Petitions in the State Papers: 1650s

Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699.

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In this section

The inhabitants of the town of Woolwich. SP 18/9 f. 67 (1650)

To the right honourable councell of state

The humble petition of the inhabbitance of the towne of Woolwich

Sheweth that your petitinors the greatest part of them consisting of poore men imployed in the states service at Woolwich have nothing but what they labor hard for and have great charges to mainetaine; there being at present a wharfe leading to the states dockyard there for the building and repareing of shipes fallen very much to decay by reason of waightie loades carted to the said yard in so much that your petitineres are no wayes able to cumpas the charge thereof to repaire the same, by which meanes there can bee no timber planke or outher provitiones transported to the said dockyard by land carriages; or any passengeres horse or foote without indaingering them selves if the said wharfe bee not speediely repaired and timely prevented will indainger the rewin and falling downe of the said church belonging to the said towne

The peetitineres therefore humbly prayeth they maye have an order granted from thee right honorable the Counsell of State to the Comissioneres of the Navie for the issewing of so much wast timber and [plank?] remaineing in the stores not fiting for the shiping as will repaire the said wharfe or that the same may bee repaired by what outher meanes your lordshipes in youre great wisdome shall think fit

And they as in dutie bound shall pray for your honoures health


25 April 1650

Elias Slearke, waterman. SP 18/9 f. 137 (1650)

To the honourable the Commissioners of the Navy and Customes.

The humble petition of Elias Slearke waterman sheweth:

That upon the falce information of one Richard Emery, who hath as your petitioner is enformed taken his oath that your petitioner on Munday morning last past at one of the clock in the morn carried severall pieces of linnen cloth out of a Flemming and in the rescue thereof being pursued to the bridge by the said Emery knockt him down twice, your petitioner stands committed to a messenger

That your petitioner is able to prove by sufficient wittnes, that the said Richard Emery on the said Sunday at night when he went aboard the said Fleming, was absolutely disguised in drinke, but also that your petitioner was at the time by him pretended at his own house in bed; the said Emery at this time prosecu ting your petitioner upon this falce account to disable him, and prevent your petitioneres charge entended to be exhibited against him your petitioner being able to prove, that although the said Rich- ard Emery serveth the state as a watchman by night, yet in the day time he frequently stealeth the custome of goodes to the great damage of the state, as your petitioner is able to prove by competent witnes if admitted by your honours thereto.

The premisses considered may it please your honours to take your petitioner into consideration, and upon proofe of the premises not only to free from him from his restraint but also to enable him in the discovery and prosecution of this and the like abuses dayly committed by the said Emery and others, he being resolved withall diligence and faithfullnes to performe the same [illegible]

For which he shall pray etc.


  • Elias Slearke

George Wood, commissary for the clothing of the soldiers in Ireland. SP 46/95 f. 284 (1650)

To the right honourable the Councell of State

The humble peticion of George Wood commissary for the clothing of the souldiers in Ireland.


That your petitioner in May last, did exhibite his peticion and charge against Sir John Clotworthy Master John Davis and William Sommers for their imbezelling of severall clothes, victualls and armes which your petitioner was authorized to receive and transport for the service of Ireland.

That your petitioner hath fully proved the said charge against them, before the Irish Committee (unto whom the examinacion thereof by your honoures order was referred) and a report thereof made unto your honoures by Collonel Jones, whoe likewise did then acquaint yow with another informacion against the said Sir John, exhibited by Master Anthony Larder of London merchant

That your honoures did then order that the paper of Master Larder and of your petitioner should bee referred to the House, and reported by the Lord Commissioner Lisle, which accordingly was done:

That the House upon the Lord Commissioner Lisle his report, did order that the informacion of Master Larder bee referred to a committee to examine.

But soe it is, (may it please your honoures,) that in your honoures annexed report, and the order of the house, there is not any mention made of your petitioner his abovesaid peticion, or for his releife, having suffered very much by imprisonment, and otherwise, and meerely for want of such moneys (long since due) as your petitioner at the request of the Irish Committee became ingaged in for the accompt of Ireland (besides) his arreares above these 7 yeares, not yet audited

Therefore your petitioner (as formerly) most humbly prayeth, that such satisfaccion may bee made unto the state by the said Sir John Clotworthy, Master John Davis and William Sommers for their indirect practises proved against them, as your honoures shall thinke fitt.

That your petitioner (having faithfully performed his trust) may by your honoures order bee restored to his imployment, or otherwise bee reduced, and have his arreares audited and allowed untill such reducement, and receive such part thereof as that your petitioner may fully pay his creditoures concerning Ireland, and bee enabled further to serve your honoures and the state, and in these hard times to maintaine his family, or releevd, as your honoures shall thinke fitt.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

George Wood;


Referred 12 Junii 1650

The peticion of George Wood commissary.

George Shawe of Stayne Moore, Westmorland. SP 46/104 f. 279 (1650)

To the honourable commissioners for compounding with delinquents att New Castle.

The humble peticion of George Shawe of Stayne Moore in the county of Westmorland:

Sheweth that he assisted the enemy in the last warre against the Parliament.

Wherefore he humbly prays to be admitted to a reasonable fyne and composition for his delinquency and he shall pray etc

Georg Shaw


June 6th 1650

Colonel George Crompton. SP 18/15 f. 26 (1651)

To the right honourable the councell of state.

The humble petition of Colonell George Crompton

[Sheweth?] that whereas your honors have bene pleased to conferr upon him soe great a trust as the chardge and comaund of your forts of Tilbury and Gravesend.

And whereas there is great want of supplies of armes, amunition and other warlike provisions, with necessary repaires of the workes and fort of Tilbury (as by the paper annexed may appeare.)

Your petitioner (to the end he may be enabled faithfully to discharge his said trust according to your honours expectacion and his owne desires) humblie prayeth that yow will be pleased to take the premisses into your consideracion and to give such order for the said supplies as in your grave wisdomes shall be thought meete.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • G: Crompton

The six gunners now acting service for the safety of the Tower of London. SP 18/15 f. 69 (1651)

To the right honourable the Lord Bradshaw pressident of the honourable the councell of state

The humble adresses of the six gunners now acting service for the safety of the Tower of London

Most humbly shewing that they your supplicantes being by order therunto appoynted have done there true and faithfull service, as is by the anexed certificates certified, and have due to them from the 21th of January 1649 to the 20th of January 1650 the some of 209 pounds and 10 shillings as by their debentures signed by the leiuetenant appeareth by the want of which sayd paye, your poore supplicantes are exposed to very great wantes, and they haveing bin payd their former paye by order from the comittee of revenewe their treasury as by their last order heereunto anexed appeereth

Doe humbly crave your honours best furtherance of their distressed cause to that sayd comittee or where else your honour thinkes fitt in their behalfe, that their may bee some speedy order taken, for your supplicantes present supply of that present dew, and for the future humbly crave that your poore supplicantes may bee supplyed monthly or quarterly with their sallery, for the releife of there necessities as may seeme best in theire honours wisedomes and tender concideracion

And they as in all duty bound shall pray etc

The governor, deputy assistants and fellowship of the merchant adventurers of England. SP 46/96 f. 44 (1651)

To the right honourable the Councell of State

The humble peticion of the governour deputy assistantes and fellowshipp of merchantes adventurers of England

Most humbly sheweth that the peticioners by letteres of the 24th of Aprill last from that part of their fellowshipp which resideth in Hamburgh in Germany have received a copie of an humble addresse made the 22th of the same month by the court there unto this honourable councell, which they doubt not but is come to your honours handes, and therefore according to their duty to the comon wealth, aswell as that intrest which they have in the prosperity thereof, the petitioners doe humbly hope it wilbe judged noe presumpcion in them, if they interpose amongst your other many and more weighty affaires, and putt your honours in mynd of the said humble addresse of their said brethren, and earnestly pray your honours patronage of them both, in this oppression and neglect under which the well affected of this nation and the trade thereof doe suffer not onely there at Hamburgh, but in all the partes of their priviledges beyond the seas. The petitioners shall not trouble your honours with the repetition of the particulars in the said addresse, they beinge therein at full represented, onely they crave leave

To be humble and instant peticioners with your honours, that by your favourable and speedy report, of the low condicion of the fellowship and their trade in those partes

1 First that effectuall letters may be obtayned from the Parliament to the senate of Hamburgh wherein the breaches upon them may according to the dignity and honour of the Parliament be with due resentment expostulated

2 Secondly that your honours would please to continue your encouragement to your resident in those partes, on whose esteeme abroad the honour of the nation and trade of this fellowshipp doe soe much depend

3 Thirdly and lastly, that your honours would please effectually to recommend to the Parliament the establishing of the government of the fellowship by owning them in some spetiall manner. For as the petitioners have formerly humbly declared themselves unto your honours, they are on all handes sencible, that unless the Parliament doe by some publique act confirme them and their government as by the former supreame authority of this nation upon all changes they were have bin b at enabled, and from there to then [illegible], the stranger abroad with whome they deale, will looke on them under noe other notion, but as stragling merchantes and soe will take advantage to antiquate all those priviledges and immunityes which the fellowshipp with soe great charge, in soe many ages hath obtayned abroad, and under which the staple and cheife trade of this nation was first founded, [illegible] dayly grew up, and at last flourished to the great benifitt of the common wealth, and to the emulacion of all neighbouring countryes

And the petitioners shall pray etc

  • Samuel Avery governour

Robert Launson, shipwright. SP 46/114 f. 7 (1651)

To the right honourable the Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy.

The humble peticion of Robert Launson shipwright

Sheweth that your petitioners ability, life, conversation, fidelity and good affection doth appeare by the certificate annexed,

That your petitioner was last carpenter of the Beare which he enjoyed untill sicknes disabled him, and his continued desire being to serve the state with all fidelity, as formerly.

The premises considered

Your petitioner most humbly prayeth that your honours would conferre upon him the master carpenters place, of the new frigott at Debtford or Woolwich, or any other your honours shall thinke fitt

And your petitioner shall pray etc.


The peticion of Robert Lawnson shipwright

January 20

The Muscovia Company adventurers to Greenland. SP 46/96 f. 15 (1652)

To the right honourable the Councell of State

The humble peticion of the Muscovia Company adventurers to Greenland

Sheweth, that whereas their predecessours did long agoe with great industry and hazard (upon the encouragement of severall grauntes confirmed by an act of Parliament) discover the continent of Greenland, and have ever since with much losse, expence and charge mayntayned the whale fishing there, and the interest of this nation, (against many insolencyes and outrages committed upon them by the Dutch) to the great benifitt and service of this common=wealth, aswell in encrease of navigation and marriners as the importacion of those usefull commodityes of whale oyle and finns formerly imported from Biskey and other forreigne partes, as the peticioners have clearely made manifest, both unto the committee of the Navy, and lately unto the councell for trade

And whereas your peticioners have made severall addresses to the honourable persons aforesaid, remonstrating the great discouragementes lying upon them through the disturbance of some persons who were never interessed in the discovery, defence, charge or losse of the peticioners in the common=wealths behalfe, yet nevertheless have intruded into their harbours and disturbed their fishing, and given occasion of many quarrelles, and much danger of blood shed there, and also many vexatious law suites and disputes here at home, by reason whereof your peticioners are much injured and dishartned, and their stocks yearely impared

And notwithstanding that your peticioners have obteyned both by the judgment of the Committee of the Navy in the yeare 1645, and of the councell for trade the last yeare an order, that the two harbours of Bellsound and Hornesound, should be reserved for the company to fish in soly to themselves, (the rest of the coast beeing left free) yet the sayd persons have continued, and did the last yeare molest your petitioners as formerly to their exceeding great dammage and discouragement

Your peticioners having lately againe applyed themselves to that councell and being certifyed they ought to make their addresses now to your honours doe humbly pray

That this honourable councell will please seasonably to be a meanes to the Parliament (the tyme of the yeare now approching) to settle that fishing, and to put a period to the disputes aforesaid, betweene the peticioners and those others in such manner as to your wisedomes shalbe thought fitt for the fynall determining the resolucions and endeavours of the petitioners who (as in duty bound) shall pray etc

The governor, deputy assistants and fellowship of the merchant adventurers of England. SP 46/96 f. 109 (1652)

To the supreame authority of the nation the Parliament of the commonwealth of England

The humble petition of the governour deputy assistentes and fellowship of merchantes adventureres of England

Most humbly sheweth that by reason their foreigne market was through the petitioneres greate exportations in the better season of the yeare filled with the clothes and other woollen manufactures of this land and they had noe occasion to send out their appointed ships, as was usuall, at the end of this yeare for their mart and residence in Hamburgh in Germany, which cast the company there upon a necessity to take on two Dutch vessells called bowyers of the one Dirick Swart master, and of the other Hans Clauson master, to returne those comodityes which since, by way of barter have unavoydably bin commuted for woollen manufactures of this land, and if not shipt for England before the next spring, and here vented, would both be subject, for the most part, to perish upon their handes, and in the whole would disenable the petitioners to take of the cloth and other draperyes and stuffes which by the produce thereof they were againe to buy up here in England this next spring; amongst which foreigne returnes there being some comodityes which may be disputed as under the penalty of the late act of Parliament 9o October for encrease of shipping and encouragement of the navigation of this nation.

The petitioners doe humbly pray the dispensacion of Parliament for these two vessells, and all such part of their lading as may be lyable to the said act. And this the rather, forasmuch as the same were in the handes of and shipped abourd the said vessells by the transporters before the said act could come to their knowledge, and the said bowyers proceeded on their voyadge before any intelligence thereof, only were held up in the river of Elve, before and ever since for want of wind and weather to put out to sea, as by the annexed certificate of the said fellowship at Hamburgh, under their seale will more fully appeare. The which favour as it will at present conduce to the better enabling the petitioners to take off the cloth and woollen manufactures of this land, soe for the future the petitioners will soe order their trade that none shalbe found more ready to obey and comply with this or any other act by the Parliament in their wisedome judged for the advancement of trade

And the petitioners (as in duty bound) shall pray etc

  • Samuel Avery governour

Thomas, Earl of Cleveland. SP 46/96 f. 140 (1652)

To the right honourable the Councell of State.

The humble peticion of Thomas Earle of Cleaveland.

Sheweth that the deepe sence which he hath of the late noble favour which through the providence of God the Parliament and therein yourselves were pleased to shew unto your peticioner in respeting his life from the hand of the grave, as it presseth him to the most serious acknowledgment which his heart is capeable off, and which shall dwell upon him whilst his daies are continnued, soe it incourageth him to present once more his humble desires to them of whose goodnes he hath soe signall a testimony.

And therefore humbly prayes.

That you would favourably grant him the liberty of the Tower for a little refreshment of his aged person broken with soe great variety of afllictiones as it hath pleased the almighty to lay upon him.

And your peticioner shall pray etc



16o February 1651 Libertie of the Tower

Petition of the Earl of Cleveland

Desires the libertie of the Tower 16o February 1651 [illegible]

Thomas Billingsley. SP 84/159 f. 107 (1652)

To the right honourable the Council of State

Thomas Billingsley in this his most humble peticion sheweth.

That in the yeare 1622 in the moneth of February, in Amboyna, in the East India: the Dutch, then and there residing, for the East India Company of Holland; continued and executed an horrible massacre upon the persons of divers English merchantes and an utter vastation of their estates, both then (as it were) under the (inhumane) protection of the Dutch. Amongst which tortured and unjustly executed number, Emanuel Thompson your peticioners uncle was one tortured so much, and so long, that it would even torture expression to delineate. To whose estate your peticioner is administratour; amounting as appeareth per the annexed to 250 pounds sterling so long since

May it please your honoures out of sacred love to justice, from the noble sence of the long vilipended, and suffering honor of our nation, so long bleeding in their tortures, and expiring in their deathes; and allso out of the tender resentment of your peticioners personall deprivations, of the pretious life of his uncle, (a man of eminent partes) as allso of his long deteyned estate, to take such order for publique and private satisfaction as may consist with your unblemisht honoures and wisedomes.

And your peticioner as in duty bound, shall ever pray to the throne of grace to make you as honorable in peace as prosperous in warre

Thomas Billingsley


Petition of Thomas Billingsley presented 6o January 1651

Referred to the committee for forraigne affaires

Edward, Earl of Worcester, now prisoner in the Tower. SP 18/32 f. 66 (1653)

To the right honorable the Councell of State

The humble petition of Edward Earle of Worcester etc now prisoner in the Tower

Most humbly sheweth

That he confidently conceives that had hee bin taken with armes in his hand, your lordships would not have left him his wife and family more then all others destitute of meanes to buy bread and necessaries for livelihood, none haveinge payd dearer for what hee hath done, and now havinge submitted himselfe voluntarily, and encouraged, after above six months imprison- ment. Hee yet liveth but uppon creditt, which is hourly like to fayle, [his?] wife havinge neither joynture; nor penny out of his estate in lieu thereof, nor hee any mainteynance

Bee therfore pleased to consider his unparaleld con dition, and to graunt your petitioner a competent main= teynance for himselfe, wife and family

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc



Petition of the Earle of Worcester 13 January 1652

William Starke, Richard Lewis and Mathew Arnold, masters of several ships of Yarmouth. SP 18/32 f. 89 (1653)

To the right honourable the Councell of State

The humble petition of William Starke, Richard Lewis, and Mathew Arnold maisters of severall shipps of Yarmouth [illegible]

Humbly sheweth that your petitioners being imployed from Yarmouth to London, with coales for the use of the citty of London lie here at very great charges

Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that your honors wilbe pleased to grant your warrantes for your peti tioners to retourne home againe with theire vessels and men without lett or molestation videlicet.

William Starke master of the Frendshipp burthen about 100 tunn with 7 men and one boy

Richard Lewis master of the Supply burthen about 80 tunns with 6 men and 1 boy

Mathew Arnold master of the Society burthen about 140 tunns with 8 men and 2 boyes

And your petitioners shall pray.


6 January 1652 Recomended Commissioners Admiralty to consider whether these men may goe.

Joseph Ames, master of the Hart frigate of Yarmouth. SP 18/32 f. 89a (1653)

To the right honourable the Councell of State

The humble petition of Joseph Ames master of the Hart frigate of Yarmouth of the burthen of 70 tonns

Humbly sheweth that he is lately come from the Barbadoes laden with suger and haveing bene forth 14 monthes, lieing here at very great charges.

The petitioner therefore humbly pray that [your?] honors wilbe pleased to grant your [wave?] for your petitioner to retourne home againe with the vessell and six men and one boy without lett or molestation.

And your petitioner shall pray etc.

Likewise Joseph Waters master of the [Mayflower?] of Yarmouth burthen 60 tonns who came [to?] London with fish, butter and cheese may retourne againe with 6 men and 1 boy and William Waters master of the Sarah of Yarmouth burthen 40 tunns who brought up the like vituall; may retourne againe without lett or molestation, with 4 men and 1 boy

And they shall pray etc

10 January 1652

George Reade of London, merchant. SP 46/114 f. 98 (1653)

The peticion of George Reade of London merchant

To the right honourable the commissioners of Parliament for ordering and manageing the affaires of the Admiralty and Navy:

The humble peticion of George Reade of London merchant

Sheweth that he formerly by his tradeing beyond seas brought in [500?] pounds custome yearely into England, but by reason of the King of Portugalls stay and squestration in the yeare 1650 sustained such losse that he and his family hath endured much since that tyme.

That your petitioner served as purser of the Charity a fire ship wherein he behaved himselfe faithfully, and gott such hurt in the states service as hath maimed him, as may appeare by the certificate annexed.

Your petitioner most humbly prayes your honours favour in conferring upon him a cleark of the cheques places in such, ship or friggot your honours shall thinke fitt in the present expedition.

And your petitioner shall pray etc.


The peticion of George Read for clerke of the checquer. January 24 1652

Peter Darton of Barnstable, mariner. SP 18/65 f. 3 (1654)

To the right honourable his highnes councell

The humble petition of Peter [Darton?] of Barn stable mariner

Sheweth that the George Bonaventure of about 30 tonns whereof Christopher Dan was master laden with salt for your petitioners account was about the 28 of November last taken by the Nonesuch frigate belonging to the common wealth and carried into Perin in Cornwall.

That upon your petitioners humble suit unto his highnes for restoring his said boat with her lading upon payment of salvage according to the act in that behalfe his highnes referred the matter unto your honours in pursuance whereof yow were pleased to refer the same unto the judges of the Admiralty

Now forasmuch as the recovering of the said boate and salt by the ordinary cours of the Admiralty would stand in about ten poundes charges which is more then the salvage it selfe comes unto an expence only for formality sake and altogether unnecessarie which your petitioner can in no wayes beare in these dead time of trading.

Your petitioner humbly prayes your honours will be pleased to order the comissioners for prize goodes as was in prac tice during the late Parliamentes and Councill of State to doe therein according to justice and the act of Parliament in that behalfe

And your petitioner shall pray etc

Sir John Jacob, Sir Job Harby, and Sir Nicholas Crispe. SP 18/65 f. 48 (1654)

To his highnes, Oliver Lord Protector of the common=wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland etc.

The humble peticion of Sir John Jacob, Sir Job Harby, and Sir Nicholas Crispe.

Sheweth that they want wordes to expresse their infinit obligacions to your highnes, for the manifold favores they have ever received in their unhappy buysines of the forrests, wherein though they may miscarry by the various fancyes of a multitude, and so are likely to be torne in peices by them, who are the authors of it; yet they shall submit with all patience, and content, so that your highnes is satisfyd that they have discharged their dutyes to their powre.

What now to offer to your highnes, is accompanyed with feare, [illegible] least they may yet seeme unhappily to obstruct the publique service. Yett because all the creditors are not of one mind, and some have offred their moneys (notwithstanding the humors of others) and that many may recover in time from that infection, that others ill affected have infused.

They humbly pray your highnes, once more, that as in the publique faith joyned with their debt, so it may (unless inconvenient) be [be yet?] ad= mitted also for the peticioneres and creditores as shalbee of a better minde, to goe on upon the said act, as upon part of their debt, without limitacions of sommes and dayes of payment (which have hitherto rendred ther indea= vors fruitless) and that for such monyes so brought in, doubled billes may bee given; and they hope by [this?] yet to bring some service to the common=wealth.

Their reasones for this are, that they conceive they shall [advance?] the doubling of the publique faith by their example.

They shall keepe the credit of the act in force, and make it [more?] active by this conjunction.

And lastly they shall keepe on their service to the publique wherein they shall not spare their owne estates to give incourag ment to those, that in time may bee wrought into a better understan ding of their owne advantages. All which they humbly [submit?] to your highnes wisedome,

And shall ever pray for your highnes etc.

John Jacob Job Harby Nicholas Crisp


Read 13 January 1653

Sir John Jacobs petition

Thomas Rickett, master of the Plover. SP 18/78 f. 213 (1654)

Thomas Rickett master of the shipp Plover peticion

To the right honourable the commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy.

The humble peticion of Thomas Rickett master of the shipp Plover.


That your petitioner having for many yeares served the state, and by his many good services approved himselfe faithfull to the comon=wealth and present government the right honourable the Councell of State was pleased by their order of the 16th of November [illegible] 1652: to appoynt him master of the said Dutch prize the Plover, wherein hee hath to this present faithfully served, and merrited your honours favoures, as by his lettere from Collonel Cobbett presented to Generall Moncke of recommendacion to some place of higher command in your service may appeare.

His humble request is that your honours would be pleased to continue him in his said commaund either in the said shipp or some bigger friggott as your honours in your wisdomes shall thinke fitt that hee may be further serviceable to this common=wealth

And hee shall dayly pray etc


Certificate must be produced

[apt certified John?]

Humble Ward, esquire. SP 46/109 f. 53 (1654)

To the honourable the trustees for sale of forrests lands

The humble peticion and clayme of Humble Ward esquier.

Sheweth, that your petitioner being seized in fee to him and his heires by vertue of an indenture dated the seaventh day of August 1612 of the capitall messuage then called the Bush now Gooses and of some other tenements and severall parcells of land meadow and pasture thereunto belonginge mentioned in a schedule and otherwise to the said indenture annexed lyeing att Havering in Bower in the parish of Horne Church in the county of Essex:

That your petitioner takeing notice of an act of Parliament lately passed for the deafforrestacion sale and improvement of the forrests and of the honours mannors lands etc within the usuall limitts and perambulations of the same heretofore belonginge to the late King Queene and Prince doth accordinge to the directions of the same act make this his clayme to his right of common for all manner of cattle estovers pannage turbary and other proffitts rights and advantages belonginge to the capitall messuage and premisses aforesaid which your petitioner (and those under whome hee claymes) have tyme out of minde enjoyed.

And therefore humbly prayes an allowance of his right and interest claymed as aforesaid to bee sett forth and satisfied accordinge to the said act.

And hee shall pray etc.


Referred to Master Graves

Master Wards peticion

Thomas Kelsey, lieutenant of Dover Castle, Walter Walker, judge of the Admiralty of Cinque Ports, and others. SP 18/94 f. 1 (1655)

To his highness Oliver Lord Protector of the common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland.

The humble peticion of Thomas Kelsey esquier lieutenant of Dover Castle Walter Walker doctor of the lawes, judge of the Admiralty of Cinque Ports Thomas St Nicholas esquier steward of the Court of Chancery of the said Cinque Portes John Raven gentleman clerke of Dover Castle, and Richard Henly bodar of the said castle


That the severall yearely stipendes mencioned in the schedule annexed have been anciently and formerly paid to the petitioners predecessours and to some of the petitioners out of the publique revenue of this common wealth for the services by them respectively performed in the said severall places. And the petitioners have for the severall yeares also in the said schedule mencioned been exercised in, and discharged the said offices, and yet the said stipendes have not been paid, but are in arrere for the time in the said schedule expressed.

The petitioners therefore humbly pray your highnes to be pleased to grant your order for the payment of the said arreres

And they shall pray etc


The sixth day of December 1654 His highnesse pleasure is to referre this petition to the consideration of the councill Lisle Long

Peticion of the governor and officers of Dover Castle and Cinque Portes.

Lady Margaret Levingston, Mistress Bridgett Bray, Mistress Judeth Hobson, and Mistress Frances Blundew. SP 18/94 f. 5 (1655)

To his highnesse Oliver Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland.

The humble peticion of the Lady Margarett Levingston, Mistress Bridgett Bray, Mistress Judeth Hobson, and Mistress Frances [Blundew?].

Sheweth, that your petioners allowances of fower powndes per weeke from your highnesse, and the right honourable the councell, beinge neere expired, they beinge aged, much indebted, and every way fully within the charity of your highnesse speach to the right honourable the councill, who [desi?] red them to act for God, and perticulerly remembred them to consider to releive the distres ses of the poore and needy, and of whose goodnesse accordingly they have had some experience

They humbly implore your highnesse, not to take the breade from them, you have of late fed them with, but that you will be pleased gratiously to under write this there peticon, that Master Gualter Frost continue to pay them on accordinge to theire warrant from the date of the expiration thereof untill further order, that soe they may goe to theire graves in peace with blessinges for you in theire mouths, for chosinge rather to be theire good Joseph, in seasonably dispencinge foode to them, in theire greate famine (they haveinge neare fower thousand pounds in arreare) then like the unfaithfull steward in the gospell, while there is plenty in his masters house: and who knowes, but for these very endes, your highnesse is come in [illegible]

And they shall pray

Thomas Marshall, collector of the customs at Rye. SP 18/94 f. 13 (1655)

To the right honourable The commissioners to whom the matters depending before the counsell are refered

The humble petition of Thomas Marshall collector of the customes att Rye

Sheweth that upon an order of the counsell of the 8th of August 1654 here annexed, and some former of older date, he hath disbursed for the relief of forain seamen taken by the state's ships att sea, and sent to the said towne of Rye to be from thence transported over into France, the summe of thirty one pound five shelings, as appeareth by the bills, here also annexed.

Therefore your petitioner humbly desires the counsell to give order for the repaying the said summe unto him according the said orders of the counsell

And he shall as in duty bound more and more pray etc

John Blackmore, on behalf of the officers and soldiers of General Disbrowe's regiment. SP 18/94 f. 46 (1655)

To the right honourable his highnesse councell

The humble petition of John Blackmore major to Generall Disbrowes regiment on behalfe of the officers and soldiers of the said regiment.

Humbly sheweth.

That two troopes of the said regiment are every night upon the guard at the mewes.

That since November the first they have had three bushells of coales, and one pound of candles to each troope allowed them, and provided by one Daniel Wynne the keeper of the mewes.

That the said Wynne, refuseth to supply the said guard any longer, for that hee is much in arreare, and hath been informed that hee is not like to be paid out of contingences as formerly, nor is there any way open for his satisfacton; soe that the officers and soldiers in the said regiment are like to bee put upon great streights in this cold season.

Therefore hee humbly praies, that this honourable councell would forthwith grant their order for moneys to pay the said arreares, and to provide this most necessary expence without which they are not able to doe the duty one night comfortably.

And your petitioner shall pray etc

  • J: Blackmore

Henry Wilson. SP 18/123 f. 75 (1656)

To the right honourable the counsell sitting at Whitehall

The humble peticon of Henry Wilson

Sheweth on the behalfe of thirtie five soldiers with himselfe in the county of Nottingham whoe did raise both horse and armes at there owne proper costs and charges for the good and safetie of this comon wealth when the late insurrection was at Salisbury and other places whoe were under the command of Captaine George Palmer for the space of one moneth and then disbanded without any satisfaction for there saide service. Your peticoner comeing up to London on purpose for aredresse herein, did through the meanes of Comissary Generall Whaley did gaine a warrant from your honoures directed to Master Frost the treasurer for the payment of fiftie fower pounds twoe shillinges and six pence which saide warrant Master Frost hath not discharged by reason he saith he have not money in his custody, and forasmuch as your saide peticoner haveing peticoned the lords commissioners of his highnes treasurie in the same. Whose answere of theres to your peticoner is that they cannot disburse any money without a warrant from this honourable counsell.

Your peticoner humbly prayeth your honors wilbe pleased to consider of his long stay in London which is now above ten weekes past, as alsoe of his expences, haveing nothing to subsist uppon, and graunt unto your peticoner awarrant for the receiving of the money he waites for. For himselfe and the rest whoe hath entrusted him.

And your peticoner will ever pray etc:

Henry Roach, John Wright, William Wood and partners of Wapping, mastmakers. SP 46/98 f. 1c (1656)

To his highnes the Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging.

The humble petition of Henry Roach, John Wright, William Wood and partneres of Wapping mastmakeres

Humbly shew, that in the year 1653 when the Navy was in greate distresse for mastes and could not be supplyed from Norway nor Eastland, then to encourag your petitioneres to provide mastes for your highnes Navy, they had imprest unto them, in prize shipps fitting for that service 2218 pounds, which was to be discompted out of the price of the mastes when delivered, and accordingly they repaired furnished and sett forth the said shipps att great charge, and with greate stockes in them for New England, where they procured their lading with such mastes as never before had come into England butt att their comeing home were taken by the Hollanderes nere the Landes Ende, and carried through the Channell into Flushing, notwithstanding your petitioneres were made beleive, that the Channell should be soe well guarded, that they neede not feare.

That your petitioneres have lost in adventureing for mastes by the Dutch warr 9220 pounds, as by the perticulares they cann make appeare, yett neverthelesse the comissioners and treasurer of the Navie [call?] to your petitioneres to cleer the said imprest, which your petitioneres are willing to doe, by such debtes as are justly due from the Navie, by billes of fraight, signed by the said comissioneres, upon the said treasurer which the said treasurer refuseth to satisfie.

Wherefore your petitioneres humbly pray, that your highnes wilbe gratiously pleased, to consider [their?] reall affection to the publique, their greate service in bringing this trade into your highnes owne dominiones, the great saveing in your Navies expence, by their procureing such greate mastes which have served in stead of made mastes, and their exceeding greate losse thereby, they alwaies supplying your navie with mastes, when none otheres would adventure, and therefore that your [highness?] would be pleased, to order the comissioneres and treasurer of the Navie, to discount the said imprest upon such billes as they have for shipps service, according to your highnes favour and justice shewed to otheres, by which your petitioneres shall be enabled and encouraged to prosecute this trade, soe advantagious to this nation

And ever pray etc.


Whitehall January 26 1655 Its his highnesses pleasure that the commissioners for the Admiralty shall take this into consideration and uppon information had certify theire opinion Nathaniel Bacon


The sons and executors of Sir Peter Rychant, deceased. SP 46/101 f. 164 (1656)

To the right honourable the councell

The humble peticion of the sonnes and executours of Sir Peter Rychant knight deceased

Sheweth That his highnes the Lord Protector by the advice of your honours hath beene pleased to graunt a warrant directed to the judges of the Admiraltie to yssue out letters of reprizall under the great seale in behalfe of your peticioners against the Kinge of Spaine and his subjects, provided that securitie were first given by your peticioners before the commissioners of the Admiraltie and Navy. But the said commissioners after six weekes sollicitacion dismissed your peticioners with a possitive refusall to intermedle in that buisnesse for feare of being brought within the compasse of the fowerteenth article of peace concluded betweene England and Fraunce. After which your peticioners had againe recourse to your honours for redresse, which your honours were gratiously pleased to endeavour by directing a new order to the judges of the Admiraltie to yssue out the aforesaid letters of reprizall to take such securitie as they should find sufficient, which notwithstanding all this care of your honours is refused by the said judges alsoe to interpose in a buisnesse of this nature. Soe that your peticioners out of these long delayes, scruples and formalities have suffered great prejudice and disadvantage and their spiritts much sadded to see their long expectations and hopes blasted, and the care and goodnesse of your honours soe often frustrate.

Your peticioners therefore haveinge recourse againe to your honours as their ultimate refuge; humbly beseech your honours to find some meanes whereby your peticioners may receave a speedy dispatch, and may enjoy that benefitt which your honours have beene pleased soe gratiously to afford them.

And your peticioners shall pray etc.

Jacob Rowse. SP 46/117 f. 230 (1656)

The petition of Master Jacob Rowse

To the right honourable the commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy.

The humble peticon of Jacob Rowse.

Sheweth that your petitioners service for the space of seaven yeares or upwards very carefully and faithfully, and three yeares as master, and was master of the Augustine, Captaine Anthony Archer comander, and his ability, life and conversation doth appeare by the certificate annexed and being willing and ready to do the state what service he may soe farre as the lord shall enable him

Your petitioner humbly craves your honours favour in conferring upon him the masters place in the new great friggott building at Debtford or any other your honours shall thinke fitt

And your petitioner shall pray etc:


Master February 17 50

Major Edward Basse. SP 18/153 f. 13 (1657)

To his highnes Oliver Lord Protectour of England Scotland and Ireland.

The humble peticion of Majour Edward Basse.

Humblie sheweing.

That whereas your highenes hath beene graciously pleased to take notice of the peticioners constant adherence to the interest of Parliament and of his great losses and sufferinges, neverthelesse hee is still necessitate to implore your highnes, being thereunto encouradged by your highenes many expressions of grace, and favoure, both to the peticoner himselfe, and to others on his behalfe, and more especially to Master Stephen Marshall in time of his health, and further confirmed about the time of his death

The peticioner therefore in all humility doth most humbly beseech your highenes (that in regard his losses have bene very great (as by the annexed maie more fully appeare) and haveing spent many yeares in attendance for releife to his further consumpcion and wasting, and the petitioner now groweing into yeares, and haveing a wife, and 6 childeren, all yett unprovided for) that your highnes will be pleased, that out of such poore and small remaines of deane and chapiters landes, and fee farme rents, as lye stragling upp and downe (and are yett unsould) hee may have such a proporcion thereof, as to your highenes great wisedome, shall seeme most meete;

And hee (as in duety bound) shall continue to praie etc


Whitehall January 3 1656. Edward Basse His highness [illegible] commendeth this petitioner and petition to the especiall and speedy consi deration of his privy councill to whome his highness willeth the petitioner to make his application with a particuler of suche deane and chapters lands or suche fee farme rents mencioned in the petition as the petitioner shall desire to be setled uppon him [Int...?] Nathaniel Bacon

Robert Jennings. SP 18/153 f. 27 (1657)

To his highness Oliver Lord Protector of the common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the dominions thereunto belonginge.

The humble peticion of Robert Jennings

Humbly sheweth.

That your peticioner haveinge in all things submitted unto your highness governement, nevertheless an diectment being passed against him in his absence at the visitation of Oxon, for that your peticioner had the misfortune to be educated there in his minorety while the late Kings garrison was in the towne, though your peticioner were imprisoned for refuseinge to goe upon the guards, and never listed himselfe in any army nor inter- meddled at all with the differences betweene the late Kinge and Parliament yet an in= convenience is fallen upon him by your highness late declaracion, whereby in obedience to your highness order he hath forsaken his present imployment and unles your highnes gratiously looke upon him, he is utterly disabled for any livelyhood in the world, haveing nothinge for his mainetenance, but what he could gaine by his learneinge

Wherefore your peticioner being ready to give a full and signall testimony of his good affeccion to this present governement humbly prayeth that he may be inabled to serve God and his country, according to those abilletys which the Lord hath pleased to dispence unto him, and that he may be referred to the commissioners of Berkeshire, where your peticioner now liveth to give an accompt of his Godliness and good affeccion unto the governement now established.

And your peticioner shall ever pray etc.


Whitehall May 20 1656 His highness refereth this to the Major Generall and commissioners for securing the peace of the county or any three of the commissioners in theire publique [meting?] to inquere into the condition qualeficacion and conver sation of the petitioner and the same to certify to his highness and in the meane time to stay further proceedings against him if noe cause to the contrary shall appear till further order [int...?] Nathaniel Bacon

Sir Thomas Vyner, knight, and Edward Backwell of London, goldsmith. SP 18/153 f. 32 (1657)

To his highness Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland etc and to the right honourable the counsell.

The humble petition of Sir Thomas Vyner knight and Edward Backwell of London goldsmith

Humbly sheweth that your petitioners did on the 30th of October last contract for all the Spanish barrs, peices of eight, and plate brought to Portsmouth by Generall Mountague, (before they had any sight thereof) by which contract your petitioners are to pay 5 shillings 4 pence the ounce for the Spanish assay of 2380 which is to bee eighteene penyweight better, and so in proporcion as the fineness shall be marked upon the severall barrs.

That your petitioners were informed that the Spanish assayes were reformed, which made your petitioners so willing to embrace this bargaine; but this silver contrary to expectacion was marked by their assay three yeares since; so that may it please your highness your petitioners finde many of the said assaies upon the barrs falsefied, from one penny, to six pence on the ounce, and in one great barr neere one quarter of the whole barr, and in the whole quantity but two barrs that are the full fineness eighteen penny weight better, which is 2380, by which finest silver wee can not make one penny in the ounce; towards advance of money and provision.

That your petitioners have already paid into your highnes Exchequer, one hundred and thirty thousand pounds, being at great charge in procuring, and paying interest for the same, for the speedy supply of your highnes. In consideration whereof.

Your petitioners most humbly pray your highnes to graunt your petitioners a warrant to transport ten thousand pound in peices of eight, and fifty of the worst barrs custom free, (without which your petitioners will suffer great damage) and your petitioners will give their security to bring the full quanty of silver to your highnes mynt within six months.

And your petitioners shall pray etc.

Stephen Bownd, minister of the gospel. SP 18/153 f. 38 (1657)

To his highnesse Oliver Lord Protectour of the Common=wealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the dominions thereunto belonginge

The humble peticion of Stephen Bownd minister of the gospel

Humbly sheweth

That whereas your highnesse peticioner, through the obstreaperous mouthes and inconsiderate, and malitious oathes of delinquent and malignant persons hath been, and att present is, a greate sufferer: the late act against ministers takeinge effecte on your highness peticioner to his ejeccion, though with greate reluctancie of sperit in the commissioneres by your highness appoynted, as also to the heart greife of many well affected and godly Christians, as is well knowne unto the right honourable the Lord Richard Cromwell and whereas your highnesse poore peticioner hath not only the testimony of many of Godes saints and people resideinge neere him of his suteable conversacion to the gospell. And abilities through grace to dispence the same, but alsoe of divers godly ministers commissioners in the county of Southampton as appeares by the annexed certificate and which is more the testimony of Gods sperit within him callinge him to the ymprovement of his talent in preachinge the word.

May it therefore gratiously please your highnesse to extend the bowels of your highnesse compassion, unto your highnesse poore peticioner in vouch safeinge his reestablishment in those partes which is the desire of the ministers and people who are well affected there. Or otherwise to consult in your highnesse gratious wisdome to give leave elce=where to put forth a labourer into the Lordes harvest

And your highnesse peticioner shalbe an advocate and dayly suppliant att the throne of grace, that as the Lord hath blessed your highness with the supreame dignitie amongst us, soe he will ever please to crowne yow with his blessinges that when your highnesse mortality shall put on immortality, that immortality may be clothed with glory: that haveing lived here amongst us a glorious ruler your highnesse may for ever reigne with him the kinge of glory

And this shalbe ever the prayer of your highnesse poore petitioner

Stephen Bownde


Oliver P

We referr this peticion to the consideracion of our councell 27th of November 1656

Peter Witham, minister and master of arts of Sydney College Cambridge. SP 18/179 f. 49 (1658)

To his highnes the Lord Protector of the common wealth of England Scotland and Ireland etc

The humble peticion of Peter Witham minister and master of artes sometymes of Sydney College Cambridge:

Sheweth that your petitioner beinge lately presented by the lords commissioners of the great seale unto the rectory of John Baptist London upon the death of the last incombent and free choyse of the people there (and beinge examined by your highnes commissioneres the ministeres) had his instrument of admission into his benefice obstructed by them upon an order they received from your highnes (videlicet) not to admitt any sequestred ministers but first to returne them to your highnes:

Your humble petitioner 9 yeares past for one passage in a prayer (beinge before and ever since for the Parliament and suffering much formerly by Bishopp Wren) yet was he sequestred (noe accusacion for scandalous life beinge brought against him) and nowe for want of his instrument is destitute of a present livelyhood and in a distructive condicion without your highnes favourable [co...ccion?] thereof: and therefore he humbly imploreth your highnes that in your mercy and clemency this offence might be passed by and his sequestracion taken of

And he shall ever pray etc


Whitehall January 2d 1657 His highnes is pleased to referr this peticion to the consideracion and order of the privie councill [Int...?]

  • [Fr?] Bacon
  • Peter Wytham

Referred 19 January 1657

Henry Scobell. SP 18/179 f. 60 (1658)

To the Parliament of the commonwealth of England

The humble peticion of Henry Scobell

That your peticioner having by your commaund been called to be clerke of the Parliament in a time of difficulty and danger did readily yeild obeydience thereunto and faithfully endeavored to his utmost to serve you unto the time when this honourable house was interrupted, as also did at the meeting againe of this Parliament attend to have performed the like faithfull service unto them whom the Lord by a stupendious and wonderfully overruling hand of providence had againe restored.

But understanding your honoures pleasure in making choice of one more worthy doth humbly submit thereunto, being very sorry if in the times of the intervening changes (wherein your petitioner hath been meerely passive and in all which the Lord hath kept him from any oath or engagement to oblige him unto any of them) he hath doune any thing meriting your displeasure [illegible] [illegible] and humbly begges your pardon that your petitioner hath within two yeares last past disbursed about 250 pounds in repairing the tower where the records are kept and the house part whereof was in danger to fall downe which would have endangered most of the rest,

That part of the salary graunted to the petitioner by this honourable house is in arreare

Your petitioner humbly prayes this honourable house wilbe pleased to take the same into your consideracon and order the paiment [illegible] of the said arreares and somme disbursed unto your petitioner who (in what station soever the Lord shall cast him) shall approve himself faithful to the interest of this Parliament and of the commonwealth

And your petitioner shall pray etc

  • Henry Scobell

Richard Cord, mariner. SP 18/187 f. 91 (1658)

Richard Cord peticion

To the right honourable the commissioneres for the Admiralty

The humble peticion of Richard Cord mariner.


Thatt your petitioner after hee had served on board the George duringe the time specified in the certificatt heare unto annexed beinge strucke sicke by Godes providence and leftt at Caskales, continued soe (beinge transported home for 6 monthes time, which proved to his greatt dammage, and almoste undoinge with owtt your honours clemency bee the more extended.

The premises considered your petitioner doth moste humbly pray your honours to sattisfie the tickett annexed, and to adde such a reasonable allowance beside towardes your petitioners losse of time, as shall bee thoughtt meett to your honours.

And your petitioner shall pray, etc.


16 January 1657 Commissioners Admiralty and Navy for signeing a [ticket?] of Richard Cordes for his service in the George in case it appeare just

Mary Pitman, wife of George Pitman, boatswain of the Tradagh frigate. SP 18/187 f. 145 (1658)

The petition of Mary Pitman

To the right honourable the commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy.

The humble peticion of Mary Pitman the wife of George Pitman boteswain of the Tradagh friggott.

Sheweth that her husband consedering the want your petitioner may be in by reason of her large family (who are much straitned) and his long absence at sea, did send her a tickett for the pay due to him as boatswain of the Tredagh from the eighth day of January 1655 to the 15th of November 1657. The Commissioners of the Navy will not signe the said ticket because it is written and not printed

The premises considered, and for that your petitioner and her 3 children, are extreamly necessitated, and her husband, is still boatswain in the Tradagh.

Your petitioner humbly prayes your honours to order that the Commissioners of the Navy may passe the said tickett to be paid and satisfyed to your petitioner.

And she shall pray etc.

Seth Ward D.D., professor of astronomy in Oxford. SP 18/200 f. 29 (1659)

To his highnesse Richard Lord Protector and his honourable counsel, the humble petition of Seth Ward D.D. professor of astronomy in Oxford


That his late highnesse and this honourable counsel did (upon reasons wel knowne unto them) by their recommendation to the trustees for augmentation, cause an augmentation to be settled upon your petitioner which augmentation was settled after advice had with the counsel of the trustees, and hath bene for three quarters of a yeare paid to your petitioner.

That notwithstanding this, the said payment of the said augmentation is now suspended and respited by order from the said trustees.

Your petitioner humbly prays that the premisses may be taken into consideration and that he may not be deprived of the benefit of the favour conferred upon him by his late highness and counsel

And he shall ever pray etc


Doctor Ward Referred 9 November 1658

Major John Harris, prisoner in Lambeth House. SP 18/200 f. 31 (1659)

To the right honourable the councell.

The humble petition of Major John Harris, prisoner in Lambeth House.


That he hath been in close custody for the space of thirteen months.

That he hath by many addresses to his highnes, and Master Secretary Thurloe desired to partake of mercy (so farre as guilty, or to be tryed for any crime of which by the law he could be esteemed or prooved culpable.

That notwithstanding he hath offered sufficient bayle as to the endes premised, yet he cannot obtaine so much as freedome without or with a keeper to solicite his affaires

That by the law of the nation, he ought to have been transmitted either to the Lord Chiefe Justice, or some other justice of peace, to whom the cognizance of the fact wherewith he stands charged properly belonges the benefit whereof as to an equall and speedy tryall he hath been denyed by this tedious arbitrary imprisonment to the ruine of himselfe and relations

That the time of his tryall (if murther) he being in custody) is elapsed an appeale not lying unlesse filed within the space of a twelvemonth and a day;

He therefore most humbly appeales to your honoures praying:

That you will be pleased to take his sufferinges and condition into consideration, and that according to your publique obligation as magistrates and ministers of state if he may not be capable of mercy, after such a hard chargeable and tedious imprisonment, as to the crime wherewith he standes charged, that yett at least he may be refferred to the law and ordinary course of justice; and that his baile may be accepted for his appearance to answer as in his case by the law is provided: or if reason of state, the power en- terest or will of any single person how great soever must overbeare your publique justice (as in his case it hath hitherto done) that he may be main tained sutable to his charge and condition during the continuance of his imprisonment by the present order.

For which he shall pray

John Harris


The petition of

  • Major John Harris
  • Major Haris

Colonel Thomas Ceely, late governor of Lyme Regis. SP 18/200 f. 33 (1659)

To his highnes the Lord Protector of the common wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland and the dominions and territoryes thereto belonginge

The humble peticion of Colonell Thomas Ceely late governour of Lyme Regis


That the mannours of South Milton, Killegarth Reigham and Tressey in the countyes of Devon and Cornwall and divers lands tenements and hereditaments thereto belonging late parcell of the possessions of Sir James Bagg deceased were lieable and extended for severall greate debts, due by him to the late Kinge, amounting to the summe of (about) 40000 pounds:

That (those debts not being sattisfyed) his highnes the late Lord Protector (becomeing entitled thereunto) by his letteres patents under the greate seale bearing date the 20th of January 1656 graunted the mannours and premisses to your peticioner for the tearme of 99 yeares paying (upon oath) yearely a moiety of the rents and profitts thereof into the Chequer. And thother moyety thereof, your peticioner was (by the said graunt) to receive to his owne use untill hee should bee thereof fully sattisfyed, the summe of 4500 pounds justly due unto him togeather with such charges as hee should expend, in recovering the possession of the premisses, which then was and still is detained from your peticioner) and upon such satisfaccion to your peticioner the said graunt was to determine.

That your peticioner ever since the obtaining of the said graunt hath (to his very great charge) beene continually exercised in suits in the Court of Exchequer, for the gaineing of possession, one of which suits is now ready for judgment:

That those persons whoe have hitherto unjustly kept your peticioner out of possession doe now make pretence that his late highnes interest, in the premisses upon the extent was lost for want of a clayme, or that the said debts were otherwise sattisfyed. And that the said mannour and premisses, are thereby become lyable, to sale, as an estate in possession by the trustees att Drury House. (To whome the said persons have applyed themselves for the purchase thereof) as the estate of George Bagg, (a delinquent in the third act) being sonne and heire of the said Sir James Bagg.

That the trustees seeme inclinable to bee of opinion that they may sell the mannours [and?] premisses as an estate in possession, noe claime haveing been made; albeit your peticioner is advised by his councell that his highnes interest was not nor could in anywise be prejudiced, by any default of claime.

That if such sale should take effect, it would avoid the payment of those greate debts due to your highnes, and distroy his late highnes graunt to your peticioner, and be only operative to the sattisfaccion of a private debt, allowed by the commissioners for removeing of obstruccions chardgeable upon the premisses, which by the [course?] of law ought not to bee thereby sattisfyed, untill your highnes debt be first fully sattisfyed; and paid;

Your peticioner therefore humbly prayes your highnes direccion to the trustees att Drury House that they forbeare to sell or dispose of any of the said mannours and premisses untill itt shall appeare, by discharge from the barons of the Exchequer that your highnes is fully sattisfyed your said debts

And your peticioner shall ever pray etc.


Whitehall January vith 1658

It is his highnes pleasure to referr this peticion to the consideration and order of the privie councill [Int...?] [Fr?] Bacon

Richard Harvie. SP 18/207 f. 104 (1659)

To the right honourable the commissi oners of the Admiralty and Navy.

The humble petition of Richard Harvie.

Sheweth. That whereas your petitioner hath been formerly imployed as chaplin in the states ship Satisfaction; and knowing the danger of going without a warrant from your honours. His request is that your honours would be pleased to grant [illegible] him an order (as chaplin) for the Jersey frygott, whereof Captain Symmons is commander. And haveing spoken with him, hee is free and willing to entertaine me if your honours please to grant me an order. In hope whereof I rest and shall pray etc. being your honours to command in what I may

the 25th of January 1658

Richard Harvie


Petition Richard Harvy

[Th...?] Newman