Staffordshire Quarter Sessions: 1749

Petitions to the Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, 1589-1799.

This free content was born digital and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Research Grant: ‘The Power of Petitioning in Seventeenth-Century England’ (AH/S001654/1) for costs including transcription of seventeenth-century items and editorial work, with the cost of photographing the petitions being funded by an Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Seeking Redress in Early Modern England: Petitions to Local Authorities, c.1580-1750’; and the cost of transcribing eighteenth-century items was funded by a later Economic History Society Carnevali Small Research Grant: ‘Poverty, Taxation and Regulation: Petitions to Local magistrates in Eighteenth-Century England’. CC-NC-BY.


Joseph Crump, a prisoner in Stafford county gaol. Q/SBe/39/4 (1749)

County of Stafford

To wit to Walter Chetwynd esquire one of his majesties justices of the peace for the county of Stafford

The humble petition of Joseph Crump late of [Knighton?] now a prisoner in the goal for the county of Stafford

Humbly sheweth that your petitioner was actually a prisoner upon the first day of January 1747 in the common goal for the said county of Stafford and does still continue there an actual prisoner charged at the suit of William Cotton and others

And your petitioner humbly conceiving that he is intituled to have the benefit of an act of Parliament made in the twenty first year of the reign of his present majesty King George the Second intituled an Act for the Releif of Insolvent Debtors and your petitioner being desirous to take the benefit thereof and in all things to conform himself to the severall matters and things which in and by the said act on his part are to be done and performed in his being discharged from his imprisonment for which end and purpose your petitioner hath annexed a true copy of the schedule intended to be by me subscribed and sworne to at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden for the said county containing his intended discovery of his whole estate of what nature or kind soever (except as in the said schedule is excepted

Your petitioner therefore prays your worship to grant unto him your warrant directed to and requiring the goaler of the said county to bring your petioner before the justices of our said sovereign lord the King at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the said county of Stafford together with a true copy or copyes of the cause or causes with which your petitioner is charged and also that your worship would please to grant to your said petitioner your summons directed to all and every your petitioners creditors purporting and giving notice to the effect as is beforementioned to the end your petitioner may be discharged from his imprisonment pursuant to the direction of the said act of Parliament

And your petioner shall ever pray etc

Joseph Crump