Petitions to the House of Lords: 1640

Petitions to the House of Lords, 1597-1696.

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Peter Smart, a poor distressed prisoner in the Kings Bench. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the honourable the knights cittizens and burgesses of the Commons Howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Peter Smart a poore distressed prisoner in the Kinges Benche.

Humblie sheweth: that after the death of Bishopp James Bishopp Neale comeinge to the sea of Durham the deane and prebendaries of that cathedrall church cast the communion table out of the same, and erected an high alter att the east end of the quire of marble stones with a carved skreene most gloriouslie painted and guilded which cost about 200 pounds and bought for xl shillings one cope found in a search for masse priestes whereon was imbroidered the image of the trinitie, and another cope which cost them about tenn groates which had been a long time used for a fooles coat in Maygames and sportes by the youth of Durham both which copes they used att the administracion of the holy communion att their new alter, to which themselves both did and forced others to use most unreasonable frequent bowinge, Doctor Cosins officiatinge thereat with his face towardes the east and back towards the people; and did likewise take away morninge praier to which about 200 persons usuallie resorted used for the space of about 60 yeares in the cathedrall church of Durham (as in all other cathedrall and collegiat churches in England) to be read att six of the clock plainelie and destinctlie in a peculier place appointed for that purpose by comissioners under the greate seale of England 25o September io Elizabeth and instead thereof altered the same into singinge with instrumentes without readinge any chapters or psalmes [illegible] and did likewise sett up 53 glorious images and picktures over the bishopps throne and about the quire in the said church, and burnt 200 wax candles in one Candlemas night in the honor of our ladie and brought in sondrie other supersticious and unwarrantable innovacions into that church to the observacion whereof they forced divers and publiquely brawled in the time of divine service in the church with others whoe would not observe the same callinge them lasie sowes and durtie whores tearinge some gentlewomans apparell callinge others pagans and thrustinge them out of the church who refused to obey them therein, some of them preachinge in a cope and sittinge to heare service in a cope, and others of them (videlicet) Doctor Cosins preachinge in the said cathedrall church upon the parable of the tares that the reformers of our church when they tooke away the masse tooke away or mard all religion and the whole service of God, and that it was a deformacion indeede though they called it a reformacion and publiquely mainteined that the Kinges majestie is not supreame head of the church in England nor could be soe called, for that hee had no more power to meddle in ecclesiasticall matters then the fellowe that rubbed his horses heeles, for which he was indited anno (1629) att the assizes att Durham aforesaid and found guiltie thereupon by the oathes of 3 menn of worth which inditement remaines yett untraversed.

Your petitioner beinge a senior prebendarie residentiar of that church and one of his majesties high commissioners for causes ecclesiasticall within the province of Yorke and in judgement and practise punctually conformable to the doctrine and ceremonies established in the Church of England opposed the same innovacions and doctrines accordinge to his dutie place and callinge, but not prevaileinge therein, hee in July (1628) accordinge to the third injunccion preached in the said church against the same, for which sermon hee was presentlie convented before the High Comission houlden att Durham and before any articles exhibited against him suspended and his liveinge sequestred and after his aunswer upon oath to the articles and 6 monethes detencion in the said High Comission (where he was proceeded against with all rigour and extremitie accordinge to the expresse command (as somme of the high comissioners in open court said) of some bishopps from London.) hee was served with a warrant under the High Comission seale for the province of Canterbury and handes of William Lord Bishopp of London, Samuell Lord Bishopp of Norwich, Doctor Cesar, and Doctor Sammes to appeare before the High Comission houlden in London and there forced againe to take the oath ex officio, and to attend above a quarter of a yeare for articles which were pretended to bee matters of high nature against him, and was afterwards remaunded without any articles to Yorke where in August (1630) they proceeded to sentence ex parte havinge denied your petitioner a comission to examine witnesses on his behalfe where he was excomunicated, degraded, fined 700 pounds, and imprisoned for opposinge and preachinge against the said doctrines and supersticious innovacions; notwithstanding that Doctor Cosins and Master Fraunces Burgan were indited in August (1629) att Durham assizes upon severall bills and found guiltie thereof which remaines likewise untraversed; this legall conviccion notwithstandinge the said Doctor Cosins since is made one of his majesties chapleins in ordinary and admitted to his degree of doctour and made master of Peterhowse in Cambridge and now vice chancellour of that universitie, and all proceedinges upon the former inditementes against him, stopped.

That your petitioner peticioned and preferred articles into the High Comission att London against the said deane and prebendaries for the said doctrines and innovacions proferinge to give sufficient securitie to prove all the said articles; but the said peticion and articles were utterlie rejected by the said court who said they would not suffer such worthie menn to bee questioned.

That your petitioner was two severall times imprisoned att Yorke before their said sentence for which injurious imprisonment he commenced his accion att law against som of the said high comissioners and obteyned judgement thereupon and 600 pounds damages yett cannot have any fruit thereof

That your petitioner hath bene kept in prison upon the said sentence in great penurie and want almost tenn yeares and lost both his dignitie parsonage and whole estate whereby hee, his wife and children are utterlie ruind in theire persons posteritie and fortunes.

That your petitioner is now and hath bene above 12 monethes close prisoner and his majesties most gratious reference in his behalfe unto the now Lord Bishopp of Durham revoked upon pretence of disservices and that he was latelie in Glascoo in Scotland preachinge and instigatinge the Scottes against episcopall government, whereas he was never there in his life nor in Scotland this 24 yeares nor had directlie nor indirectlie anye intelligence with the Scottes.

In tender comiseracion whereof your petitioner most humblie beseecheth your serious consideracion both of his miserable distressed condicion and greate oppression as also of the said innovacions and offences of the said Doctor Cosins and the other prebendaries of Durham with theire abettors who prosecuted and censured your petitioner and to take such course both for your poore peticioners releefe and release as also for reformacion of the said doctrines innovacions and proceedinges and prevention of the like hereafter as to your greate wisdomes shall seeme meete, and for that your petitioner is much decaied in his health by reason of his late restraint and verie poore hee humblie beseecheth yow presentlie to give order for his release from his close imprisonment and that he may have present execucion upon the said judgement for the said 600 pounds whereby he shalbe enabled to prosecute and prove this his most just complaint against theis his adversaries.

And your petitioner and all his shall dailie praie etc.

  • Peter Smart prisoner in the Kings Bench.

Smarts peticion read 22do Aprilis 16to Caroli [illegible]

Peter Smart

Archibald Niccoll on behalf of himself and his partners. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right reverend and the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Archibald Niccoll in the behalfe of himselfe and his partners being thirtene in nomber.

Humbly sheweth that whereas your suppliants having exhibited their humble peticion unto your honours the last sessions touching 3277 pounds appearing to be justly due unto them aswell by severall orders from the lords of the councell as also upon record in the Court of Admyralty your lordshipps were honourably pleased to recomend the examynacion of their just complaynte unto the lordes comittees who having taken the same into their serious consideracions found that after a definitive sentence in the Court of Admiralty for 4577 pounds 18 shillings the lords of the councell did by warrant comaund Sir Henry Martin (judge of the foresaid court) to tax the charge and [losses?] for the petitioners which he accordingly did, it amounting to the foresaid some of 4577 pounds and did accordingly deliver your suppliants goodes inventored in full satisfaccion thereof, notwithstanding Sir John Hippsley came afterwards with a warrant from the lords of the councell and tooke away all the goods leaving onely soe much thereof as was worth 2000 pounds whereof the petitioners were ordered to pay a third part to their marryners and your said suppliantes being still damnifyed 3277 pounds the lords comittees saw noe cause why the petitioners should loose their money but refferred it to this honourable house where they should have the residue either of Sir John Heppisley or of the Lord Treasurer, if he have delivered the moneys unto him in his accompt as by the said peticion and a report under the right honourable the Earle of Warwicks hand (made with the consent of the rest of the lords comittees) and remayning with the clerke of Parliament appeares but by reason the Parliament dessolving shortly after, the petitioners to their utter undoing remayne yett unsatisfied

Whose most humble suite is that your lordshipps (who next under God and his majestie are the fountaines of justice and upon whome their whole hopes relyes) will (in comiseracion of their greate oppression longe since, and extreame poverty occasioned thereby be honourably pleased to settle some speedy and constant course whereby they may be paid the said somme of 3277 pounds appearing to be justly due unto them, without which they shall loose all and end their dayes most miserably in prison being with many of their freinds ingaged in severall sommes of money taken upp to followe this longe tedious and chargeable suite.

And they with their poore wyves and many small children (now in greate distresse and misery) shall ever pray for all your honours.

  • Archibald Niccoll

22 April 1640 Arcibald Niccoll.

John Harrison, his majesty's stationer and bookbinder. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

The humble peticion of John Harrison.

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of John Harrison his majesties stationer and booke binder

Humbly sheweth that whereas the petitioner and his father hath had the happines to enjoy his majesties and his royall predecessors graunt of the same place for the space of theis 50ty yeares and upwards, alwaies reteyning the same benefit, as it is confirmed unto him and his sonne, by his majesties most gracious letteres patentes under his greate seale. Yet soe it is that the petitioner doth not soe amply enjoy the benefit thereof; as he conceiveth (with humble submission to this high and honourable court) as he ought of right to doe, for that others takes upon them and doe serve his majesties clerk of the Parliament with such stationary wares and commodities as parchment, paper, paper bookes, inck etc. which properly (according to his majesties most princely intencion, by vertue of his said graunt) apperteynes unto him.

The petitioner therefore most humbly beseecheth your most honourable lordshipps to be favourably pleased, to give order, that he may enjoy the benefit thereof, in the furnishing of his majesties clerk of the Parliament with such commodities as properly apperteynes to his mystery and place, and which he shall have occasion to use in the course of his greate and weighty imploymentes during this High Court of Parliament.

And he his wife and children (as nevertheles in duty bound) shall ever pray etc.

John Harison


22 Aprilis 1640 dismissed

William Fearnall of the city of Chester. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the Kings most excellent majestie and to the noble peeres and lords in generall assembled in the higher house of Parliament

The humble peticion of William Fearnall of the cytie of Chester

Most humbly sheweing that your petitioner well knoweing of severall grosse abuses of long continuance to the damage of 2000 pounds a yeare to the said cittie and country adjoyneing, and a greater summe forfeited in the said cittie to the Kings majestie besides slaughtering, selling and causeing to bee sold within the said cittie severall tymes unwholsome victualls to the great danger of breeding infectious diseases among his majesties subjectes and many other inevitable abuses as exaccion, extorcion, contemptes of his majesties writtes, and other authoritie forgeing and falsefying of his majesties writtes, connyveing and concealing to hinder both King and common wealth, yet borne with by them whose authoritie had byn to rebuke and chastise.

And your petitioner in obedience to his King, and love to his country hath in parte formerly made the same knowne to Master John Bradshawe his majesties attorny, yet hee could not have legall proceedings at Chester against them which himselfe can witnes; for which cause knowne thay have used such severities against your petitioner in procureing and mainteyneing of unwarrantable suites, threatning, falsely accuesing, maimeing, life endangering, and severall tymes wrong ymprisoning, which hath bin his undoeing. All which your petitioner can sufficiently prove by coppies had from recordes under clarkes hands of severall courtes, and other good proofe, haveing all ready to bee seene. More bee pleased that your peticioner being aged, seven score miles from his habitacion continueing heere only to dischardge his engaged dutie, loyalty and service to his King and country, which (otherwise your petitioner conceaveth) if hee had concealed that which hee knowes to bee true, hee had bin a traytor both to God and his King. In that it is for his majesties behalfe, and benificiall for the common wealth.

Nowe in regard your petitioner is able to manifest the truth of his allegacions in every particuler. Hee therefore most humbly prayeth, and that for Gods sake, that your majestie and your honours wilbe graciously pleased to cause any to examine your petitioner in the premisses, or otherwise at your pleasures, and then to the necessity thereof in all extend your accustomed clemencies of charitable assistance in soe needfull a worke. And that by your gracious authority hee may bee safely protected, untill you have fully heard his complaintes and greiveances, from the unjust molestacions and prosecucions of those whom hee feared and yet feareth his life, and soe hath deposed, but could not have the peace of some of them, though hee humbly desired it of the magistrate of the foresaid cittie.

And your petitioner shall (as in duty bound) pray for your majestie and the happie preservacion of this most high assembly etc.

William Fearnall


22 Aprilis 1640 William Fearnall

William Fearnall. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the most honorable the lords and committees in generall of the most honorable assembly in Parlyament.

The humble peticion of William Fearnall.

Most humbly shewinge that your peticioner delivered a peticion at the table of that most honourable assembly of committees therein conteyneinge, great damadges and forfeitures besides exaccion, extorcion, contemptes, connivancy, forgery, falce accusinge, life endaingeringe, and severall tymes wrong imprisoninge beeing all more at large expressed in the said peticion wherein Master Attorney Bradshaw is nominated to know in part, and what is wantinge in him your peticioner is able to manifest in all.

Therefore hee most humbly prayeth, (and that for Godes sake) to extend your accustomed clemencyes, for your honors better satisfaccion, that your peticioner may showe in particulars Master Bradshawes hand writinge, for that named in my peticion his knowledge in part. And for the rest of your peticioners complaintes and greeviances hee may bee examined, or other wise at your pleasures, for which hee hath humbly prayed for, that your petitioner may bee heard and releeved to his necessities

And your petitioner as in duty bound will pray for this most honourable assembly.

William Fearnall


30 Aprilis 1640 Fearnall

Sir Edmond Plowden, knight, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of Sir Edmond Plowden knight close prisoner in the tower chamber of the Fleete.

Humbly sheweth that Francis Plowden esquire the petitioners father on the petitioners entermarriage with his now wife promised the peticioner divers moneys and dureinge his sayd fathers life, competent dyett and lodginge for the peticioner his wife and children and two servantes and keepeinge for two horses with one hundred and twentie poundes per annum present maintenance, which accordingly the first five yeares the petitioner injoyed, untill his sayd father dislikeinge the petitioners conformitye and goinge to church, and beinge sett on by Francis Plowden the petitioners brother and his sonne in lawe John Chamberlaine and George Gifford his nephew (all foure recusantes convict) his father turned the petitioner and his familye out of doores and by stopinge their dyett and maintenance (the bred of his life) and other crueltyes inforced your petitioner to make some reference without bond to the sayd Chamberline and Gifford; but the petitioner findeinge their partiality and that his father did owe the sayd Chamberline 1000 pounds revoked the reference before any award made, and brought his accion at lawe on the promise. Then the petitioners father haveinge by injunction out of the Chauncery 12 yeares locked him up and stayde the triall; though the sayd injunccion was severall times disolved by the judges assistantes there and by them and the Lord Privie Seale in his court declared the premise to be tryable at lawe onely and by his lordships decree after 4 heareinges pronounced the petitioners right and arrerages 6000 pounds in value declared to be due and by other orders by his sayd lordshipp there made for an estate of 3000 pounds in value against his sayd father Chamberlayne and his wife and the Lady Lake and others due to the petitioner as administrator of Mary Kervill the petitioners neece an infant deceased. Then the petitioners father and brother with divers other dangerous recusantes convict (in your petitioners absence in his now majesties service in Ireland beinge) seduced and perverted the petitioners wife and in her name as a widdowe, gott up 700 pounds of his rentes and goodes and his bondes writeinges and revocacion aforesayd and to staye and hinder the recoverie of the sayd moneys in her name exhi= =bited articles in the High Commission Court of supposed cruelties to be donne whilest they cohabited in Ireland: but the petitioner pleadeinge recon= siliacion, cohabitacion and a childe had; all since the pretended Irish factes; and that neither the English statutes nor the High Commission Court had jurisdicion of Irish matters there donne: the petitioner after three full heareinges by a plenary dismission and confirmation was there dischardged: and shee ordered to retorne cohabite and bee dutifull and his brother forbid her companye and not to solicite farther.

Then his sayd father brother and other recusant complices have since rescued and by force carryed awaye the petitioners wife and doe still keepe and hide her as their instrument to stopp the bondes and writeinges and 9000 pounds aforesayd. And confederateinge with one Knight and Greenehill deputy registers (the one being since put out of the court and the other suspended) by falce misentries of orders and by keepeinge awaye the petitioners writeinges then and still in that court: and on the oathes of his brother and two other recusantes convict; though they as excommunicate be all by statute disabled and noe wittnesses and all parties interessed: procured the petitioner these 14 monethes to bee committed prisoner to the Fleete for not giveinge 2 sureties for alimonye to his wife a recusant convict and by statute disabled to sue or have alimony: and by joynt practize and abuce of them and of the warden of the Fleete without warrant and contrary to the order of that court that lycensed the peticioner to goe abroad with a keeper the petitioner hath beene there cruelly and barbarously closed up in the tower chamber by the sayd warden and in the meane time for want of his writeinges and bondes and deede of revocacion aforesayd and liberty to followe his causes they have stopped his 9000 pounds mainteynance and dyett for the petitioner and 17 children had and dismissed his billes and accions to his losse of 12000 pounds and of three of his children lately dead in one weeke forasmuch as that since his majesties last generall free pardon the sayd unnaturall practizes and foule inormityes have beene donne: and for that your petitioner is informed of much briberie and much corruption had where his suites depended in pervertinge of justice which hee hopeth to proove. And for that divers orders in Chauncerie contrary to all conscience and rules of Chauncerie have beene made against the petitioner in this cause as allso at the suite of one Thomas Syms Thomas Worsham and Phillip Olfeild clarkes. All which the petitioner prayeth may be reviewed and reversed for the petitioner beinge setled in possession of Syms his farme by his owne agreement, sale and 500 pound bond, and by injunction of Barron Bromley and by order and commission of Judg Harvie for possession to the sherriffe and by the decree of Judg Crooke: all three in Chauncery under seale: yett on a bare peticion in a longe vacation the petitioner then not heard: the petitioner was putt out of his possession which these 12 yeares ever since is stil detayned from him. All which hee humbly prayeth of your lordships the rather for that hee conceiveth that in a civill cause of alimony by colour of an ecclesiasticall court order your petitioner is wrongfully and closely imprisoned and defrauded of his estate by recusantes and under the name of a recusant wife contrary to the common lawe and the Peticion of Right and the severall statutes clearely barringe that court from imprisoninge or fineinge any freeman: whereas in truth the right reverend bishops with the lord archbishops grace and the Lord Marques Hamilton then present accordinge to the civill lawe did order his wife to retorne without alimony.

Humbly prayeth his inlargement and liberty to followe his businesses and this cause (haveinge noe accion of debt upon him) and the peticioner to have his writeinges from the registers and to have such releife and the offendours such censure as shalbee agreeable to the unpartiall justice of this high court.

And the petitioner shall ever praye for your lordshipps etc.

  • Edmund Plowden

Sir Edmund Plowden, knight, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall of the upper howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Sir Edmund Plowden knight close prisoner in the Fleete

Humbly sheweth that whereas your petitioner being long close prisoner in the tower chamber of the Fleete there kept by the warden under colour of an order made out of the High Commission Courte for not giving bond for his wives alimony, shee being a recusant convict and by statute disabled to sue or have alimony and having bin barred of his liberty to goe to councell was inforced without helpe to drawe his peticon himselfe; in which though hee named [illegible] that hee was informed of bribery and corruption had yett in the whole peticon hee named no judge, nor great officer, but only two deputy registers since turned out of their places for abuse, and hath protested and declared unto you lordshippes that hee never intended any thinge therein, to the late Lord Keeper Lord Coventry deceased. But desireing to reveiw some orders made in Chancery the petitioner humbly conceaves, if hee will hold plea thereof before your lordshippes hee must of necessity shew the matters of fact, and the same to bee against conscience, or els cannot bee heard before your lordshippes. And for that in all writtes of error, bills of reveiw and appeales: the plainante must lay the former judgment to be false which hee desireth to bee reversed which is more then the petitioner informed, and for that the petitioner conceaveth that in this tyme of Parliament your lordshippes will give free invitacion and incouragementes to all suitours and discoverers, not by the severe interpretation of the petitioners peticon, put in without councell, and a close prisoner being to punish the petitioner for any scandall of any noble person deceased not named nor intended or any wayes by the petitioner to bee justified which president will much daunt and discourage other suitours to your lordshippes, and for that your lordshippes the petitioner is ready and submitteth wholly and in all humility to your lordshippes favourable interpretacon and pardon if your lordshippes shall otherwise interpret the same.

And for that the petitioner hopeth by his councell your lordshippes are satisfied that the petitioner is wrongfully ymprisoned for not giveing bond for alimony it being a civill cawse and right and none of the enormious crimes ment: and to bee within the statute 1o Elizabeth made for the High Commission and soe declared on the severall judgmentes on soe many prohibitions as on that solemne hearing before our late soveraigne King James and Lord Archbishopp Bancroft his grace and the reverend judges.

Humbly beseecheth your lordshippes to discharge him of his long imprisonment and the petitioner is ready to answeare any bill or action for scandall not intended or to submitt or declare or crave pardon, as your good lordshipps in your justice shall enjoyne him. And hee shall ever pray for your lordshippes.

Edmund Plowden


Sir Edmund [Plowden?] 30 April 1640

Dame Mabell the poor distressed wife of Sir Edmond Plowden. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall, in the high court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Dame Mabell the poore distressed wife of Sir Edmond Plowden knight.

Sheweth, that whereas the higher howse of Parliament is the most honourable, powerfull, and supreme tribunall of justice, and a court of record, above all other courtes. And whereas by the peticion of the said Sir Edmond Plowden, he hath made the cause of your distressed petitioners wronges, and alemony to be a matter depending before your lordships in the said high court.

And forasmuch, as your petitioners long continued miseries are still growne more greivous, part of which have already appeared before your lordshipps.

And forasmuch as your petitioner hath 25 yeres beene his dutifull wife, and brought him 17 children and 300 pounds per annum of inheritance, besides a good personall estate, and was a meanes of a good advancement from his father. And did never give any cause of discontent but that she refused to joyne with him in sale of her inheritance, which she conceiveth to be the cause of his ill usage of her.

And whereas after a long suite for alemony she hath obteyned a sentence for 200 pounds per annum out of her owne landes, from the 7th of February 1638, with costes whereof she hath never received one penny, to maintaine her, and her eldest sonne, and her poore family but he remayneth contemptuous to all orders, and prisoner. Whereof she taketh no comfort but would gladly wish him all happines so as she might be safe in her life and preserved with all from starveing. His estate beinge 900 pounds per annum:

Her humble suite to your lordshipps is to consider of her miserable estate and so to order and direct, that out of her owne estate she may have the yerely rent or alemony setled and allowed to her, with such increase arrearages and costes, as to your lordships shall seeme fitt.

And your petitioner shall pray etc.

Mabell Plowden


Dame Mabell Plowden 30 April 1640

The fifty hackney coachmen in London and Westminster. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honorable the lords spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble complaints and requests of the fifty hackney coachmen within the cities of London and Westminster and the liberties thereof for using and letting out to hyre their coaches and horses.

Humblie shew that your suppliants being auncient inhabitants within the cities and liberties of London and Westminster, having noe other livelyhood to subsist by, but in keeping and letting to hyre coaches, and coach horses, mares or geldings, both for his majesties service, and his subjects at all times whatsoever.

That there be many tradesmen takes upon them both their trades and alsoe keeping coaches and horses to lett out to hyre within the said cities and liberties contrary to his majesties proclamacion.

There be alsoe many other intruders, as gentlemens servantes, groomes and postillians, that takes upon them, and lettes to hire, both unsufficient coaches and horses, to the generall wrong of your complaynantes, as alsoe the wrong donne to others by theis intruders, by keeping unsufficient coaches and horses, neither doe they respect his majesties proclamacion, nor the severall warnings to them given to obey the same, saying, they will keepe coaches and horses to lett to hyre, whoe shall say against it; by reason of which wrongs and intrusions, it causeth hay and oates and other provision for stabling to be at deere rates within the said cities and liberties. For reformacion whereof it was his majesties gracious pleasure to suppress them, that noe hackney or hyred coaches and horses should be used within the said cities or liberties thereof, or within three miles of the said cities. Yet nevertheles his majesty taking the extremities of his proclamacion into his princely clemency, did moderate the same, and gave letteres of commission under his majesties greate seale of England for the tolleracion of fifty hackney coachmen, whoe are your supliantes, licensed under the power of the said commission, and that they should not exceede to keepe above the nomber of fower hundred horses, mares or geldings at any time after the date of the said license, but soe it is, your supliantes were demanded neere one thousand poundes per annum, to the use of him, whoe was interessed in the said commission, and were partlie inforced and in bondes to paie six hundred poundes per annum for their licence and liberty and your supliantes desired to be incorporated, and to have masters and wardens for the better government of them, and their servantes to be governed by them, in the said profession for the good and livelyhood of them, and for their enabling the better to doe and performe service at all times to his majesty, and his subjectes, and his gr majesty graunted them the said corporacion to be of the City of London, paying the somme of six hundred poundes a yeare into his majesties Exchequer, which is a burthen heavyer then your poore supliantes are able to beare, but willing to paie one hundred markes yerely into his majesties Exchequer, soe that they be fifty persons in nomber from time to time, and not to exceede the nomber of fower hundred horses, mares, geldings etc at at any time, and to have twelve miles distant from the said cities for their priviledge wherby to exclude and debarr all intruders, whoe by envy and policie maie (to wrong your suppliantes) take hyre within the said cities and liberties to their owne private endes, which if theis liberties be graunted, it will prevent many wrongs now committed, with power to be inserted in their graunt to ordaine, and order for the better government and livelyhood of the profession (videlicet)

That a fine be made and levyed upon all those of the said company that shall not keepe good and sufficient coaches and horses mares or geldings for his majesties service and his subjectes at all times.

That if any of the said company or their servantes shalbe negligent or wilfull not to performe the service to be donne for his majesty and his subjectes, they to be fined and punished according to the companyes discretion or otherwise

That alsoe if any of the said company or their servantes goe about to circumvent, forestall, diswade, undervallue, or wrong the one part by the other either in taking away their customers videlicet, such as are indebted unto any of the said company, having lawfull warning of the wrong committed and is not conformable, all such person or persons of the said company shall either paie the debt or see it secured unto the partie greived.

That alsoe none of the said company shall arrest one annuther upon mallice or wordes or debt under forty shillings without leave of the masters or wardens of the said company.

That noe person or persons of the said company shall take or receive for the hyre of a coach and twoe horses, mares or geldings above ten shillings a day accompting 12 houres to the daie.

That noe person or persons of the said company shall take or receive above thirty shillings a day for a coach and six horses travailing, except it be upon extraordinary travaile, not to be donne within one day.

All which the petitioners humbly desire maie be established unto them which will prevent and hinder them from pestring the streetes with coaches, there being six hundred horses kept, your supliantes having not imployment for 300 horses

It is now humbly desired that whereas it hath pleased his majesty already to graunt letteres patentes for the incorporating of your supliantes according to the intentes and purposes as is herein mentioned and expressed, they having his majesties royall signature and privy seale passed unto them and ready for the greate seale, that by consent of this most honourable assembly it may now passe the great seale accordingly. And that the indenture whereunto your supliantes are to signe and seale for paiment of 600 pounds per annum aforesaid, may by the favour of this high and honourable court be abated and insteed thereof one hundred markes sterling to be paid by the yeare.

And they (as nevertheles in all duty bound shall praie for your most honourable lordshipps etc.

  • William Lee
  • William Norell
  • [Richard?] Burnell
  • Joseph Smyth
  • William Hockley
  • Anthony Todd
  • John Pollord
  • Richard Andrews
  • William Bray
  • Robard Mann
  • John Horame
  • James Harington
  • John Usdall

Robert Lane, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honnourable the lordes spirituall and temporall of the High Courte of Parliament:

The humble peticion of Robert Lane esquire:

Humbly sheweth that the last convention of Parliament it pleased this honnourable assembly not onely to receive the peticioners complaint but appointed a day for heareinge of his cause: and in respect of his greate povertie was pleased to assigne him councell;

May it please your honnours to continew the the like favour unto him now, and hee shall dayly pray for your lordshipps as by duety bounde etc

  • Robert Lane
  • Sir Robert Heath
  • Sir John Bankes
  • Sarjent Whitfield
  • Master Harbart
  • Master Richard Lane
  • Master William Browne
  • Master Jeffery Paumer

Robert Lane esquire exhibited 23 April 1640

George Searle, mayor of Taunton, Somerset. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the honorable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament

The humble peticion of George Searle maior of Taunton in the countie of Somerset.

Sheweth: that whereas Robert Browne gentleman did in Hillary terme 1638 libell against your petitioner in the court military before the right honourable Thomas Earle of Arundell and Surrey Earle Marshall of England thereby shewing: that whereas the said Robert Browne was the sonne of Sir John Browne knight and that he, his father and their auncestours have bene gentlemen and soe accompted, yet your petitioner spake theis wordes of the said Master Browne, that he was an unworthie gentleman or an unworthie fellow, and one of the company asking your petitioner why he should say such wordes of the said Master Browne, for that he was a gentleman, and his father twice high sheriff and deputy leivetenant of the county of Dorsett, your petitioner answered, that the said Master Browne was discended but of sheppardes, or his ancestours were sheppardes, whereas the trueth is that your petitioner being forcet by some of the said Brownes freindes to drinke a health unto the said Browne, your petitioner refusing it, was demaunded why he would not doe the same, your petitioner made answere, I will not drinke the health of soe unworthie man and reply being thereunto made, that the said Browne and his ancestours were gentlemen your petitioner retorned againe, I confesse his ancestours were indeed great sheepe masters and his brother is a worthie gentleman, or wordes to the like effect: the which cause came to be heard before the right honourable Henry Lord Matrevers, and thereupon it was ordered by sentence definitive, that your petitioner should pay the said Master Browne 140 pounds videlicet 40 pounds for costes of suite upon the feast of All Soules 1639 and 50 pounds more before the first session of Michaelmas terme next after, and 50 pounds more before the first session of Easter terme then next, after the said Earle Marshalles Court, and that your petitioner should make a publique submission and acknowledgement to the said Master Browne at the first feast of the then next maior of Taunton, in conceptis verbis, and should stand bound to his good behaviour for the performance of all which, your petitioner should become bound, by obligacion to our soveraigne lord the King and your petitioner further sheweth, that he being threatened with an attachment in case he did not forthwith give bond for performance of the same accordingly, and to avoide further trouble did become bound in the same bond of 280 pounds and that since he being elected maior of Taunton, the said Earle Marshall upon your petitioners humble suite, did order, that your petitioner should be discharged of his bond for his good behaviour and that his said acknowledgment and submission should be forborne, and respited untill the court should give further direccion for the same: provided that your petitioner did performe all other partes of the said sentence definitive; but the said later order being deteyned and kept from your petitioner by meanes of the said Browne, your petitioner to save the penaltie of the said bond and other damages that might arise unto him: did in a most inconvenient tyme, and to his great prejudice (he being then maior) publiquely make his submission according to the said sentence, at the time and place appointed for performance thereof, and hath paid unto the said Browne, the said 40 pounds for costes and since 50 pounds being parte of the 100 pounds which he was to pay for damages, soe as there is only 50 pounds of the said 100 pounds remayning now unpaid, the which he shalbe compelled to pay upon the 25th day of this instant April, unles this honourable house, shalbe pleased to give a timely releife therein.

The petitioners humble suite unto this honourable assembly is: that in regard the said court by the lawes and customes of this realme, is not to give damages unto the partie greived upon any defamacion in point of honour nor in such excessive manner to the distruccion or impoverishing of persons offending, in speaking of some unadvised wordes, which procure noe losse to the partie: to call the said Master Browne before yow to take such course therein, aswell for the repayment of the said severall summes the said Browne hath received, as for the 50 pounds yet unpaid, and also for your petitioners releife for his prejudice and damage hereby susteyned, as to your grave wisdomes shall seeme meete;

And your peticioner shall ever praye etc.

  • George Searle

Aprill 23o 1640.


23: Aprill 1640 George Searle maior of Taunton.

Richard Appletree, Joseph Coleman and other constables in Oxfordshire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the knights burghesses and cittizens of the Howse of Commons:

The humble peticion of Richard Appletree one of the high constables of Wootton hundred Joseph Coleman one of the high constables of the hundred of Banbury and divers other petty constables within the county of Oxon nowe prisoners in the castle of Oxon:

Humbly shewe that your peticioners have receaved severall warrantes from Rodolph Warcupp high sheriff for the county of Oxon for the leveyeing collecting gathering and distreyning (in case of non payment) of the shipp money in theire severall divisions within the foresayd county of Oxon, that in obedience to the most parte of the said high sheriffs warrantes they have collected and gathered the said shipp money and retorned the same to the said high sheriff togeather with the names of such as refused to pay, whereuppon issued a third warrant from the said high sheriff directed to your petitioners personally to distrayne and the distresses to sell away rendring the surplusage to the owners: your peticioners desired the said high sheriff to secure them from accions to be brought in case they should distreyne which he refused to doe and your peticioners denyed the execucion of the said warrant for the which they alsoe denyeing to be bound to appere at the counsell table stand committed by the sayd high sheriff

Humbly crave theire inlardgement and referr the consideracion heereof to your honors and they shall praye etc

  • Thomas Elzey sollicitor for the peticioners:

Read Veneris 24to Aprilis 1640

Counstables of the county of Oxon their peticion.

Henry Presse, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Henry Presse gentleman.

Most humblie shewing. That your petitioner is howshold servant to the right honourable the Lord Pagitt (whose letteres of priviledge under his lordshipps hand and seale are extant)

That your petitioner was latelie arrested in the towne of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in the countie of Dorsett by Joseph Mander and Justinian Bagg sergeantes at mace of the said towne, by virtue of a warrant from George Churchey maior of the towne of Weymouth aforesaid, at the suite of Joseph Perkins of Dorchester in the said countie of Dorset merchant; and notwithstanding the said letteres of priviledge (beeing at the arrest shewed to the said maior and serjeantes and the said plainant) they did refuse to release or sett your petitioner at libertie; alleadging that the said letteres of priviledge was a pretended proteccion, and the said maior tooke a bond of 100 pounds from the plainant to save him harmeles touching the detayning of your petitioner.

Your petitioner (having suffered much damage by his imprisonment and restraint besides his disparagment and the breach of the priviledges of this high court); doth humblie leave the premisses to the honourable consideracion of this great assemblie; and to vouchsafe to take such order with the said maior, sergeantes and plainant, for the petitioners releife, and maintayning the priviledges of Parliament as in your great wisdomes shalbee thought meete.

And your petitioner (as in dutie bound) shall ever praie etc.


28 April 1640 Henry Presse peticion

Lecta 28o Aprilis 1640. ordered the maior, 2 serjeants and the plainant to be sent for.

The governor and company of English merchants trading into France. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honorable the lords spirituall and temporall in the uper house of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of the governour and company of English merchantes trading into France

In all humility sheweth that divers straingers have of late yeares, by art sophisticated and falcified a meane sort of wine of the growth of France and have yearely brought great quantities thereof into this kingdome; and here vended the same at high and great rates, under the name of Reynish; and although the peticioners have, in pursuance of the trust committed unto them by his majestie for the discovery and finding out of such wines, to their great charge yearely discovered great quantities of them, and after severall legall trialls had thereof, the heads of the caske have bin beaten out, and the wines poured, forth into the streets. Yet notwithstanding this their cuning trade being found exceeding gainfull they doe not desist from bringing yearely great quantities of those artificiall and sophisticated wines into this kingdome, to the great prejudice of the health of his majesties subjectes (the composicion being of rootes weedes and other trash tending to the destruccion of nature, as hath bin averred by phisicions before the councell of France where the sale of them is prohibited

Of which sort of wynes the peticioners officers having some moneths agoe discovered 4 tonns in the Elizabeth of London whereof John Keteridge is master, and 6 hogsheads in the Alexander of London, whereof Alexander Scot is master both at anchor in the river of Thames, the farmers of his majesties customes, and the masters of the said shipps will not permit them to be brought on shore whereby they may be legally proceeded against, and destroyed, unles the peticioners will pay the custome and freight of them, soe that the peticioners have bin enforced for the prevencion of the privat landing of them, to keepe a continuall watch upon the said shipps by the space of theis three weekes and upwards, to their charge of 10 pounds at the least.

May it therefore please your lordshipps to take into your grave consideracions this weighty affaire, and to give present order for the landing of the said wines, to thend they may be legally proceeded against, and that they being found artificiall and sophisticated may be destroyed; and for that the statute of 4 Edwardi 3 doth extend only to corrupt wines, whereby theis are not within the words of that statute; yet no lesse daingerous to the health of the subject, that for avoiding this great abuse in the future, it may be enacted by the authority of this honourable assembly; that no person or persons whatsoever shall, at any time or times hereafter, import into this kingdome any wines of what kind or growth soever, which shalbe sophisticated, mingled, falcified, or artificially compounded with any other matter or thing whatsoever, other then the substance of the grape: under such penalties as to your grave wisdomes shalbe thought meet. And that for the better discovery of them, your peticioners may have power to search for them, as well on shipboard as on land, and upon discovery of them, to cause them to be landed, and proceeded against without payment of custome, fraight, or other duties.

And they as bound shall pray etc.

  • William Barkeley
  • Robert [Fys...?]
  • Thomas Walton
  • George Langham
  • Marmaduke Rawdon
  • Thomas Bewley
  • Edmund Forster

The French merchantes

Walter Oke, citizen of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the honorable the knights cittizens and burgesses assembled in the House of Commons in Parliament

The humble peticion of Walter Oke cittizen of London.

Sheweth that in the yeare 1637 Sir Edward Bromfeild knight being then Lord Maior of London, your peticioner and one William Newet deceased were appointed collectours of ship money for part of Cordwayner Ward; who having paid in severall sommes which they had received afterwards on Monday the 18th of September in the yeare aforesaid the said Sir Edward made a warrant for the conventing of one Robert Gibbon of that ward to shew cause why he would not pay the shipp money demanded of him, the said Newet being then present, after the said Gibbon was dismissed, Sir Edward charged the said Newet with negligence and carelessenes in collecting the shipp mony, and told the said Newet that unlesse he would promise to pay in 50 pounds of his collecion more then was received within 3 daies next ensuing, he would send him to Newgate, which the said Newet (who with your peticioner had lately paid in the money by them received) refused to doe, and thereupon was committed to prison; whereof the said Newets wife having notice, being then great with child ready to lye downe, went with a freind to Sir Edward to desire her husbands enlargement in regard of her presente condicion, and for that she had nobody to follow her husbandes shopp and trade, which the said Sir Edward denying, she then desired him, in regard her husband was a sick weake melancholique man, that he might not be alone: but that his partner collectour your peticioner might be likewise committed for company; the said Sir Edward told her that was but a reasonable request. And thereupon the same day sent for your peticioner by his officer, and told him his partner collectour was gon to Newgate, and he would send him thither for company, and then did send your peticioner to Newgate where he and the said Newet remained prisonners 6 daies to their great losse and hinderance in their estates and trades; during which imprisonment the deputy and common councell men of the ward aforesaid, tenderly commiserating the case of your peticioner and his partner in their families and trades, repaired to the said Sir Edward Bromfeild and acquainted him therewith, and prayed their enlargement to whom Sir Edward replyed, they did not relish the busines to speake on your peticioners and his partners behalfe, and further said they should not be released unlesse they would pay 60 pounds of the colleccion more then they received and that he would keepe them in prison to spurre on others.

Which unjust imprisonment and greivances done unto your peticioner by the said Sir Edward and his officers being injuries of a high nature contrary to the lawes and statutes of this kingdome and the ancient liberties of the subjects thereof your peticioner humbly prayeth this honourable assembly to take into your grave and judicious consideracions, and to be pleased to affoard the peticioner such remedy and releife therein for his dammage and losse sustained, and for the suppressing of the like daring insolencies in time to come, and for establishing of the rightes and liberties of the peticioner and all other subjectes as this honourable assembly shall in their great judgementes and wisdomes thinck fitt.

And your peticioner and all other loyall subjectes shall pray etc.

Walter Oke


Lecta [30?] April 1640. Walter Oke his peticion to bee moved in when

Sir Henrie Worslie, Jeremie Brett and Dame Francis Worslie his wife. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honorable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the Highe Courte of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Sir Henerie Worslie barronet Jeremie Brett esquior and Dame Francis Worslie his wife (and mother of the said Sir Henery Worslie against Sir Bevis Thelwall knight:


That Sir Bevis Thelwall about 18 yeares since entred upon a [foiled?] project (deserted by one Sir Francis Castilion) for the laying dry of an antient and usefull haven called Braydinge Haven in the Isle of Weight, conteyning about 700 acres, and did embanke the same from the sea, to the very greate unsafety and weakning of that whole island in time of hostility, and the particular damage of the antient market towne of Brayding, and of divers other private persons; as was manifested by a certificat upon a comission (which at first issued for the preparing of that worke) and for a while prevented that ill undertaking: but that being afterward suppressed, the worke was resumed, and effected by Sir Bevis Thelwall:

The said haven being thus excluded from the sea and only a narrow sluce planted for the issueing of the fresh waters (which had formerly clere vent upon the ebbing of the sea) through the large mouth of the haven (now stopped up) the fresh water being thus penned in, and lying waighty upon a narrow parcell of dry and sandy land, betwene the haven and the sea, of about 8 acres, called the forehaven (which in all probability hath bene a beach caste up by the working of the sea; and by reason of the stopp of the seas naturall course, had bene alsoe much worne away on the outside and weakned) thereupon a breach about 9 yeares since, was wrought through the said parcell of sandy grownd, by which the sea hath againe attained his naturall course, and recovered the said haven whereby the land soe gotten by Sir Bevis Thelwall, and which he had for some years (though at a charge exceding the profit) kept in some sort dry, became againe covered with the sea, and soe remains for the use and safety of the islanders as formerly in all ages it hath bene:

Sir Bevis Thelwall to recompence his lost charge in an ill undertaken worke, though by as ill means (finding that the petitioner Sir Henry Worslie (who is owner of the mannour of Wolveton next adjoyninge to the said parcell of beach called the fore haven) was within age; and the petitioner Dame Francis Worsely (guardian) a widow; procures a particular comission of sewers, to issue into the Isle of Weight, where never any was before, or since knowne, and lymited to a speciall bowndary there by him nominated for his owne purpose and private end only, and calling noe one of the comissioners that were inhabitantes in that island (save one) who was a mere stranger to businesses of that nature, did thereby intitle the petitioner Dame Francis to the said parcell of sandy land through which the breach by violence of the sea was made and by a decree made the 10th of August 1631 the said petitioner Dame Francis was decreed to repaire and perfecte that breach by the 20th of November then next upon paine of 2000 pounds to be forfeited by her upon default, which was the only act done by that comission: and in that the petitioners are somewhat confident the comissioners had litle thought of such a proceeding as hath since followed (which should not this honourable assembly prevent) must turne to [illegible] the ruine of the petitioners and theire famelies, though the said parcell of land (if it were theirs) be not all worth 10 shillings the yeare, and if the same were againe all washed away with the sea (which undoubtedly brought it thither) noe man, (save Sir Bevis Thelwal for the land soe gained) would be concerned to the value of six pence:

But the trueth is:

1. That the said parcell of land was of the nature aforesaid a mere beach and lose sand, cast up by the sea and lyeing betwene the sea and a great part of the front of the said haven:

2. That the same hath bene knowne to have bene itselfe many tymes all overflowen and was never any bancke against the sea nor was there ever any land to be defended by it until the said haven was layd dry:

3. That the petitioner the Lady Worsly had never any interest in the said land, but the same being a little parcell of open wast grownd, aswell the tenantes of the petitioner Sir Henery Worsleys mannour as of other men adjoyning have suffred their cattle to stray thither which is all the possession that any man ever had of it: nor was the freehold of the demesns of the said mannour whereof it is suposed to be parte, soe much as in the petitioner her sonne, but in another who enjoyed the same long before the death of Sir Richard Worsly his father, by an estate for life yet continueing.

4. That it was never knowne or heard that any reparacion hath bene done there (as to a sea banke or wall) the same having never bene any banke at all, but beyond it into the sea, there (as in all other places of the island, open to the danger of an enemies landing) piles having bene driven and other prevencions used by the inhabitantes in generall, that was made use of as an argument of probability, that the same hath bene heretofore repaired for defence of the land it selfe, which if it were totally removed, would leave the island in greater safety.

5. That it apears even by the decre it selfe, that noe lands ever did, or (besides the haven newly gotten by Sir Bevis Thelwall as aforesaid) doe receave any defence by the said parcell of sandy land, through which the breach is hapned, yet that not being worth consideracion; the petitioner (because it is said to be her land) is ordred to repaire the said breach, which 4000 pounds will hardly doe, and will require a vast yerely charg to maintaine if it should be done, and could be kept, (which is conceaved hardly possible, the land being a long and narrow flatt lyeing betwene the haven and the sea as aforesaid. And all this for the comodity of a private man; and support of a project mischeivous to the said island:

The compassing whereof hath bene attempted by this course of proceedinge:

Sir Bevis Thelwal pretending to have begged this 2000 pounds of his majestie and endeavouring to get out extentes thereupon, against the petitioner Jeremy Bret (who had taken to wife the said Dame Francis Worsly) being thereof prevented did prosecuite an English informacion in the Exchequer Chamber, against all the peticioners and there the case (being in the right of it noe other then afore said) hath obteined a decree to confirme the said decree of sewers; and that the peticioners (of whome the petitioner Sir Henry Worsly was within age and in ward and the other petitioner Jeremy Bret unmarried at the time of the said breach) shall before Michaelmas next make up the said breach: and keepe the pretended banke in sufficient repaire hereafter: and that the petitioners besides this 2000 pounds shall pay Sir Bevis Thelwal damages in respect of the said breach: which by comissioners (that he hath fownd out) are taxed and certified to be not lesse then 3980 pounds in certaine besides future damages and repairs, and therein much favor pretended to bee done unto the peticioners:

And that certificat is now ready alsoe to be decreed by the barons of the Exchequer:

Soe that the petitioners by the consequence of this project thus hurtfull, thus undertaken and by violence of the sea and the meanes aforesaid thus lost, under pretence of a parcell of waste land not theirs, worth nought, noe waies usefull, nor ever used (but for a bancke to soe much of Sir Bevis Thelwals lately recovered and now destroyed haven) are by an undue, irreguler, ungrownded, unwarrantable proceding charged with above 10000 pounds and redy to be destroyed, and their fortuns devowred for the private benefit of Sir Bevis Thelwall:

For redres wherein the petitioners humbly appeale to the judgment and justice of this most honourable house, praying that the said undue charges unlawfully imposed upon the peticioners may be removed and reversed, the further proceeding thereupon in the Exchequer stayed, and recompence given unto them by Sir Bevis Thelwall for theire most unjust vexacion in this behalfe, which hath occasioned there expence of above 1000 markes:

  • Jeremy Brett
  • Francis Worseley

30 April 1640 Sir Henry Worsly et alia

Richard Edlin, John Francklin and Richard Eve. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the honourable assembly of the House of Commons

The humble peticion of Richard Edlin John Francklin and Richard Eve inhabitants of the parish of Richmondsworth in the county of Hartford, etc

Humbly sheweth that whereas Master Edmonds vicar of thaforesaid parish of Richmondsworth preacheth constantly in his surples, and cometh downe from the pulpitt, before he pronounceth the blessing and then standing att the east end of the altar and there giveth the blessing, but in such manner that many in the church can neither heare, nor see what is done.

And likewise in the said parish church, [there?] is made on the topp of the cover of the font a worke in the forme of an arke, which the vicar Master Edmonds saith [illegible] Noaths arke, and there is alsoe framed a dove, which he saith signifieth the holy ghost.

And further your humble peticioners sheweth that the communion table in the said church is continueally sett from one communion untell another, altar wise, but then att the tyme of thadministracion of the sacrament, the table is altered, and sett east and west, the east end where of being a litle distante from the wall, soe that one may goe round about it being alsoe compassed round with rayles.

And whereas your peticioners intending uppon the 22th of March last past being Sunday to receave the holy communion according to the Kings lawes, and customes of the church, and desireing the clarke to give the said vicar notice of there attendance, were denyed by the said vicar, who answered he neither could nor durst administer it to your peticioners, unlesse they would come upp unto the rayles, for that he said he had a command to the contrary, from authority, besides he said it pleased the King and the Archbishopp to give him an oathe for what he did, and he thought his oath concerned him as much in Hartfordshire, as in Buckinghamshire where he took it.

And further your peticioners sheweth that about the eleaventh day of this instant month of Aprill being Saterday, they being in great heavines for such hard usuage from the vicar of thaforesaid parish, the next day being Sunday they purposed to receave the sacrament, and asking the said [vicar?] whether he would administer it to them or noe, that they might not bee troublesome to the congregacion, desireing withall to know of him whether he could lay any thing to there chardge, concerning the crymes which are mencioned in the Booke of Common Prayers, that might occacion him to deny them the sacrament, to which he answered noe, then they desired him that they might partake of the sacrament the next day, which was there due, for they had payd him his full due belonging to him; but his answere was he durst not being bound to the contrary then your peticioners, asked him whether he was bound by the cannon law to the contrary he answered he was bound by the cannon law and alsoe by a particular oath; yet notwithstanding his answere your peticioners told him, that they would attend him, there to be partakers of the holy communion, according to the Kings lawes, and custome of the church and comeing accordingly, the said vicar dismissed them againe with divers others without the sacrament, whereuppon your peticioners willed the church wardens to take notice of there attendance in the church, for to be partakers of the blessed sacrament, since which tyme the said vicar and churchwardens threaten to present your peticioners for not receaveing.

The premises considered your peticioners most humbly pray that you would be pleased to take the same into your grave consideracions and to vouchsafe such releife against the said vicar and churchwardens as this honourable assembly shall thinke meete for the redressing of theis great greivances for tyme to come, and preventing of present troubles that are likely to fall upon your peticioners, and your poore peticioneres shall dayly pray etc

  • the marke of R Richard Edline
  • the marke of F John Franckline
  • Ralph Beckfoard
  • Richard Eve

This peticion is not yet read.

  • John Edlyn
  • Richard Francklyn [illegible]
  • the inhabitants of [Rickmandsworth?] in the county of [Hertfordshire?]
  • [illegible]

Sir Peeter Vanlore, knight and baronet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the most honourable assembly of the Commons House in Parliament

The humble peticion of Sir Peeter Vanlore knight and barronett against John Littleton doctour in divinity

Sheweth that your peticioner having preferred his peticion to this honourable assembly against Master Doctor Littleton concerninge the vicarage of Tylehurst and some proceedings in the Common Pleas whereby the ordinary course of justice is hindered in a quare impedit

In respect the case is of great importance for the publike and that your peticioner and his clarks perticuler interests are much concerned

Hee humbly prayes that councell may bee assigned him and some speedy day appoynted for discussing thereof and that such of the prothonatories and secundaries of the Common Pleas as have the records and rules in this case may bee injoyned to attend at such a time as other waighty affaires will best permitt

  • Master [Pidson?]
  • Master Herne
  • Master Chute
  • Master Hale
  • Master Newdegate

John Tynge and Thomas Poale of Fyfeild. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the honourable and right worshipfull the Commons in the High Court of Parlament assembled

The humble peticion of John Tynge and Thomas Poale of Fyfeild in the county of Essex:

Sheweth that your poore peticioners being constables of Fyfeild aforesaid annoque domini 1637 were the three and twentieth of January in the same yeere sent for by a messenger to appeere before the lords of his majesties most honourable Privie Counsell as touching the shipping busines for not makeing a rate for the same in the said parishe, which your peticioners had of them selves no warrant to doe, whereto wee did appeere, and there the clarke of the counsell shewed unto us the lords order, which was, that wee should enter into bond of 100 pounds a man to make a rate for the shipp money, and to carry it to the high shreife, and to doe and performe whatsoever the said shreife should further require of us, laying all excusses aside, or to the like effecte, which wee your peticioners refuseing to doe, were (by) the said lords) committed prisoners to the Fleete the 31 of the said month of January and there did remayne five weekes and three dayes closse prissoners kept asunder, locked up in severall chambers remote, debarred from all accesse of wiffe, freinds, pen, incke, and paper, and all others, but such as the warden of the Fleete should thinke fytt, and also there did remaine more for the space of three weekes and fower dayes, haveing the libertie of the prison.

And that your poore peticioners could not bee discharged out of prison, untill they had entered into bond with suerties in a greate summe, to answere to his majesties attorneys informacion in the Starr Chamber touching the said shipp service which bond your peticioners did enter into, with suerties, and have answered to the said informacion, being examined upon interrogatories, but as yett there hath byne no further proceeding against us.

And that the charge of the imprisonment, the messenger, and lawyers fees and other expences touching the same amountes to the summe of 45 pounds and upwards, besides the damage they sustained in beeing detayned from their wives, children and caleinges: which monies your peticioners are still out of purse, and for want of the same and other damage they sustayned are greatly impovershed

They therefore most humbly pray, that they may have their bond delivered in, which they entered into unto his said majesties Attorney Gennerall, and may have such further releife, as this grave and honourable assembly shall thinke fytt.

And your poore peticioners as in duty bound will dayly pray for his majestie and all his loyall and true harted subjectes.

  • Thomas Poole
  • John Ting

Read 1o May 16to [regis?] John Tynges and Thomas Pooles peticion

Sir Edward Bishopp, knight and baronet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the honourable the Howse of Commons in the High Court of Parliament

The humble peticion of Sir Edward Bishopp knight and barronett

Sheweth that by virtue of his majesties writt directed to the sheriff of Sussex for eleccion of burgesses for the borrough of Bramber in the said countie for this present Parliament, the right honourable the Lord Cranfeild and Sir Thomas Bowyer knight and barronett were elected and returned burgesses for the said towne.

And the petitioner understanding that the said Lord Cranfeild intended to refuse the said eleccion writt his letter to the said borrough, desiring them to elect the petitioner in case of such refusall, where upon all the inhabitantes (without further labour or meanes by the petitioner) returned answeare to the petitioner under all their handes that if the said Lord Cranfeild refused, they would upon a new writt elect the petitioner.

And the said Lord Cranfeild after refusing the said eleccion and a new writt being to issue, Sir John Suckling knight by undue meanes obtained the said writt into his handes, and with some powerfull letters obteyned in his favour for eleccion, repaired to the said towne, and of his owne authoritie without the sheriff, drew the said burgesses together, who with one consent did declare that they meant to elect the petitioner (then absent) to bee burgesse for the said towne.

Whereupon the said Sir John used threatenyng speeches to the better sort, and offred money and rewardes to the meaner sort, but not then prevailing to obtaine their consentes, departed towardes London, leaving the writt in the handes of one Master Cranfeild to labour his eleccion before the delivery of the said writt, who complying with one Master Damport minister of the said towne, did deliver into his handes 20 pounds to bee distributed amongst such of the said towne as would give their voyces for the eleccion of the said Sir John Suckling,

For which rewardes, the poorer sort of the said towne by the working and perswasion of the said Master Damport were drawne to elect the said Sir John Suckling, and the better sort of the said burgesses being terrifyed with the said threatenyngs, and fearing to bee undone, as they were threatened by the said Sir John Suckling and others (if they did not elect him) did depart without giving any voices at all

Most humblie desireth this high and honourable court to take the said abuses into consideracion, and to punish the same, and certifie the said eleccion in such sort as to your wisdomes shall seeme meet

And your petitioner shall pray etc


Sir Edward Bishopps peticion read 2 May and referred to a select committee

George Mynne, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes now assembled in the higher house of Parliament

The humble peticion of George Mynne esquire

Shewinge, that in June 1634 your petitioner was possessed of the moitie of a lease, for above 15 yeares then to come, of certaine woodes and ironworkes in Deane Forest by assignement from William late Earle of Pembrooke, that tooke it from his majestie, which said lease had cost your petitioner many thousand poundes and for which Sir John Wintour a yeare before, had articled with your petitioner to give for it in money and iron about 14 14000 pounds yett in anno 1634 aforesaid, your petitioner finding himselfe in the disfavour of the then Lord Treasurer Weston, was content to sell all his said interest, to Sir John Wintour, and Sir Basill Brooke for 8000 pounds, which sume they then bargained with him for, and accordingly the said parties with two suerties became bound for the money in bondes with interest, and in covenantes for performance of other agreementes. In August followinge your petitioner was to deliver them possession, and passe over his stocke of wood, coales, myne and sinders, to them, but in the interim came the justice seate, which wrought much alteracion for the said court had ordered, that noe more wood shold be cutt, till his majesties further pleasure were knowne

Wherefore your petitioner did then offer, to deliver them upp, their said bondes and covenantes to be cancelled and to nullify the said bargayne, before they layd out one penny on it, but they utterly refused soe to doe, whereupon possession was then delivered by your petitioner, accordinge to the said bargaine and their desire, by vertue whereof, they enjoyed the said bargaine neare two yeares (and then voluntarily surrendred the said lease to his majestie) in which short tyme they gained cleere, above all charges 7466 pounds 01 shilling 04 pence. But the said lease by meanes of the said great charge bestowed thereon by your petitioner as aforesaid being come to good worth and value, and they obnoxious to the danger of at least 80000 pounds fine sett upon them at the said justice seate, and the said Sir John Wintour without surrender of the said lease cold not accomplish his designe of buying all the said forrest in fee farme (which since he hath effected).

They the said Sir John Wintour and Sir Basill Brooke for the cause aforesaid, and to ingratiate themselves and gett mittigacion of their said fines sett at the said justice seate aforesaid, did voluntarily without suite of lawe surrender to his majestie the said lease, and then exhibited a bill in Chequer Chamber to be releeved against your petitioner for their bondes and covenantes.

And your petitioner havinge answered, before any proofes were taken, or the merites of the cause at all knowne, upon their meere mocion, an injunccion was awarded against your petitioner. And the court did then order your petitioner to bring into the said court all his said bondes and covenantes.

And in Trinity terme last, upon a letter surrepticiously procured from his majestie by the unjust surmise of the said Sir John Wintour, the baronnes of the said court did decree your petitioner to deliver them their said bondes and covenantes to be cancelled and to loose all the money due upon them; which decree being not yet signed nor entred, your petitioner hath since pronouncing thereof often attended the said barons, and in all humblenes desired them yet to consider of the legality and equitablenes of your petitioners cause.

Of the greatnes of the estate they take from your petitioner by this decree.

Of the 7466. 01 shilling. 04 pence that Sir John Wintour and Sir Basill Brooke gained by the said bargaine in lesse then two yeares.

Of your petitioners offringe them to release the said bargaine, when it was at the worst.

Of the value of the bargaine proved by their former agreement to give almost twice soe much for it.

Of their voluntary surrender (for their owne endes) of the said lease without suite of lawe.

Of a subsequent declaracion made by his majestie countermandinge the said former letter.

And that the said court wold be pleased to cancell the said decree dissolve the injunccion, and dismisse your petitioner to the common lawe, which hitherto they have refused, this president beinge of dangerous consequence.

Your petitioner most humbly prayeth your lordshipps, that for his releif herein nowe, and the generall good of the kingdome hereafter (for who can say he hath propertie in any thinge if this be admitted) yow wilbe honorably pleased to examine the exorbitant and illegall proceedinges in this cause, and give such redresse to your petitioner for the wronge susteined herein (as to your wisedomes shall seeme meete).

  • George Minne

John Henrick of Yarmouth, merchant. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords in the Highe Court of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of John Henrick of Yarmouth merchant.

Humblie sheweth that your peticioner fraighted in Januarie 1637 a barke called the Virgin of Yarmouth (whereof William Browne was master) with white and red herringes and other goodes from Yarmouth to goe seeke a markett for the said goodes whoe were at sea in Februarie following surprised by a French and Dunkirk man of warr whoe tooke away the goodes from your petitioner mencioned by 4 mens affidavites annexed, to the value of 94 pounds and not onlie soe but did most unhumanly use your peticioner and many other men, in the said barke to make them confesse they were bound to some port in Spaine or France, that thereby they might make prise of the peticioners shipp and goodes.

That 2 or 3 of the said companie suddenlie after died with the beating of them by the said men of warr.

The premisses considered his most humble suite is that your honours wilbe pleased to take such a course for his releife herein as in your grave wisdoms shalbe thought most meete,

And he shall pray etc.

  • John Hendreck

Joane Cayford alias Wall, a poor distressed widow. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the most honourable assembly of the peeres in the higher howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Joane Cayford alias Wall: a poore distressed widow: prisoner in the wardes of the Fleete.

Humblie sheweth that whereas your petitioners first husband Humfry Wall gentleman being in his life time seized in his demeasne as of fee of and in divers landes and tenementes in the countie of Herefford of the yearely value of 200 pounds 14o September 1625 made his last will and testament; and thereby devised unto your petitioner all his landes goodes and chattells which of right did belonge to him in demeasne as of fee or otherwise in the countie of Herefford or elsewhere within the realme of England for her life, and to the heires of her bodie lawfully begotten and to bee begotten, and for want of such issue to the heires of James Whitefoot yeoman: and for want of such issue to the heires of Thomas Bartram begotten and to bee begotten on the bodie of Joane his then wife, and to their heires forever: and in the same will likewise gave divers legacies videlicet to 17 grandchildren 20 pounds a peece, and to the overseers 10 pounds a peece (part whereof shee hath paid, as farr as shee was able) and made your petitioner sole executrix and dyed: after whose decease your petitioner prooved the said will in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury as may appeare.

That one Arthur Salway esquire and Mathew Salway gentleman having the said landes in extent for a fine imposed upon the said Humfry Wall in the high court of Star Chamber videlicet for 500 pounds damages and 80 pounds costes and it appearing to the said court that the said damages and costes had been more then fully satisfied out of the rentes and profittes of the said landes, with an overplus in the sheriffes handes of 7 pounds. 13 shillings. 4 pence. obulus: and yet the said landes of 200 pounds per annum letten at a low rate betweene 30 and 40 pounds per annum for 14 or 15 yeares together, your petitioner by injunccion of that court 3o March 1o Caroli directed to the said Arthur and Mathew Salway was invested and had quiett possession thereof: and the said Salwayes, and the sheriffes for the time of the extent were enjoyned to give her an accompt.

That your petitioner being so possessed one Thomas Moore then undersheriff of the said county practised with one Symon Whitbrook esquire to lay clayme to the said land, pretending a mortgage to bee made by the said Humfry Wall to Sir John Whitbrook father to the said Symon, and that the said Symon was his majesties ward commenced a suit against your petitioner in the Court of Wards: which being there dismissed your petitioner then had another injunccion out of the said high court of Starr Chamber against Whitbrook and Moore dated 5to December 4to Caroli and was thereby restored to her possession againe.

That afterwards the said Thomas Bartram in the will named combyning with Whitbrook, the tenantes and others procured and caused your petitioner to bee arrested upon severall fayned accions, and to bee imprisoned upon 3 executions, one at the suit of Jane Cheswell, another at the suit of Thomas Cheswell her sonn; and the other at his owne suit for 5 pounds costes gotten against her while shee was in prison, and when shee had neither money nor freindes to releeve her or to sollicit for her: and likewise corrupted one Phillip Bambrigg your petitioners sollicitour with a bribe and gave him 5 pounds before your petitioners face to dissert her causes, (although your petitioner had procured 500 pounds security, for the said Bambrigges liberty being then a prisoner in the Fleete) whereupon the said Bambrigg in a reviling way not only threatned your petitioner that hee would make her the poorest gentlewoman that ever went to law, but also to add further oppression to her former misery entred an accion against her of 60 pounds which still hangeth upon her un=declared. And by practice with the said Moore, Whitbrook Cheswell and Bambrigg: and gettinge the tenantes to atturne to him without any lawfull right, promising them to hold their landes at an under rent, and givinge them bondes to save them harmeless, and having cunningly gott some slight assurance from the said Whitbrook (who indeed if hee had any lawfull title at all, it might have been made apparent in the said Court of Wards) intruded into your petitioners possession, and hath held the same without law or justice ever since your petitioner hath been thus oppressed and imprisoned by the space of 10 yeares and received the rentes and profittes thereof (your petitioner having no maintenance at all out of the same) and by those practises and divers other unlawfull waies used by the said Bartram in abusinge Judge Crawley about a decree since by him revoked, and betweene him and Sir Robert Harlow and William Fitz Coningsby esquire and the tenantes to divide the said landes which your petitioner and they held in common) without your petitioners consent duringe her imprisonment, which your petitioner will mainteine and proove shee is damnified by suites in law, and by debarring her of her lawfull right, and of the arrerages of rentes, and moneye due upon the said accompt above 3000 pounds and is like to lye in prison and starve unless shee bee releeved by the justice of this most honourable court.

And your petitioner further sheweth. That one James Roade of Hereford hath and doth unlawfully deteyne from your petitioner (beinge part of the estate given to her by the will of her said husband) other landes and tenementes of the yearely value of 18 pounds which hee hath held theis 30 yeares and your petitioner hath served the said Roade with severall subpoenaes but could never gett him to appeare and answer.

Her humble suit unto this most honourable assembly is that all the said persons above named may personally answer the premisses that the said Sallwaies and tenantes and the sheriffes may give accompt of the profittes for the time of the extent as as was ordered in the Starr Chamber, and Bartram and the tenantes for the arrerages and Roade for the landes aforesaid and that shee may bee restored to her possession with damages, and bee further releeved in all and singuler the premisses as in your justice grave and godly wisedomes shall seeme fitt: and that your petitioner after 15 yeares trouble and imprisonment may now have libertie to attend your lordshipps and acquire her right, of which (if this your blessed meetinge had not beene ordayned by God) shee had never had any hope of

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

Joane Cayford


The widows petition to the Parlamente

Joane Cayford

George Gray, Anthony Smith, and Anthony Allen. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the knights cittizens and burgesses of the Commons House of Parliament.

The humble peticion of George Gray, Anthony Smith, and Anthony Allen.

Sheweth. that for the ending of suites betwixt the deane and chapter of Durham and their tenantes who claymed to hould by tenant right, it was the 17th of August 19o Elizabeth ordered by the lords of her majesties Privy Councell and by them the Lord President and Councell of the North Partes with the consent of the sayd deane and chapter that the said tenant should relinquish their clayme of tenant right, and that the sayd deane and chapter should admitt the sayd tenantes to their severall farme holds, and tenantes for xxi yeares if they should soe long live, according to the forme of an indenture of lease prescribed in the sayd orders, and that at the death of every such tenant the sonne and kindred of such tenant should bee admitted to the said tenement paying three yeares fine, meaning treble the then lordes rentes at the most according to the true intent of the sayd orders and accordingly the sayd tenantes did relinquish their clayme of tennant rightes, but nowe of late the sayd deane and chapter contrary to the sayd orders have by their great power caused the sayd tenantes to renew their leases, some after seaven yeares were expired, enforcing them to pay farre greater fines, then by the sayd orders they were to pay and thereupon the sayd tenantes to the nomber of 100 at the least did imploy your peticioners, George Gray, and Anthony Smith two other of the sayd tenantes to seeke redresse in a lawfull way of the sayd grievances, and did amongst themselves collect the summe of 80 pounds for following thereof, and therein your peticioneres Gray and Smith did desire the assistance of the peticioner Allen being an attorney at lawe but before any one thing done therein, your peticioners did in their respectes and due observance to the right worshipfull Doctour Belkanquall deane of Durham repaire unto him at his house at the Savoye in the Strand in a submissive manner to have declared their sayd grievance and intencions aforesayd, but the sayd Doctour Belkanquall without hearing your peticioners threatened them that hee would destroy them, and in pursuance thereof your peticioners Gray and Allen the day after being the 11th of February last were by Master Secretary Windebanke, comitted to the hands and custodie of one Smith messenger to whom your sayd peticioners Gray and Allen were forced to enter band in 100 pounds for payment of fees, which bond they cannot get delivered in, and the 19th of February last your sayd peticioners Gray and Allen were by Master Secretary Windebank comitted close prisoners (videlicet that is to say) your peticioner Gray to the Gatehouse, and your peticioner Allen to the Fleet, where they remayned close prisoners untill about the 29th day of February after which tyme, your peticioners Gray and Smith were examined at the house of the sayd Secretary Windebanke by one Master Read his servant, and the sayd Doctour Belkanquall, who in the tyme of their examinacions reviled your peticioner Gray, calling him factious fellow and covenanter and afterward upon the second day of March last past the sayd Master Secretary Windebanke sent a messenger to Master Herne of councell with your peticioner, and to Master John Rusworth now clarke assistant requiring them to attend his honour, who commaunded your peticioners writinges forth of the handes of the sayd Master Herne and Master John Rusworth, whereby they were authorized to prosecute their sayd complaint, and forced them to deliver the sayd writings to the sayd Master Secretary Windebanke, who required them to deliver the same as they would answere it to his majesty at their perill, to the greate prejudice of the sayd tenantes, and your peticioners complainte was made a matter of state, and the subscripcion of the poore oppressed tenantes of the deane and chapter was informed to be a covenant to destroy the church of Durham in nature of the covenant made in Scotland a true coppy of which peticions and warrantes soe subscribed termed to be a covenant is hereunto annexed. That on 11th Martii Doctor Belkanquall procured the matter to be heard before his majesty, and the lordes of the councell where your peticioners who had layd out all the 80 pounds in performance of the trust in them reposed, were ordered to pay unto Sir William Beecher knight one of the clarkes of the councell table the said somme of 80 pounds, which they did accordingly before they could be discharged and set at liberty, and payd great summes of money to the messengers and keepers of the prisons.

Your peticioners humble suite is that this honourable assembly would bee pleased to take the examinacion of all the sayd matters, and to ease your petitioneres herein as yow in your grave wisedomes shall thinke fitt, and to give some present direccions that the 80 pounds paid by your petitioneres by order of the councell table to the clark of the councell, may be forthwith paid to your petitioneres.

And your petitioneres shall ever pray etc.

George Gray, Anthony Smith and other tenants of the dean and chapter of Durham. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the Kings most excellent majestie.

The humble peticion of George Gray and Anthony Smith on the behalfe of themselves and others of tenants of the deane and chapter of Durham.

They antiently heild their farme by tenant right, manie suites ariseinge thereupon the lordes of the councell of the late Queene Elizabeth and the then Lord President with other her majesties Councell of the North Partes with the consent of the said deane and chapter, and tenantes made by the decree annexed, which the deane and chapter by that [sea?] by reason of their owne power, and disability and weaknes of your petitioners have longe since violated and nowe doe soe oppresse your poore petitioners by imposeinge unreasonable fines upon them as doeth appeare by a schedule hereunto annexed as they are noe way able to undergoe the same, nor bee able to doe this service to your majestie as they are bound to doe neverthelesse your petitioners in your highnes northeren jurney this last sommer have attended to doe your majesties service as by the said decree is required.

Your petitioners humble peticion is that your majestie would bee pleased to take into your highnese consideracion their lamyntable cause of complainte, and to prepare for them some remidy and releife accordinge to the said decree, whereof they are nowe deprived and utterly beggered, and they will, as in duty ever bound pray for your highnesse longe prosperitie, and gratious raigne over us.

The towneshippe of Westranton John J Smiths marke

  • Michaell Jackson
  • John J Lampton
  • Robert Grundells marke

The neighbours of Hedworth

  • Robert Scotte
  • Francis Burnton

The neighboures of Howorth

  • Anne Brase
  • John Cutchside
  • William Sotherne

The neighboures of Siddicke

  • George Grey
  • Richard Wake
  • John Hitchen

The neighboures of Eaststranton

  • Thomas Jackson
  • Ralph Wilkinson
  • William Wheatly
  • Phillip Broughe
  • [Mar:?] Welch widow
  • Elizabeth Chiltone


  • Anthony Yonge
  • John Fawcett
  • Ralph Lumley


  • Thomas Tailor
  • Christopher Shephereshon
  • Thomas Collier

The neighboures of Monkton

  • Robert Chrishope
  • William Skirfeild
  • William Smith
  • Thomas O Onett
  • Ralph Kichees

The neighboures of [illegible] the towneshippe of Westawe

  • Edward Blichman
  • John Wilkinson
  • John Sotherne
  • Edward Harper
  • George Harte
  • Cuthbert Carre
  • Beale Sudren widow

The neighboures of Harton

  • Thomas Brampton
  • Richard Harle
  • William Atkinson
  • Richard Newton
  • John Pattison

The neighboures of Billingham

  • George Marcum
  • Robert Christopher
  • Thomas Shipert
  • John Jackell
  • John Warmouth
  • John Tencher

The neighboures of Dalton

  • Anthony Smith
  • John Todde
  • Robert Fell
  • Waton Blirsay neighboures there

    • Thomas [Lanton?]
    • Robert Waller

    Woulverson the neighboures there.

    • Robert Thorpe
    • Charles Wattsons marke
    • William Chilton
    • John Williamson
    • Ralph Davison
    • [Lessey?] Markeham
    • Mary Sheperd her marke

    The neighboures of Hett

    • Mathew Woodes marke
    • Ralph Adamson
    • Phillip Suddicke
    • Ralph Feold his marke
    • George Hattson his marke
    • Anne Meyborne her marke
    • William Cheswickes marke
    • Robert Quilty his marke
    • Gascoigne Eden
    • Richard Davison
    • William [Mattisine?] his marke


    • Francis Brambridge
    • Robert Durham
    • Edward [Purrhsonne?]
    • Henry Burfeild
    • Edward Stote
    • Robert Ellisor
    • Richard Hindnes marke
    • Thomas Shadfourth
    • Rowland Harrison
    • William Chipchase
    • Daniel Davison
    • John Tompsons marke
    • John Hircksons marke
    • Mathew Cornell

    The tenantes of Morsley

    • Nicholas Newby
    • John Michison
    • Ralph Pendreth

    The neighboure of Sinckley

  • John Hopper Phillip
  • Phillip Fosters marke
  • Richard Masforths marke
  • John Hopper
  • John [Ists?] marke
  • John Wards marke
  • Edward Wards marke
  • John Hoppers marke

The neighboures of Mugleswicke

  • Rowland Harrison
  • Thomas [Raives?] marke
  • Robert Redshawes marke
  • Robert Newtons mark
  • Rowland Harrison senior mark
  • Thomas Laborne junior mark
  • Thomas Laborne senior mark
  • Andrew Joplins mark
  • John Labirnes mark
  • Thomas Vassy
  • John Isles mark
  • Nicholas Somerson
  • Thomas Harrisons marke

The neighboures of Edmonbiers

  • Richard Snawbaldes marke
  • Thomas Andrews mark
  • Thomas Olivers mark
  • Thomas Robert Whitfeildes mark
  • Thomas Readshawes mark
  • Cuthbert Isles marke
  • John Parkers mark
  • John Grimvell mark
  • Nicholas Byerty mark

The neighboures of [Conpaine?]

  • Robert Lawe
  • Thomas Pickeringe
  • Thomas Merrington
  • Toby Readhead
  • William Ferlers mark
  • William Lawes mark

The neighboures of Pittington

  • Henry Wrangham mark
  • Matthew Smith
  • John Youngers mark
  • Anthony Bownne
  • John Davison
  • William Marshalls mark
  • John Lawrence
  • William Clifton
  • George Chilton

The neighboures of Ferry Hill

  • Robert Laxe
  • Robert Darntons mark
  • Robert Hickson
  • Robert Tatum his mark
  • William Pearson his mark
  • John Grayes mark
  • Thomas Finster
  • Thomas Kirkehouse
  • Robert [Donne?]
  • John Laxe
  • George Laxe
  • Robert [Shaves?]
  • Francis Liddells marke
  • Robert Lurkett
  • Martine [Duma?].

George Gray and Anthony Smith. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable Sir Francis Windebancke knight principall secretary of state, and one of his majesties most honourable Privie Councell.

The humble peticion of George Gray and Anthony Smith

Sheweth that whereas your petitioners were comitted by your honnour, your petitioner Gray close prisoner to the Gatehouse, but nowe by your honnours direccions hath the liberty of the prison, and your other petitioner Smyth to the messengers hands, under whose custody he still remaynes at greate charges.

And whereas your petitioners have beene examined, and hope that your honnour is satisfied thereupon that a greate misinformacion hath beene given against your petitioners.

Humbly beseecheth your honnour to graunte unto your petitioners their liberty to goe into the countrey to followe their urgent occasions there and they shall duely appeare before your honnour, or the lordes of his majesties most honourable Privy Councell upon convenient notice.

And your petitioners shall ever pray for your honnour.

William Hill of Wapping, mariner. HL/PO/JO/10/1/42 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes in the most honorable and highe court of Parliament assembled.

The humble petycion of William Hill of Wappinge marryner.

Humbly sheweth that in the yeare 1637 John Fairberne beinge master of a shipp of London called the Elizabeth shipped your petycioner as his pilot and chife mate for a voage to Virginia but before the said shipp then arrived the said Fairberne died after whose decease your petitioner was made master for the navigating of the said shipp and noe otherwise that then the said Fairbernes wearinge apparell were sold att the mast accordinge to the custome of the sea by one Francis Smith another mate and purser of the said shipp and by the boswaine and your petitioner had noe hand nour did intermedle therein: which affidavy is here made in cort

That the said Fairberne haveinge divers other goodes as in adventure and the goodes safely beinge brought a shoare in Virginia beinge bona peritura Sir John Harvey then governer of the countrey and haveinge power soe to doe graunted the administracion thereof to one William Warringe which admynistratour there tooke upon him the care and disposinge of the said goodes and gave bond in Virginia to the governer to bee responsable for the same:

But soe it is that att your petycioners retorne with the said shipp to the port of London, one William Peckett procured letteres of administracion of the said Fairberns estate from Sir Henry Martyn and relyinge upon the counteynance and favour of the said Sir Henry Martyn against the lawe arrested your peticioner by collour of some warrant or authority from the said Sir Henry as judge of the Court of Admiralty upon a supposed accion of 600 pounds and thereupon cast your petycioner in prison, where hee was forced to lye for the space of 3 weekes or thereaboutes before hee could gett bayle and after your petycioner beinge on a voyage to sea the said Peckett proceeded against your petycioner in the Court of Admiralty before the said Sir Henry Marten as judge there for the goodes of the said Fairberne and the said Sir Henry Marten without any manner of ground or proofe att all in your petycioners absence gave sentence against your petycioner to pay unto the said Peckett the summe of 50 pounds with costs of suite under which unjuste and unwarrantable judgement and sentence your petycioner and his bayle doe yet lye to theire apparent wronge and prejudice and to theire utter undoeinge unles releeved by this honourable assembly.

Hee therefore humbly prayeth that forasmuch as hee is a marriner and bound forth for another voyage and beinge by this suite in the Admiralty much oppressed to his utter overthrowe that hee is noe waies able to prosecute his cause in the court of delicats wheather hee hath appealed and the governour and other wittnesses beinge now in the citty of London to justifie the proceedinges aforesaid on your petycioners behalfe that your lordships will be honourably pleased soe farr to take the premisses into your consideracion as to command the said Sir Henry Marten and William Peckett to appeare before your lordships and to bringe before your lordships the bookes and proceedinges in the said cause that your petycioner may have a view thereof that after a due examinacion of the trueth of your petycioners complainte hee may bee in every of the premisses releived as unto your lordships grave judgements shall bee thought meete:

And as in duty bound hee shall ever pray for a prosperous proceedinge upon this most honourable assembly etc.

  • William Hill

George Huntley, clerk. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper house of Parliament assembled, the most humble petition of George Huntley clerke

Most humbly sheweth, that your petitioner hath beene fined, imprisoned, deprived, degrad= ed and excommunicated in the High Commission Court by certaine high commisionoures because being noe licensed preacher, hee would not by preaching a visitacion sermon advance the postscript private letter or message of Master Doctor Kingsley archdeacon of Canterbury above the canones of this orthodox church, his majesties letters patentes and supreme ecclesiasticall jurisdict= ion. In which respect there lies an information against the foresaid high commissionoures and the said archdeacon, according to the 19th chapter of the 25 of Henrici 8 revived in the first of the first of Elizabeth as plainely appeares by this annexed copy of the materialles of the said infor mation against the foresaid persones, conteining both the statute upon which the information is grounded and also the severall actes of the said persones against the said statute, and the particu= ler time, wherein they were done. And upon the delivering of a true copy of the said particuleres and materialles of this information 9 Caroli unto the reverend judges of the honourable court of Kinges Bench, your petitioner was then assigned for a prosecutor in an infor= mation against the foresaid high commissionoures by rule of the said court, and Master Atturney Generall was intreated to bee of your petitioners counsell, and Sir Harry Calthorpe was assigned to your petitioner for counsell, and Master Keeling and Master Offley for clerkes to drawe up the said information by rule of the said court as appeares by a true copy of two rules sett downe under the said copy of the materialles of the foresaid information. And not with standing all this, seing two of the said judges, and the Atturney Generall that then were, are since dead, your petitioner cannot through any importunity bring the information to light nor procure the said judges that now are to deliver their opinions upon the foresaid copy of the materialles of the said information, whether the said information lies good against the high commissioneres nor the now Atturney Generall to confesse, whether there bee any information drawne up either by himselfe or his predecessour against the said high commissionoures and upon record in the said court or not. And yet your petitioner haveing taken the oath of supremacy, is still bound by that oath to the uttmost of his power to defend all jurisdictions of the crowne, and therefore this said auntient ju= risdiction of the crowne over the state ecclesiasticall. And in that behalfe hee is by the same oath bound to crave the helpe and assistance of all your lordships in this honourable and high house of Parliament assembled.

May it therefore please your lordships according to the usage and custome in such weighty causes, as the late Lord Chancellour Egerton in Calvins case sheweth to call into your said house all the reverend judges of the three honourable courtes of common law, and to require them upon the foresaid copy of the materialles of an information, to deliver their opinions, whether an information lies good against the foresaid high commissioneres or not, that so your lordships may accor= ding to our saviour Jesus Christ his commaund Saint Mathew 22 give unto Cesar those thinges which are Caesares and that thereupon your petitioner may ei= ther goe on in the said information with a good courage; and to the uttmost of his power, according to the foresaid oath, or els desist securely from all further prosecution therein, without all danger and feare of perjury and your petitioner shall ever pray for your lordships spirituall and temporall happines in this life and eternall in the life to come

  • George Huntley
  • George Huntley

George Huntley, clerk. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper house of Parliament assembled, the most humble petition of George Huntley clerke

Most humbly sheweth that your petitioner was the 19th day of Aprill 1627 by certaine high commissioners fined 500 pounds and then committed to prison and detained in prison two whole yeeres, because being noe licensed preacher he would not by preaching a visitacion sermon advance the postscript, private letter or message of Master Doctor Kingsley archdeacon of Canterbury above the canons of this orthodox church, his majesties letteres patentes and roiall prerogative. And at the end of two whole yeeres, after your petitioner had upon an habeas corpus issuing out of the honourable court of Kinges Bench beene delivered from his said imprisonment pascha 1629 by the joint consent of all the reverend judges, then of the said court, your petitioner the very same tearme by originall commenced an action of false imprisonment against the said Doctor Kingsley and foure otheres commissioners and also against Brian Wilton then warden of the new prison in Maiden Lane in London (to whose custody your petitioner had beene committed) for 2000 pounds for dammages for your petitioners said two yeeres imprisonment which action being not issuable but being come to a joint and a generall demurrer on both sides because the defendantes plea is insufficient, hath depended in the said court full eleven yeeres this tearme, and in all this time hath not once been argued because as the said judges pretend, your petitioners said action is discontinued, because your petitioner began his action by originall and drew up the imperliances by bill and there upon the said judges will not assigne your petitioner any counsell, nor suffer him to make a motion in his said action, nor the 5t chapter of the 27 of Elizabeth to bee openly read in full court, though by that statute it evidently appeare, that noe error in forme, being not specially and particulerly set downe and exprest by the parties de= murring togeither with their demurrer (such as the foresaid error is) can bee any discontinuance de jure, nor ought to bee de facto, neither can hinder the hearing [or?] the arguing of the cause, nor can bee the cause of a writt of error neither can suspend or reverse a judgement, but is by the judges to bee amend= ed even after demurrer joined and entred.

May it therefore please your lordshipes according to the usage and custome in such cases, to call into your said house all the reverend judges of the three honourable courtes of common law, and to require them to give their opinions upon the said statute, whether the foresaid pretended discontinuance be de jure or not, that thereupon your petitioner may have power either to goe on with his said action, and have counsell assigned him or eles leave to argue his case himselfe; or otherwise may have power to purchase a new originall against all those high commissioneres that had a hand in your petitioneres first commitment. Both which have hitherto beene denied him, the one by the said judges, the other by the right honourable the last and the now Lord Keeper and herein either the one or the other hath violated their oath for if the discontinuance bee a good discontinuance, then the Lord Keeper hath violated his oath in not graunting your petitioner a new originall, as his lordship is bound by his oath: and if it bee not a good discontinuance, then the judges have violated their oath, extant 18 Edwardi 3 in makeing that a discontinuance de facto, which is not de jure, and certaine it is number 30 [verse?] 2 that the violation of a possible and a lawfull promissory oath such as the said Lord Keeperes and the said judges is, is perjury, as well as forswearing or false swearing in a lawfull assertory oath. And if your lordships please to call in both the Lord Keeper and the said judges and to examine where the fault lies, your petitioner shall ever pray for your lordshipes spirituall and temporall happines in this world and eternall in the world to come.

  • George Huntley.

Henry, earl of Stanford. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right reverend and right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Henry Earle of Stanford.

Humblie sheweth. That your peticioner did make his complaint about the feast of All Saintes last past was a twelvemonth unto the Lord Archbishops Grace of Canterburie, against one Joseph Smith clarke, parson of Swithland in the county of Leicester, for divers insolencies and misdemeanours, committed against the person of your peticioner, upon which complaint, the said archbishops grace, gave his commaund that articles should be preferred into the High Comission Court, against the said Smith, which was soe done, and he did answer. But your peticioner being about that tyme comaunded to waite upon his majestie into the north and by reason of his greate and weightie affaires, in the settling of his estate which did much concerne him, and in providing for the same expedition, and being likewise informed, that the said Smith was soe dangerouslie sicke, that there was small hope of his life, your peticioner did ommitt to proceede in the said cause for that tyme. But in the begining of Michaelmas tearme [illegible] last past, your peticioner commaunded, his servant to search what was done, in the said buisines in the High Commission Court, with intent to prosecute who found that his cause was dismissed the said court and nothing at all done against the said Smith in reparacion of your peticioners honour since which tyme the said Smith doth still persevere in his insolent courses as heretofore he hath done.

His humble suite unto your lordships is, that your lordships would please to peruse this informacion hereunto annexed, which is most true, by which his insolencies will sufficientlie appeare. And if your peticioner be thought worthey to enjoy the right of a peere of this realme that your lordships would be pleased to take his honour into consideracion.

  • Stanforde

Dame Mabell Plowden, wife of Sir Edmond Plowden knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall of the upper house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Dame Mabell Plowden the wife of Sir Edmond Plowden knight

Shewinge that shee brought lands of inheritance to her said husband of 300 pounds per annum at least and a great personall estate.

That she hath beene his wife 23 yeares and borne him 17 children, lived with him both in England and Ireland conforming herselfe in all obedience to him, out of a desire to gaine his love and her owne peace.

That this notwithstanding hee did for many yeares together especially in the yeare 1636 exercise severall cruelties upon your petitioners person to the great indangering of her life for the securing whereof seeing neyther such an estate the obligacion of soe many children, or 20 yeares cohabitacion could turne his heart from such violences shee was inforced to leave his howse, and to sue for alemony.

That for those cruelties apparantly proved and long practised, the Court of High Commission conceiving your petitioners forbearance of cohabitacion to bee just, did order the said Sir Edmond to pay unto your petitioner alemony which was taxed at 200 pounds per annum, payable quarterly and alsoe the said court gave 50 pounds costes.

That afterwardes upon the peticion of the said Sir Edmund; and alsoe of your petitioner made to the right honourable the lords comittees of the last Parliament; their lordshipps upon severall dayes spent in the hearing of the said differences, taking your peticioners case somewhat into consideracion, did order that the said Sir Edmond should pay the arrerages of the said allimony and costes and give 1500 pounds collaterall security for her safety and goode usage.

That the said Sir Edmond hath ever since refused to performe performe the said order, attempted an escape contrary to the same and in the Court of Kings Bench within a few dayes before the beginning of this Parliament did endeavor to invalide the force thereof by meanes of which obstinacie your petitioner is ready to starve.

Her humble suite therefore to your lordshipps is that takeing her distressed estate into your noble consideracions, you will bee pleased soe to order these differences, that by judgement of this honourable howse, the said 200 pounds per annum, together with all arrerages and costes may bee setled upon her that amongst her other misfortunes, shee may not suffer the calamity of want, he injoying your petitioners estate of farr greater value, and his estate being 800 pounds per annum at least; to which end your petitioner is an humble suitor to your lordshipps that you will bee pleased to appoint a certaine day for the hearing of both parties and ending the said differences.

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall dayly pray

Mabell Plowden


[illegible] The lady Plowden petition received xo Novembris 1640 et lecta eodem die.

Sir Edmund Plowden, knight, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall of the upper howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Sir Edmund Plowden knight close prisoner in the Fleete.

Humbly sheweth that the petitioner after 3 full hearings by a plenary dismission and confirmacion, in his wives cause of allemony in the High Commission Court, was discharged there). Yett by practise of his brother and others oweing him 9000 pounds by misentry of orders and a sentence by a clerke there since turnd out of office, and being neyther register nor deputy, they have falsely imprisoned the petitioner 21 monethes for not giving bond for allemony, whereas that court erected by statute 1o Elizabeth for high crimes and enormities onely hath noe power to hold plea of allemony or imprison being a civill cause and noe crime and soe adjudged by our late soveraigne King James and all the 12 judges present and since by 40 severall judgementes and prohibitions and freeing of prisoners thence committed soe as for many yeares allemony was lefte out of the High Comission and last Easter terme and this terme like prohibicions have beene granted against that courte. And for that the lordes committees by 2 judges assisted on the 30th of Aprill last on hearing of the premisses and by the attestacion of the right reverend bishopps of Ely and Rochester present alsoe at the sentence aswell of the civill lawe as of that [parte?] of the sentence soe misentred and left out: that on security for her safetie entred the allemony was to cease. It was then ordered that the peticioners wife should thenceforth cohabitt, the petitioner giveing 1500 pounds security for her safety and good usage and if shee did refuse to nominate one to take the security or not to accept it soe entred then the alemony to cease. But shee refusing eyther to cohabite or nominate her freind and the alemony soe ended shee being hid and still misledd by his said brother as his instrument by imprisonment to disable the recovery of his 9000 pounds hath still by his practises kept your petitioner in prison on impossibility of giveing security shee not nominating till this last moneth after summons of the Parliament on the petitioners habeas corpus brought shee then nominating one Blackborne by order of the Kings Bench the petitioner entred in a recognizance of 1500 pounds to him and all moneys on his part due tendred.

Forasmuch as noe mony for alemony is now due by the lordes committees order but all ended by her refusall nor by civill lawe or the true sentence pronounced after security entred which in that court is long since donne and now againe by recognizance and none by lawe or statutes but the contrary is 40 tymes adjudged and is all but 100 pounds for one yeare untill the lords committees order which the petitioner with his recognizance would voluntarily depositt both to bee discharged if shee would cohabitt and give upp his former bonds and writings and discharge in that court [being?]. Butt hopeth your lordshipps will not order or confirme that courtes false imprisonment or proceedings in any thing a greevance [illegible] [by both howses of Parliament?] complained of in generall by the kingdome and adjudged 40 severall tymes as unjust by 40 prohibicions and judgements and soe prejudice the publique by such a president.

Humbly prayeth your lordshipps to declare that the lordes committees have not imprisoned the petitioner that soe on his habeas corpus depending hee may bee freed at the Kings Bench: or else on the opinion of the 2 judges now assisting on his false imprisonment for alemony your lordshipps will free your petitioner and order her to cohabite and render herselfe to the petitioner forthwith before one of these 2 judges and his brother as formerly hee hath beene ordered and attatched and other his lawe adversaries to forbeare her company or intermeddle. And the peticioner shall ever pray etc.

Edmund Plowden


Peticion Edmund Plowden knight Received xo November 1640. read lecta eodem die lecta

The commissioners of the late Parliament and other loyal subjects of Scotland. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of the comissioners of the late Parliament and others of his majesties loyall subjects of the kingdome of Scotland.

Humby shewinge that where after our many sufferings this tyme past, extreame necessity hath constrayned us for our releife, and obtayning our humble and just desires to come into England, where according to our intencions formerly declared we have in all our journy lived upon our meanes, victualls, and goods brought along with us, and nether troubling the peace of the kingdome nor harming any of your majesties subjects of whatsoever quality in their persons or goods, have carried our selfes in a most peaceable maner, till we were pressed by strenght of our armes to putt such forces out of the way, as did without our deserving and (as some of them at the point of death have confessed) against there owne consciences oppose our peacable passage at Newburne on Tine, and have brought their bloode upon their owne heades, against our pur= pose and desires expressed in our letters sent unto them at New= castle for preventing the like and greater inconvenientes, and that we may without further opposition come unto your majesties presence, for obtayning from your majesties justice and goodnesse, satisfaccion to our just demands. We your majesties most humble and loyall subjects doe still insist in that submisse way of petitioning, which we have keiped from the beginning. And fra the which no provocacion of your majesties enemies and ours, no adversity that we have before susteyned, nor prosperous successe can befall us, shalbe able to divert our mindes. Most humbly entreating that your majestie would in the depth of your royall wisedome, consider at last of our pressing greevances, provide for the repairing of our wrongs and losses, and with the advise of the estates of the kingedome of England con= veined in Parliament, settle a firme and durable peace against all invasion by sea, or land; that we may with chearefullnes of heart pay unto your majestie as our native kinge, all dutie and obe= dience that can be expected from loyall subjects, and that against the many and great evills which at this tyme threatten both kingdomes, whereof all your majesties good and loving subjects tremble to thinke, and which we beseech almighty God in mercie tymously to avert, that your majesties throne may be established in the midst of peace in religion and righteousnes. And your majesties gracious answere we humbly desire and earnestlie wait for.


[Quere?] the date.

The coopers, citizens and freemen of the city of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the knights citizens and burgesses in the Commons Howse of Parliament in this present Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of the coopers citizens and freemen of the City of London.

Sheweth that your peticioners are an ancient company incorporated, anno 16o Henrici 7 and are freemen of the City of London, whereby they are and ought to be at liberty to buy and sell all lawfull marchandize, especially within the said City of London and have so done ever since untill now of late that they have for many yeres used the trade of buying of wynes from the marchant and selling againe the same, not by retayle as the vintner but by the vessell and rundlettes to the subject, and have traded yerely for many yeres with the marchant to his great incouragement in trade for 40000 pounds per annum and upwardes and by such their trade have long had the reputacion of wyne coopers.

That in the vintage anno 1638 your peticioners had bought and were possessed of wynes bought of the marchant to the value at the least of 40000 pounds.

That to bynd the marchantes to the vintners alone and from all others and perticulerly to restreyne your peticioners from buying and selling wynes, and purchase the whole trade to themselves whereby the marchant must sell at their will and price, or perish their comodity and loose his trade for severall unlawfull priviledges and advantages to be graunted them, (which if duly examined) will appeare to be of little benefitt of the King, of great proffitt to themselves, of an oppertunity to deceive without discovery, and of greivous oppression to the subject have not only offered and contracted to pay themselves to the King 40 shillings per ton, but inforced the French and Spanish marchantes to condiscend thereunto or to loose his present markett and future trade, and are become themselves farmours of that imposicon. Upon which offer to his majestie and upon pretence what your peticioners did adulterate wynes which they had now gott into their power, wholly to do undiscovered they obteyned a proclamacion in July 14o Caroli to inhebet your peticioners wholly to buy or sell, having great quantities of wynes upon their handes, and having taken from them that trade do also themselves keep coopers in their howses and the beere and ale brewers supernumerary coopers beyond what is warranted by the statute by all which meanes your petitioners freedome is restreyned, their trade destroyed, the petitioners and their families ruyned

Your petitioners humbly pray their just greivances herein to be tymely taken into your honourable consideraciones and redressed, that this excesse (so greivous being a price not only to buy your petitioners out of their trade, but to restreyne the marchantes, and monopolize the sole buying and selling of wynes) may be remedied, and the projectours to their meritt punished and the brewers and vintners who incroach upon their trade, (the brewers by a non obstante in a late charter having obteyned an enlargement beyond the [stat?] restreyned.

And they shall ever pray unto God to blesse your proceedinges and for every member of the honourable society.

  • Thomas Gill
  • Richard [Walkar?]
  • Jonas Woodward
  • Thomas Bayly his mark
  • Thomas Hull
  • Richard Mills
  • Christopher Ball

Wyne coopers 18o Novembris read, coopers.

The merchants trading in Spanish wines. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the Commons assembled in the High Court of Parliament.

The humble peticion of the marchantes his majesties subjectes trading in Spanish wynes.

Sheweth. That by the plott and practice of Alderman Abell and the rest of the Company of Vintners of London the peticioners have byn brought in, to enter into contract and covenantes with the said vintners for the bringing and taking of 4000 tonnes of Spanish wynes yerely at the prices sett by proclamacion, and thereby it is agreed that in case of difference concerning the taking of the said wynes, they shall stand to and performe the orders of the lordes of his majesties most honourable Privy Councell.

But so it is the said vintners have neither performed the said contract, nor the severall orders made by their lordshipps in that behalfe, nor made full payment for those wynes they have taken, whereby the petitioners are dampnified above 10000 pounds the which they often sett forth to their lordships by peticions, but cannott obteyne remedy, insomuch that by the obstinacy and combinacion of the said vintners, many of the petitioners are in contingence to be undone, and to be deprived and quite suppressed of following their trade and dealing in wynes which they yerely obteyne and purchase with the proceed of the manufactures of this kingdome, and for that in all former Parliamentes it hath ever byn used to favour comfort assist and encourage the marchantes which contynually imploy shipping and deale cheifely in the manufacture of this kingdome, which so much concernes the publique good and releife of the poore, and now the rather for that the vent of English manufactures in Spaine is ten tymes more then in former tymes.

The peticioners humbly pray this honourable assembly to take into consideracion the damage done to the petitioners and to enjoyne the said vintners to make satisfaccion for the same. And also to examyne the great injury done to the petitioners and to the whole common wealth by their practices exactions and combinacions proceeding or derived cheifly by the priveledges (hereto annexed,) which they have lately obteyned being so much against the publique good and without any example in this kingdome to the end that restitucion may be made, and future reformacion setled for the increase of trade and generall good of the kingdome.

That all marchantes may be enjoyned to sell wynes to none but retailing vintners.

That all coopers may be restreyned from buying or selling of wynes.

That all free vintners may dresse and sell victualles beere sugar and tobacco.

That they may have repayment of the 6000 pounds paid formerly into his majesties Exchequer

That his majestie wilbe pleased to graunt to all retaylours of wyne generall and free pardon for all delinquencies comitted in thexercise of their trade to this day, and also to graunt them liberty to adventure for wynes of all sortes.

That they may have licence to sell at a penny a quart over and above the prices sett by the lordes whereby to be inabled to pay his majestie 40 shillings per tonne.


Spanish merchantes

Spanish marchantes

Thomas, earl of Strafford, Lieutenant General of Ireland. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honorable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the Highe Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble petition of Thomas Earle of Strafforde his majesties Lieutenant Generall of Irelande.

Humbly sheweth that the petitioner was on the eleaventh of this moneth called to the barre before your lordships ther to his greate sense chardged in the name of the Commons of Englande with highe treason, and by your lordships committed to the gentleman ushers, where he hath since remained to his very greate prejudice both in healthe, fortune and otherwise. Howbeit your petitioner heares not as yet, of any matter in spetiall objected aganst him.

By meanes of this restrainte, (wherin neverthelesse he willingly submitts himself to the good pleasure of your lordships) your petitioner is for the time deprived of the most valewable and esteemable inheritance any subjectt of this kingdome can be possest of, to wit the honour to sit in Parliament amongst the peeres of the realme

Your petitioner humbly beseecheth your lordships he may be bayled, have counsell assigned, and Master William Raylton allowed him as a sollicitour in the modest and just course of his owne defence.

And your petitioner shall wishe to your noble lordships all increase of honour and happinesse.


Lecta 19o die Novembris 1640 [entered?]

Roger North, administrator of Sir Francis Conisby and executor of Lady Conisby. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Roger North esquire administrator of the goodes of Sir Francis Conisby knight not administred and executor of Mary Lady Conisby late wife and administratrix of the said Sir Francis.

Humbly sheweth that Sir Raph Conisby in February 1615 mortgaged a farme called Charinges in the county of Hertford to William Peacock esquire for 540 pounds debt payable within one yeare, and the 13th of March following intending the good of Sir Francis Conisby his eldest sonne, and to prevent his unthriftines made a lease unto Sir John Boteler deceased and 5 others of the mannours of North Myms and the Weild in the same county and of all other his landes, hereditamentes etc in Hertfordshire upon trust that they should permitt such persons to enjoy the same, or should dispose of the rentes and profittes of the premisses as by his will in writing, or any writing under his hand and seale he should appoint. And by another deed of the same date, did grant them his woodes upon Mymscommon to fell and dispose at their pleasures and did grant the grownd and soyle thereof for 10 yeares upon trust that they should fell and dispose of soe much of the said woodes as they should thinke fitt, and pay the money to his executours for and towards the payment of all his debtes that he should owe to any person att the time of his death and the day after made his will and thereby appointed that the said lessees should permitt Sir Francis Conisby his eldest sonne to receave the said rentes and profittes, but if hee should alienate them then they should receive and dispose them to his and his wives use, and gave them power to make joynture to such wife as his sonne Francis should marrie and made the Lady Jane Conisby his wife executrix and in the perclose of his will saith whereas there is to be paid to my sister Catlyn yearely 100 pounds out of my landes, I will the same to be paid or compounded for out of the porcion my sonne Francis shall have in marriage with his wife and the overplus to be bestowed towardes the stocking of him and after declared by word of mouth that Charinges should be redeemed with the first monyes to be raised out of Mymswoodes.

The said Raph died within a few dayes after he made his will leaving a great personall estate more then sufficient to pay his debtes and redeeme the said farme and Sir Francis his eldest sonne married in October 1616 Mary North the petitioners sister, the said lessees haveing made the match and receaved 1000 pounds of the porcion whereupon they conveyed the mannor of the Weild and Charinges farme whereof they then received the profittes to Sir John North and your petitioner for their sisters joynture which were the only present maintenance of Sir Francis and his lady and [illegible] mannor of Northmyms was to come unto Sir Francis after the death of the Lady Jane Conisby.

The lessees suffered Charinges to be forfeited haveing the woodes wherewith Sir Raph did specially direct it should be redeemed as aforesaid and haveing the porcion money in their handes wherewith they were urged on the behalfe of Sir Francis to redeeme it with an offer of freeing them of Catlyns annuity upon the trustees suggestion that Sir Francis his landes wherewith they were trusted was lyable thereunto where in truth they were not.

The trustees did not buy in Catlyns annuity, but paid it out of the said 1000 pounds porcion, and thereby diminished 150 pounds thereof and at last procured the said annuity to be paid out of the rentes of the Weild contrary to the trust afterwards 7o July 1618 Sir Francis obteyned a decree in the Lord Keeper Bacons time by the consent of the said lessees who were by that decree forthwith to sell the woodes and to redeeme Charinges with the first monyes, which not sufficeing, the personall estate of Sir Raph was to supply towardes the redempcion, and haveing wasted 150 pounds of the porcion were to pay to Sir John Savage the 850 pounds remayning to discharge Sir Francis debtes who was to sett out land, to satisfie the annuity, and one Master Thelwall was to consider what landes were fittest to be charged, but the lessees crossed this decree in the Lord Keeper Lyncolnes time by an order 5o February 1621 and upon pretences which appeare by that order they gott halfe the woodes for the Lady Jane Conisby leaving only the other halfe for redempcion of Charinges which Sir Francis and his lady would not accept of but did presse for the performance of the said decree, and Sir Francis and his lady obteyned a reference to the late lord archbishopp and other lordes who discovered that Catlyns annuity stood chardged upon Master Thomas Conisbyes land in Middlesex, and 23o November 1623 certified that it ought not to be layd upon Sir Francis who (with the Lord Bacon) till then conceaved his owne land to be lyable thereunto upon the fraudulent suggestion of the said lessees whereupon King James 28o January 1623 commanded that the Lord Keeper with those lordes should give speedy releife to Sir Francis and his lady according to the said certificate, which his majestie in the first yeare of his reigne did also confirme.

Sir Francis and his lady haveing no releife upon the said decree, certificate and references exhibited their peticion to this honourable howse, whereby it appeared, that they were further oppressed with other injuryes and incombrances, whereupon they obteyned the order of this supreame court hereunto annexed, in high contempt whereof Master Thomas Conisby kept the possession of the principall howse and mannor of Northmyms from Sir Francis and his lady, and putt them to a greate dammage and expence concerning the same after the time of the Parliament.

Sir Francis and his lady being wearied out in suites died without releife, and suffered extremityes for want of their owne, Sir Francis dying in December 1628 and his lady in November 1631 the lady haveing further lost above 300 per annum and the last yeare above 400 pounds out of her joynture.

The petitioner in pursuit of the said order of Parliament 26o November 1632 obteyned an order in Chancery that Sir Robert Rich and Auditor Phillipps should have commission to examine upon oath any thing requisitt for the accomplishment of the true intent and meaning of the order of this house, whereupon the petitioner with severall processes and great difficulty brought up divers witnesses which were examined although some of the most materiall were not, whereby and for that the petitioner was not suffered to make due and free use of the said examinacions with other harsh proceedinges too various and tedious to relate in particulers, not only his right and cause is still obscured, but the eminent justice and dignity of the order of this howse is so farr blemished, that the petitioner (not to be guilty thereof) hath been fayne to desist and to appeale unto this supreame court for some just and equitable releife in these unparallelled injuryes, and for a finall end of this perpetuated cause which hath not only miserably perplexed, but in all likelyhood much shortned the life of his sister and her husband

Hee most humbly prayes that your lordshipps will call for the proofes and examinacions that have been taken and remayne with Sir Robert Rich, or elswhere upon the order of this howse, and that thereupon condigne recompence may be made to the estates of Sir Francis Conisby and his lady.

1. For the losse and meane profittes of Charinges farme according to the expresse intencion of Sir Raph Conisby, and of the intent of the order of this howse, and of the decree made by consent.

2. For the losse and dammage which Sir Francis susteyned in being kept by Master Thomas Conisby from the possession of Northmyms from the death of the Lady Jane Conisby which happened in [mid May?] 1628 to the death of Sir Francis being 30 weekes contrary to the aforesaid order of Parliament and in being hindred from makeing sale of the woodes thereof in the interim, whereby the saide Master Conisby may not become a gayner by doeing such eminent wrong.

3. For the losses and undue charges and incombrances layd upon the joynture landes of his sister in her 3 yeares widowhood, and that the landes and rentes belonging to the mannour of the Weild may be made knowne by the surviveing feoffees whereby a perfect accompt may be drawen from Master Thomas Conisby and others concerning the same.

4. For the moity of Mymswoodes which was left standing att the end of the said terme of tenn yeares.

5. To have allowance of charges and expences for the long and chargable suite of Sir Francis and his lady in seeking releife in the premisses together with the petitioners owne great expences

And the petitioner shall ever pray etc

  • Roger Northe

Archibald Nicholles. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right reverend and right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall now assembled in Parliament

The humble peticion of Archibald Nicholles

Humblie sheweth that your petitioner was an humble suter unto this honourable assemblie in anno 1628 for 3277 pounds justlie due unto him as appeareth by a report then drawen upp by the right honourable the Earle of Warwick heerunto annexed, but by reason of the suddayne dissolucion of the house there was noe order there uppon made

Since which time your petitioner hath beene an humble petitioner unto his sacred majestie for relief therin but the prosecution proveng soe long and chargeable hath caused him miserablie to suffer imprisonment 3 yeares together for moneys he tooke upp to follow and prosecute this sute

Wheruppon the last Parliament he became an humble suter unto your honors for his said moneys whoe uppon debate of the said bussienes between Sir John Hippeslie and your petitioner did find that the same was now due unto your petitioner from his majestie in regard that the said Sir John had accompted for all the moneys unto his majestie which was raised uppon sale of the goods that your petitioner and others tooke in a shipp by vertue of his majesties letteres of mart to them granted for recovering of theire great losses sustayned by the Dunkirkers and out of which your petitioner should have been satisfied

Your honors then desired the right honourable the Earle of Dorsett to report the same to the house which accordingly he did, wheruppon his lordshipp was desired to move his majestie therwith on your petitioners behalf, yitt nevertheles your petitioner is unsatisfied of anie part or parcell therof soe that he is now enforced to to renewe his humble sute unto your honors

His most humble sute therfore is, that your honors would be pleased to looke with the eye of mercie and compassion uppon the distressed and unsupportable estate of your poore petitioner and his poore wife and children, whoe doe groane under the untollerable burthen of pe nrie and want, him self haveng alreadie sufferred three yeares imprissonment and expecteth daielie to fall into the like miserie unlesse your honours setle some course for his relief and to take into your honourable consideracions the long forberance of his moneys, his great charges in prosecution of this sute, and the losse of his time by diverting his trade soe long beeng a merchant as alsoe the great benefitt that came to his majestie by the shipp your petitioner and others tooke beeng worth fiftie thousand pounds as appeareth by your honors order the last Parliament heerunto annexed; and that your honors would be pleased to mediate unto his majestie for some present relief, as alsoe for such speedie and constant course to be setled for the due paiement of the rest as shall be most agreable to his majesties occasions, and your poore petitioners miserable estate and condicion uppon whose honorable and compasionat favors and mediation depends your petitioners comfort or continewing miserie

Archibald Nicholls


Archibald Nicolls received xixo die Novembris 1640 lecta eodem die.

N: O: P: Q: R. S.

Archibald Nicholls received xixo die Novembris 1640 lecta eodem die.

Marie, countess of Home. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall of the upper howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Marie Countesse of Home

Humbly sheweth that about five yeares past your peticioner lent to the honourable Thomas Earle of Cleevland the summe of two thousand poundes upon his faithfull promise of repayment at a day now past with consideracion for the forbearance thereof after the rate of seaven poundes per centum

That for securitie thereof the said earle and the Lord Wentworth his sonne made your peticioner a writeing purporting a lease of the mannour of Hackney in the county of Middlesex with severall particular parcells of land therein named and valued at 80 pounds per annum with covenantes and bond for the better assurance thereof

And your peticioner confesseth that the interest hath beene hitherto paid, although not at the dayes and times when it ought to be paid nor without exceeding great trouble and inconvenience to your peticioner in attending and calling upon the said earle from time to time for the payment thereof

And whereas your peticioner would not have suspected that a person of honour could have dealt soe ill as upon his faith to sett out unto your peticioner for her securitie any landes which himselfe had formerly mortgaged or engaged unto others yett now it appeareth that before the said lease thereof made to your peticioner the said earle had formerly mortgaged or engaged severall parcells of the premisses unto other persons who have made their entryes thereinto or extended the same and gotten the possession thereof

And it is alsoe given out that the whole mannour and all the residue before mencioned to be conteyned in the said lease made to your peticioner for her securitie was alsoe formerly mortgaged by the said earle unto another person of honour for money lent in the manner whereby your peticioner is in danger to loose the said 2000 pounds unles some speedy course be taken for her

Now soe it is may it please your good lordshipps that your peticioner haveing little or nothing els in England besides the said money lent to the said earle is in great extreamitie for the want thereof being at this present utterly frustrate of her rent out of Scotland.

And therefore humbly beseecheth your lordshipps to order that the said earle (haveing knowledge of this peticion) may pay the said money to your peticioner.

Marie Home


Recepta xixo die Novembris 1640 lecta eodem die.

Theophilus, earl of Lincoln. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes assembled in the High Court of Parliament

The humble peticion of Theophilus Earle of Lincolne.

Sheweth that your petitioner and his ancestours earles of Lincolne were and for divers yeares past have bin seised of the mannours of Aslaby Poynton Billingborough Horbling and Swaton in the countie of Lincolne, within which mannours there are severall fenns, the which being supposed to bee surrounded with waters his majestie of late yeares, hath bin pleased to yssue severall comissions of sewers for the draineing of them, and other lowe groundes betweene the cittie of Lincolne and the river of Glen, directed to divers comissioners of sewers many of which were and bee also sharers in that levell whereupon the said comissioners did heertofore upon their view, decree sundry greate quantities of your petitioners mannours to bee hurtfully surrounded and the comissioners taxed the said groundes at thirteene shillinges fourepence the acre, to bee paid by a day shortly after but did not proceed therein by inquisicion and jury as by law they ought to have don, and yet your petitioner by the day prefixed or soone after, and long before anie thing was don about the draineing workes, did tender his tax mony and security for the same, of purpose to save his freehould and inheritance from alienacion and saile by the said comissioners all which notwithstanding the Earle of Lindsey being declared undertaker of draineing that levell upon supposall that hee hath drained soe much thereof as lyeth betweene the river of Glen and Kime, hath obteined lawes of sewers for haveing out of your petitioners mannours two thousand acres or thereaboutes which are worth about 700 pounds per annum, whereas your petitioner offereth to make good by proofe, that the said levell in that part thereof is in no sort sufficiently drained but by reason of the banckes cast upp to safegard that part of the fens which is allotted to the said Earle of Lindsey, the rest of the fens within your petitioners said mannours which is lefte to your petitioner and his tenantes is upon every flood sooner and longer and deeper surrounded then it hath bin heretofore within any mans memorie, and in the said mannour of Swaton there is by the direccion of the said Earle of Lindsey and his participantes, a crosse bancke made over a great common sewer which doth endanger the drowning of the whole towne upon occasion of any great flood and the said lawes of the comissioners of sewers are in very many pointes erronious and illegall.

The which proceedinges beeing soe prejudiciall to your petitioner in his freehold and inheritance and of dangerous consequence.

Hee prayeth your lordships due consideracion of the said laws of sewers and that your petitioner may have have right don him as appertaineth to justice and equitie

Theophilus Lyncoln


The right honourable the Earle of Lincoln petition received xixo die Novembris 1640 lecta eodem die.

William Fearnall of Chester. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the Kings most excellent majestie and to his majesties comittees of this his majesties most High Court of Parleament.

The humble peticion of your majesties most humble subject William Fearnall of your cittie of Chester.

Most humbly shewing that your petitioner well knowing of severall grosse abuses, whereby the cittie and country neere thereto adjoyning have bine dampnified 2000 pounds by the yeere in butchers victualls formerly sould, and great sommes forfeited to the Kinges majestie within the said cittie for the space of 7 or 8 yeeres now last past, as also for the slaughtering, selling, and causeing to be sould within the said cittie divers and sundry times unwholesome victualls to the great danger of breeding of infectious diseases among his majesties subjectes, and many other insufferable abuses, which as your petitioner conceiveth ought not to be allowed, yet they have bine conived at by some of authoritie, whose offices had bine to have used their best endeavours for the remedy thereof.

And that your petitioner in obeysance to his King and love to his countrey hath preferred severall indictments in his majesties name at the sessions houlden for the said cittie of Chester against some of the said offendours for which they have bine at severall times convicted and judgment thereon given, and through favour have yet escaped their fines and not suffred the penalty of the lawe soe that thereby many more have bine ymboldned to doe the like. And for that your petitioner did make the same knowne, they of Chester have used such severities against him, by exactions, contempts, forgeing and falsefying of his majesties writts, threatning, false accuesing, maymeing, life endangering and severall times wrong ymprisoning, all which hath bine your petitioners utter undoeing, losse and hindrance of 500 pounds at the least, wherein all your petitioner can sufficiently prove, and your petitioner being a poore aged man, one hundred forty odd miles from his habitacion wife and children, continueing here onely to discharge his ingaged dutie loyaltie and service to his King, and love to his countrey which otherwise he conceiveth, if he had concealed that which he knoweth and can prove to be true, he had bine a traytour to God and his King.

Now in regard your petitioner is able to manifest the truth of his allegacions in every perticuler, he therefore most humbly prayeth this most high and honourable court to be gratiously pleased to cause such persons as this most honourable court shall thinck fitt, to see and examine the foresaid severall abuses and the petitioners proofes therein, haveing all in readines for this purpose to satisfie his majestie this most honourable assemblie being well assured that this most high and honourable court will have such regard in preferring the good of the common wealth in this particuler as in all others, that thereby the cittie and country may receive such ease of charge, and good of their health, and the parties offendors may have condigne punishment, according to his majesties lawes and statute in this case made and provided.

And your petitioner (as thowsandes of your majesties subjectes besides) shalbe ever bound to pray for your majesties long life and happie raigne.

  • William Fearnall

Joseph Hawes of London, merchant. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament

The humble peticion of Joseph Hawes of London marchant.

Humbly sheweth that where as the said Joseph Hawes beinge owner of a shipp called the Joseph and intendinge her for the Barbadies shee beinge prepared for her voyadge was stopped by the customers untill hee became bound in 1500 pounds to bringe her and her lodinge backe to the porte of London, by reason whereof your peticioner durst not send her to other places which would have been much for his advantage that in the returne of the said shipp from the Barbadies where shee was laden with tobaccoe; the said tobacco being putt into a leyter with intent to be brought on shore, the customers would not suffer it for seaven dayes to be taken oute of the said leyter whereby the tobacco by reason of a leake in the leyter was much indamiged and after the same beinge taken into a weare house by the custimers was shutt upp under locke, the officers denyinge to deliver the same that your peticioner had solde this tobacco for 2 pence obulus per pounds to one that should have cleared it at Custome House but not beinge permitted to deliver it, or see it, or shew it, till the 6 pence per pound custome was paid or secured, your peticioner lost his custimer, and sithence the money paid and secured to the Custome House could never be offered soe much for the whole, as is and must be paid to the Custome House. That the tobacco beinge a perishable commoditie, and your peticioner necessitated to make sale thereof for payment of marriners was forced against his will to pay 100 pounds in hand and to enter into bonde with sureties to pay 1500 pounds more; which nowe beinge due extent is threatened, whereas the tobaccoe falls out not to be worth soe much money as will pay the Cus= =tome house the commoditie and fraight beinge wholey lost to your peticioners utter undoeinge which though in this perticular it concernes your peticioner yet in a more generall consideracion hath refference to the overthrow of the plantacions of this kingedome and to the decay of marchandize marriners and shippinge all which your peticioner referres to the grave wisedome of this honourable assembly

Humbly prayinge such releife for the stay of extents upon those bonds which he and his sureties have been forced to seale to the customers untill the cause may be fully heard as to your wisdome shall seeme meete and your peticioner shall dayly pray etc.

Joseph Hawes


Read 21o November and referred to the committee for grievances.


B: B:

Edmond Felton, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the knightes and burgesses of the Commons Howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Edmond Felton gentleman

Humbly sheweth that your suppliant preferred his peticion and articles in to this honourable howse against Sir Henry Spiller knight, discovering therein many of his greate fraudes and deceiptes to the crowne (touching the case of recusancie) and for that your suppliantes articles were not soe well drawne as they might have bine, your suppliant hath now more fully proceeded, according to the commaund of the graunde committee on Thursday last, which was that your suppliant at his pirill should make good any one two or three articles, whereby it shalbe proved, Sir Henry Spiller hath caused the decaye of his late majesties revenues

Now may it please this honourable assembly your suppliant by the perswation of one of his witnesses, was not soe forward as he should have bine, by putting in those articles in to this honourable howse, which now hee hath done, which articles doe discover the most intollerable abuses, both to king and subject that hath bin comitted in this land

Therefore most humbly beseecheth this honourable assembly that those articles now remaining with the clarke of the Parliament, which your suppliant delivered to him on Friday last, may be read before the whole howse, and if they shall not give that sattisfaction to this honourable assembly as not to be denyed to be made good, both by the recordes and sufficient witnesses (whose w names are to every article for proofe) your suppliant desiereth noe favoure, but to be made such an example for punishment as hath not bine. And the cause your suppliant soe earnestly desiereth a speedy heareing and examining of his witnesses, is, for that some of them are gone out of towne, by reason your suppliant could not have his order and warrant as he desiered, that his witnesses should attend from tyme to tyme, but for the day of heareing and examining his witnesses your suppliant therefore most humbly beseecheth this honourable assembly to give present order for a warrant, that his witnesses shall attend from time to tyme

And as in dutie bound he shall praie for this honourable assembly and your severall happinesses

Edmond Felton


Feltons third petition.

The grocers and other loyal subjects trading in tobacco. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the honourable the knights citizens and burgesses of the Comons Howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of the grocers and others his majesties loyall subjects tradeinge in tobacco.

Humbly sheweth, that whereas freedome of trade is the life and one of the principall liberties of the subjects of this kingdome, and tobacco a cheife commodity of your peticioners trades, some envyinge the prosperity of this kingdome and seekinge to enrich themselves though by the spoyle and ruine of multitudes of familyes, in greate deceite and abuse of his majesty and oppression and destruccion of his lovinge subjects have upon pretence of regulating the said commodity and answeringe some yerely revenew to his majesty for the same, and of indentures and commissions procured by them under the greate seale obteyned divers proclamacions to bee sett out to restraine the retaylinge of tobacco only to such as shall take licence from them (but in his majesties name under the greate seale) for the same with such terrible threats of severe proceedings against them as many of your petitioners have for the terror thereof ben enforced to take such licences and to give tenn pound fine, and tenn pounds per annum for the same rather then be utterly undone for want of their trades upon which they and theirs live and are supported. And some of them perceivinge their licences expresly void upon non payment of the rent findinge the burthen to heavy for them have with held their rent and offered to render up their licences, and yet have ben arrested and greatly abused by messengers forced to longe and dayly attendance upon the commissioners and counsell board and their tobacco and other goods seised and taken from them, and the said rent also levied by proces of the Exchequer upon their persons and estates and their suites at lawe against those that tooke away their goods stayed by injunccion of the Exchequer and by colour of these licences any that will take the same doe retayle and sell their tobacco as before and diverse that have licence upon such fine and rent are not tradesmen but messengers attendinge those commissioners and others of meane quality who make greate benefitt thereof by oppressing poore tradesmen whome they aucthorise by colour thereof to sell tobacco under them and such of your petitioneres as proceed in their trade without licence though they sell but small quantities of tobacco they summon, fine, committ them to messengers who greatly abused their persons, seise their goods force some of them to enter into bonds to pay fines and take licences and threaten to sue those bonds, and others they force upon refusall to take licence to enter into bond not to sell tobacco, and after longe and dayly attendance at the counsell board cause them to be committed to the Fleete where Francis Wade one of your petitioners and two others are at this present deteyned in durance upon a generall warrant of the counsell board. And by reason of these greate oppressions your petitioneres and their families are miserably destroyed and they cannot have apprentizes to serve them because they shall not bee permitted to use their trade when they shalbe made free.

Most humbly beseech you to consider and compassionate their distressed condicions and to take such course for there releife setting free of the said trade, punishment of the said offences, and preventinge of the like hereafter, as to your greate wisedome shall seeme meete. And your peticioners shall ever pray etc.


[illegible] [...bacco?] [illegible]

Robert, earl of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain of England. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords committees for peticions in the high house of Parliament

The humble peticion of Robert Earle of Lindsey Lord Great Chamberleine of England.

Sheweth. That whereas upon the peticion of the right honourable the Earle of Lincolne exhibited against your peticioner your lordships have ordered, as by the annexed appeareth, that councell shall be heard on both sides on Thursday next before your lordships touching the matters therein complayned of: your petitioner humbly prayeth that in respect the same concernes the works of sewers, and lawes and orders of commissions of sewers, which rest with the clarke of the sewers in Lincolneshire, being neere 100: miles distant; and for that divers participantes and adventurers in the said undertakeinge deriveing an interest under your peticioner, are nowe likewise concerned in the matters complayned of; and by reason many of them live remote from the towne, and cannot have tymely notice. And for that there are materiall witnesses to be produced who are now absent. That your lordships would be pleased to give him longer tyme, that all persons interessed therein, may have convenient notice, and soe be prepared, that the matters complayned of, may have a full debate before your lordshipps.

And your peticioner etc.



The right honourable the Earle of Lyndsey Lord Greate Chamberlyne of England

Recepta xxiiiio die Novembris 1640 lecta eodem die.

The master wardens and commonalty of the feltmakers of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the knights and burgesses assembled in the Commons Howse of Parlyament.

The humble peticion of the master wardens and cominalty of the art or mistery of feltmakers of London consisting of about 400 familyes.

Shewinge that upon the peticioners complaint in the last Parlyament against certaine members of their owne trade, and their confederates who have procured [amatter?] of 30 of the ablest of them to be incorporated (by the projection of one Francis Spatchurst into the name of the beavermakers of London upon a precontract to monopolize the greatest part of the [peticioners?] trade paying 12 pence upon a hatt coulorably to his majestie but by [agreeme ... red?] amongst the projectors, it was ordered that the said charter, contracts, covenants and proceedings upon the same, and likewise the comission to enforce oathes, and the oath administred by vertue thereof, and the contract and bond given before the procuring of that patent the dorment warrant, and warrant of seisure of the peticioners goods, and the like shold be brought to the clark of this howse which was in part done accordingly whereby the foulenes of that project, and monopoly doth evidently appeare yet notwithstanding that Parlyament being dissolved before anie punishment inflicted uppon the offenders or releefe given to the peticioners the said pretended corporacion hath presumed notwithstanding that question of their corrupt contracts and unlawfull chartere were brought in as aforesaid not only to threaten the peticioners with the exercise of their former oppression to the destruccion of them and their familyes whereupon at least 5000 people depend.

For prevencion whereof may it please this honourable assembly finally to determyne these matters aswell by calling in the said unlawfull [corporacion?] contracts and covenants and the bondes exacted from [illegible] peticioners and by restoring them to their goodes unlawfully taken away with their damages, and otherwise to releeve the peticioners in this great oppression that is uppon them and to inflict such punishment upon the delinquents as their demerrits justly require.

  • John Ludford
  • Thomas Jobb
  • [William Venner?]

25o November feltmakeres.

Read 25o

Day appointed.

Thomas Williams, feltmaker and haberdasher. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the knights cittizens and burgesses assembled in the Commons House of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Thomas Williams feltmaker and habberdasher

Humbly sheweth. That your petitioner did serve his apprentishipp in the Cittie of London for the space of full seaven yeares and upwards, and was afterwards made free of the Clothworkers. And your petitioner comeing to live in Westminster, and use his profession as a feltmaker, did pay his fine (cum aliis) that he might be free of the new corporacion, and therupon your petitioner was made free thereof.

But a month afterwards your petitioner useing his trade, upon an unjust complaint and malice towards your petitioner, made to the commissioners by the habberdashers and feltmakers, your petitioner was summoned to appeare before the commissioners of the said corporacion, by the beadle of the hall, where accordingly your petitioner appeared.

And upon his appearance John Reading prayed your petitioner to shew him the freedome graunted him, which the petitioner did and delivered it into his owne hands, which assoone as he hadd the same, the said Reading did teare it in pieces (saying.) That your petitioner should be noe longer an inhabitant in Westminster. Notwithstanding your petitioner not daunted with this threats, did follow his trade, haveing noe other waies to support himselfe, his wife children and family. And thereupon, Master Lewknor, and Master Reading, being chiefe in the manageing the said corporacion graunted a warrant under their hands and seales, for conventing your petitioner before them. Your petitioner obeyed the same, and appeared. But in regard your petitioner refused to leave of his trade, and avoid his dwelling, the said Lewknor and Reading did under their hands and seales, graunt a mittimus to send your petitioner to the prison of the Gatehowse, there to remaine, till your petitioner could procure sufficient bayle, to answeare all objeccions, which should be objected against him, at the then next ensueing sessions to be held for the cittie and liberty of Westminster. And which your petitioner accordingly, (after 2 daies and a nightes imprisonment) performed, and upon your petitioners appearance there was noe cause of accion shewed.

And after the sessions ended, the said Lewknour and Reading, did for the space of one yeare and a halfe, pursue your petitioner with severall warrantes, and mittimusses, and sent him to the goale 3 severall tymes, as by the same may appeare, and bound him over to the sessions, where when he appeared, there was nothing alleadged against him, which said undue passages of theirs, not onely exhausted your petitioners money, but the petitioners wife being great with child, did miscarry, and for a long space afterwards, lay in great jeopardy of life.

The petitioner and all his beeing meerly undone by these sinister practizes, being debarred of following his trade, to procure meanes for their supportacion, he being dampnified thereby at least 200 pounds.

Humbly prayeth this honourable assembly to be pleased that the said Christopher Lewknor, and John Reading, may be summoned to appeare before your honnours, and your honnours to order therein for your petitioneres reliefe, as in your grave wisedomes yow shall thinke fitt.

And your petitioner shall ever pray for the happie successe of the Parliament.

Augustine Plumsted of Wrentham in Suffolk, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the House of Commons now assembled in Parliament.

The humble peticion of Augustine Plumsted of Wrentham in Suffolk gentleman

Humblie sheweth that aboute the eightenth daie of August last past hee was arrested by one Henry Northrepp one of the messengers extraordinarie to the lords of his majesties most honourable Privye Counsell uppon a warrant by them made to aunsweare to such matters as should bee objected and the said messenger required of your peticioner soe much money as was charged uppon him your peticioner by the rate made by the towne of Wrentham for coate and conduct it beinge noe more but five shillinges for non payment of which five shillinges your peticioner was retorned as a defaulter and refused to take any manner of securytye for your peticioners apparance but if your peticioner would subscribe to a note to acknowledge his offence and paie all such demaundes for tyme to come and paie him the said Northrepp five pounds for his fees hee tolld your peticioner hee had an order from the said Privye Counsell (which hee shewed forth) to compounde with your peticioner uppon the said warrant and to discharge him thereof:

Soe it is your peticioner refusinge hee was deteyned by the said messenger and brought thirtie myles towards London and his wief beinge greate with chilld and the next daie after your peticioners departure delivered was enforced before hee could have his libertie to laie doune the some of fowre poundes tenne shillinges and give securytye to apeare uppon notice to be given by the said Northrepp to aunsweare his contempt for not non payment thereof:

Maie it therefore please your honours to give releife heerein to your peticion as maie seeme to stande with justice and equitye:

Augustine Plumsted


25o November Plumsteed. [p?] Day appointed.

The wire sellers, wire drawers and wire workers of the city of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the honourable the House of Commons now assembled in Parliament

The humble peticon of the wyre sellers, wyer drawers and wyre workers of the Citie of London.

Humblie shewe, that the peticioners haveing respectivelie bin bound and served the full and usuall termes of apprentices and the best part of their trade being some in selling, others in draweing, and others in workeing of lattin wyre, whereby divers families have received great releife, and some have bin whollie mainteyned and divers poore people dailie set a worke.

They have of late yeares bin soe straitned and abridged and indeed excluded from the trade, that they have bin scarce able to mainteyne their charge, and are with soe much violence dayly and even now dureing this session molested with sutes in divers courts, namely in the Starr Chamber and the Exchequer etc in search of their houses, and carrying away of their goods that unles they may be releeved they shall be enforced to shutt up their shopps to their utter undoeing all which arises from theis causes following.

Anno 1635 the pinmakers being incorporated upon the pretence of reforming the pinmakeing of this land did condition to pay 500 pounds per annum unto his majestie and made an agreement with one James Lidsey sometymes a shopkeeper of the citty and partner to buy 200 tonns of lattin wyre yearely of them, and to take the same off their hands only and of none other, at an extraordinary rate at least 20 [shillings?] per cent above the markett.

Anno 1638 his majestie by his royall proclamation dated the 19th of August upon information that the lattin wyre made in this kingdome is of much better use and better made then the lattin wyre ymported from beyond the seas, as also that this manufacture doth employ many of his majesties subjects, and that through the importation of forreigne lattin wyre the same is only hindred in this kingdome did expressly prohibitt the ymportation of any forreigne lattin wyre upon paine of confiscation.

The 18th of March 1639 Lawrence Halstead the said James Lidsey and the Company of Pinmakers entred into new agreements respectively with his majesty whereby not only the forreigne wyre is still forbidden but the makeing of all the wyre in this kingdome appropriated to Lidsey (as is more largely expressed in the articles as they are entred in the booke of the councell board) whoe is cheifely supported therein by the company of the minerall and battery workes who have granted him a lease for 21 yeares for that purpose under certen rent to be paid them for their priviledge, and the and the same company of the minerall and battery workes haveing likewise the priviledge of the sole makeing of iron wyre within the kingdome which is mannaged by Sir Bassell Brooke and George Mynn esquire who have also procured a proclamation prohibiting the importacion of any iron wyre into this kingdome, and have since much raised the price of the wyre made here to the greate prejudice of many of his majesties subjects who want the said forreigne iron wyre, and cannot soe well without it make any many things very usefull in this kingdome.

Now forasmuch as the peticioners can make it appeare that the forreigne wyre is made better, and can be affoarded farr better cheape then that which is made here in England besides that the patentee ymployes strangers in this art, and that the ymportation of the forreigne doth not discourage the makeing of the wyre at home together with many other inconveniences and greiveances which would be too long to trouble this honourable assemblie withall.

The peticioners humbly pray that the greivances being well weighed by this assembly may receive such speedy reformacion as in your wisedomes shall be thought meete.

And the peticioners (as in duty bound) shall dayly etc.

  • Richard Ellis
  • Nicholas Crispe
  • Humfry Hieron
  • Frances Smythe
  • Thomas [Roch?]
  • Richard [Jorden?]
  • John Morden
  • Thomas Hudson
  • George Gilbertt
  • John Harris
  • Thomas Forde
  • William Foard
  • John Slatter
  • Edward Fawler
  • George Willmer

Stephen Eastwicke, citizen of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament.

The humble peticion of Stephen Eastwicke citizen of London

Humbly sheweth that by virtue of a warrant dated 26o Maii 1635 under the hand of Sir Robert Parkhurst knight then Lord Maior of the Citty of London, your petitioner appeared before him, and John Highlord one of the sheriffs for that yeare: where your petitioner was demanded to pay 5 pounds for shipmoney, and for non=payment thereof allthough the said Lord Maior would have given your petitioner some respite to have considered of it: yet the said John Highlord instigated the Lord Maior immediately to send your petitioner to prison, as your petitioner is ready to depose soe that hee was committed to the gaole of Newgate upon the 28th of the said May by the said Lord Maior, and John Highlord.

That your petitioner remained certaine dayes in the said gaoll in a very noysome stinkeing and close place thereof: insoemuch that if some frends contrary to your petitioners knowledge had not paid the said summe of money, his lying there had endangered his life.

Now forasmuch as the said imprisonment was upon an illegall ground contrary to the lawes and statutes of this realme, and the ancient rights, privileges, and liberties of the subjects of England, and allso against the very tenour of the writt as your petitioner is informed, and at the onely instigation of the said John Highlord then sherriffe

Your petitioner humbly prayeth this honourable assembly to take such order with the said John Highlord that hee may produce the said writt, and receive judgement therein; that your petitioner may bee satisfied his dammages, and the like greevances redressed for the future, as in your great wisedomes shall bee found fitt.

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc.

Stephen Estwicke


25o November [11?]

Eastwicke. Day appointed.

Roberte Benson. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes commissioners spirituall and for the Scottish affaires at Rippon temporall

The humble peticon of Roberte Benson

Moste humblie showeth

From a true seince and feelinge of my owne misfortune and miserie and from a heart torne with greife and [passion?] for haveinge incurred your lordshipps displeasures; vouchsafe I humblie beseech your lordshipps to receive the sorrowfull wordes of the pennitent and to read them with such benigne construccion as is usuallie found in the g goodnes of your noble myndes.

I am accused for wordes wordes as yet unknowne to me nor doe I knowe or remember that ever I spoke or thoug harbored an ill thought of anie of your lordshipp yet am I contented most humblie [desire?] in all humilitie to submytt and render my self at your lordshipps feete hopeinge that as mercie and compassion are the proper attributes of God so they well become his servantes on Earth whose greatnes shines most in glorie when yt approcheth nearest the ymitacion of the goodnesse of theire maister

The premisses considered may your lordshipps be pleased to looke upon your peticioner as a fitt object of your mercie as the exercise of your charitie and as a true patterne of humane frayltie

And your petitioner shall daielie praie


Robert Bensons peticion reade 25o die Novembris 1640.

Thomas Perberie, a poor prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords of the High Courte of Perlyment assembled

The humble peticion of Thomas Perberie a pooer prisoner in the Fleete.

In all humillity sheweth unto your honnours that wheras your pooer peticioner did rashlye and unadvysedlie cause one Hugh Floode servant to the right honourable the Earle of Salisburye to bee arreasted contrarie to the ancyant and honourable custome of this High Courte of Parlyment of which great contempt your pooer peticioner was altogeather ignorant and hee humblie craveth pardon and forgivenesse of this honnourable assemblye to forgive him his great contempt, for which great fact, your peticioner was justly and deservedlye adjuged by this honourable court to thee Fleete, where hee doth endure hard imprisonment to thee utter undoeing of your pooer peticioner his wife and children, who are all very likelie to perishe without your honours speedie charritie your peticioners humble sewte unto unt this honourable courte is that yowr honours would bee pleased to give order unto the warden of the Fleete for your peticioners enlargment and your peticioner shall dailie pray etc


Thomas Perbery peticion lecta 26o Novembris exped

26 November 1640 ordered to bee released.






Thomas Barburie, a poor prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords assembled in the High Courte of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Thomas Barburie a poore prisoner in the Fleete

Humblie sheweth that your petitioner for procuering one Master Hugh Lloyd servant to the right honourable the Earle of Salisburie to be arrested contrarie to the privilidges of the High Courte of Parliament (of which your petitioner was alltogeather ignorant) was committed to the said prison, there to remayne untill your petitioner had given satisfaccion to the said Master Lloyd

That your petitioner hath agreed, and satisfied the said Master Lloyd according to your lordshipps said order.

His humble peticion is for that your petitioner is hartilie sorrie for his said offence, and for that he hath satisfied the said Master Lloyd according to your lordshipps order, and for that he is a verie poore man and hath a charge of wife and children that your lordshipps will be pleased to comiserate his poore and destressed estate and to give order to the warden of the Fleete that your petitioner may be forthwith discharged out of prison without paying anie fees,

And your poore petitioner shall daylie pray etc


Thomas Barbury exped

Thomas, earl of Cleveland. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords committees of his majesties High Courte of Parlyament for petitions.

The humble peticion of Thomas Earle of Cleveland

Shewinge that the peticioner about six yeeres since became indebted to the late Lord Bayninge and others in the somme of tenn thowsand powndes for payment whereof hee mortgaged his mannours of Stepney and Hackney lyinge neere London (being five tymes more in value then the money lent.

That the peticioner longe since hoped by the marriage of his sonne the Lord Wentworth or by some other meanes to have redeemed the said mannours and satisfied all his debts whatsoever; but theis faylinge the peticioner hath ben since inforced (for the satisfaccion of some of his creditours, and to supply himselfe and the said Lord Wentworth his sonne to attend his majestie in the north both this and the last yeere) to make divers under mortgages sales and other conveyaunces of severall partes of the said mannours to sundery persons for severall somes of money uppon collaterall security by judgmentes statutes and recognizaunces to save them harmelesse against the said first generall morgage.

That the petitioner of late findinge that his debts with the interrest were growne very high in July last (out of a full resolucion to pay all his owne and the said Lord Wentworth his sonnes debtes) did make a conveyance to the Earle of Portland the Lord Lovelace and others of all the demeasnes of the said mannour of Stepney and Hackney (except some small parcells) in trust for the raisinge of moneies by the sale thereof to the purpose aforesaid. But nowe searchinge to the bottome of his debtes and ingagementes the petitioner findes that hee hath ben soe negligently and unfaithfully dealt withall by one whome formerly hee intyerly trusted for raysinge of moneies that many of the said sales are not onely made uppon extreame undervallues but that alsoe divers sales morgages and other conveyances doe much clash and interfere one with another (by conveyinge one and the same thinge (or some parte thereof) to one or more persons by way of collaterall security for enjoyinge other parts of the said mannours and afterwards sellinge of it to another (or the like) and all subjecte to the said first generall morgage whereby the peticioners estate is become soe full of distraccion and intanglementes that it is altogether impossible for him to raise moneyes to disingage his estate or honour by a speedy satisfaccion to those persons without the releife of this High Court of Parlyament.

The peticioners humble suite is that theis mannours with all the royalties thereof may bee sould outright to some such persons as shalbee able and willinge to deale for the same and that by the moneyes raised by such sale aswell the first morgages and as all others that would derive any estate unto themselves since that tyme (such actes beinge voyd because under the said first generall morgage) may bee satisfied their just and due debtes with interrest and chardges (deductinge the rentes and proffittes thereuppon received if any such have ben (all or the greatest parte of the said conveyances beinge onely of reverciones uppon severall termes of yeers in being)

And for the better mannaginge of this sale and manifestacion of the peticioners reall intencions herein hee humbly prayeth that the first morgagees their heires and assignes in whome the estate nowe remaines forfeited may settle the same uppon

or such other honourable persons as the howse shall thinke fitt that they by authority of Parliament may have power to sell the same to the best value and with the moneyes to bee raised thereby make payment of all debtes both principall interrest and chardges as aforesaid uppon the delivery upp of all sales morgages collatterall securityes and all other conveyances whatsoever and the peticioner to have onely the remaynder of the money lefte and not to medle with a penney till this bee done.

And the peticioner doth further humbly desire that such of his servantes as hee hath found faithfull and honest and best knowe his estate and debtes may attend the said

aswell for the bringinge on of chapmen as in giveinge informacion in matters of paymentes dischardges and other like actes touchinge the satisfyeinge of creditours and removeinge of incumbrances.

Provided that this acte doe not extend in any sorte to the hurt or impeachment of the present steward of the said mannours in his office of steward but to the confirmacion thereof hee haveinge been the peticioners most faithfull servant in representinge unto him his true estate and condicion as aforesaid.

And the peticioner shall pray etc.



The Earle of Cleeveland received xxvio die Novembris 1640 lecta eodem die.

Sir Henrie Worsley, Jeremie Brett and Dame Frances Worsley his wife. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honorable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Sir Henrie Worsley baronett Jeremie Brett esquiour and Dame Frances Worsley his wife and mother of the said Sir Henry Worsley

Shewinge: that your peticioners being greived by a decree of sewers, made against the petitioner Dame Frances, and confirmed by another decree made in the Exchequer Chamber against all the petitioners on the behalfe of Sir Bevis Thelwall knight whereby they are in danger, through a private project of his, to be devested of their estats, and the liberty of their persons, there being noe good ground for either of the said decrees, in law or equity, as the petitioners are redie to manifest; for releife wherein your petitioners in Aprill last exhibited their humble peticion to your lordshipps in the High Court of Parliament which was there read, and the 30th of April aforesaid it was ordred that the Lord Cheife Baron of the Exchequer should certifie your lordships the state of the said cause before Tuesday then next, on which day the said cause was by your lordships apointed to be heard, and the Lord Cheife Barron made thereof a shorte certificat, with reference to the said decree in the Exchequer but before hering the Parliament was that day dissolved, whereupon the petitioners having noe other means lefte to prevent the penalty of the said decrees, did humbly peticion his majestie to here or referr the hearing of the said cause to the lords of his majesties most honourable Privy Councell and his majesty was gratiously plesed at the councell board, to vouchsafe a hearing thereof to give some direccion therein for the present, but noe end hath bene made therein by reason of the waighty affaires of estate ever sithence in hand, wherfore the petitioners doe with his majesties gracious favor, now againe humbly addresse themselves, for releife of their said greivances unto this honourable assembly, before whome their former peticion and proceedings are yet depending.

And doe most humbly desire that your lordships wilbe pleased to appoint some tyme for hering of the said cause uppon their former peticion and proceedings therupon depending before your honors, and to give unto your petitioners such releife therein with such damages for their unjuste vexacion, as to your lordships in justice shall seeme meete.

And the petitioners as in dutie bownde shall daylie pray etc.

Henry Worsley.


Sir Henry Worsley.

Recepta xxiiio die Novembris 1640 not read.

Lecta xxvio die Novembris 1640.

Thomas, earl of Strafford, Lieutenant General of Ireland. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honorable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the Highe Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble petition of Thomas Earle of Strafforde his majesties Lieutenant Generall of Irelande.

Most humbly sheweth. That in obedience to your lordships order, and in due acknow ledgement of your lordships noble justice and respecte vouchsafed this your petitioner the other day he now expresseth in writing that humble request he made then concerning the examining of witnesses, which with your lordships favoure was thus.

That ther might be noe admission of any examination of witnesses in this cause, till your petitioner had put in his answeare to the chardge of treason exhibited aganst him.

That after answeare noe witnesse should be examined before your petitioner had his the name of such witnesse sent delivered unto him by your lordships order, to the intente, (as by the advise of his counsell he should be advised), he might either except aganst such witnesse, or crosse examine him.

And that before either of thes tow pointes should be obruled overruled aganst your petitioner your lordships might be honorably pleased to heare him by your his counsell at the barre, to shew cause whie he humbly conceaves, his desires herein to be just and reasonable.

Finally the petitioner humbly craves your lordships re= mission, if his petitions be not soe formall or pertinent as they both ought and might be, if he had the helpe of counsell, and shall ever with all expressions of duty and thank fullnesse retaine in full memory your lordships most honorable justice and noble respectts to your petitioner the other day, and pay your lordships the dutyes of his whole life for the same.

And allways and unfainedly pray for your most noble lordships increase of all lasting honour and happinesse.

Thomas Brewer, prisoner in the Kings Bench. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords of the upper howse of Parliament

The humbe peticion of Thomas Brewer gentleman close prisoner in the Kinges Bench.


1 That the petitioner was anno domini 1626 October 18vo imprisoned by the prelates and their secound court day after fyned 1000 pounds, and condemned to be close imprisoned till he at Paules Crosse should recant his legall, loyall, reasonable, and seasonable saying that because the prelats did not derive their offices from his majestie as they ought, therfore he durst not partake with them nor the derivers of their offices from them in the proper workes of their offices.

2 That that fyne and imprisonment hath been extended without mittigacion to all extremity in their power to the neare ruyning of his life and lively hood ever since, only for the said saying on a due occasion by their long labored project with hope of releife but by Parliament which is the summe of what ensueth

3 That that saying was legall, by the law of God and by many statutes and the comon law, and that their so fyning imprisoning and extream pressures weare illegall, the petitioner is ready to prove, and also that they professe, that their illegall derivacion; in their treatise of consecracion of bishopps pag 10 to 140

4 That yt was loyall is manyfest by King James his approbacion of that the petitioners saying anno domini 1618, on neare the like occasion, and by his proteccion of him all his raigne after, and by his now majesties seconding of the same upon his owne notice and other sufficient testemony therof at the petitioners first imprisonment, who therfore charged the mocion therof (being of his majesties bedchamber) to see the petitioner freed, since he was for his supremacy and the lawes for yt, though all was frustrat by the privat endeavours with him, of the now cheife prelat, who, and his like and instrumentes have to their utmost prosecuted the petitioner ever since, both by stopping all legall courses of judicature in the Common Pleas, and the Kinges Bench, and in all appeales to his majestie and by agravating his imprisonment with laying the said fyne on his body, besides the extent of his goodes, and his landes rated by the jury at 140 pounds per annum and many other extream wayes above these 14 yeares, especially these 5 yeares close imprisonment, though the former were reversed by the Comon Pleas, and though he was not of any illegall religion nor behaviour

5 That yt was also reasonable is apparant by the great penalties on the breakers of those statutes, that is of treason in the derivers of their ecclesiastical offices from the see of Rome, and felony in the partakers with them, and premunire in the not derivers of their offices from the King this their derivacion of their offices from Rome being confessed and professed by themselves in their treatice of the consecracion of bishopps liber 1o chapter 2to liber 3o chapter 8vo pag 8 to 140, dedicated to the then Archbishopp of Canterbury and printed by the Kinges printer anno domini 1613 and not yet revoked, but much dignified by its inlarging and publishing in Latyne anno domini 1626 and by the constant profession of all the prelates in their own courtes and in the Starchamber, and in all their courses ever since.

6 That yt was also the more reasonable and seasonable by their betraying instrumentes Sir Nathaniell Brent his protesting that yt should be for the petitioners great good to insist upon his said former saying to King James which therfore the petitioner did. But yt hath been ever since extended to the contrary with all extremity in their and his power in all kind of distresses abovesaid, and also to the interrupcion of the petitioners dealinges and leaving 2000 pounds debtes eating on his landes ever since

7 That your petitioner having endevored by all due and requisit waies and meanes for a legall hearing of his good cause and bad case for yt, hath been alwaies delayed or denyed the course of justice, and the legall liberty of the prison, and hath no hope therof but by this most honourable howse, to whom he is ready to aver and prove the premisses

May yt therfore please your lordshipps to vouchsafe a hearing of your petitioners cause in the premises, and to grant him his liberty to instruct his councell and prepare his profes and to comaund the register of the ecclesiastical commission to bring his bookes to shew the cause of the petitioners comitment and fine of 1000 pounds, or to accompt theis long, many and great sufferinges sufficient for this [his?] fault (yf any) for which in all the 65 yeares of his age he hath been censured.

And your petitioner shall pray etc.

November 26 1640

Thomas Brewer


28 November 1640 ordered to bee discharged

28 November 1640

Thomas Brewer discharged


Recepta xxvio die Novembris 1640. Lecta eodem die.

Henry Darley, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall of the higher howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Henry Darley esquire

That your petitioner was comitted the xxth of September to be kepte close prisoner in the castle at Yorke; where hee hath contynued by the space of two monethes, by warrant from the right honourable the Earle of Strafford. And is yett under comaund, and ready with his keeper to attende your honors pleasure.

Nowe there beinge noe cause of comittment expressed in the warrant nor knowne to your petitioner hee humbly desires, that hee may be discharged of his imprisonmente

And your petitioner shall ever pray.


Henry Darley


Ordered to be released 30 November 1640

Master Henry Darley. 30 November 1640 read and ordered.

Raphe Wingate and Jane his wife, sister and administratrix of Henry FitzGeffry. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords of the higher house of Parliament

The humble peticon of Raphe Wingate esquire and Jane his wife sister and administratrix of Henry Fitz Geffry esquire deceased.

Sheweth that your petitioners brother haveing 5o May 12 Caroli obtayned in his majesties Court of Requestes the decree of that court against Thomas Bosse deceased for 1000 pounds agreed to bee paid to the said Fitz Geffry for the marriage porcion of Elizabeth his wife the said Bosses daughter.

To which decree the said Bosse after long standing in contempts submitted and paid some interest but died before payment of the principall money decreed, after whose decease your petitioners brother would have taken letters of administracion, and therewith have paid himselfe the said 1000 pounds (the said Bosse dying of a great estate

But Elizabeth Bosse his widow combyning with Francis Saunders esquire and Richard Pleistow to avoyd the payment of that 1000 pounds and damages tooke letters of administration and assigned over the estate of the intestate unto them, who agreed to save her harmeles, and discharge her of all debtes which were lyable to bee paid either in law or equity.

Your petitioners brother after long debates in that court and severall argumentes 6to Novembris 13 Caroli procured a decree against the said Elizabeth Bosse for the said 1000 pounds as administratrix to her husband. Upon which for non payment shee was committed close prisoner to the Fleete, and during her imprisonment shee obtained the decree of that court against the said Saunders and Pleistow 5o Junii 15 Caroli to pay the said 1000 pounds to your petitioners brother.

Soe that upon the matter there were 3 decrees in that court for your petitioners brother, and afterwardes confirmed in Chancery. And haveing through the prosecucion of that suit spent his whole estate and run much in debt to the value of 800 pounds at the least died in the Kings Bench and made your petitioners wife his executrix and your petitioners being desirous to have their brothers debtes paid tooke letters of administracion of the goodes and chattells of ther said brother with his will annexed and have desired thexecucion of the said decree

But the said Elizabeth Bosse is not only discharged out of prison without performance of the decree or without reversing the same by bill of review, but your petitioners are by an extrajudiciall order or decree made the 13th of June last, and grounded upon an accompt made by the said Saunders and Pleistow, (and not proved) ordered to accept of 500 markes in satisfaccion of the said decree, and 200 pounds debt, which your petitioners knowe not how to recover, (your petitioners not haveing to doe with the said Saunders and Pleistow) there being due, according to the decree 1220 pounds at the least, besides your petitioners charges, which hath cost 120 pounds which proceedinges your petitioners are advised are contrary to the rules of equity, for that noe decree ought to bee avoyded, but by a bill of review, and that upon errour apparent, or such matter, as could not bee made appeare in the first cause.

Your petitioners therefore humbly beseech your lordships to call the said Mistris Bosse before yow, and after thexaminacion of the premisses to take such order for thexecucion of the said decree against the said Mistris Bosse for your petitioners reliefe herin, as to justice shall appertaine, otherwise your petitioners and some of the creditours are like to become as miserable as your petitioners brother was.

And your petitioners (as in duty bound) shall ever pray etc.

  • Raphe Wingate
  • Jane Wingate

Ralph Wingate esquire

Recepta ultimo die Novembris 1640 Lecta eodem die.

John Ponder of Rowell. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the most honourable the lordes assembled in Parliament

The humble peticion of John Ponder of Rowell in the countie of Northampton

Sheweth that on the 17th of August anno 1634 one Owen Ponder togeather with your peticioner and 5 more (being all (saveing one) his owne children) were on the said 17th day of August (being the Lordes day) repeateinge a sermon in the house of the said Owen, (which they heard the same day) and Sir John Lambe beinge then in Rowell aforesaid sent 2 pursevantes with 2 or 3 of his servantes and the constable and 5 or 6 watchmen, and in a violent manner tooke your peticioner together with William Ponder and John Cowper out of their fathers house and carried them to an inn and there imprisoned them for 2 daies and 2 nightes, and likewise imprisoned the said Owen and put them into a chamber where some were a drinkeinge and takeing tobacco untill [11?] of the clocke att night, and did apprehend all of them as parties breakeing the Kings lawes, accountinge their being togeather in that exercise a conventicle, and many of your peticioners freinds comeing to see them (some of them being masters and batchelers of art) charged them to watch your peticioner and the said William Ponder and John Cowper and not to departe till they gave them leave, and boastinge of their authoritie in their office, said if Justice Nicolls and Justice Sawyer were there they would charge them to aide your peticioner and William and John Cowper to prison, and would not suffer Owen (being a very old man) to goe home to theire his owne house though he was very sicke, and the constable offered to baile him, and tooke the said William Ponder and John Cowper to Northampton and there tooke 37 shillings 6 pence of them in parte of their fees, and tooke bond of 200 pounds, of them, to appere the next terme in the High Comission and there made them to take the oath and answer to articles, and made them attend the said court to their great charge and damage, and that one Thomas Wells William Fox William Dodson and your peticioner, were by Sir John [Lambes?] Lambes meanes as your peticioner conceiveth vexed in the ecclesiasticall courtes and High Comission, for almost 3 yeares for not boweinge att the name of Jesus to their damages of above 100 pounds.

Your peticioner humbly praieth that you would be pleased to take such order for your peticioner and the said parties theire releife herein as your honors shall in your grave wisdomes thinke fitt

And your peticioner shall ever pray etc.

John Ponder



Recepta xxviii November 1640

Lecta ultimo die Novembris 1640

Edmund Felton, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the Kings most excellent majestie, the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in the high and honourable the upper house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Edmund Felton gentleman

Sheweth that your peticioner hath suffered the oppressions in the articles annexed expressed, their being nothing objectable against him but his fathers and his good indeavours in his majesties service against Sir Henry Spiller knight and others whoe have deceaved his majestie and his royall father and the late Queene Elizabeth of 100000 pounds

Hee therefore humbly prayeth that the said articles may bee read and the parties there by chardged may bee convented, and the said chardges appearing to bee true, hee maye receive such releife and repaire, as may stand with the grave judgement of your majestie and this high and honourable assembly:

And hee shall (as nevertheles) ever pray for your majestie and the happy event of this high and honourable assemblye.

  • per Edmond Felton

Euseby Andrew, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/43 (1640)

To the Kings most excellent majestie and to the lordes spirituall and temporall assembled in the upper howse of Parliament

The humble petition of Euseby Andrew esquire

Sheweth that your petitioner in the condicion of a prisoner for debt hath suffered the oppressions in the articles annexed expressed instigated by Catherine Lenthall done by Sir John Lenthall and not redressed if not countenanced by Sir John Brampston knight Lord Cheife Justice and Sir William Jones knight.

For reliefe and repaire in which hee being now att large humbly prayes the justice of your majesty and this high and honourable assembly and to that end that the said articles may be readd and the parties articled against convented and that such whom your petitioner shall require to testifie and are prisoners may by legall meanes bee enabled to attend at the hearing or hearinges of the cause and that your petitioner and his wife prosecuting with effect may be protected from arrestes dureing the compleint depending

And he shall as nevertheless pray for your majestie and for this high and honourable assembly.

  • Eusebius Andrewe

Francis Freeman of Wilbye, Northamptonshire, and other inhabitants. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the most honourable the lords assembled in Parliament

The humble peticion of Francis Freeman of Wilbye in the countye of Northampton in the behalf of himself and some others inhabitantes of Wilbye aforesaid

Sheweth that your lordshipps peticioner was attached in the church yard uppon a lordes day as hee came home from morning prayer by one Davenport a messenger sent from the lords of the councell, for that (as he supposeth) hee being constable had not beene forward to levye the ship money, whome refuseing to shewe his warrant and carrying himself rudely and draweing his sword, whilst some of the neighbours (feareing least the said Davenport showld mischeife your peticioner) held, your peticioner went quietly to his owne howse, but was afterwards attached by a serjeant at armes and committed to prison where he lay 15 weekes, all the judges of the Kings Bench (Master Justice Crooke onlye excepted) denying him bayle, and libertye, thowgh they had graunted him his habeas corpus, and noe cause at all was given of his imprisonment; and that 13 others of the aforesaid towne were (under a pretence of a reskue made) sued in the Kings Bench to their greate trouble and expense (many of them being very poore men) from which suite they cannot yet be dischardged (thowgh nothing bee proved against them, and the first prosecutor of them be dead) unless they will pay severall sommes of money which they are neither willing nor able to paye.

May it therefore please this high and honourable courte to take such course as shall seeme good to your lordshipps wisdomes, that your peticioner may both bee freed from further trouble by being dismissed the courte, and in some sort recompensed for their former damages, and that they may bee safe from such like greivous and vexatious courses for tyme to come.

And your peticioners shalbe ever bownd to praye etc.

Frauncis Freeman


Freeman received and lecta 27 November 1640 reported to the house the 1o of December 1640


John Clarke, a poor distressed prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the lordes of the High Courte of Parlyment assembled.

The humble peticion of John Clarke a pooer distressed prisoner in the Fleete

In all humillity sheweth unto your honnours that wheras your pooer peticioner did rashly and ignorantly arreast one Hugh Flood servant to the right honourable the Earle of Salisberrye for which great contempt your pooer peticioner is very hartylie sorye and hee humbly beseecheth your good honnours that your honnours would bee pleased accordinge to your accustomed clemency to pardon and forgive your pooer peticioner this his great fact,

May it please your good honnours to take pitty and compasion of your pooer distressed peticioners misserable and forlorne estate for asmuch as your pooer peticioner hath had his house vissitted of late and buryed two children and hath had his pooer wife vissitted with sickness ever since and that with the griefe of buryeing of her children and your pooer peticioners imprisonment shee lyes sick and frantik with greife

Your pooer peticioner humblye beseecheth your good honnours forasmuch as your pooer peticioner is very hartily sorie for his great offence and that your pooer peticioner is a misserable pooer man and that your pooer peticioner hath receaved his just deserved corporall punnishment that this honnorable assembly would bee graciouslie pleased to give order to the warden of the Fleete for your peticioners enlargement without paying any fees: for asmuch as your pooer peticioner is a misserable pooer man and hath not where withall to sustaine himselfe and his famillie, and your peticioner shall as in dewtie bound pray for your honnors health and happiness etc.

By me John Clarke


John Clarkes peticion


Sir John Brooke, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords assembled in the High Court of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Sir John Brooke knight.

Sheweth that your petitioner by decree of his majesties High Court of Chancery dated about 12o February in the sixteenth yeare of his late majesties reigne over England etc was to deliver to the then Sir Francis Leake the younger a the now Lord Deinecourt a deed of release and all other writeings your petitioner then had in custody or could come by touching the mannour and landes mencioned in the said decree, and to release to the then Sir Francis Leake his father and the said now lord all accions suites and demaunds. All which your petitioner in due obedience to the said decree performed accordingly, and that the said Sir Francis the father should then alsoe by the said decree forthwith pay to your peticioner 3000 pounds as by the said decree more att large appeareth.

That the said now Lord Deincourt then intrusted by his said father for the payment of the said 3000 pounds knoweing your petitioner to have pressing urgent occacions for moneyes refused to pay the same, unles your petitioner would allowe and abate him 200 pounds thereof for portage of the whole 3000 pounds out of the country, and also give him an absolute and generall discharge for the totall.

That your petitioner being at that tyme much pressed and importuned for payment of the said 3000 pounds or most parte thereof by others to whome it was justly due att dayes then past was enforced to accept 2800 pounds for the whole 3000 pounds, and to give the said Lord Deincourt a release for the said whole summe, according to the said lords extreame demandes

That your petitioner for redresse of this his greivance afterward peticoned his now majestie who thereupon most graciously referred the matter to the right honourable the Earles of Dorsett and Salisbury, and they upon hearing of both parties and proofes made before them and upon full debate of the whole matter ordered that the said now Lord Deinecourt should pay your petitioner the said 200 pounds with interest untill that tyme which order the said Lord Deincourt hath ever since denyed, and still doth refuse to performe.

Your petitioner therefore humbly prayeth that your lordshipps wilbee pleased to take the premisses into your most serious and grave consideracions, and graunt your petitioner such remedy and releife herein as to your lordshipps shall seeme meete.

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall daily pray etc.



Die Martis.

28 Sir John Brooke.

Recepta primo die Decembris 1640 lecta eodem die

The merchants of London trading in French wines. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honorable the lords spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of the marchants of London tradeing in French wynes.

Sheweth that the xxxth of Aprill last it was ordered by the lords comittees of peticions that the customers and farmours of his majesties customes in the port of London should take and keepe the sophisticated wynes mencioned in the peticioners complaint then exhibited, under lock and key by one of them and that if the owners of the said wynes did not come to challenge them in two monethes then next ensueing then a tryall to be had of them according to the custome of the Cittie of London, and that the peticioners should be at noe further charge of watching the said wynes as by the order hereunto annexed appeareth

Now soe it is that the peticioners after the expiracion of the said two moneths (noe man haveing in the interim laid claime to the said wynes) did require of his majesties farmers delivery of them to thend they might receive a tryall according to the said order which the farmours refused to doe unles the peticioners would pay the custome and impost of them, although they did know that the lords comittees at the makeing of the said order, did declare that they held it not just that the peticioners should be putt unto any such charge.

The peticioners therefore humbly pray that the farmours may be commanded to make present delivery of the said wynes that they may receive tryall according to the said order.

And the peticioneres as bound shall pray etc.

  • Marmaduke Rawdon
  • Edmund Forster
  • George Langham
  • Thomas Bewley
  • Robert Myson
  • Thomas Walton
  • James Sotherne

Sir Henry Fynes, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall in the Highe Court of Parlyament assembled.

The humble peticion of Sir Henry Fynes knight

Humbly shewinge that he haveing an absolute estate of inheritance legally conveyed unto him by the late Earle of Berkshire and by his tenantes Monke and Wintersall executed by their attornment as appers by the deeds sealed and subscribed by the handes of the said Monke and Wintersall and the oathes and deposicions of the witnesses to divers indorsementes then executed of the same nature togeather.

Nevertheles by the deniall of Monke upon his oath that he knew not any thing to passe by the same deeds to the peticioner although he had subscribed to the same deedes and attornementes thereon indorsed two severall tryalles att common lawe have byn had by common jurors of the county of Berkshire against your petitioner by admittance of Monkes oath in the negative against his owne hand and other witnesses testimony and against the apparant truth and the lawes of this land to the petitioners damage and all other subjectes who clayme or holde estates by like convey= ances which dangerous president being suffered noe mans estate can be sure if a witnes his denyall against his owne hand and against other witnesses maye be admitted to make voyd conveyances and his owne act.

That the peticioner by the practise of his adversaries hath bin deprived of the benefitt of the lawe, and dispossessed before a hearing, and some materiall evidences which would cleere the cause and convince Monke of his falcehood have byn and are yet deteyned from him.

That in the carriage of the hearinges and tryalls of theis verdictes this petitioner ever hath byn overborn by such strength of practise and countenance as that some of his materiall witnesses he could never procure to appeare, and those whoe were most usefull att those hearinges or tryalls and then [p...t?] were then by threates of great councell soe discouraged as that this petitioner doubtes untill the justice of his cause maye be upheld by some authority of this court he shall never be able to procure them to appeare againe.

Your peticioner heretofore exhibited his bill in the Starchamber against Monke for perjury, in which cause the petitioner had falce coppies delivered unto him though testified to be true ons under the examyners hand, and for wante of true coppies that cause was dismissed, yet by the vote of the late Lord Keeper and some other votes Monke was held worthy to be sensured.

It is therefore humbly desired that your lordships will take the premisses into your honourable consideracions and to examyn such abuses as have byn in this cause, and that the same maye by the judgement of this court be determined, or by some direccion from your lordships according as his cause shall appeare he may be allowed a tryall by sufficient jurors in a forraigne county or by knightes and esquires of the said county of Berkshire and that a speedy tryall may be had, or such other course taken for your petitioners releefe as to the wisedome and justice of this most honourable court shall seem most meet.

  • Henry Fynes

Robert Lane, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honnourable the lords spirituall and temporall of the High Court of Parliament.

The humble petition of Robert Lane esquire

Humbly sheweth that the last convencion of Parliament it pleased this honnourable assembly not onely to receive the peticoners complaint but appointed a day for hearinge of his cause, and in respect of his great povertie was pleased to assigne him councell

May it please your honnours to continew the like favour unto him now, and hee shall dayly pray for your lordshipps as by duty bounde etc

  • Robert Lane
  • Sir Robert Heath
  • Sir John Bankes
  • Sarjant Whitfeilde
  • Sarjant Glanvild
  • Master Richard Lane
  • Master Mandrell

Lane Lane esquire

Recieved primo Decembris 1640 lecta eodem die.

Elizabeth Squire, wife of John Squire, clerk. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords of the upper house of Parliament

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Squire wife of John Squire clerke of Saint Leonardes Shoreditch.

Humbly shewing the miserable calamityes she hath undergone by suinge for her just right in the said John Squire her true and lawfull husband: in prosecuting whereof, the greatness of her adversaryes so over swaied the equitie of her cause; that she hath been diverse tymes committed to severall prisons, and there with her working at the mill, your said petitioner lost the use of one of her handes, besides the beinge made a publique reproach to the world by open whippinge through the cittie; contriving thereby to compell your said afflicted petitioner to relinquish the due inter -est she hath to her said husband; (the Lord Bishop of Lincolne that now is (then Lord Keeper) not sufferinge the wittnesses (at the day of hearing the case between your said petitioner and her husband aforesaid on her part to be [perused?] to the unrepaireable disgrace and ruine of the said petitioner and her creditt, who lived before that in good repute.

The petitioner therefore in all humble manner beseecheth your honours (to some whereof the proceedings are already well knowne) that your lordshipps would be pleased (amongst the many weighty affaires at this tyme by your honourable assembly at this tyme of Parliament;) to reflect your gracious eyes upon your poore distressed petitioners sufferings; and to order her [premised?] considerable business; that her said husband or the said Bishop of Lincolne (in regard of his said unjust partiallity, shall repayre some of her innumerable wrongs by allowing her such maintenance (she being in yeares past her labours) as in your prudent judgements shall conceave to be fitt for which she shall dayly pray etc.


Elizabeth Squire


Elizabeth Squire

Recepta primo Decembris 1640 lecta eodem die.

Robert Ramsey. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in Parliament.

The humble peticion of Robert Ramsey

Most humbly shewing that John late Earle of Holdernes seized in fee of the mannour of West Deerham and other landes in Norfolk by his last will in writing dated 1o Caroli devised the same to Edward Ramsey and Alexander Neerne esquires and their heires, upon speciall trust therein expressed, and dyed, and the said will was proved soone after in the Prerogative Court per testes by Edward Ramsey; Master Neerne refusing to intermeddle, Edward Ramsey dyed.

By colour of letters of administracion of the estate of the said Edward, your petitioner tooke 118 pounds profittes of the said landes, which hee was by suite in Chancery forced to repay to John Gosling next heire to the said Edward Ramsey, and by further suite 143 pounds more of the rentes and profittes were recovered by Gosling against such as your petitioner imployed to receive and gather the same, and your petitioner besides for the saving of the landes from the sea was enforced to expend above 1100 pounds upon the banckes and sewers thereof

After which, Sir Thomas Walsingham upon pretence of an escheate of those landes and graunt thereof to him and his heires obtained from his majesty, and of the meane profittes thereof since the said earles death exhibited his English bill in the Exchequer Chamber against your petitioner for the said landes and profittes in Michaelmas terme 10 Caroli.

And your petitioner answeared thereunto, and sett forth the said will of the said earle, and that the profittes hee and his agentes had taken, and more were recovered from him as aforesaid, and though the question in the said suit was whether will, or not, and whether the said landes were escheated or not properly triable by a jury at the common lawe, and not determynable in that court; yett 1o February 13o Caroli when your petitioner was dangerously sicke past sense, neere unto death, the court heard the cause, and upon the petitioners default there and upon severall subsequent orders without notice thereof given your petitioner condempned to pay Sir Thomas Walsingham 552 pounds 14 shillings for profittes of those landes supposed to bee taken after the earles death, and your petitioners estate sequestred by a decree and order in the Chancery upon a suit there for performance of the devise of the said will 7 yeares, and many thowsand powndes paid thereupon, and your petitioner still paid in performance of the same 220 pounds per annum, and your lordshipps well knowe that your petitioner cannot performe to both courtes

And your petitioner afterwardes recovering his health hath been above 2 yeares imprisoned in the Fleete, and ever since the dissolving of the last Parliament, the same day within 2 howers after by an order made before but not executed till then, your petitioner hath been a close prisoner close kept and locked upp in a noysome place in the common gaole, unto which a person of qualitie is loath to come worse then a fellon, murderer or traytour, where your petitioner hath and doth dayly feare to bee murdered and made away, being almost stifled and choaked upp for want of ayre to breath in as one hath been since your petitioners commyng into that miserable place, and your petitioner greatly dampnified for want of his libertie to have made his defence in severall suites against him in the Chancery, Exchequer, Court of Wardes, High Commission, Prerogative, and Deligates, besides the death of his wife and servant that was wholly intrusted with your petitioners children house and goodes, his howse robbed of money and goodes of great value, and what is left, carryed away by strangers for ought your petitioner knowes, to the utter undoing of him and his children, unlesse your lordshipps whome God hath called together for the good of the oppressed, afford him speedy releife.

Your petitioner most humblie beseecheth your lordshipps to heare him, and to review and reverse the said decree, and to leave the said Sir Thomas Walsingham to lawe for triall of his pretences, the same being there onely triable, and to vouchsafe to order your petitioners libertie to prosecute his suite before your lordshipps. And your petitioner shall ever pray for your lordshipps.

Robert Ramsey


Robert Ramseys

Recepta xxvio die Novembris 1640 but not read. Lecta primo die Decembris 1640.


Thomas Baltrup, constable of the parish of Great St Maries. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honorable the lords of the higher house of Parliament

The humble peticion of Thomas Baltrup, constable of the parish of Great Saint Maries in Cambridge.

Sheweth that about the 23 of December 1639 the peticioner received a warrant from the Hye Commission Court by the handes of Robert Richardson servant to Doctor Eden for the attaching the body of one Edward Parrell who was attached by your peticioner the same day and kept in safe custody in prison untill the 28th day of February next following, and then was delivered unto one John Vesey a messenger of his majesties chamber: which messenger at the same instant served a warrant on the peticioner and constrayned him to continue a prisoner in his custodie at the Beare in Cambridge; and demaunded 40 shillings for his fees coming downe from London, for what cause hee knoweth not, but the peticioner being not able to give him 40 shillings at present paid him 20 shillings then and gave him his bill to pay the other 20 shillings in Easter terme then next and ymediatly following. And the said Vesey compelled the peticioner to enter bond to him of 100 pounds to appeare at the Hye Comission Court at Lambeth upon the first Thursday in Easter terme whereupon hee was constrayned to forsake his shop and trading and to travaile to London intending to appeare at the place and tyme, but meeting with Doctor Eden and his man at their lodging in Doctors Commons he was advised by them to retorne home to Cambrige for they said hee was taken off and should not need to appeare where upon he retorned home and being a very poore man and having but litle stocke the most part whereof was expended in these troubles afore= named, and the remainder left to releive his familie in his absence

By all which troubles your peticioners credit and meanes being much impayred and wasted and he taken of his calling and meanes of living loosing both his custum and trade causelesly by the covetous and unwarran= table dealinges of the said Vesey being also drawne to many needles and superfluous expences even to his utter ruine and undoing who formerly lived upon his calling with credit [and?] comfort amongst his neighbours being alwayes ready and willing upon all occasions to doe his majesties service and the place where hee lived all of the offices of love and duty that belonged unto him [and?] or could be required from his place or calling.

In tender consideracion of which undue molestacion by the said Vesey and of his great misery and calamitous condicion inforced by his cruelty your peticioner most humbleth beggeth your lordships just and honorable compassions towardes him by ordering unto him some competent and due satisfaccion and redresse from the said Vesey as to your lordships shall seeme good.

And as daily bound hee shall duely pray for your lordships in this glorious Parliament:

Thomas Baltrup


[Jurat?] [illegible]


Recepta et lecta secundo die Decembris 1640

Thomas Kent, vintner. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honourable the knightes cittizens and burgesses in the Comons House of Parliament in this present Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Thomas Kent vintner.

Humbly sheweth. That your petitioners cellers were in the moneth of Maie 1638 by the commaund or appointment of William Abell, alderman of London, searched and the petitioner required to subscribe a noate, conteyning the severall quantities of wynes, which were then in the said cellers, the same search being before the 40 shillings per tunne for wines was imposed, and before his majesties proclamacion for the declaracion thereof and authorizing such search: att what time the alderman did also require as a duty from the petitioner 40 shillings per tunne for all those wines, although most of those wines were bought by the petitioner some yeares before; for which, as for the pretended duties of other wines (commonly called [med...?] wines) forced upon the petitioner, there hath beene demaunded from him by the said Alderman Abell 176 pounds 10 shillings which the petitioner not satisfying: hee hath bene by the aldermans procurement taken into the custody of a messinger and deteyned a prisoner, about 26 daies to his great charge and damage.

That to obteyne his libertie, the petitioner was inforced to pay the alderman 116 pounds 10 shillings and to give bond by suretyes for the 60 pounds remainder.

That about six yeres since your petitioner was (amongst others) rated to paie in unto the Company of Vintners the summe of 55 pounds pretended to be for his majesties use, which being afterwardes remitted by his majesty and comaund given for repayment thereof, the said alderman being to repay the same, hath enforced the petitioner to accept of 33 pounds in satisfaccion thereof: all which having bene done by the indirect proceeding of the said alderman;

The petitioners humble suite is, this honourable assembly wilbe pleased, to comaund the said aldermans apparance, before this honourable assembly, and if he shall not give good satisfaccion for such his doeings, that he may be ordered to repay the petitioner the said 116 pounds 10 shillings and the remainder of the 55 pounds with consideracion for the time he hath deteyned the same, and also to deliver him up the said bond for the 60 pounds and to make the petitioner such satisfaccion for his imprisonment and other damage he hath susteyned, as this honourable assembly in your great wisdomes shall deeme fitting:

And your petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray etc

Thomas Kent


2o December 1640 Master Kent vintner

Thomas, earl of Strafforde, Lieutenant General of Ireland. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honorable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parlament assembled

The humble peticion of Thomas Earle of Strafforde his majesties Lieutenant Generall of Ireland.

Humbly sheweth, that whereas it is ordered by your lordships the first day of this instant December, that some of the House of Comons may be present at the taking of such preparative examinations as shalbe desired by them to be taken for the perfecting of the charge against your peticioner; which order he conceiveth may be much prejudiciall and inconvenient to him.

He humbly beseecheth your lordships that he may attend in person with his councell to be heard in the same; and that in the meane tyme, the proceeding thereupon may be suspended; and that your lordships would be pleased to appoint a day when he and his councell may attend your lordships herein; and to give order for your peticioneres attendance accordingly

And he shall wish unto your noble lordships all increase of honour and happines.


Earl Straffordes peticion

3o December





Nathaniell Wickins, a prisoner in the White Lyon in Southwark. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

The humble petition of Nathaniel Wickins a close prisoner in the White=Lyon for refuseing the oath ex officio.

To the most honourable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Nathaniell Wickins late servant to Master Prinne of Lincolnes=Inne but now a close prisoner in the White=Lyon in Southwarke.

Humbly sheweth that about some three yeares since, and upwards, your poore petitioner was apprehended a close=prisoner by the name of Master Prinn's servant, and three severall times examined upon secrets of his masters, and after examinacion, called before the High Commissioners at Lambeth, and there tendred the oath ex officio, to witt, to answer all such articles as should be objected against him, without ever being permitted either to see, or heare them, contrary to the statute of 2o Henrici 5 chapter 3 and for his refuseing of the sayd oath was taken pro confesso, and censured, fined a thousand pound, good round costs of suit, excommunicated, and committed close=prisoner not to goe forth with a keeper.

May it therfore please your honours, the premisses considered, to take some speedy order for his inlargement, that thereby he may be, the better enabled to aggitate, and demonstrate his greivances to this honourable assembly.

And he (as in duety bound) shall ever pray for your happinesses.

Nathaniell Wickins close=prisoner.


Petition of Nathaniell Wickins

Sir Thomas Cheeke, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords assembled in Parliament.

The humble peticion of Sir Thomas Cheeke knight.

Sheweth that the right honourable family of the Fitz=Waters have beene barons of Parliament ever since Edward the Firstes tyme and upwardes, theire next heires of the whole blood (and noe others) have successively enjoyed the said honor and been summoned unto the Parliamentes of this realme as barons.

That your petitioner is sonne and heire unto Francis Ratcliffe sister of the whole blood unto Edward Ratcliffe lately deceased, whoe was nex heire of the whole blood unto Robert Ratcliffe whoe was grandchild unto Henry Ratcliffe whoe was grandchild unto Sir John Ratcliffe who was possessed of and enjoyed the honour of Baron Fitz Water as sonne and heire of the whole blood unto Elizabeth Fitzwater whose next heire, and descendantes of the whole blood and noe others have ever since enjoyed the said honor.

And whereas your petitioner understandes that Sir Henry Mildmay knight (though but heire of the halfe blood) unto Robert Ratcliffe barons Fitzwater deceased claimes the said honor and barony and your petitioner by a long indisposicion of health hath beene withdrawne from the opportunity of giving his councell such instruccion as a cause of this nature doth require.

His humble request is that your lordshipps would be pleased to appoint a convenient tyme for the hearing of councell on both sides in case the said Sir Henry intend to proceed or oppose your petitioner in his clayme, or otherwise to heare your petitioner to make good his clayme unto the said barony which he wilbe ready to doe att such convenient tyme as your lordshipps shall please to appoint.

And your petitioner shall pray etc.

Thomas Cheek


3 December 1640 Sir Thomas Cheeke.

Sara Jerrom, widow, and Elizabeth Squire, wife of John Squire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the lords spirituall and temporall of the High Courte of Parliament

The humble peticion of Sara Jerrom a poore widowe and of Elizabeth Squire wife of John Squire clarke of Sainte Leonard Shoreditch and married in August 1612

Shewing that your peticioner Elizabeth was sometime servant to the peticioner Jerrom and for her just clayme to her sayd husband she suffered insufferable miseries as by her oath maye appeare for she had no sooner putt the said Squire in suite in the High Commission Courte for mainetenance butt the said Master Squire gott aspetiall supplicavit against both the peticioners and proceeded against them in the High Courte of Starr Chamber and till it came to a daye of hearing the Lord Bishopp of Lincolne then Lord Keeper did by an order referr the cause to Sir George Crooke knight who did nothing in it soe then it came to another daye for hearing wherein my Lord Keeper did faulsely slander mee as in the hearing doth appeare

Then the said Master Squire gott a suddaine heareing before the said Lord Keeper and others where the petitioners could not have the examinacions of their wittnesses read for as it seemes the said Lord Keeper favoureing the cause did suppress it and forthwith gave censure against the petitioners that the said peticioner Jerrome should paye unto the said Master Squire 140 pounds which said suite cost her at the least 1000 pounds and the said petitioner Elizabeth was in a most lamentable manner whipt from Shoreditch to the Fleete and imprisoned by which hard dealing she is become lambe and by meanes thereof is made a publicke scandall to the world and God knowes cannot gett house nor harbour and for the most parte kept in prison for in October last was 12 monthes she was by somme lords committed to Bedlame and aboute the last of December following should be released but Sir Dudley Charlton knight kept the order till the 10th of July and she soe long in prison soe that she hath endured unspeakeable wrongs and none will releive her and long of the said Master Squire hath lost an [advision?] of 160 pounds per annum

The peticioners doe therefore appeale unto and most humbly implore this honorable assembley to take the premises into due consideracion for their releifes and to be pleasd to signe them counsell in regard the said Master Squire is a man of wealth and a divine none will undertake for them

And they shall dayly praye etc

Sara Jerrom


Sara: Jerom

Recepta tercio Decembris 1640 not read

The inhabitants of the royal forests of England. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the honourable assemblie of the knightes cittizens and burgesses of the Comons House of Parliament

The humble peticion of the inhabitantes within the severall forrestes of this his majesties kingdome of England.

Sheweth that whereas contrary to the greate charter of the forrest and the perambulacions thereupon made and confirmed by sundrie actes of Parliament and contrary to the constant usage of 300 [illegible] yeares, the lymittes and boundes of the said forrestes have been lately enlarged and extended many myles in length and breadth by coulour of severall verdictes in that behalfe. And many articles aswell of the said charter as other statutes and assizes heretofore made for the benefitt and liberty of the subjectes inhabitinge within the said forrestes have been of late violated wrested and misinterpreted to the impoverishment and oppression of his majesties subjectes the disservice of his majestie in the supplies of the provisions of his houshold and to the rootinge out of many greate families fitt to serve his majestie both in peac and warr.

There humble suite therefore is that this honourable assembly wilbe pleased to take the premisses into a due and serious consideracion, and to give the petitioners such redresse therein as in the greate wisdome of this grave assemblie shalbe adjudged most meete.

And the petitioners shall daily pray etc

John Herne


Read 2o December 1640

Forrest peticion refarred to a subcommittee

Robert, Lord Brooke. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords of the High Court of Parliament.

The humble petition of Robert Lord Brooke

Humbly sheweth that in February 1635 an injunction was awarded out of the Courte of Requests, att the suite of Sir Fulke Grevill knighte, under the paine of tenn thowsand pownds, to bee levyed uppon your petitioners lands and goods, to his majesties use in the Exchequer, for the performance of a decree, in the said Court of Requests, and that by reason thereof your petitioner was constrayned to paye to the said Sir Fulke Grevill 5000 pounds, which decree was grounded uppon a certificate of certaine referrees named uppon the petition of the said Sir Fulke Grevill, where to your petitioner never gave any consent, and the originall ground of the said certificate was a promise pretended to bee made to the father of the said Sir Fulke Grevill, above threescore yeares before, by Sir Fulke Grevill knighte; father of the right honourable Fulke late Lord Brooke deceased unto whome the petitioner, was neither heire, nor executor, nor had any lands, or goods from him neither could the charge of the said promise, by any rule of lawe, or equitie (as your petitioner humbly conceaveth) bee derived uppon your petitioner, besides the said promise had noe other proofe then by an old lettere certified by one only witnes, who was borne eight yeares after the same was written, and in case the same promise had beene true and had not beene performed, the performance thereof to the full valewe would not have amounted unto fiftie pownds. And albeit the request contayned in the bill of complaint, whereuppon the said decree was made, was for land in Hackney of the yearly valewe of 242 pounds 02 shillings 00 pence and noe more, (in which land your petitioner had only an estate for life) yet neverthelesse your petitioner by the same decree was ordered to pay unto the said first named Sir Fulke Grevill 6000 pounds in money.

Your petitioner humbly prayeth your good lordshipps to have such consideration of the premisses, as hee may have restitution of his 5000 pounds with such dammages, as to your justice and wisdome shall seeme most meete.

Robert Brooke


Lord Brooke.

Recepta octavo die Decembris 1640

lecta eodem die.

John Rodway, William Newarke and Walter Coles. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the High Court of Parliament.

The humble peticion of John Rodway William Newarke and Walter Coles.

Sheweth that your poore peticioners were without any presentmentes of churchwardens November 3 1639 cited into the consistory court of the Lord Bishoppe of Gloucester, where the said court tould them they were called in ex officio for goeing to other parish churches to heare sermons, (whither they repayred [illegible] in regarde the viccar for lewd and fowle causes was questioned in the High Commission and the cause there still depending) they were further comanded to confesse themselves guilty knoweing noe crime by them committed: and for forbearing such confession excommunicated after which sentence they often besought the said court to have it revoked or a copy of the articles putt in against them, both which were absolutely denyed and your petitioners upon a pretence of a significavit arrested and cast in prison without bayle; eleaven dayes they suffered imprisonment, and then obteyned under custody, to go to London to answere the cause, where finding noe such writt had issued against them, they were dismist by the under sheriffe, but the heavy paymentes and a monethes absence to them having a great charge of wives children and families and their sore molestacion and travells putt on hard to their utter undoeing.

In which case, your poore petitioners humbly presentes, and submittes their cause and themselves to this high and honourable assembly, cheerefully resting on that good sentence which the wisdome thereof shall judge convenient. Devoutly supplicating God almighty to assist and direct it from above in the many weighty affaires of his sacred majestie the church and common wealth.

Walter Coyles



Recepta et lecta nono die Decembris 1640


The inhabitants of Banbury. HL/PO/JO/10/1/44 (1640)

To the right honourable the lords assembled in Parliament.

The humble petition of the inhabitants of the burrough and towne of Banbury

Humbly sheweth that John Howes viccar of Banbury besides divers miscarriages in his ministry for which your petitioners have made their complaint to the honourable House of Comons hath shewed himselfe to be a person ill affected to the state for upon the vth of November 1639 though he had the statute booke sent to him by the churchwardens and was desired to read the statute appointed to be read that day to kepe thanckfully in memory the great deliverance from the powder plott he refused to read the same nor wold he upon the last vth of November read theis wordes in the prayer appointed to be read that day videlicet whose religion is rebellion and whose faith is faction, nor kept he the fast appointed at the last Parliament besides he hath cast aspertions upon some of the nobility saying in the hearing of divers that some of the lordes promised to ayd the Scottes when they shold come into England but now they were come durst not be seene in it or wordes to the like effect

Your petitioners thought themselves bound humbly to represent theis thinges to your lordships and do humbly beseech your lordships to take such course therein as to your great wisdome shall seeme mete

And your petitioners shall pray etc

  • John [Amsten?]
  • William Allen
  • Nathaniel [Hill?]
  • Samuell Webb
  • John Webb
  • [illegible] [West?]
  • George Phillips
  • Thomas Judd
  • Rowland Hawse
  • Thomas Robins

Lecta 10 December 1640

ordered Howes to be sent for.