

Whitehall, 11. May, 1658.


  • 1. The northern word for ready