Page 890
Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1625-80. Originally published by Great Britain Record Commission, s.l, 1819.
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Executors, &c. of Executors, in their own Wrong wasting Goods of the deceased, liable as their Testator, &c; Continuance of Act.
Whereas the Executors and Administrators of such persons who have possessed themselves of considerable Personall Estates of other dead persons and converted the same to their owne use have noe Remedy by the Rules of the Common Law as it now stands to pay the Debts of those persons whose Estate hath beene soe converted by their Testator or Intestate which hath beene found very mischeivous and many Creditors defeated of their just Debts although their Debtors left behinde them sufficient to satisfie the same with a great Overplus For remedy whereof Bee it enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majestie by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the Commons in this present Parlyament assembled and by the Authoritie thereof That all and every the Executors and Administrators of any person or persons who as Executor or Executors in his or their owne wrong or Administrators shall from and after the First day of August next ensueing waste or convert any Goods Chattells Estate or Assetts of any person deceased to their owne use shall be lyeable and chargeable in the same manner as their Teftator or Intestate would have beene if they had beene liveing This Act to continue in force for three yeares and from thence to the end of the next Session of Parlyament and noe longer.