State Papers, 1658: May (1 of 4)

Pages 108-118

A Collection of the State Papers of John Thurloe, Volume 7, March 1658 - May 1660. Originally published by Fletcher Gyles, London, 1742.

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May (1 of 4)

Responsum nomine suæ serenitatis electoralis Brandcnburgicæ, domini nostri clementissimi

Ad capita Nomine serenissimi et celssimi domini protectoris Angliæ, Scotiæ, & Hyberniæ per illustrem ejus ablegatum proposita.Die ii. mensis Maij anno salutis, 1658. datum.

Vol. lix. p. 214.

Amicitiam, quam cum serenissimo regæ Sueciæ pro communi salute protestantium, jussu domini sui primo loco suadet dominus ablegatus, vel antequam summa rei Suecicæ regiæ suæ majestati delata esset, magni ætimavit, imo ambivit sua serenitas electoralis, nihilq; ejus gratia in se desiderari passa est, quod a fido amico bonoq; vicino jure meritoq; expectari potuit. Apprimeq; constabunt ejusdem utrinq; rationes, usq; quo infestis sua majestas Poloniam aggressa est armis. Exinde autem reipsa compertum est, adeo connexas essa suæ serenitatis electoralis status cum regni Poloniæ statu rationes, ut hic concuti nequeat, quin sua serenitas electoralis collidatur: et equidem, quæcunq; tandem inita suerit via modusq; neutiquam evitari potuit, quin tam superioribus quam moderno Suecico in Prussia Poloniaq; gesto bello, præcipua in suæ serenitatis electoralis domum redundarint incommoda. Proinde unica hæc expediendæ salutis astringendorumq; insolubilis amicitiæ naxuum superesse videtur ratio, ut quam primum pax inter utraq; regna reducatur, cujus gratia si authoritatem suam interposuerit, serenissimumq; regem Sueciæ ad certæ pacis conditionis, præ speratis ex bello commodis, amplexandas induxerit serenissimus dominus protector, non tantum magnis discriminibus suam serenitatem electoralem liberaverit, verùm de orbe Christiano, quem a barbaris et infidelibus tot seculis tegit propugnatq; Polonia, plurimum merebitur. Hoc dum aget sua celsitudo, serenissimus elector suo loco dabit operam, ut serenissimus rex Sueciæ a Polonis, modo æquam voluerit, honorisicam duraturamq; obtineat pacem.

Quod ad secundum attinet, optandum quidem effet, tale caput legi posse orbi Christiano, quod ob communia sacra advocatum religionis suæ haberent protestantes; verum cum non unius hæc res fit arbitrii, et nisi totam imperii compagem solvere velit sua serenitas elector, secundum leges fundamentales et instituta majorum id pro rite legitimeq; concluso necesse est habeat, quod major pars electorum, quam catholici constituunt, in rem communem cenfuerit, pro moderno Europæ statu, vel ipsorummet protestantium interesse reputat, tuta potius quam speciosa sequi consilia, nec ultra niti, quàm ut pactis jureq; jurando religionis indemnitati caveatur.

Ultimum ad conservandam sacri imperii quietem tranquillitatemq; pertinens caput, summopere sibi commendatum habet sua serenitas electoralis, eoq; sine suis ad conventum Francosurtensem inprimis mandatum dedit legatis, ut omnes ineant rationes, quo pactis Monasteriensibus sua constet firmitas, regiq; Christianissimo nihil denegetur, quod ex præscripto eorundem postulare potuerit.

Cæterum sua serenitas electoralis domino ablegato gratiam et benevolentiam suam propenso desert affectu, et fausta quæq; exoptat.

Fredericus Wilhelmus, Elect.

Subscriptum et signatum.

Vice-admiral Goodsonn to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 1.

Right Honourable,
Upon my last writing on the 24th of April to the commissioners of the Admiralty, I humbly desired, that their honours wou'd ... to yourself what might be of use in mine; for at that have written to your honour the arrival of marshall D'Aumont, with (as they say) about 12 or 1300 officers and soldiers pleased himselfe and about 20 of his officers to take up me these eight daies, but as yet is not pleased to give me designe. I have according to my abilities treated him civilly, and shall continue so doing, whilst he is with mee; and so much the rather, because he hath told mee, that his highnes and the commonwealth of England have an adventure embarqued with him, to which (when I shall further know) I shall give all ready and chearful assistance. I have received advice by one that came from Ostend, that they are in a very great fear there; and have kept their gates shutt these ten daies, suffering none to pass out without ticket. Two of six shipps bound from Ostend (mentioned in my last to the commissioners of the Admiralty as aforesaid) I understand are again hauled in and dismounted. I formerly gave account of the Dartmouth's lying between the Maze and Welings. The said frigat come in yesterday with 3 prizes retaken from the enemy, as in the inclosed. I have sent the Assistance and a ketch to supply her room; but judge that coast would require more shipping, if they could be spared. Here are only 5 shipps, and the two gallies upon this station. I remaine

Speaker off Ostend,
the 1st of May, 1658.

Your Honour's

Very humble servant,
William Goodsonn.

The information of Henry Bensted, of Chichester, in the county of Sussex,

innkeeper, taken upon oath, this first day of May, 1658, before William lord Goffe, and Henry Scobell, Esq; two of the justices of the peace for the city of Westminster, and liberties thereof.

Vol. lix. p. 3.

This informant saith, that on this day was three years, one Francis Mansell, a merchant, came to this informant's house, and pretending that there was a parcel of wine to be bought at Shoreham, and that this informant might have a pennyworth in it, drew this examinant to go with him unto colonel Gunter's, where they staid that night; and the next morning, the said Mansell told this examinant, that a person, that was then in the house with colonel Gunter, whom he called Mr. Watkins, had an interest in the wine, and would go with them; and as they were upon the way this examinant observing, that they went not the direct way, and the said Mansell desiring this informant to ride before, and see whether there were not any house in the way, this informant began to suspect there was something more in it, and desired the said Mr. Mansell to tell him the reason of it, and who that was that was in his company, who seemed rather like a butcher than a merchant; whereupon he said, Mansell told that informant, it was the lord Wilmot. And this informant being much troubled, that he should be so drawn into a dangerous business, the said Mansell told him, this informant, that he was now ingaged, and must go through; and thereupon this informant went with the said Mansell and the lord Wilmot, to major Smith's house at Steyning, where they lay, and from thence went to Geere's, and so got a boat to go to sea; but this examinant came back from them; and the next day the said major Smith sent for his informant to come to them, the lord Wilmot being come back by reason of a leak in the boat, and intending to go for London; but this informant sent word he would not come to them, being sorry that he had gone so far. And this informant saith, he doth believe, it was the lord Wilmot; for that he did tell the informant, that he had made several escapes.

And this informant saith, that about a year and a half since, he was going to see a brother he had, and called in by the way at major Smith's, and there saw one Baron, and Bickerstasse, and colonel Bishop, (which were all strangers to this informant, save that he had once seen Bickerstasse at this informant's house with Mr. John Butler, his brother-inlaw) and they were privately whispering together; and this informant asking what news, and who these persons were, the said Smith told this informant, that Baron was an active man for the king; and the said Baron in discourse said, that the king, meaning Charles Stuart, was preparing an army to come over; and that about shrovetide was twelve months, there met at this informant's house at Chichester, the said major Smith and colonel Gunter, and one Ames, and Crosfield, and the said Mansell, who was then lately come back from the king, meaning Charles Stuart, with whom he had been; and the said Mansell made a relation of the condition of the said Charles Stuart and his army.

And this informant saith, that he coming to his house in Michaelmas term last, he accidentally met with the said major Smith, who asked this informant, whether he would not go to Sir John Leeds; and this informant thereupon went to the lodging of Sir John Leeds, but there was nothing spoken of any business there. And from hence this informant went with the said Smith to the Lamb tavern beyond Clements, where there came the said Baron and Matthew Young; and the said Baron did there speak of his brother, that was an agent for the king, meaning Charles Stuart; and that colonel Bishop was one of the best friends the said king had, in dividing the army here, and some other general things. And that about two days after this informant met the said Baron, and they went to the same tavern, where came to them colonel Bishop; and the said Baron did there procure a blank commission from Charles Stuart for raising of forces, and did there consult of some names to be inserted; and they did insert the names of Sir John Pelham, Sir Henry Goring, then Henry Goring, Adrian May, William Garroway, Mr. Lukener, and Sir William Morley; and delivered this informant the commission to communicate the same to those present; but this informant, after he had considered of it, did dislike it; and that the said Smith brought this informant to Sir Humsry Bennet, at his lodging in Milford-lane, and had there some private discourse; and the said Sir Humfry Bennet did desire to see the commission, which this informant did shew him; and that Sir Humsry Bennet saying, that there might be three thousand raised in Sussex, that this informant did tell him, that there were hardly two hundred to be expected, and that Sir Humsry Bennet was speaking of the place of rendezvous. And this informant further saith, that when upon the delivering of the said commission to this informant, this informant said, he did believe none of those gentlemen would meddle in it, he the said Baron bid him tell them for their encouragement, that they should not act in this business, until they did see London up in arms, the army together by the ears, the king, meaning Charles Stuart, landed; and for the lord protector, he was an old man, and might die; and that three of them would come to pass, they might be sure: by which words this informant did conjecture, that they intended to destroy the lord protector, which made this informant very fearful; and thereupon when he came home, he soon after burnt the said commission, and never shewed the same to any of the said persons named in it, nor to any other person to this informant's remembrance. And this informant further saith, that in Hilary-term last the said Baron wrote a letter to this informant, to give him a meeting at Guilford, whither this informant came, together with Mr. Matthew Young; and there were then present the said Baron, Mansell, and Smith, and one Gawen; and Baron did there acquaint the company, that the king, meaning Charles Stuart, was coming over, and had 9000 foot, and 1000 horse, and was so ready, as that his provisions were shipped; and that London would be in a readiness, and the army together by the ears; and that the said Baron asked this informant, what he had done with that commission; and this informant saith, that he had not shewed it to any of the said gentlemen, because he was confident they would not have any thing to do in it. And that the said Young, about two months since, wrote a letter to this informant, to write to major Smith to give him a meeting; and the said Smith sent word to this informant, that he would give him a meeting at one Mr. Seston's, whither this informant also went, and met them; and then the said Young asked this informant, how things were in Sussex, and what preparations there were; and said, that it was expected every hour, when the king, meaning Charles Stuart, would come over; and said, he had a great army of 9000 foot, and 1000 horse, and provision of arms; and that the Dutch had agreed to transport them. And this informant saith, that about a month since, this major Smith sent a letter to this informant to come to the lady Alford's to meet with Mr. Stapley, whither this informant came; and Mr. Stapley took this informant aside to the window, (there being in the room Mr. Stapley, and captain Mallory, and Mr. Wyvell) and asked this informant, whether the gentlemen in the West of Sussex were in any readiness; and this informant answered, that he did not know, that any gentlemen there were engaged, unless colonel Gunter were; but if he were, he kept it private, and it was unknown to this informant. And the said Smith asked this informant afterwards, what Mr. Stapley said; and this informant acquainted him therewith. And this informant saith, that the said Mr. Stapley told this informant, that he had 150 arms. And this informant saith, that Smith told him, that one Mr. Woodcock, Mr. Mallory, and Hutchinson were engaged in this business. And the said Baron told this informant, that there was a considerable garrison to be delivered up for the use of Charles Stuart; and saith, that Thomas Crosfeild, John Ames, and major Cradock, did at several times tell this informant, that the king, meaning Charles Stuart, was shortly to land, and that he had an army.

Taken and acknowledged before us the 1st of May, 1658.

Will. Goffe.

Hen. Scobel.

Henry Bensted.

The examination of Walter Tomlinson, clerk, of Trotton, in the county of Sussex; taken this 1st of May 1658.

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This examinant saith, that he, this examinant, did never hear of any design of any insurrection to be had, until the news-books did communicate it; and that neither Mr. Young or any other person did ever communicate any such thing to this examinant before that time; and he saith, that he did not only always detest any such design, in respect of the wickedness of it, but for the unreasonableness of it; and hath often testified as much.

Taken and acknowledged before us,
the 1st of May, 1658.

W. Goffe,
Hen. Scobell.

Walter Tomlinson.

The examination of Edward Choune, of Kingston-bows,

in the county of Sussex, Gent. taken before us upon oath at Lewes, in the county of Sussex aforesaid, the 3d of May, 1658.

Vol. lix. p. 9.

Who saith, that in or about easter-week was a twelvemonth, Mr. Thomas Ayenscombe, late of Mavell, in the county of Sussex, did inform this examinant, that he understood, that there was ready received, or to be received, commissions from king Charles, or some of his agents; which said commissions were in the hands, or to be in the hands of John Stapley, of Patcham, in the aforesaid county, Esq; to assist the said king against the present government here, when an opportunity should serve; or words to this effect: and that the said Thomas Ayenscombe was ready to be the said Mr. Stapley's servant, in aiding and assisting him in such a design, or to that effect: and further saith, that the said Mr. Ayenscombe did acquaint this examinant by the way of secrecy; and that he understood the said Ayenscombe had the aforesaid passages from the said Mr. Stapley himself. And this examinant further saith, that he never heard any else speak of it since, nor before that time, until he heard the said Mr. Stapley was secured. And being demanded whether or no this examinant had not spoken to any of it, saith no; for as much as he looked upon the said Ayenscombe as an inconsiderable person, and not worthy to be trusted with a business of such high concernment; but until after the said Mr. Stapley was secured, this examinant saith, he spoke of it to his brother Mr. Henry Choune, and to Mr. Blacker, now high sheriff, they both wondering at the said Stapley's restraint; but this examinant saith, he was fearful it was true, by reason of the aforesaid relation from the said Ayenscombe to him. And the said Ayenscombe did give this examinant, that he did think his uncle Goringe of Hyde, and his cousen Goringe of Cobden, and some others, whose names he doth not now remember, would be assisting in the said design. And this examinant being demanded, whether he had not received any letters concerning the premises from the said Ayenscombe, or any person, he said no; and further saith not.

Taken before us the day and year within specified.

Robert Gibbon.

Anth. Shirley.

Nat. Studley.

Thom. Jenner.

Rich. Burdett.

Tho. Newington.

Edward choune.

The examination of Gawen Pollard, of Selby, in the county of York; taken at Hull the 3d of May, 1658.

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This examinant saith, that about easter last, William Smith of Cawood, formerly lieutenant in the late king's army, did inform this examinant, that Sir Henry Slingsby did desire him to send him in a man or two to Hull to be listed as soldiers; and the said Smith told him, this examinant, he would come himself, and did desire this examinant to repair to Hull to Sir Henry Slingsby; and told this examinant, that Sir Henry would prefer him there to some office.

This examinant saith, that he did according to Smith's desire come to Hull, and sent for Sir Henry Slingsby's man, John Jefferson, who immediately came to him; and this exa minant desired the said Jefferson to let Sir Henry Slingsby know, that he was come according to his desire to wait upon him. And this examinant further saith, that Sir Henry Slingsby sent him ten shillings by the said Jefferson the next day, to bear his charges; and within a little time after, sent him ten shillings more by Jefferson; and this examinant saith, that he was with Sir Henry in his chamber at the castle, and that Sir Henry told him the king was in a very good condition, and did desire this examinant to carry himself civilly, and further saith not.

Gawen P Pollard.

The examination of Thomas Sanderson, of Moor-Mountain, in the county of York, servant to Thomas Slingsby, Esq; taken May 3. 1658.

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This examinant saith, that about the 18th of April last, Mr. Robert Stapleton came to Mr. Thomas Slingsby's lodgings, at the house of one Mr. Consett, in Gifford's-buildings, in Holborne. The said Mr. Stapleton understanding, that this examinant was to be sent down to Hull to Sir Henry Slingsby, the said Mr. Stapleton desired this examinant to let Sir Henry Slingsby know, that he heard that there was a commission delivered by Sir Henry Slingsby to some at Hull, which he thought might be his prejudice; and that he did believe Sir Henry Slingsby would be sent for to London shortly, and did therefore desire this examinant to let Sir Henry Slingsby know, that he desired him to endeavour his escape, if he could.

This examinant further saith, that his master, 'Squire Slingsby, Mr. Robert Stapleton, and his mistress, being all together at that time, did all of them desire him to make all the haste down to Sir Henry Slingsby at Hull he could possibly, with the above-mention'd message; which this examinant saith he did accordingly do, and further saith not.

Thomas Sanderson.

The examination of John Jefferson, of Scriven, servant to Sir Henry Slingsby, taken at Hull the 3d of May, 1658.

Vol. lix. p. 17.

This examinant saith, that Sir Henry Slingsby sent him in March last to Cawood, to one William Smith, an inhabitant there, who was formerly a lieutenant in the late king's army; and that the said Sir Henry gave this examinant orders to speak to the said Smith, to send him two men that he might trust to be listed as soldiers in Hull, which would be a means to help him to his liberty; and when the king came, they might do him good service. And this examinant saith, that he did, according to Sir Henry's order, speak with the said Smith, who promised him he would do what he could to send in two men to Sir Henry, according to his desire. And this examinant further saith, that the afore-mentioned William Smith did accordingly send over to Hull one Gawen Pollard, who was formerly in the late king's army. And this examinant saith, that the said Gawen was with Sir Henry Slingsby in his chamber at the castle, where Sir Henry and the said Gawen had some private discourse; but this examinant could not hear what their discourse tended to. And within a little time after, the said Sir Henry did send twenty shillings at twice by this examinant to the said Gawen, to maintain him in his quarters, as this examinant doth believe.

This examinant further saith, that about the latter end of March, or the beginning of April, he did see lieutenant Thompson three or four several times in company with his master Sir Henry Slingsby, in his chamber at the castle, and that they had private discourse together; but this examinant could not hear what their discourse was.

This examinant further saith, that his master, Sir Henry Slingsby, did demand of him, whether he knew any, that would take up arms for the king, or stir if occasion should serve.

This examinant further saith, that he hath seen Mr. Horner, Mr. Topham, and Mr. Summerscales of Hull, several times with his master, Sir Henry Slingsby, at his chamber in the castle, but did not know of what concernment their discourse was: and further saith not.

John Jefferson.

The examination of lieut. George Thompson, taken the 4th of May, 1658.

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Who saith, that he being in company with Sir Henry Slingsby at the Castle, Sir Henry told him, that he had a very great confidence in him, in respect of his civil deportment; and that he should therefore freely declare his mind to him.

The said lieutenant further saith, that Sir Henry told him, there was a design in agitation at this time for the bringing in the king with a considerable army; and that it was imparted here to those who were his friends.

The said lieutenant saith further, that Sir Henry Slingsby did desire him to serve the king; and promised him, that whatever was in his power to do for him, the lieutenant should be sure of it; and told the lieutenant he did not know the prefixt time of the king's coming in; but when he did know, he would be sure to give the lieutenant notice thereof. And Sir Henry did further say to the lieutenant, that the king had sent over a proclamation, wherein he did declare, that he would pardon all officers, soldiers, and others whatsoever, except the lord protector, and the lord Bradshaw.

The said lieutenant further saith, that Sir Henry Slingsby did desire him, that he would not discover what he had imparted to him.

The said lieutenant saith, that he being in company with Sir Henry Slingsby's son, Mr. Henry Slingsby, he the said Mr. Slingsby told him, that the king was expected to come over into England with a considerable army e'er long, but said he did not directly know the prefixt; and further saith not.

George Thompson.

Vice-admiral Godsonn to secretary Thurloe.

Vol. lix. p. 27.

Right Honourable,
My last was on the 1st instant, wherein I gave account of marshall D'Aumont's being here with about 12 or 1300 officers and soldiers; the next day at evening he was pleased by an instrument of his to give me to understand his designe, that it was first by a party provided on shoar, and then with the forces here with him to have surprized Ostend. They pretended to have within the town 250 or 300 resolved men for theire purpose, who (as we were informed by a messenger that came out there about five this morning) seized upon the guards about two of the clock the last night, and were masters of the towne; whereof to give us notice by a signe, they made fires upon the workes, and had till near 9 or 10 in the morning the French colours upon the bulwarks, at which time, by virtue of the intelligence by the aforesaid messinger of the place being wholly subdued, marshall D'Aumont desired all possible aide to get his men on shoar, for which I readily granted him the assistance of my boates and men, and soe much the rather with cheerfulnes understanding the towne to be subdued to the French; but the marshall (with whom is also the intendant) noe sooner got within the fort in a French frigat, in company with 3 French vessels more, and a shipp of Dover, but wee observed them from the towne, to ply upon them with great guns and small shott; and allso observed, that for the space of two houres there was great store of small shott plyed within the town. The master of the shipp aforesaid of Dover, (who escaped out in a small boat with 4 men) gives us an account, that the French are wholly defeated, and in their assistance we have from this and other frigats (either killed or prisoners) near 100 men in 4 or 5 boates. If I have herein transgressed, I humbly beg pardon. What might putt me upon their assistance, I did in part give your honour an account in my last; and truely the consideration of my last yeares imploy, wherein I received commands from the generall to act in the like nature for assisting the French in the busines of Flanders, and being given to understand, that the sea-port townes were to be delivered up to his highnes hands, made me at this time the more ready in what I did. The number of officers and souldiers (I conceive) that went on shoar with the marshall are near 700, and pretended to be as able souldiers as the king of France hath any. The particulars of this transaction more at large I shall give an account of soe soon as obtained. I have understood, that the enemy are gone towards Graveling with a great convoy to neer 300 waggons of corne. I formerly wrote to the commissioners of admiralty for some provisions, which we believe to have bin obstructed by the easterly winds; and it hath bin soe long, that all our provisions are almost expended; which is all the present affords from
Speaker of Ostend,
the 4th of May, 1658.

Your Honour's very humble servant,
Will. Goodsonn.

H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to secretary Thurloe.

5th of May 1658.

In the possession of William Cromwell, Esq;

The two ways you propound for our relief, will neither of them do; viz. the 3 months anticipation will at six months end leave us where we now are; nor will it advance enough to fit us for a new establishment: wherefore let nature work till a parliament. The anticipation of quit-rents upon the adventurers and soldiers will not (though it could be executed according to the most perfect idea) afford 2000 l. per mensem. But the soldier is not yet so formally settled, nor are the records so perfectly returned, nor the species of the acre so clearly determined, as whereby we can tell how to charge or levy this duty. And as for the adventurers, they are in a condition more confused than their first chaos; what they have done as to distribution being better, if it were all undone again. Insomuch, as I have thought fitt to send over Petty, who by conference may shew them their unsettlement, and try, whether they will endure to receive a remedy. But suppose all this were done: the tax of Ireland is now 9000 l. per mensem, and was but 10000 l. when the quit-rents were respited; though afterwards 13 in course. Moreover the reason of the tax in Ireland settled upon other grounds, viz. that it might bear a proportion with England and Scotland; in which consideration Ireland's paying 9 to England's 35, is certainly over-burthened, that is, pays 6 for England's one. Now whether the lowness of the tax in Ireland considered with the generall wastes, or great and daily losses by base coin, the debt our army owes to the poor countrey, is a reason to torment us before the time, judge you: we believe here, that you cannot do it by law: wherefore, rather than to be cast upon such troublesome, irregular, and insufficient shifts, all for but a seeming relief, we will stay a little longer, and see what a parliament will do for us.

In the mean time the army every 3 months must run back one; and because we cannot reduce, you must hereafter pay 50 per cent. interest for what would have once paid your principal. I did foresee what you write concerning the causes of the parliament's backwardness. 'Tis unhandsome, if we knew how to help it, that the concernments of these 3 nations should serve but to make rattles for, &c. The lord prosper your endeavours concerning Dunkirk, securing the cavaliers, &c. I am the briefer this week, because myself and wife (who has been very ill) have been under some distemper, which indeed has seized us generally in this countrey; and because Petty (who, with some others, is to attend the address) will tell you my sense upon several matters here, whom I pray hear when he comes. I remain &c.

H. Cromwell lord deputy of Ireland, to general Fleetwood.

May the 5th 1658.

In the possession of William Cromwell, Esq;

Dear Brother,
I Perceive by all letters, that our supplyes must depend upon the parliament's meeting; and that the chief effect of Mr. Standish's negotiation will be to shew you, that we did not complain without cause. As for placing the security of our arrears upon the quit-rents, I doubt will prove a broken staff; for when you can legally demand them, (which will not these 12 months) they will be no property applicable to the growing charge. Besides you will meet with many difficultyes, before they can be effectually levyed; wherefore they are very unfit for extraordinary uses.

Through the unheard of intemperance of the weather, myself and wife have been ill; and indeed scarce 3 of 4 have continued well. The lord teach us by these dispensations to live but as sojourners here; and that we may prepare for a more abiding home. Dr. Petty with others is coming over with the addresses, and to see whether any conclusion can be made with the adventurers, with whom we are daily troubled. I shall only say this for him, that he has in all the late transactions shewed himself an honest man, and I assure you with a constant respect and affection to you and my sister, as shall always.

Yours &c.

H. Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland, to lord Broghill.

In the possession of William Cromwell, Esq;

My Dear Lord,
I Am glad that no part of what put your lordshipp upon retirement is his highnes disproportionable esteem of your meritt. I say I am glad of that, for I that know your lordshipp's deservings, would be secured, that his highnes do not undervalue them. I said in my last, that I hoped God would find out an expedient. I hope his highnes's expressions, not only of his value for your lordship's particular, but his promises that he will ratify and prepare the army for due compliance &c. and that he will also give assurance of those other things you mention, are ingredients of that medicine, which will cure your lordship's depraved appetite of retirement. Well, if it be possible, my lord, follow this blow. Your accommodation at Hampton-court, and his highnes promise, that your attendance upon business shall not be strained beyond your health, should be near as good for your bodily distemper, as any retirement in Ireland, where the news of such miscarriages, as your lordship's presence might have prevented, will afflict you more than you are aware of. I say again, the lord direct you. But &c.

Our address now is now almost moving. Wallis has not yet subscribed: we fear although he do, 'twill scarce be hearty. We are sending with it colonel Abbott, lieutenant colonel Nelson, major general's son, he being going for Holland, and Petty; the last whereof will acquaint your lordship with my sense upon several things, and is one, unto whom your lordship may safely communicate such things, as your leisure and indisposition will not permit you to write yourself. We find by Mr. Standish (whose concernments I shall mind) that our hopes of supply grow very saint. I see we must have patience till a parliament. I remain &c.

Marigny to Stouppe.

Francort, May the 16th 1658. [N. S.]

Vol. lix. p. 29.

Although it be long since I writ to you, yet I will no: doubt but that you have still some friendship for me, as I have a great ambition to serve you; and this belief maketh me to take the liberty to trouble you at present, and to give you a small commission, which I believe you will very well perform. Having had my watch stole from me, I pray bespeak me another at Monsieur Bouquet's, and let it be of the same bigness of that which I had of him. Our electors here labour hard about the capitulation; there be already several of the articles regulated, and in all probability the election will be at the end of this month. We say here, that the English and French will devour all Flanders this summer; be not so cruel, leave some one corner for others to breath in. I am
Wholly your's.

Lockhart to secretary Thurloe.

Mardick, May 16/6 1658.

Vol. lix. p. 45.

My Lord,
At my comming a shoare this morning I mett with a sadd account of Marshall d'Aumonts misfortune before Ostende. I know not whether he ought to be the more or lesse pittied, because by all circumstances its evident, that he hath fallen into a pitt, which he hath digged for himself. I cannot give your lordshipp a particular account of that businesse: I find that the losse of men is not so considerable as that of reputation, tho' that of men is too greatt; and I heare our English seamen have shared to deep in it, and think it strange, that they showld have ventored so much upon a design that his highnesse was not acquainted with. A drumm, that came this day from Dunkerk, assures, that the mareshall is not wounded as was at first reported: the vice-admiralls account of all other particulars will be more full then myne can be.

I find that our officers and soldiers heare are a little amazed at the businesse, and the French yett more. I have told both, that they must put on resolutions of seeking a just revenge. I heare the cowrt is come to Abbeville, and the army is in readynesse to march; and theirfore must begg that all things be hastened over so soone as is possible; and if his highnesse would be pleased to command over these two half-regiments they would be of great use and encouragement. The vice-admirall will certainly have so much pressed his fleets being recruited with boatts, as I shall not need to urge it. I have sent a list of the number of the recruitts come; they do not exceed 2079 men, and most of them are raw men. I have advysed the officers to beginn the exercysing of them to-morrow.

I hope your lordshipp hath sent order to your shipps in the straitts to joyne with the French fleet, and will order major generall Morgann's comming over so soone as is possible; for I feare it will be necessary, that I make haste to court. It will also concerne his highnes to choose the commander in chiefe of theise forces; the French will be much discouraged, if it be any longer delayed. If my lord Falconberge be sent over, he must have some tyme to provyde a sutable equipage; and their is not much tyme to spare him. The tents, morter-pieces, and their granados are, I hope, aboard the vessels appointed to transport them before this. I shall during my stay heare omitt nothing that I can think will be of advantage to his highnes service. I have writt to the cardinal concerning his losse at Ostend, and have encowraged him to seek his revenge. I gott heare before any of the officers, that took leave last weeke. Sir John Cockram is just now arryved, and colonel Clerk is expected to-morrow. I am,
My Lord,
Your most humble
and fathfull servant,
Will. Lockhart.

The examination of John Watson, of West-Hoadly, in the county of Sussex, Gent.

taken the 6th of May, 1658, before major generall William Goffe, one of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster, and liberties thereof.

Vol. lix. p. 30.

This examinant confesseth and saith, that about the middle of March last, Mr. John Pickering of Cookefeeld, meeting with this examinant, asked him, if he heard the news of the king's, meaning Charles Stuart, coming with great forces very shortly; and asked this examinant, if the said Charles Stuart should come, what was to be done? unto which this examinant answered, he would for his part do nothing, nor could if he would; for he was old and lame. And then the said Pickering said, though the examinant could do nothing in person, yet it would be expected he should in contribution; but he saith he did deny to meddle any way, and wished him, the said Pickering, to do the like.

And further this examinant saith, he was told by the said Pickering, that Mr. Stapley and Mr. Hutchinson had commissions from the king, meaning Charles Stuart; and that he feared severity would be used against those, that did not in some measure assist. Unto which this examinant reply'd, he did believe all Charles Stuart's designs were known, and would be prevented.

And the examinant further saith, that he asking the said Pickering, whether Mr. Burrell of Cookefeeld, or any other Gentleman thereabouts, were acquainted with it; he answered, none that he knew; and that Burrell, as he had heard, was so wise as to procure himself to be nominated as one to be questioned by the state as an actor for Charles Stuart, colourably that he might be the better excused, if the king, meaning Charles Stuart, should come, for not acting for him really. And further this examinant saith not.

Taken and acknowledged before me
the day above written.

W. Goffe.

John Watson.

The examination of captain Richard Lyndsey (fn. 1) of Bexted in Sussex,

taken the 6th of May 1658: taken before major general William Goffe, one of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster, and the liberties thereof.

Vol. lix. p. 31.

This examinant saith, that about the 20th of March last, one Mr. John Pickering of Cookefeeld in the county of Sussex, sent a messenger to this examinant to meet him at Marsfeeld (a mile off Buxted, the place where the examinant liveth) about some law businesse; and accordingly this examinant did immediately meet the said Pickering at the sign of the Chequer in Marsfeeld, where being drinking of a pint of wine together, the said Pickering told this examinant, that he was afraid we should have troublesome times, and had some other strange confused discourse about the public affairs, which the examinant saith, he gave no great heed to, but well remembers that he replied, let come what will come, he was resolved to live under this government of his highness the lord protector; for he had suffered much, and was in years, and was resolved to live peaceably: and thereupon they fell to other discourse concerning their private affairs. And being asked whether he had any discourse with the said Pickering at any other time about Charles Stuart's invading this nation, or any insurrection to be made thereupon in Sussex, or any of the adjacent countries, he saith, he never had any such discourse with the said Pickering, but what is abovementioned; and further this examinant saith not.

W. Goffe.

Richard Lyndsey.

The examination of John Pickering of Cookefeeld, in the county of Sussex, Gent. taken the 6th of May, 1658.

Vol. lix. p. 33.

This examinant saith, that about the beginning of March last, Dr. Hutchinson of Cookefeeld came to this examinant's house in the said parish, and after he had done his private business, told the examinant, that Charles Stuart was purposed to come into the nation with eight thousand men, or some such number; unto which this examinant reply'd, he did not believe it, which is all the discourse, to this examinant's remembrance, that there passed between him and the said Hutchinson, about Charles Stuart's affairs, save only that since the discovery of the design, he told the said Hutchinson, that now he hoped he himself would be of his opinion, that it would not be possible for Charles Stuart to come into this nation, or words to that effect; and further saith not.

W. Goffe.

John Pickering.

The examination of Justinian Barrow,

taken upon oath the 6th of May, 1658, before major general William Goffe, one of his highness's justices of the peace for the city of Westminster, and the liberties thereof.

Vol. lix. p. 35.

This informant saith, that about two months since, he was sollicited by one Robert Baxter, to engage in a party for the king (meaning Charles Stuart) who, he said, intended to come into England with forces from beyond the seas; and that the lord of Ormond was come over as an agent from the said Charles Stuart, and had been in London, and was come away again safely; which he said was told to him the said Baxter by one Mr. Kettleby of Hornescourt, in the County of Surrey. And that the said Kettleby had further told the said Baxter, that he would endeavour to help him to some command, as an officer among the forces, to be raised for the service of the said Charles Stuart; and did press the informant very earnestly to engage, saying, he would undertake to help him to be an officer, or what advance he could among that party. But the informant utterly refusing to engage, the said Baxter told him, that if he would come over into Surrey, he should see what entertainment he had; but the informant still refused. And further this informant saith, that being one time drinking in a house in Carter-lane, without Blackfriers-gate, the said Baxter shewed him the said Kettleby, and one Mr. Taylor, and one Basset, and said they were all agents for the king (meaning Charles Stuart) and would have had him have spoken with them; but the informant refused to speak with them at that time, but promised the said Baxter to make a journey to see him in Surrey, intending to make some further discovery of the business; but the informant being soon after arrested for debt, he hath not heard any thing more of these affairs; and further saith not.

W. Goffe.

Justinian Barrow.

South. The information of William Edmunds of Farneborow in this county, butcher,

taken upon oath before John Cole of Odiham in this county Esq; one of his highness's justice for the peace, the 6th day of May 1658.

Vol. lix. p. 37.

This informant saith, that the 5th of this instant, May, he this deponent coming to the house of Mr. Finch, an inholder in the parish of Farneborow, that he there came into company to a stranger to him then unknown, but as this deponent hath heard, that he was one of the purveyors for the late king, and his name to be Mr. Hene.

That after some time the said Hene and this deponent had kept company together, he this deponent salling into discourse of the late intended insurrection, and particularly dis coursing with the said Hene of some persons engaged therein, as he had heard, who lived at a place called Compton in Southray, by name one Mr. Francis Mansel a merchant, who upon a search made for him by the soldiers, had made an escape from them: that hereupon the said Hene replied to this deponent, that they were honest men, that were to rise in that party to let in the king, in opposition to my lord protector; and that they that did oppose the said party were knaves; and that their cause, who were to rise, was right, and the others wrong, and contrary to law.

That there was for some time in this deponent's company, one William Browne of Frinley, and his son William Browne living in Farneborow; but knoweth not certainly whether they were in the room at the time of this discourse; for that the said Brownes, both father and son, came above an hour after he this deponent had been in company with the said Hene alone; and that the aforesaid Finch, master of the said inn, was not at home when this discourse was.

And this deponent further saith, that in the presence of the said William Browne junior, he this deponent told the said Hene, that had talked so much on the behalf of the said parties, that sure he had something about him that concerned them; and the occasion why he said so to him was, because he this deponent having formerly seen papers in his hands with the queen's name at the upper end of one of the said papers; whereupon the said Hene pulled out more papers, which this deponent desired he might see, but was denied it by the said Hene; and the said William Browne being then there, he the said Browne had sight of one of the papers, which he read, and said to the said Hene, you rogue, this is enough to hang you. And the said Browne tore the said paper in several pieces, and would not suffer this deponent to see it; that hereupon this deponent went and called the officer to apprehend the said Hene, and was reviled at by the said Browne, and called knave.

William Edmunds.

The information of William Browne of Farncborow in this county, taken before me the 6th day of May 1658.

Who saith, that this informant was in company with one Mr. Thomas Hene, and one William Edmunds; and this informant was also there upon the 5th of this instant, May, at the house of one John Finch in Farneborow; but saith, that all the time that he was in their company, there was not any discourse, nor one word spoken concerning the late insurrection, nor tending thereunto. But saith, that there were some papers pulled out by the said Thomas Hene in this informant's presence; and that he read some of the papers, one of them being a copy of verses written to the queen. That for the other papers he knows not what they were, nor can relate no part thereof; and confesseth, that he tore one of the said papers: but denies that he used any words at all unto the said Hene or any other, upon the tearing of the said papers; but says, that he called the said Edmund busy knave, when he caused the said Hene to be apprehended.

William Browne.

The examination of Thomas Hene of Erith in the county of Kent Gent. taken before me at Odiham the 6th of May 1658.

That this examinant being sent for from the place of his abode, to come to London by my lady Victoria Uvedall, he this examinant came thither upon the 26th of April last past: that he this examinant was sent by the lady Uvedall after he came to London to the master of the rolles, and was by both of them employed to go to Wickam in this county; and that his business there was to make search with Mr. Jonathan Clark for an acquittance of 1500 l. or thereabouts, given by Sir John Heyden to Sir William Uvedall deceased, in discharge of so much money paid by Sir William for the king's use when he was treasurer. And this examinant saith, that he went out of London upon the 29th of April; that in his way back towards London, he came upon the 3d day of May at night to Farneborow, and lodged in the house of one John Finch. That he this examinant being sore with riding, he staid at the said Finch's Tuesday and Wednesday following. That upon Wednesday last, being the 5th of this instant, May, there came into the examinant's company a stranger, who, as this examinant now hears, is called by the name of Edmunds. Saith that he had no discourse with the said Edmunds, concerning any intended insurrection, or any persons lately apprehended, or to be apprehended by any directions from his highness and his council; and that he never heard of any thing that concerned that business. Denies that he this examinant ever shewed the said Edmunds or any other person any papers whatsoever: saith that this examinant was never any


  • 1. A counseller of the inner table