Worcestershire Quarter Sessions: 1620s

Petitions to the Worcestershire Quarter Sessions, 1592-1797.

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Thomas Pirkes and eight others of Fladbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/33/75 (1620)

To the right worshipfull Sir [illegible] knight lord of the manour of [Fladbury?] [illegible]

Whereas the berer hereof Katherine [Emmes?] [illegible] of Richard Emmes was born in our sayed [town?] [illegible] and her sayed husband being now common servant [illegible] worship and other inhabitants (and having lived in [Fladbury?] afforesayed in good name and fame for manie yeares now [last?] past is now become destitute of a dwelling howse for himself and his family. We therefore your worships neighbours and tenants whose names are subscribed do humbly request your worship to nominate and [appoint?] out at your worships discretion some fit place [within?] your sayed lordship for the sayed Richard Emmes to erect and build him a dwelling howse for himself his sayed [wife?] and family so long as they keep themselves according [illegible] honest behaviour. Given at Fladbury this iiiith of April anno domini 1620.

Your worships neighbours and tenants

  • Thomas Pirkes his marke
  • John Hopkins senior
  • John Pirkes marke
  • Thomas Currier
  • Richard Blake marke
  • William Parker his markes
  • John Hopkins junior
  • Marget Farrie hur marke
  • Thomas T B Blake

[illegible] [have?] consented that he shall [have?] a parcell of grownd above the [widoe?] Massys cottage

  • [illegible] Sandys

Florice Rock of Eldersfield, labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/33/76 (1620)

To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace for the county of Worcester.

The humble peticion of Florice Rock of Eldersfield in the sayd county labourer.

Humbly sheweth.

[illegible] whereas your poore petitioner hath for many [yeares?] togither, lived in the parish of Eldersfield, [where?] he was borne, and hath a poore wife and two [...le?] children, and is willing to labour to mayntayne [illegible] poore family by his labour, if he had a convenient place to dwell in, as he hath hitherunto done; but now being to be putt out of the house where he hath heretofore dwelt, the owners being them selves to make use of it. He humbly craveth that your worships would be pleased to graunt your warrant to commaund the overseers and inha=bitantes there to provide him a place speedily, that his poore wife and children be not driven to lie in the open streetes, without any succour, which is very likely unles you be pleased to pitty the case of your poore petitioner and he and his shall most hartyly pray for worships good and happy prosperity.


to provide or coram [L. J?]

The neighbours and tenants of the lord of the manor of Fladbury. Ref.110 BA1/1/33/77 (1620)

To the right worshipfull [illegible] of the peace with the [illegible] the humble petition of the [illegible] in the behalf of Richard Emmes [illegible]

That whereas Richard Emmes and Katherine [illegible] lived manie yeares last past together in the town [illegible] and he being now hayward there a very poore [illegible] manie children destitute of a dwelling howse and [illegible] of himself to take one hath latelie obtained of his [illegible] greater part of them to desire Sir William Sandys [king?] [illegible] farmer of the manour there to appoint him out a place fitting to [illegible] upton which his worship hath vouchsafed to do (as appeareth [illegible] his hand writeing: but now so it is (if it like your good worships) that this poore man feareth to set in hand to build there as is appointed by reason that only twoo yong men being freeholders of and in the sayed towne have threatned to [distroy?] the building unles it be erected where they have [appointed?] under their handes.

Our most humble petition therefore to your good worships [illegible] the behalf of this poor man at this time is that an order may be entered by the authority of the worshipfull bench this generall sessions whereby this poor man may be [relieved?] in this his distressed case according to equitie and justice [illegible] shall hee his poore wyfe and children be ever bound to pray for your worships.

[...] of Upton super Severn. Ref.110 BA1/1/33/84 (1620)

To the right worshipfull [his majesties?] justices [illegible] Worcester

The humble peticion of [illegible] of Upton super [Severn?]

Sheweing that uppon the xviith daie of [th...?] [illegible] Henry Sparry of Upton aforesaid att [hen...?] [illegible] did stryke the peticioner and afterwardes [illegible] with intent to stryke the peticioner [aga...?] [illegible] constable of Hanley in savegard [of?] [illegible] unto the said Sparry chardgeinge [hi...?] [illegible] his majesties peace whoe refuseinge to [illegible] his dagger and offered to throwe his [illegible] the peticioner and the said Sparry [illegible] to kill the peticioner or any of his sonnes [illegible] presente daye he did lay way the [pet...?] [illegible] drawen, and the said Sparry [lyv...?] [illegible] in lawe Robert Clea clerke hath not [b...?] [illegible] church in the parish whereof he is a [par...?] [illegible] space of one whole yeare last past

Humbly craveth that your good worshipps [wo...?] [illegible] please that some speedie course may be taken [illegible] for the peticioners safetie and due punishement [illegible] awarded for his misbehaviour

John Nend. Ref.110 BA1/1/33/85 (1620)

To the right worshippfull his majesties justices of peace for the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of John Nend

Sheweinge that the peticioner haveinge benn comorant in Moore in the countie aforesaid for the space of thirtie yeares last past and now not able in regard of his age and impotencie to provide himself a howse and mainetenance aboutes twoe yeares past did peticion this worshipfull bench for a dwellinge place in Moore aforesaid the consideracion of which peticion beinge then referred unto the worshipfull Fraunces Dingley esquier after, some speeches thereuppon had, in that he the said Master Dingley could not finally order it left it, casu quo prius. And after uppon a newe peticion it was referred unto the worshipfull Robert Barkely esquier whose order therein, this peticioner doth not now remember nowe for that the peticioner is altogether destitute of a howse and friendes

He humbly craveth that your good worshipps of your accustomed clemencie would bee pleased to order that the towne of Moore doe and maie provide him some place of dwellinge otherwise the petitioner shalbe forced to lye in the fieldes


the mony behinde

more to pay xx shillings of the former agreement and then Edward Fisher receave and to kepe him during his lyfe

[illegible] [...nt?] [...?]

Jone White. Ref.110 BA1/1/33/86 (1620)

To the right worshipfull the justices of peace and corum for the countie of Wigorne

The humble peticion of Jone White

Shewing that whereas divers well disposed people hearetofore have given mayntieneiance towardes the poore of the parishe of Wellon yt is now detayned from them and they that chould releave the distressed there, are they that injoy those charitable giftes which is the cause that with grife I am inforced to complayne to your worships for releefe being a poore widdowe allmost fower score yeares of adge impotent and blinde borne in theyr parishe and being there neglected I knowe not eleswhere to complayne that I may be releaved according the Kinge of Heaven and Earth injunctions but att this [honourable?] sessiones for I hope by your charitable order I [shalbe?] releaved and one widdowes prayers more added [illegible] number of the rest by your worships [releave?] for [the?] [prosperitie?] of you all

  • Jone White


[gard?] si non tunc [just?]

Jane Leech, wife of Thomas Leech. Ref.110 BA1/1/33/87 (1620)

To the right worshippfull his majesties justices of the [peace?] for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Jane the wieffe of Thomas Leech

Right worshippfull

whereas yt pleased your worshipps att the last generall sessions of the peace houlden for this county of Worcester to bynde Thomas Sandy uppon his good behaviour

Maie it please you that the said Thomas sithence hath greatly abused your peticioner in callinge her hore and pocky hore and that daily and nightly manie tymes haveinge uppon him sometymes a longe javelyn staffe and some tymes a [huntinge?] staffe he doth haunt and lurke aboutes the peticioners howse puttinge her and her children in great dread and feare [and?] giveth out, that when he is att libertie and release he [wi...?] [illegible] the welkyn fly, yf he be hanged att Tiborne and likewise threateneth to kill the peticioners sonne Henry Leech

In consideracion whereof the peticioner humbly craveth that your peticioner worshipps would be pleased that the good behaviour maye be continued against him the said Thomas Sandye and this etc.


Master Jefferey

Thomas Cartwright and others. Ref.110 BA1/1/33/88 (1620)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace and quorum in his highnes county of Worcester.

Pleaseth hitt your worshipps to be advertised, that whearas theese petitioners [videlicet?] Richard Woodwarde and Elizabeth his wieffe hath bine heartofore inhabitinge within the parishe of Hanbury, and from thence put upon the parishe of Bradley, and receaved by on Elizabeth Aston widdowe, without the consente of the parishioners there, and was dischardged by the churchwardens [and?] overseers of the poore of the parishe of Bradley [illegible] shee should not receave them, and nowe would [c...?] them upon the parishe for an other house, Thus [h...?] desiringe yor worshipps that these poore [petitioners?] may continue where they are payinge the rent [a...?] have done heartofore, thus humbly takinge [lea...?] wee rest, from Bradly the xxvth day of [April?] 1620.

Your worshipps in all duty to commaunde

  • Thomas Cartwright, Frauncis Dison
  • John Cooke, Thomas Paddye
  • Henry Jones and Anthony Garrett
  • William Hobday alias Lach.

ordered that they shall remayne in the house where they [are?] receaved by widow Aston payinge the rent they now pay aliter ad bene [ger?]

Elizabeth Ewens, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/67 (1620)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the countye of Worcester

The humble petition of Elizabeth Ewens widowe.

The petitioner beinge very poore and aged wo lyved in Frogmorton with her husband William Ewens sixteene yeares or theraboutes and her husband being slayne under a rick of pulse in Frogmorton aforesaid she this petitioner was put forth of her howse and in hope of a convenient place to sett upp a smale cottage there by the consent of the parishioners and with the help of charitable people she caused a frame to be made which she yett hath, but by the meanes of some fewe of the same parish she cowld not have any place to erect her said frame but was enforced to take a roome for rent in Wyer Pyddle [whe?] she hath spent that little she had left and beinge no longer able to pay rent humblie prayeth that by your worships meanes she may be placed somwhere accordinge to the lawe that she be not enforced to wander contrary to the lawe.


[ord?] est.

Margaret Gardner. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/68 (1620)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for this countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Margaret Gardner.

Sheweth unto your worships that whereas it was your peticioners misfortune to bee gotten with child by one George Harris then servant in howse with your peticioner att to the worshipfull Sir Samuell Sandes att his howse in Ombersley in this countie, whoe was brought to bedd aboutes three weekes past beinge not yet churched. All which tyme your peticioner hath maynteyned herselfe in that extremytie beinge poore that shee hath beene forced to sell her clothes to succour herselfe and her child, not haveinge any allowance att all from the sayd George Harris.

Most humbly therefore beseecheth your good worships to order the sayd George Harris to give securitie to dischardge the parishe of Saint Johns where the child was borne; and alsoe to allowe c such competent meanes of mayntenance towardes the keepeinge of the said child as shalbee by your good worshipps thought meete and convenyent your peticioner beinge but a poore servant and not able to maynteyne soe greate a chardge, and your petitioner will pray [for?] worships healthes and happines.

Elioner Williams. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/69 (1620)

To the right worshipfull, the Kinges majesties justices of the peace, in the countie of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of Elioner Williams

Shewinge, that she beinge charged with the kepinge of a yonge childe, is now unprovided of houseroome for herself and her poore childe, for that her house=bande hathe leafte the soile where they latelye dwelled, and is gone to some place to her unknowen, and forasmuche as she is willinge to relieve her said childe by her painefull laboure, but wantethe a place for her abode, therefore she moste humblye besechethe youre good worshipps, to tender her distressed estate, and to take some speadye course, that she may be provided of some convenient house roome, at some reasonable rente in the parishe of Suckley, where she was borne, for her self and her litle one, to be therein shrowed, in this their extremitie, wherein she shall ever pray, for the longe continuance of youre happye healthes.


to overseers

Isabel Brooke, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/70 (1620)

To the right worshipfull Sir Samuell Sandes knight. And to the rest of the worshipfull gentilmen, his majesties justices of peace, for the countye of Wigorn.

May it please you, right worshipfull, and worthy gentilmen out of your charitable disposition, to have some considerate, commisseration, of the distressed estate of poore widdow Brooke, who, (not onelye myselfe) but also my fower smalle children are left destitute, of all comfort, and releife. And soe, like to perrish, in want, and miserye, if that, by your worshipps good meanes, wee be not releeved. The thing, I humbly desier, is this. My father, Master Marshalle, minister of the worde of God, in the parrish of Awedingley, hath hitherto in part, sustayned my want, and my childrens likewise, by his allowance unto us of two shillings weekelye, the which, hath ministred great comfort unto us, for the which, his fatherlye charitye, I doe [remaine?] thankfull. But I have byn latelye, infor [med?] that, he is determined, to detaine, and witholde [illegible] saide allowance from us hereafter. By what [...ations?], or, for what cause, I am ignorant of. Therefore, my hummble suite unto your good worshipps is, that, you would vouchsafe, out of your clemencye in the behalfe of me, and, my poore children to take such course, for the continewaunce of the foresaide two shillinges weekelye, as shall be best seeming unto your wisedomes, in soe dystressed a case. Otherwise, wee are like to remaine, in great want and soe utterlye to perrish. Which is a case, most lamentable. And this comfort, I hummbly crave, and that, for Gods love.

Your poore distressed peticioner. Isable Brooke widdow.



Jane Prior, a poor widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/71 (1620)

May it please your worships favour good Sir Francis with the rest of the bench to take pittye of a poore widdowe, by name Jane Prior who committed a fault with John Freeman in Ingberrow parrish and having chardge by him, denieth mee to pay the monye which he promised for the keeping of yt he is behind in payment 20 shillings viii pence I beseech you to bee good unto mee for I have a great chardge and cannot keepe yt


[memorandum?] process for disobeying thordre

The inhabitants of Stoulton. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/72 (1620)

Whereas the said parishioners to their former charge of theire poore had one Thomas Baker his wife and a child of foure yeares old sent to them by order att the last quarter sessions to be kept and succoured. And that then Kempsey cum membris (which includeth the said parisioners to a fourth part) was rated to pay to the poore of the Foregate Streete. And also that since, one Anne Redding borne in Stowlton, but dwelling in the parish of Breeden as a servant by the space of two yeares last past, and there unlawfullie begotten with childe, hath bene sent to the said parishioners to be kept, and there to be delivered of her childe. In regard of the great charge the said parishioners now have by their owne poore so encreased, their humble peticion is. That they may be eased of their part of payment to the Foregate Streete. And that the sayd Anne Redding may abide in the parish of Breeden where she was setled, and from whence she had not bene sent as a vagrant, if she had not there bene begotten with childe. All which referring to your grave consi=deracions with our continuall prayers for Godes holie direction to the same, we the minister and parishioners abovesaid do humblie end.


sent back to [Breedon?]

William Marshall of Oddingley, clerk. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/73 (1620)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Wigorn

The humble peticion of William Marshall of Oddingley in the said county clerke.

Whereas your peticioner in November last was twelve monethes by the entreaty of friendes did pay and undertake to pay the some of tenne poundes for and towardes the mainetenance of twoe of the children of John Brooke deceased begotten on the bodie of Issabell the peticioners daughter and borne att Oddinley abovesaid and alsoe was from tyme to tyme after the entermarriage of the said John and Issabell burthened aswell in succoringe them their children and family with provision of howse keepeinge as in undergoeinge of the payement of his debtes to his the peticioners chardge of a hundred poundes att the least and whereas your peticioner his meanes was not att any tyme heretofore nor nowe is abouve xx pounds per annum and himselffe hath a wieffe and three small children and his wieffe great of the fowrth besydes a familye to keepe and maineteine therewith; and neverthelesse, yt pleased this worshipfull court att the last sessions of the peace to order the peticioner to paye viii shillings monethly [to...?] the mainetenance of the said Issabell and her children, one of which [is?] since dead which payement the peticioner unto this presente [hath?] [illegible] [...rfor...?]

Humbly prayeth that your good worshipps [wo...?] [illegible] into your grave consideracion the [illegible] in comiseracion thereof and of his [do...?] [illegible] and the great chardge and losse the [p...?] [illegible] att from tyme to tyme in succoringe of [illegible] her husband and their children and [p...?] [illegible] the said order of the last [sessions?] [illegible] peticioner is ordered to pay the [said?] [illegible] aforesaid may be reveresed [A...?] [illegible]


ordered to contynue the payment etc

Nicholas Baylyes. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/74 (1620)

To the right worshippful his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Nicholas Baylyes

Whereas Nicholas Baylies hath had a smalle dwellinge in the said parish of Ripple for twenty years and upwardes last past and nowe is dispossessed of the said howse soe that he his wieffe and children are like to perish perrisse unlesse there maye be some course taken for some howse for the comfort of him his wieffe and children.

Yt maye please your good worshipp that an the parishioners of Ripple may be ordered to provide the peticioner some place of abodde within the said parish and this for Godes love

The inhabitants of Dormston. Ref.110 BA1/1/45/75 (1620)


To the right reverende and worshipfull beinge of the quarter sessions etc.

May it please your honour and woorships to be advertissed that one Lucke [Bacheller?] with his wiffe and familye nowe inhabitinge within the parishe of Dormston to the great disquiettnes and anoyance of the neibours ther: for his abode ther hath not bein att noe tim of himself ther usuall, but since he was maried to his nowe wiffe, he hath bin in service in diverse places as it is most probable, in tender consideration of the disquiettnes of those parties towardes their neighbours, may it please your worship may it ple some good order, may be had to the quiettnes of the neibours that they may be removed to the place where he was borne thus refferinge of corse to your worships directions, and your warrant to the protection of thallmighty wee rest.

Januarii the 9th 1620

Your worships in all duety to comaunde

  • Thomas Poole
  • Thomas [Up...n?] overseers
  • Arnall Greene
  • Henry Griffin ser
  • Hunffrey [H...?]
  • John [Pate...?]
  • [John?] [illegible]

The inhabitants of Bayton. Ref.110 BA1/1/44/33 (1621)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace within the countie of Wigorn

The humble peticion of the parishioners and the inhabitauntes of Bayton in the said countie shewinge

That wheareas one William Bryan and Thomas Morley of Bayton afforesaid beinge alfellows and keepinge of alehowses as it is thought without lycence whoe continuallie harboreth and suffereth vagraunt and leaude persons in theire howses and keepeth divers disorders at dyvine service time, by which meanes manie quarrels and frayes doe arise in the sames howses, whoe use to harboure mens servauntes and children in the night time, and at incovenient seasons, and those leaude persons in theire drunckennes will rowle mens tymber in the night time, into the highe wayes with plowghes and harrowes out of theire places and pull upe mens palles and styles and rayles, which they have used a longe time to the great disquietinge and inconvenyences of the whole towne. Wee whose names are under written doe humbly crave your worshipes favours hearein, that theise disorders may be suppressed and good order taken for theme and so wee shall as in duetie bounde ever pray for your worsheppes preservacion

Our humble request unto your worships is that you will send some warrant by this berer for the speedie reforminge of theise desorders

Your worshipes ever to comaunde

  • Thomas Wysies
  • John Hooper Humfrey Heycoxe
  • Thomas Oseley
  • Richarde Watyes constable
  • Humfrey Moreley John Jorden
  • Walter Coomes Robert [Hulet?]
  • John Bryan Roger Tymberlake

Billa vera

[illegible]. Ref.110 BA1/1/83/41 (1621)

[illegible] [pleased?] [illegible] [illegible] parishioners of [illegible] [illegible] [peticioner?] a howse in [wit...?] [illegible] and order conceaved to the [illegible] things ready for [the?] [illegible] opposed and hindred [illegible] the nowe [churchwardens?] of [illegible] meanes your peticioner is destitute of a [illegible] part of her poore howshold stuffe lost [illegible] of [illegible] howse to putt the same in.

It would therefore please your good worshipp in [consideration?] [illegible] of the peticioners poore estate to take some [speedy?] course that your peticioner may have a howse erected accordinge to the order of this worshipfull courte in [def...?] whereof your peticioner shall perish for want of succour and this for Godes love

Merrell Alcoke, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/83/42 (1621)

To the right worshippfull his majesties justices of the peace for this county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Merrell Alcoke widdowe


That whereas Roger Alcoke [husband?] unto the said Merrell late deceassed [havinge?] [illegible] in dureaunce in his majesties gaoile [so?] [illegible] as prisoner for debte for the [span?] [illegible] yeares and beinge willinge to [illegible] contente to the uttermoste of his [power?] [illegible] was the extremity of them that [nothing?] [illegible] satysfie them but theire whole due soe [th...?] [illegible] he was deteined in prisone untill he had [illegible] and consumed all he had: and have lefte [nothinge?] to susteine his poore wyfe and child wherefore moste humbly desiringe your worshippes for Godes cause to comesserat our poore and lamentable states whereby there may be some good course taken throughe your worshippes meanes for our relyfe otherwise wee are throughe wante of mayntenance like to perishe: thus referringe our pittifull and poore distressed cases unto your worshipes further consideracions: soe shall wee ever be bound to pray to the Lord for your worshipes increase of happines for the same


overseers of Sucklye

Humfrie James, a poor day labourer. Ref.110 BA1/1/83/43 (1621)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace of the county aforesayd

The humble peticion of Humfrie James a poore day laborer

Shewing that he [was?] borne and berdd upp in Norton juxta Kemsey and there hath dwelled and kept howse being a married man for the spece of viii yeres last past in the rent of one Daniell Gyles of Norton aforesayd and for a bare howse without any profytes thereunto belonging hath yerely for the tyme aforesayd payd unto him xiiii shillings yerely and within the sayd tyme hath had and yet hath 3 children which were borne in the [sayd howse?] and one 2 other children at his coming to the [sayd howse?] to dwell so that this poore peticioner ys now [charged?] with a wyfe and 4 5 children and noe [mayntaynaunce?] but his hard laboure and now in most [distressed?] estate for that the sayd Daniell Gyles hath [unt...?] [illegible] the parte of the peticioners sayd howse and [int...eth?] and voweth within this 3 wekes to throw the peticioner [his?] wyfe and children out of dores which hee will suerly doe wherby the peticioner his wyfe and poore children shalbe constrayned to lye in the streetes without your worships ayd in justice be speedely shewen and some order taken according to the forme of the statute for the [illegible] harbor of the peticioner his wyfe and poore children

The peticioner most humbly desiereth your worships that in some convenient place amongest the rest of the almeshowses errected in the sayd parish that some smalle cottage or dwelling place may be sett upp and appoynted for the releefe and sucker of him selfe wyfe and small children and the peticioner will ever pray for your worships


in regard that Daniell Giles did receave him at first to suffer him to contynue or to fynde hym a howse

Richard Catte. Ref.110 BA1/1/83/46 (1621)

The humble peticion of Richard Catte sheweth unto your goode worshipps that I beinge a [porre?] lame impotent person borne and bread in the [parish?] of Crapthorne and beinge somwhat lame in [illegible] be reson of a takinge that I had and a [illegible] [presd?] for a souldier into into Ireland [illegible] [illegible] my lyinge upon the ground and other [illegible] fell into so great lamenes that I am [illegible] able to helpe [illegible] selfe for I am [illegible] to stand to [la...?] [illegible] to besech your goode [worshyppes?] to [illegible] for my releffe for Godes cause I was [illegible] from the parish of Great Ealen with a passe [illegible] to the law from custable to custable [being?] [illegible] in a carte not able to goe and did bide the [pu...?] [illegible] of the lawe but I have noe releffe in the [par...?] [illegible] that I am like to perish unlesse your [good?] [illegible] worships in your acustomed clemency comiserate [my?] [illegible] most lamentable and poore estate yf it myght [please?] [illegible] your good worships to grante me a passe to goe to [illegible] to the Kynges majesties hospitall I should be in [g...?] [illegible] to recover some parte of my lamenes I havinge eight great holles in my legge above and belowe [illegible] Thus hoppinge your good worships will consider my most miserable estate I shalbe ever bounde to [illegible] worshipps health with [encreass?] [illegible]

Thomas Griffine and others, prisoners. Ref.110 BA1/1/83/47 (1621)

To the right [worshipful?] [illegible] [majesties justices?] of the peace at the quarter sessions houlden for the county of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Thomas Griffine Roger Smithe Rychard Watsone Fraunces Richardsone Joyce Dankes and Anne Smithe reprives nowe remayninge in gaole in the county aforesaid

Your peticioners some of them [having?] [illegible] in gaole [of?] [illegible] sythence there reprive and some of them beinge [trad...?] [illegible] havinge chardge of wyfe and children desirous to [f...?] [illegible] trades for there mayntenance [a...e?] beinge [convicted?] [illegible] and pettie offences: havinge nowe nothinge to maynteine [illegible] only one penny a day in bread at the chardge of the [illegible] lyinge idle in messery without imploymentes

Humbly beggeth of your worshippes for Godes cause in your charitable disposicions eyther by your certyficate or otherwise as in [your?] wisdomes shall seme conveniente that soe your peticioners may obteine from his [majesty?] pardone for theire offences and your peticioners shall ever pray for your worships healthes and happines

The overseers for the poor and inhabitants of Bransford and Leigh. Ref.110 BA1/1/46/76 (1623)

To the honourable and right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace and quorum of this county if Wigorn.

The humble peticion of the overseers for the relieffe of the poore and of the inhabitantes of Braunsford and Leigh in the countye aforesaid.

Humbly sheweth, that John Cox of Norton juxta Kemsey, havinge a cottage in the said village and hamlett of Braunsford in the parishe of Leigh hath placed there in his said cottage a man and a woman which woman hath two smale children and is the wieffe of a strainger, that lyveth not with her who are like to prove very daingerous and chardgable to your peticioners yf she should depart thence, leavinge her said children or either of them behind her upon the said parishe, or should cohabite there longer tyme then is requisitt, and further it is not knowen to your peticioners where her husbandes abode is, or from whence they come, or of what name, livelod, mistery, or condicion he is of and as for the man aforemencioned commorant there with her, he is not knowen unto your peticioners by any certen name or where he was borne or last dwelt.

Wherefore your peticioners doe supplicate this honourable courte, that it wilbe pleased to order the said John Cox, to geve bond with sufficient surety, to the church wardens and overseers of the poore of Liegh and Braunsford within a tyme lymited to secure the said parishe of all chardge and future incombrance of his said tenantes, or to avoyd them by a day prefixed by this honourable courte. And this for Gods love.

S Walker


[illegible] the sayd Coxe to [illegible] [the to?] des save the parish harmeles and the man and woman to be suffered to remaine ther

per curiam [illegible]

Frauncys Allexander, one of the constables of Droitwich. Ref.110 BA1/1/46/77 (1623)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Frauncys Allexander of Droytwich one of the constables of Droytwich in the said county.

Sheweinge that your peticioner uppon the comaund of the bailieffe of Droytwich on the fowertenth day of February last past nere aboutes eleaven of the clocke of the night of the same day repayred unto the then dwelling howse of Humfrey Glover a victualler in Droytwich with intent according to the comaund of the said Bayliffe to cleer the howse of certeine unrulely persons whoe were there drinking and swaggering where and when (amongst other disordered persons one Thomas Wattes and Margarett the wief of one George Lane being in the said howse they the said Thomas and Margarett did assault the peticioner, the said Wattes by draweing his knieffe offering to stabb your peticioner therewith the said Margarett kyckeing and spurneing the peticioner with her feete and buffitting him uppon the face in soe much that your peticioner was forced to leave them to their disordly course

Humbly prayeth that your worshipps would be pleased to graunt proces of good behaviour against the said Wattes and Margarett Lane and this etc


[ben?] [p.t?] [super?] [summ...?] [constabul?]

John Wrenford of Longdon, gentleman. Ref.110 BA1/1/48/182 (1625)

The petition of John Wrenford of Longdon in the county of Worcester gentleman to the worshipful his majesties justices of the peace of the same county desiring the good behaviour against David Powell servant unto Nicholas Terrett clarke for the causes following:

First for that the said David Powell doth beare an inveterat hate and mallice against the said John Wrenford and most of his family: the said John doth verily thinke and feare that he the said David will doo unto him the John his people goodes or cattell some hurte or mischiefe for he the said Powell did once lay voyolent handes made an assault and would have fought with him the said John Wrenford when he was his servant.

Secondly ther have died of late some 7 or 8 swine of the said John Wrenford or there about and for as much when some of the said swine were fleaed their flesh did appeare blacke and brused and maimed and the said Powell hath beene seene with staves and stackes to beate and stricke the swine of the said John Wrenford and to throwe them in a most violent manner from an uper grounde into a lower ground over the hedges of the said Nicholas Terrett the said John Wrenford with most of his family doo verily thinke and belive: that he the said Powell hath beene the occasion of most of their deathes

Thirdly about a yeare and halfe since the said Powell did with a picke hurte two of your petioners carte horses soe that they were not well able to worke in the time of harvest.

Fourthly upon Sunday last past beeing the 16 of this instant October by reason that the mound of the said Nicholas Terrett did lye broken downe unto the ground the horses of your said petioner when as the [carter?] followed them to water did goe over into the [gro...?] of the said Nicholas Terrett: where upon your [petioners?] said carter going in fresh pursuit to fetch [illegible] back againe into the fould of your petioner the said Powell beeing in the same ground did presently runne after the said horses in a most furious manner with a picke in his handes: to have beaten or maymed the said horses and with all sware to your petioners carter by God his woundes that yf thou didst bring them back that way (as they did come in) I will panch some of you: meaning eyther him the said carter or the horses: and soe forced the said carter to bring the said horses a great way round about an other way.

Fiftly likewise upon the day aforesaid being Sunday last past ther being two swine of your petioners in the same ground of the said Nicholas Terrett: the said Powell with stackes did soe beate one of the said swine, that he was scarce able to goe out there hence: and sithens ther hath died one of the swine of your said petioner: and as most of the servantes of your said petioner doo verily thinke and beleve it was the very same swine that was by him the said Powell soe beaten

Sixthly beeing asked at the same time by one other of the servantes of your said petioner which did see him the said Powell soe beate the swine upon Sunday last past being the 16 of this instant October as [...fore?] said why doest thou beate my masters swine when as your hedges lye soe open as they doo: the [said?] Powell replied with a dreadfull oath Godes woundes thou rogue doo thou come over the hedg and I will give thee as much more.

For these and many more opprobrious and threatning speches [illegible] misdemeanors committed by the said David Powell being of lewd live and conversation and meane condition not able to make satisfaction for his wronges allreddy doone as aforesaid and that the saftie of your said petioner his family goodes and cattell may be the better secured and provided for your petioner doth leave all to your worshipfull consideration to be therin dealt with all as you in justice shall thinke most fitting

To the 1 and 2 article



  • John Wrenfor
  • To the 3rd Richard Wilkes

To all the rest

  • Hugh Davies
  • and John Brook


Evan Ivon the younger. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/29 (1628)

To the right worshipfull Sir his majesties justices of peace for the county of Worcester.

The humble peticion of Evan [Ivon?] yonger.

Humbly shewethe your good worships that your peticioner dwelling within the parishe of Norton by Kempsey where hee hathe lyved for the space of forty yeares last past be and being nott able to relieve himselfe or his wyfe by his paynfull labour as formerly hee hathe donne beinge bothe of them very aged and unable to worke, the yongest of them being above eightee yeeres olde.

Wherefore may yt please your good worships to order the overseers of the poore of the sayd parishe of Norton to yeeld them somme weekly allowance and they will ever pray etc

William Spender and Christopher Matley, overseers of St. Michaels in Bedwardine. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/30 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticione of William Spender and Christopher Watley overseers for the poore of the parish of Saint Michaell in Bedwardine in the said county

Whereas att the last presse of souldiers for his majesties warres albeit the constable of the said parish brought before his majesties deputy lyvetenantes for this county severall able men: neverthelesse yt pleased the said deputy lyvetenantes to choyce for the same service one Henry Chamberlayne of the parish of Saint Peeter in Worcester he voluntaryly offering himself for the said parish of Saint Michaell

And whereas the wief of the said Henry Chamberlaine doth endevour to obtaine out of the said parish of Saint Michaell weekely mainetenance for and towardes the keepeing of her self and child onely uppon suggestion that her said husband was pressed for the same parish where in very truth hee went voluntaryly

The premisses therefore considered your worships wilbe pleased to free the said parish of Saint Michaell of the alloweing of mainetenance towardes the keepeing of the said mother or child and this etc


St Michaells to be discharged.

Andrew Colles and Hughe Perkes, overseers for the poor of Lulsley. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/31 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Andrew Colles and Hughe Perkes overseers for the poore of Lulsley in the parish of Suckeley in the said county for and on the behalf of the inhabitantes of Lulsley

Shewe that aboutes fower monethes last past one John Warre of Whitborne in the countye of Hereford weaver and Margarett Davys of Lulsley aforesaid spinster were marryed together in Lulsley aforesaid and shortely after their intermarriage departed thence unto Whitborne aforesaid and where ever since untill the tenth day of this instant June they cohabited together uppon which tenth day of June the said Margarett being great in child repayred to Lulsley aforesaid and brake into a howse in Lulsley aforesaid wherein her mother formerly had dwelt, sayeinge that shee intended therein to contynue and bee; whereof the church wardens and said overseers beinge informed they with the ayde and assistance of the tytheinge man of Lulsley removed the said Margarett out of the said howse and shee nowe remayneth in the custody of the said tythingeman

All which the peticioners thought fitt to noetyefye unto your worshipps: and for that they are already overchardged with poore and by all likelyhood the said Margarett in case shee bee delyvered in the said hamlett will bring a further chardg uppon the said hamlett they humbly praye your worshipps ayde and assistance for the removeinge of the said Margarett and sendinge of her backe unto Whitborne where shee last lyved, and this etc

Elizabeth Hayes, a prisoner in the house of correction. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/32 (1628)

To the right worshipfull Sir John Bucke knight and the rest of his majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester, att this present sessions assembled

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Hayes a poor distressed prisoner in the howse of correction for the countie aforesaid

In all humblnes sheweth unto your good worshipps that your poor pettitioner hath endured a longe and cruell tyme of imprisonment, beinge lame in her limbes and not able to gett her livinge to releve her selfe and her smale infant haveing from Ribsford to helpe to maintaine her twelve pence a weeke the which she your pettitioner can not have payed in any [illegible] reasonable tyme by the overseers of the poor of Ribsford, so that your poor pettitioner doth humbly request your worshipps to sett your poor pettitioner att libertie and to appoynt the overseers of the poor to provid your poor pettitioner any place of abod for her selfe and her poor infant beinge almost reddie to perrishe

Maye yt therfor please your good worshipps to commiseratt this my poor and lamentable case and to shewe your acostomed pittie to suche poor distressed people, as to graunt me this my humble [illegible] peticion, that I do not remaine any longer in prison. And this I humbly bege att your worshipps handes and that for Godes sake

Margaret Randle. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/33 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Margarett Randle nowe present in court

Sheweth that shee being in peaceable and quyett manner in the howse of John Marman in Ombersley was by Richard Smith attendant of the worshipfull the Lady Sandys sett uppon and cruelly beate and brused soe that she hath benn in great hazard of loss of her lief

Her humble peticion unto your worshipps ys that yow would vouchsafe to graunt a warrant for the apprehension of the said Smyth to answeare the said his misdemeanor as to justice apperteyneth and this etc

Margaret Evettes, a prisoner in the house of correction. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/35 (1628)

To the right worshipfull Sir John Bucke knight and the rest of his majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of Margarett Evettes a poor prisoner in the howse of correction for the countie aforesaid

In all humblnes sheweth, to your good worshipps that your poor pettitioner havinge endured a longe tyme of imprisonment, to the utter undoinge of your poor petitioner beinge so weake that your pettitioner is not able to worke for her livinge, by reason of griefe that your poor pettitioner hath taken for her faulte committed; for the which your pettitioner is hartely sorry being overcome by the lewd and viel enticment of a ile disposed person your pettitioner having a poor child that is keept by a cruell mother in lawe of your peticioners who dothe greatly abuse and wronge your poor pettitioners childe to her great greife and sorrowe.

May yt please your good worshipps to commiserat the lamentable case of your poor pettitioner and that she maye have her libertie wherbye she might worke for to helpe to releve your poor pettitioners child, beinge almost pined for want of sustenance, but yf your worshipps will not condiscend to this your pettitioners request that then your worshipps will be pleased that your pettitioner may have some reliefe from the father of your poore petitioners child, [illegible] or from Mitton in the parishe of Kiderminster for your pettitioners father is so poor that he is not able to keep the child, and this I humbly bege att your worshipps handes and that for Godes love.

Frauncys Mann, prisoner in the house of correction. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/37 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Frauncys Mann nowe remayneinge prysoner in the howse of correccion for the said county and in great distresse of sickenesse

Sheweth that the peticioner (aboutes the feast of All Saintes last past was apprehended uppon suspicion for the stealeinge of a horse of Master Milwardes of Alchurch in the said county and brought to the goale for the said county and att the assizes last holden for this county being for the said felony arraigned was thereof acquyted howbeitt afterwardes committed to the howse of correccion for this county where hee ever since hath and yet doth remaine

Wherefore his humble peticion unto your worshipps in that the peticioner hath endured soe great penury by soe longe imprysonment hee being formerly acquyted of the felony your good worships wilbe pleased to acquyte him of his imprysonment, that (uppon the recovery of his [former?] health he make betake him to somme good service for his mainetenance and this etc

The inhabitants of Flyford Flavell. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/42 (1628)

Flyford Flavyle

One Thomas Tanner hath an interest in a cottage in Flyford beinge the freehold of George Simondes gentleman.

Richard Kingley of Abberton pretendinge informynge the said Tanner that he had the consent of thinhabitantes of Flyford the said Tanner did graunte the cottage to the said Kingley and theruppon Kingley placed his wief in the cottage where she contynueth kepinge the dore alwayes locked

The inhabitantes humblie pray that the said wief may by ordre of this corte be sent to her husband unles the said Kingley shall before the feast of Saint John Baptist next gyve sufficient securytye to the over inhabitantes of Flyford to save the parish harmeles of all future chardge etc according to justice and former ordres of this corte in like cases or yf Kingley refuse yt may be so ordred that the next justice of the peace may be desired to bynde the said Kingley to his good behaviour or as otherwise shall apperteyne to justice

William Paine. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/44 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices for the countie of Worcester now present

The humble petition of William Paine

In most humble manner sheweing unto your good worshipps whearas your petitinor maried with one Susana Find of Uppon uppon Sevorne within the countie of Worcester wyddow, haveing fower small children left upon her handes and beinge left far in debt by her former husband Robert Find, unknowne to your poore petitinor for which debtes your petitinor dare not shewe his head for feare of troubles and imprison=ment, it hath pleased God to call your petitinors wife to his mercy out of this world, one Whitson Monday last, and formerly your petitinor placed twoe of his wifes children in London to trades men to your petitinors great cost and hinderance nowe at the decease of his wife, had three small children left him, wherof twoe of them were by her former husband, your petitinor beinge verie poore and not able to releeve them, brought them unto Upton aforesaid where they ware borne where your petitinor left them, which children now being brought back againe to this cittie to your petitnour hee beinge a poore man and not able to keepe them doe most humbly crave your good worships to bee pleased to consider of his poore estate and that somme good order by your worships may be set downe for the releefe of these twoe poore children in the parishe where they ware borne, your petitinor haveing paid alreddy in parte of their fathers debtes xl pounds to his utter undoeing, and maney debtes more unsatisfied your petitinor his wife and family have not beine absent from his habitation in Upton but since Michalmas last, and in his wifes sicknes was faine to [illegible] [all?] the goodes he had to releeve her in her extrematie and to bring hir home humbly craveing your good worshipes to consider of his poore estate soe shall he be bound in dutie ever to pray for your worships and this for Godes love.

Margery Carpenter. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/47 (1628)

To the right worshippfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Wigorn

The umbell petition of Margrie Carptener a poore widdowe beinge a good fower score and ten yeares or there a bowtes

In all umblnes sheweth to your worships that your peetitioner havinge noe meanes the over seres of the poore and the in habetence of Eckington did a gree with your peetitioner to have towardes hur maintaince vii pence a wicke duringe hur liffe and for that your peetitioner is nowe in greate wante and can not have this smalle porcion to be performed with owt your worships speedie order here in takinge do nowe moste humblie desier your worships that the redges maye be had beinge longe due to your sayd peetitioner and in so doinge your poore ageed peetitioner shall ever aknowledge hur sellffe in dutie bownd to praye for your worships good healthes with all happines heare in for the same and this for Godes love



Henrie Cottrell, a maimed soldier. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/49 (1628)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace of the county of Worcester etc.

The humble peticion of Henrie Cottrell a meyhemed souldier.

Beseecheth that because it is great charge to your peticioner to come hither from London quarterly to fetch his pension you will yeeld him this halfe yeares pay and also [illegible] graunt him an order under your worships handes that whosoever in his behalf shall shewe the said order may have power and recieve his said pencion at all tymes as it shall be due.

And he will pray for your good worships health hartes content and perpetuall happiness

Johanne Pattericke, widow. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/50 (1628)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of Johanne Pattericke widowe

Whereas your peticioner is a very poore woeman lame and impotente and of the age of three score yeares and upwardes haveing not anie meanes to releive your [popeticioner?] but is like to perishe for wante of mainetenaunce unlesse some course be forthwith taken by your good worshipps your peticioner haveing but six pence a weeke which is shee is not able to live of

Your peticioners humble desier is that it would please your good worshipps to take some course whereby your peticioner may be releived have some more mainetenaunce out of the parishe Greate Shellesley where your peticioner doeth inhabite and as in dutie shee is bound will ever praie for your worshipps prosperitie


Master [Salvey?] is desired

Giles Dawe. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/51 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace for this countye of Worcester.

The humble peticion of Giles Dawe.

Whereas your poore peticioner hath bene constrayned to make divers peticions to your worshipps, as are readye to be shewen forth, and your worshipps knowinge his greate chardge.

Your poore peticioner nowe most humblye desireth, that hee maye receave the xxv shillings which the church wardens and overseers for the poore of Powick have all yelded to paye beinge but xii pence a weeke before they goe forth of their office.

And as duetye bindeth he shall daylie praye for your worshipps prosperityes.

James Winton of Sutton Sturmey, gentleman. Ref.110 BA1/1/52/60 (1628)

Wigorn sessions

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justic of the peace for the counte of Worcester

The humble peticion of James Winton of Sutton Sturmy in the countie of Worcester gentleman

May it please your worshipps that wheras your peticioner was retorned [uupon?] the grand jury att the last Easter sessions of the peace holden for this countie and [lost?] issues only hee haveinge noe sommans given him; notwithstanding Thomas Fitzer tooke his oath that hee sommoned your peticioner to appeare upon the same jury

Your peticioners humble desier is that it would please your worshipps to examine the said Thomas Fitzer concerneing his false informacion to your worshipps and as in dutie hee is bound will alwaies praie for your worshipps prosperitie


Jurat in curia quod non [habet?] [intr?] etc fuit apud [illegible] xv dies.

quod non fuit apud Bromyard ad aliquod [mercatum?] [tempore?] xl [illegible] sunt Fitzer [affirm?] in curia

both parties to attende the next sessions

Constables of Dodderhill, Wychbold and Elmbridge. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/81 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace for this countye of Wigorn.

The humble peticion of William Moulton William Holmes and John Brooke, constables of the parishe of Doderhill Wichbolde and Elmebridge.

Most humbly sheweth, that whereas your peticioners have everye one served the Kinge in their severall parishes, and have taken greate paynes therein.

Their humble requestes unto your worshipps is that three others maye be chosen in their places, and that your worshipps will be pleased to grante a warrant to bringe them in to take their oathes by any justice of the peace of this countye, and the rather for that in the minoritye of Sir John Packingtons heire, noe court is held that your peticioners may be dischardged.

And as duetye bindeth them, they shall daylie pray for your worshipps prosperityes.


[war fact?]

Thomas Harley and Samuel Kings of Saint Peters. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/82 (1628)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Wigorn

The humble peticion of Thomas Harley and Samuel Kings two of thinhabitants of the parishe of Saint Peters within the county of Worcester.

Sheweth that whereas there were heretofore divers issues retorned against the said parish of Saint Peters for not repaireinge their highe wayes amountinge to the somme of fower powndes and tenn shillinges which was charged in the accompt of Sir Walter Devereux knight and baronett late high sherrife of the said county and by his inferiour officers levyed of the goodes and cattells of your peticioners and payd into his majesties receipt sithence which tyme your peticioners have often intreated the inhabitantes of the said parishe of Sanct Peeters to leavye the said iiii pounds x shillings equally within the said parishe soe that your peticioners might have restitution of the said fower powndes tenne shillinges deductinge soe much as your peticioners ought to paye; which the said parishioners refuse to doe.

May it therefore please your worships the premisses considered to order the said inhabitantes of Saint Peters to levye the said iiii pounds x shillings by their usuall course of lewens and to make payment of it forthwith to your peticioneres, and deductinge soe much as your peticioneres ought to pay for their partes. And your peticioneres shall dayly pray etc.


A lewne to made and the justices thinke fytt that those that dwell within the liberties and will not pay to be bound to ther good behavyour yf they may be taken without the cittie

John Sampson. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/83 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of peace for the countie of Worcester etc.

The humble peticion of John Sampson.

Prayeth. Your good worships that wheras your poore suppliant hath bin in the tyme of her late majesties Queene Elizabeth a souldier for the full space of eight yeares, [and?] beinge diverse times wounded and therby very lame and impotent uppon his peticion hath allowed him but one xiii shillings iiii pence per annum and the reversion of the next pensioner soldier being then promised him and wheras one Hollins and one John Mandevile are since dead being soldiers pensioners and that your peticioner is charged with a lunatike wife and a poore weake childe, your peticioner beinge ould lame and unable to do any thinge for his and their succoure.

It may therfore please your good worships in tender compassion of his [infermitie?] to augment his allowance.

And he doth and will dayly pray for your goode healthes and happines etc


[xx?] shillings

Elizabeth Hayes. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/84 (1628)

To the right worshipfull Sir Roberte Barkley knight and the rest of his majesties justices for the countie of Worcester

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Hayes

In all humblnes sheweth unto your good worshipps that your poor pettitioner hath enduered a longe tyme of imprisonment in the howse of correction for the countie aforesaid the which tyme hath bine a year and two monthes and somwhatt upwardes beinge then imprisoned all this tyme with her poore infant, who are both nowe almost reddie to perrishe for want of succor and reliefe your poor pettitioner having her legges reddie to rott of bye reason of her cold and hard lodging

Maye yt therfor please your good worshipps to commiserate the poore and lamentable case of your poor pettitioner as that she maye have her libertie wher bye she may by the helpe of some frendes procuer some meanes for the reliefe of her selfe and her poor infant and also for the recovery of her lamenes, and this I humbly pray and that for Godes sake.



William Spender and Christopher Watley, overseers of the poor of Saint Michael's in Bedwardine. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/86 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices of the peace for the county of Wigorn

The humble peticion of William Spender and William Christopher Watley overseers of the poore for the parish of Saint Michaell in Bedwardine in the countye aforesaid.

The peticioners shew that they are chardged with many poore people and smale other meanes to maineteine them but what cometh out of labouring mens getteinges, they nor any of them haveing any landes or tenementes within the said parish neverthelesse soe it may yt please your worshipps that the last yere there was a newe payement imposed uppon the said parish videlicet the payement of vi shillings ii pence towardes the Kinges provision. Wherebie and for that there are [not...?] feedeinges groundes within the said parish w out of [illegible] which the said payement should be raysed and that the [illegible] said parish was never chardged with the said payement [illegible] untill the last yeare your worshipps wilbee that the [sa...?] parish may be freed of the said payement and the [illegible]


no [illegible]

Robert Baylys, prisoner. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/88 (1628)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of John Robert Baylys prisoner in his majesties gaole of the countie of Worcester.

Humbly sheweth that your poore peticioner being chardged by a leud woeman lyving in Gloucestershere for begetting of a bastard child borne in Overbury was bound over to this present session of the peace for the county of Wigorn by the right worshipfull Sir John Buck knight and ys sithence committed to the gaole by Master Doctor Charlett uppon the same accusacion

Now prayeth that forasmuch as your poore peticioner is like to perishe having noe meanes of livelyhood but by his labour: yt would please your worships to have commisseracion of his myserable estate and to take such course for his delivery as may seeme fitt in your grave wisdomes in charitie and mercye.



Alice Mendose, widow of John Mendose. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/90 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices for the countie of Worcester now present.

The humble petition of Alce Mendose wyddow late wyfe of John Mendose deceased

In most humble manner sheweing unto your good worships wheras your petitinors late husband beinge a pentinor for his servis donne in the warrs now being deceased three weekes since before his decease laye long sick one your petitinors handes being an aged woman past her bodilye labor, and brought her far in debt in the tyme of his sicknes, and for his buryinge, doe most humbly crave your good worshipps, that your petitinor maye have that small pention for this tyme, that was due to her late husband, towardes payement of parte of her debtes soe shall she bound ever to praye for your worships long increase of happienes and this for Godes love



Peter Kinward of Alfrick. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/91 (1628)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of peace for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of Peter Kinward of Alfrick in the said county

Humbly shewing unto your worshipps that about three yeres now since past one John Caradine of Alfrick aforesaid being a very poore man haveing a great charge of children and h being harbourlesse and destitute of a habitacion the overseers of the said parish prevayled with your peticioner to permit the said Caradyne to inhabite in a tenement of your said peticioners in Alfrick afforesaid and they the said overseers promised to pay your said peticioner his rent therefore which they did accordingly for sixe weekes and then refuced and there upon the said Caradine [your peticioner?] obteyned an order at sessions here holden about three yeres since that the said overseers of the said parish should provide a howse for the said Caradine and there upon that the overseers then of the said parish agreed with your peticioner to pay him x shillings yerely for rent for his said howse for the said Caradine whoe ever sithence hath lived in the said howse and your peticioner is altogether unsatisfied of his said rent except ii shillings vi pence and your peticioner further humbly sheweth your worshipps that at sessions here holden this time twelve moneth the same matter (being heard) was referred unto Sir Walter Devereux knight and baronet to determyne whoe thereupon ordered that the said then overseers of the said parish should pay unto your peticioner the arrerages of his rent being then xvii shillings vi pence which the said overseers have altogether refuced to doe and the said Caradine is yet inhabiting in the said howse and your peticioner yet unsatisfied of his rent due since this time twelve moneth being x shillings more

He therefore humbly prayeth your worshipps that you wilbe pleased now at this present sessions to take such order that your peticioner may as well be satisfied the said xvii shillings vi pence arrerages at this time twelve moneth as alsoe [illegible] x shillings since that time hitherto due the rather for that your peticioner doth pay rent for his said howse himselfe and your peticioner shall ever pray for your worshipps happines.


Sir Walter D

Wigorn sessions

Ad generalem sessionem pacis [ten...?] [illegible] Wigorn xxxo die Septembris anno [domini?] [illegible] Caroli Regis

Itt is ordered that the peticioner and the churchwardens and overseers for the poore of the parishe of Suckley shall attend Sir Walter Devereux knight and barronet whoe [illegible] desired to examine and order as hee in his discrecion shall thinke fitt and convenyente

Edward Pitman. Ref.110 BA1/1/53/96 (1628)

To the right worshipfull the Kinges majesties justices

The humble petition of Edward Pitman

Sheweing unto your good worshipps that your poore petitioner was a bastard borne of the bodye of one Joyce Pitman in the parish of Elmebridge, and there hath bene commorant ever since, but bred upp amongst them in the nature of a begger and soe continueth to this present: and that your petitioners mother married with one Hall to whom she brought great store of goods, which Hall died in Worcester goale: his wyfe this petitioners mother surviveing him: but shortly after dyed: then a sister of the sade Hall one Francis the wyfe of Francis Webb of the parish of Elmeley Lovett tooke all the goods of the sayed Hall into her possession which in right and good conscience your petitioner hopeth belongeth unto him. And further sheweing, that there is a certayne tenement with an acre of landes thereunto belonging scituate att the grange in the parish of Upton Warren, purchased by your petitioners mother, giveing for the same nyne pounds which one sayde tenement one Elizabeth Boorne widow now possesseth which allsoe in good conscienc your petitioner hopeth belongeth unto him. Now may yt please your good worshipps in tender pittye of your petitioners estate to call the sayde partyes before you to shew by what right they holde the same: as allsoe the parishioners of Elmebridg, that they may be compelled to provide a maister for your distressed petitioner, as by the law is requirable; and as to your grave wisdomes shall be thought convenient. And that for Godes sake.


[r?] Master Wyld

A constable, overseers of the poor and churchwarden of Acton Beauchamp. Ref.110 BA1/1/54/71 (1628)

To the right worshippful the justices for the county of Worcester

The humble peticion of George Hales cunstable of the parish of Acton Beachampe in the county of Worcester, Hugh Hide and John Riley over seers of the poore of the same parish and William Dagget one of the churchwardens of parish aforesaid

Humbly sheweth unto your good worships that whereas the said George Hales now cunstable of the said parish of Acton Beachampe in the county aforesaid Hugh Hide and John Riley over seers of the poore of the same parish hath paied and laied out for match and powder for traine souldiers and muster masters pencions and other thinges concerneing training the somme of lv shillings and ix pence which said somme the said cunstable hath paied and laied out of his purse and hath caused the inhabitants of the said Acton Beachampe to lay a lewne for the payment thereof unto the said cunstable at the rate of ii shillings iii pence the yarde which some of ii shillings iii pence hath bine demaunded by the cunstables and others of John Hide which hee utterly refuce to pay and alsoe hee hath utterly denied diverse other sommes unto the churchwardens and overseers of the poore and others beeing lewened uppon him to pay, whose names are here under written. And whereas the said John Hide and his predicessors beeing possessed of one water corne mill within the said parish of Acton Beachampe in the county aforesaid for the space of fiftie or lx yeares or thereaboutes last past with certaine landes thereunto belonging hath usually paied for the said water corne mill and premisses after the rate of one yeard of land to all taxacions lewens and paymentes dureing the foresaid terme yet notwithstanding the said John Hide doth now deny the payment thereof contrary to justice and equity and many other lewnes for the space of two or three yeres last past and not above but hee hath paied the same formerly. Soe wee humbly praieth your worshipps to graunt your order unto the said John Hide chardging him thereby to pay the lewnes and imposicions imposed uppon him according to justice and equitie. And your peticioners shall ever pray for your worships prosperity long to continue.

  • George Hales cunstable
  • Roger Hemming
  • John Spooner
  • Hugh Hide
  • William Dagget
  • Richard Whiting
  • John Riley sessors

Wigorn sessions ad generalem sessionem pacis [tent?] apud [w...?] vito die Junii anno [s...?] Caroli Regis

This lewne is confirmed according to the [illegible] within written [illegible]

[William?] Coventrye

Hee hath paid for a yard land mill and certen land after the rate of a yearde lande hath alwaies paied soe

xiiio [H7?] the [the...?]

[...alker?] I pray you spe remember Master [...ock?] concerning be Richard Ballard [...ognisance?] and looke what the what how [...uch?] the recognisance is I will see him satisfied he promised me to forbeare the certy fing untill the next