Petitions in the State Papers: 1640s

Petitions in the State Papers, 1600-1699.

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In this section

The late Company of Saltmakers of the South and North Sheildes. SP 16/403 f. 82 (1640)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of your majesties most humble subjectes of the late Company of Saltmakers of the South and North Sheildes

Humbly sheweth

That whereas they heretofore undertooke the makeing and vending of salt at these places with the hope to doe your majestie a good and acceptable service therein for the advancement of your revenues. But by reason of the many interruptions and crosse accidentes, which usually fall out upon the first undertaking of a new worke they have unhappily fayled of their hopes, and given up their patent of incorporacion which they could never gett fully settled on them as they expected and some others have become undertakeres; and by that meanes a constant revenew is now settled unto your majesty and they heartily wish for a prosperous successe thereunto.

But they have lately understood that some misinformacion hath beene given to your majesty that your suppliantes are in arreare to your majestie the somme of 13000 pounds whereof yf the utmost were demaunded it would fall very farr short: and that some direction is given to Master Thomas Lydall and Henry Hodgson to collect the monney, or upon non payment, to Master Atturney Generall to prosecute them for it in a legall way.

Their most humble suite unto your majestie is, that yow wilbe graciously pleased to receive this true information from themselfes, who have not yet beene called to answer thereunto, that they are soe farre from gayning by that imployment that it will appeare that they have lost many 1000 of poundes therby and of their privat estates: that they are ready to give a true accoumpt thereof to any to whome your majestie shalbe pleased to referre the examinacion of it and of the reasons and causes how it came to passe that they unhappily miscarryed in their endeavores: and when your majesty shalbee thus truly informed if your highness shall not be thus satisfied of their fidelity to your majesties service, and that they are great losers by this their undertaking, they shall not decline any legall prosecution but humbly submitt to your good pleasure.

In the meane time they humbly desire to rest in your majesties good and gracious opinion

And they (as in duty bound) etc


At the court at Whitehall 8 January 1639.

His majestie is pleased to referre this petition to the Lord Treasurer and Lord Cottington who are to consider of the petitioners accomptes and premises, and certify his majestie their opinions of them: whereupon his majestie will signifie his further pleasure.

Francis Windebank

Edmund Chapman. SP 16/441 f. 14 (1640)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Edmund Chapman your majesties servant.

Most humbly shewing

That in Hillarie Terme last one Mathew Grymes and Thomas Reeves a couple of knowne desperate fellowes and comon quarrellers abuseing this petitioner and drawing their swordes upon him in the street, without anie cause or provocation, and this petitioner in the necessarie defence of himselfe accidentally giving the said Grymes a sleight hurt in the arme and he disordering himselfe dyed about 3 weekes after and his wife (to wring something from this petitioner procured one of the coroners to impannell a jurie to inquire of the death of the said Grymes and thereupon it was found by inquisicion in [Middlesex?] that hee dyed by occasion of the said hurt and albeit this petitioner never absented or obscured himselfe for the same yet the jury presented a fugatie against him.

But forasmuch as this petitioner neither did nor intended anie thing therein but in his own defence and the same, at the worst, is found but mans slaughter and is within compasse of your majesties accustomed grace and mercie and the priviledge of clergie.

He most humblie beseecheth your royall majestie to graunt him your gratious pardon [for?] the same and all punishmentes forfeitures and proceedinges incident thereunto or to growe by reason of the said inquisicion

And hee shall ever pray for your majestie.


At the court at Whitehall 2 January 1639

His majesty is pleased to grant the petitioner his gracious pardon for this offence, and to remitt all forfeitures and punishmentes incurred by reason thereof and Master Attorney Generall is to prepare a bill for his majesties signature accordingly for which this shalbe his warrant.

Francis Windebanke

Chapman for a pardon

John Wilkinson. SP 16/441 f. 41 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes and others of his majesties most honourable privy councell

The humble peticion of John Wilkinson

Most humbly sheweth

That his majestie, by proclamacion 26 May 1638 hath prohibited the importacion of all hattes and cappes from beyond the seas to be putt to sale in England and Wales upon payne of forfeyture and punishment. As by the same proclamacion at large appeereth

Since which proclamacion, for the accomplishing of his majesties pleasure therein letters pattentes are by his majestie graunted to the petitioner with charge to officers for aid to search in any suspitious place for such hattes and cappes and to seize them to his majesties use. As by the same letteres pattentes under the greate seale dated 28 November 1638 fully also appeereth.

Now may it please your good lordships your petitioner for his majesties use hath lately seized fyve dozen and 3 hattes so prohibited which he found in the howse of one John Spy of Hasteinges in Sussex; but the said Spy would not obey his your majesties aucthority so given unto your petitioner; likewise the officer of whome your petitioner required ayd (being the said Spies neighbour and freind) refused to assist him. So that the said Spy by force tooke the said hattes away, saying they were all fooles to let their goodes goe uppon such termes or aucthority

The petitioner by the said Spy in bribeing way hath since byn offered gould; but he altogether desireth the offence may be punished, it being to the evill example of others in contemning of his majesties prerogative royall, and the disinabling of the petitioners aucthority so given by his majestie

Therefore and for the prevencion of future evill which may be by such refractory persons

The petitioner most humbly prayeth a warrant from this honourable board that the said Spy may appeere to answer the premisses

And your petitioner (as he is bound) shall ever pray for your lordships etc

The petitioner maketh oath that the allegacions in this peticion are true.


[Jur?] 3o die January 1639

Robert Riche

Sir Thomas Holt, Edward Holt his eldest son, and Elizabeth wife of Edward. SP 16/441 f. 135 (1640)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Sir Thomas Holt, Edward Holt his eldest sonne, and Elizabeth wife of the said Edward.

Humbly sheweth.

Whereas your majesties father of blessed memory graciously pleased to graunt unto Sir Thomas Holt a patent of a barronetshipp to him, and the heires males of his body, bearinge date the five and twentyeth day of November in the ninth yeare of his majesties reigne of England France, and Ireland, and of Scotland the five and fortyeth.

Your petitioners humble suite is, that your majestie would bee as graciously pleased to accept of a surrender of that patent, and to graunt unto the said Sir Thomas Holt another patent of a barronetshipp to himselfe for life, the remaynder to George Holt his second sonne, and the heires males of his body, the remaynder to such heires males as shall hereafter bee begotten by the aforesaide Sir Thomas Holt, the remaynder uppon the heires males of their bodyes, the remaynder to the heires males of the body of the said Edward Holt

And your petitioner shall most humbly pray etc.


Whitehall the 7th of January 1639.

His majesties pleasure is, that the petitioners attend him at court about this businesse with convenient speede.

John Coke

Sir Thomas Holt

Peter Archer. SP 16/476 f. 72 (1641)

To the right honourable Francis Lord Cottington master of his majesties Court of Wardes and Liveries etc.

The humble peticion of Peter Archer.

Most humbly sheweing unto your honour that your petitioner haveing beene prisoner about 5 moneths in the prison of Woodstreete Compter upon a contempt, and for no other accions, upon the 16th of December last obteyned an order for his enlargement, as by the writeing annexed appeareth.

Notwithstanding may it please your honour soe it is that Master Smith clerke of the said compter refuseth to obey the said order and still deteyneth the poore petitioner prisoner in the said prison in greate misery, although no other accions at all doe lett or hinder his liberty but onely the said contempt.

The poore petitioner therefore humbly beseecheth your lordshipp to be pleased to call the said Smith before you whereby he may shewe cause why he refuseth to obey the said order that the petitioner may enjoy his liberty out of the said prison. And the petitioner and his poore wife and his 5 children, as in duty bound will all daily pray for your lordshipp.


4o January 1640.

Let the officer mencioned in this peticion forthwith shewe cause in writeing why he obeyeth not the order [illegible] hereunto annexed.

Francis Cottington.

Right honourable

The petitioner Peter Archer is deteyned under the custody of the sheriffes of London by vertue of his majesties writt of attachmente out of his highnesse Court of Wards under the seale of the same court to them directed; and the rule which in such case hath allwayes beene observed is thus, that no writt out of any courte can be superseded, nor any person by vertue of any writte deteyned, can be discharged, but onely by his majesties writt of supersedeas, for that no order is a sufficient warrant for any sherriffe to discharge a writt by, but it is a sufficient warrant for the clerke of the court to award a supersedeas upon for the discharge of the writte. And this is the usuall and legall course, wherein notwithstanding the sherriffes will submitt them=selves to your honour.

Your honours obliged servant

Richard Smith.

May it please your lordshipp Master Awdley the clerke of the court can best tell the course of the court in this case, soe as my advise is that your lordshipp wilbe pleased to sende to him about it, if otherwise the sherriffes will not set him at liberty and soe I rest at your lordshipps commaund

R Wandesford.

Mary Edd, widow. SP 16/476 f. 89 (1641)

To the right honourable Frauncis Lord Cottington master of his majesties Court of Wardes and Liveries and one of his majesties most honourable privye councell.

The humble peticion of Mary Edd widdow

Humblie sheweth

That Richard Edd esquier your petitioners late husband died about August last seized of divers landes tythes and hereditamentes in the said countie of Staffordshire parte whereof are houlden of his majestie in capite by knight service leavinge Frauncis Edd his sonne and next heire within age, and a writt of diem clit issued out to find the office, the time for findinge the said office beinge by the escheator appointed, your petitioner did attend to have her joyncture found in the said office which is one capitall mesuage with the appurtenances in Seighford in the said countie wherein your petitioners husband died and certeine other tenementes and tythes in the said countie which said tenementes and last recited premisses were before marriage settled uppon your petitioner by her said late husband but by the opposicion and desire of the Ladie Crompton the wards grandmother one the behalfe of the warde, the findinge of the office was adjourned unto a further time and in the meane time the said Ladie Crompton exhibitteth an informacion one the behalfe of the ward and uppon a mocion obteines a supersedeas to the said writt and doth take out a commission for findinge of the said office directed onely to the councell and freindes of the said warde, and uppon the last day of composicions this last terme uppon the affidavit of one Clarke hereunto annexed uppon the pretences therein expressed the said Ladie Crompton on the behalfe of the said warde obteined an injuncion for the possession of all the landes your petitioners late husband was seized of at the time of his death, by colour whereof your petitioner much feareth to be violenty cast out of her said joyncture landes and of the capitall mesuage aforesaid; now in regard your petitioner hath a dedimus graunted to answere unto the said informacion in the countrey this vacacion, and uppon the affidavit of Robert Skarlett heereunto annexed, expressinge that your petitioner hath not entred uppon any other landes but uppon her said joyncture landes and that the ward hath 200 pound per annum in present possession besides the said joyncture landes; your petitioner therefore humbly prayeth that the said comission for findinge the said office may be superseaded, and that a new comission may issue forthe for findinge the said office directed to indifferent persons and that the said injuncion against your petitioners joyncture may be dissolved that your petitioner may continew in the same untill she shallbe legallie evicted thereof.

And your petitioner shall pray etc.


Robert Skarlett [jurat?] duodecimo die Decembris 1640 coram me R Wandesford

22o December 1640:

I desire Master Attorney of the Wardes to take this peticion and affidavit annexed into his consideracion and to give such further order therein as he shall thinke fitt or certifie me his opinion.

Francis Cottington:

Uppon consideracion had of these proceedinges I thinke fitt that a supersedeas shallbe awarded to stay the proceedinges uppon this commission and that anew commission be awarded whereunto the mother may take her just exceptions the rather for that there is a suite dependinge and she hath a commission to take her answere retournable the next terme all which neverthelesse I doe leave to your lordshippes judgment and soe doe rest at your lordshipps service.

R Wandesford.

6o January 1640

Lett the former commission be superseded, and lett there be a new commission awarded in the nature of a diem clit extremum (directed to indifferent commissioners whereunto the petitioner may take her just exceptions) to find the office and lett the office togeather with a schedule and confession of the estate be retourned the sixth sittinge uppon composicions in Hillary Tearme next:

Francis Cottington:

John Meredith, gentleman. SP 16/476 f. 123 (1641)

To the reight honourable Fraunces Lord Cottington maister of his majesties Courte of Wardes and liveries

The humble peticion of John [Mereditt?] gentleman


That whereas your honnour was pleasd to give direccion that the case made uppon the offices taken after the death of Mathew Thimbleby esquier deceased should be argued in court upon the thirteenth daye of June last itt beinge desiered by the defendantes councell Master Serjeant Callis that he might be heard before your honnour and the lordes judges assistantes: whereupon your petitioner did accordingly petition your honnour for the said daye and likewise by your lordshippes direccions your petitioner did attend the lordes judges to give their lordshipps and the defendantes notice accordingly of the said daye

But soe itt is may itt please your honnour that the defendantes did not attend with their councell att the said daye to have the case argued before your honnour and the lordes judges assistantes: their lordshippes beinge reddie to [come?] to sitt with your honnour neither did the defendantes use any means att all in Michellmas terme last to bringe the [illegible] case on to be argued before your honnour your petitioner haveinge ever since attended in towne att his great costes and charges: hopeing once in 18 yeares to see the cause receave a finall end

May itt therefore please your honnour to appoint the 30th daye of January next beinge Satterday for the case to be argued before your honnour in court with the lordes judges assistantes and that the defendantes may bringe into court uppon that daye the deed of feoffment which they pretend to have; itt beinge the ground of their argument to the end the said deed may be veiwed by the court whereby his majesties title to the meane rates will then manifestlie appeare

And as in dutie bound he shall allwaies pray



15o January 1640

Lett the case above mencioned be argued in [court?] uppon Satterday the 30th of this instant January and lett councell on both sides have sufficient [notice?] to attend the same. And lett the lordes judges assistantes be attended in the meane time whoe are hereby desiered to be then present: and lett the defendantes then bringe into court the said deed of feoff ment above mentioned.

Francis Cottington

Humphrey Streeth, esquire, on behalf of Robert Milleran, infant. SP 16/476 f. 130 (1641)

To the right honourable Francis Lord Cottington, master of the Court of Wardes and Liveries etc.

The petition of Humphrey [Streeth?] esquier in the behalfe of Robert Milleran infant

Humbly beseeching; that you will be pleased to take consideracion of the draught of an order hereunto annexed, and to signe the same, for reasons therein mentioned, that the course of justice may be noe longer interrupted, nor this petitioner inforced further to complayn, it being [under favour?], a very unreasonable thing, that his majesties ward, after he is of full age, should deteyn ano ther mans estate, or be protected therein against the proceedinges of other courtes of justice, by colour meerely of, not sueing his livery, being an act of his owne default, and there fore this petitioner in this case humbly craveth such present reliefe as to your wissdome, and justice shall seeme most expedient.


16o January 1640.

Let this be moved in open court, and consideracion shall be had thereof, the petitioner giving notice to the other side.

Francis Cottington

Robert Long, esquire. SP 16/488 f. 97 (1642)

The peticion and declaracion of the case of Robert Long esquier as it hath relacion to the state of Sir Abraham Dawes deceased and Sir Thomas Dawes knight

That in the yeare 1636 the petitioner Robert Long beeing to joyne in a purchase with Sir Abraham Dawes (in equall moityes) of certeyne of the late disafforested landes of Gualtres in the county of Yorke, they did to supply that occasion take upp att interest of Master Stephen Alcock 3200 pounds payable att sixe moneths, which was also their equall debt: for the security thereof, there was a lease made for 15 yeares of the said whole lands before any assurance of the inheritance made to the petitioner Robert Long and Sir Abraham Dawes, and then was the inheritance purchased by them charged with the said lease.

The petitioner hath since paid his whole moity of the said debt to Master Alcock, and in justice ought as against the said Sir Abraham Dawes and Sir Thomas Dawes or any clayming under them to have his moity of the said land freed, albeit the same bee still (as to the said Alcock) subject to that incumbrance

The petitioner therefore humbly prays that in any bill that may bee thought fitt to passe against the said Sir Thomas Dawes, the state of the petitioner Robert Longs moity, which is in equity disingaged as aforesaid, and the state of the said Stephen Alcock which was his reall security and really conveyed unto him, before Sir Abraham Dawes became owner of the moity of the said landes (wherein your petitioners moity is involved as aforesaid, may not bee prejudiced but saved by the said act.

Sir William Russell, baronet. SP 16/488 f. 208 (1642)

To the Kings most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Sir William Russell barronet.

Most humbly sheweth

That on Thursday last, your sacred majestie most justly caused a comittment on your sorrowfull subject who ever since hee had the honor of place and power to doe your majestie service, hath performed the same most willingly, and faithfully, and now for this your majesties displeasure hee is (and no subject living more) sorrowfull humbly beggeth the remission of his offence, and beseecheth your majestie for his release.


Sir William Russell

Thomas Danby, gentleman under sheriff of Sir Thomas Danby, high sheriff of Yorkshire. SP 16/489 f. 103 (1642)

To the right honourable Sir John Culpeper knight Chancelor of his majesties Exchequer and one of his majesties most honourable privy councell:

The humble peticion of Thomas Danby gentleman under sheriff of Sir Thomas Danby knight high sheriffe of the countie of Yorkeshire for the yeare ended at Michaelmas anno xiiiito regni Caroli

Sheweth That the said high sheriff hath by your petitioner disbursed divers sumes of money for his majesties service in execucion of his said office videlicet for removeing and executing of felons and other thinges amounting to the sume of 100 pounds or thereaboutes

That (according to course) the judges who then went that circuite ought to have examined the said sheriffes accompt and to have made allowance thereof

That Sir Georg Vernon knight who is since deceased and Sir Robert Berkley knight who now standeth comitted by the honourable house of Parliament and in that regard refuseth to meddle with the said accompt) went that circuit in the said xiiiith yeare and your petitioner could not sooner gett in his majesties debtes to pass his accompt by reason of the armyes then lyeing in that county.

May it therefore please your honours that Sir Edward Hendon knight one of the barons of his majesties Exchequer who last rode that circuit may examine the said sheriffes accompt of the said disbursmentes and certifie what he thinkes fitt to be allowed thereupon or to direct such course therein for your petitioners releife as to your honour shall seeme meete

And your petitioner shall pray etc.


I desire Master Baron Henden to consider of this sheriffes bill and to certifie what allowance he thinkes fitt to be given upon the same

Dat: 19o February 1641

John Culpeper

Thomas Danby

According to your honores desire I have peruse over the shriffes disbursmentes within mencioned the which amountes unto the some of cxiiii pounds iiii shillings iiii pence as apeareth by his said accompte and I conceive it fitte if it stand with your honorable pleasure to allowe the said shreiffs the some of lxvi pounds xiii shillings iiii pence

Serjeants Inn Fleete Streete the 21th of February 1641

Edward Henden

The merchants trading in Spanish wines. SP 16/489 f. 116 (1642)

To the right honourable the Commons assembled in the high court of Parlyament

The humble peticion of the marchantes his majesties subjectes tradinge in Spanish wynes.

Sheweth that the petitioners have imported many thowsandes of tonns of Spanish wynes to this Citty of London and that Francis Hurdman an officer in the Custome House in the first place of makinge their entries taketh 100 crownes for every 100 tonns full or empty with the title and colour of 5 shillings per tonne for composicion or butlaredge which in case the said duty bee due and payable by the peticioners yett hee ought to take but 88 crownes for every 100 tonns in regard that 12 in the hundred is allowed to the petitioners for leakedge and the same allowance is made good to them upon the custome, old impost and newe impost for which they pay 3 pounds per tonne (his majesties officers defalking and abatinge to the peticioners 12 tonns in the hundred or 12 pounds in the hundred in money) and accordingly the said Hurdman ought to abate 12 crownes in the hundred but hath not done it

Nowe in consideracion that the leakedge of 12 in the hundred is allowed to excuse the troble of filling the wynes aboord shipp before the landinge and that all the dutyes imposed bee reputed to bee upon full tonne and not upon half or empty tonne the said Hurdman nevertheles hath taken from the petitioners the said 12 crownes upon every 100 tonns more then hee ought to take to their greate losse and discouradgement to trade.

The petitioners humbly pray this most honourable assembly to consider their great losse and damadge hereby susteyned and to cause the said Francis Hurdman to make restitucion and satisfaccion to the petitioners for all that hee hath soe unduly taken amounting to 3 pounds upon every 100 tonns: and alsoe to exhibite his authority for the taking of the said dutyes and of any others that hee hath usually taken to thend that such restitucion may bee made and such order setled for the future as to this moste honourable assembly shall seeme just and fitt.

And the petitioners will ever pray etc

The merchants trading to the straits of Spain, Portugal and France. SP 16/497 f. 6 (1643)

To the honourable House of Commons now assembled in Parliament.

The humble petition of the merchantes trading to the streightes of Spaine Portugale and France.

Sheweth That whereas wee have received certen notice of severall ships that is are put into Falmouth by contrary windes which were laden with merchantes goods and bound for London and those caviliers that have the comaund of the Kinges castles there have taken away the sayles from the yardes of the said ships and have begun to unlade some of the goods, there is alsoe some other ships expected dayly from Spaine as is conceived will bring in them for merchantes accomptes at the least two hundred thousand poundes in silver and that if the said ships should be by contrary windes forced into the said harbour not knowing the danger they shall fall into by being deteyned and seized by the said caviliers wilbe the undoeing of divers merchantes in the Citie of London:

Therefore wee humbly beseech this honourable assembly to take such order as in your wisdomes shall thinke fitt that those ships which are already deteyned may be released and to prevent the goeing in of any ships hereafter into the said port of Falmouth you wilbe pleased that two pinnaces may be immediately appointed to lye before the said harbour to give notice to all ships of the daunger of puting in there and to stopp any municion that may be carried to the said caviliers.

And wee shall ever pray etc

6 January 1642

  • Rowland Wilson
  • Thomas Jeninges
  • Richard Leigh
  • George Henley
  • Henry [Hunt?]
  • Robart [Sheslen?]
  • Martin [Bradgate?]
  • Thomas [Bailey?]
  • [Semuell Lee?]
  • George Robinson
  • John Hawkeridge
  • Phillipp [Travors?]
  • Matthew Jenkenson
  • William Methwold
  • Theophilus Biddulph
  • Henry [St John?]
  • John Wood
  • George [Hanger?]
  • Thomas Lenthall
  • Gregory Lemene
  • Richard Davies
  • Andrew [Binardes?]
  • James Gregorie
  • George Jackson
  • John Bewley
  • Robart Garland
  • Hamond Ward
  • George Gyffard
  • Joseph Brandes
  • Robert Turner
  • William Rennoldes
  • John Dethick
  • Thomas [Mard?]
  • Daniell Androwes
  • William Moye
  • Humfrey Hill

6 shipps

Stiles Sowgate of Harwich, merchant. SP 16/497 f. 9 (1643)

To the honourable committee appointed by this present Parliament for the affaires of his majesties Navy

The humble peticion of Stiles Sowgate of Harwich merchant

Sheweth unto your honours that your petitioner having fraighted asmale vessell called the [Wig of London master?] [illegible] burthen of about 25 tonns with wheat and ry is bound for Apsum in the west part of this kingedome, hath taken out his cockquit att the customehowse of Ipswich according to order, and also entred into sufficient bond not to transport it; neverthelesse divers rude and tumultuous persons of Harwich came abourd the said vessell and have taken away her sayle without order from any magistrat and have stayed the vessell 15 daies to the greate charges losse and damage of your petitioner as by a certificat under the handes of the maior and others of the towne of Harwich appeareth

Wherefore he most humblie beseecheth your honoures to be favourablie pleased to order that the said vessell may forthwith be discharged and proceed on her said voyage

And he shall praie etc.

Stiles Sowgate


[Committee Navye?]

xiiio January 1642

The committee thinke fitt and doe

Francis Pare of St Leonard Shoreditch, carter. SP 16/497 f. 34 (1643)

To the right honnourable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament:

The humble peticion of Francis Pare of the parish of Saint Leonard Shoreditch in the county of Middlesex carter


That the peticioner had twoe servants and fower horses imployed in the late service at Kenton under the command of his excellence the Earle of Essex Lord Generall of the parliamentes forces in which service one of his men was killed by those barbarous cavaleirs and the other hee never heard of since as allsoe his fower horses taken away beeing all the stocke the poore peticioner had to maintayne his wife and charge and forasmuch the peticioner was offerred for his said horses before they were lost the some of 24 pounds as by wittnes may easily appeare and now quite deprived of them to his greate loss and hinderance being all hee had to mannage his affaires

His humble suite is that some speedye order may bee taken for satisfaccion herein, being a greater loss to him then to maney other and allmost the utter undoeing of him with out this honnourable assembly take some compasion of him being as before expressed all the stocke hee had:

And the peticioner shall dailye praie etc:


Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed doe certifye that the contents of this peticion is trew and that hee is a very poore man only, who leave his suit to the grave and judicious sensures of that high and honourable court of Parliament: January xxiiiith 1642:

  • the marke of Jeremiah Chansey
  • the marke of Thomas Robinson
  • the marke of Robert Foster
  • the mark of Marke Caxson
  • the marke of Richard [Harrisman?]
  • Raph Ashby

Thomas Millard, gunner's mate of the Swallow. SP 16/497 f. 96 (1643)

To the honourable comittee for the navy and customs

The humble peticion of Thomas Millard gunners mate of the good shipp the Swallow William Brookes master

Humbly shewinge

That your peticioner was tenn monethes gunners mate of the sayd shipp imployed for Kinge and Parliament upon the coast of Ireland, which said shipp afterwardes retorned in good safety in to the ryver of Thames, where your peticioner and the rest of the shipps company were discharged of that service, but soe it is may it please this honourable comittee that your peticioners wife and childeren beinge in Ireland from whence hee marryed her and in greate distresse, your peticioner left his 10 monethes pay for his service in the sayd shipp, and went for Ireland for his wife and childeren, and beinge now retorned in good safety (praysed bee God) but in very poore estate and in greate distresse for wantt of [illegible] money.

May it therefore please this honourable comittee to take the peticioners poore estate in to your consideracion, and bee pleased for his presente releefe to graunte him an order for the payment of his tenn monethes pay for his service don in the sayd shipp which is now neere upon sixe moneth due unto him, which hee left att his goeinge in to Ireland:

And your peticioner his poore wife and children shall ever pray etc.


Committee Navy

xiiiio Marcii 1642

Order that the committee of the navye doe [examyne?] the truth of the petition and make him a bill for such [money?] as they fynde due to him

Giles Grene

Thomas Millard peticioner

The Lady Gee. SP 16/500 f. 91 (1644)

To the right worshipfull the comittee at Kingston uppon Hull

The humble peticion of the Lady Gee

Humbly shewes:

That wheras there is a fee farme rent due to his majestie out of the manner of Bishopp Burton which your peticioner formerly paid to the auditors and nowe it is demaunded by one Master Walter Fowkes who hath power (as he affirmes) from the Parliament to receive the same which your peticioner is willing to satisfie out of the rentes that accrewes due to her forth of the landes belonging the said manner.

Nowe your peticioner did formerly lease out to the said Master Fowekes diverse closes belonging the said manner for fourty poundes per annum which is farre short of the yearly value of the said lands yet the said Master Fowkes refuses either to pay the said rent or allowe it for the fee farme rent which he demaundes and is issueing out of the groundes in his owne occupacion: and taking advantage of the times knoweing your peticioner to be without remidy for the present by lawe hath taken an occasion this day being the daye after it was demaunded to distreine and hath driven away twenty head of beastes of your peticioner tennantes for the said fee farme which your peticioner would willingly allowe out of the rent in his owne handes which he will not consent to but exercises his power to the utmost against your peticioner and undoubtedly will persist and goe on with rigor unlesse your worshippes be pleased to restraine and regulate him by your authority

Your peticioners humble suite is that your worshipps would be pleased to call the said Master Fowekes before yow and take such further order for your peticioneres releife herin as to your wisdome shall seeme requisite

A your petitioner shall dayley praye etc


To the right honerable Fardinando

To the right honorable Fardinando Lord Fairfax Lord Generall of the forces raised in the north for the service of the King and Parliament and governour of Hull. The peticion of the mynisters and others of the East Riding of Yorkshire humbly sheweth

That wheras they are respectively bound to pay to his majesties receiver certaine summes of money yearly at their severall dayes. And wheras Master Walter Fowkes by order of Parliament demaundeth the said summes of money to be paid to him by vertue of the said order and whearas the said Master Fowkes (whome we vehemently suspect to be an insolvent man) useth all rigour and extremity by violent taking and driving away of our goodes conveying them to places where we cannot find them and although the moneyes by him demaunded were tendred befor the driving away of the said goodes yet would not be accepted but taketh unreasonable fees by colour therof.

Nowe your peticioneres most humbly pray that some speedy course may be taken that your petitioneres might not be so greviously opprest in these nessessitous times and that further order may be taken that the moneyes payd or to be payd might by him be deposited to prevent our paying of them againe and your peticioneres shall dayley pray etc:

27th January 1643

I referr the consideracion of this peticion to the comittee who after exami nacion of the greivances mencioned in the peticion are to determine the same as cause shall require

Ferdinando Fairfax

Richard Cooper of Routh in Holdernesse 27th January 1643.

Saith the xxvth of this instant having his goods destreined by men sent from Master Fowkes he was appoynted to come to Hull and there he should have his goodes but bringing moneyes this 27th of January he could neither find Master Fowkes nor heare of his goodes neither of the men that destreined his goodes wherby he is put to charges and yet can receive no satisfaction from the said Master Fowkes:

Richard Cooper

James Snayth of Leven in Holdernesse 27 January 1643


The 25th of this instant being sent by Master Eyre of Leven for some goodes which Master Fowkes had destreined from Master Eyre he came to the house whether Master Fowkes men that destreined the goodes appoynted on this xx7th of January but could not heare either of Master Fowekes or of Master Eyres goodes wherby his master is put to charges and can neither receive his goodes nor meet with Master Fowkes for to pay the moneyes he demaundes as due unto by order of Parliament

James Snaith.

Cristopher Satterthwaite of Long [Riston?] Holdernesse 27th January 1643


The xxth of this instant he offered to the messengeres that came from Master Fowkes to destreine for rentes in the peticion mencioned to give them the moneyes they destreined the goodes for they told this examinant they cold not receive any nor give any discharge for it and if their master Master Fowkes were there he would not receive it unlesse it were brought to Hull

This examinant this day brought money to Hull this towne to redeeme the goodes destreyned but he cannot here where the said Master Fowkes is or the persons that destreyned them or where the said goodes are:

Christopher Satterthwaite

Articles against Master Walter Fowkes

This part of this countrey is so extreamly exhausted by the late numerus and [barberous?] popish army so long lying among them during the time of the seige against Hull that they are not able to contribute any considerable proporcion [towards?] the support of the Lord Generalles forces there insomuch that they are [dayly?] ready some to mutiny and some to disband for want of pay and therefore it is [very?] unfitt that so much money as the summe of this collection should be sent from hence where the souldieres are ready to starve and do dayley [compleyne?] and peticion against the very thing.

That Master Fowkes his proceedinges do very much crosse and oppresse the execution of the ordinance of sequestracion occasioning great trouble to the comittee and vexacion to the countrey:

That he impoverisheth the countrey by exacting unreasonable fees charges and costes for the distresses by him taken and multiplyeth distresses without cause as appeareth by the examinaciones of divers complaintes and peticiones against him in that behalfe.

The he is tennant to Doctor Hodgshon a notorious delinquent liveing in Yorke and hath great summes of money in his handes of the arrearages of his rent due to the said doctor which he indeavoureth to conceale in contempt of the ordinance of Parliament in that behalfe.

Forasmuch as it appeared to the comittee uppon Master Fowkes confession that he hath considerable summes in his handes of a [notorious delinquent at York the?] comittee conceives he hath more then he will confesse with which in parte they have already found and in time hope more fully to discover and he hath sent moneyes to the said delinquent contrary to the ordinance of Parliament and there is just cause of feare he may misimploy more therfore the comittee thinkes fitt the moneyes in his handes should be seized on till the Parliament be made acquainted and give further order.

These are true coppies of the severall proceedinges against Master Fowkes before the comittee sitting at Kingston uppon Hull in anno domini 1643 and 1644

Charles Vaux

Edmond Felton, gentleman. SP 16/500 f. 124 (1644)

To the right honourable the jointe committees for the safety of both kingdoms.

The humble peticion of Edmond Felton gentleman

Humbly sheweth

That your peticioner hath by his study and practice found out severall waies very helpfull and profitable in warre (and wilbe a greate saveing of bloudshed and of much money, and in such waies as hath not beene formerly used, as is expressed in the propositions hereunto annexed.

Your peticioner can doe other good service; and to the end this city and the armies a broad may have the best helps both to defend them selves, and offend their enimies; your peticioners humble desier is that if his engins cannot justly be excepted against they may fourth with be made to goe uppon service and he enabled to doe other good service he can doe

And hee shall pray etc.

Robert Curtis, master of the Porpes of Hith in Kent. SP 16/501 f. 46 (1644)

To the right honourable the Earle of Warwick Lord High Admiral of England

The humble peticion of Robert Curtis master of the barke or vessell called the Porpes of Hith in Kent

Most humbly sheweth

That the peticioner upon notice from the maior and towneclerke of the said towne of Hith and from the maior of Folkeston in the said county that the coasts of Sunderland in the north were free for trade did with lycence from the customer and comptroller of the said towne of Hith sett forth with his vessell in a voyage for Sunderland and those partes but upon the 25th day of February last past the said vessell and the lading thereof were seized on by Captaine Browne master of the shipp Sampson as pretending the same was for the aid of the enemy, and the said captaine doth still detaine the said vessell and lading although your peticioner offered to become bound that if the said coastes were not free then hee would retorne with his said vessell

The premisses considered the peticioner beseecheth your honour to order the said Captaine Browne to restore the said vessell and lading for that your peticoner is ready to make oath that the said vessell or lading was not intended for releife of the enemy without which your peticioner and his family are like to be utterly undone.

And hee as in duty will pray etc.


14 Martii 1643.

I referre this to the judge of the Admiralty, whome I desire to proceed with effect for the determining of the matters contained in this peticion in an orderly ordinary way of proceeding in the Admiralty


I was with the judge of the Admiralty, in behalfe of this poore man (whose good affection to the Parliament I can advow,) and the judge did advise to repaire to the Committee of the Navy for releife


The peticion of Robert Curtis master of the barque called the Porpos of Hith in Kent.

Richard Vickris of Bristol, merchant. SP 16/501 f. 128 (1644)

[To the?] honourable Comittee for the Navy

The humble peticion of Richard Vickris of Bristoll merchant.


Whereas there is due from the state to your petitioner (for part of the freight for the service of the Fellowshipp and Mary of Bristoll upon the Irish coastes) the some of about 480 pounds as by your honnours severall orders appeares.

Now your petitioner having att present come over 9 tunnes 1/2 of French wines the impost whereof is above 40 pounds.

Hee most humbly prayeth your honnours (and the rather in regard of [his?] former great losses susteined by the enemy to bee pleased to allow him ditto impost (out of the money due to him as aforesaid) for his said wines.

And the petitioner will pray etc.


Committee Navy die Martis 16o Aprilis 1644

Ordered that Sir Henry Vane junior knight treasurer of the Navy doe imprest unto the petitioner Richard Vickris the some of forty poundes in part of the debt due to him for his part of the freight of the ships Fellowship and Mary imployed the last yeare in the service of the King and Parliament the aforesaid [illegible]

Treasury Chamber Westminster:

Whereas there remaines due unto the petitioner for his part of the ships freight of the ships Fellowship and Mary of Bristoll imployed the last yeare in the service of the King and Parliament [illegible] some of mony about 480 pounds for [illegible] payment whereof this [committee?] [illegible] have signed orders to the treasurer of the Navy and for that the petitioner is a man well affected to the Parliament

Ordered that the commissioners of the Navy doe cause an [illegible] especiall care that this ordinance of [Parliament?] entituled an ordinance for felling of timber trees and woods of severall delinquentes for the use of his majesties Navy Royall be forthwith to be put in execucion

[Petition?] of Richard Vickris merchant

William Ryley, Lancaster Herald, and one of the clerks of the records in the Tower. SP 16/507 f. 15 (1645)

To the honourable the committee for his majesties revenue

The humble peticion of William Ryley Lancaster Herald, and one of the clerkes of the records in the Tower.


That the petitioner hath diligently attended the service of the Parliament, and hath had noe support or maintenance at all (but from this honourable committee) for these three yeares last past. And that there is due to your petitioner as Lancaster Herald the somme of 13 pounds - 6 shillings - 8 pence for halfe a yeares wages from Midsommer till Christmas last.

The petitioner humbly praieth that you would be pleased to order that he may receave the said halfe yeares wages, he being not otherwise able to provide bread for his wife and seaven small children, nor to subsist in the performance of the service of the state.

And he shall daily pray etc


xio April 1645


Petition to the Committee of Revenue for halfe a yeares wages being 13 pounds - 6 shillings - 8 pence for William Ryley Lancaster Herald.

John Welles, clerk of the instores for HM's Navy at Deptford. SP 16/507 f. 125 (1645)

To the honourable Committee for the Navie.

The humble peticion of John Welles clerke of the instores for his majesties Navy att Deptford.

Sheweth unto this honourable committee that there is a fee of 78 pounds: 5 shillings: 10 pence: per annum payable unto your petitioner out of the receipt of the Exchequer, which fee by reason of the obstruccion of the tymes, hee cannot receive as formerly; and hee is behinde and unpaid att Lady Day last past, the space of five yeares and a halfe, amounting to the summe of 430 pounds: 12 shillings:, it being the greatest parte of your petitioners livelihood; nether hath hee had any other reward or allowance for his owne personall attendance and dayly charge of maintayning two clerkes to assist him in receiveing and delivering of provisions, freighting of vessells for Chatham Portsmouth, the Downes and elsewhere, as the service of the yearely fleets requyre; which great trust hee hath hetherto discharged both honestly and carefully.

Most humbly therefore your petitioner beseecheth this honourable committee in consideracion of the premisses, and that hee may be both enabled and incouraged in his dilligent and faithfull service to the state, that you would be pleased to order the payment of his arreare from the treasury of the Navy, and dureing the necessity of the tymes to assigne him his yearely fee from thence for the future, without which hee is not able to support himselfe in the service; soe shall your petitioner be engaged to continue his faithfull endeavours, and hee and his be ever bound to pray for this honourable committee.


Committee Navy Die Sabbati 24o May 1645 Ordered that the Committees of the Navy doe peruse this peticion and certefie this committee the nature and usefullnesse of the peticioneres place and how long the petitioner is behind of his sallary Giles Greene

Honourable The peticioners place is to receive and deliver upon warrant from us all manner of provisions incident to the service of the Navie, and wee knowe it to bee as usefull as any place in the Navie, and of as great charge and trust as any of that nature for hee doth not only keepe the stores at Deptford, but it is also the magazine to supply all other yardes and it hath beene by him as carefully executed. As for his salary it hath beene heretofore paid out of the Exchequer, but in regard of the distractions of the tymes, and the difficulty of the peticioners re= =ceiveing it from thence, if this honourable committee shalbee pleased to paie him his arrear out of the threasury of the Navie, it will both inable and incourage the peticioner to continue his good service, which wee submit to the further consideracion of this honourable committee, and remaine, at your honours commaunde 27th June 1645 Richard Crandley John [Morris?] Robert Tweedy

The inhabitants of the distressed county of Cumberland. SP 16/507 f. 170 (1645)

To the honourable the knightes cytizens and burgesses of the House of Commons assembled in the court of Parliament

The humble remonstraunce and peticion of the inhabitantes of the distressed county of Comerland.

Humbly sheweth.

That although the most part of the gentry of the said county being tainted with an evill disposition and inticed by honours and other court favours have adhered to the popish and malignant partie in this unnaturall warr yet the sedulity of the commons within the countie have allwayes beene well affected towarde the Parliament as with the enemye of the cause who have found their backwardnes and freindes since who have seene their forwardnes for it we are confident will witnes the same with us: that then the horse and dragoones of the Scotish army [advanc...?] to the said countie about the 1o of September last, there being then severall regimentes both of horse and foote within the said county makeing a great strength which might have opposed yet many of the said inhabitants who were maied and drawen to take armes against their wills refused to fight against the Scots, soe as they entered the said county and Westmerland without any opposition at all and both the said counties willingly yeelded themselves unto the obedience of Kinge and Parliament. That when the Scotish forces came amongst them they were with much willingnes and cheerfullnes entertained as brethren and accommodated with plenty and what the country could afford, but by their continuance upon free quarter being seven regiments of horse and dragoons for the most part from the first of September to the 7o of October and disorders increaseing amongst them, the poore country quickly found them a burthen to heavy for them to beare haveing in that moneth and 7 dayes free billet sessing at the very great value as will appeare upon examinacion, that from the 7o of October untill the 9o of November there being but two regiments left they had in provision and mony dureing that tyme to the value of 2560 pounds that upon the takeing of Newcastle the Committee of Both Kingdomes agreed of a way for the present entertainment of the whole Scotish army for one moneth out of the severall countys where they were quartered videlicet a third part paid to officers and halfe to souldieres to be delivered in provision or in mony where provision were not to be had, which agreement and orders with the scedule of rates and declaration from his excellency conferming them being sent by the commissioners of Parliament to the standing committee of this county they were ready to conforme to the same (though heavy burthens) but the Scotish officers who commanded the horse in the said county not being content therwith refused to observe the said agreement and orders of the Committees of Both Kingdomes and the Lord Generall and that their owne will demanded and exacted full pay both for officers and souldiers of two regiments of horse and one regiment of dragoons which the poore country was constrained to advance for the moneth of November comeing to 3850 pounds

That though the commissioners for the Parliament of England had consented to the said allowance [and?] rates only for one moneth which was as long as the wasted countye were well able to beare yet the said officers continued their full demands and exactions against all order for the moneth succeeding, and therupon (for the saveing the poore country from plunder and ruine which was threatened) the gentlemen of the committee of this county were forced to come to [composition?] with them which was to abate a fourth part of the other three parts of full pay was to be raised most of it in mony which the country to their great impoverishing and oppression were forced to finde for the moneths of December, January and February comeing to above 8680 pounds the being hereby exhausted and redacted to great extreamity, it pleased God to [put?] it into the hearts of the Parliament to make provision for the paying of the Scotish army by the ordinance of the 20o of February which came happilie to have releived us, and upon receipt thereof the commissioners of Parliament sent to us their declaration against all assessments from the first of March to and the Lord Generall Leven gave out orders under his hand and seale [illegible] strictly injoyneing all officers and souldiers of his army quartered in the said countys to forbeare assessing or exacting any thing from them in which regard and that 30000 pounds [illegible] come from the Parliament we hoped to be eased of that unsupportable burthen that lay upon us but on the contrary the Scotish officers laid on still the same assessment for the moneth of March as formerly, and upon complaint therof to his excellency the [only?] releife the country gott was a [promise?] under his excellences hand that what [the...?] for that moneth should be repaid to them out of the first mony comeing in upon the [ordinance?] of Parliament either at Yorke or London wherof hitherto not one penny hath beene received by the country, nor did their payments and [sufferings?] end in March but divers of the officers quarter masters and souldiers levied a great part if not all for the moneth of Aprill the charges of which two moneths came to about 5780 pounds all which summe before mencioned together with 4000 pounds imposed at first by the commissioners of Parliament (most of which was paid and scedules for the rest delivered over to the Scotish army) and together with all extraordinary takeings of horses chattle, free quarter and other losses in all the said moneths will make the totall of all that hath beene paid and taken by the Scotish army from the poore county of Comberland to amount to above 40000 pounds as will be made appeare upon oath and good proofe. That besides the Scotish forces the said county hath raised for the service of the Parliament and defence of their country 1800 foot and 400 horse which have not cost the Parliament one penny but beene maintained by the country all the last winter in the blocking up of Carlile to a vast expence. That this heavy burthen haveing made the poore country uncapable of paying the Scotish forces any longer, necessity forceing the distressed people in some parts of the country to stand upon their defence against the taxings and driveings of the souldiers contrary to the orders of Parliament. The generall and the commissioners to prevent all all further dissention and inconvenyency as we conceive, it was offered and promised by letters from the Committee of Both Kingdomes and the Lord Generall Leven to the colonells and committees of Cumberland and Westmerland that if those two countys were able to undertake to performe the seige against Carlile all the Scotish forces should be drawen from thence out of the two countys wherupon the said countys freely undertooke the said seige at Carlile with 3000 foot and 600 horse and by Gods blessinge would have performed it; all which may appeare by the letters and agreements themselves which are ready to be produced; but when the Westmerland forces were drawen downe thither according to agreement, they were hindred by Sir John Browne who said he would fight them if they came on, and for which reasons and causes we know not; the Earle of Leven did not draw away the Scotch forces as was promised but instead therof sent a regiment of foote more, yet in regard of the misery and poverty which the country was redacted to the Lord Generall and Committee of the States were pleased to undertake and promise thencforth to maintaine there forces before Carlile without any charge or trouble to the country, dureing their stay there, and accordingly orders were given under his excellencys hand and seale that nothing should be taken by those officers or souldiers from the country without present mony and payment for whatsoever they tooke, and neve And nevertheless soe it is may it please this honourable assembly ever since the comeing of the whole army into over Stainemoore into Westmerland in May last (besides a dayes provision which was readily furnished to the whole army upon their advance and free quarter dureing their stay) a new demand was made by the Earle of Callander and other generall persons of the army which afterwarde was proposed by the Earle of Leven, alsoe that a sollid way may be laid downe for a maintainance to be raised out of Cumberland and Westmerland for all the Scotish forces now abowte Carlile, which are 8 regiments of horse, one regiment of foote, 300 comanded men from Newcastle, and 8 companys of foot from the army lately sent thither, the charge wherof by computacion will amount to above 7000 pounds monethly which although it is never to be gotten out of those two exhausted countys yet we feare least the litle remaynder of chattle and or goodes that is left for the livelyhood of the poore inhabitantes shall be driven and taken for it, nor have we only feare of this present extreamity but of a future and lasting inconvenyence which may arise to this poore county as we perceive by our brethrens intencions in that they expect and declare that a Scotch garrisson shall be placed in the city of Carlile when it shall be reduced which may add a lasting bitternes to all our by=past sufferinges

Therfore it is our humble and earnest suite to this honourable assembly, that they will take into their serious consideracion the distressed condition of this poore country which hath willingly paid till they have almost nothing left, many familys amongst them being ruinated and gone: and those that were ablest brought low that they have scarse subsistance for themselves, as alsoe to consider their readines, paines and hazard in the tedious seige against Carlile where they have maintained 5 and some tymes 6 poasts all the winter when the Scots have had but two, have spent their bloods and estates, and some of sundry of them lost their lives in the service and thereupon that by the wisdome of this honourable house some way may be found out to satisfy our brethren in ther demands that soe that which is to be provided for their maintainance from the whole kingdome may not be sought for and exacted on this perticular county of Cumberland and their neighbours of Westmerland who shall certainly be therby utterly ruined if [nod?] dispeopled. And that when it shall please God that Carlile be reduced an English garrison may bee placed therin

And with our lives and that litle remaynder of estate that is we have left we shall at all tymes be ready to manyfest our selves well affected to the cause in hand and the service of the Parliament and ever pray [illegible] from [illegible] upon [illegible] endeavour etc.

Signed by us in the name of the inhabitantes in the county of Cumberland in whose behalfe we were sent and intrusted to [advise?] with the commissioners of Parliament at Newcastle, and to seeke helpe from them or by their endeavours to the Parliament in these greivances

  • Richard [Barrwis?]
  • Thomas Lamplugh

Phillips Newgion, soldier to Major Bromhall. SP 16/539/3 f. 48 (1645)

To the honourable Sir William Brereton knight and baronett comaunder in cheife of the Cheshire forces

The humble petion of Phillips Newgion souldier to Major Bromhall.

Humbly shewinge

That your peticioner takeinge a horss at the gettinge of Stafford sould him to your honner

Your peticioner haveinge not received satisfacion as yet for the said horse; would humbly entreate payment he being at this tyme in greate want and your petticioner shall pray etc.


James Croxton you are to pay to Peter Philips Newgion soe much for his horse as Major Zanchy apprehend him worth beinge in my troope William Brereton May 1 1645

Richard Crossing, late of Exeter, merchant. SP 16/513/2 f. 104 (1646)

To the honourable committee

The humble petition of Richard Crossing late of Exon merchant

Sheweth that your petitioner had 13 ballotts of canvas marked as in the margent; taken long since in the William of Topsham and carryed into Plimouth, which goods your petitioner (unto whom they belong) formerly conceived had bin taken by a private man of war, butt by late information findes they were taken by the Warwick frigatt and sold for the benefitt of the state, the sales wher of as per certificate under the commissioners hands amountes unto one hundred and eleaven pounds nineteene shillings and three pence

Your petitioner humbly prayeth this honourable committee to graunt him permission the to adde the sayd summe unto his former, that hath bin examined, in regard these goods were taken in the like manner, and neere the sayd time with them and your petitioner farther desires that himselfe with others who have ben greate sufferers, [illegible] well affected, and have long attended, may find releife att the last as to in that way as to your wisedome shall be thought fitt.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

Robert Mawson, one of Captain Johnson's troop. SP 16/539/3 f. 143 (1646)

To the worshipfull the standing committee for the county of Westmorland.

The humble peticion of Robert Mawson one of Captain Johnsons troope

Sheweth that your petitioner being pursued by the enemy at Sherburne escaped and gott away, but being soe plunged and brused thereby he imediatly fell sicke, and continued soe for the space of a moneth, to his very greate charge. And forasmuch as your petitioner lost in service against Skipton two horses of his owne worth vi ix pounds and for that he [illegible] hath now arreare unto him for his pay for the tyme and space of foureteene weekes

He humblely prayeth that your worshipps would be pleased to order the said arreares to be paid unto him as alsoe to grant him some satisfaction for the loss of his said horses in the service aforesaid, And your petitioner etc


Kendall 21o January 1645 Ordered that the treasurer pay to Robert Mowson the petitioner iii pounds and viii pence in full satisfaction of all his arreares of pay due till this day Per le comittee et [ex?] per John Fawcett

21 January 1645 Received of Captain Roger Bateman treasurer the summe of iii pounds and viii pence according to the order abovesaid. Robert Mowson

Christopher Milles. SP 16/539/3 f. 153 (1646)

To the right honourable commite

The humbell petission of Christopher Milles

Humbelly beseeching your good honoures to take my disstresed case in to your consideration and be pleased to let me be paid som monney that is behind for quarters of thesse commanderes souldiers folloing being I am apore man and all my meanes and criddete could exstent to is trusted amungest the souldieres and it hath pleased God by misfortune my legge is newely broken sence the beginning of this thawe of wether that I doubpt I shall be utterly lame and undone with out Godes great mercye I humbelly besseeche let me have my monney that I have trusted in whole or in parte to releeffe me in this my misserye and I shall be for ever bound to praye for your honoures prosspertie

Item for the Lorde Brookes men for horse meate and manes meate 5 pounds - 0 shillings - 0 pence

Item for Colonell Boswells men 6 pounds - 6 shillings - 5

Item for Captaine Floweres brought to quarter by William Thakam Colonell Barkeres porter 3 pounds - 0 - 0

Item for the maimed souldieres that weare brought to my house to quarter 0 - 10 - 0

Somme total 14 pounds - 16 shillings - 5 pence


Master Basnet wee desire yow to pay Christopher Milles for the full payment of all dewe charges that is dew for the Lord Brookes troopers and the billitting of Collonel Bosswell souldiers before he had assignations, which money we [w..d?] paid with in one quarter yere next, February 6th 1645 some of twenty nobles 6.13. [illegible] [Waldyne?] Wyllington Thomas Willughby [John Hales?]

Hester Whyte, widow of Danyell Whyte. SP 16/539/3 f. 169 (1646)

To the honourable the committee of safety for the county of Warwick and county and cittie of Coventry

The humble petition of Hester Whyte wyddowe of late Danyell Whyte

Humbly sheweth.

That your petitioner did ymediatly after Kington fight, take upon her the care of 2 of the Parlyamentes souldiers, there maymed, whoe contynued at her house in great misery (by reason of theire woundes) for the space of three months at the least, she being constraynd many tymes to be up night and day with them, which was not only a greate trouble to her, but in respect of her tendernes to the Parlyamentes freinds, in that case a great charge alsoe she laying out her owne moneys to supply their present necessytyes and further sheweth that her husband was kylled in the Parlyamentes service at the siege of Banbury Castle anno domini 1644, whereby she is left destitute and comfortles

Your poore petitioner therefore humbly prayeth that in respect of her owne wantes at this tyme, yow will vouchsafe to weigh the premisses, and afford your help to releeve her whoe in the tyme of her abylytie, willingly [illegible] afforded both her paines and cost for the help of such distressed ones (as abovesaid) and your petitioner shall ever pray etc.


That Daniell White was slaine at Banbury seige anno 1644 is knowne to bee me

  • William Bowkey
  • Samuell Day John Chambers Alexander Dongan

Master Basnett We desire yow to pay to this bearer Hester Whyte the somme of twenty shillings. And for soe doing this shall be your warrant. Aprill 22o 1646.

  • John Hales
  • Gamaliel Purefoy [illegible]

The masters of ships trading to Newcastle for coal. SP 16/515/1 f. 53 (1647)

To the honourable committee of Lords and Commons of the Admiralty sitting at Sir Abraham Williams his house in Westminster.

The humble peticion of the masters of such ships as trade to Newcastle for coles whose names are underwritten


That there is a ballast wharfe shore erected and built at the West Panns of South Shieldes nere Newcastle for the good preservacion of great ships, it being a very comodious and necessary place for ladeing and unladeing of great ships

That the magestrates and cominalty of New Castle for theire owne private gaine and for the private gaine of some particular persons have of late erected up severall shores for casting of ballast, some of which are erected upon such unsound and unfit ground as many times they fall in and choake up the river as in particular a shore of Master Warmouths in October last made a breach into the river, where about 2000 tonns of ballast fell in whereby, ships that had eight foote water at the key now they have but four.

That the said magestrates and cominalty although they know the convenience of the said ballast shore at the West Panns aforesaid yet to advance theire owne particular profit they forbidd your petitioners to lade and unlade there, and force them to goe up to cast their ballast at theire wharfes whereunto before they can get up, they loose as much time (by contrary windes and other inconveniences that happen in that time) as they might make a voyage to London which your petitioners may gaine by casting theire ballast at the shoare at the West Panns aforesaid and the said magestrates and cominaltie not only hinder them, but also most unjustly imprison some of your petitioners to theire great hindrance and charge and deteyned them untill they had paid great sums of money contrary to the lawes of the land and libertie of the subject

The petitioners humbly pray that they may enjoy that freedome of subjectes and may have libertie to lade and unlade at the said West Panns at South Sheildes it being soe commodious unto them and tending to much to the benifit of navigation and good of the kingdome

And your petitioners shall pray etc

  • Henry Ellet
  • Andrew Porter
  • Henry Kebell
  • Samuell Wiseman
  • Edmond [Lever?]
  • Thomas [Casun?]
  • Robert Keble
  • Robert Church
  • Symon Beale
  • Eustace Smith
  • Thomas Gosling
  • William Lee
  • Francis Smith
  • John [Burrwood?]
  • William Hamond
  • Edmond Morgan
  • William Chapman
  • James [Shrive?]
  • John Martin
  • Francis Whayman
  • Henry Fynn
  • William Olliver
  • Samuell Hawkes
  • Edward Clarke
  • Robert Kenington
  • Walter Keble
  • Thomas Lemon
  • John Lee
  • William Garnet
  • John Greene
  • William Bugbey and many others.

[Exr W: J:?]

William Sykes of Hull, merchant. SP 16/515/1 f. 91 (1647)

To the right honourable the Lords assembled in Parliament

The humble petition of William Sykes of Hull marchant

Sheweth that the petitioner out of his abundant and large affection to the Parliament the effects whereof he is able to prove by the testemony of divers worthy gentlemen of his owne contry who can sufficiently testifie his continual readynes upon all occasions for that honourable service wherein a verry great and large summe partly in arms and amunition of severall kinds mony and plate amountinge to the summe of eight thousand foure hundred sixtie three pounds eighteene shillinges five pence which is your petitioner whole estate may be an undoubted witnes besides the consideration mony amountinge to the vallue of two thousand five hundred elleven pondes foure shillings one penny both which said sommes by a perticular hereunto anexed may apeare

That your petitioner also haveinge no command layed upon him yet out of his abundant desire to advance the Parliamentes sarvice beinge then in a verry low condition did volluntarily adventure his parson and went from Hull to Gainsbrough in a sarvice which at that time did exceedingly concerne the northerne parts and was in that assault taken prissoner stript naked and exeedingly endangered

That he hath beene severall times plundred and taken prissoner by the enemy when he lived out of Hull and which adds more still to his forementioned losses his father dureinge his absence accasioned by these severall services did for his good affection to the Parliament alter his will and gave a way from him to his bro= thers which he intended to this petitioner to the vallue of thre hundred pondes per annum

He therefore most humbly prayes that this honourable house will be pleased to commisserate the estate of your poore petitioner as also to assigne him somme competent some for his present necessity and reliefe for his poore wife and children and the residue of his debt out of such delinquents estates as to your honores shall seeme expedient

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • William Sykes

The owners of the ship Constant Warwicke. SP 16/515/2 f. 85 (1647)

To the right honourable the committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque ports

The humble petition of the owners of the shippe Constant Warwicke


That your petitioners haveing provi ded the said friggott for a voyadge at sea to bee imployed as a private man of warre uppon the Constant Warwicke

They humbly pray that your hon nours would please to grant your instructions of reprizall for the said friggott accordinge to the ordinance of Parliament of the 29th of January 1645 and to approve of Captaine Robert Dare to commaund in the said friggott for his service.

And your petitioners shall pray etc


Die Martis 2o Novembris 1647 At the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Admiralty and Cinque ports.

Ordered that instructions bee given the petitio ners for the said friggott the Constant Warwicke accordinge to the ordinance of Parliament of the 29th of January 1645 with power to employ the same under the command of the captaine mentioned in the petition and that the same shallbee registred in the Courte of Admiralty and se curity taken by the judge of the Admiraltye for the said vessell and a testimoniall or certificate thereof under the seale of the Admiralty to bee given them accordinge to the tenor of the said ordinance

  • Warwicke Henry Vane
  • Thomas Raineborowe
  • John Roll Alexander Bence

The ancient officers of the Kentish regiment now under the command of Colonel Lilburne. SP 16/539/4 f. 23 (1647)

To the right honourable the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament.

The humble peticion of the auncient officiers of the Kentish regiment lately under the command of Colonell Weldon but now under the command of Colonell Lilburne since this warr hath been happily ended.


That most parte of your petitioners have served in the Kentish regiment under the command of Colonell Weldon and Lieutenant Colonell Kempson above this foure years last past in which time they have endevour= ed to expresse their affections to the Parliament and Kingdom in this cause with the often hazard of their lives and fortunes.

When it pleased [illegible] the honourable Houses of Parliament to make our sayd Colonell Weldon governor of Plymouth, wee humbly conceive it was very hard measure that our lieutenant colonell might not succeed him in his due place of command hee haveing alwayes approved himself very civill, faithfull, skilful, and valiant, wherby wee have received many great encouragementes from him and good success by Gods blessing, and doe humbly conceive there cannot bee a fitter gentleman imployed in this present expedition for Ireland, by reason hee hath been imployed by the Parliament in that service already, and knoweth the nature of the country and manner of their discipline.

Your peticioners humble request is that our said lieutenant colonel Nicholas Kempson may now succeed in his due place, and command the sayd regiment for Ireland and your petitioners shall bee very ready and willing and to gaine the whole regiment theither and to use their best endeavours for the promoteing that service, and [illegible] as in all dutye bound shall ever pray for your honers etc

  • Abraham Clerk lieutenant
  • James [Marrow?] ensign
  • [Lineseg?] Sharples ensigne
  • George Hope ensin
  • James [Rose?] ennsign
  • Francis Welles lieutenant
  • Robert Deedes lieutenant
  • Even Morris ensine
  • William Master major
  • Christopher Peckham captain
  • Francis [D...?] captain
  • George Weldon [c...?]
  • [illegible] captain

Walter Cary and Henry Jones, gentlemen. SP 16/516 f. 5 (1648)

To his excellency Sir Thomas Fairefaxe knight captaine generall of all the forces of the Kinge and Parliament.

The humble peticion of Walter Cary and Henry Jones gentlemen.


That whereas your peticioner are possessed and interessed of alease (for divers yeares yett endureinge) of certeine landes in the county of Kent; belonginge to the warden and fellowes of All Soules Colledge in Oxon. The committees of accomptes for the said county of Kent have sequestred and taken into their handes three yeares rent and a halfe at 10 pounds. 10 shillings. per annum or thereaboutes belonginge to your peticioners notwithstandinge the articles agreed upon at the surrender of Oxon.

Your peticioners therefore humbly desire your excellency to give order to the said committees to deliver unto your peticioners all such rentes as they have unjustly taken and deteyned from your peticioners.

And they shall ever pray etc

John Langleye, late trooper under his excellency's command. SP 16/516 f. 35 (1648)

To the right honourable the Committie of Lordes and Commons for his Excellencye Sir Thomas Fairfax his Armye

The humble peticion of John Langleye late trooper under his excellencies command

Sheweth That your petitioner hath not spared to sacrifize his dearest life, for the preservacion of your honoures and publique good of the kingdome, haveinge bin severall tymes wounded and [especial?] att the battell att Nasbye, where hee was left for dead, and also received a greate loss in that field, but by the providence of his protectour after alonge continuance, in greate misserye recovered but is therebye disabled and maimed for ever. And hath nothinge to subsist on but 2 [shillings?] per weeke his pencion which is not sufficient to relieve him, but hath bin enforced to sell and pawne all the litle he had for maynteinance, and his father who was before of abillittie is nowe become verye poore haveinge beene extraordinarilie plundred by the enemie for his affection to the Parliament and for setteinge forth 2 sonnes with horse and armes for the states service in which one lost his life, thother maimed wherebye he is undone for ever himselfe closelye imprissoned and ajudged to be drawne hanged and quartered, in so much that your petitioner is in adeplorable condicion beinge daylye threatned to be areasted and cast into prisson, for debt contracted in his weaknes, where he must unavoydablye end his days unlesse speedilye relieved there beinge due unto your honoures petitioner 24 pounds as by the anexed certificate appeareth

Your petitioner most humblye implores, that your honoures (even for Godes cause) wilbe pleased to take into serious consideracion his misserable condicion and graunt him parte of his arreares, as above mencioned, what in your pious and charitable dispositiones shalbe thought expedient, to preserve him from famishinge and to relieve him in this his greate necessitie, that he end not his dayes in prisson

And your petitioner will ever pray for your honoures eternall hapinesses


This petissinor is in pay at Crist Church Robert Binckes [.master?]

16 March 1647

State and pay

Att the Committee of the Lordes and Commons for the Army 19o Junii 1648

Ordered that the commissary generall of the musters or his deputy doe forthwith certify to this committee how the petitioner standes upon the severall musteres for the [army?] and [illegible] [affix?] the same to the peticion John Venn

Jasper Mayne, DD. SP 16/516 f. 42 (1648)

To the King's most excellent majestie

The humble peticon of Jasper Mayne doctor in divinity.

Humbly sheweth That whereas one of the canonries of Christ= Church in Oxon is voyd by the death of Doctor Robert Payne and in your majesties guift

He humbly prayeth that your majestie would be pleased to bestow it upon him

And he shall pray etc.

The knights, gentry, clergy and commonalty of Kent subscribed by the grand jury. SP 16/516 f. 65 (1648)

To the honourable the Lordes and Commons assembled in Parlament at Westminster

The humble petion of the knightes gentry clergy and commonalty of the countie of Kent subscribed by the grand jury the 18th of May 1648 at the sessions [offe?] the judges upon an especiall comission of oyer and terminer there executed at the old castell of Canter berry for the said countie

Sheweth that first wee are deeply sencibly of our owne miseries with a fellow feeling of the discontent of other counties exposed to the like suffer ings as which intend with us, thus humbly to present to the your honours these our ardent desires

1 That our most gratious soveraigne Lord King Charles may with all speed bee admitted with saftie and honour to treat in person with his two housses of Parlament for the perfect setling of the peace both off church and common wealth as also of his owne just rights togeather with those of Parlament.

2. That for prevention and remoovall of the many fold inconvenyences occacioned by the continewance of this present army under the command of the Lord Fairfax, their arreares may forthwith be audited and they disbanded.

[3?] That accordinge to the fundamentall constitutions of this common wealth we may for the future be governed and judged by the English subjectes undoupted birth right the knowen and established lawes of the kingdom and not otherwise.

4 That accordinge to the petion of right our property may not be in vaded by any tax or imposition whatsoever and particularly that the heavy burthen of excise may noe longer be continewed or heereafter be imposed upon us.

All which our most earnest desires wee humbly comend to your grave and serious considerations not doubting of that speedy satisfaction theirin, which the cause requires and wee humbly exspect therby that we may well hope to see, what otherwise wee can not but dispaire of a speedy and happy end of these sad and heavy presures and distempers, whose continewance will inevitably ruine both our selves and our posterities, the timely prevention wherof in a chearfull condisent to what wee have propound in order therunto shall obleige us ever to pray.

It is desired that all coppies and superscriptions to this petion be brought to Rochester on Munday the 29th of this month of Maye and that all who intendes to accompany this petion doe meete at Blacke Heath the day following by nine of the clocke in the morninge.

Captain Adam Bayner, Captain Thomas King, Captain Owen and others. SP 18/1 f. 56 (1649)

To the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament

The humble peticion of Captaine Adam Bayner, Captain Thomas King, Captain Owen, Richard Morgan cornett, William Rowe lieutenante, Alexander Reeve ensigne, and Ellen Lovell wife of Charles Lovell cornett who is now upon the service in Ireland and the rest of your petitioners ready to goe and Presill [Eaton?] widdow:


That your petitioners who have all been in actuall service for the Parliament having severall summes of money arreare and due to them for their said services are extreamely necessitated and driven to want and penury and altogether incapable to furnish themselves to goe for Ireland which they intend, and your petitioner Ellen Lovell (whose husband is there) with her children in a perishing condicion

Your petitioners most humbly therefore praie that for their satisfaccion your honours wilbe pleased to vouchsafe them your honourable order or ordinance for paiement of their said arreares unto them from such a delinquent as your petitioners shall bring in and finde out by their owne industry, whereby they maie be no further chargeable or troublesome to this honourable assembly:

But (as bound) ever pray etc.


Petition for Captain Bayner and others.

The overseers and rulers of the watermen of the river Thames. SP 46/95 f. 111 (1649)

To the right honourable the commissioners for the Admiraltie

The humble peticion of the overseers and rulers of the watermen of the river of Thames.

Sheweth that your petitioners have for many yeares past had the power of impressing of all watermen upon the said river (whom they should judge fitt and able) for the states service, as best knowing whoe were the ablest men, and most meet for the service, and have alsoe had the approbacion of the generalitie of watermen whoe have beene alwaies hitherto ready and willing to submitt to their impresse

Now soe it is, that there are some particular persons, whoe have surreptitiously insinuated themselves into that authoritie, utterly against the good liking and consent of the generalitie of watermen, (whoe are much discouraged thereby) and have impressed such ill=affected and unable persons, whoe may prove very prejudiciall to the state. The premisses considered

May it therefore please your honoures, to order, that the said impressing power may bee continued in your petitioners,

And your petitioners shall pray etc.


Westminster 6 Aprill 1649 Wee desire the comissioners of the Navy to take this peticion into their consideracion, and if they shall find that the peticioneres have right to the ympresting of watermen as is alleadged, and are not disaffected to the present service of the comon=wealth, that then doe [illegible] them all right therin as may stand for the advantage of the service.

  • Richard Deane
  • Robert Blake

The peticion of the overseers and ruleres of the watermen

6 Aprill 1649 with the generalles order thereon touching their pressing of watermen

Richard Shakerly of Topsham, mariner. SP 46/95 f. 136 (1649)

To the right honourable the Lord President and the rest of the Councell of State appointed by authoritie of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Richard Shakerly of Topsham mariner.


That the petitioners vessell called the Guift of Topsham in the yeare 1645 being forced into Falmouth by distresse of weather in her way homewards from St Lucar, was seized on by the Kings party there and could not be discharged without payment of 167 pounds and five guns with powder and ammunicion which cost the petitioner 105 pounds as by receiptes under the governer and officers handes will appeare.

That the said vessell at her coming out of Falmouth being an enimies port by reason of the ordnance of 30 November was seized on by Captain Mildmay comander of one of the Parliamentes vessells and condemned for prize in the Admiralty Court.

That the petitioner after a tedious sollicitacion with the late committee of the Admiralty at last obtained the report hereunto annexed, which was presented by the Earle of Warwicke to the Lords House and by them transmitted to the House of Commons where it now remaines the petitioner having attended for an order thereupon as long as his poore estate would enable him but could not obtaine the same

That after all this the petitioner addressing himselfe to the committee of the Navy, they were pleased in March 1647 to order an appraisement of the vessell and the petitioner to pay one halfe thereof being 95 pounds: 7 shillings: 6 pence till the Parliament should give order for her full restitucion.

Now forasmuch as the petitioner hath allways testified a faithfull and cordiall affection to the Parliament and for that he hath lately undergone many other great losses which threaten his utter ruine being now very aged. And for that he lost above 200 pounds in the said vessell by the mariners that seized her the vessell being likewise retorned 200 worse then when she was first taken. Besides 18 months employment in the Parliamentes service and victualls for 18 men for 6 months.

He most humbly prays your lordship etc. to take this his sad condicion into your serious consideracion, and to order the [collectors?] for prize goodes to pay to the petitioners assigne what monies due to the state on the same vessells accompt are remayning in theire handes. And that Sir Hardress Waller or his deputy may restore him his gunns and appurtenances the same being now at Pendennis Castle and useless to the state. And what other recompence your wisdomes shall thinke fit for his great loss sustained as aforesaid.

And the petitioner shall not only be engaged ever to acknowledge the bounty and goodness of this honourable councell, but ever to pray etc.


2 sacre cuttes 8 [hundred weight?] and 1/2 a peece marked B 1 minion of 15 [hundred weight?] marked D 2 falcon of 13 [hundred weight?]

Joseph Edmondson of Kendall, Westmorland. SP 46/104 f. 121 (1649)

To the honnourable commissioners for compounding with delinquentes att New Castle.

The humble peticion of Joseph Edmondson of Kendall in the county of Westmorland.

Humbly sheweth:

That your peticioner have bene in armes against the Parliament in this late warr for which his said delinquencie he humbly prayeth to be admitted to a reasonable fine and composition according to the rates of the Parliament and he shall ever pray

Joseph Edmundson


Accepted June 14th 1649