
Pages 365-366

Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 3, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1796.

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Of the kings Soc of Bodmeschell in Elchesleig were four bov. ad geldam. The land two car. (fn. 1) There was a church and a priest, and six sochm. with one car. and an half, one mill 4s. and a little small wood. Here was a manor of the Tayn-land, which before the conquest Vlchel had, and it answered the geld (or tax) for four bov. The land being then two car. Afterwards Erwin the priest held it of the king (William) there tour vill. had one car. and an half. In the time of Edward the confessour it was valued at eight, in the time of king William the conquerour when the survey was made at 10s. Aschill held it before, Erwin then. In this town also of the fee of Roger de Busli were two manors, which before his time Lochre and Vlchel had, paying the tax for four bovats. The land whereof was two car. There Claron had one car. and three vill. one bordar having one car. and an half. This kept the ancient value of 26s.

Claron was a witness to Roger de Buslies foundation charter of Blyth, dated 1088, as in that place may be seen.

(fn. 2) Raph, son of Arnold de Flameng, by the consent of Roger and Thomas, his heirs, gave to Adam de Wellum and his heirs, his whole meadow which he had on the part of the Soc from Muriel Bridge, viz. that which was called Arnold Holme, reserving 6d. per annum to himself and his heirs, for which gift the said Adam gave him two marks of his cattel. (fn. 3) John Fleming gave to Adam de Wellum, all the meadow which he had between the mill of Elkeslay, and the bridge of Twifort, paying him and his heirs one spur (Calcariam) of Lincolne, or 4d. at christmas, for all services yearly. Adam de Wellum (fn. 4) by the consent of his heirs, for the health of his soul, and of his fathers and mothers, and of Eve his wifes, the mother of his children, and also of Orenta his second wifes, and all his ancestors, &c. gave to the church of St. Mary of Blyth the whole meadow intirely, which is situate between the mill of Erkesley and Bierkelont for ever. (fn. 5) Joh. le Flemenc of Claverburc, gave to God and the church of Blyth the whole service of which Gamel de Harewrt and his heirs did him for the meadow they held of him in Locheng, and besides confirmed the meadow which Adam de Wellum, and Elyas his son, gave that church.

(fn. 6) Gaufr. son of Rainald de Kirketon, gave to the monks of Blyth one selion, which lay the fourth from the court of the said monks in Elkeslay at the West. Gerebert de Elkeslay gave them three dales of his land in Elkeslay, one dale in Tunfurlang, and one dale (fn. 7) beyond the Chimin (or way) of the castle, and one dale between the chimin of the castle, and the chimin of Twiford. Thomas Fraunces of Elkesley sold to the prior and covent of Wirksop, (fn. 8) (fn. 9) all his right in the wood and pasture of Coder, with the appurrenances; sir Robert de Furneus, and sir William de Bevercotes, &c. were witnesses.

The family of Bevercotes had interest here, as in that place may be observed. And the jury, 35 E. 3, found that John de Lungvilers had three tenements and two bovats here held of the abbey of Rufford.

(fn. 10) Thomas de Shitlome 3 E. 4, and before that in 36 H. 6, claimed against Hugh Marsyn, James de Shawe, and Robert Gilbert, three mess. twenty acres of land, and four of meadow, with the appurtenances in Elkesley.

(fn. 11) John Babington, and Saunchea his wife, 24 H. 8, claimed against Robert Sharpe, two mess. two hundred acres of land, twenty of meadow, and one hundred of more, with the appurtenances in Elkesley.

(fn. 12) William Mason, and Owen Shipley, 9 Eliz. claimed against William Swyft, esquire, the manor of Elkesley, with the appurtenances; and four mess. eight tofts, one dovecote, ten gardens, three hundred acres of land, &c. with the appurtenances in Elkesley, and free fishing in the water of Palter: who called Cuthbert Bevercote, esquire.

(fn. 13) Sir John Markham, knight, held the Austin fryers in Newark, the manors of Cotham, East Markham, Bothumsell, and Elkesley.

Sir Robert Swyft, grandchild of William, lately died seised of this manor.

(fn. 14) The grange of Elkesley belonging to the priory of Mattersey, was granted 22 Nov 38 H. 8, to John Bellowe, and Robert Bigott.

The whole rectory and church of Elkesley, with the appurtenances late belonging to the monastery of Welbek, 17 July 4 E. 6, (fn. 15) was granted to Richard Winlowe, and Richard Feild, and their heirs.

(fn. 16) The vicarage of Elkesley was ten marks when the abbat of Welbeck was patron: Tis now 6l. 16s. 0d. 0b. value in the kings books, and the earl of Clare patron.

[Throsby] Elekesley

Lies within three miles of the high road from Newark to York, near Haughton park, between that and Clumber park. Here the duke of Newcastle has interest.— The vicarage first came into the Newcastle family by the earl of Clare, afterwards duke of Newcastle. It is a very indifferent vicarage.

Patron, duke of Newcastle. Incumbent, rev. George Booth, v. K. B. 3l. 16s. od½ Archiepisc. pro Syn. 4s. Val. per ann. in mans. 3s. in decim. molend. lan. agn. porc. anc. &c. Mon. Welbeck Propr.


  • 1. Lib. Dooms.
  • 2. Regist. de Blid. p. 84:
  • 3. Ib. 33.
  • 4. Ib. 101.
  • 5. Regist. de Blid. p. 83.
  • 6. Ib.
  • 7. Ib.
  • 8. Regist: de Wirks. fol 82, a. Cap. 9; Ch. de Coder.
  • 9. Esc. 35 E. 3, par. 1, n. 121.
  • 10. Mich. 3 E. 4, rot. 386, Hil. 36 H. 6.
  • 11. Mich. 4 H. 3, rot. 127.
  • 12. Tri. 9 Eliz. rot. 360.
  • 13. Lb, 3, post. mor. fo. 114.
  • 14. Par. 12 pa. 38 H. 8.
  • 15. Par. 4, pat. 4 E. 6.
  • 16. Mss. J.M.