Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80

Edited by John Raithby. The statutes that passed into law under Charles I and Charles II, including the legislation of the Long and Short Parliaments before the Interregnum, and of the Restoration after.

Statutes of the Realm. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.

This free content was digitised by double rekeying. Public Domain.


Table of contents

Title Page(s)
Charles II, 1666: An Act for Redresse of Inconveniencies by want of Proofe of the Deceases of Persons beyond the Seas or absenting themselves, upon whose Lives Estates doe depend. 614-615
Charles II, 1666: An Act to prevent the Disturbances of Seamen and others and to preserve the Stores belonging to His Majesties Navy Royall. 615-616
Charles II, 1666: An Act for granting the Summe of Twelve hundred fifty six thousand three hundred forty seaven pounds thirteene shillings to the Kings Majestie towards the Maintenance of the present Warr. 616-623
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for taking the Accompts of the severall So[m]ms of Money therein menc[i]oned 624-627
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for banishing and disenabling the Earl of Clarendon. 628
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act to make Prize Ships free for Trade 628-629
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for assigning Orders in the Exchequer without Revocation 629
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for setling Freedome and Intercourse of Trade between England and Scotland 630
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for raising Three hundred and ten thousand pounds by an Imposition on Wines and other Liquors. 630-635
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for the better Payment of Moneys received for the Use of the Crown 636
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for the Increase and p[re]servation of Timber within the Forest of Deane. 636-639
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for proceeding to Judgement on Writs of Error brought in the Exchequer. 639
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for giving Liberty to buy and export Leather and Skins tanned or dressed. 640
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act to regulate the Trade of Silk Throwing 640
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Additional Act against the Importation of Forreign Cattel 641-642
Charles II, 1667 & 1668: An Act for the taxing and assessing of the Lands of the Adventurers within the Great Levell of the Fenns. 643-647
Charles II, 1670: An Act to prevent and suppresse Seditious Conventicles. 648-651
Charles II, 1670: An Act for repaireing of the Haven and Peers of Great Yarmouth. 651-653
Charles II, 1670: An Act for granting unto his Majestie an Imposition upon all Wines and Vinegar imported betweene...June One thousand six hundred seaventy and...June One thousand six hundred seaventy eight. 653-656
Charles II, 1670: An Act for setleing the Imposition on Brandy. 656
Charles II, 1670: An Act for takeing away the Benefit of Clergy from such as steale Cloth from the Racke and from such as shall steale or imbezill his Majestyes Ammunition [and Stores.] 657
Charles II, 1670: An Act for advanceing the Sale of Fee-Farme Rents and other Rents. 657-660
Charles II, 1670: An Act to enable the Kings Majestie to make Leases, Grants and Copyes of Offices, Lands Tenements and Hereditaments Parcell of his Highnesse Dutchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the same. 661-662
Charles II, 1670: An Act for ascertaining the Measures of Corne and Salt. 662-663
Charles II, 1670: An Act authorizing certaine Commissioners of the Realme of England to treate with Commissioners of Scotland for the Weale of both Kingdomes. 663-664
Charles II, 1670: An Act for sale of part of the Estate of Sir John Prittiman for satisfaction of a Debt by him due to the Kings Majestie. 664-665
Charles II, 1670: An Additionall, Act for the rebuilding of the Citty of London, uniteing of Parishes and rebuilding of the Cathedrall and Parochiall Churches within the said City. 665-682
Charles II, 1670: An Additionall Act for the better repairing of Highwayes and Bridges 682-685
Charles II, 1670: An Act for Improvement of Tillage and the Breede of Catle. 685-686
Charles II, 1670: An Act for settling the drayneing of the Fennes in Lincolnshire called Deepeing Fennes. 687-690
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act to p[re]vent Malitious maiming and wounding. 691-692
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for Continuance of a former Actt entituled An Act to p[re]vent Delayes in extending Statutes Judgements and Recognizances. 693
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for granting a Subsidy to his Majestie for Supply of his Extraordinary Occasions. 693-703
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for continuance of a former Act to prevent Arrests of Judgements and superseding Executions. 703
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for an Additionall Excise upon Beere, Ale and other Liquors. 704-706
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for revesting the Power of granting Wine Licences in his Majesty his Heires and Successors and for; setleing a Recompence on his Royall Highnesse in liew thereof.; 706-708
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act to prevent the malitious burning of Houses, Stackes of Corne and Hay and killing or maiming of Catle. 709
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the regulateing the makeing of Kidderminster Stuffes. 710-712
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for laying Impositions on Proceedings at Law. 712-719
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the better setling of Intestates Estates. 719-720
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act to prevent the delivery up of Merchants Shipps, and for the Increase of good and serviceable Shipping. 720-722
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Additionall Act for ascertaining the Measures of Corne and Salt. 722-723
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for exporting of Beere Ale and Mum. 723
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for determination of Differences touching Houses burnt or demolished within fower yeares since the late dreadfull Fire of London 724
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the better Setlement of the Maintenance of the Parsons Vicars and Curates in the Parishes of the Citty of London burnt by the late dreadfull Fire there. 725-727
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the discovery of such as have defrauded the Poore of the Citty of London, of the Moneys given for their Releife at the times of the late Plague and Fire, and for recovery of the Arreares thereof. 728-729
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the better paveing and cleansing the Streets and Sewers in and about the Citty of London. 729-731
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the better regulateing of Workehouses for setting the Poore on Worke. 732
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act to prevent Fraudes in the buying and selling of Cattell in Smithfeild and elsewhere. 733-734
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the Releife and Release of poore distressed Prisoners for Debt. 734-737
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for takeing the Accompts of Sixty thousand pounds and other Moneys given to the loyall and indigent Officers. 737-739
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the better and more certaine Recovery of Fines and Forfeitures due to his Majestie. 739-741
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act to revive an Act, Entituled An Act to prevent the disturbances of Seamen and others, and to preserve the Stores belonging to his Majestyes Navy Royall, with some Alterations and Additions. 741-743
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for vesting certaine Fee-Farme Rents and other small Rents in Trustees. 743-745
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for the better preservation of the Game, and for secureing Warrens not inclosed, and the severall Fishings of this Realme. 745-746
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act to p[re]vent the planting of Tobacco in England, and for regulateing the Plantation Trade. 747-749
Charles II, 1670 & 1671: An Act for explaining of a Proviso conteyned in an Act, entituled An Act for setling the Profitts of ye Post-Office and Power of granteing Wine-Licences on His Royall Highnes ye Duke of Yorke and the Heyres Males of his Body. 749-751
Charles II, 1672: An Act for raising the Summe of Twelve hundred thirty eight thousand seaven hundred, and fifty Pounds for supply of his Majesties extraordinary occasions. 752-782
Charles II, 1672: An Act for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants. 782-785
Charles II, 1672: An Act for enableing his Majestie to make Leases of his Lands belonging to the Dutchy of Cornwall. 785-786
Charles II, 1672: An Act for repeale of a Clause in a former Act to prohibit Salesmen from selling Fatt Cattell. 786
Charles II, 1672: An Act for the Kings Majestyes most Gratious, Generall and Free Pardon. 786-791
Charles II, 1672: An Act for takeing off Aliens Duty upon Commodities of the Growth, Product and Manufacture of the Nation. 791-792
Charles II, 1672: An Act for the incouragement of the Greeneland and Eastland Trades, and for the better secureing the Plantation Trade. 792-793
Charles II, 1672: An Act for continuing a former Act concerning Coynage. 794
Charles II, 1672: An Act to enable the County Palatine of Durham to send Knights and Burgesses to serve in Parlyament. 795
Charles II, 1672: An Act for reviveing the Judicature for determination of Differences touching Houses burnt downe and demolished by reason of the late Fire, which happened in London, and for rebuilding of the Navy Office. 795-797
Charles II, 1675: An Act for the better and more easy rebuilding the Towne of Northampton. 798-801
Charles II, 1677: An Act for raising the Summe of Five hundred eighty foure thousand nine hundred seaventy eight pounds two shillings and two pence halfe-penny for the speedy building Thirty Shipps of Warr. 802-836
Charles II, 1677: An Act for an additionall Excise upon Beere, Ale and other Liquors for Three yeares. 837-839
Charles II, 1677: An Act for prevention of Frauds and Perjuryes. 839-842
Charles II, 1677: An Act for erecting a Judicature to determine Differences touching Houses burnt and demolished by the late dread full Fire in Southwarke. 842-846
Charles II, 1677: An Act for takeing of Affidavits in the Country to be made use of in the Courts of Kings Bench Common Pleas and Exchequer. 846
Charles II, 1677: An Act for the Naturalizing of Children of his Majestyes English Subjects borne in Forreigne Countryes during the late Troubles. 847
Charles II, 1677: An Act for the better Observation of the Lords day commonly called Sunday. 848
Charles II, 1677: An Act for confirming and perpetuating Augmentations made by Ecclesiasticall Persons to small Vicarages and Curacies. 849-850
Charles II, 1677: An Act for takeing away the Writt De Heretico cumburendo. 850
Charles II, 1677: An Act for the better repairing and maintaining the Piere of Great Yarmouth. 850-851
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for raising Money by a Poll and otherwise to enable His Majestie to enter into an actuall Warr against the French King and for prohibiting severall French Commodities. 852-864
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for continuance of two former Acts for preventing of Theft and Rapine upon the Northerne Borders of England. 864-866
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for granting a Supply to His Majestie of Six hundred nineteene thousand three hundred eighty eight pounds eleaven shillings and nine pence for disbanding the Army and other uses therein mentioned. 867-883
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for granting an additionall Duty to His Majestie upon Wines for Three yeares. 883-884
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for burying in Woollen. 885-886
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for the further Reliefe and Discharge of poore distressed Prisoners for Debt. 887-889
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for repealeing certaine words in a Clause in a former Act entituled An Act for enlargeing and repaireing of Common Highwayes. 890
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for reviveing a former Act entituled An Act for avoiding unnecessary Suits and Delayes and for continuance of one, other Act entituled An Act for the better settleing of Intestates Estates. 890
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act to enable Creditors to recover their Debts of the Executors and Administrators of Executors in their owne wrong. 890
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for the Admeasurement of Keeles and Boates carrying Coales. 891
Charles II, 1677 & 1678: An Act for Preservation of Fishing in the River of Seaverne. 892-893
Charles II, 1678: (Stat. 2.) An Act for the more effectuall preserving the Kings Person and Government by disableing Papists from sitting in either House of Parlyament. 894-896
Charles II, 1679: An Act for granting a Supply to His Majestie...for paying off and disbanding the Forces raised since the Nine and twentyeth of September One thousand six hundred seaventy seaven. 897-934
Charles II, 1679: An Act for the better secureing the Liberty of the Subject and for Prevention of Imprisonments beyond the Seas. 935-938
Charles II, 1679: An Act for reingrossing of the Records of Fines burnt or lost in the late Fire in the Temple. 938-939
Charles II, 1680: An Additionall Act for burying in Woollen. 940
Charles II, 1680: An Act prohibiting the Importation of Catle from Ireland. 941-942
Index: A 3-4
Index: B 5-7
Index: C 7-18
Index: D 19-20
Index: E 20-23