Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1630s

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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The inhabitants of the parish of the Holy Cross in Pershore. Ref.110 BA1/1/58/64 (1633)

To the right worshipfull Sir Robert Barkeley knight one of his majesties justices of his highnes cort of Kinges Bench.

The humble peticion of the inhabitantes of the parishe of the Holy Cross in Parshore in the county of Worcester

Humbly sheweth that whereas about xii yeeres past one George Clarke of Saint Peters of Saint Michaells in Bedwardine or Saint Peters late keeper [his?] majesties gole in the said county sent a woman from the said gaole to Parshore aforsaid greate with childe by the said Clarke as may appeare by the schedule hereunto annexed the contentes wherof wilbe testified by the witnesses whose names are thereunto subscribe [whereupon?] she was here delivered of a bastard sonne who prooveth impotent, and shortly after the said Clarke brought a bond and delivered it to the oversee minister of the said parishe wherin one Tubbs (who as the said Clarke affirmed was an able man) was bound for savegard of the said parishe harmles touching the said bastard, but it since appears that the said Tubbs was then a prisoner in the custody of the said Clarke and or since [illegible] convicted of felony, soe that by this [...k?] of the said Clarke the inhabitantes of the said parish [illegible] [illegible] be charged with the said impotent person [illegible] [illegible] taken to the contrary

[illegible] please you [illegible] [illegible] sayd [p...?] [illegible] [illegible] therefor [illegible] [illegible] witnesses [illegible] [illegible]

The inhabitants of the manor of Holt. Ref.110 BA1/1/58/66 (1633)

Wigorn sessions

The humble peticion of the inhabitances of the mannor of Holt

First the said inhabitance shewe to your good lordshipp and worshipes that there is one Phillipp Cooke whoe hathe halfe a yard laund lyeinge in Holt aforesaied in possession, worthe aboute twentie markes by yeare which hee hath lett to his ealder brother Edward Cooke dwelling in Grymley and is gonn with Captaine Leighton into the lowe [countries?], and hathe lefte a base woman child born [illegible] the saied mannor of Holt to bee meanteyned by the inhabitance there, whoe pay to one Goodwyfe Sort twelve pence a weeke to keepe the same.

Nowe the saied inhabitance most humblie pray your Lordshipp and worships that there may bee some order made, that the said base child may have maintenance out of hir fathers halfe yard laund, as lykewyse that the saied Goodwyfe Sort may have twelfe pence a weeke allowed to hir out of the saied laund, for soe longe tyme as she hath keipte the saied child; and they according to ther duties will daylie pray to God, longe to contynewe your lordshipp and worships in all good health and prosperitie

The humble peticion of the inhabitances of the mannor of Holt

Thomas Cocks of Crowle. Ref.110 BA1/1/58/71 (1633)

Worthy Sir,

I beseeche you gyve me leave amongst your many well wishers (though unworthy to be [raulete?] in the number of your meanest fryndes) to pray as hartely as any thatt you may happely injoy your risinge fortunes. I heare you intend a session att Worcester this day about the mendinge of highe wayes which is a very charitable and good worke and so is ytt also (if you thinke good) before your goinge out of the country to take some course concerninge the puttinge downe of the superfluity of alehowses and common typlinge howses of which kynd wee have no lesse then three in Crowle and thatt is twoe too many for one lyttle village, as I fynd by experience to my losse of servantes and they very often to the losse of theyre mony and wyttes. The [newest?] of these ale sellers is James Careles, and therefore the worst. The next in propinquity of neighbourhood is Richard Brinton a servant to Master Symons of Aston and upheld by hym in that faculty. Careles petitioned my lorde bushoppe for a licence to sell ale, because he was a surgeon and had many patientes came to hym for helpe and found ytt a greate inconveniance for them to goe to remote places for theire diett and drinke, and in that respect obteyned a lycence (as I understand) with a lymitation to sell ale to none butt his patientes butt nowe (of late especially) he farre exceedes his boundes, and intertaynes all commers as well by night as by day high and lowe, rich and [poor?] beggers and all, none excepted for example, a poore wandringe fellow came (nott longe since) to my doore [counterfeyting?] hymself to be blind [lame?] and taken most [illegible] with a shakinge palsy, which parte of [illegible] man [illegible] [severall?] particulers he performed so artificially thatt [h...?] [illegible] to take greate compas=sion of hym, for [illegible] she gave hym mony and a [p...e?] of bacon? [illegible] had butt [he?] went away with a snayles pace haltinge downe right [illegible] shakinge and gropinge with his staffe tyll he thought he was out of sight, and then he was an upright man on the soddeyne, and without any lamenes blindnes quaking or quiveringe could fynd the way to Careles his howse presently where he called for a pott of ale a pipe of tobacco and a pennyworth of egges to fry with his bacon, and Careles rise uppe from other company and sate downe by hym [afore?] my twoe wyttnesses lefte them who heard and sawe all this passage and after told ytt to me and my wiffe an other poore fellowe who professed hymself an extraordynary carder and spynner of wollen or lynnen was [of?] late sett a worke by my wiffe to carde and spynne course woll for blankettes and when he had gotten some mony for his worke to Careles he goes and there with an other of my men, spent the greatest parte of the night tyll ytt was [illegible] 3 a clocke in the morninge or thereabowt and then they parted, butt the spynner made his way throughe the church yeard where fyndinge twoe begger women in the churche porche gave a grote to the younger to ly with her, where there was such a [s...e?] betwene them thatt there was shakte owt of his pockett about sixteene shillinges, which hee presently missed by feelinge in his pockett for his mony. and made [illegible] so greate a noyse in chidinge and brawlinge one with an other abowt ytt, yt beinge neere my chamber I wakte and rise and called uppe all my men [to?] go into the churchyeard and see whatt the matter was and by searchinge with a lanterne and a candle there [illegible] found abowt a crowne of ytt which he had agayne [illegible] rest was loste. In the meane tyme while this search was made I sent for the cunstable to putt the spynninge man and the [illegible] younger woman in the stockes and so was rydde of a knave. And this disorder [illegible] many more (which is too much to sett downe in a letter) [Careles?] his ale distrybuted to all commers procureth, and beinge inoughe and too much to shew [what?] a well governed [illegible] alehowse itt is I [illegible] nowe most humbly take my leave and crave pardon for beinge soe tedious [illegible] rest [illegible]

Crowle [illegible] o September [1633?]

[illegible] poore [neighbour?] [illegible] servant to command

  • Thomas Cockes

To the [right worshipfull?] Sir Robert Barkeley knight one of his majesties justices of the Kinges bench.

John Chaundler and William Hay of Kineton. Ref.110 BA1/1/58/77 (1633)

To the right honourable the Lord Barkeley and to the worshipfull the justices of the peace

The humble peticion of John Chaundler and William Hay of the parish of Kineton whoe being fined in the some of ten shillings by the complaynt of Peter Noxen, doth intreat that the sayed Peter Noxen may be questioned whether he hath made true performance of his office for he giving warning to the neyghbours as at a time appointed to be helpfull to the repayring of the highe wayes, the weather did prove soe unreasonable wett that we wer enforced to leave of at that time which was the last of the six dayes wheron we wer to performe our due service by his appointment we both have performed seaven dayes work a peece att which time in the evening George Poole being supervisor with Peter Noxen camme unto him to know of him when another dayes imployment should be appointed by reason that they wer prevented by the wettnes and raynie weather, his answer was that he had done for this yere and he would meddle noe further

Then about the space of a weeke or a fortnight after this time [Peter?] Noxen went unto the worshipfull Sir John Rowse not acquaintinge his fellow George Poole therwithall and made presentment of those whome he pleased and sparing other some which wer alltogether in as mutch defaulte as those whome he presented

And being moved by George Poole afterwards for the rapayring of some other place which was faulty his answer was that he would meddle noe more for he must goe about his owne busines, yet neverthelesse at the appointment of George Poole all the neyghbours did performe theyr service to carry and lay theyr carriage wher he did direct him as it was most needfull

[] more when as formerly the neyghbours did come with theyr [illegible] theyr cattle at the appointment of Peter Noxen the sayed [illegible] would withdrawe them from theyr service by the time that [illegible] beene at worke the space of twoe or three howers and gett [illegible] [...nto?] his house he being a vitaler and ther they should spend the rest [illegible] disorderly manner untill five or six of the clock in the [illegible]

Roger Perke of Whistones. Ref.110 BA1/1/58/92 (1633)

To the right worshipfull Sir Robert Barkeley knight one of the Kinges majesties justices of his highenes pleas att Westminster and one of his hignes justices of peace for the countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Roger Perke of Whistance in the said county of Wigorn

Humbly sheweth that the peticioner dwelling att the signe of the Fish in Whistance which hath benne an ancyent inne for above threescore yeares, to entertayne travaylers and people comeinge to markett, yet hath ben bound by recognizance, as an aleseller, and soe hath all the victuallinge howses there from tyme to tyme, nowe one Henry Meeke that dwelleth in a howse there, and haveinge a signe of a Bell doth pretend himself to bee the inholder, and the reason is for that he was supprest by the justice of assize, before whom hee was indicted and arraigned, as accessary to felony in receaveinge goodes stolen, and is accompted a receaver and harborer of lewd people, as theeves and such like and doth dayley receave cheators that cosen men att tables as namely one Richard Caterens whoe the last weeke did there play with one Thomas Gibbons Thomson whoe affirmed that Caterens did cosen him of his money att table and sayed that x shillings was pickt out of his pockett in the howse

The peticioners humble desyre unto your good worshipp is that the said Meeke bee not admitted to be the onely inkeeper there and your peticioner disallowed from victualling, hee keepeinge noe ill rule or disorder in [his?] howse and this etc.


if the matter [illegible] shold be bound to his good behaviour, [illegible] hath assented. Wherefore I require the [cl...e?] of [illegible] [] into this informacion and make known to the justice [illegible] appeareth [illegible] who ther upon I know will do as is desired by the [petitioner?] against Meek for the petitioner himself, I leave him to [what?] was ordered at our last meeting at Worcester and will not agree to alter anything therein

Robert Barkilie

Thomas Thomson alias Gibbons

This thinge which I do justifie is and is nothinge but the truth, I played a matter of half an houre at tables with one Richard Kathernes, and in the meane season, I lost or else had picked out of my pocket x [shillings?]

Thomas Wagstaffe of Abberton, yeoman. Ref.110 BA1/1/58/96 (1633)

To the right honourable Sir Robert Barkeley knight knight one of the Kinges majesties justices of his court of Kinges Bench.

The humble peticion of Thomas Wagstaffe of Abberton in the county of Worcester yeoman

Humbly sheweth that the peticioner is a tenant unto a mesuage and landes in Abberton aforesaid and in respect thereof for non repayre of a common highe way within Abberton is fyned in twenty poundes wherefore and for that the same highe waye (for the whole memory of man) hath benn repayred att the coste of the whole parish. And that the same fyne was imposed by the oath of Tomas Solley whoe is a great enymy unto the peticioner and for that the peticioner refused to carry for him (gratis) a load of woad which Solley then threatned the peticioner to bee even with him for such his refusall

It would please your good worship to take the peticioners cause into your grave consideracion and this etc

Anthonie Hill and Richard Baker, overseers of the highways of Saint Martins. Ref.110 BA1/1/58/99 (1633)

To the right honourable Sir Robert Barkley knight one of his majesties justices of the peace for for the countie of Worcester.

The humble peticion of Anthonie Hill and Richard Baker overseers of the high wayes for the parish of Saint Martines in the said countie of Worcester.

Sheweth unto your good lordshippe that John Collins of the cittie of Worcester brewer haveinge divers landes lyeinge in the said parishe of Saint Martines in the county of Worcester adjoyneinge to the high wayes hath for a longe tyme neglected to scoure and clense his ditches and moundes to the said high wayes adjoyninge although hee hath often tymes byn desired by your peticioners and by their predecessors to scoure and clense them. And the ditches and moundes for want of clensinge are growne full of earth and yeoven with the high wayes. By reason whereof the watercourses are stopped and cannott have passage alonge the said ditches where they shoulde runne, but doe runne alonge the high wayes, and by that meanes the high wayes have byn much decayed.

That John Blurton of the said cittie of Worcester inhoulder havinge certaine fieldes lyeinge in the parishe of Saint Martines aforesaid in the said countie of Worcester adjoyneinge to the high wayes (called Blurtons fieldes) hath removed a stile adjoyneinge to the high way from the place where hee hadd for a longe tyme stood. And alsoe hath broken upp and destroyed a cawseway leadinge from the said style overthwarte the lane by reason whereof the high wayes in that place have byn much decayed and the ta removeinge of the said style and the destroyinge of the said cawsway hath byn the cause whie the parishoners of Saint Martines have byn indicted.

That John Frogmer of the said cittie and gentleman haveinge a parcell of land lyinge in the said parishe of Saint Martines in the said countie of Worcester called Little Sparrow Crofte adjoyneinge to the high wayes hee and his undertenants have longe neglected to scoure and clense the ditches and moundes to the said crofte adjoyneinge by reason whereof the high waies there have byn much decayed.

Your peticioners most humblie beseecheth your good lordshippe that you will be pleased to order, that the said John Collins and John Frogmer or their tenants or occupiers of their landes may foorthwith scoure and clense their ditches and moundes accordinge as they ought to be donne. And that the said John Blurton may remove his said stile into the place where hee formerly stood, and may new make the said cawseway [illegible] make a cawsway over the lane where the stile now is.

And your peticioners will pray for your lordshipps health and prosperitie.

The peticioners within named doe further beseiche your good lordshippe that you will be pleased to speake to Master Mayor that hee will cause the chamberlaynes to cause the towne ditches leadinge from Losemore by the Fryers to be foorthwith clensed for those ditches beinge not clensed the water cannott passe away from Losemore: by meanes whereof the high wayes are much decayed.

The grand jury. Ref.110 BA1/1/24/104 (1634)

To the right worshipfull Master Justice Barckley and the rest of his majesties justices of the peace for this county of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of the grand jury

First with humble thankfulnes wee acknowledge the extraornery extraordinary favoure care and paynes which it hath pleased Master Justice Barckley and Master Wilde to bestowe for the recovery of the countys right in the goale and doe humbly intreat that seing the goaler is [illegible] eased of so great a rent as was heretofore paid by the former goalers he may for the time to come maynteine the said goale in reparacions at his owne cost and charges

And whereas wee conceive that by the paynes of the minister bestowed this last yeare in the for the instruccion of the poore prisoners in the goale there hath come not [only?] [illegible] [grea...?] [illegible] for to their soules but allsoe a [great?] [illegible] in lessening the number [illegible]

And whereas [all...?] it is [illegible] will now [encre...?] [illegible] the howse of [illegible] must now be [illegible] he must set to [...rke?] the prisoners [illegible] well as those in the howse of [correction?] [illegible]

Wee humbly intreat that out of that [illegible] with this court shalbe pleased to allow unto [illegible] your said master of the house of correction [illegible] and above his former pencion of [illegible] twentie [pence?] [illegible] this court would be pleased to enjoyne him to pay twenty pounds per annum to the said minister that shall bestowe his paynes with the prisoners in the goale and house of correction as aforesaid

And wee are the rather encouraged to make this peticion concerning the said minister because the grand jury at Easter sessions last desired it, and this court ordered it

  • Richard Sommers
  • Leuonard Solley
  • John Whyte
  • John Callow
  • Arnell Green
  • Arnell Howshippe
  • Richard [Cosnit?]
  • William Trobble
  • Robert [...bley?]
  • William Penn
  • John Jeston
  • Humfery Chamberlaine
  • John [Pailler?]
  • James Heye
  • Thomas Harboane