Petitions to the House of Lords: 1624

Petitions to the House of Lords, 1597-1696.

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Mary Lough, sister and administratrix of Edward Barton esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/23 (1624)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall of the High Courte of Parlement

The most humble peticion of Mary Lough sister to Edward Barton esquier late embassador to Queene Elizabeth of famous memory and the agent in Turkey for the Turkey marchantes administratrix of his goodes and chattells

Sheweth, that whereas the marchantes of the Levant seas dwelling in the Citty of London were by the said late Queene incorporated by the name of Governor and Company of Marchantes Levant, who traded into Turkey and other partes of the Levant seas. Where more then 30 yeares past her majesty att the humble suite of that company by the advise of her councell of estate and by the said companyes aggreement to mayntayne an embassador fitt for the honor of the kingdome of England, but specially for the benifitt of the same corporation didd graunt that they should have an embassador for the same ymploymentes and that the same corporacion should allow him such charges and expences as hee should give upp in accompt at his returne the which didd amounte unto 2600 pounds per annum as appeares by his bookes of accompt allowed by the said company. Whereuppon William Horlorne esquier at the suite of the same corporacion was appointed embassador for those affaires, who after five yeares service returned into England and received allowance after the rate of 2600 pounds by the yeare from the same corporacion accordingly besides his wages which was 200 pounds per annum, where after his returne the said Edward Barton being a man of great judgement skill and experience in the Turky affaires and having obtained speciall favor in the sight of the grand senor or greate Turke was by the appointment of the said corporacion made embassador in Turky aswell for the generall state as for their particular whose merite farr exceeded Master Horbornes and such was his estimacion in the Turky empire as he was not only an honor to all Christendome and a protector of the Christian princes embassadors from the tiranny of that governement butt didd attayne such renowne as caused the eyes of greate princes and potentates to be cast uppon him as a fitt man to stand them in stead with the grand seignor in whome the bashawes and Turky noble men feared that Master Barton had such interest as he could and would prevaile with the grand seignor to make him a Christian, and to prevent the effecte of that feare they wrought meanes to shorten the daies of Master Barton by poysoninge as itt was conceived in whose tyme the said corporacion did more flourish then ever itt hath donne since by the worthy discharge of his duty towardes them and such was his imployment as itt redowbled the charge of any that succeeded him in the place of an embassador, after whose death your peticioner first by fayre intreaty and after by suite in Chancery sought to be releeved against this corporacion for the said Master Bartons entertainement accordinge to the proporcion of the allowance made to Master Horborne and others that succeeded him, and to be satisfyed for the jewelles plate and goodes of her sayd brother which they hadd taken into their handes amountinge to the value of 10000 or thereaboutes, wherein for that the last Lord Chancellor would not meddle with merite or matter of state he didd not onely forbeare to give releefe, butt didd dismisse your peticioners bill withoute prejudice to seeke her releefe elswhere; attributing many tymes great applause to Master Bartons merites

Forasmuch as the High Court of Parliament is a place of super intendent power and authority where all the greevances of his majesties subjectes deprived of releefe elswhere doe receive honourable examinacion and reformacion to the great comfort of the common wealth

And forasmuch as your peticioners said cause concerneth the honnor of the state which is represented by your honourable assembly, and her poverty is such as shee cannott conceive there is any course to doe her good but by appeale to your honnors, shee havinge spent all her meanes that shoulde have maintained her and children and her childrens children.

Her moste humble sute is that your lordshipes will take into your honourable consideracion this case and take order for her releefe in the same that other nations may take notice that the state of England is never ungratefull to men of merite in their prince and contries service, and that the principall of this corporacion may be enjoyned by your authority to give your peticioner such satisfaction as shall seeme best to your lordshipes according to the equity of the cause and presidentes of other mens rewardes, and shee and her poore children will upon their knees pray to the almighty that your counceles may conclude to the glory of God the honor of the King and the comfort and comodity of the comon wealth

His expences and sevice is prooved by deposicions in Chancery the scedule of his service is hereunto annexed.


24 Maii 1624. We find this cause was [illegible] in Chauncery and there dismissed without prejudice of either partie [illegible] court we leave them as before and in the [illegible] wee doe likewise dismisse it, without prejudice to either partie.

This order mistaken. Master [Lello?]

Sir Gilbert Hoghton, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/23 (1624)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall of the upper house of Parliament

The humble peticon of Sir Gilbert Hoghton knighte.


That wheras (by the procurement of Sir Richard Hoghton the peticioners father) the manor of Walton in le Dale in Lankashire was hertofore conveyed to Sir William Cokayne knighte for assuring of 11000 pounds to the said Sir William disbursed by him for the use of the peticioners father, and by aggreement the said Sir William Cokayne after satisfaccion received of his money with interest after 10 pounds per centum, was to reconvey the remayne of the said manour (not sold towardes the raising of the said moneys) to the peticioners father and his heires.

Shortly after which assurance so made to the said Sir William Cokayne the peticioner [by?] aggreement betweene him and his father was to have all his fathers right and benefyt in the [said?] residue of the said manour unsould transferred to the peticioner, who became bound in a penall bond of 7000 pounds to redeeme from the said Sir William Cokayne so much of the said manour as (after payment of all the moneys with interest due and paiable to the said Sir William Cokayne) should remayne unsould before the feast of Saint Michael anno domini 1624.

Synce which convayance so made to Sir William Cokayne, the said Sir William hath by sale of landes parcell of the said manour and other waies received the said 11000 pounds with many thowsand poundes for interest, and in Trinity terme last did signefy by his agent to the peticioner that there rested (as hee thought) not above 500 pounds behind of his moneys, parte wherof hath beene satisfied by sale of landes parcell of the said manour, and such security geven for the rest as was accepted by the said Sir William Cokayne

By reason wherof and for that it appeareth lately uppon the peticioners casting up of the moneys paid to Sir William Cokayne that there is a great overplus of money resting in the handes of the said Sir William Cokayne

The peticioner hath in gentle maner required the said Sir William Cokayne to ac come to an accompt touching the moneys by him received, and to convey to the peticioner the residue of the said manor unsold (being worth about 400 pounds per annum) which to doe the said Sir William forbeareth unlesse hee may have security to satisfy his owne demaundes without controlle which doinges are like to tend to the peticioners great damage unlesse the same bee speedily redressed.

The peticioners humble suite is, that in respect of his engagement in a penall bond as aforsaid, your lordships (for preventing the daunger of forfeyting the same, and for avoiding of long and tedious suytes) would voutchsafe to call the said Sir William Cokayne before yow, and geve order that he shall forthwith accompt to the peticioner what moneys have beene alreadie by [illegible] him receyved synce his assurance, and also [illegible] to reconvey the residue of the said manor unsold to the peticioner, or such as the peticioner shall name in that behalf, and to lay your commaund uppon him the said Sir William, that hee make noe further sale of any landes in Walton aforsaid untill a perfect accompt bee made by him touching receiptes, and the peticioner shall pray to God for your lordships long and happy lives and the good successe of this Parlement as in duety all true and loyall subjectes ought to doe.


Receaved the [3o?] of Aprill Sir Gilbert Hoghton

The House of Commons. HL/PO/JO/10/1/23 (1624)

May it please your most excellent majestie

We your majesties most humble and loyall subjectes the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, having to our singuler comfort received your princely resolucion upon our humble peticion to dissolve the two treaties of the match and the Pallatinate and having on our partes with all allacrity and readines humbly offered our assistance to your majestie to mainteine the warr which may ensue thereupon, yet withall sensible finding what seditious and traitorous posicions those incendyaryes of Rome and professed engines of Spaine the pristes and Jesuites, infuse into your naturall borne subjectes: what numbers they have seduced and dayly doe seduce to make them dependante on the Pope of Rome, and King of Spaine, contrary to their allegiance to your majestie their liege lord: what dayly resort of pristes and Jesuites into your kingdomes: what concourse of popish recusantes much more then usuall is now in and about the Citty of London: what bouldnes yea what insolency they have discovered out of the opinion conceived of their forraine patronage what publique resort to masses and other exercises of the popish religion in the houses of forraine ambassadours there is dayly to the greate greefe and offence of your good subjectes what greate preparacions are made in Spaine fitt for an invasion, the bent


whereof is as probable to be upon some part of your majesties dominions as upon anie other place? What encouragement it may be to your enemies, and the enimies of your crowne, to have a partie or but the opinion of a partie within your owne kingdomes, who doe dayly encrease and combine themselves togeather for that purpose? What dishartning of your good and loving subjectes when they shall see more cause of feare from their false harted contrimen at home, then from their professed adversarye abroad? What apparent daungers by Godes providence and your majesties wisdome and goodnes they have very lately escaped, which the longer continuance of those treaties upon such unfitting condicions, fomented by your owne ill affected subjectes would surely have drawne upon your majestie and your state, doe in all humblenes offer to your sacred majestie this their humble peticions following.

1. Thatt all Jesuits and seminary pristes and all others having taken orders by [illegible] authority derived from the sea of Rome, may by your majesties proclamacion be comaunded forth with to depart out of this realme and all other your highnes dominions, and neither they nor anie other to retourne or come hither againe upon perill of the severest penaltye of the lawes now in force against them. And that all your majesties subjectes may thereby alsoe be admonished not to receive, entertaine, comfort or conceale any of that viperous brood upon the penalties and forfeitures which


by the lawes may be imposed upon them.

2. That your majestie would be pleased to give streight and speedy charge to the justices of peace in all the partes of this kingdome (that according to the lawes in that behalfe made, and the orders taken by your majesties Privie seale Counsell heretofore for pollicie of state) they doe take from all popish recusantes legally convicted or justly suspected, all such armour, gunpowder, and municion, or anie kind as anie of them have either in their owne handes or in the handes of anie other for them, and to see the same safely kept, and disposed according to the law leaving them for the necessarie defence of their howses and persons so much as by the law is prescribed.

3. That your majestie will be pleased to commaund all popish recusantes and all others who by anie law or statute are prohibited to come to the Kinges court forthwith under paine of your heavie displeasure, and severe execucion of your lawes against them, to retire themselves their wives and familys from or about London, to their severall dwellings or places, by your lawes appointed, and there to remaine confined within five miles of their dwelling places, according to the lawes of this your realme. And for that purpose to discharge all by past licensies graunted unto them for their repaire thether heather, and that they presume not at anie tyme hereafter to repaire to London or within tenn miles of London, or to the Kinges court or to the princes court wheresoever.

4. That your majestie would forbid and restraine the great resort and concourse of your owne subjectes for the hearing of masse, or for other exercise of the Romish religion to the howses of forreine ambassadours or agentes residing here for the service of their severall princes or states.

5. That where of late in severall countyes of this realme some have beene trusted in the places of lord lieutenantes, deputy lieutenantes, commissioners of


oyer and terminer justices of peace and captaines in theire countreys which are either popish recusantes or non communicantes by the space of a yeare now past, or which doe not usually resort to church to divine service, and being good certificate thereof that your majestye will bee pleased to discharge them from those places of trust by which they have that power in the countrey (where they live) as is not fitt to bee putt into the handes of persons so affected.

6. That your majestie would be pleased generally to putt the lawes in due execucion which are made, and stand in force against popish recusantes and that all your judges justices and ministers of justice to whose care theis thinges are committed may by your majesties proclamacion be commaunded to doe theire duetye therein.

7. That seeing wee are thus happilie delivered from that daunger with those treaties now dissolved and that [illegible] use which your ill affected subjectes made thereof would certainely have drawne upon us, and yett cannott but forsee and feare least the like may hereafter happen which would unevitablye bring such perill to your majesties kingdomes wee are most humble suitours to your gracious majestye to secure the heartes of your good subjectes by the engagement of your royall word unto them, that upon noe occasion of marriage or treatie or other request in that behalfe from anye forreine prince, or state whatsoever you will take away or slacken thexecucion of your lawes against the popish recusantes.

To which our humble peticions proceeding from our most loyall and dutifull affeccions towardes your majestie our care of our countreys good, and


our confident persuasion, that they theis will much advance the glorie of almighty God the everlasting honour of your majestye the safetye of your kingdome and the encouragement of all your good subjectes doe most humbly beseech your majestie to vouchsafe a gracious aunsweare.

Philip Page, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/23 (1624)

To the right reverend, and right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in this highe and most honourable court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Philip Page a poore oppressed prisoner in the comon wardes of the Fleet.

Most humbly sheweth.

Wheras there was a suite dependinge in Chauncery betweene the petitioner and one Foxwell and Hutton, wherin the petitioner complayninge of wronges done him by Foxwell and Hutton in a trust reposed in them by the petitioner the then Lord Chauncellor Lord Ellesmere condemned the practise, released the petitioner out of prison, takinge recognisance of 2000 pounds with 4 suerties to abide the order of the courte, graunted an injunction to put the petitioner in possession of the landes by them deteyned, appointed a day of hearinge, and for preparinge the cause, referred the examinacion therof to Sir John Tindall, whose reporte was utterly rejected, and himselfe sharply rebuked for charginge the petitioner to be indebted 785 pounds. 4 shillings. 8 pence. to Foxwell and Hutton, only for brokage and use upon use, not thought fitt to be allowed in that court. Wherupon a commission was directed to Sir Gilbert Garrard knight Philip Garrard, and Faelix Garrard esquiers, who takinge paines in examininge the cause, reported that they found the petitioner to be ingaged 950 pounds and that Foxwell and Hutton had received 921 pounds. 13 shillings. profitt of the landes by their owne confessions, and for the overplus remayninge, the comissioners thought it unfitt to be allowed, in respecte that Foxwell and Hutton (contrary to the nature of a trust) conferred it over to others, who were least to be trusted.

The petitioner can further prove, that they had, or might have made 110 pounds more profittes of the landes, and certaine corne made over in trust to them for the payment of the 950 pounds. That they lefte the legacies (in the contract) unsatisfied, which the petitioner was since enforced to paye; wherby the petitioner is out of purse 1400 pounds, for 950 pounds, all for his mothers debtes, by whom he loste [illegible] 700 pounds before.

Foxwell and Hutton afterwardes combininge with one Sherborne and Day, servantes to the Lord Chauncellor Viscount St Albons, gave them 150 pounds to sollicite their cause to their lord and master. Who havinge wrought with Sir James Wolveridge to make a new reporte, agreeinge to that of Sir John Tindalls formerly condempned; and afterwardes compounded and bought out such somes of money, as should be recovered in Foxwells name (as Foxwell himselfe hath often confessed).

Sherborne so mediated and prevailed with his lord and master, as upon this report only (the petitioner havinge no councell present to open his cause) the Lord Chauncellor decreed, that the petitioner should pay Foxwell and Hutton 785 pounds. 4 shillings. 8 pence. and 32 pounds. 10 shillings. with costes of suite.

And further it was ordered, that one Edward Causon, who had purchased theis landes of the petitioner and then had 1000 pounds of the purchase moneyes remayninge in his handes, should pay unto Foxwell and Hutton 200 pounds and deteyne the rest in his handes untill the court should further determine; upon pretence, that the petitioner stood in rebellion, and could not be taken, when he was in prison, and charged in execucion upon the recognisance of 2000 pounds (only upon Sherbornes report) and so a twelve moneth deteyned without warrant.

Causon payes Foxwell and Hutton, and deteyned ever since all the moneyes remayninge in his handes, according to the order, no bill beinge ever exhibited against him. Yet refused to pay moneyes decreed (by a legall course of bill and answer) to one Penington (to whom the petitioner was justly indebted) notwithstandinge he was served with a writt de executione ordinis, but havinge combined with Sherborne, procured him to move the Master of the Rolles in his lord and masters name, to dissolve the said writt of execucion, which was done accordingly.

The motives why Causon combined with Sherborne and Foxwell, (as the petitioner humbly presumes) were for that Causon after the contract and bargaine and sale of the said land (purchased by him at 2730 pounds for which Sir Humfry Hanford knight profered 3100 pounds) enforced the petitioner before he would pay him any money (he beinge in extreame wantes) to enseale certaine fraudulent covenantes of his owne makinge, farre from the true intent and meaninge of the first agreement, the covenantes beinge contrary to all equity and conscience, and most unreasonable and against common sence: and wheras he should have given security by his brother John Causon in 5000 pounds for payment of this 2720 pounds to the petitioner he never performed the same: and wheras he agreed to graunt new leasses to the tenantes (they deliveringe in their old leasses in beinge) for 24 yeares, at 400 pounds per annum, which they profered with advantage, he to defraude the petitioner pretended the estate of the land, was in his brother John Causon, to whom he had only turned it over in truste.

After this Sherborne procured leave that the recognisance of 2000 pounds might be put in suite against the petitioner and his suerties, who pleadinge to the scire facias that the cause was never heard judicially in courte, the Lord Chauncellor comitted the councellor who drew the plea and the petitioners suerties to the Fleet, wherby the suerties were enforced for their peace and libertyes to compound, wherby the petitioner hath forfeited 4000 pound bond to save them harmeles.

By theis combinacions they have not only extorted the petitioners estate, but seeke his life by deteyninge his monies theis seven yeares, without allowinge him one penny maintenance or releife, and have further practised with the warden of the Fleete to keepe him from all maintenance or any part of the share of that Christian charitye, which is given to the poore of the comon wardes, where the petitioner lyes, he havinge bin a prisoner above theis 4 yeares, and none so poore and indigent as the petitioner

The petitioner beinge deprived of all help at common lawe, and stopt of releife in Chancery by this decree: whither can he flie for succor but to this most honourable senate, where justice hath ever had her cheife residence? Or in whom can he hope of helpe, but in your lordships beinge the principall pillars who support equity and the common good?

Most humbly therfore the petitioner beseecheth your lordships to be honourably pleased to call Causon, Sherborn Day, Foxwell and Hutton before your lordships and upon examinacion of the cause, so to determine for the petitioners releife, as to your unparralleld wisdomes shall be thought fitt. And he will ever pray for your lordships happines.

By me

  • Phillipe Page

The parishioners of St. Katherin Christ Church alias Creechurch. HL/PO/JO/10/1/23 (1624)

To the honorable Comittees of the Upper hows of Parliament for the cause concerning the Lord of Oxford and the Master and fellows of Maudlin Collage in Camebridge.

The humble peticion of the Parishoners of the parish of St. Katherin Christ Church alias Cree church neere Algate London

Humbly shewing, That the Rectory of the said parish is appropriated (by the guift of the Lord Audley) to the said Collage, and in that respect they ought to repaire the Chauncell.

That both church and chauncell is now in extreame decay (through age) and especially the chansell, soe as upon veiwe thereof taken, it is conceived by divers workmen, and his Majesties Commissioners for building, both forthwith to bee reedifyed, not being able to stand without being propped and shored with divers peeces of timber as now it is.

That Docter Gouge being Master of the said Collage gaineth to himselfe 40li. per annum by a lease taken in an other mans name, to his own use at 28li. per annum and deferreth to take course for the building of the said chauncell, seeking to lay their whole charge both of church and chauncell upon the petitioners whoe at their owne charge besides the rent of 68li. per annum, which they pay to the said Docter Gouge, doe maintaine a painfull preaching minister.

Now forasmuch as the overburthened petitioners by meanes of the said Docter Gouge doe understand that hee is to attend your Lordships about a cause that doth someway concerne the said Rectory.

Therefore and because it is soe pious a worke as the reedifying of the howse of God, The petitioners humbly desyer your lordships (for the furtherance thereof) by order or otherwise to enjoyne the Master and fellowes of the said Collage to build the chauncell when and as the said church shalbe built, which is deferred in respect of their refusall to build the chauncell, Notwithstanding the Lord Bishop of London hath dealt with him soe to doe And the petitioners shall pray etc.

The parishioners of St. Katherin Creechurch, London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/23 (1624)

To the right honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall of the high Howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of the Parishoners of St. Katherin Creechurch, next within Algate London

In all humble manner sheweth, That the Rectory of the said parish as appropria ted, to the Master and fellowes of Maudlin Collidge, in Camebridge, and in that respect they ought to repaire, and maintaine the chauncell thereof.

That the same is now in extreame decay through age, soe as upon veiwe thereof it is conceived by divers workmen, and his Majesties Commissioners for building verie needfull, forthwith to be reedified, not being able to stand unlesse it bee proped, and shored up with divers great peeces of timber as it is.

Alsoe that Docter Gouge being Master of the said Collidge, by a lease thereof gaineth unto himselfe 40li. per annum, and delayeth to take course for the building of the said chauncell when and as the church shall soe bee, hee haveing been dealt withall soe to doe by the Lord Bishop of London, who upon the matter is denied to be done by them

Seeking to leave the whole charge of building both of church and chauncell upon the parishoners notwithstanding they bee much charged, by paying 68li. per annum and alsoe maintaining at their owne charge a preaching minister.

Now forasmuch as the overburthened petitioners understand, that there is a bill depending before your Lordships that both somwhat concerne the said Rectory and Docter Gouge.

Therefore and because it is soe needfull a pious work, as the reedifyeng of the howse of God, The petitioners humbly desier your Lordships for the furtherance thereof by order or otherwise to enjoyne the said Master and Fellows to build the said chauncell that the building of the church bee not delayed or hindered which otherwise will, both which of necessitie must be raised and built together, in respect the ground of them are verie lowe discending 7 stepps, causing it thereby to bee verie damp and noisome, And the petitioners shalbe encouraged And pray etc.


22: Martii 1623 per Comitatem Bridgwa- ter

Cree Church

referr to Bp of London

Thomas Norton, gentleman, surveyor of his majesty's ways. HL/PO/JO/10/1/23 (1624)

To the moost honorable assembly of the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall of the upper House of the high Court of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Thomas Norton gentleman Surveyor of his Majesties Wayes.

Humblie shewith

That having for the space of 20tie yeares endeavored (accordinge to the dewtie of his place) the generall amendment of all highwaies to the best of his understanding. But alltogether in vaine by reason of the many defectes and imperfectiones in the Statutes now in force concerning that busiones.

That it would therfore please this Honorable Assemblie to nominate oute amongest them a fitting comittee to con- sider of those pointes which shalbe offered unto them by the peticoner and others who have laboured in that affaire. That thereuppon some such exact provision maye be made, for the meetinge with all the inconveniences which now give interruption to the said service, as may produce a reformation therein to the Common good, both of the Kinge and his Subjectes. And the better enabling of the peticoner and other officers andd mynisters about Wayes, to discharge their severall duties in that behalfe. And your peticoner shall daylie praye unto God, for the prospirous and good suckses in all your affaires tending to Godes glorye and the good of the Common weale.


Tho. Norton 8o. Aprl. 1624.

It cannot be don by proteccion peticion Therefore the lords doe advisethincke he muste[?] maie take some other course by bil in the house or otherwise


Sir Edward Osbaldston, servant to the Earle of Darby. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right honorable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Sir Edward Osbaldston knight servaunt to the Earle of Darby.

Whereas your peticioner hath suffered a judgement upon a counterbond of 400 pounds given to save harmeles one Mathew King from a bond of 200 pounds which hee entred into as a suertie for 100 pounds of his owne money for which 100 pounds originall debt the said Mathew King hath received 200 pounds within lesse then twoe yeares after the same was lent, but by reason of the negligence of one Walton an attorney whoe paid the said 200 pounds, the said judgement of 400 pounds was not discharged. By advantage whereof the said King and one Thomas Bancke, have since the said payment of the said 200 pounds caused your petitioner to bee sued to an outlawry after judgement, and hath caused your petitioners landes to bee extended, and latelie imprisoned his body, which was freed by this howse in respect of the priviledge of his said service.

Now forasmuch as your petitioner hath heretofore exhibited a bill in the High Court of Chancery to bee releeved in the premisses against the said Banckes and King, to which they have pleaded the said outlawry so unjustlie procured against your peticioner and made noe further answeare: and forasmuch as the said Mathew King is lately deceassed, and left his wife his executrix, who seeketh execucion of the said judgement, and thereby unjustly to drawe from your peticioner the whole penaltie of the said counterbond, although there bee nothing in equitie due, but fully discharged and more. And forasmuch as your petitioner hath noe meanes to compell the said executrix and Banckes to waive theire said plea of outlawrie, but is utterly remediles, but in this High Court of Parliament.

May it please your good lordshipps to the end your petitioner may bee freed of the said judgement according to equitie, hee beeing willing and ready to pay what shall bee due) to referr the hearing and ending of the said cause and difference to some of this honorable howse. And your petitioner shall daily praie etc.


J. B. 18 Martii 1623

Sir Edward Osbaldeston


9 April 1624. Reported per Comitem Bridgwater that the lords comittees thought fytt that this aunswere be made unto this peticion videlicet for asmuch as the ground of the peticion is yelded to be taken away by consent and that the parties in the peticion complayned of will be content to wave their plea [illegible] of out lawry, and to pleade in chiefe. The peticioner may take what way he pleaseth in what court he will for his reliefe, putting in suerties to prove his suggestion, and soe as he delay not in the prosequution, which being don it is thought fitt that the busines be recommended to the favour of the court where the peticioner shall sue, the rather for some courses and practizes observed in the examinacion of the cause. Approved of by the house. Ex Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament.

Gricell Rogers, widow. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right reverend and right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in the upper house of this most high and honourable session of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Gricell Rogers an oppressed widoe, exhausted in estate, and herself and her orphans exposed to ruin by the unjust persecucions and vexacions of Sir Arthur Ingram knight and his agents.

Most humbly sheweth:


44 Elizabeth [illegible]

That the late Queene Elizabeth the 15th of Maye in the 44th yeare of her reigne, did graunt by letteres patents under the greate seale of England (amongest other things) to Henry Best, and Edward Britten of late in fee farme all the messuadges, lands, and tenements with theire appurtenances scituate in Heygrove in the countie of Somerset of the yearly rent of 5 pounds 9 shillings parcell of the joincture of the Ladie Joane late queene of England, which lands by severall conveyances are since come to the hands of William Birch, Robert Swayne, and the peticioner, to each of them a third parte.

The sale

All those lands in Heygrove were formerly graunted oute in coppieholds to severall tenaunts for tearme of lyfe by her majestie, noe greater or other rent reserved or payed to the crowne for the same 44o Elizabeth or for 60 yeares before then 5 pounds 9 shillings per annum as appeares uppon record, for which lands the peticioner payed after the rate of 30tie yeares purchase, 21 years since, and received noe profitt untill within theise three yeares past and that of but one tenement, after fifteene hundred pounds disbursed and nyne yeares suites.

This sale was confirmed by act of Parliament in 43o Elizabeth the lands being sould for paying her majesties debts, for defence of the kingdome, maintenance of the warres, preventing forreigne invasions and for the publique good (and her majestie then in hand receivinge for the lands passed in the sayd graunt to Best and Britten the somme of 2320 pounds. 15 shillings. 11 pence.) for which respects divers lardge provisions were made by the sayd act of Parliament for cleeringe of future questions in the sayd graunts, and fortyfying the titles of the purchasors of all the lands by the sayd Queene sould from the 25th yeare of her reigne untill the expiracion of one whole yeare after the dissolving of the sayd session of Parliament ended the 19th of December in the 44th of Elizabeth.


18 Jacobi [illegible] Bridgwater

The Kings majestie that now is in the 18th yeare of his reigne graunted to Thomas and George Whitmore the mannor of Bridgwater Castrum, expressing in theire graunt every particuler parcell graunted, by his majestie, and the severall yearly rents therof which in all made the full value att which they were purchased, excepting in the sayd graunt all the lands in Heygrove formerly graunted to Best and Britten in expresse wordes


[illegible] [illegible] [then?]

His majestie aboute the same time graunted the 5 pounds. 9 shillings. per annum the fee simple rent reserved uppon the lands in Heygrove to John Eldred and George Whitmore.

From theise twoe graunts Sir Arthur Ingram makes clayme to the peticioners sayd lands in Heygrove onely for that they bound and border uppon Bridgwater, for in nyne yeares suites and vexacions susteyned by the peticioner, Sir Arthur Ingram never shewed any graunt to intitle himself to Bridgwater or Heygrove, other then the sayd twoe graunts, neither ever recovered any the premisses in Heygrove, but somtime profered to purchase the peticioners right, sometimes to sell his owne.

In January 14o regis one Allen an agent for Sir Arthur Ingram with 6 or 7 irregular persons in the night time did breake downe the doores, and walles of the peticioners tenement in Heygrove called Joyners, and woundinge Osman her servant threw him oute of his peacable possession, to which hee was restored by a legall course, yet Allen sought by other violent meanes againe to gett the possession, but not prevayling Osmans death was sought by poyson, with neither takinge effect, Allens wife and Paule Allens servant soe wounded Osman as shortly after hee died.

The peticioner brought an ejectment in Osmans name against Ursula Ewens for Joyners tenement to trye the title of the whole, which suite was mainteyned against her by Sir Arthur Ingram, in which suite uppon full evidence on both sides a speciall verdict was found in which the jurie did find the sayd act of Parliament of 43o Elizabeth, and the sayd graunt to Best and Britten, and they found the sayd graunt to bee made by force and according to the commission then in beinge for sale of her majesties lands, they found Joyners tenement parte of the lands graunted, and the rent of 5 pounds. 9 shillings. per annum, and noe more or lesse rent to bee aunsweared to the crowne the sayd 44th of Elizabeth and 60 yeares before for the premisses in Heygrove, and that the sayd Queene the 44th of her reigne to have had noe other lands in Heygrove, but the lands which aunswered the 5 pounds. 9 shillings. rent, [Whitmores?] graunt was likewise found, and the lands in Heygrove therin excepted, this verdict was long in argument in the Kings Bench, where judgment was att last given for the peticioner, and twentie twoe pounds being theruppon awarded against Ewens, shee was conveyed away by Allen, and cannot hetherto bee found.


[illegible] [22 pounds?] Allen

Allen and his complices in the behalfe of Sir Arthur Ingram tooke the profitts of Joyners tenement about 30 acres of land five yeares before the peticioner had her sayd judgment, and after by the space of a yeare in which time hee felled the tymber of the tenement defaced and ruind the buildings, and tooke the spoiles therof.

To recover the sayd meane profitts, the peticioner brought 3 accions in Osmans name against Allen, Parsons, and Fenner, which being att yssue, the records putt in for triall, councell reteyned, and the causes readie for triall, letteres were directed from the Comons House of Parliament to the judge of the assises to staye the trialls untill the end of the last Parliament, for that Sir William Whitmore then a Parliament man claymed tytle to the lands in question, whoe neither then had, or ever since chalenged any tytle therin, and soe the peticioner for the sayd meane profitts and spoyles is yet unsatisfied.

Allen with his complices have [ympounded?] the peticioners cattle taken on the landes in Heygrove neere 30 severall times, and somtimes drove one distresse to 4 severall pounds att once, all which shee being [inforced?] to repleavie they never proceeded to triall, and aboute 20 severall accions they have comenced against the peticioner her tenants and servants of meere vexacion, arestinge and ymprisoning them, and sundrie [illegible] not declaringe against them, and besides theise and other continuall vexacions they have procured his majesties justices in the countrey abused by theire false informacion to certifie against the peticioner, the sayd justices neither knowing her nor understanding the cause aright.

The coppiehold tenantes of Heygrove seduced by Allen refuse to paye the peticioner theire customary rentes, have felled downe the timber destroyed the woods cutt upp the quick sett fences and lett falle the buildinges on the premises, the spoyles thereof amounting neere the value of the lands, for which wastes forfeiturs, and non paymentes of the rentes the peticioner tow years since entred uppon tow other of the tenementes, but Allen (the tennauntes thereof being some dead and some fled) with other beggerly poeple entred upon her possession, and before the corne was ripe, reaped [spoyled?] and carryed away the same, itt being sowne by the peticioner to her greate losse and the publique hurt, affirming they did it for Sir Arthur Ingram.

Allen brought divers accions against the peticioner for theise towe tenementes pretending Sir Arthur Ingram had good titile thereto, one of them was tried att the Kings Bench barr and a verdict there upon given [illegible] for the peticioner, not withstanding which, and though both the tenementes were sequestred in Starchamber and one of them since setled upon the peticioner by a writt of [rerestitucion?] out of the Kinges Bench, yet Allen persevers to take the profittes of both the tenementes, and hath of late violently taken out of the sequestrators custody the profittes of the sayd tenementes taken into [their?] handes att harvest last.

Sir Arthur Ingram fayling by theise undirect wayes hath procured his majesties Attorney Generall to exhibite an informacion of intrusion against the peticioner, Birch, and Swayne in the Exchequer intitling his majestie to the landes in Heygrove but proceedes only against the peticioner, which argues Sir Arthur Ingram hath combinedpounded with Birch and Swayne for theire tow partes or att least they are all combined to persecute the peticioner, Swayne having preferred a bill in Chancery against her for a third parte of the profittes of Joyners tenement, and Birch threatneath to doe the like, the profittes recovered not amounting to the hundreth parte of what shee hath layed out in defence and recovery of the sayd premises of which they of right ought to alow an equall share, yet the peticoner for 1500 pounds layed out hath not had of both of them above 70 pounds and Swayne this last assises (the peticoner attending to preferr this her suite to this honourable senate hath recovered [illegible] against the peticioner at Somerset assises in tow accions of battery begun for vexacion, hee and his company first riotously assayling the peticioner in her quiet possession.

The landes claymed by the peticioner [being?] sould by her majestie, upon such valueable consideracions as aforesayed and meerly and truly they stood upon record before the auditor, and at the same rate they then stood an act of Parliament made and established even in this honourable house [where?] your honnors now sit, confirming this graunt and all other grantes made by her majestie from the 25th of her raigne [until?] the 44th which act of Parliament specially provided the sayd grauntes to bee good against her majestie her heires and successors, the peticioner having had judgment and verdict at the Kinges Bench barr and another judgment upon a speciall verdict wherein the titles on both sides were drawen up at large, and full evidence on both sides given. The peticoner having spent and wasted her estate and childrens portions in defence [illegible] theire rightes, and being soe disabled thereby as shee cann noe longer defend the goodnesse of her cause against soe strong a persecutour as Sir Arthur Ingram is, [illegible] who together with Allen his and his agentes have alwayes [oppougned?] and oposed the current of the lawes and [...rrences?] thereof as aforesayd and will not be ordred therby, and Sir Arthur Ingram having vowed to make the peticoner spend 500 pounds or the worth of the lands to effect which hee hath caused the informacion aforesayd to bee prefered against the peticioner contrary to the former act of Parliament

Whether cann shee fly for refuge but to your honnours being the principall pillars that suporte equity and the publique good, humbly presuming itt importes not her alone but all your [honnors?] in general and most of you in particular there being few setting in this most honourable house but hold landes by the same or the like grauntes and if landes purchased soe valuably confirmed by such [strength?] and approved by the law shall yet be subject and lie open to every nice point and cavell in law found out by litigious spirites what estate in this kingdome can be secure.

Most humbly therefore beseecheth your lordshipps you will bee honourably pleased by decree of this most honnourable court to settle the peticioners right and title to the lands in Heygrove upon her and her heires according to the graunt her convayance and the act of Parliament aforesayd that shee may quietly what shee hath purchased without further litigious suits, which shee is not able to undergoe, and that your lordshipps willbe honourably pleased to [releive?] the distressed peticioner in her oppressions and wronges suffered soe [illegible] as your lordshipps in your grave judgmentes shall thinke fitt [illegible] and see cause.

John Blakeden, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

16o April 1624


To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall assembled in the upper house of Parliament

The humble peticion of John Blakeden gentleman

Most humbly shewinge, that your suppliant was bound to sea in a voyage to the West Indies about 8 yeares since and brought a shipp to the towne of Southampton of the burthen of 50 tunns or thereaboutes with all furniture unto her belonginge which cost your suppliant 300 pounds besides other chardges and stayinge there to prepare his shipp for the voyage aforesaid where your suppliant had beene not longe before, and left certaine goods amongst divers Spanniards with whom he had formerly traded, as by their bills yet extant maye appeare

In the meane tyme the East India Company of London informed the Lord High Admirall that your suppliant was goinge to the East Indies if he were not presently prevented whereuppon they procured a warraunt under the greate seale of the Admiraltie, a warraunt under the Lord Admirall his hand and seale, and a letter to the maior of Southampton to arrest your suppliant and his shippe, and furniture and to send him safely conducted to London which was accordingly performed to the utter overthrow of his creditt in the towne of Southampton who had not longe before, carryed out a shippe of the like burthen, to the West Indies, and returned thither againe givinge all menn contentment accordinge to their severall adventures.

But when the messenger came to serve the warrauntes aforesaid, he fownd your suppliantes shipp at the kay all unrigged and his ordinance ashore untryed and other his furniture in his store howse, and not one penny worth of victualls readdy or bespoken in the towne or elswhere, and had not the messenger undertaken for your suppliantes apparance at London the maior had sent him upp with a stronge guard, as if he had committed somme horrible crime, for that such and the like warrauntes had not beene sent to that towne but in cases of base piracy.

Your suppliant accordingly appeared before Sir Danyell Dunn then judge of the Admirall Court, where hee answered uppon his oath that he had no intent or meaning to goe to the East Indies at which tyme there were divers marriners and others examined who all deposed that your suppliant never had any consortshipp with any of them as the recordes of the same court can testifie.

Your suppliant notwithstandinge could not in a longe tyme gett his shippe released, untill hee could procure merchauntes from the exchange to be bound, that hee should not goe beyond the Cape (Bona Sperancia) nor into the East Indies, yet he tendred the security of sundry knightes and gentlemen of good worth, but they could not be accepted of, soe as lyinge heere under the custody of the messenger at a greate chardge and divers of his men at Southampton at a greater, as soone as he had procured a dischardge for his shipp from the first arrest she was presently arrested by divers in the towne for sundry debtes which your suppliant and his menn by his longe stay heere had run into, as dyett lodginge and other necessaries, and in the end his shippe and all his furniture was sould, so as to this hower your suppliant could never receive penny benefitt by her ever since, yet your suppliant sued to Sir Danyell Dunn to procure him satisfaccion for his losses and hinderance from the East Indian Company, who earnestly dealt with Sir Thomas Smith and one Master Grenaway then deputy but never could gett anythinge, neither to this tyme could procure meanes to goe to the West Indies to recover those goodes which he had formerly left there in his last voyage.

He humbly prayeth this honourable howse to consider his case who hath beene ruinated and undonn in estate creditt and fortunes by these rigorous courses taken against him to the utter undooinge of his wife and children without any just cause prooved against him and take such order for his releiff as in your grave wisdomes yow shall thinke most fitt. And he his wife and children shalbe ever bound to praye for etc

John Blakden, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall assembled in the higher house of Parliamente.

The humble petition of John Blakden gentleman.

Most humbly shewinge, that your suppliant was bounde to the sea, in a voyage to the Weste Indies, now about ix yeares sithens, and braught a shipp to the towne of Southampton of the burden of 50 tonns or thereaboutes, with all furniture belonginge to her, which cost your suppliant 300 pounds besides other chardges. And stayinge there to prepare his shipp for the voyage aforesaid, where your suppliant had beene not longe before, and lefte certaine goodes amongste divers Spanniardes with whome he had formerly traded, as by theyre bylles yet extant may appeare.

In the meane tyme the East Indian Companie of London, informed the then Lord High Admerall, moste falsely, that your suppliant was goinge to the East Indies, yf he were not presently prevented, whereuppon they procured a warrante under the greate seale of the Admeraltie, and a warrante under the Lord Admerals hand and seale, and a letter to the maior of Southampton, to areste your suppliant and his shipp and furniture, and to sende him saffely conducted to London; which was performed accordingly, to the utter overthrow of his creddit in the towne of Southampton who had not longe before carried oute a shipp of the like burden to the Weste Indes, and retorned thither againe and geiven all men contentment, according to theire severall adventures.

But when the messenger came to serve the warrante aforesaid, he found your suppliantes shipp att the keye, and all unrigged, and his ordinance one shore untryed, and other his furniture in his storehouse, and not one penny worth of victuals reddy or bespoken in the towne or elswhere. And had not the messenger undertaken for your suppliantes apparrance at London, the maior had sent him upp with a stronge garde, as yf he had committed somme horrible crime, for that such or the like warrante had not bene sente to that towne, but in cases of base piracie.

Your suppliant accordinglie appeared before Sir Danniell Dunne then judge of the Admiraltie Courte, where he answered uppon his oathe, that he had noe intente nor meaninge to goe to the Easte Indies. Att which time there there were diveres marineres and others examined, who all deposed that your suppliante, never had anie consorteshipp with anie of them, as the recordes of the same courte can testifie.

Your suppliant notwithstandinge, could not in a longe tyme gett his shipp released, untill he could procure marchantes from the exchainge, to be bounde that he should not goe beyonde the Cape Bona Sperantia nor into the Easte Indies; yet he tendred the securitie of diveres knightes and gentlemen of good worth, but they could not be accepted of soe as lyinge here under the custodie of the messenger att a greate chardge, and diveres of his men at Southampton att a greater, assoone as he had procured a dischardge for his shipp from the first areste she was presently arested by diveres of the towne, for sundry debtes which your suppliante and his men by his longe staie here had runne into: as for theyre diettes lodginge and other necessaries; and in the ende his shipp and all his furnitures were soulde, soe as to this hower your suppliant coulde never receive one pennie benefite by her ever since, yet your suppliant sued to Sir Danniell Dunne, to procuer satisfaccion for his losses and hinderance, from the Easte Indies Companie, whoe earnestly dealte with Sir Thomas Smith and one Master Grenaway then deputie, but never could gett any one pennye

Humbly beseecheth this honourable house, to commiserate the case of your most humble suppliant who hath bene ruinnated and undonne in his estate, credditt and fortunes, by the aforesaid rigorouse courses taken againste him, to the utter undooinge allsoe of his wiffe and children and to take such order for his releiffe, as in your grave wisdomes yow shall thinke fitt. And your humble suppliant as in dutie bounde, shall ever pray for your honours.

The most distressed prisoners in the common gaol. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall assembled together in the upper howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of the most distresste prisoners, in the common goale in generall, and living only uppon the charitye therof.

Sheweth that wheras your petitioners (whether their number, or miseryes shall be justly considered are above all other prisoners most wretched. Insomuch that the last forepassed winter, through the tediousnes, and extremity therof as it caused a deernes abroad, so it wrought a dearth amongst us, which in diverse hath sithence bin concluded by death. And hath so far by famine enfeebled the rest, that nothing save a miserable dissolution remayneth by your petitioners to be expected. Who though enthralled within the boosome of this citty, yet are meere seperatists from most of their bountyes, owt of a praejudicatenes that the emminence of some heere detayned, showld be a mayntenance for the meaner, or else condemning your petitioners for criminall offenders (who are all debitors to one man.

And wheras it hath ever bin the pious custome of your honours att every session of Parlyament, to contribute towards the necessityes of all prisoners, thereby approving your lordships no lesse religiously charitable, then essentially noble. The distribution of which mony hath bin with such inaequality, that prisons most contemptible, and prisoners in lesse want, all (saving your petitioners either from highe barr mony, standing pensions, and annuall legacyes (besides the benefitt of their boxes) being certayne of a compitency for lyfe wheras your petitioners beyond 4 pounds annually can clayme to nothing as their owne saving their unspeakable miseryes, and yet of all this collection have the smallest share, wheras their sufferings are most, and for their former condicion above many others to be pittyed.

May it therfore please your good honours in consideracion of the premisses, the verity wherof by the schedule annexed appeareth, and further for that all committments from either howse [is?] only to the Fleet, to commaund such aequall division of your charitys to be made, as that therby prisoners most miserable, may have their extremitys somwhat mittigated, by a [due?] proportionating the same, with a parity to your petitioners extreames.

And they as by duty bounden shall pray.


Peticion of prisoners in the comon gaole

April 23 1624 This peticion is to be considered of when the money in the box is to be devided

Benjamyn Crokey, on behalf of the free grammar school in Wotten. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the most high and honourable howse of Parlyament.

The humble peticion of Benjamyn Crokey, for and in the behalfe of the free gramer schoole in Wotten in the county of Glocester.

Humblie sheweth that where an auncyent free grammer schoole was by Katherine Lady Barkeley founded 200 yeres since in Wotten under Edge in the countie of Gloucester, endowed with 39 tenementes worth 300 pounds per annum which contynewed to the use of the schoole untill 6o of the Kings majesties raigne that nowe is, and then by many indirect practizes by one John Smith suppressed. As by certificate under the handes of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops of London and Winton to whome the consider= acion of the cause was by his majesty referred, it doth and may apeare.

The peticioner being a tenant to the schoole for the remainder of a lease of a tenement for about [20?] yeres yet to come, being much greeved of the suppression of soe famous a schoole, and none other for feare of Smith being powerfull in the country seeking any redresse herein, did at his owne charges prosecute the reestablishing thereof, where in without any contribucion he spent: 1600 pounds to his utter undoeing. As by certificate of 14 preachers of Godes word, of those partes may appeare who testefie Smiths powerfull nes, and the peticoners prosecution of a charitable disposition at his owne charges.

And where (after 5 severall comissions upon the statute of charitable uses, prosecuted by the peticioner on the schooles behalfe, and crossed by Smiths practizes the peticioner at the last Parlyament before this preferred a bill into the higher house for the reestablishing of the schoole, and paid for the putting in thereof 23 pounds and had not his bill read at all, by reason of the sudden dissolving of the Parliament, during the contynewance whereof your peticioner upon his humble peticion obteyned a sixt comission to be prosecuted upon the said statute of charitable uses on the schooles behalf which was executed at Gloucester before the reverend bishops of Gloucester and Bristoll and other comissioners apoynted, and averdict by inquisicion found for the schoole, and that the landes wherewith the same was endowed were misimployed and ought to be restored to the same againe according to the true meaning of the donour. Which the said comissioners (as the statute gave them power) did decree and adjudge under their handes and seales accordingly. And withall certefied Smiths indirect practizes proved at the execution of the said comission, as by their certificat and decree it doth and may apeare.

This comission and inquisicion was after retourned, and exceptions put in to the same by Smith which the peticioner by his councell on the schooles behalfe fully answered, and after upon your peticioners humble peticioner to the Lord Keeper a day of [hearing?] was apoynted, and the cause being then opned and Smiths excepcions found idle and [frivo...?] [illegible] the Lord Keeper resolved to reestablish the schoole at that tyme, untill Master Attorny Generall in [illegible] Smith moved to have anew comission upon an aun= cyent informacion long before [preferred?] [illegible] Chauncery against Smith and the peticioner contrary to the direction of the Lord Archbishop [and?] other the bishops, and of the Parlyament hereof. Whereupon his lordship leaving of the proceedings of the said comissioners upon the statute of charitable uses and not hearing their certificat and decree read, graunted a comission upon the said informacion directed to certen comissioners whereof some of them were then sued in Starr Chamber by your peticioner for not executing former comissions upon the said statute. And this comission was for better know= ledge of the meates, boundes and value of the schoole landes. The cariage whereof Smith the suppressour of the schoole had, and managed all the busines at his pleasure, not permitting any materiall witnesses for the schoole to be then examyned, and of record but found the schole landes at a farre undervalue, tending to his owne proffitt.

Upon the retourne of which comission, a second hearing was apoynted, and a decree made contrary to the first foundation, and the statute of charitable uses. Since which decree the said Smith hath presented one Ambrose Cowper master of the schole whome in the sixt yere of his majesties raigne he formerly had presented master there, and after practized with him to suppress the schoole, which he did.

In tender consideracion whereof, and for that your humble peticioner hath of a charita= ble disposition for Godes cause for many years prosecuted on the schooles behalf at his owne charges without any aide or contribucion wherein he hath spent 1600 pounds as aforesaid to his utter undoeing. He most humblie beseecheth this honourable howse in furtherance of soe good aworke, to graunt that abill which your humble peticioner hath now ready to be preferred into the same honourable howse may bee receaved and read for the reestablishing of the said schoole without paying any more fees for the same, for the putting in of which bill he paid 23 pounds the last Parlyament and the bill not read at all.


Receaved the 23 of Aprill 1624

Benjamine Crokey for Wootton under Edge


14 May 1624. The lordes comittees for peticions doe desire Master Serjeant Crew to reade this peticion and certifie them in his opinion whether this peticion it be provided for in the bill passed already for the continu ance of hospitalles and freeschooles

George White of Exeter. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right reverende and right honorable the lords spirituall and temporall in the higher howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of George White of the cittie of Exonia gentleman.


That he was [plainant?] in the [last?] Lorde Chauncellors tyme in the High Court of Starrechamber against John Norcott esquire and justice of peace and Thomas Pleace a constable for smotheringe a murther committed by the said constables sonne and other misdemeanours.

That att the first commission he was in danger to be slayne and otherwise soe disturbed by the said constable as he was enforced to leave his attendance att the said commission (as hath bene proved) most of his materiall wittnesses thereby unexamined.

That the defendants to prevent the discoverie of their corrupt practise did obteyne publicacion uppon the returne of this first commission with a lymmittacion to examyne but only six of almost xxty wittnesses then unexamined in court before thende of the next terme divers of them then brought by your petitioner 140 myles uppon his great charge, whoe were sworne and attended all that terme and coulde not be examined as hath bene certified.

That the defendantes procured an order from the said Lord Chauncellor to suppresse his materiall wittnesses examined by speciall order of the court and not allowed to be read att the hearinge of the cause but uppon this [illegible] disadvantage beinge by his lordship forced to an hearinge he was in justice the truthe not appearinge, censured 100 pounds to his majestie 400 markes to the defendantes besides 75 pounds awarded for costes, onlie for not prooveinge his complaint his proofes beinge taken from him, by the indirect cariage of his said lordshipp.

That for non payment of the said costes and damages he was by the nowe Lorde Keepers [illegible] speciall order committed close prisoner in the Fleet, and his goodes, and landes to be extended for the same which your petitioner conceiveth under favour to be contrarie to the lawe.

All which your petitioner humblie submittes to your lordships consideracion desireinge that this complaynt proceede orderly to heareinge in the same courte and that his prooffes may be read against whose integrities [illegible] noe exception may be taken. That soe appearinge trueth the court may be sattisfied therein your petitioner justified in his complaint, and the defendantes punished accordinge to theire demerittes and in the meane tyme all proceedinges against your petitioner uppon the former sentence to be staied.

Soe shall he and his poore famillie in all duetie bounde praie for your lordships in all honnour longe to contynue.


[illegible] George White

The party preferred the like petition to the House of Commons and rejected [illegible]

Susan Dansye, widow. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the Prince his highnes, and to the most honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper howse of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of Susan Dansye widdowe

Humblie sheweth, that whereas George Dansey late of Somerby in the county of Leicester deceased husband of your petitioner was seised, togeather with the petitioner of a mannor howse and certen landes thereunto belonging in Somerby aforesaid for terme of theire naturall lives, and the longer liver of them, with remainders over in speciall taile; one Anthony Blewett about 3 yeares past purchased the said howse and landes of the said George, without the consent of your petitioner or any assurance from her at all, the said Blewett nevertheles refused to paie your petitioners said husband his money due for the said landes, whereby the petitioners husband died in prison in great want about the 4th of June last, leaving your petitioner nothing at all to live upon, but her bare joyncture, and the said Anthony Bluett (although hee did and doth well knowe that the said howse and landes doe rightfullie belong to your peticioner as her joyncture) hath refused and still doth refuse to yeild the possession of the premisses to your peticoner, and will not suffer her, or those to whome shee hath (by the consent and appointment of her mother and other her frends) demised and letten the same to have or enjoye the possession or anie proffitt thereof. And not content therewith so to wrong your petitioner, hee doth vexe and oppresse her and her leassees with most causeles and chargeable suites in the high courtes of Chancery and Starrchamber, to thend that hee maie still hould them from theire rightfull possession, to which purpose hee hath used sundrie sheiftes and delatorie courses to hinder them from coming to theire triall at the common lawe by practising with the undersheriffs deputies and bailiffes of the said county whereby they have bin hindred from coming to anie such triall at the last assizes as otherwise they might have donne, and hee purposeth and threatneth still to contynue the same practizes, so that your petitioner is destitute of all meanes to live or mainteine herself, the said Blewett so pressing her and her leassees with chargeable suites, that they cannott pay her anie rent

Maie it therefore please this great and most honourable assembly in consideracion of the premisses, and in tender comiseracion of a poore widowes distressed estate, beeing neither fitt nor able to follow or mainteine suites in lawe; to order and appoint that the petitioner and her leassees may bee speedilie releeved from theis greevous oppressions, and maie bee presently putt into the possession of the premisses, and bee satisfied for the meane proffittes thereof hitherto usurped by the said Bluett.

And your petitioner shalbee bound ever to pray for the most happy preservacion of every particular member of this great assembly.


[30 Aprilis?]

Susan Dansy



14 Maii 1624 the lordes finding that this peticioner may have an ordinary remidy at the in other [illegible] courtes doe leave her thereunto Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament

[approved?] 24 Maii 1624.

28 Maii 1624. [illegible] this answere was approved

Thomas Hackwell, Arnold Browne, John Tucker and nine poor mariners. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the most honourable assembly the lordes spirituall and temporall of the higher howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Thomas Hackwell, Arnold Browne, John Tucker and others marryners to the number of 12 very poore men imployed by the merchauntes and companie tradeing to the East Indies.

Most humblie sheweth, that the peticioners were imployed in service to the East Indies by the merchaunts and governour of the sayde companie in which service they were surprised by the Dutch under whome they suffered greate tyrranny and affliccion beinge imprisoned in loathsome holes and vaultes where inhumanly they voyded their bodyes ordure and excrement on the heads and bodyes of the peticioners, in soe much that many of the prisoners dyed therewith, others brake out with leprosie, and the petitioners being in the end freede from this slaverye, were neverthelesse deprived of all their meanes and substance whatsoever, amongst them to the value of 3630 pounds. 10 shillings. as they have prooved upon oath by wittnesses in the Admiralty Courte. And further sheweth that this their greevance was heard by the worshipfull comittees whose names are hereunto annexed in the honourable court of Parlyament in anno 1620. att which time certaine of the East India Companie did promise before the sayde committees that when they should receive satisfaccion from the the States, the petitioners should bee satisfyed, since which time the States have made restitucion. And the petitioners had referrence from his majestie to the right honourable the lords of his majesties most honourable Privie Councell, whoe in theire grave wisedomes hold it fitting the said marchants should pay and satisfie the peticioners for their great losses susteyned as aforesayde and did alsoe direct and send an order under 17. of their handes to the Trynity Howse that they should examine the trueth of the particulers as men best experienced in such cases, and that upon report back from thence to the councell table in writing, their honours would take course for the petitioners reliefe, the coppie of which order is alsoe annexed.

Soe it is that upon theis proceedings the said marchants procured a countermaund that the sayde order should not be drawen by the Trynitye Howse alleadging they doubted partiallities, and soe caused it to bee heard before Sir Henry Martin knight judge of the Admiraltie and 2. or 3. of the Trinitye House, by which meanes the peticioners as yett could never receive any satisfaccion but bare wages, which is not a whitt pertinent to their losses of 3630 pounds. 10 shillings. before mencioned. Neverthelesse some of the peticioners with others (in respect of their necessities) were constrained before they could receive such their wages to sett their handes and markes to a full discharge of losses and all, although they never had any satisfaccion.

In tender commisseracion of the oppressed (the premisses considered) the peticioners humblye pray it will please this most honourable assemblie to take such speedie order for the reliefe of them, their wives and children (whoe are like to perish) as in your grave wisedomes shall seeme consonant to equitie, that they may not be further deferred (after soe much hard measure) to the utter ruyne and beggery of themselves and families, haveing noe other meanes, but your most noble favours left to assist and susteyne them. And as bound they shall ever pray for your honours long healths and happines.


30 April

Thomas Hewes, John Tucker, Bartholomewe Churchman and others. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall in his majesties High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Thomas Hewes John Tucker, Bartholomewe Churchman and others whose names are in a schedule annexed.

Shewing that the petitioners with divers others to the number of 800 persons or thereaboutes being shipped by the comittees for the East India Company of London marchantes arived att the East Indias in the yeares 1617 1618 and 1619 and were there surprised and taken prisoners by the Hollanders in those partes who deprived the petitioners and company both of the shipps they were imployed in and of all the goodes and lading in the same shippes whereby the petitioners and company lost all the goodes and estates they had there, divers of the mariners being slaine in fight by the said Hollanders, and the rest of the mariners surviveing were constrayned perforce to suffer unspeakeable misery att the handes of those cruell Hollanders void of all humanity by whome they were soe lamentably tortured some 2 yeares some 3 yeares together, that there did not 200 persons survive to returne to complaine of theis greivances which had noe ending untill a peace was concluded both nations betweene both nations.

That such of the mariners as survived the rest did at theire retorne to England make complainte of theire greivances unto the States of Holland, but were by them enjoyned to peticion the said committees unto whom the States promised to be accomptable and make full satisfaccion for theire said losses together

That the petitioners thereuppon pursued theire complaintes and applied themselves unto the said comittees for releife and redresse of the said greivances, and were by them promised recompence and redresse soe soone as the Hollanders had made satisfaccion for the same to the East India Company.

That about anno 1622 the Hollanders made compleat satisfaccion to the East India Company both for theire owne and the petitioners losses by ready money and otherwise.

That although the Hollanders have made satisfaccion unto the East India Company as by order of the councell board doth appeare, and that by direccions of the East India Company each petitioner hath made it appeare by oath in the Admiralty what his losses are, and have since uppon further complaint in the time of King James beene promised by the committees full satisfaccion without any longer delay.

Yet have not the said petitioners received any satisfaccion as they ought, but have hetherto beene putt of with most unconscionable delayes to the undoeing both of them and their posteritie.

The petitioneres most humble suite therefore is

That this most honourable assembly wilbe pleased to call before them Sir Morris Abbott knight Sir Christofer Cletherow knight two of the said committees and such other persons as they shall thinke fitt, and to take the petitioners greivances into consideracion that they may be releived in such sort as in the wisdome of this honourable assembly shall seeme to be most expedient.

And the petitioners shall pray etc.


George Browne and Bartholomew Churchman to justify the petition

Sir Edward Osbaldeston, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the Right Honorable the lordes Comittees for Peticions

The humble peticion of Sir Edward Osbaldeston Knight

Where the peticioner had a former peticion before your honores against Thomas Bancks, and the executrix of Mathewe Kinge deceased, to bee relieved against a judgement heretofore acknowledged unto the said Mathewe Kinge uppon a counterbond of 400li, for the securing of 100li originall debt and the interest thereof, for which 100li, 200li was paid to the said Kinge within 2 yeares after the said 100li was first borrowed, and therefore in equity the said judgement ought to bee discharged, and where the peticioner by reason of outlaries unjustly procured and pleaded against him to barre him of reliefe in the Chauncery the peticioner cold not there proceed for his reliefe in the premisses And where your lordshipps most nobly tooke the consideracion thereof, and to thend the peticioner might have reliefe, your lordshipps have recomended the cause, to any Court of equity proper for the same with this clause in your lordshipps order, as the Clerk hath nowe drawne it upp (vizt) that the peticioner shall putt in suerties to prove his suggestion.

Nowe forasmuch as the peticoner having a troublesome and cavelling adversary may be putt to somme delayes, by reason of somme uncertenty in the said clause.

May it therefore please your lordshipps for avoydinge of all delayes, to the peticioner to explaine and enlarge the said clause concerning the peticioners putting in suerties to this effect (vizt) that the peticioner shall putt in security by recognizance of the somme of 400li to prove the suggestion of the peticoners bill, or otherwise to performe the order and decree of the same Court, And your peticioner will dayly pray etc.

Peeter Reade. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right honorable the Lordes Spirituall and temporall of the higher howse of Parliamente

The humble peticion of Peeter Reade

Humbly sheweth unto your honors that where your peticioner hath furnished one Sir James conningham with a suite of clothes to the vallew of 9li. And forasmuch as the said Sir James Conningham is gon for Ireland and intendeth not to retorne backe againe soe that your poore peticioner is remediles unles hee bee releived by your honors.

And whereas there is certayne monies due to the said Sir James by the Muscovia Company and that divers creditors doth sue unto your honors for the same monies

Your peticioner humbly prayeth that the said monies due to the said Dr James be brought in by your honors order to the Clarkes hand that your peticoner may be paid as one of the creditors And he shall pray for your honors longe and happy lives and to blesse all your sage and grave counsells.


non lecta


Thomas Gabriell, Richard Milward, Thomas Ruske, Anna Newtoun and others. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)


16o. April 1624 2

To the right honorable The Lords Spirituall and Temporall of the upper house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Thomas Gabriell, Richard Milward Thomas Ruske, Anna Newtoun, Duncane Wallace, Patrik Black, Richard Beard, William Kildale and James Chiftane.

Humbly shewing, that whereas the petitioners having furnished Sir James Cunninghame Knyght in his necessitie as well in dyet, lodging, cloathes, linning and other necessaries belonging to him, as in ready money, which some of the petitioners have both lent, and as sureties for him were forced to pay, neere amounting in the whole to 300li and upwards, as may appeare by their severall bonds, bills and accompts ready to be shewen, and approved And your petitioners having depended still upon hope these 4 or 5 yeares that some course should have bene taken by him for their satisfaction out of these moneys which were ordered by the Lords of His Majesties most honorable privie Counsall to be paid unto him by the old Muscovia company, as he him selfe was willing also unto if it had bene reco- vered, yet they have bene from time to time frustrated and delayed to the greate hurt and undoing of the petitioners, some of them having small meanes els for the maynte- nance of them their wifes and children, And whereas the said Sir James is gone into Ireland, not purposing to returne your petitioners are left destitute of all hope of satisfaction from him of their severall debts, unles it may please your Honors to graunt them releif.

The petitioners therefore most humbly beseech your honors, to be pleased that seing the said money remayneth as yet due to the said Sir James by the said Companye amounting to 800li, that your honors would give order that the said money may be brought in by the said Company to the clerke of the said honorable house, out of which the petitioners may receave satisfaction of their severall debts according to the said sir James his mynd and intention. For which the petitioners will daylie pray for your honors etc.

Marie Lough, widow. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)


16 April 1624


To the Righte Honorable the Lordes Committies of the Higher howse of Parliamente

The humble peticion of Marie Lough widdowe againste the Turkey Company

Humbly sheweth unto your honors that your peticoners peticion beinge red before your honors the said Company desired a coppy of the said peticion and to put in theire answer thereunto which your honors thoughte fitt to graunte them.

But see it is if it may please your honors they have taken a coppy of the said peticion but hath put in noe aunswer accordinge to theire promise

Your peticoner humbly praieth that your honors would be pleased to admitt her a councell to plead her cause before your honors which of necessity will require councell and for that shee hath not meanes to retaine one, her juste cause, muste perrish except she be releived herein by your honors And that she may have a coppy of theire aunswer without payinge any fees she beinge unhable to pay for the same by reason they have already undone her Soe that she is not hable to putt bread in her mouth And that your honors would be pleased to graunte your order to warne the said Company to appeare before your honors And she shall be bound to pray for your honors longe and happy life and to blesse all your sage and grave councells.

Frauncis Carew, prothonotary of the court of Chancery. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)


16o. April 1624


To the most honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall in the high Corte of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Frauncis Carew esquire Prothonotary of his Majesties Corte of Chancery both in his owne and the behalfe of diverse clarkes in his Office.

Most humbly sheweth, That whereas by vertue of his Majesties grante, your petitioner stadeth now possessed of the said place or office, which was conferred upon him in recompence of manie services performed by Sir George Carew knight your petitioner's father deceased as well in embassages into forraine partes, as in consideracion of diverse services dischardged by him in sundry places in this Kingdome, That your peticoner by the duty of the said office hath and doth by his clarkes write and prepare for his Majesties signature, and afterwardes record by inrollement all embassadors commissions, all leagues, treaties, confederacions and consultacions, for which hee receaveth noe fees or allowance from any personage soe sent or imployed, it meerely belonging unto his Majesties service.

That the onely benifitt of your peticoners place and the meanes of livelihood for his clarkes, was the writeing unto the greate seale of proces and supersedias for the peace and good behaviour, which by Bill exhibited into this present Parliament is absolutely taken awaye, the jurisdiccion and authority of the Corte being suppressed in that behalfe.

Hee therefore most humbly beseecheth your Lordships out of your tender consideracion of his losses susteined by this bill, and commiseracion of his clerkes sufferance in haveing their onely meanes of supporte taken awaye; To bee honorably pleased to propound and determine of some waye by which your peticioner and his clerkes maie bee renumerated, either by recommendacion of them to his Majesties gracious bountie; Or otherwise as your Lordships shall thincke fitt. And hee shall ever pray for your honors everlasting happinesse



Came to late

The heir and executors of Sir James Cuningham. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)


16 April 1624


To the Righte Honorable and Righte Reverend the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall of the upper howse of Parliament.

The humble Peticion of the heire and executors of Sir James Cuningham of the Realme of Ireland lately deceased.


That whereas in the laste Session of Parliament The said Sir James having prefered his peticon to this moste honorable howse to have satisfaction of 900li that was due unto him and his Companie for setting forthe of certaine shipps for the fishing of New Foundland and Groundland, that was founde to be due unto him from the Companie of Muscovia, by whom he was stayed, in surrendring upp his pattent by his Majesties commaund, with condicion that he should be satisfied by the said companie, in regard of his greate preparacion and chardges he had bin at aboute those shipps. And then being the laste Session of parliament taken into your honors consideracion. That your Lordships thoughte fitt that the petitioners should be firste satisfied aboute 500 or 600li and for his owne parte, and the residue to be paid to the rest of the Companie according as your Lordships shall thincke fitt. and now in regard the said session of Parliament broke upp, without ending or makeing anie satisfaction to the said Sir James now lately deceased.

May it therefore please your most honorable Lordships, in regard the same is now moved againe by some of the said againe Companie. That your Lordships would be favorably pleased for releefe of the said heire, and the said Sir James creditors whereof one Sir John Dromond is principall, and one of his nearest kinseman that was firste promised to be made satisfaction by the said Sir James in his life time. That the said sir James parte amounteing to 5 or 600li may be causd to be broughte in by the said Companie of Muscovia, and there to be put in deposito by your honors into the Clerkes handes of this honorable howse, thereto remaine untill your peticioners doe bringe good righte to receave the same as a due debt oweing by the said Sir James Cunningham As likewise for the said satisfaction of the creditor Sir John Dromond.


non lecta


Richard Lewis, merchant. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the most honorable and right Reverend, the lordes Spirituall and Temporall assembled in the highe Court of Parliament.

The most humble and lamentable petition of Richard Lewis, merchant.

Whereas by a charter granted to the Company of Eastland Marchauntes ano. 1568 (whereof Sir William Cockin is nowe Governor) they have authoritie to judge causes aswell heere in England as beyound the Seas, where they have their residence; and your peticioner having a controversie against Richard Hudson, and Leonard Howard bretheren of the said Company for a shipp of 240 tonnes which hee had in his possession, and by indirecte meanes was wrested from him, and hee inforced by the Company to commence his sute before the said Company in Elbing. And theis defendantes being non solvendo, and greatlie indebted to sundrie of the Company who were to judge the cause, had not meanes to pay unlesse they might have favor in this sute: The said Company to make their desperate debtes good, made the defendantes cause their owne, and tooke the shipp, and other his goodes into their owne possessions, to the value of 2000li. and putt in suerties to aunswere the plaintiff all his demaundes, and spente out of the common purse, certaine thousand poundes, and have judged the cause against him.

From which their sentence passed in Elbing, the peticioner appealed to the superior Court in Londonn, according to the Companies orders, whereunto all are sworne that be free of that companie; came from thence to Londonn to prosecute his appeale; and by sundrie peticions desired them to heare his cause, and redresse his wronges. But in regard that somme of them were allso the defendantes creditors, they would not judge it at all, as by their Orders they ought to have doone: but to curbe him, tooke a strange and extraordinary course, contrary to their Charter; and by a pursevaunt, brought your peticioner before the lordes of his Majesties Councell: who, by false information, tanquam potentiores, gott him committed to prisonn, as allso his innocent sonne, whom he brought with him out of Poland, onely to attend his occasions, and had no hand in the busynes.

And thus his deere sonne lost his lyfe in the horred dungeonn of Newgate, and they would have forced the peticioner to have acquitted and releassed them of the whole cause which hee neither would doe, nor hath doone. Yet after his long imprisonment and after his deere sonnes death they releassed him uppon Juratori causion, vizt stipulata manu ne exeat Regno and hath contynued heere from ano 1616 to this daye, and can fynde no redresse for his said shipp and goodes soe violentlie takenn from him.

And therefore his last refuge is to this High Court of Parliament, to ordaine him a new commission of unpartiall men to sifte and examine his appeale: and the rather, because the kyng of Poland hath writtenn his letter to his Majestie in that behalfe, as by a true coppie thereof appeareth, both parties being his Majesties subjectes: and it were greater honour to our kyng and countrie to have it ended heere, then that hee or his children after him (who have their dwelling in Poland) should after his death call it in question where the sute was first commenced, and the suerties stand still charged, as sub sigillo Elbing etc. it appeareth.

Their wisedomes to consider howe daungerous it is to common weales, that any particular corporacion should have power to judge and determine in causes, otherwise then the lawes of the land permittes; and much more in cases quite against the lawes. And your peticioner shall dayly pray for your honors etc.

John Sharpe, one of the yeomen ushers of his majesty's chamber. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the Prince his Highnes and the most honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall in the upper Howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of John Sharpe one of the yeomen ushers of his Majesties Chamber

Humblie shewing, that Sir James Coningham knight is indebted to your petitioner xxiiii li upon bond, due above 5 yeares since, for meat drinck and lodging, and money lent which this petitioner is able to make appeare to this great Assembly

And this peticioner understandeth that this Assembly have taken into theire grave consideracions the debtes of the said Sir James Conningham, to bee raised and paid out of certaine moneyes due unto him from the Merchantes of London

The peticioner therefore most humbly beseecheth, that hee may bee included amongst the creditors of the said sir James for his said debt of xxiiii li. due upon a specialtie of xl li.

And your petitioner shalbee bound ever to praie for the most happy preservacion of this great Assembly


receaved the 23 of Aprill



non lecta

Thomas Northen. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right honorable The Lords Spirituall and Temporall of the upper house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Thomas Northen

Humbly sheweth Whereas the petitioner being employed by Sir James cunningham his company in anno 1617 to furnish and put aboord at that time in one of the said companyes shipps boun for Greenland 17 tonne and a half of caske at 12s a tonne, amounting to 10li. 10s, which the petitioner did. It pleased his Majestie at the request of the old Muscovia Companye to stay the said voyage at that tyme provided for Greenland, upon condition that the said old Company should pay the freights of the said shipps and to take the goods put aboard of them for their provision at the rate they were bought, and to pay for them. Whereupon the said Company did sease upon the said caske for their owne use, but as yet have no made no satisfaction to the petitioner thereof having unjustlie ever since detayned the same from him to his greate hurt.

He therefore most humbly beseecheth your honors to be pleased to command that the said old Company may make satisfac- tion of the said caske to the petitioner, so long witholden from him, for the which the petitioner will daylie pray for your honors, etc.


receaved the 23 of Aprill



non lecta

Mary Overton, widow. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the right honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall in the upper howse of the high Court of Parlament Assembled

The humble peticion of Mary Overton wydowe. Most humblie sheweth your Lordships that your petitioner aboute 8 yeares paste did lende unto the Companie of Muscovie Merchantes the sommee of 1300li at 8li per Cent for repayment whereof they became bound in 2000li. the 20th. daie of October 1616 by their bond under theire comon seale appeareth, 500li whereof they repaide the 25th of March 1619.

Soe it is, maye it please your good lordships that they have suite not onely refused to paye the intereste thereof or principall, but have gotten a proteccion whereby your petitioner cannott proceede in any legall course against them.

In consideracion whereof and for that your petitioner is an aged widdowe, and some causes depende now before your Lordships of the like nature againste the said Company.

Most humbly beseecheth your Lordships to call the said Companie before yow and that such order may be taken by your Lordships for the petitioners releife as to your Lordships grave wisdomes shall seeme meete.

And she will ever pray for your Lordships


Recepi 29: April 1624 per Dominum Russell

Mary Overton


Thomas Hackwell, Arnold Browne, John Tucker and twelve poor mariners. HL/PO/JO/10/1/24 (1624)

To the Prince his Highnes

The humble peticion of Thomas Hackwell, Arnold Browne, John Tucker and others mariners to the number of 12 very poore men.

Humbly sheweth. That at your Highnes cominge from Spaine in the gunne roome of the shipp some of the petitioners for themselves and the rest were humble suitors to your Highnes for your gratious furtherance to assist them against the East India mar- chantes That by your princely favore they might be payd certaine moneys due and owinge to them from the said marchantes for losses sustaine in theire service service at the East Indies being surprised there by the Hollander. In then pleased your Highnes to comand them to put in remembrance when you came into England. Nowe for asmuch as this present daye theire greevances are to be heard before the Comittees in parlyament whereof the Bishop of Durham, and the Lord of Bridgwarter are the cheife

They humbly beseech your Highnes wilbe gratiously pleased in your Princely comiseracion of theire greate misery and for preservacion of them theire wifes and children from utter ruyne to comend theire just suite to the said com- mittees That by your Princely favore and mediation they may receive satisfaccion from the said marchauntes after soe longe forbearance nd hard measure, as consonant to all equitye. And (as bounden) they shall pray for your everlasting happines

Captain John Freeman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most highe and honourable the lords of the high house of Parliament now assembled.

The most humble peticion of Captaine John Freeman.

Most humblie sheweth unto your lordships that whereas your petitioner hath prosecuted one Sir Edward Burton of Eastborne in the countie of Sussex knight upon two outlawries which your petitioner had against him in his majesties Court of Common Plees, and there standes outlawed after judgment and your petitioner hath transcripted him into his highnes Court of Exchequer, and then your petitioner was an humble suiter to his majestie for his gracious grant of the said outlawries, for your petitioner hath had 4 severall warrantes from his royall majestie to his Attorney Generall directed; to the end that thereby it should be passed under the great seale of England, but for anie time these 3 yeres day, he could never passe any. The vile fraud; cozenage, and practize of Sir Edward Burton hath byn such, combyninge with one William Wood (whose name was used but onelie in trust) in one of the bondes wherein one of the out= lawries is had, which they have forged, and made false deedes both to deprive the Kinge of the benefitt of the outlawrie, and your petitioner of his debt, which his majestie was pleased that hee should have bin relieved by the outlawries. After Sir Edward Burton combynes with others, and gott out a pardon of course which was most false and unjust against the law, and abuse [unto?] his majestie, and hath also much wronged manie of his highnes [pryme?] judges of the this land therein; which for that and many other foule corrupcions of the lawe, your petitioner called him into his majesties High Court of Starrchamber in Michaelmas terme last, and many other with him, which in his loyaltie could not see his highnes, and his lawes so abused, and doubteth not but manifestlie to prove in the said High Court of Starrchamber, by reason they have alreadie confessed their cozenage in their examynacion. Also the sonn and heyre of Sir Edward Burton, by name Thomas Burton standes forth in rebellion in the High Court of Starrchamber for conspiracie of your petitioners life who had other most lewd people with him for the same intent, thinkinge thereby when his life had bin gon, then the suite had bin ended. Further Sir Edward Burton most vilelie justified to the Attorney Generall that this said pardon of course, was a pardon of grace, and had it under his majesties hand and seale. Your petitioner, (may it humblie please your honours) hath bin in suites of lawe some 6 yeres with Sir Edward Burton, and hath spent therein 500 pounds alreadie, and Sir Edward by his false practize, and cosenage had bard your petitioner all proceedinges at the common lawe, so that his onelie hope and comfort for his releif is, in the most high and honourable court of Starr Chamber.

Besides, your petitioner humblie sheweth, that one Silvanus Davis who hath bene a notorious theefe, and condempned by law for it, yet gott his majesties pardon, condicionallie that he should keepe his good behaviour, yet since which time, he hath murdred a subject or two, and a most vile massacre of bloud upon manie of his majesties subjectes, and some 6 yeres sithence, or neare thereaboutes, the said Davis with two others like himself did most barbarouslie assault and sett upon your peticioner, purposelie myndinge to have killed him, for certainlie they gave him most dangerous cuttes and woundes to the hazard of his lief; for the which, your petitioner hath prosecuted the law against him ever sithence.

Therefore his most humble prayer is, unto your good honours now assembled, that the said Sir Edward Burton, and Silvanus Davis may have no benefitt of his majesties most gracious generall pardon, for thereby the said Sir Edward Burton wilbe freed of the said outlawries, and Davis of the foule cryme and blouddshed that he hath done and committed, againe Thomas Burton sayd that Davis would cutt your petitioners throat, and if he would not, then himself would. Your petitioner feares not his owne life with menaces and threatninges of such; but hee feares his creatour, his gracious Kinge, and his majesties lawes to keepe them as a true subject ought to doe.

In tender consideracion of the premisses, and of his 22 yeres service performed in the warrs and trayned upp in marciall discipline who tenders to prostrate himself at his majesties feete to doe him all loyall and obedient service, humblie beseechinge that his meanes may not thus be consumed and spent in suite of lawe, nor his reputacion ympeached by such ungodlie and unchristianlike persons.

And he shall evermore pray unto the most glorious kinge of heaven to blesse your honours in generall in your most honorable seate of justice.

John Andrewes, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the Prince his most excellent hignes and the right honourable the lordes of the higher howse of Parliament assembled.

The humbell petition of John Andrewes gentleman

Humbly sheweth that the provost and colledge of Eaton neare Winsor did in the thirde yeare of his majesties raigne demise to your peticioner the rectorie of Astoll and Fulbrooke in the countie of Oxford for the terme of eleaven yeares to come and your peticioner beinge soe possessed thereof did borrowe of one Wolfe a recusant upon usery after the rate of tenn poundes per centum 200 pounds and for securetie thereof did in November in the fourth yeare of his majesties raigne assure and sett over by indenture the said rectorie unto one Thomas Smith beinge sonne in lawe to the said Wolfe in trust to the use of the said Wolfe, with expresse proviso that yf your peticioner should paye the some of 210 pounds upon the sixt of June then next followinge then the said assignement to be voide; and your peticioner not beinge well provided to repaie the said monney did before the daie of redemption repaire to the said Wolfe and Smith and obtayned an absolute promise from them both that your peticioner upon intrest should hould the said monney for three or foure monthes longer without anie advantage to be taken upon the said mortgage, at which time they were to lend the Lord [Vaus?] monney as they pretended and onely desired your peticioner then not to faile them, in respecte whereof your peticioner rested secure, but your peticioner haveing notice by a frend that the Lord Cheife Barron intended to have the said parsonage soe mortgaged yf the same should be forfayted, and that the mortgager durst not denye him by reason of Wolfes recusancy [there?] upon your peticioner upon the xxviith daie of July went to the said Smith and Wolfe to assure them they should not faile of their monneys at the time they had given him, but Smith would not be seene and Wolfe tould your peticioner that they could not staye soe longe and that your peticioner must eyther within foure daies bringe him his 200 pounds with the use or securetie to their likeinge that yt should be paied within sixe daies after otherwise they would sell yt for they were offred reddie monney for yt; whereupon your peticioner within foure daies after brought one William Keight esquire a verey sufficient man late high sheriffe of Worcestershire who offred Wolfe eyther their monney or anie securetie they would demaund, but at the verey same instant as they were thus in parlinge togather aboute yt there came from my Lord Cheife Barron two of his servantes videlicet John Hawkins and William Peaseley to the said Wolfe and had some conferrence with him and presentlie after the said Wolfe retorned to the said Keight and shewed him a peece of gould sayeinge now sir yt is gone for heare is the earnest, whereupon within some foure daies after the said Master Keight went to the said Lord Cheife Barron and accquainted him with the hard measure offred your peticioner and desired him to desist from dealinge anie further in the said mortgage but could not prevaile, but the said Lord Cheife Barron by pretence of such his purchase did justefie his intrest in the said tythes, and the said Lord Cheife Barron the rather to drawe the said Smith and Wolfe to make the said assignement to him or to some other to his use did give his bond in a great some of monney and the bond of the said Hawkins his servant to the said Smith and Wolfe to save them harmelesse of and from your peticioner and agreed by the said assignement to paye unto the said and Wolfe or the one of them 400 pounds for the same howbeit after the assignement his lordshipp gave them onelie but two hundred poundes with the use for the same till the time he payed them and noe more and pretended to keepe the residue beinge 190 pounds in his handes to make his peace with your said peticioner, since which tyme neyther your said peticioner nor the aforesaid Smith or Wolfe could gett one penney of the 190 pounds remaynder or the 400 pounds although your peticioner endevored by all humble intreaties and otherwise to the said Lord Cheife Barron for releife therein but could not prevaile, and the said Lord Cheife Barron the more to perplex your peticioners said title in equitie and lawe to the said rectorie did presentlie after, the said assignement willfullie and voluntarilie forfeite or surrender unto the collidge his said estate and tooke a new lease for three lifes which as your peticioner hath hard cost him 140 pounds your peticioners lease of the said rectorie of Astoll and Fulbrooke beinge then in beinge for the space of eleaven yeares onely Fulbrooke was leased for five or sixe yeares noe rent reserved, which was soe leased before your peticioner purchased yt and your peticioner further sheweth that the said rectorie hath beene worth and is now lett for 180 pounds per annum videlicet Astoll one hundred and tenn poundes and Fulbrooke seaventie poundes the rent reserved upon the colledge lease beinge but seaven poundes in monney tenn quarters of wheate and sixteene quarters of whe malte soe as the Lord Cheife Barron for disbursinge of 210 pounds and 140 pounds hath for seaventeene yeares last received all the said rent of the said parsonage which is worth 180 pounds per annum (Fulbrooke for the smaule tyme yt came not into his handes excepted) everie yeare at the least to the greate and unsupportable oppressinge of your said peticioner and contrary to the fundamentall lawes statutes and usages of this realme and to the grave ancient and honourable custome of the judges of the land, who in regard of their emmynent places in seats of justice have alwaies refused to deale in purchasinge of anie mortgaged landes or leases; and your peticioner further sheweth that he haveinge arrested the said Smith for breach of covenante in the said indenture of mortgage contayned, the said Smith gave bond for his apparance and retayned one Antropos to be his attorney who had warrante to appeare for him in the said suite, but the said Lord Cheife Barron haveinge notice thereof and beinge bound in a bond of a greate value to save the said Smith harmeles or in some covenante to such purpose did send to the said Antropos and charged him he should not appeare for the said Smith but lett Andrewes proceede against the said sheriffe upon his bond, whereupon the said Antropos did not appeare for the said Smith and your peticioner thereby lost the benifitt of his suite to the manyfest wronge and oppression of your said peticioner and contrary to the ancyent [lawes?] of this kingdome and the liberties and priviledge of everie subjecte; and yet neverthelesse there was noe fine nor amercyament upon the said sheriffe for not bringinge the boddie of the said Smith; and your peticioner further averreth that the said Lord Cheife Barron before or presentlie after the said mortgage was forfayted did contracte or goe aboute to contracte with the said Smith and Wolfe for the same albeit he had notice of the said mortgage.

May yt therefore please this honourable assemblie to give releife in the premisses to your peticioner and to proceed against the said Sir Lawrence Tanfeild in his unjust courses and extreame oppressinge in such manner and forme as to this honourable assemblie shall seeme fitt and agreeable to equitie and justice.

  • John Andrewes

Sir Anthony Mayne, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most excellent Prince Charles, and to the right honorable, the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper howse of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of Sir Anthony Mayne knight

Humblie sheweth.

That Mistris Dutton beeing an inheritrix of landes to the value of 500 pounds per annum, was, in her ould age and weakenes (under cullor of a letter of attorney which shee made for the mannaging of her estate for one yeare) drawne to sett her hand to a lease for a thowsand yeares of the said landes contrarie to her intencion which beeing discovered unto her within short time after, comenced suite to overthrowe the said lease, but, shee dying, did not effect it, whereby the landes with that incumbrance descended to Sir Anthony Mayne her sonne and heire, father of your peticioner.

That after her deceasse, Sir Anthony Mayne had recourse to Sir Lawrence Tanfeild now Lord Cheife Baronne beeing his neere kinsman, of his councell in the lawe, and one in whome hee reposed extraordinarie trust for his advise, whoe incouraged him to follow the suite, as being just and conscionable, and offred his assistance at his owne charge upon condicions

That Sir Anthony Mayne should make him a graunt of all his right and interest.

That in recompence the said Sir Lawrence should have a lease for three lives of the said landes, and that during that lease, the proffittes of the moytie of the landes recovered, half the value of the damages in anie accion of wast, with half the yearlie rentes should bee answered unto Sir Anthony Mayne, to which Sir Anthony Mayne agreed, and trusted the said Sir Lawrence Tanfeild with the penning of his owne graunt, wherein hee so well provided for himself, that excluding Sir Anthony Mayne of all meanes to recover the land by his owne right against the leassees, or the meane proffittes against himself, by uncertaine ambiguous and covert wordes and clauses in the deed, by vertue of Sir Anthony Maines title, made entries, kept courtes brought accions, compounded with some tenantes for great sommes, overthrowes the estate of others, and by setting upp one title against another, Sir Anthony Maynes against the tenantes, and the lease against Sir Anthony Maynes, by waie of maintenance and practise, hath about theis thirtie yeares received great benefitt without giving any accompt, either of the rentes, composicions, spoiles of woodes, or his carriage at all of the busines, to Sir Anthony Mayne, or this petitioner, and insteed of giving satisfaccion to your peticioner, who having sought it by all faire meanes, hee doth not onlie refuse the same, but doth deteine all evidences and writinges delivered him in trust, and concealed all his proceedinges whatsoever concerning the busines, and by cullor of his greatnes and countenance, hath all this while borne downe the cause.

Humblie praieth, that since Sir Lawrence Tanfeild hath so fowly carried himself by open maintenance and champerty in the undertaking, and the subsequent passages and proceedinges of the whole cause, and that under culler and pretence of his profession whilest hee was a pleader, and since by the greatnes of his place and office, so as your petitioner is not able in suite to contend with him, being a person of so great power, against whome noe councell in anie other [illegible] court, can bee procured to plead, the petitioner by the most honourable proteccion and favour of this court, maie bee assigned councell, the busines examined, and hee restored to his landes and evidences, with such rentes, proffittes and recompence as according to reason and justice shall seeme fitt in the judgement of this most honourable court.

  • Anthony Mayne

Phillipp Smyth, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the high and mighty Prince Charles Prince of Wales and others the reverend and honourable lordes assembled in Parliament.

The humble peticion of Phillipp [Smyth?] prisoner in the Fleete.

Sheweth: that wheras your petitioner made his complaint to the honourable assembly of the Commons Howse in Parliament against Sir Lawrance Tanfeild knight Lord Cheife Barron of his majesties Exchequer wherin he shewed unto them (as now unto this high court) that in a cause referred out of the Chauncery to the said Sir Lawrance with others, betwixt your petitioner and one Guilbert Lee, wherin the Lady Tanfeild receaved [20?] pounds of your petitioner, with a promise of [20?] pounds more, if her lord did end his cause according to justice and equity, which the said Sir Lawrance also promised your petitioner, that the said Sir Lawrance taking a peece of plate of your petitioners adversary, which cost 32 pounds or thereabouts, did unjustly give from your petitioner 900 pounds most of yt money lent out of purse and a patent worth 200 pounds per annum for divers yeares then to come.

And that in another mans cause depending in the Exchequer chamber, there was 50 pounds in a purse worth 3 pounds given to the Lady Tanfeild, till when the party could have noe fayre proceedinges in his cause, but after that obteyned his desire and lastly that the said Sir Lawrance Tanfeild hath now in a cause depending before him betwixt your petitioner and one John Jones, and Anthony Stubbs, differred justice and right unto your petitioner in putting off 3 severall hearings of your petitioners cause, and in ordering 3 severall bills to be preferred against your petitioner in the same court for the same cause and not dismissing, nor hearing any, and in committing your petitioner close prisoner in the prison of the Fleete, noe processe of contempt being served uppon him, where he hath now continewed 6 monthes, or and in stopping the course of the common lawe by injunction; and otherwise diversly carrying himselfe so partially in the whole proceedings of the said cause, as your petitioner hath great cause to suspect, that the like passages have beene used in this as in the former cawses by which corrupcions and fowle proceedings the petitioner conceiveth the said Sir Lawrance to be at the Kinges mercy for body goodes and landes having therby broken his owne oath and so much as in him lyeth the oath of his majestie to him committed to be kept.

Now though yt pleased the said honourable assembly of Commons to reject the said petition under pretence that some of of the said offences weare longe synce committed, the one being donn about 14 yeares past, and thother about 9 yeares. Though the petitioner thinketh all offences in this nature are punishable at all tymes for nullum tempus occurrit regi neither cann these close practyses, and workes of darkenes be presently discovered, nor weare some of them knowne unto your petitioner, till within these 8 monthes.

Yet the petitioner well hopeth that your highnes and the rest of this honourable assembly being lovers of justice, and well willers to the publike good, wilbe pleased in your wisdomes to cause the truth of these abuses to be examined, and justice to be done thereuppon accordingly. Which the petitioner in all humilyty beggeth. And shall for ever praye for your grace and honours prosperous successe.

  • Phillipp Smith

And your petitioner further informeth this honourable assembly: that synce the writing hereof one of your petitioners cheife wittnesses hath beene offered 20 pounds to stopp his testimony in these causes

Phillipp Smith


May 14 1624 Phillip Smith against the Lord Chiefe Baron.

24 Maii 1624. Ordered by the lords comittees for petitions that this scandalous peticion shalbe [rejected?]. Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament

William Weare, a poor and much oppressed subject. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most high, and mightie Prince, Charles, Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall, and Yorke etc and to the right reverend, and the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall of the higher house of Parliament

The humble peticion of William Weare a poore, and much oppressed subject.

Most humbly shewing that where his majestie by his letteres pattentes dated 23cio Decembris in the xith year of his majesties raigne did demise unto your suppliant [Rainger Stage?] with 36 ackers of ground lying in the late Forrest of Pewshame, in the countie of Wiltshire for 21 years, which land your petitioner morgaged by a deed dated iido October anno regis Jacobi xviimo to one Thomas Mitchell of Colson in the said countie for xl pounds with condicion your suppliant should on the third day of Aprill then next following repay unto the said Mitchell or his assigney the said some of xl pounds and xl shillings for the use thereof and entred into bonnd of 200 pounds for performance of covenantes, which the said Mitchell should alsoe have done, but Mitchelles counterpaine of the morgage being not readie at the petitioners sealing of his parte, Mitchill faithfully promised and also swore to seale his parte the Munday following but from that day to this, your suppliant could neither gett the counterpaine of the morgage, nor bonnd for performance of covenantes from him. Upon the day and att the place in the deed of morgage mencioned your petitioner tendred the xlii pounds as by othe of sufficient witnesses appereth. But the said Mitchell being at the place of tender and seing the money told, said he would goe home and fetch the pattent, the deed of morrage and the rest of the writinges, and redeliver them and receave his money. But stayed from your petitioner 2 or 3 houres, and when he came againe (being late at night) refused to receave the money or to deliver in the deedes, saying there was a clause in the morgage, that did inable him to receav the money, or to keepe the land, whether he pleased, and that he had a moneths time to consider of it, after the expiracion of which moneth, he was to pay the petitioner 58 pounds more and soe the land for the rest of the 21 yeares to be his. Upon the third day of May being the time lymited in the said covenant your suppliant went to Calne to John Dixsons house (which was the place nominated in the deed of morgage, to demaund the said 58 pounds, but Mitchell said he had brought noe money but would talke with the petitioner which likewise appereth upon oath. In June following the said Mitchell arreasted your suppliant upon the bond of 200 pounds for not performing of covenantes, and carryed him to prison at Salisbury where your suppliant lay a whole yeare, as he can bring sufficient witnes. After which John Mitchell his brother (with whome your suppliant had never any dealinges at all) laid an accion of ejectione firma upon him purposly to keepe him in prison and to defeate him of his right, saying he should never be released unless he would consent to take twentie nobles more and soe resigne his whole in trust in the premises. Whereupon your poore suppliant was constreyned to exhibite his humble peticion unto his majestie craving that John Hungerford and Henry Baliffes esquires (nere justices of peace there) might have the hearing and determining thereof, as by a referrence under Sir Sidney Mountecues hand dated 29 Julii 1620 appereth, who by reason of the Mitchelles perversnes could not comprimise the differences betweene them, but certified unto his majestie that the xlii pounds was tendred at the lymited place, upon the third day of Aprill formerly recited, and that the 58 pounds was likewise by your petitioner demaunded upon the third day of Maii according to the covenantes in the deed of morgage incerted, and that Thomas Mitchell would neither receave the said xlii pounds, nor make payment of the 58 pounds. And that the pasture of ground was worth x pounds a yeare, besides the woodes of xi years groath worth iii pounds an acre (there being 53 akeres of wood, and pasture by a late survey, as by a certeficate under theire two handes, and severall deposicions apperth. After which your suppliant preferred his bill into the Court of Requestes to which Thomas Mitchell put in annswere whereupon your petitioner made replicacion, but being then under the said Mitchelles arreast in Salisbury, your suppliantes councell unknowne to him did agree to goe to a hearing upon bill and annswere notwithstanding the petitioners replicacion was in, to the great prejudiceing of your suppliant upon which hearing Sir Christopher Parkins late Master of Requestes made an order with a decree that Mitchell should have the land paying 58 pounds forthwith. And that a comission should be awarded into the countrie; touching costes of suite, the damages susteyned, the full value of the land, and the proffittes receaved by Mitchell, but the petitioner having xii wittnesses to be examined, Mitchelles comissioneres (through his procurement) would stay the hearing but of five examined, which they retorned into the court. And after publicacion made in court, the cause was dismissed by Sir Raph Freeman before the petitioner had a hearing touching costes and damages. Whereupon he exhibited humble peticion unto his majestie againe, whoe was graciouslie pleased to referr the examinacion and determinacion of his suite to Sir Julius Caeser and Sir Henry Hubard Lord Cheife Justice of the Comon Plees, whoe calling your suppliant and both the Mitchelles before them (with councell learned on both sides) did find that it was against lawe and justice that your petitioner should be bound to sell his meanes against his will: Mitchelles councell replied that the petitioner was poore and must sell it to annother. Then Sir Julius Caeser did say that Mitchell should pay the petitioner the full value of the land, with such costes and damages as he should prove he had susteyned, and therefore by theire letteres dated 26 of November 1622 (yet extant with the petitioner) they requested the Court of Requestes to resume the same againe, and to beginne where they did leave, and that the petitioner should have 58 pounds with costes damages and values. Upon which lettere Sir Sidney Mounteque appointed the first day of the then next coming tearme for the rehearing thereof, which being come, and one Master Warre of the Temple being your petitioners councell, moved for a hearing upon Sir Sidneys appointment which Sir Ralphe Freeman would not grannt, but willed the petitioner to put in a new bill of revewe which being put into the court he had a privie seale awarded him to bring up Thomas Mitchell and John Mitchell (who bought the premises of his brother) and entred into 200 pounds to save his brother Thomas harmeless, against all accions whatsoever that could be brought against by the said Weare, and hath ever since maintained the suite against him, shewing whole handes full of gould which he sayes will make lawyers speake and silent and that he will spend 500 pounds but he will have his will contrary to an acte formerly made in this honourable court called champerdie. But in Easter tearme last was twelvemoneth Sir Edward Powell then sitting in court would not suffer the proceedinges to goe on accordinge to the bill notwithstanding Sir Ralfe Freemans former order, and notwithstanding the privy seale awarded for theire apparance to that end, but willed that it should be heard upon the lettere sent from Sir Julius Caeser and Sir Henry Hubbard, which coming to hearing your suppliantes councell was not suffered to lay open the truth of his cause, neither could he gett his deposicions nor the justices of peaces certeficate to be redd in court. But Sir Edward Powell made an order that he should proceed neither in that court nor in any other court of justice in that suite. If he did he should pay Mitchell x pounds and did give him the petitioners bonnd of 200 pounds which was formerly ordered should remaine in court.

Your much oppressed suppliant being by these indirect courses wrung out of his due right by his potent adversaries as one destituted of all meanes of releife; he even for Godes cause most humbly beseecheth he may have justice from his honourable place of justice, and that the said Thomas Mitchell with John his brother (whoe by false appidavis and fraudulent practizes hath defrauded your petitioner of his right) may appere before your honours to annswere directly to the pointes of this peticion, and that your suppliant may have his landes againe, paing the money alreadie receaved with the use due for the same Mitchell deducting the proffittes of the land or that he may have valluable consideracione for the same, with such costes proffites and damages as to your honours shall seeme fitt. And that he may be righted for his whole years wrong imprisonment. And as in dutie most bound he shall daylie pray.

William Weare


May 14 1624 [illegible]

Isott Bidwell, an oppressed widow, and six distressed orphans. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right honourable the lords and others assembled in this High Court of Parliament:

The humble peticion of Isott the oppressed widdowe; and six distressed orphauntes of Nicholas Bidwell of Exeter desceased:

Most humblie: sheweth: that your poore suppliant for theise 11 yeares, and uppwardes, as alsoe Nicholas her said late husband, have prossecuted suite in lawe in his majesties Courte of Requestes, against the mayor, and comunaltie of Exeter concerninge theyre unlawfull deteyninge of divers leases, goodes, and chattles to a great vallue proved in courte, from your suppliant and her children which came unto theyre handes in trust, by force and vertue of a charter graunted by the late and ever famous Queene Elizabeth and left unto him the said Nicholas beeinge an orphaunt, by Hugh Bidwell of Exeter father of the said Nicholas: which goodes, leases and chattles, beeinge the onelye staie, and mayntenance, whereuppon her said late husband relied uppon for the reliefe of him and his, and since by reason of his descease due unto your poore suppliant, they unconsci= onablye refusinge to redeliver to your suppliant beeinge administratrix, which theyre refusall is direct contrarye to the true intent and meaninge of theyre said charter made and graunted to relieve not to defraude:

But soe it is maie it please this most high and honourable courte of Parliament that your poore and oppressed suppliant for theise 6 yeares since her husbandes descease, hath prossecuted the said suite, against the said maior and comunaltie in his said majesties Courte of Requestes for recoverye of the said goodes, leases, and chattles, by force and vertue of manye and sondrie peticions humblye preferred, to his majestie, letteres written by the lords of his majesties most honourable Privie Councell, unto them in her beehalfe, and hath had maynie orders decreed forth of the said courte for your poore suppliantes reliefe, by which heereunto annexd maie appeare, soe that Sir Sidney Mountague Maister of the Requestes beeinge verye sensible of her just cause and commiseratinge her distresse and oppression, awarded her what shee justlye proved in court, whereuppon Sir Sidney receavinge in court a privatt lettere, departed the court, and then her cause was overswayed by Sir Edward Powell Master of the Requestes declaringe that if your suppliant should bee righted in this that manye more must bee righted and that the court would bee full of countrie people, and beesides questioned her councell howe that they did dare to come against a corporation sithat they were of a corporation themselves, and her said councell aunswered that they did submitt themselves to the court to have that they proved and Sir Sidney awarded, and uppon the same the said Sir Edward Powell contrarye to lawe justice or equitie caused her to bee dismist: to the utter undoeinge of her and her 6 smale orphauntes:

In your tender commisseration whereof even for Christ Jesus sake, shee humblye beggeth and beeseeth this high and honourable assemblie to peruse theise writinges heereunto annexed whereone her cheife cause of greivaunce dependeth and therein is specified and to take such order therein as in your grave wisedomes shall bee thought fitt and agreable with justice and equitie, that thereby your poore suppliant and her six small perrishinge, and distressed orphauntes maye bee relieved, and shee and her poore orphauntes shall dailye praie etc.


14o Maii 1624

not read

The honourable committees think fitt this petition be shewed to Sir Edward Powel and that he make his awnswer thearunto with all convenient speed dated the [illegible] of May. Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament

May 14 1624

Isott Bidwell

May it please your lordships I have seene this peticion; and doe in all humilitie for answer thereunto referr my selfe to the decree of dismission annexed having never had any thinge to doe in this cause, butt in open court when the right honourable Edward Earle of Worcester, Lord Privy Seale hath bene present, and others the judges of the court. I remaine ready att your lordships commaundement xxviiio May 1624 Edward Powell

Thomas Bartram. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the Kings most excellent majesty the lordes spirituall and temporall and comons in this High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble petition of Thomas Bartram

Humbly sheweth that your petitioneres father John Bartram havinge paid to and for Roger Windham esquire deceased above 700 pounds for part thereof had absolutely conveyed unto him in Aprill 35to Elizabeth 34 peeces of land in Norffolk conteyning about 50 acres by fine and recovery with voutcher and defeazance to be void uppon payment of certen monies to your petitioneres father which was never paid.

That afterwardes it appeared that the said landes (inter al) was the late Queenes majesties her heires and successours by reason of a former conveyance thereof made about anno 13o of her raigne by Frances Windham esquire late one of her majesties justices in the Common Pleas which conveyances was not before then knowne to her majestie.

That it pleased the late Queene in reguard of his good service in revealing the same and of the said great somes disbursed and not repaid to graunt the said 34 peeces of land to your petitioners father John Bartram and his heires the procuring whereof cost him about 300 pounds that anno primo of his majesties raigne it pleased his majesty for 1000 markes it being worth 20000 pounds by letteres patentes to grant all the mannours landes tenementes which the said Francis Windham had so conveyed unto the said late Queene Elizabeth to Jane Conisby for life the reversion to Sir John Windham and his heires excepting the 34 peeces aforesaid to his highnes his heires and successours by the said letters patentes that your petitioners said father surrendred his estate of and in the said 34 peeces of land to his majesty, who uppon peticion gratiouslie pleased anno 11o of his highnes raigne did grant the same inter al to William Pit and William Pit Loid by his majesties letteres patentes who by vertue thereof assigned the 34 peeces to your petitioner and his heires yeilding his majesty a certen yearly rent and present consideracion therin expressed which cost the petitioner about [100?] pounds.

That the said Sir John Windham having uppon his oath in his majesties Court of Chancery to his benefit confessed and pleaded the conveyance and excepcion aforesaid did nevertheles so misinforme the late Master of the Rols Sir Edward Phillips deceased that upon his untrue bill there first exhibited against your petitioners said father John Bartram conteyning matter contrary to his owne oath and the conveyances letteres patentes and excepcion aforesaid obteyned a decree for the said 34 peeces of land aganst your petitioners said father John Bartram your petitioner no party to that suite by which decree was ordred him 70 pounds which is not paid and afterward uppon a like bill before the late Lord Chancelour against the said Pit and Loid and your petitioner obteyned a like decree for the same landes whereby all the said conveyances be disallowed and houlden nothing materiall on his majesties or your petitioneres behalfe to the disinheriting of his majesty of the premisses and the defeating the petitioner of his whole estate.

Your petitioner most humbly praieth for Godes sake that your honours would be pleased to take into your consideracions Sir John Windhams patent and the great oppression and wronges your petitioner hath susteyned being a poore man and purchased the premisses and being long imprisoned in the Fleete upon the said decree untill he was forced to make an assurance of the premisses to Sir John Windham for nothing and to pay the rentes to his majesty for the same landes all which your petitioner leaveth to your honours consideraciones and humbly prayeth releife in and by this high house of Parlyament to be restored to his landes or to be ordred to have a triall at comon lawe and your petitioner as bounden shall ever pray etc.

By me Thomas Bartram


May 14 1624

The bailiffs and burgesses of Chepstow, Monmouthshire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most high and mighty Prince Charles and the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall in the High Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of the bayliffes and burgesses of the towne of Chepstowe in the county of Monmouthe

Shewinge that Sir Walter Mountague knight having intermarried with the daughter and heyre of Sir Henry Morgan knight of Penyekoide in comitatu Monmouth who brought him an estate neere 1000 pounds per annum of which estate Sir Walter sould above [illegible] 400 pounds per annum which enabled him the better to purchase by his owne endevours 700 pounds in the county of Northampton which descended for want of yssue of his body to his noble famely;

The said Sir Walte Montague having lived long in the said county of Monmouth and perceiving a greate penury and want of preaching and charitable workes towardes the poore of those partes and intending to advance relligion and charity in the towne of Chepstow (taking into consideracion the advauncement hee had received by his said wif) did by his last will and testament in writing under his hand and seale devise his house and ground in Chepstowe towardes the lodging of a preacher and 10 or 12 poore people and for theyre maintenance one pasture ground called [Medfield?] in Hanginghouton in the county of Northampton for ever beeing of the yearely valew of 115 as by his will appeareth after whose desease the said will was duily proved.

The Lord Mountague beeing his eldest brother and next heyre to whome his landes of inheritance descended hathe procured an office to bee found and by the inquisition the said Sir Walter died seized of 7 acres of land held in capite, and by that meanes hath endevored to avoyd the said will concerning the said charitable use, and for that purpose hath obteined a decree in the Court of Wards not making the executors parties thereunto now for as much as the said townesmen are poore and not able to prosecute soe greate a [purson?] for the same whereby the said charitable and relligiouse use is likely to bee extirpated and perish except your lordships bee pleased to comiserate theyre necessity and to give reliefe to soe good a worke according to the intencion and pious meaning of the devisor.

May it therefore please this most honored assembly to acquaint the said Lord Mountegue with the contentes heereof and to perswade him to further the same, and not to crosse or hinder a cause that tendes soe much to the honour of God the salvacion of many starved soules and to the relieving of soe many poore people to the honour of his noble famely or otherwise that the said Lord Mountague aunsweare the premisses and thereuppon to take such further order as to your honourable and grave judgment shall seeme expedient, and your peticioners shall dayly pray etc;


Higher house

Nicholas Botiller. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right honourable the lords comittees for greevances.

The humble peticion of Nicholas Botiller.

Sheweth, that your petitioner beinge seized of landes of 800 pounds per annum in Gloucester and indebted to John Yonge and others 630 pounds for payment of which John Bridges thelder and Arthur Crewe stood bound as your petitioners suerties, and your petitioner borrowed 100 pounds of Bridges, and your petitioner 14 Maii 41 Elizabeth into a statute of 1700 pounds to Bridges defeazanced for paiment of all this money and paid interest therof for 3 years, and then they pretended they had paid the 630 pounds, and if your petitioner would undertake payment of the 630 pounds and 30 pounds interest, and the repayment of 300 pounds more which your petitioner had of Bridges for sale of Withimore Woodes, and take the woodes backe, then they wold lend your petitioner 200 pounds and the statute shold be new defeazanced for payment of all theis sommes being 1260 pounds 19o May 1605 which your petitioner agreed unto, and Crewe and Bridges caused a new defeazance to be made for payment to them of this 1260 pounds and securing a lease for 200 years of the mannours of Ingleston and Hillesley, which your petitioner agreed unto, and Crewe and Bridgs caused a new defeazance to be made for payment to them of this 1260 pounds and securing a lease for 200 years of the mannours of Ingleston and Hillesly, which upon protestacions of honest dealing they drew your petitioner to make as a mortgage for security of 500 pounds of the 1260 pounds this second defeazance being sealed, your petitioner satisfied the 500 pounds and they promised the lease shold be cancelled, if your petitioner defeazance the statute by a third defeazance for payment of the 730 pounds with interest amounting to 836 pounds which your petitioner did although they incerted into the third defeazance that your petitioner should secure Bridges against a recognizance of 300 pounds which he was bound as suerty for your petitioner to Queene Elizabeth many years before, and suffer Crewe to have 30 lodes of wood yearly, for 99 years, and Bridges sonne to have the next avoydance of the advowson of Hawkesbury.

Shortly after Crew and Bridgs pretended they must have in the 836 pounds, and if your petitioner would beare their charges to London, they would take up the money of Sir John Jolles upon a new statute of your petitioners and then the old statute and all other writings shold be cancelled, and they returning from London falsly informed your petitioner they had taken up 840 pounds of Sir John Jolles which satisfied them the 836 pounds and bore their charges to London, and drew your petitioner for repayment therof 3o Decembris 3 Jacobi to enter into a statute of 1600 pounds to Poyntell in trust for Sir John Jolls as they pretended defeazanced for the payment of 840 pounds, and yet nether Jolls nor Poyntell lent your petitioner any money, and shortly after Poyntell assigned secretly this statute to Crew and them upon pretence that Sir John Jolls must have in his 840 pounds, they advised your petitioner to mortgage the mannours of Hawkesbury, Inglestone and other landes to Richard Codrington, and Arnold Oldsworth which your petitioner expecting no deceipt did, but they lent no money albeit your petitioner thought they had, and that the statute to Pointell had ben therwith discharged, but the names of Codrington and Oldsworth was but a cullour to gaine the mortgage which was presently assigned by them to Bridges and Crew, then Bridges making Crew and John and Robert Bridges his sonnes his executours died, and Crew and Robert Bridges falsly pretended they had paid 1000 pounds to Codrington and Ouldsworth, and 109 pounds for interest therof, and that your petitioner was indebted to old Bridges 1274 pounds and 200 pounds for the purchasing in of a mortgage made to Jerome Vizer upon security to be given, for all which Robert Bridges and Crew offred your petitioner all former [leases?] and assurances except the statute of 1700 pounds shold be delivered up, and therupon drew your petitioner 30 Novembris 6 Jacobi to enter into a statute of 6000 pounds and a 4th defeazance upon the statute of 1700 pounds thereby untruly reciting that for non payment of 1274 pounds to old John Bridges, that statute of 1700 pounds was forfeited, wheras that statute was never defea= =zanced for payment of any such somme to John Bridges, yet by this 4th defeazance they tied your petitioner to pay 1274 pounds to Robert Bridges and Crew the last of February then following, and securing John and Robert Bridges of the recognizance of 300 pounds to Queene Elizabeth and for Crewes enjoying the 30 lodes of wood and Robert Bridges the next advowson of Hawkesbury, and they likewise defeazanced the statute of 6000 pounds for payment of 1700 pounds to Robert Bridges and Crew the same last of February and 500 pounds more to Crewe the same day, and in defalt therof your petitioner and his wife to make assurance during 7 yeares of the landes in the indenture 29 Septembris 2 Jacobi and performance of covenantes in 6 other payre of indentures, and saving Crew harmles from an obligacion to Sir Henry Poole, and another of 100 pounds to Thomas Hale. And although the 1274 pounds in the 4th defeazance of the statute of 1700 pounds was part of the 1700 pounds and there was but 200 pounds paid to Vizer as aforesaid, yet they obteyned allowance of 426 pounds for the same which with the 1274 maketh up the 1700 pounds and yet that defeazance tyed your petitioner to pay 500 pounds mencioned in the indenture of 29 Septembris 2 Jacobi which was discharged many yeares before.

And Crew Robert and John Bridges the yonger to gaine both the sommes of 1700 pounds and 1274 pounds and to cause all the said mortgages to stand on foote as if they were undischarged falsly and untruly [contrived?] an accompt to be made to that purpose 30 Novembris 6 Jacobi and afterwardes having corrupted two of your petitioners servantes, they drew your petitioner dangerously sicke without hope of recovery to mortgage the mannour of Hawkesbury and other landes worth 16000 pounds to Crewe for payment of the said supposed debtes, and drewe him to seale an indenture falsly reciting that he owed to Crewe 3857 pounds, to John and Robert Bridges 423 pounds 15 shillings to Codrington and Oldsworth 1109 pounds and to other men other sommes in all 5809 pounds 1 shilling 4 pence which your petitioner thereby undertooke to pay within 14 dayes.

In July 7o Jacobi Crew and Oldsworth without direccion of your peticioner procured the Lord Russell to lend him 3000 pounds upon a mortgage, which they did purposely to gaine the same into their owne handes which they having obteyned, then Crewe by false pretences obtayned 636 pounds more of your petitioners money and yet still they kept all the said statutes mortgages and assurances a foote, although they promised all should have ben delivered up. And afterwardes Crewe without your petitioners privity caused indentures of demise for 1000 yeares of Litle Badminton, and therein incerted a confirmacion of the former bargaine and sale so indirectly obtayned, and 3 severall releases to Crewe videlict one of all right and demaundes in Hawkesbury and other landes; another of all accions and demaundes; and a third of all errours with a proviso of reentry of your petitioners none payment of the said 630 pounds to John Young and others, and other sommes to other men long before allowed to Crewe and Bridges, and by them pretended to be satisfied: then Crewe divulged your petitioners other landes should be extended upon the said 3 statutes, by reason whereof no man durst purchase land of him, or lend him money: and afterward your petitioner having agreed with the Earle of Worcester for sale of other landes for 7900 pounds he refused to proceede therein, unles Crewe would joyne with him in assurance and deliver up the three statutes which Crewe refused to doe unles your petitioner would seale Crewe, another generall release, and give him 500 pounds, and 500 more to pay debtes to Sir Henry Poole and others, which Crewe had formerly allowance of and pretended he had satisfied: all which your petitioner was inforced for releife of his present wantes to doe

In consideracion of all which and because your petitioner by meanes of the aforesaid indirect dealinges hath not onely paid to the said Crewe, and John and Robert Bridges many great sommes of money as aforesaid, but hath ben stripped out of his estate and landes of great value, and yet cannot obtaine from them any satisfaccion for the same, nor so much as get them to accompt with your petitioner for the same and the said money: both which your petitioner humbly desireth, the said Arthur Crewe John and Robert Bridges may be by your good lordshipps inforced to doe, and to give your petitioner such satisfaccion as to your lordshipps shall seeme just and fitt. And (as in duty bound) your petitioner will ever pray for your lordshipps etc.

Nicholas Boteller, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most reverend and honourable the generall comittee for greivances in the upper house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Nicholas Boteller esquire.

Sheweth. That your suppliant havinge preferred his humble peticion to this great assembly to be releived of sondry great fraudes and practises wrought against him heertofore (to the great overthrowe of his estate) by John Bridges deceased, John Bridges and Robert Bridges his sonnes, and Arthur Crew his sonne in lawe.

The petitioner dothe heerby further humbly offer to the grave consideracion of this house, that after the deceasse of John Bridges the father, the said John, Robert, and Arthur the sonnes (beinge made executors) tooke upon them the managinge of your petitioners monies and estate then beinge in their handes, but proved not the will untill three yeares after, duringe which time they had made their prey and spoile of his said estate. And at length your petitioner compellinge them to make probate of the will, the said John Bridges then disclaymed his interest in the said will, and excluded himselfe from the probate therof, wherby he hopeth to escape unquestioned for that part of your petitioners estate, which he hath converted to his owne behoofe. And for that Robert Bridges, and Arthur Crew are not heere in towne, but farre remote, and cannot be present duringe this present sittinge of the house.

Therfore your petitioner most humbly prayeth that this peticion may be received with that aforesaid, and kept therunto annexed as a record and caveat to be considered, with your petitioners cause shall be heard and examined. And your petitioner will ever pray for your honours etc.

  • Nicholas Botiller

John Martine, a poor distressed sailor. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most high, and mightie Prince, Charles, Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Yorke etc and to the most reverend and right honourable the lordes spirituall, and temporall, of the higher house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of John Martine a poore distressed saylour.

Most humbly shewing

That where William Martine your suppliantes father purchased certaine landes in the bourrough of West Tengmouth in the countie of Devon now better worth then x pounds a yeare, which landes he intayled by a deed of feoffment, to the heires mayles of his bodie lawfullie begotten he having at the time of the purchase two sonnes named Roger and William, which were elder then your petitioner, to whome and whose issue male the landes were intayled before your suppliant, that was the third sonne. Roger had issue William his sonne, whoe died without issue and then the landes discended to William, the second sonne (uncle to the said William the sonne of Roger) whoe during his life time quietly enjoyed the same without mollestacion and left it to John his sonne, who dying alsoe without issue, the right of inheritaunce both by the deed of feoffment made by his father (the purchaser and intayler of the said landes) and by the lawe of the kingdome (it being crowne lande and houlden of the kinges majestie by knightes service) should discend unto your petitioner being the next lawfull heire male. But your suppliant being in the iland viage with the old Earle of Essex, John Atwill alias Towill, and Richard Britnall, (whilst your petitioner was absent from his countrie (and imployed in her late majesties service) purposlie to defeat your petitioner of his due right) promised Ellenor Ede, Annis, and Cissile (the fower daughters of Roger Martine the eldest sonne) 40 pounds for theire intrest in the said landes under whose unjust title they entred theire names in the court roll of the mannour of bourrough of Tengmouth and soe being coppiehoulders of the premises, seekes to defeat your suppliant of his inheritaunce having by fraudulent practizes in your petitioners absence gotten the deed of feoffment, and all other writinges concerning the same togeather with the landes, without any consideracion to your poore suppliant.

Who having (by theire meanes least he should recover his owne) bene prest 22 times for her late majesties service, and having lost all the toes of his right foote and the joyntes of his left hand in her said majesties service (for which he never had pencion or reward) and being altogeather unable to wage lawe with soe powerfull adversaries potent in purse and freindes, by reason of his want of meanes and disabillitie of bodie to travill

And therefore as one destitute of all comfort he even for Godes cause most humbly beseecheth the said John Attwill alias Toowill, Richard Britnall and Joane Diginer the second brotheres wife (in whose custodie some of the writinges were left) may appere before your honours, and produce the said deed of feoffment with the rest of the evidences that concernes your petitioners (now in theire handes) the rather for that they have by severall bayliffes laid waite to arreast your suppliant upon pretended accions, purposlie to divert your petitioner from exhibiting his just complaint unto your honours, least they should appere to aunswere for theire misdemeanours. And for that the said John Atwill alias Towill having alsoe heretofore at 12 a cloacke at night stole reaped pease from of your suppliantes ground worth seaven nobles for which he never could gett any satisfaccion (as he can prove by good witnes) and upon your suppliantes former complaint unto his majestie Sir William Courtney and Sir Thomas Reynoldes knightes being appointed comissioneres to examine part of your petitioners grevances, the said John Atwill produced a false deed whereof he was convicted before them, and being asked by Sir William why he yealded not up your suppliant his land, he said if he should doe soe your petitioner would hang him for stealing the pease, (he having noe other coullour to hould the same) as Sir William Courtney and divers of theire neighboures can testifie. And your poore suppliant being righted according to the equitie of his cause shall with his wife and poore children (now readie to starve for want of meanes) dayly pray for your highnes and for all your honours long and happie lives.

John Martain


To be read

Benjamine Deicrowe, agent for the Muscovia Company. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in the higher house of Parliament.

The humble peticon of Benjamine Deicrowe agent for the Muscovia Companie

He humbly sheweth that he hath byn agent for the Muscovia Companie for above 20ty yeares past, in which employ employment he hath spent his body and done his best endeavour but by reason of many great disasters, and losses by casuall meanes of fyer and otherwise to the value of 100000 pounds the said companie had occacion to take up very great sommes of money upon their comon seale and are still indebted 22000 pounds or thereaboutes.

That therupon the said companie not knoweing howe to satisfie the same were humble suitors to his majestie that he would appoint somme comissioners, that might set downe some eaquitable course howe the said companies debtes might be paid, and his majestie was most gratiously pleased to appoint William Holliday alderman lately deceased and others for that purpose who made a levacion accordingly and set downe howe much every free man formerly being traders should pay towardes the same.

That your petitioner being a freeman of the said companie, was to pay a certeyne somme by the said commissioners assessed, and the petitioner hath paid the same towardes payment of the said companies debtes acordingly.

That by an order of the lords of the counsell of the 17th of July 1623 yt was by them ordered that those that pay their partes, are to be freed from payment of any more, then that which was soe leavied upon them

That notwithstanding your petitioners being engaged for their said companie and for their proper debt unto one Thomas Elkyn for 1000 pounds lent by one Richard Deane alderman unto the said companie as your petitioner hath made sufficient prooffe of by deposicions in the Chauncery and other good proofes that the same is the said companies debt. And alsoe one John Chamberlen executor of Richard Chamberlen deceased for a supposed debt which he pretendeth the petitioner oweth him for a rest of intrest, and they the said Thomas Elkyn, Richard Deane and John Chamberlen doe still prosecute your petitioner by suite in lawe to recover the said severall sommes of him, as alsoe others unto whom your petitioner is engaged for the said company beinge their agent whoe doe likewise threaten to sue your petitioner to the utter overthrowe of him his wyef and five children, and the suite depending in Chauncerie betweene the petitioner and the said Elkyn and Deane, and cominge to be heard the 3 day of this instant May the court did forbeare to proceede further therin, as by the order herunto annexed appeareth

The premisses considered, and forasmuch as somme of companies creditors doe presse the companie for their debtes, and for that, the said creditors have to that purpose peticioned to your lordshipes, the petitioner humbly beseecheth this honourable assembly to take his cause likewise into theire noble consideracions wherby your petitioner may be releived, and that you wilbe pleased to require the said Thomas Elkin Richard Deane and John Chamberlen to come before your lordshipes to examine your petitioners cause and to take such course for his disengagement and releif, as your lordshipes in your [illegible] greate wisedome shall see fitt, and the petitioner with all his shall ever pray etc

  • By me Robert Hall for
  • Benjamyne Deicroe

May 14 1624

Benjamine B Decro 12

Non lecta

Robert Salkeld, a very poor and distressed subject. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most high, and mightie Prince, Charles, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall and Yorke etc and to the right reverend, and the right honourable the lordes spirituall, and temporall, of the higher house of Parliament

The humble peticion of Robert Salkeld a very poore and much distressed subject

Most humbly shewing

That where Mathew Salkeild (your suppliantes father) being sonne and heire to Mabell Beachampe (one of the coheires of Thomas Beachampe of Litle Crogling Hall, in the parish of Kirkuswould, and countie of Cumberland) about some 26 years agoe died seised, as in his demaine, of a messuage called Hudleskugh in the said parish with the appurtenances, now better worth then 50 pounds per annum, for which he did suite and service unto his majestie as cheife lord of the mannour of Kirkuswould to which the same belongeth your suppliant being his fatheres sonne and heire was att the time of his fathers death ymployed in the late Queenes service at the iles of Flower, and [Corves?] upon the coast of Spaine under the comaund of Capten George Vennores. In your petitioners absence Sir William Hutton knight now disceased pretending title to the premises by way of purchase, (though in ten years triall at lawe he could never produce either deed of purchase or other evidence under his said fathers hand, but by strong hand keept your suppliant from his right, and being dead hath left the same to John Hutton his sonne, whoe prosecuted the suite in the countrie (in his fatheres life time) as his brother Anthony Hutton did here; that to overthrowe your suppliant in the Court of Requestes upon a pleading, brought in forged deedes (for annother parte of the Beachamps landes) unwitnessed, saying they were made in auncient times before the custome of witnesses was to subscribe, whereas indeed they were but newly made, as plainely appeared by the newe parchmente watrie incke, and fresh waxe, which was soe soft as it easely tooke the impression of your petitioners wives nayle, without breaking or forceing, which your suppliant openly declaring in court to his face the said Anthony could not deny but did qiver and shake as he stood without aunswering any word, as Master Wilborne your suppliantes councell, and Master Laine his atturney can if they please testifie. Sir John Suckling knight then one of the masters of requestes said (upon the bench) that it seamed the petitioner had right to much land, and that theire appeared upon oath nothing to be paid for it, but twelve pence in money and a litle corne, and therefore thought fitt that the petitioner should have 100 pounds awarded him for his intrest, but your suppliant craving his land, the court riss before any order was sett downe, and soe the petitioner never receaved any recompence att all, notwithstanding he hath both deposicions (taken by comission in the countrie), and by the court rolles of the mannor, proved in the said court that the land is his by lyniall discent, and that there was never any sale thereof made by his father, but that Sir William Hutton and his two sonnes, in the petitioners absence, by sinister practizes, gott the possession thereof, and still wrongfully withhoulde the same.

In regard the said land is houlden of his majestie (by service of courage) your suppliant and his ancessours having time out of minde bene tenantes to the crowne, and that the Beachampes landes (whereof your suppliantes is a parte) should pay into his majesties Exchequer viii shillings 5 pence per annum, which for many years hath not bene paid by the cooheires of the Beachampes. Your suppliant being aged, poore and not able any longer to prosecut the lawe, against his potent adversaries, against whome he can have noe justice, most humbly beseecheth the said John Hutton may appere before your honours to aunswere directly to the pointes of this peticion, and to produce in this honourable court the evidences by which he houldes the same, he and his father having for these 26 years enjoyed your suppliant auncient inheritance, without any consideracion to the petitioner. And your poore suppliant (that hath spent above 200 pounds in lawe, besides 4000 miles travell and 20 years time) being righted according to the equitie of his cause, [illegible] with his wife and poore children (now readie to starve through want of meanes) shall dayly pray for your highnes and all your honours long and happie lives.

Robert Salkeld


Robert Salkeld petition

Henry Doddington. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most excellent the Prince his highnes and the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble petition of Henry Doddington

Shewinge that 11o Decembris 28 Henrici 8 Kinge Henry the eight demised the rectory and church of Llangoned and chappelles of Havidiporth Tresent Llanvigelleth and Crickfarmy in the county of Glamorgan late parcell of the possessions of the dissolved monastery of Morgan to Lewys Blethyn for xxi yeres at 18 pounds 16 shillings rent per annum and 27o Julii the same kinge 37o of his raigne graunted that rectory church and chappelles to James Gunter and William Lewes and their heires, to holde by knightes service in capite.

The estate of James Gunter and William Lewes your peticioner hath and he and they from whome he claymeth and whose estate he hath have bene in warde for the same by reason of the tenure in capite, and allwayes paide respitt of homage and tenthes and have allwaies mainteyned the cure of the chappelles, and ever since 11o Decembris 28 Henrici 8 according to the lease and graunte aforesaid have peaceably and quietly helde and enjoyed the said rectory and premisses and receaved and taken the rentes yssues and proffittes thereof withoute any interrupcion.

Untill that one Sir Thomas Maunsell knight and barronett a man of great estate and very powerfull in those partes grewe desirous to buy the same, which your peticioner refused to sell him especially at his lowe prises, therefore unjustlie to oppresse your peticioner dwellinge farr from thence did first aboute the 40 yere of the raigne of the late Queene Elizabeth enter into and take awaie from your peticioner the chappell and tythinge corne of the chappell of Tresent only, for which your peticioner did sue him in the Court of Chauncerie, which cominge to a hearinge beinge then found improper for that court was dismissed to the common lawe.

After which further to oppresse your peticioner, he did take in divers tenementes and greate groundes and did inclose them and make a parke which is about 6 myles in compasse. And hath also taken into his demeasnes divers graunges farmes and tenementes with a common called the Herweyns conteyninge in the whole aboute 4000 acres of land, all which untill he soe inclosed them paide tythes to your peticioner and his predecessors. And on these landes soe inclosed he keepeth 200 kyne 4000 sheepe 10 ploughes 2000 other cattell and refuseth to paye any tythes pretendinge that he havinge all the landes within the tytheable places of all those 4 chappelles ought to be discharged of payment of tythes thereof, because the monastery of Morgan of which his landes were parcell was of the order of the Cestertians.

Whereupon your peticioner in the xth yere of his majesties raigne that nowe is preferred his bill into the Exchequer chamber against the said Sir Thomas Maunsell who doubtinge that his former pretence would not free him and his tenantes from payment of tythes, and there on his oath sett oute [for?] his tytle and brought many witnesses to depose contrary to his majesties recordes, that all those fower chappelles were oute of the parish of Llangoned, and that there was a rectory and parishe of Morgan which belonged to the said abby and that all those chappelles laye in that supposed parish of Morgan and [were?] appropriated and chappelles of ease to the said parish and that the same by some generall wordes in two severall letteres pattentes the one dated the xxiith daie of June in the xxxiith yere of Henrici 8 and the other the first of August in the xxxvth yere of Henrici 8 were graunted to his grandfather Sir Rice Maunsell.

And thereupon Sir Thomas Maunsell did most unjustlie and wrongfully enter into the rest of your peticioners chappelles and tythes and by might and stronge hand and other indirect meanes did putt your peticioner oute of his lawfull possession, and hath receaved and taken the tythes thereof by the space of these 12 yeres last past, the same beinge the greatest parte of your peticioners estate; and to mainteyne these his oppressions hath used many unjust and unlawfull courses, by meanes whereof he hath drawne your peticioner into greate expences in suites of lawe to his undoeinge, wherein your peticioner hath bene oppressed by the greatnes of Sir Thomas Maunsell, and his tytle disadvauntaged contrarie to the contynued possession of 60 yeres after a fyne.

The premisses considered, and because Sir Thomas Maunsell never had any possession untill he wrongfully formerly tooke the same only his pretence beinge that Morgan is a parish and a rectory which is most apt and fitt to be decyded in this high court upon veiwe of the recordes of courtes at Westminster and the lord bisshops visitacions and your peticioner beinge 80 yeres old and havinge consumed his estate by reason of his oppressions is noe waies able to contend in suites of this nature with a man of his might and power, your peticioner beinge farr in debt, and his estate taken from him.

Maie it therefore please your lordships to compassionate his case, there beinge noe other case of this nature in this kingdome which indeavoureth to erect and make a newe parishe and rectorie by oathes against the recordes where there was never any before. And that your lordships would be pleased to cause a veiwe to be taken of those recordes, that mens oathes partially lead by might and a high hand maie not carrie that, which is to be manifested only by recordes beyond the memory of our grandfathers, that thereby your peticioner maie receave releife for his oppressions: and your peticioner shall daily praie to God for your lordships that you maie have all honor heere, and everlastinge happynes in the world to come.

  • Henry Dodington

Inhabitants of Greate Tewe, Oxfordshire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the highe and mightie prince Charles prince of greate Brittaine, and to the right honorable the Lords spirituall and Temporall, assembled in the upper howse of parliament

The humble peticion of the poore oppressed Inhabitantes of Greate Tewe in the Countye of Oxford.

Sheweth, That wheras your Highnes and Lordships poore petitioners did in March last, exhibit their humble peticion into the Comons howse of Parlyament against Sir Lawrence Tanfeild knight, Lord cheife Baron of his majesties Court of Exchecquor, and delivered the same unto the right honorable Sir Edward Coke knighte, who then sat in the chayre there.

And wheras manye of the petitioners have ever since attended upon the same in hope it would be proceeded in, but heard nothing thereof and therefore repayred unto Mr Wrighte the Clarke of the Comons howse of Parlyament, and desired him to acquainte them what was done therin, wherunto Mr Wrighte answerd that one of the howse (who he knewe not) had taken it out of the howse, and told them that they must exhibit another peticion to the howse, yf they would proceede any further.

Nowe for that their said peticion was taken out of the howse without the privitie of the honorable Assemblye there; and that your poore petitioners were so dealt withall the last Session of Parlyament.

Your highnes and Lordships poore peticoners most humbly praye, That theis and their annexed agreevances maye be proceeded in, as unto your highnes and this honorable Assemblye shall seeme meete.

And the poore petitioners with their wives and children (being almost 400 distressed soules in number) shall (according to their most bounden dutyes) daylie praye for your highnes and Lordships everlasting happines.

William Warmstrey. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most excellent the PRINCE his Highnes and to the right honorable the lords spirituall and temporall, in the upper howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of William Warmstrey.

Most humblie showeth that the Deane and Chapter of Christchurch in Oxford heeretofore devised unto George Belsyre and Edmond Belsire, the parsonage of Bleddingtonn in the County of Gloucester for divers yeeres yet enduring, the state of a third part of which parsonage, is by meane assignement and for valuable consideracions conveied unto your peticioner: who in 7o. of his Majesties reigne, devised the same to Walter Thomas, and John Mackerill for 4 yeeres, at the rent of 45li. per annum or thereaboutes; which Thomas and Mackerill about 12 yeeres since, assigned the two laste yeeres of the said 4 yeeres to some persons unknowne to your peticioner to the use of Sir Laurence Tanfeild knight, lord Chiefe Baron of his Majesties Courte of Exchequer, or to the Lady his wyfe: Who having by cullor thereof gotten possession of the same, have and doe ever since withholde it from your peticioner, and will yeild unto him noe rent nor satisfaccion at all for the same: By which meanes your peticioner hath lost 45li. yeerely for theis 12 yeeres past, at the least, and is kepte out of possission: and your peticioner hath procured honorable persons, and others of qualitie, to mediate for him unto the said lord Chiefe Baron, and his lady: but they will not be drawne to any ende therein, albeit this peticioner hath offered to referr the said matter to any of the judges, or to any other indifferent person whatsoever. And your peticioner not prevailing that waye, did purpose to proceede to a legall course for recovery of his right, at the Common Lawe; and to that ende hath sollicited sundry professors of the lawe to be of councell with him; but they being fearefull (as your peticioner conceiveth) to displease the said lord Chiefe Baron, have all refused to be of your peticioners, councell; for as your peticioner fyndeth by the greatenes and countenance of the said lord Chiefe Baron hee shalbe utterlie defeated of his said right.

Therefore must humblie appealeth unto this most honorable Senate for his releefe heerein: And that your honors would be pleased to take the premisses into consideracion.


Maii 4

Wm: Warmstrey

Lo: cheife Baron

agreed on by consent of parties

Humfrey Low, prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right honorable the lordes of his majesties highe Cort of Parliament and the honorable knightes and burgesses of the Comons house.

The humble peticon of Humfrey Low prisoner in the Comon gaole of the Fleet this seven yeres

Humbly shewing

That where the petitioner with others were imployed in his majesties service for the apprehending of Sir Evererd Digby knight and his two servantes being accessories in the Gunpowder treason At which tyme there were [illegible] many abuses don to the petitioner and his assistantes: And whereas also the petitioner did prosecute one Christofer White an agent in the said treason and sonne in law to one Bartlet whereas [illegible] an incitor of diverse mischeifs against the petitioner as followeth

The countries being much negligent in apprehending the said White, the petitioner thereby was inforced to pursue the said White above 100 miles befor he cold b[illegible]e and being apprehended White was comitted to Stafford prison: but before any triall cold be had against White, he by speciall meanes was set at liberty and seeking reveng against your petitioner came to Hales Owen in Shropshire with Bartletes sonnes and his two brethren to one Russells house where they with their nakes swordes brake downe the house windowes and assalted the petitioner in great perill of his life whom your petitioner cold not get to apprehend them or [illegible]aide him.

Whereupon the petitioner came to London and peticioned the lord of Salisbury who urged the peticioner to send for a certificate In the meane tyme Sir Gilbert Wakering high sherif of Stafford chardged your petitioner to ayd him with Steven Litleton Whites master to Stafford to be executed, by which meanes the petitioner lost his opportunity:

By which his servics your petitioner being then a man of 4 or 500li. a yeare in landes and other meanes hath bene and is so impoverished as he lieth miserably in prison having a wyf and eight smalle children: and nothing left to mainteyne them: nor to get his liberty nor to recover his landes bring wrongfully kept from him and never in hope to recover them againe except this honorable house take some compassion of him:

Wherefore in regard that this the petitioners service was done for his majestie against those that horribly plotted the distruccion of the whole house of parliament That yow wold be pleased out of your honorable and charitable disposicion that some retribucion may be gathered out of this whole house towardes his inlardgment, maintenance and recovery of his estate

And as in duty most bounden the ptitioner shall daily pray for your lordships hapines and all the rest of this honorable Assembly


recept 5 Maii 124

dd by the E: of Essex

Humphrey Lowe


Theophilus, the poor Bishop of Llandaff. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most excellent the Prince his Highnesse the Lords Spirituall, and Temporall in this high Court of Parlament assembled

The humble peticion of Theophilus the poore Bishop of miserably spoyled Landaff.

Humbly prayeth that whereas William Mathew and George Mathew, have at this time by way of petition, their differences before you, concerning the Lordship of Llandaff, and other landes, in examination which doe of right belong to the Bishop, and to the Church of Landaff. but ar gone together, with the deeds and evidences by the practise of the sayd Mathewes, or some of them, who pretend that they have the same by lease, and in fee farme, but cannot be brought to shew ether, and of which there ar no counterpaines in the Bishops chest, or chapter house register to be found. Your Lordships would be pleased in commise ration of a most miserably decayed Bishoprick and church to take (together with the other William, and George their petitions and plea) into the charitable, and honorable consideration the interest, of the new Bishop, Church, and their successors, and to cause them to bring forth the sayd deeds of lease, and fee farme and to admitt him, which his counsell to peruse the same etc

So shall he, in all duety bound pray etc.


Bp of Landaffe

rec. 17. Apr. 1624

no{t}a the order in the house

lecta 8 Maii 1624

Ordered. that Wylliam Mathew and George Mathewe doe bryng in their deedes of lease and fee farme unto the Lords Comittees to be perused by them. firste

those deedes are directed to be brought in as is above ordered and Fryday the 14th of Maye 1624 is appointed for the same.

Edward Malton, gentleman, his majesty's servant. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most excellent the Prince his Highnes and the right honorable the Lords spirituall, annd Temporall in the high Court of Parliament. assembled

The humble peticion of Edward Malton gentleman his Majesties servaunt


That whereas Sir Thomas Mewtys knight standeth ingaged and indebted unto your petitioner in the summ of 40li. by bond and in other moneys without specialtie ever since the 13th. yeere of his Majesties reigne, And hath bene out of England about theise 10: yeeres and now is readie everie daie to depart out of this Kingdome, Whereupponn your petitioner repayred unto him, and demaunded his due, but the said Sir Thomas verie uncivillie, and in vyolent manner assaulted and stroke your petitioner with his dagger, and gave him verie uncivill, and unseemely language in his chamber.

The petitioner (fearing the said Sir Thomas Mewtys is priviledged during this tyme of Parliament of purpose onelie to prevent the petitioners debtes) in obedience to this honorable Court, hath hitherto forborne, to prosecute the ordi- -narie course of lawe against him.

Hee humblie prayeth your Lordships to take the premisses into your most honorable consideracion for his releif in this behalf And your petitioner shall daily pray etc.


20 Maii 1624. This peticion is not thought worthie to be retayned in Parliament

William Latham and James Provand, woollen drapers. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall of the upper howse assembled in Parliamente.

The humble peticion of William Latham and James Provand of London wollen drapers:

Shewinge that whereas Sir James Keningham knight did owe to your petitioner the some of 27li. 7s. 2d. as may appeare by a bill under his hande and seale, and that the said Sir James did promise to pay the said somme, as soone as he could receive any mony from the Muscovia Company, which he said was due to him.

And forasmuch as wee heare that the said Sir James is nowe dead, and that as yett the mony due to him as is aforesaid is not paide but remaines to be ordered as it shall please your Honors to thinke meete in equitie and conscience.

Our humble suite to your lordships is that your honors would be pleased that wee may receive our debte according as others in the like case doe, that have alsoe peticioned this honorable howse. And the petitioners shall dayly pray for your honors health and happines longe to contynue.


rec. 11. Maii 1624

Mr Latham


non lecta

Katheren Holcombe, widow. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most high, and mightie Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, and Yorke etc and to the right Reverend, and the right honorable, the Lords Spirituall, and Temporall of the higher house of Parliament

The humble peticion of Katheren Holcombe widdowwe

Most humbly shewing,

That whereas one Phillip Lowman was onely in trust to your petitioners use, with landes during her life, and for her jointure, who joyned with Josias Holcombe, your suppliantes second husband, and sold the same to Richard Bevis which Bevis was privie to the said trust. And was done without your petitioners consent (although her name was used in the conveyance and wax thereunto fixed) but never by her signed or sealed, which hath bene examined, and soe certified unto the Kinges most excellent Majestie by the late Lord bishopp of of Exon, and Mr Doctor Goch, Chauncellor of Devon, and Cornewall, as under theire handes doe still appeare.

The sale of these landes was made for 380li xxii years agoe, the said Josias lived 14 years after. In which time Bevis and his executors, did receave of the proffittes of the said landes, (being worth 80li per annum) more then the 380li which the said landes was sold for, and more then all the consideracion for the use of the said 380li. And your petitioner being advised that by the Comon Lawe she can have noe remedie, because (Cesti qui use) who was the man in trust, joyned in the sale, and therefore her releife is onely in equitie. And if men in trust to the use of others, may make away landes without releife in equitie, all the joyntures in England may be overthrowne.

Therefore the petitioner most humbly prayeth, in regard she is a poore aged, and much distresseed gentlewoman, of good parentage and neither able nor likely to live to have releife by any ordinary course, your honors in comisseracion of her distressed estate, wilbe favorably pleased, to comaund Jane Martine (who was wife and executrixe to the said Bevis) for the reasone above said, to aunswere directly to the pointes of this peticion, and wherefore she or her assignes doe detaine the said landes from your petitioner, who being righted according to the equitie of her cause, shall (with her poore fatherless children) dayly pray for all your honors long and happie lives.

Katheren Holcombe

Thomas Smethwicke. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right honorable the Lords spirituall and Temporall in the upper howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Thomas Smethwicke

Most humblie shewing, how this peticioner being plaintiff in Chauncery against William Wych defendant hath been oppressed by the earnest solicitacions of Endimion Porter, in the name of the Lord Duke of Buckingham even to the obteyning of lettres missive from his grace to the overthrow of your petitioners just cause, and the undoeing of him his wife and children, and many other his Majesties subjectes.

For many yeares your said peticioner hath not been able to obteyne any hearing at all or other due proceedinges in this cause. Whereupon the kinges most excellent Majestie was gratiously pleased to signifie his gratious pleasure for a speedy hearing both to the right honorable the Lord Keeper and Master of the Rolls, that one of them with Mr Justice Dodderidge, and Mr Justice Hutton, should heare and determine the peticoners cause according to justice.

Nevertheles, the said Lord Keeper hath utterly refused to give any hearing at all to the said cause (though his lordship had often appointed daies of hearing) and the said Master of the Rolls hath also forbourne to performe his Majesties direccions because as himselfe aleageth it would be offensive to the Lord Keeper, And now of late his honor answereth that unles this honorable howse wilbe pleased to signifie that he may proceed without blame, he will not meddle with the hearing of the petitioners cause.

Therefore this petitioner (haveing no meanes of releife in this his lamentable case but in Parliament) doth most humbly pray that the Master of the Rolls with the said judges may be ordered to heare and determine the petitioners cause, according to justice and his Majesties gratious pleasure signifyed, And the petitioners shall pray etc.

  • Thomas Smethwike

14 May 1624

this petition to be shewed to my Lord Keeper.

Tho. Smethwicke

John Chapman of Whaplod, Lincolnshire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the most high and mightie Prince, Charles, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewll and Yorke etc and to the right Reverend, and the right honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall of the higher house of Parliament

The humble peticion of John Chapman of Whaplod in the County of Lincolne

Most humbly shewing,

That where Thomas Tash (your suppliantes greate grandfather) was to the use of him and his heires lawfully begotten, seised as in his demaine of divers landes messuages and tenementes in Whaplode, Moulton and other places in the said countie, now worth 200li per annum which said Thomas had issue Roberte, William, and Beatrice, who was married to Thomas Chapman, and had issue by him William Chapman your petitioners father, Soe as your petitioner is now lawfull heire of the premises by the intayle (his two greate uncles Roberte and William being both dead without any issue) But your poore suppliant is thereof wrongfullye dispossessed by one Anthony Irby of the foresaid towne esquire, whoe married Allice the relicte of William Tash sonne of the said Roberte Tash, and long since gott into his handes, all the auncient deedes willes and evidences of the petitioners said grandfather, which shewed the said auncient intaile, and by coullor thereof hath entred upon the greatest parte of the Tashes landes, which he hath enjoyed these 22 yeares without yealding your petitioners any content at all for the same The proffittes of the landes in that time amounting to above 1500li.

Your suppliant being lawfull heire unto his said grandfather by the comon lawe of the kingdome, and alsoe soe found by the homage of the courtes in the severall mannors of the said countie. But beeing a simple poore man and not able to wage lawe with soe powerfull an adversarie that is potent both in purse and freindes, he being a lawyer by profession, the Recorder of Bostocke, and a justice of peace in the country. And therefore as one destitute of all meanes to recover his right. He even for godes cause most humbly beseecheth your highnes and honors wilbe favourably pleased (of your accustomed clemencie to releeve the oppressed poore) that the said Anthony Irby may appere before your honors, to aunswere directly to the pointes of this peticion and that he and Richard Hopson with John Dixson may produce this honorable house the auncient deedes willes and evidences which concerne your petitioner: Whoe being righted according to the equitie of his cause shall as in dutie most bound dayly pray for your highnes and all your honors longe and happie lives

  • Frances Chapman wydowe in hir sons behalfe.

20 May 1624. The peticioner may take his course as otheres of the kinges subjectes doe in other Courtes of Equity, this beeing not a fitt busines for the Parliament.

Philip Page, a poor and most distressed prisoner in the Fleet. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right Honorable and right Reverend the Lordes Committees for greivances, in the upper house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Philip Page a poore and most distressed prisoner in the Fleete.

Most humbly sheweth,

Wheras the petitioner hath a suite dependinge (by peticion) in this most honorable Court, which his adversaries labour to dismisse under pretence, that the contentes therof are nothinge but clamors and untruethes.

If the petitioner either by recorde, or by credible oath approves not all the materiall pointes conteyned therin, he desireth not only to sincke under the burthen of his oppressions, but humbly submitteth himselfe to the severest censure, which the abuse of so honorable a Court can merit.

Most humbly therfore he beseecheth your Lordships to be honorably pleased, to graunt the petitioner warrant for producinge his witnesses, and to lend a patient and Honorable eare for hearinge of his cause; the petitioner most humbly submittinge himselfe to be ordered by any one or two of your Lordships whomseover it shall please your Honors to nominate.

And the petitioner shall beseech the Lord of all Lordes, to crowne yow all with eternall honor.

Phillipe Page

Peter Watson, grocer of London, and his ten poor children. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right reverend and right Honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall assembled in this most high and honorable court of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Peter Watson Grocer of London and Apothecary and of his Tenn poore children.


That whereas by the great molestacion of one Luke Bryan and many others, the peticioner hath beene most wrongfully oppressed by the space of seaven yeares, to his losse of above one thowsand poundes for which he hath sought divers courses by lawe and other faire meanes but can have no justice done him, neither in the course of the Kinges Bench nor in his Majesties Court of Requests and therefore is constrained to appeale unto this most Honorable howse for remedy where he will relate the justices of his greivance, the particulers wherof are sett forth in a schedule hereunto annexed on the other side, which he beseecheth yow would favourably vouchsafe to peruse, and to take such order for his redresse, as in your grave wisdomes yow shall thincke fitt, unto which hee will most humbly submitt himselfe:

And continually will praye to prosper your good and godly councells and designes etc.

  • Peter Watson

not read

Ann Pike. HL/PO/JO/10/1/25 (1624)

To the right honorable the Lords Sprittuall and temporall in the High Sessions of Parliament assembled

The humble peticon of Ann Pike

Humblie sheweth

That wheras your poore petitioner hath sustayned many wronges and injuries by the heavie opressions by the honorable the Ladie Frances Countess Dowager of Exeter contrarie to equitie and justice to the utter undoing of her and her children for ever as and by a breviate hereunto annexed may appere

most humblie beseecheth your honors to give her audience and to right her wronges according to equitie and justice as to your Lordships shall be thought most fitt, And she as in dutie

shall dayely praye etc.

  • A P
  • the marke of Ann Picke

Sir Edward Waterhowse, knight. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie the lords spirituall and temporall and commons in the High Courte of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Sir Edward Waterhowse knight.

In all humilitye sheweth.

That the Kinges most excellent majestie beinge most gratiously pleased to make a refferrence to the right honourable the now Lord Keeper of the greate sealle of England to take some speedy order for the [peticioners?] releife for moneyes oweinge to him by Sir Arthur Ingrame knight the peticioner thereupon in Hillarie tearme 19o Jacobi regis exhibited his bill of complaint into the Chancerye against the said Sir Arthur Ingrame and John Mayle scrivener for greate sommes of money oweinge to the peticioner by the said defendant Sir Arthur by reason of the petitioners sale to him of the moytie of the mannour of [Arnime?] in the county of Yorke and other landes in the county of Surrey appereinge by the petitioners counterpartes of two indentures of covenantes concerninge the said sale indirectly come to the defendantes handes containeinge aswell the covenants for payment of the said money as the [warrantinge?] the [illegible] landes and your petitioner further thereby desired to bee releived against a release (pretended by the said defendantes to have beene made to the defendant Sir Arthur and others by the petitioner and others of all demaunds toucheinge the said [mannour of Arnime?]) whereby Sir Arthur pretendes the said moneyes to bee discharged. And the said bill was further exhibited for certaine moneyes to bee paid or reassurance of landes (in liew thereof) to bee made by the said defendant Sir Arthur to the petitioner uppon the sale to him of the mannour of Hallifaxe in the said county of Yorke appereinge by the petitioners counterparte of an indenture of covenants toucheinge the said sale dated about March 6to Jacobi regis whereof Sir Arthur hath likewise unlawfully and indirectly posessed himselfe; and the petitioner further desires to bee releived against a bonde pretended by the defendant Sir Arthur to bee entred and forfeited to him by the petitioner for [not?] performance of certaine covenants contained in the said indenture of March, which release and bonde the petitioner denyeth to have beene executed by him and hopeth to make proofe thereof.

Sir Arthur in his answere confessinge that the said counterpartes toucheinge [Arnime?] are come to his handes for that (as hee pretendeth) they weere delivered to him to bee cancelled, and further confessinge that they doe contayne aswell the covenants whereby Sir Arthur is to pay the money, as alsoe the covenants whereby the petitioner is tyed to him to warrant the said mannour from all incombrances exceptinge such as therein are excepted for performance whereof the petitioner standeth bounde to him in a bonde of 5000 pounds the petitioner moved by his councell that the said indentures might be brought into courte to be perused, which his lordshipp would not suffer, soe as the petitioner for wante of the said indentures cannot make his just debt appeare but is inforced to incurre the forfeiture of his said covenants and bonde of 5000 pounds not knoweinge what hee is bounde to doe nor what is excepted, whereby hee is made continually subject to the danger thereof.

The defendantes in their answeres avow the petitioners executeinge of the said pretended release and sett forth that the same is by indenture. And the defendant Sir Arthur doth sett downe in his answere the date thereof, the parties betwixt whome it is supposed to bee made and the very wordes and matter of release and discharge themselves, but the petitioner (haveinge formerly upon the sight thereof observed that the name of John Atkins one of the wittnesses thereto was indorsed thereupon in a secretary hande, which the petitioner conceived not to bee his true hande, because hee usually writes his name as wittnes to deedes in a Romane hande) offerred that if Sir Arthur could prove his said release by those wittnesses whose names weere indorsed thereupon beinge all liveinge in London, the petitioner would bee concluded for his money, soe Sir Arthur would pay the money demaunded if hee could not make that proofe, which offer Sir Arthur refused, yet hee afterwardes examineinge wittnesses uppon a deede, which hee pretended to bee the said release, the petitioner moved by his counsell that it might bee brought into courte, for him to examine wittnesses uppon it likewise, whereupon his lordshipp ordered that Sir Arthur should bringe in the release whereupon hee had examined wittnesses, but Sir Arthur contrary to the said order bringeinge for the said release a parchment close sealled upp (whereupon the name of the said John Atkins was indorsed as a wittnes in a Romane hande) in such manner as notheinge save the sealles and names, subscribed and indorsed could bee seene, whereby it could not appere to bee the release whereupon Sir Arthur had already examined. The petitioner complaineinge thereof by divers peticions to his lordshipp and showeinge that hee could not (as hee was advised by his counsell) examine wittnesses thereupon beinge produced sealled upp in that manner nor unlesse the contentes thereof might bee seene, his lordshipp answered first that it was his speciall direcion that the release should bee thus delivered, and afterwardes that hee would answere noe more of your petitioners petitions and lastely that hee would committ the next man to the Fleete or Bridewell, that should deliver him any more of them. Soe as the petitioner is debarred of his money by a pretended release of interest onely in the landes, which hath beene changed as aforesaid and dare not abide the view.

Sir Arthur in his answere acknowledgeth that the said counterparte of the indenture toucheinge Hallifaxe dated 17o Martii 6to Jacobi regis doe containe a proviso, that if by a day limited hee did [illegible] reconvey certaine landes to the petitioner hee might detaine the said moneyes which hee hath not done but pretendes that there was an agreement, made by him with the peticioner toucheinge the money and lands which hee remembers not and confesseth that the said counterparte of the indenture is come to his handes for that hee pretendes it was delivered to him to bee cancelled yet alleadgeth that it doth containe covenants which the petitioner is still to performe soe as Sir Arthur by an agreement which hee remembereth not would defeate the petitioner of his money and landes: and toucheinge the bonde pretended to bee entred uppon the said indenture, notwithstandinge that Sir Arthur stood at an attachment for not bringeinge in the same that the petitioner might examine wittnesses thereupon, accordinge to his lordshipes order, yet afterwards his lordshipp would suffer it to bee brought in, but onely ordered Sir Arthur to make answere to it, which bonde though Sir Arthur had formerly avowed hee had as apperes under his owne hande, and by divers orders wherein his counsell hath alleadged it to bee a bonde of 12000 pounds and that likewise hee hath showed the same in open courte, yet afterwardes hee peticioned his lordshipp that hee might rather wayve it then answere to it but in conclusion his lordshipp would neyther permitt the same to bee produced, to bee examined uppon, nor answered unto, nor order it to bee wayved though Sir Arthur himselfe had soe offerred, whereby the peticioner shall loose the benefitt of his suite in that behalfe; and shalbee still subject to bee sued thereupon when Sir Arthur pleases perhaps when the wittnesses thereto are dead and the petitioner lesse able to disprove it, and by all which courses held with the petitioner hee is likely for ever to bee kept from his said just debts due to him by reason of the sale of all his landes, to bee enforced to breake his covenants, and to have his estate and person exposed to ruine and imprisonment; uppon the penaltyes of those greate bondes of seaventeene thowsand powndes, without any meanes to avoyd the same.

His humble suite to this high counsell is, that in a case of soe greate extremitie and waight, soe much concerninge the petitioner and his estate, wherein the petitioner is remedilesse in any other ordinary course or courte, that uponne consideracion of such proofes as are and shalbe made in the cause by the direcion of this courte, and the evidence of the carriage of the thinge it selfe beinge beyond all proofe, such order may bee taken for the petitioners releife as to their wisdome shall seeme meete.

  • Edward Waterhous.

Alice Fowler of Denhame, Buckinghamshire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the most high, and mightie Prince, Charles Prince of Wales etc. and to the right reverend, and the right honourable the lordes spirituall, and temporall of the higher house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Alice Fowler of Denhame in the countie of Buckingham

Most humbly shewing

That where Roberte Smith of Stoke Poges in the said countie yeoman, being your suppliantes grandfather, was seised as in his demaine of fee of a messuage called Hodgesmire, with the appurtenances conteyning about some 80 akers of ground and a tenement called Elliottes being 15 acres or thereaboutes both of them being better worth then 50 pounds per annum which landes he formerly purchased. And upon the third day of February anno domini 1553 did by his last will and testament give unto Roberte Smith his third sonne (who was your suppliantes father) the foresaid messuage and tenement withall theire appurtenances lying in the parish of Missenden in the foresaid countie, as by his said last will apperth. Which said landes her father quietly enjoyed during his life, who dying thereof seised left them to Stephen his sonne your petitioners brother, that is now dead without issue soe that the landes by discent should come to your suppliant as the nexte lawfull heire. After her said fatheres discease your petitioners brother being very simple, one William Umbervill then steward of the mannour of Peterleystone by fraudulent practizes dispossessed her said brother in his life time of the premisses, pretending the said landes did belong to the said mannour as coppie hould, (though indeed they were houlden in fee simple) whose sonne hath since sold the same to Edward Maine yeoman for 200 pounds to quitt himselfe of it, albeit it be better worth then 600 pounds.

Your poore suppliant who is the right heiress thereof having noe satisfaccion at all, and being a very poore aged woman not able to wage law with soe powerfull adversaries, potent both in purse and freindes, as one destitute of all manner of releife (she having not soe much as one peny to procure her victuelles) even for Godes cause most humbly beseecheth your highnes and honours wilbe favorably pleased to comaund Andrew Umbervile gentleman, and Edward Maine yeoman, may appere before your honours to aunswere directlie to the pointes of this peticion and to shew by what evidence they should hould the said landes from your petitioner who being righted according the equitie of her cause shall dayly pray for your highnes and all your honours long and happie lives.

Elice Fowlers peticion


[Read?] 20 May 1624 Alice Fowler

Mathew Heade, prisoner in the Kings Bench. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the highe and mightie Prince, Charles Prince of Greate Brittaine, and to the right reverend and honourable the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in the upper howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Mathew Heade, prisoner in his majesties gaole of Kingsbench.

Humbly sheweth, that about the 21th day of December 1614, your petitioner purchased a lease from one William Hay esquire then undertenant to his majestie of a farme and certayne meadowe and pasture groundes, partes of Ebury farme in the countie of Middlesex, for the yearlye rent of 95 pounds. 12 shillings. 00 pence. for 21 yeares comenceing at Michaelmas then last past.

He further sheweth, that aboute the 6 of Aprill 1622 by reason of certaine falce allegacions made against your petitioner by divers persons to whome he was indebted, your petitioner by authoritye from the nowe Lord Cheife Justice of England, was arrested and comitted to his majesties gaole at Northampton, and from thence brought up to the said gaole of Kingsbench, where he hath remayned ever since; in which tyme of your petitioners imprisonmentes he being behinde in payment of the sayd rente did then make over the said lease to his brother in lawe John Hoddesden groome of his majesties chamber in ordinary (to whome he was much indebted) to this intent that the sayd Hodsden might make satisfaccion of the sayd arrerages of rente, satisfye himselfe such debt as was due to him, and provide some smale releife for your petitioner his wife, and children in this their extreamitie. Since the said Hodsden being possessed of the sayd lease as aforesaid, agreed with one Thomas [Catchmaye?] steward to the right honourable Lionell Earle of Middlesex (late Lord Treasurer of England) for payment of the arrerages past and the rent to come, wherupon Catchmay promised Hodsden he should quietly enjoy the proffites of the premisses, and gave him a note under his hand and seale for that purpose, here readie to be shewed, and gave order to John Mayle scrivener for makeing of a newe lease in the name of the sayd Hodsden, which lease if it had beene renewed would have yeilded 300 pounds and better, but the sayd Catchmay perceiving the sayd rent and arrerages to be according to the agreement brought, utterly refused to performe his sayd promise, and before Michaelmas 1622 entered upon the premisses with the latter pasture upon it worth 20 pounds and hath outed the sayd Hodsden in his lordes name, who having beene often peticioned for satisfaction, hath rejected all peticions so preferred.

May it therefore please your highnes and lordships of your accustomed clemencye and compassion towardes the poore and distressed to be pleased to viewe this peticion, and call the sayd Catchmay before you, to the end he may make satisfaccion for the injuryes by him comitted, your petitioners may be therby satisfied and his wife and children releived, who otherwise are like to starve and perish. And as in bounden dutie they will daylie praye for your healthes, wealthes, and prosperities.


[illegible] Head

Mary Brocas. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the Prince his highnes and the honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the Highe Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of Mary Brocas.

Shewinge unto your good lordshipps that she did lende unto the Muscovy Company the summe of a 1000 pounds upon their common bonde sealed with their common seale dated the 3d day of Januarie 1617 at 8 pounds in the 100 pounds the said summe beinge her whole portion and maintenance.

The said Muscovy Companie did for certeine yeares pay the said interest accordingly but sithence that time, they have not paid her any thinge at all.

Whereupon your peticioner intendinge to putt the bonde in suite against them, but her proceedeinges were staid by pretence of a generall proteccion from the councell dated the 19th of October 1621. The coppie whereof is hereunto annexed.

And your peticioner humbly peticioninge unto the councell for redresse thereof the councell did write their letteres unto the said Muscovy Companie and afterwardes made divers orders for the payment thereof. All which they neglected.

Whereupon it was ordered by the councell on the 7th of June 1622 (the Princes highnes beinge then present) that your peticioner should be at libertie to take her benefitt at lawe, (as by the same order and many others hereunto annexed may appeare.) Yet soe it is, and it may please your lordshipps that the said Muscovy Companie doe not only denie the payment of her debt, but soe shelter themselves under the first order of proteccion, that your peticioner (beinge growne very poore by meanes of this her chargeable suite, and the longe forbearance of her money without any allowance at all out of it towardes her maintenance) cannot procure any officer to adventure to arrest the persons or attach the goodes of the said Company, whereupon she might proceede at the comon lawe to recover her said debt.

May it therefore please your most excellent highnes and your [lordships?] to have comiseracion of the distressed estate of a poore [fat...?] gentlewoman and to call the governour of the said [Company?] before your lordshipps and to commaunde him to pay unto [illegible] peticioner her just debt and damages.

And your peticioner shall daily pray [etc?]


Maii 14o

The last date is 1622

The gold wire drawers of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper howse of Parliament assembled.

The humble peticion of the gouldwyer drawers of London.

Humbly sheweth that upon your petitioners humble complaint the last Parliament for the suppressing of the patent granted unto Fowles and others for the makeing of gold and silver thredd your lordships upon thexamination of the undue obteyning thereof and of the manie misdemeanoures and great oppressions committed therein aswell by Fowles, as by Gyles Mompesson and Frances Michell comissioners in that buysines, did not onely suppresse the same, but punish the said Mompesson and Michell, and your intents to the said Fowle were prevented by the sudden dissolucion of the said Parliament, and also did call in divers bondes exacted from your petitioners for sealing money and other unjust ymposicions and because some bondes and billes were out upon your petitioners humble peticion to have the same brought in or some order to be sett downe for the finall discharge thereof, the committee appointed for that purpose did conclude and so caused the same peticion to bee subscribed that they conceived the peticioners request reasonable, and fitt to bee graunted as by the said peticion remayning with the right honourable the Earl of Bridgewater may appeare your peticioners humble suite is, that forasmuch as the said Parliament did [illegible] dissolve before the said resolucion (upon the said peticion) could be reported, your lordships will bee pleased to [survey?] the said petition and take such order for the delivery up of the bondes alreadye delivered to the clerke of your honourable howse, and for the discharge of such bondes and billes as are out, and cannott bee [illegible] come by, as to [your?] lordships shall seeme fitt, and was then [thought?] fitt by the said committee.

And your petitioners (as in duetye bound) [shall?] daily pray for your honourable welfare and [happy?] proceedinges.


26 May 1624. The like peticion was preferred the last Parliament and aunsweared and the lordes committees doe thinke fitt, that the same Aunsweare be [given?] againe now (videlicet) that the petitioners desier [illegible] be graunted seeing the matters complayned [of?] seeme to extend beyond the warrant for [illegible] the King gave commission.

Lecta 28 May 1624. Approved of, and referred to the Court of Kinges Bench to see this [order?] executed. Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament

Richard Wrighte, steward of the Inner Temple. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

9 April 1624


To the right honourable the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in the upper howse of Parliament

The humble peticion of Richard Wrighte, steward of the Inner Temple, defendant in Chauncery at the sute of Walter Archbold complaynant, concerning the lease of a wharffe and tennementes in Mylford Lane.

Humbly sheweth.

That wheras this cause was by comission referred to Sir Richard More and Sir Euball Thelwall knightes two of the masters of that court, to examine witnesses therin and to certifie the true state therof, they so proceeded without respect to their comission, as that the plaintiffes witnesses were all examined undulie, and your petitioner was by them denied the benefit of his witnesses, and the report which they made therin was contrary both to the true state of the cause, and to the bookes and proofes which were taken.

This report thus made was in the last Lord Chancellors time obtained to be decreed without any hearing, not in any your petitioners default but meerely upon a privat peticion of the plaintiffes made in a longe vacacion time, and with a non obstante, a former order which your petitioner then had for a future daye to shewe cause why that report should not be decreed.

That upon this decree thus obtained, the landes in question were taken from your petitioner by the highe sheriff of Middlesex by force of a comission awarded by order (pretended to be under his lordships hand,) but contrary to the order at that time by his lordship pronounced in courte and the notes by the register taken therin, and therby the possession was given to one Hugh Henne a servant of his majesties being no partie to the suite, but the onlye mayntainer of this cause against your petitioner by whose meanes your petitioner hath sundry times since beene imprisoned and could get no release untill your petitioner had made over the premisses and delivered the evidences unto the sayd Hugh Henne.

And thus and by costes without any just cause charged upon your petitioner is your petitioner stript both of his land and money, to one thowsand poundes value and more.

Nowe forasmuch as your petitioner hath thus had his cause certified without his witnesses and decreed without any hearing, and the possession taken from him unduelye, by which courses any man maye be stript of his lawfull right as your petitioner hath beene, and albeit your petitioner hath used all the meanes he might to obtayne a hearing; yet is he still so prevented by the said Henne, as your petitioner never could get a hearing, nor as the said Henn giveth out your petitioner never shall.

Your petitioner humbly beseecheth, that by the justice and favour of this highe assemblye, he may once obtayne to be heard upon the true state and merites of this cause (the said decree set aside) by or before any such as to this highe assemblye shall seeme meete, and that he may receive releife in the premisses, according to the truth and equitie of his cause; or otherwise be punished if it be found but clamour.

And your petitioner shall ever pray for this so highe assemblye.

per Ricardum Wright


9 April 1624. Richard Wright.


April 23 1624 [illegible] on Friday next

[illegible] [approved?] 28 Maii 1624

Ordered 28 Maii 1624.

28 Maii 1624. Uppon the reporte of the lords comittees for peticions etc the house hathe ordered that the conside racion of this peticion be [illegible] recomended to the Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England, to determyne and to give such costes to the partie grieved as his lordship in his wisedome shall thinke fytt, yf he his lordship fynde the peticioner to have complayned causlesly havinge had former hearinges and yett not [...inge?] satisfyed [illegible] Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament

And yt is further ordered that the peticioner shalbe admitted to his bill of revewe when he hathe performed the decree. 28vo Maii 1624 Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament.

28 February 1625

28 February 1625 [illegible]

Richard Wright, steward of the Inner Temple. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the right honourable reverend father in God John Lord Bishopp of Lyncolne Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England:

Walt Archbold plainant Richard Wright defendant

The humble peticion of Richard Wright steward of the Inner Temple defendant

Humbly beseecheth your good lordship that according to the recommendacion of this cause unto your lordship, from the most honourable the lordes of the upper house of Parlyament uppon the peticion annexed: your lordship would vouchsafe your petitioner a hearing of this cause uppon the true state and merrittes thereof, and the former proceedinges as it nowe standes in court (the sayd decree sett asyde) at such tyme as your lordship shall please to appoynt.

And that in the meane tyme Sir Euball Thellwall knight one of the masters of this court may produce into court such examinacions in this cause on your petitioners behalf as he tooke into his custody at the hearing of this cause before hym ad informandum [illegible]:

And your petitioner shall ever pray for your lordships long lyfe in all happynes:


Let Master Hen see the peticion made [illegible] to the house, and the order thereupon and within seven daies after make his answere thereunto, and shewe cause why a daie should not be appointed for the rehearinge of the cause. J. L. C.

29o Junii 1624

Walter Puckmere maketh oath that he shewed unto the above= named Master Henne the petition to the house abovemencioned together with this peticion abovewritten on the [23th?] day of this instant Maye 1625 and that the sayd Master Henne sayd that he had [illegible] heard this peticion to the Parlyament [illegible] before jur xxiii May 1625 [Ro Rich?]

Edmond Underwood and Robert Underwood, citizens and grocers of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the right honourable the lordes of the higher house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Edmond Underwood and Robert Underwood cittizens and grocers of London.

Most humblie shewinge.

That one Anthonie Cage beinge seized of the revercion of the mannor of Moreton in countie of Yorke [exectant?] uppon the death of Judith Cage his mother, your peticioners did 20o Martii 13o Jacobi for 1270 pounds by them trulie paid purchase of him the said revercion.

After which purchase William Pennyman esquire one of the six clearkes of the Highe Court of Chauncery intendinge by countenance of his said office undulie to gett the saide revercion from them or otherwise to compell them to paye unto him some great somme of money did without anie just cause exhibitt his bill against them in Chauncerye theareby suggestinge that the said Anthonie Cage had before theire purchase promised to convey unto him the said revercion, and that hee had thearuppon paid to the said Anthonie 90 pounds but he made not the said Anthonie himselfe (whome it onelie concerned) anie partie to that suite, yet thearby [praied?] processe against him.

The peticioners aunsweared the said bill and did sett forth theire lawfull purchase for 1270 pounds as aforesaid and denied that they had anie notice of or weare privie to the said pretended promise of conveyaunce (if anie such weare)

Whearunto the said Pennyman replied, wittnesses were examined, theire deposicions published and the cause sett downe to be heard 17o Octobris 16o Jacobi on which daye (albeit there were manie other causes then to have beene in course first heard, yett uppon the risinge of the court the said cause by the meanes of the said Penniman was suddainlie called for, and uppon openinge thearof without readinge anie one word of the peticioners prooffes, the then Lord Chauncellour first comendinge the said Pennyman to be a very honest gentleman and of great worth, decreed the said mannor to bee conveyed unto him for that hee was borne neare theareunto, and that he (after such conveyaunce made) should paie the peticioners 1160 pounds or after the rate of [10?] pounds per centum so longe as the same should remaine unpaid.

The peticioners findinge heareby that they should now not onelie part with theire landes for lesse then the same cost them but all soe that they should have noe securitie att all, either for theire moneys or interest but onelie the said decree, and withall findinge that there was noe tyme appointed by the said decree when the said 1160 pounds or anie part thearof should be paid, or when they should have anie interest for the same, and findinge the power of the said Pennyman to be greate in the said court (as the tyme then was) did therefore for these reasons forbeare to conveye the said revercion unto him.

Whearuppon the said Pennyman did forthwith prosecute them with processe of contempt so that either they must conveye the mannor to him, or hee would conveye theire bodyes to prison.

In which straight albeit they offered to paie him not onelie the said 90 pounds which hee pretended was by him paid to the said Anthonie Cage, but allsoe all his costes of suite, yett he utterlie refused to accept thearof or of anie lesse somme then 640 pounds which to redeeme theire bodyes from prison they weare infforced presentlie to paye unto him, and beinge demaunded whie hee exacted soe great a somme, he solemnelie protested that he gott not one penny by that decree.

By all which and by other passages in the cause since discovered and readye to be proved it will manifestlie appeare that the said decree both for matter and manner was undewlie made and obteyned.

The peticioners thearefore most humblie praye that your lordshipps will vouchsafe to take this great greivaunce and oppression into your honourable consideracions and to call the said Pennyman to aunsweare hearunto, and theareuppon your lordshipps to geve unto the peticioners such releiffe as to your honourable wisdomes shall seeme agreeable to equitie, and they as by dutie bound shall ever praye etc.

Erasmus Record and Millicent Vaughan, late wife of Walter Vaughan. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the right honorable the lordes spirituall, and temporall assembled at this present Parliament.

The humble peticion of Erasmus Record and Millicent Vaughan, late wife and administratrix of Walter Vaughan

22th August 41 Elizabeth

Most humbly shew: that Sir John Skinner of Castle=Camps in the countie of Cambridge, the 22th of August 41o Elizabeth became bounde in a recognizaunce of 3000 pounds to Richard Wilbraham esquier in trust for the use of one William Wynne and his creditours your peticioner Erasmus Record, and the said Walter Vaughan.

44o Elizabeth

The said recognizance being forfaited, Wilbraham by order of the Court of Chauncery did extend the same upponne the mannour of Castle Camptes, at Records charge, and the moiety of that mannour was delivered in extente to Win, and your peticoner Record, being valued at 160 pounds per annum.

45o Elizabeth

A decree was made by consent of all parties, and past under the greate seale, that the peticioner Record and his assignes should have 100 pounds yeerely out of the extended moietie, untill 850 pounds was paid him.

2o Jacobi regis 27o Aprilis

An assignement was made from the said Wynne, Record, and Elizabeth Wilbram (executrix of the said Richard Wilbram) to Walter Vaughan (being another creditour) of the extended moiety, wherein it was covenanted and agreed, that the peticioner Records said decree should be no waie prejudiced.

4o Maii 2o Jacobi

Alderman Lemon extended a statute of 400 pounds uppon the said mannour, and outed the peticioner

2o Augusti 3o Jacobi

Shortlie after, (after the said statute was satisfied) Sir William Smith extended a statute of 1500 pounds, upponne the said mannour, and kepte possessionne untill the 4th of May 5o Jacobi at which tyme an injunction was awarded against him and Skynner. And it dooth appeare by that order, that Vaughans just debt was then 300 pounds, which ought to be satisfied besides costes and damages

3o Jacobi

A private acte of Parliament was made to discharge the said mannour of Castle Camptes of all incumbrances doone by Sir John Skynner wherein the said recognizance of 3000 pounds was saved: which was procured at your peticioners charge.

22 Maii 5o Jacobi

And upponne the 12 of May 5o Jacobi regis the peticioner Vaughan was putt into possession, by the sheriff of the county of Cambridge by commission out of the Chauncery

The said mannour of Castle Camptes was solde to Master Suttonne, and 3000 pounds, towardes the discharge of this extente was retayned in his handes, which was soe doone for that Sir John Tyndall, 14o Julii 44 Elizabeth had reported that the whole recognizance would doe little more then satisfie your peticioners debtes, dammages, and charges.

By an order of reference, dated 23o Septembris 5o Jacobi procured by Skynner and Wynne, to their owne councell, uppon pretence to reconcile the differences betweene them, being brothers in lawe, without the knowledge or consent of the peticioners, and by meanes of a report dated the same daye made by the said referrees, and one Hutchinson, being of their councell (who joyned in the said reporte, and yet was noe referree) all the said 3000 pounds was appointed to be paid to Skynner and Win, they having no right to receive one penny thereof, before your peticioners were first satisfied, your peticioners having no knowledge of any such order or reporte.

Your peticioners after notice heereof, did use the best meanes they coulde to informe the courte with the truth of their cause, and that the said order and reporte were made without their knowledge, or anie notice givenne unto them; but the creditt which was given to the said reporte, and and to one other reporte made by Sir Mathew Carewe and Doctor Hone, which was likewise procured by the said Skynner and Wyn without anie notice givenne to these peticioners, the greate power of your peticioners adversaries, and the extreame poverty of themselves was such as they could never make the truth of their said cause appeare to the said courte, nor gett any releefe therein.

By which meanes all subsequent orders were grounded upponne the said reportes, soe as for theis 14 yeeres past, these peticioners have not only been kepte without their just and due debtes, but have allso wasted all that little they had left in seeking to recover their right.

About a yeere since, his majestie was pleased to referr the consideracion of this cause to the right honourable the Master of the Rolles, and the two lordes chiefe justices, or to anie two of them: and the Master of the Rolles, and the said Lord Chiefe Justice of Englande, after hearing councell on both sydes and Master Hayward the solicitour for Master Suttons hospitall being present, have certified that it doth not appeare unto them, that your peticioner Record hath received any more then 250 pounds towardes the satisfaccion of his debte, and that they cannot fynde that any parte of the peticioner Vaughans debt, being 300 pounds, besides costes and dammages, is anie waie satisfied; and that your peticioner Vaughan hath an absolute power to discharge the said recognizance, their honours thinck fitt, that [illegible] satisfaccion [illegible] should be made to your peticioners, and that thereupponne they should joyne to make any discharge of the said recognizance and extente, for the cleering of the said mannour, that should be required, as by their honours certificate to the right honourable and others the governours of the said hospitall, dooth more plainly appeare. Since which tyme your suppliantes have presented their humble peticions to some of the right honourable persons, governours of that hospitall: who though they be very honourably inclyned to releeve them, yet in respecte of their greater imploymentes and buysynesses, they are uncertaine when they shall fynde a convenient tyme to appointe a generall meeting touching the matters that concerne the said hospitall.

Your poore peticioners therefore humblie praie, that this honourable senate wilbe pleased soe farr to commiserate their distressed estate; as eyther to permitt the said cause to receive a hearing in this honourable howse: or els that the said honourable persons (who have made the said certificate) maie sett downe the severall sommes which they shall conceive due to be paid for their said severall debtes, costes and dammages: and that the governours of Master Suttons hospitall may be required to make present payment of such moneys as their honours shall sett downe, that soe your petitioners whose estates are wasted by 20 yeeres sute, may receive some satisfaccion and releefe.

  • Erasmus Record dwellinge neere Mooregate London by the Black Swanne
  • The marke of Milicent Vaughan dwelling neere the conduict att Dowgate London att the howse of one Morgan a clothworker

Timothy Pinckney. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the moste honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall in the upper howse of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Timothy Pinckney for and in the behalfe of himselfe and divers others creditors of his for the proper debte of Sir John Kennedy knighte deceased.

Humblie shewing that aboute 5 yeares since the mannor of Barne Ellmes in comitatu Surrey was in controversie upon a mortgage betweene the said Sir John Kennedy and one Edward Ferrers and others the mortgagees upon a suite in Chauncery wherein the peticioner Pinckney was then authorised by the said courte a sequestrator of the proffitts of the said mannor pendant the suite, and then likewise entred into a recognizance of 2000 pounds with one Sir Thomas Periant knight and other sufficient suerties to pay the said proffitts into the courte, or to whome the courte shoulde apointe, and the peticioner was thereuppon to enjoy the proffitts quietly without molestacion of eyther plainant or defendante as by the said recognizance entred upon record doth plainely appeare.

That within a yeare after the sequestracion graunted, the said mannour was decreed to the said Sir John Kennedy, and to be reconveyed unto him by the morgages, whereuppon the said Sir John Kennedy entred upon the said mannor as lord thereof and caused a councellor at lawe to keepe a courte upon the said mannor who at that tyme averred upon his creditt not onely to the peticioner, but to all the tennants that the said Sir John Kennedy was by virtue of that decree true owner thereof [and?] that the said Ferrers stood in contempt of the Courte of Chauncery, and was under an attachment for that he had not reconveyed the said mannor of Barne Ellmes unto the said Sir John Kennedy, and that the peticioner upon that [illegible] oughte to pay all the foresaid proffitts unto him, and by soe doeing both the peticioner and his suerties should be freed from the 2000 pounds recognizances which they had entred into as aforesaid.

That hereuppon the peticioner did duly satisfy and pay all the proffittes, which he had raised for the space of one whole yeare unto the said Sir John Kennedy amounteing to the somme of 400 pounds and upwards, and upon the advise of the said steward the peticioner did take a lease of the demesnes of the said mannor of Barne Ellmes, for the terme of 21 yeares at a yearely rent, supposeing that by meanes of that decree, his sequestracion had bin determined. Upon takeing of which lease the peticioner sould away moste parte of his estate thinckeing to stocke and setle himself upon Barne Ellmes, and disbursed divers sommes of money to and for the said Sir John Kennedy, and att the request of him the said Sir John Kennedy the peticioner entred into 5000 pounds bond for his propper debt.

That within a shorte space after the peticioner had taken the said lease of the said Sir John Kennedy, there was an order obteyned out of the Courte of Chauncery by the said Ferrers his meanes, to stay the reconveying of the said mannour unto Sir John Kennedy, and to suspend the attachment awarded against the said Ferrers, and alsoe a writt de executione ordinis served upon the peticioner for to bring the said proffitts into the said courte of Chauncery which he had formerly paid unto Sir John Kennedy.

That thereuppon the peticioner was an earnest suiter unto Sir John Kennedy to restore backe such proffitts, as he had formerly receaved towardes satisfaction of the courte, but he was soe farre from soe doeing that he [entred?] upon all the [proffitte?] which was then and thenceforth remayneing upon the landes, upon an unjust pretence of not payment of rent, and under collour of a clause of reentry in the said lease which he formerly lett to the peticioner did enter upon the peticioners possession, and by force tooke away all the proffittes, which [illegible] the peticioner to his greate charge had raised by his stocke and industrie to the value of 600 pounds or thereabouts.

That the said Sir John Kennedy not content therewith was soe outragious in takeing the proffitts and barreing the peticioner Pinckney from receaveing anie, that yf eyther the peticioner or his servaunts at anie tyme medled with [illegible] parte thereof, the said Sir John Kennedy causd flatt fellonie to be layd to theire charge, and likewise sett on a servaunt of his to preferre a bill of endictment againste the peticioner Pinckney at the generall assises where he was in moste disgracefull manner forced to answeare for his life, [illegible] and not content therewith [ymediatelie?] theruppon the said Sir John Kennedy and his adherents comitted manie assaultes upon the peticioner by day and night and in moste outragious manner being armed with pistolls, muskettes, crosbowes, bills and pickestaves and other unlawfull weapons did commit manie ryotts routs and unlawfull assemblies in takeing away the [proffitts?] which the peticioner and his said suerties stood answeareable for unto the Courte of Chauncery by recognizance, and wasted and consumed the same for the space of 2 yeares or thereabouts, and alsoe upon false [informacions did?] procure the peticioner to be comitted to a serjeant at armes, where he was likewise restrained from his liberty for a longe space to his greate damage and hinderance.

The said Sir John Kennedy did not onely suffer all such bonds, which the peticioner entred into formerly as aforesaid for his propper debt to be forfeyted, whereby greate troubles and suits did fall upon the peticioner to his very greate charge and hinderance, but suffered alsoe an execution of 200 pounds to be levied upon the peticioners goods, and alsoe by the said Sir John Kennedyes practises combyneing with a creditor of his, to whom the peticioner stood bounde as his suerty there was an extent alsoe broughte upon all the peticioners goodes, and thereuppon a debte of 500 pounds was [levied?], which being done the peticioners goods were wasted and consumed by Sir John Kennedies meanes, the creditor altogeather unsatisfied and the peticioner still lyable to the debt.

That after all this the peticioner by order of the Courte of Chauncery continewing sequestrator, was ordered to bringe in his accompte betweene the peticioner and the said Sir John Kennedy which he accordingly did as appeareth by the [certificate?] of Sir James [illegible] and Sir Robert [Roche?] knights two masters of the Chauncery by which it appeareth that there was an over plus of 700 pounds due to the peticioner from Sir John Kennedy besides his [ingagements?]. All which is ready to [illegible] to this moste honourable assembly and all theis passages proceeded in the late Lord Chauncellor Bacon his tyme.

That [illegible] [of the late Lord?] Chauncellor, the peticioner exhibited his bill in the same courte againste the said Sir John Kennedy for redresse of the premisses. To which bill the said Sir John Kennedy would not answeare, but stood [out in contempt?] [illegible] the orders of the said courte.

That the Lord Keeper that now is made an order for the releife of the said Sir John Kennedy, and upon his mocion outed the peticioner of his possession of the landes to him formerly sequestred, without anie heareing of his cause, or respect to his lease, [or his?] [illegible] ingagementes intred into for the said Sir John Kennedys debte as aforesaid; neyther did his lordship in all Sir John Kennedies life tyme take into his consideracion the peticioneres accompt which he had by order of the said [courte?] formerly delivered into the handes of the said masters of the Chauncery. By reason whereof the peticioner and his suerties standeth yet lyable to answeare all such proffitts as the said Sir John Kennedy [had?] formerly receaved [by?] [force and otherwise?].

That the peticioner being thus oppressed and findeing no releefe in the said Courte of Chauncery, and not knoweing after Sir John Kennedies death whom to prosecute, being that there was no lawfull heire executor or administrator that the peticioner could understand of, became an humble suppliant to his majestie by peticion who was gratiously pleased to afford him 2 gracious refferences. The one in the late Lord Chauncellor Bacon his tyme directed to some that are [illegible] [of the?] honourable assembly of the Howse of Commons, who thereupon examined the peticioneres former greevances, and certefied the same unto his majestie under theire hands, which is hereto annexed. The other to 2 honourable lordes of this higher howse of Parliament videlicet the Lord Sheffeild and the Lord Russell who likewise by authority receaved from his majestie, were to mediate some charitable agreement betweene the said Sir John Kennedy and the peticioner [illegible] to certefy the peticioners [greevances?] with their opinions touching the same, which upon [good?] delibaracion and examinacion of the particuleres, they did moste honourablie performe, although they could not make any agreement, yet they certefied the peticioner [illegible] [illegible] with theire opinions as appeareth alsoe by theire certifficate under theire handes hereto annexed. And though the particularitie of [every?] wrong doth not appeare in theire certifficate yet by theire honourable [illegible] [they did?] take deposicions and examinacions of the matters, referred the particuleres thereof being manie, they thoughte not fitting to incerte in theire certifficate. But the depositions remaine still in theire hands as the [peticioner?] [illegible] conceave [illegible] to be shewne upon this or the like occasion.

That his [illegible] upon the unjust informacion of one Pittes usher of the Courte of Chauncery who was onely to receave and keepe such money as is broughte into the courte for landes in sequestracion, but the said Pittes for [his owne?] endes [illegible] seconded the said Sir John Kennedys mocion againste the peticioner, moveing himself openly in his owne person in courte and [preferring?] himself to be a sequestrator of the said mannor of Barne Ellmes, but being [refused?] he [preferred?] 3 tradsemen of London of his owne kindred and acquaintance to be sequestratores videlicet one Trussell, Tulley, and Taylor, and the said Pittes became bound for theire answeareing the proffitts into the Courte of Chancery, and thereupon entred himself upon the proffitts of the said mannor, as sequestrator, and with the foresaid tradesmen receaved the proffittes thereof for the space of 2 yeares, moste parte of which proffitts were collected to [illegible] [illegible] of the said Pitts, [after?] proffitts which redoundeth to him by meanes of sequestracions, the peticioner [persuadeth?] himself hath byn one cheefe cause of the multiplicity thereof, and the peticioner hopeth that this honourable assembly will [illegible] [that this?] is [illegible] hereafter [illegible] to a greate and gennerall greevance to the commonwealth.

That at that tyme to further the said Pittes his said mocion made againste the peticioner, he pretended himself a creditor to the said Sir John Kennedy, that if it were examined, the peticioner conceaveth there [was no just debt?] [illegible] unto him, but if there were anie, it was eyther some other mans debt, which he undertooke, or els a debt acknowlegd unto him by the said Sir John Kennedy in the nature of a bribe that soe the said Pittes mighte the rather [use his?] [illegible] againste the peticioner, to out him of his possession.

That those sequestrators after that they had gained the land from the peticioner did shew moste unchristianlike usage towardes him, and did daylie vex him with orders out of the Courte of Chauncery which was [illegible] upon theire mocions. Notwithstanding the said cause was ended in that courte by the death of the said Sir John Kennedy, neyther had they anie bill depending at that tyme, nor ever since againste the peticioner in [that court?] which was a greate wrong to the peticioner, and an abuse to that honourable courte, as he conceaveth.

That after all this of late it was decreed by the righte honourable the now Lord Keeper that the said mannour of Barne Ellmes should be soulde to one [Cro..owe?] towardes the satisfaction of the said Sir John Kennedyes debtes, the mannour being then valued at 5600 pounds which is 1000 pounds less then will be given for the same by the creditors, to whom the peticioner Pinckney standeth ingaged, whereof it was likewise ordred, the said Ferrers to whom the said mannor of Barne Ellmes was morgaged by Sir John Kennedy should have 3000 pounds and that 1000 pounds should be given away as legacies (though there were never anie given by the deceased and that the poore residue of 1600 pounds should be distributed amongst [such?] of the creditors as moved in courte att the makeing of the said decree, and for the same distribution certaine comissioneres were then appointed.

That the peticioner Pinckney did present the former certifficate of the righte honourable the Lord Sheffeild and the Lord Russell to the viewe of the righte honourable the Lord Keeper; and att the makeing of the said decree moved the courte as a creditor for his owne share; and for theires alsoe, to whom he stood ingaged for the said Sir John Kennedy.

That the peticioner as much, as in him lay, did likewise attend the said commissioneres hopeing to have gained to himself and to those [illegible] he stood ingaged equall shares, but the comission was retorned and certified without anie allowance of the debtes due eyther to him, or the moste of those creditors, to whom he stood ingaged although the said Sir John Kennedy oweth 7000 pounds to the peticioner upon breach of counter bondes.

Now for that the cause hath bin thus perplexed with manie cross orders and decrees of the Courte of Chauncery, whereby the peticioner hath byn by them misled and thereby fallen into all those inconveniences to his utter undoeing, and for that the longe and tedious cause being (lupus causarum) as the late Lord Chauncellor termed it, could never yet be determined in anie courte of justice or equity, and not onely the peticoners estate, but the estate of manie others have bin ruinated by intermedling with the said Sir John Kennedy and the rather for that moste of the creditors, were barred by an injunction from takeing anie course againste Sir John Kennedy; or his estate whilste he lived. And for that there is no intencion of the forenamed purchaser to proceed in the purchase of Barne Ellmes according to the decree. Yett the peticioner upon the wrongfull informacions of the foresaid sequestrator, was lately turned out of possession of the howse, of which he had byn neere 6 yeares in possession without anie remorse with his wife and 10 poore children to lye harborlesse: and he being soe [acted?] both the howse and land lyeth waste and dispersed in the handes of straungeres, which have no title to the possession, and who doe daylie waste and consume the proffittes, and being but of small worth, are no way able to give satisfaction for the same; and for that the creditors unto whom the proffittes oughte to redound by that meanes receave no proffitt or bennefitt from the state.

He doth moste humblie pray in the behalf of himself and those creditors to whom he standeth ingaged. That this most honourable assemblie would be pleased to order, that the said Barne Ellmes may forthwith be sould to the [illegible] best value for the good of the creditors, and that the peticoner, and such creditors to whom he standeth ingaged for the said Sir John kennedys debtes may have such satisfaction out of the estate, as upon further heareing of the peticioners greate greevances to this honourable assembly shalbe thoughte meete, that soe the peticioner Pinckney may the rather be freed from such bonds, as he to them hath formerly entred into for the same. And that their may be forthwith an indifferent sufficient man named, to be a supervisor over the proffitts of the said mannor, to see that no waste or spoyles be comitted thereuppon, and to make the best proffitt till such tyme, that such sale may be made thereof. And he his wife, with tenn poore children shall ever pray etc.

The names of such men as the peticioner Pinckney standes ingaged as a suerty for the debtes of Sir John Kennedy with the severall sommes.

To Sir John Ashfeild knight and Wheathill Audley esquire in a bond of 1000 pounds for the payment of 542 pounds.

To Richard Pyott of Londonne alderman in a bond of 400 pounds for the payment of 213 pounds 6 shillings 8 pence.

To Richard Deane of Londonne alderman in a bond of 200 pounds for the payment of 100 pounds

To Thomas Harvey of London draper in a bond of 1000 pounds for the payment of 512 pounds 10 shillings.

To George Faulkener gentleman in a bond of [500?] pounds for performance of a rent chardge of 50 pounds per annum out of the demesne landes of Barnelmes.

To Isack Sutton in a bond of 1500 pounds for the payment of 755 pounds.

To Anthony Raynsford in a bond of 200 pounds for the payment of 105 pounds.

To Nicholas Brooke in a bond of 100 pounds for the payment of 70 pounds

To Mathew Walkeden in a bond of 160 pounds for the payment of 92 pounds

To one Peele citizen in a bond of 60 pounds for the payment of 30 pounds

To one Smyth citizen in a bond of 70 pounds for the payment of 36 pounds

To one Badge and Fetherston of London stacioners in a bond of 160 pounds for the payment of 80 pounds.

With divers otheres whose names and somes he wilbe ready to shew forth to this moste honourable assembly.

By me Timothie Pinckney


[illegible] [illegible] land [illegible] [engagementes?]

Timothie Pinckney, gentleman usher. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the Kinges most excellent majestie

The humble peticion of Timothie Pinckney gentleman usher quarter wayter to the late Queene Anne her majestie.

Shewing that your majestie havinge referred the differences betwixt Sir John Kenedey and your peticioner, to Sir Edmund Bowyer, Sir Jeremy Turner, Sir George Paul and Sir John Tunstall knights, or to any two or more of them, with one of meete qualitie to be joyned by Sir John Kenedey, and three of them with Sir George More, named by Sir John Kenedey, havinge heard the said cause, did both by message sent by those that appeared for Sir John Kenedey, as by letteres afterwardes advise, and as much as their aucthoritie enabled them, requyred Sir John Kenedey to forbeare the takinge of any more haye, or other profitts of the demeanes of Barne Elmes till such tyme as your majestie had receaved relacion of their proceadinges, uppon further hearinge thereof: your peticioner being both sequestrator appointed by the honourable Court of Chancery and bound in 2000 pounds bonde for bringinge in of the profitts into the said court, and havinge a lease also from Sir John Kenedey because he would not uppon dissolucion of the sequestracion be expelled, which lease the said Sir John pretendeth to be forfeited, and there uppon made his entry without respect to the sequestracion, or bondes entered into by your subject as is aforesaid, and since the monicion given to Sir John Kenedey by the commissioners, after a deliberate hearinge of the cause, as is aforesaid he hath bene more outragious then before, both in takinge the profitts and conspring with one Francis Kirton his servant to take away your peticioners life, in conventing him in most spightfull and disgracefull manner before the justices of peace, and preferring a bill of indictment against him at the last assises in Surry, holden the xiith of this instant July 1620 for the felonious stealinge of one Robert [Browne?] his horse, because your subject delyvered the said horse to him the said Robert [Browne?] being the true owner, and tooke of him for his joycement for three weekes sixe shillinges.

The peticioner therefore humblie beseecheth your majestie in respect the aforesaid committees can no way prevayle by their aucthoritie and direccions, that you would vochsaffe to signifie your royall commaundment and injunction to Sir John Kenedey from further molestinge or takinge any more of the profitts and fruites of the premisses till the cause be ordered according to equitie and justice by your majesties court at Whitehall, and that you would also give order to your highnes sollicitor, to examyn the conspiracy aforesaid, and Sir John Keneday his practises otherwises in seekinge and laboringe with your peticioners creditors to have your subject arrested uppon an execucion at the tyme of his apparance at the assises, the debt originallie growing from Sir John Kenedey and the peticioner being but a suertie and ingaged therefore, and for divers other sommes of money amountinge to 5000 pounds.


16o July 1620 Wee humblie certifie, the contents of this peticion to be true in the point of our examinacion of the cause, and advisinge Sir John Kenedey not to meddle any more with the profitts of the land, untill the cause weare heard: as also concerning a bill of indictment preferred against Master Pinckney: somme of us takinge the ex= aminacions of the cause, and sittinge on the bench when the said indictment was preferred.

  • Edward Sawyer
  • Jeremy Turner
  • George Paule

At the courte at Theobalds 17o September 1620 His majestie is graciouslie pleased that by a judiciall proceeding in the said courte there be some present course taken for the quiet possession of the petitioner till the cause be heard. And for the other particulares of conspiracy the petitioner may informe Master Sollicitor to proceed therein as he shall thinke convenient.

Ch: Parkins

Lady Barbara Ruthven on behalf of Dorothy Kennedy. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the most honourable the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in the higher house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of the Lady Barbara Ruthven administratrix to Sir John Kennedy knight deceassed on the behalfe of Dorothy Kennedy Sir Johns executrix.

Sheweth that whereas the peticion of Pinckney is very long, and the answere of your petitioner and the rest therein mencioned cannot be short, neither hath he expressed the landes of Tunbridge and Hadlow in Kent, which is the principall meanes that should give satisfaccion to creditours whereby he may be disingaged of the great ingagementes which he complayned of.

Now for that the landes of Tunbridge and Hadlow hath byn in the handes of Sir Peter Vanlore theis 6 or 7 yeares, and thereby he doth or may receave above 1200 pounds a yeare, and by a decree of the late Lord Chancellour Bacon, the court being then assisted with the now Lord Cheife Justice of the Common Pleas, and Master Justice Dodderidge at the making thereof, the said Vanlore being a purchaser pendente lite was adjudged and decreed to restore the said landes backe agayne unto Sir John Kennedy and his heyres uppon the payment of 10000 pounds: as by the said decree amongest other thinges more at large may appeare yet notwithstanding your petitioner whoe is a creditour, and a great number of other poore distressed suerties and creditours of the deceassed Kennedy could never receave any benefitt by the said decree, although the land be worth as much more as his money comes to, yet by reason of the said Sir Peter Vanlores greatnes, there could never be any end made therein, although the court ordered sithence the said decree that the landes should be surveyed by his majesties and the princes surveyour, and that he should have as much land sett out to him, as his money came to yet nothing can take effect.

The petitioner therefore most humbly beseecheth this high and honourable assembly to apoint a commission to be directed unto the 2 forenamed judges, whoe have already taken paines in the buisnes, and for their better assistance and direccion to joyne with them the now Lord Cheife Justice of the Kingsbench, and Justice Hutton, that they or any three of them may heare and determine all controversies, and contrarieties of orders and decrees whatsoever, and to end and determyne aswell on the behalfe of the said Pinkney for his reliefe, if cause be, as for the reliefe of all other suerties and creditours, whereby the debtes of the deceased Kennedy may be discharged, as farre forth as his estate will extend unto both for the landes of Tunbridge and Hadlowe, and the lease of Barne=elmes, which she desireth may be forthwith sould to the uttermost value, and that the money uppon the sale of the said landes may be devided amongest the creditours uppon the said commissioners examynacion of their just debtes, in which devision, in respect of the great charge shee hath already byn at, and still of force must be, she humbly desires in respect she is a creditour she may be considered of according as all other administratours are in the like case.

And shee shall ever pray for the prosperous successe of this high and honourable assembly.


Lady Barbara Ruthen.

William Mathewe of Llandaff, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the right honourable the lords of Parliament in the upper house assembled

The humble peticion of William Mathewe of Landaffe in the countie of Glamorgan esquiere

Most humbly shewinge

That Edmond Mathewe of Radir in the said countie esquire did in anno 5to Jacobi by fine recovery and other conveyances convey the mannours of Landaffe and Radir and divers other landes in the said countie unto Sir Henry Billingsley knight and his heires in trust for the paiement of 9000 pounds debtes then due unto the said Edmond Mathewes creditours and for which the said Sir Henry stood ingaged as suerty for the said Mathew that the said Sir Henry Billingesley did accordinge to the said trust paie the said 9000 pounds unto the creditours of the said Edmond Mathewes that shortly after upon crosse suites in Chawncery betweene the said Sir Henry Billingesley and others of the one parte and the said Edmond Mathew and others of the other parte for the possession of the said landes and evidences, after witnesses examined on both partes and upon a deliberate hearinge it was decreed 22do Novembris 8 Jacobi that the said Sir Henry and his heires should enjoy the said mannours and landes conveyed unto him untill the said Edmond Mathewe should paie him 8200 pounds by two paiementes videlicet 3200 pounds 2do Maii 9o Jacobi and 5000 pounds 2do Novembris 1615 and in default of paiement of any parte thereof that the said Sir Henry should reteine all the said landes to him and his heires for ever, and that the said Edmond Mathewe should upon oath bringe all the evidences concerninge the said mannours and landes into the Chawncery before Easter terme then next followinge, and that Sir Henry should before the said daie bringe into the said Court of Chawncery all statutes bondes and spetialties which he had taken up by the paiement of the debtes of the said Edmond. That the said Sir Henry did before the said daie bringe into the said Court of Chawncery soe many statutes bondes and billes as thereby he had freed the said Mathewe of 60000 pounds penalties but Edmond Mathewe to this day hath not brought into the said court any evidences but contrary to the said decree kept the possession against all processe of contempt untill by direction from the lordes of his majesties Privy Councell the cannon was mounted and the said Edmond Mathewe comitted to the Tower

That the possession of the said mannour and landes was by the lordes at councell table confirmed to the said Sir Henry Billingesley and his heires accordinge to the said decree and [left?] to make such use thereof as he pleased and Edmond Mathewe comanded to preferre noe more peticions that thereupon the said Sir Henry Billingesley by mediacion of the Lord Herbert did make sale of the said mannours and landes unto the peticioner for 9000 pounds accordinge to the articles of agreement writ by the Lord Herbert himself, for the paiement of which moneis the peticioner was forced to sell his auntyentest possessions and paie 420 pounds more to others for the clieringe of theire pretended titles

That in Easter tearme 12o Jacobi Edmund Mathewe exhibited a newe bill into the Chawncery against the said Sir Henry, and the peticioner thereby surmisinge a combinacion betweene them and prayinge relief for a supposed overplus of the true value of the said mannours and landes to which bill both the defendantes answeared in Trinity tearme then next followinge, and within three daies after the said terme the said Edmond replied, and sixe daies after the defendantes rejoyned after which about the midst of the next August the said Edmond Mathewe without the privity of the peticioner or the other defendant or theire sollicitours sued out a comission ex parte contrary to course, and examined his witnesses, the peticioner and the said Sir Henry never examininge any one witnesse in this cause, and yet upon a deliberate hearinge of the cause, and all Edmond Mathewes witnesses beinge read 12o Octobris 14to Jacobi the late Lord Chawncellour Ellesmere did free the peticioner and the said Sir Henry from all combinacion, and had dismissed the cause, but that a reference to the Master of the Rolles was desired by Edmond Mathewe, that there= upon the Master of the Rolles havinge taken greate paines by way of mediation certified the then Lord Chawncellour Baconne that seinge the peticioner had received but 4000 pounds for the landes sold he thought fitt the said Edmond should paie unto the peticioner 5500 pounds upon the first day of the next tearme being Pasche 15to Jacobi and soe to have the landes againe, but upon default of paiement that those landes should then remaine absolute to the peticioner and his heires

That also 18o Junii 15to Jacobi the Lord Chawncellour Baconne himself upon a full hearinge did order and decree that the said Edmond should paie unto William Mathewe 5000 pounds and 500 marks and soe to have the landes [unsold?] which order was accordinglie drawne by Edwardes the register, but before the same was entered a servante of the said Lord Chawncellours brought directions from his lord to staie the entry thereof, and then after [many?] delaies the said Lord Chawncellour 2do Julii 16to Jacobi contrary to his former order, and report of the Master of the Rolles, decreed that the said peticioner and Sir Henry should convey the said mannour of Landaffe and Radir with theire appurtenances unto the said Edmond and his heires upon the said Edmondes paiement of 2000 unto the peticioner which 2000 pounds with the moiety of the landes in Pentirch beinge but of the value of 300 pounds was all which was decreed to the peticioner by this last decree

Soe that the peticioner for his said 9420 pounds disbursed above sixe yeares befor the last decree shall have together with the 4000 pounds for landes sold the 300 pounds in the landes in Pentirch and the said 2000 pounds by the last decree if it were paied, but 6300 pounds and soe shall lose 3120 pounds of his moneis disbursed besides the use for eight yeares and upwardes and all his charges

Whereby it is very probable that the said last decree was soe made for guiftes and rewardes which the peticioner offered the last Parliament (this peticion beinge then exhibited to this most high and greate court and herein [accepted?]) to have proved by oath of William Thomas of Lincolnes Inne esquire who beinge since deceased your peticioner doubteth not but by the circumstances hereof your honors will conceive the same to be true

In consideracion whereof the peticioner humbly prayeth your lordshipps to examine both the said decrees and findinge cause (as the peticioner hopeth you shall) that then your lordshipps wilbe pleased to reverse the last decree, and to restore the peticioner to his former possession accordinge to the former decree and the order of the lordes of his majesties most honourable Privy Councell and your peticioner (as in duitie bounde) shall ever pray for your lordshipps

Bernard Dakins, a distressed gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

16o April 1624


To the right reverende and right honourable the lordes spirituall and temporall assembled in the upper house of this moste heigh and honorable courte of Parliamente xx

The humble peticion of Bernard Dakins a distressed gentleman who with his wife and 4 smale children are utterly undone by the oppression of Sir John Bingley

Most humbly sheweth

That John Dakins esquire the petitioners father was seized in fee of certaine landes and tenementes in the parrish of Saint Buttolphes without Bishopsgate London worth 200 pounds per annum, who conveyed the said landes to Martyn White and George Kenythorpe feoffees in trust for Sir Ralph Bingley in consideracion that he should paye 1300 pounds to the petitioner therefore at a day certaine then to come: yet deteyned the deed to bee delivered unto Sir Ralph Bingley upon payment of the said 1300 pounds, and in default thereof to be cancelled and distroyed.

The 1300 pounds was never paid whereupon the deed was cancelled, neyther did Sir Ralph Bingley or any for him ever pretend any title to the premisses: but the petitioner afterwardes entred into a new bargaine with Sir John Bingley and by his direction and advise of his councell did answeare to a bill exhibited in Chauncery in the names of the said White and Kenythorpe and confessed the sealinge and delivery of the aforesaid distroyed deede, without discoveringe the cancellinge or cause of cancelling thereof. And did make a perfect assurance of the premisses and in his owne person gave livery and seisin to Sir John Bingley, whereby he hath enjoyed the premisses these 20ti yeeres besides two yeeres and a halfe arreareages due to the petitioner before this bargaine was intended; for which he was to give account to the petitioner.

Sir John Bingley did in consideracion of the premisses accordinge to his contract and agreement by deed convey unto the petitioner 1000 pounds acres of land called the Cargan in the north of Ireland with warranties against the Kinges majestie his heyres and successours, himselfe and his heyres, and others but would never give livery and seisin thereof or other satisfaccion for the premisses, but intended meere fraud and covin as heareafter appeareth, he affirminge synce upon oath he had no such land as the Cargan which he conveyed in exchange to the petitioner for the premisses aforesaid.

Then Sir John Bingley laboured Elizabeth Dakins eldest sister to the petitioner, and gave hir 100 pounds, and sealed a bande of 100 pounds for the payment of 50 pounds to the use of Mary Dakins his youngest sister in consideracion of certaine writinges of assurance made betweene Elizabeth Dakins and Sir John Bingley, with this farther condicion that she should procure the said John Dakins to make a new assurance of the premisses to Sir John Bingley, which she could never obteine:

The petitioner about 9 yeeres synce complayninge of his wrounges to his majestie, his heighnes referred the examinacion thereof to the right honourable Viscount St Alban then his Attorney Generall, who called Sir John Bingley and the petitioner before him, and perused certaine deposicions concerninge this cause, and thereupon advised Sir John Bingley to make a speedy end of this busines lest at length it might tende to his disgrace: whereupon Sir John Bingley submitted the cause to his honourable and finall endinge, to the which the petitioner likewise assented.

Sir John Bingley would not proceed accordinge to his submission, but in abuse thereof attempted to passe the premisses by way of a concealement which Viscounte St Alban discoveringe he defaced the booke ready for his majesties signature. Then Sir John Bingley attempted to passe the premisses as a defective title, whereof Viscount St Alban likewise made stay.

Thomas Ravenscroft esquire did after with the allowance of Sir John Bingley about 18o Jacobi enter into a treaty of composition with the petitioner, lent him severall sommes of money upon bill, bayled him out of prison, and after sent for him to his house, disclaymed to compounde, had a tipstaffe ready, and committed him to the Kinges Bench upon the same action he bayled him, payed five powndes towardes his enlargement yet laboured the petitioners creditours to lay other accions upon him that he might not obteine his libertie.

About the same tyme Sir John Bingley conveyed the premisses to the said Thomas Ravenscroft, thereby to barr the petitioner of his just clayme. Whereupon the petitioner complayned againe to his majestie the 18th day of June 1621, and the cause was referred to hearinge in his heighnes honourable court of Whitehall where the petitioner obteyned a day of publicacion and hearinge in midsomer tearme 1622 at which tyme the petitioners councell pleadinge his just cause receaved such harde language from Sir Edward Powell that he never pleaded more at that barr.

The petitioner thus put of from his councell, and endeavouringe to move the court to commiserate his distresse, and assigne him new councell, Sir Edward Powell gave him uncivill and harsh language and commaunded him out of the court. Wherewith Sir John Bingleys councell encouraged layd cryminall matters to the petitioners charge, which Sir Sidney Mountague and Sir Ralph Freeman distastinge replyed, they had not there to doe with the person but the cause of the petitioner, and soe assigned him new councell Sir Sydney tellinge Sir John Bingley that this estate would never thrive unlesse the petitioner were satisfied therefore. Whereupon Sir John Bingley againe offered an arbitrary course, which the petitioner accepted of, John Beaumont, and Edmund Church esquires were for the petitioner, Henry Skipwith esquire and Richarde Warwicke gentleman for Sir John Bingley and Thomas Ravenscroft.

Sir John Bingleys arbitratours obteyned the consent of the petitioners arbitratours to joyne with them in a reporte that they thought fitt that Sir Ralph Bingley should be made a [partie to the suite?] by a new bill upon condicion that Sir John Bingley should pay 100 pounds unto the petitioner upon the day of obteyninge an order of court accordingly, that it should be no prejudice to the petitioners proceedinges with Sir John Bingley, that Sir John Bingley should at his charge bringe Sir Ralph Bingley out of Ireland, cause him to answeare and submit himselfe to the awarde, and defray the petitioners charge in the suit.

Sir John Bingley havinge obteyned this reporte and order thereupon, with much difficultie paid the petitioner 20 pounds, but would never pay him the rest of the 100 pounds nor performe any other parte of the agreement aforesaid, though procured by himselfe, and upon his suggestion that hee thereby might be relieved against Sir Ralph Bingley.

The petitioner in Easter tearme 1623 by these undue proceedinges enforced moved againe his majesties honourable court of Whitehall for his reliefe, and gave Sir John Bingley notice thereof two dayes before: where upon it was ordered that the councell on both sides should attend the court the 4th day of Trinitie tearme last to be heard upon the state of the cause, and that Sir John Bingley should within three dayes put in sufficient securitie to stand to the order of the court, Sir John Bingley in contempt thereof went into Ireland without performinge the order.

The petitioner attended the court accordinge to the order, when the Lord Privy Seale sittinge with Sir Edward Powell was by him misinformed, and the petitioners councell taken of by Sir Edward Powell againe without beinge suffered to produce any proofes on the petitioners behalfe: and thereupon it was ordered that Sir Ralph Bingley should be made a partie to this suit by a new byll without reservinge to the petitioner the 100 pounds or other condicions agreed upon as aforesaid.

The next day the petitioners councell endeavoringe to qualifie the said order Sir Edward Powell commaunded him to hould his peace or else hee would sylence him. Whereupon the right honourable the now Duke of Lenox moved the Lord Privy Seale in a full court to reheare the state of the cause to the which hee honourably condiscended.

Sir Edward Powell in prevention thereof most untruly informed the Lord Privy Seale that the right honourable the Lord Keeper did tell him that this cause had receaved a former triall in Chancery and therefore he would take it againe into his consideracion: and likewise wente to the Lord Keeper as sente by the Lord Privy Seale and most untruly informed him that the Lord Privy Seale hearinge that this cause had receaved somme tryall in Chauncery would not in derogacion of him and the said Court of Chauncery farther meddle with it. Both which abusive passages were acknowledged by the said right honourable personages to the right honourable the now Duke of Lenox.

The petitioner preferred an other humble peticion to his majestie in Michaelmas tearme last 1623, his heignhes commanded it to be reported by one of the masters of requestes: the right honourable the Earle of Anglysey sente it accordingly to Sir Ralph Freeman who diswaded the petitioner to proceed with his peticion, and he should be relieved by a due course of court.

Heareupon the petitioner obteyned an order [illegible] publicacion and hearinge the 2nd and 9th day of the last tearme: but Sir John Bingley pretendinge he had not examined wittnesses (as he hath for two yeeres done) fownde favour to have them put of till the next tearme, and a commission for examininge wittnesses in Ireland was graunted him. Notwithstandinge which favour Sir John Bingley hath waved the justice of the court, and served the petitioner, his councell, and attorney with a prohibition out of the Kinges Bench, and preferred a most scandalous bill against him in the Exchequer chamber thereby to entangle the petitioner with multiplicitie of suites who by Sir John Bingleys oppression and these undue courses is utterly disabled to defend his right, or relieve his poore wife and children

In tender consideracion whereof that your honours would be pleased to take into your judicious consideracions the hearinge and determininge of the petitioners grievances (all other passages beinge prevented by the power of his oppressours, and the petitioner undone by the dispossession of his inheritance) or if the petitioners cause shall not be adjudged worthy this honourable senate, he then most humbly beseecheth he may by the expresse order of this heigh court have his cause referred backe to the Court of Request; and that publicacion of wittnesses and hearinge at large may be graunted accordinge to the order in the same court whereby the petitioner may have a finall endinge of this cause and be restored to his inheritance with reasonable dammages, that the prohibicion out of the Kinges Bench and bill in the Exchequer chamber may be repealed, that his councell (discouraged by Sir Edward Powell) may be commanded to plead his just title, and the petitioner freed from his censure who hath declared himselfe his open enemy. And the petitioner as most bounde shall dayly pray for your lordships dayly increase of honour in this life and aeternall felicitie in the life to comme.

Bernard Dakins


30 April 1624. The lordes committees doe conceive that the peticioner may have justice in an ordinary course in other courtes to which we leave him.

28vo Maii 1624. Uppon reporte of this peticion to the house, by the lords comittes for peticions etc That Sir John Bingley knight, (of whom the peticioner complaynes beinge called before them, dyd make offer, that yf the peticioner Bernard Dakins woulde make oathe in the Exchequer chamber (where the suit within mencioned doth depende) what the bargayne was betwixt the sayd Dakin and Sir Ralphe Bingley knight, from whome Sir John Bingley deryves his estate, and what was [illegible] behynde unpayde theruppon: or ells, for the cheaper and easyer dispatche of this buissines in Dakins behalfe, that yf, uppon a lettere from the lords comittees for peticions etc to Sir Ralphe Bingley the sayd Sir Ralphe will certefye to the said lords uppon his reputacion what is due uppon this aforesaid bargayne, the said Sir John Bingley wyll, uppon reasonable warnynge paye the same, whatsoever yt be, unto the said Dakins. Yt is this daye ordered by the lords spirituall and temporall in this Highe Courte of Parlement assembled, that of theis twoe wayes offred for Dakins satisfaccion touchinge th his complaint conteyned in this peticion, he the said Dakins may choose unto which waye he wyll hollde. And yf neither of theis contentes him, then he is lefte to his course by lawe. [Ex?] Henry Elsynge clerk Parliament

Barnard Dakins.


The order approved 28 May 1624

Sir John Bingley offered that if Dakins woulde answere to his bill in Exchequer chamber upon oathe and sett forth what moneyes [illegible] have beene paid by Sir Ralph Bingley and [nowe?] unpaide he woulde for end of these suites and troubles paye what was is remaining unpaide

His [illegible] offer Dakins did not presently accept afterwardes the next morning Sir John Bingley made his offer (to myselfe) that for the more speedy ende if the lords committees woulde write their letteres to Sir Ralph Bingley willing him as [he?] upon his worth reputation and creditt to sett downe and make knowne what moneyes were upon the bargaine to be paide by him and what rest unpaide (so that he might have an end and be quiett) he would [illegible] make paiment of the same.

And if Dakins accept of either of the offers this if I mistake not was the effecte of Sir John Byngley's offer [illegible]

3 Not finally agreed upon

Thomas Morley. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the Lord Spirituall and Temporall in the high Court of Parliament assembled

The humble peticion of Thomas Morley

Most humbly beseecheth (being hartily and penetently sorry for his offence and having undergon your honorable censure which hee hath justly deserved for his unworthy carriage towardes this honorable Howse, and in speciall against the right honorable the Lord Keeper, and having also continued in prison about 9 weekes to his great impoverishment, who hath formerly susteyned great losses, and long and chargeable suites in law, doth now with a most humble hart desire your Lordships to vouchsafe remission of your suppliantes fyne and imprisonment in law, doth now with a most humble hart desire your Lordships to vouchsafe remission of your petitioner suppliantes fyne and imprisonment which undeserved grace your petitioner in all dutifull submission beggeth

And for the same shall alwayes in bounden duty acknowledge this so speciall every favor, and ever pray for the preservacions of your honors and the happy successe of upir grave and weighty determinacions

  • Thomas Morley

lecta 28 Maii 1624 the fyne is reduced to - 500li

George Mathew, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/26 (1624)

To the right honorable the Lords in the higher howse of Parlamente assembled

The humble peticion of George Mathew Esquire

Humbly sheweth your Lordships that your petitioners decree nowe questioned hath byn severall tymes submitted unto by William Mathecoe, never questioned during the life of the petitioners father. And his Majestie upon informacion by petitions on both sides declared that he sawe noe cause for questioning thereof. And it was thereupon ordered that to heare a cause after a submission (noe corrupcion appearing) would be a dangerous president.

In consideracion whereof, and for that the decree standes questioned onely by peticion, nor was your nowe petitioner ever partie to any suite, nor is there any Bill depending in any courte he being informed by councell that it hath byn the course of this honorable howse to reverse decrees, but by Bill legally exhibited, especially where noe corrupcion is proved

He most humbly beseecheth that he maie have the libertie of a Subject, and that he may not be concluded and a decree submitted unto overthrowne and the small remaynder of his ancient inheritance taken from him by order of this honorable howse onely uppon a peticion

He most humbly submitteth himselfe herein to your Lordshipps and will ever pray for your honorable preservacion.


lecta 28 Maii 1624 pt. m.

Many poor tradesmen, citizens and freemen of the City of London. HL/PO/JO/10/1/27 (1624)

To the right honourable and worshippfull the knightes and burgesses and comons assembled in the lower howse of Parliament:

The humble peticion of many poore tradesmen citizens and freemen of the Cittie of London which use and auntiently have used the arte of printing uppon linnen cloath sheweth that whereas the said arte of printing uppon linnen cloath hath been used in this citty and [illegible] of the kingdome for theis fiftie or sixtie [illegible] many apprentices have been trayned upp thereunto soe that they are nowe a great nomber of families poore people both in this cittie and through= out the kingdome that doe laie and have theire maynetenance thereby

One George Wood about July in the seaventeenth yeare of his majesties raigne that nowe is uppon


pretence that he was the first inventor of that arte obteyned a grante of letteres patentes from his majestie for the sole use of his invention by himself and his deputies

But his said pretence being false and that patent therof not serving his purpose he surrendred the same and the five and twentith of October followeing uppon pretence that he the said Wood or one James Jenkinson (whose invention he saith he bought) was the first inventer procured a newe patent whereby or by collour wherof under the pretence aforesaid the said Wood assumes to himself the sole use and excercise of the said arte and pretendes that all others are thereby prohibited the same

And hereuppon hath disturbed the peticioners in the use of theire lawfull trade making a monopoly


therof unto himself and hath seised and taken away some of theire goodes by collour of the said patent which courses of the said Wood your peticioners conceiving to be contrary to the intent of his majesties grante did sue the said Wood in the Exchequer for tryall of the valliditie of the said patent but theire proceedinges were stopped and your peticioners doe yett remayne without any redresse therein

In regard wherof and forasmuch as neither the said Wood nor Jenkinson were (as is pretended the first inventers of the said arte which hath been in use above fiftie yeares past and if Jenkinson had any invencion therein at all it was some very smale thinge about thirtie yeares agoe wherof he hath reaped or might have reaped sufficient benifite longe since neither cann the same nowe be taken for a newe


invention seeing not onely the knowledge therof but also the apprentices and people that have been trayned upp therein and thereunto are nowe increased into many families both in this cittie and through out the whole kingdome which would be impoverished and undone if the said patent should continue

Your peticioners therfore most humbly pray your honours and worshipps and this noble Howse of Comons to call for the said patent and to take due consideracion therof and hereuppon to move his royall majestie and the nobles of the upper howse for the deliverance of your peticioners from the same and they theire wives and families (as most bound) shall ever pray for your happines.

  • Thomas Aris
  • John Wagstaffe
  • Roberte Swan
  • John Marshall
  • Richard Beacon
  • Tristram Holland

William, Lord Viscount Wallingford. HL/PO/JO/10/1/27 (1624)

To the Kings moste Excellent Majestie and the Lords Spirituall and Temporall in the most high and honorable Court of Parliament assembled.

The humble Peticion of William Lorde Viscount Wallingford Shewinge That John Pecke hathe preferred his peticion in Parliament to have your peticioner pay him 400li. deposited in his handes in trust for the good of the Ladie Hunt and hir children thereby suggestinge divers untruthes

Upon severall suites in the highe Courte of Chauncery against the peticioner one brought by Pecke and thother by Sir Frauncis Smithe concerneinge the moneys remayneinge in the peticioners handes. yt appeared uppon the hearinge of the saide causes Tercio Trin xxi nuper Jacobus Regis That there was onely 700li. remayneinge in the peticioners handes 300li. whereof was decreed to be paide to the saide Sir Frauncis Smithe to discharge the incumbraunces of Middleton Parke bought for the Ladie Hunt and the other 400li. was to be paide unto Pecke, and he thereuppon to delyver upp all the bondes mencioned in his bill to be cancelled.

The peticoner paide the saide 300li. unto the saide Sir Frauncis Smithe accordinge to the saide decree And if Pecke woulde have delyvered upp the saide bondes to be cancelled woulde alsoe have paide him the saide 400li. Albeit the peticioner hathe just cause to except against the said decree touchinge the payment of the saide 400li. to Pecke for the reasons hereunto annexed

And yett nevertheles the peticioner humblie offreth That if the saide Pecke will come to a rehearinge uppon the Bill aunsweares and examinacions taken in the saide cause eyther in this highe and honorable Courte in the Chauncerye before the now Lord Keeper

Your peticioner will most willingly performe such order as shalbe made uppon hearinge thereof

Jeane Barnes, a poor widow. HL/PO/JO/10/1/27 (1624)

To the right honorable The Lords Spirituall and Temporall of the upper house of Parliament.

The humble peticion of Jeane Barnes a poore widowe.

Humbly sheweth whereas the petitioner having trusted Sir William Bronkard knyght the summe of 30li. which was to be repayd to her at a certayne day long tyme by past she was content to take for satisfaction a band of wherein Sir James Cuninghame and one Josias Kirton was bound to the said Sir William in the like summe with ane assignment thereunto made to the petitioner by the said Sir Williame The which bond Sir James Cunin- ghame did dyvers tymes with many oathes and protestations promise to give the petitioner satisfaction of out of the moneys which he did alleadge was due to him from the old Muscovia Company Whereof the petitioner hath as yet receaved no payment it being the whole meanes and stock she hath to releive herself with now in her old age. And she being informed that some course is to be taken by your Lordshipps for satisfaction of the said Sir James his creditors out of the moneys due to him by the said Company

She therefore most humbly beseecheth that amongst the rest of the said sir James his creditors the petitioner may receave satisfaction out of the said moneys (if it shalbe so ordered by your Lordshipps without which she is utterly undone and exposed to beggerie And the petitioner (as in duetie bound) will daylie pray for your honors etc.

Henry Bell, esquire. HL/PO/JO/10/1/27 (1624)

To the right honorable the Lords Spirituall and Temporall assembled in the higher House of Parliament

The humble peticion of Henry Bell Esquire

Sheweth that whereas for some acceptable services done to his Majestie by the petitioner in his Majesties affaires beyond the Seas and in recompence of divers sommes of money by him therein expended His Majesty in September 1619 [illegible on photo] this petitioner, under the great Seale of England, his Majesties Officer, to putt in execucion the patent for surveying and sealing of lead: But soe it is, that the said patent was either procured, [illegible] the execucion thereof was afterwardes suspended by false certificates and wicked practises of certaine marchantes and plummers of London, as by the said certificates ready to be shewen, doth and [illegible] at large more plainly appere: By which dishonest and indirect practises, His Majesty himselfe in particular was much abused, the Lordes of the privy Councell and other Commissioners greatly deluded, and the petitioner [illegible] undone, he having spent in settling and managing that Office (before the execucion of the patent was suspended) above 1600li, whereby he fell deeply into debt, and by his creditors was cast into prison where he was fedd with the bread of affliccion above 36 moneths continually.

[illegible], that although the execucion of the patent was suspended as aforesaid, yet, his Majestie (in comiseracion of the petitioners great losse and dammage thereby susteyned) gave expresse order that the patent should remayne in the petitioners handes, and not be taken from him untill the offenders were discovered, examyned and [illegible], and the petitioner relieved: Which patent under the great Seale he hath as yet in his handes accordingly.

In consideracion whereof (and that the petitioner hath none other meanes to seeke reliefe herein, but only to take his swifte and humble refuge in this most high and honorable Court, before the generall pardon be extant, and alsoe that he is willing with all and most humble reverence, to caste doune both himselfe and the said pattent at the feete of this most honorable Assembly) He therefore most humbly praieth that some speedy order may be taken for such merchantes and plummers as have made the said certificates, to appere in this high and honorable Court of Parliament, and that the perticulars and groundes of this evill may be throughly examyned and then (the offenders being found out) to inflicte upon them such condigne punishment for abusing his Majesty, and to award them to give that satisfaccion to the petitioner for his relleife losses and dammages which by their meanes he hath susteyned, as in your most honorable wisedomes shalbe found fitting for his reliefe And (as most humble duety byndeth him he shall ever pray etc.

Alexander Auchtmouty, esquire, one of the gentlemen of the privy chamber. HL/PO/JO/10/14/4/3387 (1624)

To the right honorable and right Reverend Father in God John Lord Bishopp of Lincolne, Lord keeper of the great Seale of England

The humble peticion of Alexander Auchtmouty Esquire one of the gentlemen of his Majesties privie Chamber in ordinarie

Humblie shewing, that your petitioner upon Tuesdaie 15o. of this instant June was arrested by the Bailiffe of Westminster, at the suite of William Haye tailor, upon being baile for appearance of one Mr John George John Marshall, whome your petitioner did offer to bring in to the said Haye, to yeild his bodie, but hee refused soe to doe, but seekes to recover the debt from your petitioner, albeit the said Mr Marshall is comonlie in the plaintiffes companie, which arrest was made without my lord Chamberlaines warrant, and within the compas of the priviledges of Parliament.

Your petitioner most humblie beseecheth your good lordshipp, that according to the priviledges and liberties of Parliament, your petitioner maie be released of the said arrest; And the plaintiff maie take his remedie against the principall partie. And that the said Haye and the Bailiffe for his contempt may stand committed according to the laudable custome of parliament. And your petitioner shall dailie pray for your lordship etc.


Let Mr Elsinge drawe an order accordinge to the directions of the Lordes for a habeas Corpus sum causa and a warrant to apprehend William Haye tailor and draper the under bayliffe of Westminster and bring them before me to answere the contemp{t} done against the honorable house of [fol. 54] Parliament: and likewise for the settinge of the peticioner with a savinge to Haye, the benefitt of his sute and execution. And this shalbe his warrant to drawe up this order.

  • Jo: Lincoln

Junii 17 1624

James Gilbert. HL/PO/JO/10/14/4/3388 (1624)

To the right honourable and right reverend father in God John Lord Bishop of Lincoln Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England

The humble peticion of James Gilbert

Sheweth, that upon Saturday last being the 12th of this instant June your petitioner havinge beene with his councell to confer with them about his suites in Chauncery which he hath depending against George Lowe defendant and as he was comming thence alonge the backside of Saint Clementes was arrested by the bayliffes of the liberty of Westminster upon a writ out of the Kinges Bench being the first processe at the suite of William Vaughan alias [Proswell?] and is thereupon as yet detayned prisoner in the Gatehouse; albeit your petitioner was then protected by the right honourable the Lord Stafford his master, whose proteccion was shewed unto the bayliffes upon the arrest and avouched by Robert Vane gentleman gentleman secretary to his lordship all which may appeare unto your good lordship by two affidavits and the proteccion it selfe annexed

And the said Vaughan doth still refuse to discharge your petitioner of the said arrest notwithstanding his said proteccion, and your suppliant priviledge in the honourable Court of Chancery while he was goeing about his suites there.

Upon your honourable consideracion of the premisses, your suppliant most humbly prayeth that it may please your good lordship to take some order for his releife herein as to your lordships great goodnes and wisedome shall seeme meete. And he shalbe ever bound to pray for your honour etc.

15 Junii 1624


Lett Vaughan and the baylives discharge the petitioner otherwise uppon affidavit of their refusall a sergeant att armes is to goe for them and carry them to the prison of the Fleete for infringing the libertyes of the lordes of the Parliament J. L. C.

James Gilbert, gentleman, prisoner in the Gatehouse. HL/PO/JO/10/14/4/3388 (1624)

To the right honorable and right Reverend Father in God John Lord Bishopp of Lincolne Lord Keeper of the great seale of England

The humble peticion of James Gilbert gentleman still prissoner in the Gatehouse.

Sheweth that whereas upon your suppliantes peticion exhibited the 15th of this instant moneth of June, your Lordship was pleased to order, That Vaughan and the Bailiffes should discharge your petitioner or otherwise upon affidavit of their refusall a Sergeant at Armes should goe for them etc.

Now affidavit is made and hereunto annexed of their refusalls, and ever since the Bailiffe of Westminster detaineth him in the Gatehowse by couller of another bill of Middlesex brought against the petitioner the same day in the name of one Watkin Procer by the meanes and procurement of the said Vaughan

May it therefore please your good Lordship to give warrant to the Bailiff of Westminster and the keeper of the Gatehowse for the petitioners enlargment, aswell concerning Vaughans arrest, as Watkin Procer; at whose only suite the peticoner now is deteyened.

And your peticioner according to his bounden dutie shall dayly pray for your Lordshipps preservacion.


25o. Junii 1624

Let a Corpus cum causa be awarded and the peticioner brought before me together with Vaughan and the bayliffes that have arrested him,


John Wrenham, gentleman. HL/PO/JO/10/14/5/3389 (1624)

To the Right honorable and Right Reverend father in God John Lord Bishoppe of Lincolne Lord Keeper of the greate Seale of England.

The humble peticion of John Wrenham gentleman

Whereas your Lordship uponn mocion made in the behalfe of Sir Edmund Fisher ordered the 25th: of September last that Sir Robert Riche knight should take an accompt, and see what monies this peticioner had receaved by vertue of a sequestracion, and that this peticioner should not receave the rents due this last Michaelmas till further order, because Sir Edward Fisher suggested that the saide rentes would amounte to more th monie that then was due to this peticioner by the saide sequestracion.

Nowe this peticioner comming to Londonn aboute the said accompt according to your Lordships order, was, in the tyme of his attendaunce of Sir Robert Riche for his report, who hath appointed to make the same this present Monday, the 22th of November, arrested in Londonn at the suite of one Robert Ley, and is nowe in prison; which misery Rob falleth upponn this peticioner for want of the saide monies behinde, and due to him by the saide sequestracion being aboute 178l.

And whereas this peticioner being a servaunt to the right honorable the Earle of Oxenford, as appeares under his Lordships hand, seale, and therefore (as he conceaveth) capable of the previledge of 20 dayes before, and 20 dayes after the second of this instant November being the day appointed for the sitting of the Parliament, was arrested the 20th: of the said November being two daies before the expiracion of the sayde previledge.

Therefore this peticioner beseecheth your good Lordship to graunte unto him for his deliveraunce the previledges of either of the sayde highe Courtes of Parlament or Chauncery as in your Lordships wisedome you shall thinke fitt.

And this peticioner shall d daylie praye for your Lordships encrease of honor and happines


Lett him repaire to the Clerke of the upper house of parliament, and lett him consider whether the attendantes uppon the lordes in parliament are priviledged within 20 daies after of the 2d. of November the proclamacion considered J.L.C.

Lett a Corpus cum causa bee awarded to bringe him before mee and lett the Clearke of the parliament attend mee then J.L.C.

24o. Septembris 1624