Bothumsell and Lound Hall

Pages 363-364

Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire: Volume 3, Republished With Large Additions By John Throsby. Originally published by J Throsby, Nottingham, 1796.

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In Bodmeschell earl Tosti had twelve bovats for the geld. The land eight car. But after the Conquest the king had (fn. 1) there five vill. and one bord. with two car. and one mill 8s. and forty acres of meadow, pasture wood half a leuc long, and four qu. broad. In the time of Edward the consessour the value was 8l. when king William took the survey but 60s. This manor had soc in Elchesleig, both Mortunes, Babword, Oglesthorp, and Ordeshale, Ranesby, and Sudershalc, Raneby, Madrisseig, Lund, and Barneby.

(fn. 2) In 9 H. 3, of the scutages of Mungumery Raph de St. George, and Richard de Furnells, gave account of two marks concerning one fee in Bodemescill. Richard de Furnell, son and heir of Robert de Furn, (which Robert was husband of Isabell, daughter of Jordan de Chevercourt) (fn. 3) released all his right in the chapel of Bomeshull to the abby of Wellebec, and acknowledged it to belong to the mother church of Helkesley of that abbies patronage. (fn. 4) The same did Raph de St. George. The said Raph and Richard are said to hold this see in Bodmescill of the king in capite; (fn. 5) but in a later inquisition Robert de Furneus, and Robert de St. George, are said to hold it of the honour of Lancaster of the old seoffment. Robert (de St. George) 18 H. 3, (fn. 6) gave five marks for relief of the lands which Raph his father held in Lancashire. The jury, 30 H. 3, (fn. 7) said that Robert de St. George, late husband of Petronilla, held in the town of Bodmeshill, with the Sok, two car. of land and an half of the king in capite, by the service of half a knights fee, whereof he had demesne fifty acres, &c. he held divers lands in Lincolneshire. Raph de St. George his son and heir was then fifteen years old. The king that year, viz. 30 H. 3, (fn. 8) committed the custody of the lands and heirs of the said Robert de St. George to Robert le Norreis. In the scutage of Wales, 39 H. 3, and 44 H. 3, (fn. 9) Raph St. George, and Robert Furnels, paid 40s. for one knights fee here, and one in Lancashire.

That moyety of this manor which belonged to the family of Furnalls, descended with it, as in Carleton in Lindrick will be noted. (fn. 10) The jury, 25 E. 1, said that Richard de Furneus, and Richard de Boselingthorpe, held a knights fee in Bothemsell of Edmund earl of Lancaster paying 10s. per annum to the ward of that castle. (fn. 11) And in 19 E. 2, the jury said that Richard de Boselingthorp held this manor when he died by the law of England of the inheritance of Isabella his quondam wife, and that John de Boselingthorp was their son and heir, which John, 5 E. 3, (fn. 12) had a charter of free warren for Bothmeshull.

(fn. 13) Raph Brasebrigg chr. 19 R. 2, by one fine passed the manor of Bothumsell to John de Markham, and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of John, and by another 110l. rent in Bothumsell. Robert Fletchar, and William Bull, 8 Eliz. (fn. 14) claimed against William Swyft, esquire, the manors of Bothumsell, Upton, and Elkesley, with the appurtenances, and twenty mess. &c. in the said towns, Little Morton, Morton, Morton Grange, and Milneton, likewise free fishing in the water of Idele in Bothumsell, and Elkesley, and called to warrant Robert Markham, esquire.

That which was Fitz-Hughes Lord of Carleton, was the inheritance of — Williamson, son of Barnaby Williamson; so was Lound Hall which lies upon the rivet Idle over against Houghton, but is in this parish, and was formerly (if not mistaken for Lound by Sutton) — Freestons, and before that Strelleyes, and of Tikhill fee.

(fn. 15) Ed. Elwyse, and Nicolas Johnson, 7 E. 6, claimed against William Elwyse two mess. one gareren, one orchard, sixty acres of land, one hundred of meadow, two hundred of pasture, forty of wood, and fishing in Idell in Hawton, Lound, who called to warrant Edward Thyrland.

(fn. 16) William Nevile, and George Anderson, 6 Eliz. claimed againft Martin Smith the manor of Hawghton Lownde, with the appurtenances, &c. who called to warrant John Elves, gent.

(fn. 17) The owners of the towns of Elkesley with Bothumsell l612, are thus set down, sir Robert Swifte, knight, Barnabas Williamson, gent. Edward Sharpe, Nicolas Sharpe, John Marneham, John Beardsall, Thomas Sharpe, Robert Brett.

(fn. 18) The vicarage of Bothumsell was eight marks when the abbat of Welbeck was patron, now I know not what it is.

(fn. 19) The predial tythes and glebe of the rectory of Bothumsell, queen Eliz. 24 Febr. 90 Eliz. granted to Edward earl of Lincolne, and Christopher Gows, gent, and their heirs in fee farm.

[Throsby] Bothumsell, &c.

Lordship is chiefly owned by the duke of Newcastle. It is a small village in the parish of Elkesley. The chapel is dedicated to St. Mary, certified value 2ll. 6s. 8d Patron, duke of Newcastle. Incumbent, rev. Mr. Mason.

Lound Hall, or Lodge, stands at an easy distance from Haughton ruined chapel. It is occupied by, what the world now fashionably denominates, a gentleman grazier. It appears to have nothing striking either with respect to magnitude or elegance.


  • 1. Lib. Dooms.
  • 2. Pip. 9 H. 3.
  • 3. Regist. de Wellebec p. 230.
  • 4. Ib. 162.
  • 5. Test. de Nev.
  • 6. Pip. 18 H. 3, Lane.
  • 7. Esc. 30 H. 3, n. 30.
  • 8. Pip. 30 H. 3, Lanc.
  • 9. Pip. 39 H. 3, & 44 H. 3.
  • 10. Esc. 25 E, 1, n. 51.
  • 11. Esc. 19 E. 2, n. 77.
  • 12. Ch. 5 E. 3, m. 33.
  • 13. Fin. lev. Mich. 19 R. 2.
  • 14. Trin. 8 Eliz. 10. 441.
  • 15. Hill. 7 E. 6, rot. 314.
  • 16. Tri. 6 Eliz. rot. 156.
  • 17. Lib. libere ten.
  • 18. Mss. J.M.
  • 19. Par. 6, pat. 20 Eliz.