Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1769

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.


In this section

Four Presbyterians. Q/SB 1769 E/93 (1769)

To his majesties justices of the peace at the general quarter sessions for the county of Stafford


We protestant dissenters by denomination presbyterians do humbly desire a licence according to the Act of Toleration for the free school in Burslem for a place of worship for protestant dissenters

Burslem in Staffordshire 1769

  • Thomas [Marr?]
  • George [Stonyer?]
  • Isaac Simpson
  • John Harrison

Ann Clark of Lichfield, milliner, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/87 (1769)

To the worshipfull Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Ann Clark formerly of the city of Lichfield and late of Abbots Bromley in the county of Stafford milliner now a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty's goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since; and is willing and desireous in all things to conform himself herself to the direction of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third, intituled, an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your petitioner humbly conceives that she is intituled and therefore prays for such benefit.

That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner (excepting the wearing apparell of him her your said petitioner bedding for herself and family working tools and necessary implements for her occupation and calling and these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule is signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by her at the next general quater sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof.

Your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of her detainer together with the copy or copies of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majesty's justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July now next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament (upon conforming herself thereunto) and thereupon may be released and discharged from his her imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act.

And your said petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray and so forth.

Dated this twenty ninth day of June one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

Ann Clark

Signed in the presence of John Dearle

Amos Thomas of Tedgley Hay, warrener and farmer, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/88 (1769)

To the worshipfull Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Amos Thomas late of Tedgley Hay in the county of Stafford warrener and farmer now a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty's goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since; and is willing and desireous in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third, intituled, an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your petitioner humbly conceives that he is intituled and therefore prays for such benefit

That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner (excepting the wearing apparel of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and those in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule is signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof.

Your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majesty's justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July now next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament (upon conforming himself thereunto) and thereupon may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act.

And your said petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray and so forth.

Dated this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

Amos Thomas

Signed in the presence of John Dearle

Richard Turnoch of Burweston, husbandman, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/89 (1769)

To the worshipfull Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Richard Turnoch the younger late of Burweston in the parish of Stone in the said county of Stafford husbandman now a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty's goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford.

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since; and is willing and desireous in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third, intituled, an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors; to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your petitioner humbly conceives that he is intituled and therefore prays for such benefit.

That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner (excepting the wearing apparel of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and those in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule is signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof

Your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the aforesaid goal or prison before his majesty's justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July now next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament (upon conforming himself thereunto) and thereupon may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act.

And your said petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray and so forth.

Dated this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

Richard Turnock the younger

Signed in the presence of John Dearle

Joseph Hiles of Weeford, miller, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/90 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Joseph Hiles formerly of Weeford and late of the parish of Longdon both in the county of Stafford miller now a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty's goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford.

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since; and is willing and desireous in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third, intituled, an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors; to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your petitioner humbly conceives that he is intituled and therefore prays for such benefit.

That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner (excepting the wearing apparel of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and those in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule is signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof

Your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majesty's justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July now next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament (upon conforming himself thereunto) and thereupon may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the direction of the said act.

And your said petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray and so forth.

Dated this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

Joseph Hiles

Signed in the presence of John Dearle

Joseph Brocklehurst of Alstonfield, petty chapman and hawker, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/91 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Joseph Brocklehurst late of the parish of Alstonfield in the county of Stafford, petty chapman and hawker now a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty's goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford.

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since; and is willing and desireous in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third, intituled, an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors; to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conceives that he is intitled and therefore prays for such benefit.

That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner (excepting the wearing apparel of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and those in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule is signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof

Your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majesty's justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July now next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament (upon conforming himself thereunto) and thereupon may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act.

And your said petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray and so forth.

Dated this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

John Brocklehurst

Signed in the presence of John Dearle

Thomas Astbury of Newcastle under Lyme, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/92 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Thomas Astbury late of Newcastle under Lyme in the county of Stafford feltmaker now a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty's goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford.

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since; and is willing and desireous in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third, intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors; to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conceives that he is intituled and therefore prays for the benefit thereof

That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner (excepting the wearing apparel of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and his family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and those in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule is signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof.

Your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majesty's justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July now next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament (upon conforming himself thereunto) and thereupon may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act.

And your said petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray and so forth.

Dated this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

Thomas Astbury

Signed in the presence of John Dearle

James Gill of Stourbridge, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/93 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majestys justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of James Gill heretofore of Stourbridge in the county of Worcestor and late of Wolsall in the county of Stafford locksmith now a prisoner confined for debt in his majestys goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of Septem ber in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but is willing and desireas in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debters to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conseives that he is intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit. That the schedule here unto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of him your said petitioner excepting the wearring apparil of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and those in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule is signed by your said petitioner and intend ed to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your worrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requi reing him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the worrant or worrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majestys justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receve and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament upon conforming himself thereunto and thereby may be relesed and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act and your said petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth

Dated this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hund ard and sixty nine.

James Gill

Signed in the presence of Philip Seckerson

Ralph Cockson of Tutbury, wheelwright, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/94 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majestys justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Ralph Cockson heretofore of Tutbury in the county of Stafford and late of the parish of Stoke upon Trent in the same county wheelwright now a prisoner conf ined for debt in his majesty goal or prison in and for the [illegible] county of Stafford

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but is willing and desiras in all thing to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the nineth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conseives that he is intituled to and there fore prays for such benefit.

That the schedule here unto annexed contains a full just true and perfict account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner excepting the wearring apparil of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implement for his occupation and calling and thes in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof

Your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your worrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requireing him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the worrant or worrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petiti oner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majestys justi ces of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesd ay the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there [receve?] and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliam ent upon conforming himself thereunto and thereby may be relesed and disch arged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act

And your said [petitioner?]) as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth dated [this?] twenty sixth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty nine.

Ralph Cockson

Signed in the presence Philip Seckerson

John Smith of Hollinsclough, cordwainer. Q/SB 1769 T/95 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majestys justices of the peace in and for the [county?] of Stafford. The humble petition of John Smith heretofore of Bakewell in the county of Derby and late of Hollinsclough in the parish of Alstonefield in the county of Stafford cordwainer now a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford sheweth that your [illegible] petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for [debt?] in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but is willing [and?] desiras in all thing to conform himself to the directions of an act of [Parliament?] made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third [intituled an?] Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debters to the benefit of which said act of Parliam ent your said petitioner humbly conseives that hes intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit that the schedule here unto annexed contains a full [just?] true and perfict account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal [estate?] and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner excepting [illegible] wearring apparil of him the said petitioner bedding for himself and family [working?] tools and necessary implement for his occupation and calling and these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter [sessions?] of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford afore said or any adjourn ment thereof your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your worrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or [prison?] and thereby requireing him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the [worrant?] or worrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with [illegible] which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his [majestys?] justices of the peace the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receve and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament upon conforming him self thereunto and thereby may be relesed and discharged from his present impris onment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said [act?]

And your said petitioner) as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth

Dated this twenty eighth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty nine.

John Smith

Signed in the presence of Philip Seckerson

William Belfield of Alstone field, petty chapman and hawker, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/96 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford

The humble petition of William Belfield late of the parish of Alstone field in the county of Stafford petty chapman and hawker now a prisoner confind for debt in his majestys goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford sheweth that your petitioner was unpon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but is willing and desiras in all thing to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conseives that he is intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit that the schedule here unto annexed contains a full just true and perfict account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of him your said petitioner) excepting the wearring apparil of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implement for his occupation and calling and these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds which said schedule signed by your said petition er and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your worrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requireing him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer together with a copy or copys of the caus or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majesty justices of the peace the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receve and take the benefit of the afore said act of Parliament upon conforming himself thereunto and thereby may be discharged and relesed from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act and your said petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth

Dated this twenty seventh day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty nine.

William Belfield his mark

Signed in the presence of Philip Seckerson

John Sidall of Wombourne, webster. Q/SB 1769 T/97 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford. The humble petition of John Sidall heretofore of Stretford in the county palatine of Lancaster and late of the parish of Womborn in the county of Stafford webster) now a prisoner confind for debt in his majesty goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but is willing and desires as in all thing to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parli ament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your hum ble petitioner humbly conseives that he is intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit) that the schedule hereunto annexed conta ins a full just true and perfict account and discovery of all singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner) excepting the wearring apparril of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment there of your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your worrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requireing him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the worrant or worrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majesty justices of the peace the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receve and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament upon conform ing himself thereunto and thereby may be relesed and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act

And your said petitioner) as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth

Dated this twenty sixth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty nine.

John Siddall his mark

Signed in the presence Philip Seckerson

Thomas Finney of Trentham, taylor, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/98 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majestys justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Thomas Finney heretofore of the parish of Trentham in the county of Stafford and late of the parish of Stone in the same county taylor) now a prisoner confin ed for debt in his majesty goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundad and sixty eight actually a prisoner and hath continued so ever [illegible] since but is willing and desiras in all thing to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conseives that he is intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit that the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfict account and discovery of all and singuler the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner excepting the wearring apparil of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implement for his occupation and calling and thes in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your worrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requireing him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the worrant or worrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majestys justices of the peace the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said peti tioner may then and there receve and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament upon conforming himself thereunto and thereby may be relesed and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act

And your said petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth dated this twenty seventh day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundard and sixty nine

Thomas Finney

Signed in the presence of Philip Seckerson

Joseph Turley of Sedgley, whitesmith. Q/SB 1769 T/99 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majestys justices of the pease in and for the county of Stafford. The humble petition of Joseph Turley late of the parish of Sedgley in the county of Stafford whitesmith now a prisoner confined for debt in his majestys goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actuely a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but is willing and desireas in all things to conform himself to the direction of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his presant majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conseives that he is intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit). That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a ful just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner excepting the wearing apparril of him your said petitioner, bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his ocupation and calling. And these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds which said schedule signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the pease to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof your said petitioner, therefore, humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison, and thereby requireing him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer, together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes, with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison). Before his majestys justices of the peace the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament upon conforming himself thereunto and thereby may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the direction of the said act.

And your said petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth

Dated this twenty sixth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine

Joseph Turley

Signed in the presence of Philip Seckerson

George Haslewood of Walsall, tallow chandler. Q/SB 1769 T/100 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majestys justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford. The humble petition of George Haslewood heretofore of Birmingham in the county of Warwick and late of Walsall in the county of Stafford tallow chandler, now a prisoner confined for debt in his majestys goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actuelly a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but is willing and desires as in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his presant majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conseives that he is intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit). That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner excepting the wearing apparril of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his ocupation and calling and these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds. Which said schedule signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer, together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison) before his majestys justices of the peace the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receve and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament upon conforming himself thereunto and thereby may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the direction of the said act.

And your said petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth

Dated this twenty ninth sixth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine

George Haslewood

Signed in the presence of Philip Seckerson

James Foden of Waterfall, tailor. Q/SB 1769 T/101 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majestys justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford. The humble petition of James Foden [illegible] heretofore of the parish of Waterfall in the county of Stafford and late of the parish of Mathfield in the same county taylor now a prisoner confined for debt in his majestys goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight, actuely a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but is willing and desires as in all things to conform himself to the direction of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his presant majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conseives that he is intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit). That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a ful just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner excepting the wearing apparril of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his ocupation and calling and these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds, which said schedule signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof your said petitioner, therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requireing him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer, together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison) before his majestys justices of the peace the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament upon conforming himself thereunto. And there by may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the direction of the said act. And your said petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth.

Dated this twenty sixth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine

James Foden his mark

Signed in the presence of Philip Seckerson

Richard Powell of Tettenhall, blacksmith. Q/SB 1769 T/102 (1769)

To the worshipfull Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majestys justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford the humble petition of Richard Powell heretofore of the parish of Tettenhall in the county of Stafford and late of Wolverhampton in the said county blacksmith now a prisoner confined for debt in his majestys goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since but his willing and desires in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third intituled an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conceives that he is intituled to and therefore prays for such benefit that the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner excepting the wearing apparel of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds which said schedule signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the worrant or warrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majestys justices of the peace the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament upon conforming himself thereunto and thereby may be released and discharged from his present imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act and your said petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray and so forth. Dated this twenty sixth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine

Richard Powell

Signed in the presence of Philip Seckerson

Sampson Stubbes of Butterton, butcher, a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 T/103 (1769)

To the worshipful Richard Whitworth esquire one of his majesty's justices of the peace in and for the county of Stafford.

The humble petition of Sampson Stubbes formerly of Butterton and late of Warslow in the parish of Alstonefield both in the county of Stafford butcher now a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty's goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford.

Sheweth that your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison and hath continued so ever since; and is willing and desireous in all things to conform himself to the directions of an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third, intituled, an Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, to the benefit of which said act of Parliament your said petitioner humbly conceives that he is intituled and therefore prays for such benefit

That the schedule hereunto annexed contains a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of every nature and kind whatsoever of your said petitioner (excepting the wearing apparel of him your said petitioner bedding for himself and family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and those in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds) which said schedule is signed by your said petitioner and intended to be sworn unto by him at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid or any adjournment thereof.

Your said petitioner therefore humbly prays your worship to issue your warrant or precept directed to the keeper of the aforesaid goal or prison and thereby requiring him to bring the body of your said petitioner and the warrant or warrants of his detainer together with the copy or copys of the cause or causes with which your said petitioner stands charged in the said goal or prison before his majesty's justices of the peace at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford aforesaid upon Tuesday the eleventh day of July now next ensuing in order that your said petitioner may then and there receive and take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament (upon conforming himself thereunto) and thereupon may be released and discharged from his imprisonment in the aforesaid goal or prison according to the directions of the said act.

And your said petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray and so forth.

Dated this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine.

Sampson Stubbs

Signed in the presence of John Dearle

Thomas Manley, late a prisoner in the county gaol. Q/SB 1769 M/55 (1769)

To the worshipful the justices of the peace assembled at the general quarter sessions of the peace held at Stafford in and for the county of Stafford upon Tuesday the third day of October in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty nine

The humble petition of Thomas Manley late a prisoner confined for debt in his majesty's goal or prison in and for the county of Stafford

Most humbly sheweth

That your petitioner was upon the twenty ninth day of September in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight from thence until and after the passing the act of Parliament made in this present ninth year of the reign of his present majesty King George the third for the relief of insolvent debtors actually a prisoner confined for debt in the aforesaid goal or prison at the suit of John Painter

That your said petitioner being desireous to conform himself to and to take the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament did (according to the directions thereof) cause his name to be inserted in three several London Gazettes and in three several country news [papers?] as a [prisoner?] claiming such benefit; but the said John Painter (in order to deprive your said petitioner of such benefit, as your said petitioner apprehends and verily believes) hath caused your said petitioner to be discharged out of the aforesaid goal or prison.

That the schedule hereunto annexed doth contain to the best of the knowledge remembrance and belief of your said petitioner a full just true and perfect account and discovery of all the goods effects and estates real and personal either in possession revertion remainder or expectancy which your said petitioner or any person in trust for him or for his benefit or advantage is seized or possessed of interested in or intitled to; and of all debts as are to your said petitioner owing or to any person or persons in trust for him and of all the securities and contracts whereby any money now is or will or may hereafter become payable or any benefit or advantage may accrue to your said petitioner or to his use or to any person or persons in trust for him; and the names and places of abode of the several persons from whom such debts are due and owing; and of the witnesses that can prove such debts or contracts; except the wearing apparel and bedding of him your said petitioner for himself and his family working tools and necessary implements for his occupation and calling and these in the whole not exceeding the value of ten pounds

Your said petitioner in consideration of the premises most humbly prays that he may have the benefit of the aforesaid act of Parliament as fully and largely to all intents and purposes as he might have had in case he had continued a prisoner in custody in the aforesaid goal or prison until the present time;

And your said petitioner (as in duty bound) shall ever pray and so forth

Thomas Manley